Has Trump Been Bamboozled By The Neocons?

By now you are aware that on April 4th a gas attack took place, purportedly launched by Syrian president Bashar Assad. Gruesome pictures and videos of dead children were played non-stop by the US media. Two days later, Trump launched 59 Tomahawk missiles against Syrian military positions in retaliation for the attack.

The military response came as a shock to Trump supporters as it was a direct repudiation of Trump’s previous position of putting American interests before those of other countries. It was even a reversal of a position that Trump had taken just a few days before. Was his decision the result of deep strategic thinking or is it an indication that the neocon deep state has managed to trick Trump to achieving their goals?

Trump’s old position on neocon wars

After the September 11 terrorist attacks, the US embarked on a series of long wars in the Middle East. The charge to invade Iraq was led by a group of war hawks called neoconservatives. Their theory was that the reason Islamic terror exists is because Muslim countries are led by dictators. If only Muslims had an opportunity to embrace liberal democracy and capitalism, they would stop raging and become peaceful consumers.

In hindsight we know things didn’t play out that way. Our interventions turned out to be costly boondoggles that sent the dollars of hardworking American tax payers to rebuild countries we had destroyed. We found out that the inhabitants of the countries we invaded and destabilized were not interested in our “gift” of liberal democracy. The order of those nations broke down resulting in chaos. The dictators were not replaced by constitutional republics but by jihadists.

Before last week, Trump was consistently against military interventions where the US interests were minimal. He opposed the Iraq War and he was strongly opposed to intervention in Syria as the tweets above show.

What turned Trump?

What would turn a man who has opposed unnecessary military interventions for the better part of 20 years? Some accounts have Trump being swayed by his daughter Ivanka. She tweeted, “Heartbroken and outraged by the images coming out of Syria following the atrocious chemical attack.” Trump authorized the missile strike less than 24 hours after that tweet.

But I’d like to think that a man of Trump’s caliber would not be swayed by his 35 year old daughter’s reaction to some sad photos. Other accounts posit a 4-dimensional chess theory. They argue that Trump is several steps ahead of everyone in strategy. One of the proponents of the 4D chess, Scott Adams, argues that Trump killed multiple birds with his Syria attack, including the silencing of the “Trump is in league with the Russians” faction in Washington. Another explanation came from Ivan Throne who suggested that the Syria strike was Trump putting into effect the fundamental principle that regime change requires military validation.

While I hope that these rationales for Trump’s actions turn out to be true, I fear the reality is more disconcerting. Is it possible that the neocon-run deep state has tricked him into jettisoning his isolationist views and adopt the interventionist military policies of George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton?

The evidence points in that direction. A New York Magazine article sheds light on a battle that has been raging between the nationalist Steve Bannon, who opposes military escapades that do not advance Trump’s “America First” agenda, and Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband, who favors a more conventional, neocon approach. All signs point to Bannon being the loser in this power struggle. He was removed from his role on the National Security Council while Kushner seems to have his hand in everything from orchestrating relations with China to inspecting US troops in Iraq.

On Saturday night, Mike Cernovich added a new wrinkle: His sources are reporting that Trump’s National Security Council Adviser General McMaster has been manipulating intelligence reports to convince the president to start a ground war to depose Assad. If Cernovich’s source is correct, both Kushner and Bannon opposed the strike. McMaster’s role introduces another potential beneficiary of a war between the US and Syria: The Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us against. War means that profit levels will be high for military contractors.

What do the neoconservatives want?

Neocon Bill Kristol was pretty pleased that McMaster was chosen—This should have served as a warning.

But what is motivating the war hawks? Syria poses no threat to the US but it does pose a threat to two US allies in the region: Israel and Saudi Arabia. Although they are unlikely friends, the current interests of these two countries are the same. Israel wants to get rid of Assad because he supports Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Saudis want to get rid of Assad because he is aligned with their sectarian enemy, Iran. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia play a big role in US foreign policy through lobbying dollars. Saudi Arabia also leverages its status as the world’s largest oil producer. Israel, on the other had, has an advantage Saudi Arabia does not—it’s interests are advanced by the many neocons within the US government.

The mission of the neocons is to carve out a Sunni state out of parts of Iraq and Syria. This would benefit both Israel and the Saudis by countering the influence of Iran. Neocon Max Boot writes:

In Iraq, Sunnis need to be offered a Sunni regional government, akin to the Kurdish regional government, with its autonomy protected by its own militia and ultimately guaranteed by the United States. If Baghdad won’t go along, the U.S. should bypass Baghdad and directly arm and train the Sunni tribes. In Syria, Sunnis need to be offered a future in which they won’t be terrorized by Assad and Shiite militias.

Of course, Boot tries to sell intervention in Syria (and Iraq) as a way of stopping ISIS, but he is well aware that toppling Assad will more than likely result in jihadists rushing in to fill the void just as they did after the fall of Hussein in Iraq and Kaddafi in Libya. Given that ISIS is the strongest Sunni force in the region, getting rid of Assad will almost certainly result in ISIS taking control of Syria. The neocons will not care because it is in Israel’s interest to depose an enemy and replace him with chaos. A country engaged in civil war will pose no threat to Israel.


Israel and Saudi Arabia are free to pursue their own interests but if they want to rearrange their backyard, they should do it together and stop relying on American men to do their dirty work. It is an injustice that American soldiers have lost their lives and limbs fighting in the desert while Israelis soak up the sun on a Tel Aviv beach or Saudis party with Instagram girls in Dubai.

As for Trump, it is possible that he is executing a brilliant strategic plan that the 4D chess theorists posit. But as Occam’s razor would have it, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. It is more likely that Trump has been bamboozled by the McMaster and the other neocons in his cabinet.

Read More: Donald Trump Orders Launch Of 59 Tomahawk Missiles Against Syria 

238 thoughts on “Has Trump Been Bamboozled By The Neocons?”

  1. First time I’ve heard the term Neocon. Look, if I saw a guy beating up a kid, I’d probably want to kick his ass. Trump has children, and he was trained in a military accademy. He clearly has a concept of ethics in the voice of his book, The Art of the Deal. The truly pragmatic assumption is that “the man with the big red button” has a conscience.

    1. Just heard of the term neocon? Where have you been? Living under a rock?

  2. Oh god..Not this again.
    No matter how you slice it, that weak ass missile strike was a win for Trump on many levels:
    1) The Russian collusion narrative is now meaningless(It was stupid before that though).
    2) China now know that Trump isn’t really playing around
    3) Russia now know that a real man is in office.
    4) NK is scared as shit because they now know that Trump is the real deal.
    5) Iran has some things to think about.
    6) Democrats and the media are on his side(for now).
    7) Obama is looking like the inept jackass that he was;regarding foreign policy.
    The only people crying are these internet warriors on far ends of both spectrums and disappointed, inflexible conservatives who thought that Trump would do 100% of the things they wanted 100% of the time.

