7 Hollywood Classics That Would Not Be Made Today

During the past few decades Hollywood films have become more about making money through their cookie-cutter formula than about creating drama that is artistic and meaningful. And not only that, the themes too have been degenerated to both reflect and direct the cultural trends. The films they propagate today are rife with “progressive” ideas on race, sex, and culture that attempt to undermine the existing values. It is sad really, because things weren’t always like that with Hollywood. If you watch films from the not too distant past, you’ll discover that they were much more different and in touch with true human nature. And to illustrate, I present the following classic films that would most likely not be made today.

1. Double Indemnity (1944)


This is a classic film-noir which I’ve enjoyed far more than the other films from that era with bigger names including Casablanca and Citizen Kane. It’s about an insurance salesman who falls for a married woman wishing to get rid of her rich husband. They both plot to secretly murder him and make it look like an accident after tricking him into signing a life insurance. The story that unfolds will shock even the most hardcore redpiller.

Why it won’t be made today: The film reveals far too much of how a toxic woman can destroy men by her using her feminine power to lure them—a truth that women don’t like men knowing. Besides, today’s Hollywood is working hard to erase femininity from the females characters in general, preferring to turn them all tough and masculine. Even the few female villains that appear on screen today are violent, aggressive, and domineering like men. You’ll be hard-pressed to find any bad woman in today’s movies who uses her feminine wiles to ruin a good man.

2. Taxi Driver (1976)


Has there been a film since the Taxi Driver that so accurately portrays raw male vexation and alienation? (I think Falling Down is the only one that even comes close). Alone, depressed, and angry, suffering from insomnia and possible trauma from the Vietnam war, Travis Bickle works as a taxi driver in the urban filth and degeneracy that is New York.

As the movie progresses, three things happen: one, he grows more and more disturbed, two, he meets a young teenage prostitute, and three, he becomes infatuated with a gorgeous upper middle class blonde volunteering in an election campaign. When the relationship with the woman fails—the only thing that seemingly gave him hope and stability—he finally starts to spiral down to madness.

Why it won’t be made today: People today don’t want to watch depressing films that depict loneliness, cynicism, and dejection—especially that of a man who’s been abandoned by the society. No. People don’t care for a man’s pain and destitution. Instead, the movie-goers want to enjoy the vicarious thrill of watching the lives of affluent heroes who have it all. They want to sit and see beautiful people getting their guaranteed happy ending. The audience today just want to be sedated in a dream world where they don’t have to face up to their own problems and that of the world.

3. Once Upon A Time In America (1984)

An epic gangster film by no other than the great Sergio Leone. It’s a story of crime and friendship in the early 20th century America. The film is both gripping and real; it’s strange how a crime film can make you feel so human. By the time the movie is over, you will feel as though you just lived through an entire era.

Why it won’t be made today: Films like this and Stand by Me won’t be made today for the simple fact that they’re not inclusive enough. Besides, when is the last time Hollywood made a film about true friendship among men? If and when they do appear once in a moonlight, it’s usually goofy comedies like Harold and Kumar or The Hangover. Also, Once Upon a Time in America features scenes of raw violence against women including two rape scenes (in the first one, the woman clearly enjoys it) that will be derided by the triggered harpies.

4. Fatal Attraction (1987)

Truth be told, I haven’t watched this film, but I’ve heard about it enough to know what it’s about. A married man has an affair with a post-wall career woman who turns out to be a batshit insane BPD psycho from hell (the term “bunny-boiler” originates from this film). She becomes increasingly obsessive and starts to stalk him, only to become more erratic in her behavior as she’s pushed away.

Why it won’t be made today: For the straight-forward reason that it is now politically incorrect to show that a woman can be emotionally unstable and “crazy”—especially an aging one who is unmarried with a proud career, attempting to destroy a man and his family. I guess the film would remind the feminists too much of their own nature.

5. Misery (1990)

A novelist gets into a car accident in middle of nowhere and is rescued by an obsessed female fan who keeps him at her remote cabin. As he recovers, he finds out that she’s a sick and disturbed woman who gets more controlling and more possessive.

Why it won’t be made today: Same reason as Fatal Attraction: women on screen today can no longer be seen as deranged, possessive, or two-faced. The way Kathy Bates’s character dies would also be considered too misogynistic although I doubt any man or woman would hesitate to do the same when forced in the situation portrayed in the film.

6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)

I don’t think you have to be an expert film-goer to see that the nut house in the film symbolizes a matriarchal society that keeps men under control. In the story, Nurse Ratchet is in the ultimate position of power even though the (feeble) male doctors are technically on top. She clearly enjoys her dominance and sees Jack Nicholson’s character as a challenge to her rule.

Why it won’t be made today: A lowly man challenging female authority? That is absurd in today’s political climate. Why would Hollywood try to incite male insurrection when they’re too busy making films about masculine women fighting against the Patriarchy?

7. A Boy And His Dog (1975)

This lesser known cult classic was one of the more bizarre films I’ve seen. This is a story about a boy and his telepathic dog who scavenge the post-apocalyptic wasteland in search of a girl that will satisfy his sexual urges. If you watch the film with red pill scrutiny, you can see the male-female power dynamic playing out throughout the film.

Why it won’t be made today: In a savage world where civilization is no more, women are depicted as being only good for sex by the roaming young men. With no more government to cater to their needs and no air-conditioned corporate buildings left to hide in, it is a true nightmare for the modern women. I won’t say too much to avoid spoiling the film for those who want to watch it, but the ending is also something unprecedented in the history of films.

Worthy Mention: Films starring Steve McQueen


“They call me a chauvinist pig. I am, and I don’t give a damn.”

I don’t like idolizing actors, but if there’s one man in Hollywood history whose aura that I would love to adopt for myself, it is Steve McQueen. He is unapologetically masculine and his movies, including The Getaway, Papillon, and Thomas Crown Affair, reveal too much red pill truth. I don’t think Hollywood would completely avoid making his films today, but they would definitely shy away from them or at least water them down with correctness. The Getaway and Thomas Crown Affair already have remakes and apparently they’re planning a one for Papillon as well (I can’t imagine how awful it will turn out.)

The Continuing Hollywood Agenda

I expect Hollywood to continue pushing the feminist and diversity agenda, turning the female characters butch and unfeminine while reducing the male characters to goofy betas or sidekicks that follow women around like dogs. I avoid most of their new releases, but the problem comes when the men and women who watch these films internalize the messages and start thinking, talking, and acting accordingly—the culture will change even if we choose to disengage. The Hollywood of today must be recognized as the cultural cancer that is spreading its decadence around the world, which is why I urge other men to boycott them.

Read More: 10 Hollywood Films For Men That Leave Today’s SJW Movies In The Dust

340 thoughts on “7 Hollywood Classics That Would Not Be Made Today”

      1. Yeah, I love this movie and I am thankful to my Ex for showing me American Beauty and Gran Torino. She was good at exactly two things: sucking dick and recommending movies.
        Gran Torino is full of racist slurs and at the end old Whitey saves the day.

        1. “She was good at exactly two things: sucking dick and recommending movies.”
          Swallows and Amazons?

        2. “She was good at exactly two things: sucking dick and recommending movies.”
          what’s her number?

        3. I was about to comment, “Old Dirty Harry Movies”.. but yeah. This flick is one last act of rebellion from Mr.Eastwood.
          I like to see it as “Dirty Harry, The Retirement Years”.

