The Story Of How Female Viagra Got Approved To Fight “Sexism”

On August 18, 2015 the FDA approved the first treatment for “sexual desire disorder”. A pill named Addyi was approved to treat “acquired, generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in premenopausal women”. Prior to that drug, there were no FDA-approved treatments for females with a low sex drive.

This seems like a good deal, right? Finally, females have their version of viagra. She’s not in the mood? Let’s give her a pill and she will be DTF.

Give her a pill and she’ll get in the mood

From the start of the millennia, Big Pharma has invested many resources trying to develop a cure for low female libido. As we know, this does not come from actually caring about people’s’ well-being, but from a greedier outlook. If Big Pharma can get females hooked up on better sex life, it will provide a new cash flow that will last decades (or more). Also, if you think about it – having a good sex life might also relieve stress, decrees boredom and reduce divorce rates. Looks like a win-win.

One cannot have a drug without naming a disease. The solution was to “identify” it as a disorder. DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) named in 2000 “Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders” as HSDD (Hypoactive sexual desire disorder). This means that premature ejaculation, paraphilia (fetishism), analloerotic (having no sexual interests in other persons) and lack of sexual desire are in that same category.

Now that the “disorder” was identified, the public was “educated” that low sex drive needs to be tracked and monitored.

“I’m not in the mood. Try another day”

Mala fides?

After a few years in the lab it seems that there was some light at the end of a tunnel.  Boehringer Ingelheim, a German drug company, was able to synthesize a new anti-depressant named Flibanserin. The company noted that some of the participants reported increase of their sexual drive. Looks like a revised Viagra story. The clinical trial was based on pre-menopausal females – young females are not yet reproductively useless.

The trial divided the subjects into 2 random groups. Every day, each subject was asked to rate their sex drive on a 4-point scale (0 – no desire, 3- intense desire). The trial found out that there was no distinctive difference between the groups.

Furthermore, it seems that by taking Flibanserin, there were major side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, and nausea. Based on those, the FDA rejected the new drug based on risk-benefit as well as failure to demonstrate a statistical effect on the sexual desire and overly restrictive entry criteria for the two Phase 3 trials. The message was received and Boehringer Ingelheim decided not to throw good money after bad one.

Throwing bad money after good money is not a calculated step

One man’s garbage is another man’s gold. A new pharma company named Sprout Pharmaceuticals thought that they can win the gold. Actually, from the looks of it, the founders thought exactly that. They approached Boehringer Ingelheim and bought the rights to Flibanserin, after raising 20M$. Sprout was headed by Cindy and Robert Whitehead who both had extensive experience in the pharma business.

Cindy and Robert Whitehead

They looked up the FDA comments and decided to change tactic. Instead of a daily report, it became a 4-week report (meaning that the subjects reported every week about the past four weeks). That smelled bad – we all know that the longer one waits with reporting subjective feelings (and desire is completely subjective), the more prone to error one is. The company re-submitted the drug for the FDA in 2013. The FDA rejected it again based on the same risk/benefit ratio.

What do you do when the government refuses to give you a license to print money? You lobby and use the classic straw-man – feminism. The company established advocacy group called Even the Score in D.C. and started using feminist language to shame the establishment and call the FDA “sexist”. They went after congresswomen and got them to write letters to the FDA. They went as far as running a campaign. Here is one of the commercials:

The pressure worked, but was noticed even by BuzzFeed, which we all know is not a harsh critic of liberal/feminist policies. In 2015 the FDA approved the drug for commercial use, even though nothing basically changed. One can read the pressure into the release:

The FDA has recognized for some time the challenges involved in developing treatments for female sexual dysfunction.

Since feminists like to beat the drum on equality, it is important to note that there is still no treatment for men:

Prior to Addyi’s approval, there were no FDA-approved treatments for sexual desire disorders in men or women.

Downhill and fast

Right after the approval, Sprout Pharmaceuticals was acquired by Valeant Pharmaceuticals for a whopping 1B$. Valeant actually thought they had a good deal going for them. However, as Murphy’s Law states: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” – so did the “female Viagra”.

Valeant had a practice of buying drugs and then driving their price up. That was all good, until the government noticed. It was on October 2015. To make matters worse, Valeant doubled the price of Addyi to $800. Addyi also faced the problem of distribution, as Valeant chose a company named Philidor, which went out of business shortly.

Yes. It was that fast

Sprout shareholders, angered by Valeant practice, reached out to Valeant management and demanded explanations. The height of this was a complaint filed last November that is still settled in court. The 2016 sales were poor – about $10M globally. The comparison to viagra is not flattering – it sold $788M on its first year on the market. Valeant is now bleeding money, and its main shareholder sold out on March this year at a reported loss of $2.8B.


Yes. I got a Billion dollars and all I had to do is manipulate the government

This is a story of greed and abuse of power. It shows how the state can be easily manipulated using “sexist shaming” tactics. Also, the only people coming on top are Sprout Pharmaceuticals shareholders, headed by the founders who had their pockets filled and just moved on. It was almost a “hit and and run” corporate scheme. Everyone else connected to the “pink Viagra” paid a heavy price. This was also a clear case in which feminism was nothing more than a vessel for big money. Who cares about health, when big money is on the line?