    1. Its all fun and games being the worlds policeman, flexing your US$ 600 billion budget, never having been invaded before in the past 100 years until shit hits the fans….DEFCON 1…all the major cities receiving direct hits from nukes, Chinese military invading from the pacific…its all a hop and skip away…The Chinese military hasn’t been tested but they have the perfect manpower for a war on attrition and being an occupying force.

      1. yeah, but if china invades we will just need to be invaded again 3 hours later.
        (see, bet everyone thought I’d go pee pee in coke.)

        1. As a new Yorker the last think I am worried about is a billion chinks trying to make pee pee in my coke. I have a real world to deal with with real world issues. Its spring time, skirts are out, money is to be made and twat is to be enjoyed. Get away from the news a bit.

        2. well China already invaded the west coast and owns California and Vancouver lol

        3. it is a rhyme that kids learn when they are young.
          Me Chinese. Me Make Joke. Me Make Pee Pee In Your Coke.
          It is both incredibly mature and quite obviously true about the national sense of humor in China.

        4. Lolknee, has san fransisco and Hollywood avenue changed in nature? My grandparents once visited there in the 80s

        5. I haven’t been to California in a long time. I think 99 was the last time I was in LA and 96 was the last time I was in SF. My guess is that some surface shit changed, but in the end, like humpty says, all around town it’s the same song.

        6. Thanks for informing me. I remembered my grandparents saying visiting hollywood avenue while witnessing them (some movie production crew ) filming a western

        7. Cali is a shitshow. Poised to become the first “sanctuary state”

        8. Old joke. Cowboy come into Chinese restaurant and orders a Coke. Chinese waiter gives it to him. He takes a sip and spews it out. “This is awful!”
          Waiter: “Me Chinese, me play joke, me put pee pee in your Coke”.
          Cowboy: “Me cowboy, me think fast, me put bullet in your a**”

        9. No he wont. No Seemless delivery in that scenario, he will jump off a rooftop (in his finest 3 piece suit of course, hair perfectly coiffed) if that ever happens

        10. It went from the golden state to the gilded state. Impossible to live there- people in the SF area spend over 70% of their takehome pay on rent or a mortgage

        11. Is there a standing Red Army in Chinatown preparing to cross Canal Street and invade the financial district?

        12. A visit from the Ministry of Ridiculous Hats. “I see you don’t have a ridiculous hat…”

      2. Haha, WTF are you talking about? US and China would NEVER get involved in a shooting war against one another. Our countries are far too involved with each another. And the Chinks would get massacred long before they ever set foot on US soil.

        1. Yeah, go take a look at how much of the US that China fucking owns. No need to blow us up when they can just repossess us.

        2. Their economy is heavily dependent on us buying their crap. If US-China got involved in a real conflict that required a hiatus of current economic cooperation, it would be a complete world economy collapse.

        3. On the flip side, how are they going to reposess it without the military or blowing us up?

        4. Turn off all our iPhones and shut down our internet porn. We’ll surrender in 38 seconds flat.

        5. And you’ve stumbled into the single biggest and best argument for globalism: ***Economic interdependence prevents wars.*** Why do you think the European Union slowly arose out of the rubble of WWII?
          Nationalism may be resurgent right now, but make no mistake about it: Nationalism yanks the world back to that late-19th-century mindset that gave rise to the violence of the early twentieth century.

        6. By dealing with the fags that own us.

          Funny you should say that… your account just got owned by a fag, baby. ♥

        7. III reich also had a lot of comerce with soviet union; they just tried to take the resources instead of buying it

      3. Perfect manpower? Ever since their “one child policy” they’ve been a demographic nightmare.
        How many males in their prime does that country currently have left?

    2. You’re overstating the weakness of Obama’s foreign policy. His policy was “less is more”. In his view, America’s biggest problems occurred when it intervened where it shouldn’t have. Wrap up wars, don’t initiate them. Or, in his words, “don’t do stupid shit”.
      Whether you like it or not, his infamous Syria decision was in keeping with that policy. Why he drew that red line, however, I’ll never know — it was his one true fuckup.

  3. The reaction from the manosphere and the alt-right has been more upsetting to me than the actual missile strikes. When did everyone turn into a bunch of Sallies? 59 cruise missiles is nothing to the US, especially when they’re launched at an empty airfield. But no, he’s been “bamboozled” by the neocons. Grow up.

    1. Probably because 59 cruise missiles won’t do anything and interfering in a foreign civil war would require sustained attack followed by ground troops. This is exactly what some of the neocons want, which is boots on the ground and a permanent military presence in the middle east. The angry reaction was a message to Trump that he does not have the support of his base if he chooses war with Syria. Trump is getting distracted from his agenda of America First. The war in Iraq destroyed the Bush presidency along with Iraq. Countless lives were lost and life in Iraq is worse than it was when Saddam ran the place.

    2. He specifically and explicitly came out repeated times against involvement in Syria, to the point of it becomging a point of contention during the debates, both with the primaries, and the ones with Hillary.
      The problem is that he lied a big fat fucking lie directly to our face so many times it became rote for him.

  4. Somehow I think in the long term it is truly in Israel’s interests to have Assad in power. They are short-sighted fools and deposing him will bite them in the ass, and We the Americans will pay for it.

    1. Skypes in truth are terrible long-term thinkers: the effect is that in history there is no skypish state that lasts more than a mere 200 years independently. The thing is that they believe and most if not all of it’s supportive lobbies in the U.S.A. that chaos in the region will lead to great benefits for the state instead of stability.

  5. The missile strike was not only necessary, but it is paying dividends throughout the middle east. The Russians are on the defensive, SA and Israel are reassured and aligning themselves against Iran, and this is a prelude to sending refugees BACK to Syria from the US and Europe.

    1. Lol dreamer. Yeah Im sure theyll all scurry back home. Again, this is just Israel guided US foreign policy.

      1. No, they will not scurry back home. That is a strawman argument. When you confront an enemy, one has to be firm, consistent, and willing to commit. Capricious, arbitrary and tentative behavior encourages opposition.

  6. The neocons want a new Syrian government to kick the Russian Navy out of its only warm water port other than Crimea this would effectively evict the Russian Navy from

  7. I take the wait-and-see approach to this. If you think about it, the missile strike does several things:
    1) It makes Trump look stronger on the world stage.
    2) It severely damages the Trump-Putin narrative.
    3) The strike occured while he was at Mar-a-lago with Xi Jinping. It showed that he means business and it should help him against the real threat, North Korea.
    Trump is not stupid, and he learns from his mistakes. He is pushing against the 150,000 troop surge that McMaster wants. Trump epitomizes the 48 Laws of Power better than almost anyone, and one of the first rules of the book is to conceal your intentions.
    However, the inner workings of his cabinet are more concerning to me. Hopefully he eventually pushes the neocons out.

