Publisher Response To The “Eating Disorders” Article

On November 13, I allowed publication of Tuthmosis’ article 5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder. I did so because it contains value for men who want to date thin women in America, a country that is currently facing a devastating obesity epidemic, which we recently highlighted with Fat Shaming Week.

The article states several facts about women with eating disorders:

A girl who spends inordinate mental and physical energy on her looks is rarely fat.


You can go out to nice restaurants and order take-out with the confidence that your expense on her will be minimal.


An eating disorder often translates into the direct opposite: a girl who’s modest, fragile, and vulnerable.


They aren’t too many poor girls with eating disorders.

The delivery of ideas like these may make some people uncomfortable, but they are based on our experiences and views of the world. We speak the truths that politically correct outlets are too afraid to share because of sensitive mainstream readers who lose their composure at anything they disagree with.

Eating disorders are bad

I want to make it clear that we at ROK are not promoting eating disorders. These are devastating illnesses on those whom they afflict, and we wish sufferers are able to receive the treatment they need. It is unfortunate that sufferers continue to be stigmatized by society, so it surprises me that Tuthmosis’ article has been angrily received when it attempts to reduce stigma by encouraging our male readership to give women with anorexia and bulimia an opportunity for real intimacy. This is far better than merely giving patronizing e-support by outlets like Huffington Post.

We are educating our masculine readers not to pass on eating disorder victims just because they have an illness, yet instead of receiving thanks, we’re receiving hate instead. If we all had cancer, and someone wrote an article titled “5 Reasons To Fornicate With A Man Who Has Cancer,” we would spread it far and wide to make fornicating with us a better proposition for women. We would not send death threats or calls for censorship like is happening to us now. I think a bit more graciousness is in order for our unorthodox method of outreach.

The Tuthmosis case

Upon closely reviewing Tuthmosis’ article, I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing in it that endorses eating disorders or slanders those who have them. He has simply shared knowledge and insights that can aid single men in their pursuit of sexual happiness without hurting women. While some of his statements may be subjectively interpreted, we’re not a scientific journal, and so should not be judged in that manner.

Was Tuthmosis’ article offensive? Was it tasteless? Not to me and not to the bulk of our male readership. It is not our job as a men’s publication to ensure everything we write does not offend 7 billion human beings on this planet, so there is no legitimate reason to remove the article, and those who are calling for it to be removed should instead visit the graves of America’s great founders and speak into the ground about why they don’t believe in free speech simply because their feelings have been hurt by mere words. As a staunch believer in free speech, I will do all I can to make sure ROK contributors like Tuthmosis can share their opinions and experiences freely, especially when it does not advocate for violence or breaking the law.

Therefore, the article will stay and Tuthmosis will stay. We respect your freedom of expression, even if they include death threats and calls for mutilation on our genitals, but I sincerely hope you can gather the strength to handle one article on the internet that you don’t like. If you want to engage us in a sane dialogue about this matter, feel free to reach out via the comments below or through email. God bless.

Read Next: How Feminist Censorship Introduced Me To The Red Pill

2,470 thoughts on “Publisher Response To The “Eating Disorders” Article”

  1. What will anger them more? The article or the fact that their demands of blood for the PC god go unanswered.

      1. This is ten times funnier since I responded to somebody who implied I didn’t know what I was talking about because I needed to take women’s studies. HAHAHAHAHA.

      2. This is ten times funnier since I responded to somebody who implied I didn’t know what I was talking about because I needed to take women’s studies. HAHAHAHAHA.

      3. This is ten times funnier since I responded to somebody who implied I didn’t know what I was talking about because I needed to take women’s studies. HAHAHAHAHA.

      4. This is ten times funnier since I responded to somebody who implied I didn’t know what I was talking about because I needed to take women’s studies. HAHAHAHAHA.

      5. This is ten times funnier since I responded to somebody who implied I didn’t know what I was talking about because I needed to take women’s studies. HAHAHAHAHA.

  2. Holy frak, over 1900 comments with multiple deletions. How many hits?
    Will you be serving mainstream ads now?

      1. The HuffPo traffic explains why ROK loaded like complete ass yesterday.
        At what point do death threats warrant a call to the FBI?

        1. Probably at the point where risible turns into credible …
          Until then, it’s like listening to the Prosthetic Dildo Army camping out on your doorstep.

  3. Good one Roosh. Thought you were pulling a mea culpa then you went the other direction on me.
    That should calm everything down nicely.

  4. Watch out! Here come the thought police! I am amazed that the idea of freedom of speech, freedom of expression of different ideas and opinions, even dissenting ones is completely lost on our generation in America! It’s appalling. We don’t agree with everything feminist, communist or nazi’s write, but in AMERICA they have the right to express their opinions and thoughts, even when it’s offensive.
    Personally I thought the article was great. Keep publishing. Stay strong.

  5. The response the article received, to be frank, scared me. Personally, I didn’t much care for it because I surround myself with positivity and girls with eating disorders just aren’t a positive addition to your life, but the amount of seething hatred backed by threats of death, hell and violence all over someone’s opinion reminds me that humanity has not changed one bit since the days of the Spanish Inquisition and witch-hunts where those who speak differently are silenced. Everyone talks about freedom, personal choice, etc, etc. but for whom? Not those with opposing view points.
    Why is censorship the end-game these days, where rather than debate and discuss we simply do everything in our power to silence those with opposing views?

    1. I was likewise appalled more by the response than by the article itself. Friends of mine have been calling for and signing a petition on some website to bring the article down and I was honestly shocked that so many people were so quick to jump on the ‘silence his views’ bandwagon. I kinda want to make a counter petition on the same site to stop random acts of censorship and share it with them in hopes of reminding them what it means to live in the USA.

        1. Roosh wrote a nice rebuttal – and let’s think about how many people in starving third world countries have eating disorders – it’s a modern disease of a society that has too much and knows too little………… encouraging guys to date these women might just help them out of their rut….

        2. starving because there is no food and starving because you have a mental illness are two different things. Do your research.

        3. funny thing about ‘mild’ mental illnesses like depression and such… they tend to disappear when your life is at stake

        4. That’s the point. People who starve despite having plenty of food are mentally flawed.

        5. That’s the point. People who starve despite having plenty of food are mentally flawed.

        6. That’s the point. People who starve despite having plenty of food are mentally flawed.

        7. That’s the point. People who starve despite having plenty of food are mentally flawed.

        8. That’s the point. People who starve despite having plenty of food are mentally flawed.

        9. That’s the point. People who starve despite having plenty of food are mentally flawed.

        10. Do you know how many people with diseases like cancer develop mental ilnesses like depression as a result of their diagnosis? People have even developed eating disorders in conjunction with diseases you consider more medically serious such as diabetes; the fact that diabulimia has actually been recognised as a eating disorder subtype proves this. Not to mention that depression or any mental illness can put your life at stake if one becomes suicidal, and eating disorders left untreated are fatal. If someone’s close to starving themselves to death I’d say their life is at stake, wouldn’t be be great if all anorexics or bulimics ‘snapped out of it’ as soon as they got to this point? Not to mention that the electrolyte imbalances bulimia causes may literally give you a cardiac arrest; that doesn’t stop these women.

        11. Do you know how many people with diseases like cancer develop mental ilnesses like depression as a result of their diagnosis? People have even developed eating disorders in conjunction with diseases you consider more medically serious such as diabetes; the fact that diabulimia has actually been recognised as a eating disorder subtype proves this. Not to mention that depression or any mental illness can put your life at stake if one becomes suicidal, and eating disorders left untreated are fatal. If someone’s close to starving themselves to death I’d say their life is at stake, wouldn’t be be great if all anorexics or bulimics ‘snapped out of it’ as soon as they got to this point? Not to mention that the electrolyte imbalances bulimia causes may literally give you a cardiac arrest; that doesn’t stop these women.

        12. Do you know how many people with diseases like cancer develop mental ilnesses like depression as a result of their diagnosis? People have even developed eating disorders in conjunction with diseases you consider more medically serious such as diabetes; the fact that diabulimia has actually been recognised as a eating disorder subtype proves this. Not to mention that depression or any mental illness can put your life at stake if one becomes suicidal, and eating disorders left untreated are fatal. If someone’s close to starving themselves to death I’d say their life is at stake, wouldn’t be be great if all anorexics or bulimics ‘snapped out of it’ as soon as they got to this point? Not to mention that the electrolyte imbalances bulimia causes may literally give you a cardiac arrest; that doesn’t stop these women.

        13. Do you know how many people with diseases like cancer develop mental ilnesses like depression as a result of their diagnosis? People have even developed eating disorders in conjunction with diseases you consider more medically serious such as diabetes; the fact that diabulimia has actually been recognised as a eating disorder subtype proves this. Not to mention that depression or any mental illness can put your life at stake if one becomes suicidal, and eating disorders left untreated are fatal. If someone’s close to starving themselves to death I’d say their life is at stake, wouldn’t be be great if all anorexics or bulimics ‘snapped out of it’ as soon as they got to this point? Not to mention that the electrolyte imbalances bulimia causes may literally give you a cardiac arrest; that doesn’t stop these women.

        14. Do you know how many people with diseases like cancer develop mental ilnesses like depression as a result of their diagnosis? People have even developed eating disorders in conjunction with diseases you consider more medically serious such as diabetes; the fact that diabulimia has actually been recognised as a eating disorder subtype proves this. Not to mention that depression or any mental illness can put your life at stake if one becomes suicidal, and eating disorders left untreated are fatal. If someone’s close to starving themselves to death I’d say their life is at stake, wouldn’t be be great if all anorexics or bulimics ‘snapped out of it’ as soon as they got to this point? Not to mention that the electrolyte imbalances bulimia causes may literally give you a cardiac arrest; that doesn’t stop these women.

        15. Do you know how many people with diseases like cancer develop mental ilnesses like depression as a result of their diagnosis? People have even developed eating disorders in conjunction with diseases you consider more medically serious such as diabetes; the fact that diabulimia has actually been recognised as a eating disorder subtype proves this. Not to mention that depression or any mental illness can put your life at stake if one becomes suicidal, and eating disorders left untreated are fatal. If someone’s close to starving themselves to death I’d say their life is at stake, wouldn’t be be great if all anorexics or bulimics ‘snapped out of it’ as soon as they got to this point? Not to mention that the electrolyte imbalances bulimia causes may literally give you a cardiac arrest; that doesn’t stop these women.

        16. Yeah okay then, which is why so many people die from eating disorders every year. If they could just snap out of it when they got to the life threatening stage, they wouldn’t even get that far. Do you’re research before leaving such a ridiculous comment on the internet.

        17. Yeah okay then, which is why so many people die from eating disorders every year. If they could just snap out of it when they got to the life threatening stage, they wouldn’t even get that far. Do you’re research before leaving such a ridiculous comment on the internet.

        18. “Yeah okay then, which is why so many people die from eating disorders every year.”
          Tell me then, exactly HOW MANY people die of eating disorders per year here in the United States?
          Give me a number. Go ahead. Look it up.
          It turns out that an several orders of magnitude more people die from eating too much than those who die from eating too little.
          Hell, more people die from industrial accidents than eating disorders.
          Where is the moral outrage over that?
          Go ahead, prove me wrong.
          I’m waiting.

        19. I’m pretty sure that those in with eating disorders in third world countries have them by choice or because they want to. That’s ridiculous to make a comparison like that and is incredibly ignorant. Who would create a website like this? What self-respecting woman would date a man who is this incredibly shallow and misogynist. This is a nightmare.

        20. If you’re on about deaths by other causes then explain this statistic:
          The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate associated with all causes of death for females 15-24 years old.
          And there is moral outrage that is often publisized for those things. When did you last see anything about anorexia.

        21. That’s right. Do you ever hear of people becoming so depressed that they commit suicide? Who would do that…oh wait…those numbers are pretty high…
          Depression does not disappear, per se. It becomes better or worse, but that’s all about hormones that the brain releases plus the functioning ability and number of receptors.
          This is why someone can have their depression under control, with the proper medication, for decades and then some trigger throws them back.
          If your comment was aimed at those who suddenly find their lives at stake because of an outside source, aka, murderer, and then are no longer depressed, its, once again, because of hormones. During the fight or flight response, the adrenal gland secretes hormones that stop all processes in the body that are not needed for running or fighting. So digestion and other processes stop and all the energy is given to your arms, legs, heart, and lungs. Yes, focus is taken off of body image, but its only on surviving; as soon as the threat is gone, normal body function starts back up.
          Depression in many family members
          Mother has been a nurse in a mental hospital for decades
          Anatomy and Physiology book.

        22. Once you can prove how many suicides were due to depression caused by an eating disorder, you’ll have something quantifiable to present. Get crack-alackin’!

        23. Once you can prove how many suicides were due to depression caused by an eating disorder, you’ll have something quantifiable to present. Get crack-alackin’!

        24. Once you can prove how many suicides were due to depression caused by an eating disorder, you’ll have something quantifiable to present. Get crack-alackin’!

        25. Once you can prove how many suicides were due to depression caused by an eating disorder, you’ll have something quantifiable to present. Get crack-alackin’!

        26. Once you can prove how many suicides were due to depression caused by an eating disorder, you’ll have something quantifiable to present. Get crack-alackin’!

        27. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        28. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        29. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        30. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        31. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        32. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        33. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        34. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        35. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        36. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        37. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        38. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        39. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        40. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        41. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        42. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        43. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        44. You do realize that this is largely because those with the worst anorexia/ bulimia are hospitalized and fed nutrients through IV’s? Having lived through this experience I can tell you it’s traumatic and horrible and was the only thing that kept me alive.
          You don’t see straight when you have an eating disorder. You get close to dying not because you want to die, but because you literally cannot see the harm you are doing to yourself, or if you see the harm, you cannot care. You lose all ability to rationalize. It’s like someone has flipped a switch off in your brain and as a result you can’t be a reasonable human being any more.

        45. (…) a society that has too much and knows too little

          good lord, have the feminists and manginas commenting here proved that in the last 24 hours. All privileged, all with women’s studies degrees.

        46. (…) a society that has too much and knows too little

          good lord, have the feminists and manginas commenting here proved that in the last 24 hours. All privileged, all with women’s studies degrees.

        47. (…) a society that has too much and knows too little

          good lord, have the feminists and manginas commenting here proved that in the last 24 hours. All privileged, all with women’s studies degrees.

        48. Oi vey, we need a Eating Disorder Memorial Museum and Eating Disorder Memorial Day! Quick, implement a tax for it.

        49. People who starve themselves intentionally tend and vomit because they literally can’t stand have food and fat and carbs in their body is MUCH different than not having anything to eat without being able to help it. Starving because you’re forced to and starving yourself because you have a mental disorder are two very different things.

        50. Death from a so called “eating disorder” is rare. Cases of anorexia nervosa are almost unknown.There is anorexia but it’s always due to some disease process or chemotherapy and things of that nature. And btw, if it were common you’d see it all of the time with people on the street.What do you see and it is common is a large number of fat females. I’d say they are not starving themselves lol

        51. There’s no fight or flight response in the female. Sure, they’ll run away from danger but they won’t fight. A female’s response is to either run or try to sooth the aggressor if it is a male even going as far as to have sex with him. In fact, the female will naturally become lubricated in the presence of an aggressive man and it really turns her on.

        52. You and other females do not know what depression is.What you call depression is just a way for you to get attention and sympathy and is a female tactic to get something out of a man.Real depression is the result of a disease process or in Rare cases the result of some really traumatic shock (no, not getting a bad haircut or your bf dumping you) that completely damages the nervous system and its function in some way.
          An example of this would be like from that film Death Wish where the wife is murdered and the daughter comatose and in a hospital. That’s clinical depression. Stuffing your face with food because you’re frustrated and can’t get the sort of bf you think you deserve because you’re a natural fugly fattie is not depression or an eating disorder.
          And stop with this “proper medication” bullshit. The drugs used today and pushed by drug companies are merely the ones that they can get a patent on and make some money from. The generic drugs and other natural treatments are not pushed because there is no money in them.In the recent past (and even to a tiny extent today) everything from methamphetamine to methadone has been used to treat depression.Cocaine has been used and in fact if taken orally is just as good as anything else and is likely free of the side effects that drugs like Prosac produces.The SSRI’s have the same stimulant effect as amphetamines only with a Lot more side effects and taking a lot longer time to become effective. The problem with them is that they have a very long halflife so if you get bad side effects (like thinking about killing someone) stopping the drug will not stop the effects for a very long time. The other stimulant drugs wear off quickly.

        53. Moral outrage? Industrial accidents happen to men so no one gives a damn. But if one fat female in the US should go on some crazy starvation diet because she wants to get a man and happens to die that’s a big cause for concern lol

        54. Hey stupid, females 15-24 years old don’t die of much of anything except a few accidents. Disease is the result of ageing in 99% of cases. This trivial bullshit with attention whore females should be ignored. Men’s health is a lot more important because a man is capable of reproducing until death and is also capable of contributing his intelligence and experience to important things that effect society. After menopause the female really has nothing to contribute, assuming that she ever did, and just becomes an expensive annoyance with her trivial health issues (just ageing really).

        55. She could be useful caring for children, cooking, cleaning, and/or (sigh) being the next president.
          Don’t start getting your hopes up to much guys, its gonna be a long 10 years.

