How Being Tired At Night Gives Off An I-Don’t-Care Attitude That Girls Love

One of the many reasons that guys avoid night game is that they are tired after a hard day’s work. While this makes absolute sense it should be understood that fatigue is not in itself a barrier to creating attraction and getting laid with hot girls. In fact, it can sometimes actually help your cause.

The key to all game, and night game in particular, is not caring too much. To put it crudely, the more you care, the less likely you are to get laid. Why? Because when you actually give a damn what happens with a particular interaction, you unconsciously telegraph this to the girl, who will then view you as needy or desperate.

Another key challenge with night game is timing. If you meet a girl that you have great chemistry with too early on in the evening then it can be a boost to your confidence. You might get a little excited, thinking that your work is almost done. In fact you now have a problem: do you stick to this girl like glue for the rest of the night and risk looking like a chode without any other options; or do you leave her, telling her you guys will meet up again later, and risk her getting pulled by some other guy in the meantime?

There’s no definitive answer. Of course, you can try to pull her out of the club there and then, but often this won’t fly as she may be with friends, or she’s paid a cover charge and wants to see a particular DJ or whatever. You can try taking her to the bathrooms, but again that won’t always work.

In the end, the best way around this is to chat to girls casually throughout the night, but to only fix on a particular target towards the end when you will both likely be leaving before too long anyway. That way the attraction will be at its height right at the moment when it’s hometime. Then your casual suggestion of “how about we share a taxi” will likely go down a lot better than had you tried it earlier.

This is where tiredness can play in your favour, because if you are at your least needy right at the very same moment when she is most ready to be pulled then it’s much more likely that you’re going to achieve the result you want.

A Night Out In Berlin


When you go out to do night game then your evening will go through a number of predictable phases. Here’s how it was for me when I visited a spot in Berlin the other night.

When I first arrive at the club it’s likely I’ll be a little socially inhibited. Certainly that was the case in Berlin. I hadn’t been out for a while and I hadn’t even been doing much day game (which will really help your nighttime interactions by the way), so I was rusty.

To overcome this I decided to walk around and just say ‘hello’ to all girls that came into my path. Nothing more or less, just ‘hello.’

At first my voice was quiet and I didn’t get a great deal of traction. But as I wandered around and spoke to more and more people (including a few of the guys), and as the music started to build in the background, I found myself relaxing and gaining in confidence.

Now my interactions with girls lasted longer. I progressed from just saying hello to introducing myself, and then spieling off my usual crap: “You look dangerous”, “My mum warned me about girls like you”, “I’m just an innocent English gentleman”, and so on. Generally accusing them of being sexual predators looking to devour me.

The thing about night game is that it doesn’t really matter too much what you say as long as (a) it’s not deep or serious, (b) it’s teasing and funny and (c) you are careful to always lead the interaction in a sexual direction.

My strategy worked. I got a lot of IOIs from girls, some longer interactions and a few makeouts (including with one very cute Austrian girl wearing just red lingerie. Don’t ask—this is Berlin we’re talking about).

The Magic Sweet Spot

From there, as the night progressed, two things were happening. First, my confidence was growing all the time as a result of the positive feedback I was getting. Second, as I became more tired I was less concerned with what I said, filtered myself less and just said the first thing that came into my head when I spoke to a girl.

This is the magic sweet spot that you want to get to on a night out in a club. It’s hard to describe precisely, but basically you should feel completely at one with the craziness of your surroundings: you should feel entirely comfortable with allowing that same craziness to infuse your own behaviour and interactions.

You should also be outcome-independent. You don’t care whether you get the girl or not because you’d just as happily go home and sleep. As such you really don’t give a damn what you say to her. It doesn’t even have to make sense.

And when you think about it, this mirrors precisely the default setting of the alpha douchebag who has infinite options. He doesn’t give a damn whether he gets the girl or not. And he doesn’t filter himself when he talks to her.

Remember: all success in game comes about as a result of non-neediness. All failure in game comes about as a result of too much concern about the outcome.

At the end of my night in Berlin I got talking to another cute Austrian girl. By now I was out of my mind with tiredness and I really didn’t give a shit.

“Why do you travel to Berlin so often?” she asked me.

“It’s . . . I dunno, it’s complicated”, I said. I didn’t have the mental capacity or inclination to think up anything cocky-funny.

“Then sort it out,” she said. And then she leaned forward, grabbed me by the neck and started making out with me.

‘Tight game’ and clever conversation have their place, but they can also look try-hard. The counterintuitive truth is that in a nightclub environment tiredness, not giving a damn and semi-literate utterances can work wonders in getting you laid with hot girls.

For a compilation of all Troy’s best game writing, advice and techniques from the last four years buy his new book How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed 

Read Next: The Game Principles I Used When I Picked Up A South Korean Girl 

428 thoughts on “How Being Tired At Night Gives Off An I-Don’t-Care Attitude That Girls Love”

  1. Personally, I always tended to have the same results whether I was dressed nice and all psyched to go out or if I was worn out, in a hoodie and just following along my social group. I think you just have to be aware of your state of being and look for opportunities that work best. If you are tired, find the cute girl sitting down and chat her up. If you are a hyped, aim for the dancing girls.
    Now I wouldn’t be caught dead in a nightclub. Just the thought of being out past 10 p.m. makes me tired. Hashtag boring and wholesome.

    1. I don’t understand going out if tired. I’d drink some caffeine and get back in the game. In my experiences, low energy game doesn’t works well. Also, the guys that I notice being best with women are all higher energy men.

      1. A former best friend of mine was low, low, low energy … and he was a silent assassin. I’ve been to bars with him and watched his technique. He just sat there, quiet but kind of coiled inside, like a spider waiting for the flies, seemingly doing nothing. The women ALWAYS approached. He was aloof and ambiguous, engaged but distracted. He had ONS galore.
        His parents couldn’t explain him either. They told me that beautiful girls had been inexplicably attracted to him since he was twelve years old. A true natural.
        We all hunt in different ways, but I’ve never really seen anything like it.

        1. Maybe if strikingly attractive. I knew a few guys that could show up and pull girls without much effort. All the best players I have known were: good-looking, 6’+, highly extroverted, and high-energy. I’m average looks/height/extroversion, but high energy and it’s a major factor IMO. I just can’t see how low energy guys can make the # of approaches required to have success.

    2. Ha ha! Boring and wholesome, agreed. I do at least appreciate these articles, as maybe I’d hit up a club when I’m traveling, but for the most part clubs are my idea of torture, and generally I wouldn’t set foot in the door even to get the free pussy. And it’s not free. Given the absurd cost of drinks and the aural attack you must endure while searching out the girls you must then scream at to be heard, it ends up being a long and costly night.
      Night life in America strictly revolves around nightclubs and bars. Take a stroll to the plaza in many Hispanic cultures and you will find large groups sitting back, enjoying fresh fruit juice, chatting and watching the people go by. Much more my cup of tea.

  2. If a woman looks at you, look at her as though you see right through her. Show contempt and disdain. This will appeal to her masochistic nature and her natural compulsion to seek approval and attention from everyone who scorns her. After that, it’s all about conversation, providing it underscores your total ambivalence and accentuates your confidence. (Aw, hell, just whip out a huge wad of cash and tell her to shut up and suck it…or just wear this shirt.)

        1. I have to admit I found this the lame way. I saw someone on the street wearing it, thought it was funny and googled.

      1. Nice indeed. But I doubt most women would be smart enough to get the message…

        1. I’m NOT a woman and I still don’t get the message. Its a cool shirt, indeed, but what the hell means? Its about IQ 124, I suppose.


      2. I think you have already, but share the link to that on Telegram again with me if you don’t mind. I love that shirt.

    1. I tend to do that. I have a look of intense boredom and contempt or bemusement and they can’t get their eyes off me. That and I have a piercing gaze that I’m told can be compelling and intimidating.

      1. I tried that and everyone just thought I was sleepy and/or stoned.
        Really depends on your face.

        1. Yes. You have to go with what suits. I tend to be pretty intense so it can be easy for me to feign boredom or impatience.

      2. Well-played. I glare at them and shake my head and get this wry smile…they can’t resist. They hate themselves.

    2. Bob I’ve also found that if you look them squarely in the eye and ignore their other assets (especially when they’re dressed to show them off), it messes up them up too. She’s expecting you to look down her shirt, that’s why it’s unbuttoned that far or check out her legs in that mini skirt. When you don’t do it you’re an interesting anomaly. I was in a bar shooting pool with friends one night when this very attractive gal in a see through leopard print body suit strutted through very confidently. I locked eyes with her and completely ignored her body as she approached us. She gave me a sheepish “Hi” as she walked by, broke my gaze and uncomfortably looked down at the floor. That intense look directly into the windows of her soul messed her up. After she passed one of the women with us asked me “Did you see that?!” I said yeah, I was the only guy in the place who made eye contact with her. She asked why I thought that. I told her I was the only one looking at her eyes, lol! When I was in the service and my compadrés would drag me out to the strip clubs I’d do the same thing with the strippers (or just ignore them completely and shoot pool). It always amazed me that once they were off stage they’d come over and chat me up even though I didn’t tip. They’re strange creatures.

