ROK and associated writers have taken quite deep interest in morals and proper behavior, and linked the discussions to Greco-Roman virtue ethics, Christianity, science, and common sense. Roosh has rightly pointed out the the danger of hedonic adaption and earlier also suggested a middle path which avoids so-called ‘ego sex’.
I myself have looked into Apollonian culture, simply meaning an ordered and virtuous way of life, and suggested a model of roughly 90% Apollonian and 10% Dionysian (hedonism) elements in our lives.
However, that does not answer the question which actions and behaviors that are acceptable or not. Hence I will look into that, with them aim to provide some proper guidelines.
Although Christianity provides many answers for how to live a moral life and build a society centered on spirituality, social order, binary sex roles, and monogamy, it nevertheless lacks some fundamental elements. For instance, much of the New Testament and the Pauline epistles are partly irrelevant for today’s Western societies. Paul was but a man and his concerns were directed towards new adherents in the Mediterranean region and Asia Minor.
Moreover, many of the contents of the Bible are compiled of texts by several authors. In the process of translation, new interpretations emerge. Thus there is not a single essential message in the Bible but rather certain tendencies of faith and morals which signify the two testaments. Hence I am hesitant to, despite all its wisdom, let my life solely be guided by such multifarious sets of ideas. Especially since much is not relevant for today.
An additional perspective, that will provide a broader “law of conduct”, are if your actions are hurting yourself and/or other people. I will give some examples of actions which appear to do that.
1. Sexual deviances
Sexual deviances can hurt the individual who commit them, and the victims of such actions. Here the saying of lesser evils can give context to that kind of behavior.
Although sodomy is always bad and wrong, it is even worse if it includes pedophilia and bestiality. Even though animals have a lower generic value than humans, both from a legal and moral standpoint, it is a disgusting behavior that should be avoided at all costs.
2. Ego and casual sex
Heterosexual ego sex is bad only if it may hurt the individual and the people which are affected by such actions; the action as an isolated example is neutral, though.
If, however, ego sex leads to a broader degeneracy, which affects individual emotions, private economy, and human relations, it is wrong. Ego sex is thus relative.
3. Breaking the law
Laws often reflect certain cultural, political, and social tendencies, rather than being purely the result of objective and “independent” legislative decisions. Therefore one must always be aware of that they do not always conform to common sense, sound science, or near-universal and timeless wisdoms found in scriptures.
Yet, overall, to break the law means you do you and the people around you more harm than good. Hence you should abide by it, although some minor deviances are acceptable.
4. Manupulating others
Whether or not it is acceptable to manipulate other people is tricky, since you have every right to try to persuade others and protect your own interests. However, to lie and deceive – especially for a bad purpose – is negative and may likely hurt others. It will likely also corrupt the individual and lead to a downward spiral of moral decay.
Approach with caution, but be open for to use it to safeguard yourself and those around you. Often the situation, rather than the rule, decides which way to go.
5. Narcotics and drunkedness
Already in Renaissance thinking, such as Lorenzo Valla’s work On Pleasure, there were attempts made to incorporate Epicurean ideas into Christanity and humanism. In current times it can imply to drink alcohol from time to time and even be a bit drunken.
Although alcoholic intake is relative, to be drunk is often associated with a set of bad behaviors, such as aggression, verbal conflicts, unwise risk-taking, and negative impact on brain and general health. Taken morals into account, it is wise to drink selectively and never become intoxicated.
As for narcotics they are often, but not always, even more detrimental but something like temporary use of sleeping pills will likely not hurt you or someone else.
6. Hurting animals
It appears as if most masculine men are anthropecentric, meaning that they regard human beings as more valuable than other life forms, including animals. This largely conforms to both Christianity and modern ethical models like utilitarianism.
As Immanuel Kant rightly emphasized, to hurt animals may lead to that you hurt yourself and other. Moreover, many animals do not deserve do be treated badly for no other reason than being potential food sources or attacking you under very particular circumstances. Pets may also be valuable for masculine men, although not as significant as for a cat lady. Thus animals should only be hurt in the process of killing them for food.