        56. Don’t count on Hillary. She’ll be 70 in 2016 and already looks like she belongs in an old age home lol

        57. You seem to be alive lol What a drama queen! And you’re right, you don’t have any insight into the crazy crap you do whether it’s feminism or being a Boobette.

        58. I think the point is due to our intelligence and the society created these chemicals are no longer the winning factor, we do many unnatural things every day. Now the options are to whine about it on the internet, or adapt. Or you could go try your luck with apes.

        59. This is probably the most ridiculous drivel I have read in a long time. The garbage you present as your knowledge base is absolutely staggering. I’m sure the American Psychological Association would appreciate your profound insight into depression. No really, what movie was it? Death Wish? Yeah, just tell them about that scene in Death Wish. Yeah, they’ll totally think it’s cool. They should just put that in there with their description of depression. Then all of these psychologists with PhDs will understand what they’ve been missing. Obviously, this guy gets it and nobody else does. Is that how you are able to function? Assuring yourself that you are the only one that understands and everyone else is just crazy? Aside from the fact that you have obviously never taken a Psychology class and don’t understand what depression is, what constitutes your exposure to females to get these skewed pictures you present? I’ve been reading your other comments, and I have to say, I picture you as a redneck basement dweller, too embarrassed to show himself to people because they are so profoundly ugly and horrible in every possible way. Only this description allows me to make sense of how you can possibly be so uneducated and uninformed, because otherwise I am scared for humanity. The “woman” or idea of women you always refer to in your tirades is so far from any woman I know. What backwoods town do you live in? If not a backwoods town, you have clearly been watching too many movies, and that is where you have come to “understand women”. I sincerely hope that you haven’t nabbed a wife, because only a woman who has no self respect could possibly lower themselves to associate with someone as horrible and misogynist as you, and I would feel deeply sorry for her.

        60. According to the Anonymous Conservative, lefites (male and female) have very small, underdeveloped Amygdala, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for fight or flight decisions. It accepts emotions as inputs, processes those emotions and then decides what to do about them. Logical people (mostly men and some women) have a well developed amygdala and are able to control their emotions to the point that the output of amygdala stimulation is productive action. This is all scientifically proven and the Anonymous Conservative has taken the information a step further – he explains how we can use it to defeat lefties. The data is quite fun to go through and his techniques really work. At the end of the day, you are correct – since most women are lefties most women have very little amygdala development and thus cannot process emotional inputs into anything productive or practical. Good stuff:

        61. If you ever reproduce (which I doubt that you will with these types of comments spewing out of your mouth), 50% of your offspring will have “nothing to contribute” and will be an “expensive annoyance”. Good luck with you and your future happy family.

        62. One is voluntary and the other isn’t.
          Mental weakness is no excuse, you still chose to do that and should take responsibility.

        63. One is voluntary and the other isn’t.
          Mental weakness is no excuse, you still chose to do that and should take responsibility.

        64. When you are dying you are in a hospital not walking around on the street. Your logic is flawed.

        65. I can’t begin to say how offensive the idea that a guy could magically cure a girl of an ED simply because he was “willing” to date her is. First of all, the original article says nothing about dating a girl with an ED to help cure her, in fact, quite the opposite. It says dating a girl with an ED is a plus and thus not a state you would wish to change. If anything the author is suggesting that you encourage the disorder – just enough to keep her skinny, not emaciated, because the most important thing in a girlfriend is a tiny waist and a sense of bad self esteem so she’ll let you steam roller her in every respect. Second of all, these disorders are caused by lack of love/perceived self-worth for oneself, not lack of love from others (though that can contribute). The idea that a boyfriend – especially one who was dating you for your weight, looks, style, lack of demands, willingness to act like a slave, ability to buy him things and save him money and skills in bed, rather than for any spiritually or emotionally significant reasons – not least of which being that he might like you a little – could “fix” that issue by “giving you a chance” (the implied message being, “who else would take you?”) is, to say the least juvenile, insensitive and, dare I say it, kinda stupid.

        66. Mmm Hmm. I call BS on that statistic.
          Let’s check out what the CDC has to say about that:

          Unintentional injuries carry the lion’s share of the fatalities for the 15-24 age group, accounting for around 35-43% of them.
          After that, there’s suicide accounting for about 10%, and Cancer and Homicide accounting for roughly 8% a piece.
          Heart disease is next, accounting for roughly 3-5%, a fatality percentage that jumps to nearly 8% by the time they hit their early thirties, and keeps climbing for every subsequent age group.
          Eating disorders aren’t even on the list – for any age.
          Nice try.
          That quote you spat out is actually a misrepresentation of the information here:

          where anorexia is the deadliest {psychiatric} disorder, but not the most prevalent cause of mortality in general – not by a long shot.
          In fact, the mortality rates in eating disorder suffering populations are incredibly small to begin with, and are relatively microscopic when compared with general mortality rates. To illustrate:
          -5.1 deaths per 1,000 people with anorexia per year. Anorexia increased death risk 5.86-fold.
          -1.7 deaths per 1,000 people with bulimia per year. Bulimia increased death risk 1.93-fold.
          -3.3 deaths per 1,000 people with EDNOS per year. EDNOS increased death risk 1.92-fold.
          You have been debunked.

        67. “The amygdala is the brain structure which first flags something negative as significant to the brain, and which then nags our brain with an unpleasant aversive stimulus, until we fix the problem which the amygdala perceives. In Liberal brains, this structure is found to be measurably deficient in MRI examinations of the brains of Liberal ideologues. Liberal brain damage is real, and the damage can actually be seen when you look at a Liberal brain.”

          How Liberal Brain Damage Produced the Steubenville School Rape Video

        68. “The amygdala is the brain structure which first flags something negative as significant to the brain, and which then nags our brain with an unpleasant aversive stimulus, until we fix the problem which the amygdala perceives. In Liberal brains, this structure is found to be measurably deficient in MRI examinations of the brains of Liberal ideologues. Liberal brain damage is real, and the damage can actually be seen when you look at a Liberal brain.”

          How Liberal Brain Damage Produced the Steubenville School Rape Video

        69. Eating disorders are not going on “some crazy starvation diet…to get a man”. In fact it can even be the opposite–to disappear, not be noticed (that way, no one can hurt you). There can be many, many factors, but I have never heard of someone developing an eating disorder just to get a girl friend or boy friend. And eating disorders affect males AND females.

        70. You need to check your facts and do some research. 20% of people with an eating disorder will die. If anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders were so rare then why are there so many treatment centers? And since when is 25 MILLION men and women suffering from eating disorders a low statistic? Thousands have died from this. The majority of people I know do not have a coinciding physical disease or anything in addition to their eating disorder. You are entirely misinformed.

        71. You need to check your facts and do some research. 20% of people with an eating disorder will die. If anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders were so rare then why are there so many treatment centers? And since when is 25 MILLION men and women suffering from eating disorders a low statistic? Thousands have died from this. The majority of people I know do not have a coinciding physical disease or anything in addition to their eating disorder. You are entirely misinformed.

        72. “women won’t fight”? wow what fantasy world are YOU living in? do you live in a box? a cave? under a rock? how about you stop spouting this pseudo-science and actually do some solid research before opening your mouth?

        73. i got terribly depressed once, to the point of being hospitalized on heavy medication….. and then i realized it was all in my head… so i have little sympathy for people who can’t snap out of it… i did…

        74. that’s not entirely true… grandmas are great at helping new mothers give birth and looking after the kids… they do have a function, and probably part of the reason nature turns their equipment off, is because they are more useful as nannies than as moms….
          but let’s face it…. women are women are women and they should know their place and enjoy the privilege it rewards them with…. a soft gentle world of loving, homes, gardens, husbands and child caring….
          instead of trying to plough into the male world that they are not well equipped for…
          you wouldn’t try to run a webserver on an iphone, so why try to ran a man in a woman’s body…..
          alot of these problems are simply because women are fed the lie that their existence is not valid unless they compete with men….
          they tried to take away the ‘sexist’ categories in the olympics and of course it would be a joke… it’s no less a joke in the real world

        75. that’s not entirely true… grandmas are great at helping new mothers give birth and looking after the kids… they do have a function, and probably part of the reason nature turns their equipment off, is because they are more useful as nannies than as moms….
          but let’s face it…. women are women are women and they should know their place and enjoy the privilege it rewards them with…. a soft gentle world of loving, homes, gardens, husbands and child caring….
          instead of trying to plough into the male world that they are not well equipped for…
          you wouldn’t try to run a webserver on an iphone, so why try to ran a man in a woman’s body…..
          alot of these problems are simply because women are fed the lie that their existence is not valid unless they compete with men….
          they tried to take away the ‘sexist’ categories in the olympics and of course it would be a joke… it’s no less a joke in the real world

        76. bang that pussy on the invisible glass ceiling… you might even have an orgasm…. (for one in your life)

        77. Hey look at how many people die from smoking cancer sticks. Sometimes assholes just choose to die.

        78. Which is why in most pre-Indiustrial societies you would have been driven out to die.
          Or when you did die you would have been considered cursed.
          The larger society can’t take responsibility for your nervous problems all the time.

        79. Really, because I think texting while driving would be the highest.
          Then again, they usually just end up killing someone else.

        80. Probably not if she’s dating him just for his washboard abs and sense of inherent insecurity and vulnerability. If they’re together because they have a strong emotional connection, then yeah, maybe. Same goes for women with ED and their partners. But a strong emotional connection is not what that article was advocating.

        81. Saying I’m blaming hormones is like saying I’m blaming calcium for bones being broken. Hormones are very important for keeping the body in homeostasis.
          Hormones are the signaling system for the body. When you eat, insulin tells the body to process the sugar. Without hormones the body cannot function, and a hormonal imbalance can be just as damaging.

        82. Funny that you mention both sex and exercise for curing depression. Both cause your body to produce serotonin naturally.
          Also, one cure does not fit all. If you were able to “snap out of it,” it’s possible that you did not have the kind of depression to which I am referring. You may have simply had situational depression.

        83. If you could please site a source for your information concerning “At the end of the day, you are correct – since most women are lefties
          most women have very little amygdala development and thus cannot process
          emotional inputs into anything productive or practical.”
          I mean, besides the site you have referenced twice. Perhaps a scientific journal or website or study.

      1. I think its more of a case that it kinda makes people who suffer with eating disorders feel objectified and that the illness that they suffer with has made them vunerable. The whole article is about preying on woman at their weakest and using it to the male advantage, the way it was written about was concerning to me, as a previous sufferer of anorexia. it made me angry that someone was speaking of such a serious illness in such a callous way, which i find pretty disgusting. I mean I’m not gunna stomp my feet about it because its an opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own, but I dont think that it can be condoned either. If anything anyone with an illness like this should be cared for and helped through it, not celebrated because it brings YOU an easier time, less money to spend and more wealth.

        1. Damn men just can’t get a break.
          If you’re put off by people with eating disorders that are morbidly obese; then you’re a shallow pig who should have his balls cut off.
          If you’re turned on by people with eating disorders that are skinny and fit; then you’re a shallow pig who should have his balls cut off.
          I wish people would make up their minds. Also since when is offering someone intimacy and support by forming a personal or sexual relationship predatory behavior?

        2. most people with severe eating disorders are not attractive skinny tbh, they’re “you gasp when you see them walk down the street because they’re almost a walking skeleton” skinny

        3. How about bulimics that GAIN weight? I binged nearly every meal, but didn’t purge as often and I ended up at 450 lbs. The surprising thing is that my story is not rare. In recovery, I’m down to about 1500 calories a day versus my previous 9000-13000 with no surgery. I think that there is this notion that everyone with an eating disorder is thin, but a good amount aren’t.

        4. How about bulimics that GAIN weight? I binged nearly every meal, but didn’t purge as often and I ended up at 450 lbs. The surprising thing is that my story is not rare. In recovery, I’m down to about 1500 calories a day versus my previous 9000-13000 with no surgery. I think that there is this notion that everyone with an eating disorder is thin, but a good amount aren’t.

        5. How about bulimics that GAIN weight? I binged nearly every meal, but didn’t purge as often and I ended up at 450 lbs. The surprising thing is that my story is not rare. In recovery, I’m down to about 1500 calories a day versus my previous 9000-13000 with no surgery. I think that there is this notion that everyone with an eating disorder is thin, but a good amount aren’t.

        6. If they’re not cute I wouldn’t mess around with them in the first place. The only thing that bothers me on that list is hair loss. I can’t see their bones, and I don’t care what their sex drive is; as long as they’re willing to please me when I’m horny.

        7. If they’re not cute I wouldn’t mess around with them in the first place. The only thing that bothers me on that list is hair loss. I can’t see their bones, and I don’t care what their sex drive is; as long as they’re willing to please me when I’m horny.

        8. hmm okay i see what you’re saying–you’ll take what you can get. fair enough.
          the thing is, no one is saying you shouldn’t be into fit people. that’s ridiculous. but there is a difference between being thin and having an eating disorder. it seems like either the author/commenters here either don’t understand the extreme difference or are into sickly, walking skeletons. not my cup of tea but you do you.

        9. But this is the usual kind of problem – if men want some women, they are preying and objectifying, if they reject some women, as in the fat shaming week, then they are mean.
          What can a man do to please all? Date, but not objectify? To many of us, to the young and horny, that is basically just friendship. Male lust, male desire, male love has an conquering, objectifying, kinda “kidnapping” (do not take literally!) element. This is just how it works.The symbol of manhood is the succesful pirate Conan with the stolen treasure chest-object in one hand and the stolen sex object in the other.
          This is not an excuse. We are not biorobots and could choose to see it differently – but why do when both sides enjoy it?

        10. Yeah, awesome reply there – really shows the intelligent contribution this sites readers have to offer.

        11. It is intelligent because underneath all of the female bullshit it really comes down to how you look. And females know it. As a fat girl of course you’re going to defend fatties. Even a slim girl might because she knows that perhaps she’ll be fat one day.
          Honey, there’s a new world order. Men are not going to accept fat, substandard used products and pay full price for them. A man’s time is precious and is worth money and he wants a good return for it.A lardarse with a million miles on the odometer is worth nothing.

        12. Forget week. It’s going to be fat shaming year from now on.I suggest that all men carry loud whistles and blow them when they see a female doing something inappropriate. Like walking around fat in public.

        13. MANCLUSION: Women hate everything.
          And I’m not kidding. Women hate EVERYTHING. Including themselves. Where do you think eating disorders come from? Women truly hate all men and hate everything. You could love that she pukes after a meal and women still hate you. Now that we’ve proven it, fellas it’s TIME TO ACT ACCORDINGLY AND GIVE THESE BITCHES WHAT THEY DESERVE.

        14. ENJOY!?? What kind of sarcastic cunt are you? “ENJOY”.
          You can;’t even “ENJOY” a goddam article across the internet without spraying your unwanted opinion all over it.

        15. No most people with “eating disorders” are FAT AND OBESE. Eating disorder does not mean “skinny”…….. IT MEANS YOU HAVE AN EATING DISORDER.
          It means you pound down a bag of Oreos and your body wants more food because even though you tricked it into thinking you FED it, you didn’t feed it ANYTHING. MOST people with “eating disorders” are NOT skinny. MOST of them are off-the-chart fat.
          Now, if I write an arcticle on “5 REASONS TO DATE A FAT B*TCH” you wouldn’t even be here.
          Are you beginning to get it yet?

        16. i think you missed the part where i’m actually responding to a guy who said “show me a walking skeleton, i’d like to see one”. he asked, i delivered, you’re whining about something totally off topic at this point. bye!

        17. Yes that’s EXACTLY how the female anatomy works. It’s how EVERY body works. You don’t have a clue. I am trained in fitness, and health and nutrition. And when you eat junk food you FOOL your body into thinking you ate. So it goes to work and processes the food. Then because you didn’t give it any nutrition, it sends signals that’s hungry again. And again and again and if you don’t feed it what it NEEDS you are eating for no reason and getting FAT for no reason.
          Stop pretending you know better.
          You’re a fucking idiot.

        18. Yes that’s EXACTLY how the female anatomy works. It’s how EVERY body works. You don’t have a clue. I am trained in fitness, and health and nutrition. And when you eat junk food you FOOL your body into thinking you ate. So it goes to work and processes the food. Then because you didn’t give it any nutrition, it sends signals that’s hungry again. And again and again and if you don’t feed it what it NEEDS you are eating for no reason and getting FAT for no reason.
          Stop pretending you know better.
          You’re a fucking idiot.

        19. what are you talking about? are you confused about which comments i’m replying to? i don’t give a shit about your fitness lecture, i already work out and eat healthy and am perfectly fit so you’re preaching to the choir. i was responding to the door “hitting my vagina” but you clearly just need to keep yelling about nothing in particular so don’t let me stop you from doing your thing

        20. Not confused it all. Replying to your comments directly. Scroll up if you need a refresher. You already said you were leaving. But you’re still fucking here.

        21. i think there’s been a misunderstanding. i’m clearly replying to your funny vagina joke, as you can see below! (hint: the yellow line means a response)

        22. No misunderstanding at all.
          • You commented & I replied directly.
          • You said “bye” and have not left yet.
          • You pretended to lecture on about “that’s not how the female anatomy works” when your anatomy works exactly the same as mine that way.
          Understand you perfectly.
          Too well for your own good, in fact.