    1. Good to see some mention of the Chinese angle. Everybody is so obsessed with Russia, Syria, or Muslim immigrants that they forget the elephant in the room.

      1. Yes. Trump knows the power of backing up his words with actions, and moving the goalposts towards his direction to get more of what he wants when the other side agrees to a deal. He is a master negotiator. All you need to read is Art of the Deal. He also knows the concept of marketing and he understands his base better than most politicians do. The business world is ruthlessly competitive.

        1. Back in the eighties, Trump knew how to back up his words with actions. That’s how he built skyscrapers in New York.
          But he changed in the nineties. Now he’s a con artist. People who knew him then and who know him now are astonished at the change. He’s become a creature of the media. He screws over people, left and right.
          And FYI he didn’t write Art of the Deal. Tony Schwartz did.

      2. I think most of the oil pumped in Iraq is sold in Asia…yet American troops on the ground….hmmm…

    2. no chance – the whitehouse is being run by democrats and zionists as usual – Jared and Ivanka see to that – do a little more reading.

  8. Occan´s razoreasiest answers :
    1- Trump is a traitor who betrayed his supporters and his ideas.
    2- The NWO is unstoppable and it´s power will overcome anybody.

    1. Trump is an outsider who got a taste of the extent of the swamp. His hands are tied, he has no network, no connections. To be able to MAGA he has to pursue the neocons agenda in the Middle East.

  9. All this because the west doesnt want to allow Iran to build an oil and a natural gas pipeline thru Syria which would terminate in the Mediterranean Sea?

    1. No, the pro-zionist wants to protect Isis-rael at any cost and fulfil their dream of the great Israel.

  10. My view is that we don’t want Assad to lose, but we don’t want him to win either. That would give the Russians undue influence over the Near East.

    1. Yup, you think Iraq was a long drawn out war, this will continue as long as there is tension with Russia.

    2. Could be true.
      Russia would gain some power that would totally undermine whatever we have going in the Middle East( Which is exactly what happened to weak ass Obama regarding Syria)
      That would fuck Israel big time.

    1. We have been betrayed by Trump. He played us, just like he played everyone else.

      1. He’s a mental incompetent. He literally makes his decisions based on the last thing somebody just told him. Ivanka probably texted him a photo of dead Syrian children at 11 pm, after his meetings ended. She knows what’s up.
        It makes me laugh to see people saying “oh he’s playing 4D chess, you’ll see”. Hell no. He has zero strategy, zero ideas. The guy even admitted in the nineties that he shows up every day at the office with no plans for the day.

        1. He is disappointing me time after time. He should have gone Andrew Jackson and ignored the judges about immigration, ended the welfare state and affirmative action by EO, withdrew ALL US troops from EVERYWHERE. Trump is a turd. Dammit.

      2. He did not play everyone else, he only played the idiots who voted for him because they thought he had their best interest at heart.

        1. I still cant stand looking at the wrinkled sack like face of the other competitors.

    2. Exactly. Disappointing out of Trump. I knew he wouldn’t be as good as advertised but so soon and so severe is a disappointment.
      Not to mention he owns a share in the company that makes the tomahawk missiles !!!!!
      What business has american in a sovereign nation who is fighting the very same enemy ???
      America is spreading itself too thin. South east asia is slipping away and ye persist in antagonizing potential chinnese allies. making the bound stronger.
      Also why is no one mentioning the sino-russian gold reserve deal ?? Is it a coincidence that Trump launches an attack on Russias ally on a base with Russian troops at the exact time he has a meeting with the Chinese premier a week after both countries struck a deal !! a coincidence ???

      1. former D presidential candidate Jim Webb was extremely worried about the developments in the South China Sea too(he dropped out early of course)

        1. Get today’s White House briefing fired-up; I’ll make some snacks and get the drinks…Coke, No Pepsi!, (of course)…it’s a good one, today…(!)

        1. EXACTLY My friend!!!
          Not to mention, that president Jared OWNS the company that developing micro chips for human use!
          a.k.a “Mark of the Beast”

    3. Relax, he is playing 48D chess right now.
      Seriously, I will not read any Trump articles anymore. It’s just noise, nothing but noise. Nobody knows whats right or wrong, whats news, whats genuine information and whats just misinterpretation.
      It’s all noise and if you don’t want to fall victim to the consumption of trashinfo, you just got to let go.
      Watching the news daily is like watching the value of your share daily – you observe more noise than information.
      All these infos are nothing new or creative.
      Nassim Taleb wrote about it in Antifragile.
      He also published a tweet concerning Trump and noise:

      1. Americans are (currently) not a nation, just a bunch of atomistic, materialistic, immigrant descendants. And it works soooo well. That’s why the NWO wants to destroy European ethnicities. Jews hate Europe because we kicked them dozens of times.

        1. Absolutely freaking correct buddy!!!
          But after more than ten years of research and interactions with some fun and exciting individuals, ALL BOILS DOWN TO THIS: —>>
          The jew WANTS TO BE THE ONLY WHITE COLORED BREED ON THE EARTH!!! That is their final fucking agenda, that is why WE must go….. ( Now hold on bud! ) WE shall make them GO FIRST!!!
          So all the above reasons… WE should start reprogramming/re-educating our brain washed-fucked up female populations AND START breeding plenty of pink European babies….– OR WE’LL BE NO MORE!!!
          That is why I am NOT mumbling here to hard against females/feminiwhaddafuckists or whatnot, like most of these guys, WE should rather START SEEKING FOR FUCKING SOLUTIONS!!!
          Anyways, My regards to You buddy!

    4. No one should be surprised, but as long as the red vs blue team dogma is alive, there will always be fools to believe the lies of politicians. Trump was always part of the swamp from day 1.

      1. The Democrats and Republicans I interact with on a daily basis; are hard-working, tax-paying, ‘regular’ Americans who have a lot more in common than not.
        The Politics-as-Sports mentality that focuses on Right/Wrong-Winners/Losers; that’s a non-issue…something to keep the kids on the Left & Right busy, while the Big-Money Adults make the real deals; where the real news is occurring, way above the fray.
        “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”
        ― John Adams, The Works of John Adams, Second President of The United States

  11. “Both Israel and Saudi Arabia play a big role in US foreign policy through lobbying dollars.”
    Didn’t Trump ban lobbying?

        1. I know a guy who truly believes in his heart that he can speak Italian….
          Its absolutely hilarious to watch the opposite get proven time and time again….

        2. I did know that! I used to love that place. When I would go silvano would always give me free booze and I would always, and loudly, call him “DA”
          He was a first rate poon hound with his stupid bracelets, his Ferrari and being close to death.

        3. How is the eye-talian food in this place
          try the veal, it’s the best in the city.
          My regular Italian haunt where I am treated like a minor celebrity does, in fact, have the best veal in the city….hands down….