      1. I’ve had discussions with strippers about this very subject.
        Women who dress provocatively, or work as strippers, or as porn stars, or post scantily clad photos of themselves online, are extremely masochistic at their core. Their mood is based on how many men at any given moment are expressing sexual interest in them. This is due to the fact that they know deep down that they are shallow, useless, materialistic and fickle, not to mention prone to destroying everything in their lives that might be good (like a relationship, for example).
        I have talked to strippers who have admitted to me that if only one guy in the entire club – let’s say he’s a foul, homeless hunchback – is at their “rack” (where they dance on stage), and that one, solitary guy belittles them, or scoffs at them, or doesn’t give them one dollar, and then walks away, they have to find out why. Initially it makes them feel like shit. And they like that, they like feeling like shit, because they are masochistic. They like a guy who sees through them. They will try to please that guy to no end, to get him to express sexual interest. If he doesn’t do it, they will continue to feel like shit for days and days. And of course, this makes it a lot easier to fuck them…
        I have used the glare-and-scowl technique for years and years. Let’s say the hottest girl in the room ( at a bar, for example), is sitting nearby, and all the guys are orbiting her madly while she holds court, and I look at her with a look as cold as ice and I scoff (“humph”), and then shake my head and act disgusted, never giving her another single look. In almost every case, she will start to desperately try and get my attention. Of course, this angle can be mercilessly exploited – all it takes is experience, which is gained by experimentation. But it’s a much, much better play than telling her how hot she looks – that’s for simps.
        By playing on a woman’s deep-seated masochistic insecurities, a guy can get what he wants.
        Women always want what they can’t have, and they never have what they want.
        Remember that one, and you’ll never be thirsty…

        1. I just turn the tables on them a bit.
          Walk past a girl you’ve spoken to in the past and just open with “Stop eye ballin’ me, girl!” and then do whatever business you came to do (buy a drink, etc) and she’ll react in great ways.

        2. That’s a similarly excellent psychological ploy. It’s light, it’s teasing, and it appeals to a woman’s frivolity and lack of discernment. Whatever a guy does, don’t tell her how hot she is, or offer to buy her a drink out of the gate. She gets that a thousand times a week. Be different. Be aloof. Be unavailable. Or…be funny while acting disinterested. It’s the disinterest that intrigues them. They have to find out why the guy is disinterested, and they have to try and make the guy interested.

        3. I like razzing on a girl, especially if she’s superior levels of hot.
          Drove up to a bar on Buckeye Lake with a hottie on the back of my bike. (literally, a head turning super hottie fitness model type) When the kickstand went down I said to her nonchalantly “Well, looks like my bike rode in here with the hottest person in the county” and she started to smile and I added just as nonplussed “And hey, you look pretty good too”.
          Accusing them of doing ‘male things’ like staring you down, or undressing you with their eyes, and throwing in a “Man, I’m so hot” type remark keeps them happy and off balance.

        4. I’m not entirely certain what a cozy coop is.
          Just looked it up. lol

        5. Women really are simple creatures. They want to be entertained by something different…by something, anything other than simp lines and predictable behavior. They crave mystery and excitement and danger. Whatever angle you take, so long as you embody it, you can sell it to them. It’s taken me years and years to actually not give a flying fuck about any single female, but now, I don’t have to think about holding frame because I embody it. I will look around a bar filled with hot women and think about how they are all the same at the core. They are there to get attention and to get sexual interest from men and to get fucked by someone who is mysterious, exciting, and dangerous. Basically, they are little children, always bored, unable to focus on anything other than what is directly in front of them at any given moment. So…dangle the bait and get their attention and dump your load and move on.

        6. No doubt about it. I’ve been married for 27 years and I’m seldom thirsty (I understand when she’s sick or in pain, that’s different). She understands my position because we had the houn’ dog discussion before I would even entertain a second marriage. I told her I’m like an old houn’ dog. If there’s no food on the back porch I’m headin’ over to the neighbor’s house. I explained to her when things dried up in my first marriage and my ex told me I needed to go find a girlfriend, that’s exactly what I did. That’s why I was with her and if I’d wanted to be celibate I would have joined the priesthood. She agreed to my terms and we haven’t had a problem. But she understands that undertone is always there. And I make sure I stay in shape, dress well, wear nice colognes and maintain my game skills. Those are things (like my guns and motorcycles) that aren’t up for negotiation. It never hurts to be prepared…

        7. Absolute truth right there, my friend. It’s about strategy, intent and conviction.
          Another case in point – I periodically frequent this bar that’s a couple of miles from the hotel I stay at whenever I’m in Phoenix. It’s a dive bar/biker bar but a few of the girls who work there are ungodly hot. So, as some of you guys know, I am 60 years old. And I look every bit of it in the face. My body is good, but that’s not the key. The key is that I know I can get whatever I want, and I embody it.
          So at this dive bar there is this girl who is about 28 years old and she caught my eye. (I frequently practice game, even if I don’t intend to fuck the girls in question.) So I was around her for about the first few weeks, and she didn’t express any interest whatsoever, we didn’t talk, nothing. One night I look at her and I say, “You and I would make a great team.” She looked at me like I’d lost my mind, and she said, “What makes you think that an old man like you could ever have a shot at a girl like me?” And then she laughed, derisively. And I looked her dead in the eyes, and I said, “Because I always get what I want…and I want you.” (I said this with the absolute certainty of a hunter who was staring at an overmatched beast of prey that he was about to kill, cook, slice up, and eat.)
          After a dead silence that lasted about 10 seconds, she broke frame, turned bright red, brushed her hair out of her face, and muttered, “Oh my god what a fucking turn-on,” and then she hurriedly walked to the back room to regain her composure. (I could almost see her dripping right through her cut-off shorts.)
          I subsequently did some intel on her and decided I didn’t want to fuck her. But that’s irrelevant. After that episode, she told all the other girls who worked there about it, and when I was talking to yet another hot girl who worked there, she said to me, “I always get what I want, too, Bob.”
          It’s all about strategy, intent, and conviction – and more importantly, knowing that you can get whatever you might want, versus thinking you can get it. If a guy embodies that, he’ll have ’em lined up around the block…whatever tactic you decide to utilize, embody it. Practice it over and over until it is a part of you, until it is second nature…and you can’t miss.
          (Author’s note: When I write “you”, in this case I don’t mean the person with whom I’m exchanging comments, because he already knows it; I mean anybody else who might read this who is looking for an angle…)

  3. Yeah, I get that IDGAF attitude every time after a workout. The hard part is to make that state of mind last throughout the day.

    1. IDGAF attitude works, in my experience, only if you actually DGAF and that comes from abundance. If you fake IDGAF or if you happen to not GAF at any particular moment because you are tired or hung over, the giving of a fuck will eventually surface. The success of IDGAF is directly tied into ones options. When I am talking to a woman I know that if she shoots me down it doesn’t matter one bit because there are 1000 women behind her I can talk to and my phone is filled with women who can’t wait to get a text from me. That translates into a certain attitude that all women eat up like fat bitches eat candy and it is one that cannot be faked.

      1. But for men who lack experience, faking it is the best option. Reminds me of something I read in Heartiste, about imagining you’re in bed with three beautiful women and carrying that mindset in your interactions with other women.

        1. I have been thinking a lot about this lately…well, a little but some. I am not sure that faking it and practicing are the same thing. I am one of the people who doesn’t believe in the whole fake it till ya make it strategy. I would rather go about the steps of making it and just accept the inevitable and often hilarious and humiliating blunders as part of the experience. It is tricky and in my mind the thinking is still inchoate so I can’t really say it in a way that makes sense, but there is some way to do it I am sure.

        2. Faking it and practicing it are different things, but both can complement each other. There is no substitute for hard practice, but a proper mindset really does go a long way in improving your chances.
          Even in chess, the times where I said “fuck it” were the best games I’ve played.

        3. “I would rather go about the steps of making it and just accept the
          inevitable and often hilarious and humiliating blunders as part of the
          This is a perfect attitude to have, but much easier said than done. The key here is the CONVICTION that you WILL ‘make it’ (however you define it).
          Without that unwavering belief (and yeah all the work that goes with it), all the blunders and humiliations alone just become ends unto themselves, with no reason to believe life will ever be otherwise.
          Thus is the morass of depressed loserdom.

        4. that conviction coupled with the ability to laugh at yourself will take a person very far.

        5. One of my favorite lines is the opening line to Sabatini’s Scaramouche
          “He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad and that was his only inheritance”

        6. If you didn’t already call it, I’d consider that for MY tombstone. ‘Course it wont matter for another 60-80 years….

        7. gotta laugh at yourself…..or at the VERY least go laugh at some other poor fukkup…

        8. yup. all my best stories are the ones where I am the total and complete fukup….not the ones where I am the hero

        9. my user name is a joke on the fact that I was laid up for a year after a drunken kiteboarding expedition saw three of the four ligaments in me knee totally destroyed.

        10. now that you are a “cellie” you might be around on the weekends on telegram…that’s the time when the alcohol sets in and the funny conversations happen

        11. Little known fact, Alexander Alekhine prefaced each game by saying, “Fuck it”

  4. This was a really interesting article from Troy! While I don’t doubt this can work for some people and in some places, I find that I have much worse or even terrible luck when I am tired. This may be because of the way I tend to talk to women or the fact that NY women tend to be hyper aggressive and require aggressiveness in return, or maybe I just haven’t really tried zzzzzgame. Still, really interesting stuff here as always.

  5. Fucking amazing post – This is something I’ve believed for years but never heard anyone else mention it. 5 years back I had this revelation when I went out hungover and working on 3 hours of sleep. I ended up banging the hottest chick I had banged in my life at that point (Pretty sure it was almost my first one-night stand).
    I find being hungover also works. When I’m hungover I tend to move and speak a lot slower, and I’m more relaxed and calm. I’m also usually rolling with the social momentum from the night before, so that also helps.

