Why You Should Read “Nuremberg: Infamy On Trial”

We live in an age of power without responsibility, an age where ambition and hubris are too often to run roughshod over institutional controls and the dictates of common decency.  We are too often made to feel helpless in the face of power exercised so far beyond the reach of accountability that many of us have simply given up, and abandoned hope at calling to account those who abuse the trust of the people they were tasked with serving.  Does Nuremberg offer us any lessons for our own time?  If so, what are they?  Is there any hope in the modern era of holding criminal leaders to account for crimes committed in their names?  It was with these thoughts in mind that I recently finished Joseph E. Persico’s excellently researched account of the Nuremberg Trials in Germany after the end of the Second World War.  The book is entitled Nuremberg: Infamy On Trial.

Even to this day, the trials remain controversial.  Persico acknowledges this openly in his introduction:

Was it [the trial] victors’ vengeance or the authentic pursuit of justice?  Indeed can a just court be created to try acts which have not been defined as crimes until after the fact?  The charge of ex post facto law was to haunt the IMT [International Military Tribunal] from its first day to its last.  How valid is the jurisdiction of a court that permits a British prosecutor to try a German national before a Soviet judge for crimes committed in Poland?  If aggression was on trial at Nuremberg, then what were Soviet judges doing on the bench?  Their nation had invaded Finland and conspired with Germany to divide up Poland.  And, granted that Nazi atrocities dwarfed the misdeeds of other belligerents, had not war crimes been committed on all sides?  Why were only those on the losing side tried?

There are, of course, no easy answers to these questions.  It is a credit to Persico’s intellectual honesty that he is willing to acknowledge that, to a great extent, the trials were a form of victors’ justice; but, he is quick to remind us, that does not mean the trials were a meaningless exercise in revenge.  They provided a model for future generations on what an international trial should look like, a model that has been followed in trying participants in conflicts around the world since the 1950s.

Whatever one may think of the trials–and I urge readers not to reach their own judgments until reading the book–they were first-rate drama.  What is so fascinating about Persico’s book is that he focuses mainly on the human drama behind the legal proceedings.  To be blunt, a good deal of the trial was a tedious bore to those forced to sit through it.  But behind the scenes, there were poignant scenes being played out nearly every night.

Persico focuses on the individual stories behind each of the defendants:  Sauckel, Jodl, Von Papen, Seyss-Inquart, Goering, Keitel, and all the others.  We follow each of these men as they enter prison, as they talk to their psychiatrists (who dutifully recorded everything discussed), as they eat, walk the yard, and reflect on their fates. This is the real drama of the trial, not really what happened in court; that outcome was a foregone conclusion.

Persico spends a good deal of time telling us just how the trials came to be had in the first place.  Many did not want them, especially Churchill and Stalin.  There was no legal precedent to them, and the technology to conduct simultaneous translations in multiple languages had to be invented specifically for the trials.  There was jockeying for position to see who would get the roles of prosecutors and judges (a US Supreme Court judge, Robert Jackson played a role as prosecutor).

Some of the defendants emerge as defiant; some resigned and apathetic; some evasive and slithery; and some completely detached from reality.  This is the kind of book that should be a treasure trove for those seeking material for psychological analyses.  Nothing quite focuses a man’s attention like the prospect of death, as the saying goes, and as each of the defendants came closer to his own appointment with the reaper, he became more and more frank as he reflected on his past.

It would be very easy—too easy, in fact—for a smug commenter to moralize on the depravity of the defendants.  They were depraved, to be sure; but one wonders just how other world leaders would have fared, then or now, if they themselves had lost a war and been called to account.  The disturbing conclusion that the reader is left with is that almost anyone, under the right circumstances, can be capable of supreme evil.  The right environment, the right conditioning, and the right incentives can exert nearly irresistible pressures on certain types of minds.  The reader will have to decide for himself.

There are some moments of great trial drama.  Chief among these was the cross-examination of Hermann Goering by US prosecutor Robert Jackson.  The transcript of this verbal joust is fascinating to read, especially since it is generally accepted that Goering got the better of the exchange.  Goering emerges in Persico’s book as a complex, ruthless, and unrepentant figure.  He could be extremely charming when he wanted to be, but this charm masked a complete lack of moral compass.  On the stand, Goering–it must be said–humiliated Jackson on point after point, exposing the American’s poor trial preparation and embarrassing lack of knowledge of recent history.

Goering was a formidable witness: determined, aggressive, and with nothing to lose

Goering even elicited some grudging admiration from his captors for his blunt honesty.  When asked if he conspired to overthrow the Weimar government, his answer was, “That was our intention…we found it no longer necessary.”  Jackson further undermined his own effectiveness by asking aimless and meandering questions that Goering pounced on to expose the prosecutor’s ineptitude.  Goering was eventually reined in, but the blow to the tribunal’s prestige had been not insignificant.

Perhaps the most fascinating question to come up from the entire trial was the matter of Goering’s suicide.  For those unfamiliar with the facts, Goering committed suicide just before he was about to be hanged by swallowing a cyanide capsule.  The affair was a huge scandal that had, to the chagrin of the Allied powers, deflected attention away from the executions of the other defendants, most of which had been found guilty.  Even now, many decades after the event, Goering’s suicide remains a puzzle; his cell had been searched on a nearly daily basis and nothing had ever been found in it.  But Persico makes a compelling case that Goering had the unwitting assistance of an American army officer named Tex Wheelis, whom Goering had befriended during the course of the trial.  Goering may have groomed Wheelis to retrieve personal items for Goering (a practice that was strictly prohibited) from the baggage room.  Some of these items may have concealed one or more cyanide capsules.

Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial will be enjoyed by students of Second World War history, enthusiasts of trial drama, and anyone seeking to know how men facing death behave.  This is a fascinating look at an event whose private face has been hidden for many decades.  Persico pulls back this veil, and shows us just how it all happened.  In the end, every reader will have to render his own verdict on the ultimate meaning of the Nuremberg trials.

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288 thoughts on “Why You Should Read “Nuremberg: Infamy On Trial””

  1. The story of the Nazi rise and fall fascinates me. What intrigues me the most is the events leading up to WW2. Culturally, the Germans are very similar to us (Americans). The only real difference is how far they were pushed by Jews and debt prior to them lashing out.

    1. You’re not actually blaming the Jews are you? Come on.
      Nazis used them as a scapegoat, much like how modern leftists use white people.

      1. And debt! He’s blaming Jews and the ridiculous outcomes of the Treaty of Versailles.
        They were heavily put upon and blamed for everything. Then a guy came along saying, “You are not to blame for everything just because you are German! You are Germans! Be Germans!” Interestingly, up until Kristalnacht he could basically do no wrong in American eyes.

        1. Whether Churchill or Hitler fired the first volley, it was Britain and the Allied Forces who really started WWII. You can only push a people so far, after all.

