Firearms panics happen over a variety of things, like acts of domestic terrorism, mass shootings, or Democrats getting elected to office. Though we may not have to worry about this for a few years after 2nd Amendment enthusiast Donald Trump’s decisive victory last night, let’s cover our bases and talk about a panic if future Democrats are elected.
What is a panic for ammo and firearms? A panic is when people go and buy items just to have them because they are worried that there will soon be no more, or it will be illegal to buy and sell such items, but maybe not to own them already, as most Americans still believe in the no ex post facto laws part of the Constitution.
Adding to a panic is speculators, who buy from retailers who are roundly shamed if they raise their own prices, only to resell privately at much higher levels. While this is legal, it certainly isn’t ethical or a decent thing to do, and these folks deserve being shamed and mocked at every opportunity.
Lastly, the gun store’s or site’s inventory cannot handle the flex in the buying demand, nor can the manufacturer, and an artificially contrived panic creates a real scarcity that can only be corrected by the panic running out of steam as everyone buys what they consider to be enough and natural undercutting resets the price back to lower levels.
Some prices never return. 22 Long Rifle ammunition has still not totally recovered from the damage old B-rock “the Islamic Shock” Obama did to it with his multi-year championship of Best Firearms Salesman Ever, and it may be even worse under the Bitch in Chief.
So, what gets grabbed in a panic? What should you get? What should you count on still being available? We’ve got three categories: guns, ammo, and components/accessories.
Anything that’s big on the liberal hit list is a first target for a ban, so it’s a first target for a panic. Look for things that are popular with the right, and scary to the left. Also look for things that are modern; no one is going to ban the M1 Garand anytime soon.
Evil features matter more than destructive power. Anyone who knows anything about guns knows that the AK-47 and the AR-15 fire intermediate cartridges that are puny enough to be considered inhumane in several states with which to hunt deer as they lack the power to kill the animal with marginal shots. However, they’re black and have mean things attached to them, so they’re on the shit list, while a nice blued with wooden stock scoped bolt action rifle in a magnum cartridge capable of wrecking your world from twice the distance that an AR can pull is safe as it looks “traditional.”
They have to be popular to the left to get noticed; rifles like the FAL and anything based of the G3/HK91 action simply don’t have enough exposure to get targeted, unless they pull something sweeping like the USC 18 922r rules again. The Mini 30 and the M1A might be safe; maybe.
For pistols, pretty much any semi-automatic of the polymer age is fair game to want banned. Oftentimes, stupid rules like restrictive magazine sizes get pushed. 1911s, Hi Powers, other old domestic semi-autos, and revolvers should be safe. Expect the libtards to go after Glocks and the like.
Shotguns seem to be immune these days as there’s not a whole lot of difference between a hunting gun and a combat gun other than paint and mag tube length. I think the Saigas are still not being imported, and it’s about the only box mag fed one out there, but anything else makes a good home defense gun that should also be immune to the ammo panic portion as well.
Range (full metal jacket) and defense/hunting (hollow or soft point) cartridges in popular centerfire calibers and 22 Long Rifle will almost literally evaporate from your local store and online, and it’s probably beginning as I write this.
Oddly enough, only certain rounds will suffer panic buying. For rifles, it’s limited to .223/5.56, 7.62×39, and .308/7.62×51. Traditional hunting rounds like 30-30, .243, and .270 do not seem to be impacted. Why doesn’t 30-06 get bought in a panic? As the old joke goes, men with 30-06’s don’t panic, but it really has to do with the feedback cycle I mentioned at the start. If there’s little demand, it cannot exceed the in-store supply, so the perception of it being gone for good cannot occur.
Panic bought pistol ammo is the big 3: 9mm Luger, 40 S&W, and .45 ACP. .380 will round out the affected semi-automatic rounds, and there usually is a bit of a run on .357 Magnum and .38 Special as well. 10mm, .357 SIG, .45 GAP and other magnums like the .44 do not seem to be affected.
For rimfires, .22 Long Rifle just goes poof, while its Magnum brother and smaller, 17 caliber, cousins do not seem to be as affected. Rimfires are not reloadable, and this contributes to their over-stockpiling.
Components and Accessories
Most centerfire ammo is reloadable, and the serious amongst shooters will roll their own for economy, self-reliance, and performance, so the consumable components will also get some panics. Although I’ve held off on reloading articles until I get my press set back up, we can hit up the components that will get panic bought briefly.
Biggest thing is primers, even bigger than the bullets, oddly enough. The primer is the little metal cup that gets smacked by the firing pin and sets off the powder in modern cartridges, and they come in two sizes for pistols, two for rifles, and of varying hardness to satisfy military specifications.
The second is gunpowder itself. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety of smokeless powder, and everyone tends to have the brands and formulas they prefer, so it takes a little less of a hit than the primers. The third is the bullets, and since there are so many types and manufacturers, they also take a little less of a hit than primers. While you obviously need all three to reload, bear that in mind. Always save your brass, and anyone else’s you can pick up.
While it is always a good idea to have spare springs and small parts like firing pins and extractors that are prone to breakage, the number one accessory or part to take a hit in panics is the box magazine, especially “high capacity” ones. I don’t mean the 200 round drum mags, although those do take a dive, nor do I really mean the 100 round coffin mags, but I mean the full capacity full sized pistol mags, like a 15 round mag for a full sized pistol, or a 30 round AR-15 mag. Expect to see P-mags and surplus style aluminum AR mags just vanish. The Gabby Giffords Special, the extended Glock 17 30 round mag, is also a contender for vanishing fast in a panic.
Holsters, slings, cleaning accessories, optics, and ammo cans seem to be immune from panics.
What to do?
If you already own a carbine and/or a semi-auto pistol, make sure you have enough ammo, magazines, and spare parts. It’s a lot better to have one gun with multiple mags and a lot of ammo than many guns with the one or two mags with which they came from the factory and a couple boxes of ammo.
I try to have at least six mags for my semi-auto pistols, and at least ten mags for my semi-auto rifles. Get some rifle mags of different sizes, the 30 and 40 AR mags are fun for shooting standing up, but they get in the way of prone firing and the 10 and 20 rounders are preferable.
Your ultimate ammo goal, I maintain, should be a thousand practice rounds and 500 defense rounds for each gun you have, but, in a pre-panic or panic situation, just get what you can at a normal price; some is better than none. If you’re into reloading, you know what to get already.
If you don’t own anything, and want to soon, refer to some pistol articles, a rifle article, a shotgun article, and a buying guide here. Consider buying some stripped AR lowers to build on a rainy day later on.
No matter who got elected, I think this country is in for rough times. It’s always better to have firearms and not need them, then not have them and need them. Store yours safely, but accessible and ready in times of need.