  6. Never go to clubs at all. It’s a colossal waste of money for unguaranteed results (or guaranteed blue-balls for many guys) and contributes to the pedestalisation of females.

    1. They look really cheap with all that really cheap makeup. That ultra thick lip stick will act like an opposite pole to my pole.
      EDIT: I meant “like pole to my pole”. I was half asleep…

  7. These girls are straight up disgusting. It’s just your primate brain tricking you into valuing them in the first place. I’m sure alot of people would read that as sour grapes, but that is how I feel right now. I just woke up after having a dream about it and I’m happy to say that even in my dreams my dick has integrity.
    Do you realize how many guys have been in that pussy? The idea of sharing that space with a bunch of other dicks is just plain repulsive to me. So is the idea of measuring yourself as a man by your “notch” count. Being a male slut just seems gross. Like a negative rather than positive. Especially when you consider most of these girls you are tagging.
    It seems like you are really degrading yourself for some short term gain.
    The idea of going up to girls from the frame of trying to fuck them constantly turns me off. I’d rather just talk to them and see if there was a connection and if I felt anything in the first place.
    I think it’s a bit of a double standard to hate whores, but be a player.
    I just don’t understand why to even be needy for these girls in the first place. They are literally the bottom of the barrel of females, even if they don’t seem like it, and even when they are “hot”. To the point that I am not even sure that sticking your dick in them is actually a accomplishment elevating you instead of a vice lowering you.
    Alot of them are actually quite nasty and total losers too.

      1. Are you a woman?
        That sounds like an argument a girl would make.
        I do have higher expectations around here after all.

        1. actually it isn’t an argument. It was an observation. I am sure your standards are very precise….the 0.1% of women who would actually fuck you

        2. So basically my standards are in the .1% if I don’t want to sleep with drunken / high club sluts with sky high notch counts in club bathrooms.
          Are you really trying to make the argument that these are quality women?
          Are you really going to shame me for pointing this out and give more power to trashy pussy?
          A man better not get standards, shame on that loser. Remember that pussy is all powerful and never insult the religion of game.
          If you want to argue for the quality of club sluts then that’s a discussion I’m perfectly happy to have with you.
          Where are you getting the idea that these women are not low quality dude?
          Why do you need to white knight them?

        3. actually no. I am saying that a very, very small number of women would probably fuck you and it shows.
          I am not trying to make the argument that these are quality women. Some of them are and some aren’t. It is a case by case judgment call
          I would never shame anyone for not giving power to pussy, but being hostile towards pussy shows inner weakness and fear of women that is jut as bad.
          What are these standards you speak of? Just curious.
          You list club sluts like it is all one woman. I am not a fan of clubs in general but there are some very attractive women there and some of them have a lot to offer…others less so. Like anywhere else.
          You are lumping all women together in terms of their quality. “All girls that go to clubs” “all girls that enjoy sex” bla bla bla. There are loads of women out there and while AWALT is true, women have different strengths and different weaknesses and many of them have something interesting to offer, even if it is only temporary.
          White Knight? Wrong guy buddy. This is the classic wuss argument. You see you are hostile towards and afraid of women and sexuality. You are the classic junior high school dork who gets teased by girls and becomes hostile and sullen and anyone who calls you out on it you will call a white knight. Sex is fun and all this puritanical bullshit is fucking annoying. Go have some fun with women. You might find that they have some things to offer that you enjoy.

        4. ROK should really get it’s priorities straight over here.
          Are sluts bad and ruining western society or not?
          Since you are just a commenter and I don’t know your position on that, I will not assume it. But it’s certainly the general attitude of this site, although at the same time it also advocates being a player. So which is it? Cause you can’t have both.
          So is your argument that unlimited casual sex is fine and harmless?
          Cause that’s basically where you seem to be going with this.
          I just want to clarify what your actual position is to help avoid confusion.

        5. Why do you think ROK should have one single narrative. It isn’t jezebel. Why do you think that all women who have sex are sluts? I do agree that you can’t have it both. I have no desire for a wife or kids. That said, I think my relationships with women are incredibly valuable and much more, at most times, than merely masturbation with a wet hole. I do think that casual sex is fine and harmless for men and women. I would say that like alcohol or gambling it needs to be moderated somewhat and there is a line that can get crossed that is terrible, but I see nothing wrong with enjoyment of sex. Sex is fun. People like it.

        6. Because the two narratives are contradictory. That’s why.
          It’s like having a site that says “ice cream causes obesity and should be banned” and then “best ice cream flavors” and “why you should be eating a quart of ice cream a day”.
          Thank you for clarifying clearly.
          I think sex is fun too and it’s enjoyable, the problem is we are still human beings, with human natures, and we also need to reproduce and form relationships and families for optimal function of humanity and society, in my view.
          I think there is great irresponsibility in that regard both male and female and that it is putting western civilization in jeopardy.
          There is a whole lot to think about in regards to this, it really runs alot deeper.
          Sex and humanity is a very complex subject and I’m going to tell you right now that there is far more to the story than “sex is fun, lets fuck alot”.

        7. Not “narratives”, rather, “view points”. Different authors have different views, and we hash them out in the comments section. This is not Monolithic Ideology Station here man.

        8. I’ve been getting so tired of seeing the argument that because one thought exists the other cannot exist. Ice cream can cause obesity and it is also delicious and fun to eat. There is not just one correct thought.
          Liberals and conservatives do this all the time. An open inclusive ideology of welcoming foreigners and expanding the tribe is a valid adaptive strategy. However, conservatism and protecting the tribe and establishing rules is also a valid adaptive strategy.
          Sex can be fun and enjoyable. It can also be abused and degrade society. Both exist at the same time and the fucking point of being a successful human is to balance them.

        9. Dude…what the fuck? You need to stop clear and rational thinking, stat!

        10. Its almost like life requires personal responsibility……and everything isn’t black or white.

        11. It’s over the top today too with two high profile shootings. Guns are productive killing tools – yes. Guns are needed by citizens for protection – yes. Ka-pow, thousands of minds imploding into an irrational single extreme position.

        12. But why have a single narrative. I could understand the complaint if you were saying one author had two different opinions, but for one site to have different authors with different opinions seems like a good thing to me….different men find different roads in this world. That one person would chose one type of life and another would chose another type of life doesn’t put them at odds. If anything it gives them something interesting to talk about. The core of masculinity is in the honest assessment of ones desires and choices and acceptance of the things they leave behind. Some of the married guys here are married and understand that by living that kind of life they are giving up certain things…things that I have in such abundance it is absurd…and by me living my life I am giving up on a lot too…a son to teach how to throw a curve ball too or the stability that comes with a lifelong commitment.
          We are fortunate enough to live in a world where not everyone needs to be reproducing. If you want to have kids then you should live a traditional lifestyle and sacrifice certain things for those kids and their mother, but we don’t need your offspring. We will be just fine without them. We aren’t in a hunter gatherer or an agrarian society any more. If your hobby is having a family then go have one but don’t make yourself out to be some kind of fucking hero about it ya know.
          Your argument is, essentially, that anyone that doesn’t view the world the way you do is putting the western world in jeopardy. “Dumb Fucking Shit for 400 Alex” This Moronic Idea is Common Amongst People who need to universalize their own beliefs because of deep fear and insecurity. What is “anyone who doesn’t agree with my way of life is putting western society in jeopardy”
          Welcome to the modern world, we have something for everything. Sex is fun is the end of it for me. I get that that isn’t something that is, can be or ought to be universalized. I understand what I sacrifice to live my life and I feel I have made the right decisions.
          So I take it you are a married fellow with a kid or three. As such you will miss some of what I have and I will miss some of what you have because no one gets to have it all…western society will survive our different lifestyles.

        13. Coming from a married guy with three sons, this is a great analysis Kneeman. Differing viewpoints, painful truths, diverse paths all converge on this site. It is a beautiful thing where each man here can learn something from the others. That doesn’t mean we have to adopt each others’ lifestyles. Sometimes you need to take a deep breath, relax and realize what’s right for you may not be right for the next guy. Unless he’s infringing my rights, it’s really none of my business what he does.

        14. Absolutely boothe! I would never presume to infringe on your ability to be a family man and, in fact, enjoy hearing about it. Really the two biggest problems are 1) people who think they can have things both ways without sacrificing anything because all life is choices and all choices preclude things and 2) people who need to take their lifestyle and demand that it be seen as the only valid way to live which is the act of a coward as far as I can tell.

        15. Feminists are infringing on men though.
          I’m surprised that’s a controversial view point here.

        16. Is it cowardly for western men to abandon their civilization for the pursuit of sluts?

        17. That’s great but we actually have real problems in real life at this point.
          So where are men? And why aren’t they doing anything about it?
          I am not really aware of any pro male advocation happening anywhere for the most part. Feminists have it, but men don’t.

        18. I can’t dude. I’m sorry. You are just too depressing. Maybe when you get your shit together but I can’t do a back and forth with someone like you. You need to be something first. I already have pabst when he gets in his moods for this. The role of whiny sad shit in the kneemans roster has been filled

        19. You can’t what?
          Do anything about it?
          I thought I was the one who needed to get his shit in gear?
          We got problems and you’re off banging hoes.
          Great dude, but please don’t lecture me about personal responsibility.
          You think I want to deal with this shit?
          But with how things are going it’s about time someone tried to do something.
          This attitude put us here and it’s going to keep us here.
          So don’t knock me for standing up for men and the world I live in, which is currently getting shit on with no one to do anything about it.