        2. You know, I dont really think that is true.
          Germans are quiet shy people. I think Versailles more likely contributed to the kiln which produced a very strong and moral people.
          The German invasion of neighboring countries started off as liberation of ethnic Germans being, not oppressed, but maligned by their host countries.
          It was the British who started a continental war and refused multiple peace offerings.
          The British seem to be fucks ups honestly. You should read up on their treatment of the Boers.

        3. Yes, what the Germans were doing could easily have been contained within central europe, but the Brits had to step in.

        4. It is crazy that the American government got Italians and Germans to fight against their brothers.
          It really trips me out man.

        5. Just like liberals lit the fuse of Trump’s inauguration. “What other crazy shit can we stuff down your throats. How about something totally off the wall, like tranny bathrooms?”

        6. I am surrounded by German neighbors (several generations detached from Der Vaterland, and speak what amounts to an early 19th century variety of the language, but still) — yes there are quiet and mostly shy, and the epitomy of good neighbors. The ones who do business with the “English” world have learned a lot more about it, but give me the impression they would still rather keep to themselves. They are Amish and Mennonites.

        7. “Germans are quiet shy people.” Hahaha!
          You’ve never been to Germany then, or on holiday in Spain, or ski-ing in Europe?

        8. The Italians and Germans in question had chosen to become American. Decisions that big have consequences. None of this “duel citizenship” crap – they chose a side and stood by their decision.

        9. you cant really judge a people by how they behave when drunk and on holiday. If you could the picture would be much worse for the brits

        10. And as Im sure you know the government didnt incite that and indeed stopped it and disciplined people over it all. Not too mention that it was a direct response too TWO german diplomats being killed in foreign countries by jewish assasains not to mention the worldwide jewish boycott of german goods.

        11. An early volley, to be sure, but Versailles ended WWI. That was where the Allied Powers sowed the seeds that would blossom into dissent, through which Hitler rose to power and remilitarized the state.

        12. It was certainly hard I reckon. Some of my grand-people were first generation from Italy. They were ‘lucky’ to be sent to the Pacific.

        13. The Treaty of Versailles did more harm than good, Jew. That does not justify Hitler and the Na zis’ rape of Europe.

        14. It was an economic boycott in response to the anti-Jewish policies of Hitler’s Germany. A sensationalist headline doesn’t a war make.

      2. You are kidding, aren’t you? Anti-Semitism after WW1 was the direct result of the mass-murders committed by the Communist Jews.
        The very same people who happen to be the Leftists of the present day, intent on White Genocide, as luck would have it, again…

        1. Yeah, it’s like their motives for “white genocide” are completely unfounded
          Oh wait

        2. According to the Jews, that is. Begging to differ. Educate yourself about real life, and grow up fast, that is my sincere advice to you. Best wishes!

      3. Leftist do something, therefore we should not do that thing.
        Leftist breath, so we should not breath?
        “Come on.” Such a powerful argument.

        1. And I can respect that and I wish that there was a honesty society where we can ignore racial differences.
          However, just because you dont like it, does not mean it is not important.
          You may not see identity politics, but identity politics sees you.

        2. You know the one thing that seems to create White Nationalists? It’s not statistics about IQ, prosperity, poverty, welfare, or any of that.
          It’s the assaults on white people.
          Every “Dear white people” and “White privilege” message creates new nationalists. Whenever criminals target people because of their skin color (as with the so-called Black Lives Matter Kidnapping), new nationalists are born. They didn’t care about their skin color until they realized that’s what their self-professed enemies target them for.

        3. Neither am I. I am big on protecting the people I care about and my country from internal threats.

        4. I’ve tried explaining to black people that people dislike them because they are happy when others fail and angry and accusatory when they succeed. Trying to get them to understand their behavior is a self-fulfilling prophecy is like trying to make a brick wall smarter by banging your head against it.
          So that leaves only conflict…

        5. You are explaining to assholes why asshole behavior is annoying. They are assholes, the only thing that will register with them is punishment.

        6. I had a similar discussion with La Raza advocates. I appeciated at least their open honesty of being racial biggots, but the joy they take on the silence of their non-brown audience isn’t a good thing. They may falsly believe they are cowing them, but they are just making (unneccesary) enemies. I always suspected that this crap (funded by Soros and Ford foudnation) is simply compensating for their own failed states down south.

        7. Regular people can only take so much. I was perfectly cool with sweeping IQ stats under the rug, but it is just a bridge too far to have these clearly inferior people call me racist and ignorant in my own country.

      4. The German’s hatred of the Jews was over the top, but not entirely random and unfounded.

        1. “Over the top”? Read about the suffering of the German people after Versailles and the debauchery during Weimar. Add to that the fear of that the savagery of Judeo-Bolshevism would spread west, the German response seems pretty mild.

        2. Oh boy, this topic again. My ancestors have always been privately critical of them, and for decades I never understood it. I’ve since grown suspicious of Jews, but that is as far as my first-hand experience permits. Years ago I worked behind the scenes as a contractor for fed agencies picking up the pieces of the ’08 market collapse. I got to comb through the personal lives of some very, very powerful investment bankers. I will be the first to confirm that they are, in fact, mostly Jewish. However, there are two types:
          The first were generally ‘normal’ executives; EVPs, VPs, and some Directors of less-favored divisions like Private Client. The lowliest was still worth seven-figures. These guys were relatively normal; you’d probably get along fairly with them. Typically they got their job through a friend or relative at a competing bank. If they were political they were nominally conservative. Mostly they were busy buying their wife a car as an anniversary present or managing their five-figure vacation packages. They very rarely gave a shit about politics, legislation or PACs, even after they were promoted to the second type:
          The second type were generally high level execs and directors worth eight, nine and ten figures. Yes, I could view their returns. With a few exceptions of friends/relatives of foreign rulers, these are all Jews. These guys terrified the lower execs. They could be demoted or canned just for emailing them by accident. They were nearly all rabid zionists, held dual citizenship, actually ran/made large contributions to likely-disloyal lobbies like JINSA, “non-profits,” and clearly held sway over certain legislators. Yeah, the Dodd Frank Act that supposedly cleaned up the 2008 mess? Barney Frank literally came over and asked these guys to draft it. And I can tell you first-hand that Hillary is not the only front-page politician to take their money for “speaking fees.” I consider myself extremely bright, and even I had trouble following them at times; they didn’t just sit around waiting for seekingalpha batch email, they tracked global conflicts.
          Short version: Stereotypes exist for a reason.

        3. “Short version: Stereotypes exist for a reason”
          Thanks for the insight. Then what is your take on the average middle class jew one meets at the local pub or cafe?

        4. The way the media portrays it, is they were just a segment of the population that was a useful scapegoat for the Nazis. Doesn’t make sense, why would there have been this building resentment if entirely fabricated?

