3 Things That Give Hope To Men In The West

These are dark times, gentlemen. No, this is not an exaggeration; it is not hyperbole, nor is it dramatic. The entire fate of the West hangs by a thread: as the liberal machine grows larger and larger, its power seems unending. But—alas, there is hope.

More and more men are starting to wake up. Men in positions of power, such as judges, doctors, lawyers, and police officers, are beginning to notice the unsettling commonness of false rape accusations. Men in positions of guidance, such as teachers, mentors, and coaches, are beginning to see the value in teaching young boys how to be men.

And, more importantly, a large and growing community of men is emerging; this is not a group with a leader, but rather a group united by ideology. Gentlemen, we are that group.

I propose that it is important to point out the folly of the West, and to shed light on the widespread corruption of politicians, however I also propose that it is equally important to maintain our morale. With this in mind, here are three things that I believe will give us hope.

1. More And More Women Jailed For False Rape Accusations

Just five years ago, jailing a woman for a false rape accusation would have been nearly unheard of. The beta males would scream and shout, proclaiming that all women are innocent little angels, and that all men are sexist, hateful pigs. The feminazis would be on a rampage, demanding that the men accused be thrown in jail.

Now, however, the tide is beginning to turn. More and more women are being jailed for falsely accusing innocent men of rape. Take this woman, for example. She falsely accused two soldiers—soldiers!—of trying to rape her, when really she was ashamed about cheating on her boyfriend in a drunken, cocaine-fueled threesome.

Or maybe this woman from Northern Island, who was sent to jail for nine months after pleading guilty to falsely accusing a man of rape. Or maybe this woman, who was jailed after her 11th false rape accusation in a decade. A fucking decade! And need I mention the UVA rape hoax?

There’s a small, but growing list of women that have been jailed for falsely accusing men of rape over the past several years…and I know what you may be thinking. “9 months? 16 months? Are you kidding me, Jon? That’s nothing! The UVA girl wasn’t even jailed!”

And do you know what? You’re right. They should be jailed for much longer, and Jackie should be thrown in jail indefinitely. However you must realize that change does not happen overnight. We are not going to go from being a completely castrated, beta-male-encouraging society to viciously condemning false rape accusations. It just isn’t going to happen.

Change takes time. Did African American men get rights all at once? Of course, not. It was a slow, steady march. First it was the right to be free. Then it was separate, but equal. Then, the Harlem Resistance, education, the right to vote, and finally, increasingly equal economic opportunity.

Justice does not happen overnight, my friends. It takes time. And despite these disturbingly short prison sentences, we are slowly changing the hearts and minds of those in our culture. As more and more women are exposed for the liars that they are, more and more men will start to take note.

Suddenly, the idea that all women are delicate little flowers will start to erode. Yes, some loser beta males will still remain, but more and more men will start to awaken and shrug off their shackles of ignorance. More and more men will begin to weaken the social narrative currently in existence, and will help to usher in a new age of patriarchal justice.

2. The Rise Of The Alt-Media

Mike Cernovich, a member of the Alt-Media, on a major TV Network.

I would argue that from the end of WWII up until around 2013, we were actually in a period of time that historians will look back at and compare to the pre-printing press era. Do you know why?

Well, who controlled the flow of information before the printing press? The state. All of the information that the peasants knew was fed to them by priests, politicians, and the elite. There was no other option.

Likewise, who controlled the flow of information from the 1940’s up to around 2013? The networks. The politicians. The elite. They used a different medium, but the principle is the same: the flow of information was controlled by a small group of people bent on brainwashing the masses.

This is all starting to change. With the Alternative Media rising in the last several years, the mainstream narrative is beginning to crumble; and the elites could feel it. They were worried. That’s why they tried to pass SOPA and PIPA in 2013, which would have effectively allowed a government agency to selectively shut down websites and order payment processors to stop funding them.

But, unfortunately for the elites, the people are too strong—flooded by literally millions of campaigners, crying for war if the internet were to be censored, the government was forced to trash the bills. This was the beginning of the rise of the Alternative Media.

Since then, their numbers have grown exponentially. Guys like Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, and our very own Roosh, are slowly erecting massive News Networks in the face of the elites. And they can do nothing to stop it.

As the older, brainwashed generation begins to die off, the younger, more aware generations will begin to take up its yoke. As millions of baby boomers slowly hit the grave, the major news networks such as MSNBC, CNN, and Fox, will start to do the same. Without millions of old-timers still regularly tuning in for their daily brainwashing session, the major news networks will collapse.

In its place, will rise a great and powerful thing: the Alternative Media. No longer will information be controlled by a handful of powerful elites. No longer will we be so cruelly lied to, as they profit off of our misery. And no longer will we be made prisoners of our own mind.

3. The Growing Manosphere

Roosh speaking during his “State of Man” tour.

Although one could categorize the manosphere under “Alt-Media,” I would actually disagree. The goal of the Alt-Media is to give truthful reporting on political, economic, and social issues. The goal of the manosphere is to arm men with the tools that they need to face the challenges of work, women, and life. The manosphere is what spawned the Alt-Media. A growing pool of men who see reality for what it is, demand news stations that tell the truth.

The manosphere has shown us that there is, in fact, an ideal way to live. No, not all ways of living are equal. Some ways of living will lead to greater pleasure and fulfillment than others. Cultivating certain skills, such as learning how to invest properly, or how to be a truly attractive man, will indefinitely lead to a better life.

All over the world, a growing number of men are taking their lives into their own hands. They’re learning how to sculpt the body of their dreams, how to effectively talk to gorgeous women without shaking at the knees, and how to accomplish their goals and manage their lives.

But, what’s more, is that they’re starting to wake up. They’re starting to cultivate a passion for living, they’re starting to reclaim the humanity that the system crushed out of them long, long ago. They’re starting to become men.

We are all a part of this community; whether this is the first article on ROK that you’ve read, or you’ve been reading since the start, we welcome you. We are a growing group of men who are dedicated to helping one another attain the highest of heights, the greatest of goals, and the deepest fulfillment.

Despite the massive amount of external resistance that the manosphere has faced, here we are. Thousands of feminists trying to shame us and warp our opinions, thousands of beta-males clamoring to throw Roosh and other pickup artists (cough: Julien Blanc) in jail, and the social pressure of an entire cultural narrative telling us that we’re wrong….and yet, here we stand.

