The German arm of the Red Cross, an organization designed to deal with the aftermath of wars and famines in Africa, is currently needed to protect women in Berlin. Female-only “safe zones” were erected in Germany’s capital for New Year’s Eve celebrations, particularly in and around the world-renowned Brandenburg Gate.
Of course, the move has been presented as a means of keeping women safe from “all” men in the terrible white patriarchy of modern Western Europe. The ever-growing elephant in the room, Germany’s rampant rape culture amongst migrants and fake refugees, was not addressed when these plans were publicized. What a surprise!
Unable to maintain law and order, the Berlin police force is relying on charity associations to supervise public safety and prevent serious, violent sexual assaults.
Remember the old days?
What happened to the Red Cross making the news for its activities in war-torn failed states or when responding to the plight of millions in the Third World at risk of starvation? Well, cultural enrichment through open borders migration into Europe came along.
One third of the prisoners in German jails are “foreign,” a group that is overwhelmingly Arab, North African, or African and usually taken from pre-2015 arrivals. The non-German percentage of incarcerated felons is actually much higher when non-ethnic Germans without foreign citizenships are counted. Red Cross workers will be more busy still when the newer waves of migrants since 2015 start interacting with the criminal justice system.
One of my colleagues recently wrote about Sweden’s similarly lopsided rape culture; a monumental 82% of rapes there are committed by migrants. Not even the criminalization of harmless male behavior, like consensual sex with prostitutes, and other draconian legal redefinitions have been able to increase the proportion of ethnic Swedes engaged in “sex crimes.” Rather, migrants are well and truly punching above their weight in this regard.
It is hard to decide what is worse–Swedish police refusing to police in certain migrant-dominated urban areas or a disaster relief organization having to save German women from Angela Merkel’s violent guests, including right in the center of Berlin’s principal tourist precinct.
Can Berlin’s (or Europe’s) police do anything about this?
Police in Cologne, which is part of the more conservative German state of Nordrhein-Westfalen, were exposed for their powerlessness in the face of the infamous migrant sex attacks there two years ago. Operational readiness and political will in Berlin and other more pozzed German cities are worse. Arab organized crime members are said to have infiltrated both Berlin law enforcement and other agencies of its city-state government. To say the situation is parlous is an understatement.
Alexanderplatz, another area of central Berlin that was once safe (and where I enjoyed many fine times myself), is now a cesspool for crime, even according to the perennially leftist state broadcaster Deutsche Welle. Drugs are bought and sold in the open and with impunity, mostly by minorities, with police far too apprehensive about exercising their responsibilities to serve and protect. Perhaps understandably, officers are more scared of the criminals than the reverse, all while lacking the support of politicians who have the luxury of armed bodyguards to help them forget about Germany’s exploding levels of crime.
Bear in mind that this is the capital city of Europe’s most powerful country. Smaller, especially Slavic countries may be more nationalistic, but it’s a sign of an intense social and political sickness that the continent’s wealthiest society has been brought to its knees. Merely being a female member of a crowd in Germany necessitates a charity keeping you safe from migrant sexual abuse.
Nothing will change until the real problem is addressed
With authorities already “teaching” mollycoddled migrants how not to rape, a demand for personal responsibility and an acknowledgment of statistical realities are clearly not going to characterize official responses to soaring foreign crime rates in Germany. And if charities like the Red Cross are becoming involved with warding off criminals because police are overwhelmed and/or reluctant to help, regular European citizens are unfortunately going to have to protect themselves.
I am sure we can all look forward to many New Year’s Eve celebrations in Germany and elsewhere where the Red Cross and comparable organizations are the last line of defense for combating sexual assault and rape by migrants.
Read More: 3 Reasons Why European Women Should Welcome More Migrants
Thanks Jews. We wouldn’t have made it to this point without you.
Yes blame the Jews for Merkel and get immigration policy. Idiot. We are doomed. You oniw NY dog got lost… Must have been the Jews.
For the life of me, I can not understand why anyone pretends if it was still an open question and undecided debate whether Jews have anything to do with 3rd world colored immigration into Europe or not.
He is right !!!
I’m not gonna talk abt the jews in general but the Zionists are the biggest problem of the world !!!
Tell me something, why every race : white, black, arabic and asian have to accepts diversity bs and change their culture to suits the Zionists ??!!!
