Apparently females suffer from severe “time pressure” during exams, so Oxford University has come to the rescue and given women 15 extra minutes for their mathematics and computer science finals. Officials at the “prestigious” institution, which continues to make a bigger mockery of itself every passing year, are very concerned about the grades of women in these courses.
We are being told that women check their exam answers repeatedly and doubt themselves compared to men, so the extra 15 minutes is “warranted.” In many ways, this is an extension of the longstanding observation that women tend to study a lot more than men for only somewhat better grades (aside from in STEM and other particular fields). Nonetheless, why this should lead to them getting a university-mandated advantage in exams is absurd.
A number of people complained that The Daily Mail and other media outlets used “misleading” original headlines because men were granted the extra time, too. Yet this criticism misses the point. Despite all the feminist dogma infecting our schools and society generally, seeking to demoralize boys and bestow unfair advantages on girls, STEM men are outperforming their female peers at Oxford. The majority of men in these courses are doing well enough already and so any extra time they have been given is likely to be superfluous. The measure is instead all about superficially making women look better.
Attempting to inflate the grades of women at Oxford through extra time for exams is just a new instance of the special privileges afforded to students with vaginas. Irrespective of their mostly privileged and even multimillionaire family backgrounds, female candidates for STEM degrees at elite universities are also currently the beneficiaries of women-only scholarships, including at Oxford.
So what happens in the workplace?
Almost everyone ends up working in the private sector or in public sector jobs that increasingly value corporate-style efficiency. “Time pressure,” exactly the same sort that caused Oxford to give 15 minutes more for exams, is going to follow people around in the workplace as well. Any junior lawyer or software engineer, for example, is going to tell you that when work isn’t completed by 5 or 6pm on a weekday, they frequently stay until early morning the next day if necessary to get it done.
When companies are competing for tenders with one another, the last thing most employers want to hear is that you are negatively affected by “time pressure” or that you need to check your work again and again before handing it to your superior. Notwithstanding businesses like Google bending over backwards to fill quotas with less qualified people, this female-style thinking does not improve revenues or profits. Rather, it negatively impacts on them.
The growing inability of universities to prepare degree candidates, especially women, for the real world is very troubling. A case in point comes from medicine. Pumping out new female doctors is actually hurting health systems like Britain’s, with women graduates being much more likely to abandon the profession due to its demands. To boot, inordinate amounts of public money are usually wasted training these gone-in-a-flash physicians.
Male student or employee? The odds are deliberately stacked against you
Men need to work five times harder and smarter to get just a fifth of the recognition awarded to an average female. While the answer is certainly not to give up, just be prepared to live in a world where your return on investment is significantly lower than what it should be. As soon as you get ahead of women in the same field as you, feminist-directed social gravity will bring you straight back down to Earth again, as men at Oxford and other universities are seeing time and again.
ROK advises its readers to embrace this challenge, regardless of how unfair it is, and make the most out of their circumstances. Every success you accumulate in the present environment will be worth all the more because you have obtained it as a man.
Read More: Special Snowflake Lashes Out At Oxford University For Not Accommodating Her Made-Up Disabilities
These groups who claim to be oppressed don’t want equality, they want privilege and power. They claim to be freedom fighters, but they actually want to rule as tyrants.
Never forget this if you seek to battle against their madness.
Red Pill theorists will assume that this feminist policy to put feminists into careers of not only higher pay, but also to shape future social, government and legal policy to be a “shit test”.
If you were a fucking crippled veteran of the tradcon Iraq war, Oxford will demand that you show medical documentation to be given extra times on exams!
Fuck cosmopolitan feminism! They have started war on men!
I beginning to think that Mark lepine from Canada was a futurist who saw the future of feminism in the West.
Feminists will take all the best careers from men, while men will end up homeless on the streets because social policy will discriminate against men even if they are handicapped or crippled on the street in minus 50 degree weather.
mark lepine was an evil POS, whose main significance with respect to the gender war will be the enormous boost he gave to the rad fem idea that women are under threat from male violence. Way to undermine what was otherwise a perfectly reasonable argument. You’re probably not, but I always suspect that when someone ends up making ‘an apology’ for what the rest of the world will consider murderous violent extremism then the real purpose is to undermine the argument that is being made. That might seem paranoid, but every ‘conservative’ cause is riddled with undercover ‘change agents’ pushing extremism in order to undermine the legitimacy of a movement. In fact it is the fundamental strategy used to control both sides of the debate
I re-read my comment and suddenly don’t see anywhere that I say I condone Mark Lepine’s actions. All I said was that Mark Lepine was a futurist.
Why can commenters on here support Holocaust denial-ism and advocate for genocide of Blacks, Hispanics and Hebrews, but only one slight observation with Mark Lepine automatically equates to that one supports the worst crime in history?
Honestly, I don’t give a f.u.c.k if 14 femibots died at the hands of a Moslem who was discriminated because of policies in favor of Canadian women.
Even if Mark Lepine didn’t do that crime, feminists will still use legislated violence against men. Mark Lepine only caused men in Canada to face persecution every December, but those commemorations only happen across academic institutions and it’s not a public holiday.
Mark Lepine is what happens to one when they are discriminated because they are not a Canadian fembot. I don’t care if the Moslem Lepine did what he did; it’s the fault of the fembots. For every actions there is an equal reaction.