I think it is important to discuss general guidelines and have a more nuanced and balanced understanding of moral behaviors in our everyday lives. The wisdom found in Christianity, and partially in other traditions, combined with the hurting yourself or others perspective will be useful when you make proper decisions.
If you want to read more of William Adams’ material, check out his website Syncretic Politics.
Read More: The Ethical Principles Of Neomasculinity
Cracked brain intolerant Kantian or Judeo nonsense meant to confuse.
Kant did have some points, but ultimately his philosophy on ethics have led to the SJW mentality we see today — there is no such thing as “Absolute Selflessness” and selfishness within reason is a virtue. Covertly selfish people like SJWs and Feminist can exploit such a “cucked” mentality for their own personal gain; same goes for the “turn the other cheek” mentality in Christianity. It’s little wonder now why the Romans fed Christians to the lions since they were the SJWs of their day and why the western half of the empire hell just a century after Christianity was implemented.
Also, the abstract and nebulous works of Kant and other philosophers can be interpreted in a variety of ways, and to me this seems like one of the things that contributed to the Postmodernist cancer we see today.
I’m curious as to how you linked Christians of the past during the Roman empire to SJW’s? I have two, separate and concrete ideas of what an SJW is and what a Christian is.
Get off RoK you feminist bitch!!! There’s a no woman policy here, so get back to your “Safe Space”. Also, stop insulting MY GOD who just so happens to be THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT, and all masculine men know this which is why cunts like you are trying to lead them astray.
i dont think its ok to insult people like that. there is no difference between your style and the retardation found in trillion youtube comments. even though you are expected to be a little redpilled.
What evidence do you have in favour of your god being “The Truth”? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
multiply with -1 and you have an idea
Interesting points of view.
Although I disagree, I also thank you for taking the time to write.
Your writing is not particularly good, but shows promise, and to be clear is not bad. Looking forward to more from you.
Not a particularly well thought out or well written article.
Check out Strunk and White’s Elements of Style to help.
This article feels like more of an ego trip then an effort to educate.
Try again.
I usually have two or three minor errors that are corrected as soon as possible, but please make general judgements based on all my 50 articles. I am content with the content (!) but I’ve made it very concise. Not too academic.
I disagree with MaxP, I thought your article was very concise and I agree with most of it. The only point which I disagree with is “breaking the law,” this is entirely subjective of the law you are breaking. Modern laws limiting free speech, for instance, should be opposed with vigor. The western legal system is broken largely due to it being overly complicated (which benefits the lawyer’s bank-balance only).
Also, partial disagreement with “manipulating others,” I’ve lived by this code for most of my life by being forthright and honest almost to a fault only to be screwed over by dishonest people (most of whom are jews… go figure). I now believe it’s prudent to always, always protect your investment. My investment is my reputation and my time spent building it. Do what the Godfather says, “Never let anyone outside your family know your true intentions,” and, unfortunately, you’ll be better off. And I hate this fact.
lets brake law for woman march becaun roosh is raepist and jork my muslimah sister for sharia and herry potter
What’s wrong with academic? Me smart!
Check out these:
I much disagree, but I say the Herry Potter bouk is beter!
Som en svensk muslim av turkisk härkomst och en kommunist som dyrkar Mao Zedong som en hjälte för sin förstörelse av västerländska sociala konstruktioner, tror jag inte Harry Potter vara Haram. Jag är också ganska säker Mohammed skulle inte ha ogillat fart sex med kvinnor som ser ut som små pojkar förutsatt att det är i samband med ens eget harem med absolut ingen äktenskapsbrott tillåtet. Jag är en kvinna, en feminist, och en maoistiska kommunist, vägrar jag att raka mitt kroppshår för min harem av makar, och jag är en LGBTQ+ aktivist, och se människor som du protesterar detta patriarkala kvinno gör mig mycket stolt!
Harry Potter is some cucked crap written by some eurocuck dyke that along with soy helped turn an entire generation into a bunch of limp-wristed queers. Instead, all men should lift, eat red meat, learn to box, and read and follow the Bible so that we can once again become a healthy Christian nation and MAGA!!!
