16 Signs That You Are A Weak Beta Male

The weak beta male is one of the worst creatures of contemporary society. Much like women, he has a fleeting nature and is overwhelmed by the currents that happen to surround him rather than allowing his inner, steadfast character guide him in the proper direction. Here are some of the major signs of a beta.

1. You bench-press less than your body weight

Physical weakness is indeed negative. With the exception of older guys—who hopefully compensate with their accumulated money and life experience—all males should be able to bench-press their own body weight.

2. You have more than 25% body fat

The outside is indicative of the inside. Males with weak character indulge in the wrong foodstuffs and don’t exercise properly. While about 10 percent body fat is optimal for the aspiring alpha, anything above the 25% mark is a sign of a broader and deeper weakness.

3. You lack the will or ability to learn self-defense

Will papa police always protect you? Most likely not. Therefore, every man should aspire to learn self-defense, both with and without a gun. To have visible muscles is a good start, since you don’t want to play defense all the time, while the next step is to acquire relevant fighting and shooting skills.

4. You embrace leftist ideologies

Politics is largely a question of globalism vs. nationalism these days, but the left-right dichotomy still says something substantial about the independent vis-a-vis the dependent man.

The right choice is to not rely on welfare handouts and blame others for eventual shortcomings like the leftist losers tend to do.

5. Your existence largely centers around pastimes like sport, video games, or TV shows

Unfortunately, even fantasy shows include rapefugees.

Instead of focusing on individual goals or projects, whether they are linked to making money, becoming more fit, traveling the world, or fucking 8s, the beta acts like a zombie consumer and swallows every TV sport, video game, or Gay of Thrones episode like they were all sacred semen.

6. You are more interested in other people than ideas

Gossip is for girls. Modern masculine men are interested in ideas because they seek to understand the world, whether through anecdotes, observations, discussions, or sound science.

Instead of chatting about what the Kardashians are up to or who Lana the friendly whore is currently sucking seeing, the non-beta is busy figuring out how to make more money or scrutinizing the history of the global elites.

7. When you travel, you never step out of your comfort zone

Traveling has become more comfortable than ever. Even in most dangerous countries, one can dwell in literal safe spaces 24/7. While it’s nice to relax every once in a while, masculine men take calculated risks and seek out dangers, whether for fun or to test their character.

8. You often watch porn

As a substitute for real sex, the beta male consumes large quantities of porn. In the not-too-distant future, he will likely also use sex dolls, AI robots, and VR sex.

9. You’re letting your girlfriend make all the major decisions in your relationship

From the article “How to Apologize to Your Girlfriend.”

Depending on context and circumstances, you can compromise and let the woman make minor decisions (like which soap she should use in the kitchen), but no masculine man lets a female be the boss. Period.

10. You worship females and celebrities

Do you follow many celebrities or random “pretty” girls on social media and put them on a pedestal? If so, you’re weak and pathetic and have not developed any further than a teenage girl.

11. You blame society rather than making individual improvements in your own life

Is society to blame for your surplus fat? That you drink tons of beer and eat massive amounts of sugar, increasing your estrogen levels? That you have never slept with an attractive woman? That your country’s economy sucks? That you never travel? If the answer is yes to these questions, you’re a weak beta.

12. You cannot stand “hate facts”

Truth Is Now Hate Speech

I’m referring to sex differences, intelligence differences, cultural differences, and whatnot. If you cannot take the harsh truth, you’re a weak man.

13. You’re taking care of someone else’s kid

The ultimate beta cuck move is to raise and financially support someone else’s child or children. Such a pursuit is neither beneficial for one’s financial and mental well-being, nor one’s genetic lineage.

14. You’re in a relationship with single mom

Slim single moms may be good for the occasional pump and dump pastime, but to be in a relationship with that type of woman is a big no-no for the masculine man.

15. You have many female friends

Social circles that include women may be appropriate for dating opportunities, but to have multiple female friends and spend considerable time with them in order to chat and gossip is just a waste of time and energy.

16. You constantly defend females

“How dare you sexist pigs talk trash to an innocent woman? Even if she has slept with 199 men and my goal is to be number 200, it doesn’t mean that she is a ‘slut!’”

Lastly, we have the phenomenon of white knighting: guys who vociferously defend the opposite sex against so-called harassers, bigots, haters and sexists.


This may be a wake-up call for some who have become stuck in slackness and lack goals, ideals and impulsion. Remember that you don’t always have to be this way, though. You can change in the proper direction, towards a neomasculine mindset and behavioral repertoire.

Read More: 6 Signs That A Man Is A Cuckold

230 thoughts on “16 Signs That You Are A Weak Beta Male”

        1. its a nutrition problem? I thought they were just mixed raced while being raised by their non biological cucked dads.

      1. Alvorada — Look up “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” by Weston Andrew Price, and “Pottenger’s Cats”. Also there is a good website westonaprice.org. These sources explain shockingly well how a deficient diet can produce very disappointing specimens. It would explain their mental problems too. It is quite disturbing actually, but understanding this can give one hope that this can be prevented and reversed.

      2. The narrow jaws stem from nutritional deficits from eating garbage food. Read about the Pottinger cat studies. Feeding cats cooked food (instead of their natural raw food diet) resulted in narrow jaws that could no longer properly hold all their teeth and malocclusion. After a certain number of generations, the cats could no longer breed — and the population died off. People ignore science and history to their detriment.

    1. Its because the rest of that millennial body attached to them is pure horses a$$….

    2. Excellent list William. It’s all about taking the path of least resistance. Take the path of least resistance and you are nothing more than a compliant lap dog waiting for a treat.

      1. Terrible Article
        Number One 1 Sign That You Are A Weak Beta Male
        – You are reading this Article! 😀 hahaha

        1. As a tall guy, I have to complain just a bit about the use of ratios to bodyweight for suggesting what a guy should be able to lift. 😀
          For a 5’7″ 140lb guy, benching bodyweight is nothing. A 5’7″ guy weighing 220 is a beast, and should bench 300+.
          For a 6 ‘4″ 220lb guy, it is substantially harder (longer limbs, weight/strength isn’t proportional).
          I was a beta wuss, and didn’t start lifting until the age of 39. I’m 6’4″, 215, and it took several years for me to get to the place where I could bench over my bodyweight (benching 230 now).
          Overall, great article. Thanks

    3. I support someone elses’ kid ……..
      But then, another someone else is supporting 4 of my kids.

      1. But at least you get some homemade Rice Whiskey for your troubles every now and then.
        That’s a good perk!

    4. You know, I’m beginning to realize all modern white men are Betas. Traditionally men took women by physical force, they had no rights of consent, to say yea or nay in the process. We saw, we wanted, we took, sometimes their fathers gave or traded. There were two ways the Roman army took women, by conquest (as invaders) and by payment (brothel/trade). But now it’s considered manly and Alpha to play clown game and to talk them into consent, consent at every moment ……….. what has happened to us?

        1. HS
          But I don’t even pretend I’m an Alpha. I take what quality I can get, for the lowest price and least effort, even if it is second hand. But I’ve never stooped so low as having made a fool of myself to try and get one. Hammered Shit, Alpha dance clown …..

        2. I’m not claiming I’m alpha but I’m not so desperate as to wife up a single mom . I’ll pay for sex

      1. “You know, I’m beginning to realize all modern white men are Betas.”
        Actually, men are men. The social-sexual hierarchy is merely artificial.
        “Traditionally men took women by physical force, they had no rights of consent, to say yea or nay in the process.”
        That’s actually less than accurate.

      2. Right now even brothels & any type of sex work is becoming illegal cause of human trafficking laws, not that I agree with any kind of trafficking or pimping but if a women is prostituting herself on her own free will, no one has any right to stop her. Also no one has the right to stop men from buying sex like they did in Sweden or Canada with the so called Nordic model where the buyer is doing a crime but not the prostitute.