Read More: 5 Firearms A Man Should Own
Hmm, in my experience the 30-rounders make great monopods when prone.
I suppose you could, problem is, if you are pushing on the clip, you are causing undue wear and make it more likely to jam over time. Rocks or logs are what you should use. If not available, make your hand that is on the stock into a fist and put it on the ground, and grab the stock with your index and thumb. It is a little awkward at first, but see if yo like it.
I never really understood the panic buyers mentality. I have a .22 (targets and varmits), .44 Mag (handgun), a .243 (long range, big game), and a 12 ga (trap and ducks). A good mix for what you need. Buy the ammo when it is on sale, it will store for decades.
“..with his multi-year championship of Best Firearms Salesman Ever, and it may be even worse under the Bitch in Chief.”
Me thinks you wrote this one awhile ago Luke.
What was available a month ago dried up quick a few days ago. I buy bulk and found what I was looking for, but wasn’t to happy about getting my pants pulled down on the price.
I wrote it Monday night, and I was anticipating a Hillary victory. Winston did a good snap edit on the first line and added in something about Trump, but the later reference slipped through.
We have a damn fast turnaround time on ROK, I get my articles in by the latest on Mon night, but I try for Sunday, and mine usually run Wed.
Y’all need to start paying attention to word from us dudes out in flyover country. Heh.
I’m right out here with you, bud. Next state over.
It seems Bob, you and I were on point with the election. I believe I specifically called Michigan and Penn.
Wait, are you in PA or IN?
Dang hoss. Come riding season next spring we out to meet up for a couple of drinks.
Indiana. Bleak place.
Being on the ground in THE swing state has advantages.
The .50 BMG, in case you need to shoot a Tyrannosaurus Rex through 2 houses and a truck.
not very practical unless you are in a war zone, then they may save the lives of many, or kill the lives of many, depending on how you look at it
I can never think of BMG without thinking of my southern psycho Barbie…..god love a girl named after a gun.
It’s a must have firearm (I know you are referencing the ammunition not the Barrett).
I have the LAR Grizzly BMG 50…and I “roll my own” to save a little coin. If nothing else, they are a blast (pun) to shoot. The only downside is shlepping my hillbilly ass 800 yards to pick up the pieces.
We dodged a bullet in yesterday’s elections (pun intended).
I’m thinking if you want an AR style rifle the first of next year may be the best time ever to get one. There are so many makers now and I expect demand to be down a little in the coming year. An entry level rifle can be had now for less than 500 dollars, I bet they get into the 380-400 range or less.
Around here evidently .22 rimfire is still being made of unobtanium.
I have several firearms but no AR style rifle. I think it’s time to remedy that situation.
Wait until that Springfield AR comes out.
I have two and I’ll be getting another here soon.
Ruger ar is high quality.
Ruger overall produces high quality, and some say overbuilt, firearms. They’re my favorite staple firearm manufacturer.
Before you jump on the AR bandwagon, consider that the .223 is really a mediocre cartridge that was intended more to wound than to kill. It was designed to create a logistical nightmare for the enemy as they all are wounded instead of dead. I strongly recommend looking instead for a semi-auto that fires 7.62×51. (.308). Think the FN rifles, or if you must have an AR, something like an AR-10. 7.62×51 will kill just about anything short of a blue whale.
That is PRECISELY how the .223 phenomenon was explained to me!
Supposed to gut your enemy, in effect.
Wound one man, now he and the guy carrying him are no longer shooting at you! Good math!
Yep, it was designed to tumble around inside your body.
The main reason I have a .223 is because it’s fun and cheap to shoot and for shooting wild hogs. A semi auto rifle with a high capacity mag is the way to go on groups of hogs that can be 10-40 at the time. Unfortunately every time I’ve seen those huge groups of hogs I didn’t have a rifle with me but I’ve gotten four or five at the time before.
I actually don’t have a beef with .223 as a plinking round or a medium game round. I mean it’s really not much smaller than .243 (which I love) although it has far less power. It’s great for taking out groundhogs at range, or even foxes and coyotes. For people, while yes any round can kill you, I just find it highly under powered.
One shot one kill is a good standard to shoot for. You’ll never meet it, but if you can get close, then do it. You won’t get close with .223 regarding human sized targets.
It’s kind of puny for larger hogs too but it will make a mess out of the smaller ones (<150lbs)which is mostly what one sees. I don’t trust it for deer hunting, if I shot a ten point and he got away because of that pissant 223 I would be somewhat unhappy. Generally use a 30-30 or .260 rem for hunting when it matters.
Excellent advice. Ammo and firearms prices are going to come down appreciably due solely to this election. Way to think ahead, very much agree.
Always buy 2 or 3 of the same issue (you may need parts)
If you are a poor college kid, start off with a .22. Not very exciting, but the bullets are cheap, and you can get your technique down. 90% of the bullets I fire are .22. If I am butchering a steer, I will shoot them between the eyes and it will kill them just as dead as anything else.
Kill em till their dead.
But at what distance?
5 feet…….But I still will use it to shoot ground squirrels and other varmints at 20-40 yards, I use it far more than any other firearm.
The big difference is the cost of ammunition 5 to 10 cents per .22 round, While my .243, 12 ga or .44 Mag will all cost over a dollar per shot.
Phew, that IS a big difference.
Not to say there isn’t a use for the other firearms. Back when I lived in Alaska, I would carry the 44 mag on my side, like Yosemite Sam, in case of bears. I will also go hunting on occasion, (not an avid hunter like some) Shooting ducks or clay pigeons out of the sky is fun.
If you want to become a good shot, the only way you can is lots of practice, that is where the .22 comes in.
Dang man, that’s pretty expensive. Ammo prices have plummeted here in central Ohio. I can buy a box of 20 .308 for $12-$14, and .223 runs around fifty cents or less a round. .22LR I’ve never even considered in a cost per round way, heh.
Actually, it’s not outside the realm of possibility. I can shoot a bottle tossed into the air with my Blackhawk pulled from leather. Not each and every time, but with enough frequency that it impresses people. I’ve actually heard of some people doing trap with a rifle, but I’ve never seen it in real life.
I’m impressed, you must be a damn good shot.
That’s actually a picture of GOJ there. Trap-wise I’m lucky to hit 60/100…..
Depending on the conditions, I am in the same ballpark. It is fun to go out on occasion, but I don’t make a habit out of it.
Same here. I only go a few times a year. One of the few things I enjoy despite sucking at it! I mean, even if you suck, you’re still blasting away with a shotgun! Can’t lose!
Yup. BTW, guns don’t kill people — bullets do! Shop the best rounds for whatever purpose you’re shooting — cheap for target/practice, and the right rounds for self-defense.