Looks like you wound up on the wrong website, sport.
So aside from any errors, THIS particular article could be written better, by you, at a later date as you further refine your writing skills. All professional writers are aware of this.
Some of the other contributors here have very good writing, and some have terrible writing. Your writing, on this article was not really good. And the only reason to mention it, is so that you can look at it more critically, and learn why to become a better writer.
I don’t bother commenting on the terrible writers because their writing is so bad that it can’t be fixed yet. However, you can get better if people provide feedback.
It’s intended to be helpful, not hurtful.
Thank you again for your contribution.
For fucks sake…. There are spelling and grammar mistakes galore in this article. Wouldn’t WordPress pick it up during the draft?
It’s bad enough we lost Disqus, can we at least maintain an aura of quality here? I mean dayum…
Sorry about that – I take full responsibility and have informed the editor about the typos and errors. Earlier it was possible for general writers to edit by themselves, but now it might take some time. Earlier I corrected stuff before publishing, or as soon as I saw something.
Not the first article strewn with grammatical errors here, by far.
Major turn off.
Let’s remain credible.
You smelled “damn” wrong…
“bestiality…..Even though animals have a lower generic value than humans, both from a legal and moral standpoint, it is a disgusting behavior that should be avoided at all costs.”
lower generic value? That’s a bit ambiguous. Are we talking the absence of reason impacting negatively upon membership of the kingdom of ends or just a low SMV. Because possession of reason and being bangable are not obviously connected.
Animals. WNB. 2/10 tops.
Actually there is rising incidences of women and men having sex with donkey dogs and horses…more and more….disgusting to think about, but a rising activity these days as modern society suicides and people destroy all the avenues of normal person to person relations. See how badly people already treat one another, and more tragically their own blood….when life loses its meaning, people particularly progressives do more and more vile things.
I don’t really get the attraction. Well groomed Aghan dogs sometimes have lovely blonde lady like hair and maybe some horses resemble Sarah Jessica Parker – if you dig that kind of look – but generally I can’t see what these people get off on
herry potter middel easter curry fa.rt fe.tish at mosque
Seriously, this article really reads like some SJW BS. The Far-Left and The Far-Right seem more and more like strange bedfellows, hence proving Horseshoe Theory true. I know some of you TradCons hate me already, but I’m a pro-male anti-SJW Alt-Grrl, and I like getting anal from guys and I don’t think that’s morally wrong so long as it’s not rape, Sexual Deviance is not always a bad thing since there’s many fetishes and “deviant behaviors” that are OK so long as they’re not overly degenerate or harmful or bizarre to the point the push for ugliness, I don’t like hurting animals but I love to go fishing and hunting and many of my Lefty friends have hated me for that, I think “anthropocentric” is SJW language being sneaked into an anti-SJW publication to make use of a “Slippery Slope” in the manosphere to push for an eventual “Moral Panic”, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being “anthropocentric” and hence Top Dog so long as we respect the environment and living creatures within reason and not be needlessly destructive or cruel, manipulating people is ALWAYS wrong – and that goes for certain aspects of PUA game as well as women fooling guys with “fake-up” to push their SMV up in a relationship until they can “screw with him and divorce rape him”, and I like my Alcohol and Soft Drugs within moderation as do a lot of Red-Pilled guys who know the real reason why the government has pushed a ban on certain substances.
Yes, this article does make some points and it has called for Moderation and the “Middle Way” as many ancient sages have called for , but I think it’s heavily flawed and by no way an absolute guide. A guide on “Absolute Morality” would have to be somewhat different in comparison to this article. As of this point, I am unsure whether morality is “Absolute” or “Relative” since there’s evidence for both, but that may have to do with certain complicated “conditions” that only make Relative Morality seem valid, but I know that SJWs have been screwing with both in an attempt to push their agenda and this has confused a lot of people and screwed up a lot of intellectual discourse as have many reactionary counter-narratives. This has polarized people and set up a bunch of ridiculous Post-Modern straw man arguments that have only complicated the search for truth, and it might just be time to invalidate everything from a certain point onward, at least as far as philosophy is concerned, and just stick with Classical Ideas until society can successfully purge many of the cancers Modern Academia has pushed before we start to question and experiment with new ideas from a more grounded perspective.
