When The Little Inconveniences Of Living Abroad Begin To Add Up

The cashier at the restaurant handed me the credit card terminal. I slid my card into the terminal, as I’d done many times before. As the receipt printed, I removed the card from the terminal—also, as I’d done many times before. It was then she yelled at me.

She was speaking a language I couldn’t understand. Slavic. But, her tone was unmistakable. She was pissed. Then she changed to English:

“Why you remove the card!! It wasn’t done. Now it is all bad.”

She called the younger, male employee over. I assumed it was to fix whatever issue I’d caused with the credit card machine. As she finished talking to him in their native tongue, he turned on me in the same angry tone.

“You CANNOT remove the card!!! Why did you do that?!?! It wasn’t done, you shouldn’t have done that.”

As if I didn’t understand the first time. Finally, I fired back.

“I KNOW. I understand it wasn’t ready. It printed, I thought it was done. You can stop YELLING now.”

Everybody behind me in line looked up, slightly bewildered. I’d had it. I was a paying customer, and while I understood it was my fault—I wasn’t going to sit there and be yelled at. I merely matched their tones. As I left the restaurant, I pulled out my phone and logged onto my bank’s mobile app.

There were two identical charges from the restaurant. The first one had gone through just fine, as I had suspected. It was in this moment… I missed home.

Soviet medicine…

The Doctor

I woke up for the fifth day in a row with a splitting headache, and a bit of light-headedness. I got out of bed, and poured my morning cup of coffee in the hopes that it would solve the problem. For the fifth day in a row, it didn’t. What I initially had assumed was nasty jet-lag was showing symptoms of a nasty sinus infection of sorts.

I emailed multiple “general practitioners” offices that day after their phone numbers never picked up, asking when they had an open appointment, and how much it would cost a foreigner to get a basic checkup for a likely sinus infection. A week later I’d heard nothing.

The symptoms continued. I was always tired. I wasn’t getting my work done. I was cranky and irritable. My girlfriend tried calling around. The one clinic she could get a hold of told her they could see me…in 3 weeks. I started researching natural cures for sinus infections, thinking I’d just be a doctor myself if no doctor in this country wanted to take my money and write me a prescription.

For the next three days, I downed raw garlic with whatever nasty concoction I’d thought of, and hoped it would go away. For two days, I felt like a genius. Then the symptoms returned. Finally, on a Friday afternoon I went to Google again and found a doctor right down the street. I walked into her Soviet-style office. Her entire “office” was one room, with two desks and one patient “table”.

She told me she could see me right then and there. She performed an examination on me while I sat on a plastic chair next to her desk. She wrote me a prescription, and I paid a reasonable $25 for her 5 minute service. A week later, the symptoms persisted. I felt scammed. It was in this moment… I missed home.

The Deliveryman

I was waiting for an expensive package to be delivered by DHL. I’d arranged to be around the whole day. My apartment has four locked doors before you can even ring my doorbell, so I had to be. All morning, I heard nothing. At 11:41am, I refreshed my tracking page and was met with disaray.

“11:32am: Address invalid, please contact DHL to confirm contact.”

I called DHL. Apparently the number the driver had was wrong.

ME“Did the driver think to contact the alternate number on the order?”

DHL: “No.”

“Okay…can you have him drop it off at the local DHL?” (One just five minutes away from me)



“Because. You can pick up the package tonight, at the DHL warehouse. Anytime after 6pm, I think.” (This warehouse being a 1-hour 1-way trip for me)

“Are you SURE it’ll be there at 6pm?”

“No. Maybe 7pm, maybe 8pm. I don’t know.”

I sighed.

I ventured out to the warehouse—my journey entailing two metro lines, and an old-school Soviet style bus. The driver was pissed with me that I didn’t have exact change—this bus wasn’t included on my all-city transit pass, unbeknownst to me (hindsight is 20/20, I should have just taken Uber).

I finally made it to DHL and retrieved my package. As I stood in a grassy, desolate field in the middle-of-nowhere while waiting for the return bus—while holding $1,000+ worth of electronics in my hand—I wondered what the hell I was doing with my life.

It was in this moment… I missed home.

Closing Thoughts

It was these moments that make me ponder whether maybe people are when they think I’m crazy for having moved abroad. It was these moments that make me wonder if I can really live abroad for the rest of my life.

I’ll admit, at first glance, some of these do seem petty. I consider it the price I pay to live abroad, and to live a good life devoid of all of the poisons of western culture. But no matter how patient and tolerant you are, these things can and will eat at you. The little things on a daily basis wear you down over time. What once was a cool and unique adventure—venturing out to DHL in the boonies, for example—becomes a massive waste of time and frustration.

These three stories are just a handful of the consistent things expats deal with on a usual basis. If you’re on shorter trip, you don’t even notice these things. It’s over the long term you lose patience. And your only choice is to suck it up and deal with it, or return to your home country.

Ultimately, what I’ve realized is this—no place is perfect.

If you want to learn how to get more dates, check out my free guide. For more articles, visit my blog This Is Trouble.

Read More: 6 Rules All Expats Should Live By

264 thoughts on “When The Little Inconveniences Of Living Abroad Begin To Add Up”

  1. It’s usually sunshine and roses when you go to a new country and only have to deal with women, waitresses, and shopkeepers. But when you live there long-term and have to do business, find good doctors, and deal with government bureaucrats, it’s easy to get homesick upon considering that the West still excels in these areas. If it wasn’t for the better women and cheaper costs, I’d be back in the States.

        1. Yeah, little Ndesu from Swaziland who walked twenty miles to the well everyday grew up and became a 10!

        2. According to the manosphere she doesn’t hold a candle to the “femininity” of Slavic whores. Which honestly is a very far cry of a notion compared to the universal one of them aging like shit and becoming haggard spinsters with man faces. But hey, muh Svetlana and all that

        3. Hence Aussie or Swedish women are among the worst wife material in the world. Millennial women from those countries who are at least 6’s in the looks department haven’t had to struggle a day in their lives.

        4. I don’t believe in the concept of ‘quality girl’ in terms of wife material…they dont exist anymore nowhere in the world. What you can find is a LESS INSANE woman, who certainly is better company than a fat feminist with tattoos and borderline personality disorder.
          I dont think hardship makes women better directly. They indirectly make them more tamed, via men being men and not feminine, and thus imposing their power. They do this out of fear rather than anything else, I think. Respect out of fear and power is all you can get out of them. I believe the guy (or woman?) who said that women do not love, is correct.
          At the core, women are women and I don’t think they’re particularly different anywhere in the world. Men can be very different…women may APPEAR different, but its more cosmetic and in the short term. In the long term, women worldwide and of all epochs in recorded history are extremely dangerous to man and his freedom. At the very least, a challenge. I think modern western women are in general LESS dangerous than medieval ones…

        5. “Having nothing to struggle against, they have nothing to struggle for” Bukowski. Any real man knows, adversity or hardship are the fires that forge integrity, honor and all good behavioral traits. This life isn’t the phuking matrix, you can’t just learn marital arts and be a master through a simple program upload, even the movie taught this concept. Walt Disney himself understood this, as depicted in his original Cinderella. She was beaten, downtrodden and pretty much a slave. However, this taught her humility, benevolence and how to be a dam good house wife. Not allowing her hidden beauty to falsely create a sense of entitlement and haughtyness

      1. maybe if u give a woman too much comfort it is not good.
        even in most religion the “gods” give you something great when u are dead they dont give u all that you need at once or at least they require you to pray regularly.
        in western societies you give them all they need all at once and they have no reason to be human any more

      2. Because the manosphere worships Eastern Europe. I don’t see any of them saying that the hardship in Haiti or West Africa produces quality women.

        1. MIGHT have something to do with eastern european women having slim bodies and long legs (when young). Maybe…

        2. I have been there and I have lived and worked with Eastern Europeans for 10 years.
          I have also been to places where they have “real hardship” like the Caribbean and South America.

        3. Of course there is much worse, but eastern europe is not the first world and much more corrupt and disorganized.

        4. Being there for vacation and having lived with eastern europeans ten years doesnt equal having LIVED IN EASTERN EUROPE. It’s absolutely not the same experience which makes you realize how shitty the place is. You might know eastern europeans, but maybe not eastern europe.

        5. This makes more sense than exclaiming “they have it hard so they are hotter” bullshit.
          Like someone else said, real hardship is experienced by South Americans and Caribbeans.

        6. Ok but are we seriously debating whether Eastern Europe is shittier than the actual THIRD WORLD??

        7. Life IS harder in eastern europe than the first world. But yeah it doesnt make women hotter. Theyre less feminist because feminism is a first world problem that didnt yet develop as much there because they have other more basic problems to take care of. Thats the ‘advantage’ those women have and what they refer to.
          The hardship makes the men tougher and the women in turn more tamed by them. Life in eastern europe is way harder than in a good american city for many reasons. The first being the people in general are half-retarded.

        8. Eastern europe is SECOND world. You get the first, the third….and the second in the middle. That would be eastern europe.

        9. Yeah. But to be honest we know that if these women were Black from a 3rd world nation we wouldn’t be giving a shit how feminine they are. We wouldn’t even be discussing them.
          In the US these women are considered White so they are worshiped as more feminine and higher quality. It isn’t that men admire all the shit about their culture, they find them hot
          Edit: this also applies to certain Asian countries. Western White men love having hard ons for the “East”.
          What I don’t understand is that if you are red pilled and you believe AWALT, wtf is the point of leaving to go to another country for the women? Seems contradictory and defeatist af to me

        10. I’m Russian and hate Russia and Russian women. Praising Putin, Russia and its women by westerners makes me laugh

        11. There are countries in the “third” world that are more developed than these so called “second” world countries. Countries like South Africa have better infrastructure than Ukraine for example

        12. Beta males from the west struggle to get laid in the western world so they move to poorer countries where they’ll have an economic advantage. Then they rationalize that the women there are so fantastic

        13. You’ve no idea why I was there. Anyway, stop moving the goal posts. Next you’ll say I need to have been born there.

        14. You dont know eastern europe and what I said is fact, yeah debatable by fucking idiots like you. Are you negro? DRINK CYANIDE, NOW.
          YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND LIFE, and you dont know shit. period. I dont think you are valuable. Dint yiu dare talking to me ever again, retard. You are an arrigant shit who thinks he knows when he doesnt.
          YOU HAVENT LIVED IN EASTERN EUROPE, thus you cannot judge it accurately as I and ither are diing. Period. You are wrong, end of story.
          STOP COMMENTING ON THE INTERNET, retard. Your opinions arent eorth shit. YOU ARE NOT INFORMED. Fact. period.
          Fucking idiot. YOU have moved the goalpost there. Retard. Psychopth.
          You havent lived in eastern europe, thus you dont know much about it. Period. You lose. RETARD.
          but now read this carefully:
          I will never think you are right on anything. You are wrong period. Fucking idiot. Another tarded negro narcissist fuck who expects me to believe hes not a fucking idiot while thats all he is.