.22’s DO KILL people. Anyone here old enough to remember John Hinkley? Yeah, the guy who nearly assassinated President Regan in 1981 with, of all things, a .22 revolver! His sloppy marksmanship is why we have the Brady Bill today, as he managed to only hit Regan once (which was near fatal to the Prez), hit Brady in the head (ala Gabby style), and wounded both a secret service agent AND a DC cop. I say range trumps caliber in close range shooting. With a little more range practice Hinkley could have gotten the job done.
Actually bullets don’t kill people… it’s the *holes*!
…and what comes out!
I stand corrected! I suppose knives, sword and pointy broomsticks are lethal just as lethal in the right hands.
exactly! in fact bare hands are lethal in the right hands…
That’s why a like my ol’ 1022 – sure, one .22 might not do it, but 6 or 8 in the same spot might slow you down!
Well, this article is dumb. It’s acting like the readership here is comprised of retards. If you want a gun, make sure you buy the firearms and ammunition you may need NOW. If you wait around until the shit hits the fan…well, that’s YOUR problem. I won’t be crying with you.
That’s kind of the point. I tell you what goes in a panic, so you can have it ahead of one. I regret that I did not make it clear enough.
“retard” = “not familiar with the material”?
you’d make a hell of a coach or teacher!
Not many Democrats left in office, are there?
I saw something funny on google. It was a repost of something from twitter that said “Lots of tears from Clinton’s campaign staff….as they realize they’re going to have to look for work in Obama’s economy” IT was some guy named Derek Hunter
The beautiful irony….
I originally read this as an “amino” panic. I was going to point out that if you are IF you need to avoid BCAA because the aminos will trigger the body into thinking you are fed.
eh? I usually take 20g or so of BCAAs before a morning workout when I am IF….
are you sure about this? I got this protocol from Martin Berkhan, Mr Leangains/IF himself, and now you’ve got me worrying about it!
Jim Stoppani says not to use any BCAA during IF if you do an afternoon workout before your afternoon feeding time. I am not sure about before. I tend to respect and trust stoppani and he is dead set against BCAA while fasting. Here is his video on it. I let you decide for yourself but, like I said, I have a lot of respect for this man. As a side note, he has a really interesting tip that I have been trying to do called his 30/60 tip. On top of whatever workout(s) you are doing in a day you should spend 60 seconds of vigorous exercise (interval training; circuit training) for every 30 minutes you spend sitting down. I think it is just good sense.
Here is the video on BCAA during IF
Thanks for this… going to rethink my strategy next time I change to IF (not until the new year and springtime – currently winter bulking @ 215 and counting…)
and yeah, the 30/60 tip makes plenty of sense…
Yeah. of course you always have to know what works best for you but Stoppani is a man whose opinion is worth listening to imo. He isn’t like the bodybuilding shills like Kris Gethin (who is totally full of shit). He is the real deal. He recently severed his contract with because of their supplement nonsense. His programs (6 week to size and 6 week to shred) are absolutely amazing and he is a smart guy all around. I am finally feeling better after my injury so I will not be bulking this winter. I am weighing in at 6 ft 200 now. I am going to try to do a transformation cut where I stay the same weight within 5-10 pounds but drop my body fat percentage. Right now it isn’t that bad for the general public (and I have been working out) but I am about to go into hyperdrive and reteach my body what it is like to be in top 5% of physical conditioning.
Sound like a plan. Anything 200 or over is good in my books, especially post injury! Transformation cut? I think that means the same as what I call a re-comp (re-composition). I often go for those, but given our UK winters I’m happy to put on a few percent b.f. for the sake of the extra strength…. I kinda enjoy switching to a bit of powerlifting at this point too 😀 (Squats, Bench & Deadlifts – why make it complicated?)
You’ll make top 5% easy… just like your theory on game, the ‘competition’ is pretty shitty for having a good body 😉
I never leave powerlifting. Even when I cut I keep squats deads and bench I just go lighter, more intense and for many more reps. That said, I enjoy the power phases too. I think re-comp would be a fair term. I am not so bad right now. If I had to guess I would say my bf% is around 20-35%. That said, 2 summers ago before I injured myself I was 175 and around 8-10%. My goal now is to get myself to about 180 @10-12% by June 1 and get my raw score back over 1000 in the process. I consider this a very obtainable goal so long as I don’t hurt myself again but I can’t be worried about stuff like that we take what comes. I will have to work through some pain, but I just want to avoid surgery at all costs.
All very doable, and sensible I think. I find sub-10%bf to be unsustainable really – no energy, no strength, what’s the fucking point? and at my age I’m simply never going to go there anymore anyway.
For sure on the squats, dead and bench… I meant cutting training back to those *only* (perhaps with some overhead/military/behind-the-head press and pull-ups to keep it interesting) and going for pure strength!
I figured you’d be a member of the over 1000 club btw 😉
I feel the same way. When I got under 10% I did it because I was getting older and wanted to see if I could. Gotcha about the other stuff. I find strict military press (knees locked out) to be one of those humbling lifts that remind you to respect the weight. Oh yeah, you are hitting deads at 505x2x3? Cool story bro. Here pick up this 96 pound weight without bending your knees 5 times. lol. It is always fucking great when you first start out. I also have started liking seated OH Press both front and back.
As for the 1000 club….I am an emeritus member, but I haven’t put that kind of weight up in a while. But that’s ok….muscle memory is real and challenge brings out my best.
Just last summer I was doing 135 barbell curls for reps (not a lot of reps but still). I don’t think I will ever dead over 500 again But I think I can reasonably get myself for 405 dead, 305 squat (though I may modify to front squat and sumo pulls). The rest is just getting my bench press (my weakest lift) up.
Sure, same here… in fact abs are generally viewable still around 10%, and all that veins, striations and anatomical stuff is only really necessary for competing, and that never appealed to me in this modern age (anything past golden age just looks like freaks to me, and I’m kinda attached to my liver!).
You are *spot on* about overhead press! It’s telling that the early strong men from Sandow onwards considered overhead pressing *the* true test of strength… seldom seen these days but truly for shoulders and upper body strength it is *unbeatable*.
I’m just going into heavy phase now, and current lifts are still low-ish at 264 bench, 330 squats and 363 deads (957 total), but at 53 in early Jan it takes a bit longer than it used to LOL!
305 for a front squat would be massive! I never get my front squats anywhere near my standard squat!
forget to say – seated OH press – fuck yeah! Try cheating with that, 505x2x3 man!
Weightlifting is not something I have done, but I shall soon. I have a basement, a used Smith machine in pieces, and a barbell. I do know that machine is not good for squats or anything else that hurts form / doesn’t use stabilizers. I need some dumbbells.
Wow! I always thought you sounded like the kind of guy that lifts!
You are going to *love* it….