        23. oh my bad sorry you thought i was leaving, when i say “bye” i was actually suggesting you see YOUR way out. you know, like when you really want someone to stop talking because they jumped in on a conversation that had nothing to do with them to start spewing irrelevant comments. i can only hope you’re better at reading social cues IRL, but i know it’s harder on the internet to pick up on these things.

        24. doors can’t hit people specifically and only in the vagina. that’s not how doors or vaginas operate.

        25. Thanks for proving exactly why women go back to abusive relationships and Rhianna gets bashed across the face and keeps going back for more.
          She thinks “we’re having a good time”.
          It’s just amazing how much women will want to interact with you and think everyone’s “having a good time” when you have already called her out and called her a fucking idiot.
          Why don’t women reply with the same enthusiasm when you say something KIND and NICE to them?
          Because every single one of you – including you – is fucking insane. And THAT”S where eating disorders come from.

        26. 8726358176523 comedians out of work and you’re looking for a job.
          Here’s how vaginas operate … treat women like shit and she will be standing in her own slippery little puddle.

        27. what are you talking about? we’re definitely not in a relationship, sorry if i made you think that

        28. Am I? Why do you think Rhianna keeps going back to Chris Brown? It’s not silly, it’s a fact. I can’t even get RID of you.

        29. Honey I’m LIGHT YEARS ahead of you. I GOT it when you first said it , dummy. Pointed out your sarcastic cunting attitude long ago.

        30. It’s got nothing to do with a “relationship”. Women LOVE it when men mistreat them. Thank you for proving the point. What would it take to make you stop messaging me? A fucking COMPLIMENT??

        31. i don’t really feel like i’m being “mistreated”, i feel like i’m having a discussion on the internet with someone who keeps shouting about irrelevant shit to make a point. but if you actually want honesty and a woman’s point of view (which i doubt, but whatever) on the whole “omg women like being treated like shit but don’t like kind or nice words” thing, i think it might be a case of humans in general respecting the honesty of others. you don’t like women. you’re very bitter towards women. you throw around the term cunt even more than i do and act like having a vagina is an inherently terrible thing.
          if you were to walk around saying “kind and nice” things to a woman just for the sake of getting laid, i’m sure most of them would see through it. it comes off as disingenuous and unattractive. on the other hand, i know a lot of attractive, intelligent men who can compliment a woman with sincerity and don’t need to stoop to the “be an asshole” tactic although they still know how to flirt in a way that makes it challening and exciting. there’s a difference between being a total hate-filled asshole (you) and teasing someone in a flirtatious manner, and that’s what all the whining “nice guys” don’t get.
          no one’s talking about rihanna. i don’t know why she does anything she does.

        32. although i’m sure you would treat rihanna MUCH better than that jerk chris brown, am i right?!?

        33. Yeah I know. Women don’t know they are being “mistreated ” until they are being treated for bruises. That’s the point I proved earlier. You already said you were having a good time. You LOVE to be mistreated but you don’t even know when it’s happening!
          That’s because women don’t know the difference between”love” and not being spit on.
          But at least stop lying to yourself. That embarrassing attempt “you’re bitter towards women” is the #1 most predictable and pathetic , baseless shaming tactic there is. AND IT DOES. NOT. WORK.

          Lets not forget this is a MEN’S INTEREST website. It’s not for you. You’re not even welcome or invited and are forbidden from commenting. You’re here because YOU’RE bitter. Get it right sweetheart. Your fraud bullshit doesn’t fly here. You’re so fucking bitter and hateful you have a PROBLEM with men who encourage other men to date women with eating disorders.
          How HATEFUL does a cunt like you have to be to cross the internet , roll up her sleeves, intrude in a discussion where she is not welcome or invited , comment on a article which says “mentally sick women are still datable” and then say “you’re just bitter towards women”.
          You’re not fooling anybody.

        34. You don’t get to say I don’t like women. Personally , I LOVE women. There is no better place to deposit sperm.
          ( Even better if she has an eating disorder.
          They throat cock like a pro.)

        35. You already know I treat women exactly how they DESERVE to be treated. According to their own behavior. You don’t have a PROBLEM with that do you? When she behaves like bitch she gets treated like a bitch.
          Most women think they can get away with behaving like a bitch and still expect to be treated with “respect”.
          Every woman’s hubris.

        36. You already know I treat women exactly how they DESERVE to be treated. According to their own behavior. You don’t have a PROBLEM with that do you? When she behaves like bitch she gets treated like a bitch.
          Most women think they can get away with behaving like a bitch and still expect to be treated with “respect”.
          Every woman’s hubris.

        37. You already know I treat women exactly how they DESERVE to be treated. According to their own behavior. You don’t have a PROBLEM with that do you? When she behaves like bitch she gets treated like a bitch.
          Most women think they can get away with behaving like a bitch and still expect to be treated with “respect”.
          Every woman’s hubris.

        38. ahaha you guys can desperately link to “feminist shaming tactics” articles all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that the stereotype exists because there is truth in it. i’m sure all you bellyaching bitches will be the first to yell about truth in stereotypes when it comes to women, so let’s not even go there.
          tom, you don’t understand social cues. you don’t understand sarcasm and you don’t understand how specific sentences are not always meant to be taken at literal face value. when i made the “great time” comment i was 1) being half sarcastic, 2) saying i didn’t mind that much because in my eyes i’m here to have civil conversation with people i might disagree with. what’s the point of only talking to people that share all your opinions? it’s unfortunate that you can’t take a friendly debate/slight ribbing with a grain of salt, instead of throwing a tantrum assuming that either the other commenter is out to get you or enjoys your, uh, “abuse”.
          also the internet is an open place. sorry. you could try sears.

        39. ahaha you guys can desperately link to “feminist shaming tactics” articles all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that the stereotype exists because there is truth in it. i’m sure all you bellyaching bitches will be the first to yell about truth in stereotypes when it comes to women, so let’s not even go there.
          tom, you don’t understand social cues. you don’t understand sarcasm and you don’t understand how specific sentences are not always meant to be taken at literal face value. when i made the “great time” comment i was 1) being half sarcastic, 2) saying i didn’t mind that much because in my eyes i’m here to have civil conversation with people i might disagree with. what’s the point of only talking to people that share all your opinions? it’s unfortunate that you can’t take a friendly debate/slight ribbing with a grain of salt, instead of throwing a tantrum assuming that either the other commenter is out to get you or enjoys your, uh, “abuse”.
          also the internet is an open place. sorry. you could try sears.

        40. ahaha you guys can desperately link to “feminist shaming tactics” articles all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that the stereotype exists because there is truth in it. i’m sure all you bellyaching bitches will be the first to yell about truth in stereotypes when it comes to women, so let’s not even go there.
          tom, you don’t understand social cues. you don’t understand sarcasm and you don’t understand how specific sentences are not always meant to be taken at literal face value. when i made the “great time” comment i was 1) being half sarcastic, 2) saying i didn’t mind that much because in my eyes i’m here to have civil conversation with people i might disagree with. what’s the point of only talking to people that share all your opinions? it’s unfortunate that you can’t take a friendly debate/slight ribbing with a grain of salt, instead of throwing a tantrum assuming that either the other commenter is out to get you or enjoys your, uh, “abuse”.
          also the internet is an open place. sorry. you could try sears.

        41. Well then, just remind yourself that you’re a WOMAN. How things *SEEM* to you – v.s how they actually ARE – are vastly different and have no basis in reality.

        42. Well then, just remind yourself that you’re a WOMAN. How things *SEEM* to you – v.s how they actually ARE – are vastly different and have no basis in reality.

        43. Well then, just remind yourself that you’re a WOMAN. How things *SEEM* to you – v.s how they actually ARE – are vastly different and have no basis in reality.

        44. Well then, just remind yourself that you’re a WOMAN. How things *SEEM* to you – v.s how they actually ARE – are vastly different and have no basis in reality.

        45. Well then, just remind yourself that you’re a WOMAN. How things *SEEM* to you – v.s how they actually ARE – are vastly different and have no basis in reality.

        46. The only reality which exists for you is your own, and even when you are repeatedly shown to be wrong or misinformed about something, you will maintain your original stance, despite all contradictory evidence —>> NO MATTER HOW COMPELLING.
          You will twist and distort reality to infinity in order to place yourself at the earth’s center. No amount of objectivity shall be allowed to intefere with this. This is your prime objective, and your will talk any amount of nonsense to achieve it. You don’t care. There is only you, and your prison is a familiar, comfortable zone.. lined with walls of velvety self-deception.

        47. The only reality which exists for you is your own, and even when you are repeatedly shown to be wrong or misinformed about something, you will maintain your original stance, despite all contradictory evidence —>> NO MATTER HOW COMPELLING.
          You will twist and distort reality to infinity in order to place yourself at the earth’s center. No amount of objectivity shall be allowed to intefere with this. This is your prime objective, and your will talk any amount of nonsense to achieve it. You don’t care. There is only you, and your prison is a familiar, comfortable zone.. lined with walls of velvety self-deception.

        48. The only reality which exists for you is your own, and even when you are repeatedly shown to be wrong or misinformed about something, you will maintain your original stance, despite all contradictory evidence —>> NO MATTER HOW COMPELLING.
          You will twist and distort reality to infinity in order to place yourself at the earth’s center. No amount of objectivity shall be allowed to intefere with this. This is your prime objective, and your will talk any amount of nonsense to achieve it. You don’t care. There is only you, and your prison is a familiar, comfortable zone.. lined with walls of velvety self-deception.

        49. The only reality which exists for you is your own, and even when you are repeatedly shown to be wrong or misinformed about something, you will maintain your original stance, despite all contradictory evidence —>> NO MATTER HOW COMPELLING.
          You will twist and distort reality to infinity in order to place yourself at the earth’s center. No amount of objectivity shall be allowed to intefere with this. This is your prime objective, and your will talk any amount of nonsense to achieve it. You don’t care. There is only you, and your prison is a familiar, comfortable zone.. lined with walls of velvety self-deception.

        50. The only reality which exists for you is your own, and even when you are repeatedly shown to be wrong or misinformed about something, you will maintain your original stance, despite all contradictory evidence —>> NO MATTER HOW COMPELLING.
          You will twist and distort reality to infinity in order to place yourself at the earth’s center. No amount of objectivity shall be allowed to intefere with this. This is your prime objective, and your will talk any amount of nonsense to achieve it. You don’t care. There is only you, and your prison is a familiar, comfortable zone.. lined with walls of velvety self-deception.

        51. Mate, you’ve given this twat way too much of your time, energy and attention, everything she wanted when she spewed her first comment on this site.
          Time to ignore the women (well actually they’re mostly attention starved little girls). Don’t engage them.They will be able to convince themselves they “won the argument”, and leave, as opposed to us hoping they will eventually realise their opinions don’t mean shit.

        52. Actually most people with eating disorders look “normal”. Yes there are a lot of overweight people but it doesn’t always mean they have binge eating disorder. Most of the 11 years of my eating disorder I wasn’t severely underweight. I know people who have been very underweight and people quite overweight but most of the people with eating disorders that I know look pretty average. You can have an eating disorder at any weight.

        53. I’d like to see some statistics on that. I know two people with an eating disorder, and neither him or her are even close to fat.

        54. why would tom have to leave? this is a MEN’s publication.. more to the point, your comments make me embarrassed to be a female. you sound so uneducated and childish.

        55. thats not true at all…you just must not be that good in in bed. if you were i’m sure your gf would want to sleep with you more

        56. any woman that reads your comments/any woman that has to have a conversation you will probably never have sleep with you. I’d say thats a win

        57. I know you really need to believe that. Because you can’t AFFORD to believe the opposite.
          Now, by that standard… you’re telling me if I type something she LIKES (i.e tell her what she wants to hear) then I’m SURE to get laid.
          So all that’s really required to get some tail is
          —-> tell a bitch exactly what she wants to hear.
          Thanks for pointing that out.
          Even more importantly….. by announcing that I “must never get laid” based on typed comments, you are openly announcing to the world that YOU believe SEX & and your fuckhole is the most valuable thing you offer – and withhold.
          • You don’t withhold NAGGING.
          • You don’t withold your TIME.
          • You don’t say “No woman would LOVE you.”
          • You don’t withhold CONVERSATION.
          You withhold ……… VAGINA.
          That’s like telling ME – and the world – that you’re not good for anything else. That you believe SEX is the MOST VALUABLE thing women (you) bring to the table.
          You girls don’t even REALIZE how easily you give your entire MO away. While you need to PRETEND I don’t get laid…… I absolutely KNOW that you’re not good for anything else.
          Yes, I’d DEFINITELY say thats a win, too.
          Have a pleasant evening.

        58. Oh my dear lord Tom, I don’t want to open any wounds and aggravate you further but seriously what happened to you to make you this psychotically full of dildowagonry? I’m genuinely interested, I’m also surprised you were able to write any of your responses like a seemingly normal human being, as how you get dressed every morning is a mystery to me. Did momma not love you enough?

        59. actually eating disorders are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. not women hating themselves. which is why men can have them too.

        60. Sorry Sweetheart. Your shaming attempt fails miserably. If you would like to respond to (or counter) anything I wrote directly … by all means, feel free. Everything else is purely imagined in your head.

        61. EVERYTHING is “caused by chemical imbalances in the brain”. Do you realy blame everything on “chemical imbalances”?? The feeling after an orgasm is “caused by chemical imbalance in the brain”. The feeling of being in love is a “chemical imbalance in the brain”.
          Running to your fridge and pounding down a gallon of ice bream at 2:00AM (or retreating to the toilet to puke) is not caused by “chemical imbalances in the brain”.
          STUFFING ONE’S FACE is something you can help, and so is choking on your own finger to puke. People are not OBESE because of “chemical imbalances in the brain”. They are caused because they fucking eat too much and are lazy. The others puke too much. Simple as that.
          They also pretend ADHD is a “chemical imbalance in the brain”. But they don’t ACTUALLY have “attention deficit disorder”. THEY JUST DONT PAY FUCKING ATTENTION.
          Snap out of it.

        62. tell me, when was the last time you studied disorders of the mind -and by studied i mean in an educational, scientific environment, not wikipedia- to have that view

        63. I didn’t look at Wikipedia. But I did teach nutrition. You want proof…… Google “ADHD FICTITIOUS DISEASE”.
          Only a fucking moron would have your view. Stop blaming disorders that don’t exist and refusing to accept personal responsibility. You don’t have “ADD”. You need to smarten up and pay better attention. You don’t have “an eating disorder” you need to stop over eating and sticking your own fingers down your throat… and the problem will go away. Watch.
          Guaranteed. So cut the victim shit. And sell it someplace else.

        64. Well first of all, I’m earning my minor in psychology and psychological disorders. So I’m more qualified to speak on this than you are.
          Second, you keep using ADD and ADHD interchangeably, though they are different things entirely.
          Third, ADD and ADHD are neurological disorders. Anorexia, bulimia, EDNOS, BED, and others are psychological disorders. None of the above have anything to do with nutrition.

        65. AH! I now it becomes clear. Honey, you could blame EVERYTHING on a “psychological disorder” that’s how people in your field HOPE TO MAKE MONEY. Shrinks and psychologists are HOMELESS and have nothing to prove….. the minute the good doctor who invented it says “I made it all up.”

          Like global warming and feminists. If they can’t get anyone else to subscribe to their bullshit, you lose your funding. You NEED to convince people they have a “disorder”. You NEED TO BELIEVE that. That’s your BUSINESS.
          But a belief system is not the same as REALITY.
          I am aware that ADHD has nothing to do with nutrition directly (even though water is required for a healthy attention span), but you asked me about “disorders of the mind” and I used another to illustrate that you’re a FRAUD who depends on trying to convince people they have a “disorder of the mind” when really, all they have is their fists too deep in a bucket of chicken… and down their own fucking throats.

        66. I can’t tell if you’re trying to troll or what
          I didn’t ask you shit, I told you that you’re wrong. No matter how you try to argue it you will continue to be wrong. In fact, as much as you argue it you’re just proving that you’re ignorant and don’t know what you’re talking about.

        67. Saying your wrong doesn’t make it wrong, you dumb bitch. I even provided a LINK PROVING IT. No matter how hard YOU argue… you will ALWAYS be wrong.
          Have a nice day sweetheart.

        68. Except the link is actually wrong
          Because from the begining its saying its a psychiatric disorder, which shows it isn’t credible.

          a brain with adhd vs a brain without

          a brain with BED vs a brain without BED

          anorexia vs no anorxia (this scan isnt as easy to read but whatever, youll live)
          its proven that overdosing dopamine, seratonin, or oxytocin can cause schizophrenia, extreme paranoia, and psychosis, but lacking them can cause depression.
          while i’d love to keep proving you wrong, i have class now

        69. My earlier response was rather visceral and primitive and rather rude, so I apologise. I’m just simply astounded at the general sentiment that seems to abound among the readership & authorship of this website, that is, a very negative/dehumanising attitude towards women. Now I may seem naive when I say this, but surely any man who has had positive, or hell, even normal interactions with women in their life (be it with romantic associations, family members, colleagues, friends etc.) can’t think of women in this way? And when I say ‘this way’ I refer to the countless articles about women being sluts if they experiment sexually, man-hating feminazis if they cut their hair, fugly grotesque freaks if they’re not skinny, the list really does go on. I’m just saying, where’s the humanity? You wouldn’t talk about your wolfpack of brothers in such terms, why are women given so little respect? I know you might think I’m just a pathetic cunt whose feelings got hurt, but I’m genuinely saddened by the stuff on here.