From a red-pill perspective, we know that a woman sexual desire is a fluid and fickle phenomenon. Not everything can be repaired by drugs and chemistry. Life is more than measurable quantities. In any case, we are all waiting to see if and when an actual “women’s Viagra” will be on the market – how many women will actually use it. Women would rather not thwart their hypergamious nature than to have a sexually satisfying relationship with a beta.

Read Next: The Anti-Feminism Wisdom Of The Bible

77 thoughts on “The Story Of How Female Viagra Got Approved To Fight “Sexism””

  1. The YouTuber TL;DR (“teal deer”) covered this as it was happening, and his commentary should be required supplement for the article.

    1. Saw it too, sell poison to womyn because sexism. That shit is a legal rape drug, combine that crap with beer and works better than roofies. So yeah feminist are making easy access roofies. They are that retard, I believe that feminist in reality love their rape fantasy so much that they fight for them to become true, rapefugges and roofies, that is feminism in action.

      1. Feminists are inveterate rape fetishists. Every single one of them. Their belief system leads them to it. I’ve posted this before, but here it goes again. Shout it from the rooftops, syllogism goes like this:
        A: Feminists believe all heterosexual sex is rape.
        B: Women crave sex and sexual attention.
        Ergo: feminist women crave rape.
        For those of us decent human beings that think that rape is wrong, feminism has a whole lot to answer for.

        1. Among other things, they’ve made it so we are less likely to believe actual rape victims.
          Because we fail to properly punish false accusers (I argue they should do the same exact time as a rapist and be put on the “sex offenders registry” like a real rapist), we do not disincentivize false accusations. Because we know of so many false accusations (I, myself, was falsely accused), we develop the bias that rape “victims” are lying. Because of this bias, we fail to believe real victims.
          Add to that the expansion of “rape” to include being catcalled (and, eventually, NOT being catcalled) and regretting sexual intercourse, and we are inclined to say, “walk it off, you idjit.”

        2. One of these days, you will have to tell the story of your false accusation.

        3. Feminists want to be raped by a tall man. Of course that isn’t rape but they have to be raped by the right person.
          I mean I have no qualms having a hot babe tie me up and hump me I suppose it’s a similar case.

        4. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !ar109d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash399SportDesignsPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!ar109l..,…

        5. Rape fantasy is rampant among women but they hate to admit it. I know a few sincere women who accept it, their dream is to be raped by brad pit. I told them that high status men are no rapist, they are never happy, they can act a consensual rape role playing fantasy but is not the same. She hint me that the few occasion she said no to me was because she want me to take her by force, me being beta guy at the time I stop when she said no, they are that stupid what if I misinterpret or tomorrow she change her mind? She was the kind of women who likes to being bitch slapped and spit on the face in the act.

        6. Never, never set yourself up for an accusation. You hear the word “no,” bail instantly. Interaction over. You made the right call(s).
          As for the slapping and spitting, that stuff is as sincere as it is automatic for me anymore. Sometimes I surprise myself how naturally is flows… and how eagerly it is received.

        7. A study wss done that found that over 40 percent of college aged women who were the victims of date rape continued to see their attackers. And it was more likely that a girl would continue to date a man who successfully raped her than a man who tried and failed.
          It has been theorized that sometimes in dating situations, women unconsciously test for good genes by refusing sex in order to see if the man is physically and mentally strong enough to overcome her resistance as the genes that make him sexually aggressive will be passed on to any sons she should have by him, thus aiding in the spread of her genes as they will carry her genes as well.

      2. you really think these pills knock a girl out and make her semi-unconscious?
        nooooo! rape drug!! how could they do this ???!!!? now evil men like roosh will have an even easier time raping poor innocent women!!!!!!!!! i’m crying!!!!!!!!!!

        1. The sad thing is that they are willingly taking the drug with alcohol then they are horny drunk women that can cry rape tomorrow.

    2. btw it’s one of the cool German companies.
      The one behind Agent Orange.
      Now switch the language to German/Deutsch
      and strg+f for Agent Orange
      And praise the reliable propaganda tool Wikipedia.
      And yep, an article about Addyi without mentioning teal dear leaves a bad taste.

      1. Hmm Addyi, wonder if there was an Adolf involved given the name of the drug. Addidas was founded by Adolf Dassner, you never know..

    3. One of the few times I approve of posting a YouTube video on RoK. In fact, I also recommend TL;DR’s follow-up video:

    4. Love TL;DR’s channel, I learned a lot from his content. Also respect him for not apologizing for his genetic determinism videos.

  2. My prediction: post-wall/wall-immanent women who have previously only been interested in beta bux (especially those who dream about marrying a 100-year-old rich man – I hear that repeated *constantly*) are going to dope themselves into a frothing case of alpha lust. They will descend upon the sexual marketplace like locusts.
    This drug will not improve the quality of a single marriage. But, it might make it a whole lot easier for young beta simps to quench some Thirst in menopausal pussy.