>Although Christianity provides many answers for how to live a moral life and build a society centered on spirituality, social order, binary sex roles, and monogamy
Also, binary sex roles aren’t a Christian thing. You’re giving a Middle Eastern religion that plagiarized other far more ancient and sane ideas from various Mesopotamian civilizations way too much credit. And as much as I don’t mind women having some masculine traits, and men having some feminine traits, what I have seen just come out of nowhere practically overnight from The Left is absolute cringe, degeneracy, and faggotry. I have no idea how the Millennials got this way, I am puzzled, but it seems very bizarre to me considered what they were like before all of this SJW nonsense that just screwed everything up.
As far as non-monogamy goes, I don’t mind my PUAs and sluts since I love ’em both, but yeah, I can see how it can be a moral issue since it interferes with normal family like and can spread disease. I miss the days of hookup culture and casual sex, and I hate how Right-Winger moralists and SJW Feminists are tearing these things apart, but I also want to see a healthy new generation spring up. While I’m not a racist, I do miss seeing all of those wonderful white kids playing outside everywhere back when I was a teenager in the 90s.
I guess Christianity is a “useful set of lies” used to keep civilization together – sigh.
I thought women were banned from commenting forums on RoK? If that is still not the rule then this proves it should be reinstated. They offer nothing of value to the insights brought forth here.
Also Girly men, who have taken up residence as of late.
@ Corinth Arkadin
We’re gonna find those “Girlie Men” on here, and we’re gonna get Roosh to kick their ass of this site!!!
Good stuff!
Good stuff! Ur_Feminist_GF
u no feminism because u no reed herry potter and no follow linda sarsour and mourn podesta son he have by give sperm to hilary klinton
At least that’s one Satanic pedowood faggot that’s finally dead.
Get off RoK you feminist bitch!!! There’s a no woman policy her, so get back to your “Safe Space”. Also, the anus was NEVER meant to be penetrated by ANYTHING, and I don’t care if it’s between a man and a woman, you’re still a FAGGOT, it’s still a SIN, the Satanic (((J ews))) pushed such unnatural acts in their movies, and if you do not REPENT then you are going to HELL!!! – #MAGA
No judgement on moral or immoral behaviour of others. However, Masculinity 101 dictates that :
– Your take full responsiblity for the results of your actions
– You bear the full consequences of your actions and decisions
– Realise that your individual behaviour, when done collectively by others, have consequences which you have to live and deal with.
– Do you indulge in behaviour that you would not approve of in others – ie No hypocrisy
– Realise that every action and decision you make have costs – always. Be prepared to pay.
That is all……..
Beautiful, though I say this should also apply to women also since they’re using “Feminism” to engage in absolute hypocrisy and ignore the consequences of their actions. Failure to abide by these things is exactly what results in scandals and moral panics. The end result of this is low-trust societies which in turn lead to low-morale and hence ugliness since nothing is maintained any longer when people just say “screw it”. It’s almost like Feminists and Antifa just want to “Detroitify” all of society with these tactics in a vain and naive attempt to rebuild it just because they hate “Patriarchy”.
lesbian is only good sex, but im strait for herry potter and rosh v is misojini
I think the bare bones of morality come down to just a few societal truths.
Citizens are guaranteed due process of law. By this I mean that the government follows the law, applies it in somewhat of an equal manner, can’t just ignore something to deprive you of liberty by making up a law, etc. Due process means that they must follow the process. It does not mean that court can use “due process” to invent other rights by the way. Basically due process of law means the government or sovereign has to play by the rule book as it is written.
Absent bona fide self defense or war, no human has the right to lay hands on another human of majority age. Children can be reasonably disciplined and it might be against the law (see due process above) but I see no moral qualm with that being an authority figure or even the neighbor down the street if there was cause for immediate discipline. In fact I think it is a moral right that an individual of majority age, with proper cause, has the right to discipline a child. Lack of proper discipline is how we end up with the youth we have today.