        4. LOL, how long? I only know bc he was in the news recently, beaten in a robbery I think

        5. Oh man, poor DA. He did have a penchant for having women much younger than he was suck his dick without asking whether or not they were in relationships, so I can’t say I was surprised. Poor DA

        6. I just made a few calls. Seems this robbery happened right before he was due in divorce court for his ass fucking and his court date has now been postponed to an unspecified time…..always an angle.

        7. Ah, so a strategic shuttering to screw over his ex? I assume she was much younger than him- a wife his age wouldnt be seeking a divorce

        8. That is what the gossip is around the crooked nosed water cooler

        9. Yes. The entire NYC construction business Is made entirely of ex-boxers

        10. Spaghetti-O’s! Prego! Pizza a la pasta!

  12. I am thinking the following. If Trump can cool it on Syria and them do a massive hit on North Korea and take out Kim’s nukes, he could then turn back, possibly. And be the anti-war populist for the next couple of years after having flexed his muscle.
    This is very optimistic, as it assumes Kim will not mange to launch a nuke.
    Trump has to show he has warmonger credentials, or the press will crucify him. But I still have some hope that after he makes some military strikes, he will have the authority to take on the press.
    It is clear to me that a few military strikes has the effect of bitch-slapping his critics.

  13. Trump is only one man, and he is in way over his head trying to take on the entire Deep State. He also has little control over his ego, which makes him easier to manipulate once one knows how to push his buttons. That said, Trump did give it a better try than any recent U.S. president. The Trump “true-believers” who are trying to defend this action are just kidding themselves. Reopening the conflict in Syria and taking on another doomed-to-fail “regime change” project will only drive the American Empire further into decline in the long run.
    With regards to Israel, there is manipulation coming from both sides of the table. The relationship between America and Israel is very much like the relationship between Britain and the original 13 colonies. Britain wanted a foothold in North America, and the colonists wanted to steal Native American land in order to fulfill their vision of Manifest Destiny. Each side tried to manipulate the other for its own interests. Of course, we all know who won that game of manipulation in the end.
    There is a similar situation going on between Israel and America. Americans want a foothold in the Middle East, and Israelis want to steal Palestinian land in order to fulfill their vision of Greater Israel. However, there are some important differences. America needs Israel in order to portray an illusion of strength, and Israel needs America’s help to deal with the Palestinians and Arabs in general. They will not go down as easily as the Native Americans did. Once America really starts to decline, Israel will be up the creek without a paddle.

  14. I really think we are making a mountain out of a molehill. This bombing was just a shot across the bow to warn against future chemical warfare. We gave the Russians fair warning, and we bombed an airfield with minimal casualties. Whenever you give ultimatums (we did about chemical warfare), you need to follow through, otherwise, you lose your credibility.

    1. Trump said that Syria “crossed many lines”, and he did something about it.
      I agree with you.

    2. Many military experts are saying that the Syrians and the russians were aware of the attack and they let him bomb anyway. Russians have the technology to take down tomahawks easily, so do Syrians. I think Putin is playing smart here, like the chess grand master he is. He’s helping Trump in a way by letting him hit meaningless targets. Not a stretch of the imagination, just strategy.

      1. I wouldn’t be surprised if we even agreed with the Russians on a target. They knew we had to do something to save face. The Russians do not want a war with us any more than we do with them. Syria has become the next stage in the Cold War. They saw we were getting too involved in the Middle East and put their foot in so we don’t have all the say in what goes on over there. Like you said, it is a game of chess.

        1. Since the advent of the nuclear bomb, there has not been any two industrialized nations go head to head. All warfare has been either civil wars or drawn out proxy wars. No doubt we would have seen WW3 if we never succeeded in building the bomb.

      2. In laws are telling me russian state media is saying Putin was called after the attack. They claim Trump admitted being mis-informed.
        //just the messenger

      3. You GOT the point man! Hats off!!! Don’t ask Me where did I get this, but: ALL THE S-400 TRIUMF ANTI MISSILE SYSTEMS WERE SWITCHED OFF!!! THOSE WOULD CATCH THE TOMAHAWKS EASILY! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! THAT WHOLE THING WAS MORE LIKE A COMBINED USA/RUSSIA WEAPONS TEST (!!!), PUTIN’S BOYS WERE PROBABLY TESTING THOSE 42S6 MORFEY INDEPENDENT AIR DEFENCE SYSTEMS IN THE BACKGROUND BY FINE TUNING THEM 29YA6 RADARS OR FURTHER TESTING THOSE 96L6 HIGH-ALTITUDE DETECTORS…. he he he!!! Let’s say, that from an ex Republican Guard Regiment’s psychologist/lieutenant, who tied to the Russian intelligence at a very high level, lives in My country! ( Prob the most hated individual by the jews, but they do not dare to kill Him… yet! In that case the kikes will be exposed as many many extremely compromising folders/envelopes will be on their way to the public eye!! ) Regards Maximus!

    3. It becomes an issue to get worked up about only if he proposes an invasion using American bodies on the scale that we went into Iraq with. We’re safely short of that, and I’ll further predict there will be no such invasion.

      1. Russia is already there, it would be beyond stupid to do so without it becoming a joint effort.

        1. The problem with the “neocon Bush” is the time it takes to change a culture takes far longer than we allowed in Iraq. What we did is stir up the hornets nest, force about 5 years of civilized living, and then leave. All this did is tick of the Muslims.
          We are still in Japan, we are still in Germany. It takes a minimum of 2 generations (50-60 years) of occupation to change a culture from foe to friend. The solders who fought us at 20 years old have to retire and lose any social/political clout they have. The occupation is as costly as the war. We spent billions to get Germany and Japan back on their feet, but now we have military bases which are mutually beneficial.
          After Iraq, we should of built permanent bases there that we projected power from and enforced marshal rule for 30 years, then if the population starts viewing us as friend, we set up a democratic puppet government.
          War is not like a sitcom where it is all resolved at the end of the episode.

        2. As seen in history, you guys left japan after occupying in 1945 in 1952 after the san francisco treaty of 1952 and West Germany in 1990 (ironically there are still american nato military bases there) and Iraq in 2008 after occupying them for less than 3 years. That means american influence might still be powerful among japanese and koreans as technically there is still american military bases situated nearby…

        3. Another problem with Neocon Bush is that he launched attacks against two nations that had *squat* to do with 9/11, for no justifiable reason that involved national self interest, and ignored the real villain behind 9/11, Saudi Arabia. Hell, he snuggled right up to those fuckers as some of their “princes” in the background wrote more cheques to Bin Laden.