You can never see that happening in Israel or any other Jewish communities …hell. even if Jewish couple were abt to marry…they have to make a DNA test to make sure they are pure !!! why nobody is crying abt the Jewish racism ???
The truth is : you can make fun/ shame anyone in the western world except the Jews because they are somehow “special” !!!
Enough with this double standards !!!
are you a member of the black race who’s forced to accept diversity because of the Jews?
I’m not black.
tell me something …..whats the purpose of diversity that is created by the Zionists ?
Not that all of this matters. You are going to believe what you want to believe about this matter that is far more complicated that almost all of you think.
Jews is a crap excuse i cannot believe it. From what i can see the eurotrash are suiciding now and the decline is terminal.
Israel is suffering the exact same problem that europe is going through. Only here the globalist inflitrators ARE COMING FROM EUROPE.
There is one NGO after another infesting the country, they are pushing homosexuality, open borders, interfering openly with elections, etc. And these NGOs are DIRECTLY funded by European governments. It has gotten to the point where lawmakers are calling for foreign governments to be dragged into court on behalf of their pet NGOs subverting the country
Must be a sutid racis white Nazi comment ??
Quite so, the jewish ideology of cultural-marxism and their racist monopolies in infotainment, amounting to nothing less than forced indoctrination, are the genesis of the destruction of the West.
Merkel answers to jews.
A goy is lower than a Jewish fingernail according to our holy books. What makes a goy think his dog, child, ect. is off limits?
German men are the most handsome. Look at WWII propaganda, even the Soviets, Americans, ect. used German looking men. Brown mud only looks good on German boots.
Sorry bruder but many women dont like blond guys. Many women prefer dark “tall dark and handsome”
Most women will date a tanned muscular Italian man (or Greek or Israeli or Spanish or even Arab) than some fair skinned skinny blond guy.
Tall dark and handsome meant just a tall brunnette White. After WWII there may have been a shift away from blonds. Dicaprio is part Italian but rarely plays one, he is also part German and passes as NW European. John Turturro is more typical Italian and can pass for a Jew. I don’t think either are ugly, less women turn down the NW Euro type though. Sopranos was awesome but how many of the men were sex symbols? Sex symbols tend to group NW European. I’m talking heavy hitters that most all women have as their favorite like Pitt, Paul Walker, and Mathew McConaughey.
Does anyone really care what happens to these white German feminists? Let the Muslims have them is what I think. Germany is finished!
Why does anyone care what happens to White people? Let the brown hordes have them is what I think. Western Civilization is finished.
See how easily what you said sounds no different from what I said? John Dodds Jewish anti-Germanic shill confirmed.
You’re right, I don’t really care about other white people any more. I’ve gone brown.
And here we go again..
I have never seen this kind of cuckery that is happening to Europe !!!
The only group of people that will NEVER assimilate are the Muslims yet these fags will do anything to ensure the Muslims fucks will be comfortable on the expense of their citizens and their culture !!! what a shame.
And that’s coming from ex-muslim.
Krauts are only fearless in butchering women and children see eg ww2. When faced with someone who hits back they lose. See eg Red Army.
Its the German government after the ww2 who became cucked since it initiated by the soviets and US back then.
The whole western world is currently bending over for muslims except USA “trump” and Russia.
Yo Putin, the Germans destroyed the Russians on every possible level, it was the winter, and the fact that Germany was basically fighting the whole world by itself and outnumbered, that cost it the war.
But I guess in your mind, if you see a bunch of beaner cholos jumping a white man in the street, you see that as proof that whites are pussies.
Nice Hollywoodpropaganda.
in their defense: i would also NEVER assimilate to these european cucks. i live here, but there are no similarities between me and them. i will never assimilate to cultural marxism
Not true about muslims being the only ones who do not assimilate. The traditional scourge of Europe are the roma gypsies, who have inhabited the continent for half a millenium.
Their crime rates make muslims like choirboys, although their exact habits apparently vary greatly by country as do their looks to some extent. Spanish gypsies can pass for regular mediterranean people but are characterized by dishonesty. They are invariably swarthy relative to northern europeans.