We have set the truth free, and it cannot be contained. The manosphere cannot be crushed, it cannot be beaten, it cannot be bullied, and it cannot be destroyed. There is no negotiation; we are here to stay.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: Yes, There Is Hope… But You Must Really Want To Succeed

178 thoughts on “3 Things That Give Hope To Men In The West”

  1. MSM is slowly fading into obscurity. With only 6% of the population trusting MSM to be fair and accurate and the many alternative news sites jumping up on the Internet, it’s only a matter of time before we see them collapse. Hollywood can go with them. Good riddance.
    We’re in a new era, gentlemen, and we’re in the position to turn things around.

    1. “only 6%” is unfortunately only right when you are talking about the States.
      In other states like here in germany we got the famous new word “Lügenpresse” (press of lies) but I would estimate that at least 70% of germans trust MSM. That’s the reason only 4 to 5% would vote for Trump and the others think he is an evil monster who wants to get the nuke codes so he can destroy the planet. They really imagine him to be a supervillain from a Bond movie.
      But I have hope that many more europeans will awaken due to the thousands of rapes and terroist attacks that will occur due to the migrant crisis.

        1. Totally and literally agree.
          Just imagine Hillary without vagina.
          She would get ten percent of votes at most (the hardcore SJW PC votes).

        2. I have no problem imagining hilary without a vagina. In fact, if I imagine her with one I will just cut off my dick and throw it out the window

        3. LOL. Shave her head and I’d be hard pressed to differentiate the two.
          Bolfeld, my anti-hero! Clinton, twice as evil without any of the power of style. Maybe if she got the white Persian pussy of her own she might win this election.

      1. ” the others think he is an evil monster who wants to get the nuke codes so he can destroy the planet.”
        I’ve seen a lot of this type of rhetoric in media articles. The journos are not simply reporting the news or doing a satire article that takes the piss out of all the candidates. They are interjecting their own biases into the article, blogger style journalism.
        I’m not sure what % of people trust msm in my country but I think there would be more skepticism. I don’t know how many would bother to seek out other sources necessarily though. I still think a lot of people have their innate biases and will tend to believe whatever news service aligns with their views – conservative leaning will watch fox news and trust them, left leaning will read huffington post and trust them.

    2. and if not you can always go to your Holdfast in scotland. Your little people probably miss you anyway.

        1. Count D’Money: the peasants are revolting
          King Louis: yeah, they stink on ice

    3. Along with the MSM, we need the so-called “Greatest Generation” to die off as well. Great? For what? They elites created a 2nd word war and conscripted young men to bleed, die and suffer horribly for their new world order. If I were forced to defend my life and those of my buddies in the trenches of Vedun or the rocky crags of Okinawa, would i be a hero, or just a GI trying to survive? Does surviving WWII make that generation great? Does it give the old-guard media some kind of street-cred for being there to report it? And how in the hell does anyone attach the label “great” to the surviving grannies of that age that did little more than forego a pound of sugar for their baking to support the war effort. Great my ass!
      These old fucks are the one’s that have voted in every president and congress in the last 70 years, which in turn have created the welfare state that keeps these old geezers in Medicaid, Medicare, free prescription drugs and lark scooters. They are organized, united and vote as a block to continue to cuckold future generations of productive men to pay for their Depends undergarments through oppressive taxes and never-ending monetary inflation and devaluation of savings and investments.
      The MSM like the generation that gave them their power are as relevant as my great uncles’ buckskin rubbers. The sooner they die off, the sooner the younger generations can recapture the precious ground lost by the Greatest Generation and their spoiled brat pussy baby boomer kids.

      1. Yeah, the old self obsessed fucks are a huge problem. Especially here in germany where they make up for a third of the voter pool. And they will always vote for CDU, SPD and Die Grünen. Because they always did this. They dont know any other party. “Just vote the same shit again, as long as I get a place in a nice retirement home I am good. Just bring me some nice food and some romantic movies and I am satisfied. Oh, my kids? They can go to hell! My son shall be beheaded and my daughter shall be raped! Who gives a fuck?”
        They will vote for:
        a) higher pensions
        b) more and better retirement homes
        c) better public transportation systems (they are building new higher pavementsso the old fucks can get better in the bus, you can see this everywhere now in germany)

        1. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !st142f:
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        2. Yep. Those bastards are fucking slimeballs. Good thing they are dying out with the pathetic whimper of an old faggot.
          Also good is that the small number of kids they had did not reproduce that much and were even more atomized and worthless.
          As far as the Germans go, my guess is those old fucks that voted away their children’s future are nothing but the cowards and refuse who either survived or likely didn’t fight in the war at all. They represent the worst of the German genetic stock.
          Good thing their malignant genes will die with them or their brain dead children.

        3. “They represent the worst of the German genetic stock.”
          Yeah, that’s exactly the way I put it in the comment section of another article. The heros died, while the faggots gave birth.

        4. Yeah, that’s exactly the way I put it in the comment section of another article. The heros died, while the faggots gave birth.

          Best quote ever.

        1. They never had to grow up. They spent their entire lives being catered to as the largest voting bloc. They can’t take no for an answer. Figures they made murdering children normal.

        2. Instead of ripping each other new assholes, men should be supportive of each other whether they be white, black, young or old. Being called a dumbass boomer by some young piss ant who will someday turn into an old dumbass is not conducive to overcoming the obstacles that men face. Converting the betas of the world to become more red pill aware, is in my opinion, the objective that should be pursued in order to avoid men becoming 2nd class citizens. Hillary’s presidential campaign demonstrates the divide and conquer tactics being used (females vs men, blacks vs whites, young vs old). Splitting men into various segments that are at odds with each other ultimately weakens men as a whole.

        3. And Millenials are a huge voting bloc too and they are ridiculously stupid people nine times out of ten. They already sniffed out Bernie, a 90 year old moron simply reciting 60’s platitudes on auto-pilot. “Hungry children” “Greed is bad” etc. (sidenote; I thought childhood obesity was an issue?) Anyway the millenials sniffed him out, feel like they got ripped off and are now politically galvanized. Millions of Republican votes will die off by 2020 and the Millenials are likely to sniff out an extraordinary idiot. Maybe Kshama Sawant, the socialist nutbag from Seattle or some similar shitshow of a human being.

        4. True. But millennial are simply the end result of boomer beliefs; what happens when you bring up kids in an environment where strength is punished and weakness is celebrated.

        5. Absolutely right but the end result is what matters. Boomers’ narcissism skipped a generation and landed squarely on the Millenials. Boomers were so far up their own asses that they made shitty parents then a lot of their children overcorrected by super-parenting, helicoptering etc and now we are left with Millenials. Add in the fact that Millenials grew up clicking around all day long on the net (which is about as healthy for a brain as an acid bath) and we are in for a real shitshow. I knew that Millenials would absolutely fuck up the country once I worked with some. I was amazed with how close they got…ALREADY…by rousting out an old acid-head socialist. They almost shoe-horned him in there. I mean, millenials just can’t wait to wreck the country. They want to fuck it up right away.