        4. It’s funny you mention this. Lots of people say that we have so much hate and terrorism against the U.S. because we keep going into other countries and getting involved in their shit.
          The real problem is not that we go in, its that we change our minds and leave.
          We go into a foreign country, make promises to groups of people to encourage them to go against their own self-interest and defy some tyrant or dictator in order to advance US interests. These people believe us, rely on us, and put their lives on the line to help us.
          Then, the politics at home changes, or some media guy does an expose on some crying kid with a Band-Aid on his forehead. So we pull out of whichever country we are in at the moment, or change sides in some internecine war. We leave these people behind to face the brutal consequences of our actions… we completely betray them and leave them and their families to be slaughtered.
          That’s why there are literally generations of people that have grown up hating us enough to strap bombs to themselves and go blow a bunch of us up.

        5. There’s a reason that the Founders counseled not interfering in the affairs of other nations. A Constitutional Republic has people who run for office, and when the “need to stay here a century” thing rears its head, the public almost always balks (except for a few places) and then the troops are withdrawn for obvious election reasons.
          I think that instead of going even more all out, we should stop invading other places for no apparent reason that has to do with national self interest.

        6. Agreed, definitely. But when we choose to make alliances, we damn well better back them up.

        7. “…entangling alliances with none…” always springs to mind here.
          You know, realistically, I can’t think of many wars or military actions that we actually *had* to be in or address. The Revolutionary war obviously we did, the Civil War could have easily have been avoided, the War of 1812 we weren’t given much of a choice, the Spanish American War was bullshit from day one, World War 1 was bullshit (who the fuck goes to war over some smelly anarchist shooting a blue blood? Dufuq?), and without WW1, then WW2 as we know it wouldn’t have happened (and odds are pretty fair that FDR goaded and pushed Japan into a corner to get them to attack, regarding strategic resources like oil). The rest after that, not one fucking one of them justifiable in any sense outside of “military adventurism! Alliances! We can’t let our sacrifices go unanswered (after we attack them first), etc).

    4. Yeah but there’s absolutely no credible source that Assad was responsible for these chemical weapon attacks whereas in comparison the “moderate” rebels are responsible for over 50 chemical attacks….If nerve gas attacks was used, how were the NGO’s not using any protective materials on their hands to handle the victims? , these are the type of basic questions that need to be asked…. ISIS celebrated the attack and posted online on how the US needs to attack more airfields…you cant make this up,
      Why attack the regime thats fighting ISIS? Why constantly poke at the Russian Bear?
      Napoleans army was the best in the world…until they invaded Russia
      The Wehrmacht army was the best in the world…until they invaded Russia
      The US army is the best in the world….until….

      1. When the GDP to debt ratio reaches 100% the petrodollar would have to have a new pipeline to secure it’s future.

    5. Or…he loses credibility by targetting the one area that he specifically and explicitly said we should avoid in countless tweets and interviews and even during the debates.
      It’s not our place to draw “red lines” and issue ultimatums to nations that have nothing to do with us, who are not attacking us, who can NOT attack us and who will fight us tooth and nail when we go over to help them.
      Assad is likely the *only* dictator left over there that makes a sincere effort to protect the Christian minority in his country from the Muslims, and he also protects many ethnic and religious minorities. He’s fighting *freaking ISIS*, so if he bombs a place that happens to have chemicals in it unbeknownst to him (or even if he knew) it’s a) none of our business and b) in the long run something he was doing to defeat ISIS who will, guaranteed, kill every breathing Christian left in Syria and topple/desecrate every single Christian holy place.

      1. More likely the only “secular”, “sane” and “moderate” muslim dictator left in the ME full of nutcases and insane idiots waiting to wreck chaos and disorder and to bring ruin to somewhat one of the former successful nations in the mideast since Saddam, Gaddafi and nasser

        1. That should bother any thinking person. We’ve literally toppled or helped topple the few semi-sane dictatorships over there that were holding back the Muslim looney toons, because “dictator is literally Hitler!” and “Weapons of mass destruction which have nothing to do with 9/11 Murica! Fuck yeah!”
          The entire problem going on in the middle east right now lay on the shoulders of George H.W. Bush, Dubya and Obama.

        2. Dont forget the retarded warmongers that caused this were the CIA, Establishment and The Industrial Military complex.

        3. This had definitely will not bring democracy or freedom for the matter instead aggravated their anger towards america instead of helping them out. In return, had hillary become the president of the united states, matters would only worsen it further as war with russia will both weaken both global superpowers. “Does that do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” -George Santayana. With this quote in mind, this happened with the Roman-Sassanian war causing them to be permanently weaken to be eventually defeated by a third party whom plays oppurtunist (In this case, Arabian forces led by muhammad’s followers). Let this be a lesson to all.

  15. The only way we can explain this 180 degree turn is that Trump faces either death or impeachment. The cowboy got in DC but has no network. He’s forced to dance to the neocons tune. He doesn’t have a choice. I honestly think he had to concede foreign policy to neocons so they would let him follow his program to put the failing US economy back on track.

    1. I find it hard to believe that a billionaire developer who attended multiple D.C. parties, and got to meet many Presidents and Congressmen since he was in his 20’s, is somehow without a D.C. network. It doesn’t seem logical.

      1. This is why I was skeptical–excited, but skeptical–when he was elected. It’s amazing seeing the mental gymnastics some are using in order to justify this. Kind of reminds me when a girl claims to be a virgin for only taking it in the ass.

      2. he got in through Kushner, Cohn and Kissinger. He was an outsider to the murky deep state world, still is. Doesn’t have the CIA to back him up either.

    2. He’s a complete insider. His Son in Law is Jared Kushner, a Jew that has the financial backing of George Soros. He’s completely dedicated to Israel. His daughter is a convert to Judaism. 75% of his advisers are Jewish. His primary lawyer is Jewish. He’s either completely owned or complicit. He played the role of an outsider. I had hoped he wouldn’t but the reality is he did.
      Schumer, Pelosi and Clinton are on video with the same anti-immigration rhetoric Trump used. They did it to appeal to the audience they were addressing. They are playing good cop, bad cop on Americans. While people are completely side lined on bullshit social issues, they are going to continue the with the Middle Eastern game.
      The plan is to destabilize the Middle East for “Greater Israel.” Than plan has been in place for over 50 years kicking off in 2001.