        4. ” She was good at exactly two things: sucking dick and recommending movies.”
          Shit man, today that’s wifeing up material right there. Add in “knows how to order take out” (because, fuck, no woman knows how to cook, that’s just too much to ask) and “less than 300 lbs” and she’s got 99.9% of the women in the US beat.

        5. Just yesterday when I walked through the streets and passed a Subway restaurant I thought ‘Aah, remember how you always ordered her to buy you a Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sub? And she always did it.’
          So my statement was wrong, she was good at:
          – sucking dick (best BJs I ever got – those kurdish lips are just born for fellatio)
          – recommending the best movies
          – providing me with food (even though she didn’t make it herself – she was raised by a german single mother because she was an ONS-product. Happens when german bitches fuck foreign cock)
          – providing me with massages after I played football (the real football, not the american one with the ball that isn’t even spheric)
          – providing me with medicine and extra long blowjobs when I was sick.
          – she was a 16 year old virgin when we started our relationship
          So there you have it. I nearly won the jackpot with that girl. But then there was the huge red flag of single motherhood which turned her into a SJW cunt over the course of time.
          Maybe I could have prevented it if I would have been more manly (When we first met I was 17 – raised by an overly nurturing german mother and a bluepilled german cuck – so I certainly was not alpha enough to prevent her from becoming a feminist lunatic).
          Ooh, memories, memories.
          Where are my member berries?

        6. Heh, that’s not surprising. I dated a few German girls when I was stationed in Wiesbaden and one of them tracked me down via Facebook. All I could think after seeing her after ten years was boy did I dodge a bullet. Two kids, an extra forty pounds, ugly tattoos and a sloppy outfit.
          Edit: Now that I think about it, the exchange went something like this:

        7. I was sitting in Heidelberg just yesterday smoking a Romeo y Julieta cigar and watching the women walk by.
          I never understood the german womens preference for dark clothing and wearing mousy looking glasses. These days all the girls under 30 seem to be tatted up as well. Thank goodness female tourists filled the void.

        8. Yeah, the average german girl has a few tattoos, is overweight, arrogant as Nassim Taleb (Sam Harris once said, that Taleb is the most arrogant person he ever experienced – judging from his books I tend to agree) and wears some weird round hipster glasses. Just disgusting.
          When I move to Bangkok and then come back to germany I will probably kill myself.

        9. I never minded the dark clothing on account of my preference for wearing black even when I was a kid, but a lot of their fashion leaves something to be desired. What killed me was the techno scene around Y2K and the retro 80s style. Ugh, just no.

        10. I knew a German girl. She had a number tattooed on her forearm. I thought she was too young to have been in one of these German Work Camps, being born in the 90s… Turns out it was just the co-ordinates of her birth place, which the bitch was using as a way of expressing a kind of morbid German white guilt. Crazy cunt.

        11. Oh, I see german men with asian women every single day when i walk the streets. Just like I always see german women with refugees. But while the german women are opening their hearts (and vaginas) to the poor and pitiful the german men are exploiting and raping these foreign women. Misogynists! Shitlords!
          Oh, how I love those double standards.

        12. Heh, I noticed that as well. The one I mentioned earlier asked why so many Americans were married to women from the Philippines and I replied that as naive as a lot of the girls are, there’s something homely about them. Of course she ranted about foreign brides then I dropped the bomb:
          “If we get married and you come to the States with me, what would that make you?”

        13. Yeah, western women are the biggest hypocrites ever. Oh, how I would love if 80% of those refugees would be arab women. Arab women are so magnificent at taking D’s. Of course the western women would defend the borders by themselves while screaming ‘Kill all refugees!’ if this would be the case.

        14. “What killed me was the techno scene..”
          Ha. There was a reason Xcstacy pill popping and techno went hand-in-hand.

        15. “Of course she ranted about foreign brides..”
          Western women do hate competition. Many years ago when I told my sister over the phone I was going to marry my russian girlfriend, she retorted “what? you can’t handle any real (meaning American) women?
          “Why would anyone would want to put up with fat, bitchy women is beyond me” was my reply. We didn’t correspond for awhile after that converation.

        16. A friend of mine married a russian woman, too.
          I told my mother and she was like “What? How can he do that? A german man should marry a german woman and not a woman from a backwards country (russia is portrayed as the great backwards communist literally Hitler state by german TV because germany is nothing but an US-american colony today)”
          I responded: “Well, and if my sister would want to marry a syrian refugee you would say the same?”
          She went silent.
          Of course.
          Because AWALT.
          She wouldn’t have a problem with my sister marrying a foreign man – but me marrying a foreign woman? How dare you??

        17. American Beauty is truly great as well. Yeah, there were some gay themes thrown in (it IS contemporary Hollywood, of course), but a lot of Red Pill truths in that film, though.

        18. But the gayness was not glorified.. indeed it was the troubled, angry, mentally ill father who was secretly gay and was seeing false gayness in places where there was just normal male interaction. Gayness was portrayed as degenerate behavior, and the lead character struggles with whether he should bang a high school chick. Hard to believe that’s a modern film.

        19. American Beauty? Isn’t that the one that shows the alpha male as being a closet homo and the successful male as being paedophile?

        20. I know a girl who’s good at two things. Sucking dick and sucking balls. Wait… is that three things?

        21. “What are you spooks up to?”…shame he didn’t say niggers but even Clint has limits….

        22. Your country is fucked. You could move to Poland where there are no shitty muslim immigrants who might be terrorists…yet…

        23. I’ll bet that is 100% true…even a mediocre Polish broad is TEN times better looking than 95% of the women in your average usa Walmart…I just came from there, the only good looking girls are 16 and not fat yet…

        24. Where “saves the day” means “commits suicide-by-thug and pantomimes Jesus in his death sequence”.
          Sadly the movie would’ve been more realistic if, after Clint’s death, the Hmong went back to being dominated by the ruthless gangs that had them enslaved prior to Clint deciding to make a stand.
          I enjoyed the movie, but that “Oscar Bait” ending put a damper on it.

        25. Gran Torino and Expendables 3 are the only modern films that I can recall where “spook” was a racial term and not a synonym for “CIA agent/spy”.

        26. I’d like to think that Dirty Harry would’ve taken out the whole gang himself, instead of hoping that the courts would do it once he was gone.

  1. Some great movies there. I would include the Maltese Falcon just for the scene below.
    BTW, Went to see a showing of Fatal Attraction several months ago at the British Film Institute here in London.
    I thought it strange that they would show it in what is a pretty leftist organisation. But they had it covered… Before the movie started we all had to sit there and be lectured by an obvious bull dyke as to how we were not to judge the female antagonist too harshly.
    I had a cute little polish chick with me so I couldn’t make too much of a sene but I couldn’t help bursting out laughing when the bull-dyke informed us that there would be a “debriefing” afterwards for anyone who found the movie disturbing.

    1. every feminist will identify with the glenn close character in fatal attraction.
      Sharon Stone’s Basic Instinct killer lesbo doesn’t work for them, unless they can remake it with Melissa McCarthy, after the latter has put on some extra weight

  2. Ocean’s Eleven – no way eleven women could work together to achieve anything. Trans-atlantic Twelve would have been more interesting: the writers could have built the sex change into the heist or something
    And on another note, where exactly is Priscilla Queen of the Dessert on this list?