        1. Growing old will never go out of fashion..unfortunately we will all join the ranks. Given people are more ‘whats best for me rather than whats best for the country’ (and that includes most politicians) than ever things are not going to change imo. Unfortunately with lower birth rate and people living longer (neither trend looks to change) the % of the population over 60 is not going to be endangered, hence why some governments talk up immigration.

        2. My parents are still alive and older than the people in the photo above. Numerous times, whenever I brought up the issues of today and what is going on in society…..their usual response was “Well, this country might turn communist, but I’ll be long gone by that time!”.
          That is the true attitude of probably 99.9% of old people over 60 today no matter how conservative they are. They want that social security check, they want that medicare, etc. They could careless about plunging tomorrow’s generation into hell.
          But what none of them fully comprehend is that decisions you make today give you infinite mortality in a sense. Your decisions and actions today, DO affect someone tomorrow well after you are dead. What does that mean? It means you are still fully responsible for how you’ve affected other people’s lives even after you are dead. When you get up in front of the Judgement Seat of Christ, you will be judged for your part in creating a godless society and the impact you had on other people’s souls of future generations.

      2. The WW2 generation born between roughly 1910 and 1930 was the first that in mass experienced the modern public schools. It gets worse with each generation. They and their children, the boomers profit most from inter-generational theft. Generation X and the millennials are getting screwed hard enough that large hunks may be starting to wake the fuck up. Too many, almost all, still haven’t.
        I am the perfect age. Maximum contributions into the system and when it comes time to collect it will be undeniably broke and there will be nothing. But that wasn’t a big enough screwing. Through my prime working years ZIRP and NIRP. And nobody notices and nobody seems to care.
        So I don’t have much faith that things will change when the last of the WW2 generation dies off or even after the boomers are gone. My own generation and the one believe the same myths.
        There won’t be freedom until we get the schools back.

        1. On getting the schools back, it irks me that Reagan went into office on the promise that he’d end the then-nascent Department of Education but he didn’t and no one held him accountable for it.
          Now the buzzword is “school choice”, but it has been demonstrated (by VPOTUS Mike Pence, of all people) that school choice is just a backdoor to force private schools to follow the agenda of the federal government.

        2. He actually tried, he did a 1% cut (which to “them” was a bajillion percent “cut” given their math) and they went full wonko.
          We’re dealing with insane people here, and evil ones at that.
          I’ve been reading a lot about Pinochet as of late. Just a sidebar, in passing.

        3. Yes and no, I am for school choice unless, we were now living in the glory days of the Roman Empire which, in that case I’d say no way to choice. But with modernity, school choice and unlimited numbers of private and religious k-12 institutions are our allies in reversing progressivism.

        4. Just started reading about Pinochet a few months back. It’s a sad state we are in when great men like Pinochet and Francisco Franco get a bad rap for doing what was absolutely nessecary at the time for their nations and people.

      3. The “Greatest Generation” fought WW2. They were not the generation that created/started WW2.
        They were the “meat for the grinder”, not the generals and politicians turning the crank.
        That said, they unfortunately grew into folks who love big government and socialism, despite growing up in the anti-communist age. I pin a lot of the blame for that on how FDR was revered as a man-god in their heyday.

        1. Yeah but I think Strauss and Howe’s work has been made irrelevant by the internet. The internet speeds up all kinds of cycles. It has turned everyone into a ‘politics as entertainment’ asshole. It has weakened brains. Their work is admirable but the normal cycles will no longer happen because the net has changed the human brain entirely.

        2. I think the glorious heroism of WW2 actually was the beginning of our downfall. It hatched a massive national ego and thus began the era of collectivism in various forms. Look at how the USA just chomped at the bit to start other wars to recreate all of that WW2 glory. The founding fathers made it clear that there should be no foreign entanglements. Oops!
          FDR was a complete asshole as was Teddy. Both collectivists without any sense of the sanctity of the individual’s right to self-determination and privacy.

        3. TR was definitely an odd one as he advocated for a federal government to coddle everyone but yet lived “The Strenuous Life” himself.
          I suspect that the collectivism goes back to WW1 with Wilson. Once the feds got a taste of the power to command the economy of the entire USA, as Wilson first did then, they’ve been hooked.
          It is ironic that the USA developed an absurdly centrist and increasingly socialist system of government in order to combat communism. Nowadays we have some programs (eg: EBT) that are so socialist that even FDR thought they were a bad idea when proposed in his time and that man was to the left of Joseph Stalin.
          I’m not surprised that anyone who grew up when America was an economic juggernaut and government was at its biggest, as the Greatest Generation did, has falsely correlated the two.

        4. TR was an asshole. I don’t know why Redpillers often try to view him as some role-model type. He used men as straight fodder for all of his ‘adventures in masculinity’. He was a boy. He had men killed with the coldness of the Chinese. He wasn’t American at all to me. He was a massive narcissist, class-system, collectivist asshole.

        5. Possibly because they only know of his legendary feats and not of his Progressivism?
          104 years ago, TR was “Bernie Sanders” with a dash of John McCain. If that were well known, I expect TR would be less revered, especially by those who detest the Fed.

  2. The MSM is going the way of the dodo bird.
    In the past, mass communication was one-to-many, prohibitively too expensive and was tightly controlled by governments and elites.
    Now, with the advent of the internet and affordable cell-phone cameras, mass communication has become many-to-many and cheap enough for anyone to set up their own network.
    The surprise success of Brexit shook the core of the establishment and now they’re afraid of Trump’s meteoric rise.
    The days of tightly planned and controlled mass manipulation is slowly but surely (and irreversibly) coming to an end and with that, more power to the people.
    The Truth shall prevail.

    1. The Brexit that has not happened yet. If people think that political changes come from commenting in boards and voting every four years, nothing will change.

    2. Do you count FaceBook as part of the msm. A huge percentage of the population now get their news from social media. The www is wonderful for allowing anyone to put up a website and sell their product or present their alternative opinion. There are millions upon millions of websites out there though competing for eyeballs. MSM has not died out yet after 20 yrs of the www, though some msm print publications have fallen in circulation and tv news has lost its viewer numbers. msm have bought into online outlets with mixed results.
      Alternative outlets do exist but people have to hear about them from their friends or read about them or have the inclination to go search & find (the lesser of the 3) When it comes to controlled ‘mass’ manipulation, the govt and future
      ones have not changed in their intentions, but its just that now its possible more so than before (there was alternative print publications and media not aligned with the govt but with the opposition party) to have access at your finger tips to alternative news sources. Of course people also need to verify the veracity of these sources. I have never seen a more biased media than this current US political campaign and spread across so many publications/ outlets. It seems 75% of reporting is on Trump and 90% of it is negative (not necessarily lies but biased), yet he made it through to be a serious contender despite that. I don’t know how much credit though you can give to non msm news sources for that; I’d be very interested to see a study of their impact on supporters. I feel his personality and rhetoric and the fact that many people are looking for an alternative to career politicians and globalist policies have benefited him rather than non msm news sources.