        15. eastern europe is more corrupt and disorganized is FACT, and whoever denes it is a fucking retard like your mother absolutely is. Fucking retard.

        16. The writer complained that the clinic said he couldn’t see a doc for 3 weeks. In Jamaica (where I’m from [and is definitely considered Third-World]), there is no way anyone would have to wait three weeks to see a doc for treatment of an infection.

      3. They are less spoiled, if you think if Brazilian women all had Hybrid SUVs with Navigation, had their giant Latte at Starbucks, used their credit cards at the Mall and at Target, you think they would be the same? The life circumstances and surrounding culture all have a massive influence on a woman’s behavior.
        Still there are some ridiculously wealthy Brazilian women, these come from families as rich as wealthy Americans, and still they are more feminine than 99 percent of American females. So I guess culture plays a role in this as well.
        Even foreign women who spent most of the formative years overseas who come to the US are noticeably different than those born in the US.

        1. Yes.
          Women are the exact fucking SAME all over the effin world. They change according to circumstances, for that is what women do. They dont have the masculine character by which a man can stand up for himself and what he believes and eventually go against the culture. Haha! Its unimaginable! individualist independence is a man’s quality.
          Women are sheeps and follow the herd and this is not misogyny but fact. So youre right, its about the circumstances and nothing more. Just look at a westernized chinese or indian woman, is she different from a native character wise? No. Women are completely a product of their environment. They have no intrinsic morality or judgement.

        2. It is pretty much circumstances that influence how a woman behaves, thinks, and even her appearance. America women don’t have to be feminine and beautiful mostly because modern America empowers them. In other places you got a culture that is more traditional women follow more feminine behavior.

        3. America empowers them….to not be feminine! Thats an amazing power, isnt it! But I would still rather shoot webs from my wrists.

        4. Yep America empowers them worse than any country on Earth. That is why I don’t bother with women there, they are just not worth all the trouble and effort.

        5. That a woman possesses the ability to adapt to whatever environment or situation she is thrown into by men or life does not make her a sheep. If anything, it makes her a wolf in a world of idiot men that think fluid women are sheep.
          “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” -Charles Darwin

        6. Superior beings dont adapt, fucking idiot. Morons do.
          Survival is worthless, retard.
          Women dont adapt, women follow as sheeps.

        7. Men adapt to environments much better, feminist retarded cunt.
          Women are just sheeps without personality and individuality, fucking retard.

        8. Youre a retard and a troll who just changed username. Youre tarded, period, and yes youre a woman, or a pedophile. Retard.

        9. I stated facts. Cockroaches are the being who adapts the most. Adapting is sign of inferiority.
          LIFE IS DOING WHAT I WANT AND NEVER WHAT SOCIETY ASKS ME, fucking idiot. Only fucking losers like you ‘adapt’, like cockroaches do.
          You are an inferior form of life. Die.

        10. Tarded piece of shit with retarded shit of a profile picture that doesnt mean shit but the fact you have no right to life.
          Purpose of life is realizing you have no right to life.

        11. HAHAHAHA. Your pathetic comments would be more interesting if you were a psychopath. I’m very bored with your trolling.

        12. Who the fuck gives a shit if youre ‘bored’, fucking retard? Boring you is bad? It isnt, fucking retard. Clown. Woman.
          Women dont adapt, they conform. Conformism isn’t a virtue, retard, nor is surviving – cockroaches do that better than anything else.
          Youre tarded, and a factual loser. You lose. I destroyed you existentially – well, your existence destroys itself.

        13. A feminist fuck who thinks women are overall good people who dont deserve scorn. Hahahahha! sure, sure.

        14. You sure give me a lot of attention for being such a hater. Maybe you should charge me. :*

        15. You must be a neo-Zeitgeist or some other basement scum. Has your mom rung the dinner bell, yet? Lmao. Damn picture-less troll.

    1. Yep, shorter trips, hell, even 3 months…it’s all gravy.
      It’s when you have to get real-life shit done. The majority of the world fails in comparison to the States.

      1. Hey… would it kill you to tell us exactly what country you speak of here?
        Just curious, but I’m thinking Ukraine (?)

    2. It’s important to strategically network, you gotta get Machiavellian with that shit!
      If you meet a guy who’s a doctor invite him out with you, show him a good time, and before you know it you know half the general staff, and you’re playing soccer every Wednesday with the top Podiatrist in the city.
      Able to get appointments at the drop of a hat, advice and your insulin refills for free.
      “Oh, you want a great private English tutor for your son? Well I don’t do that anymore, but let me connect you with someone.”

    3. I gotta admit, no other country beats the U.S. in regards to customer service and treating paying guests with the utmost respect and always giving them the benefit of the doubt when dealing with complaints etc.
      I’m amazed at just how comparatively pitiful it can be even in culturally similar nations like Australia. A young receptionist at a $100+ dollar a night hotel called me “dude” there. Not like I’m offended of course, it’s just a far too casual greeting completely out of place for the environment, like he couldn’t separate his work from his surfing persona. Even with the most minor of complaints at an Aussie hotel or restaurant, you can tell by the expression on their face and tone of voice it’s like you just ruined their day. What’s in their head is something along the lines of “well go home if you don’t like it ya fuckin’ Yank”.
      Pitiful. I know there’s plenty of issues in the states but there’s also lots of stuff we do better than anybody else.

        1. Yet despite my disdain for foreign living, you are correct , our service industry has fallen tremendously! Airline companies in the US are the prime example. Wretched old phuking hags, hips so wide they can’t fit down the aisle, desperately grasping on to the fleeting hints of youth, regretting all the whoring they did all those years now single, fat, ugly and alone taking out their anger and frustration on us, the paying, pleasant still young and handsome customers. Amazon helps make up for this lacking

        2. Oh yeah, a few years back I did a whole lot of flying, international and domestic. American airlines have gone to hell in a handbasket, the stews are now a bunch of ill-tempered, menopausing battle axes. A domestic flight in the US is now just something to be gotten through.
          When I worked international, I was flying clean across the planet at a minimum of 12 times a year, either going to or coming back. Emirates has got them all beat, hands down, in terms of flight attendants and all around service. I’d put Singapore Airlines a close second.

        3. I don’t think I have ever been dragged off an overbooked flight on Lufthansa.
          Car dealerships in America are the worst of the worst, complete scumbags who make buying a car a headache.

        4. A lot of European carriers have fallen down. British Airways is probably one the major carriers that lost its luster. AliItalia and Iberia are bad too.
          There are still many good European Airlines, Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines are two of the best. Swiss International is another good one.
          That being said none of the major European carriers can compete with Emirates and Singapore. They are still though better than any US carrier.

        5. European carriers used to be top notch. British Airways has fallen down lately. Lufthansa still is one of the best in the world. Swiss and KLM are also good. Still won’t hold a candle to Emirates.

        6. Never flown Etihad, missed that one, but I concur, loved flying Emirates, even their Economy wasn’t half bad.

        7. United didn’t do the dragging – those were cops. But there are plenty of other reasons to dislike United.

        8. Still a bad airline, none of the US Domestic carriers are good. My point is that someone is stating that American customer service is wonderful when in many cases it’s not.
          Even the low cost European carriers like Ryan Air are better to fly on than United or Delta.

      1. Let this be clear, northern europe is as (or more?) organized as north america. The rest of the world is behind.

        1. You forgot Japan, they make both look bad in comparison. The way things are going in Europe, it won’t be such a nice place. I lived in Germany for a decade, I go there every now and then, and would never want to live there. France would be an absolute no go for me, its been far gone for a while. France was sinking for a long time, when I first came to Europe in the 1990s, I was in Germany, which was much better back in those days, I visited France a few times and it was not the same, also everything in France is more expensive than Germany and lower quality.
          I hear stuff about French women being the pinnacle of beauty, if you like unshaved underarms and body odor, you might hit the jackpot there in France. French women by far have the worst grooming and hygiene habits of any country I have visited.

        2. French beauty is a myth. It is largely based on the old movie actresses, but you don’t see that level of talent on the streets of Paris.
          I think the French value beauty so much because they lack it themselves.

      2. I have stayed in 2 to 3 star hotels all over Europe, often amazed how professional the staff are in most of them. As far as Australia, well that is the way they are, I guess living in a place with constant sunny weather and beaches makes them that way. I visited Australia once, thought it wasn’t a place to meet women, the local women are there are almost the same as North American women, and the only good ones were European backpackers and Asian immigrants, and those were only around for a little while.

      3. 1) American honesty/bluntness
        2) American work ethic
        3) American optimism
        ^Three things I miss the most when I’m abroad. Moving overseas is the easy way out. I’m either going to help turn this ship around… Or go down with it.

        1. Americans are known as “rude” because of our brutal honestly. In most of the world’s cultures, it is proper to tell someone what they want to hear, rather than the truth.

        2. If you ever have an extended conversation with a German you would think the glass is half empty, many Germans are quite negative, not all, but I notice its a lot.
          That being said I do not think Americans are as optimistic as they used to be, the films and TV shows reflect this as well as the media and politics. It really depends where you live in America, I think smaller places you meet more upbeat and positive people, in the large cities you do not get that feeling, also you constantly feel like a stranger and other people treat you like one, there is no sense of community in the cities in America. The cities are only good for the immigrants, who create their own little tight knit communities, but for regular middle Americans, I do not see LA or Chicago being an ideal place to live.