    1. Correction. 11 women are capable, even good at planning a Caribbean booze cruise on the where they can indulge their inner child, acting like pampered toddlers, being waited on hand-and-foot, complete with spill proof plastic sippy cups to contain their sleep inducing mood medicine.
      They plot to rob the casino at the blackjack table, but fail miserably because they don’t understand simple math and fall victim to the gambler’s fallacy.
      Instead of Vegas, their exploits take place on the high-seas. Hence, the apropos title, Ocean’s 11.

      1. That’s likely how the film would play out:
        Girl is approached sipping a lite honey froth chococcino latte playing on tinder at the café by her friend, a really bad bitch with cropped purple hair, metal shit in her face, and black fingernails. “Come on bitch! We’re gonna get rich!” the film begins.
        They spend the next 45 minutes collecting the remaining 9 women from various sites: the bed of a ONS stranger, the mall, the Apple store, the beauty parlor, the tanning bed, the beer garden at the local trendy micropub, the dog grooming salon, the cupcake store (Hi Melissa McCartney), the Whole Foods wine section.
        They get everyone together and try to explain it, but everyone keeps interrupting, playing on their phones and taking selfies and such. Finally they decide to book a booze cruise where they will go over the plan in detail. Everyone forgets about the plan to rob a casino or steal some credits from Farmville or whatever the plot was, and just gets sloppy and silly. End.
        Could actually be a funny comedy, if written and directed by a man.

    2. Was in oceans 11 when they are putting on black makeup before the heist and someone (Sinatra?) turns to give some to Sammy Davis Jr. And Sammy just smiles and frank says “well I guess.being black is good for something”

        1. I spent the whole weekend watching old rat pack performances from the early 60’s. Just so amazing.

      1. That’s a funny clip. I can’t imagine that getting into a one liner these days.
        Don’t forget Blazing Saddles would be persona non grata as remake to.

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      2. Didn’t even realise there was a classic version. Maybe in the new version they will do the same, prompting a hilarious debate about intersectionality

        1. Oh man, the original Rat Pack Ocean’s 11 was one of the great movies. The always play it on New Years.

        2. That’s what I did. Don’t remember if I got it from Pirate bay or h33t or what but it’s online.

      1. So, some people are saying Sandra Bullock has an adam’s apple and is therefore a man…..would that make this film better or worse?

        1. LOL… actually some of the biggest heists in history were pulled off by women. What’s the word they have for it… oh yes divorce.

        2. Quite. The no-fault divorce heist in which everything of value in the man’s bank vault disappears in a matter of minutes, and the perpetrator slips off into the night to start a new life on the proceeds.

    1. On that subject, a red pill SJW piss take movie is so over-due.
      KFM was great. I can’t remember if it was Red Pill though

      1. I wouldn’t call it “red pill”, but It certainly was a spoof that amplified the stereotypes and made fun of people’s imperfections.

        1. Yeah, KFM was silly if anything. It did, however, not give a fuck about peoples sensitivities about race or about male/female relationships so in the not giving a fuck department you could say it was red pill

  3. All 7 on my watch-next list…has been too long or not at all….
    “They call me a chauvinist pig. I am, and I don’t give a damn.”
    Would be unemployed for uttering that line…

  4. Gaspar Noe’s “Irreversible” should also be considered an absolute favorite among todays feminists

    1. I happened to see that it was critically panned. Maybe I should’ve taken that to mean that it was actually decent.

      1. No surprise at all. Considering the fact it doesn’t pass Bechsdel’s test and other similar SJW’s shittests.
        For me the best thing is the fact that director knows how to do realistic female characters and that’s rare these days.

  5. It’s a fucking cliche by now but – Fight Club.
    It almost didn’t get released/approved by the Hollywood elite and one of the heads at Fox studios lost or almost lost his position just to get it released.

    1. “It’s a fucking cliche by now but – Fight Club”
      As I think about this, I would wager that Fight Club was the last of masculine movies ever to be made in our time. Fight Club also questioned the current state of affairs in how men are being controlled by society via slave job and marriage. It comes as no surprise Hollywood wanted it banned.
      Next masculine movie to be produced will probably not happen until after the global reboot (post WWIII).

      1. Right film at the right time.
        I always recommend Master & Commander, after 2003 i find it hard to find good masculine ones.

      2. So much trouble getting that film made even then. In the book there is a scene where Marla turns to Tyler after he fucks her and says “I want to have your abolition” but abortion was kind of a hot button topic there so they changed the line to “I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school”

        1. ahhaha.. I far prefer your version where he bangs a black chick, and she tells him she wants to have her abolition.

        2. It’s great to have somebody’s abolition. Slavery is always wrong!

      3. It was also fundamentally a fantasy about the “decline”. But unfortunately what they suggested doing (blowing up the credit companies servers) would never work. Redundancy of data and all that. I am sure that banks have considered this possibility.

        1. “Redundancy of data and all that. I am sure that banks have considered this possibility”
          You are correct Bob. I do know someone in higher level banking that I was speaking about this issue – blowing up banking buildings wont stop the system – but an EMP from the sun could. So indeed banks are aware of how sensitive their systems are and have implemented back up systems.
          The only way to stop this is for people to rebuke banking. The top guys will lose out, but the little guy will stop getting fucked over by said banking system. Perhaps a more refined and sophisticated barter system to be put in place?

        2. Also, in every deal there are multiple hard copies in multiple locations.
          The crisis of 2008 revealed how the government will rob you to protect the banks. The reason being is because the entire banking system is a hidden method of taxation.

      4. Well, I would think LOTR would be the last series of masculine movies produced by Hollywood, but they were based on a book.

    2. Wasn’t the author of that work gayer than Milo?
      That might be enough to get it made today.

  6. His Girl Friday: AF/BB: The motion picture.
    Cary Grant plays the playboy smooth talking Alpha, who swoops the girl away from stable, boring, pushover Ralph Bellamy. Thing is, most girls love this movie, because they want to think they are Rosalind Russell. It’s a good one to “Netflix and chill” with, lot of jumping off points for red pill-tinged conversations.

  7. I will download Papillon, Getaway and Double Indemnity now.
    Thanks for the recommendations and thanks to the inventors of uploaded.net.

      1. Oddly enough, I found that the worst of his films. The plot just seemed forced and boring to me. It’s one of the few films where I thought the remake was better. I may need to give it a second chance.

        1. You may be right, it was very stylish, from the score to the way it was shot to the way everyone dressed. Maybe there was no substance to that movie

      2. It’s kind of boring lifestyle porn. The chess seduction scene is great, Dunaway at her best but it seems like there are unnecessarily long sections where he’s just ripping around in a dune buggy. Just watch Bullitt again.

  8. “How to Murder Your Wife”
    It shows the manipulative, controlling nature of women, and how that cancer spreads to those not already infected by it, and how they ruin men’s lives.
    The clincher is the trial scene, where Jack Lemmon goes through a “what would your life be like if you WEREN’T married?” scene. What happens next is wonderful red-pill logic of controlling the women. I won’t spoil it by revealing, but it’s great.

  9. Another reason why Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World got great reviews but no sequel: it was a riveting and gritty portrayal of the Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Wars and had an all male cast. It showed boys becoming men, and Captain Jack Aubrey leading his crew, his only comfort being his friendship with Dr. Martuin.
    Also, the Royal Marines in red coats weren’t portrayed as evil racists. That alone probably triggered a thousand SJWs.

    1. They also said The Lords Prayer in remembrance of a fallen shipmate.
      Excellent movie. If it was made now they would all be butt pirates and the captain would be a female who goes around kicking all the men’s asses.

      1. That was one of the best scenes in the film, when the whole crew says the Lord’s Prayer after the battle with the Acheron.