      1. Totally agree. nonMSM-media are still small compared to the online plattforms of MSM, buzzfeed, twitter and facebook.

      2. Agree with you how the public doesn’t trust the MSM anymore and with that, alternative media is slowly picking up. Alternative media has played an important role in exposing the MSM’s lies (like Hillary collapsing on 9/11 which was cut short by all MSM networks but shown in full by alternative media), but exactly how much I’m not sure.
        My point was that the dynamics of how information is reported and disseminated by the masses has now fundamentally changed, largely due to decentralization via the internet and cheap cell phone cameras. The tube is dying a slow death and along with it the MSM.
        Of course, the MSM still has a formidable hold on the public, in particular the older demographic and there’s still a long way to go before we can declare any real victory, but the path is irreversible.
        Instead of a few, large controlled media outlets funded by elites spreading lies, slowly over time were going to have many smaller media outlets competing with reporting the Truth as their reputation will depend on it. People will have more choice as to who to listen to. Just like large newspapers have taken a huge hit as people can now read news from a variety of sources using Google News.
        The intentions of the elites will never change, but their ability to deceive the public at large using the MSM will get exponentially more difficult over time.

  3. I watched a documentary on Gennardy Golovkin last week. I’m not the kind of guy who worships athletes but was inpired by his combination of steadfast determination and indestructible self belief, ability and acceptance to walk through any pain, plus an almost chivalrous attitude in day to day life.
    Western men could find worse heroes

    1. For me Brad Snyder is a huge hero.
      Fought in Afghanistan, got injured in 2011 after stepping on an IED in an attempt to help victims of another bombing and lost his eyes.
      Started to work on a blind swimmer career.
      One year later he gets two gold medal at the paralympics.
      This year again he got three gold medals.
      There are many heros to be found in the bodies of sick people.
      JFK got autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 2 which resulted in Addisons disease and many other health problems – still he was able to hide his sickness until he died (unlike Crooked Hillary).
      “Dont pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men.” – JFK

      1. Maybe his illness is why JFK allowed for public sector unions, something so idiotic that even FDR, the mightiest American socialist, candidly expressed could not be allowed to happen.
        …JFK also managed to schlong women left and right without getting caught, something Bill Clinton couldn’t, and did it without catching whatever is eating away at Bill Clinton.

  4. Can’t remember the site but a press guy said they would of been able to sway
    the brexit vote so they would stay with having only a printing press but thanks
    to the internet bloggers and having a cell phone it could not be done.

  5. For quite a long time, men (and women alike) had been put in a deshumanizing crusher. Its goal is to render them all like easily-led preys for the wolfes, and surely void of any humanity.
    So men and women had to reinvent themselves, get rid of suffocating societal masks and duties. Born are better men.

    1. Born are better men. But what about women; Born are useless, bitchy, inferior, weak, arrogant, parasitic, loud, entitled women !!! Isn’t it !!!
      Suffocating societal masks and duties; for whom !!?? and what about “Suffocating Societal and Legal Double Standards” favoring smelly cunts !!??

  6. The best of these things is the first: the law starts to not care for virtue signalling. What needs to happen is that the legal reaction to false rape accusers should become ruinous to them!

    1. Could not agree more. The last 300 years everything has turned around. Now even as an outside observer if I merely note the fact that woman A may be lying about her “rape” for personal or malicious reasons , it could be very ruinous for me LMAO

  7. Manosphere live on the myth that there is a gender war that men are losing. Hence why MGTOW is a big part of the Manosphere. The only ones who wants gender war are feminists and Manosphere-folks. What matters instead is what is best for our race and civilization.

    1. That’s why we need to get the hidden kikes out of the alt right.
      Alex Jewns, Milo Jewnopolous, Paul Jewsef Watson and so on.
      I am sick of these bitches who try to claim the altright for themselves and want it to be about defending third wave feminism while not talking about the (((creators of cultural marxism))).
      Alex sells 10 small bottles of vitamin enriched juice for 500$, Milo is a selfobsessed faggot with bleached hair who fucks black man. He has a jewish mother and he said on one interview “It’s true that (((We))) totally own the media!” so he declared himself a jew.
      Paul Jewsef on the other hand says that “those who are obsessed with jewish conspiracies never provide any evidence.” He also thinks that jews don’t own the media, unlike the jewish Milo who admits it.
      Which of them is the worst?
      I don’t know.
      But we need to deport them to a nice place in poland.

      1. Wow. Until reading this comment I thought you were a smart kid with some different opinions. Now I realize you are an insecure, effeminate weakling with a hipster barista level of intelligence.
        Annoyed. Thought there was some promise there.

        1. I’ll never get the Jew thing. The worst thing they’ve really done as a people was exaggerate a certain event in the middle of the century for political gain. So what? Does anyone here like the Palestinians?

        2. Not a bit, which is why I find it so weird when I read accounts of the Israelis coddling the “Palestinians”.
          ~17% of Israel’s population is Muslim. It’s perplexing that Israel lets stand what seems an obvious, and massive, “Fifth Column”.

        3. That and playing out Holocaust guilt. Yes, it happened, yes it was evil. But I’m having a hard time considering 28 year olds “Holocaust Victim Survivors” and I cannot for the life of me get up anger enough to call for the death of 98 year old gate guards or 95 year old lunch ladies from Auschwitz.
          Nobody likes the Palestinians. What Israel did to the Arabs was wrong, but it’s 3 generations later, nothing is going to make things change now. Go to Jordan, regroup, learn to live life.

        4. There is no Jew thing. An individual per se is not the issue. What many who are informed have issue with is Judaic culture which is inherently a SJW culture. See Kevin Mcdonald, Culture of Critique.

        5. Wasn’t meant to be. I don’t argue with drunks, idiots or lunatics. There is nothing to gain. I don’t mind your rank pretentiousness I just would rather it be kept away from me.

        6. I don’t get it. I guess people need something or someone to blame for shit because they aren’t strong enough to make a life for themselves

      2. I am all for deporting a certain group in Germany, but it isn’t the jews.
        I understand the hatred of the left, and most of their drivel does stand up to scrutiny let alone the body count, but the Jew hate has always been a bit of an enigma for me.