Gypsies in Scandinavia or Hungary are known to be armed at all times (the males anyway) and they are very prone to violent outbursts for petty reasons owing to their dysfunctional culture and very low IQ. They are not simply thieves as depicted in Hollywood romanticism, but also blood thirsty thugs all too often. Numerous people are stabbed or gunned to death by gypsies each year.
If there’s something positive to be said, it’s that their culture of complete dependency and short lifespan tends to discourage population growth, while muslims see it as their mission to breed and take over.
Depending on the country you’re looking at, the major source of terror can be gypsies, muslims or a combination of both. In the UK black people regardless of religion commit a lot of crime similar to the US.
at least most roma women work as ten euro whores providing valuble happiness to most of the men in europe.
Yeah those who are into bestiliaty
Gypsies? Nigga please…
They’re harmless petty criminals who marry their 12 year old cousins instead of banding together in rape and street thug gangs.
Their main activities are: Breaking into apartments, pick pocketing, begging.
Their clan lives large off this in Romania or wherever.
“You spare the women?”
“NO, we rape the shit out of ’em…”
Happy New Years to everyone at Return Of Kings; friend and foe alike.
The next Hitler who arises in Germany will not have a strong UK, France, Russia, or USA, to stop him. What do you think will happen to the traitors at the top in Germany?
Where will the so-called immigrants there go?
Your theory of Hitler 2 is comical. The Germans were fooled by an evil kadman once they won’t be stupid again.
Well, guest, the only fooling going on is that jews did absolutely nothing at all to incur any ill-feeling that came their way. History proves that belief to be an absolute absurdity. So, yes, there will be a Hitler 2, it’s inevitable, mainly because the vast, vast majority of people have woken up, or are in the process of waking up, to the truth that jews do not have westerner’s best interests at heart. Quite the opposite. They want us dead. All of us.
That’s ironic !
Since the German society reached its peak during the Nazi regime.
Before Hitler arrival and after the collapse of Nazi germany ….they were the cuckest country in europe. corruption, immorality and chaos on both social and economical aspects.
I believe the stupidity when you let your country operated by Zionists that wish nothing but the destruction of any civilization that dare to flourish by itself.
Feel the tension. See the steam rise on the streets. Watch all the lovelies get fucked. And notice the native men standing by looking on who, if they interfere to rescue these poor lasses, will be put in jail. And the lasses don’t appreciate that these men saved their asses. Nope.
All feel good in a nation that has it made, almost. Help the less fortunate. Nevermind the less fortunate are not civilized, nor do they desire to be civilized. They rape, pillage, and plunder, and the German government says that it’s alright.
The soil is fertile for a new man, a strong man, to tkake the reins in Germany. Someone who will run out the barbarians, cut off the Jews, and tell George Soros to stuff it.
If you can’t see that there is no hope for you.
Happy New Year 2018, pal!
Not just Hitler 2.0 in Germany, but rather many Hitlers will rise, in every Western nation, throughout Europe, in the not so distant future.
huh…wont be a mad man, will be their saviour…..they will have learned by then.
Well, they seemed to have no problem supporting Merkel, who raised a 1 million+ man army of foreign barbarians with promises of rape and pillage, set them loose on her own people and has been regularly threatening to send them off to invade Eastern Europe.
“Happy New Years to everyone at Return Of Kings; ”
Same to you E.E.
Have a great 2018.
Happy New Year 2018 AutomaticSlim. And try to stay warm up there by NYC.
Happy New Year, Slim.
Same to you Mr. K!
Wishing a great 2018 to you and your family.
Happy New Year, EE.
Happy New Year to you Mr. Kersey.
I feel for the German men and women who hold views similar to myself. Circumstances are at, or near a tipping point in Europe. We’ve now reached a threshold where it’s dangerous to attend simple events such as these. This kind of fear is what ultimately divides society and tears the fabric of the common culture.
As for Merkel and her weak, sycophant followers, I can only ask them, “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
You almost got this right. Women’s safe zones are there for AFTER they’ve been molested by the turd worlders.
They have psychologists and I assume coloring books and hot cocoa
If “social justice” causes go unchecked, western women as a group are going to find themselves in big fucking trouble when enough men couldn’t care less about their health or well being.
Beyond the female loved ones in my immediate circle, I have crossed that rubicon. To be clear, I hold no specific animosity toward women in general; I am just largely indifferent. When we see the headline tomorrow, “Migrants Rape Another 500 Women in European Cities NYE Celebration,” I won’t pay it too much mind.
