4 Steps We Must Take To Fix Society

In the manosphere and right wing circles, there is strong agreement that society as it is currently situated is unhealthy. Conservatives believe that the fix is easy—the answer is just less government spending. But we know that the problems run much deeper than that. Do we have the courage to make the following necessary changes?

1. Roll back feminism

Almost no one is happy with male/female relations in the modern world. Men are unhappy because it is so difficult to find a wife who has not spent her twenties riding the carousel and the ease with which they can be divorce-raped. Women are unhappy that it is difficult to find men who will commit to marriage when premarital sex is so abundant. And, although few will admit it, most women would prefer to be full time mothers than wage slaves chained to a cubicle.

These ills have been brought on by feminism. Feminism pushes women to seek to be equal to men in every way. From a young age, girls are taught to equate serving a corporation with freedom, and motherhood as slavery. Corporations encourage this because it doubles the workforce, thus lowering the wages that they have to pay. Girls are also taught that restricting themselves to one man within marriage is disempowering. Instead they are encouraged by feminism to be promiscuous for as long as possible before agreeing to marry a beta male.

Feminism didn’t start with bad intentions. The first feminists came about during the industrial revolution that drew men to leave the countryside to work in the cities. While the men were separated from their wives, many of them spent their money on drinking and prostitutes. The first wave feminists arose to defend the women and children who those men were not providing for.

But despite the initial good intentions, feminism morphed into the man-hating beast that we see today. It is not possible to reset feminism back to its relatively benign 1800s version without it again evolving into a force that eventually destroys society. If we really want a healthy society, we are going to have to say goodbye to feminism altogether.

2. Re-establish morality

The dissolution of morality has been a great boon for men in this sense—it is now much easier to have sex than it ever was. A man with half-way decent looks and a modicum of game can go to a club and pull a six or a seven with little effort. One can spend his 20s taking full advantage of all those feminist girls who are trying to be equal to men in the promiscuity department.

The downside is that once a man decides that he wants to start a family, he is going to have trouble finding a suitable girl to marry. Despite our indoctrination, no man wants to wife up a woman who has served as a cum dumpster for half of the city.

The only way to fix this problem is to re-establish sexual morality for both men and women. That is, most men and women should approach marriage as virgins. This was the norm in the past and it is the only way to ensure that our sons and daughters do not end up getting destroyed in the same immoral culture that is destroying us.

3. Restrict voting

Athenian democracy limited the vote to only the best in society

The founding fathers of the United States were afraid of tyranny, whether it was a result of an monarch or democracy. To protect against monarchical tyranny, they vested power in three different branches of government and limited the power of each. To protect against the abuses of democracy, they had previously restricted voting to land-owning men only. Later they extended the franchise to all free men but put in place checks to ensure the masses did not have full authority. In the original system, the president, vice-president, and senators were not elected by the popular vote.

For some reason, the commonsense of the founding fathers has been discarded. We now believe that expanding the voting franchise is an unmitigated good. In reality, expanding the franchise has led to the expansion of the government and liberal social programs.

If we hope for a return to small government, we’ll have to limit the voting franchise. The best way of doing this may be to return to the founders’ original conception of restricting it to land-owning males. That is, we need limit the vote to only those men who have skin in the game in the present and future of the country.

4. Criminalizing porn

Producing and selling pornography used to be a criminal offense under obscenity laws, many of which are still on the books but no longer enforced. The video I provide above provides some background as to why degeneracy became accepted. Regardless of how we got here, pornography addiction has become a plague upon our society. I know men whose addictions cause them to spend everything they earn on porn. Even men who don’t have such extreme addictions still waste valuable time and energy on a false image.

Porn presents a false conception of what real sex is like. Many men are such heavy users of porn that they become impotent—they are able to “get it up” to masturbate to porn but unable to perform with a real woman.


These are just a few measures we’ll have to undertake to restore a healthy, patriarchal order in society. Of course, there are no shortage of voices that tell us that it restoring society by “turning back the clock” is impossible, but as G.K. Chesterton pointed out, they are wrong:

There is one metaphor of which the moderns are very fond; they are always saying, “You can’t put the clock back.” The simple and obvious answer is “You can.” A clock, being a piece of human construction, can be restored by the human finger to any figure or hour. In the same way society, being a piece of human construction, can be reconstructed upon any plan that has ever existed.

We are not yet in a position to restore society but there is nothing stopping us from implementing some of these changes, such as stopping pornography use, in our own lives.

Read More: Softcore Pornography Has Become Completely Normalized In Western Society

156 thoughts on “4 Steps We Must Take To Fix Society”

  1. Two steps to fix society:
    They are STEP BACK, and STEP OUT OF RANGE / Survive the collapse.
    There, fixed it. It is sane or smart, it will survive the collapse too.
    Its not rocket science, doesn’t need to be.

    1. Collapse the Jews, not us – and a lot of our problems will mysteriously become more tractable or solvable.

      1. How many Jews are actually on welfare or roaming around parks chopping off people’s heads or raping senior citizen females in nursing homes?

        1. They don’t personally do that, they’re too smart for that. Instead they bring in those type of people into our societies, and through deep connections they now have in our justice and political systems, create laws and use the now tyrannical fed to enforce these laws to make sure we cannot defend ourselves appropriately against these imported savages.

        2. Read John 2:15. The real problem is the usury system which creates most of the problems in modern society. Some Jews are responsible for this problem.

    1. Your nation has mass incarceration at a level never seen before. How is there no culture of consequences? You don’t even have well-functioning welfare or health care systems because of your broken political culture. The trouble is that it is deliberately targeted at the poor and at black males.
      “Prison sentences of black men were nearly 20% longer than those of white men for similar crimes in recent years, an analysis by the U.S. Sentencing Commission found.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324432004578304463789858002
      This site’s antipathy to government (apart from the macho police and the macho military – there’s something of a sexual origin going on there) makes it politically of the hard left. I presume you support Antifa et al.

      1. This compares prison sentences of blacks and whites for similar crimes. There is a tendency in the criminal justice system to discount sentences for first time criminals. Could it be that blacks in the hoods tend to have a longer and earlier-starting life of crime?

        1. All your reply tells me is that you are determined to assert that black people are inferior to white people. Do you have evidence to support your claim?

  2. Give voting right. To the people who earn it. Ask for 5 years in the workforce to earn voting rights. You can lose your voting right after 6 months of unemploymenyt, and regain them again wih a year of work. Women can gain votig rights having kids, raise the age to minimum 21. So only family oriented people with kids and men who work will decide the future for those kids. The democrat party will never win an election again.

        1. Fucking… third time I’m trying. Wish we could edit posts. Pasting url + embedded from youtube this time. If this doesn’t work… fuck it.

    1. Absolutely brilliant idea. I was thinking five years of work but hadn’t thought out the rest of it.Seems reasonable. I think myself its borderline retarded to give the vote just to landowning males if they mean the old definition of that. Its too narrow and to expect a few elites to be benevolent is ridiculous. How’s that working out now with the current corporate democracy ?? You hit the nail on the head with women and family. I think voting should be tied into the family unit. Have to be married to have a vote. I know it wont be popular here but I would give women a vote in a well defined society plus you wont reverse feminism overnight nor get away with disenfranchising them. I also know lots of women who’s opinion I respect.