  3. “Women would rather not thwart their hypergamious nature than to have a sexually satisfying relationship with a beta.”
    This is a great point, but I’d need to ponder on it a bit more. Alcohol is legal, and weed is widely available, but do they interfere with women’s hypergamous instinct and their choices? Do women avoid these drugs because they know they might inadvertently end up with a beta?
    I feel like this is a question for Rollo Tomassi.

    1. Women love alcohol and hate weed. I ,like most of my male friends, like weed and hate alcohol. It’s because men want to be spiritual and have good conversation , while wome want to go crazy and dance and fuck around like feral savages.
      Also , that Rollo dude looks like a sucker to me. You should ask the real deal (Heartiste) about these things .

      1. “I ,like most of my male friends, like weed and hate alcohol. It’s because men want to be spiritual and have good conversation”
        I resonate with this. Rare to find such friends but I agree.
        But I do think weed is great for sex though, once you get passed the initial paranoid and tripped out feeling.
        “Also , that Rollo dude looks like a sucker to me. You should ask the real deal (Heartiste) about these things .”
        Haha fair enough… I check Heartiste almost every day… The man really is brilliant.

        1. Damn that paranoia man. I hate it. To be honest I don’t usually have sex after weed , but I really like to read things online. Whatever it is it feels like the most interesting shit ever haha.

    2. A lot of that depends on where one lives. In south Texas you’ll find women who are potheads but they’re mainly West Coast transplants. The ones who love alcohol are the born and bred locals. Neither of which after years of abuse are worth a second glance. From experience the booze makes them looser and weed makes them paranoid. Fighting drinks are entertaining though

    3. Alcohol feels good on its own because of its effects. Also makes girls feel more attractive/confident to get the men they desire.

    1. It increases blood flow to erectile tissues. The clitoris and the penis both contain erectile tissue, so, yes, potentially Viagra can make a woman’s biscuit itch. But it also engorges the erectile tissue in your nose and sinuses. It’s standard procedure to have a raging boner but have to breathe through your mouth while you’re using it.

      1. Would that make you sound all stuffy too? That might make dirty talk kind of humorous.

  4. Fun fact: the “female viagra” is also a date-rape drug. Mixing Addyi with alcohol has been show to cause women to black-out.
    Yes, that’s right. The female viagra, when mixed with alcohol, causes women to black-out.
    Think through the implications of that…

    1. Seriously? A lot of women and men are going to get in horrendous situations if true…

  5. Viagra is for erections, nothing to do with sexual desire. They are using the name “viagra” to masculinize women by using the the myth of female libido and sexual equality:
    – Libido evolved for men to be interested in having sex with women, specially dominant men as they need to reproduce more (POLYGYNOUS), and it is so intrinsically associated to masculinity, to the point that women would need to be men to experience real libido, true libido.
    – Libido allows men to see eroticism in the female body, a capacity women completely lack. Then the man is exited, then aroused, then he has an erection, then an orgasm, then ejaculation.
    — This means these things represent pure masculinity: libido, eroticism, orgasm, ejaculation.
    — The human brain has revealed things that are politically incorrect: e.g. male brains being extremely sexual; while female brains being extremely unsexual, the opposite:
    For example, men have true genitalia, but women lack that too, they only have the “masculine” vestige called clitoris, the underdeveloped penis. The clitoris have incomparable less nerve endings contrary to the penis. and the vagina even less, far less, because it did not evolve to be pleasured, but to pleasure, to provoke an orgasm in him, something fundamental for reproduction, while a female orgasm is completely unnecessary. Brain areas that deal with genitalia are very small in women and very inactive, because as said before, women have no genitalia, thus less wiring, just vestiges.
    For example, all sexual areas in the male brain, not just genitalia, are very big. The male brain is burning while having sex, even before, while those areas in female’s brains are very small, and almost inactive, that makes you wonder if there is any activity at all. in fact the female brain shuts down in general, not just sexual areas, except the cerebellum(motor skills) who increases in activity. And no, this is not while having an “orgasm”, it starts this general deactivation long before. In fact the vagina is not directly linked to “sexual arousal”. In other words, the vagina can lubricate itself, as a response to the male, without her being aroused in her brain. She responds to male sexuality(submissive, receptive, passive, fixed in place.)
    So this female-viagra, or the lie of a female disorder, and the lie of a male dysfunction when men orgasm too early, is nothing but penis envy being used to make money, by emasculating men and masculinizing women, by indoctrinating men to believe that making a woman orgasm is a masculine thing when in fact it is nothing but “the feminization of men”(dichotomies), as it is the female role to stimulate the man(sexual dimorphism = sexual stimuli). The orgasm is a macho thing. Macho macho, super machista. So any idea of a sexual equality between the sexes is a fallacy. BUT still a fantasy that stimulates the male, that is why it is common in girls to exaggerate and fake orgasms, and ti is common in men, to believe she could be like him, not just sexually, but empathetically too.
    ………..talking about reality, and red pills, and pills, ha. What a joke life is.