  1. Excellent list
    But respectfully disagree with the first one:
    Dr Bill Wong once stated that he had never encountered a man over 35 doing extensive bench press that did not have a shoulder issue.
    I would more go for deadlifting/squatting 1,5 to 2 times your own bodyweight.

    1. Excellent list but not completely accurate. Lots of alpha males care less about politics that doesn’t make them beta.
      My view is that this site should embrace shorter easy to write news – with red-pilled perspective and opinions/humor – articles rather than just long intellectual red-pill intelectual lists as there are only so many that can be written.

      1. It’s not specifically about politics, economics or science; it’s about a general focus on ideas rather than people. Weak betas gossip about other peoples, like many women do.

        1. One of the most revealing characteristic of a weak beta is the jealousy. Weak betas are jealous of strong men and are usually quick to point out a strength and try to convince the audience that it is somehow a weakness. For example; you happen to have big arms and they look good in a t shirt. A beta will say, “stop flexing.”

    2. Have you ever considered whats seems the problem with injuries issues ?
      maybe they did the workout wrong
      maybe their nutrition sucks
      maybe they jumps to heavy weight in a short time without taking things gradually
      there are millions of reasons why……
      if you are patient and do it the right way, you can bench even higher your normal weight.

      1. The Butcher of Anderson Station — I remember my father, who wrestled in school, told me that one good way to develop muscles in a balanced way, is to use your own body’s weight for exercise. Hand stands, push-ups, pull-ups, you name it.

        1. I do mostly body weight exercises and light weights mixed in. 35+ years of moderately heavy dumbells killed my rotator cuffs and elbow tendons.

      2. This! 1000% . I’ve had surgery on one of my shoulders after a bicycle crash that caused a locked posterior dislocation and fractured humerus. Push-ups have been more effective at rebuilding strength, preventing re-injury, and keeping much of my upper body firm more than bench-pressing would.

        1. ” Push-ups have been more effective at rebuilding strength, preventing re-injury”

        2. Same here, had a capsular shift surgery after multiple dislocations, and then a few years later broke my collar bone on the same side. The bench press is definitely not my best friend.

    3. Most guys smoke their shoulders (impingement) doing bench press due to NOT using poor form(bar path, not retracting the scapula, no back arch) and not doing a proper warm up nor the required assistance excercises needed to strengthen your shoulders/rotator cup… EG reverse grip cable flys, face pulls ect

    4. I think it’s just a general gauge about how strong you are. MOST guys who are reasonably strong should be able to put up their body weight at least once on the bench. You don’t even need to do bench press as an exercise to have that kind of upper body strength. Lots of police departments use it as part of their fitness tests when applying.

    5. I’m over 50 and bench 1,5 times my body weight. No issues. That said I believe many do get shoulder issues mostly from over doing it, to much, to heavy, to often.

  2. First one depends on context. If you’re new to lifting, its fine to start slow and work your way up, but out of context it sounds like you’re encouraging lifting with ego.

    1. I can respect a man who can admit to a so called ‘low bench press’ far more than a guy who boosts his numbers.

      1. exactly..this sh*t is just going to encourage newbie lifters to ego-lift..and ruin their bodies.

        1. By curling grande size frappe’s instead of talls? Family sized bags of Doritos over lunch pail sized ones?

    1. Same. I can’t imagine what goes through the head of any male who would make that face for a picture. It looks like they’re anticipating a hot load to the gullet. Most punchable faces of all time

    2. I have only met one soiboi/numale (he was my intern) in my life (I thank God I have a good circle of friends devoid of these aberrations) and he was grinning open mouthed like that from the gate. I was disgusted, and this was damm near 5 years ago.
      How the fuck can you grin like that? What the fuck are you even grinning about?
      Fucking pussy.

    3. The ubiquity of the soyboy grin is a curious thing, much like the hissing and lisping of homosexual males. I’d guess it’s a learned behavior, though there must be a “Patient Zero” for this malady.

  3. Bench pressing my body weight is something I cannot do. Even Heartiste states that minimum of 81% of one’s weight to bench press is sufficient. He also says a maximum of 170% of one’s weight should be the limit – but anyone who can bench 170% of what they weigh probably are walking around with massive man tits. Firm man tits or not, I wouldn’t want that.

    1. Yeah, I have also read that. That guy is often accurate about a lot of things. Let’s just say that we generally want to avoid physical weakness. Sometimes exact limits and levels are not something to be to bothered about. Still I think it’s reasonable for the bulk of men between 20-55 to bench press 1 x bodyweight.

      1. I haven’t done a bench-press in 20 years. Its a completely unnecessary exercise. I won’t say don’t do it if you enjoy it but if you are intending to have good mobility (as any warrior should) you should probably dispense with it.

  4. Considering how women are misbehaving I’d say, at present all western men are beta.
    Measuring it by bench-pressing strength is ludicrous.

    1. I get your point in a way but we mainly focus on individual masculine self-improvement here, not broader currents that we hardly can do something about (at least as individuals).

      1. @ Adams
        I second that* but would simply add that pua and ‘gaming’ girls can and does fall into personal development, but they are generally mutually exclusive; even though they are tied to the same ‘game’ so to speak

  5. I got lost in Stockholm once, this refugee started following me begging for money. I was polite at first. He didn’t get the message. Finally I got in his face, told him to F** off and pushed him out of my way. Later that evening I passed him again, made eye contact and he walked away from me. I turned around and saw him pull the same garbage on a swede. That swede gave him money. What bunch of weaklings the swedes are.
    I was in a German night club a while back. Some drunk guy started to mess with me, taking my drink and getting in my face. Bartender watched as I threw his ass to the ground. That guy got thrown out of the club and while I got a free drink.
    My point is this, standing your ground and not letting others walk over you garners respect. Its universal. I don’t speak German or Swedish. Yet that refugee and German asshole knew not to mess with me.
    Not respecting yourself needs to be added to the list. It’s the most beta trait of all.

    1. KLAUS
      Have you ever noticed that White Americans are generally less Beta than Europeans even if all four grandparents come from a specific country?

      1. Yes I have. Its not just white Americans. Its most Americans, of course there are exceptions to that. Soy boys in cali, or the gays in chi-town. I’ve met a few Europeans that are willing to stand up for themselves. Maybe 1 in 50.
        It’s definitely based on culture. Having self respect is the foundation of a successful nation/culture. It’s why white cultures have dominated the world. Mid-eastern nations will never have peace, nor will most of Africa. Part of it comes down to not respecting themselves.
        Deep down Sunnis and Shiates hate themselves. They use differences between their religion as an excuse for violence. Islam is based on submission and that in of its self destroys self respect. Look at the 5 pillars of Islam, none of them are for self improvement (charity is not self improvement). Now look at the 10 commandments. While most specify what not to do, there is one in there that doesn’t. “Honor thy father and thy mother”, one must honor their parents, for that will be passed on when thy have children.
        Look at SJWs, deep down they all hate who they are. They project that to other people while destroying any dignity they have. Hating oneself is one of the most prominent reasons for violence. People who respect themselves only use violence for defense.

        1. “Respecting your parents” is the biblical way of asking you to take responsibility for yourself when you become an adult and stop blaming others (starting with your parents) for your misfortunes. You see even in our degenerate times most parents don’t willfully abuse their children. Another sickness I see in popular culture in the West is to proudly claim that one was abused or neglected as a child by one’s parents, specifically one’s father. Just STFU. Usually the whine is that the father left him or he wasn’t there for his 9th birthday or some shit like that. May be he was out battling the shit in this world and building civilization and putting food on the table so you can grow up with the ability to bad mouth him. This now, when many in the younger generations don’t even have a father to begin with the explosion of single mommery

        2. Look for physical causes before metaphysical ones. Europe had their absolute best – and I mean best in everything – absolutely destroyed. Murdered, enslaved, forced into obscurity or low-existence jobs. They’re beta because it’s been 100 years now of dysgenics. Of course, the same could be said in the Kwa, it’s just that that point hasn’t been reached yet. Give it two more generations.