May I make a little suggestion? Get yourself a Power Cage for that home gym… that way you can lift *heavy* without the slight inconvenience of death interrupting. Power Cage good for squats, but also your bench, deadlifts at various heights, overhead press, and all the serious lifts!
Power Cage, Olympic Weights, Olympic Dumbells – you’re set!
Old School!
I haven’t tried to go heavy on front squat like that but I have seen it done. I want to try to displace the weight due to the disc issues and nerve impingement. I haven’t put any weight on my back at all and have been doing goblet squats (with a 175# dumbbell) in the 5-8 rep range. My quads are coming back to life and I find the weight much more feasible front loaded than back loaded. Still, it will take some experimentation.
Agreed about striations and veins and the such. Even now my arms look thick and veined. The funny thing is that my suits were all tailored when I weighed less but had more muscle so they aren’t fitting right lol. I know a lot of body builders drop weight drastically for perfect range of motion. I see videos of Kai Greene working out with 35 lbs dumbbells but he is really activating his muscles. There is always something to learn and always someone who will be faster and stronger. I kind of feel glad to be in my position. A few years a ago I was in a spot where I didn’t know where to go. I realized that I totally maxed out my natural abilities and I just didn’t want to go on gear. It kind of forced me to plateau. I simply couldn’t put more weight on the bar. Now I am starting over so it is exciting to think I have a new road to travel.
Well, Mr. Stranahan, it looks as if we’ll have to put together a weekend meet-up in Vegas…so far as I’m concerned, we didn’t make a wager on the election. I took your offer to be more tongue-in-cheek, and born of a desire to see Trump win. But I’d take a paid-for lap dance from a hot stripper, or a few drinks, no doubt about it. So I’m game for talking about that…GOJ? What do you guys think. I’m in no hurry but wanted to make my intent clear here.
if you can afford a full db rack go for it. If you are like most of us and have space and money for not so much I would recommend getting 2×35 pounds and 1×50 pounds. While it is better to have a whole rack (my gym has DBs going up to 225) I think 35 and 1 50 are great for a large range of lifts. The smith machine I am not a fan of for the reasons you state. The lack of stabilizers especially. A power rack is ideal if you have room for it. 1 power rack, 1 bench, 1 bar and 4 plates should be more than enough if you are just starting and add plates as you go on. I honestly believe that weightlifting is the fountain of youth as well as the best form of therapy in the world. Good luck. (Oh, and when you get dumbbells get hexes….they will be great for workouts like T Pushups which will get your core really shredded)
You have got *exactly* the right attitude! You’re going to hit all those goals easy with that my friend!
There is *so much* truth in the Kai Greene thing…. the secret is feeling the muscle and not the weight… it’s like flexing the muscle through the whole range of motion, but with a weight in your hand! The truth is that the weight is not so important, it’s the intense mental focus on the muscle, under tension, and through the whole range of motion. You can work out with 10s and still get a great workout and make gains!
I see so many little boys in the gym throwing weights that are *too big* for them, cheating and getting *nowhere*… look in on them a year, or two, later and they are the same size and show zero ‘gainz bro’.
As Arnold noted, most of it is in the mind….
yup….I see what I call ego lifters in the gym all the time. Especially in the rack doing squats (oh, you can squat 225 to 20% range of motion, cool story bro) and with leg press…..(if I have to hear about someone’s leg press PR one more time I might scream like being about to push 750 on the sled comes anywhere close to being able to push even 300 at the rack).
Arnold had it just right. So does CT Fletcher. Command that mother fucker to grow. It is why when I am tired I skip the gym. I used to be the opposite and feel proud for getting there even though my head wasn’t in it. And what would I do. mope around, hit my lifts, check them off the list and go home. If my brain isn’t in every single bit of every lift than I might as well take a rest day.
Fountain of youth? For sure… over the half century mark here and most people guess me a decade or more younger!
Hey Kneeman, are you up for a possible get-together in Vegas at some point…I think GOJ is on board. Maybe Luke Stranahan. And maybe a few others.
despite the fact that I do believe it will be the death of all of us, yes I am amenable to this. I have to work out timing and logistics and download the original oceans 13 sound track but yes…things can be figured out.
Same here.
Leg Press is merely preparation to squat, and a confidence builder…. even manlets can push hundreds of pounds on the leg press – which of course is why they like it!
Cool. You are a natural to play the Frank Sinatra role, I have no problem with that. I always wanted to be a black man, so I’ll take the Sammy Davis Jr. gig…
The one thing I have always wanted to do with the leg press was totally load it out, top bars and lower bars, and then tell a girl I have no more room for plates and would shit kindly sit on the sled. Not really, but I always thought it would be fun.
Agreed that it is good for warm up. I am told it is good at light weights high reps for pre show pump but I have never done or even gone to shows so I don’t know.
Terms accepted.
Cool. We’ll work it out…
Yes, I am not a weightlifter as said above, and I can confirm hundreds of pounds on leg press.
Heh… sorry but you’ve got to re-read that….
Can’t get the image of the girl shitting on your leg press machine out my head now – I knew you were a filthy pervert, but that’s going a bit far Mr Knee!
Don’t get me wrong, the leg press does have value to begin (and as lolknee notes can give your quads a good pump), but you want to move to squats as soon as you can. Squats will build damn fine legs, but also have a great cardio effect and done right will add a good 10-20lbs to your frame *all over*…
well always a moment
what do you do if a bird shits on your car?
don’t invite her out again…
that only counts for most of the civilized world. I believe in Germany that is just considered 2nd base
In fact sometimes it just means ‘Hello’
so the DOW is up nearly 200 points. lol
Just as predictable as the slide in the market just after Liberals took congress in 2006, then again just after the 2008 vote. Investors were jumping ship before Obama could take office.
My advice:
1. Get Diverse firearm types: rifle pistol shotgun. There may be a run on 9mm, 5.56, or 12gauge, but rarely all 3 at the same time.
2. Buy when there isn’t a panic. Stock up. Set a minimum and keep your ammo count above that. Less then 1k rounds of 9mm? Guess I’m shooting something else today.
3. Buy popular caliber guns. Thats why I roll 5.56, 7.62 Soviet, 9mm lugar, 45ACP, and 12 gauge. Good alternatr Cal’s include 20 gauge, 308 (7.62 NATO) 30-06 (pappies ammo from WW2) 40s&w, and 38spc. *note* 357 mag revolvers can also shoot 38special. So a 357 mag revolver is a great wheel gun for ammo diversity.
4. Oddballs aren’t bad providing the ammo is cheap and effective. I jave a Mosin Nagant and a ton of milsurp ammo I got for cheap. did the same for my mauser K98. Avoid expensive oddballs launched from expensive hard to find guns.