        3. Honesty depends upon where you live in America, I think in the big cities, people tend to be politically correct, especially in the West Coast, no one really speaks their mind. Its more in the Midwest and Southeast where you see people talk in a direct manner.
          I thought Germans easily put many Americans to shame, the media there might be different, but everyday people are pretty straight with you when you speak to them.

        4. Only people who tend to say it like it is are law enforcement people in America. Everyone else is too PC.

        5. Really…try France or Israsel for rudeness…and if you’re spending money why should you have to take any sh*t off anyone?

      4. Agree, but customer service has really gone downhill in Australia. It was never comparable to America, but it was much better in the 90s and early 00’s than it is now.
        Americans are the best to do business with, no doubt. They don’t mess around and they take customers seriously.

    4. This what I tell people all the time. Holidays are great but when you live and work in another country it soon becomes mundane.

    5. And so I walked a winding way
      Through hollows, and fog, and fields
      My hands harvested lifetimes
      My soul played among the yield
      Further up and further in
      Over nights and beyond days
      My hands reached out for balance
      My mind raced before the fray
      After twists and hazards
      The path wound back to home
      My hands held those I longed for
      My heart yet dreamed to roam

    6. I know your current country is anonymous so I won’t bother asking but….
      Have to say, my experience is the exact opposite on the bureaucratic level. Both in Poland and Italy. Hell, in Italy before I spoke the language, they actually called in a guy from outside the Comune that spoke English so they could help me out. Nice as could be.
      Spoke even less Polish and got a ton of help as well. (Hah, still can’t really handle Polish. Tough one for me! :-D)
      After a lifetime in the US, never got anything like -that- from a government worker. 🙂

      1. Good point re: bureaucrats. Some countries really do have nice, efficient ones. But what amazed me when living overseas was how rude and inefficient the private sector workers are, as though they have very little interest in making a profit.

        1. This is true. Except for the rude part. I haven’t run into any rudeness, but what I have run into is different concepts of what “on-time” means. I exclude Poland from this but there is a sense of “It will get done someday, just not today” attitude in the private sector in Italy. When the appointment is at 8, expect them to show up at 8:30. Trouble is, I ran into plenty of the same thing in the US and at least in Italy they can claim it’s a cultural thing. 😀
          And no, profit isn’t their driving force. One could probably write a book on it, but I never ever get asked what I do unless it’s somebody I’ve known for awhile. It’s just not on their agenda. It’s actually easy to get used to it too. I ran into some Americans recently and the preoccupation with work was a tad jarring.
          There is one thing regarding the private sector I think in both Poland and Italy. If they don’t like you, good luck getting a damn thing done. This is why people skills is very very important if you leave the US behind. You’ve got to be good with people. Otherwise, welcome to hell. 😀

    7. So you found that dealing with government bureaucrats was better out in the states? What was it faster or cleaner?

    8. Having lived and worked overseas for nearly 10 years of my life, all in 4 different countries, I share the authors sentiment and frustration. After the initial attraction wears off you hit a plateu. As men we try and logically work through the little inconveniences, to avoid or at least manage better. If the phrase “M’am sir M’am”, “Same same but different”, “I give you besta price!”, Or my favorite phrase to despise, “Oh, you have-a warry big-a cock-a, warry nice-a!” begins to truly irritate you, like it does me after a short while, then you know what I’m talking about. I may be a handsome feller but my tool is just average I’m afraid, stop the lies and deceit! I feel as though folks are raised to take advantage of the foreigners at every opportunity. It’s draining having to be on your guard all the time. Hands down folks who are born and raised in the US, most of us, are genuinely intelligent and down right civil, genuine and have integrity. That you can’t buy my friends. JM.02$

    9. ” If it wasn’t for the better women and cheaper costs, I’d be back in the States”
      Other thought for you Roosh: no telling where the Orwellian trail in america is heading will lead. They might just decide to put an arrest warrant out for manosphere writers. You at least will have a fighting chance being in Poland where the logistics of aprehending you will be more difficult.

  2. FTA:
    devoid of all of the poisons of western culture.
    Oh really? You mean that all the other cultures don’t have poisons? I think we have stumbled upon your very first delusion. Spolied, ungrateful and uninformed.

  3. I truly support all you digital nomads, of course, but this is largely why I personally prefer travel and circular migration (and eventually some of you might return to your home country so that would leave you in the circular migration category as well). With this approach I can either split up my year in small slices of traveling for days and weeks, or in some cases be away for a couple of months. Consequently I have money for hostels, hotels, transportation, alcohol, food, activities/sightseeing, but still don’t have to deal with all the material and cultural downsides of living in East Asia, South America or (Eastern) Europe.
    Generally the phenomenon described in the article manifests the flip side of the coin and grass is always greener on the other side dilemma. It is a cliche but nevertheless true. The approach briefly outlined above shows the most optimal compromise IMHO, but we are all different.

  4. This is partly why I prefer travel and circular migration (and eventually some of you might return to your home country so that would leave you in the circular migration category as well). With this approach I can either split up my year into small slices of traveling for days and weeks, or in some cases be away for a couple of months. Consequently I have money for hostels/hotels, transportation, alcohol, food, activities/sightseeing etc, but still don’t have to deal with all the material and cultural downsides of living abroad permanently.
    The phenomenon described in the article manifests the flip side of the coin and grass is always greener on the other side dilemma. It is a cliche but nevertheless true.

  5. your first anecdote sounds like a seinfeld episode. actually, the whole article sounds like a seinfeld episode

    1. “Then Crazy Ivan, not Soviet Ivan, came by and asked me why I wasn’t at the party. Can you believe it? What’s up with that? Anyway, by the time I’d explained that I had gotten a hole in my boot and had been walking all over the city looking for a new one, and none of the shops had my size…”
      [Door swings open and Gregor slides into the apartment with a wild look in his eyes]
      “Das boot!?” He exclaims and slams the door.

      1. Gregor had easier time than kramer being the voice of moviefone in eastern bloc countries- only one movie and one time to remember

    1. sounds like being a waitress in EE is a high stress gig- suicide rates must be sky high

  6. Re. restaurants ripping you off, you can always threaten to report you to the council / city inspectors who are often hot on all the scams (unless their getting backhanders or something)

  7. There’s a price to pay for everything, my friend. Always remember that.
    On a flip side, in places where everything works and society is highly efficient, there’s even a higher price to pay. For example, I had to pay over 1000 Swiss Francs for over speeding in one of their very very long tunnels in Switzerland. And that’s nothing, how about this guy who had to pay … wait for it … $290,000 for the same traffic offense. His penalty was calculated based on his wealth.

    1. Hah, yeah. Rule 1: don’t screw around with Switzerland.
      Also it’s sooo expensive there!!! Love the mountains though. 🙂
      I do admire their can-do attitude about preparedness however. When you’re driving on your way into Switzerland you may notice some large-ish circular things along the side of the road. Missile silos.
      A friend described it best I think. Switzerland is a lot like Ghandi, telling the world to be peaceful. While holding a big-ass machine gun. 😀

  8. Yep, being an expat always comes with a bit of frustration, it’s how you deal with it that sets you apart from the weak who are crying because they aren’t able to put ketchup on their food. They inevitably leave after two months.
    Personally I’d’ve laughed in their faces, not a chuckle either- a big booming laugh. “Oh, you’re getting pissed about this mistake I made? So fucking what?”
    Menial workers getting annoyed with you or trying to rip you off are perfect examples of what I like to call ‘little victories’.
    So some barely literate shit is gonna shout at me? Well they can.
    They can pour on all that emotion like nuts on the shit sundae that is their life.
    When I’m earning sometimes ten times their monthly salary, hobnobbing with the cities elite, and then drinking for gratis at the bars my contacts own, and they’re cleaning spit off the floor on a 60 hour week, think I care?
    You can suck my dick Gregorz.

    1. “I’m an Arabian sheik. I tempt western instagram models to my palace with the promise of vast riches, then shit on their chests”…… some Arabian sheik…..

      1. ‘and failing that I kidnap them over the dark web…which I use for child and animal porn too…’

      2. “Arabs always use ‘Instagram model’ as code word for some goat that they raped” – Ghandi

  9. These are because eastern europe is borderline third world in terms of organization.
    Try actual first world europe. The efficiency is sometimes scary. The social system is utterly predictable. You can’t get bureaucratic problems in Scandinavia, even if you try. While in southern Italy and I suspect Greece and eastern europe, its the norm. You cannot get predictable delivery there.
    These in the post have nothing to do with ‘being a foreign country’.
    Oh, but you say you wanted to be away from ‘western culture’. Well, as you can see, western culture is still better than the alternatives (in terms of social organization and resulting quality of life…which I would say is the number one priority for anyone except somebody looking for ‘adventure’ all the time).
    The first world is where to be at this time. Yes it is in decay, yes there is the madness….but you can bet it’s still better than eastern europe (except perhaps ‘the women’…which you really shouldnt care about at this point).
    Societal organization is inferior everywhere outside central/northern europe and north america. I would rather be there than anywhere else and I would be rather happy. A few hiccups, but nothing in comparison to the constant lack of organization of any other place.
    Yes, people suck everywhere. The keyword here is organization. No matter how shitty first world people are, its still the better organized society where you get almost no daily chagrins in comparison. First world people are still more civilized than anywhere else.

  10. There is a difference between being a boy and a man, a man will accept a situation and deal with its challenges, a little boy will whine about little things like the bath towels not being soft enough. If you want change in your life you got to be ready to accept the other things that come with the change.
    The part about the bad doctor, given the situation in the US, with high insurance and copayments I thought the care I get is quite good. There are also huge numbers of third world foreign doctors in America, many of them are money grubbing scam artists. Had a friend who had a Middle Eastern immigrant doctor who dropped his insurance and told him he had to pay him cash to see him. He wound up having to go to another physician.
    When I first got to Europe, I became accustomed to walking more and as well as using public transport. Many Americans outside of certain key metro areas would frown up on this, but I enjoyed it and it was also a great way to meet people, especially women. Also I went to a society that tends to use cash for virtually all consumer transactions, guess what, I wound up not overspending and keeping to a budget. Most Americans are in debt, most people in the country where I had to use cash, Germany, are not.