    2. We in Europe are trained to not solve our problems we have with each other using guns or violence.
      In a homogenous society, you do not want your (our) people to fight, you want them to solve their conflicts with decency.
      We were always told violence is state monopoly, the cops will take care of it.
      Enter the migrants, enter the outsiders, and we are lost, because we are not trained to fight, we do not have military training, we are alien to violence.
      BUT we CAN be trained. And if we are trained, we are unstoppable.
      We SHOULD be trained again to fight, with compulsory military service.

      1. warrior hun
        You will not see Somalian refugees in Minnesota pushing around tough Finnish American fighters in Minneapolis bars.
        I’ve read that French women in Calais are going into refugee camps to have sex with the Africans for free.
        You’d be unlikely to see Cajun women in New Orleans going into a refugee camp to be used by Africans in a barracks. It just would not happen.
        I do not know what it is about Europeans but if you compare, say, Germans in Frankfurt to German-Americans in Austin, Texas there is some Beta quality about the former.

        1. The Nazis should’ve won, Europe would be better off. These French whores in Calais should be used as gator bait.

  6. #17 You overuse the word “sorry” in your daily vocabulary. It should be used sparingly only to sincerely express regret for a mistake you’ve made. You should not feel sorry for not hearing what someone just said. You either say, “Pardon me?” or “What?”
    Don’t say, “Sorry, that won’t work.” Say “On the contrary, that won’t work,” or “That won’t work.”
    Everytime I hear someone saying the word “sorry” in that context, I cringe.

    1. Not to mention “love”. Although that’s more of a girl thing, but I hear love get thrown around way too liberally. How much stuff can one person honestly love?

      1. Especially when the guys say, “Loooovvve!” like a faggot while placing his hands over his chest.

    2. Agreed, good point. Language says what it means. Get out of the habit of saying sorry as a default – it’s a culturally conditioned reflex.

    3. I say it all the time when I walk in a straight line and someone’s in my way. Sorry = move.

  7. This should be written like the DSM V where a man would need to meet like 5 or 6 of the criteria before being diagnosed as a Beta male. No man is perfect.

  8. Sheeeeeit man, if I lost this 30 pounds I gained in the last 6 months and quit jerking off so much, I’d have 0 of these.

  9. 17. you lack self respect. your posture sucks and reflects outwardly who you are.
    18. you lack self discipline. uou are slovenly and poor hygiene practices. you are frequently sick and dont know why.
    19. you lack self confidence. you dont look people in the face and you dont phrase your speech like you believe it yourself.

      1. @J. Hue I think social media is one of the biggest oxymorons that has ever existed. “Social”-media is anything but social. All it’s managed to be good for is stroking egos, mindless scrolling through useless videos, advertisements/propaganda and recently SJW witch-hunts. Facebook is also becoming increasingly more liberal with each passing day. I’m waiting for the day when people will become censored for having opposing liberal views because that day IS coming.

        1. @Burton. That day is already here. Some people’s Twitter accounts were suspended for wrong “speech”.

    1. BENBY
      Bodybuilders generally do short repetitions of heavy weights. This is not going to do you any good in a boxing ring.

    2. As long as your a healthy weight and can ‘comfortably’ life 1/3 your weight then your ok (as in when you pick that shit up it feels natural and not forced), 50 is a rough estimate, if your 150 lbs you should have no problem lifting 50 lbs peridocatly, randomly, consistently, or otherwise – obviously every guy has a different body build – but point is you should be able to easily (comfortably) life 1/3 of your weight – a lotta fat dudes compansate their fat for muscle – some fatasses can bench their weigth easy but their unhealthy as all fuck – so its not really a black and weight measurement – sure its ideal to be at a healthy weight AND be able to BENCH your weight at very least, but you gotta take into account that not everyone is a bodybuilder – you can be a healthy weight, toned, and in shape and not be able to bench your weight, that doesn’t make you a weak ass beta – don’t get me wrong ok, there certaintly can be an argument to be made for being able to bench your body weight – but at the same time I think an argument can be made to be healthy, toned, and not be able to bench your body weight – also, when you say ‘bench’ are you referring to a rep, a set of reps? Like what are you referring to exactly? Some guys can do one rep of their body weight but their fat asses, while other guys are slimmer and more toned and can’t – you gotta be specific about that shit cuse bodybuilding isn’t black and white – I see the main idea your making, but its difficult to totally agree with it – I’ve personally been at different weightliftting extremes – at one point I weighed 50lbs more than I do now and could bench my weight easy – and then at another point I weighed less and could still bench it, and I would say now I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been but can’t life nearly as much – being jacked is sometimes overrated man – men have a male fetish for being bulky – don’t get me wrong having muscle is legit as fuck, but guys rationalize the fuck out of weightlifting – not every guy is going to be superman or some faggy superhero – carrying an extra 50 lbs just so you can lift more is harder on the heart and your lower your life expectency overall – obviously excercise and lifting is healthy ok, point is simply that its relative and you can still be healthy and not be able to ‘bench’ your own weight – it just depends is all I’m sayin

  10. Ah, lets not forget social media whoring. Every time I see guys post pictures of that new T-swift CD they bought I cringe. Males sadly do it like females. Like my god what is wrong with you. I see people posting stuff on instawhore of everything they buy. Like I give a f***. To be fair I’ve made this mistake before. Car got totaled, snapchatted the new one. But I learned from that mistake and changed my ways.
    We must also address fantasy sports. I been out numerous times with friends I knew in college to only sit there and hear about their fantasy line up. Then after a while, their girl friends followed suite in playing fantasy football. Taking a step back and seeing how all those guys in a circle talk about football, it made them look like women gossiping. I hated every second of that shit. Maybe its why I don’t hang out with them anymore. I don’t live for fantasy, I don’t worship the TV on Sunday. I sure is hell don’t do it to keep that “friendship” going. On top of that, seeing those same guys fight and bicker at each other over paying for the “fantasy league”. It made them look like petulant children.

    1. using social media to highlight yourself is just basic attention whoring.. you cant get more bitch or beta than that…..compulsive attention whoring and virtue signalling.. is bitch and beta-max.

    2. “Every time I see guys post pictures of that new T-swift CD they bought I cringe.”
      Is that a thing?????!!!!
      We’re fucking doomed if it is.
      Fuckin’ faggot shit.

  11. “You’re in a relationship with a single mom.”
    ..Just try to think that one through again.
    ..And the first one should rather focus on deadlift/squat – so many pathetic guys in the gym with big chests and chicken legs. They would not stand a chance in a fight.

    1. Even though I agree in regards to excessive overtraining of one bodily part while neglecting the other, there are folks who simply either dont know how to build whole body muscles more in sync or simply have small muscles in certain body parts.
      Take runners for example – not all of them have big legs.
      I personally have rather good upper legs despite being tall and with good punch in them(probably due to lots of bicycling as a kid) but not as big muscles on lower legs, even though both get their workout when runnig. I must admit, Im yet to re-start exercises on my lower legs, its been more than a decade since I worked on them specifically.

    2. Yeah, I could have included something like 1,5 x bodyweight in squats and deadlifts but we want to have some limits.
      I take 1,6 x body weight in bench press as a natty bodybuilder so I am a bit biased.

    3. Butt everyone gets the point, so be congenial. Single moms should stay single. When you move into a LTR/official relationship with a mom whose child is not yours, you are conmitting a major sin. She will always be a single mom by nature.