5. Don’t forget magazines! Also toss in a spare cleaning kit or two, extra patches and chemicals.
Optional extras include spare holsters, cases or sleeves, shoulder straps, optics such as binoculars, spotting scope, iron sights for a scoped rifle, and battery’s for flashlights and powered optics.
The best thing to do in an ammo panic is…nothing. Ideally you should be buying ammunition (and guns and magazines and reloading supplies) on a normal basis so you should already have a stockpile on hand. Running like a madman to grab what’s left on nearly bare shelves “because fear!” is a good way to spend money in a poor manner. It’s just a bad idea.
The best time to prepare for a bad situation is *before* that situation strikes. If you have to run go-get some ammo, stat(!), because some fruit loop in Massachusetts shoots three puppies at a birthday party, then you’ve already made many, many mistakes regarding planning and logistics.
I’ve only recently become a casual reader of this site, and I am surprised how dumbed-down so many of the articles are.
Some of them, especially the gun ones, are written for an audience who are assumed to have no real experience with firearms. For a long time, this was just a PUA/Game site, so the branching out to other topics is kind of a “grow the crop of young men into competent alpha males” thing.
What about Roosh’s article using a bread machine? Either that was ill-conceived satire, or he had nothing better to write about. Either way, there was a bunch of nimrods in the comments discussing bread and kitchen utensils.
That I can’t help you on, I don’t know, I skipped over it thinking it just had to be satire.
The gun stuff is interesting to me. I have no idea about guns at all so this stuff is interesting to me. I imagine if you are an expert on a subject than an article that is for a beginner will seem dumbed down. That can’t be helped. When I see articles about how to keep women in their place and how to get laid I sometimes roll my eyes until I remember that there are some young guys here who don’t know this stuff yet.
As for the breadmaking article, what is wrong with that. I think that there is a definite DIY culture on this site. The cool thing is that people do different things. I make my own workout supplements, I cook well and from scratch and I am currently trying to grow hydronic tomatoes in my apartment. Other guys here have full out gardens. Many hunt and know how to dress an elk. When a lot of guys with a lot of expertise come together and different people are very good at other people’s weak spots we create a community.
I don’t know dick about computers or about guns. But I now know people who if I wanted to buy my first gun or had a computer problem that I could go to. A lot of them come to me for things that I am good at too and in that way we have become friends….not an echo chamber of identical people but a diverse group of people who help one another and have a healthy and mutual respect.
If Roosh is getting interesting in making bread from scratch I think it is great he makes a video. We have a gentleman here who is taking a break from the web for a bit who can explain all about the proper way to smoke a pipe. I can help design goal specific workout programs, GOJ could tell you all you need to know about guns or honky history.
As a man who has decided to stay single and live a life dedicated to myself knowing how to cook has been an invaluable skill. I use a reverse sear for steaks and they come out perfect, I make my own chili powder, brine my turkeys. Why shouldn’t men have access to an ability to do these things?
And don’t forget about the articles who use THE DAILY MAIL as their sources. A fluffy GOSSIP magazine.
And don’t get me started about the article written by the fool last week. He had predicted riots in the street in the even of a Trump victory, and was giving advice on how to stock up on food and ammunition, and advising everyone to stay at home.
Some of the articles on here have quality and are well-researched. But anyone on here who reads the site as their bible and blindly accepts every thing it has to say without questioning anything….well, they are an idiot who is incapable of critical thinking.
Cooking your own food is part of self sufficiency. Cooking good food is a part of excellence. The greatest poets in ages past were always the warriors. It is only in this degenerate age that we think men are not meant to do a particular thing of excellence and culture.
A better article, in my opinion, would have been recipes that appeal to the single man. Not to go out and buy a bread machine to make bread. C’mon…even you have to admit that was lazy.
There’s a diversity of writers, and they don’t represent a monolithic vision. I have authors I skip over, and ones I read religiously. For example, Luke’s gun articles are “newbie” for me, but I understand that the audience that reads them has many people in it who genuinely want to know more about firearms, so I come into the comments section to add a helping voice (firearms is one of my areas of expertise).
Since you just started reading here not too long ago, you’ll develop a feel for who you want to read and who you don’t in time.
I’ve nothing against cooking food. I just thought it sounded like satire, bread machines (to me) are fine, but they really aren’t how I make bread and seems something of a hybrid between real bread making and buying a loaf down at Piggly Wiggly. For some reason it just came across as satire to me. Heh.
I don’t know. I thought it was a cool idea. I don’t eat enough carbs to start making bread, but I am a big fan of making things from scratch. I can see making a loaf of bread for a special occasion. Are there better articles that could have been written? Sure. Hell, I have dozens of healthy and macro friendly recipes that taste great and are easy to whip up for a single man as well as at least 10 different dishes that are great for inviting a girl over. But still, if Roosh has found happiness in this why not share it. I find cooking…especially prep work….to be very relaxing and meditative. Now I don’t think I want to see a whole article on the proper techniques to dice an onion, but maybe a basic kitchen knife skills article? There are a lot of articles here and you can read and skip as you wish. The larger point is that it is kind of cool that there is a vast array of stuff from baking bread to tapping pussy to biblical study to politics, to health and fitness to financial wellness and so on and so forth. That, to me at least, is kind of the point
Maybe I’ll feel different as I read longer, but overall, from what I’ve read thus far, I am not impressed.
I the article was about making bread from SCRATCH, and NOT just using a bread machine, maybe I would be less scornful.
I thought baking bread article was pretty cool too, but have the same approach to carbs 😀
It could have been done better and yes, baking bread from scratch would have made more sense…but still, it was on the right track.
EVERYBODY should know how to cook. I never said men should be denied access to the ability to do these things.
There was some fool who had actually said, “cooking is for girls”. Nevermind that most of their world’s renowned chefs are men, and masculine men to boot.
Yep, cook your own food.
Lift, hunt, kill wild beasts, and cook your own whole, natural food.
I’m married, and my wife cooks 90% of the meals, but I love to cook elk to perfection.
Shit, I need to get ballistics article done so I can up my street cred.
“And don’t forget about the articles who use THE DAILY MAIL as their sources. A fluffy GOSSIP magazine.
Not certain where you come from, but DM is sometimes more substantive than most of the bootlicking US media…..
Heh, no, I mean that you write towards an audience with the assumption that they are new to the hobby, not that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Really. REALLY? A gossip mag whose primary demographic is WOMEN?
Sometimes I wonder if Roosh went full-on conservative after he realized he needed to sell more books. He never struck me as a better-dead-than-red before his book sales started plummeting. It also strikes as bizarre that a man of Persian descent would try to be in the company of white nationalists.
It’s more of a reflection on the actual ‘respectable’ journalists in the US (who are basically progressive shills) rather than an elevation of the DM.