        5. It was definitely not fabricated. The November Revolution was helmed almost entirely by jews. It’s not tinfoil, it’s even on wikipedia… The ‘stab in the back’ was entirely plausible. The Nazis were neither as irrational, ‘mustache twirl’ nor as stupid as most believe. Do I think they were great guys? Unlikely. But I know my grandfather was eminently reasonable, didn’t kill anyone, and helped the US with Project Mercury. NANALT…?

        6. Younger jewish folks I meet strike me as amoral/nihilist/sjw and “atheist”? If they were older or professional (most I know), they are milquetoast Jeb bush style conservatives because they dislike Obama’s overtures to Palestine. Easier to get along with aside from the politics. Hard to say, I don’t often walk up and ask them- they have to mention it. Tiny sample size.

      5. It is more ridiculous to believe they have been ousted from more countries than any other group in history for no reason. Their nepotism and usury buys them their suffering.

        1. By that logic, since Arab Christians have been persecuted and driven out of nearly every Muslim country, we can assume that Arab Christians are at fault.

      6. Come out of the fog. The jews had infiltrated and were effectively running the weimar republic. All these gains were made while germans were at war.
        Now the jews will call it good business or grabbing opportunities while others will call it predatory and parasitic. It’s all perspective but lets not pretend the jewish people arent the ones calling themselves the chosen people and network accordingly.

    2. “Lashing out” is one way to put it.
      There were Germans being treated rather unfairly in neighboring countries and Uncle Adolf wanted them to be incorporated into the German country. If my memory serves me the areas that the Germans invaded were previously apart of Germany, notwithstanding the Treaty of Versailles.
      The “aggression” of the Germans was pretty standard in European history, however, The British did not seem to like German aggression. We can speculate on the extent which Jews had the ears of the Brits, but the fact remains that the Germans were not trying to conquer Europe and did not pose an existential crisis to any other nation.

      1. Now Germany is getting an “ironic” last laugh as Germany has been used to effectively conquer Europe.

        1. Well, I think it is the filthy kikes that are getting the last laugh, seeing as how they are the ones who have mind raped Germans and emotionally blackmailed them into letting in the Arab filth.

        2. You’re obviously a failure as a human being. Look at your yourself in the mirror instead of blaming “Dem Joos” for your inadequacies.

        3. “Well, I think it is the filthy kikes that are getting the last laugh, seeing as how they are the ones who have mind raped Germans and emotionally blackmailed them into letting in the Arab filth.”
          During the recent elections held in Austria, a holocaust survivor sent a plea for the people not to let the far-right candidate win Austria’s presidential election.
          Even many jews don’t get it. Voting left = open borders policy which = massive sharia ape importation which = jews eventually being subjugated and / or executed.

        4. The Fall of Rome
          Protestant Reformation (and ensuing wars)
          The Merkel-ing of Europe…
          Gotta congratulate the Germans and their Chancellor for trashing Europe…AGAIN.

        5. Who is behind Marxism and Cultural Marxism? Karl Marx was Jewish, Leon Trotsky was Jewish; The Frankfurt School was Jewish.
          Almost all of the prominent radical feminists were Jewish. The pushers of the white privilege myth, like Tim Wise, are Jewish.
          All of CNN’s anchors are Jewish (i.e. Dana Bash, Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer, et al); The Left wing media is largely Jewish controlled.
          The billionaires who fund leftwing movements, like George Soros, are Jewish…I could go on and on but you get the picture.
          Once you notice this trend you begin to realize what the problem is.

        6. The jews know it. They vote for it.
          They are trying to destabilize Europe.

        7. All part of the plan.
          Depopulate the Middle East, destroy the people who will stop you from taking over the world.

        8. “The jews know it. They vote for it. They are trying to destabilize Europe”
          Even at the cost of themselves? Cultural suicide by sharia ape – by the Ultimate self hating jews?

        9. pretty sure your moms purdy mouth is getting the last giggle as she licks it clean after a fun night out and the county jail

      2. A good article. Predictable that is brings out all the “Dem Joos ruined everything” creeps.

      3. Well, except Poland, right? They considered Poles “subhuman”.

      4. Both World Wars were caused by the British Empire’s jealousy of German industrial progress.

        1. Dude, I hate to say but our British brothers are fuck ups.
          They literally do nothing right.

        2. pretty much it. if i had to sum it all up in twenty words or less that would be it. Glad to hear someone break it done so concisely and accurately

        3. It may be more complicated than that. Freemasons and other hateful opponents to Tradition saw the Central Powers as something to destroy: they wanted no empire, no religion, no self-determination. Millions of Europeans were killed so that the Society of Nations, and later other bureaucratic behemoths, could be built upon the ruins.

    3. WW2 was designed and carried out by Churchill. He was the one pushing Germany into a pre emptive attack. Churchill is the real war criminal.

      1. Nope, if anyone is to blame, it was Chamberlain. The guy rolled over again and again as Germany broke conditions of the treaty and took over land in Eastern Europe. Dude was a cuckold and then got replaced.

        1. You need to stay off the history channel.
          Churchill was the biggest war monger of the 20th century.

        2. Who cares if Germany wanted the land it lost in WW1 back?
          Makes sense to me, Britain ha the world’s largest ever empire, why couldn’t Germany at least have its own land back

        3. Lots of people deny the holocaust
          because it didn’t happen
          back to your bog, faggot

        4. Please provide proof the Holocaust did not happen, gay Jew. You apparently are unable to understand that I am straight.

        5. Don’t ever argue with a fool…….people mightn’t be able tell the difference.

    4. The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry. Check it out. This and a few other books changed my entire outlook of ww2.

  2. The truth has come out, but the official narrative will not change until the current system collapses. Hold on to all historical documents from the early 20th century, we need it to correct the archives after the fall.

  3. Not to pick a side here but the Nuremberg trails was just another example (among many throughout history) when the victors of a war rewrote history and blamed the losers for everything without any concern about facts, fairness and decency.
    Off course they would never gave to them a fair trial because if the did they should have also sentenced to death many of their Generals and politicians too for “crimes against humanity”. Both sides committed crimes as we all know…I suppose the Germans would eventually have done the same if they had won the war but we would never know.

    1. The 4 million rapes and the rest of the murders committed by the Soviets…. just don’t mention the other 50 million Stalin murdered. He supposedly said “one death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic.”

      1. Notice how we have hypocrites chasing former Nazis all over the Earth (even 90+ year old guys) for war crimes but the crimes of Communism are totally ignored. The hypocrisy is sickening.

        1. true, they want to hang a 90 year old man. A guy that was a doorman in the parking lot. If they found the mailman who deliver letters to Auschwitz probably they would want him to be hang too. But you never hear them persecuting the guys who run the gulags or the executioner of Stalin. They even love the mass murderer che Guevara they are in love with communism like a bitch being in love with an abusive man.