        1. @ Adams
          Why even entertain the idea? Just to get laid…? Really? It reinforces their shitty behavior.

    4. @ anon404
      While I agree with you generally speaking how many guys with a big chest can fight either? Answer is few – when I see a big guy whose jacked all I think is he can take a bigger beating, size and takedown ability (while somewhat related) don’t always add up

      1. I know mechanics who have never seen the inside of a gym, spent their whole lives using a 4lb lump hammer knocking siezed pins out of big machinery, believe when they punch you, you are not getting up in a hurry, also know roid penguins that look like stone, one punch and they’re out.

      2. I’ve seen local mma fights where every muscular guy was beaten by a guy that looked out of shape. Granted, muscle can be hidden under fat.

        1. Not advocating we let ourselves go. First time I seen this I was shocked. Lifters in strongman tend to not be cut either.

  12. Chuck Norris was an average-sized guy. Wiry, Irish-American, 5’10 maybe.
    Heck, he was already 45 in Missing in Action.
    Real trained fighters like him don’t have or desire big bulging muscles.

      1. Big muscles are rather unnecessary in real fight where endurance and agility (and above all intelligence) play more important roles than strength. In our society cult of weight lifting is over hyped.

        1. Long time weight lifter here, but I have to agree with you. Big muscles look impressive, but for athletic performance its how you are able to use your muscles that is more important.

        2. You could just as well say that endurance and agility are unimportant. You don’t have to be a gymnast to throw a punch and most self-defense situations don’t go on for minutes.
          I don’t think weightlifting is overhyped at all. The way I see it is that developing societies with lower IQ’s still hold on more to antiquated broscience where banging your limbs against inanimate objects and banging your fist against another man’s head for a bowl of rice is masculine and relatively well-off westerners romanticize that too.
          But in the YouTube era where MMA is a huge fad every macho fratboy will sooner or later start to go on their “muscles don’t matter” tirade instead of appreciating an awesome physique for what it is.
          You don’t see bodybuilders trying to mock and taunt martial artists online to feel better about their hobby.
          So basically our youths are brought up to believe that swarthy third world jiujiutsu experts and their western imitators are the biggest alphas because “they fugging choke out, break arm blah blah blah”. That’s how the average teenage mind and the 30 something mind stuck in that mode of thought functions.

      2. @DepressedGuy1985
        Brock certainly looked impressive during his short run, I’ll give you that. But he didn’t last very long at all.
        Lanky guys seem to make the best fighters, IMO. I didn’t like Anderson Silva or Jon Jones, but even I have to admit they were at the top of their sport. I do like Joe Calzaghe though…another lanky guy who was at the top of his sport.
        For a great example of lanky vs muscular, I would suggest watching Calzaghe vs Lacy or Roy Jones. Or Manny Pacquiao vs Shane Mosely or Migeul Cotto (Miguel is a great fighter too, BTW). Even Emanuel Steward said that the only really muscular fighter he ever saw with real power was Mike Tyson.
        Emanuel managed Tommy Hearns. Another lanky champ…

        1. To AutomaticSlim,
          Obviously being taller helps with reach and the longer levers also help with strength and power; all else being equal a longer lever with the same amount of muscle mass will more likely than not overcome a shorter lever when pitted against one another directly.
          However, a longer untrained lever going against a shorter buffed up lever does not necessarily win; we see direct proof of this in arm wrestling where a guy several inches shorter than his opponent can beat a much taller man.
          Aside from that, just because someone in some sport happens to be able to coast through competition because of certain rare genetic gifts does not mean you could or should. It is no excuse for you to be weaker and look worse and not make the best out of your genetic gifts. If you belong to the tiny minority where getting buff might hurt your performance (dream of becoming a high jumper or something) then I can understand that but not making the most out of your genetic gifts because someone in the UFC gets to be lazy too is just an excuse just like not going to college and picking u a book because ‘billionaire X is a drop-out’ is an excuse. Just because Chad Wondercock made it into porn where he’s routinely appearing naked with trimmed and toned girls without seeing the inside of a gym (being born with a 10 inch rod) is no excuse for you not to make the most out of what you have.
          If I stop going to the gym today I’m not going to be come Jon Jones, Wondercock or Bill Gates and neither do you but you can still maximize your physical gifts by persisting in going to the gym.
          I hope my tone does not sound patronizing. I did not intend it that way.

        2. Brock is one of the most intimidating looking motherfuckers around. Yes he does steroids, but he also had crazy strength from all his years of real wrestling(not WWE). For his size he was deceptively fast, especially on the ground. Big muscles, associated with steroid use aren’t a big help after one round. You gas out compared to a normal guy. That was one of Brock’s problems, the other was he lacked stand up skills compared to his opponents.
          To DG1985 Strength is important, as is weightlifting. But it is only one of many tools. You can be deceptively strong, without having bodybuilder type muscles. I have seen plenty of guys that are naturally stocky, though look a bit skinny fat, hoist some impressive poundages. Some of it is technique, some is sinew/joint strength, some is low rep work that doesn’t emphasise hypertrophy. These are manly men, but they don’t look like your typical, bodybuilder/powerlifter.
          Whilst I love bodybuilding exercises, and can appreciate someones physique, that has been developed from a lot of hard work. Body uilding has different goals, from athletics, or fighting. Some are transferrable, others are not. I remember being a teenager mucking around with some friends pushing and wrestling whilst standing. One guy could outlift me by 100lbs in any major lift, but I was able to manhandle him with ease, and I didn’t have any martial arts skills at the time. Why, because I was using my body as a unit rather than bodyparts. This was back in the 1980’s, my training at the time consisted of breakdancing power moves, walking handstands, push ups, chin ups and sit ups. Not much weight lifting experienc then.
          I may be a lot stronger in recognised lifts after nearly 30 years of training, but I have never felt as fit, atheletic, flexible, and pain free, as I did in those pre serious weight training days.

        3. @ DepressedGuy1985
          “I hope my tone does not sound patronizing. I did not intend it that way.”
          – No. Of course not. You are entitled to your opinion just like anyone else.
          “If I stop going to the gym today I’m not going to be come Jon Jones, Wondercock or Bill Gates and neither do you ”
          – Once again. OF COURSE NOT! We should all exercise, work hard at our jobs, and be the best “us” that we can be. I have never said differently in any of my comments here or anywhere else.
          My point is that all things being EQUAL (fight training or lack thereof, athletic ability, etc..) my opinion is that the strong, flexible, lanky guy wins over the shorter, stockier body builder guy. An example: I have no doubt that Mike Singletary could bench press more than Ted Hendricks. But in a fight? I would take the “Mad Stork”.

  13. I read the article and I agree with it. Specifically, number 2, 3, 7 and 8 are VERY accurate. If you are a couch potato, with a belly that prevents you from seeing your dick, and watch hours of porn, you are a hundred percent beta. Not to mention that if somebody offends you on the street you are about to cry, that’s a sign of beta-male too.
    Oh and another thing, the person at #10 standing next to Spears, is really a… guy?? Impossible to believe it!

    1. A body shaped like a very saggy pear when standing, and like a puddle of rotting whale corpse when lying down. Doubly so if the accompanying smells are there too…

  14. Oh and two more things,
    #17: You’re a metrosexual. If you can grow a beard, then LET IT GROW. Same goes with your bodyhair. If you can have it, let it be.
    #18: When walking, you go left and right when another person is walking towards you. No, if they’re not elders, keep going straight.

    1. If walkway/pedestrian road is just this wide, then I believe, if both have mutual respect for each other, then both have to make room for the other regardless of size/sex.
      If ones walking like a dick/cunt in the middle of a road, Ill make sure I do the same as to convey my message to the opposing person that its not how things should be done.