        20. Plus you know nothing about me, except that I comment here, same as you.
          Don’t know where you get these ideas into your head, but if that’s your logic then that’s a pretty easy one to evade.
          Not really getting the connection of saying we have a corrupt system that needs to change and “you have done nothing in life”.
          That’s a bit strange to be honest.
          Isn’t that more like weakness of ideas?

        21. Well that depends on your situation. I’ve chosen a career path that is a true meritocracy. You can either pass the tests and do the work or you can’t. We don’t have any females and very few “minorities” in my line of work. Here again, it’s up to you to choose your own path. I seldom deal with feminists other than on-line where I engage them intentionally. We create our own reality Preston. We really do. So as the old saying goes “Be careful what you wish for.” Or by extension, be careful what you believe.

        22. Well I was probably coming across in the wrong way then, cause that’s definitely not what I think at all.
          I am extremely pro free thought. I depend on it after all.

        23. By coming here and building their own nation, they did create their own reality. Was it perfect? No. But for a long time it enabled millions of people to build their lives and livelihoods relatively unmolested by government. But there are those who argue that by today’s US governmental standards we would be better off under the rule of King George III. We have become weak and too tolerant of the government yoke methinks.

        24. I know I’m just saying that for some odd reason people seem to be criticizing me and saying that I want to change a corrupt system cause I’m a loser who doesn’t want to have to succeed in the current one so I want to change all the rules in my favor for that reason and force everyone to do things my way.
          It’s actually just because I think it’s a corrupt system so I don’t really understand that argument.
          I’m still not even sure what to do about feminism exactly, but I was exploring certain ideas in that regard.
          I do believe feminism is a real thing at this point though, that does in fact profoundly affect the world and that it’s not just a personal issue.
          It is a systemic one with real consequences.
          And I don’t think we gain from shouting down anyone that explores that as a women hating loser. That’s exactly the same thing feminists would do.
          I’m used to them doing it, but it might take some time to get used to red pilled men doing it.

        25. Well only SOME people are doing this. And I see part of that as a self defense mechanism for the pragmatic to absolve themselves of any perceived responsibility of trying to change the system. But just because they have learned to work within this system doesn’t mean you have to like it or do the same. For those who are satisfied with the status quo and can gain all the material benefits from it they want, more power to them. But we don’t have to be satisfied with that. You can make a difference and you don’t have to devote your entire life to it, nor do you need to martyr yourself (unless you want to). You can educate the people around you. A good place to start is to point out logically how taxation is theft and taxation through distraint is armed robbery. You can also point out how bad the “publik skule” system is and encourage friends and relatives to home school or use private schools. These are two areas where you can attack feminism by defunding it and educating against it. If you have a cause you really feel strongly about, support it with your time and money. But don’t expect it to change overnight; it didn’t get this way overnight.
          I am a big proponent of the individual right to keep and bear arms, so I correspond with our elected representatives, contribute money to the NRA and GOA and teach other people the importance of the 2nd Amendment. Here in Missouri through steadfast determination and patience, we now have constitutional carry. It took a while and getting there was incremental, but we got it done. So be persistent and be patient. Gun rights are but one of my passions. We each have our own. Yours may be men’s rights. There will always be those who disagree with us and will try to shout us down. Don’t sweat it. When you seek to improve yourself, there will be people who will try to drag you back to their level. Ignore them. As I’ve gotten older I am more and more ZFG about what other people think about me, especially when I know I’m right. Strive to get where you want to be and to make the changes in your reality you want to see. Keep your faith.

      1. They have far more uses than mere dik warming. If you pick well they can be funny, smart, charming, kind, caring….women are an amazing source of all sorts of virtues….dik warming being one of them. Just because they aren’t wife material doesn’t mean they are totally bereft of other values outside their ability to be a genital genie

        1. Agreed. However within the context of ‘night-game’ dik-warming is generally the job description.

        2. So basically you are part of the problem, is what I’m hearing?
          That’s fine but I hope you can admit that.
          Cause it’s exceptionally douchey to try and play both sides of the fence here.
          That is not a behavior that I can respect for sure.
          Although I’m unsure if you are just of the shameless lifelong player variety or of the “I want sluts but I also want a quality wife” variety.
          Cause if it’s the latter then it’s certainly a discussion worth having.

        3. what is “the problem”
          I am not sure which sides are which or what the problem is. I am certainly not worried about your respect. If I wanted a quality wife I would probably do what other commenter jim Johnson did and get involved in a local community and get active in the church. That seems to be the right way to go if you want that life style.
          What I refuse to do is believe that outside of “making a good wife” that women don’t have any value. That’s fucking moronic. That is no different than a woman saying that outside of a paycheck a man has no value. It is stupid and shallow.

        4. Explain please.
          Here’s an analog of what you’re doing logically.
          I’m trapped in a room. Inside the room there is unopened fresh food, which is about 10% of the food, and opened and soon to spoil food, which is about 90%. If I choose to eat of the 90% and leave the 10% alone, you are walking in and accusing me of spoiling the 10% that is unopened. “You keep eating the opened food, you’re part of the problem”. Technically I’m not. That doesn’t compute logically.
          Not “me me” I mean rhetorically.

        5. The problem is that western society has shifted from family and responsibility to excessive extreme hedonism. IE women would rather be sluts than mothers and men would rather be players than fathers and the overall effects and relation of that to western society and the situation we are in now.
          Women might have value outside of that, but there is still alot of problems stemming from the disruption of mothers and wives and families here. That is the “problem”.
          There is more problems too actually, at least in relation to feminism, but that would take some time to explain in detail.

        6. you think all western society did this? That seems wrong. There are plenty of people who want to live all kinds of lives. If there is any real problem, and we may agree here, it is that people want to be playboys/playgirls AND have families and that just doesn’t work. As for the problems of western society, I wouldn’t trade first world 2017 living for any other time or place in the history of mankind. The world is a great place right now. If you want to live a solitary life it is easier than ever. If you want to live a hedonistic life it is there for you to live. If you want to live a traditional life, that is out there too. It is true, you can’t do them all at once, but every option is out there in abundance. The world isn’t a problem Preston, the world is fantastic. The problem is two fold: in the front of a lot of options people fail to pick just one and in turn get none…that is a problem we agree on. the second, a problem we don’t agree on, is the problem of men who are bitching and moaning that the west is such a failed place….the truth is, the biggest failure is of the men who are bitching and moaning. You want to live a particular kind of life, go live it. Stop trying to moralize and extrapolate your way as the only way, it stinks of weakness.

        7. And here, in Preston Blood’s case, we have yet another man crying about how the world isn’t the way he wishes it was.

        8. “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”― George Bernard Shaw

        9. You are a very optimistic person for a nihilist. I don’t mean that in a sarcastic way, I just find it a bit curious.
          That’s exceptionally idealistic of you, but there is alot more to the story.
          I think you are thinking that we are all existing in a vacuum of complete freedom here, but that is not the case.
          That’s not actually how the real world works.
          If anything I’m actually arguing for exactly what you are talking about. Real human freedom. But the practicalities of that are way more complex than some superficial words.
          It would be nice if we could all just live these amazing dream lives among each other together, but I hope you’d agree that this is not reality.
          For starters do you really believe that everyone can live their dream, without infringing upon the dreams of others?
          Did you think about that?

        10. I am very optimistic in general, not just for a nihilist. Further, I think nihilists have the most reason to be optimistic even if there are some really sad sacks out there. Speaking of sad sacks, let me sit on back and let me hear uncle Presty tell me all about how the real world works…oh…wait…not real information. Do I think everyone can really live their dream. Well, I still haven’t become a rockstar shortstop astronaut billionaire spy……so probably not. do I think we can all live realistic dreams and live side by side, sure. Why not. Can we do it without infringing on each other? Depends on our dreams.

        11. pretty sure all great men throughout history have made reality bend to their imaginations and not the other way around…

        12. Of course I don’t like it. And I’m doing the best I can about it, just like lolknee said.
          Is that a bad thing to not accept something and fight it?

        13. It depends on how you want to change it Preston. If you want to use the force of government, which is coercion through lethal force, we have a problem. But if you merely wish to persuade others to change their hearts and minds, then we’re good.

        14. That is a really rare dream….those are fringe dreamers….the ocean is big enough to withstand much pollution.

        15. Nothing wrong with fighting for something, but in this case I believe you are paddling against the current… I choose to simply float and enjoy the ride.

        16. “But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”
          William Butler Yeats

        17. I’m saying that the dreams of feminists (which you are defending here) are not compatible with the dreams of others. The two can’t exist in harmony. You can’t have both and so far as I can tell you are advocating feminism.
          And you are saying I’m wrong for trying to oppress others way of life, as if we can all just have a amazing one and no one has to bend to anyone else.
          I don’t see the compatibility between modern feminism and male providers.
          Why do you think the two can exist in harmony and without conflict?
          That I would be curious to hear.

        18. In what way do you believe I am advocating feminism? Simply by saying that some men don’t desire the family life and it is a wonderful thing that there is a place where men like that can find what they are looking for?
          I am saying you are wrong for thinking that a traditional family life is not possible in a world where a single man can enjoy a hedonic life. That’s just clown shoes stupid.
          I am not sure where you see feminism here. Is it in the fact that I feel that women should be free to make the same choices regarding their life as men? That isn’t feminism. If a woman wants to enjoy a single career life, a life of hedonism, a life of a series on relationships, a life without children, then fine. I am not the woman police. Feminism is telling them that they can enjoy one life until they are 40 and then feel totally entitled to go the other direction and expect a high quality mate and that is decidedly what I am NOT saying. Men and women alike have the right to chose their lifestyles and ought to do it knowing full well and accepting the consequences, good and bad, of that life style.
          What you are doing is saying that feminism and a traditional lifestyle are not compatible and then claim, incorrectly, that my positions are aligned with feminism. That form of argument, oddly enough, is one I see almost exclusively from feminists…specifically when they are arguing against patriarchy…so it is ironic that you are incorrectly calling me a feminist while using an argument for unique to feminism.
          I mentioned before that you seemed pathetic and you asked why….you are so insecure that you see it as impossible to cohabitate a world with people who chose a different path from you. That is why I say pathetic.
          You didn’t answer before: are you married? do you have kids?