      1. It was that film that caused me to reevaluate my opinion of the British Empire. Until then, I held the typical viewpoint shown in films like “The Patriot.”
        Now I hope to return us to a more Victorian eras way of thinking.

        1. Why wait?
          Your viewpoint from what to what? The Patriot showed the British as being Literally Hitler. I mean it! They took a Nazi atrocity performed by the Nazis in France and then showed the British doing it in America in the movie!

        2. Which one?
          The “lock them in and burn down the church” was actually a not so sly reference to what the ATF did to the folks at Waco.

        3. Yeah, the Patriot caused an uproar in Liverpool due to ‘Colonel Tavington’ being a thinly veiled stand-in for Banastare Tarleton, their MP for many years. While he did allegedly kill surrendering Continentals at one point, it was nothing like burning churches full of people.
          Turn, Washington’s Spies, offers a bit more accurate portrayal of the conflict, even mentioning that slavery was illegal by common law in the UK (unlike the colonies).

        4. I understood it as a reference to the burning of civilians inside of the Church of Oradou-sur-Glane by the Nazis in 1944 but maybe that’s where the Feds got the idea…

        5. It could be either. I really did take it as a poke in the eye at our ATF for Waco, given Mel Gibson’s obvious right wing leanings.

        6. Have a read of some of the witness accounts. As bad as Waco was it pales in comparison. It is absolutely horrifying. Anyone with Nazi sympathies should really look at some of this stuff. The Nazis were horrifically murderous towards everyone. Even Germans!

        7. I tried watching Turn but the main character was such a feckless, quasi-cucked wimp that I just couldn’t get into it.

        8. IMO the British Empire wasn’t very negatively portrayed in The Patriot.
          General Cornwallis, for example, while portrayed as having a serious case of “stiff upper lip” was openly considered a genius in the film and was shown to push for civilized conduct with the Americans.
          Tavington, the British equivalent of William Tecumseh Sherman, obviously was villainous but he was shown as an outlier of the Empire and his crimes in the film were pretty much on par with the diabolical deeds the real-life Loyalists and Americans committed against one another during the Revolutionary War.
          IIRC, Tavington’s greatest atrocity was aided and abetted by a Loyalist, played by real-world “Loyalist” (ie:”cuckservative”) Adam Baldwin.

        9. Yeah, it was Adam Baldwin’s character that helped Tavington burn the church. However, I am much less inclined to call a libertarian (Baldwin) a cuckservative: In Hollywood, the pressure is so heavy to be a commie/hippe/SJW/progressive, anything that isn’t to the left of Lenin is something of an act of courage. If Baldwin were an everyday politician, whose job it is to represent your ideology, then yeah. But if Baldwin wants to work, he has to be careful how far right he goes (he has said that reading David Horowitz’s scathing anti-communist book changed his mind).
          I’m not saying its right, but look what happened to Mel Gibson and Bill Cosby when they basically said “No thanks” to the SJW/BLM kool-aid.

        10. Try the Richard Sharpe series starring Sean Bean. In later episodes, the Red Pill really shows itself when he marries a woman, who later leaves him for an aristocratic dandy and coward.
          Sharpe is a natural alpha, but when he lets his guard down after marriage, he gets fed a red pill fairly quickly.

        11. Yeah, I don’t get why some around here tend to jack off to Hilter as a nationalist. The Nazi Regime and Kaiser Wilhelm did exactly the opposite of what a real German nationalist like Bismarck or Moltke would have done: They wouldn’t have gotten German engaged in wars they couldn’t win and wrecked Germany in both cases.
          Wars like the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 which basically created Germany as a nation were the result of skillful political manipulation on the part of Bismarck and decisive execution by Moltke. Hitler lacked Bismarck’s political acumen and Moltke’s military genius simultaneously.

        12. Indeed. In fact there is an argument to be made that Hitler was actually manipulated by Stalin into firing “the first shot”.

        13. I’m not familiar with this. Is there compelling evidence Stalin actively promoted Barabossa?

        14. I agree for once with you about something (Hitler), but stopping spouting the lies of WWI propaganda. Wilhelm’s greatest sin was being a coward idiot but he wasn’t the one looking for war and having to get civilian ships sunk (Lusitania) to save its ass; let alone the initiator of the war…

        15. Hitler was a cretin and a madman, but war with Stalin was inevitable, one way or another given Uncle Joe’s intentions.

        16. No Barbarossa wasn’t part of the plan. Stalin didn’t expect Hitler to be crazy enough to declare war on the USSR. Rather, Stalin’s work began much earlier, sending Soviet agents to help Hitler come to power, training the tank corp and encouraging Hitler to attack Poland. The plan was for the Western powers to exhaust themselve and then the Russian Bear would steamroller the West.

        17. Wilhelm fired Bismarck, which was probably the dumbest personnel move anyone could make, ever. Bismarck even said that the worst war for humanity would start over some squabble in the eastern bloc.
          It was Wilhelm’s decision to back Hungary in the (probably justified) revenge strike for assassinating Franz Ferdinand. Not the wisest choice, apparently.
          The worst villains in the war were probably the Ottoman Turks: the Armenian Genocide is mostly forgotten, but a million Christians were basically murdered by neglect at best, and willful neglect at worst.
          All in all, I would oppose the Empire’s involvement. We didn’t have any treaty obligations, and Germany probably would have won the war quickly against France, saving thousands of British lives. Historian Niall Ferguson, like me a supporter of the Empire, takes a similar opinion that a German victory with British neutrality was preferable.

    2. The Master and Commander series of books are also truly entertaining and engaging as well; very highly recommended.

      1. They were, though the 2 main characters take some time to go from blue to red(ish) pill. That book series could (and IMO should) be considered as quintessential modern literature.
        I do wonder if the much more red-pill naval series about Alan Lewrie was created in part to address that one shortcoming of the Aubrey/Maturin series.

      2. The Hornblower series is also good for young boys. I liked the TV adaptation too. It shows men in conflict and friendship and loss in a fairly realistic way.

    3. I thought it got no sequel because it was a somewhat awkward adaptation of the literary series on which it was based, and because Russell Crowe (like Ioan Gruffudd before him) didn’t follow through on his talk of ponying up the cash personally to bankroll a sequel.

      1. The film made a ten-figure profit and even got an Oscar, but its not the type of film that can make a $300 million profit like superhero films today.
        Naval swashbuckling films are expensive: Both the Hornblower and Master and Commander used actual period naval vessels for filming, which is an enormous cost.

        1. Did the film even make a profit? The “rule of thumb” for Hollywood films is to double the budget, to account for marketing and incidental costs as well as the theaters’ take of the ticket sales.
          I don’t doubt that it is expensive to use period sailing ships but it isn’t an insurmountable cost, less than the bazillions poured into superhero CGi (especially since the ship from the first film still exists).
          Maybe it’s more than Gruffudd could’ve fronted, but with Crowe being wealthy enough to own a soccer team nowadays (and Bettany making bank with Marvel), I believe he could’ve made it happen.

        2. Yeah, stars often talk about fronting money for a sequel, but it rarely turns out that way. Nerds have been begging for a Firefly series to return, but it still hasn’t happened.
          Super Troopers 2 even had to crowdfund. Thankfully, the time is Meow and the film is coming out this year (I believe).

    4. War, masculinity, honor, friendship, the apology of order, discipline and hierarchy, nationalism, Christian men respecting God and saying the Lords Prayer…Jesus, what could possible go wrong with the movie not being praised enough??? Its the decadent culture we live on brother.