I suspect that “social justice” will ultimately cause the proverbial shit to hit the fan in our lifetime. The young men of today are being raised and schooled to reject the masculine characteristics that allowed civilization and rule of law to flourish. The rest are apathetic or indifferent. This won’t end well.
Ditto….Even Adolf Hitler wouldn’t care either; he’d probably allow these migrants to rape and eventually murder so that the scum of the German race is eventually erased from Germany. Adolf Hitler would silently allow these migrants to wipe out the undesirable SJWs from the gene pool and he doesn’t even need to use any force. He’d probably be a MGTOW this day.
This is what happens when women and feminist men have too much say in matters of state…and it drives me crazy. How about beating the living shit out of any Muslim that so much as lays a finger on these women??? Separating women from men is a Muslim objective — you cage or cordon off those women on New Year’s Eve and you are now looking at shades of Sharia; is that a leap of logic, or am I right?
I am of German descent, third-gen American. My family has a long history in South Saxony and my extended family is still there (historically we are architects and mathematicians, farmers, artisan-masons and mill operators). We go back at least 1000 years, when records began. I have longed to visit my ancestral homeland, and it’s been on my bucket list since I was 20.
Now I have NO desire to see my roots in person, having noticed what a disaster of Muslim appeasement Germany has become, run by the world’s most self-defeating, hypocritical, and flat-out irritating government. I mean, they will literally do EVERYTHING in the opposite of how I think it should be done. I find this shit emotionally exhausting — nothing makes sense when the strong are made to suffer while the weak are placed on a pedestal!!! These Muslim invaders are weak! Why does anyone in Europe bend to their will? Send these failures and over-breeding rats home!
/end rant
Suppose you go on vacation and let me take care of your house while you are gone…. If I let in a bunch of stray dogs and they shit all over your house, will you be mad at the dogs or mad at me?
You really can’t be mad at the Muslims that come from a shitty country and are welcome with open arms to come into a much better country. Get mad at the politicians they allow it.
If we all lived in a shitty country and some other better country said “come on in, we’ll take care of you, you can rape our women with little repercussions” we would all run to it and also!
That is “quite” true, except I have some moral standards and would not, under any circumstance, rape and murder women and children. I’m not a dog that needs to be put down.
Good point. I hate that it’s a good point, but it is!
German and Swede women would call the police on men for “street harassment” but they would open their legs for a 14-year-old migrant refugee to rape them like animals. Fuck these feminists! They imported rapefugees and I don’t give a fck if they are actually raped or not. That’s not my problem.
^————-Like I said, the new generation of young guys won’t give a fuck about them.
And they can’t bitch about the issue to the SJWs, either, lest they be accused of being “Islamophobic.” :^)
Feminist are ugly and want sex with mudgrants. The actual rape victims are mostly attractive young girls.
The best we can do is elect the best people for us here in the US. Europe is fucked. While Trump is a flawed candidate, he has done the job of awakening the men of this country and removing the immigration issue from the Overton Window. “Build the Wall” is now a mainstream political position.
And the more the refugee crisis grips Europe, the more centrists drift to our way of thinking.
German feminists will still call the police if you beat these supposed rapefugees since they will call you a “racist” for that.
Someone would have to be literally Adolf Hitler to stop the decline of Germany.
German men can give good harsh beatings to the swarthy male Untermenschen while wearing masks to conceal their identities, then immediately disperse in different directions before the police arrive. They can do this while waiting for the next Hitler to arrive (and he will probably rise from among their ranks, unless he rises in another country first and arrives at the head of a liberating army).
I always see Zionist Israelis talk about how Israel is the “only free democracy in the middle east” and that “we have freedom of religion here and all religions have equally protected”….. Meanwhile it’s against the law for a Jew to marry a non-Jew, and any random Jew from anywhere in the world with no ties whatsoever to the land can get an Israeli citizenship simply for being Jew.
You’ll never see diversity or multiculturalism pushed in Israel, even though they claim to be this great free democracy. They’ll never have a mass immigration of Africans or non-Jews.
You mean white Turkish Mongol Ashkenazim Jews. Israel is racist against Blacks and Arab Jews.