        19. HE aint eatin’ my lunch either!
          (Though I confess sometimes it looks like he’s getting the better sangwheeges!)

          “There is a blue one who can’t accept the green one
          For living with a fat one trying to be a skinny one
          And different strokes for different folks
          And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo
          Oh sha sha we got to live together
          I am no better and neither are you
          We are the same whatever we do”

        21. In humanity power is more social than personal so.
          I wish it wasn’t, but that’s generally how it works out.

        22. About 10 years ago I was boning at girl who just had moved to new York. She was 18. I met her her second day here poor thing. She would come to my place to fuck all weekend and she would always bring lunchables. I can’t think about lunchables without thinking how I totally defiled her little twat

        23. I doubt you defiled her: i think the average age of first sex for an American girl is like 13

        24. Now over the course of my life I can admit my diet has been less than optimal and even I wont go near that garbage!

        25. “In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
          Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”-
          Lewis Carroll

        26. This is true (to a degree…no one seems to have bent Newtonian physics) but I am not a great man. I am not one of the once in a generation human beings that comes along and bends the world to its will. I am not Tesla or Napoleon or Beethoven and neither, I would guess, are any of the people here. One of the problems endemic to our time is that everyone thinks they are that once in a generation mind…..yes, great men throughout history have bent reality to their will….but what about the other 99.9999999% of men. The smart, successful and decent ones have done their best to understand the reality before them and did their best to, within the confines of that world, make a way for themselves. Did Peter The Great bend Russia and, indeed, the world to his will…sure he did. Does that mean that every dickweed with an opinion and an asshole should walk around treading the world like their own personal fuck toy? Probably not

        27. I want people to be free.
          And don’t you realize we already have this?
          It’s called the government.
          If people could be allowed freedom, we wouldn’t need it in the first place.
          If you are so worried about that, I am the last person you should worry about, but there are many people out there who you should be legitimately concerned about in that regard.
          As far as feminists go it’s a sticky issue. I don’t actually want to oppress women. But what the hell are we supposed to do when we give them freedom and they act like total self destructive lunatics?
          If all women said “we don’t want to have kids anymore” would you just let the human race die out? Or would you oppress them?
          Life is not so easy and simple.

        28. Pabst, I could defile a prostitute. I am fond of telling girls that I don’t care about their sexual history because they are virgins until I fuck them. They laugh, but winds up agreeing.

        29. William Riker: “Someone once said, ‘Don’t try to be a great man. Just be a man, and let history make its own judgment.’”
          -Star Trek: First Contact

        30. We have a much bigger problem than that as far as I am concerned.
          I know you just think women can party and give blowjobs and everything is going to be kosher but can’t you see how that could end up being a problem?

        31. “The smart, successful and decent ones have done their best to understand
          the reality before them and did their best to, within the confines of
          that world, make a way for themselves.”
          I’m more like a blind pig sticking its snout into the wall of an inflatable bouncy castle hoping to find the exit.

        32. take some time and enjoy the bouncing Pabst. What are you up to this weekend. Looks like it might be good weather.

        33. Well since the current is going down to hell anyways, I have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
          If I fail then I sink. If I go with the flow I sink.

        34. should have called this “simple chord progression” jesus these guys play music like dr Seuss rhymes.

        35. “history is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake”
          -james joyce I think, before he went cuckoo.

        36. No, I don’t think it is a problem if a woman decides to party. If a man decides to marry a girl who has been doing that for a decade and have kids with her it is problematic, but I don’t see how you can blame the broad for a man’s dumb decisions. If you are looking for a wife in the same place I am going to get laid then that is all on you bucko. But if you want a nice little bitty to marry up and pump out a few womb turds with, they are out there. You just have to commit to the kind of lifestyle conducive to it. You still haven’t answered if you are married with children

        37. You are that guy from the show “Dream On” who’s entire memory is full of TV instead of his actual life.

        38. of course not, let me extoll the virtues of playing C,G,Am for 6 and a half minutes. I will give it to Skynard….they do have one amazing talent…not hanging yourself while playing such lame music can’t be easy

        39. I don’t actually even want to oppress people at all, but since these morons keep enabling tyrants then what are we supposed to do?
          Wouldn’t it be nice if we could trust people to just not be completely stupid?
          Now that would be a real dream.
          I’ve learned the hard way that the masses are not my friend and if I was being tortured to death or killed, they wouldn’t even blink an eye.

        40. “NOT the Rings, Randal! Say what you will about Jesus, but leave the Rings out of this!” – Clerks 2

        41. did you see his burger joint just opened on 2nd and 86th….Whalburgers….grooooaaaaannnnn

        42. I’d be broke up about it if it happened to anyone. That’s just basic human decency.

        43. Actually Vanilla ice has a successful house flipping and renovation business in Miami. He apparently invested his one hit wonder money into real estate end businesses that he found interesting. On a side note they Reposed the gold gates on the front of MC Hammer’s mansion. hmmmmmm

        44. Oh I am painfully aware of how far we have allowed government to infringe our liberties. I just don’t want to see it go any further and do what I can to roll it back. The problem is, as you describe with feminism, a lack of self discipline and morality at the individual level. When people refuse to govern themselves then government will fill that vacuum. You can’t have individual liberty without individual responsibility. And my point was more rhetorical than a belief that you want a police state. Fortunately you don’t have to worry about a scenario where all women get together and decide not to have any more children. There are still plenty of decent wives and mothers available if you look and are man enough to lead one of them. I have somehow managed to maintain a decent happy marriage for 27 years. It can be done but it hasn’t always been easy or free of confrontation. Life has never been easy or simple. To have the good things in life, whatever that means to you, you have to work, take risks and endure hardship. Doing so is what separates the men from the boys at any time and in any culture.

        45. “Life has never been easy or simple. To have the good things in life,
          whatever that means to you, you have to work, take risks and endure
          hardship. Doing so is what separates the men from the boys at any time
          and in any culture.”
          huzzah!! Worth repeating.

        46. you are right. I mock LS for terrible, uninventive and downright boring music in songs that are so long they ought to be considered against the Geneva Conventions but I forget the mastery of language and poetry shown in their amazing lyrics like
          take your time, don’t live fast
          troubles will come, and they will pass
          go find a woman, and you’ll find love
          and don’t forget son, there is someone up above
          oh yeah
          I can honestly say that this song brings tears to the eye….in the same way a nail gun being shot into my femur would but tears nonetheless.

        47. Y’know, if nothing else, this is far more entertaining than agreeing with me!!
          Nice sentiment, yes, Mozart, no. Fine.

        48. if you like “simple man,” you will just LOVE “Every mother’s son” :

          “Well I’ve been ridin’ a winning horse for a long, long time
          Sometimes I wonder is this the end of the line
          No one should take advantage of who they are
          No man has got it made
          If he thinks he does, he’s wrong”

        49. I have answered it before, and it was in a discussion you were involved in, but no I do not. That’s precisely what got me thinking about it. Since I’d like to at some point.
          Do you really not see the bigger picture of this and think that every man who wants to find and retain a appropriate women and start a family in the west does not have legitimate concerns and complaints, like massive ones?
          You do remind me of feminists when you say “stop whining, loser”.
          So is a guy that just got raped in divorce court, by the law, and has his family and kids destroyed by a out of control woman “whining”?
          You might say well he shouldn’t have picked her. Well do you not also realize that this is more than a personal choice, it’s the majority of women these days?
          Oh yea, plus most men are not taught about that? And are instead fed a bunch of lies?
          Plus the whole entire society and culture constantly encouraging her to do it?
          Do you not realize that third world countries are breeding like rabbits, who you call peasants, and are replacing you like the plague?
          There is alot more going on here than just “well screw it, I just want to throat fuck whores on the weekend after work”.
          I guess that is all just “whining” and I should shutup and learn better game and it’s all my fault. That’s not whining those are legitimate problems and you are just as bad as those feminists who use this same rhetoric to abuse and exploit men and prevent them from having the same fairness and equality that you say everyone deserves.
          You need to think more expansively here cause this is more than a superficial issue and leaving it at that will simply not do it justice.
          I don’t know all the answers and I’m still searching myself but I do know it’s way more complicated than what you are saying here.