    2. You wear a “Ill rip you head off and shit down your throat” face and the sidewalk parts before you… or a Jack Nicholsen’s “The Shining” look. Metrosexuals refer to it as “bitch” face because its the best they can manage. You know that feminist PMSing badly today disturbed look that manginas have.

    3. @ Ryan
      #18 is retarded – I see th epoint (your the MAN* riiiight?) but it shows your not socially calibrated – I’ve tried this shit and seen it done and over and over again if you just keep walking straight you just come off looking like a dumbass that doesn’t know whats going on around him – I get your ‘logic’; if they (the person walking towards you) bumps into you its ‘their fault’ riiiiight…but THATS not what game or being alpha is dude, trying to artificially simulate some kind of pseudo-bullshit game by having them walk into you and then YOU ‘get’ to blame them for ‘disrespecting’ you…that’s about as chump ‘game’ as it gets man – thats like this one time I had some older fuck open the door for me once, I didn’t say ‘thank you’ and just walked right in and he ‘called me out’ on it, “Your SUPPOSE to say THANK YOU” – as if he did JUST to warrant an acknowledgment of his ‘niceness’ -that’s about as low level ‘masculine’ as it gets – you open the door for someone because you just want to, NOT cuse your trying to illicit some bullshit pseudo-/fake-alpha shit – its just all around idiotic and shows you don’t understand yourself or your motivations for anything – its like the guys who think being a ‘dick’ is what girls like, but they don’t understand how to properly escalate what it means to be a dick – all they think they HAVE TO DO is act an ass and girls love it, that’s like knowing what math is but not being able to do addition or subtraction; its retard mode

    4. #18 good point, esp when it’s females expecting you to give way and stand aside for them. If each party moves a bit to make way, fine, but no way step aside if she continues to stride towards you smugly assuming that you will because of her gender. I call this a street shit-test. Don’t give way!

      1. Let me know how that works out for you – shes gunna turn right around and beg to suck you off riiight??? -No? I didnt think so.

        1. You missed my point, my friend. I said if both parties move, that’s fine, normal and indeed civilized. But if she plows on and expects you to move just because she’s a female, don’t give her the satisfaction. Simples.

      2. So in some male fantasy girl bumps into you and she says “oh, I’m SO SORRY!” – “What the fuuckk!?” – “Sorry are YOU OKAY!?” – “Fine” – “Oh great! #MeToo!” – “Hey your kinda cute” – “Oh! Really!? Thanks!” “Hey lets go out sometime” – “Thatde be great!”
        “Girl walks into you cuse you don’t stop walking straight, she says, “Oh I’m sorry, are you ok?” – “Fine, thanks” – both of you keep walking – even if you try to game it the best you can do is maybe something like “Oh I’m fine, where are you going in such a hurry” [imply maybe she’s in a rush – “Oh, just to work” – “Hey your kinda cute whats your name” – etc…
        In reality both people apologize [as is fuckin normal / socially calibrated human behavior] and they keep walking – you CAN TRY to ‘game’ it, but it doesn’t give you an ‘edge’ thinking your coming from a position of ‘power’ by trying to make her look dumb – YOUR the one that comes off looking like a dumbass, not her – why? Not because shes a girl or even vice versa, its cuse you just look like an idiot whose just plowing forward while walking; i.e. you don’t even come across as human or socially aware of anything.
        —-If you want some real game that actually is legit AND embarasses her (which is all any guy reading this gives a shit about it seems) how about try this one: Go to a public place or bar perferably with a wingman > have your friend position himself slightly behind and to the side of the target girl > walk into the bar by yourself and ‘act’ like your looking directly at the girl saying “Hey!” while B lining it over to your friend, the girl will look at you and think you two ‘know eachother’, put your hand up to high five your wingman (whose to the side behind the girl) and the girl will raise her hand to high five you – BUT you don’t high five HER, you high five the wingman and look at the girl like she’s totally socially enept – THATS how you do real fuckin game and create genuine social ackwardness for her – but no, you want the beta psedu-masculine bullshit acting like ‘YOUR THE MAN who moves out the way FOR NO ONE” and then you walk right into someone cuse your an enept social idiot.

        1. The high five thing is just funny as hell – I wouldn’t even call it ‘real game’ – its more for laughs between you and the wingman and to make her feel like a dumbass – but just plowing forward is as ienpt as it gets man – your not proving anything to anyone by doing that – all your proving is your in your own little world

        2. Retard mode man – no person just plows forward – people move out of the way not cuse of respect but cuse they don’t wanna be near you – idiotic

  15. Good god #4 is the definition of the oppression squad. Excellent and extremely accurate list. Great stuff

  16. So is it bodyweight bench press for reps or a 1RM single? And would a 2x bodyweight bench press excuse a higher bodyweight? Please tell us, oh wise one with all the specific commandments and rules.

    1. Routinely lifting close to a 1RM on compound lifts has been associated with increases in T levels.

    1. Unless you banged her sister or best friend and shes enraged that you didnt invite her for 3some.
      Apologise and make a 3some.

  17. I watch a lot of YouTube like Blonde and the Beta, Roosh, Stefan, all of them.
    It can’t be healthy, I’m trying to stop doing this.

  18. Following a girl on Instagram. Esprcially if you’re not getting poontang off of her. That’s the biggest beta cuck move, IMO.

    1. Agreed. Following hot girls you don’t know is retarded. What’s the fucking point? You’re probably not going to meet them and have a chance to bang them, you’re just boosting their ego. I unfollowed quite a few of them way back when. I hate social media thirst culture; in this regard guys carry a lot of the blame. I always see my buddy ‘liking’ pictures of hot girls he hasn’t met/interacted with and I always go out of my way to give him shit about it.

  19. It’s 1RM, at least 1 rep. Either you can do at least one or you cannot. I haven’t said anything about bodyweight at all, so why do you bring that up? What I said was that a person’s body fat level should not exceed 25%.

      1. We have to accept that many majorly masculine guys have body fat percentages around 15-25%. It’s too hard to stay lean and many don’t prioritize fitness that much. Personally I stay between 5-15%, but 13-14% is not so bad either during the off-season.
        Ps. Then I really mean an accurate measure of body fat, not just guesstimates by guys who don’t really know what they are talking about.

        1. @ Adams
          Yo man, I applaud the effort and you writing for us and shit, but you don’t know what the fuck your talking about on this one. It’s not ‘too hard to stay lean’ – just fuckin eat less – the reason people are overweight is almost always related to portion size – not to mention that answer is a fuckin cop-out – “its tooooo hard” – maybe cry me a river? No man is ‘perfect’ – but you should try to the best of your ability. Sure, I can point to tons of overweight historical figures, ‘majorly masculine’ men who shoved their faces full of food – but I can also point to better men who ate less and who lived better lives – You rationalizaing man, your trying to justfy being overweight as if its acceptable. So your at about 14%, how can you sit there and say guys can be at 25% and that shits acceptable? Dude I’ve weighed both extremes and I can tell you right now your being soft on them.
          Like I already above; not EVERY dude is gunna be fuckin superman and jacked as hell, but YOU can get to a healthy weight limit by just fuckin eatting less. If I was you and writing for ROK I’d be telling guys, “Hey 25% is not really healthy, you don’t want to go above 15-18% and even THAT is too high. Some simple tips to lose weight is just to cut your portion sizes in half and to realize that hunger can be painful at first but realize that when you have TONS of extra fat that you’ll be ok as long as your still eatting” – Honestly dude people are overweight because food is incredibly available and its easy to snack and VERY FEW people actually embrace forms of pain and genuine discomfort – you HAVE to embrace discomfort if your going to lose weight – your not going to die cuse your ‘hungry’ – if you weigh 50 lbs more than you should and your ‘hungry’ thats just because youve trained your brain incorrectly to snack and eat when you shouldn’t – to shed major weight you need to embrace some discomfort – fast before you go to bed – don’t eat i the morning and workout BEFORE oyu eat anything and make that a ritual – this doesn’t mean you get to eat more though – its a lot of fuckin work to lose weight ok man – but telling people 25% is acceptable because other ‘masculine’ men were overweight is not the correct response.