    2. I’m usually against any type of qualification to vote. As those that can vote will vote to keep the others from voting.
      But this is the best I’ve read, and I’m now converted.
      Especially after walking past Macy’s today (Black Friday)
      Either that or rule 303

    3. For the majority of uninformed ‘voters’, the controlling interests who value that particular voting block and want as many of them as possible to vote care more about the individual votes than the voting individuals care about their own token votes. Those particular voters themselves would trade their vote for a cheeseburger. That’s how much they value their own vote. They only THINK they want the right to vote. It’s really the big interests that value their vote and not the latchkey or lackey voter. A common voter would rather have a house than the right to vote if it came down to it. But then property ownership would ensure the right to vote. That is the paradox.
      The reason voters clamor to the voting booth with slim prospects of obtaining a house is because they haven’t been offered a cheeseburger in lieu. Across the board democratic voting is regarded as nothing more than a token appreciation priviledge like petetioning or like institutionalized bitching in the eyes of the average voter.
      But for the controlling interests, the voter’s vote is the only legal avenue that the controlling interests have to maintain their controlling interests. The controlling interests then say “Screw the voters otherwise.”

    4. The democrat party will never allow such a law to pass. The only way out now is a revolution by the men who hold these core ideas.

    5. So, no votes for disabled veterans, then. Or people with any kind of disability who cannot work. Or to retired people. The list goes on… to include many Republican voters.

  3. I’d also recommend getting rid of smart phones and ALL social media. Shit went down hill real fast when they came about. Or, restrict ownership of smart phones to Men only.
    Oooooh that’s sexist, misogynist, check your privilege.
    But seriously, those things have got women by the balls and just relentlessly pump them full of retarded marxist/feminist sjw propaganda 24/7.
    It’s amazing how many people hate Don T because Facebook told them too.

    1. Maybe women should be restricted to accessing specific types of website? They could go shopping online, check the weather and look at pictures of kittens, but no politics or news.
      Social media is tricky because ideally anything women post would be subject to male moderation, but would men want that job?
      I think a few women might be allowed onto the real intenet, but this would be subject to IQ testing and/or screening for SJW views.

    2. No, that’s stupid. Just because there are retards out there don’t punish those business men and people in the tech industry who actually use a smartphone to get shit done. Just get rid of the plebeian apps.

  4. I would suggest that what Mr. Sebastian’s fine list is pointing to is the need of males to become real MEN, that is adults. Males of character who embrace leadership and responsibility. We got a lot overgrown boys, who are more concerned about what supplements to take to get a big pecker or who think theyre men because they embrace the adventures of something like skateboarding.

  5. I know you guys hate female comments, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoy this kind of content. I would love to wholeheartedly support what the author wrote about here, but as a black woman, I just don’t know if I’d trust “restricted” voting to work for black men. Black men are still really behind in the land owning department, which means the people who make our laws would be mostly white men. I’m not saying white people are inheritely I untrustworthy, but do even need to remind you how bad things were for the black Americans when black men were “restricted” from voting?

    1. I get what you’re saying but too many people vote with short-term, uneducated interests, and they mainly vote with selfish intentions. The problem with the black vote isn’t that black people shouldn’t have a voice, it’s that their voice is uneducated. The way around this should be education, except schools only serve to indoctrinate and propagandize the youth and, on top of that, black people have shown little interest to develop their brains above, say, playing sports. And why shouldn’t they? They’re good at sports, it makes perfect, logical sense.
      The problem is deep. Too deep. I am actually against voting. I think it’s totally irresponsible for a country to be led for 4 years based on popular opinion rather than the best candidate for the job. Trump and Hillary certainly weren’t the best choices. But with the way the system is rigged that’s who America got to argue over.
      If I were able to change society I’d set 100 tests that covered all areas of leadership and whoever scored the highest, and was willing to lead, would get the job. Sure, China does something similar and it works for them but, hey, that’s probably a bit too logical for the West.

    2. The less blacks the better, no hate just keeping it real. A lot of blacks even feel this way and are fleeing black areas of Chicago as fast as black males flee police and White bitches they got pregnant.

      1. DFT
        I have lived overseas most of my adult life and Non-Asian Minorities are the reason. I’m from Detroit.
        Blacks and Mexicans do have an urge to immigrate to Australia or New Zealand or Dubai or they cannot because they are felons with no passport who have to see their parole officer once a week. This is one good thing about them, they lack initiative and are too poor to leave a specific geographic area.
        Take a good look at Detroit or East Los where blacks and Amerindians run things. This is what the US will look like as their populations increase.
        Now I myself tried immigrating to Canada where I did have a two-year work visa and to Australia which only takes specific skilled workers. Its much harder to get of the US for whites than they think it is. I’ve managed to do it, but it takes a great deal of money and resourcefulness.
        Thankfully, I never see a Hoodrat or a Cholo. In Arizona Cholos threatened me on a few occasions in the white suburbs I was living just because I walked past. Unless the US pulls and Argentina or Brazil with the white ruling minority taking helicopters from their house over the favelas or squats you risk Mestizo violence every day in every city in the Southwest. My experience with Mexicans of the more Indian-blooded variety (Cubans and light-skinned Mexicans are more like Italians) is that their violence is a motiveless and mindless outburst that occurs in broad daylight without even the primal instinct of blacks (Race hate, sexual urge for white women, material gain for crack cocaine) because Aztecs did blood sacrifices for thousands of years.
        Blacks are simply large, strong low IQ buffoons. It is not the sadistic cruelty of Aztecs but merely primitive impulses that compel the black to rape 90 year old victims in nursing homes.

    3. Honestly Black America can kiss my ass lady (what are you doing here?). Until the majority of them quit behaving like uncaged apes- I don’t even want them around period. Black America is a scourge on this country in every metric. So many young whites worship at the altar of hip hop trash culture. It’s a disgrace and a fucking nightmare.

      1. MIGS
        It is true: I moved from Detroit to Canada and Dubai and Australia and you would be shocked at how little street crime there is.
        The Italians and some other ethnic groups will always have their mafia and bikers will have their SOA type crime but it is really not a street problem.
        As many Anglo-Saxons have mentioned blacks are more aggressive and fearless and ruthless and perhaps stronger on average (Though few of them go into white biker clubs in Detroit and make trouble or Italian social clubs) so taking it back would be difficult.

      2. I think(hope) they will shoot their own feet of.
        Example – The NFL kneeling protests from the most privileged people in society.
        Next hip-hop will do the same — didn’t Eminem do the pussy-protest against whitey?
        They could not get more privileged: cash and (fuckable)fame.
        Think Paul Allen -cofounder billionaire of microsoft — cash – but not fuckable…
        Hip hopists and pro-athletes – have it all…
        watch them burn their own success back to the ghetto…

    4. Then black men can go out and get land. Same way as everyone else who has land. There’s no shortage of it.

    5. Ideally, blacks and whites shouldn’t live in the same society. Going our separate ways would solve a lot of problems.

  6. no man wants to wife up a woman who has served as a cum dumpster for half of the city.
    Not how I would put it, but accurate.
    Probability of divorce rises logarithmically with N.
    Also criminalizing Porn is dangerous because you see censorship with this site, however redirecting SJW shriek mobs in their direction is probably very useful, so that all the porn sites end up like the dailystormer.whateveritistoday. Given the sexual harassment craze now, it should only take a little work to “end the exploitation”.