        2. An excellent point. Remember, everyone, that George Soros worked for the Nazis and claimed it was one of the best times of his life.

        3. Don’t forget Pope Ratzi, and all those German rocket scientists at NASA.

        4. The leaders of the soviets were overwhelmingly Jewish. Why would the zionists go after their own?

        5. I wonder how those Israeli death squads that scored the globe looking for even the lowest man on the nazi totem pole reconcile letting him get off scot-free.
          OOH, he helps them, but OTOH he ratted out & looted their fellow jews. Also, he gave us 0bama and 0bama didn’t strike me as much of a a friend to Israel.

        6. Soros has done more to undermine Israel than nearly anyone. His fingers are in very boycott-divestment group, he funds multiple NGOs that wreck havoc in the culture. To call him a Zionist is the equivalent of calling Goering a zionist.

        7. If your argument were correct, than either the “zionists” would have gone after Cambodian war criminals or one would have to conclude that Cambodian war criminals were zionists.

        8. “Notice how we have hypocrites chasing former Nazis all over the Earth (even 90+ year old guys) for war crimes but the crimes of Communism are totally ignored. The hypocrisy is sickening”
          Was thinking the same thing. In Berlin all things that glorified Nazism are destroyed, yet things that glorify the former communism days are held on to effectionately. Shit like street names “Karl Marx Allee” for example.

    2. Textbook example of a show trial. If memory serves correctly, a supreme court justice at the time was publicly critical of Nuremberg, but I don’t have time to look that up. My favorite are the “trials” held today for Eva Braun’s Accountant’s Dog-Sitter who once lint rolled an SS uniform, now 94 years old and infirm.
      Reading Patton’s post-war account is what really made me question the official version.

    3. ” victors of a war rewrote history and blamed the losers for everything”
      This sounds like what a woman would do. Can’t help but to see the similarities.

  4. An interesting aside to Goering was his addiction to pain killers during his tenure as head of the Luftwaffe. Many of his decisions were clouded by the drugs, Battle Of Britain, air supply of Stalingrad (which never really happened). When he went into captivity he was denied access to the drugs, lost weight and regained his composure.

    1. That would explain much, as history considers Goering to be a spectacularly inept commander with mush for brains.

    2. Hitler had a similar problem since he was also on a cocktail of drugs during the war. Near the end he was moving armies that only existed on his maps.

      1. That’s just allied propaganda: the myth of the evil Dr. Morel poisoning the mind of the Fuhrer. Don’t believe everything History Channel tell.

    3. Check out what “pervitin” was and it’s issuance to the Wehrmacht. Issued before the invasion of France for the first time that would allow them to stay alert and awake for 48 hours. It was sold as a “go” pill to give the soliders and pilots an edge. It was basically methamphetamine. The comsumption skyrocketed and became a black market item after the side effects could no longer be ignored and it stopped being handed out.

    4. Goering was addicted to morphine. His addiction started after an accident early in his life. We was not the best commander the Luftwaffe could have, but the Fuhrer had to work with the material available…..
      And yes, many of Goering’s military actions were just plainly wrong.

  5. Sigh. I don’t like being in a position of defending the Nazis (not a fan) but there is a lot of hypocrisy by the Allies. Not only did they also commit atrocities but the Treaty of Versailles was one of the biggest reason for WWII. It was also mind completely stupid to force the Kaiser to abdicate (because Wilson would not negotiate with a monarchy). This left a power vacuum that the Nazis would soon fill after that.

    1. All armies commit atrocities during war. Nazi Germany was egregious in the systemic nature of their atrocities. They were matters of policy rather than exception.

      1. So what? As did the Soviets, to the tune of 60 million over time but they were never punished. So not an argument. Bye.

        1. It is one of the great injustices of all time that the USSR was simply allowed to dissolve, without that murderous and evil regime facing the judgement of history. In fact, I understand that many former members of the Supreme Soviet now serve leadership roles in the EU in Brussels.

        2. No one’s defending the Soviets here chief. They were as rotten as the Nazis in their policies and execution.

        3. There was something about the Nazi party that allowed for the promotion of very evil men. Mengele, Himmler, Goering (though the degree to which he was addled by drugs could be debated), and the like did things we would consider absolutely evil.
          The same could be argued for the US, as it is usually argued for the USSR. Mengele, at least, contributed some useful data on medicine and anatomy, but we kill fetuses and animals on a massive scale without even the appearance of research projects.
          Evil is evil. While it is hypocritical to condemn the evils of the Nazis and not the same evils in the USSR, both remain evil.

        4. US should just shut up. We incinerated two cities full of civilians. Yeah, they said that saved soldier’s lives. OK… so then on one side we have 200K civilians turned to ashes, on the other side we have our soldiers. I am not sure where the right side is.
          If nothing else, at least we should shut the fuck up about justice, freedom, human rights and all the other bull shit.
          Nobody holds the moral high ground.

        5. And yet Merkel, who runs the EU, is a former Soviet soldier and Russian speaker.

        6. A question I sometimes ask myself.
          Is ‘Adolf Hitler’ any more evil than someone working in an abortion clinic?
          You can replace AH with any other supposed ‘evil person’ of your choice when playing this game. Remember, doctors in abortion clinics often kill 20 babies in a single day. Let’s assume they work for 25 years …………

        7. To me, the right side is my side. If I had to burn the entire world to protect my family and my tribe, you better believe I’d be lighting matches.
          Moral high ground, though, is essential to any conflict. Sun Tzu held it out as among the most important things, because a people who believe their cause is right will overcome all obstacles. This is one of the few things our enemies have over us – they believe their side is sufficiently right to justify any evils they commit to sustain and expand it.
          Now, there are two ways to lose what Sun Tzu called the Moral Authority – to openly forsake it, and to allow the enemy to plant the idea of their own moral authority. Our media has traditionally done all it can to push both ways, through exposing every minor infraction of the morality among our own and through pedestalizing our enemies’ morals. We saw it most clearly in ‘Nam, when Hanoi Jane’s message was broadcast among our enemies and allies (forsaking our authority and promoting theirs) and every act of our forces was put under a microscope and judged (attempting to demonstrate that we forsook authority). Though we had them outgunned and outmanned, we wound up surrendering, and our boys came home to hatred.

        8. If you’re not sure what side you’re on in a war then you should fucking move.

        9. And who instigated the war in the Pacific again? And the one in Iraq? 99% of the U.S. wars are unjust. I’m sorry, but that’s just a fucking fact.

        10. Well, its not like we abort babies then sell the parts for profit or anything…oh, wait….

        11. That’s fine, recognize who benefits from those wars. It isn’t “America”. If your nation is at war with another however, your lot is drawn unfortunately.