        70. (Edit. I am not asking anyone to care about my saddened feelings, but I am genuinely interested in how this level of disdain for women is possible among functional adult men.)

      2. Jesus, another liberal petition. Ok, so we all sign the petition for the removal of the article. Then what? Is there some new law that says companies must accept petitions with X signatures?

        1. What company are they taking it to? And since when do “companies” get to determine free speech? Maybe they should bring it to Hostess to get free Twinkies AND help out in the eating disorder dept.

        2. From what I read on the petition, it seems to be directed solely to ROK.
          So, they’re going to have 500 feminists sign a petition to remove the article, then give that petition to ROK, and ROK will of course then take the article down, since, after all, 500 feminists signed a petition requesting ROK to take the article down.

        3. I saw this as a re post on Facebook, and I can safely say a lot of the people who found it repugnant were male. Some very alpha male will take you over the nearest table type, but even they can respect their pray. This isn’t about feminists saying no, its men and women rejecting the degradation of humanity through the idealism of a few.

        4. Yes, the little dears are rather deluded.They’ll probably stamp their size 12 feet if they don’t get their way lol

        5. It’s spelled prey dummie. You need some “alpha” man to fight for you and just because someone hurt your feelwings? When that so called “alpha” man gets his arse kicked and then sees the female he was whiteknighting go off and shag the guy who beat him he won’t be so eager to do it again.

      3. Jesus, another liberal petition. Ok, so we all sign the petition for the removal of the article. Then what? Is there some new law that says companies must accept petitions with X signatures?

      4. Jesus, another liberal petition. Ok, so we all sign the petition for the removal of the article. Then what? Is there some new law that says companies must accept petitions with X signatures?

      5. Jesus, another liberal petition. Ok, so we all sign the petition for the removal of the article. Then what? Is there some new law that says companies must accept petitions with X signatures?

      6. Jesus, another liberal petition. Ok, so we all sign the petition for the removal of the article. Then what? Is there some new law that says companies must accept petitions with X signatures?

      7. Jesus, another liberal petition. Ok, so we all sign the petition for the removal of the article. Then what? Is there some new law that says companies must accept petitions with X signatures?

      8. There is a huge need and drive to stop the publication of any ideas that are outside the leftist/feminist list of “things that are acceptable to me”. It gets worse, more strident and more threatening every day. The best way to fight is to refuse to engage. Even by writing the rebuttal Roosh is validating their point (somewhat.) I am active in the fight against gun control and I see it every day: the shrieking women threatening to cut the testicles off men because they refuse to bend to their will. The only way to win is not to play their game. I know I don’t have to tell the regulars this 😉

      9. If someone posts an opinion publicly that people disagree with, there will be a public backlash. Nothing wrong with it, it’s just how free speech works.

    2. Note that if a fat promoter’s post got negative responses the demand would be to censor or arrest the people “bullying” her. The common thread: a denial of what is true and right, the seductiveness of Evil

    3. The police state is at work.
      Abolition of individual thought
      Abolition of freedom of speech
      Imagine if this happened on Jezebel/huffington post/Ihatemen websites?
      The comment section of that article was filled with legions of white knights and sour feminist, I probably would have been part of the trolling and hate speech if I hadn’t discovered the manosphere 6months back.

      1. Same here. Up until I accidentally happened upon a “girlwriteswhat” vid on youtube, I thought that whole “conservative war on women” bullshit was real shit, and then when I read certain articles on Jezebel that I’d never seen every time I visited the site, that was when I realized the things feminists support are absolutely vile.

      2. Same here. Up until I accidentally happened upon a “girlwriteswhat” vid on youtube, I thought that whole “conservative war on women” bullshit was real shit, and then when I read certain articles on Jezebel that I’d never seen every time I visited the site, that was when I realized the things feminists support are absolutely vile.

        1. also @abb2acdc06f76d5dcfe0c1ac5b4f609e:disqus abortion is the number one most vile thing they support. They are not pro-choice, as abortion to them is the only choice. Example, Jezebel.
          There was an article where they were pissed that a couple was keeping a baby with Down Syndrome. They were going to abort but a preacher stepped in and made a deal that if he could find willing adoptive parents, then the baby shouldn’t die. They agreed, and he did. They kept the baby. Jezebel got mad because the baby with an extra chromosome didn’t end up dead.
          In addition to this, men have not a single say in if their child should live. I think a man that pushes for abortion is scum, but I feel it’s heartbreaking when a woman gets an abortion when the man is willing to take care of his child. I witnessed a man my age break down and cry until he was red-faced when he received the call that his baby was “lost.” Feminists support this and they’re against legalization of allowing a man to sign his rights away to a child he doesn’t want-which I also do not support, but it should be legal as long as abortion is legal, in order to be equal.
          Next, they trivialize rape by lying about it’s frequency. They also turn a blind eye to women who drag men through the mud because they regretted having consensual sex with the man. They also trivialize it by asserting we live in a “rape culture.” As if rape is at all acceptable in society.
          Next, they lie about domestic violence. Most domestic violence is mutual violence, but they act like its’ only women who are the victims.
          They support removing the father from the home and from the leadership position of a family.
          They encourage women to pass out their bodies indiscriminately because they need company of people who also do not have self-respect.
          They hiss and snarl at women who reject these things and prefer being, well, feminine.

        2. Vehement opposition to any sort of male activity or thought or attitude not expressly authorised by them.

        3. Everything they do is vile because feminism is a form of mental illness where the diseased have no insight into their condition.A female who does not accept the male as her lord and master is an unnatural mutant female

        4. I’m against abortion for normal white females. But mental defectives and the coloureds should be encouraged to abort the foetus. These things are useless and only ending up costing us money besides growing up and becoming dangerous.

        5. Not gonna knock you for using wikipedia but again-feminist claims vs their actions are two different things.

        6. how is a person of color dangerous or costing anyone money
          and what exactly counts as a ‘mentally defective’ fetus

      3. Same here. Up until I accidentally happened upon a “girlwriteswhat” vid on youtube, I thought that whole “conservative war on women” bullshit was real shit, and then when I read certain articles on Jezebel that I’d never seen every time I visited the site, that was when I realized the things feminists support are absolutely vile.

      4. Same here. Up until I accidentally happened upon a “girlwriteswhat” vid on youtube, I thought that whole “conservative war on women” bullshit was real shit, and then when I read certain articles on Jezebel that I’d never seen every time I visited the site, that was when I realized the things feminists support are absolutely vile.

      5. Same here. Up until I accidentally happened upon a “girlwriteswhat” vid on youtube, I thought that whole “conservative war on women” bullshit was real shit, and then when I read certain articles on Jezebel that I’d never seen every time I visited the site, that was when I realized the things feminists support are absolutely vile.

        1. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        2. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        3. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        4. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        5. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        6. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        7. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        8. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        9. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        10. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        11. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        12. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        13. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        14. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        15. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        16. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        17. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        18. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        19. Lol. The only way for a lot of guys to get laid these days. Become a bootlicking mangina and stick up for these whiny cunts or become a tranny. LOL.

        20. You mean “The only way for a lot of guys to TRY AND FAIL to get laid…become a bootlicking mangina.”

    4. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism, and to silence the latter is hypocritical at best, corrupt at worst.

      1. White Knight – (1) a man who “comes to the rescue” of a woman, or of women, reflexively, emotionally-driven, without thought or even looking at the situation; (2) a man in authority who enables Team Womyn in his legislative actions, judgments, or rulings, reflexively, emotionally-driven, without thought or even looking at what’s right.

    5. Funny you say that on a website that commonly deletes comments that do not match the owner’s sentiments.

      1. Deleted comments are shown and seen to be deleted, and as a frequent visitor here I can attest that Tuthmosis’s article on dating girls with eating disorder is the only article that I’ve ever read in ROK where a large number of comments have been deleted.
        Other than that, I can’t even remember seeing more than one deleted comment under any particular article.
        At ROK we respect evidence, so please show us the evidence that support your claim that ROK “commonly deletes comments that do not match the owner’s sentiments.”

        1. I think Roosh mentioned he had to delete a vast number of comments to retrieve the database. Funniest week ever on RoK. The feminazi fatty hate groups were mobilized in full force lol. Since none of them have lives or boyfriends they apparently have plenty of time on their fat chubby hands.

    6. Maybe rather than concerning yourself with the negativity of a sufferer of an eating disorder might have in your life, perhaps you should consider the positivity that having someone they can trust might have in their lives?

    7. I agree. While I am thoroughly offended by the article, I am aware that Tuthmosis has every right to both his opinion and to publicly state it. I believe that there is a much better way to state a counterargument, however, than to threaten by death the person whose viewpoint you’re opposing. Unfortunately, many people who accuse others of blind hatred are perpetrators of it themselves.

    8. “The response the article received, to be frank, scared me.”
      They fully deserved the negative backlash they got.
      If you’re going to to treat a potentially lifethreatening condition as something that should be taken lightly and encourage men to prey on a vulnerable Group of people, that’s your choice, but don’t go apeshit when people don’t like you.
      Roosh V stating that people should be thanking them for that sort of crap advice or that they’re somehow doing humanity a favor proves tha he’s either delusional or a troll. As a regular reader on ROK, I’m inclined to believe it’s the former.

      1. What’s so fucking vulnerable about them?
        The fact that they live in a society that coddles them?
        Shit WWIII probably will be fought on American soil. Won’t that be a gas?

    9. so you care more about this creep being criticized on the internet than the wellbeing and exploitation of other people?

      1. Actually yes, one has to do with the free flow and exchange of ideas, the other is just a bunch of blame shifting.

    1. TQR’s translation in English:
      “Only for the local thought police. You should be aware of that!”
      Why there are German speakers posting auf Deutsch is beyond me.
      Mein Herren, dies ist ein englisch-sprachiges Forum, danke.
      Gentlemen, this is an English speaking forum, and we are of course interested in what you have to say, please do so in english so all can understand you. Thanks.

  6. The anger was only thinly veiled by the eating disorder arguments. Ultimately the original article was about accepting women albeit with the benefit that she’s thin and won’t cost as much, but I think that is the rub. The feminist hate speech directed in the comments and emails to this site was latent anger at a man’s desire to date thin women. Since feminism encourages the destruction of female beauty and femininity most feminists have a hatred toward anything that encourages or accepts women for these traits. The hate directed at this site under the guise of “eating disorders” is just that, the article hit a rough nerve with feminists who hate beauty and acceptance when it is defined by men.
    I applaud this site, Tuthmosis and you Roosh for not giving in to their demands of silencing free speech. I will be making a donation shortly, keep up the good fight.

    1. In their best efforts to humiliate the site and it’s author by garnishing so much attention around the issue: They’ve simply exposed to their male readers their possible salvation, and I guarantee a percentage, albeit tiny, will be converts and become red-pill.

      1. Tiny? I swallowed the red pill by simply reading that famous Sydney Herald article “Why Women Lose the Dating Game” a few years ago. Immediately prior to that, I had been a pretty hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. Then I read that article, came to terms with the true nature of women, became a renegade omega, and have been a greedy misogynist asshole since.
        All it takes is one drop of obvious red pill truth to make you suddenly re-evaluate everything in your life. It’s enough to make you commit thought-crimes like asking “Why do all of these card-carrying feminists get drunk every weekend and fuck a different guy if they hate being objectified so much?” People will come for the occasional funny and not-so-controversial article, and will quickly become a regular.

        1. “hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. ”
          there’s a lot of that going around these days. I’m just grateful I never got to that stage!

        2. “hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. ”
          there’s a lot of that going around these days. I’m just grateful I never got to that stage!

        3. “hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. ”
          there’s a lot of that going around these days. I’m just grateful I never got to that stage!

      2. Tiny? I swallowed the red pill by simply reading that famous Sydney Herald article “Why Women Lose the Dating Game” a few years ago. Immediately prior to that, I had been a pretty hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. Then I read that article, came to terms with the true nature of women, became a renegade omega, and have been a greedy misogynist asshole since.
        All it takes is one drop of obvious red pill truth to make you suddenly re-evaluate everything in your life. It’s enough to make you commit thought-crimes like asking “Why do all of these card-carrying feminists get drunk every weekend and fuck a different guy if they hate being objectified so much?” People will come for the occasional funny and not-so-controversial article, and will quickly become a regular.

      3. Tiny? I swallowed the red pill by simply reading that famous Sydney Herald article “Why Women Lose the Dating Game” a few years ago. Immediately prior to that, I had been a pretty hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. Then I read that article, came to terms with the true nature of women, became a renegade omega, and have been a greedy misogynist asshole since.
        All it takes is one drop of obvious red pill truth to make you suddenly re-evaluate everything in your life. It’s enough to make you commit thought-crimes like asking “Why do all of these card-carrying feminists get drunk every weekend and fuck a different guy if they hate being objectified so much?” People will come for the occasional funny and not-so-controversial article, and will quickly become a regular.

      4. Tiny? I swallowed the red pill by simply reading that famous Sydney Herald article “Why Women Lose the Dating Game” a few years ago. Immediately prior to that, I had been a pretty hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. Then I read that article, came to terms with the true nature of women, became a renegade omega, and have been a greedy misogynist asshole since.
        All it takes is one drop of obvious red pill truth to make you suddenly re-evaluate everything in your life. It’s enough to make you commit thought-crimes like asking “Why do all of these card-carrying feminists get drunk every weekend and fuck a different guy if they hate being objectified so much?” People will come for the occasional funny and not-so-controversial article, and will quickly become a regular.

      5. Tiny? I swallowed the red pill by simply reading that famous Sydney Herald article “Why Women Lose the Dating Game” a few years ago. Immediately prior to that, I had been a pretty hardcore liberal “I watch the Daily Show and hate bankers and oil companies” faggot. Then I read that article, came to terms with the true nature of women, became a renegade omega, and have been a greedy misogynist asshole since.
        All it takes is one drop of obvious red pill truth to make you suddenly re-evaluate everything in your life. It’s enough to make you commit thought-crimes like asking “Why do all of these card-carrying feminists get drunk every weekend and fuck a different guy if they hate being objectified so much?” People will come for the occasional funny and not-so-controversial article, and will quickly become a regular.

    2. wrong. we don’t hate beauty and acceptance defined by men. we hate that society brainwashes us and also men into thinking that we dedicate ourselves to men. Oh and also that we are weak and frail and need “protection”. Fuck that shit.

      1. You are weak and frail but not needing our protection. Protection is something earned through dedication. I’m sure you’re “dedicated” to things like environmentalism, equality meaning equal results, suppression of free speech through hurt feelings, collecting kitty cats ( C’mon you know you own cats : ) the poor and things like volunteerism. Through your dedication you offer protection and resources to those things. But yet, you can’t find it in you to dedicate yourself to a boyfriend, husband, father or any future sons. What a sad, hollow shell feminism teaches women to be. Women wonder where the “real men” are at. No dedication, no real men.

        1. I’m going to assume you and the other men who agree with you never had any respect for your mothers and the fact that she brought you into this world. Why should women have to dedicate themselves to men when it’s women who deal with most of life’s bull crap? Are you the one who has to deal with menstrual cycles, bearing children, and pressure from men to be perfect? I don’t think so. If you were, it doesn’t sound like you’d be able to handle it. And yes, women have a right to dedicate their time to causes other than men, LIKE MEN HAVE ALWAYS DONE!! Anyway, if women dedicate themselves to their men, you know what often seems to happen? They get no respect and are walked all over by men who expect to be the center of their lives. Do you really think that’s fair? Why would a woman dedicate her life to a man if he’s the type who’s going to treat her like she’s not worthy of kindness and respect? Sounds like a waste of time to me.

        2. You are correct, men have always lived lives of dedication to a variety of worthwhile causes, feminine women among them. Thank you for recognizing this.

        3. Soulja, please. You think a feminist would even know what selective service is? Or care? Let’s be realistic.

        4. Oh give me a break. When was the last time you were drafted? I wonder how the men who actually were drafted would react to your dumbass comment.

        5. The same number of times you’ve been anorexic, if I had to guess.
          As far as how men that were drafted would react to my pointed comment, I am sure that men of that generation would wholly agree with me. Not that you really care about men’s opinions.

        6. I can assure you, speaking as someone who has struggled with anorexia since I was nine, a lot of women go through some extent of an eating disorder. I remember being sixteen and spending hours on the internet reading articles about why I should keep starving myself. Good to know you’re attracted to women feeling that way though.

        7. The plural of anecdote is not data. According to the results of a rudimentary google search, .5 to 3.7% of women suffer from anorexia nervosa at some point in their lifetime. Is that a lot? It’s a fraction of the percentage of false paternity claims so, if that’s a lot…
          Were you 9 or 16 when you learned to put words in men’s mouths?

      2. Beauty is objective. Biological/genetic fitness. An aesthetic quality appreciated by men.
        No matter how you screech that will not change.

        1. “we hate that society brainwashes us and also men into thinking that we
          dedicate ourselves to men. Oh and also that we are weak and frail and
          need “protection”. Fuck that shit.”
          Sexual dimorphism is what it is. No if’s or buts.

