How White Europeans Contributed To African Cultural Identity And Dignity

It may seem a characteristic of modern times, but not all of our experiences as historical beings needs to be reduced to a good guy bad guy narrative. Facts can be accepted for what they are, without the intention to profit from their ideological utility. On 16 March 2017, Hellen Zille, a white South African politician, publicly shared her personal opinion on colonization.

According to local media, Black South Africans were offended by the protean politician’s myopic inner thoughts. It’s difficult not to acknowledge her opinion as fact based. Those migrants who left Europe to find a new home in Africa didn’t coincidentally arrive at the exact time indigenous people were about to start building modern urban infrastructure. They brought that aspect of their culture with them.

But it’s not the apparent positives of that fact that has, by consensus, offended our majority. It’s the ideological implication of that cultural enrichment. That is, we would have to accept that the big bad white man made a positive contribution to black cultural identity and dignity.

I’m not going to consider the beneficence of facts for any agenda. I will however elucidate the most significant cultural contribution European migration made to human dignity.

Contrived Black African Identity, Dignity and Power

Archaeology confirms that there were farmers, states and civilizations in Africa before colonization. In southern Africa we had Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe. In West Africa there was Jenne-Jeno and Kuombi Saleh. In East Africa, Manda and Kilwa. In the North there was ancient Egypt and in the Northeast Kush, Meroe and Aksum. All were complex and well organized urban centers to be proud of. But since we are inclined to manipulate historical facts for ideological benefit, Egypt took pride of place.

A while back, the Black Athena Hypothesis provided a new story about ancient Egypt. Basically it contended that black Africa inspired the development of the state, and by extension, the whole of Western civilization. This hypothesis along with its derivative ideas, movements and memes doesn’t even attempt to conceal prejudice in an argument and blatantly stereotyped European societies as cultural appropriators. But despite obvious historical flaws, it continues to provide a cultural identity that anyone of black African descent can be proud of.

African dignity for sale.

The fundamental contribution that Egypt makes to African dignity is its long tradition of intellectual inquiry. It proves that long before the Greeks and Romans, Africa had already progressed beyond a primitive lifestyle. With the contention that white European thinkers may have been influenced by an African intellectual tradition, the cultural appropriation stereotype is validated and manifests as political gold for the Afrocentric will to power.

Factual Pre-Colonial African Civilization

If one were to hold ancient Egypt as the crown jewel of African pride we must acknowledge a few idiosyncrasies. Egyptian civilization was an indigenous development restricted to the confines of the Nile valley. There is very little reason to believe they were anything other than of Mediterranean stock.

They did have occasional contact with black African Kingdoms but, as evidenced by the chronology of those sites, contact was late and mostly commercial. Their conservative intellect also did not produce much regarding speculations on nature and the universe. So despite their 3000-year history they had an imagination that was ossified in a rigid universe.

A static universe arranged according to personal desires and moral ideals.

Rigid orthodoxy meant that Egyptian — and by extension, early African thought — was enslaved by religious, economic and political dogma for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. Clever and prosperous as they were, early African societies just could not break out of the intellectual inhibitions their enchanted worldview had created.

For instance, if the ancient African erudite were presented with a mathematical problem when building, he would refer to previously documented rules of thumb for solutions. Over millennia, theoretical generalizations for universal application never occurred to them.

European societies didn’t invent the ideas and cultural patterns on which civilization is built. They developed a taste for these from the ancient near east with a major contribution from Egypt. But they were also not limited to appropriation or subjugation. In fact, they are responsible for the opposite. They invented intellectual freedom.

Releasing the mind from rigid orthodoxy.

European Contact and Influence

Afrocentrists are eager to declare that Thales of Melitus was influenced by Egyptian priests — the intellectuals of their culture. This is not improbable as he is thought to have traveled and visited Egypt. Consequently, one could make the case that the Milesian school was created by Egyptian contact with the Greek mind.

However, the ideas about the universe from the Milesian school show very little intrusion of anthropomorphic desires and moral ideas, two elements that characterized Egyptian thought. That is to say, the Milesian thinkers were the first to attempt to disenchant the natural world. There is no evidence of this tendency in pre-Greek influenced Egyptian speculations and they certainly were not just about to invent it when Thales showed up.

For the first scientific hypotheses and the subsequent evolution of philosophy to have come from the Greek mind rather than Egyptian is not unusual. Unlike the Egyptians, Greeks conceived of capricious gods. The random blessing and cursing would have created the need to intellectually empower humanity against such a volatile status-quo. The settled, stable and mystically manipulated supernatural universe of the African state provided no stimulus to release humanity from the comforts of orthodoxy.


The European contribution to African dignity was much more impactful than colonialism, and cannot be exaggerated enough. It was a contribution to humanity. It was freedom from the shackles of dogma and propaganda. This intellectual freedom gave us the ability to think about our world beyond the limits of learned responses. It provided the opportunity to solve old problems with new solutions and the possibility to be factual and rational when we are emotionally inclined to be offended.

Scarred or enriched?We won’t know until we open our eyes.

African identity and dignity was formed by multiple contributors. When we consider the European contribution to be a scar, it has to be deep, one that has inextricably linked us to the complete human experience through a mechanistic universe which ultimately provided the social media platforms we now have to express our modern self-centered opinions.

Read More: Black Or African-American?

495 thoughts on “How White Europeans Contributed To African Cultural Identity And Dignity”

        1. I don’t think there will ever be a fight between stomfront and sjws. Too much in common. More than likely they will all move to the Ukraine and get Aids after being sodomized by Haitians…….it seems both of them desire that a great deal

        2. because the Ukraine matters dude……current events.

        3. The stormfront folks will have some harshly worded comments for that when they stop their daily 4 hour masturbation session, pull out their Cheetos and start looking at non-porn websites.