      2. Any proof of that? Or are you just making stuff up?
        And as someone points out right below me, we allied with the USSR – an evil police state which systematically slaughtered tens of millions of innocent people before the war had even started
        ‘History is lies agreed upon’

        1. If I say “the Nazis were bad”, “oh yeah well so were the Soviets” is not much of an absolution. Two wrongs make two wrongs.

        1. Right-o. I know of this and it was despicable. Patton was taken out for speaking against these misdeeds.

  6. Goering emerges in Persico’s book as a complex, ruthless, and unrepentant figure.

    Interesting, as I’ve often heard Goering considered to have been a horrid commander as the war went on, a lapse chalked up to him getting soft between the ears.

  7. Wars are not crimes the trial was a ridiculous thing to do they should of had them executed, put in prison or pardoned but a trial was served no purpose other than propaganda for all sides

  8. Give it a rest with this claim that the Germans were ‘depraved’ or ‘evil’………leave that kind of propaganda talk for CNN, the BBC and the History Channel
    The trial was a farce, the worst kind of victor’s justice and a wicked and inhumane crime in itself

    1. Josef Mengele, Adolf Eichmann and Reinhard Heydrich were evil right down to the bone

      1. LOL, next you’ll be telling us they turned humans into lampshades and bars of soap
        Give it a rest, no one believes those fairy tales anymore

        1. obviously the lampshades and bars of soap was fabricated but the character of the guys mentioned above was/is depraved

        2. How do you know? If someone told you a story and half of it was total BS, would it not be wise to assume that the rest is BS also?

        3. I support and advocate for individual liberties, looking at the national SOCIALISTS in a positive light is questionable, they were tyrannical in every sense of the word.

        4. Hitler took power in 1933 and was one of the most popular leaders of the entire 20th century, perhaps even in world history
          His approval ratings were off the scale, he reclaimed the power for the state to create its own money from international finance and revolutionized the German economy, which was in ruins.
          He implemented all kinds of progressive reforms – creating the world’s first welfare state, encouraging families, home ownership, built motorways, encouraged workers councils, introduced minimum wages full employment, maximum working hours
          The guy was a hero and was visited by many politicians from around Europe interested in his reforms
          He also stood as Europe’s only barrier against Judeo-Bolshevism – an insanely evil force which had already killed tens of millions of innocent people and planned the same for the whole of Europe
          When he arrived in countries like Ukraine and freed them from Communist control he was treated as a hero

        5. What about his administrations plan to eventually wipe out the Slavs for German ‘living space’?
          What about ruthlessly crushing the influence of the German Lutherans and other protestant establishments?
          What of the police state-SS and other covert intelligence operations ruthlessly crushing anti- Nazi protests and dissent ?
          What of the massacre of 3/4th of the gypsy population?( the real victims of German occupational forces).
          His worker emancipation policies were commendable, but why operate slave labour camps when Germany fought tooth and nail to eradicate slavery in the previous ‘Riech’?

        6. He was treated as a hero. The soviets pushed the Ukrainian population into famine and canibalism.

        7. Wipe out Slavs? Sure, whatever……
          Compared with the USSR, National Socialism was a picnic, Hitler was greeted as a hero by Slavs throughout the USSR as he liberated them from Stalin’s evil regime

        8. He would have been wise to embrace the poles and slavs in his bid against the soviets.

        9. And Winston Churchill, who is responsible, ultimately, for the deaths of a billion people though China, India, WWI and WWII is a hero. I choose a benevolent dictator over tyrannical democracy any day.

        10. The poles murdered 50000 Germans in the danzig corridor massacre. He would have been a sellout.

        11. Except when the Poles caught a case of “the stupid” and fought the occupying Germans when the Ruskies were on the attack, foolishly thinking that Soviet rule was the way to go.
          Looking back, I wonder how many of ’em would’ve changed if they could to have instead fought with the Germans against the Soviets, holding out long enough that they’d be surrendered instead to the Western Allies?

        12. If Hitler could have recognized and allied with a free Ukraine, Russian wouldn’t have had a chance.

      1. Yeah, so awesome, letting a depraved police state like the USSR, which had already killed tens of millions of its own citizens before the war even started, take over half of Europe and enslave it for 50 years
        What a victory for freedom, what a victory against tyranny…..

        1. Actually those tens of millions were killed during the Russian Civil war, not just by The Red Army either. Rather live in Socialism than be ruled by Fascists! The Nazi’s were nothing but a bunch of drug addicted (Hitler=Coke, Bormann&Goering=Heroin), sexual perverts (Goering)with delusions of their own grandeur (Himmler&Hitler)coupled with monumental arrogance and surrounded by sycophants. Much happier living under the remains of the British Empire compared to that little sordid lot!

        2. Hitler was incredibly popular in peace time with his own people, they saw him as a hero, his reforms were incredibly successful, taking Germany from despair to the most powerful nation in Europe in about 5 years
          On the other hand, Stalin was detested by his own people. The USSR murdered tens of millions of its own citizens after the civil war ended, they also deliberately starved the Ukrainians in the Holodomor, during which an estimated 7 million perished
          In addition, they also set up a network of hideous gulag prison camps which were a death sentence for anyone who arrived – they deliberately wiped out the middle class and intelligentsia, and imposed a dystopian police state throughout the empire
          If you’d rather live under that rather than national socialism, then you’re an idiot

        3. You really do have problem reading what I have written Barzini don’t you? If you take a basic English comprehension course and re-read my above post you will see I said I would rather ‘..live in Socialism than be ruled by Fascists!’ At no point did I say I would want to live Stalin’s USSR COMMUNIST dictatorship, you appear to be another who can’t tell the difference between socialism and communism.
          “Hitler was incredibly popular in peace time with his own people, they saw him as a hero, his reforms were incredibly successful, taking Germany from despair to the most powerful nation in Europe in about 5 years”
          Oh I agree, Hitler was VERY popular…due in no small fact that he crushed all dissent brutally, got everybody back to work by re-arming Germany as a precursor to the War for German expansionism he envisaged. Both him and Stalin were dictators, the only difference was Hitler was a cokehead.

        4. Germany at that time did have a socialist government – Hitler’s reforms were a socialist wet dream
          It’s called National Socialism for a reason

        5. Go take low class insults and ad hominems somewhere else. We don’t talk to each other like that around here.

        6. “We don’t talk to each other like that around here”

        7. I am merely responding in kind, in another thread he referred to me as a ‘fucking clown’.

        8. No, Hitler only injected the term socialism into his groupings title to broaden it’s appeal, it had little in practical terms to do with socialism as a political position. How could it be socialist and de-humanize a people? It can’t. The Nazi’s did have a policy of re-nationalizing some industry but this was nothing more than a vehicle to re-arm Germany..with the additional populist benefit of employment for the people.