Also if a Gentile converts to Judaism and then moves to Israel, he will receive a special stamp on his passport indicating that he is a convert, because the Israelis don’t really trust converts.
in their defense: i would also NEVER assimilate to these european cucks. i live here, but there are no similarities between me and them. i will never assimilate to cultural marxism
Red Cross is racist against Blacks in Africa for using their service to protect white women from refugees that white women supported in cause.
If refugees are actually raping white women in Germany, then that’s not Red Cross to deal with. It’s for local police.
I can only speak for my nation, the US.
Rape is a felony in the United States and it is ALWAYS a matter for the police and the justice system. It’s not an issue that can be handled by Twitter, a hashtag, social media, the Red Cross, or anyone else.
What feminists are seeking to do is simple–blur the definition of rape. Make it so convoluted and opaque that virtually anything falls under its’ umbrella. From catcalling to sexual harassment to sexual assault… it’s all rape. Consensual sex? Well that could be rape, too, if the woman regrets the encounter.
Nearly all men will be harmed by this. Those who will suffer the most harm, however, are the women who are actually raped. I’m talking about those who are the victims of home invasions, kidnappings, carjackings, etc. In these cases we should be considering the death penalty as punishment.
Notice that the media isn’t paying one ounce of attention to these actual victims. But if the boss cracks a dirty joke, it’s #MeToo and a forthcoming lawsuit. Hence why I do not make jokes at work, compliment women, and do whatever I can to avoid discussing anything that is not work-related.
Detroit. Detroit. St. Louis.
I do not consider myself a racist but after a certain point EVERYBODY leaves-Jew liberals and labor organizers, white trash Klansman, centrists, criminals, Italian mobsters, Asians…everybody.
The inhabitants of these cities would, if they could, force other groups to live there by decree for the tax money. But they cannot and everybody flees.
Right now in most cities if you have money you are safe (Relatively). But this is only because enough money is generated by for example, Asians and Jews on the West Coast.
If the economy declines you can be sure that everywhere will look like Detroit.
In the case of Europe 40% of the Muslims and Africans will never hold a job or even an illegal one like selling drugs so there is not a enough tax money which is then going to lead to a bankrupt society that cannot pay for families of 5-6 that comprise 40% of the population. Forget it, the money will run out. Not that I am against welfare for the poor and disabled etc. but let us face the facts that when nobody works there is no money.
Then of course this leads to a Bangladesh.
The only reason the US is not in the same situation is that it is so far from Africa or the Middle East that nobody can sail there and even in the 21st century those groups are two stupid to organize a mass refugee invasion across the Atlantic.
I cant take it anymore….I’m at a hotel at Queen St & Yonge St, and I don’t think I can live like this. 2018 will be worse for me in Toronto. Is ending my life worth it? I lived 34 years all of my life in this hell hole called Canada in Vancouver, and I have sleeping pills by my side. Should I take them and overdose?
Hi John, it’s Alex from CAFE in Ottawa speaking!
Please call me before you hurt yourself over trashy pieces of scum you call Toronto women.
No John, please don’t do this! Your suicide would be a joyful victory for all those cunts and their enablers, because they want all normal men like you dead. Stay alive instead and devote your life (which I hope will be a long one) to making their lives utterly miserable so that they – instead of you – will want to commit suicide! Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you can’t bear your life as it is, then get the hell out of that environment – just pack up and leave, go somewhere else, anywhere other than where you are now.
If you are at a point where you are willing to die, then get on a plane and go somewhere else.
i.e. somewhere with hot women, good weather, beaches, and places you can make money just for speaking english
You are already seriously thinking about killing yourself, so what do you have to lose?
Im going to post my last video on my YouTube channel:
So long cruel world of evil Canadian women!
DUDE…dont…just leave Canada
Hopefully John will call me.
I work at CAFE in Ottawa, Ontario, and my office sometimes receives these types of suicidal rants from men in mental distress mainly from the Toronto area.
I’ve counselled several men from Toronto regarding how poor they were treated by the system in that city. To sum it up, in Toronto, if you’re a male who doesn’t fit in their culture, they alienate, hate, shame, wish the worst upon you, while expecting you, as a man to “man up” and become a middle and upper class earner like it was the 1960s again.