        4. Yep. So much anger due to the inability to bang the opposite sex. If only there was a place for them to go and learn self improvement.

        5. Like Somali refuges in Germany, the stormfront guys are invited in and rather than use the tools graciously given to them for self improvement they chimp out. So yes Somalian Refugee = Stormfront=BLM=SJW=Activist Faggot

        1. It was a reconstruction of an Egyptian noblewoman. It’s perfect for rolling the “We wuz kangs” crowd.

        2. his kid Blanket. Gotta change her name though. should I bust out the penance whip anyway?

        3. WB, just to say I nailed her. Would also make her call me the “King of Pop” when I came on her face.

        4. Nice looking black dude f’ed up his face because his dad made fun of him when he was a kid. Tell me a father doesn’t have influence on his kids

      1. That just gave me a seizure. I’m now suing you for $567 million dollars and 167 GB of tentacle porn.

        1. I’ll have to do my hard drive. That’s if the wife hasn’t deleted all videos.

  1. looks like the Egyptian version of Wheel of Fortune(that static pic of the universe)

  2. I think I’ll book a vacation to South Africa after I’m diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer…being hacked to pieces by a machete is a great way for a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant to go out.

    1. Back in the day the knee man spent sometime in a very attractive south African girl. My lord she was hot and while by today’s standards just kind of normal, but 1995 standards she was a very kinky little slut — even for a stripper

      1. Good on you. Nowadays, most Western women go to South Africa in order to get “cultural enrichment” – in the form of 10 miles of black pipe laid by the natives…

        1. This girl was whiter than most Scandinavians and the single most racist person I ever met but she did some pretty amazing things with her mouth

        2. I knew this South African family living in Ireland. Yeah, they were very racist. I suppose they seen enough to develop that attitude.

        3. Not really, the hatred is real and intense. They had to flee their homeland for safety when Nelson Mandela took power.

        4. That was a common theme and half the white population left since 94′. I talk to some buds down in SA usually around the holidays — not good.

        5. This was in the early 2000’s. The revolution was still in recent memory to them.

        6. Lol have you ever wonder why rich people are not racist to each other ?!
          A british aristocrate can share is table with a saudi prince or a Nigerian millionnaire.
          Its only poor boorish classes that are racist because they aren’t shit.
          they only have enough dignity left to say that they are better then the Guy next door…

        7. Ah…..most of the whites from the south may have an irritation towards blacks, but that is about as far as it goes. The welfare state is the real culprit to look at. Whether blacks, trailer trash, or women, it ruins people.

        8. welfare….whenever people are living on the take, they have to justify in their own mind their thievery.

        9. I have an irritation towards lazy people. Able bodied men who sit on their tails on their porch all day or wander the streets and collect their EBT cards.
          The idiots eat better than I do. Their shopping carts are loaded with expensive food while we have to pinch pennies and coupon to feed our family.
          You’re right it’s not just the blacks but they make up the lion’s share of it. Our state has over half of the able-to-work population that doesn’t. And we wonder why we’re the poorest state.

        10. Yup, until you see the welfare system returned back to private organizations, all these social ills will continue to fester.

      2. Dated one as well. She was an attorney. I think stripper would have suited her better as a profession though.

        1. might have been the same girl….gotta pay for law school one way or another. I was making 1-2k/week in cash at flashdancers in the 90’s and I was just the jerk in a tux in the bathroom.

        2. Mine practiced somewhere…lol…..oh, wait, you are talking about law.

        3. Ha. South Africans. Was yours also on a mission to single handedly end the worlds cocaine problem by doing all of the cocaine so no one else could ever do any again? That might have been more of the stripper side, but if I remember right this girl, aside from being super hot and great sex, did cocaine the way cookie monster did cookies.

        4. Not sure about coke use, but she could barely affored rent and a miserable bitch in the end. I have no doubts she is alone, but that is more of the lawyer side of her.

        5. Yeah. I would guess this one turned into that one. My timing was impeccable though. I sold my South African Stripper futures just after her 21st birthday

        6. You got it bad when you go straight to the raw cookie dough, man. Been there, dude. It’s harsh.

        7. Pretty bold, holding onto them for that long. American stripper futures don’t last much past 19.

        8. Lol, now I’m literally craving raw cookie dough and I can’t even remember the last time I ate a cookie, much less dough. The mind is a mysterious thing.

    2. Well it’s a death with a long tradition behind it. Throw some cannibalism in and you’ve got yourself a classic.

  3. The legacy of white man’s colonialism in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
    1. Adding decades to the local life expectancy from white man medicine and hospital standards
    2. Railroads in India which are so loved that the locals ride on top of them and on the sides
    3. Free T-Shirt donations to countless under-dressed Africans
    4. Affirmative action policies giving Native Americans, Maori’s, Inuits, Aborigines a leg up in being hired for lucrative jobs compared to evil whitey.
    5. The English language (congrats! You can speak and do business with a large contingent of the world!)
    6. Beating out the Japanese colonialists in World War II East Asia, who treated their conquered peoples like either sperm buckets or feral dogs to be shot.
    7. Computers, Music, Movies, Airplanes, Roads, Cars, Trains, TV Shows, Life-saving surgery, and everything else you love which was created by white males.

    1. “When white men are in charge, the poor are obese. When my people are in charge, people starve.”
      -A Djiboutian taxi driver said to me, while chewing qat. I paid him with my leftover food.

      1. Enlight yourself about king leopold II of belgium colonisation of Congo.
        Or the opium trade between british India and China.

        1. Mao killed 50 to 100 million* Chinese. Japan was nuked twice. Germany recovered from two World Wars. Russia recovered from Mongol invasions.
          Not all cultures are equally resilient.