        1. Not an argument.
          Tell me which of the things I pointed out are wrong.
          Obviously they are all right, because facts are facts.
          Therefore your ad hominem doesn’t surprise me.

    1. “I am just having all anti-Semites shot” -Friedrich Nietzsche
      Dude, I am so confused by you. You seem to have your shit together really well and you seem to be a very bright guy, but the blanket blaming of jews really underpins a deep weakness that I, honestly, believe you are above.

        1. I think the Nietzsche quote is a misinterpretation. He was harassed and tortured by his syphilis disease when he said that. I have read the Genealogie der Moral and his hatred against the jewish slave morality was very satisfying.

        2. Dude. You are barking up the wrong tree. I am a published nietzsche scholar. I have read all of his works, published and unpublished, in both german and english. I know better than the meme shit you are getting from confirmation bias websites. If you want to know about what he was actually talking about I will be happy to tell you, but don’t come to my door with this nonsense. We are both far too smart for it. Nietzsche hated nationalism. Hated anti-semitism. Hated the very notion of german pride.

        3. Yeah, I know that he hated the german pride. That’s the reason I despise him so much.
          You are a nihilist, I’m a stoic. Like you have read all of the Nietzsche works, I have read all of Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and Senecas work.
          All these three were for pragmatism (for example not eating animals catched far away – there we are at the tuna eating debate again), they were against drinking alcohol (see Epistulae morales ad Lucilium – Liber X by Seneca) and they encouraged to be a moral, disciplined human being working for the nation state through an engagement in politics.
          Nihilism and stoicism are incompatible due to the moral value of actions in the observation from a stoic viewpoint that nihilism is lacking.
          I have read Also sprach Zarathustra, Genealogie der Moral und Ecce homo and I didn’t find much >practical< value in Nietzsches works just like I didn’t find value in reading Schopenhauers Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. It’s just not my taste. I am not interested in philosophy at all.
          I am a practical person and when I pick up a book and it’s not a novel I am searching for a type of guidance that I can derive from those books and that I can apply to my life.
          If I read a book without the need for practical advices I read a novel from Franz Kafka (that kike is my favorite author), Hermann Hesse or Philippe Djian.
          But Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kant and all the other modern philosophers are not my taste.

        4. It understanding something doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value. National or racial pride is, in my opinion, the same weakness that feminism is born in

        5. Nationalism is natural, feminism is deeply unnatural. Feminism is liberal to the bone, nationalism is conservative to the bone. I don’t know how one could through them both into one .
          My disdain of nihilsm is deeply ingrained in the philosophy SJW students that all claim to be nihilists. And boy, I DO know many of them. In fact my own ex girlfriend is studying philosophy at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and she is a self proclaimed nihilist.
          “To be enamored is the prestage of love.” is one of her famous quotes.
          It doesn’t get more pretentious.
          Actually she doesn’t know shit about any kind of philosophy.

        6. Disagree. That’s ok. Despite me being right and you being wrong I won’t convince you not do I have the desire to do so. I know your beliefs give you some comfort and I will leave them to you.

        7. “Despite me being right and you being wrong” – Dunning Kruger effect in full disclosure.

        8. “National or racial pride is, in my opinion, the same weakness that feminism is born in”
          I like reading your comments and I think very highly of you; however I find this a somewhat awkward statement.
          National and racial pride are both natural and increase the collective strength (for better or worse, depending on who’s in charge of this power) of the tribe/nation state.
          However, I’d contest that feminism is unambiguously not naturally occurring and greatly weakens the collective strength of the tribe/nation state.

        9. I’d say that there is a fine line between where you are correct and where I am.
          Here is my issue with national/racial pride. It is all well and good to feel a source of pride in these things and even to the point of wanting to pick a mate to breed with (should you want to procreate) that is ethnically and nationally similar to you in order to continue your heritage. Tell the stories of your ancestors. Feel proud. Great. I mean you would be insane to disagree with that.
          However, like with all good things there comes the ugly side. People who are totally fucking worthless shits, morons, weaklings who have shit lives and want to imagine that they are special snow flakes and that the reason they get shit on has to do with a conspiracy against them and not their own shortcomings often tend towards nationalism or racial pride. They will read only things that make them feel special and vociferously argue against anything that goes against the narrative where they are somehow superior. This is what we see from feminists, sjws etc.
          Rather than working at growing as men, many people who fall into these white nationalists stormfags groups are just a bunch of losers who are looking to feel special without having to accomplish anything.
          If the hallmark of masculinity is personal responsibility, achievement and value then the people who leech onto the value of their race or nationality like parasites while giving nothing back are no different than feminists to me.
          So yes, I don’t want to blanket attack all people who feel pride in their race or nationality. At the same time, the tendency to value oneself on a collective group rather than the self really rubs me the wrong way and I classify them right along with the black lives matters people. Less than human.

  8. What are the actual figures for false rape accusations? How many a year in the US with a population of 320m. I wonder if such an uncomfortable statistic is being tallied. For sure instances of it are headline grabbers in the manosphere, but I would not have labelled it to be rampant to qualify as a ‘darkest times’ problem. I would have thought false domestic violence restraining orders were a lot more prevalent than false rape accusations.
    From a man’s perspective a false rape accusation is serious matter and the consequences would be devastating if the woman’s plan worked its way through to a guilty verdict. Jail time must be mandatory and in the absence of a quick retraction by the woman (due to regret and not because of unfavorable evidence), the jail time should reflect the potential jail time the falsely accused man would have received (say at least 50%). What’s behind the change in jail time now (its not because there are a lot less beta pro female men now compared to 20 yrs ago)?

  9. To say that the older brainwashed generation needs to die off is ti imply a newer enlightened one to take it’s place. Pride goeth before the fall young man.

    1. Yeah, I’ll hold my breath on that. Also, and this is important… Distinguish between the arguments and the arguer. Desperate the art from the artist. Let me ask you, let’s suppose that he did actually steal that money. How would that affect his arguments ?

        1. Ayn Rand posited that A=A and that objective reality exists.
          The source of truth is irrelevant, if you recognize truth.
          The important part is keeping an independent mind that is capable of knowing that facts are not attached to people and their beliefs.

        2. You need to grasp the wisdom of this quote. “The art, not the artist”. There are plenty of white guys who are complete assholes. Take a good look at what their greed and weakness has done so far. If you want to talk founding fathers kind if white guys then I am with you.