        9. Literally every single one of his reforms was hard left wing in nature – way way to the left of anything Bernie Sanders or the current Scandinavian governments are proposing
          If you wrote down his reforms and handed them to a socialist without telling them the source they would have a wet dream over them
          It was a collective left wing government
          Just because they did nasty stuff doesn’t make them right wing. Stalin also did nasty stuff, but he was still a communist.
          And all traditional socialist parties in places like Europe were against immigration and nationalist in nature
          It’s only when left wing parties stopped supporting working people that they embraced mass third world immigration

        10. LOL!
          “Literally every single one of his reforms was hard left wing in nature – way way to the left of anything Bernie Sanders or the current Scandinavian governments are proposing”
          So the Racial Policy of Nazi Germany was ‘hard left wing’ in nature, was it?
          “Just because they did nasty stuff doesn’t make them right wing. Stalin also did nasty stuff, but he was still a communist.”
          And what nasty stuff would that be, considering you have stated before it was all lies?

        11. You’re asking me what nasty stuff Stalin did? Seriously? You’re actually asking me that?
          What has race got to do with socialism?
          If China created a socialist state tomorrow which was socialists in every way, except for the fact that it was only for Chinese people, with no immigration allowed, it would still be a socialist state
          All European socialist parties used to be against immigration back when they supported working people
          Race has nothing to do with it at all

        12. “You’re asking me what nasty stuff Stalin did? Seriously? You’re actually asking me that?”
          Nope, you were referring to the Nazi’s when you said “Just because they did nasty stuff doesn’t make them right wing. Stalin also did nasty stuff, but he was still a communist.”
          “What has race got to do with socialism?”
          Nothing, you have invented this question from god knows where.
          “If China created a socialist state tomorrow which was socialists in every way, except for the fact that it was only for Chinese people, with no immigration allowed, it would still be a socialist state
          All European socialist parties used to be against immigration back when they supported working people
          Race has nothing to do with it at all”
          I feel like I am talking to a schizophrenic. You are having imaginary arguments against things I have not said.

        13. “You’re asking me what nasty stuff Stalin did? Seriously? You’re actually asking me that?”
          Nope, you were referring to the Nazi’s when you said “Just because they did nasty stuff doesn’t make them right wing. Stalin also did nasty stuff, but he was still a communist.”
          “What has race got to do with socialism?”
          Nothing, you have invented this question from god knows where.
          “If China created a socialist state tomorrow which was socialists in every way, except for the fact that it was only for Chinese people, with no immigration allowed, it would still be a socialist state
          All European socialist parties used to be against immigration back when they supported working people
          Race has nothing to do with it at all”
          I feel like I am talking to a schizophrenic. You are having imaginary arguments against things I have not said.

    2. My parents lived in german occupied territory and they were telling me stories about german soldiers being extremely nice, giving away chocolate to kids and many other true stories. These are first account stories, not the bull shit that’s being spewed by the media and our culture.
      When the front turned and the soviets come around, rapes, executions, murders, etc. In a word, germans: civilized, soviets: savages.

      1. What, believing in your country and sacrificing so your fellow man does not starve? You can’t use war and nepotism to cripple a country and then move in, take over its institutions and tell all the natives their children are slaves without reprecussion.

        1. Sure, they needed a strong nationalist movement after Versailles, but making the whole fictitious “racial purity” thing a center piece and then ultimately marginalization and punishing their own citizens was an abuse of State power. Though I have to suppose that if they would have stopped with re-taking their former lands, the thousand year reich might have worked.
          They just went too far.

      2. What system of values?
        Defending yourinterests is not a value system. You can’t judge the nazis for going to war alone, you would need to point at the aspects of their culture that were fucked

        1. Nationalism is one thing, and Germany needed to reassert itself to defend its interests, but the Nazi ethos was twacked.
          Any system that allows Kooks like Goebbels and Himmler to thrive must be deeply flawed.
          Couple other fallacies come to mind:
          Putting the State as the Absolute authority in people’s lives, above family and God.
          Singling out and trying to forcibly eliminate an undesirable culture rather than outsmarting them.
          Belief in some nebulous divine superiority based on shoddy genetic science.

        2. The elite are not the standard by which to judge the values of society. Do you have the same values as the Clintons? Did Kings even speak the same language as their subjects? So how can you judge german values by looking at Goebbles and Himmler, especially since these guys were essentially mob leaders.
          The State has always superseded the family, it’s just that the State generally co-opted the family in the past. Going against the family is something we have only seen in modern times, and that is as likely as not due to misrule.
          >trying to outsmart the jews
          You don’t need to be smarter than your enemies, you need to be able to beat them. There were jews who were against Germany, and sought to subvert it from within. You don’t outsmart spies, you execute them.
          Like no one has ever concocted a shoddy belief system based on bad science.
          Basically, what I’m asking you to do is reconstruct the German value system particular to nazi germany. If that sounds daunting, or you are unfamiliar with the history, I suggest you limit your value judgements.

        3. Well lets not confuse “German” with “Nazi”.
          My indictment is of the Nazi culture and form of government. Most of your defenses are based on ‘well, others have done worse’, which, while true, misses the point.

        4. Nazi government had it’s flaws, but it is still a stretch to judge a system by how weird its values sound. Many perfectly fine systems have been the result of completely absurd beliefs. What you need to look at it the actual decisions of the leaders, and the behavior of the people.

  9. ‘History is lies agreed upon’
    This show trial helped to set those lies in stone

  10. Been a while since we’ve had a book review. Interesting article, might get the paperback.

  11. “Was it [the trial] victors’ vengeance or the authentic pursuit of justice?”
    It was neither Goering put it best when he asked at the trial “Why don’t you just shoot us?”
    Why didn’t they? Well…
    Nurenburg was a horse and pony show probably to make it seem to the American and allied public that Germany would suffer some sort of loser’s retribution when really they were needed as an ally to the West. Ditto for Japan. There was no real cleaning house there either..
    With the looming Cold War and both the Soviets and Americans wanting German scientists, territory to control and to pursue their goals, nuclear programs etc nobody wanted to go hard on Germans.
    There was also no talk of reparations that had crippled Germany after WW1 and in some ways led into WW2.
    I think little more than a nod to the Holecaust was all they could muster because honestly they didn’t care..Nobody liked, and still largely doesn’t like Jews..
    Stalin simply thought of his people as pawns in his plans so avenging the death of 20 million Russsions was not high on the priority and he had his millions of German POWs he could slowly starve to death out of site in the Gulag.
    For the Americans and Allies they were rightfully so preparing for conflict with Stalin’s Soviet Union so why persecute a beaten enemy that is more easily co-opted into your cause. Again ditto for the Japanese..

        1. haven’t watched it yet, but yes it’s good they’ve made it. The reviews are variable.