    1. Kyle is emphasizing shitty and belligerent customer service and your talking about bath towels not being soft enough. Look up the ‘false equivalency’ fallacy and your today’s winner.

      1. There is NO ‘custumer service’ outside of the first world (northern america, central/northern europe and maybe Japan).
        They are inferior even as merchants and just dont do business right and understand basic concepts as good custumer service and its benefits to YOUR OWN business, its not ‘altruism’ at all.
        Same for anything we attribute to the word ‘professionalism’. Its a first world concept, you dont get it anywhere but in the first world. And southern and eastern europe…are NOT first world when observed carefully.
        Its just a matter of inferior intelligence and culture in that area (as in most others). Else, they would be in the first world earning way more money and doing high profile business instead of bwing basically scammers.

  11. Yeah, some people aren’t cut out for the expat thing, it’s true.
    Curiously I was in an even worse predicament myself out in the Czech Republic. Back then I still had stupid US banks and as such, a US card to use. So of course, there I am trying to pay for the meal and the stupid thing simply refuses go through!! I try another card. And another. ALL of them failed to work. And naturally, I didn’t have enough cash with me at the time. Ugh! What to do??
    Then the owner just said in very terrible broken english: “No problem, you pay next time.”

    Thank you GOD for getting me out of the US! 😀
    I actually stopped by later that day to pay after yelling at some stupid idiots thousands of miles away. Moral of the story: carry cash or get a bank out of the US. I did both.
    I’ve nothing but positive things to say about the healthcare though. In Italy anyway. I know, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! OH NOES! But if I was hard up for cash I could get -decent- care for free. (I went through the process once just as an experiment.) But since I’m not, I can go to private clinics and pay out a whopping… 20 euros!? Sometimes less! No health insurance here you see. 😉
    As for deliveries, I don’t even let them deliver anymore. Easier for me (and them) if I just head out there myself and pick everything up. That’s more due to the fact that I’m in Italy at the moment however. Never had any delivery issues in Poland. But the mail here… I mean in one sense it’s nice. Google, Maps, and everyone else CANNOT find my address. It sends them to the totally opposite end of town. However, if I want a package delivered that’s an issue. So after my probably 20th truck that just can’t find me, I went over there and told them to just hold on to them now till I can get out there. “No problem!” the guys said. (Well not really. None of them spoke english.) But that’s all squared now. I just wait till I have 2 or more packages and head on out there. Semplice!
    However some things to note:
    *) I’m a citizen of 2 nations out here. This cuts out tons of red tape other foreigners usually have to deal with.
    *) I have my own car.
    *) I get along with just about everyone.
    As such, I haven’t had a single moment where I’ve missed home. The expat thing isn’t for everyone though. And that’s ok. 🙂

      1. That’s the kicker. US healthcare isn’t really free market. 😀
        But we like to pretend it is. 😀

        1. Erm… Well…
          Italian taxes are high. But… I had an effective lower tax rate in Italy than in the US. 😀
          And despite what people said, dealing with Guardia di Finanza is a hell of an improvement over dealing with the IRS.
          That was before I started finding out about some tax benefits in other nations. Malta for instance. Play it right there, and you’ll get a lovely pay increase thanks to lower taxes. 😀
          Oh and for other Americans. I cannot even describe the feeling … of filling out your last W-whatever form and sending it in to the IRS. Feeling “free” doesn’t even come close to describing it.

        2. Socialized medicine by govt (communist) or Corporatized medicine by insurance companies/drug companies (fascist).
          They both suck.

        3. 7% income tax in Taiwan. There is also VAT. But we get US smokes for about a buck and a half and US produce is cheaper here than back in the States. And there’s Costco here.

        4. Now THAT… is something I can get behind. Taxes in Europe are pretty messy. In my case they’re a lot better than the US but can’t touch a figure like 7%! Excellent!!
          (In fact, I’d have paid higher taxes just not to deal with the IRS but that’s another story.)

      2. Actually in Poland they have a very rational two tier approach…wait for an appointment for three weeks in the socialized medicine or pay $20 cash and be seen immediately.

        1. Ah, so it’s somewhat similar to Italy then. In my socialized medicine experiment, I got in that same week. Granted, that could be an anomaly but I was expecting a lot longer.
          As for the private clinics, love them to death. Just thinking back to all the health insurance I paid for in the states… PLUS copays. UGH! 🙂

      3. See a doctor within a couple of hours without an appointment here in Taiwan, sooner if you’re in pain. Almost the same with the dentist.

  12. As someone below asked a question why decent women only “grow” in poor environment, here’s something else to consider. If you study this graph of deaths from drug overdose you will notice that the more developed and more northern the country the more people abuse dangerous drugs.
    The more developed the country, the bigger the prison and the worst off people are in very respect.

    1. I don’t know man. If men were asked to rate the attractiveness of women around the world, European women would come out on top regardless of whether they came from the Eastern bloc of from the Northwest. Swedish women are stereotyped as hot just as much as Bulgarian or Ukrainian women. It’s just that in the manosphere the stereotypes of Swedish women come as blue haired man hating dykes. Men outside of the manosphere just look at all Euro women as the hottest regardless of political situation of their country. I.e. a Romanian has the same standing as a Dane and so on.
      Why do you think even red pilled men don’t find women from the Congo to be hot? Just coming from a shitty country isn’t enough.

  13. I enjoy traveling, but as all things must, including good things, it has to come to an end sometime. Every humans needs a “home” and the human condition dictates this. Sure there are a few who can lead a true nomad lifestyle, but every human desires a home base at some point in time.
    I enjoy being on the road for weeks at times, but always find solace when I return home even though it is really just a room in a buddy’s house who is more then happy to take a few hundred bucks a month for me to store my stuff there effectively.
    Being a “nomad” sounds like a good deal in your 20’s 30’s and probably even 40’s if you are healthy. But you can’t grow old in those countries unless you can establish some type of permanent residency. Your energy levels will start tanking around 50 and those countries don’t have the capacity to deal with creeping health issues. Do the international travel when you are younger, but if you are a US citizen plan to get back here in your 40’s. We have a big vast country that is still great (believe it or not) and that isn’t going to really fall for another 25-50 years (these things do not die overnight but when they are dead they are dead). Plenty of nomad activity can be found within our borders. The only difference is that you will be in a first world country. And if you are one to complain about western women or the taint of modernity there are many communities around this vast country that have been untouched from the happenings of the last 20-30 years. You just have to find them. I will not give away their location but they are dotted mostly throughout the Northwest and Southwest.

    1. Being born in the US rather than eastern europe, or even worse shitholes is certainly a blessing. Unfortunately I didn’t get that.

      1. Fortunately you can just sneak in and then stay because that is apparently a constitutional right or something like that….

      2. Yes and no. Yes, in that there is more opportunity… I guess. In my case not really. However if I hadn’t have been born in the US, I may not do what I do now for a living. So, you’re probably right.
        Hey, it’s too bad I couldn’t just trade my citizenship for wherever you’re from. That would have been nice. I’d have gotten out from under the IRS faster and you’d get US citizenship. 😀

    2. Lots of “red pilled” men really have self delusions. They want a supermodel who is desired by all men and can get any man she wants but then they want her to be some chaste angel who saved herself for them.
      On top of this they completely write off all American women as fat blue haired lesbians when truthfully they are either afraid to approach or they haven’t been honest with themselves as to why women they like disrespect them. Sometimes it is a combo of the two.
      I agree you can’t try and reform a slut but if you’re not finding the type of women you want then you’re not looking hard enough or you’re not the type of man THEY want. Work on that instead of thinking that leaving is going to solve your problems. You’ll just run into different ones and the “quality” of women won’t make up for everything else.

      1. “but if you’re not finding the type of women you want then you’re not
        looking hard enough or you’re not the type of man THEY want.”
        I don’t give a sh*t about what they want. They want aggressive, tattooed, loud mouthed a-holes who go take them to clubs every night. Females in the 40s and 50s wanted honest, decent, intelligent, hard working good providers. Because in the 40s and 50s they lived in the real world without AA, EEOC, welfare, food stamps, head start, and no fault divorce.
        In the real world, people are judged on their ability alone, not their sex organs or their race. There are no hiring quotas or civil rights division of the DOJ in the real world. In the real world, men work and bring home the bacon, and women stay home and take care of the house and family. But we do not live in the real world any more. The 60s changed that. The 60s ruined America.
        But I really don’t care.
        I am an outcast since birth.
        I am on the outside looking in.
        I bang high priced escorts who don’t care if I live or die. Come to think of it, neither do I.

        1. I hate it when you are down on yourself like this, A.S.
          You come across as a good dude, and you’re a pro in your field.
          Your self-esteem should be better. I know some REAL fucking losers… alcoholics, gambling addicts, drug addicts, guys with multiple divorces,, a guy stealing everything that isn’t tied down at his workplace, a guy who rips off friends on car repairs, peeps who are in their 50’s and make good money but don’t have a pot to piss in cuz of various stupid behaviors, etc., etc.
          You are the total package compared to a lot of guys in my world.

        2. Thanks BED!
          You are a positive influence to be sure. Had some shit happen a few weeks ago, and I suppose I am still “venting”. I’ll get through it. Always do. Thanks for the support!
          BTW, have you been over to the “other place” yet? They’re yukking it up over there…

        3. Alright man you hate it here. Not my job to convince you. Just saying that other men have made it work here so you not being able to doesn’t mean jack shit

        4. Just checked it out. Interesting. The banter there is funnier, but so far I still like this site for the articles/subjects and authors.
          Recently discovered TakiMag, and like it a lot also.

        5. I don’t “hate it here”.
          I get by here.
          I have not been “treated well” here, but that does not mean I think I would have been treated better anywhere else.
          I know it could be worse.
          Sure, other men have made it work. Some have found fantastic females. I know this. They know how to “play the game”, and I do not.
          But…I do have a 7 figure net worth. I do make a 6 figure top 7% ( or maybe 6% or 5%) yearly income. I do bang 7s/8/s9/10s from escort services 3 times a week. So maybe I am doing better than some guy who played football in high school and sh*tted on me back in the 80s??? Is that possible???
          Oh, and I should also say.
          Those football jocks from back in the 80s. Would they want to face me one on one in a fight now??? I am 51, but I look like 35. I work out regularly and stay fit and trim. You should see what some of these fat asses from back in HS look like now. And also…OMEGA RAGE! It’s a thing to BEHOLD!