        2. For sure,
          if you pillage and bomb a small oceanian tribe that don’t know shit if its not about fish & surfing they won’t recover as fast as a more advance civilisation

        3. Who cares about small oceanian tribes ? Their existence is pathetic in the first place.

        4. How do you know your existence is not pathetic to them in the first place?

        5. If they are not capable of defending themselves against me in the first place , than their existence is pathetic and mine not. These tribes so dear to you , used kill and eat each other on daily basis. They can’t kill me because they are weak. If they they could they would wipe me out over my land , resources and women without a second thought. But hey Universal laws don’t apply to me since I am a white man. I am always the bad guy.

        6. The Ottoman Turks invaded the land of your ancestor in the mid 15th century and did not leave until 1912.
          How do you see that in the light of what you said about a people you know nothing about?

        7. We survived and we will soon be more prosperous than the Turks. There is nothing to be butthurt about on my side.

        8. If your country is so prosperous why are you working your socks off in Germany, getting old and becoming a “beqar” with no wife and kids.

        9. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I come from a good family and since I’ve been here I’ve paid good taxes to the Germans. They are loving it. But I do regret the day I left my home country for this liberal shithole. I just can’t go back yet since I’ve already invested lots of money , time and energy here , and I don’t want to turn back as a loser. And I’m 20. Why the hell do I need wife and kids ?

      2. A Nigerian coworker once said to me…” in my country, if you don’t work, you don’t eat…. if you don’t eat, you get sick…. if you get sick, you die. “

    2. The legacy of the Belgian colonization in Africa
      1. The genocide during the regime of Belgian king Leopold (during the1890s)
      2. Rwandan ethnic tensions (1962-1194)
      3. Rwandan genocide (1994)
      4. The regime of Mobutu Sese Seko (1967-1997)
      5. Civil war a foreign involvement in the DR Congo (1998-2002, on the Eastern part of the country it continues today.

      1. I would say that Mr Kersey really needs help, but it isn’t true….he already has plenty of aids

        1. Bem – you have descended to the level of ROK underage troll.
          You can remove your upvotes.

        2. Don’t mind Kersey. You wound him. Fortunately he has plenty of Band Aids. He has all kinds of aids really

        3. If by “hoot” you means “person with deadly sexually transmitted disease contracted by sexual relations with African prostitutes”

        4. All of those disease-ridden prostitutes were in the Ukraine, thank you very much.

        5. Well Kersey said so and from what I hear tell he is a man who stands by the value of his word and never expects immunity from criticism. In fact, he has no immunity at all

        6. NICE.
          Did you see my Isle of Lesbos comment? I think it was particularly well done.

      2. “I was not the bullet, I was not the gun.” – White People
        “Rwandan Genocide? I don’t blame the white people! No no no!” – Black Rwandans taking personal responsibility for their genocide.

        1. I would agree with you but Mr Kersey really seems positive

        1. “I know you are but what am I”
          I wonder if the T virus affects brain cells…

    3. >5
      I am not sure, I mean blacks still haven’t learn to speak proper English.

        1. JnJ is right this time. Most Nigerians, Kenyan, Tanzanians, Zimbabweans, South Africans tend to speak good English.

        2. I have met Africans, Haitians, and Jamaicans and they all said the same thing: “Don’t lump me in with niggers. I hate these fucking people”.

        3. When you consider how well Nigerian Americans are doing economically [$66,000 USD per capita] in America in spite of being the darkest skinned people on the planet, it tells me fate comes down to will power, not race.

        4. Same. My second year of grad school we got a student in from Nigeria– a really smart, cool guy. He was shocked at the stereotypes he encountered and how American blacks live/talk/act. This guy was really whiter than I am!

    4. “1. Adding decades to the local life expectancy from white man medicine and hospital standards”
      Christian Baarnard, a white South Afrikaaner, did the first open heart surgery in 1967. Yet you never hear about this contribution to humanity…it’s all Nelson Mandela, etc.
      Barnaard saved FAR more lives, white and black, than Mandela ever did.

        1. Groucho: What do you say should we all get married?
          2 Women: Why that’s Bigamy
          Groucho: Yes. It’s big-a-me too

        1. Nah……she told be she only slept with one other person, and she never puts out. Those tattoos on her but crack don’t mean anything.

        2. Yeah, and your heritage just sucked three cocks between here and the parking lot.

        3. Hey, just a totally innocent, random question here, but… has your heritage ever been to the Ukraine?

        4. Damn, Ukraine is only five letter away from the UK. You better get tested.

        5. Not usually a movie watcher, but it was recommended. It is one of the classic 90s film.

        6. Personally, I thought it was self-indulgent, navel-gazing bullshit, just like most everything else in the 90s.

        7. I started going to church right before all those “National Lampoons” sex comedies came out. The last brainless comedy I saw was the South Park movie. Since then, it has been PG, with a few exceptions.

        8. Watch it, you’ll get reported to the teacher for not being a good friend to all your classmates.

        9. Its quite funny, he shot the movie by putting it on his credit cards. Gotta respect the balls

        10. He could never shake the trailer park persona no matter how much coke he snortrd or women he raped.

        11. Thays whats great about America. You have a shot at different stations in life.
          Bus stations. Railway stations. Weigh stations on the interstate. Opportunities abound.

    1. That`s fine, Jim. Congratulations.
      However, you surely agree, African tribes and nations have all right to be proud of their heritage, too.

      1. Seems like the only group that gets demonized for having pride in their heritage nowadays are whites…
        Never see blacks get called racists, bigots, supremacists for publicly taking pride in their heritage.