    1. tz
      “Criminalizing porn” If Anglos are stupid enough to jerk themselves off out of the gene pool while their sisters and daughters intermarry with black thugs then perhaps a Darwinian evolution has occurred.
      Why aren’t Asian Americans affected by “Jew propaganda” or Jews themselves (Albeit most of the girls DOING porn are Jews but I don’t give a shit if Amy Winehouse with a bad bleach job sucks Negro crackhead cocks)?
      …Because they have high IQ’s. Plain and simple.

  7. If you’re not willing to fight for, and restore Catholic culture; the true culture of consequences, then you are part of the problem.
    How many heretics and pagans would be willing to do that? Not many I suspect.

    1. ROMAN
      Here is the conundrum: Catholics in the US are mostly Italians in the East whom the Anglo-Protestants have never really gotten along with and Hispanicized Indians.

  8. People used to be answerable to God. Now that they have largely abandoned the faith of their forefathers, they are acting as gods unto themselves. Basically, what we are experiencing is Sodom and Gomorrah. Solution? Resurrect Christianity, teach people the ten commandments. And if Jesus Christ is not alpha enough for you, Odin is a suitable alternative.

    1. HUGIN “Answerable to God”
      I can remember a time when staunch Italian Catholics were the MS-13 of America from 1910-1990. All were staunch religious Catholics who went to Mass on Wednesday or Sunday and the rest of the week committed murder or felony every day. Mexicans have largely replaced them, but these folks are also seriously religious.

      1. that’s the problem with Catholic it puts more into confessions instead of upright living like pure protestant do.

    2. the ten commandments were nothing more than blanket universal societal laws, so ressurecting christianity is not going to fix anything if people will not accept the very base set of 10 universal laws to start with, something the base savage cults and cultures will never do either. which is why soxiety is where we are now. you can’t fix a society that has gicen up and walked away from what makes us “social” to start with unless all people unversally accept their survival depends on. returning to a society based on the universal laws and rules that make that society to start with. you cannot convince the masses now to do that, they have been lawless too long and self serving longer than that.

  9. Best thing to do to fix society, right now, is to take the culture back. How you do it? Make movies and shows. Write books, start blogs.

    1. best thing to donis let it collapse, burn the rubble pile and start over… befause all the survivors will be coming from the exact same place and start out on the exact same foot and would be likely to establish and maintain a new society on the ten base rules outlined in the ten commandments……but hey, look what 100 years of “fixing” the current broke paradigm has accomplished…an abomination of selfish scum who cant do anything or agree to do anything to reform but all of it sliding in to far worse perversion. yay, winning!….umm, no.

  10. I have a better idea:
    1: Stop all immigration.
    2: Deport all illegal aliens and anchor babies (but I repeat myself).
    3: Stop interpreting the 14th amendment to give citizenship to anyone squirted out on this side of the border.
    4: Repeal all welfare laws. No government aid to anyone.
    5: Repeal the 16th and 17th amendments.

    1. “No government AID”
      Whites on this site freely admit that blacks are usually stronger physically, more aggressive and comparatively fearless….Who do you think is going to EAT WHO? Forget some big white dude in the sticks with a Chainsaw and think ghetto blacks feasting on whites in every major city 3 days after losing their welfare check. Back will come the answer “We have guns”…but so do they so you are talking about long-term guerrilla warfare that will then lead to the US resembling New Guinea and the Chinese and Muslims really assuming control.
      “Repeal all welfare laws”
      Watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre about the cannibals in the rural white trash hinterlands who keep their gas station running by sidelining in “BBQ”.
      It is basically true: rural whites would also be in a bad situation.
      “Anchor babies” Trump is an anchor baby. Lot’s of boomers born to German immigrants in the 1940’s were “anchor babies”. What you mean to say is to stop all non-European immigration.

      1. Lol. This reads as if you have never been in “the sticks” in your life. It doesn’t matter how big or aggressive someone is. My 5′ 1″ mother prepared to fight off grizzly’s a 250 pound man is no problem, size, in fact, does NOT matter, since the days of Sam Colt.
        13% of the country is black. Most of those have never been off the pavement and hold a firearm sideways. Let them come. I fear a thug a hell of a lot less than the government.
        And no, I mean stop ALL immigration save maybe the odd person who can actually HELP the US – a brilliant surgeon or scientist, maybe, which would amount to maybe a dozen a year.

        1. JOE
          “Let them come” Blacks won’t. Jews won’t. Muslims won’t. Nobody wants to live in the sticks and work in agriculture or for the small city government or cut Christmas trees or whatever rural whites do. It is not appealing to urbanites.
          What they would do is eat one another in 4 days if they could not get welfare (You rural whites need oil, power, Walmart supplies do you are not as self-sufficient as you purport) and you will say “so what” except that the US financial centers are on the East Coast and these would collapse.
          Blacks don’t hold firearms permits! Watch the WIRE or SOPRANOS…the first thing Tyrone or Tony Soprano does after using a gun to kill somebody in the city is drop it and then bathe in vinegar to get the gunshot residue off. No black or Italian gangster in NYC has a gun with the serial numbers on it. That is ridiculous.
          Stop all immigration. German bankers and Japanese businessmen are not the problem. Its the old Red Man (Mestizo) vs White Man problem we are dealing with.

    2. It shall never happen because the powers that be willed this current state of affairs into existence. The collectivist well-being is dead. Individualism has taken over. If you want to save yourself, disconnect from the system and live by those laws.

  11. The Marxists won’t be going that quietly. A couple you left off are the colleges and the media.
    The choice is either a boot stomping on your face forever or freedom but the Marxists didn’t build up their mind control brainwash indoctrination centers known as colleges and media just to give up on their crackpipe dream utopia.

    1. It will take a civil war to get the undesirables out. Make people choose sides. Battle it out. Win.

      1. CORINTH
        I can only cite America as an example but the Red States are primary economies in the main whose actual financial systems are controlled in Blue States along the East Coast corridor.
        The West Coast is a bit different because all it does is produce the media of a culture and presumably Flyover whites could live without this.

    2. Yeah but Marxists on college campuses are mostly Jews and Liberal white hippies who are fairly smart and make decent money. They will still own more of the economy than other whites so no sweat off their nuts.

    3. It’s not really freedom though, that the article is calling for, is it? If you read it properly he’s saying:
      Remove the right to vote from 50% of the population
      Ban pornography
      Legally enforce “sexual morality”
      If you think the author of this piece is in the least bit interested in “freedom” you are deluded, every point he makes is fascist.

  12. “Feminism didn’t start with bad intentions…While the men were separated from their wives, many of them spent their money on drinking and prostitutes. The first wave feminists arose to defend the women and children who those men were not providing for…But despite the initial good intentions, feminism morphed into the man-hating beast that we see today.”
    Way to white knight, pal. Feminism started with bad intentions – blame men and only men for their reactions to prevailing socioeconomic conditions.
    The first feminists were man-hating hectoring shrews…contemporary feminists are man-hating hectoring shrews. Tell us what’s changed

    1. Feminism from the beginning was funded and designed for the sole purpose of destroying the family unit, and ultimately the western world.
      The fruits of feminism contain women overwhelmingly voting left, wasting their fertility on hookups and career chasing, murdering their own infant children to avoid responsibility, and removing any legal authority a man once had in marriage.
      Now the west has been reduced to a shrinking minority of nihilistic self absorbed atheists cheering for their own death. But at least “muh first wave” was good, right?