      1. …and there is no other way of saying it without offending someone’s feelings, who immediately starts with his “feminized” ad-hominen.

      2. And I read your comment as “I’m a hardcore beta who lives for nothing but pleasing my maste* I mean woman.
        Realtalk, the minute I stopped worrying about making my or any other woman oragasm, the better my sexlife got. Ironically, so did my partners.
        In laymans terms, you take the pussy and ravage her to relase you lust, by extension her hivemind is overloaded in a primordial way, and orgasm, or not she is satisfied.
        What men forget, women are not men, they are aroused by YOUR desire for her. Woman, being the most solipsistic beings to walk the planet can only ever get true happiness from the all encompasing fury, that is a man who succumbs to his lust, and desire for her.
        Never forget, to a woman, IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT HER.

      3. You live to make females cum? What a drab life.
        Females make me cum on the other hand. And I don’t “live for it” I have more important things to do.

    1. Please keep posting this everywhere. Not just red pill sites and forums, but MSm outlets. Please. This is astounding

  6. Three things are going on here.
    1) Women now desire to be the inypyndynt wimminz by getting a college degree (liberal arts and other bullshit) so they can enter the corporate world. This allows her to be around higher status guys. She thinks because these higher status guys hit on her that her SMV has increased, but that’s not possible. A woman’s SMV cannot increase based on socioeconomic status. She has better options merely by proximity, because she was available to the higher status guys. Only the men’s SMV increased due to the higher socioeconomic status. Now her standards have raised.
    2)For her whole life, she has been showered with attention through this thing called a cell phone with internet capabilities. Now she thinks her SMV shot up because of the attention. No, she merely exposed herself across the planet in the virtual world (virtual proximity, especially with Chads looking for an easy bang). But that doesn’t stop her from having an inflated sense of self.
    3)> After leaving the workforce in her mid to late 20’s to settle for a beta bux in the suburbs, the wedding day validation and the newly found security loses its effect and she’s now ‘pestered’ by her low SMV husband’s sexual initiations (remember husband has no right to ask for sex damnit!). She married him solely because he was a beta (easy mark) and could provide security and can be controlled, but that’s not sexy. He’s a nice guy that provides and loves her all the time, yet she can’t find it in her to be aroused.
    In conclusion, women go their whole lives being showered in attention from texts and social media, sky rocketing their standards. Then they enter the corporate world where they’re exposed to men that are higher status than their boyfriends and husbands on a regular basis (8hrs+/day, 7+days/week), increasing their standards even more. Then they plop themselves in the suburbs stuck with hubby all day who she married for the exact traits that make a man unattractive. THIS IS THE CAUSE OF ‘LOW FEMALE LOBIDO’!!!
    Most ‘Erectile Dysfunction’ is the same way. The woman gets hubby to sign that government contract that gives her license to not put out and not retain her initial looks whatsoever. She let’s her body go to shit and after a few years, the husband can’t even get aroused by her anymore, which says a lot because man’s standards, especially beta standards, can be so sooo low.
    The “Low Libido” excuse is bullshit. She doesn’t have ‘low libido’, it’s not that she has lost interest in sex altogether. She just doesn’t want to have sex with YOU.
    Same goes for guys. Put a young PYT with big tits in front of a ‘low
    libido’ man, boners come back. Put a ripped stud in front of a ‘low
    libido’ woman, her panties get wet again.

    ‘Female viagra’ + viagra is the ultimate symptom cover up of a female-betamale coupling. As we all know, Big Pharma is in the business of cures, just ‘treatments’.
    “But dr_warlock, surely you could just avoid ‘those women’!”
    No so fast. Much of the time, there are no red flags. The very act of marriage
    activates and exaggerates shitty characteristics in a female because she
    knows she has power and uses it to be less caring, more fat, and more
    lazy. Just because she can.
    Don’t provide the stimulus, you wont get the

    1. Studies show married men have lower testosterone. It seems the husband’s testosterone levels are matching his wife’s testosterone.

      1. Actually that has a lot to do with the kids as well. Also, being submissive lowers your testosterone level

  7. There is in fact a real “Viagra” that will work for both men and women, and that`s totally harmless if used only on occasion.
    The amino acid Glycine, that`s forms together with proline, and a few other amino acids, the collagen proteins will work as a safe aphrodisiac.
    It`s surprisingly efficient! You will be surprised.
    It`s works by upregulating the nutrient sensor TOR, which basically tells the cells, (via altered gene transcription) that they have plenty of food and should go all in for reproduction, rather than repair and maintenance. This in turn will effect libido.
    TOR is the oldest nutrient sensor and predates even insulin, (which will also feed into TOR.)
    Glycine in particular will elevate TOR more than anything else. Probably due to it`s importance in early cells.
    I discovered this by chance when I started taking Collagen Hydrolysate(CH) a few years back, and saw an enormous increase in libido. Experimenting with it I found that it really was the CH, and not just a coincidence. The brand I used was `Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate.` This would work for women (and anything with cells) also, since It`s a biochemical pathway that goes back almost to the start of life.
    If you do try this, remember that you will increase cell proliferation and therefore increase ageing drastically. Also elevated TOR is basically the main cause of cancer, post-reproductively. (When tumor suppressant genes are not as active anymore.)
    But as I said, no danger with only occasional use. (You do need some protein after all.)