        1. In general, nobody has any problems if a/any “group” has “pride” in their “heritage” ! I would rather say nobody cares or gives a shit !!
          Problem only comes if a “group” assumes, thinks or takes it granted that somehow it’s OK for them to talk badly about “other” heritages !
          I am NOT supporting the double standards; where in, black people get offended when somebody calls them as “blacks” BUT they can “march” on the streets saying “Black lives matter” !, as if… as if, the white/brown/yellow/whatever-color “lives” doesn’t matter !!
          The majority (“whites”) are being targeted by politicians and “vested interests”; resulting in the whole episodes of calling the majority (especially the MEN) as racists, sexists etc.
          Other than “up votes”, we will NOT get anything fighting among ourselves, and leaving the “real culprits” walk free.

        2. What’s with all quotation marks in every comments of yours, tho? Are they supposed to have another alternate meanings?

        3. Well, they convey different aspects, depending on the context ! It could simply be to highlight and/or to emphasize the word or phrase, It could be in a sarcastic tone, It could be to say that there is nothing special about, It could be to say that’s pretty much obvious/common, It could be ……. (many more reasons) !!
          It’s all up to the reader to sense the purpose !

    2. Aren’t we just tired of thinking about blacks at all? They should not have any place in white people’s lives.

      1. I agree but we have to keep alive the reasons why we do not want to associate with them. Otherwise the logic fades and our descendants will be liable to make the mistakes that we knew better than to make.

        1. True. The whites who admire blacks the most are shitlibs living all white areas (Portland, Boulder, etc.). Whites who have to live around them (the South) vote as right-wing as they can.

    3. I’m in Tanzania (East Africa) right now about to embark on a safari, but I can tell you this much: this place is a living hell hole. The Indian immigrants here haven’t added anything to improving the culture. The only nice spots are where the Western diplomats live. The Germans back in the day made some great churches and buildings, and that’s the only thing nice in this city. All else is a living hell. The roads are bad, the infrastructure is bad, and traffic congestion is by far the worst. It’s funny how there’s a vendetta against white folks, when every stinking third world foreigner wants to migrate only to the white man’s land. And when they do arrive here, they rather shit on us and attack us.

        1. “Asia” is not only japan, Samsung and china my friend.
          Your argument is Like saying europeans are doing well see switzerland and Norway…

        2. no soul???? The Committments anyone?? Van Morrison??

          song written by a couple of white guys from Texas btw

        3. Spooner Oldham played alongside Neil Young i think on his Ryman Auditorium concert for the Prairie Wind concert/DVD i think

    1. Depends of your point of view…
      whats Better ?
      A “berber” sahara Warrior, a Nuba, Massaï hunter from Nile region or
      a fat obese trailerpark pig drinking 10 gallons of soda each day in front of TV?

      1. So you’re comparing the best of one culture to the worst of another? That’s comparing apples to WIFI.

        1. No i’m comparing the “Common” 80% of the population fat pig american to the common survival of the fittest third World Guy

        2. Come on man, the fittest 3rd world guy wouldnt even know how fit he was unless a sneaker company sponsored him

        3. 80% of the American population are not fat pigs. And poverty and want do not grant the denizens of the third world any special powers.

        4. Yes It is 74.1 % of overweight pigs that dont have the discipline to not shove burgers in their mouths

    2. nonsense.
      Africa was civilized before europe.
      iron and steel were produced there first before anywhere else.
      go and read somehting.

  4. “not all of our experiences as historical beings needs to be reduced to a good guy bad guy narrative”
    Yes, this reminds me of the Ataturk article, which was positive about him and then most of the comments were negative. No doubt he did good things and he did bad things (and all depending on your perspective).

  5. “The £3 tax is merely a penalty for wearing the brown skin and it would appear that, whereas Kaffirs (South African blacks) are taxed because they do not work at all or sufficiently, we are to be taxed evidently because we work too much, the only thing in common between the two being the absence of the white skin.” ~ from “The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”, Vol. III, p. 74

    1. “Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilised – the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals (sounds like Detroit – commenter’s note). Each ward contains nearly 50 to 60 of them. They often started rows and fought among themselves. The reader can easily imagine the plight of the poor Indian thrown into such company!” ~ from “The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”, Vol. VIII, p. 199

        1. Nah, man, all Gandhi ever talked about was how “bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks” and “Thuggee life till the day I die” and shit, man.

  6. If anyone wants to trace the origin and contacts of civilizations in Europe, the Near East, and North Africa during the Bronze Age, I recommend In Search of the Trojan War, which shows how interconnected the economies of those times were, but also what made some of these civilizations unique to each other, Greece in particular, which was recognized as a great power but had no king that could always rule over all Greeks, which in turn probably promoted intellectual creativity in contrast to the other, more monotonic empires.

    1. It’s interesting to me that both the Romans and Britons trace their founders to men who escaped from Troy. I’m of the belief that myths and legends have historical bases so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was so.

      1. There are some indications that “Sea Peoples” from that region went westward in one wave of many migrations. The Philistines were almost certainly Greek, a thing which I think has recently been proved by DNA.
        And given that we know the Greek oral histories can at times be astonishingly accurate, I wouldn’t doubt that some “Trojans” might have found their way to Italy, and perhaps elsewhere (Britain is much more doubtful).

  7. “There is very little reason to believe they were anything other than of Mediterranean stock.”
    I stopped reading after this line. hahahahah

    1. You must admit they ‘look’ pretty Mediterranean/Semitic in their artistic representations though. Not to mention the actual humans who currently live there in real life.

      1. no. Semitic is a language group and its origins are in Africa itself.
        The actual humans who live their now are irrelevant – a large portion of them are Turk mulattoes……no connection to the ancient people……like white Americans today have nothing to do with the natives of antiquity.