  13. Solution: stop retards like Michael Sebastian who can’t do shit besides crying like a little bitch on the internet and writing articles to earn some money.
    Go find a real job you loser. When you have a real job and actually contribute to society, then we can talk about masculinity.

    1. MARCUS
      “Real job” California and NYC have higher GDP than the white Flyover and diversified economy although it is more manly to mine for coal or work on an assembly line like Detroit.

  14. Now you’re bringing ridiculous religious bullshit into this, saying we all should be virgins until marriage.
    So back to religion making everyone feel guilty for their sexual desires, which everyone has, so then everyone sins.. but give the church money and do what they say so you don’t goto hell.
    Fuck that. Most of the stuff is good here until you go into the religious bullshit which has done alot of damage in itself.

  15. Besides the funding of (((them))), the Muslims are breeding like rats and inheriting the western world primarily because they know how to keep their women in check.

  16. Lol at these wishful thinking feel good posts, how about instead of bitching you figure out how to get rich off the degeneracy around you. If whores wana whore on social media figure out a way to profit from it. If cucks wana cuck figure out a way to make bank from their cucking. If strong independant womyn wana smash the patriarchy then sell them a shitty hammer for an exhorbitant price. Them once youve got 8 figures in the bank laugh in their faces as you throw them under the bus and build a legacy to be proud of. Youre all scared of being outed for reading manosphere or red pill material and being associated with it. Why? Because you rely on the system for your bread. Idk how the fuck any of you can expect to change anything when you rely on a system that punishes you for wrongthink. Jesus christ instead of bitching about the state of women or LARPing on about how to reverse the decline can we get some more articles explaining how to thrive in it. Its only when your rich can you make an impact on the world around you, until then nothing else matters.

    1. How do you thrive in a society that actively seeks to oppose you?
      Its like telling a farmer to grow crops in a field of wet tar.

      1. You have to discern between thriving politically, financially and sexually.
        Feminism for example is dumb. It is, like every other socio-political movement out there, also fractured. If you are politically active, you even-temperedly support those groups and policies that in fact damage their own cause – and there is plenty of this. However, you first have to understand what feminism is about and, of course, what objectively – not subjectively – is YOUR interest.
        I don’t think its easy to make money out of feminism, or any social and cultural phenomenon, but it is surely possible. Be a writer, speaker, an artist, a councelar or consultant in the Machiavellian sense described above. Do you know the feminist group Pussy Riot? They have a patriarch, you know. Some bearded guy tells them what to do, what to think, manages their stupid stunts, I believe he also fucks most of them. He might also reap most of the money that comes with that publicity, but I’m not sure about that part.
        There are legions of 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s among feminists and SJWs. But occasionally, especially among the younger feminists, there’s the 8, the 9, well, maybe not the 10. (I mean natural looks, natural beauties, leftie college students etc. often don’t dress up THAT much) If you know how to control and behave yourself, if you know your left-wing ideologemes, the social expectations, you can mix text-book pua with liberal or SJW-babble. If you do it right, there’s nothing more easy than a (radical) left-wing girl. They can be super tolerant… 😛

        1. These are just examples to answer your question. I dont at all recommend adjusting or disguising to the left, especially if you dont know what your doing. Could be extremely unhealthy for your self-esteem.
          I, for my part, have a background in the right (family upbringing) and the left (college time). I can move on any dance floor, so to speak. Dont have to bend myself, you know, its experience and routine, its even like a big joke to me.

        2. Id rather not contribute to the downfall of society or have any relations with a woman strongly associated with a movement that strongly believes in false rape accusations.
          The “cant beat em, join em” mentality is more defeatist than it is triumphant anyways.

    2. DOLAN
      “Rich off the degeneracy” Jews have managed to do this and Asian-Americans have not been affected by it. It might be that both groups have higher IQ’s and this is the real reason.
      “Take back the country” The average poster (Including me) does not relish the idea of fighting stronger, more ruthless blacks in the street.
      “Repeal welfare government support” They made a film about how this would affect rural whites who are not much more intelligent or moral than blacks. It was called “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Also if blacks started eating people in DC or New York because they had no welfare the economy would collapse.
      “State of Women” Well blacks seem to be getting THEIR dick wet. Well-hung Jewish studs even get paid for it (Though James Deen has admitted being bi-sexual and I privately suspect he is actually a “bottom” homosexual off-camera who loves taking big Goy stovepipes up his mouth and rectum).
      “Outed” I live overseas and come from Detroit which is so bad for whites economically and socially that I have nothing to lose and don’t give a fuck.

    3. good points. you are correct.
      I don’t talk about it in real life. because they are all brainwashed….
      Gotta think how to capitalize, on the system and them…
      fuck it fuck them…
      I’m working on socially beneficial software…for what? fuck it…
      Zombies everywhere walking into me while staring at their iPhones…
      need to make apps to make it worse – and profit…
      me, me, me

    1. PAUL
      I don’t know if you are talking to me but as a Gen X-er alot of this is Gen Y Yuppie-raised copter lack of realism that we born in the 70’s know-
      Texas Chainsaw Massacre is what happens in the rural white states when welfare is cut-off. “Dawn of the Dead” is more what New York would be like 3 weeks after blacks got their last welfare check with blacks eating Toy Poodles and old people once the stores were looted and they realized that food does not grow in a local liquor store. Watch the end of “Scarface” when Tony and the cartel finally go to war because Spics would be doing that all day in El Paso or East Los Angeles.
      Visit a prison with equal numbers of Anglo, Blacks, Mexicans and some Wiseguy Italians-the Anglo-Saxons are the ones with black semen spurting down their throats in the showers every night (Though there are some tough bikers) and not Esse the MS-13 or “Big Pussy” the hairy greasy ugly ruthless Italian mob hitter or Tyrone. Same thing would happen in real life.
      Jews being the most sissified ethnic group like Pajama Boy would actually get it the worst from every other group.

  17. To summarize: kick all )))them((( out of your country. All the above issues go away after that. You’re welcome.

    1. KENS
      Very realistic and I am sure Mugabe or other African nations will want millions of criminally-inclined US blacks who are genetically 25% white in their countries. Ask the African leader who will agree to this

  18. Porn is already criminal in many places–say hello to novelty stores selling novelty items.

  19. I think there are few things more immoral and untraditional as Christianity. Most of todays problems, including immigration/multiculturalism, feminism/gender-nivellism and other hyper-egalitarian ideologies have their roots in some christian sect, like the quakers. And it seems to me that the christian jabbering about “sexualization” of women, of teens, of whatever – in other words: of them having and being allowed to relate to their biological sex, to express that relation in ways of clothing, speech, behavior etc. – is not very different from the more recent transgender babble, about raising children gender neutral etc. These notions only seem different on the surface.
    If you want morality, go back to the Romans and the Greeks.
    Regarding porn: without it, women would have even more power over (most) men. Porn making people impotent is a ridiculous christian and muslim lie, as scientific and plausible as Noah’s Arc. 50-60 years ago, they claimed masturbation would cause cancer in your spinal cord.
    Men don’t problematize (their) sexuality. Its a womens trait.