This form of hostility against men in Toronto causes them to become 2nd class citizens, reverse discrimination in favour of Canadian women and lesbians, and also treated inhumanely by social providers because of inherent hatred and suspicion of men.
Women are taught from young in Toronto that men shouldn’t become higher in status because that is considered oppression of women. Employers fear promoting men in fear of discrimination lawsuits from women in Toronto. The Gender Wage Gap is completely fucking false and full of bullshit, but no employer or politician will dare challenge that notion.
Instead, they hire Canadian-born females at over $30 per hour to shuffle papers in an office at a bank tower in downtown Toronto, while visible minority women work over 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, as temporary employees for the lowest wage possible inside a factory with questionable safety standards and no employee benefits such as dental or pension.
The last time I was in Canada was in the summer of 1975. I was in my late teens, and I remember working class adult men, way back then, especially in the western provinces, telling me how screwed up things were in Canada. Even then, there was a sense of hopelessness, frustration, and despair among these men. I hope that someone can reach out to help young men like this in Canada, and to intervene in any thoughts of suicide or other desperate behavior. I knew Canada was messed up, but it has turned into a socialist/feminist/PC/SJW/LGBT hell. Those who can, bail out and immigrate elsewhere. Those who can’t, god help you! To men in America, beware where we are headed!
Feminists also start up nuisance lawsuits against MRAs here in Canada. Our friend Dr. Janice Fiamengo was a victim of a lawsuit for alleged “discrimination” against a crypto-feminist masquerading as a female University of Ottawa student with a gender identity disorder and mental disorder (which I think stems from her gender identity disorder).
I hope that John didn’t end up on the Feminist hit list, but if he’;s bankrupt because of a nuisance lawsuit that I’m not aware of, CAFE will be happy to offer him, no strings attached, no repayment, donation of $50,000 so that he can get up back on his feet after that lawsuit. That’s if he calls me or our office to assure us that he isn’t going to kill himself because of garbage women in Canada.
It’s not that easy to leave Canada if you’re broke, or if you have travel restrictions because of a feminist. Leaving Canada is very difficult for a man if he doesn’t have a passport because it’s seized for child support.
It’s also hell once a feminist like Stephanie Guthrie presses criminal charges against you for feminist-oriented definitions of Twitter harassment. I donated personally, $8,000 into Gregory Allan Elliot’s legal fund because once he was booked for that charge, he was released on bail as a broke man, and unemployed to boot because he couldn’t even access a computer to even look for a job, because of the FEMPIRE judicial system’s interest in protecting the feelings of a feminist who started a Twitter harassment and cyberbullying scheme in the first place.
Leaving Canada
You can get a job in the US if you are Canadian quite easily unless you have indictable offenses on your record.
Of course the US sucks too.
Alex, I just want to say that you are doing truly noble work! You are making a positive difference in this world. I hope that John contacts you today.
Don’t do it John! I’m telling you this for your own fucking good my friend!
This tyranny that’s being imposed upon us in Canada will eventually collapse; even the FOUNDER of the 1st women shelter Erin Pizzey observes that! The FEMPIRE is collapsing in Canada, that’s why they are doubling down on harassing MRAs. I’m certain that the FEMPIRE will COLLAPSE in Canada!
And why the fuck are you in downtown Toronto in the heart of the feminist district? Where Ryerson University banned our ally Men’s Rights Group, and where nearby UofT constantly receives false complaints about our advocacy on their campus?
John, GET OUT OF THERE! I’ll be happy to order an Uber to carry you out of Toronto to my friend’s place in Fort Erie. I don’t mind paying over $500 for Uber to carry you there. JOHN PLEASE CALL ME NOW!
I’m WAITING for you to call me. DON’T HURT YOURSELF!
John, life is short enough without shortening it. Drop everything toxic in your life. Just focus on yourself for awhile. Consider a move to a different place with a different culture.
Let’s ponder a thought I just had.
This article makes it clear that the police force in places like Germany cannot do their job anymore. Whether outsmarted, out manned, whether kept from doing their job by a higher power, or a refusal to do their job, the police are ineffective.
What’s the next logical step for the German people? If their police, their military and their government can’t protect them, then ethnic Germans will have to police themselves. This means that everything is on the table: Violence, citizen arrests, exile of foreigners, everything, anything. This also means that the government or the police try to stopping them would be illegal because the government and the police couldn’t fulfill their tasks. This means the German people can treat their police and government as enemies and do what they will.