  8. Here is an example of just one of the MANY sophisticated African peoples and cultures you won`t hear of on ROK…
    Tutsi people (of Rwanda and Burundi)

    1. ah yes……the famous “black jews”…..I hear these people on the corner screaming about “the so-called white man”

      1. The author of the Youtube video is probably the follower of the Hebrew Israelites. Whether you believe in that part or not, the video is still factual.

    2. I can feel a text-based version of the Quickening about to take place.
      pretty girl though

    3. please dont ever match the word “sophisticated” with anything to do with Rwanda or Burundi ever again. thanks.

  9. If your only experience with “Black folks” were African-Americans from Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, Jacksonville etc (not Atlanta thought) – but you have never been to Africa itself…please do not publish any racist comments on this article. Thank you.
    Racism is not red-pill and alpha. Racism is blue pill and omega.

    1. It’s not racism when I point out the systemic abuse of the welfare system in my local area, plus who are you to dictate what comments are made?

      1. Are Africans immigrants abusing the welfare system in your city???
        They are probably working or studying hard while you are typing here.

        1. African immigrants are people, too, by God, each with their own hopes, dreams, aspirations, and cultural practices. I, for one, won’t sit by and allow you to stereotype and generalize them all as a single, monolithic group, you racist son of a bigot.

        2. No, you are the one lumping all African immigrants into one category.

        3. First-generation immigrants tend to be hard-working.
          Visit New York, Houston, LA…and see it for yourself.

        4. HOW DARE YOU! How DARE you suggest that all immigrants could possibly be painted with such a broad brush and lumped into one group? Who the hell do you think you are?

        5. I did not say you were. All I indicated your comment was irrelevant and dumb. Firs-generation African immigrants usually do not qualify for welfare and section 8 housing straight away.

        6. For clarification I was not talking about African immigrants, Mr Sensitive. I was talking about these Afro-Americans and the white trash round these here parts

        7. And my first comments has explained to you: the two groups are not the same. If you only one one, you should not comment on the other.

        8. “Firs-generation African immigrants usually do not qualify for welfare and section 8 housing straight away.”
          So that’s for the 2nd generation?

        9. The so-called African-Americans (multiple generation, mostly mixed-race descendants of former slaves – no disrespect) -usually have very little to do with the first-generation immigrants from Africa you may encounter in major US cities.

        10. “The so-called African-Americans (multiple generation, mostly mixed-race descendants of former slaves – no disrespect)”
          Why are you afraid of a black thinking you’re disrespectful but you’ll hammer away at us white boys?

        11. I only hammer away at uneducated and ignorant people. You happen to be one, regardless of your ethnic background.

        12. half an upvote. One of my dad’s good friends was Jamaiican- nice family. Hated being lumped in with native born black Americans. HATED it

        13. Are you out of your mind??? Jamaican are the only racist Black folks…far more racist that any US-born African-American.
          You should have brought a better example.
          And this comes from a man who loves African people…

        14. Is there some sort of a racism scale you can share with the rest of us? Im getting confused here, not sure how you score things in your mind

        15. but I said something positive; a generalization of course, but thats all he does…Jamaicans are racists, I will commit to memory

        16. It`s simple:
          You love Jamaicans but dislike all other “Black folks”
          I love most “Black folks” but had bad experience with Jamaicans.
          Decide which one is worse…

        17. See my comment above.
          BTW. Marcus Garvey came from Jamaica, Louis Farrakhan`s father was Jamaican, Trayvon Martin`s parents were from Jamaica…
          Do you still love Jamaicans?

        18. Never said I hearted them and non-hearted everyone else…stop fibbing

        19. Trayvon was a bad seed…because his parents were Jamaican? How is this not a racist statement in your mind?

        20. No. The only reason I mentioned these three because I am sure they are not very popular with the average ROK-reader.

        21. kthxbai!
          Its almost quitting time slidin down the back of the brontosaurus fred flintsone style soon

        22. So you watch cartoons? That`s some intellectual level for an adult…

        23. u havent lived until youve eaten brontosaurus spare ribs big enough to flip your car- only alphas do that. good night!

    2. What are your feelings about the African colon-in-ization of Spanish men, and the legacy of the Isle of Lesbos?

      1. “Isle of Lesbos”…….I’m almost certain that is NOT what I am picturing right now….

  10. There was a video trending 2 days ago on Youtube – by a Chinese guy, showing that ancient Egyptian mummies are blonde and red haired, and they tested dead people to make sure black hair doesn’t change – it doesn’t. The Pharoahs were Northern European, probably the same people who made the ancient monuments in North-Western France and SW England. Check out the Youtube channels ASuperEgyptian and 7phonecian7 for further proof that ancient Egypt was absolutely NOT negro whatsoever (other than slaves, which is all blacks are useful for).

    1. Blonde and red-haired people under the scorching sun of Northern Africa…
      That makes a lots of sense…

        1. Wasn’t Northern Africa a lot less “scorching” hot desert back then and a little more temperate and Mediterranean?

        2. I’d say blonde and red-headed inhabitants are a pretty solid evidence. There’s also historical record suggesting that the land was much more farmable beyond the Nile delta in ages past.

        3. You can look it it up bro- there are erosion marks on the Sphinx suggesting a habitat similar to what is in eastern sub-Saharan Africa, think Kenya. If you want more info, its out there, it suggests the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid are much older than originally thought, I think 15,000 BC

        4. sheee-it! My asshole brother had the complexion of Howdy-Doody and he’d get sunburn from having a good idea!

    2. All the cultural assumptions of peoples without chronologies assume that peoples never move around, conquer, interbreed, or otherwise change.

      1. The same is true of land. We all assume that the climate and landscapes are as they have always been, but deserts grow and shrink, glaciers move, and the Thames used to freeze solid every winter.