  20. Nobody here is remotely interested in fixing anything. The purpose of a hedonist is to find his niche within the degeneracy, so that he can get a notch count going: that is it. Fixing society would end all of that.

    1. You imply that fixing society means making it like in the 1950s or 1800s. A society that believes lust (hedone, as you say) was bad is at least, at least as broken (contrary to human nature) as a society that believes lust is the highest achievement.
      Just my 2 cents.

      1. Dr.
        The 1950’s had lust and booze and all the rest of it. The difference was that minorities and white trash were aware that if they reproduced irresponsibly that welfare was minimal.

    2. Maybe you’re not interested to fix anything and just want to fuck around. To me, you’re just part of the problem. If you don’t want to improve yourself and the world around you, fuck off to your diseased sluts and by all means stay there.

      1. Calm, down, my friend, calm down 😀 The situation isn’t so bad for you that you have to go hysterical on me. So, tell me a bit about your vision for a better world, will you? Maybe we can find a common ground.

      2. “Fix Anything”
        Whites in the 1950’s or 1800’s fared better for the following reasons-
        1) They ignored Jews as a bunch of peddlers in the ghettos of Poland or New York unless they paid a few bucks to fuck a Sarah Silverman in the ass and did not pay to hear her talk. A Hebrew woman’s mouth and anus were only valuable for one thing and not worth listening to.
        2) 1950’s whites were “Hyphenated-Americans” with an ethnic identity and communities. White Americans have lost that ethnic pride except for Jews and Hispanics. Italian-Americans were disliked by they did not care because they had ethnic pride.
        3) Anglo-Saxons were globalists who ran US-British Empire that controlled the world. It is hard to wake up in 1990 as an Anglo Saxon in US or Britain and realized that Jews have all the influence and blacks have the big dicks that get all the chicks.
        4) “Hedonism” The wild west had whores of every color and creed and Chinese opium dens and Irish immigrants selling booze by the gallon and males killing one another in duels. White males did not have television to tell them to engage in this; some did and some did not.
        5) Drug use and promiscuous sex has actually decline a little bit from the 1970’s and 1980’s when 40% of high school kids used cocaine once a week. Watch “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”. The exception is blacks and interracial sex went up.

      3. Ease up chief, take a breath. “Game” blogs (and that’s what this is) are about hedonism. “Digital nomadism” is about hedonism. “Game” is about having as much un-reproductive sex as possible in order to get a notch count going. That is simply the truth. Fixing society would ruin that and hence ruin “game.” That’s all I was saying.

    3. JJ
      I have no idea how old you are but “Hedonism” was actually WORSE in the 1970’s and 1980’s (I’m 43). Watch “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” (82) when 40% of high school kids were doing cocaine and girls were actually FAR MORE promiscuous than now.
      “Bad Boys” gives you an idea of how teenagers acted before the law changed and they could be tried as adults-if you remember that film Penn commits an armed robbery, steals a car and runs a child over and gets 3 years during which time he bludgeons two older bullies nearly to death with soda cans in a pillow case.
      There are no longer bad white neighborhoods in New York or Chicago where Irish-American or Italian-American kids of 14 were running wild. This ended in the seventies.
      Also fewer young women are sucking penises on the street as crack whores than they did a generation ago from 86-92. Sex workers are fewer in number.

      1. GEN X-ILE
        Dude, you reply to every comment on most articles. Have some restraint. Make your point, then move on. Trying to influence the conversation (or hijack) only makes me, and I’m sure a lot of other people, auto-scroll past your comments. And note: it’s not even that I disagree with anything you say, but you’ve got aspergers, or a compulsive reply disorder going on. Just chill.

        1. I’m white. I’m a gen X. I live in S.E. Asia. And I’m not against you either. I’m just asking: could you please just make your point (of which I can’t remember ever disagreeing with) and be done with it. TBH I only made an account a couple of weeks ago because I was annoyed that every comments section was hogged by you. I love the comments section, I love reading different points of view (even from females). What I don’t love is reading the same arguments over and over.

        2. ASDASDA
          You mentioned that you “agree” with some of my comments.
          Not to derail a thread but I’m curious to read what you have to say.
          What have I written that you believe is true or relevant (Or not).
          I’m interested in reading your opinions. Clearly you have some.

        3. Name the article and your points line up with mine. It’s that simple. You and I have lived the same life.
          But there’s little point in patting each other on the back and saying, “Me too!” It’s far more interesting hearing other people’s perspectives.
          I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to listen and learn. And if I can throw my two cents in here or there I will.

        4. ASDADSA
          ASPERBERS & Jews
          I’m not a Jew but one really odd thing to me that stands out to me is the “Asbergers” obsession that Gen Y have with “JOOS”.
          When I was young in the 1990’s Anti-Jew feeling was for our grandparents like playing Bridge. Nobody used the word “Kike” or had anti-Jew feelings but a few old Archie Bunkers.
          You say you left the US a long time ago so I’m curious why so many Gen Y males are into this retro “It’s because of the JOOS” over and over.
          Is it “Pajama Boy” types generally wealthier than Gen Y Anglo-Saxons? Their Democratic leanings? Their overwhelming participation in porn which Gen Y complain of being “addicted to” or warping their behavior? Stupid movies?
          I don’t get it? Did the Jews aggregate more power and influence since the late 90’s when I left the US?
          What is it with Gen Y Anglos and “JOOS”. Seems like a cop-out.

        5. Old timers didn’t have all the dirt on Jews at their fingertips and often relied on Jewish media for information. That and young Whites can see feminism, dieversity, ect. has failed. The younger gen was born into boiling water, old gen had had it good starting out and the heat was slowly turned up.

        6. GEN-X. Don’t assume I’m from the US. I did leave the west, though. I’ve kept a lot of personal details off the internet for very good reason.
          As for the resurgence of anti-jew comments, that’s like asking why there are anti ALL religion comments. When I was a kid there was little anti-christian comments and little anti-jew comments as well. So why the surge? Well, that’s because we can all see society has failed, so people are blaming everyone else. Of course no one is blaming themselves though.
          I blame myself, in part, for the anti-male dogma, since I have used many-a-women, to which I am not proud.
          I blame myself, in part, for anti-tradition dogma, since I spent many years promoting drug use, athiesm and do what thou wilt behaviour, to which I am not proud. I can go on.
          But you asked specifically about the jews. Well, as a cult, what haven’t they done to not destroy society? Hollywood and the media (which they own) promotes fear, violence and sex. The banking sector promotes greed. The judicial system promotes corruption. The political sphere promotes all of the above. If you ask me it almost seems like they desperately want us to hate them.

        7. Meh, if you are living in Southeast Asia than you know that the local population resents the Chinese merchant population and to some degree this might be analogous to the Jews in the U.S.
          And at any rate if you are Australian/NZ or a Brit there are not enough Jews in your country of origin to really be doing shit. If anything the Chinese will take over Australia and not Hymie the Coney Island jeweler. Cannot say about London stock exchange or judiciary system but when you talk about Jews you are only speaking about the United States.
          Jews in Hollywood did not come up with the “Hammer House of Horror” in British film or godawful Japanese porn or Ozploitation.
          Not that I am a Jew but simply that I am skeptical.