        50. So wait, you are “fighting the good fight” to keep the world safe for men to have wives and children and have done exactly dick other than whining about getting them for yourself? Ok, well I know what I am working with here now.
          No, I do not see a legitimate complaint that western men would have about my lifestyle if they wanted to get married and have children. Tell them to go get married and have children.
          Sorry but, but if you are a whining loser you get told to stop whining, loser. That’s the way it works. You aren’t being divorce raped. You are complaining on a website that the world is unfair while doing nothing to achieve your own goals but complain.
          As for men who were divorce raped, there are a very small few I feel bad for. When you look at their actions between mate selection, lifestyle and how they behaved during their marriage a very large majority of them really fucking did it to themselves. Zero bits of sympathy given. As for “most men” not being taught about it I don’t know that that is true either.
          Peasants have always outbred the aristocracy. This doesn’t worry me at all. You want to go live like a peasant then go. It is fine by me. I am not the one saying that someone elses life style is an affront to my own. ALso, you conflate the idea of living a live of bachelorhood with just throat fucking whores. It reeks of virginity, weakness, impotence. You’ve been treated pretty roughly by women and it shows. Maybe this attitude is why women don’t really want you.
          Yes, it is all whining and you should shut up, but I didn’t say anything about game. Sit down and decide what you want from life. Take a year to think about it. Think through the ups and downs…everything has multiple sides, make a decision about how you want your life to be and then go fucking live that life. You have no legitimate problems except for being stuck in a cycle of self-pity rather than actually making a world for yourself that you can be happy about.
          You don’t really deserve it, but I am going to give you this bit of free advice anyway. Don’t be such a fucking pussy your whole life. If you want a particular lifestyle go fucking make it happen. If that involves moving to Tanzania, or becoming a priest, or marrying and having children and a farm or being a fucking race car driver…you are in the midst of a self fulfilling prophecy.
          What is it you want? What is stopping you from getting it? If you say you want a wife and kids and a traditional lifestyle and your reason for an inability to get it is because some corporate guy in new York doesn’t have the same dream and prefers a different type of lifestyle then I name you coward.
          Stop yaking on and on about how the feminists stole your candy and go make your way. If you want to know what it really means to be a feminist look at what you are doing…you want something and rather than work to get it you are demanding that the world change to suit your needs. GTFO pussy. GO be a man.
          As to the expansiveness of my thinking…well, I picked a particular lifestyle for myself and worked to make it happen. When I got there, 15 years of work later, and realized I wasn’t happy with it I reconsidered what would make me happen with the advantage of hard won knowledge and picked a new life style which was drastically different and went and made that happen. It is 10 years later and I can say that while I don’t have everything I want I am very happy with my trajectory, enjoy my life thoroughly, feel spiritually and intellectually fulfilled and am happy and optimistic about the future….so lets just say I am not about to start taking advice on how to change my thinking from some faggot who can’t take the first step towards his life goals because he is too afraid. You are using “modern world,” “fall of the west,” “feminism” and people who don’t want to live the same lifestyle as you as a cop out and guess what, tick tock mother fucker that clock ain’t stopping and as sure as shit you will be dead one day and every day you waste sitting around on your hands whining about how unfair the world is is another day closer to a big rock that reads HERE LIES A HUGE FUCKING PUSSY WHO DIDN’T DO DICK WITH HIS LIFE.
          You want to escape the trap of feminism, then be a fucking man. You want to be a man, make some god damn decisions and then take actions to make them real. Everything else is bullshit.
          No charge for the tough love. Pay it forward is you ever get off your ass and make something of yourself.

        51. Tick tock mother fucker is the realest shit ever.
          Time gives not one flying fuck about anyone’s opinion, dreams or desires.
          Life is one big diy project.

        52. I’m happy to discuss things with you but you really need to chill on the projection here.
          Of what basis do you have for any of your statements?
          Do you want to discuss the merits of our ideas, or do you want to be my unpaid psychologist?
          Why do you want to compare me and you in terms of women?
          That’s not really the intent of my discussion here.
          I feel like this is a pretty nasty and personal response for what should be a discussion about ideas which is why I’m here in the first place.
          The concerns I have raised, am raising, and will continue to do so are legitimate and if you disagree I encourage you to challenge them, but please do so on the merits of the ideas. I don’t think this discussion you are encouraging is going to be very productive.
          It’s not about me or you it’s about the objective ideas themselves.

        53. Nah it’s cool I’m done with you. I know a lost cause when I see it

        54. That’s fine. I just want to actually get to the bottom of ideas and when I’m wrong I’m happy to admit it. But telling me that I am a loser and I don’t get laid is not the same as doing that.
          Additionally so what if I’m commenting here. You are too. But you never saw me make it personal about you and you probably won’t either.
          I gave you that courtesy and respect. Of course you don’t have to return it, but it’s not really a game I want to play or get side tracked by.

        55. I think it’s false to assume that we are all actually making our own free decisions completely in the first place.
          So much for that choice thing.

        56. I’ll believe it when I see it. In my experience, I’m just listening to them run their mouths about how they feel about xyz topic, which is usually totally irrational. When I try to interject with real logic, I get judged for being heartless.
          Praying for the day a dating site crops up for MUTE women who can’t speak.

        57. I actually enjoy talking to many if not most of my dates

        58. Life isn’t like that though. I can say it over and over. We aren’t just cohabitating. Humanity is one big struggle for power and control, that is it’s nature. What part of that is so strange to you?
          It’s lower level thinking that you are using here. You aren’t seeing the forest for the trees.
          Your ideas of freedom are great but they are completely in contrast with reality.

        59. So you don’t see how you are perpetuating this rather than solving it?
          ROK should pick the log out of it’s own eye, before it tries to take the speck out of others.

        60. … And bitching about the “double standard”. I just tuned “him” out after reading that. There should really be a word for guys that aren’t men but really really believe that they are.

        61. Because you’re the only “wrong” thing and you refuse to change it. Instead, you presume to change an entire civilization by bitching about others behaviour ? I really don’t get your position here.

        62. In the world of human attraction… we didn’t make the rules, they just are what they are. And they aren’t going to be changing anytime soon.

        63. Well if we keep up the kind of stuff around here, don’t expect that to change anytime soon.

        64. What constitutes that is radically different in today’s world than the past.

        65. Yes we have alot of civilizational problems.
          I’m surprised you think it’s all personal ones.

        66. Women don’t need or care about your leadership anymore.
          They have a new leader and he is going in another direction, and they are way more loyal to him than to you.

        67. If that world is unfair, then that’s reasonable.
          Was fighting for the first amendment “whining” too?
          I mean, just change yourself right?
          No need to change the system or others.

        68. I think women have value outside of doing housework , but a woman who does no housework has no value at all.

        69. What makes you feel like I’m not.
          Don’t really get what you’re saying in that regard.
          If anything I’m taking more personal responsibility by saying we should do something instead of do nothing and “watch the world burn”.
          You know what I mean?
          It’s cause of this in the first place that we are here and can’t move past it.
          It’s ironic that you think this is a quality of me rather than others.

        70. I think women do too. It’s more than cucks have exceptionally artificially raised their value.
          They are way worse than women. That’s why we can’t have nice things.

        71. Men are generally far better at both of those things if they set their mind to it.
          Women’s contribution comes really in being a soft and feminine counter to masculinity and bringing an air of femininity and delight into a room.
          I quite enjoy talking to some women. It’s why I like dating. I like them on my arms and to hear their little thoughts

        72. If you never open the 10% and only dally with the spoiling 90% then you’re clear.
          If you ruin the 10% for no good reason (and marriage is the only good reason, for kids) then you’re a cad and wrong.
          Once a girl is total slut ho what do you want men to do? Sit around looking at the sky? You can’t un-penetrate a slut and make her a virgin.

        73. I have this weird like of this song and for some reason am totally intrigued with this little redhead. Shouldn’t be, she’s not really hot, but something there makes me smile.

        74. That’s a good question. What are men supposed to do exactly.
          It’s quite a conflict of freedom vs force.

        75. Yup, not for the lack of doing housework, but the attitude she carries in refusing housework.

        76. Well said, there is opportunity wherever you go. Just got to do the work to make it happen. In my position, I know of plenty young girls who would want nothing more than a traditional marriage. Next time you decide to see Yellowstone Park, travel about 50 miles west of there to a college town called Rexburg Idaho. There are two girls for every guy, hot, young, traditional girls. However, they won’t have sex with you unless you do what is necessary. Go to church, clean up your habits, and marry one. Not easy, but for me, it was worth it. For you, that doesn’t sound like your dream, so it isn’t worth it. For Preston? I am sure he could find his own dream once he figures it out.

        77. See you are one of my favorite examples. If I ever decided on the family life step one would be to Come to you and ask your advice. Just because it isn’t everywhere and just because it isn’t easy and requires some sacrifice doesn’t mean it’s not there or that it is vanishing. Wanting something without putting in the effort is the hallmark of female or homosexual wish fulfillment. For my part I hope everything I do and achieve in this world is difficult so when I conquer it I can be proud

        78. Yes, she is cute. Also cute in this song, “Androgyny”

          Even with short hair, she is feminine.
          You ever play Dino Crisis on PS1? There’s a red head called Regina.

        79. You get the woman that you want and love the life that you think is right. That’s the end of your influence on anyone else. Anything else is delusional.

        80. No, no ability to change people outside of your sphere. Trying to change the world by talk is delusional. Besides, what’s the goal here, for you to get a hot woman without working on it yourself ?

        81. I could really care less man. It’s just about the world and what’s happening to it.
          I think you really totally misunderstand me and what I’ve been saying completely.

        82. I’d need to clarify really and these comments are a bad place to do it.

        83. That doesn’t exist. You can reward people for their loyalty, cooperation etc etc but you are “responsible” for your own behaviour and well being.

        84. What are you even talking about dude?
          You just tried to lecture me about being a man and then you say this doesn’t exist.
          Sometimes I really can’t even believe some of the nonsense I hear over here.

        85. I already got my own dreams man.
          Things I’d much rather be doing too.
          I’m just tired of the weakness and impotence of the red pill and men in general.