        6. Yeah I agree.
          That site is fun. Kind of like your favorite neighborhood bar.
          This site is informative. TakiMag is great. Being going there for years from links to it from LewRockwell.com.
          VDare.com is great too.

        7. Good site, glad to see ROK’s old guard commentors there. Shame, though, that they were either banned here or otherwise felt forced to might to an alternate site.

        8. Truth…nothing more to say!
          And…It’s worth reiterating: “The 80s really, really (except certain genre of music) sucked”.

        9. “Just saying that other men have made it work here …”
          Yeah, a few years ago I thought that too. Now, well over half of those guys who “made it work here” have been dragged into the divorce courts against their will, raped, separated from their children / you get the idea …

        10. Not sure what’s allowed, but….I can take it. I’d rather have honesty than sugar coated BS.

        11. Yeah, almost impossible to “make it work” here. Only two ways, as I see it:
          1) You are VERY religious, like an Evangelical or Morman or something and when in your 20s marry a like minded female maybe 5-10 years younger than you.
          2) You marry a hot young girl with a submissive personality and she stays faithful to you while you cheat every now and then as she ages.
          1 does exist for guys like Tim Tebow. 2 exists for guys like George Clooney. But for the rest of us?
          Other then that, yeah, divorce rape & child support rape looms large.

        12. Oh no, they’re good to go. At least based on some of the posts in this thread! 😀

        13. Yeah, that “Person” troll is something else. Real idiot. Amazing they haven’t deleted his comments/banned him yet.
          Other than that this was a good article for comments. Stirred up a lot of good discussion — some heated. Nothing wrong with that.

      2. A lot of truth in what you said.
        Though… American women (and UK) are a lot chunkier. I mean… A LOT. I did a lot of re-evaluating what I considered to be attractive after getting out of Dodge.
        However… one shouldn’t leave a country over something as ridiculous as poor women. That’s just… well… ridiculous. I left for an entire laundry list of reasons. Women didn’t even rate in the top ten. 😀

    3. “But you can’t grow old in those countries unless you can establish some type of permanent residency”
      My friend is a 91 year old who lives in Latin America and travels quite a bit for an old guy. The medical care is good here and inexpensive here (at private hospitals – not the horrible govt ones) with many first world trained physicians.
      He does 90 day visa runs. I don’t why he just doesn’t get residency. It’s not very expensive or complicated.
      “…those countries don’t have the capacity to deal with creeping health issues.”
      Creeping health issues are the mainly the result of eating crap food and never exercising and taking every drug that the doctor tells you to take to fight the symptoms…but not the underlying problem.
      “…that isn’t going to really fall for another 25-50 years”
      That’s about what the CIA said about the Soviet Union circa 1990.
      “Do the international travel when you are younger, but if you are a US citizen plan to get back here in your 40’s.”
      No thanks…but if conditions change significantly, for sure!
      “Plenty of nomad activity can be found within our borders…I will not give away their location but they are dotted mostly throughout the Northwest and Southwest.”
      I agree. The West is the best. Never been past the Rockies except for airports to transfer to an international flight…no desire to ever go past the Rockies.
      The DC/New Yawk/Baston tyranny has pretty much destroyed the West.

      1. Yes the West is the best. Nothing degenerate about Loud Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, or Seattle. It’s all the Bos Wash corridor

        1. Ha ha, it’s not all perfect of course…
          The large cities unfortunately do have some undue influences that crept in over the decades.
          “Loud Angeles” I like that…never heard that before, very fitting

  14. A western-raised person will not be able to adapt to the simplicity of life outside the hustle and bustle of western society without some major set backs. The “poisons of western culture” you mention is both, a mental conditioning one must learn to break free from when leaving common society, and a chemical defect from eating bad food and living in polluted environments.
    In the west we have computers, fast-paced businesses, stocks, numbers, wifi, etc. Our brains think in hundreds of directions and process more information than ever before in human history. If one wishes to abandon this unnatural self-destructive lifestyle, meditation and drastic changes to how one approaches and perceives life must be made. We weren’t raised to enjoy the pleasures of daily rituals, such as living in a place long enough to know exactly how much change and old soviet bus requires.
    To enjoy a lifestyle outside of what you are used to, you must stay there long enough to understand the flow of it’s culture and social norms. Become one with the people and all these “inconveniences” will magically vanish. A real traveler enters a new place with the intention of abandoning their understanding of the other worlds they left behind. Go, and don’t come back.

    1. Social norms arent god or good or the standard, fucking idiot.
      THE MORE YOU FOLLOW SOCIETY THE MORE YOURE INFERIOR, fucking idiot who denies the obvious!
      Adapting to society isnt a virtue, fucking idiot.
      fucking idiot.

        1. Women dont adapt to fucking shit. Women dont behave in a way worthy of praise, fucking idiot. Women are inferior to men as humans, everything else is delusion.

      1. The hell??
        The person merely mentioned to adapt to a scenario, you can’t dictate the rules of engagement but you can either play by the rules or not.

        1. I make the rules, and the rules is that everyone must piss on your face.
          Rules are for fucking idiots like you and your mother.

    2. Nobody has to ‘enjoy’ anything, fucking idiot. This site is about being RIGHT, and whoever is right suffers more, fucking cockroach who must enjoy life, and thus be wrong.
      Fun is for fucking idiots and children. This is a serious conversation on being RIGHT. get the fuck outta here, cockroach. You are not right and never will be.

  15. Living overseas definitely comes with challenges. And not the challenges that people are expecting. Sometimes they are just completely random, out of the blue obstacles that you never see coming. I once spent six weeks on Lampedusa on a work project. At the end of the project, I went to pay my hotel bill (six weeks of accommodations plus meals was a lot) but the hotel manager would not accept a credit card. He insisted I pay in cash. He was afraid that he wouldn’t actually get paid or something. I never quite understood it. Went to a bank in town but my company card’s cash advance limit was well below the $4k or so that I needed for the bill. It ended up being a huge deal, I missed my flight and had to catch one the next day. Trust me I’m not complaining about getting to spend part of July and all of August on Lampedusa; I’m just saying that being in those places comes with a cost.

    1. Sicilians are insane. And backwards as fuck. Thats why he didnt accept your credit card: he doesnt know what credit means. And/or, he didnt want to pay taxes. Nobody pays taxes in sicily. Sicily doesnt respect the rule of government, it respects the mafia only. They dont consider themselves italians.
      So as the article itself, this has more to do with the specific areas and cultures being visited than ‘living abroad’ in general. Sicily isnt a normal place.

        1. I was always told that of all Italian Americans, Sicilians were the most successful.
          Of course, it was my father’s side of the family that kept saying this…

        2. Oh no. The most successful are:
          The Italians in whatever region you happen to be in at the moment. 😀
          Lots of regional dislike going on. And in truth, the north does in fact subsidize the south. One of the Venetian politicians … a couple years back I think, said something to the effect of: “We have acres and acres of forests and have 2 park rangers. Sicily barely has any forest at all and somehow needs 40 park rangers.”
          SO yeah, definitely some problems.

        3. “Lots of regional dislike going on. And in truth, the north does in fact subsidize the south.”
          Yeah, I know this is true.
          But…most Italian Americans are of Southern descent. So perhaps (just perhaps) the best of the south is now (for over 100 years) here in the northeast US? Is that possible?
          Anyway, I only hope the best for Italy. Keep the Africans and Muzzies out. Stay true to Christians beliefs. And stay true to traditional values.

        4. That is true for Italian-americans. Vast majority are from the south. Kind of funny with Americans because they expect things in the north that simply don’t exist.
          For my part, I prefer the south. Warmer weather! But then I thought even the Venetians were friendly which I’m assured by every single Italiano, including other Venetians… is the most unfriendly region in Italy. 🙂

        5. Even the Barese (my evil witch of a mother’s side) think Northerners are not “real Italians”…

        6. My first time to the Veneto. Big bit of graffiti on a bridge. Neatly printed in crisp clear white letters, and in English no less:
          I think the Venetians don’t think they’re Italian either. 🙂

        7. Entirely seperate topic, but how well do Italian American men do with Italian women out there?

        8. Good question. I have heard zilch in the manosphere about positive attributes of Italian women from Italy. It might just be that they aren’t worth a man’s time. You don’t really hear *anything* about any Mediterranean women really. Nobody in the manosphere is telling guys to bang Italy or Spain. Shit from what I hear Spaniard men can’t even fuck their own women so they buy lots of sex. Maybe it’s the same in Italy? Who knows.
          I also hear the competition in the Mediterranean world is fierce. That the women can be good looking but the men can be as well (I have heard more women say Med men are hot than men say Med women are hot). Maybe this doesn’t help either and makes the Mediterranean a woman’s market from many sources I have heard. But I personally have never been to the Mediterranean. My stories actually come from Western women who have gone there for sex tourism. Apparently Med men love Western women and maybe that is an indication their own broads don’t put out or are nasty.
          From pics I have seen of women in the Mediterranean region they don’t seem particularly special. Especially in Spain where they just look like darker versions of hipster and “bohemian” women from the American South.
          Maybe the Italian woman from Italy is a shit counterpart of her Northeastern American version?