I tend to take the view that Bill Sherman had of journalists:
““If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world but I am sure we would be getting reports from hell before breakfast.””
Cooking is traditionally a men’s profession, and all top chefs in the world are men. It is a hard, thankless, dirty, hot and often dangerous job, after all.
Persians are Indo-European. They can lay some claim to affiliation with Europeans. Second, this is a mixed group, it’s not all “white nationalists” and we have plenty of black commentators as well. Third, red pill leads to the right wing. Scrape feelings away from perception and you’re bound to come to a much more realistic view, aka self interest, etc.
We are beautiful people.
There are people who will accept anything without questioning it. Those people are called ‘codependents’ and comprise a good chunk of the population. If the mass populace read everything on here instead of the slick MSM rags, immagine the consciousness shift. A good 30% of people in general are codependent. They can’t think for themselves. They’re always someone else’s sidekick or butt buddy . . or dingbat wife. They are the ones who always ask someone else to do their thinking for them or who constantly ask for advice what to do. They’re fair game for feminists, soc marxists and sjw rings.
Brace yourselves for the coming pro red pill MSM. The nation’s mindstate will become like an ROKesque platform with ROCKET ENGINES!! Everyone will know how to make bread too.
Hitler as cool with Iranians, and they aren’t Sunni retards, so WNs don’t have a problem with them, as they aren’t trying to conquer the West.
You could try for articles that are normally more highbrow.
Agreed. Poor decisions are made in panics. Dollar cost average your purchases and buy now rather than wait for some hopeful dip in future prices, then get stuck without enough ammo. Of course, everyone should aspire to reload at some point.
Moving this week. Ammo today. I have prepared, so there’s a lot of this shit and it’s heavy. I’ll take a picture.
This is about half of it.
If your house ever catches on fire, it’s a goner. :). Mine too I guess but I usually have more shotgun shells than anything else. I try to stay stocked up for dove season.
Actually, not so much. Burning ammunition doesn’t fire off like Hollywood tells us, it’s actually not what you’d think. I’ve had several firemen tell me this. None the less, I have two big ass fireproof safes because, well, fire.
It doesn’t go off like in a rifle barrel, the case splits when the powder cooks off and just adds intensity to the fire.
^ VoiceOfReason
I have the exact same opinion about things like emergency food, emergency heat, water, etc. The time to rush to the store is NOT two hours before the blizzard hits. I really don’t get people sometimes. It’s not that hard to just plan ahead a bit for the weather (or guns, or anything else).
Hey. Happy Day After Victory. I want to lay out the idea of getting together in Vegas with a few guys on an informal basis. Are you down for this…
I can be easily talked into this, yes. Not immediately like next week, but if there is plenty of notice to plan ahead, sure thing!
Cool. Let’s kick it around with some guys and see what gives. The best time to get together for fun and maximum profit, is any time between now and the end of the first round of March Madness. Just throwing that out there for consideration…I know it’s not a “let’s go right now” thing, but I figure if we have the will, we’ll find a way, in time. Awesome, we would have a fucking blast.
February sucks in most places except Florida. Maybe it’s nice in Vegas then?
Feb in New York is always nice.
In case things get really bad re:emergency supplies, a few very basic essentials can get you through a few weeks while everything returns to normal.
– A soda can stove, some alcohol-based paint thinner, and a small pot can provide boiled water to make dry food
– A few extra blankets or layers of clothing can get you through sub-zero weather without heat, while a small tarp can provide shade in hot or rainy climes
– Wool socks hold heat well (even wet) and don’t foster bacteria as much as cotton
– A good knife, a hatchet, and a couple of matches can make building a fire possible
– A small water filtration system can keep you hydrated
– A few packets of noodles, some bullion, and peanut butter can stretch to a week or two of food with minimal loss of nutrition
The only caveat to all this: you really need to prep for a winter disaster in June. Keeping your supplies safe from damage and easy to access can mean the difference between comfy survival and the Donner party.
Use Everclear in that soda stove. Some paint thinner is denatured with tetraethyl lead. I don’t want that anywhere near my food. The Everclear is multi-use. Don’t forget you can use it as an antiseptic. i wouldn’t want to put any type of lead into an open wound.
In my experiments, Everclear produces no soot. Every other soda can stove fuel blackens my pots.
Everclear seems to be the best bang in terms of energy/volume too.
I have some very nice Baptist Deacons who use Everclear for this purpose. They are too embarrassed to buy it for themselves, so I pick it up for them.
To freeze your balls off
Late Feb in w Texas is generally nice-a whole lot of better then August
On food storage, always eat off the top. Eat the freshest stuff first. Don’t rotate stores but keep in mind of the exp date. New food has the most nutrition and that’s what you need for day to day health maintenance. Old cans of food degrade and become mush at the bottom. I’ve known folks that religiously rotated their food stores, always eating the oldest stuff on the shelf first, and they were always sick.
In a crisis when you’re hunkered down in your cellar, that’s when a 6 year old can of beans tastes pretty good. But regularly eaten, that old shit will give YOU regular shits.
Also steal your kids halloween candy and place in a snap tight 5 gal bucket. It has eternal shelf life and the reeses pieces have protein. Eat ’em now and you’re wasting them. You know what you get when you eat 10 pounds of reeses pieces? – – ans: you get 10 pounds of reeses FECES!! (halloween joke)
I just had some lying around from my hobby projects, but I’ll take that everclear advice.
I think you’ll be pleased with the BTUs and the cleanliness! Always nice to meet a brother thinker!
I’ve seen physician associates loading up on very expensive stuff at Wannenmacher after an election goes badly.
When did noah build the ark?
On a lazy Sunday afternoon when he’d finished reading the newspaper for the fifth time and didn’t have any other plans for the day.
I was looking for: before the rain
“The best time to prepare for a bad situation is *before* that situation strikes.”
Yep, kind of like those idoits who drive around with their cars covered in snow after a storm, beacuase they were too lazy or stupid to clean them off..
Now their rushing to work and can barely see out the windshield. 5 min prep and they’d have a warm car you can see out of to drive ..
Exactly, buy a little bit over time and it won’t hurt if there is a sudden immediate shortage. It’s a little like contributing to your 401k or mutual fund, or reinvesting your dividends. Just like stock market, those that get financially harmed the worst are usually those that give in to the panic.
There might be a run on ammo due to Prop 63 passing in California, which among other things requires a background check when buying ammo, gun owners out there might want to horde as much as possible before it’s enacted
yeah but now that they can smoke pot recreationally they will probably just sit around eating dorritos talking about how they should go pick up some ammo rather than actually buying it.