    3. from what Ive read, you got it backwards- the descendants of the elite Egyptians emigrated across N Africa once the empire collapsed-not the other way aorund. People in parts of Spain, France and Southern England have similar genetics. Guess they crossed the straits at Gibraltar

      1. Could well be. What little I know of the history of Egypt comes from Exodus and the myths I’ve read.
        Interestingly, many of the Egyptian myths speak quite disdainfully of the Ethiopians. They are described as an inferior people with skin blacker than night and magics that could never rival those of the mighty Pharaohs and priests (magic was big for them). That, to me, suggests that the Egyptians of whom these myths speak were not the dark-skinned peoples we associate with Africa.

      2. Latest findings show that ancient Egypt was “not kangs and sheit” meaning sub-saharans moved in later

  11. The author claims to be “a coloured South African”.
    Wait a second…mixed-race people don`t call themselves “coloured”. That is a derogatory term from the Apartheid Era.
    The author is probably a bitter White “Boer” who left SA after 1994. I call him a liar.

    1. You legitimately strike me as the type of guy that would go shoot up a bunch of Republicans practicing for a charity softball game.

        1. Nah, Kersey has the right of him. I usually don’t take no guff from internet tough guys but in this case I am scared to death. If he bleeds all over me I’ll have aids

        1. Bem – During one of Lolknee`s seizures I challenged him to come to London and be a big mouth in real life. You and GhostofJefferson can join him. If nothing else, I will treat you guys with a bottle of wine. Like I did to these three guys:

        1. I honestly dont get how a white man can think he can truly understand the African American condition…you must be a liberal

        2. Insane for pointing out the truth? What`s wrong with you?
          No self-respecting South African would call himself/herself coloured in 2017…

        3. And thus ended the attempts of the noble JnJ to engage with the obstinate Kersey in a friendly manner, seeking understanding and some common bond of man.

        4. So you claim you represent all English people and Europeans in general. The same way you claim African-Americans represent the people of Africa.
          Get out of here…

        5. He’s clearly paranoid and delusional. The AIDs must have gotten into his brain.

        6. It’s a fascinating case. I like to try to see things from people’s viewpoint but I don’t think I;m twisted enough to see this one’s

        7. A few minutes ago you claimed African-Americans (42 million people in one ccountry) were representatives of Black African people (over 800 million people scattered in more than 40 countries.
          Following the same logic, you are trying to claim you represent English people just because allegedly your ancestors left England in the 1660s for the New World.
          Can you see how faulty your logic is?

        8. Never claimed either of those things. Sorry that your pea brain is trained to see everything in light of micro-aggressions that you misconstrue comments. I think I’m just about done wasting time with you.
          There’s another Afro lover below. You and he can hook up and paint your faces black while you screw.

        9. He is as high as Magic Johnson when slamming…slamming his aids infested penis into A Haitian prostitute

        10. Don’t mind him he is obsessed with all the African Americans in Africa

        11. I’m really starting to think he gets happiness out of this. Maybe his real life is so terrible he likes to come on here and stir the pot to get a semblance of meaning in his life

        12. Heaven forbid me being fascinated with where my family came from.
          My other side came from Ireland. I guess I assume I’m speaking for all Celts as well?
          And my English ancestors were originally from Denmark/Normandy so I guess I speak for all Nords as well.
          Dang I’m special

        13. Write to the Queen of England. (No-once guarantees you will get an answer, though.)

  12. The author is a racist White guy who left South Africa.
    Unless he comes forward to clarify that, we can assume he is a liar.
    P.S I hear Stormfront has been threatening Roosh. Allegedly most former Stormfront commenters now rather spent their time on ROK.

        1. Acknowledgement of differences between races is racism. Admitting that a boy has a penis and a girl has a vagina is sexism. Having a desire for the nuclear family to be the norm is homophobic. Anything else is insanity.

        1. I do too. By the same token whites contributed to African culture strictly by their presence.
          Now we can argue over whether whites in Africa or blacks in America have contributed as a net positive or not, but we agree that there was contribution.

  13. Man there really needs to be other filtering options for phone trolling. Best, newest and oldest are great, but can we get a “sort by disqus user with the most aids”

    1. One can only hope. There’s only so many different ways you can use AIDs, Ukraine and Haiti in a sentence.

    The only thing north African civilization has in common with sub-Saharan blacks is that they are both found on the same continent. Ancient Egypt was a white civilization. Governments have subtly been admitting they know this for a long time on race identification questionnaires:

    1. Dude, quite posting interracial gay porn. No one wants to see that shit.

  15. It’s easy:
    Step 1 – get them to stop crapping in their own watering hole

    1. We still haven’t managed to teach the Indians, and they’ve had hundreds of years of direct British administration. What hope do the Africans have?

  16. It is very sad that the forum hat once was a place for intelligent discussion is now dominated by an insecure underage troll with mental and sexual disorders who accuses people he dislikes of “having Aids”.
    You claim you live in Manhattan, living in a nice condo,lots of money, meeting different women each week, who all “lick you bumhole on the first date” (your words, not mine). In reality you live in trailer park near Buffalo, NY, are 17-year old, live with your mother, watching porn and trolling here when you are not in school.
    And the readers who find him funny.Your comments would not be considered funny in a kid`s playground, nevermind among adults. You expect I would just leave so you can hijack this forum.You have three options.
    1. Just ignore my comment and leave me alone. I am fine with that option.
    2. Come to London , Uk this summer…lets see who is a real man in real life.
    3. You Want to meet in neutral territory? No problem I“ll spend nearly two weeks of August in Mexico City. It`s closer to you. I can meet you there.
    Please pick option two. Otherwise I`ll keep reporting you to Disqus until you get banned permanently. The choice is yours. But please pick option 2 or 3.