        9. You are fucking spot-on man, fucking spot-on. You have good observation in having spotted how mediterranean women are never mentioned and how Italy and Spain and barely mentioned on this site as well.
          Wanna stay anonymous, but I can say I lived most of my life in Italy. Italian women are very provincial and dont consider men from abroad (which was NOT my case really), to begin. Sophia Loren refused to marry the top american actors of her time for this reason alone.
          Italian women are shallow, materialistic, and all that…their personalities are horrible and yes, they do resemble northern american ones, differences being mainly cosmetic.
          I could write a book or two on the topic but it would be silly to do that here. I’ll stop right here and confirm what you said to be correct.
          edit – decided to add a few thoughts:
          Italian women are known to be perhaps the most ‘difficult to bang’ in the world, numero uno. They tend to be supremely and annoyingly narcissistic as fuck. Bottom line, stay away. Stay the fuck away. Most women I had affairs with were italian. Not worth it at all. Like eastern europeans, they tend to age horribly. Their personalities are most terrible, some of the most ignorant and arrogant you will meet. No sophistication if not for picking shoes that are out of place with the situation (italian women tend to dress like theyre going to a wedding just to hang around, that’s not what I call having a good style and also, I think their shoes and general outfit generally looks stupid) or for being a pseudo intellectual who reads many books but still understands nothing about life. They’re also some of the most spoiled women, they are way too dear to the family. And the family opens a can of worms…the family decides everything for them, zero independence, zero adulthood (in degrees).
          As for liking the appearance, thats more subjective. I dont like them at all. At all. I like nordic people.
          edit 2: especially the southerners, live in a post-feminism matriarcal situation where they actually control the family and those around them. Feminism isn’t needed there, because matriarchy is what it is. You’d have better luck with an american in terms of being respected as a man. This conflicts with the ‘machi’ attitude of italian men though, and so it might sometimes appear like they, the men, are in control. In the southern part of Italy, I think its safe to say that women control absolutely everything. Welcome to the third world; its very close to Africa too. Sicily is my definition of hell, I’m not fucking kidding. Don’t ever go there to live, I know a dutch man who ended up taking his own life after foolishly marrying a sicilian woman. You have to know them to understand what I mean. Theyre fucking crazy, deep in the soul.

        10. Heh. Well let’s put it this way. Dating an American is a big thing out here for Italians. Italo-americani are a level on top of that.
          However it does come with some caveats. If you’re looking for wife material, watch out. You may be used as a ticket to the US. But really that’s true of almost anywhere.

        11. Which city, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m looking to visit Europe this upcoming spring. Amen on the last paragraph btw.

        12. The one time I visited western Europe, it was an absolute Jimmy Dean sausage factory. Unfavorable gender ratios [I haven’t seen since the military] send local female egos skyrocketing.
          Without tooting my horn, I am in much better physique and confident than the males I saw out there. A few girls wanted to hook up, but I made the mistake of bringing my girlfriend at the time with me.

        13. So far I’ve hit 4 different regions. (Typically I stick around for at least a year. Works well with the way rentals are setup here.) For the people, I do tend to prefer the south. (Most notably Napoli. Hate the city, love the people.) And I’ve yet to find better food (in general) than Puglia so far.
          The north is definitely wealthier. If you’re heading into the south, I’d suggest getting a middle of the road rental car. Anything BMW and up is going to draw all kinds of attention. (Yes, learned the hard way. HAHA!)
          I recommend avoiding all trains. Get a rental car. (And if you do drive, drivers get worse the farther south you go. :-D)
          Currently in a great castle town called Arezzo, southeast of Florence. If you’re in to castle towns check out Siena and San Gimignano. (Both in Toscana.) Surprisingly, I actually like Florence too. Was expecting to hate the hell out of it but I didn’t.
          And have a good trip! There is so much to see here! 🙂

      1. Look I’m no fan of Siciliani (except for the women) but… Lampedusa is another island. Southern most Italian island. Overrun with Africans at the moment.
        And yes, the guy knew what credit was. His insistence on cash could be any number of reasons. Not the least of which the banks are always on the verge of failing here. Italians in general prefer cash. And often you can get a cheaper price by leaving the plastic in the wallet. Given that I don’t like companies tracking my entire life, I find the cash preferred attitude refreshing.
        But as always, leaving the US is absolutely not for everyone.

        1. Its not about leaving the US, its about certain places being shitholes. The first world is fine and includes northern america and central northern europe. Almost everything else is shit in terms of civilization
          The preference for cash is corruption and you shouldnt like it. By being payed with cash, he can more easily evade taxes. Tell me why it wouldnt be so. I am no finance expert but I really do think that is the reason. By paying with cards, taxes are maybe automatically substracted even. Cash is what criminals deal with because you can HIDE it. The preference for cash is highly incivil.

        2. Lampedusa in part of the municipality of Agrigento which is a city in Sicily, fyi. Lampedusians are sicilians and Lampedusa is Sicily.
          And sicilians are very much black/arabic in blood, its clear just looking at them. Dark as fuck.
          The hotel manager certainly wasn’t a black man. He was sicilian and he certainly doesnt pay taxes in full, nobody in Italy does.

        3. They don’t identify as Siciliani on the island. But whatever, you seem to have irrational hatred for them. Rather silly, they do like a good laugh. 🙂

        4. “The preference for cash is corruption and you shouldnt like it. ”
          Thanks for a good laugh! 😀

        5. Sicilians arent good people. Whoever thinks theyre good is a fucking idiot. Sicilians are uncivilized morons and most of Italy knows. Northern italians, the intelligent ones, know that sicilians are the problem of italy, because they are.
          There is nothing good in sicilians, fucking idiot. My hatred is not irrational and is shared, fucking idiot.
          You are not a valuable individual.
          Sicilians dont respect any rules and are not civilized. Anyone who doesnt hate this is a fucking idiot like you and your mother. Retard.
          By the way italians in general are retarded, as you prove.
          YOU ARE RETARDED and nothing you think matters. You are not realistic. You dont live in reality. One with your profile pic is already retarded.
          Irrational hatred my ass, fucking idiot. Your lack of hatred is fucking ignorant and retarded. There are books on the ignorance of southern italians: The Moral Basis of a Backwards Society by Banfield. Read, ignorant fuck.
          Fucking retard, your mother especially.
          Talk abiut your mother and how retarded she is, else shoot yourself in the mouth. Retard.
          I WILL NEVER ASSUME YOU HAVE VALUE and know shit. You don’t, period.
          Sicilian women are horrible objectively, only a fucking idiot like you thinks theyre nice.
          Nobody gives a shit abiut sicilians, and theyre super sensitive and hyper paranoid and no they dont laugh at anyone denigrating them as I am doing it, they actually want to kill him. SICILIANS HAVE A MAFIA MENTALITY, its obvious, fucking retard. Im stating facts, retard.
          Sicilians dont pay taxes nor respect any rule, its fact not hatred. Retard.
          They have arabic and african blood, fact not hatred, retarded fuck.
          ITALIANS ARE WORTHLESS. period. Die. You lose.
          it doesnt matter shit what Lampedusians – how many are they, two hundred? – identify like, fucking retard. Lampedusians are sicilians, period. And sicilians are italians, whether they like it or not. WHAT THEY SAY IS IRRELEVANT, FUCKING IDIOT. Sicilians dont define reality, fucking retard.
          Nor do you.
          You know nothing about life, your comments on this site are the usual italian waste of time, many words to say nothing. You are a retard with no logic. Italians dont have deductive reasoning skills, fact.
          Everything you think is false. Bye.

        6. Thanks for proving something we all already know: italians are retarded narcissists who are fucking pathetic. They think they know everything while they dont know the basics of life and civility.
          You are worthless. period. Bye.

        7. If youre italo-american, then you have sicilian origins. You dont even know true sicilians in Sicily, you havent lived there, thus your opinion on them is worthless.
          Everything I stated is fact. You dont know reality. Reality is that sicilians are shit, and good italians know that. Its not my own idea.

        8. I mentioned a fucking book that tells how southern italians are backwards and uncivilized, fucking retard. Its not my own idea and its not hyperbole. Reality is that you are a fucking retard, and its not hyperbole but accurate assessment.
          Go die. Go live in Sicily, where retards like you live.

        9. Lampedusians dont decide whether theyre sicilians or not, retard. Politics and geography do.
          Only a fucking populist retard believes the people of lampedusa are to be listened on the matter and decide whether theyre sicilian or not, which they absolutely are.
          PEOPLE DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE, fucking idiot. Self delusion is the norm, fucking idiot, especially for you italian narcissistic delusional morons.

        10. I’m dying here! This is hilarious stuff!
          Oh look, Person must be a Sicilian! (Another insane diatribe ensues.) HAHAHAHA!

        11. Proving you’re retarded. Not needed, it was already evident.
          ITALIANS ARE RETARDED. YOUARE A RETARDED MEGALOMANIAC. You are worthless and delusional. fucking idiot. PROVE IT ISNT SO, fucking idiot. Laughign at it proves it IS so, fucking retard.
          You are a MONKEY.

        12. Would it kill your narrative if I mentioned… I’m not actually Italian? Oh sorry, never mind. Yes, I’m Italian. Proceed with insane rant please. 🙂

        13. You have stated youre italo-american, fucking retard. Which means you have sicilian genes, unfortunately for you african monkey.

        14. See, no logic or reason. Italians are insane.
          You ARE italian, fucking idiot, because you are italo-american. You have italians origins. You are at least partly italian.
          You are half-retarded.

        15. That’s right. I’m Sicilian. Even though I’m not. I’m also French, German, a Jew, and Martian. Pretty sure you’re Venusian. 😀

        16. You’re tarded and you proved me right with your stupidity. Thank you, bye. Sicilians are shit.

        17. What I said on sicily is what sicilians themselves will tell you when theyre honest. Its statement of facts. You dont know sicilians, so why the fuck do you speak, moron?
          The Leopard is the most important book on Sicily…it states exactly what I said: sicilians are narcissistic monkeys, as for today. Its not hatred, its statement of fact.

        18. Just fresh in the news: Sicily has been in a state of economic default for a few years now.
          You dont know anything about sicily, so shut the fuck up.

        19. I’ve just had a sudden realization! I think instead of blowing up Earth for blocking my view of Venus, I’ll blow up Venus from blocking my view of Mercury. Time to warm up the old Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator™!!
          Fare thee well Venusian.
          OH right, I have a higher chance of more ranting if I say: Addio!
          No wait! This is even better: לְהִתְרָאוֹת!

        20. Thanks for proving your insanity. You insane fucktards never show your real identity right away, huh? I seem to have a talent for exposing them.
          Good, youre an insane fucktard. I don’t care and nobody does. You don’t matter or exist.