        2. all have to wait until i’ve seen it to make my own judgement, but I’ve heard it’s the occasion for some kind of romance – I’m picturing lots of romantic dinners amidst the starvation

  12. Another non story. Many on this site support the aims of NAZI Germany.
    Adolph’s crime wasn’t that he killed too many, but that he let too many go.

  13. For another sets of insights, read the memoirs of Rudolf Hoss, “Death Dealer.” He was the longest tenured Kommandant of Auschwitz. You would expect a sadistic skull with pincers, but he comes across as a typical administrator, who does what he does because he finds it totally right and reasonable. Due to certain ways he perceived the world, I think he had Asperger’s, and I almost ended up feeling bad for him by the end. Every review of it can’t help but condemn him, calling him stupid, cowardly, etc. I find this unjust, but if you read it go ahead and judge for yourself. I found it fascinating. By the way, Hoss was convicted at Nuremburg and hanged at Auschwitz.

  14. Well, they lost the war after millions dead? Why were they having a polite conversation with these guys? Should’ve been unceremoniously tossed into mass graves after being stood up against a wall.
    Don’t fuck around. Let the losers know they lost.
    Stalin proposed to simply shoot the top 50,000 or so nazis. Instead they gave them cushy show trials. These holy attitudes are why the US hasn’t won wars since then.

      1. The nazis had decent points in their program and Hitler led the economic revival of Germany. If he’d had a heart attack before Poland, he would’ve been remembered as a great leader…but that’s not how it worked out. He got his own country destroyed and it’s never recovered. Doesn’t change my point…you win in war, you don’t play softball with the loser leaders anymore than you did with their troops, most of whom were just normal guys.

        1. Poland happened because of the murder of 50,000 ethnic Germans in the danzig corridor. The myth of an unprovoked attack is a fairy tale brought to life in the propaganda ministries we call schools.
          Read both sides of the story. Or suffer eternally at the hands of con artists.
          America goes to war for far less and for more nefarious reasons nowadays.

        2. And WW1 as well. Needing a nice big excuse to switch the british navy to oil from his anglo-persian oil company.

        3. So if I kill you, your family and rape your women, you simply must of gotten into a conflict with me you could not handle?
          You seem to have little concept of how large the world is.

        4. Yes. The difference between successful and failed men is judgment.
          Those guys didn’t just come out of nowhere. Hitler played a high stakes game with the lives of his people until he lost.

        5. You just proved my last statement correct.
          You’ll grow up someday, and learn many things in life are out of your control. Without society protecting stability, you would’ve gotten yourself killed already.

        6. Sure, dude. Hitler just had to risk war over the Danzig corridor right then, just like he already had over Austria and Czech. He won his gamble the first couple times and doubled down even more. You do that in a casino and you walk out broke. You do that as a leader and you get millions killed, including yourself. But I’m a little frog in a well and Hitler getting his country crushed had nothing to do with his bad decisions.

        7. I have to disagree there. Had The UK, or the US, or whoever it was who really deposed the german monarchy had enough sense to rule Germany directly, and not punish them passive aggressively, then Germany would have indeed been responsible for whatever rebellions it engaged in.
          But after the war, there was no conquest of germany. They were denied all leadership. It is no surprise then that they turned to Hitler. Could any leader have don’t anything but rebel against the world order? Maybe the Kapp putsch could have done it, but who’s to say it could have held power?

  15. Little more than kangaroo courts to justify killing nazi leaders and preventing any sort of government in exile from forming. Can accurately be described as mafia tactics.

  16. The Nazis got what they deserved, it’s too bad Patton wasn’t allowed to give the Soviets what they deserved too. The US also let a bunch of high level japs off the hook for what they did in exchange for the fucked up research they did to POWs and civilian captives.
    So we firebombed a few cities and nuked a couple more, it was what was needed to win and we were in the right.
    Since then we’ve been involved in few few conflicts that we had no business being involved in but, that’s a whole other subject.

      1. We WERE in the right, the U.S. and U.K. stopping the Axis domination of the world was the right thing to do, we only messed up by letting the Soviets off the hook but, I suppose in the end putting them out of business without killing a hundred million of them wasn’t a bad thing either it just took a long time to do it.

        1. Ultimately ww2 boils down to this. Allied victory equals the complete domination of central banking. Axis victory would have equaled to beginning of the end of central banking. Japan, Italy, and Germany got rid of the banks and for this they had to be subjugated.
          If the unquestioned authority of central banks like the bank of London, federal reserve, and duetsche bank is good. Well then I guess we(u.s.) were in the right. Although tracing the negative effects in central banking surely tells a different story.

    1. If only Patton had been around for Korea, then we would’ve had the whole peninsula.
      Then again, Trump has pointed out time and time again that we’ve been going broke giving South Korea a free ride, so I shudder to think of what it would’ve been like for us to shoulder the burden of ~2x South Korea for so long.

      1. I agree with Trump, it’s about time to end the spending of billions on foreign aid. All that talk of our infrastructure being in bad shape, if we cut off foreign aid and spent that money on bridges and highways it could all be fixed in a couple of years.

      1. The Nazis weren’t resisting. We waited for months while the Germans gave everything they had to stopping the Soviets. We could have taken them at any time.
        We are just as responsible for the devastation of Easter Germany as the Russians.

        1. Weren’t resisting? What was The Battle of the Bulge, a winter holiday? They fought until they couldn’t. I give them credit for putting up a hell of a fight but, they should have seen the writing on the wall when the Allies landed in France.

        2. The bulge was in the winter. The halt was in April. After the Bulge, the Germans wanted to be taken by Anglo forces. We denied them that mercy.

      2. When it comes to a fight, you give it to the enemy until they can’t or don’t want to fight back.

    2. “So we firebombed a few cities and nuked a couple more”
      You may feel differently if you were shovelling countless melted innocent civilian corpses into huge piles to be taken away on trucks.
      Cant imagine the sight of families cooked alive in bunkers or mother and babe fused together from the merciless hellfire intent to wipe them out.
      If you study some war history it became clear at some point the allies intent was complete destruction and extermination without mercy.
      I suppose the Warmasters figured the holocaust mythology wouldn’t hold as much legitimacy if they completely wiped out the Germans so had their ‘fun’ but not too much.

      1. “the allies intent was complete destruction and extermination without mercy”.
        The Allies intention was to not have to do it again.

        1. And the American/globalist war machine has carried on business as usual ever since.

        2. I did say that since that time we have been involved in quite few conflicts that wasn’t our business.

    3. Because redneck, the US government was already infiltrated by hardcore zionists. Thus support for israel. Thus the eternal mideast wars as of late.

        1. Clarifying what I said earlier, I should have said support for Israel since its founding, but that’s not the point. The Balfour Declaration during WW1 is an example, though that is British. However, like the Wilson administration, the Truman also supported the creation of Israel. Some hardcore lobbying going on there.