    3. The article is not about accepting women or even taking the time of day to try to understand them, it is about exploiting the advantages that the author believes come from dating somebody who suffers from this illness. Acceptance must be based in respect and understanding for the person you are claiming to accept, and that was completely lacking from Tuthmosis’ blog post. Perhaps nothing is more destructive to “female beauty” than an eating disorder…it ravages the body and the effects are physically felt long after recovery is a reality.

      1. Exactly, I agree. No one on ROK cares about the well being of peole WHO are “stigmatized by sociely” just look how many hateful and ignorant articles they have about overweight women.

    4. Feminism does not encourage the destruction of female beauty. It encourages female beauty and all other kinds of beauty that females may have, bro.

    5. You clearly have no idea what Feminism is. Do you believe men and women should be treated as equals? Congratulations, you’re a feminist. Feminism has literally nothing to do with trying to desiccate female beauty. It works to applaud female beauty in all forms and furthermore, to applaud females in general. You should really educate yourself on what Feminism is before proclaiming what it is or is not about. Feminism in no way hates men or hates female beauty, but this in no way means that men should be able to “define” what a beautiful woman should look like, just like women have no right to define what is “masculine” or set a standard for what a beautiful man looks like. It’s this kind of ignorance that keeps society from progressing.

      1. Believing men and women should be treated equal is a snowman in summer. It sounds good but doesn’t stand up to the heat.

    6. There is a HUGE difference between dating a woman who is thin, and dating a woman who has an eating disorder. It doesn’t take someone who has an eating disorder to understand that it is not something that can be switched on and off, it is a real and fatal issue. And no, feminism does not encourage the destruction of female beauty and femininity, I think you may have to look into what feminism is. If you’d like I could give you some great articles. Feminism is not “anti men”, it is standing up to men who write these articles to tell them that WE ARE PEOPLE TOO, and we can wear makeup, no makeup, dresses, pants, long hair, short hair, skinny, or fat, and we don’t need to give a fuck what any man thinks of us. A huge majority of you don’t really seem to care what you say, do, or look like so why should we? It’s about respect, which no one on this site has.

  7. I wish there were more broads with a “good” eating disorder in my locale. The number of whales around here compared to just 25 years ago is astounding.
    Of course back then fat shaming was de rigueur.
    Now the fatties try and shame the in shape girls.

  8. I was a fan before, but after this, I’m reading for life. Fuck the PC Police, soft ass pansies, thanks for not tip toeing through the tulips.

        1. Debatable, we all know socialist anarchists love to steal ideas.
          Technically the bible mentions it before anyone.
          “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly.”

        1. Second that. That article was the best thing that ever happened to American men. All the newcomers need to familiarize yourselves with Brifaults Law and understand the concept of Hypergamy. You are on your way brothers..

      1. Join the growing crowd, ready to re-introduce sanity to our PC crippled civilization. We’re glad to have you aboard.

    1. “Fuck the PC Police, soft ass pansies, thanks for not tip toeing through the tulips.”

      Exactly. The real source of the consternation here is that this site doesn’t dance to the tune of feminists and sensitive manboobs.
      IMHO, the Tuthmosis article was dumb–so I didn’t read it. End of story. But however bad the article was, the backlash against it (ie, the death threats, threats of violence, legal action, etc) is far worse.
      As far as I’m concerned this site is making all the right enemies.

      “We are educating our masculine readers not to pass on eating disorder victims just because they have an illness, yet instead of receiving thanks, we’re receiving hate instead. If we all had cancer, and someone wrote an article titled “5 Reasons To Fornicate With A Man Who Has Cancer,” we would spread it far and wide to make fornicating with us a better proposition for women. We would not send death threats or calls for censorship like is happening to us now. I think a bit more graciousness is in order for our unorthodox method of outreach.”

      Brilliant, epic trolling to the last. Keep up the good work.

      1. >IMHO, the Tuthmosis article was dumb–so I didn’t read it.
        I only just now read it because of this. When I saw it in the column list I thought “Oh great, another dumb fucking fratboy article.” That is the subject matter of many a dumb college conversation, and if feminists came out from under their fucking rocks once a year, it wouldn’t have struck them as offensive.

      2. >IMHO, the Tuthmosis article was dumb–so I didn’t read it.
        I only just now read it because of this. When I saw it in the column list I thought “Oh great, another dumb fucking fratboy article.” That is the subject matter of many a dumb college conversation, and if feminists came out from under their fucking rocks once a year, it wouldn’t have struck them as offensive.

      3. >IMHO, the Tuthmosis article was dumb–so I didn’t read it.
        I only just now read it because of this. When I saw it in the column list I thought “Oh great, another dumb fucking fratboy article.” That is the subject matter of many a dumb college conversation, and if feminists came out from under their fucking rocks once a year, it wouldn’t have struck them as offensive.

      4. >IMHO, the Tuthmosis article was dumb–so I didn’t read it.
        I only just now read it because of this. When I saw it in the column list I thought “Oh great, another dumb fucking fratboy article.” That is the subject matter of many a dumb college conversation, and if feminists came out from under their fucking rocks once a year, it wouldn’t have struck them as offensive.

      5. >IMHO, the Tuthmosis article was dumb–so I didn’t read it.
        I only just now read it because of this. When I saw it in the column list I thought “Oh great, another dumb fucking fratboy article.” That is the subject matter of many a dumb college conversation, and if feminists came out from under their fucking rocks once a year, it wouldn’t have struck them as offensive.

      6. You are not educating men to not pass on women with a mental illness because of the fact they face a mental illness but because they apparently can gain something more from dating a woman with an eating disorder than a woman who is not ill and will apparently run up the dinner bill at a restaurant and not supposedly fuck you like an animal. Come on. Your promoting this shit for all the wrong reasons.

        1. Right, he’s saying women with eating disorders have something to offer. He’s saying we should like them, not pity them.
          Anyhow, 100% of women’s thoughts about men are about what’s in it for the woman, so what’s the problem? You’ve never given a momen’s thought to a man’s needs in your life. You’ve got some nerve demanding more from men.
          I think you just resent thin girls because you can’t compete, anyhow.

        2. Right, he’s saying women with eating disorders have something to offer. He’s saying we should like them, not pity them.
          Anyhow, 100% of women’s thoughts about men are about what’s in it for the woman, so what’s the problem? You’ve never given a momen’s thought to a man’s needs in your life. You’ve got some nerve demanding more from men.
          I think you just resent thin girls because you can’t compete, anyhow.

        3. You are absolutely right. While the article had the potential to be a feel-good article about why women with eating disorders deserve true love just as much as women without them and that we should treat all people equally no matter what, it turned out to be yet another “fat-shaming” article.
          Apparently, Tuthmosis deems any girl “fat” that DOES NOT have an eating disorder. He even addressed obesity as an eating disorder, but said that his article did not apply to “fatties with no self-control”. Eating disorders are just that– DISORDERS. Taking advantage of women with eating disorders by preying on their insecurities about themselves is not okay. It perpetuates the vicious cycle.
          Also, by lauding women with eating disorders as more desirable, it causes perfectly healthy, disorder-free women to endanger their health by starving themselves, binging and purging, and so on. While people like Tuthmosis and his followers would agree that this is a good thing, it simply is not.

        4. You are absolutely right. While the article had the potential to be a feel-good article about why women with eating disorders deserve true love just as much as women without them and that we should treat all people equally no matter what, it turned out to be yet another “fat-shaming” article.
          Apparently, Tuthmosis deems any girl “fat” that DOES NOT have an eating disorder. He even addressed obesity as an eating disorder, but said that his article did not apply to “fatties with no self-control”. Eating disorders are just that– DISORDERS. Taking advantage of women with eating disorders by preying on their insecurities about themselves is not okay. It perpetuates the vicious cycle.
          Also, by lauding women with eating disorders as more desirable, it causes perfectly healthy, disorder-free women to endanger their health by starving themselves, binging and purging, and so on. While people like Tuthmosis and his followers would agree that this is a good thing, it simply is not.

        5. If a man’s needs include mental instability, unhappiness, and potentially life-threatening eating habits I’ll be happy to be alone.

        6. You misunderstand me.
          I didn’t care for the Tuthmosis article. But I support it being published because, 1) ticks off all right people: man-haters, fatties, feminists, white knights and sundry other incorrigibles, 2) and it’s exposed the ugly face of online campaign to crush dissenting views.
          Once again, I disagree with the Tuthmosis article—I’m not attracted to women with eating disorders and think the article was silly and in poor taste. But I also believe that the right way to disagree with a distasteful article is to ignore it and move on with your day, not threaten the author and publisher with violence.
          You don’t have to support the ideas behind the article to realize that the backlash is out-of-control and take a stand against it. The backlash has become far worse than the original offending article.
          Don’t pretend as if my disdain for equals support for the contents of the article–it does not.

        7. “Also, by lauding women with eating disorders as more desirable, it
          causes perfectly healthy, disorder-free women to endanger their health
          by starving themselves, binging and purging, and so on.”
          Any woman stupid enough to be influenced in her lifestyle habits by a tongue-in-cheek internet article is an oxygen (and probably welfare) thief and is from a utilitarian perspective better of dead.

        8. Ah, but alas, the article is not the only source of this point-of-view. It is just the most crassly-worded manifestation of it that I’ve ever seen. Also, I see absolutely no correlation between someone’s self-image and their financial status. I would be fascinated to know how you drew the connection between someone influenced by constant, overbearing societal pressures and someone on welfare.

        9. Ah, but alas, that article is not the only source of that opinion in the world. It is simply the most crassly-worded manifestation of it that I’ve ever seen. Also, I see absolutely no correlation between a person’s self-image and their financial situation. I would be fascinated if you would tell me how you drew that revelatory comparison between women influenced by constant, overbearing societal pressures and women on welfare.

        10. If you really think an article can get women to starve themselves, you’ve really got bigger problems.

        11. “While the article had the potential to be a feel-good article about why women with eating disorders deserve true love just as much as women without them”
          don’t be fooled. Roosh V, turthmosis and the like does not care about women with disorders or people WHO are otherswise “stigmatized” by society. They hate everything from overweight women to homosexuals.

        12. A lot of men don’t consider our needs, so why should we consider theirs? This site is supposedly about being “masculine”–masculine to me is about being strong and considering others, especially women, and that’s not apparent here. Sorry.

        13. Well, one of my friends posted the article “20 Things Women Do that Should be Shamed, Not Celebrated” (or something to that effect) and I just ended up in a Tuthmosis-reading vortex from which there was no apparent escape.

        14. Ah, welcome to the bottom of the rabbits hole, my Fellow sufferer. I hope your sanity lasts longer than mine.

        15. Ah, welcome to the bottom of the rabbits hole, my Fellow sufferer. I hope your sanity lasts longer than mine.

        16. Ah, welcome to the bottom of the rabbits hole, my Fellow sufferer. I hope your sanity lasts longer than mine.

        17. I know the feeling. Once you jump Down the rabbits Black hole, there’s no way up. Enjoy your last moments of sanity, my Fellow sufferer.

        18. Over eatting IS an eatting disorder. sustaining life off of carb rich mcd’s and lava cakes is not normal. Look at me I drink. I live in Spain. It’s what they do here. Thayt said I take in most of my carbs in the form of wine and sherry. Noting that My diet is very protien rich and I walk everywhere I go unless I’m taking a train to a distaint city. Nothing more nothing less that’s how most people are over here and you know what? THERE AREN’T MANY FATTIES.

      7. I agree, the article was pretty much a giggle for me, I’m more intrigued by the butthurt broads and manginas who are in utter disbelief and impossibly offended that someone is not kowtowing to the womenfolk.

      8. I agree, the article was pretty much a giggle for me, I’m more intrigued by the butthurt broads and manginas who are in utter disbelief and impossibly offended that someone is not kowtowing to the womenfolk.

      9. I agree, the article was pretty much a giggle for me, I’m more intrigued by the butthurt broads and manginas who are in utter disbelief and impossibly offended that someone is not kowtowing to the womenfolk.

      10. I agree, the article was pretty much a giggle for me, I’m more intrigued by the butthurt broads and manginas who are in utter disbelief and impossibly offended that someone is not kowtowing to the womenfolk.

      11. I agree, the article was pretty much a giggle for me, I’m more intrigued by the butthurt broads and manginas who are in utter disbelief and impossibly offended that someone is not kowtowing to the womenfolk.

    2. “Fuck the PC Police, soft ass pansies, thanks for not tip toeing through the tulips.”

      Exactly. The real source of the consternation here is that this site doesn’t dance to the tune of feminists and sensitive manboobs.
      IMHO, the Tuthmosis article was dumb–so I didn’t read it. End of story. But however bad the article was, the backlash against it (ie, the death threats, threats of violence, legal action, etc) is far worse.
      As far as I’m concerned this site is making all the right enemies.

      “We are educating our masculine readers not to pass on eating disorder victims just because they have an illness, yet instead of receiving thanks, we’re receiving hate instead. If we all had cancer, and someone wrote an article titled “5 Reasons To Fornicate With A Man Who Has Cancer,” we would spread it far and wide to make fornicating with us a better proposition for women. We would not send death threats or calls for censorship like is happening to us now. I think a bit more graciousness is in order for our unorthodox method of outreach.”

      Brilliant, epic trolling to the last. Keep up the good work.

  9. I didn’t even read the article because I wasn’t interested in the subject matter.. Is it so hard to ignore things you find offensive or uninteresting? I had no idea it generated almost 2000 comments. Maybe I will go and read it now.

        1. And I figured that’s how it worked, but I always thought Disqus was it’s own separate entity.

        2. And I figured that’s how it worked, but I always thought Disqus was it’s own separate entity.

        3. When I saw the sheer volume of comments I thought “… oh hell no I ain’t commenting on this shit!”

  10. As a girl who has had an eating disorder in the past I thought the article was great! It really shows how insane girls are especially those with eating disorders. I think this article may help those girls get stronger and not feed into (no pun intended) all the stigmatism’s.

    1. you’re not a girl if you think that. obviously the author of this page wrote this posing as a girl

        1. Gross: I am a girl and one that did suffer from a serious eating disorder (5’7 98 lbs at age 22). Something I learned through recovery was to be able to look back and see how foolish I was back then and how much stronger I am now. This article highlights that exact foolishness. Any girl who reads this with any sense of humor wouldn’t want to develop an eating disorder to be a ‘vulnerable, easy, cheap date’. So “Gross” this article reflects how a girl should look and steer clear of eating disorders the same way your user name reflects your opinions 🙂

        2. Gross: I am a girl and one that did suffer from a serious eating disorder (5’7 98 lbs at age 22). Something I learned through recovery was to be able to look back and see how foolish I was back then and how much stronger I am now. This article highlights that exact foolishness. Any girl who reads this with any sense of humor wouldn’t want to develop an eating disorder to be a ‘vulnerable, easy, cheap date’. So “Gross” this article reflects how a girl should look and steer clear of eating disorders the same way your user name reflects your opinions 🙂

        3. Gross: I am a girl and one that did suffer from a serious eating disorder (5’7 98 lbs at age 22). Something I learned through recovery was to be able to look back and see how foolish I was back then and how much stronger I am now. This article highlights that exact foolishness. Any girl who reads this with any sense of humor wouldn’t want to develop an eating disorder to be a ‘vulnerable, easy, cheap date’. So “Gross” this article reflects how a girl should look and steer clear of eating disorders the same way your user name reflects your opinions 🙂

        4. Gross: I am a girl and one that did suffer from a serious eating disorder (5’7 98 lbs at age 22). Something I learned through recovery was to be able to look back and see how foolish I was back then and how much stronger I am now. This article highlights that exact foolishness. Any girl who reads this with any sense of humor wouldn’t want to develop an eating disorder to be a ‘vulnerable, easy, cheap date’. So “Gross” this article reflects how a girl should look and steer clear of eating disorders the same way your user name reflects your opinions 🙂

        5. Gross: I am a girl and one that did suffer from a serious eating disorder (5’7 98 lbs at age 22). Something I learned through recovery was to be able to look back and see how foolish I was back then and how much stronger I am now. This article highlights that exact foolishness. Any girl who reads this with any sense of humor wouldn’t want to develop an eating disorder to be a ‘vulnerable, easy, cheap date’. So “Gross” this article reflects how a girl should look and steer clear of eating disorders the same way your user name reflects your opinions 🙂

  11. Speaking as a guy who actually has cancer, “5 Reasons To Fornicate With A Man Who Has Cancer,”is an awesome idea for an upcoming RoK article. Just for the record, I have ocular melanoma, a cancer of the eye.

    1. Write it, I’m sure the ROK staff would be happy to run it, especially from someone who actually has cancer. It can be a morale booster, in the vein of “To men with cancer – you are a catch, God’s blessing to the women of the world.”

    2. A bit late here, but I must concur with Goldstein here. It would be great if you wrote that article. Best wishes in your fight man!

    3. The girl I’ve been dating was diagnosed this summer with stage 4 sinonasal undifferentiated cancer – a rare and extremely aggressive form of cancer. 94% of those diagnosed are dead within 5 years no matter what combination of treatment is applied. She’s just completed 7 weeks of radiotherapy with 3 heavy doses of chemo. She’s endured radiation burns and a loss of taste and smell.
      Throughout it all she looked after me, coming over to my house and cooking me dinner. Except for week 6-7, when she was weak and underweight, she asked me to shag 2-3 times a week. I complied. She was hot and has a good heart. Her body and spirit held well throughout most of the treatment. She faces certain death and I could not say no.
      This relationship is doomed, but then we all die eventually. I rejoice in her embrace of what life remains. The sex was free of guilt and restraint and I am honored to have given her pleasure and distraction, if only temporary, from her imminent fate. Soon, she will return to her family home and I hope that the memories of our time together will give her peace and aid her on her final journey.