    2. I posted the same link before in this comment section.
      Milo is
      – a spoiled narcissist who loves to scam other people (he has a history of scamming his employees..which brings me to my next point)
      – he is a jew. He said it indirectly in an interview when he said “WE totally own the media” and his mother is jewish. That’s the reason why he loves to scam people. Give him some shekels. “Generally speaking, you can’t trust the bastards. They turn on you.” – Richard Nixon
      – he is a faggot with bleached hair who loves to suck big black cocks.
      – he infiltrates the alt right to a) get more attention, b) destroy their true meaning by subversion (replacing infiltration – see “8 Tactics Of the Occult War” article) and c) to get even more money
      Of course he is seen on all TV shows from MSNBC, CNN, abc and so on – because he’s kosher. The kosher version of the altright.

      1. One of the four horsemen of the apocalypse is “pestilence.”
        If you see Milo as fighting within that role, it makes less sense to condemn him for those flaws, as the flaws are part of the position.

        1. Very good insight. Never looked at him that way, honestly never thought too deeply about faggotry in general except in that way of punishing sin which you speak. But, with all due respect, that does not mean that while holding your position I cannot continue to be absolutely repulsed by the homo and all faggotry in general. Just because God ordained it to punish man does not mean I accept it in anyway outside of the positive it “may bring” (please see that I emphasize may as in the only positive gayness can have, and I would like a strong argument at that to back it, is population control.)when our Kali Yuga exhausts and righteousness flourishes! and with that ALL faggotry is extinguished.

      2. What he says, is he correct or incorrect?
        That’s all that matters in the long run.

        1. With Milo, I for one am not sure what he says seriously and what he is saying “tongue in cheek”.
          But, with the major exception of his anti-4th Amendment stance during the Apple/FBI iPhone standoff, I can’t say that I’ve found very much of what he says to be wrong.

        2. Fair call. I think a lot on the right got it wrong with Apple/FBI.
          If he gets our message out, then that’s great, others will rise as he does, and when he flames out and goes full retard in time, we’ll disavow him. His power now is being a “protected class” that the Left can’t seem to turn against. As long as he says the truth, we should use his words. The Left is going literally (Hitler) insane over him. They don’t know what to do.

        3. I’m not talking about women, I know that, have known that forever. Just asking if he’s speaking the truth or not. When his utility is done, he will be thrown into the trash heap.

        4. that also goes for men. i dont know about his utility. he is a queer and stands for the right…. yeah right, he profits from this degenerate system the most obviously being a degenerate himself because he is gay he is the ultimate victim of brainwash. he may say things for the right then goes of to gay parades doing gay things. What he is, he also promotes subliminally. he is an emasculated victim of this degenerate society. he is gay because he was taught and raised by society.

      1. Just out of curiosity…and keep in mind that I really know nothing about milo…do you disagree with his arguments or just his faggotness?

        1. I have only seen several youtube speeches he gave and he is sound in his points and he really has the left over barrel as he is one of the protected class. If he believes what he currently advocates or not, that I don’t know, but he is making a name for himself. Of course in the future, I also expect him to turn on a dime once he lands a big enough contract. Follow the money.

        2. This is what @ghostofjefferson says….his politics and values are on point. I haven’t looked at any myself. But if the guy is right, what he sticks in his ass is of no concern of mine.

        3. The truth should be recognized no matter who utters it. I recall reading once, “sometimes even your enemy is telling you the truth. Don’t dismiss it out of hand because of the source.”

        4. it is a huge concern. because the actions speak louder than words. thats like a fat women training michael jordan…

        5. If a fat woman knew body mechanics in such a way that she was a value to Jordan that would be fine.
          If milo says 2+2=4 the amount of cock he wants in his ass has no bearing on the fact that he is correct.

        6. i think many people say 2+2=4. but why does the faggot get the recognition for saying it? he is a man of disgrace. oh look over there a guy who likes to sodomize animals is preaching against feminism and against the left, let’s grant him all his wishes. he is so cool. he is also saying 2+2=4 what a hero.

        7. I don’t know enough about him to argue. I will say that I don’t care what a man decides to do in his bedroom as long as he keeps it private and to himself.

        8. he is a faggot. there is no denying that. the guy exchanged credibility for gayness. you cant have both.

        9. That’s your right as a man and it is perfectly understandable. I can see why you feel that way and have no real criticism. I feel otherwise though. I am interested in ideas and feel that private lives ought to stay private

        10. im extremely picky with people and i disqualify them based on what they are doing not based on what they say. most of the time words are meaningless.

        11. Like I said, I totally understand this sentiment and have no real qualm with it.

      2. I would revere Milo better if he were into goats or sheep. His closet sexuality is still his own business but I’d pass on the handshake. I’d do a disco pistol point and Johnny Bravo shrug but no hand shaking. But he is into other guy’s assholes and sucking their cocks. And black guys I’ve heard. Not even red pilled blacks but some fetish for jungle bung. Not even fraternal comraderial sailor faggotry but more akin to Jeffrey Dahmeresque ‘strange tastes’ and afflictions of the mind. ‘Guy’s assholes’ – That’s a little too close to home for me to be comfortable around. At least if his fetish were goats, I could laugh it off and make old Mcdonald noises to admonish his speeches.

        1. Johnny Bravo shrug is the way to go. One area where the japs have it all over us is in greetings. We need to use JB Shrug the way they use a bow.

        2. I half wonder if Milo talks about his preference for “nubians” because it makes him “safer” in the eyes of his target audience, which has many straight white dudes.

        3. Johnny Bravo. Love that toon. How does a man with 0.0 kids find Johnny (Elvis)?

        4. Milo is homosexual. that disqualifies him that i listen what he says. why is he even famous? because he is gay and anti feminist. wow unbelievable accomplishment.

        5. Lolknee is near my age.
          Johnny is fantastic. Love that series. Just curious how he came about finding it, what, with no kids and no reason to find it, he of the Looney Toons generation.

        6. wait is johny bravo still on? i mean do they still create it? i watched it when i was about 8 then it stopped

        7. We recorded it (you could, at the time). Also Samurai Jack, which is the best cartoon to come out of GenX, ever.

        8. its really incredible that you followed cartoons of the 90s! im not familiar with samurai jack just googled it and the drawing style already tells it has some good dry humor LOL. i grew up in the best era of TV best cartoons for children. i would do a huge disservice naming only a few when i cant think of the other greats right now. l

        9. I followed it, because my son was a child at the time. We went from Dexter, to Samurai Jack to Johnny Bravo to the Fairly Odd Parents, and then at the end The Regular Show and Adventure Time. He’s past that now, I don’t watch either, but they were great, yes, a golden age.

        10. lol when i saw the pictures of samurai jack, i thought of dexter! have you seen the ninja turtles animated series and highlander? i stop now this turns into crazyness.

        11. Dexter and Samurai Jack had the same creator. Samurai Jack is way more serious than Dexter. A good role model cartoon for young boys actually.