      1. No kidding. I still remember seeing the film in theaters in 2003 and thinking, “They haven’t made a film like this since John Wayne was still alive.”

        1. Indeed. It really drags you to the world of the Napoleonic Wars. It is that good! What about “There will be Blood”? Daniel Plainview is a legendary motherfucker in my view.

        2. I’ll have to see There Will Be Blood. Sounds like a good film.

    5. It also showed boys of 13 capable of living as a healthy, functioning adult in the military. God forbid boys learn how to be industrious while surrounded by male role models. Don’t the producers know that children have to be coddled until they’re 25?

  10. Nothing out of Hollywood is worth watching ever. Just pick an old book or do something really masculine instead of staring at a screen.

    1. Time for recommended readings:
      Esther Vilar: Der dressierte Mann
      Esther Vilar: Das polygame Geschlecht
      Rollo Tomassi: The Rational Male
      (((Robert Greene))): 48 Laws of Power
      (((Robert Greene))): Mastery
      Mark Manson: Models
      Friedrich Nietzsche: Zur Genealogie der Moral
      Epictetus: Enchiridion
      Marcus Aurelius: Ta eis heauton
      Seneca: De providentia
      Seneca: Epistuale morales ad Lucilium – Liber X
      Seneca: De brevitate vitae

      1. “Esther Vilar: Der dressierte Mann”
        Nur für die Leute dass Deutsch sprechen.
        Esther Vilar’s book Der dressierte Mann is known in the english speaking world as The Manipulated Man, which is available in english as a free pdf download.

        1. I always go with the original titles as a counter balance to the degenerate and arrogant habit of renaming everything how one likes it.
          It’s not Munich, it’s München.
          Just like we germans don’t say ‘Neues York’, we just say New York because it’s New York everywhere in the world.
          It’s not Thus spoke Zarathustra, it is Also sprach Zarathustra.
          It’s not Schöne neue Welt, it is Brave New World.

        2. I’ve always found renaming places to be weird. Why wouldn’t you call it Firenze? Why wouldn’t you call it Nippon?

        3. That’s gotta be one of the stupidest things ever. They even change up the intonation. I-TAL-ia becomes IT-aly. WTF

        4. Well, tbh it’s really a bit strange.
          ‘Hm, let’s produce a german rice cake. How could we name it?’
          ‘I have an idea. The rice cake contains rice and rice is eaten by the zipperheads. Let’s call it Nippon and make the package look nipponese because nippons are zipperheads.’
          ‘Oh, welch großartige Idee! Zeit für eine Beförderung! So soll es sein!’

        5. I hear you and I agree – but you are recommending a book to read to an english speaking audience; it’s more pragmatic to also mention the english title as well.

        6. Oder vielleicht zusagan: Nur für die deutschsprachig Leute.
          Ja, mein Deutsch wahrlich weit von perfekt ist!

        7. As I understand it, the Japanese didn’t even have a written language until the Chinese bestowed one upon them.
          So maybe it’s fitting that we call the Japanese by their Chinese name. Also it seems that even the first Westerners to actually go into Japan learned to call it Japan.
          To our credit, we did try to switch to Nips but the PC police didn’t take kindly to that.

      1. I know! I love the part where the two little girls come up to him on the sidewalk & say that their moms said he was their dad & he’s like “Pshhhh….naw, lil’ girl… there’s lots of guys named Black Dynamite. “

  11. “They want to sit and see beautiful people getting their guaranteed happy ending. The audience today just want to be sedated in a dream world where they don’t have to face up to their own problems and that of the world”
    Spot on, man.
    Excellent article.
    And I agree to your assertions about the Mcqueen films. I own a copy of Bullit. And I have seen almost every McQueen movie – including LeMans. In fact there isn’t any real masculine actor around. Ok there is Vin Diesel which is more on the extreme end of the spectrum – completely roided out with uber deep voice. But McQueen had his own way of doing things and didn’t cater to the leftist agenda inlike every other actor does today.

    1. Or film studios are such hacks now that they tailor all their capeshit furry films to fit with the chine$e audiences wallets.

    2. I didn’t write this in the article because I didn’t want to get off-track, but masculine men in today’s films are all caricatures with fake muscles and exaggerated deep voices. There’s nothing genuine or human about them when you compare them to the likes of Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Marlon Brando, Steve McQueen, etc.
      Even Jason Statham is shown going around white-knighting.

      1. “masculine men in today’s films are all caricatures with fake muscles and exaggerated deep voices. There’s nothing genuine or human about them when you compare them to the likes of Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Marlon Brando, Steve McQueen, etc”
        Exactly. You stated it better than I.

      2. Having no masculine men in film today is absolutely true, but it’s much deeper than that. There are no heros in today’s society. No one to look up to or admire, in any arena. Name a hero, even a feminine one. Who is someone we can look up to? The best I could come up with is someone like Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye the Science Guy. They encourage intellect, study of science, and pursuit of truth and reason.
        But compare them to true scientists of almost any period in the past and they fall far short. We have no political leaders whatsoever. No great artists or musicians or philosophers or astronauts or inventors. We are a nation without heros. And yet our degenerate culture is worshipped worldwide, as it spreads its evil to the last few remaining patriarchal societies.

        1. Lying about what, exactly? And they are attention whores, sure, but what do you mean allied with leftist politics? Anyway, that would just prove my point, no heroes left….

        2. There are heroes left, just not those 2 losers who have been created by the media to shill without compunction for leftist lies.
          Bill Nye is perhaps the strongest shill for (the lie formerly known as) “global warming” and Neil deGrasse Tyson is a “serial fabulist” who has proven that he’ll say anything to push the lefty narrative, including pulling extremely convenient Dubya quotes out of thin air.
          They’re also both way out of their depth, Bill Nye simply holds a BS in mechanical engineering and Tyson is blunder-prone and often ends up shooting himself in the foot due to it, including a gaffe where he asserted that there were no penguins in the northern hemisphere

        3. I enjoy science, and occasionally listen to Tyson’s podcast, and of course he can’t hold a candle to Carl Sagan, but I did appreciate his remake of Cosmos. They haven’t done anything super impressive on their own, unlike scientists in days past who actually discovered or created something, but they do foster and stimulate interest in science, which is quite rare in our society, hence why they are the only 2 role models I could come up with. If you do have some, I’d be curious in hearing them. Also, global warming isn’t really controversial outside the USA.

      3. I don’t disagree with your point but, regarding the video clip, Isn’t everything about The Expendables franchise supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek parody though?

  12. Taxi Driver, Cuckoo’s Nest and Bullitt are all quite good films. I’ve got the original book that Misery was based on, but I don’t know if I’ve read it or not.
    Would Romper Stomper be considered such a film? It was quite great and the soundtrack is good too. I know that it doesn’t take any side, where as its American ripoff American History X was overtly anti-racist. I do have AHX though, but haven’t watched it.

    1. It’s the ultimate “Bros before Hos” movie.
      …that could almost be its tagline nowadays.

  13. Nothing wrong with a happy ending. As depressing as the news is, I don’t need a depressing film too thanks.
    That said, it’s better to check out old films anyway. The new ones for the most part are complete, total, absolute…. crap.

    1. The only problem with happy endings is that they are so predictable. It’s kind of like watching Law and Order–once they arrest the guy it’s kind of pointless because he goes to jail in almost every episode. The one or two where he actually gets off or found innocent were much more interesting.