  8. Woman to friend or therapist, “I’m so miserable because my husband/partner wants sex more than I do, but I’m just not feeling it.” Truth, “No more daily laundry because of sploogy sheets, no more everyday wakies with ” There’s Something About Mary” hair, and best of all, I can guilt-free chill with wine and a book while he faps to Internet porn because I can’t help having low sexual desire.”

  9. Cindy Whitehead, huh?
    Should be Cindy Bighead.
    Sorry, .just couldn’t resist…

  10. The thing I don’t understand about all these “Viagra” and “Cialis” commercials is why they keep showing these older, well off guys taking this stuff to bang their old bag wives.
    They should be showing the guys in these commercials going after their daughter’s friends from the cheerleading squad.
    But, then again, if the older guy was going after the young stuff, he wouldn’t need the Viagra. Tight, young poon is natural Viagra.

    1. Heh, yeah. Although to be fair, from an older guy perspective (that’s me) the women they generally show are not “old bags” and for their supposed ages, look like they’ve aged gracefully. Most guys get around that age and their girls are nowhere near as well kept, thin, in shape and particular about their make up and general overall appearances.
      That said, younger wins every time, hands down.

      1. Pretty sure I am older than you.
        How do I know?
        Well, just got in from my commute home, had put some leftovers on the stove to heat up, and then logged into the computer. Read this reply (yours), then went back to check on my dinner. Although the setting was set to “low”, there was no fire! Lucky I didn’t blow the freaking apartment up! First time I have ever done that. Hope it is the last as well.
        That said, I still only see 29 & under as attractive. I suppose there are some over that age that still can be attractive, but, to me anyway, they are few and far between. I am obsessed with younger girls for reasons I have explained on this site many times. I am not a good representative for a “common opinion” on this subject.

      2. They do a good job of making older women look attractive, but there is no way to express over a TV ad what they feel like – squishy. It’s true, even the best kept older woman feels squishy compared to a nice firm twentysomething, and a young thing usually obviates the need for any chemical boner enhancement.

    2. They would never do that. But watch, if female viagra ever hit the market, they’ll have disgusting fat land whales in those commercials pulling male fit models.

  11. It seems women blame men for their low sex drive. That he doesn’t know how to please her. But it could be more like she’s getting so much side dick that her pussy went numb

  12. If only Liz Holmes had been in charge . . . they could have really fleeced the share holders.

  13. This has to be one of the most infuriating videos I have ever seen. The National Trust of Scotland itself created a video depicting an African breaking into the museum, mocking the paintings of dead famous Scots while condemning them for their “privilege” then brags of their descendents’ replacement by his kind.
    Yes Britons if have any doubts about what your government thinks of you and what its plans for you are, just watch this video, made WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS NO LESS. Well, until they realize they fucked up and yank it off of Youtube that is.

    1. You mean THIS is what these ‘Britons’ are determined to vote for?
      To be replaced by those who mock them?
      Yet STILL they vote for more?
      They deserve what they are voting for.

    2. Da f#ck was that!?! Look, I’m black, and still can’t co-sign this lapse on reality. You are ina WHITE SCOTTISH country. Why would there be any significant black historical paintings in Scottland when no blacks were even in the country at the time? Or better yet, when NO blacks contributted to the creation and maintenace of Scottish culture?
      What he should be asking is – why am I so culturally illiterate that I know nothing of the poeple where I originated from. And by extension, if what they did was so great; why didnt they leave behind a rich collection of art and culture that others from the world over come to see and experience?

  14. When they wanted to find the female version of viagra, scientist found out that women are not made to be monogamous. After 1-4 Years (3~ years most times) women get bored with their boyfriend/husband. The man can do everything right and still it will happen. They tested thousands of girls and asked why they don’t find their s/o attractive anymore and they couldn’t explain it.
    “Women Get BORED With Their Monogamous Men – Even More Scientific Proof
    Posted on September 29, 2013 by Blackdragon 162 Comments