        21. Now don’t get your knickers in a twist. (Too late. HAHA!) I’m sure the destruction of your homeworld will be … relatively painless.
          Besides, you’re furthering the interests of Martian Science®! 😀

        22. Jews and italians are indistinguishable. The jewish question is the italian question. Italians are extremely toxic and dangerous being them psychopathic narcissists and the world has yet to wake up to the fact. Especially the southeners of course and their mafias. The world underestimated the danger they pose due to their physical and intellectual irrelevance and how lame they look and are personality wise.
          But they are dangerous and make the world a worse place. Yes, southern italians should be hated and they are by those who know them.

        23. It would seem Venusian education doesn’t get past the 3rd grade. Clearly I’m doing the solar system a favor. 😀

    2. I say he wanted cash so to evade paying taxes, OR, he didn’t ‘trust foreigners and their cards’ which means he shouldn’t be an hotel manager in fucking lampedusa, would be utterly absurd.
      Nobidy is in their place in southern Italy. There is no competence or professionalism, which are first world ideas. Anyone who tells me sicilians in sicily are professional in something doesnt know shit about professionalism. Theyre just backwards

  16. This is why when I travel I take everything I can possibly need with me, because you aren’t going to find it there when you need it.
    A couple tips for travelers. Best take hydrogen peroxide with you. For sinus problems 2-3 drops in a little bottled water snuffed up the sinuses will usually kill the bugs. May need to repeat every hour or so until clear.
    Food poisoning, stomach problems 3-4 drops of peroxide in a 4 oz. bottled water will usually set everything right straight away. If not gone within a half hour take more.
    Peroxide is also good for wiping stuff down to kill the germs.

  17. I suppose it depends on the country as well.
    A few years ago in Korea, I has some serious elbow tendonitis (called “golf elbow” — from exercise, not golf) as well knee tendonitis (climbers knee from hiking too much). My sb/gf had enough of my complaining and took me (dragged me) to a Korean orthopedic clinic. I did not want to go for fear of high prices. The doctor examined me, spoke to me (she translated) and then gave me a prolotherapy injection. I was then sent for acupuncture. They told me to do no exercise for 3 months. I complied. It worked. That was 5 1/2 years ago and the tendonitis has been very manageable ever since. All for 150,000 Won ($150).
    Meanwhile here in the US, I recently paid $340 for an eye exam.
    Thanks Obama care!

    1. Great health care here in Taiwan. Everyone expat here must have National Health Insurance which costs about 50 USD per month. Usual co-pay is 6 to 15 USD per visit and includes prescriptions. Just got a hip replaced. Would have cost a lot less, but I wanted the upgraded 30-year hip joint. Total cost about 2,500 USD. The surgeon trained in America and interned at the Mayo Clinic.

      1. After living in a place without the health insurance racket, can’t say I envy you there. But sounds better than the US so you’re ahead of the curve on the disastrous Obamacare at least. 🙂

  18. Things are functional in the East Asian countries of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Mainland China is getting better. I can say that services are generally good in Malaysia as well. If you are looking for a developing country that is relatively cheap to live in, but where services generally work well, I recommend Malaysia.
    As for the rest of the developing world, there is a reason why much of it remains poor (and a cheap place to live). There is good and bad in every place you go.

  19. Everyone has finite amount of time in their life.
    Depending upon how you want to invest it, choose between, for example, an American metropolis or an African slum.

  20. Well, Kyle, meaning no offense, I don’t believe it. Sure, these things could happen, but (did you write which country it was?) I can’t imagine these numerous conflicts happen just because that country is a non-US shithole, where the waiter does not even know that you are a paying guest. Most slavic countries are market based, I visited many never experienced these exagerated stuff. Maybe, just maybe, you are the problem. Having the minimal polite manners are expected in most countries. One or two occasions, when you stumble to a dickhead is ok, it could happen (I guess it happens even in the US) . But a whole bunch, as you write, I don’t believe you. It is only your side of the story.

    1. Eastern europeans are rude dickheads. Everything else is delusion.
      No they dont know courtesy, manners and professionalism. They don’t. If you think they do you lose, for it is false.
      No Kyle isn’t the problem. He’s not a rude dickhead. They are.
      THE FAULT IS ALWAYS ON THE MAJORITY. Everything else is stupidity. All majorities are tarded. Only the individual who is in the minority can be right. The majority is inferior.
      all cultures are tarded and not right, but a collection of myths and delusions.
      All criticism of a nation or culture is correct. Nations and cultures are shit. Some more, some less.

        1. And of course you needed to tell Kyle it was his problem. Gaslighting. The problem is the eastern european mentality, which is factually inferior.
          You lose. I have no problems with me insulting and putting you down – gonna keep doing it till the end of time.
          Sorry for you being e.european. I am not, and I am above you and I am thus joyful while YOU are the rude dickhead. I am privileged, I am better, I am civilized contrary to you and your worthless family and people, and I EXPERIENCE FEELINGS OF SUPERIORITY forever, without concern for anything ‘you’.
          Reality is what I, and never you say. So spare your false perceptions – everything you believe is false.

        2. Between dickheads, the one who is most dickhead wins. I do everything better than you eastern europeans. YOU DONT HAVE A CONCEPT OF WHAT IT MEANS TO DO SOMETHING BETTER RATHER DOING IT WORSE. I do. I am privileged. I have standards, which eastern europe doesnt know what they mean.
          Learn standards, understand reality is what I and never your mother believes, and then you’ll be human. Until then, you’re beasts.
          A human is a person who discerns superior from inferior and observes eastern europeans are inferior rather than being afraid of ‘being a dickhead’ to them who are themselves the worst dickheads possible.
          Beasts must be treated like beats. Anyone who treats eastern europeans with respect is a fucking idiot. Eastern europeans dont respect others, and others must not respect them. You know, the concept of reciprocity? No? Too much for your backwards brains, huh? The problem of the world is that areas like e.europe exist. They shouldnt. You either are up to the standards others set for you, or you get the fuck off the world.
          I dont want eastern europeans to exist. I am fine with them dying.
          The average eastern european is a worthless narcissist. There are books on this, specific to the balkans. Narcissism in the balkans.
          No respect, ever. Only insults to you and most of all your family. No respect for your family. Nothing is more worthless than your fucking mother.

        3. very glad we won’t be discussing anything. Idiots discuss. Intelligent people DO things.
          bye, I’m off doing. I dont discuss anything with anyone, ever: reality is what I say, and wheover disagrees with me is wrong forever. That’s how it works. Again, bye.
          “discuss”. Pff.

  21. Some of that makes me think of the south of France in the 80’s. People in stores were sommetimes rude.

    1. “Some of that makes me think of the south of France in the 80’s. People in stores were sommetimes rude”
      Wish I was there – at least rude frenchies = nationalist frenchies which = keep sharia apes out of france.

  22. “My apartment has four locked doors before you can even ring my doorbell”
    Where the hell do you live, Syria?
    “These three stories are just a handful of the consistent things expats deal with on a usual basis. If you’re on shorter trip, you don’t even notice these things. It’s over the long term you lose patience. And your only choice is to suck it up and deal with it, or return to your home country”
    This is good pragmatic expat advice.
    Yeah I too experienced inconveniences living in europe… but there is another factor in the equation: age. Being in my latter 40s there is no way I could go back to the states – nobody wants to hire an old guy, which means that I’m going to have to be astute enough to find a niche for myself to start a small business – of which unfortunately I’m not that astute. I’m not saying I’m a rock star in europe, but at least there is a level of respect and gracefulness of life that is void in femerika.
    And I’m not saying that it’s a utopia in europe niether. The growing threat of Islam up-amps every 6 months – and although the USA will see it’s growing share of jihad, I would wager the first major deadliest flashpoint will transpire in europe.
    There is a certain depressing emptiness about America – and I have yet to identify it directly, maybe because it consists of many small things – small but very important when all elements are together.
    So in the meantime I’m going to suck it up for now; we’ll see what happens.

    1. “but at least there is a level of respect and gracefulness of life that is void in femerika”.
      Interesting. What part of Europe are you in?
      I am european, and I see most americans tourists as actual zombies. Maybe that’s the ’emptiness’ you talk about. It’s a lack of purpose and meaning in life. The lives of people there are empty, because career and hypersocialization alone don’t justify life. The purpose of life must be found within, and most americans lack it.
      Also America is fake. Europe is more genuine. You see the american zombie virus here, but I think its less obvious.

      1. “I am european, and I see most americans as actual zombies. Maybe that’s the ’emptiness’ you talk about. It’s a lack of purpose and ”
        Agreed. Good insight. Are you speaking of American tourists or american expats. It has been my observations that american expats do see the world differently than the americans just visiting.

        1. I edited that sentence right after you read it: yes, I was referring to the tourists. Just as you say, the expats are another pair of sleeves.
          It’s the insane consumerism, materialism and obsession with career in America that turns people into zombies. Maybe so much tradition and history in Europe helps, but cannot completely make europeans avoid those pitfalls in the long run, and they can also be a hindrance in other respects (Americans live in the present, while Europeans tend to be be a little stuck in the past in different degrees).
          I like Britain, it’s a pretty neutral place without much of specific quirks; a ‘generic western country’ if there is one. But it does have a culture, and indeed it is western culture. Americans forget that it all started in Europe, and America is nothing but Europe 2.0.
          America needs a better ‘spiritual’ of ethical education and definitely better study (in schools) of its european roots. Its average mentality is too superficial and middle-class/merchantile right now. There’s no culture anymore, only ‘content’ and internet services. It’s a wonderland and what the internet has become is pretty sad: all about ‘trends’ which even ridicules the classics and the basis of western civilization. Technology has made us devolve and most responsibility falls on America.
          And as an american friend of mine says, ‘people are fucking stupid: they love this lifestyle!’. Yes, they love it. It’s the Toy Land of Pinocchio that turns everyone into donkeys, no more and no less.

        2. “I like Britain, it’s a pretty neutral place without much of specific quirks; a ‘generic western country’ if there is one. But it does have a culture, and indeed it is western culture”
          Good points made – and I agree. Interestingly too I like Britain – which is very similar to the States, yet as you mentioned Britain has more tradition. Many of our American common laws are based on english common law.
          I just wonder how long Britain will remain british with growing islam, both with the islamic insurgents being brought in by traitorous british politicians, as well the growing demographic already within.
          London is no longer English according to comedic actor John Cleese.