      1. There was a really close one where they never really presented any evidence of guilt/innocence. They ended with the Foreman saying “We find the defendant… (Law & Order sound plays)” /cut to black.
        Best one I’ve watched.

        1. I far prefer the ones with the Michael Moriarty D.A. character. He had a conscience, a soul, and used reason and discretion. The Sam Waterston, while a good actor, is just a “prosecute them at any cost, lock em up now ask questions later” kind of guy. Which is to say he’s like most prosecutors in real life, but who wants to watch that?

      2. Heh, funny you mentioning Law and Order. I watched exactly one of those shows way back. And I must have been lucky because it was an episode where a guy murdered his wife, and got away with it.
        Now, sure that’s more realistic. But that was enough for me to write off the series for good. (Sounds like I didn’t miss much anyway! :-D) I can watch the news for that kind of depressing story.
        Unless of course… the woman was really terrible and the guy still got away with it. THAT might be an interesting show! 😀 😀

      3. I think that’s what made the ending to the Magnum PI episode ‘Did you see the sunrise?’ so enjoyable. A real break to the predictable path it appeared to be taking.

    1. 1st movie: Bad-a$$ female directly responsible for moving plot along
      2nd movie: Most powerful man in the universe spends entire time pining after woman, attempts to keep her from death.
      3rd movie: Woman dies anyways.
      2 of those movies would get made.

      1. The scene where Dark Helmet tells the men to comb the desert and the first two guys have a massive comb “found anything? no nothing yet sir” next two guys have a massive comb “found anything? no nothing yet sir” then two black guys have a massive hair pic “found anything yet? WE AINT FOUND SHEEEEEET” that scene would get dropped fasted than a fat girls January 1 gym membership

    1. When Obama was inaugurated and walking down that street to be sworn in I was at a bar in midtown. As he is being lead to the SC Judge who was going to swear him in everyone is watching the “historic” moment and I scream “THE SHERIFF IS A-NEEEER” I still call obmama “The Sheriff”

      1. That movie is hysterical. The scene where they try and get the black guys to sing – and they burst into ‘I Get No Kick from Champagne…’

      1. Funny thing about that scene, it actually happened. Mel Brooks wrote the scene based on the fact that Sid Ceaser actually punched a police horse in the face in central park. He was totally out of his fucking mind.

  14. “McLintock!” and “Coogan’s Bluff” are two movies that won’t be remade either as both depict how Alpha men handle quarrelsome women.

      1. Except the one where he played Genghis Khan, although there is a “rape” scene in that movie with romantic music playing in the background.

        1. Funny thing is John Wayne made two movies, “The Searchers” and “The Conqueror,” which are regarded as one of the best and one of the worst films of all time, respectively.

        2. He was contractually forced to do that one, he actually had no interest nor desire to do it. But yeah, I forgot about it.

    1. Add ‘The Quiet Man’ to that… although Wayne’s character kind of struggles with handling a sh1t test his new wife throws at him.

    1. Yeah, I liked that movie, too. Even though Ben Asslick is playing the main character.
      Wasn’t you the one who got Lasik, too?

  15. All those film noir detective stories from the 40s and 50s- chock full of nothing but deadly women…The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep…Humphrey Bogart wouldnt even be an actor today.

  16. Bridget Jones’s Diary. Seriously. This unbearable narcistic piece of Girl Power is full of red pill truths about digusting sluts and about what our society glorifies now.

        1. No, the kid does. The movie flashes forward 40 yrs at the end, her daughter is the top dog at the U.N.

    1. A good movie based on historical fact.
      Funny thing is, if you ever met an actual Zulu they tend to be good people. I even know white South Africans who say that.

      1. Yeah, I can’t blame the Zulus in principle for wanting to protect their land from foreign invaders. It must have freaked them out to realize that another white tribe, stronger than the Boers, had shown up to run their country.

        1. The problem with the Boers is that they were just not exciting. Every time I’m around one I get Boered.

        2. (Rimshot)
          They are a good bunch. The ones I know are our age and spent alot of time in Angola back in the unpleasant times. You remember the 80’s? Heh.

        3. Someone I knew from Sth Africa claims that they were not the original inhabitants and came from up north more but they were better warriors than the indigenous tribes and wiped them out. The original tribes were more like the kalahari bushmen, supposedly. I dont know enough about that regions history to know how legit that claim is,

    2. The portrayal of the Zulus was more glorifying them than anything in that movie. These niggaz were militaristic badasses.

      1. I have to wonder how that land could support that many Zulu warriors ecologically. What you see in the film doesn’t look very productive.

    3. There is no way that would be remade today, or if it was was it would be heavily revised so it is not shown from the British perspective.

  17. Last Tango in Paris. Brando is a cruel aloof jerk, uses the girl for sex. She is infatuated. When he finally breaks down, shows his softer side, she cant stand him anymore (the end is pretty shocking, wont ruin it for anyone)

        1. Ugh, from the title I just figured it was from the UK and laughed at it. This is happening in ECUADOR. Gents, we have very little time until the few remaining traditional patriarchal rational vestiges of South America, SE Asia, the Mideast, and East Europe are utterly destroyed. This is truly sickening.
          And look at the obvious mentally ill thinking here.. complete insanity comes out of its mouth “We don’t have a name yet, or rather we do, we are just waiting to announce it.” WTF? You either do or you don’t (guess they don’t like binary reality).

  18. All films today use the same formula: A strong, patriarchal man steals from an entitled young white woman. A white-knight shows up and embarks on a quest to reclaim what the masculine man stole. The disenfranchised woman goes with him and along the way develops into a strong fighter who can take out any man. The white knight wins, and hands power back over to the woman, and he proceeds along on his way, alone. Don’t expect any movie to get the green light unless it follows in some respect this formula.

  19. This classic came out around the time they were ramming the Fed down our throats.
    It is chock full of women, Southern belles chain-yanking men by their dickstrings and the film also contrasts with many fine nuances of an energetic nation on the build. With such prosperity and order, in our optimism we were so soon suckered by bankers and run roughshod through two bloodbath wars shortly thereafter, what with the western chivalrous nature nature and a purpose being defined for us to build a world of creature comforts for the pedestalized woman. With that free room and board we built for them our women have now morphed into discontent whiny snivelling sjw’s and fat entitled runaway spouses and nanny state sucklings. If only there had been a vehicle back then to disseminate the patriarchal golden rule, that THE GREAT DICK rules supreme, then the west would have colonized and settled the moon by now instead of turning back to the pussy dungeon of Earth. In 1915 women were being prodded to go on the grab and sieze the vote. They wanted more, they wanted it all. Couldn’t we see it? Did we forget Babylon? We men could have beaten our women into order with our dicks back then. Swinging our dicks like monkey bats “WHAM BAM” we could have checked their hypergamy like we instinctively knew to do periodically through our history. But we were changing and expanding fast. Westerners forgot the cosmic and spiritual power and purpose of their little heads. And Kellogg lurked with his armies of razor knife men at every maternity ward. We neglected our dicks down there while we were mentally racing and navigating new fields. Lil’ chump was buckled in his back seat for the ride and got forgotten while western civilization revved for its fast and furious hell race through the 20th century.
    AND LO in this 11th hour western civilization now spits blood on its death bed. . . and the dick is disturbed. Like never before the balls are turning furiously. Fire beneath boils like the Yellowstone Caldera. And THE GREAT DICK begins its rise.