Humans have the right to their property which is legitimately owned. The government through due process of law can take that property for debts owed, legitimate public uses, etc. and individuals through applying due process of law, say through civil suits, can take such property. But, absent this no human has a moral or ethical right to deny another human ownership of their property.
You also have the right to worship as you so choose as long as it does not cause physical harm a human (meaning you can’t engage in human sacrifice or anything like that….if the beliefs of some religion “harm” you because you are offended then that is your problem).
The last moral right I believe every human is inclined to benefit from is freedom of travel in their own land. Yes, in their land. That doesn’t mean you can freely just go over the border to the other guy’s land. You can move from New York to North Dakota though without inhibition or having to go through border checks on I-80.
Those are the foundations of a moral society. I don’t think a moral society has to be a representative republic or democracy (although many do). I merely think the bare bones are the government follows the laws as duly and properly enacted, you have the right to property, you have the right to be unmolested without due process of law, and you have the right to travel in your own land. That is it.
I was going to nominate this as one of the most hated comments in ROK history until I noticed every other similar comment had 28 dislikes. Me thinks the comment forum has been hacked. Or 28 people out there think the government following laws and property rights are a joke. Hey that is fine if that is what you think. Just a statement of a sad state of affairs in our country.
mostly random examples and common sense really
As usual
I see this, and partly earlier articles on ethics/morals, as a bit of an attempt to find common ground between atheists, non-Christians and Christians, and provide a – obviously – incomplete rule book.
stop making sense, all the rok writer faggots are now congregating to downvote us
eminem was first feminist – he the OG
More like “OD”. Original Dyke.
A slightly less polished article than usual from WA but a thematically interesting one. There are clearly a few commenters here who are ill-at-ease with ‘moralising’ entering into articles on a site that is ultimately about game, but if that is correct I would say they are misguided. One of the great things about ROK in years gone by were the not always entirely successful attempts to integrate systems of ethics, particularly stoicism or anything that pragmatically worked to create frame, limit dependency etc.
The attempt was never really made though to tie such reflections on ethics to game itself as a way of life or attiude of mind etc that might benefit from something like a ‘code of conduct’ and a clearer moral compass i.e. as something that might underpin as a practical philosophy
If you consider that the bete noire for the ”red pill community’ is the white knight, understood as the kind of male who typically fails to see the connection between his political posturing and an unconscious desire for sexual reward then we already have the beginning of an ethics in terms of what red pill / game might be defined against.
Personally in an age which is waging an all out assault on both the idea and ‘practice’ of masculinity I would consider such a task to be beyond urgent. The stoicism already discussed is a good place to start, but both the kantian / christian ethics of treating people as (ultimately at least) ends in themselves (even sluts have souls!!!) and the utilitarian principle of harm avoidance could potentially become an important part of evolving a successful platform that would at the same time serve as an initial reposte to the charge of masculine toxicity / game as exploitation etc.
That was precisely my intention. If one can look beyond a few errors – that will be corrected in due time – one realizes that this is an attempt to create common moral ground within the heterogeneous manosphere.
Gaining access to the wider discourse means being able to demonstrate ethical capital, ideally with a view to claiming the high ground itself. I would like to see more of these kinds of articles so I’m glad you’ve made a start
I have no problem with this article other than the obvious points about grammar, etc.
However, let’s have no virtue signalling nor concern trolling from readers about how “Alpha” it is to be you, or how you’re so much better than WA or anyone else. It makes you no better than the SJWs and in fact worse, because you’re not a true believer in the concept of making yourself into a better man. There’s always room for improvement. Criticism helps…it just has to be constructive.
Agreed. It’s pretty obvious that there’s a troll attempt by feminists, SJW’s and MGTOWs here. Look at the down-votes for reasonable responses to this article, and look at the garbled replies. Man, not only can’t they meme, but they don’t have the first clue about guerrilla tactics.
This article appears to be under attack from certain commenters. That means it is about something they don’t like. Its important to remember that ‘game’, red pill, masculinity must remain ‘toxic’ to fit into the SJW / feminist narrative. That means they will attack any attempt to legitimise it within the wider discourse.