      1. There was a couple at my former church… some years before I attended, I didn’t know them but the pastor told me the story later….
        They were young, in love, Christians, engaged. She got some weird cancer and went through the usual cancer hell. He stood by his fiancée through it all.
        Just when all seemed well, and they were once again planning their lives together, the cancer returned. In round 2, she had to have a leg amputated. Even that procedure was no use, she was proclaimed terminal, with not much time left.
        The guy was a true man. He told the pastor he wanted a wedding *immediately*. They didn’t have months to waste with all the planning and pageantry. So they just a had quick, small, and bittersweet ceremony — and then off to honeymoon before it was too late.
        I’m sure they made the most of their time together, both in bed and out of it. God bless them.

    4. The girl I’ve been dating was diagnosed this summer with stage 4 sinonasal undifferentiated cancer – a rare and extremely aggressive form of cancer. 94% of those diagnosed are dead within 5 years no matter what combination of treatment is applied. She’s just completed 7 weeks of radiotherapy with 3 heavy doses of chemo. She’s endured radiation burns and a loss of taste and smell.
      Throughout it all she looked after me, coming over to my house and cooking me dinner. Except for week 6-7, when she was weak and underweight, she asked me to shag 2-3 times a week. I complied. She was hot and has a good heart. Her body and spirit held well throughout most of the treatment. She faces certain death and I could not say no.
      This relationship is doomed, but then we all die eventually. I rejoice in her embrace of what life remains. The sex was free of guilt and restraint and I am honored to have given her pleasure and distraction, if only temporary, from her imminent fate. Soon, she will return to her family home and I hope that the memories of our time together will give her peace and aid her on her final journey.

    5. Hey Private Man, I think the idea behind your article empowering and encouraging people who have dealt with cancer is great. However the ‘cancer’ version of the eating disorder article would be ‘how to take advantage of people dying from cancer and get the most sex with no strings attached as they’ll be vulnerable, desperate and won’t get in touch after coz they’ll probably be dead’. I think this editor is kidding himself if he thinks that people who have to deal with cancer would appreciate an article like that.
      The eating disorder article wasn’t advocating the loving care and appreciation of people with eating disorders, it was explaining how to exploit their insecurities and vulnerabilities for selfish pleasure (better sex life, less expensive relationships, having a girlfriend that doesn’t have an opinion at all). That’s why people are upset with this article and is why a similar ‘cancer’ article would be just as upsetting. Stop pretending that you would be empowering cancer sufferers through a similar article when that’s just not true!

      1. My spin on the cancer thing ain’t all about that “empowerment” bullshit. It’s got a unique angle. Stay tuned. I’m working on getting it posted very soon.

  12. The article was great, the reaction of the masses was obviously just social media whoring. They all wanted to follow the crowd like sheep and show their ‘moral outrage’.
    “look at me I’m sucking Beiber’s dick”, 5000 other women think woah I should do that too. Fucking sheep.
    It’s sad that all those fatties all over the web think that thin women should be allowed to date men.

  13. “You can go out to nice restaurants and order take-out with the confidence that your expense on her will be minimal.”
    That’s the thing I didn’t like about the article. It’s simply inacurrate. My bulimic ex was blowing half her paycheck on cake. It’s only anorexics that are cheap when it comes to food.

  14. Of all the offensive stuff on here, I’m surprised this one caught fire because to me it came off like satire. Whatever the case, it’s not libel or slander — the only *real* reasons this site would need to remove a post.
    And if “offensive” ideas need to be banned, who do we listen to? Feminists? The Catholic church? Orthodox Jews? People calling for bannings should realize once that’s established, they might be next, because someone, somewhere will find a way to be offended.

      1. Yes, it is because this site links to videos where anyone can talk smack about anyone who is not a public figure. Hence, slander.

  15. As they say – all publicity is good publicity. Take the added traffic and unique hits as a score for the team. Tuthmosis is a great author and this is a great save-face response. Bravo.
    I also concur that it’s pretty interesting to see censorship as the go-to when people get a stick up their ass about someone’s opinion. At a time when free-speech is being stifled wholesale in our nation, even out fellow citizens would rather waive their rights than mind their own business (or better yet, join in the discussion).
    Last night I almost thought for a second that the hamsters were smart enough to coordinate a real ddos attack. Turns out it was just a coincidence.

    1. we live in a country where a guy was able to get people to sign a petition to get rid of the first amendment to stop people from badmouthing obama.

    2. we live in a country where a guy was able to get people to sign a petition to get rid of the first amendment to stop people from badmouthing obama.

    3. we live in a country where a guy was able to get people to sign a petition to get rid of the first amendment to stop people from badmouthing obama.

    4. we live in a country where a guy was able to get people to sign a petition to get rid of the first amendment to stop people from badmouthing obama.

    5. we live in a country where a guy was able to get people to sign a petition to get rid of the first amendment to stop people from badmouthing obama.

  16. For once the Founding Fathers of the greatest nation on the planet are not rolling over in their graves. A rare occurrence these days. Thanks ROK and Roosh especially. God bless you being above American political correctness

  17. Yep, cause if women with eating disorders don’t get men, well what will they have to live for? The *only* reason anyone would ever have an eating disorder is for the attention of men, obviously! Do some fucking research, this is actually if possible, even worse than the previous article, because now I know it wasn’t even an attempt at a “joke”

  18. I just didn’t agree, and I just moved the hell on. Those calling for censorship have serious issues. Those folks also are hypocritical, as I saw one woman say;
    “The author would rather have some thin girl with a disorder than a loving woman with a few extra pounds.”
    I’m gonna hedge a guess that men with “a few extra pounds” can’t even get a hello out of this chick.

      1. I ain’t mad at ya, man!
        Personally I do prefer bigger women. I just think there’s a difference between thick/curvy, and overweight. The latter, I DON’T like.

  19. When you speak about women being fat it hurts, when you speak about women being too skinny its labeled a eating disorder and it hurts… SMH. What next…
    I’m glad you decided to keep the article up.

  20. I would go one step further. I would say outright to feminists that their destruction of healthy feminimity and attempt to turn women into men is the primary cause of eating disorders. Women do not have healthy ways of feeling feminine anymore, most of those have been substituted with male-emulation. So many women are instead putting too much emphasis on their weight and overall shape rather than a pleasant demeanor or a deference to a man. Healthy feminimity has been removed from how we raise daughters just as healthy masculinity has been removed from how we raise sons. As a result, some women get a distorted vision of feminimity such that they only feel valuable if their body is razor thin.

    1. Certainly these crazy doctrines that women are “goddesses” and any limitation they have is caused by external “social” forces leads to flailing perfectionism. I also believe about 80% of girls with eating disorders would never have such severe problems if they learned to cook with their moms and in home economics class

      1. I see women with eating disorders as not much different than your average blue-pill beta male who puts himself into horrendous debt to appear wealthy in order to attract women. In both cases, healthy male or female behaviors have not been taught, or have been actively discouraged such that those people feel they have no choice but to act in a self-destructive manner in order to get what they want.

        1. Alcoholism is also considered a “disease”, that doesn’t stop me from seeing alcoholics as people who are choosing self-destructive behavior because they have terribly bad thoughts about life stuck in their head.

        2. Alcoholism is also considered a “disease”, that doesn’t stop me from seeing alcoholics as people who are choosing self-destructive behavior because they have terribly bad thoughts about life stuck in their head.

        3. Perhaps we should petition the American Psychiatric Association to have Manginaism declared a mental disease – they have room for a new one with homosexuality haven been taken off the list.

    2. I will readily admit to having been smitten and mesmerized by a chubby girl who is very feminine. I am NOT into fat girls, I’ve never been a “chubby chaser”, but in college and grad school, several times I have been a victim to the charms of a very feminine chubby girl with a southern or Midwestern accent. And when one of them cooked breakfast for me the morning after, I had to use sheer steel will to keep from proposing marriage. Femininity trumps almost everything for me.

    3. I will readily admit to having been smitten and mesmerized by a chubby girl who is very feminine. I am NOT into fat girls, I’ve never been a “chubby chaser”, but in college and grad school, several times I have been a victim to the charms of a very feminine chubby girl with a southern or Midwestern accent. And when one of them cooked breakfast for me the morning after, I had to use sheer steel will to keep from proposing marriage. Femininity trumps almost everything for me.

      1. Well, as it should, isn´t? Is not that what most men are looking for? Lacking that, we resort to “hotness”, but if you read here, everybody complains about the lack of femininity, and about looks only talk about the grossly overweight (or short hair).

      2. Well, as it should, isn´t? Is not that what most men are looking for? Lacking that, we resort to “hotness”, but if you read here, everybody complains about the lack of femininity, and about looks only talk about the grossly overweight (or short hair).

    4. Sociologists have said the rise in eating disorders came about just when feminism started to become influential, in the early ’70s. So you’re onto something there. As with most things, feminists have it wrong and eating disorders are about far more than “control” (a non-scientific idea, just like the one where they claim rape isn’t about sex, only power).

      1. But eating disorders are about control. People with eating disorders are people in desperate need of a path for which they can control their own perceived value by others and themselves. In the past, women who were fat or less attractive knew that they could compensate for this and still satisfy the inner hypergamy by being feminine. They knew they could attract and have some power over men despite any physical flaws by simply being more of what the men were looking for.
        Feminism removed that path. It preached to women that if they behaved deferentially, or in any way served a mans interest, that they were slaves. Feminism failed to recognize how much men were doing the exact same things to try to extract reproductive and sexual services from women. With that path removed, women were told they could only self-respect by acting like men. But this is in contradiction to what many women want, which is to influence society by influencing men, not acting like men.
        Because some women instinctively want to continue to have perceived value to men in order to have some level of power over men, but believe that most feminine behavior is demeaning, the only thing left to them is to drastically and self-destructively alter their appearance. Result?
        – Massive popularity of plastic surgery (check)
        – Eating disorders. (check)
        – Unhealthy emphasis on a specific body image (check)
        – Internally destructive quick-weight-loss programs (check)
        I could go on all day.

        1. I agree with your comments on how society has changed ieals of beauty and feminism. But, how can you say that feminism is a negative thing? It seems that you put “acting like men” as a synonym for being powerful and not filtering their opinions to appear weak and “feminine”. Are you saying that women should remain delicate and quiet? Because that actually is more ignorant than the article on hand. Sidenote, men struggle with issues related to appearance and their behavior consistently. Masculinity is hush-hush more than these issues you’ve pointed out as female. Is a man supposed to want control over a woman and so they are to date a woman with an eating disorder because she, like Tuthmosis said, has daddy issues so must be better in bed and more modest?

        2. Are you saying that women should remain delicate and quiet?

          I’m telling you what men find attractive. You can go live your life however you wish, freedom should belong to all. But if you want to secure the influence and power that comes with leading a child-rearing home, you’ll need a man to help. Men do not find argumentative women attractive. Men do find vulnerability highly attractive. Make your choice.

        3. Feminism has done untold amounts of damage to western society, and to women especially. It has made men and women competitors instead of partners, it has destroyed the traditional family unit and encouraged sexual promiscuity, creating struggling single mums, millions of young boys lacking strong male role models, and young girls without the sense of security a father provides. It has convinced women they are “empowered” when they dress and behave like whores, when in fact they voluntarily debase themselves in ways the sleaziest of men could only dream of. Then of course they hit their mid forties, have no children, no partner, and a crappy job that constitutes their entire life, But hey, at least the “you know whos” that funded the womens lib movement and promoted feminism get to tax the labour of men and women now, making it nearly impossible for modern families to survive without two working parents, whilst the children are left defenceless in Cultural Marxist indoctrination centres (You know them as Schools)
          I didn’t read, and still haven’t read the article and I won’t because it doesn’t interest me.I saw the title and laughed because I assumed it was a tongue in cheek joke.
          Men didn’t create this situation, we just laugh about it, because at this stage in the game, their isn’t a whole lot else to do.
          You “liberal” fucks that want to dictate what can be laughed at and what can’t, constantly begging for more draconian regulation and condemnation of people’s speech you happen to disagree with, or don’t have the intellectual integrity or emotional maturity to abide, are a cancer that is eating away at the fundamental freedoms our western nations were built upon.

        4. Well I am a man, and I disagree with you. Don’t speak for all men based on what YOU think is attractive.

        5. Well I am a man, and I disagree with you. Don’t speak for all men based on what YOU think is attractive.

        6. interestingly enough, once women figure it out they appreciate having a man in the house who is free to behave and live like a man. it’s a win / win. it’s very sad how corrupted things have become. just look at the comments here to know how far we’ve fallen.

        7. Biology tells us we’re a sexually dimorphic species. We are complementary sub-species capable of reproducing when we work together. We have different strengths and weaknesses that cannot be hand-waved away with silly desires of “equality”

        8. Yes, however, I think to be more precise, we should say that ‘Equality of Outcome’ or ‘Equality by Fiat’ is/has excellent vehicles by which a state may acquire more power over a population. The early beginnings of feminism, which were not called feminism, were not the marxist machines they gave birth to. There were, in the very beginning, some valid complaints the women had. Those have long since been corrected, they were probably fully corrected by the 1950s. Everything since then has been nothing but power acquisition through snake-oil salesmanship of victimhood.

      2. But eating disorders are about control. People with eating disorders are people in desperate need of a path for which they can control their own perceived value by others and themselves. In the past, women who were fat or less attractive knew that they could compensate for this and still satisfy the inner hypergamy by being feminine. They knew they could attract and have some power over men despite any physical flaws by simply being more of what the men were looking for.
        Feminism removed that path. It preached to women that if they behaved deferentially, or in any way served a mans interest, that they were slaves. Feminism failed to recognize how much men were doing the exact same things to try to extract reproductive and sexual services from women. With that path removed, women were told they could only self-respect by acting like men. But this is in contradiction to what many women want, which is to influence society by influencing men, not acting like men.
        Because some women instinctively want to continue to have perceived value to men in order to have some level of power over men, but believe that most feminine behavior is demeaning, the only thing left to them is to drastically and self-destructively alter their appearance. Result?
        – Massive popularity of plastic surgery (check)
        – Eating disorders. (check)
        – Unhealthy emphasis on a specific body image (check)
        – Internally destructive quick-weight-loss programs (check)
        I could go on all day.

    1. That was my first and only reaction to this piece. More RoK trolling I suspect. rooshgutpunchlaugh.gif

    2. That was my first and only reaction to this piece. More RoK trolling I suspect. rooshgutpunchlaugh.gif

  21. To be honest, I have an eating disorder, and frankly I was disturbed by the article. It makes light of eating disorders, for fucks sake and makes it almost a joke. I hope that the writer of the article, and everyone who laughs and likes the article, doesn’t actually believe all of that. How can you say there is no offense in there? It would be like writing an article on why to date someone with cancer, and saying “well they might die soon so you know if you don’t like them you can easily get out” like come on, you can’t say that’s not offensive, if someone truly believes in that. I find no harm in the article, if it’s all purely in jest, but if you’re dead serious I am terrified of the world we live in.

    1. That is a very valid reason to date a person with cancer. All forms of people have problems that can be held with a silver lining, such as “Oh look it is a fat girl, I can date and marry her knowing she won’t live past her 40s”. Would you rather have A or B
      A) Man dates you because he finds your disorder to make you more attractive?
      B) Man is disgusted by you and you can never experience love because you are disgusting?.
      Now lets also take a look at this, is your eating disorder one that makes you skinnier or one of the ones that makes you fatter?

  22. To be honest, I have an eating disorder, and frankly I was disturbed by the article. It makes light of eating disorders, for fucks sake and makes it almost a joke. I hope that the writer of the article, and everyone who laughs and likes the article, doesn’t actually believe all of that. How can you say there is no offense in there? It would be like writing an article on why to date someone with cancer, and saying “well they might die soon so you know if you don’t like them you can easily get out” like come on, you can’t say that’s not offensive, if someone truly believes in that. I find no harm in the article, if it’s all purely in jest, but if you’re dead serious I am terrified of the world we live in.

  23. To be honest, I have an eating disorder, and frankly I was disturbed by the article. It makes light of eating disorders, for fucks sake and makes it almost a joke. I hope that the writer of the article, and everyone who laughs and likes the article, doesn’t actually believe all of that. How can you say there is no offense in there? It would be like writing an article on why to date someone with cancer, and saying “well they might die soon so you know if you don’t like them you can easily get out” like come on, you can’t say that’s not offensive, if someone truly believes in that. I find no harm in the article, if it’s all purely in jest, but if you’re dead serious I am terrified of the world we live in.

  24. To be honest, I have an eating disorder, and frankly I was disturbed by the article. It makes light of eating disorders, for fucks sake and makes it almost a joke. I hope that the writer of the article, and everyone who laughs and likes the article, doesn’t actually believe all of that. How can you say there is no offense in there? It would be like writing an article on why to date someone with cancer, and saying “well they might die soon so you know if you don’t like them you can easily get out” like come on, you can’t say that’s not offensive, if someone truly believes in that. I find no harm in the article, if it’s all purely in jest, but if you’re dead serious I am terrified of the world we live in.

    stolen from this site’s twitter feed, apparently that was the most offensive article on the internet. Wow. THE most offensive. Not the many male bashing, Christian bashing, women bashing, baby bashing articles-but THAT article. Ain’t that absolutely amazing.