        8. ASDASDA
          Society has failed-if you’re about my age and spent your youth listening to Cypress Hill and smoking weed or fucking raver chicks back in 1995 at House Parties this is not because of Jews bro…it is because Gen X did that along with smoking in coffee shops and everything else we did not really think was bad for us 20 years ago.
          Gen X whites had little to do with what is wrong with the world today.
          PC was not even entirely a Jewish phenomenon although obviously they jumped on it like every other minority including gays etc.
          Obviously you are not going to tell me your Pattaya address but since I can only guess that you are a Brit or Australian to use examples I would say there are not enough Jews other white countries (I’ve lived in UK and Canada) to really affect their judiciary systems or institutions and for that matter you’ve got the class system still in place and Jews only rose in the US because it is a pure democracy.

        9. I’m not british nor australian (though lived in both countries). But you’re totally wrong about Britain and finance. It’s the finance capital. Most British people don’t know this either. Here’s a quick education (this is interesting).

          P.S. I’m not replying again to this thread, it’s annoying that I have to hit reply to my comment made about 10 comments back.

        10. Yeah, I can understand the reply issue.
          If you lived in Southeast Asia you’ll notice that anywhere (Philippines, Malaysia) the locals will complain that Chinese have made Methamphetamine addicts out of them. Certainly Chinese are the ones making it but it is Malays who chose to take it. I’d present the same argument to anyone complaining that Jewish porn is destroying their marriage/brain/morality.
          As for the London banks being controlled by Jews from Rothschild and all that…well, yeah, that is a theory. I still don’t buy all the Le Merchant theories about Jews because I’ve known enough of them to know they are not that bright or rich. American Anglo_Saxons dislikes them for assuming irritatingly Left-Wing positions and infusing their films with them.
          Then again how does Hollywood affect you if you are not an American (I still make you for a Brahmin or high-caste Indian though I may be wrong).
          I don’t have ENOUGH insight into banking and finance to truly analyze your perception.

        11. Make a friend in real life. I know you’re lonely, and I know it’s tough being an outsider in a foreign country, but I don’t want to converse with you nor do I want to be your internet friend.

      2. @Gen X Ile
        Sir, I am slightly younger than you, and yes all that is true. I recall “Bad Boys” Penn, Morales, the whole kit n’ kaboodle. Also, that Charlie Sheen movie “The Boys Next Door.” As to the neighborhoods full of awful white kids, a lot of that also had to do with the incoming minorities, not just laws. BTW, Check out the song “Restless Youth” by Ian Hunter (great song).
        You referenced the whole young girl/whore thing, which was indeed not even really controversial then it was so prevalent. In “Fast Times” the younger sister gets her cherry popped by a guy in his thirties.
        All that is true, but on game sites, the readers and leaders are largely hedonists, not as bad as the criminal hedonists mentioned above, but hedonists nevertheless. Fixing society would be nice, but it would end soft harems; when faced with that choice, I dare not say which one would prevail. That was my point.

        1. JJ Ray Winstone
          Since you are probably a Brit you remember the film “Scum” and how out of control Britain’s youth was at the tail-end of the 70’s as Thatcher was coming into power.
          That film summed up just how wild kids were in the seventies in UK just as Penn and Morales did in the US.
          My theory is that part of this was a reaction to the 60’s and 70’s and by the early 80’s Thatcher-Reagan had sort of taken over + more money in the economy.
          There are a few wiggers still around and Britain has its chavs but compared to the whites of a generation ago they are much less.
          When was the last time a black was afraid to go into a white neighborhood in London or New York because white kids would “bash” him as the old expression went?
          Whites have sort of feminized and metro-sexualized while Blacks, South Asians and Hispanics have gotten way worse.

        2. @Gen X Ile
          Great points, Blacks are not afraid to go anywhere, lol, despite what anyone wants to pretend to believe.

  21. Voting rights should be restricted to taxpayer citizens, or retirees who paid a lot of taxes in the past. That is it.
    That is all it will take. The other points are moot. ‘Feminism’ will die through this process.
    Porn is just a question of self-control. As long as there is the Internet, there will be porn, so that point is a weak one.

    1. JIMMY Porn and Self Control
      You know it is odd about Gen Y and porn. I’m 43 and started having sex in 1990 at the age of 16 like most of my generation and I cannot understand what is about watching nerdy Jews like Deen or Jeremy screwing methheads that Gen Y is so obsessed over. What is the appeal?
      When I was young, people went to a porn shop to hire a hooker to suck them off in the booth as it played loops or took a hooker into a porn theater to suck them off.
      If you remember the Pee Wee Herman scandal it was humiliating and career-ending when he got caught jacking off to porn.
      Now Gen Y males are beating off like teenagers of 14 staring at their first Hustler magazine and they are adults. What it is it with Gen Y and porn.
      Somebody explain it to me.
      Girls don’t give blowjobs anymore or have sex (Harder maybe because so many Gen Y live at home)?

      1. I recall the Herman scandal, I used to watch his show back in the 80s. What a strange guy. Porn is to Gen Y what weed was the early 90s Gen X, except for myself that is, as I did not get into that crap, nor Cypress Hill either. Both were HUGE at the time. All in all, Gen X never had a chance.

        1. JJ
          I disagree that Gen Y is more “hedonistic” than slackers, Cholos, ravers, grunge hippies etc. back in 1995-2000 (It ended when Bush was elected).
          Watch movies like “Go”.
          Watch an old Angelina Jolie film (Like “Hackers”).
          Gen X were hedonistic maniacs who smoked “Kind Bud” all over the land and fucked everywhere instead of jerking off in their bedroom.
          I totally DISAGREE that Gen Y is more HEDONISTIC than Gen X slackers in the real nadir of post-Cold War cynical decadence circa 1995-1997 when Billy was President.
          Watch an old FRIENDS episode from 94 or 95. People smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day inside coffee shops, there were no drug tests as it was assumed that most people smoked pot and did the odd line of cocaine, women were less restrained by feminism and thought fucking was part of their independence. And so on.

        2. JJ
          “FRIENDS Today”
          Remember that 1990’s show:
          Joey would be pulling his dick all day on his keyboard until it was clogged with jizz…cue laughter
          Matthew Perry would hate cigarettes but would be lighting up joints bought in a marijuana dispensary in the coffee shop instead.
          Monica would be a Lesbian feminist.
          Phoebe would be a cam-whore
          The other guy would be come out as gay.
          They would all live at home at 28.

        3. JJ Teen Promiscuity
          If you were a teenager between 1990-1995 in high school then you remember when Gen X grunge chicks were fucking all over the place and giving blowjobs like porn stars.
          It was sort of a rebellious statement to screw some girl and leave a rubber in a public place or grab a blowjob in a semi-public place.

        4. I recall the 90s very well sir, believe me. I hated all that “kind bud” bullshit and the general attitude of my peers. It was a low-speed decadence, with no direction. I recall all those stupid movies as well, Go, Kids, etc. All garbage. Ben Y may seem less decadent, but that is due to circumstances, not attitude as they would approve al of the aforementioned activities. Even if they don’t approve, they don’t dare say it.