        3. London has a muslim mayor. Enough said.
          The modern west just hates true christianity and values too much to keep their leaders adherent to the original foundational tradition. It’s nothing but juvenile rebellion to the good and golden rules. People today laugh at the Golden Rule.
          Let’s just all tattoo and color our hair purple. That makes the world a better place.
          Fucking sad…

        4. I think Europe lags certain social trends in America by 20-30 years. That is why I like being in Europe.

    2. Saw some American expats Youtube channel, he lives in Japan and is complaining about the long line at Taco Bell in Tokyo.
      Meanwhile a Japanese guy in America misses Japanese convenience store food and Manga.
      The whole basis of international travel is to see and experience things you can’t at home.
      Tokyo is the only major world city where you can drop your wallet and someone will return it to you with all the money inside. Good look with that in LA or Paris.

  23. When you’re in Vietnam and a driver who’s supposed to stop at a stop sign cuts you off performing a Cali Roll, and then honks at you like you’re the asshole.
    When you’re in Vietnam and your traditional lady, who’s walking eight feet behind you while you lead her to your place, looks on in amusement as you yell at the driver, “You gonna stop, chief? What the fuck is wrong with you?!?”

  24. About DHL. I have a similar problem in the states. My sister loves UPS and ships her gifts to me and we’re usually not at home. We can’t instruct UPS to just leave the package for some reason (because of the value) and to instruct them to go to a neighbor requires a “change” which means they now hit me for $20 for the “service”. I suspect they don’t knock sometimes and just leave.
    So I then get a notice I need to go to pick up the package or rearrange delivery for another time (which isn’t much good) and it’s out by the airport similar to the Soviet story. The package is (usually) there. Similar hassle right here in the states.
    My solution to this recurring problem is I told my sister to just use my work address. No problems with that. Someone always will sign for it and I can get from the front desk. Fixed. Try to use work addresses for significant orders where you may not be home.

  25. Korea was like that for me. After about 7/8 months everything annoyed me. White non military expats got on my nerves more than the Korean people to be fair.

  26. Speaking from experience-If minor daily things are getting you down, how do you expect to consistently close the deal with Slavic women? They expect a much harder man than one that gets discouraged by wait staff.
    No disrespect, but Slavic women will run your ass over if you show weakness like that.

    1. Your comment I think made me realize what’s really bugged me about this article.
      The woman. She gets mad and “yells”. Then the author “yells” back. I mean, ok she’s probably an older woman I’m guessing. But still, that’s losing frame and failing a shit test in a spectacular way. Two big strikes on the red pill checklist. And these are supposedly “slavic” women that expect a little more… chutzpah out of their men. She was probably annoyed long before the time to pay the bill came.
      Now, I’m not trying to pile on the author by saying that. We’ve all done it at one point or another. But it’s good to recognize when, and how we fail, then adjust accordingly for the next time.

      1. Exactly. The social expectations of Slavic countries are different- you MUST adapt. The mindset is to generally not make careless errors such as the example pulling your chip card too early from the machine. In the States, something like that becomes an apology-fest (beta behaviour), while in EE you look like a silly tourist who doesn’t pay attention to simple everyday things.

        1. I agree that too much of an apologetic attitude is overly submissive (or “beta behavior” as you say), but in general, if a guy does something wrong and knows it, he should acknowledge it and apologize. Not some sappy “I’m so, so sorry” BS, but a manly “Hey, what I did was wrong, I apologize for it, and it won’t happen again”. And mean it.

        2. automatic. In the example with the card he DID NOTHING WRONG and payed twice. If you show weakness you get scamed outside the first world.
          IF you are outside the first world, understand that strength and power are the base to earn any respect with the locals.
          The correct way to handle the first example was:
          “Why you remove the card!! It wasn’t done. Now it is all bad.”
          Reply: Stare at her for 1 second. – Turn and leave.
          IF there is a real problem they will send staff running behind you to stop you.
          Never apologize or lower yourself to yell back.

        3. Hmmm…haven’t read that one yet.
          Will look for it on Amazon.
          Found it on CH. Reading it now.

        4. Excellent. Keep it handy as a reference. I study it once or twice per month. If you can follow these, you will see changes in your life.

      2. “. But it’s good to recognize when, and how we fail, then adjust accordingly for the next time…”
        I think he’s only 25. He seems to have done a lot for a guy that age. He’ll get there. Probably faster than most.

    2. The small inconveniences don’t bother me where I live. I love living in a place not overrun with third world immigrants. Too many places in America have been ruined, none of the large cities are livable for most except the very wealthy.
      I love the fact that my host country is homogenous and has actively fought any efforts to become diverse. Diversity encourages division and degeneracy.
      As long as Western countries allow in large numbers of immigrants without them assimilating, the West is doomed.
      Western Europe has allowed multiculturalism and immigration without assimilation for decades and this is destroying the once high quality of life they once enjoyed.

  27. I lived abroad for many years.
    There are inconveniences living abroad that you don’t find in the US and there are inconveniences in the US that you don’t find abroad.
    It all really evens out in the end.

  28. I’ve spent a great deal of time abroad. My dad worked in the oil patch when I was kid, by the time I graduated I’d spent about 2/3 of my childhood overseas or in Alaska (just about another country in those days!). I spent 22 years in the service and was all over the map doing that. I’ve worked in the oil patch since I retired from the service, 8 years of that was international. I’ve either worked in, lived in, traveled through, deployed to, been stationed in 6 of 7 continents at this point. Long story short, I’ve soon a good chunk of the world.
    The thing I’ve learned is that there are just some things that are not going to be the same as, or as good as home (some things will be better too). If you’re going to do the international globetrotting lifestyle, especially if you’re going to lock down and stay awhile in some of these places, that’s part and parcel with it. I just learned to know it going in and accept that that was the way things were there, adjust accordingly and enjoy what there is good there.

  29. Go back home if you miss having your packages delivered on time or you, don’t like having hot water once a day or you can’t find your favourite gay shampoo. That kind of shit you moan about is what made you become lazy, hedonistic, over privileged fags. Some men shovel shit and break rocks in the sun all day for 2 dollars, you don’t hear them moaning about a late UPS package. That’s also why these people make the best disciplined soldiers (gurhkas, legionnaires etc…) and your soldiers are mostly undisciplined hot heads.

    1. This is the exact mindset as to why Western countries are screwed. I don’t think young men charging Normandy were whining about shampoo and rude waitresses, they were concerned about surviving and defeating the enemy.

  30. I can say with confidence that you’re blaming certain nuisances on living abroad, while they are no different in North America. It’s a typical immigrant mindset. I do it too, all the time. I grew up in Europe for 24 years, and I’ve lived in the U.S. and Canada now for 12 years. When I call offices to get something done, all I ever get is voice mails. When I want to go to the doctor, I hate the health care system here, where people have to go to a clinic or the emergency department of a hospital, and wait for literally 9 hours, instead of the doctor coming to my door. When I go to a restaurant and I have to pay good money to get a meal that doesn’t even make me feel full, and when I have a package delivered, and I’m home all day, and they put a “tried to deliver” notification on my door without actually ever ringing the door bell or knocking on the door, and without ever calling the number that I clearly listed on the website, and which is the only number I have: my cell phone, which was on the loudest setting all day.
    You’re simply blaming things on your new country, but the things that are bothering you happen just as much in North America. Perhaps in some cases they are different things that happen, and then it bothers you more because, when things happen that you’re not used to, they stand out. However, it’s no different here than it is in Europe. Shitty service exists everywhere, bureaucracy exists everywhere, it’s no different in any other country.
    For example, some things I get upset about, but that are not really objective, all the time are:
    – These people are so dumb they cannot even spell the only language they speak, even with spell check.
    – These people have to kill people with predator drones from thousands of miles away because they are too cowardly to go do the dirty work on the ground themselves, and then they call themselves “the home of the brave”.
    – These people say on TV that people who are willing to die for their cause, like terrorists who blow themselves up, are “cowards”, and that they themselves, who use remote warfare to kill people from thousands of miles away, are “brave soldiers”, but it’s exactly the other way around.
    – These people think that because they drive a pickup truck, use steroids, and have a tattoo sleeve that they’re “tough”, but they’re constantly lying on their therapists’ couches to talk about their feelings.
    – These people think they live in the greatest nation in the world, but it’s the only nation where children and adults are mass murdered by the citizens of that nation on a regular bases; even ISIS and Al Queda do not mass murder children, and this happens despite the fact that North America has more therapists, psychiatrists, counselors and “life coaches” than anywhere else in the world by capita, and that people, including so-called “men”, are constantly lying on their therapists’ couches to talk about “how things make them feeeeeel”.
    – These people think they’re tough when they play football, with their padding and their elbow protection and their helmets, instead of playing rugby like a person who’s not an actual pussy.
    – These people have so much materialistic bullshit in their lives, but they’re all on average twenty thousand dollars in consumer debt and they’re poorer than most people in Africa because they have negative amounts of savings, and to make up for it they need to take huge truckloads of anti depressants and lie on their therapists’ couches to talk about “how things make them feeeeeel” all the time.
    – And on and on, a thousand things I could sum up.
    Anyway, these things bother me on a daily bases, but that doesn’t mean that Europe is better, or worse. It’s just that a person is always biased, always subjective instead of objective. I realize, as an immigrant, that in Europe there are less things that bother me than here, but that’s not because Europe is better, it’s simply because it’s what I’m used to. What you did with this article is in essence simply letting yourself be subjective and biased instead of objective, and then you complained about the things that bother you, just because they’re not the things you’re used to. Like I said, I’d love to let myself go and have things like that bother me constantly, but as an immigrant you have to actively resist thinking like that, otherwise you’ll be miserable in your new country.

  31. The good thing about moving from a third world country in Africa to a first world country is that you never experience these inconveniences! Virtually everything is an upgrade!

  32. I live in Canada but I’m originally from a Third-World country (Jamaica). As the author found out the hard way, what makes these countries Third-World in the first place is the local’s:
    1. Lack of honesty
    2. Lack of a sense of urgency
    Whether it’s Eastern Europe, The Caribbean or anywhere else that isn’t First-World, the reasons for that nation’s lack of economic progress is usually the same.

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