    first date advice, first online date, online dating advice, meaning of an open relationship, traits of an alpha male
    It’s always nice when science reinforces the things I’ve been saying for years. It happens so often these days I’ve pretty much stopped reporting it. Yet I recently came across this New York Times article that’s quite wonderful. It’s got me written all over it.
    I have said for many years, including in my free ebook about it, the following things:
    Women are biologically wired to get BORED with their lover in long term relationships.
    This happens even if her boyfriend/husband is perfect and does everything right.
    This boredom usually begins in earnest around the three-year mark in a relationship.
    This boredom is intensified if she is monogamous with her partner and/or if she lives with her partner.
    Women will not tell men they do this. They all say “I won’t be like that”. When years go by and they do become like that, they deceptively blame the boredom on their husbands, or the effort involved in raising kids, or their work, or other external factors that have nothing whatsoever to do with the real reason, which is sexual boredom created by her own biology.
    As soon as women get divorced and starting having sex with new men, this boredom magically vanishes. For “unknown” reasons. The reason is, of course, that she’s no longer monogamous.
    The above facts are so horrific to people, so against everyone’s cherished Societal Programming, even scientists who know it’s true can’t bring themselves to come out and say what I just said.
    Exhibit A is this NYT article. It’s about a new drug they’re testing that has been dubbed the “female Viagra”. It has been created to combat the exact boredom I talk about…that experienced by women in three-year or longer monogamous relationships.
    While interviewing one woman,
    “Thinking about your desire now,” Miller said, “would you say it is absent, very low, low, reasonable or present?”
    “Low.” This was no different from Linneah’s reply at the trial’s outset two months before.
    “When your partner initiated sexual activity over the past eight weeks, did you show avoidance behavior?”
    “Like earlier to bed?”
    “Yes.” Linneah’s voice lurched louder; she laughed; it was a relief to talk bluntly.
    “Do you have pleasant feelings when you’re touched?”
    So physically the woman is fine. But mentally she’s no longer attracted to her husband.
    Yes! This is a mental issue, not a physical one. There is nothing physically wrong with her at all. That’s why if she divorced her husband (which most women end up doing) and had sex with a new man, all of a sudden she would be completely sexually healthy, both mentally and physically.
    Later, after her appointment, she told me that in fact she has orgasms pretty much every time she and her husband have sex — that wasn’t the problem. “There’s something that’s stopping me from wanting it,” she said. “I don’t know what it is. I can’t tell you what it is.”
    But I can. She’s been with her husband in a monogamous relationship for longer than three years. She still loves him, and her body works fine, but she no longer is sexually attracted to him. THIS IS NORMAL. THIS IS HOW WOMEN WORK. If you expect any different, you’re an idiot deluded by your own Disney desires.
    When they were dating and out with other couples, Linneah would think, “I just want to get home with him, I just want to get home with him,” she recalled. But that lust had dwindled. Around the arrival of their second child in 2004, something insidious crept in, partly fatigue but partly something else that she couldn’t name.
    Since most women don’t read scientific studies, divorce statistics, or blogs written by me, they have no idea why they start getting bored with their monogamous husbands. They just assume it’s because the husbands are being jerks, or they’re “stressed”, or “raising kids” or whatever. But notice that there was “something else she couldn’t name”. She doesn’t want her husband to fuck her any more, and she can’t put a finger on why.
    …women raised a mix of possible reasons. There were the demands of graduate school, the demands of children, the demands of work, medical issues, men who weren’t always as kind or nearly as engaged as they could be. But at bottom there seemed to be one common cause: they had all grown tired of sex with their long-term partners.
    The go-to phrase in the above quote is “men who weren’t always as kind or nearly as engaged as they could be”.
    When you find a woman who is Not Like The Rest™ and are stupid enough to ignore everything I’ve ever said because you “have to settle down eventually”, when your wife’s biology kicks in and she stops wanting to have sex with you after three years, and you ask her why, she’s going to blame YOU. That’s right. YOU.
    Like most married men hear all the time, you’re going to hear a big list of all the things you’re doing wrong, and how if you just “shaped up”, she would start having sex with you again. And it will be a lie. It will likely have nothing to do with you. It will be about her. Her biology. But she can’t, and won’t, say that.
    Then you’ll get pissed off and after much chaos, get divorced, then you’ll post on my blog or forum about how right I was and how you should have listened to me.
    But I digress. Let’s continue this sad tale…
    Around once a week, her husband tried to reach through the invisible barriers she built — the going up to bed early, the intense concentration on a book, the hoping he was too tired to want anything but sleep. “He’ll move closer to me in bed, or put his arm around me, or rub my back.”
    Yep. Anything to get out of having icky sex with my husband! Ew!
    I hope all you guys out there who want to get married and monogamous someday are paying very close attention.
    She willed herself not to refuse him. And mostly, she didn’t. Usually they had sex about four times each month. But it upset her that she had to force herself and that she put up those barriers to deter him from reaching more often.
    So even when she had sex, she didn’t like it AND she felt guilty that she didn’t like it.
    “I’m scared that if it’s slimmed to this by now, what’s going to happen as we get older?” she said. “I want to stay close, not just psychologically, physically. I want to stay in love. I have a friend, they have sex so intermittently, every three months. She is so unhappy. I don’t want that to happen to me.”
    This is another reason this sexual decline in mono-marriages is so common; all of her other married girlfriends are also avoiding sex with their husbands. So it becomes a normal and accepted thing within her social circle.
    I experienced this personally. Back when I was married, my wife at the time had three girlfriends who had also been married longer than three years, and all three of them constantly reported to her how rarely they had sex with their husbands.
    She used to say to me “Jennifer and Suzi only fuck their husbands like once every two months! We have sex once a week! And that’s STILL not enough for you??? They said you should be thankful!!!”
    Now before you start calling my ex-wife a bitch, let me repeat it yet again: This is normal. This is how women are. This is how women have been biologically wired to behave for hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. Just like the woman in the article, there is usually no malice behind it. It’s just how women are.
    Finally, the article gets to the core of the matter…
    But for many women, the cause of their sexual malaise appears to be monogamy itself. It is women much more than men who have H.S.D.D., who don’t feel heat for their steady partners. Evolutionary psychologists argue that this comes down to innate biology, that men are just made with stronger sex drives — so men will settle for the woman who’s always near.