        1. Hes trying to get in as many reports to disqus as he can man. Hes on borrowed time

        2. knee-jerk, it`s you who are using multiple accounts apparently. You are on borrowed time, not me.

        3. I can feel the ol’ finger trap tightening from here…..You’re being ridiculous.
          you SEE what you bring out in people?!?!?!?!

        4. Lol-knee, since you claim to be full of cash, how about getting yourself a ticket to London? It would be a nice change for you. 28/07 at 7pm. outside Dalston-Kingland Station in London. That`s a Friday.
          If you don`t show up, the whole ROK will see you as a pussy.
          See you there, big boy.
          P.S You cannot bring your gun to the UK. if you try, you`ll get into serious trouble at Heathrow Airport.

        5. All the shit you post
          Calm down and think
          Question yourself, not us
          Usually people on this site wont give you too much shit
          In this case, maybe not
          Really though, youre playing into it
          Everyone is laughing
          Dont be a little bitch about it
          Insofar as me being lolknee
          My account is seperate
          Maybe you should do better detective work
          Never underestimate me, you diseased freak
          Usually Im not so trollish, but for you I’ll make an
          Dont jump to conclusion
          Everyone here is fucking around with you
          Figure it out
          In time you will
          Clearly you dont know how to internet
          In the current year
          Every time you get too serious
          Nobody takes your side
          Choose what you want
          You only have yourself to blame
          Sucks that you’re so naive
          You really suck at this
          Now time to get back at you
          Dont make a mistake
          Really pay attention next time
          Obviously look back
          Merticusly look at the letters starting
          Each line

        6. LOLOLOL! Actually LOLing!
          Bravo! Two thumbs up. I will I could upvote 47 times.

        7. It’s like the movie Amigos Amigos Amigos.
          For some people lolknee is poverty. For some it is shyness. For kernsey lolknee happens to be the real lolknee—and aids, don’t forget the aids

    1. I’m sorry your parents didn’t hug you enough when you were a kid.

      1. Posting something like this, after calling out another poster and shitting on him, and then threatening to report anyone who dares disagree with you… that is exactly what a “insecure underage troll with mental and sexual disorders” would do, big boy.

        1. Hey I’m the on earth who is afraid of a fight here! I don’t want aids

        1. I have a member of our church whose middle name is Earl so one of the other guys calls him Earl of Lincoln. We live in Lincoln County

        2. Fun fact – the conquering Normans retained the Saxon title of ‘Earl’ because their ‘Count’ sounded a little too much like another Saxon word…..

    2. Look chief, are you familiar with a Chinese finger trap? You put your fingers in either end and if you pull away it tightens? The more you fight it the worse it gets!! And yet, if you relax, push back a little presto! It comes lose and you’re free!
      You sir are fighting the finger trap. The more indignant you get the worse the razzing gets. If you just rolled with the jokes, jabbed back a little, had some laughs, the whole thing would havegone away and you wouldn’t feel so put out.
      And if you took the time to read some of lolknee’s extensive posts you will find most are very conscientious, intelligently reasoned and well-written. It aint all just AIDS jokes.
      This forum is still a broad, diverse and intelligent placewhere things get discussed, argued, reasoned and learned. But it is also a bunch of people with advanced and often deviant senses of humor.
      That comes as a package deal. So rather than trying to arranged mass-bannings and trans-continental death-matches, why not just lighten up a bit and enjoy the ride?

      1. Jesus fuck, bem, that’s the most intelligent, well-reasoned and logical thing I think I’ve ever seen you write.

        1. Right, bem you feeling okay? Did you catch HIV from that schooling you just gave him?

      2. Some user have a good sense of humour. However, knee-jerk is just downright insensitive and offensive.
        As if he was trying to ensure that all sensible commenters will leave and only idiots like him would stay.

        1. I highly doubt knee-jerk is from New York City. He is more likely from the rust-belt like Buffalo, or even further eaway in some hillbilly town in West Virginia.

        2. Yeah, and I doubt you’re in London. You probably live in a gay flop house in San Francisco

        3. Your primitive intellect wouldn’t understand alloys and compositions and things with… molecular structures…

        4. It’s true. I have been insentive. After all, he does have aids.

    3. Actually my mother lives in Texas and I’m in a dental mot a condo. I have already said I won’t come all the way to London just so you can bleed on me and give you aids. that shit scares me.
      With you there is never a neutral meeting! It’s always a positive meeting. An HIV positive meeting. And Mexico? Why would I want aids and dissentary?

  17. The clear hierarchy established along the The Bell Curve keeps rearing its head in the most inconvenient ways, doesn’t it? My condolences to the eternally bitter as we put them on “mute” and get on with the task of creating the modern world.

      1. Matters of aptitude and adaptation being fluid and universal throughout time (and across all species), could one argue that even the dinosaurs had their own version of a Bell Curve before there was a name for it?

        1. Agreed. If we can get enough antiretrovirals in him, and find someone willing to donate a sense of humor that we can transplant into him… he might just have a chance.

        1. Lolknee got banned by I think Forney a few months ago. Forney has also been MIA since Trump’s win. Probably OD’d on celebratory snacks.

  18. I sincerely hope somebody sets up a live stream of this London meet up..the ultimate showdown, east vs west, black vs white a battle for civilisation..or barbarism if Mr Kersey in blackface wins.