        86. Yes people being influenced is totally delusional.
          You’re right man, what was I thinking.

        87. No, but the idea that you can influence an entire population really is isn’t it ?

    1. There’s something to be said for this line of thinking. The last couple of days, I’ve had this very pretty 35-year-old woman on my trail. She’s living with a guy. She introduced me to him the other night. I’ve been friendly to her, but last night, she and her man were seated at a picnic table on the hotel grounds, and I walked by. She smiled and stared at my crotch (knowing he was watching) and said, “Hi, Bob!”, all effusive and shit. I just shook my head, because:
      A) It was tacky. B) She was doing it to make him jealous. C) She’s looking for a better deal like every other cunt on the planet. D) She has no loyalty or she wouldn’t act the way she acts. E) Her pussy has seen more dicks than a urinal at a strip club. F) I could get the same quality at a two-bit whore house.

        1. I think he means hoo hoo Indians, not woo woo Indians. You know, feathers, not dots.

        2. That’s Crazy Talk

          your welcome @disqus_tj7gjZttfg:disqus

        3. I knew you liked that one.
          As a side note been looking for a reason to use the clip where Ned tells marge that while babysitting Rod and Todd that the last babysitter let them watch comedy central and now before they go to bed he has to check the closet for Rita Rudner and marge writes down “No Rudner”

        4. damn! I couldn’t find it!
          but I’m looking forward to it’s appropriate deployment

        5. Spelling Bee Indians ! CEO Indians ! Doctor/Surgeon Indians ! Pharmacist Indians ! Scientist Indians ! Scholar Indians ! Professor Indians ! Entrepreneur Indians ! Professional Indians ! Managerial Indians ! Investor Indians ! Banker Indians !
          OMG ! I am sorry ! I forgot the inherent and “hard-wired” fact that somehow, somehow … many of us can “only see or know about” the “convenience store Indians” !!!

        6. Well said Bob. That saying applies to any women; whether a “curry-muncher” or a “slut walker” or a “bare chested walker”, or a “pussy can grab marcher” !!!

      1. “A) It was tacky. B) She was doing it to make him jealous. C) She’s looking for a better deal like every other cunt on the planet. D) She has no loyalty or she wouldn’t act the way she acts. E) Her pussy has seen more dicks than a urinal at a strip club. F) I could get the same quality at a two-bit whore house.”
        Dude – this is fuckin Gospel. Let’s call this the Sacred Six Pillars that define the human hormonal driven beast.

        1. I am beginning to realize from a short amount of time commenting here, that ROK might as well be the counter part to feminism, not anything whatsoever about the solution.
          They are like best friends really.

      2. Damn right there is something to be said for it.
        Guys give these club sluts way too much credit.
        We already got enough cucks, we don’t need more.

    2. Agree with everything but NOT with “MALE slut”. (In general) MALES being polygamous is 100% natural and nothing “wrong or derogatory”. Of course, I am not saying that MEN should always be banging different “varieties”, but even if they do that; calling MEN as “sluts” is absurd.

      1. Murder is natural too. But we created society cause we wanted to curb nature, not the other way around.
        I don’t disagree with your statement, I am just saying what’s the right way for humanity moving forward?

        1. Rape is natural too !! That said, I agree with your logic. Societal & Cultural norms are established for a good reason and every one MUST adhere to them. But again, the term “slut” applies and is meaningful only to women, who are “sluts”, that is !
          MEN who sleep around with women are “womanizers” !

  8. Funny, low energy and apathy is my default state and it hasn’t done jack shit for me.
    “Hey, are you tired?”
    “Yeah, 10pm is my normal sleep time.”
    *End of conversation*

    1. Exactly!, between work, gym, rest and sleep I don´t want to waste unnecessary energy. Then women start asking more and more of your time, That was a problem with my ex, I either see her constantly but tired or see her less but rested, nope she want me fully rested all time, but keeping a job, wake up at 6am work, being in good shape hitting the gym, then she wanted to be with her after midnight, so the next day I was feeling like shit, then complain that i´m always tired, when she sleep 10 hours a day I sleep 5 or less. I just started to ignore her until she end the relationship because I was lost for 4 days.

    1. The question is: are you going to bring 2k in cash with you and, if called on it, are you willing to part with it?

      1. Oh yeah. I’ll part with it after she spreads her legs for me…otherwise, I’ll give it to her sister and fuck her instead. Which makes another intriguing T-shirt caption -“Yeah, yeah, you’re not that kind of girl. Okay. I’ll fuck your sister instead and give her the $2000 I was gonna give you.”

        1. reminds me of the classic zappa tune Dynamo Hum one of the kneeman’s early lessons in Red Pill
          “Dinah-Moe Humm”
          [backing vocals Tina Turner & The Ikettes]
          I couldn’t say where she’s coming’ from,
          But I just met a lady named Dinah-Moe Humm
          She stroll on over, say look here, bum,
          I got a forty dollar bill say you can’t make me cum
          (Y’jes can’t do it)
          She made a bet with her sister who’s a little bit dumb
          She could prove it any time all men was scum
          I don’t mind that she called me a bum,
          But I knew right away she was really gonna cum
          (So I got down to it)
          I whipped off her bloomers ‘n stiffened my thumb
          An’ applied rotation on her sugar plum
          I poked ‘n stroked till my wrist got numb
          But I still didn’t hear no Dinah-Moe Humm,
          Dinah-Moe Humm
          Dinah-Moe Humm
          Dinah-Moe Humm
          Where’s this Dinah-Moe
          Comin’ from
          I done spent three hours
          An’ I ain’t got a crumb
          From the Dinah-Moe, Dinah-Moe, Dinah-Moe
          From the Dinah-Moe Humm
          Got a spot that gets me hot, ow!
          An’ you ain’t been to it
          (No no no no!)
          Got a spot that gets me hot, ow!
          An’ you ain’t been to it
          (No no no!)
          Got a spot that gets me hot
          But you ain’t been to it
          (No no no no no!)
          Got a spot that gets me hot
          But you ain’t been to it
          ‘Cause I can’t get into it
          Unless I get out of it
          An’ I gotta get out of it
          Before I get into it
          ‘Cause I never get into it
          Unless I get out of it
          An’ I gotta be out of it
          To get myself into it
          (She looked over at me with a glazed eye
          And some bovine perspiration on her upper lip area
          And she said . . . )
          Just get me wasted
          An’ you’re half-way there
          ‘Cause if my mind’s tore up,
          Then my body don’t care
          I rubbed my chinny-chin-chin
          An’ said my-my-my
          What sort of thing
          Might this lady get high upon?
          I checked out her sister
          Who was holdin’ the bet
          An’ wondered what kind of trip
          The young lady was on
          The forty dollar bill didn’t matter no more
          When her sister got nekkid an’ laid on the floor
          She said Dinah-Moe might win the bet
          But she could use a little [?] if I wasn’t done yet
          I told her . . .
          Just because the sun
          Want a place in the sky
          No reason to assume
          I wouldn’t give her a try
          So I pulled on her hair
          Got her legs in the air
          An’ asked if she had any cooties on there
          (Whaddya mean cooties! No cooties on me!)
          She was buns-up kneelin’
          BUNS UP!
          I was wheelin’ an dealin’
          She surrender to the feelin’
          An’ she started in to squealin’
          Dinah-Moe watched from the edge of the bed
          With her lips just a-twitchin’ an’ her face gone red
          Some drool rollin’ down
          From the edge of her chin
          While she spied the condition
          Her sister was in
          She quivered ‘n quaked
          An’ clutched at herself
          While her sister made a joke
          About her mental health
          ‘Till Dinah-Moe finally
          Did give in
          But I told her
          All she really needed
          Was some discipline . . .
          Kiss my aura . . . Dora . . .
          M-M-M . . . it’s real angora
          Would y’all like some more-a?
          Right here on the flora?
          An’ how ’bout you, Fauna?
          MMM . . . sound like you’re chokin’ on somethin’
          Did you say you want some more?
          Well, here’s some more . . .
          (Oh, baby . . . )
          Oh, sure . . . look,
          D’you think I could interest you
          In a pair of zircon-encrusted tweezers?
          MMM . . . tweezers!
          Wait a minute, lemme sterilize ’em . . .
          Gimme your lighter . . .
          I couldn’t say where she’s coming’ from
          But I just met a lady named Dinah-Moe Humm
          She stroll on over, say look here, bum,
          I got a forty dollar bill say you can’t make me cum
          (Y’jes can’t do it)
          I whipped off her bloomers ‘n stiffened my thumb
          An’ applied rotation on her sugar plum
          I poked ‘n stroked till my wrist got numb
          An’ you know I heard some Dinah-Moe Humm
          Some Dinah-Moe Humm
          Dinah-Moe Humm
          Dinah-Moe Humm
          Some Dinah-Moe
          An’ a little Dinah-Moe
          An’ some Dinah-Moe
          An’ some Dinah-Moe
          An’ some Dinah-Moe
          An’ a little Dinah-Moe
          An’ some Dinah-Moe
          An’ some Dinah-Moe
          An’ some Dinah-Moe
          An’ a Dinah-Moe again
          An’ Dinah-Moe
          An’ Dora too, lil’ Dinah ‘n Dora
          An’ Dinah-Moe
          Kiss my aura, Dinah

        2. Zappa was a freaking god. It’s no wonder we get along.

      1. Most of the time you could go much lower. Most women today out at the clubs are just whores.

    2. $2K !? Again Bob, you are proving that you are always being “generous” to pussies !!

  9. I’ve been reading a lot of your articles, Troy, and I find them thoroughly enjoyable. While I’m not quite at that stage to put your advices into practice, I see these kinds of tactics used(either knowingly or unknowngly) by guys I know in real life and they’re very successful.