    1. But no one gets into trouble for criticizing the Federal Reserve System. Ron Paul has spent his life doing that, and no one in power has retaliated against him by, for example, causing him to lose jobs or pressuring him to humiliate himself publicly by apologizing for and disavowing his beliefs about the Fed. Our elites just ignore critics of the Fed, and Paul has had an easy life, despite his self-promotion as a great champion for his peculiar notions of “liberty.”
      Contrast this the situation when public figures question our elites’ childish utopianism about race and immigration. If Palmer Luckey had paid for the production of anti-Fed memes, the elites wouldn’t have cared, and they wouldn’t have sent their minions to attack him.

      1. There is no need to cause him to lose his job or making him humiliate himself or any of that. They simply never let him get close to the reins of power. He actually serves a great benefit–feeding the mythology that Americans are a free people. “See? You can criticize anything you want, therefore you are free.” The difference is, nothing will ever be done to curtail power, and voices like this will be marginalized and never seriously allowed.
        A friend pointed out to me yesterday, there are more Gary Johnson yard signs signs than either Hillary or Trump. I never noticed it but it’s true! And yet he is polling at 8% and not allowed in the debates. That is what they do to alternate opinions. They are encouraged, because they reinforce the false promise of America being a nation where anything is possible, when in reality it is one of the most controlled and authoritarian nations on the planet.

      2. So it seems you can say what you want about the fed but the fed has no recourse other than to either print and issue OR not print and issue more fiat money. To criticize the Fed would be like criticizing the private water and electric company monopolies. What can they do other than raise utility rates more or raise them less. But try breaking into the hydro station or try to disrupt the major electric power plants and the utility company security guards would shoot to kill you depending on which country you’re in. Notice how in many countries critical infrastructure like dams and bridges have federal police standing guard with machine guns guarding them whereas in the US, you often find homeless divorce raped men sleeping under the critical bridges that connect major pipeline and artery highways and emergency routes.
        >>Friendly Guatemalan City bank guards>>
        >>Toll collectors/guards at Venezuelan/Colombian bridges>>
        >>Join the winning team anyone??>>
        So why can’t we at least give our divorce raped dads living under bridges sub machine guns and jobs guarding the bridges? What are we afraid they’ll go and return justice on the bitch system cabal that divorce raped them and destroyed their families? But justice would be sweet wouldn’t it? Anyone could argue that we need more sweetness and true justice splashed around to lighten up this land of sjw snivelling bitterness.
        BUT TO CRITICIZE the Fed, their power to retaliate seems vestigal unless you’re a president like Kennedy or anyone in a position to levy the political machinery to force the Fed out. It can’t be voted or protested out.
        Criticize the IRS on the other hand and they take it a bit more personal. Known as the ‘ilk of federal ambition’ the auditors specialize in arm twisting in a down to Earth, personal street level.
        Race is more concrete than paper currency and race cannot be re-issued or reprinted with the flick of the power switch on a printing press. To subdue and mongrelize a culture is a priority when semites financially colonize an autonomous territory. The racial semites wage their hardest drive in the west to push diversity and eliminate racial identity for all other non affiliated tribes in their financial jurisdiction. They’ve made the call. They’re hell bent on mongrelizing Europe now. Try and shit test them. See how far they’ll go. Crypto bitch-goddess mystery religion jew/muslim drivers are beating the drums for an assilimable brown coffee colored fully circumcised herd to govern.

  20. Aliens would probably trigger today’s social-justice morons, despite its diverse cast thinned out by the Aliens. The characters, except for the corporate asshole played by a Jewish actor, do their best to protect the life of a little blonde white girl.
    Funny how that (((one guy))) considers the white girl expendable.

  21. It’s going to VERY scary once we inevitably lose Eastwood, Scorsese, Coppola, Landis, Ridley Scott, Walter Hill, and even Speilberg and Lucas (John Milius has become invalid from a stroke, sadly).
    The only hopes for the Hollywood shitshow cesspool are P.T. Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Nicolas Winding Refn (watch The Neon Demon to see a fantastic modern film about women’s true nature, especially to another that is younger, prettier and thinner than them!) and to a small extent Wes Anderson (even if his films are rife with hipster betas he still takes a lot of artistic liberty in his storytelling).
    Truth be told, I seldom even bother watching trailers for anything modern anymore as I know they have all the routine tropes and virtue signaling of the leftist trash handing The West right over to Russia, China and Iran to bury. And my Dad always told me to be a director bigot, which made all the more sense to me as to why the older I got!

    1. I’m not sure Lucas will be a big loss as it was the “unsung heroes” of the 70s-80s who made films with his name on them great.
      Left to his own devices, he’s been mediocre. Kinda like when 0bama has to speak without a teleprompter.

      1. Sure, Lucas got rusty, but his lasting impact cannot be denied. And Episodes IV and V are indeed among the greatest films ever.

      1. Nothing about him. You could mute a superhero movie and you’d probably have a hard time telling it apart from any other.

  22. Double Indemnity was a great movie. Another one from the 40’s was The Postman Always Rings Twice both written by James Cain. There is a lot of red pill wisdom in the old movies plus it’s when the country was white.

  23. Have a nice day, guys. I will watch Papillon know and then go to bed to be ready for the Clinton vs. Trump debate at 3am CET.

    1. reminds me of when Bond takes off with Ursula in her bikini and turns to Quarrel and says “fetch my shoes”

  24. I liked ‘Secondhand Lions’ with Michael Caine and Robert Duvall. Was surprised a studio green-lighted a movie showing a single mother that way.

    1. I loved that movie, those two uncles reminded me of some of the old codgers that used to be around here.

    2. I remember that movie being surprisingly fun.
      Looking back, it was disappointing that the boy grew up to be such a wimp and was an all-around “wet blanket” though.

    1. 11 is a microaggressive attempt of quantifying and limiting the number of gendercreatures and numbering the characters is a social construct anyway, so every film should be labeled “Genderdoodle Cinema of the Current Year.”

  25. “Fatal Attraction” is a remake of the far superior, “Play Misty for Me”
    It is superior on many levels, but in my mind, the most important distinction is that Clint Eastwood’s character is a single man and thus free to do as he wants, in contrast to Michael Douglas’ married character.

        1. OK that I get. I just felt that the fact that he was married with kids and a bunny kind of upped the anty. Just because it should be obvious that its just a one-nighter in that case.
          But there’s only so many ways you can go with the violently obsessed woman idea…

  26. Not only Taxi Driver but much of De Niro’s early work. I mean “The Deer Hunter”… my god.

  27. I must admit: ROK is at its best when it posts articles on cinema. Comments section is always as instructive. Seriously, keep these posts coming.

      1. Same here. Bob Smith recently mentioned the movie Wake in Fright in the comments section for one of his articles…the movie turned out to be one of the best movies I’ve seen this year. Thanks ROK

  28. if you can find it, watch the Sean Connery one called “Zardoz” from the 70’s. It’s about as redpill is they come… Hint: he’s stuck in a feminist colony in the future that’s pure communist…

      1. And, ironically, he’s actually stuck here too! Just like the movie!

    1. The 2004 movie Chronicles of Riddick comes to mind, where Karl Urban’s “Lady Macbeth” type wife antagonizes him to the point that he turns around and smacks her across the room, Ray Rice style, and she gets up and replies “Finally some attention!”