    Bingo, scientists!
    Women get sexually bored. Men (usually) do not. Women are horny only at certain points in their lives. Men are always horny.
    How, then, can long term monogamy be expected to work?
    The answer is: it can’t.
    Want more proof?
    Dietrich Klusmann, a psychologist at the University of Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany, has provided a glimpse into the bedrooms of longtime couples. His surveys, involving a total of almost 2,500 subjects, comprise one of the few systematic comparisons of female and male desire at progressive stages of committed relationships. He shows women and men in new relationships reporting, on average, more or less equal lust for each other. But for women who’ve been with their partners between one and four years, a dive begins — and continues, leaving male desire far higher.
    Women get bored, men do not. Women get bored at between “one and four years”. What have I been saying about the magical three-year mark?
    As if that wasn’t enough validation of what I’ve been saying:
    Within this plunge, there is a notable pattern: over time, women who don’t live with their partners retain their desire much more than women who do.
    Dingding again! What have I been saying forever? Moving in with a woman increases the speed at which she will become bored with you. This is a corollary to another concept I’ve explained for years: The more often you see a woman, the faster she will become sexually bored with you. Why do you think I talk about the once-a-week rule for FBs and MLTRs?
    Some of you have asked me why I have not moved in with a woman after all these years. Because I know what will happen if I do.
    Others of you have expressed amazement and/or disbelief that many women in my life can still remain very horny for me after four or five years of consistent dating and sex, even when they know I’m out fucking other women.
    It’s because I haven’t ever moved in with any of these women. Even when some of these women have begged me to do so.
    Because I love happiness, I like my women to be horny for me. All the time. Moving in with a woman would eventually, not immediately but eventually, start to degrade that. If/when I move in with a woman down the road, which I probably will do, I can alleviate this problem by not being monogamous with her. She can still fuck other guys and I can fuck other women. This will greatly delay (though probably not prevent) her eventual boredom. On top of that, there will be no legal marriage (or at worst, a marriage with a rock-solid prenup), so if the relationship fails because of her boredom, no damage to my financial life occurs.
    “The impact of relationship duration is something that comes up constantly,” she told me about her therapy sessions. “Sometimes I wonder whether it” — H.S.D.D. — “isn’t so much about libido as it is about boredom.”
    Bingo again.
    Why don’t these scientists just give me a call? I could save them bundles on research money.
    Now here’s where things get really funny. These Societally Programmed scientists don’t want to admit what’s really going on…
    “What protects desire in monogamous partnerships is a great empirical question,” Brotto said. “I don’t think there have been any good studies.”
    Well shit, Mr. Scientist! Maybe there’s no study on how to maintain strong sexual desire in long term monogamous relationships because it’s impossible to do so. Because maybe, Mr. Fucking Scientist, human beings were never designed for absolute monogamy past about three years. But as a scientist you already knew that, didn’t you? (And yes, I know there are always unusual exceptions to every rule.)
    Look god dammit. A Ferrari is a hell of a car. But if you try to drive that Ferrari through a swamp, it isn’t going to do shit. It’ll just sit there and sink into the mud like any other heavy hunk of metal. It doesn’t matter how awesome a car it is, it was never designed to drive through swamps.
    Building your long term goals (much less building an entire society!) around the idea of driving Ferraris thorough swamps is stupid, childish, utopian, destructive, harmful, and ridiculous.
    Do you see how painful this is for people to admit? Even people who know better like these silly scientists?
    As if the article can’t get any better, it shows how this sexual husband-boredom is even happening to the female scientists…
    Brotto, who is married and has three children, went on: “I’m a woman in a long-term monogamous relationship. I myself have felt firsthand very high passionate desire, which then wanes. I can relate to my patients completely.
    Well I’m just shocked she’s in a “long-term monogamous relationship” and she doesn’t want to fuck her man either!
    Honestly, it’s rare to find something this funny and sad at the same time.
    Sometimes she discusses the option of open relationships. But even to contemplate this alternative is to ignite fears in both women and men, and those override the pining for lust.
    And there it is. We come all the way back to the problem I battle with people, mostly men, every day: Everyone knows monogamy doesn’t work, but no one wants to try a different system.
    “Yeah monogamy doesn’t work and sucks and creates all kinds of problems and we were never designed for it and I hate it, BUT I CANT LET HER FUCK OTHER GUYS! WHAT, ARE YOU INSANE??? RRRRRRAAAAAHH!!! So I’ll just be monogamous and have boredom and drama and cheating and breakups and divorces and fuck up my kids and…”
    Like the rest of the practitioners at the 16 research sites across the country that Adriaan Tuiten contracted to conduct the studies, Goldstein had to make sure that every applicant was in a stable relationship. Tuiten didn’t openly acknowledge monogamy as the core of the desire problem, but he knew he couldn’t use single subjects who might well find new lovers during the course of the trials. Their results might have to be tossed out because, with or without chemical aids, new lovers bring surges of lust.
    Just. Amazing. See, nonmonogamous women don’t need their stupid female Viagra pill, because they know that nonmonogamous women don’t experience a decline in sexual desire. So they have to make sure to only find monogamous women, or else it would ruin their entire study.
    I remember Tom Leykis making a joke about old married men and their old, ugly, fat, bitchy, nonsexual wives, and how these men “needed” Viagra. “Let these guys go fuck a cute 20 year-old girl, then watch and see if they need Viagra. You’d be shocked at how well their johnsons would suddenly work.”
    I have talked about, numerous times, how my FBs and MLTRs will never get bored with me, but when they LSNFTE me and go to a monogamous boyfriend (or get married and have a new husband!), over time they will get bored with Mr. Monogamous, then dump the guy and come back to me. And keep coming back to me over and over again, yet they will never go back to Mr. Monogamy.
    I don’t get monogamous with these women, and I don’t demand it of them, so they never get bored with me, even after years and years. It’s that simple. I’ve said before that I plan on having sex with most of my women, off-and-on, for the rest of their lives. This is why this is possible.
    You can accomplish some really wonderful, enriching, powerful things if you just toss monogamy out the door and figure out how to make open, semi-open, or poly relationships work.
    The question is, how much scientific evidence will it take to get you to do this?”
    A must-read for every guy:

    1. You are missing the pink elephant in the room. WHY do women get bored at the 3-5 year mark?
      Answer: Because after 3 years of fucking like rabbits, mother nature is expecting babies.
      If there is no baby, mother nature (or our lizard brain) gets the message that her current partner is in-fertile and needs to be replaced.
      If a woman has a baby every 3-5 years she will not get bored.
      This is a well known and very well documented fact.
      With our modern birth control we think we outsmarted nature, but all we did is outsmart ourselfes.

      1. Sorry to destroy your dreams but thats bullshit.
        If you would’ve read the article you would know, that even a female scientist who was married and had 3(!) kids with her partner, was bored after some time.
        “Do you see how painful this is for people to admit? Even people who know better like these silly scientists?
        As if the article can’t get any better, it shows how this sexual husband-boredom is even happening to the female scientists…
        >>> Brotto, who is married and has three children, went on:
        “I’m a woman in a long-term monogamous relationship. I myself have felt firsthand very high passionate desire, which then wanes.
        I can relate to my patients completely. <<<
        Well I’m just shocked she’s in a “long-term monogamous relationship” and she doesn’t want to fuck her man either!
        Honestly, it’s rare to find something this funny and sad at the same time.”

  15. I’m glad the author included the video in the article. That added with the backstory tells us exactly how to use propaganda, emotional arguments, and feminism in order to line thy pockets with copious amounts of green. I mean, the apparent blatant lies purely for profit. I already new on an intellectual basis this happens all the time, but to see it with my own eyes after reading the back story is astonishing. I don’t know if I want to punch these new billionaires or copy them.

    1. First of all – glad to be of service
      Second – punching and copying is not mutually exclusive

  16. “From a red-pill perspective, we know that a woman sexual desire is a fluid and fickle phenomenon.”
    ” Women would rather not thwart their hypergamious nature than to have a sexually satisfying relationship with a beta.”

    1. Many women feel way more pleasure from withholding sex than giving in. These need to be avoided for LTRs.

      1. indeed, sex is a form of currency and a tool for women. Whatever maximizes it is what they’ll do, whether its witholding or putting out.

  17. Male Viagra does not increase our desire for sex. In my case, it decreased it because it gave me headaches. If you need to use Viagra to get an erection, you’re with the wrong woman. Big Pharma scammers will never let this truth get out.

    1. If you need to use Viagra to get an erection, you’re with the wrong woman.
      – or you are simply too old and too low energy so there is nothing left to waste. Wait a few weeks (months) and fill up that empty tank and it might be working again or better yet make a TRT and have sex all day.

  18. There’s some seriously crazy shit out there in the world. Actually, when the author mentioned the DSM -IV in this context I quietly thought that it should be burned for the kind of shit they put in it and it’s authors permanently removed from their academic positions. Like they had homosexuals in it prior to the 70’s then took them out, now they’re just basically inventing psychological conditions so big pharma can sell more substances. Adhd went in there more recently I believe, but these non-conditions are an insult to the real mental disturbances in there they’ve turned it into a joke.

    1. Agreed.
      Pharma is downstream of politics and culture. That is why you have that phenomenon.
      Don’t think it was ever different, and will probably remain the same.

  19. “Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.” — Ogden Nash
    The original and still champion libido enhancing drug for women is alcohol.

  20. “we are all waiting to see if and when an actual “women’s Viagra” will be on the market”
    You dont have to wait for this. It is called “50 shades of grey”.
    Give them an alpha male like christian grey and they will be DTF at any age.

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