        12. yeah almost every cartoon was of that calibre. the message was you have to be a hero, be courageous, destroy the bullies, defend the poor, be a man. and they made everything that goes against this look foolish.

        13. Gendy Tartakovsky later created Star wars the clone wars ( 2D animated not the 3D modern one), Symbionic titan which was a mix of Dexter and Samurai Jack. Serious but with some jokes. However it was cancelled because of poor toy sales.
          Tartakovsky later joined Sony and directed Hotel transylvania series. There were also plans for a Popeye movie but it was cancelled by Sony.
          Currently he is working on his own movie named Can you imagine.

        14. That’s probably a ‘bingo’. While being a connected crypto jew, his flambouyant faggottrouciousness serves as a covert soft sell of faggottry to the target audience as well. It’s likely that he’s becoming a ‘made man’ for underground and alt right media just like starlets were created and made in the jew shop for the old MSM entertainment serial tv/culture brainwashing sitcom/training shows. Once the MSM had an audience hooked on some entertainer, the script writers drop the bomb and have them come out as tribe-specific population control gay examples.
          Ellen Degeneres had a following of X’er young women that worshipped and fawned over her comedy and personality primarily. She wasn’t originally dykey except for the skrillex and attire she now wears. Paid multi millions, she comes out suddenly sucking on a pussy like most slinky cat women naturally do and she’s the judas goat that now drives her sucker women followers to go full rainbow shitlib, adopt non white orphans and gay marriage. Zero western pop growther too. It was a trick like Bruce Jenner and she got paid millions by the filthy hollywood jew cabal to herd her followers to the pop control agenda.
          So Milo could be jew supported in the same way to misguide or coax a small but critical amount of disposessed men to make an occult-like fag club of the coming GREAT PATRIARCHY. The ‘skull and bones’ faggerizing of a coming movement before it crests. The fag jew jamming their foot in the door at the get go. A fag club at the top is what brought the devil into the top echelons of world politics. The true patriarchy will smash the fag beast and wring the wrathful bitch spirit of this Earth for all she’s worth. Men who are looking for a cause in life and who want to bring justice to the injustice of male discrimination, legal discrimination and so on need to be able to discern a slick talker from the genuine WORD OF MAN. Milo’s talking points are just that. A trained debator. Is he really trying to steer men into going shit stinkhole stupid? Bung niggers?? Come on. What’s Milo trying to do, start a fad or a movement like MGTOW only with dirty bung-ape SHITDICKERY? Are there any hard pics or proof of his gay fetish or is it an act like Ellen’s or Jenner’s?
          It’s all about BREED, TRIBE, FAMILY, FATHERLAND, CONTROL YOUR BITCHES and that’s the bottom line. Ellen isn’t really that bad looking if you look past the lez costuming they’ve done on her and the clown shoes. Her wide hips were meant to be mercilessly wrecked. Breed bitch. And I’d want smoked turkey with muenster on a kaiser bun for lunch.

        15. if there wouldnt be anime on the internet, kids of today wouldve been left alone only with the whores and faggots on tv.

        16. Hahaha I have less kids than that. I have negative kids. I just like cartoons

        17. why is he even famous? because he is gay and anti feminist.

          I’ve seen that observation used to “justify” the half-serious supposition that Milo is feigning his flamboyance in order to gin up publicity.

    3. More likely IMO that Redditors were simply trolled by an impostor. It’s a stupidly liberal (and stupidly designed, IMHO) site.

        1. This might be my favorite four words on the internet. Well—fucking—-done

    1. The defeatist articles don’t interest me. There’s always 1000 reasons to surrender and give up.

    2. Two sides of the same coin. The other article ended on a positive note, and I wish more people read it.

  10. The problem is Mexicans and their devotion to the left wing. They will continue to vote and empower the leftist totalitarians pushing this shit. If the country was still 90% white like in the 1950s, yes we could turn it around. But not in this condition.

    1. Which is why there’s a lot of hope riding on The Donald’s promises to send them back.
      Trump’s tactic of reaching out to the whites in that “47%” that Mitt Romney so famously wrote off might just get him over the hump, especially if he can get more than the 2-10% of “minority” votes that normally go the GOP.

    2. OTOH we’re seeing unprecedented numbers of Blacks/Mexicans supporting the right-wing candidate. What does that tell you? They’re as sick of liberal Marxist government policies as white people are, and they’re sick of being told they should “vote Democrat or GTFO”.

      1. You couldnt be more wrong. More Blacks arent supporting the right wing. Conversely, many arent supporting either wing. Dont confuse “not supporting the left” with “supporting the right.”

        1. Point taken, and when I say “unprecedented”, I don’t mean to imply “majority”. However we are seeing more and more black people speaking out against the Democrats and in favor of Republicans. I could give you several black youtubers off the top of my head. Ok, a few youtubers and outspoken celebrities are anecdotal, but it’s indicative of a growing tide, especially among hardworking taxpaying blacks, as opposed to welfare rats (of any color). We must also consider what the Brits call “shy Tory factor”.. i.e. blacks and minorities are afraid of openly supporting the right, except in the privacy of the polling booth.
          I don’t have hard evidence to back me up, but my gut feeling is many working blacks are fed up with:
          1. The welfare state milking them dry, while their neighborhoods continue to decline.
          2. Everyone calling them “race traitor” if they don’t support a rich white woman.
          3. Being left high and dry after 8 years of “one of their own”. As an example, the “mancession” affected untold numbers of black working men, while their president did shit-all to care.
          Any rate, time will tell.

        2. So a couple dozen youtubers and your right wing media trying to make a play for black votes doesn’t mean much though. Obama is telling them to vote for Hillary and their ‘Yes massa’ true colors will out.

        3. You are absolutely right. I am a Indian immigrant and I 100% support Mr. Donald Trump. As you said in your previous comments, more and more Blacks and other people are desperately looking for a refreshing change.
          It’s only the Media, Femicunts and Vested Interests that are trying to brainwash people with make up stories, false statistics & facts and throwing venom with vengeance against Mr. Donald Trump on daily basis. They will sure rot; not in the Hell but right on this Planet !!!
          *** Mr. Donald Trump, the next President of United States ***

  11. Did anyone else notice all the women who were making all the false rape claims in this article were UGLY and/or FAT

  12. This article is fantastic. Highly endorsed.
    I was at the range today with my son (a 19 year old Millenial, soon to be 20 in about a month). There were 10 rifle lanes, 8 of them were filled with young men aged 25 or lower, and one thin, highly attractive lady who was 19 or younger if a day. My son knew a few of them and they chatted and compared notes, and compared rounds they were shooting. Clean cut, (most) muscular, totally anti-hipster, right wing (they’d tell you as much). Firing Ar-15’s, full auto Tommyguns, silenced .308 semi-autos, sidearms. The few “old guys” there were instructing them and they were very receptive to reasoning.
    There are also a lot of young men, > 21 < 25 showing up on “brand new” motorcycles to bike nights where GenX was holding down the last gates until the events went extinct.
    There is hope. Lots of hope.
    Millenials raised by GenX are turning out super-right wing. Their Millenial “brethren” raised by Boomers, a lost lot of Leftist hipster weaklings.
    Lots, and lots, of hope.