  16. Short answer: Yes.
    First though a disclaimer: Trump’s importance to the word has more to do with his election rather with his actions: It pushes the overton window to the right and that anti-immigrant and anti-globalist candidates have a chance to win even if the media are all against them. Because he was in the end deserving to be called a populist, living in Greece, in which populist leftist governments (they promise that they ‘ll raise pensions and wages while lowering taxes) I have come to know how such governments work. In short they try to please everybody so their terms are filled with semi-actions and half measures. Trump probably will be close to that, albeit he ‘s failling hard on securing his base at the time on speaking. Being European the only thing I wanted from him was isolationism, well he failed on that.
    Trump got swamped, like it or not, he won’t be able to truly and eficiently pursuit the demands of his voter-base. Even worse, rightly, no one trusts him and he made the U.S. into a joke for all sovereign governments (Nope, E.U. governments are NOT sovereign). The reason is that he abandoned his no-war platform in a spectacular way. I do not think that we will see any further escalations in the area (or it may be my wish) as I said on the disclaimer true populist governments implement half-measures and are characterised by semi-actions that don’t solve the problem but somewhat alleviate it. In this way the reason for their elections continues to exist but still they can say that they have done something to combat, in truth they may be true on that but the moment they solve it they know no one will vote for them again.
    Was Trumped controlled from the beginning? I answer definitely no. The system had better candidates that with fewer drama could have easily won otherwise. The republicans would have run with Jeb Bush and the democrats were behind Hillary who was the candidate of choice for the system. The election of SCOTUS Gorush is a proof to that, as with most other candidates would have allowed to democrats to rule the supreme court. What has happened though is that Trump surrounded himself with neocons in order to befriend them, a terrible mistake, that has derailed him. In the end the only good thing that will come is that Hillary did not win and due to semi-measures a WWIII averted, we wouldn’t even have that with Hillary, who would have started it the very next day.
    What of us right now? We must continue to INDEPENDENTLY push our agenda we have no one that is of us or for us up there, who only may not be against us, and so we must go on. What we must capitulate is the anti-war movement, make it ours, with the alt-right, and cut the leftists from it.
    This should happen because the war helps not our interests but the globalists and it strengthens ISIS. Any further moralisation is redundant.

  17. It’s about North Korea gentlemen. Syria is just a show of force to push China to help the US disarm North Korea. It seems like it’s working, China positioned 150k soldiers at the border and refused a shipment of coal from NK.. once NK has nukes that can reach the US, it’s too late. It’s now or never.

    1. I do not doubt NK has something to do with it. In general, I think it has to do with keeping our word once we gave an ultimatum (no chem warfare) With few exceptions, our relationship with NK has been nothing but drawing lines in the sand and watching fat boy step over them.

  18. Worst case scenario: Multiple front war for the US. One in Europe/Middle East, one in East Asia/Pacific, and one in Central America.

    1. Central American, LoL. Maybe if china invade central America. Central American are like 5 small countries in the middle of continent. Politically speaking there is not central America, Just North America (Canada, USA, Mexico), and south America (The rest).
      Mexico is not even considered North America by Americans, Not even Canada is considered North America by Americans. Not even Americans are considered Americans by other Americans, Damn Americans!

        1. Out killing Japs. And English. And Chinamen. And Scots!

        2. That sir, is a given! Off with Taffy’s head!

  19. He’s probably and most likely just a vulgar populist and Americans are too gullible.

  20. The elite Republicans and the Democrats politicians, while they pretend to ‘fight’ and ‘hate’ one another, are really just one party — the ruling party — and they will do anything to stay in power.
    I believed that all the outrage from the Dems and Repubs at Trump during his candidacy was a sign that he was not part of that UniParty system. All the talk of draining the swamp and fighting the corruption in DC felt a lot more real than the usual politician bullshit because so many of the political elite seemed legitimately afraid or opposed to Trump.
    But we have not seen much evidence of the swamp being drained. In fact, what has been most worrying to me is seeing how many of Obama’s people and other leftists and globalists that Trump has retained and promoted. You have to have the right people around you — people you can trust to give you the information you need to make good decisions. If people who have differing agendas than you are the ones controlling the information and data that you see, then they can all too easily manipulate you and get you to do what they want you to do.
    If you have specific goals that you want to accomplish in the administration of any organization, you choose people to be in charge of things that you know are competent and able to do the job, but are also people that you know have the same goals and want to accomplish the same things. I don’t see Trump consistently appointing people to upper level posts that have a track record of believing and trying to accomplish the things that he was promising in his candidacy.

    1. Lets say Trump wants to tear out the neocons …. punish them… let them make mistakes with an attack on false pretences… then fire them all afterwards… that would be the real Trump play here…… at the same time he wins by showing he will act when necessary…..
      We will know if its the case that its a ruse and if Trump comes out swinging….. otherwise he keeps up the same party line and BS reasoning… then we know Trump is BS.

      1. There is two similar features between Assad’s syria and Saddam’s Iraq, they are both baathist in terms politically

        1. funny, by the smell of em you would think that they never took a baath in their life

        2. Smelly sand niggers bathing in the tub full of sand. If you know what i meant….

      2. I know you are joking, but there were a number of reports that Saddam moved WMDs to Syria in the run-up to the Gulf War.
        And the media doesn’t like people to know this, but there were actually tons of WMDs in Iraq despite the “There were no WMDs!” trope. Much of it is still there because it is too odd and hazardous to do anything with it.

        1. Makes sense to me. My guess is that like always the truth is somewhere in between and the only sure bet is that if it is coming from the media it is wrong

        2. No, there were chemical weapons. Chemical weapons are not WMD’s and there aren’t any biological weapons that can do enough damage to a large enough population to be WMD’s. A Nuke, is a WMD as it takes out large cities instantly. We starting calling chemical gas/bio “WMD’s” during the Dubya era in order to justify attacking a nation that hadn’t attacked us first and, thankfully, most people just accepted the new definition and rolled with it.

        3. I actually think its the opposite. The phrase “Weapons of Mass Destruction” has always meant chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons. The (flimsy) case to attack Iraq was based on WMDs including chemical and biological weapons, but the pro-war element always associated it with nuclear weapons to imply that their “evidence of WMDs” meant nukes, in order to scare people more. When the media started proclaiming “no WMDs in Iraq,” what they meant was no functioning nuclear weapons, because there were tons of biological and chemical weapons, as well as uranium and other precursors to nuclear weapons. For the record, I’m wasn’t pro-invasion nor did I believe Saddam had nukes, but I also think these fucks should, at the very least, be consistent in slopping out their own retarded bullshit. If the cover story was that we went into Iraq to get rid of their WMDs, than don’t tell me there are no WMDs when you are transporting tons of uranium out of the country and you have American troops guarding chemical and biological weapon storage facilities in Iraq.

        4. I can kill as many by gassing as I can with a good M-60, a decent spotter and several belts of ammo. I never once, not once, heard WMD in relation to anything other than something with the word “Nuclear” in it until Bush. Most chemical weapons don’t even destroy (although some do) and they have a limited application range, meaning you need a lot of people standing pretty damned close to have any “mass” effect, but in that instance, I’m back to my M-60 which nobody is going to label an M-60. Biological weapons are a joke and a fairy tale, mostly, they’re just not really developed enough and nobody is going to “dump plague in the water supply” of a large city and have it amount to anything. That works when you have one castle drinking out of one community well, but not with sewage treatment plants serving 100,000+ people.
          As to the invasion of Iraq I was sorely unpopular with people in real life because I refused to jump on board the bandwagon, even during the time that the Left was tripping over itself to get its War Face on. Our enemy was, and is, Saudi Arabia when it came to 9/11. Not even a question.