Remember with SJWs up is down and down is up. Presumably that applies to up and down votes too
Breaking the law – see MLKjr’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Unjust laws are no law going back to Aquinas and before. The Natural Law trumps current stupidity.
Hurting Animals – that is why I would never eat Halal or Kosher.
damn, girl, I almost want to explain to you how far off the mark you are with your attempted trolling and memes… but I won’t.
me not gurl but latinx nonbinary, u ritard
Know your leftypol and laugh.
i liek elefant person for sex relacion
See? Left can’t meme. Sit back and enjoy, chaps.
hmm, Roosh, it may be reasonable to temporarily take down the comments until the problem is found and trolling IPs are blocked. sorry to state the obvious. i realize the intent by the trolls isnto shut down commentary, but they are being annoying enough to warrant temp actions.
” trolling IPs are blocked”
Yeah, good luck with that.
Typical ROK. I just finished reading an excellent article here on the high cost of working 40 hours a week, and then just finished reading this garbage. Regarding “breaking laws”, has the author ever heard of unjust laws throughout history?
I’ll tell you what’s immoral. Betacucks:
He wouldn’t press charges.
He felt bad she lost her job.
He told the public to leave her alone.
I guess he’s hoping she will call him up to apologize so he could “see” it
Be warned, many cab driver record audio and video of the cab in order to protect themselves from false accusations (usually from women). If he hadn’t recorded the happenings, he would have already been accused of some sex crime.
Aversion to hurting animals, purely a Christian Protestant artifact. Catholics, Muslims and Jews just don’t care. Buddhists, not so sure, but in most of their countries all larger mammals have been hunted to extinction.
“Ego sex” is the basis for all things ROK and “manosphere” in general. Everything is predicated upon that. Looks like this ‘immoral’ act is the most common among all readers.
Like I said, ego and casual sex is relative. It is not wrong per se as I see it, as long as, it does not hurt yourself or other (people – an ellipsis, in case someone things it is a grammatical errors that leave out the s).
Like I said, ego/casual sex is relative. It is not wrong per se as I see it, as long as it does not hurt yourself or other (people – an ellipsis, in case someone thinks it is a grammatical error to leave out the s).
Morals and ethics are a capitalist pig construct of the racist (gasp!) cisgendered white male patriarchy.
Only after Western civilization is torn down and destroyed can we enjoy the glorious Zimbabwe/Venezuela/North Korea hybrid utopian paradise on earth.
I thought it was OK to sodomize your goat as long as you didn’t consume it, but you had to sell it to that guy that married your sisters. Only dogs and pigs were halal. Just asking for a friend.
Bartenders Can’t Refuse Pregnant Women Alcohol, New York City Says.
For the first time, the city is explicitly prohibiting restaurants and bars from refusing alcoholic drink orders to mothers-to-be, with new guidelines that say doing so would represent discrimination under the city’s Human Rights Law.
Worst bullshit ever. Sex “deviance” between a grown man and woman essentially does NOT exist. Getting married is the ultimate sex “ego”.. as in no other chick will ever be as “perfected”. Most of the USA’s Laws are abstract PENAL CODE definitions that should be IGNORED. This ENTIRE SITE is fraught with MAN-ipulation.. eg: I am supposed to think in parallel with PUA fuck-ups. Drunkenness and Narcotics are SUPPLIED/ENCOURAGED by the Government/Corporate powers. Everyone reading this has eaten an animal-sourced hamburger or ice cream. SECRET ANSWER- Morality is NOT to be an exclusively-held WEAPON of CONTROL! Start with some fucking COMMON SENSE and work outward.
One of the worst articles yet.
i just don’t understand why it’s OK
for a wife to have an affair, admit it
and still be entitled to the victim’s
(slave’s)money for the rest of his life.
Where’s the lending money at usury?
Good article. And those who don’t like it, fine that’s you’re opinion but stop bashing it for a few spelling mistakes. Be honest with yourselves, do you actually care about some grammatical errors or are you jealous because you can’t write.
What is wrong with sodomy? I love doing bitches in their asses.