    1. Aren’t there pro child rape/porn and articles that support rape elsewhere? And this is the most offensive? The fuck!

      1. See; Gawker, The Guardian, both of which have posted a pedo-sympathizing article. That’s why I can’t help but laugh at those that say folks with “antiquated views that we do, views that are common sense, are holding back America’s “progress.” Progress to an earthly hell is what they want. But I’m not having it.

  26. According to their info for sponsorships page that tracks the traffic to this site, ROK got over 128,000 unique views on 11/18/13 and over 359,000 unique views on 11/19/13. Anyone want to make bets on how many we will get today? Anyone? I think we will top 500,000.

  27. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight
    on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and
    growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the
    cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the
    landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we
    shall fight in the hills; we shall NEVER SURRENDER!

  28. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight
    on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and
    growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the
    cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the
    landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we
    shall fight in the hills; we shall NEVER SURRENDER!

  29. I’m sure there’s a “Why you should date overweight women” out there somewhere on the internet (I’m not going to look) which could basically be re-titled to “Why you should date a woman with an eating disorder” As if obese people don’t have eating disorders.

  30. I’m sure there’s a “Why you should date overweight women” out there somewhere on the internet (I’m not going to look) which could basically be re-titled to “Why you should date a woman with an eating disorder” As if obese people don’t have eating disorders.

  31. So you post an article that the feminists don’t like, and their response is to post the link all over the internet and drive your traffic into the stratosphere. Sort of like how they deal with the “patriarchy” and “male oppression” by encouraging girls to become super slutty and suck as much dick as possible before they get old. “That’ll show those evil men!”
    Does anyone else think these chicks must be the dumbest people on earth?

    1. Next thing you know, they’ll fight “female oppression” by forcing women into the workplace to become wage slaves, driving down women’s happiness levels to historical lows…
      … oh, wait a minute…

  32. Oh, please. The article was not about “accepting” women with eating disorders. It was very clearly a satirical piece making light of eating disorders. Personally, I found it to be in poor taste and, even worse, not even funny. I can understand why people would take offense.
    That being said, the sheer hatred and outrage the article caused is very disturbing. I think this is a great site — read it everyday. There are a lot of good articles on here that preach an important message in a world overrun by angry feminists. But, there’s got to be some type of quality control. Running articles that serve no genuine purpose except being inflammatory really detract from the site and undermine its credibility.
    Freedom of speech means the government cannot restrict your speech. It doesn’t mean you can say or publish whatever you want with no repercussions from the public.

    1. Not-Fun Nathan-
      You should change your name.
      When you pull the stick out of your ass and learn to laugh a bit at this crazy world around us…
      Then you can re-join the Nathans

    2. Not-Fun Nathan-
      You should change your name.
      When you pull the stick out of your ass and learn to laugh a bit at this crazy world around us…
      Then you can re-join the Nathans

    3. “Freedom of speech means the government cannot restrict your speech. It doesn’t mean you can say or publish whatever you want with no repercussions from the public.”
      There’s a big difference between airing your disagreement (OK) and conducting a witch hunt in attempt to punish and silence dissent (not OK).
      The PC inquisition has long since graduated to the latter.

      1. True. But conducting a “witch hunt” and starting a petition to have an article voluntarily removed from a website is still not a violation of “freedom of speech.” In fact, that is an exercise of freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled to the right to express his opinion. But, you can’t hide under the banner of “freedom of speech” and expect there to be no consequences for anything you say or publish.
        I’m no fan of the PC brigade. In fact, I loathe it. But this article was not funny, served no useful purpose, and brought down the credibility of this site — something which I think was a tragedy. If you’re going to go to war with the PC police, at least make sure it is something worth fighting for — not a poor attempt at humor by mocking eating disorders. Fat shaming week was funny and relevant. Eating disorders? Not so much.

        1. Make no mistake, if these people had access to Tuthmosis’ real name and found out he worked in the corporate field, they’d be going after his employer in attempt to destroy his career. They would probably succeed.
          There’s nothing about that that supports freedom of expression. That’s saying, “if you express views we don’t like, we’ll destroy your life.”
          So you may be fine with censorship as long as it’s not a government body doing the censoring.
          I’m not.

        2. Make no mistake, if these people had access to Tuthmosis’ real name and found out he worked in the corporate field, they’d be going after his employer in attempt to destroy his career. They would probably succeed.
          There’s nothing about that that supports freedom of expression. That’s saying, “if you express views we don’t like, we’ll destroy your life.”
          So you may be fine with censorship as long as it’s not a government body doing the censoring.
          I’m not.

    4. “Freedom of speech means the government cannot restrict your speech. It doesn’t mean you can say or publish whatever you want with no repercussions from the public.”
      There’s a big difference between airing your disagreement (OK) and conducting a witch hunt in attempt to punish and silence dissent (not OK).
      The PC inquisition has long since graduated to the latter.

    5. “Freedom of speech means the government cannot restrict your speech. It doesn’t mean you can say or publish whatever you want with no repercussions from the public.”
      There’s a big difference between airing your disagreement (OK) and conducting a witch hunt in attempt to punish and silence dissent (not OK).
      The PC inquisition has long since graduated to the latter.

    6. “Freedom of speech means the government cannot restrict your speech. It doesn’t mean you can say or publish whatever you want with no repercussions from the public.”
      There’s a big difference between airing your disagreement (OK) and conducting a witch hunt in attempt to punish and silence dissent (not OK).
      The PC inquisition has long since graduated to the latter.

    7. “Freedom of speech means the government cannot restrict your speech. It doesn’t mean you can say or publish whatever you want with no repercussions from the public.”
      There’s a big difference between airing your disagreement (OK) and conducting a witch hunt in attempt to punish and silence dissent (not OK).
      The PC inquisition has long since graduated to the latter.

  33. this is one of the most distasteful and disgraceful things i have ever seen, i thought the article was a shit and horrible joke!!!

  34. this is one of the most distasteful and disgraceful things i have ever seen, i thought the article was a shit and horrible joke!!!

  35. eat shit and die, return of kings.
    girls with eating disorders are not a fun, thin accessory.

    1. So they are not entitled to some fun and love too? God you’re so callous .. what do you have against girls with eating disorders? Why do you hate them? Why can’t you accept they are normal human beings who need emotional intimacy too? This kind of thinking makes me lose faith in humanity. I really hope yours was a satirical comment. Did your mom and dad hate you??

      1. what she’s really saying is: girls with eating disorders is not an object and it’s disgusting to exploit another persons weakness. She speaking in defense of these women, not against them. It is people like you that are the hated ones.

      2. there’s a difference in between saying they’re deserving of love and fun, and glamourizing them like this article does. and i don’t hate girls with eating disorders, i’m recovering from one myself, it’s just personally despicable to see an article acting as if a girl with an eating disorder is a cool trendy girlfriend to have. you should be helping her with her issues, not encouraging them in this way.

      3. Its not intimacy to date someone just because of and to encourage their life threatening disorder

      4. Its not intimacy to date someone just because of and to encourage their life threatening disorder

    2. i agree, jenny. after awhile the fun wears more thin than their waistline. but their exceptional gag-reflexes make them ideal accessories for a pump and dump.
      i heavily recommend it for you, jen.

    3. damn if you tried smiling your opinion might not just seem like a reflection of your generally butthurt demeanor
      plus, you might be bangable, without even having to develop an eating disorder

    4. They are sperm receptacles or human toilets like most women.
      Unless she can cook, clean and shut up then she might deserve to be a house wife or girlfriend.

    5. They are sperm receptacles or human toilets like most women.
      Unless she can cook, clean and shut up then she might deserve to be a house wife or girlfriend.

    6. They are sperm receptacles or human toilets like most women.
      Unless she can cook, clean and shut up then she might deserve to be a house wife or girlfriend.

    7. They are sperm receptacles or human toilets like most women.
      Unless she can cook, clean and shut up then she might deserve to be a house wife or girlfriend.

  36. eat shit and die, return of kings.
    girls with eating disorders are not a fun, thin accessory.

  37. Its like saying date terminal cancer patients if you’re not looking for a long term relationship.

    1. Seems legit. Guys on death row, for example, are the perfect companions for the modern American woman.

  38. This is why Roosh is a leader of men and respected far & wide for his courage and justice.
    Get mad fools; your angry bleating only makes him stronger and more loved.

  39. LOL. Roosh please. The article was not about “encouraging our male readership to give women with anorexia and bulimia an opportunity for real intimacy”. That’s complete bullshit and you know it. Rather, the article advised men to date women suffering from eating disorders because the symptoms of their illness made them more attractive. Eating disorders are the deadliest mental illness but that article advised men that is a good thing because dinner dates will cost less. How stupid do you think people on this website are that they don’t see through your pathetic excuses for why the article is perfectly fine?

  40. There is a lot wrong with this article (which has been explained in several comments), but censorship is never the answer, nor is anyone stupid who spreads it online despite opposing it. The world needs articles like this to be seen, so that people have to form an opinion on it, to reflect on what is wrong with it and why. It pushes the underlying problem in your face instead of sweeping it under the carpet. In a similar way, the often extreme anti-female sentiments on this website actually support the feminist cause by supplying plenty of material which is indicative of the misconceptions about men and women in our society, thus raising awareness for the issue.
    It is, however, hypocritical of the authors and commenters to condemn censorship by referring to their right to free spech while large groups of people are denied the right to comment on this very website. That is not open discourse in my opinion.

    1. Misunderstanding of what free speech means. You don’t have a right to comment on somebody else’s website if its owner doesn’t want you to. It’s his private property.
      What the Inquisition wants to do is take that property away from him because it hurts their precious little feelings. THAT is censorship.
      We all hate sites like Jezebel but you don’t see anyone here saying that those places need to be taken down or articles on them need to be removed. Difference.

  41. Go suck a dick, Godslayer and you petitioning bitches. Gay balls all up in your faces. Or straight balls. Balls that like abortions. Shut up.

  42. The fact that you’re trying to defend that article is sick. You have a very warped mind if you think that that article was sending a good message in any way shape or form to anyone. Speaking as someone who had an eating disorder, this is all kinds of fucked up and sexist. Racist’s and Homophobes have freedom of speech, but that doesn’t make what they say right. So don’t try to defend yourself and get high and mighty.

  43. I personally didn’t agree with the article, so I just didn’t read it until I saw that there was a huge fuss about it. Maybe it could’ve been handled in a better way, but once again the actions of the Inquisition are absolutely staggering and terrifying, and outweigh anything Tuthmosis might have done. These people actually think that they are entitled to taking down a portion of somebody else’s website just because they find it OFFENSIVE. It’s much the same with everything else in this PC culture.
    I applaud you Roosh, and the entire ROK community, because this is the one place I know that will never, never, give in to their demands. And there’s no reason to. In the next few weeks something else will come out that shifts their attention and they will swarm that. Being offended is a 24/7 feeling for them, though the thing that offends them is fleeting. Just run the gauntlet for a week or two and things will be back to normal. I’m toying with the idea of submitting an article about dealing with the Inquisition.
    And hey, all the free publicity that their OUTRAGE produced might’ve brought over some more guys who want to commit to improving their lives. It’s a total win.
    A word to the Inquisition: if you truly hate ROK, the most powerful tactic is just to ignore it. Be like a powerful woman you should admire, Queen Elizabeth I. “See and say nothing.”

  44. What colossal hypocrisy from the cultural marxist droids at the Huffington Post. A site that constantly attacks whites, Christians, and men and yet their tender feelings are somehow “offended” by a tongue in cheek article written by Tuthmosis.
    What a joke. Their real agenda is undermine ROK and the awakening of the men of this country that it represents. Too late. Every day our movement gets stronger they get weaker. Hence the panicky and whiny tone to their reaction.
    To them I say, it is only going to get worse from this point forward. Enjoy!

    1. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win.
      I think it’s safe to say we’ve entered the fighting stage…

  45. I had never heard of this website before these articles, and it will now be a place i visit regularly. This country has become a place where everyone wants to cry about the way they feel when their own inadequacies are pointed out. Pussification of America, Stop crying and fix your issues. I dont care what you say, eating disorders are things you can overcome if you have any self worth and will power.

    1. So then the 20% of people with eating disorders who will eventually die don’t have any self worth? I never have and never will view my anorexia as an inadequacy, as if that makes me lesser than someone else simply because I suffer from a mental illness. You wouldn’t tell someone with cancer to “just overcome it”, would you? How about someone with multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia, tourette’s, etc.? Of course you wouldn’t. So why would you say that to someone with an eating disorder? As someone who has suffered from an ED for years, I can tell you I sure as hell never chose this. I have been trying to recover for almost a year now and I still have ways to go. You need more than just will power to overcome a mental illness.

      1. Comparing an eating disorder with cancer isn’t even apples and oranges, that’s just completely ridiculous. I have lived in close proximity to enough eating disorder sufferers to know that, for the most part, it is a lack of self worth and respect, and sloth.

  46. I think there are more Americans with eating disorders that make them fat, as opposed to skinny. American women should be sent to Moscow, Kyiv, Paris or Tokyo to learn femininity, eating habits and proper conduct. It would be a better investment than a BA or MBA.

    1. If you can get it covered by obamacare and make a poster of two fat girls looking like they love the idea it might catch on.

  47. We’re just trying to help.
    There is a poignant scene in the book and movie “Fight Club” where cancer victim Chloe asks her group therapy session men if they would sleep with her. She had lubricants, pornographic movies, and other sexual toys. So, women and men with all types of disorders need love too.
    I hope that when I am old, and in my dotage, someone will show as much consideration to me.

  48. Good for you! Thanks for standing up for Tuthmosis and all of us. I thought the article was funny as hell, actually. But regardless of how people feel, it’s your site. I say ignore censors. Death wishes/threats in response to a fucking article? What kind of culture have we become? If a man called for the censorship, mutilation, or death of a feminist author simply because he disagreed with an article she wrote, I imagine the police would be involved.

    1. you mean like how it’s all women and their purse-carriers assailing this article?
      it’d be funny if it weren’t so damn predictable by now.

  49. You’re a disgrace. You’re an awful writer, an awful editor, but most of all- an awful human being. If you cannot see the hatred that is SEETHING through that article then you sir, are a disgrace. You do not deserve to write or read.
    I hope the death threats are true. I hope you slowly dissolve in a pit of sulfuric acid you waste of scum. People like you, who cling onto heteronormativity, are the destruction of our society.
    Rot. In. Hell.

    1. Hahaha! This one is great! If I was Roosh, I’d print this comment out, frame it, and put it on my wall. And everyday, when I sit down to write out some more content for my site, I’d look at it and smile…

  50. You’re a disgrace. You’re an awful writer, an awful editor, but most of all- an awful human being. If you cannot see the hatred that is SEETHING through that article then you sir, are a disgrace. You do not deserve to write or read.
    I hope the death threats are true. I hope you slowly dissolve in a pit of sulfuric acid you waste of scum. People like you, who cling onto heteronormativity, are the destruction of our society.
    Rot. In. Hell.

  51. Dominique Mosbergen, author of the Huffington Post response, looks like she has an agenda. My theory: a feminist alien slug, on a mission to make earth ugly, took host of her body. In addition to cutting it’s hair, the alien plans on gaining 50 pounds and prematurely age her skin with late night alcohol fueled trysts.

  52. Dominique Mosbergen, author of the Huffington Post response, looks like she has an agenda. My theory: a feminist alien slug, on a mission to make earth ugly, took host of her body. In addition to cutting it’s hair, the alien plans on gaining 50 pounds and prematurely age her skin with late night alcohol fueled trysts.

  53. In “response” to your above statement that your article was trying to “educate your masculine readers on not passing up girls with eating disorders” I ask this….As a mom of a daughter who was diagnosed with an eating disorder at the tender age of 13 (with the AVERAGE age of eating disorders being discovered between 11-15) what specific male population where you trying to reach on her behalf? This article does nothing but glamorize, stigmatize and at times makes fun of people with eating disorders (specifically girls…although the population of boys with eating disorders is on the rise). May YOU Tuthmosis and YOU Roosh never know the pain of having your little girl diagnosed with an eating disorder. May you never know what it feels like to be up against something that comes so easy to all of us….be such a struggle for those with ED. May you never have to fight the “system” to get her the help she needs. And may you NEVER have to hold her frail hand and promise her you will do everything you can to help her get better but as a parent feel the helplessness of not having any idea how you are going to make that happen. Eating disorders are NOT gender specific but you would NEVER find an article like this posted on a woman’s website….why you may ask because we women have boundaries and compassion for the human sole. Shame on you and shame on all of you who support this article. Come walk with in my world…..I promise you, you will read this article from a whole different perspective!