  17. Nazi sympathizers should read up on what the Germans did on the eastern front.
    I’m listening to Antony Beevor’s The Second World War and it’s mind boggling the atrocities committed there. Nazi propaganda had so convinced them that Slavic people were subhuman.

  18. Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial will be banned by AMAZON & forbidden in all schools & Colleges libraries ???

    1. There are plenty of anchors out there, of people who understand what happened then and what happens now.
      My 2 cents : communism ( genocide of 60 million ) was never put on trail because the X that constructed communism were the exact same people that lobbied in America since 1920’s.
      The responsible persons are still out there, now billionaires, influencing politics and conducting things… for which you won’t find any explanation for…like 9/11.
      They are everywhere…again.

  19. Patton’s quotes after the war shed a lot of light. The rapes of German women & genocide in Sudetenland also go unmentioned. Or the Stalingrad vets that labored to death in Siberia.

    1. Because he learned the truth and saw through the cosher bullshit, he was taken out.
      The world will never see another Patton.

  20. Been to a few concentration camps & none were made for mass gassings, serious can someone elaborate? They just looked like gulags.

      1. Correct, they just dumped Zyklon B through a hole in the roof. No pipes required.

        1. Stavros…what is that, a Greek name? Ever wonder why you are of dark complexion..black hair…dark eyes….?

        2. I do have black hair but no dark complexion and I have light blue eyes. Greeks are racially White.

        3. Black hair…unlucky for you….and everybody knows what the greeks are famous for!

        4. Over the years I’ve met a lot of attractive women who seemed to like my hair/eye color combination. And, we Greeks were responsible for the beginning of western civilization.

        5. Yep, attracted to the Islamic Black blood in your veins, surprised the women are attracted to you, considering the homosexual angle regarding your greek ancestry…

        6. Yep, there is. You guys were invaded many times over the years, your ancestry is most definitely African…hence the black hair. But I notice you ignore the homo angle, you just a repressed one?

    1. Exactly, and many of the so-called confessions were extracted through torture.

  21. Any particular reason the commenters are completely ignoring the genocide waged by Germans in WWII on every other ethnicity in their occupied territories? Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians, Estonians, Latvians, Slovakians, etc. don’t matter to you? You have more internalized Zionism than you know.

    1. You are crossing a basic line which changes your characteristic beyond stupid.
      Are you here just to spout nonsense ???
      Get the fuck out and eat a dick !

    2. We don’t consider Slavs (and other sub-races) as human. Jews, as everyone knows, are way more important!

    3. Because the genocide of slavs is bullshit that was most likely derived from slavic nations cigan/gipsy problems.

    4. Cause it didn’t happen – turn off the History Channel, it’s rotting your mind

    5. I was wondering that too. Even Holocaust deniers only seem to care about the Jewish genocide but not others.

  22. Quintus ….. great story, many good comments and loads of laughs.
    Well done mate, a master piece. (why can’t we have upvotes for stories?)

  23. To all ROK readers, I strongly recommend an author one can easily buy books from, there in the States.
    Norman Finkllestein – The Holocaust Industry, This time we went too far and other quality writings.
    When you get a chance, look the guy up on youtube.

  24. In many areas the morality of the allies conduct the second world war has been questioned. Nuremberg is one instance of this, the mass bombing of German cities another. In the end the Nazis reaped what they sowed. For example the German army treated the Russian population with immense brutality, and the German civilian population paid a high price for it at the end of the war, particularly their women.
    I think a turning point came when Hitler declared his doctrine of ‘total war’, and the Luftwaffe destroyed Coventry. After that no one questioned the morality of bombing German civilians. The attitude was ‘they asked for it’. Which is pretty much is how I feel about it all.

    1. Actually, Hitler ordered the bombing of English cities only after Churchill ordered the RAF to bomb German cities.

      1. The Luftwaffe indiscriminately bombed civilian populations from the beginning of the war, and bombed British cities in 1940. The RAF moved from bombing industrial targets to bombing cities in 1942. I have to confess to some knowledge on this as my father was a navigator with bomber command.

        1. Britain started the bombing of civilians, not Germany
          During the entire war, around 30,000 British civilians died due to German bombing
          Germany lost more than that in just one night of the war on many occasions – entire cities were completely destroyed
          We don’t even know how many died, but 500,000 is a common figure, and it is probably higher

        2. As many as that? Good. I have to say I met many of the veterans of bomber command. None of them ever talked about it, but we should be proud of the way they and the USA, in the latter stages of the war, took the fight to the heart of Nazi Germany.

        3. Cuxhaven was bombed in 1914, so you took a while to fight back. The first Bremen raids were on oil installations and were well after many many civilians had died at the hands of the Luftwaffe. You seem to have a slender grasp of history, but I think you will find the Nazis were the aggressors.

        4. 5. September 1939 british RAF bombed civilians in Cuxhaven. Your Veterans are warcriminals.

        5. Yeah, the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of women and children in an already devastated country, therefore allowing half of Europe to be enslaved by the USSR – a hideous police state that killed tens of millions of its own citizens before the war even started……
          Awesome, what a victory for freedom….what pride we should take

        6. I feel great shame that we slaughtered our german brethren. I don’t understand why we valued those ugly commie jew parasites over german men, women and children.

        7. We shortened the war and saved many many lives. One thing my dad did tell me was that the Jewish comrades, and also the Poles, he served alongside were the most determined and bravest men he has ever know.

  25. That was 70 years ago. Everyone involved is either dead, or dying. Germany needs to get over its irrational collective-guilt for the Holocaust if there are going to be any Germans in the year 2100.

    1. I agree, the Nazis were fucked up but it’s been over for years. It’s time for the Germans to get their balls back.

      1. Ha! All nations of European extract need to retrieve their balls from the Israeli Empire.

  26. You can be put in JAIL in many countries for investigating history that happened before most of us were born.

  27. The question isn’t whether or not the holocaust happened – anyone with common sense who’s looked over the evidence (or complete lack of) can tell it’s bollocks
    The real question is; why didn’t it happen, ’cause they fuckin deserved it?

  28. Reminder that Nazism and Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both are responsible for genocide.

        1. In context of world population of the time, the mongol empire slaughtered and raped far, far more once ratios are accounted for.

        2. Disagree. The first worked on improving the life of it’s people and got dragged into an unnecessary war, while the second was a project of the elites and an attempt to create a NWO.
          Also, a lot of supposed German atrocities are war propaganda.
          They appear similar on surface (authoritarianism, some degree of socialism) but had completely different goals, and were in my opinion completely different beasts.

        3. Except the Nazis themselves dragged the people into a war.
          This isn’t stormfront. No amount of historical revisionism will change the truth.

  29. Just found this.
    So get this:
    Russia is being run by joo00s.
    USA is being run by joo00s.
    Israel is a neutral state calling for wars.

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