  20. It is said that we should not judge a book by its cover huh?
    A split second is more than enough to determine if a man is a Beta Male, and it works on Gays too.

  21. I agree 100% with everything on this list except the bench pressing part. Bench press is a super overrated exercise that destroys the shoulders and works the chest minimally weighted dips and weighted pushups are so much better.

    1. Not really. I’m not talking about resistance training in its entirety here, but the exercise per excellence and what to expect from other males to accomplish in this regard. As long as you have a balanced training structure, and do not neglect certain bodyparts, then push exercises that put a lot of pressure on the anterior delts are not negative. Heavy bench presses are great for strength, whereas more reps with moderate resistance and some pump in the process are excellent means for solid pecs, leading to hypertrophy.

    2. Complains about bench press being hard on the shoulders but is ok with weighted dips? Sure..

  22. How can a man f**k if he can’t plank for 20 minutes much less (20 seconds) holding his own body weight up? What self respecting sex loving female wants to bed a c**k owner frauding/ masquerading as a male who can’t maintain basic sex positions much less operate in them?

    1. Yeah man, well said – if you can’t pick up the girl then you can’t fuck her basically – I have no problem with being toned and having muscle cuse my bmi is insane low but most dudes are rationalizing their slim girly figures – you HAVE to lift weights, not every motherfucker is gunna be superman, but your ass needs to be able to comfortably lift at very least a 1/3 of your weight, like thats the bare minimum bottom of the barrel right there
      Guys that are toned might not be able to bench a series of reps of their own body weight but I would say there’s a fine line between overlifting and adding bulk – our society is super obsessed right now with ‘getting big’ – 20 years ago girls wanted small butts, now EVERY girl wants a big ass (which I’m not complaining), but the society impact is worth mentioning here – if anything guys NEED to lift more, that much is obvious – I see fuckin girls outlifting guys though, its pretty fuckin sad man – fun fact: guys have 20x more testoserone in their bodies than women do, this is pretty fuckin insane if you think about how girls are outlifiting men – girls have to work out way harder then men do. I know a girl whose a professional bodybuilder (penis-envy), she works her fuckin ass off, she goes roughly four times more than I do, her phsyique and legs are pretty bulk, but I can bench more than her and I don’t go nearly as much – guys who don’t go to the gym are forfeitting their masculinty almost completly – men were fuckin MADE to work out- we have 20x more fuckin T than girls, if your not doing SOMEKIND of physcial excercise EVERY week you are fuckin out of your mind – the only exception to this is if your ALREADY lifting and want to lose weight and your fasting or something, other than that you have no fuckin excuse NOT to be lifting
      While I have no problem with guys being toned as long as theyre at a healthy weight and a healthy diet, I would say the overemphasis on being ‘toned’ does overtime end up sounding like faggot talk – you NEED to be able to lift your fuckin weight – take into account your physcial structure also though – are you an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph…some guys have smaller body frames and some guys have larger body frames – having a smaller frame doesn’t make you a faggot or beta imo though, every mans body structure is gunna be slightly different – you have to honestly accept that fact and work with what you got, but theres really no excuse to not be lifting – even if your fuckin unemployed theres always the prison workout – its the amount of intensity your applying – really what it boils down too isn’t just going to the gym, if you want the real benefits you gotta train to the best of your ability, eat to the best of your ability, and sleep as much as possible – those three factors are way important – long story short: just being able to lift a lot doesn’t account for everything else

    2. My sex position is lying on my back, doesn’t take much muscle tone on my part to maintain that position all day.

    1. I don’t know. If he just put in a little effort I’m sure he would manage his bodyweight. But he is not exactly the ideal of a non-beta. This is more like a holistic approach to masculinity, rather than PUA-related.

    2. Your comment I think is an unfortunate example of pua = to masculinity – different beasts altogether

  23. The young men in the photo depicts a lot of young men I see in my city everyday. Goofy smiles and expressions, whispy beards, concentration camp victim thin, pale anemic skin, a little effeminate, employed in non-wealth generating occupations (i.e. government, academia, finance, bean counting, computer jockeying, sketchy artsy-fartsy freelance gigs). I’ve noticed more and more men (both young and old) in the workplace are acting like catty girls in a sorority house too. Seen and personally experienced this transition over the last two decades or so. An example of this. My current employer (been there 5 years) is spinning around the drain. Their snowflake millennial grand children took the helm, have nearly bankrupted the company, and sucked profits out to live opulent lifestyles. Like many of my colleagues, I see a sinking ship, so I started looking for a new job. I had an interview for a Sales/Estimating job at a CNC machine shop just 3 miles from my home. The place did all sorts of Aerospace and defense work. I had 3 grueling interviews, days apart, with the president and his management team. These were all men in their 40s. I honestly thought I was interviewing for a job at the cosmetic counter at Nordstroms. Metro-sexual soy boy types. Not what you’d expect at a CNC machine shop. I was offered the job, negotiated a starting salary, and was given a start date in 2 weeks. Before tenuring my resignation at my current job, I told them I wanted an official letter of offer first. I received an email the following morning at 3:30 a.m. (?) reneging on the offer. In retrospect, I dodged a bullet on that one.

    1. ANTONIO
      Easy Explanation
      These kids were born in the Reagan/Bush – Clinton era after the 1982 Recession.
      They were children of the nineties, the most prosperous decade of the 20th century.

    2. “non-wealth generating occupations” Got news for you. If you are working in a “wealth generating” occupation, the wealth is going to your boss/business owner, not to you.

      1. Yeah, and your point is what exactly? Typical ROK mindset. I have news for you as well, your employer is making the gravy, and you are getting a wage in return. Big deal. That’s how a free market works. Then hang out a shingle and start your own business, or find a better job and move on. I’ve done it many times. Or moonlight a second job, like I’ve done for 5 years now. My bush league employer’s half-wit millennial children suck out the profits, buy luxury cars, vacation homes in Florida, and airplanes, and for it, they are spinning around the drain. Most of us older employees are job hunting on the sly. As soon as I find a new job, I’ll jump ship. Wealth generating is manufacturing, mining, agriculture, petroleum, etc. It’s not some phoney baloney soy boy service sector made for work jobs.

  24. Single moms are the root cause of the sexual market place being skewed . If men just used them for pump and dump and nothing else , women would hold themselves accountable

  25. Fellas….I see a lot of you saying that not being able to bench your weight is fine. That is sort of pathetic. If you cannot bench your weight at least once, and you’re not old (60+) or disabled, you need to work on it. Most guys are what, 180 lbs on average? That’s not crazy weight. I weigh more (215) and have no problem putting up 300 a few times. Not to be a hard, but a simple weight regiment will get you there. Try 5×5 program.

  26. NEVER become a fucking SOY BOY. Just. Don’t. Do. It.
    I see a ton of young men who have become weak, pussified men aka Soy Boys. No muscle, scrawny arms, weak gay faces.

    1. They are all over, these types. They haven’t become it though, they were born into it and stayed that way. Phags who look like Anderson Cooper.

  27. I fucked up and dated a single mom for about 6 months. Obviously, I didn’t marry her because that would be retarded.

    1. I fucked a 26-year-old Swedish single mom outside and near a club in Stockholm in the summer of 2013. What a ho letting me do that. Didn’t even take her phone number.