  10. I was staying at a hotel one time that had many shops, restaurants and bars inside of it, it was almost like it’s own semi private mall. It was my last night there and I had been wandering around having drinks just killing time really. I’d seen this early 20 something hot girl a few times doing the same. We made eye contact a couple times in passing throughout the night but that was as far as our interactions went. I had an early morning flight so I wasn’t really looking for any action.
    Later on I was sitting out by the pool about to call it a night and she walks up to me, sits on my lap facing me, laying one one me and says “lets fuck”. Either my prior eye contact drove her nuts or this was the boldest woman in town. I figured what the hell I’ll just sleep on the plane so I took her up to my room and fucked her brains out. She turned out to be a great lay. Before leaving my room, she begged me to stay in town for another week to be her lover heh.

      1. I have a Mexican buddy who is taking Xanax. I guess he’s doing it because of Hispanic attacks.

      2. dude, Benadryl is serious fucking drugs. I took some a few weeks ago and I think I was in the desert with some strange Indian who taught me the way of the world

        1. There was a shopping mall
          Now it’s all covered with flowers
          you’ve got it, you’ve got it

  11. My end goal be not to give a fuck 100% of the time when dealing with females.
    I’m at about 60% right now without being tired.
    Anywhoo, this article is borderline useless and amusing at the same time.

  12. It doesn’t matter what you do or how you act. Once she finds out (and as doomed as you are, she will) that you are the biggest fucking loser in the room and you can’t get a girlfriend, you’re done my friend.

    1. Trick is, don’t be the biggest fucking loser in the room. If you combine all of Troy’s other advice, you should be physically fit, confident, be making good scratch and have an aloof, elitist air about you. That’s winner in any language.

      1. Yep…. don’t LARP masculinity, BE it. Or be damned to a life of bitterness and frustration.

        1. I’ve been on a mission for a couple of years now to resurrect really cool older terms that have fallen into disuse due to the democratization of our language. Like, I’ll never say “homeless” and will get real specific, like vagabond or drifter or hobo or whatever. Stuff like that.

        2. ah yes, another seminal piece of African-American literature, right up there with Zora Neale Hurston
          and Maya Angelou

    2. I have a fairly negative outlook on life, and even I have to ask, how have you not eaten your gun already?

      1. For a hoot, look at Chicken Hawk’s profile – always the same comment. In meaning, at least he doesn’t just cut & paste.
        Some sort of lazy paid shill?

    1. I’ve worn worse.
      I have a shirt with a picture of the pyramids that says, “Slavery Gets Shit Done.” I had a black person call the cops on me for that one time.
      Another one that has a picture of Bush and says “Love Him or Hate Him, At least He’s Killed a Ton of Arabs.”
      I went out all the time in Chapel Hill back in ’06 with a shirt that had the Duke Lacrosse emblem and beneath it “Guess Whose DNA it was.”

      1. Called the cops on you for what? Aggravated freedom of speech?

  13. I just go with ZGF because, as it turns out, I literally (Hitler) do not care. A girl can be happy and light up around me and that’s cool, or she can totally shoot me down and that’s cool too. Really it just doesn’t fucking matter.
    If you’ve ever seen Office Space, the scene where the dude first asks out Jennifer Aniston after he’s had his transformation is what you should shoot for, fucks given wise.

      1. That’s certainly true to an extent.

    1. When Office Space came out, I was in college, working at a theater and literally no one came to see it. I loved it immediately and watched it dozens of times in between sweeping up people’s messes. This movie is amazing.
      Also, I found that it was SO MUCH easier to not care and just be cool after I had gotten to X-number of notches. When I just started I was so focused on winning that I tried too hard and looked like I was trying too hard.

      1. For me the number was somewhere between 15 to 20. After that, I realized that I could say stuff like, “Do you really think I can’t get sex elsewhere?” when a girl was devaluing me or misbehaving. I haven’t met a woman yet who doesn’t clam up when you state the facts of the sexual market so openly.

        1. “Do you really think I can’t get sex elsewhere?”

          Perfect. Delivered with a drink in hand and as you’re heading out the door, and not in a spergy way, is absolute dynamite to her soul.

      2. There were so many lessons in that movie.
        Yep, not caring without being a hermit is the key. “Wanna go out? Cool yes, cool no”. Just easy peasy.

    2. GOJ
      A bit off-topic.
      Since you are a comment with the highest number of comments around here…
      Do you know what happened to “jz95”? Did he get banned? It`s a shame, his comments were genuinely humorous…

      1. I really don’t know Mr Kersey. He did drop off the map without a trace. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

    3. Peter Gibbons also presents himself as happy, care-free, and yet not juvenile or childlike in that scene. The exact kind of presentation that women loosen up and get the tingles for.

    4. Yep.
      As soon as she sees he followed her after she walked away, she knew he was a man determined to get what he wanted .
      And she was excited to give it to him.

    5. At times it seemed “natural” but in review, these times seemed to happen after some very hard days on construction, or perhaps some more recreational pursuits.
      To be more specific: “Self satisfied” is the feeling. That seems to come out to ZFG.
      Meaning that the “state of ZFG” is naturally reached when already satisfied with oneself. This is I think is why rock stars tend to end up with bunny-boilers.
      Mike Judge knew what he was doing with B&B and Office Space was outright gold.

      1. Agreed Dok. Glad to see you posting more.

  14. Your Berlin piece is the perfect frame. ZFG and ruthless teasing. Women’s bits can’t stop tingling.

  15. +1 This is such gold. Except that I am in the middle of nowhere, USA, this is my favorite tactic. It is akin to the “chill guy at the bar, enjoying the music” theme that I also have success with.

  16. “A Night Out In Berlin”
    You mean it wasn’t like this:
    Which brings me to my next question Troy: I’m assuming you’re a white guy, are you still able to meet and hook up with attractive looking german women who don’t hate you for not being a dark skinned muslim? One can’t help but get the impression that being a white male is a liability, now with so many german females mudsharking. Could you give us the general vibe of german women right now?

    1. Yeah – that’s all internet bullshit. There may be sympathy for refugees here but top tier German girls would rather die than actually fuck one.
      Also I’m staying in a very Turkish area of the city. The Turks are Muslims although not particularly religious. They own business here and work hard. They are INCREDIBLY isolated from the Germans and again, no hot German girl with options would lower herself to fuck one of them.
      Women respond sexually to value in all markets – that doesn’t change just because someone online is trying to prop up a political argument.
      In any case Berlin is very international – there’s loads of Americans here, Brits, Polish, Russian, Austrian etc so my target market is not limited to Germans anyway.

      1. Thanks for chiming in, man. This is NOT to dismiss the fact that europe is being destroyed by design, at least it’s encouraging to know that white men can still be with white german chicks before he gets slaughtered, unless he decides to fight.

  17. thursday through sunday I take naps in the evening so I have energy to go out and be a clown.

    1. “Clown” lol
      When did that become a thing?

  18. Maybe stop being such a thirsty player to begin with and this won’t be a technique anymore Troy, it will be who you really are deep inside.
    Get some standards. For hot women as well.
    And stop running around trying to put your dick in everything that moves.
    Force them to develop some chemistry with you and meet your standards and stop trying to fuck them just for the sake of it.
    This story is you trying to get in with them, it’s not them trying to get in with you.

  19. Since we’re all posting music videos… Going to see these guys again on the 24th:

  20. Don’t need to be tired to not give a damn about what a woman says. They’re not capable of intellectual analysis anywhere near the standards as men are, thus women are boring by default.
    Women are to nurture and nourish her children and to fuck and suck her mate. Her doing anything outside of those things is purely monkey see monkey do.

  21. Western society is so toxic its actually now interfering with business cause so many men are now waking up to red pill because of wonder-woman “Womans only” screening that they are refusing to cooperate, that movie was like a big giant red pill bomb that is also spreading across the globe. Soon men will build, men only gyms, men only clubs, men only resturants, men only taxi’s, men only gold courses…list goes on.

  22. So if the secret to getting hot chicks is to not care about getting hot chicks, why bother buying pick-up artist’s books since we don’t care? Also, looks the chicks in his pictures are more interested in the camera than him.
    He’s almost got it right. The secret is being sexually tired. Have so much sex with less attractive women that when you approach hot chicks, you are literally too tired to fuck them even if they begged you for sex. It’s kind of like paying your dues in the minor leagues before hitting the big leagues. Plus good grooming, dress well, act like you have some money. That is it, no need for any books.
    I don’t think being sleep deprived or stressed out from too much work helps, it is sexual exhaustion, not physical or mental.

    1. Its better to learn Mind control techniques than any of this PUA crap when trying to get pussy.

  23. I like how Milo summed up the situation, Milo is a creation of Trump, what better way to systematilly destroy the liberal agenda than with a Conservative homosexual LOL

  24. Fine line between “tired game” and “lazy game” — the former contains a certain background vitality (dormant for the time being) and suggests a life well lived to exhaustion. The latter maybe suggests a lack or retardation of skills. A lot of women with high SMV can smell the difference within one minute of screening and deduction. I think it’s good if she’s curious to know if I’m a simpleton or not, even at 1:00am, so it usually helps to perk up the game a bit so she sees both sides…subtly find a way to let her know you got “tired from winning so much.”
    But this really is the Golden Rule in the matter, which it deserved its own one-sentence paragraph in the article:
    —-“Remember: all success in game comes about as a result of non-neediness.”—-
    Well said! Another solid piece from RoK…putting into words the nuanced things a lot of us maybe sensed were always out there (in night game + elsewhere in life), but had yet to put a finer point on.

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