Here’s an unwritten rule of civilization: if the government no longer represents you, it isn’t your government and hás no legal representation of or over you.
Nothing will change until many tens of millions of males are removed from the planet. Current trend seems to be a soft autogenocide by the cucked whites but it could be genocidal war, including civil wars. Whoever wins gets Europe. There’s no guarantee it will be the native whites. It is a fantasy to think wholesale populations will suddenly “wake up”. Any nationalist movements we see are from people who already understood the dangers. A paltry few are people who were once globalist, got woke, then turned nationalist. Can’t think of one.
Generous welfare pacifies the men, while masses of extremely thirsty white knights, desperate for female validation and poon, some who carry badges & guns, enforce the orders of degenerate lawmakers and judges – against their own brothers. Again, this is a consequence of a dearth of males.
Don’t do it John! I’m telling you this for your own fucking good my friend!
This tyranny that’s being imposed upon us in Canada will eventually collapse; even the FOUNDER of the 1st women shelter Erin Pizzey observes that! The FEMPIRE is collapsing in Canada, that’s why they are doubling down on harassing MRAs. I’m certain that the FEMPIRE will COLLAPSE in Canada!
And why the fuck are you in downtown Toronto in the heart of the feminist district? Where Ryerson University banned our ally Men’s Rights Group, and where nearby UofT constantly receives false complaints about our advocacy on their campus?
John, GET OUT OF THERE! I’ll be happy to order an Uber to carry you out of Toronto to my friend’s place in Fort Erie. I don’t mind paying over $500 for Uber to carry you there. JOHN PLEASE CALL ME NOW!
John can go to the US and it is a LITTLE LESS PC. Any Canadian can work in the US-some kind of NAFTA agreement.
Happy New Year to All My Fellow Clueless ROK-Cucks! But will the 2018 New Year be happy? Hell No. -Sadly every day the internet alights with new stories of how screwed good persons will be.. and everyone just sighs and grumbles about it. We all read these shit articles about the ‘new outrage’ and pathetically click ‘thumbs up or down’ like Facebook teenagers. Any of the biting comments, including a few of mine I might boast, are STILL being filtered out for PC reasons. Each level of disaster we face is specifically engineered by a J-Corporate Military, yet we cannot truly discuss it. Pseudo-debates as in the above comments piss back and forth about ‘Hitler-2.0 restoring our fantasy 1950’s Stepford world’; even though his relatives (Merkel) have a gun to your head to ensure the opposite. and everyone’s scared to react! After 8 years of O-scam-a and now Dumb-kov the rapefugees and NWO bankers are STILL free to just roll along screwing the Western world.. and this article is only redress? In 2018 it might be time for this shit-site to read less like Cosmo and instead have some REAL statistics.. How many rapes? Who admitted those who did it? Who are they? .. but No. instead let’s gossip about tragedy with cartoon avatars and CENSORSHIP for any thought that has value… Ugh… I am going to violently throw up this New’s Years and I have never had a drink of alcohol in my life!!! Blaaaarrrrrgggggh ;-P….
German here, I have lived in Berlin a year ago, it’s not so bad there really.
It’s a big city, probably half non German already, where muslims dominate certain parts of the city, which means they keep their customs and don’t interact with outsiders much.
I have seen wild shit go down on the subway like muslims about to stab each other but they’re unlikely to bother you.
Although lawlessness and violence is always in the air at night, you just need to be a bit street smart and won’t be affected.
Where things get bad however are the cities and towns where invaders don’t have their own enclave but outsiders that no non SJW would ever want to associate with. They feels this and turn into thug and rape mobs.
Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am inspired!
Extremely helpful info specially the final section 🙂 I maintain such information much.
I used to be looking for this certain information for a long time.
Thanks and best of luck.
You are so cool! I don’t suppose I’ve read a single thing like
that before. So great to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject.
Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is something that
is needed on the internet, someone with a little originality!
Most of these women are liberal dung trash anyway that probably supported mass immigration/self destruction to their own white race. F’ em.
And men get raped much too often to not have public services catered toward male sex crime victims. #metoo right??!
More signs of the global gynocentricism that are in place because of powerful shadow MEN. Lol