        5. I agree with you on 9/11. But I wasn’t arguing whether chemical or biological weapons actually *are* weapons of mass destruction. I was just trying to point out how the term of art “weapons of mass destruction” was used to manipulate us. You are right that back during the cold war, the term WMD primarily meant nuclear weapons. But it grew to include chemical and biological weapons as well, in part because of what I was explaining earlier.

      3. Just like how I “sold” all of my tools and guns to my dad just before the divorce was finalized.

  21. This what we talk about in French media :
    And what if Trump had not changed his mind?
    Thierry Meyssan
    The chancelleries and the Press are claiming that President Trump
    changed his policy and betrayed his electors by accepting the
    resignation of General Flynn, and then by bombing Chayrat. Thierry
    Meyssan, however, points out several incoherencies which seem to
    indicate just the opposite – the US military aggression against Syria
    may in fact be directed, in the long term, against Washington’s allies.
    Donald Trump, who was elected for his programme promising the end of
    imperialism, and for service of the interests of his people, suddenly
    change his mind only three months after his arrival at the White House?
    This is the ultra-majority interpretation of the bombing of the base
    at Chayrat on 6 April 2017. All of the allies of the United States
    approved the action in the name of humanitarian principles. Every one of
    the allies of Syria condemned it in the name of International Law.
    And yet, during the debate at the United Nations Security Council,
    the argument of a chemical attack perpetrated by Damascus was not
    considered by the representative of the Secretary General. On the
    contrary, he stressed the impossibility of knowing, at this stage, how
    the alleged attack could have occurred. Bolivia even raised doubts about
    the very existence of the attack, which was only reported by the White
    Helmets, in other words the al-Qaïda group that MI6 supervises for the
    needs of its propaganda. Moreover, all military experts emphasize that
    combat gases must always be delivered by shell-fire, and never,
    absolutely never, by aerial bombing.
    In any case, the US attack against the base in Chayrat was
    characterised by its apparent brutality – the 59 BGM-109 Tomahawk
    missiles had an accumulated power almost twice that of the atomic bomb
    that was dropped on Hiroshima. But the aggression was also characterised
    by its inefficiency – although there were in fact several martyrs who
    died attempting to extinguish the fires, the damage was so slight that
    the base was functioning again the next morning.
    We are obliged to conclude either that the US Navy is a « paper tiger », or that the operation was no more than a sham.
    If this hypothesis should be true, it is easier to understand why the
    Russian anti-air defence failed to react – supposing that the S-400
    anti-missile missiles, which are triggered automatically, were
    deliberately de-activated beforehand.
    Everything played out as though the White House had imagined a trick
    aimed at dragging its allies into a war against anyone who uses chemical
    weapons – which means, in fact, against the jihadists. Indeed,
    according to the United Nations, the only proven cases of the use of
    these weapons in Syria and Iraq to date have been attributed to them.
    Over the last three months, the United States have broken with the
    politics of Republican George Bush Jr. (who signed the declaration of
    war which was the Syrian Accountablity Act) and Barack Obama (who
    supported the « Arab Spring », which was in reality the replay of the «
    Arab Revolt of 1916 » organised by the British). However, Donald Trump
    has so far been unable to convince his allies, in particular the
    Germans, the British, and the French.
    Jumping on what seems to be a radical change in US policy, London has
    multiplied its declarations against Syria, Russia and Iran. The British
    Minister for Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson, cancelled his visit to
    But here’s the thing – if Washington has really changed its policy,
    why has Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, on the contrary, confirmed his
    own visit to Moscow? And why did Chinese President Xi Jinping, who was
    the guest of his US opposite number during the bombing of Chayrat,
    react so half-heartedly, when his own country used its veto six times at
    the UN Security Council in order to protect Syria?
    In the midst of all this speechy unanimity and factual incoherences,
    President Trump’s advisor, Sebastian Gorka, claims that the White House
    still considers President el-Assad as legitimate and the jihadists as
    the enemy. Gorka is a very close friend of General Michael T. Flynn, who
    drew up the Trump plan against the jihadists in general and Daesh in
    Thierry Meyssan

      1. Pretty snappy, Young Squire. I like it. But I would move the articles (the blog) to the home page. Every click a person has to make to access content, the site loses visitors. And there is no content on the home page. Now, maybe you have plans for the home page; maybe you plan on putting some content there. But if not, I’d ditch the “Blog” section, and move all your articles to the home page. But other than that, looks good to me…

        1. Yeah, I said something similar but I somehow became a trump hater. I’ll make a prediction myself now: we’re getting into a massive war and waste huge sums of money; it will likely become a bigger fiasco than Iraq-Bush; more will be spent and more people will die. Russia-Iran will lose to US-Israel.
          Do you try your luck in the stock market?

    1. Trump was played as the outside candidate. They’ll keep the rhetoric up about MAGA and likely turn on the people that expected him to follow through and proclaim them extremists.
      MAGA now means “Make AIPAC Gold Again.”

      1. I believe you are on to something there. (In fact, I know you are.) All this stuff is scripted tighter than the latest SJW Hollywood “hit” movie…

        1. I started digging much more into rigging after you and I had a discussion a couple of months back. Made a nice sum once I realized UNC was winning the tournament.

        2. Not bad. It wasn’t a brilliant takedown but overall it was steady money, just like it always is.

    2. Good call…. i thought also at the time that Trump had the same hysteria ring that Obama did in 2008….. The liberals had their all you can eat buffet for 8 yrs….. neo con wasnt going to wash… Bushes lies too recent…. so they go for Trump and its business as usual…. Trump or Hillary… about the only difference is the feminst trolls have been quietened down a little…. but that also serves the agenda since the main crowd that goes marching and takes political action are the feminists and lesbians on welfare…… who have the time of day and an axe to grind….. so Trump gave the middle white folks a shot of opium where the lefties and equality marxist had their fix with Obama…. BUT most importantly nothing changes……

  22. So setting aside that it was an obvious false flag attack.
    It feels hypocritical. All our weapons are humane/kosher, all theirs are too crude/painful. As if it’d be fun to be caught under a fuel-air bomb or have your legs blown off by a cluster munition. It’s okay for us to have an oopsie and level a mosque full of people in Mosul(Or, you know, intentionally help the Saudis help the Yemenis cleanse the Shia population) but of course the media will screech about every civilian accidentally killed by the Syrian Army.

  23. Its was an appropriate response. People can call everything a “false flag” and go in Alex Jones mode but sometimes govts do use chemical weapons on people to subdue them. Not the first time.