    1. Good to see there is hope for Millennials. Also, shooting a Tommy gun in full auto.. times like this, fuck I wish I lived in America 😉

      1. It’s fun, but you have to burst fire it like any other automatic weapon. It weighs 10lbs and I tried to do a mag dump, became uncontrollable after 6 rounds or so.
        So technically, you are never firing a full auto weapon full auto, if you want to remain effective, the exception is a mounted machine gun if you are being overrun by the enemy.

    2. It’s simply a natural correction for all the leftist stupidity; nature is always perfect and just.

    3. Yes, I’ve noticed that divide amongst my generation in the UK. The split between those going into the forces, emergency services, training in martial arts and the hippy lot. Looking back on my childhood, can see the age/generational gap of their parents.

    4. Yep, I’m a millenial, and did a tour in Iraq as a combat medic in 2004. I’ve always felt that firearms were an important skill to learn.

  13. Did African American men get rights all at once? Of course, not. It was a
    slow, steady march. First it was the right to be free. Then it was
    separate, but equal. Then, the Harlem Resistance, education, the right
    to vote, and finally, increasingly equal economic opportunity.

    Black men were given the right to vote in 1870. The Harlem Renaissance didn’t occur until the 1920s.
    The rights were bestowed all at once-Reconstruction-and Affirmative Action grants superior economic opportunity (though many fail to take advantage of it).

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    1. Divorce rapists should count as rapists too! They should be hunted, shamed and stripped of their assets like war criminals. No excuses like “Oh but it was the 70’s-2010’s. All the other women in my social circle of feminized friends were abandoning their nests and serially divorce raping men.” Nope, won’t do. No statute of limitations for a divorce rapist. Also go after the enablers, legislators and mouthpieces, the generals in the feminist ‘war on patriarchy and family’. Don’t let them think for a moment that they can hide. Shitlib feminized campuses will continue churning out tens of thousands of feminized warriors, beta knights and culture destroyers until they’re stopped.
      Serial divorce rapists (gold diggers) need their faces on checkerboard ‘most wanted’ posters in the post offices. Always shame on them. Dumbest of dumb cunts.
      The divorce rape industry is a part of western culture that needs dismantled. Like the institution of ‘slavery’, the divorce rape industry isn’t merely a social justice concern for men (and for the posterity of all) that needs rectified, but the divorce rape industry is actually an institution of full blown slavery of men. Financial slavery. It’s a profit added predatory business and a cancer on western culture all rolled up in one. Feminist academians and professors provide the blood supply for the feminist cancer to grow. The divorce rape industry is the worldwide male slave trade only without the wooden schooner boats and the divorce raping gold digger whore is the slave master and the family kangaroo court figures and socialist service child support enforcers and extortionists are the slave traders and middlemen. Smash divorce rape slavery. Hang the perpetrators.

    2. Don’t quote me on it, but I don’t believe FAs are deigned Sex Offenders. Standard female sex-offenders are listed with the men though.
      I remember running through a park everyday when I was younger. One of the girls I used to run with made a joke about getting abducted, so I looked up the registry, and there were about 5 SOs in the surrounding housing on the edge of the park.

  15. What we have to remember about these false rape accusers is, they’re not being jailed for wantonly fucking up a man’s life.. they’re being jailed for lying under oath, contempt of court and wasting police time. Don’t kid yourselves into thinking a judge and jury gives a single fuck about a man’s ruined life.
    But it’s a start. I mean, whenever a man was found not guilty of rape, it was always couched in terms of “insufficient evidence”.. which most people took as a byword for “the bastard got away with it”. But now that we’re starting to see women jailed for false accusations, the narrative is being altered to “he really is innocent”. Like I said, it’s a start.

  16. I wasn’t aware any woman was even arrested for lying about rape. Good to know.
    The only thing that makes me smile is PEPE. Things have reached peak stupid when a meme is center stage in a presidential race.
    Other than that, I’m waiting for male birth control, realistic sex dolls, and artificial wombs.
    Sure. Call me a beta or whatever. I don’t care. I honestly have no desire to associate with females in any capacity. They are like parasites to me. They only drain resources and time, add stress and possibly take everything including your kids and freedom.
    My life has been exponentially more fulfilling without them.

        1. I’m not interested in going back to being a peasant.
          I’ll take a republic. Just please ship Joos to Madagascar

  17. I hear what the author is saying, but it pales in comparison to how much further ahead are enemis are. I too sense the more widespread awareness going on, but ACTION is what is needed. All the awareness doesn’t do any good until action to correct the current state of affairs transpires.

    1. Acton, at this stage of the game is to make yourself the very best man that you can be- physically, mentally and spiritually.
      Concentrate on that and the larger fruits will ripen in time.

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    ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash529HomeRingGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!sk239f:….,…….

  19. 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  20. A lot of people on here discussing the baby-boomers, I find it interesting as I’ve been thinking the same thing for years, as basically they ruined the greatest nation on Earth. Personally, I think it was something that happened in the late 50’s, they all got swept into some movement that made them feel unique, and powerful; like good sheep they just followed the herd to be popular.
    First, it wasn’t those who fought in WWII, It was their children. I think that maybe these kids felt their parents as “the greatest generation” they had to define themselves, but the way they did that was to become literally, “the worst generation.”
    Secondly, they hated the 50’s, the era they grew up in, something about stupid vietnam, and the music, and the civil rights things, and the new power of the media to show things in real time, and women’s lib, etc. They just went overboard with all that shit, they did a full 180, or threw the baby out with the bathwater.
    Thirdly, they completely sold out. For some reason they have the most selfish attitude of not giving a solid F*ck about the future, their kids, grand-kids, just themselves. I think that perhaps some communist elements just appealed to them, somehow they surrendered to cultural-Marxism… On one had I feel for them, it’s easy to judge from hindsight, but on the other, those a$$holes ruined us.

  21. Well, as a man who is trying to live to be 969 years old, I would love to see the day that all of my enemies are dead, and that I won’t have to worry about all of this false ideology again. We will be back in the days before civilization even, where we can freely have sex with any woman we want, without any restrictions(or false ideology.)

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