        5. JJ Some Differences
          As “Kids” and “Go” point out Gen X kids born in the 70’s were more tough and independent. Makes sense, Gen Y’s parents were Yuppies who had only one single child.
          As you mentioned, Gen X like the “Kids” crowd never had a chance post 9-11 when the mood changed and cynicism and heroin chic went out of style. They assumed the economy would be good forever and they’d get a McJob. Now I am sure they are homeless. Its funny how “Passe” films like “Go” or “Kids” seem as a result of 9-11 and the Bush Era with their hip-cynicism.
          Whites that would be “wiggers” today listened to Cypress Hill and acted like Low Riders back in the 90’s. Actual “Wiggers” were laughed at back in the 90’s. The entire trend of Anglos pretending to be Mexicans or Guidos from New Jersey went out of style when Eminem first appeared in 98.
          “Low speed decadence” that is the best way to describe it with the pot and the Sublime-song mood. Gen Y are so dorky and upright they probably find this fuck-it attitude. I’ve noticed that Gen Y really find Gen X to be cynical and decadent because they were raised as single children by Yuppies.

        6. JJ
          Remember that white rednecks in the Flyover elected Bush in 2000 BECAUSE a Hippie was in the white house and the Liberals had been sneering at them for a decade.
          Circumstance. Well the economy has changed. Very few Gen Y 19 year old kids live away from home these days.
          We reflect the 70’s when we were born and parents raised us (Watergate, cynicism, decadence) and Gen Y reflects the 80’s-90’s when their Yuppie parents were part of the Go-Go year economy.
          Anyhow, it is hard to believe 20 years ago heroin chic was hip and guys like Ethan Hawke sitting around in apartments with dirty goatees. Nobody could make a movie about them now.
          It is funny how PASSE films like “Go” seem today with their irony and their decadence and cynicism. As soon as 9-11 came down this all ended. The entire 1990’s era (Which lasted to 2001) seems so out dated now.

  22. “Criminalizing porn”
    aww like in Soviet Union. glorious idea. i also recommend portraits of Marx in every office. that’ll improve society even further.

    1. Gen Y are pathetic porn addicts for other reasons than a bunch of willing Jewish and Negro crackhead bodies on mattresses in ratty San Fernando condominiums:
      1) Apparently Gen Y girls do not want to “put out” or simply prefer Big Black Cocks.
      2) Gen Y came of age in a shitty economy and many live at home or with 4 other roommates at the age 25. Nowhere to have sex unless you want to do the high school route of grabbing blowjobs in corners.
      3) Gen Y are kind of androgynous. It is probably hard to tell whether many of them are gay or straight what with the Metrosexual fashions and all that.
      4) Gen Y males don’t have much money. Plain and simple. The economy is shit.
      5) Gen Y women are not fucking like Gen X alternative chick hippies were back in the 1990’s (Maybe your Mom’s were some of them).
      6) The punishments against prostitution are getting pretty severe. In the old days of the crack epidemic cops could care less if you fucked a hooker in your car.
      7) Relations between the sexes are worse. I cannot answer why.

      1. 1) The attitude has changed. Hence – in parts – the rules of the game. I respect your opinionated points of view, but it seems to me that you and some other guys can’t really vibe with Millenials/Gen Y. That circumstance might have something to do with the bad dating experiences.
        3) I don’t think metrosexual fashion is always androgynous. Mens attire is more fashionable than in the past. Some things just do look good. And 20 years ago, no man used peeling cream. It does make you look better, younger and fresher tho. Some Millenials now really look kinda androgynous. Most dress that way because they get appreciated and more accepted for their looks and fashion taste – believe it or not, often times by the girls. Also more come out as gay or bi than before. In my observation, its more or less equal among whites, blacks, hispanics and asians.
        5) Millenials might be, on average, less experienced sexually, as they have less sex than Gen X, but they – and I’m mostly talking about the girls – are more open to “new” and creative sex techniques… result of the porn culture.
        7) Millenials take feminism less serious than Gen X or Baby Boomer women.

        1. MILL
          It is true about women being more experimental these days from Gen Y. Sure, it was easier to fuck a Gen X girl but they only did missionary sex and maybe a blowjob. No doggy, no anal.
          The attention that Gen Y pays to their appearance seems as gay as hell to a Gen X but remember that we were the flannel and torn jeans grungy generation. And I am not saying that a college campus full of grunged-out fucks with Manson goatees and long filthy Kurt Cobain hair was better.

        2. Your parents were Yuppies born in say 1963 or 65 so this is to be expected. They were “copter” parents and this is different than “Boomers”.
          It is funny because your average Gen X slacker who chicks thought was so adorable in 94 with his filthy goatee and flannel and unwashed hair would never get any pussy today. As for grunge chicks…you wouldn’t believe the bushes I saw back when I was first pulling panties down.

  23. In the old days before internet porn the Italians made more money from mob-controlled porn industry videocassettes (These actually cost $30 a throw as late as 1995) and crack whores could give 10 x as many blowjobs in cars for $25 because in order to jack off to porn you either had to go to a sex shop booth or you had to risk being busted like Pee Wee Herman jerking off in a porn theater.
    Internet porn? I/m not sure why Gen Y is so hooked on it.

    1. Well, think about it:
      Internet porn is easy to get (for free and available on demand) and some of it can be kinda hc.
      And much unlike old time porn, you can mix internet porn at will: 2 min anal, 3 min gb, 1 min brunette’s best scene on repeat 3 times, 4 min blondes, damsel in distress in one window with domination in another and if you like, you listen to your favorite music all the while. You can pause, eat a sandwitch and go on with it 15 min later. You can wank 4 mins, get some writing done 1 min, and wank some more. Or do it all at the same time. And yea, you can do it all day long.
      There are other reasons. Some not so fun. Just search: “Millenials, less sex” or the like.

      1. MillenialX
        It is straight-up pathetic that Gen Y admit being porn addicted jerk-offs who don’t get near real girls much of the time. Gen X screwed girls EVERYWHERE back in 1993 (JJ and some other people in their early 40’s will concur). We were getting mad blowjobs practically in public, screwing girls on the ground. Today Gen Y is 22 and lives at home at jerks off in his room.
        Then again, what can you really do? The job market pales in comparison to the 90’s when anybody with a degree could get some kind of decent job. So Gen Y lives at home in their 20’s and works a teenager’s job (Unless they are employed online) and girls are not allowed to come over because of living with Mum and Dad.
        And anyhow Gen Y girls are all slightly-Lesbian bisexuals

        1. Woah, woah. Don’t generalize and over-simplify. Everyone is different, every GenX guy, every Baby Boomer and every Millenial. I fully admit being porn “addicted”. Kinda proud of it. Yay! (I mean that, I love porn, its art) However, I didn’t say I don’t get near girls and I surely dont live at my moms. I’m always trying to improve my game, man. And why else would I be here? To read the social pessimistic defaetism? Also, I know alot of GenX guys who are totally shy and sexual negative. You’re over-generalizing the matter: there are always such and such. As said on another post to you, Millenials on average DO have less sex than GenX, but they are more sexual positive in their attitude and with their fundamental beliefs.
          If Millenial girls are all slightly bisexual, as you say, see it from the bright sight: its easier to get them do a threesome. 😛 But I think its mostly your perception. You should work on your stereotypes about Millenials, clouds your judgement.