  28. I heard someone call soy boys “soyim.” I’d like to see that term get into circulation.
    Probably should add to the list of tells for a weak beta male (WBM) that he sounds like a male Valley Girl when he talks.

    1. “Soyim” is indeed a good word meme, I am also doing everything I can to get it into circulation.

  29. I stoped being beta by reading. Roosh book bang and started reading. Rooshv.com and started reading articles on rok and also I work out by doing boxing and that shit works you out

  30. LOL the pic in #10 speaks volumes. Attractive star is clearly thinking, “hurry up and snap the bloody photo, and get this repulsive common thing away from me”.

  31. Good list – but the title needs some work. Weak beta male? Better would be “signs you can do better”. Leave the binary “If you support X you are literally Hitler” trope to the clown Left.

  32. weight lifting shows you have too much time on your hands and are compensating for something. women don’t care about your muscles if you have status and money. Hence why women will blow skinny ugly rock stars in a heartbeat.

  33. The first photo with the wide open mouth grin is a tell-tale sign of soyboyness. I inherently knew there was something deeply amiss with gentlemen posting photos of themselves in this manner.

  34. Weight lifting makes you feel good, in reality that’s more important than how much weight you are lifting. It’s important that you lift something
    I used to be a drug addict and the only thing that helped me when I went cold turkey was exercise, it helped build appetite and correct the metabolism.
    All the studies show that it has positive effects on hormones and metabolism. Studies have also shown that metabolism, hormones, digestion, brain etc all function better on a high carb, high calorie diet. The only way to pull off the high calorie diet without becoming a fat slob is to be Active and to have a decent amount of muscle mass. The strength is just a nice bonus for your activity.

    1. Some of the biggest strongest lifters are massive, fat, cunts. They can still out lift the low body fat guys. They just aren’t as efficient in a bodyweight/weight ratio.
      They also don’t usually live as long as the thinner. leaner guys.

  35. A shitty halfass beard, clunky glasses, and doing that fish mouth with the upper teeth (guys in the articles first picture). Also all signs of weak beta Faggots

  36. 17. You stay at home with the baby while your wife goes to work. You go to a “Moms & Tots” group, where you hang out with the other women and talk about cloth diapers and quinoa. To boost the family budget, you sell home-made popsicles at the local farmers market, with the baby strapped to your chest. (I actually know a guy who did this.)

    1. “17. You stay at home with the baby while your wife goes to work.”
      Are there males that actually do this???
      I thought that was just a movie back in the 80s.

      1. @ AutomaticSlim I know 6 guys who stayed at home with kids for years. They are all Canadian. The reason why they stayed at home was because their wives could make more money. The wives also used the time away from home to earn Masters degrees. One of the guys worked in a restaurant at night to maintain his sanity. Another guy ended up sending his kids to daycare and then he started his own business. The remaining four still work as unpaid nannies.

  37. I try to stay fit and trim and stay in a routine with my exercises. But, I figure if I can still pick girls up and bang them in midair, I am strong enough. But I have to give them direction now, at my age. I tell them to hold on tight. When they lean back it puts a lot on strain on my lower back. I’ve never thrown my back out and I absolutely don’t want that problem. And of course, you will want to stay away from fatties when doing this…Or anything else for that matter.

      1. Come on JD!
        I know you have picked up some of those young Thai beauties for the mid-air bone dance!

  38. #17 – You’re a Star Wars and/or Star Trek fan… or go to any of those Comic-Con or Cosplay events. Fucken gay as AIDS bro!
    #18 – You drink Coke Zero, Diet Coke… anything diet or zero. Filthy poison.
    #19 – You own any Disney merch and get excited about a trip to Disneyland/Disneyworld.
    #20 – You take selfies to put on Instagram or Facebook. (Unless it’s for a business) Next level retardation.
    #21 – You eat McDonalds regularly. Also filthy poison.
    #22 – You listen to Beyonce, Adele, Katy Perry, Rhianna, Miley Cyrus etc… any that gay music. You know the type.

      1. Clearly an Alpha is someone who can run clown game and talk a woman into bed. Betas are guys like Viking warriors and Roman Legionnaires who had no idea how to smooth talk a woman and had to take them by force of arms.

        1. Vikings and Romans were both well groomed and the most Alpha warriors in times named after them. The women they fucked didn’t need to be forced.

    1. 17. True–except for being a casual Star Wars fan. Nothing wrong with that.
      18. But, but, sugar is toxic, isn’t it?
      Rest is true.

  39. Had a quick skim and was relieved at the end, but still, have been worried about slipping towards betadom over the last years. Regarding the bench press, at first I was worried but then it’s not “do 10 reps of your body weight” just bench press it. So yes, I normally do 10 reps of about 85% of my body weight but after reading this might just have to get in there and push out at least two or so of it to see how it goes.. Hmm, the article did not mention reps..

  40. Guys. If you’re at a reasonable bodyweight relative to your height, benching your weight is a breeze without benching (or even lifting) regularly. However, if you want to MAXIMIZE strength in all areas than moderately heavy to heavy barbell lifts done consistently are mandatory. That means a squat variation for the lower body and a barbell pressing movement for the upper body such as bench press or military press are required for maximal strength development. If you just want to be lean, fit and relatively strong then calisthenics are great. Stop shitting on the bench press because you lift less than your weight and are embarrassed to go to the gym and work on it, thereby exposing your weakness.

  41. The person who wrote this list is a beta loser. Come on, you gotta be trolling. This list is something only a “man” with a micro-cock would conjure up. Gimme a break.

  42. @John Doe: I am a certified personal trainer and fitness competitor so I know how to shred down and stay lean. I also support guys who take things a step further with their ambitions.
    My idea was to not too narrowly focus on fitness/bodybuilding with regard to masculinity and create a us/them dichotomy fetween those who are fitness enthusiasts and those who are older and missed out on those things when they were younger. Furthermore, many guys have more body fat than they think that they have. Some guys, whether they are thin or fat, measure these things very accurately and are true about their real fat percentage while some make guesstimates that are completely exaggerated, meaning that they say/think they have 12% when they in fact have 19% and so on.

  43. Any man who wants to wife up a single mom needs his head examined. However, some of the best fuck buddies I’ve ever had were with single moms.
    One such single mom had an amazing figure and I would spend the afternoon fucking her then go off and go see another girl at night.
    Did wonders for me right after a particularly lousy breakup.
    I was seeing this single mom for a while, and I’d just come over to her house every weekend and screw her brains out. Her kid didn’t live with her, and although she really liked me, she never pressured me into a relationship despite giving me all the perks of it.
    I must add that due to the fact she was foreign-born and very feminine, I genuinely liked spending time with her outside of sex but I’m glad I never got entangled long-term with her.
    Wifing up a single mom is beta, but I don’t believe that having a fuckbuddy-type relationship with a single mom while simultaneously banging other chicks is necessarily beta.

  44. @John Doe: I think that my comment that I wrote to you as a response disappeared. Maybe I am too nice, and I am all for men to shred down to about 10% (even lower if you are going for fitness photos or competing in a fitness contest like Men’s Physique), but I wanted to put forward a more inclusive level, so that many guys can identify with most of, if not all, items on the list. If a guy has let’s say about 23% he should aim for 15, but he’s still within the acceptable spectrum.

  45. RE points number 13 and 14, the parts about someone else’s kids and Single Mothers :
    What’s not mentioned about relationships with Single Mothers is that, in any sort of breakdown in the relationship, she has the option of “Going Nuke” on you and accuse you of molesting the kids:
    “He diddled my babies.”
    On that one, you really are guilty until and if proven innocent. You’re the “Big Bad Man” after all. It’s a big-time status bust for the cops and ambitious prosecutors. Very quickly, it will be “News at 11:00” time for your ass, not to mention R.I.P for your career and bank account.
    And even after you’re cleared, likely months or years later, you’ll *still* be stigmatized. The whole “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire / There must have been something going on / Women don’t lie” thing.
    Something out of a horror movie. And as for her, even if and when she’s found out, she’ll likely get a pussy-pass:
    “The poor thing. She was troubled and unhappy in the relationship. She was just trying to reach out”
    In other words, you made her do it
    So Boys, pause to think the whole Single Mother thing through carefully. Then simply don’t involve yourself in it.
    Just a thought.