    1. “As a mom of a daughter who was diagnosed with an eating disorder at the tender age of 13” youre a horrible parent

        1. Have a cup of coffee Dougie and educate your fine self…taken right off the Sheppard Pratt eating disorder website. You wanna throw stones….lets throw them back you judgemental, uneducated man!
          Increasing numbers of family, twin, and adoption research studies have provided compelling evidence to show that genetic factors contribute to a predisposition for eating disorders.1 In other words, individuals who are born with certain genotypes are at heightened risk for the development of an eating disorder. This also means that eating disorders are heritable. Individuals who have had a family member with an eating disorder are 7-12 times more likely to develop one themselves. Newer research is exploring a possible epigenetic influence on eating disorder development. Epigenetics is a process by which environmental effects alter the way genes are expressed.
          Some of the genes that have been identified to contribute to eating disorders are associated with specific personality traits. These aspects of personality are thought to be highly heritable and often exist before the eating disorder and can persist after recovery.2,3 The following traits are common among people who develop an eating disorder but all of these personality characteristics can exist in the absence of an eating disorder as well.4,5
          obsessive thinking
          sensitivity to reward and punishment, harm avoidance
          neuroticism6 (emotional instability and hypersensitivity)
          impulsivity, especially in bulimia nervosa
          rigidity and excessive persistence, especially in anorexia nervosa
          Even in healthy individuals without eating disorders, states of semi-starvation have been shown to trigger obsessive behavior around food, depression, anxiety and neuroticism that promote a continued cycle of starvation7. Additionally, brain imaging studies have shown that people with eating disorders may have altered brain circuitry that contributes to eating disorders.8,9 Differences in the anterior insula, striatal regions, and anterior ventral striatal pathway have been discovered. Problems with the serotonin pathway have also been discovered.10,11 These differences may help to explain why people who develop anorexia nervosa are able to inhibit their appetite, why people who develop binge eating disorder are vulnerable to overeating when they are hungry, and why people who develop bulimia nervosa have less ability to control impulses to purge.
          Traumatic events such as physical or sexual abuse sometimes precipitate the development of an eating disorder.12-14 Victims of trauma often struggle with shame, guilt, body dissatisfaction and a feeling of a lack of control. The eating disorder may become the individual’s attempt to regain control or cope with these intense emotions. In some cases, the eating disorder is an expression of self-harm or misdirected self-punishment for the trauma. As many as 50% of those with eating disorders may also be struggling with trauma disorders. It’s important to treat both conditions concurrently in a comprehensive and integrated approach which is why The Center for Eating Disorders offers a specialized treatment track for women and men with eating disorders who’ve also experienced trauma.
          Coping Skill Deficits
          Individuals with eating disorders are often lacking the skills to tolerate negative experiences. Behaviors such as restricting, purging, bingeing and excessive exercise often develop in response to emotional pain, conflict, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, stress or trauma. In the absence of more positive coping skills, the eating disorder behaviors may provide acute relief from distress but quickly lead to more physical and psychological harm. Instead of helping, the eating disorder behaviors only serve to maintain a dangerous cycle of emotional dysregulation and numbing feelings. Effective treatment for the eating disorder involves education about and practice of alternative coping mechanisms and self-soothing techniques such as in Dialectic Behavior Therapy.

        2. Have a cup of coffee Dougie and educate your fine self…taken right off the Sheppard Pratt eating disorder website. You wanna throw stones….lets throw them back you judgemental, uneducated man!
          Increasing numbers of family, twin, and adoption research studies have provided compelling evidence to show that genetic factors contribute to a predisposition for eating disorders.1 In other words, individuals who are born with certain genotypes are at heightened risk for the development of an eating disorder. This also means that eating disorders are heritable. Individuals who have had a family member with an eating disorder are 7-12 times more likely to develop one themselves. Newer research is exploring a possible epigenetic influence on eating disorder development. Epigenetics is a process by which environmental effects alter the way genes are expressed.
          Some of the genes that have been identified to contribute to eating disorders are associated with specific personality traits. These aspects of personality are thought to be highly heritable and often exist before the eating disorder and can persist after recovery.2,3 The following traits are common among people who develop an eating disorder but all of these personality characteristics can exist in the absence of an eating disorder as well.4,5
          obsessive thinking
          sensitivity to reward and punishment, harm avoidance
          neuroticism6 (emotional instability and hypersensitivity)
          impulsivity, especially in bulimia nervosa
          rigidity and excessive persistence, especially in anorexia nervosa
          Even in healthy individuals without eating disorders, states of semi-starvation have been shown to trigger obsessive behavior around food, depression, anxiety and neuroticism that promote a continued cycle of starvation7. Additionally, brain imaging studies have shown that people with eating disorders may have altered brain circuitry that contributes to eating disorders.8,9 Differences in the anterior insula, striatal regions, and anterior ventral striatal pathway have been discovered. Problems with the serotonin pathway have also been discovered.10,11 These differences may help to explain why people who develop anorexia nervosa are able to inhibit their appetite, why people who develop binge eating disorder are vulnerable to overeating when they are hungry, and why people who develop bulimia nervosa have less ability to control impulses to purge.
          Traumatic events such as physical or sexual abuse sometimes precipitate the development of an eating disorder.12-14 Victims of trauma often struggle with shame, guilt, body dissatisfaction and a feeling of a lack of control. The eating disorder may become the individual’s attempt to regain control or cope with these intense emotions. In some cases, the eating disorder is an expression of self-harm or misdirected self-punishment for the trauma. As many as 50% of those with eating disorders may also be struggling with trauma disorders. It’s important to treat both conditions concurrently in a comprehensive and integrated approach which is why The Center for Eating Disorders offers a specialized treatment track for women and men with eating disorders who’ve also experienced trauma.
          Coping Skill Deficits
          Individuals with eating disorders are often lacking the skills to tolerate negative experiences. Behaviors such as restricting, purging, bingeing and excessive exercise often develop in response to emotional pain, conflict, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, stress or trauma. In the absence of more positive coping skills, the eating disorder behaviors may provide acute relief from distress but quickly lead to more physical and psychological harm. Instead of helping, the eating disorder behaviors only serve to maintain a dangerous cycle of emotional dysregulation and numbing feelings. Effective treatment for the eating disorder involves education about and practice of alternative coping mechanisms and self-soothing techniques such as in Dialectic Behavior Therapy.

        3. Let me clap for you Dougie….you are nothing but a judgmental bully….your mom can be so proud!
          BTW……have kids yourself?

        4. Let me clap for you Dougie….you are nothing but a judgmental bully….your mom can be so proud!
          BTW……have kids yourself?

        5. One man’s take on eating disorders, not an overall agreement, or view.
          And you go into the pile of failed mothers, no big deal

    2. try not offering her any food and see if she comes around when starvation hits
      if not, darwin wins, see if you can still pop out another one.
      one a serious note, this sort of mollycoddling and attention-seeking faux moral outrage probably is a nice incubator for those 1st world problems

    3. try not offering her any food and see if she comes around when starvation hits
      if not, darwin wins, see if you can still pop out another one.
      one a serious note, this sort of mollycoddling and attention-seeking faux moral outrage probably is a nice incubator for those 1st world problems

    4. try not offering her any food and see if she comes around when starvation hits
      if not, darwin wins, see if you can still pop out another one.
      one a serious note, this sort of mollycoddling and attention-seeking faux moral outrage probably is a nice incubator for those 1st world problems

  54. In “response” to your above statement that your article was trying to “educate your masculine readers on not passing up girls with eating disorders” I ask this….As a mom of a daughter who was diagnosed with an eating disorder at the tender age of 13 (with the AVERAGE age of eating disorders being discovered between 11-15) what specific male population where you trying to reach on her behalf? This article does nothing but glamorize, stigmatize and at times makes fun of people with eating disorders (specifically girls…although the population of boys with eating disorders is on the rise). May YOU Tuthmosis and YOU Roosh never know the pain of having your little girl diagnosed with an eating disorder. May you never know what it feels like to be up against something that comes so easy to all of us….be such a struggle for those with ED. May you never have to fight the “system” to get her the help she needs. And may you NEVER have to hold her frail hand and promise her you will do everything you can to help her get better but as a parent feel the helplessness of not having any idea how you are going to make that happen. Eating disorders are NOT gender specific but you would NEVER find an article like this posted on a woman’s website….why you may ask because we women have boundaries and compassion for the human sole. Shame on you and shame on all of you who support this article. Come walk with in my world…..I promise you, you will read this article from a whole different perspective!

  55. “visit the graves of America’s great founders and speak into the ground about why they don’t believe in free speech simply because their feelings have been hurt by mere words.”
    They won’t and can’t because the founders would tell them to shut the fuck up because they should’nt even been allowed to vote in the first place.
    “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. Benjamin Franklin

  56. “visit the graves of America’s great founders and speak into the ground about why they don’t believe in free speech simply because their feelings have been hurt by mere words.”
    They won’t and can’t because the founders would tell them to shut the fuck up because they should’nt even been allowed to vote in the first place.
    “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. Benjamin Franklin

  57. Way to stick to your guns, Roosh. If someone doesn’t like something, they should just ignore it. Don’t see why its so hard.

  58. Way to stick to your guns, Roosh. If someone doesn’t like something, they should just ignore it. Don’t see why its so hard.

  59. Did anybody take the time to consider the effect this article may have on someone whom suffers from an ED????? Here’s an example for you; my wife has been in recovery for sometime now, after receiving inpatient treatment, another patient from the same clinic who still is battling this distructive disease happened to come by the article. Thus how is a sufferer to interpret your article without a view of enforcing the voice in her head as having a ED as nothing but positive. Your basic premise is to suggest to a man that anED sufferer is a good thing, through the characteristics they possess; so surely in turn the offshoot of the article will bolster the disease in someone whom wants to be liked and wants to please. So you your article could be interpreted as endorsing an ED, even though you suggest it doesn’t. I’m all for free speech but at the end of the day an ED is a clinical diseas. Just a limitless forethought and sensitivity would have not gone amiss…..

    1. John Boy the people on here who are posting support have not walked this journey. As the hate continues you can see that a VERY uneducated man of course pointed his finger at me and called me a bad parent. Does the fact that your wife has an eating disorder mean that you are a bad husband? Hmmmm, I think NOT. The article was in poor taste. THE END!

    2. You sound like an enabler: why else did you marry a damaged woman to nurse? That’s why you an others are so pissed off by an article making light of eating disorders, because if women didn’t feel “special” by having one, maybe your wife would just choose to be normal, and leave you. So unlike the hypothetical damage you claim this blog is doing, we have evidence that you are damaging an actual person.

    3. You sound like an enabler: why else did you marry a damaged woman to nurse? That’s why you an others are so pissed off by an article making light of eating disorders, because if women didn’t feel “special” by having one, maybe your wife would just choose to be normal, and leave you. So unlike the hypothetical damage you claim this blog is doing, we have evidence that you are damaging an actual person.

    4. You sound like an enabler: why else did you marry a damaged woman to nurse? That’s why you an others are so pissed off by an article making light of eating disorders, because if women didn’t feel “special” by having one, maybe your wife would just choose to be normal, and leave you. So unlike the hypothetical damage you claim this blog is doing, we have evidence that you are damaging an actual person.

    5. Exactly, the article is like giving a loaded gun to someone who wants to kill themselves. Well said, and you prove that there are men out there who get what mostly women are trying to explain to this publisher! Thank you!

  60. This article was bull shit. By outlining the reasons why men should date girls with eating disorders, you cannot claim to want to help the sufferers from eating disorders. The aim of treatment for all sufferers should be the “cure” of the disorder and the diminishing of all the symptoms (being underweight, not eating much in restaurants and not being secure in themselves) that you list as positives. Clearly if a man dates a woman and sees the above as positives he will do nothing to help address them and therefore becomes nothing but a predator of the mentally ill.

  61. My issue is that the article implies an audience that needs to be convinced of the fact that women with eating disorders (an actual mental illness and not just insecurity) are also worthy of love.
    1 Reason to Date a Person With an Eating Disorder: they are a person.

  62. I’m now starting to see us all arrayed against the PC horde like a true band of brothers. Keep up the good work, everyone. Never cave in to their demands.

  63. I’m now starting to see us all arrayed against the PC horde like a true band of brothers. Keep up the good work, everyone. Never cave in to their demands.

  64. If I wrote an article called ‘why more women should fornicate with men who have cancer’, and then go on to list these reasons, I could imagine you posting it on here under the headline ‘goldigging slut:shags cancer patient’?! This is what you sound like:
    1. because he’s probably die soon, and if you manage to marry him in time you could get some of his money! 2. he’s vulnerable, so prospects of marriage are pretty good. Tell him you like bald men, and he’s be so eager to please you he’ll give it all up! 3. he’ll eat less at dinner, because chemo will probably make him vom it all up anyway, so what’s the point in buying him a steak?! He can have a side salad.
    Get some humanity. Women are not the vulnerable little girls you’re lusting after. People are people, some are vulnerable, sound are strong. Penises and vaginas do not translate to hierarchy.

    1. Thank you for being a sane person. I’m really suprised that men still don’t have enough self esteem to view us women as an equal and can do nothing but objectifying us

      1. “and can do nothing but objectifying us”
        Really…because females don’t objectify males for looks, body type, the cars we drive, how much we have in the bank, or where we live ?

    2. Wow, you were dying to get that out weren’t you Sophie. Given much thought to exploiting men dying of cancer? Certainly seems like it.
      Still, it was quite funny. 8/10

  65. If I wrote an article called ‘why more women should fornicate with men who have cancer’, and then go on to list these reasons, I could imagine you posting it on here under the headline ‘goldigging slut:shags cancer patient’?! This is what you sound like:
    1. because he’s probably die soon, and if you manage to marry him in time you could get some of his money! 2. he’s vulnerable, so prospects of marriage are pretty good. Tell him you like bald men, and he’s be so eager to please you he’ll give it all up! 3. he’ll eat less at dinner, because chemo will probably make him vom it all up anyway, so what’s the point in buying him a steak?! He can have a side salad.
    Get some humanity. Women are not the vulnerable little girls you’re lusting after. People are people, some are vulnerable, sound are strong. Penises and vaginas do not translate to hierarchy.

  66. These posts are the stupidest things I’ve ever read. The 5 reasons to date a girl with an eating disorder is appalling. I can’t believe someone would post something so insensitive to people struggling with these disorders. As a psychology student and a friend of people with eating disorders I can’t believe that anyone would post something so insensitive and to be quite frank something that obviously lacks research. If you were to know anything about eating disorders or seen the effects physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually on a person there is no way you would post something like this. These posts will act as triggers to people with eating disorders (or even people who have recovered). It would be wise to take these posts down for the sake of everyone reading them, especially people with these disorders. It was said in the above article “These are devastating illnesses on those whom they afflict, and we wish sufferers are able to receive the treatment they need.” I believe with all of my being that these posts are only damaging to people who have these disorders. These posts will act as triggers for their recovery, and their current patterns of the disorder.
    I signed a petition to remove the article on 5 reasons to date a girl with an eating disorder from the internet because I found it damaging to myself, and I know it is damaging to others. These posts are insensitive to the people with the disorders, and if you don’t recognize that then you don’t know much about these disorders and should not be posting about them in the first place.

  67. Bad Publicity Is Good Publicity. Thousands of more men went to this site, now are waking up and deciding to take the red pill !

  68. Bad Publicity Is Good Publicity. Thousands of more men went to this site, now are waking up and deciding to take the red pill !

  69. As a recovering anorexic, I have no issue with freedom of speech and the authors right therefore to express his opinions in a public forum. By the same token I reserve the right to express my opinion that this is the most ill informed, uneducated pile of utter bullshit that I have had the displeasure of reading, that in my opinion does encourage and to certain extent glamorize eating disorders. As I said, my opinion only not asking for anyones agreement, am merely exercising my right to freedom of speech.

    1. Your opinion doesn’t matter on this website or the internet. Freedom of speech can be taken away on the internet with a click of a delete/ban/remove button.

      1. Not sure I at any point suggested it did matter. However I have the right to express it and if it was removed after the rebuttal for the article was freedom of speech, it would be a little hypocritical.

    2. Your opinion doesn’t matter on this website or the internet. Freedom of speech can be taken away on the internet with a click of a delete/ban/remove button.

    3. Your opinion doesn’t matter on this website or the internet. Freedom of speech can be taken away on the internet with a click of a delete/ban/remove button.

  70. As a recovering anorexic, I have no issue with freedom of speech and the authors right therefore to express his opinions in a public forum. By the same token I reserve the right to express my opinion that this is the most ill informed, uneducated pile of utter bullshit that I have had the displeasure of reading, that in my opinion does encourage and to certain extent glamorize eating disorders. As I said, my opinion only not asking for anyones agreement, am merely exercising my right to freedom of speech.

  71. As a recovering anorexic, I have no issue with freedom of speech and the authors right therefore to express his opinions in a public forum. By the same token I reserve the right to express my opinion that this is the most ill informed, uneducated pile of utter bullshit that I have had the displeasure of reading, that in my opinion does encourage and to certain extent glamorize eating disorders. As I said, my opinion only not asking for anyones agreement, am merely exercising my right to freedom of speech.

  72. As a recovering anorexic, I have no issue with freedom of speech and the authors right therefore to express his opinions in a public forum. By the same token I reserve the right to express my opinion that this is the most ill informed, uneducated pile of utter bullshit that I have had the displeasure of reading, that in my opinion does encourage and to certain extent glamorize eating disorders. As I said, my opinion only not asking for anyones agreement, am merely exercising my right to freedom of speech.