They are two entirely distinct groups. Traditional Californians (rural mostly) whose familes lived there prior to the 1960’s are as old school traditional as people in Montana. The hippy invasion of the 60’s and 70’s imported all of the stupid Leftist notions that exist there today. To say that they do not get along, is an understatement. There is actually a rather serious secession movement in California to split the state in half that basically separates out the original residents from the east coast invaders. I think they want to call the new free state Jeffersonia or something like that.
A succession like that would involve some fairly complicated treaties I imagine.
I figured as much as what you say. I just figured I would give a dig at pot smoking.
Yeah, it would be complex. I hear that there is something similar lurking in Colorado but I don’t know anybody from there to confirm it. I think the Californians pushing it are fairly serious and not just people being goofy, but I don’t know how much real power they have.
Yep. More parts of California are more conservative than most would believe. They just get drowned out by the big cities.
there are always obvious problems with stuff like that that seem to make it more trouble than it is worth. California is one of the craziest places for culture diversity in the world. From the suffers to the stoners to the farmers to the movie stars to the faggots to the tech nerds to the 100 other types I am forgetting. Def split personality state
It is like that no matter where you go. That Red State/Blue State dichotomy is a joke. It is the size of the cities in the state, compared to the rest. Where I grew up in Oregon is just as conservative as anywhere in Wyoming.
After last night, libs are screeching for the entire state to secede. Jeffersonia can just stay with the US, the rest can just get absorbed into the vibrancy of Mexico are far as I’m concerned. Libs lose every election after that…that would truly be making America Great Again!
The last time somebody tried that it didn’t work out so well.
Not secede from the union, rather, split the state into two states.
Vibrancy of mexico. Nice touch.
You mean they could split off the part that has good sense then push the rest in the pacific?
That’s how I understand it. I’m not intimately connected or familiar with this movement, but as I understand it, they’d chop off the northern part where all the rural folk are and let the rest rot in socialist utopia. The goal, and again I’m not terribly versed here, is to split the normals from the clowns.
Kind of what we herebouts need to do with Atlanta.
In CA it’s not the north/south split, it’s the coastal / inland split, which tends to mirror the urban blue / rural red split since most of the problematic cities are near the coast. Central Valley and all the way to the Sierras (mostly) is more red than the coast.
There have to be some crack lawyers out there who can get this bullshit in California up before a new, 2nd Amendment Friendly SCOTUS after January I hope? Those dunder heads have no business infringing on rights like that.
We tried. Governor Moonbeam signed it into law back in July and it was on the ballot to speed up when it takes effect. A pro 2A group tried to have it vetoed but came up over 100,000 signatures short. A judge found our ten day waiting period unconstitutional and it has yet to be struck down thanks to our former AG (now senator) Kamala Harris. It’ll be awhile before that makes it to the Supreme Court.
EVERYBODY should own a gun unless you are a certifiable lunatic. If you have a woman in your life make she has her own firearm, because you won’t be around her 24/7 to protect her. Make sure you both know how to use them with confidence. Plus, shooting together at a fire range with you woman is not only useful, it’s an EXCELLENT to bond with your significant other (or anyone else).
A gun range date is a high aphrodisiac for women. You are teaching her about “dangerous, taboo stuff”, you are the automatic Authority Figure, you issue commands and suggestions from a position of authority, you position her body with your hands with mastery, and things are loud and promote adrenaline flow. If you aren’t making out with a chick within 30 minutes of leaving a range, you’ve done it wrong. This is in regard to first dates (or first time at the range for her), not a LTR where you both go to the range together frequently.
It is also a effective litmus test of trust. If you are worried your significant other may use their gun on YOU in a fit of anger, it’s time for you to break it off.
Yup, shooting ranges are about the right amount of excitement to get her going. Some dates can be too much, like rock climbing, white water rafting, etc. I remember having this girl break down and cry on some white water after we flipped the boat, being 15 miles of wilderness until we got back, all I could do is tell her to suck it up and deal with it. It was our second and last date. Shooting is good, lazy river canoeing is good, hiking is good, any non-competitive sport like that.
Too bad I live in NYC shithole where ranges don’t offer guests shooting rights and there are no day rates: only memberships. Hope djt reverse some executive orders and restores NYC to a concealed carry city
“guest shooting rights”? I honestly don’t even know what that means. We show up at a range, say “Two” and then we get a range slot.
Isn’t that crazy. Guests are required to have a permit themselves
I’ve got roughly 600 rounds for my rifle that I don’t touch.
I usually get 200 rounds every couple of months to work through on practice.
Lots of ammo is good, but in case you wanna be mobile, be careful not to get too much.
I do the same, I will rotate through my stock though. I don’t know if it matters much, but when I see ammo that has been collecting dust for decades, I cringe a little when I use it.
You have to age a *hell* of a long time to have ammo go bad. Hell you can still shoot .303 from WW1 straight out of the crumbling package.
I kind of thought so, I guess it was just a habit I picked up from my youth.
Rub it in our european face….
God bless America for having these gun laws !!! ((((admirational envy)))))
Back to my knives…
Good trigger control on that one.
(((((crying like a bitch))))))
nah just kidding and sharpening my rambo III knife.
I have a serious soft (or hard) spot for Romanian girls and for some reason I always run into them. I have one on rotation now. It helps once you have bagged a few of them. With each one you know a little more about Romanian culture which makes the next one easier. “How do you know Țuică” oh, you know, I get around.
What’s cool is that you know this was taken by and with Americans. That girl was schooled in this, most fly by night models and photographers don’t know shit about trigger discipline. That girl was raised around firearms, or her photographer was.
Funey !
Wish I could say the same about american girls.
It’s a big bunch. I generally feel the same way about American girls but new York is an international city and there is some excellent talent here.
Oh when will 203s be legal??
They’re currently legal to own. You have to go through the same paperwork/stamp tax bullshit as you do to get a full auto or a silencer though, but really nothing more.
Ok. Cool. But you cant have the ammo.
Actually you can. It’s all a paperwork game and in this case, since it’s explosive ordinance, that game *sucks*. But if you are rich enough to grab girls by the pussy, you can do it.
All totally un Constitutional, but I’m just giving you factual knowledge, not my opinion.
I see.
I long ago set a monthly budget for purchasing reloading components. Every month, buy more. I have a tally of how much stuff I have, so I know what I need to buy, as well. Evens out the cost of buying even in the face of price hikes.
Might be a good time to weapon-up and ammo-up. The natives might get restless. Speaking of which, I see Hillary delivered her concession speech today. She looked kind of teary-eyed. I’ll bet the money she wagered from the Clinton Foundation on Trump to win, helped allay her sadness (pause…pause…pause…ba-dump-crash). “I’ll be here all week. Try the stuffed grouper. Delicious.”
At least she doesn’t have to limit the foundation now that she has lost.