  24. A basis for beginning the conversation but it is only slightly better than saying: We need to do better. It is vague and ambiguous and none of these points are achievable in even the slightest degree.
    We need about 10 steps for each of these points and we might be able to work towards the top step in our lifetimes.

  25. Alt-Right podcasters have pointed out the traditionalist theme in the neglected film “Blade Runner 2049,” where Joi, the holographic waifu of Ryan Gosling’s Replicant character, presents herself as a competent and deferential 1950’s housewife – something that her algorithms recognize that Gosling’s character needs to maintain his sanity in a totally screwed-up world.

    If a commercial, low-level AI can see that even an artificial man can’t thrive on degeneracy, then how much less can real men?

  26. I certainly agree with you on all four points. 1. Women have made a mess of society and in their selfishness they have given up on producing the next generation for we have a birth dirth that our political elite feel free to import substandards from the third world who have no desire to join our culture but work to eliminate Us from our own country and those produced well they have though their neglect created a generation of arrogant macho maids worse than their mothers and males who are either pathetic mommy’s boys or thugs. 2. Restoring Moral order is a no brainer, look at our debauched self destructive younger generations, Confucius pointed this one out a long time ago. 3, Frankly I agree Voting needs to be restricted but the old standard of the property qualification that is a bad idea my advice is simply remove criminals, welfare moochers on government subsidy and do nothing government job holders since these are the leeches keeping most big government in power. 4. Porn should be eliminated or banned since it is only fuel for substandard males, one need only look at the low birth rate to see its effect on society.

    1. DINMONT
      Now blacks in the US have 4 or 5 children per male (Albeit with 3 different women) so why do we need to “import” workers when we have a robust birth rate from blacks?

  27. great article but you missed the elephant in the room – the gay problem is increasing by the day – nothing but pure indulgence, vice and lack of mental discipline.

    1. BOB
      “Gay Problem”
      Gays actually clean up bad heterosexual neighborhoods (Black) to a degree. The corner-walking street prostitution goes away and with it the pimps and the crack dealers (I know that gay prostitutes are common but they are not being “pimped”) and the unwanted pregnancies. The crime rate drops as unhappy juveniles of single-mother families disappear. Gay bars are disgusting “Cruising-type” situations yes but there are less brawls and police arriving. Gay males are less likely to be on welfare than single females with kids. So
      Would YOU want gay males to reproduce? I would not that is for sure. Their lives are one non-stop depraved drug-fueled sex orgy and if they were doing this with women than you would have orphans and pregnant low IQ women roaming around the streets like stray dogs. I think the average gay male has about 3000 to 4000 sex partners in his life.
      If depraved gay males all stopped being gay and started reproducing tomorrow would you pay for their kids? Because most of them sure as shit would not do so.

    2. BOB
      I’m not gay but was in a business where I interacted with gays (And once I threatened to hit a gay in a workplace because he kept trying to touch me):
      Gays manage to earn a living because they do not have kids and other males are not as dependent on another.
      During the week they show up for week and then on the weekend it is all “Cruising-type” gay depravities
      Overall they are not affected by the stress of relationships, divorces etc.

    3. ” – nothing but pure indulgence, vice and lack of mental discipline.”
      Speak for yourself, Bob. Lol.
      You make your struggles of resistance sound like a fat girl describing cream chocolate fudge she’s fighting against every second second, all day, everyday.
      I struggle against cigarettes, myself.

  28. I am a big fan of restricting voting in the fashion of Starship Troopers (Robert Heinlein’s 1959 book, not that shitty 1990’s movie); 2 years of federal service (either in a military or non-military role) makes you eligible to hold federal office and vote in federal elections.

    1. That would cancel out all of our Democratic Presidents wouldn’t it (Clinton, Obama).
      Bush was actually more incompetent than Clinton though he did serve in the Air Force.
      Myself having been in the Army Reserves I have noticed it has no effect on blacks or Hispanics and actually blacks get more degenerate from 2 years in the army.

  29. “a 5 minute conversation with the average voter would dissuade from democracy.”
    Winston Churchill.
    that would be 30 seconds now.

  30. I never thought I would say this, but bring back the draft. Two years mandatory. It’s an effective, time honored method of turning boys into men.
    For the sake of full disclosure, I would never have been accepted for military service. At least not for combat. I’m missing internal organs, due to a childhood accident. Though a national service program along non-military lines, might be workable. As long as it’s genuinely transformative in a healthy way. You know, macho enough.
    Of course, the libertarian in me is nervous about such an idea. Especially in regard to bogus, misleading, or misunderstood, military conflicts. Conflicts of interest due to females, gays, or tyrannies, could be resolved through separate branches, or programs. And as to race, well, no problem with that one, right?
    For that matter, single sex schools might be a good idea too.
    Or maybe it could be simpler and less controversial than that. Finishing schools for girls, and boys.

  31. Pornography has to be made illegal at all costs if men are to stand up and take power back from the feminists.

  32. Porn as industry is gone. The days of “superstars” like the Mark Wahlberg character or $30,000 paychecks to Jenna Jameson are gone with the VCR.
    As for 2 willing bodies and a bed doing something…well, that is going to continue.

  33. Yep, it seems a mantra for especially globalists and leftist that “yeah, what are we gonna do about it? It’s too late to turn things around”.
    This highlights their entire thinking in that it seems that trial and error. Without the trial is the way we move in the world.

  34. 1) change child custody laws so that men are always the default responsible party for children. Many statistics prove this already.
    2) restrict voting rights to 1 vote for one marriage with child. 2 votes if your marriage has more than 1 child. People without kids should not be voting for our children’s future.
    3) full disclosure of all communications by all public officials that are not specifically national security related. We shooed be able to go to a website to view who’s saying what to whom.
    That’s all you’ll need.

  35. Los tipos que escriben esta clase de cosas…. están tan traumatizados por sus propias limitaciones que no les queda otra que invocar a la Madre Moralidad para emparejar los tantos en lo que ellos, exclusivamente en su túnel de realidad, ven como una competencia mordaz por ver quien llena mas úteros de semen, sintiendo una envidia casi borderline por la libertad, adaptabilidad y versatilidad ajenas.
    Pero la naturaleza es sabia y estos, en el desandar neurológico que determina su expresión genética, van por el mismo camino que las feministas radicales y maricas extremistas: su propia extinción.
    Todo por no afrontar su propio miedo a la muerte, por no poder aceptar sanamente lo efímero del mundo físico, lo cual les provoca esa necesidad de determinar al prójimo.
    Algún día, los heterosexuales, gays y lesbianas sanos y normales, con don de gentes, amantes de la armonía y la belleza, cordiales, recordaremos esta época como aquella en la que nos quitamos de encima a toda una generación de psicópatas.
    Evolucionar no es una cuestión de quien brama mas fuerte, ni de quien produce mas litros de esperma… es una cuestión de ADAPTABILIDAD.

  36. Yes i believe in restricting voting to only white males. The founding fathers would agree..
    Also killing all Africans and torturing and enslaving all the mentally blacked traitor sluts and black influenced faggets The founding fathers would agree..

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