  29. “The Quiet Man” (1952) starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara
    Central conflict is that Will Danaher (as oldest surviving male, he is the patriarch of the family) won’t honor “old-fashioned” customs regarding marriage and give Mary Kate her dowry because he was tricked to allowing her to marry Sean Thornton (Wayne). Thornton refuses to fight Danaher, leading Mary Kate to leave him in shame; Thornton intercepts her at the train station and literally drags her all the way to the Danaher estate. Any of this would cause an SJW to have a conniption.
    If you don’t know how it turns out, watch the movie….

    1. Great movie. Made in Cong, Eire, in 1952. The town is actually a tourist destination today due to the movie. Longest recorded fight scene of its day.

  30. Funny the author mentioned Stand By Me as not being made today because it’s not “inclusive”. I’m not an Anglo Saxon American male and yet I identify with this movie. In fact, the three movies I could, and still do identify, from my youth that don’t even include people from my background are, Stand By Me, The Sandlot, and Friday.

    1. And you might, and that’s not a problem. It’s not about you. It’s about Hollywood and their intense need to make every movie include Team Diversity, or they won’t make it.
      I can watch some old Japanese movies and identify with some of the characters. Has nothing to do with race, identification with a character I mean.

  31. Hell they can’t even remake LOTR today. They kinda tried with The Hobbit, ful of SJW virtue signalling and idiot Grrl Powrrr characters that did not exist in the actual book, and it flopped (well, it did with me anyway).
    Imagine a remaking of LOTR.
    The Fellowship would become Team Diversity.
    Elrond would be a bi-racial black. He’d live in “Crib-endell”
    The Orcs and goblins would be cast as blonde haired white dudes
    Frodo would be a Transdoodle. Sam would be gay. The others would be furrykins.
    Elves would become Brothers (blacks).
    Aragorn would be re-cast as female.
    Mordor would be re-made into a nice rich suburban neighborhood, and everytime the camera panned to it, you’d hear Tom Jones singing in the background instead of ominous music.
    I can see it all now…

      1. Nope. Not even in the least.
        The Tolkien series understood male friendship and how we used to believe in things like loyalty, integrity, honesty and honor. Those don’t translate any longer, so because of your programming (and most people’s) it looks “gay” when he’s saving Frodo (or being happy to see him, or whatever). Because straight men are being ghettoized. We’re not allowed to have close male friendships, ya’ see.

        1. In the films, it really came off as Sam having unrequited love for Frodo, he was the Smithers to Frodo’s Mr. Burns. Sam was Frodo’s gardener and he was more devoted to Frodo than even his own blood relatives were.
          A friendship between men should be something like in the Master and Commander film, but in LotR it was not, largely because there was no motivation stated for Sam’s stalwart devotion to Frodo.
          Even after Frodo became a complete and total ass towards Sam, because he had been seduced by the ring, Sam kept coming back to him. Sam was also so laser-focused on Frodo that he was the only character exposed to the One Ring who wasn’t enthralled by it.

        2. Sam also had the subtle and very secondary love interest plot line. In the beginning he has a crush on the bartwench, but is too chicken shit to approach her.
          After their return, he has no such qualms and quickly seals the deal.
          Sam, was not gay.

        3. Hardly. Having a female love interest doesn’t mean that someone isn’t gay, especially when that someone was as gay for Frodo as Sam was.
          The movies didn’t come out and say it about Frodo, but only because the early “aughts” were a time before subtlety had become unnecessary for these sort of things.

        4. Sam did give off some weird homoerotic vibes towards Frodo. I understand the devotion towards your master, but damn.

        5. Don’t buy into your ghettoization.
          Sam and Frodo came from family and home town.
          Jesus dude, serious question, how old are you?

        6. No, it was because Tolkien was a hardcore Christian and would never write a gay character into a book, first. Second, because it wasn’t in the book. Third, because you clearly have bought into the oh-so-modern notion that men can’t be men if they have friends that are men.

    1. I have read Tolkiens Hobbit and LOTR at least 4 times. I actually enjoyed the LOTR movies despite some diviations (eg. there were no elven troops at Helmes Deep), but the Hobbit movie was completely unwatchable. I got part way through it on a flight and simply turned it off.

      1. The Hobbit was utter dreck. There were parts in the first movie where they followed the book, kinda, which was ok. But it went so far off the path of the plot AND added grrrl power and other bullshit, and I too just walked away.

    2. kinda like game of thrones. Red pill in the beginning but full blown degenerate after that. The mother of dragons hahaha what a joke !

  32. I loved “A boy and his dog.” It shows how women respond to and what lengths they will go for government protection. It also shows men’s weakness to women and their wiles. But it also shows that a dog is truly man’s best friend.

    1. I like some of Mark Twain’s thoughts on dogs:
      “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.”
      I think you can safely replace man with woman in that quote.
      “The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.”

  33. A Boy and His Dog is one weird ass movie. The ending was somewhat shocking. I loved the skipper from Gilligan’s Island in his evil bit part. I caught this almost as an accident one Saturday evening. It is a cult classic.

    1. Are you, Alice, menstruating right now? What has that got to do with it? Back off man – I’m a scientist.

  34. Saturday Night Fever, it has a violent rape scene, does not have a happy ending, male heterosexuality as a major theme, and migrants are depicted as violent.

  35. Here are a few classics that I love which would have never made it today:
    Blazing Saddles- brilliant Mel Brooks black comedy about a black cowboy and racist town. It is so non-PC and funny in many ways.
    Scarface- very non-PC gangster film with Al Pacino
    The Godfather

    1. scarface – all time favorite movies.
      Tony Montana
      If only I could talk like that….
      “Like What?”
      “Why don’t you try sticking your head up your ass, see if it fits”
      and the line I use on every new girlfriend:
      “Say hello to my little friend”

  36. Once Upon A Time in America is one of the few gangster films that points a spotlight on the Jewish mafia. Due to the ever increasing Zionist control of the media this film would never be made. Not because of rape but because we can’t have American citizens thinking that Jews are in organized crime…organized crime is only Italian right?

  37. You forgot Zulu and Full Metal Jacket, two awesome movies, that they wouldn’t have the guts to produce today, but great list.

  38. High Plains Drifter with Clint Eastwood can’t imagine Politically Correct Hollywood doing a remake of an Alpha male riding into town with a couldn’t careless bring it on attitude, raping a sexually aggressive female who enjoys it, not to mention sleeping with someone’s wife who flaunts her encounter to her beta husband before ditching him – too red pill

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  40. I loved Double Indemnity and thought it would make a good remake, for a new generation. I thought they did a good job with Dial M for murder, but that has a man plotting to murder his wife, so no fuss upsetting women there. It would cost a shitload less than some of the other reboots & remakes coming out. If they did remake it for sure they will change the femme fatal character to not be inherently devious so women could empathize with her (make her husband abusive or have the insurance salesman manipulate her into it). For the sake of putting a fresh interpretation on it (ala oceans 11), you could see a script approved were the husband is the one plotting to bump off his wife and is having an affair with a female insurance agent.

  41. This list is marred only by the tragic lack of Blazing Saddles references. Otherwise hard to argue with!

  42. It will all change when the SHTF. Then women will hide behind real men and will not be all butch and tough. I just hope they will remember how to make me a sammich.

  43. A Streetcar Named Desire – You can’t show men today being dominant over women and scaring them into submission.


  45. Ad 2 more films to the masculine list, Bullitt from 1968 with Steve McQueen and Postman Always Rings Twice from 1946 with John Garfield and Lana Turner as Cora

  46. The remake of the Thomas Crown Affair was disgusting. McQueen left the babe high & dry-Brosnan in the remake was the total cuck at the end. I’m sure McQueen was spinning in his grave watching that.

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