  19. africans had no culture whatsoever…
    still respect them more than their jiggaboo cousins in Europe

    1. That must have taken a lot of effort for him to do…especially in his condition

        1. No, you need to get agitated and lash out now that I’ve ribbed you. Challenge me to a fight in Germany or something.

    1. Kersey deleted all his comments. I don’t know if he will still be looking here but I want him to know it’s all in jest. Guys clown around, ya know, and we all take a good ribbing.
      I guess if I could say anything to him I would let him know that he should buck up. Afterall, when life gives you aids; make lemon-aids

      1. His comments in last weeks article where we were ribbing him are also gone, all of them. He must have been banned.

  20. Anyone who embraces western culture as superior to all is a brother of mine. May the author go on to even bigger audiences.

      1. Actually the nose was never finished. So…

  21. I’ve seen a lot of ‘flat earth’ click bait along with ‘blacks were the real jews’ lately.

  22. There are some really good African people.
    Por ejemplo, I met an actual Nigerian prince, no shit!
    We talked about Africans vs black Americans and a few other topics. Then he said he had something important to tell me.
    The central water treatment plant in Lagos was in dire need of repair.
    But due to his uncles death, the bank had to freeze the accounts until it got sorted out.
    He made me a very generous offer.
    If I gave him $100,000 for the much needed repairs, he would pay me back tenfold when the accounts were unfrozen. Having a big heart and knowing a good deal, I quickly wrote out a check for the prince.
    We soon parted ways.
    The check has cleared, thankfully.
    I’m glad the water plant was repaired.
    I haven’t heard from the prince. And the numbers he gave me are never answered.
    I’m sure he will contact me soon.

  23. You had me until you started talking about ancient Egypt as a source of (black) African pride. Egyptians are not black. They are genetically way more similar to Europeans than they are to sub-Saharan Africans.

  24. The Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans. It has been scientifically proven.

  25. The Euros were the liberators of the other races led by Liberals then Libertarians. All the problems were from feudalist remnants and their modern form of coercive socialism, which is exactly the philosophy of the White-haters who use it to continue their oppression of their co-racials and slander Euros and the US.

  26. I’m beginning to see that this website is filled with a bunch of racist low life losers, who writes innacurate articles to make themselves look good. I used to like this website, when C. contrary wrote here.
    How dare you use a lie-coded language, English-Ngu-Lu-Eshi… to write “HOW WHITE EUROPEANS CONTRIBUTED TO AFRICAN CULTURAL IDENTITY AND DIGNITY.”
    REALITY shapes your mentality.
    Mentality creates your personality.
    Personality creates your identity.
    If some one manages to shape a reality for you, they are creating your personality and identity. In other words, they are creating your past and your future. So if anyone want’s to psychologically enslave you, they will first shape your REALITY, then automatically, it will create a personality that isn’t you, and change your identity.
    Out of all these elements, there’s only one essential element used in shaping a reality. It is called, “HISTORY.” And when it comes to history, we have BC and AD. Before Common Era and After.
    In AD: they talk about slavery. The idea that the history of black people started with slavery. They do this in the western school system. They don’t go below 1600s 1700s or 1800s, when talking about the history of Afrika. And BLACK people are in schools, paying to learn this. What happened to the people in the world before any books was written? Before English, Greek, or Romans? They don’t go this far.
    So in other to shape your reality and your history, they don’t talk about the B.C.. They teach you events of the AD. First world war, second world war, Columbus, slavery, etc…
    During the BC, BLACK PEOPLE RULED THE WORLD. Afrika. invented spirituality, immortality, ma’athematics, science, geometry, engineering, writing, medicine, and anything you think is the foundation of modern civilization.
    They don’t teach you this in schools, because they know that once you know the true history of your people, you’ll have a new identity, which gives you a new personality, which changes your mentality and shapes your REALITY.

    1. Cue the Afrocentrist/We Wuz Kangz clown-why is it that your laughable brethren have contributed absolutely jack shit in terms of human progress. When my ancestors were making philosophy and discovering the secrets of the universe yours were swinging off trees-and it would appear not much else has changed. And you even upvoted yourself because nobody with an IQ above room temperature would buy into your brand of retardation-priceless.

  27. The western man claims to be the most intelligent specie in the world, but he handed his woman all his power. Now she is playing with who to hand them to. So now you are psychologically sedated. Just like you couldn’t divide by Zero. You become confused and started writing stupid articles. The Neanderthals has never solved any problem in this world. You don’t have the code.
    Personally, I blame Einstein for fooling you with his tongue. 😝. Over commercialized brain dead muppet. At list, Isaac Newton gave Afrika credict for understsnding that Zero is the origin of everything.

  28. Self delusion is when you argue with evidence. You can’t cheat Nature. You can’t Stop evolution.

  29. Heard of the We Wuz Kangz movement going on? A lot of blacks believed ancient Africa was a technologically advanced and prosperous civilization. Apparently they believe Europeans introduced diseases into Africa which wiped out this civilization. Its going so far that is becoming a plot of a new Marvel movie called Black Panther.
    Africa had periods of prosperity but it was around the time of ancient Egypt, and they didn’t have aircraft and interstellar space travel. The We Wuz Kangz crowd has been claiming this fiction, claiming the first people to travel into space were Africans. If this technology actually existed, it probably would have been found by now. How could it just disappear? And why is Africa is backward today if it was so advanced thousands of years ago? Its all leftists rewriting history to make certain people feel better.

  30. This is one of the reasons I stopped reading Return of Kings. “There is very little reason to believe they were anything other than of Mediterranean stock.” In fact, opposite is the case: Race realists (or whatever they’re calling themselves) insist on a non-African (or even “white”) Egypt because they insist on their racial “superiority” (which is largely an anachronistic notion) and subconsciously are somewhat embarrassed at the primitive nature of the pile of rocks called Stonehenge.

  31. Shakespeare was a black African, So was Beethoven , Mozart, Aristotle, Plato , The Wright Brothers ?/ They were all Africans ??

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