  46. Nice post and all, but number 11 is a bit off. One man cannot swim agains the tsunami. This is why the manosphere will never succeed on a civilization restoring scale. You have to blame, shame, weaken and destroy your current societal form in order to restore it. Dancing around it and acting like you are winning is what game/manosphere is all about; hence to losing.

  47. “The alpha male is just the best of the betas. The alpha male may be the captain of the little league team, but he is still playing sports-ball wearing a skid-marked uniform. The beta males are merely the rest of the players in the game…
    “The alpha male might go home with a woman from the bar on a Saturday night – but the other six days of the week, he is showering with a crowd of naked men at the local gym.
    “The alpha male owes his place in the pecking order to his conformity. The only thing alpha about him is his alpha level of obedience. The alpha male may well be the best soldier in the platoon – but no matter how brave, he is still just cannon-fodder. The beta simply does what he is told: the beta male just wants to be part of something greater than himself; the beta male just wants to fit in.” – MMS

  48. “You can compromise and let the woman make minor decisions (like which soap she should use in the kitchen)”

  49. This list, although quite good, doesn’t take into account that there are even worse cases out there. Case in point (guy I had met in Spain when I was living there). American dude, 36 years old, nerd appearance…had gotten his BA from a top uni in the US, went over to Spain to teach English LOL, why? “I came for the relaxed lifestyle”. Own a home? Nope. Own a car? Nope. Have a girl? Of course not. Virgin in his 30s? You sure can believe it. Then BOOM, he decides to go back to mommy in the US since he can’t get any other job. NOW THAT’S FUCKED UP. Oh and his politics? Pretty conservative actually, so it’s not like these are all hippy snowflakes. Bottom line is this: IQ has a lot to do with many of these traits or lack thereof as well as a history of developmental deficiencies. Now, there have always existed these type of guys…except that now they are mainstreamed rather than successfully segregated…since we don’t want to “hurt feelings”.

  50. “You blame society rather than making individual improvements in your own life”

    Are you serious?
    Because if you are, then view must be great from that glass house of yours.

  51. This is probably the most well written and accurate post on this entire site. Great job with the prose as well as the picture selection.

  52. “You blame society rather than making individual improvements in your own life”
    It’s maybe a misunderstanding in my part, but doesn’t this point make RoK’s social denounce policy a beta male move?

  53. meh. if you are red pill or black pill this might make sense but for purple pillers who are kind of moderate, some of these things on the list are a matter of breadth and degree.

  54. I’m going to take issue, partially with one of your criteria, mainly because I see this meme propagated in lots of places:
    “5. Your existence largely centers around pastimes like sport, video games, or TV shows”
    Engaging in sports – especially violent contact sports – is definitely not the hallmark of a beta male. Park outside the athlete’s dorm at your local college for a little while and see how many guys come out with hot women on their arms if you doubt this.
    Now, video games and television are decidedly beta. But, once again, many guys who watch sports are decidedly not beta.
    Perform another experiment. Park outside the sports stadium of your local college on game day. Again, observe how many guys enter accompanied by hot women.
    Now observe the drudges walking the streets of the same town. How many of them are paired up with hot women.

    1. I think it was meant to be WATCHING SPORTS is Beta.
      Which it is.
      Doing and watching are the key elements.

  55. Just a little comment on benching: I started lifting in 1983, benched 170 at a 170 body weight. I Hit 300 in 2 years and 400 in 7 years. I got a raw, drug free 425 in 1997 at 37 and about 235 b/w by spending too much focus and time on doing so. Hindsight, I would have done more push press and push ups. Benching does not feel good now days at 57 and pushups are more the thing now. If a young buck asked me for guidance, I would say Push press and chins, front squats and cleans. Ball slams and overhead throws for power. Sprint, keep the carbs less than 100. Get plenty of good fats and rest. Don’t live in the gym. Moderation in all things.

  56. Just curious what others here think, because if you ask around, you will usually get fairly two answers split roughly 50/50.
    Bench your own body weight… are we talking a full set, or just a 1rm?
    It seems most beginners(noobs) or only the elites(power lifters) are concerned with their 1rm while most in the middle think something like “at least 5 reps”. While there is some function to the 1rm, for most people, it is a poor measure of strength. I feel if you can do at least 5 clean reps of whatever weight then it doesn’t count.
    Also many professional athletes, mma, olympics, etc. cannot even do a 1rm of their body weight, so its hardly a measure of “beta-ness”, too broad and vague. That said, if you can do your body weight 5+ reps then i would consider you a pretty strong person.

  57. So the beta low-T North Vietnamese with their leftist ideology conquered the alpha South Vietnamese who believed in capitalist self-reliance? Duly noted.

  58. Here’s a sign that, even if you are a beta male, you’re on the path to recovery:
    You were honest with yourself about how many of these accurately describe you.

    1. LOL since you’re so humble, Alphas didn’t ask for your opinion.
      If you aren’t fazed, and content to be weak and Beta, why are you here?

  59. Good but you miss understand the right/left politics. The right stands for Authoritarianism, central rule. The left is for individualism, less government.

    1. No, you misunderstand. In fact, you have it wrong for 150 years of global politics.
      Try and keep up.

  60. Will there ever be a photo essay, that’s similar to the one of women who turned from ugly to beautiful, but of male soyim who have become better, both in appearance and moral quality?
    (I type “male soyim” here, because I’m not sure what effects that soy has on women.)

  61. Alphas are born, not made. That’s not to say that alphas do not need to grow learn and develop. A true alpha is at least six feet tall and has the muscles to go with it. He plays competitive sports. A young alpha plays some selection of sports: rugby basketball hurling ,etc. He can do individual sports such as skiing or riding or martial arts. Older alphas cycle or row, anything that doesn’t involve impact but is still intense cardio and strength. Alphas don’t ‘lift’ because their other activities keep them strong and fit. An adult alpha is an engineer or works in a male oriented profession such as construction. He is careful about eating and he has a wife who cooks for him and their children. No scrappy fast food, very little alcohol, no drugs or smoking. He’s good with money and also generous. He can fix almost anything in his house and can do wiring plumbing car maintenance and his family does not need to hire any outside tradesmen. He is good with animals can train a dog, manage a horse, milk a cow and tend sheep. He can drive a tractor a car and a horsebox or cattle carrier. He teaches all the to his son’s and daughters. His children especially his daughters are not promiscuous because they won’t look at a man who is NOT like him. His son’s will want a woman like their mother because of his love and respect for her. His wife and children respect him and he them. He is a role model to the extent that everyone wants to emulate him and there is no question in his wife’s mind of trading up cause, how would she? It does not bother him if his wife earns more than he does because at the end of the day desk work is for women who can’t do any of the practical things that he can. An alpha is married, has children, and a socially useful job. He honors his father and mother and will not leave them alone in old age. His parents are proud of him. He’s not reading any of this carp or making his living by typing articles about ‘banging sluts’ cause even talking about that let alone doing it, is beneath his dignity. He does not use porn and is teaching his son’s not to do that either because of how horribly soul destroying it is for all concerned, with the potential to ruin a young persons chances of having real intimacy . He is not reading theses articles or responding to them cause he doesn’t have time and he doesn’t care what a bunch of strangers are arguing about to fill their days. He doesn’t need anyone’s advice on being a man. He is one.

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