I buy ammo on a regular basis and keep a small stockpile for just in case of these things. When ammo for my weapons is on sale and I have the spare cash I buy.
Rule #1 regarding any panic: Don’t (panic)
fun trolling:
I have a rifle and a pistol with several thousand rounds for each. Also have a bow that I am very good with and of course a full quiver. I just replenish my stocks as needed, no need for a panic run.
Buy systematically. Every week or every month, pick up a few rounds in your caliber. When the panic comes, don’t buy into the inflated market.
Don’t forget to stock up on mags when available. Buy at least seven for each of your preferred weapons. I remember 30 round standard-capacity AR mags selling for $40 each. Two months ago I bought 80 for $8 each. If you have a Galil or an Inch Pattern L1A1, there are aftermarket synthetic magazines available right now. Either of the manufacturer magazines cost around $40 each. The aftermarket Galil is $13 for a 30 round (original was 35, but what the heck), and about $18 for the Inch Pattern L1A1.
This place has some good prices on magazines… especially if you buy then in bulk.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. If you’re looking survival / small-game food-gathering, get something like a Gamo Whisper air rifle. 1200 fps pellets will do in rabbits, squirrels, etc, you can get literally bucket-loads of pellets for the same price as a box of .45 ACP ammo, and you don’t have to worry about reloading.
That having been said, I’ve got firearms in common calibers. In a SHTF scenario, having a caliber that you can likely scavenge is good – you’ll have a much easier time finding 5.56×45 than 6.8 Carcano rounds for your rifle.
Fantastic advice on the air rifle. That and/or a bow will keep you undetected in a situation where you really don’t want to be noticed. It’s also good for range practice, the fundamentals of marksmanship apply equally to an air rifle as to a normal rifle.
Crossbows are a good investment too.
I own couple semi auto pistols all chambered in the panic bought category. I also have a takedown recurve now (built with a compoind bow riser), that has interchangeable limbs up to whatever draw # they manufacture. Currently pulling 45#-55#
You mention a bow. Easy to make out of snow skis too.
If we are talking tactical situations you need at least 2000 rounds for each firearm. In a gun fight, especially a siege situation, you run through ammo faster than water.
For hunting 500 rounds for each rifle should do you fine.
Shotguns you are fine with 1000 slug rounds and 1000 trap rounds ought to do you for both hunting and tactical reasons.
Ammo count depends on squad size; are you alone, or are you arming up family and friends and neighbors.
Consider a cheap gun for freinds or relatives who show up unprepared. Ideally everyone gets a name brand weapon, but when money is a factor it’s okay if you have a nice Benelli nova and your roommate has a 100 dollar pawnshop pump action. Or you have a custom Kimber, and your brother who flew in for the weekend gets a Taurus 1911.
Enjoy, folks.
By your ammo before a panic. Stock and be vigilant.
A little off topic but, does anyone here have a rifle/carbine and pistol chambered in the same round that use the same magazines? That just seems like it would be a really handy thing to have. I wouldnt mind having a 357/38 lever action rifle to go with a double action revolver and maybe a 9mm,40s&w or 10mm combo.
That’s called a cowboy rig. Yes, I do. A lever action .44 magnum, and a super blackhawk. This is great for utility. The only problem is that a straight walled cartridge isn’t going to have the power that a rifle cartridge will for things like sniping or even hitting at 300m.
It wouldn’t make make much much of a sniper outfit but it would be really handy to have. A 44mag carbine will drop deer in their tracks at 100 plus yards. It’s just too convenient not to like it.
It would make supply easy in a SHTF scenario. Even a 9mm would do the job, a Berretta 92 will drop deer 50 plus yards too(or so they tell me 😉
50 yards is probably exaggerating a little it was more like 25-30 maybe, it does work though.
9mm rifles are becoming more popular I have been noticing. The concept of using the same mag chambered for the same round in both a pistol and rifle platform is a good idea.
I expect these “crossover” platforms will become a growing market in the next few years. Unfortunately its the off-brands that are moving in this market. I’m waiting for glock and S&W to release some models.
The benefits to these 9mm rifles are: cheap ammo and taking the already effective 9mm and extending its range. Also, a 9mm cartridge in a rifle is near recoil-less. Being able to place 9mm rounds downrange at 100+ with almost no recoil is a great benefit.
I have a cheap-ass Hi-Point carbine. I suppose I could buy the equivalent pistol for $200 if I really cared. I would much rather go with something better like the Beretta Storm family.
I was thinking of a 10mm TNW aero survival rifle and a Glock. Magazines interchange. Also available in 9mm, .357sig,40s&w and 45acp. I kind of want a 10mm just because.
The sexy girl on the range loves shooting no doubt. Let’s hope she loves TITTIE FEEDING MORE. What is a woman who loves shooting more than tittie feeding? Don’t expect ME to tittie feed so she can shoot. I can’t find any gunny tittie feeding gifs but you know what I mean.
Using compound bows vs individual people saves ammo. Keep the AR for groups.
“No matter who got elected, I think this country is in for rough times.”
Exactly. While I’m pleased that the marxist cow didn’t get in, Trump still has to prove himself to ‘make America great again’.
As was aleady asserted in previous discussions here at ROK – Trump may simply delay the inevitable upcoming civil war. People are too polarized. That, and the growing federalism. One particular issue I have with Trump in his plan in healthcare – and it is stated as “repeal Obamacare and replace it” replace it with what? In my opinion the USA is far to big a nation to have a viable national healthcare plan.
We could see the USA fragment to 2 or 3 or 5 separate nations within 25 years.
If you look at the news – riots in Oakland, in Chicago a Trump supporter beaten violently – the civil war is nearly upon us, and brought by the libtards who have hissy-fits when they don’t get their way. If you don’t have a CHL, get one. The way the left is reacting, you may need it.
And several conservative commentators predicted this all-to-easy-to predict violent liberal meltdown.
“And several conservative commentators predicted this all-to-easy-to predict violent liberal meltdown.”
Exactly – the pressure cooker known as the USA just got amped up several degrees. I would wager that things are becoming like in France just before the french revolution. It could be one small, silly thing (like a heated argument in an Irish bar) that could be a catalyst that sets the whole fireworks factory up in smoke.
Seems like Paranoia to me.
“Firearms panics happen over a variety of things, like acts of domestic
terrorism, mass shootings, or Democrats getting elected to office.”
But not Republicans getting elected?
I already had a good stock of popular calibers on hand, but got several thousand rounds more in case of a Hillary victory. Also got several more magazines.
My cousin once said “I don’t fear any ammo shortage for my cap and ball 44 remington cavalry”
He is able to reload his gun with a fully loaded cylinder in less than 3 seconds.
Frightening guy.