    1. Yeah, it’s great that we’re fighting for ISIS now. What a warm, snuggly, comfy world.

      1. technology connects the world, isolationism is an outdated concept and belongs in history

        1. Oh, right, I forgot, if you aren’t for bombing other nations who haven’t attacked you, that means you’re an “eye-so-layshun-ist!”
          That shit was worn out the by Dubya’s neocon crew when they drew us into two conflicts that had shit to do with 9/11. Find a new tactic.

    2. Trump did not attack Syria because of a chemical attack. This is about a much larger picture. What angers me among many things regarding this event is our leaders are not truly candid about the reason they are so interested in events in Syria. There is a bigger picture such as containing Russia and Iran, helping Israel, helping the Gulf States, and other issues which I do not understand nor care to understand. Instead of explaining the geopolitical reasons for the attacks our leaders use emotional reasons such as gassed babies. Are we really going to war over a few dead babies. This happens all over the world everyday. It’s a sick world we live in but we can’t go to war over this every time some African Warlord goes on a rampage in Rwanda.

  24. I’ll say it again here as I’ve said it in other places. Having served with in combat and worked with when he was the Chief of the Maneuver Center of Excellence, placing any trust or faith in McMasters is a recipe for disaster.
    Mike Flynn was a much better leader in the bigger scheme of things and took the honorable out when needed. McMasters is a glory hound neocon and you will reap what you sow.

  25. The JEWS always weasel their way IN! They would of been in sooner if they actually had something on Trump.

  26. I believe if Trump doesn’t play along and try to keep it contained at the same time, i.e. 3D chess, he’ll get pushed out by The Swamp and Pence will give those sand boon elites exactly what they want. I don’t trust that snake oil Pence bastard at all. He’s of that fag-cure voodoo mega-church attitude that welcomes feminism into Christianity and the globalization of American business.

  27. I’ll break it down for you and show you who benefits from the mass murders.
    after WW1 : Balfour declaration
    after WW2 : State of Israel
    after WW3 : Great Israel, implementing the Yinon Plan. Jerusalem becomes the NWO capital.
    Clear as crystal.

  28. I don’t read so direly into this action. Occasionally we have to remind the third world camel jockeys who is charge or they start getting the idea it is fine to try to attempt that stuff over here. The fact that it happened the night before the Gorsuch vote I think was quite devilish too.
    There simply isn’t enough evidence to think that Trump has gone neo-con or his white house has been invaded by them. Sit back and give him a chance.

  29. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…….. if voting mattered it would be illegal.

    1. They stopped voting in my country, the voters kept electing the wrong people.
      So much easier now the general is in charge, one man, one vote …. and he’s the man.

  30. I get Trumps move only in the context of sending them a message that chem weapons are a “red line” and a message to North Korea. If he lets Syria do this ; chem weapons spread to other countries and you have bigger issues….What I don’t get is why the US and the Ruskies cant agree on a plan- whoever is to be in charge to fix the place. All we are doing is making that entire country unlivable. Maybe splitting the place up in to 2-3 countries is the right answer. Just decades of war is not. We are not going to tell the Syrian Govt and the Ruskies that they need to find democracy. Its idiotic thinking… These are savages and democracy is a mile from their minds.

  31. Sometimes in a sticky situation you have to punch the first guy that walks up to you in order to get everyone’s attention.

  32. From the Cernovich article:
    “McMaster’s friends in the media, as part of a broader strategy to increase McMaster’s power, have claimed Jared Kushner and Bannon had a major falling out. In fact Kushner and Bannon are united in their opposition to McMaster’s plan.
    If McMaster and Petraeus have their way, America will find itself in another massive war in the Middle East.
    I’d really like to know if this is true. Bannon & Kushner are united how exactly? In opposition to a plan for a ground war in Syria if Cernovich is correct. That doesn’t mean they are united, or not at loggerheads over every other issue. This seems important to me (regardless of whether the rumour about a ground war prep is true), because one can see the McMaster’s takeover (and Bannon’s removal from the NSC) as part of a neo-con palace coup: Susan Rise, ex NSA & of the neo-con Brooking Institutes effectively provides the wherewithal to displace Mike Flynn. Was there in other words ever the possibility of a peaceful non-interventionist middle-eastern foreign policy? Is Kushner and his faction really independent of the war-mongering neo-con faction or just posturing to give us the impression this wasn’t always the game that was going to be played?

  33. I don’t know what y’all are going on about with this Syria crap. We are really at war with Eastasia. We’ve always been at war with Eastasia. We always war with Eastasia.

    1. it’s the strategy of tension. Perpetual war is good for the oligarchs, plebs butcher each others while they reap the benefits.

  34. To keep Russia away from middle eastern oil, and influence in this region, is good for the US isn’t it? This is the real reason Trump bombed the Syrians, in my opinion.

  35. Like Putin said, let the US show the World the evidence it says it has that Assad’s forces were responsible. I for one have seen nothing but heard a lot of verbal bum gravy.

  36. It is very foolish to expect your political leaders to say and do what you want. Case in point: the Democratic party

  37. Let’s look at this rationally. The US gave Russia (1) hour notice of the attack. They were unable to stop a singe Tomahawk from reaching it’s target, proving their much ballyhooed “air defense” system impotent.
    Second, Trump was meeting with the leader of China at the time of the attack. China moves 150,000 troops to the North Korean border and the next day turns 6 NK coal ships away from port, refusing their loads. The next day US coal was unloaded in the same port. Now China has a “bottom line” with NK.
    Third, Trump needed to distance himself from Putin. The reason is obvious if you’ve heard any news in the past 6 weeks.
    Fourth, It just reminds everyone in the world that the US can, and will if need be, destroy your fucking world and drink Kool-Aid while doing it.

  38. “…Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband, who favors a more conventional, neocon approach…”
    And I really wanted to get through the next four years without believing in any ZOG conspiracy theories. Sigh…..

  39. Another worrying trend is that idiot Tillerson trying to dictate to the Russians and what they should do regarding Assad(along with Iran and Hezbollah). There is no way they are going to abandon him. Trump has already increased world tension for no good reason, while this might delight the likes of McCain and Krauthammer, it gives me the impression we’re in for a stressful 4 years.

  40. Simple, he’s a fraud, he was always a fraud. He was a fraud as a businessman, he’s betrayed every relationship he’s ever had in his life, he promoted bs conspiracy theories (5 years of birther BS), and all he’s done is successfully tap into the know-nothing vote by spewing platitudes about a middle class life he has never known anything about.
    People bought a lie and as soon as it’s come time to deliver, he simply can’t. He doesn’t have the knowledge, intellect, character, discipline or any other worthwhile quality that would lead him to succeed as President.
    But, at least we get a minimum of 3 years 9 months more of this facepalmingly stupid nonsense. Hopefully his incompetence doesn’t kill too many people

  41. Honestly this is the president you guys voted for? He blatantly calls Hillary names and plays on Twitter like a 13 year old teenage girl with daddy issues. His own staff had to take away his Twitter account to keep him off it like a child.

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