Even referring to it can be used as evidence of sympathy or a shared mind-set. At the very least it’s rhetorically reckless and incompetent, and the fact that elsewhere there are people here referring to Rodger Elliot is beyond suspicious. All those holocaust deniers and genocide advocates are as likely to be antifa or “government” trolls and sock puppets pro-actively policing the boundaries of discourse as they are to be genuine evil nazis. I highly suspect you’re one of them to be honest, but my half-hearted apologies if you’re not, and are just a liability
I don’t see it as a shit test but they have been weaponized against the natural harmony of gender relations.
I once saw this feminist academic who was their senior teacher telling 3 perhaps 18 year old young women in a college lunch queue how men were the oppressors. She implied that they needed to fought and that the nuclear family was a lie by men to brutalize them. This woke me up to this.
I thought wow how can women believing this ever expect to date or marry men? It would be like pairing KKK dudes with African American females. Then I realized that this same stuff was being taught to young women up and down the country by these evil Marxists academics who are trying to ruin the the entire West.
I have made many comments recently and enjoyed putting my view across to other dudes i respect but I am getting busy now so will stop for a few months.
Hello ivan im an international student attending York University in Toronto Ontario Canada i need to find a way to get out of here i wasted over 30,000 for this semester for tuition and residence i can no longer bear living in toronto anymore i am suffering and i am alienated from my roommates because i am a male from europe please i need to get the fuck out of here! this city is terrible. the women don’t like to have a chat with men and they do anything to show their anger towards me i cant take it anymore this is the worst decision of my life i need to return to my homeland and cut my losses fuck a degree from york university i can study someplace else!!!!!
Why did you spend over $30,000 Euros to study in the worst city in North America for men?! Unless you are a soy boy oligarch from China, not one female in Toronto would ever want to speak with you no matter how good looking you are (no homo).
If you are able you can work for a few months at a restaurant or Tim Horton’s on the night shift and save up your cash to return to Europe?….Oh fucking wait a minute! Canadian companies only hire 40 to 95-year-old turd worlders to pay them lower wages to work at Tim Horton’s.
Maybe you can call up your relatives to send you airfare or to book your return ticket online for you? I caution you that if you only book a one-way ticket out of Toronto Pearson, they will detain you and question you because you’re a single male.
Transfer to another university of you can afford it and get a degree from North America or go to Western Europe. Otherwise, start doing business
The attractive young woman in the header photograph of this article doesn’t belong in an institute of higher learning with a pile of classic books, sitting there bespectacled and looking all smartass and sophisticated. She belongs in a bedroom with her drumsticks up in the air and her white ass pumping. She is a designated ‘breeder’, not ‘reader’.
Putting females into the most important natural male positions is an alien assault to dysfunctionalize our culture. By reassigning sexual roles, this amounts to tampering with the sexual order of our species. Sexual role reassignment ineffectualizes the affected role – it ‘sterilizes’ it. It is all part in parcel of sterilizing the culture of our species. It is a tool for managing humans like animals on a farm.
Having your sexual roles and activity policed by an external authority is also the same way animals are stabled, bred and utilized on a farm. A sheep farmer for example has a tool to remove specifically the testes of a male sheep to reduce their aggression and so the designated stud can mingle and impregnate the target females. The castrated sheep are for meat or wool only.
Sheep have no sophisticated culture or institutes of higher learning, but their community or ‘culture’ is policed externally utilizing forced segregation by the use of barnyard fences. Blocking more apt and capable males in university is a draconian CATTLE GUARD. It is all for a dubious purpose whilst the sheep . . . they still need to be segregated and managed to maximize the output yield of meat, wool or live pedigree lines to be sold.
Above all realize we’re being managed like animals on a farm by belligerant external entities. It is time to GRAB ye balls western man, SWING thy dick like a battleaxe and break out of our captivity.
Women go to college to do the following:
-slut it up
-pretend they are smarter than men just because they are given better grades
-try to find a beta bucks husband before it’s too late
Beware of the woman who went to college and lived in a dorm.
That’s soooo American 1990s.
Modern campuses in Canada and California, USA comprise of whores who hate men that they call state police on a man for ‘unwanted advances’ or ‘street harassment’.
Campus whores are whores in theory, but they rarely give it up to any male on campus, except for mangina sugar daddies and sponsors.
Attending college in Canada or California is the worst decision that a Red Pill male will make in his life.
This is what a feminist campus looks like in Oregon!
(((Miriam Friedman)))….sounds like a white Anglo-Celtic-Germanic Protestant name to me!
I always new feminism was a war against men, but that video is really scary. They are out and proud about what they are doing, an organised propaganda unit, openly scheming and plotting, to bring down men, white men in particular. Imagine if the situation was reversed. All the male students and teachers professing similar views would be immediately branded racist and sexist, expelled from uni or lose their jobs.
Funny how the brave feminists need male security guards to shut down the actions of someone who is not breaking any laws. That fucking security guard/campus police is a fucking piece of shit, what a traitor to his people and to himself just for a paycheck.
Guys we are fucked if we don’t act now against this shit!
I don’t like admitting it but I can only see this ending in violence, as a man can only put up with so much bullshit. We and will be pushed into a fight to protect our own rights, via self defence.
At the very least we are going to have mobilise as a unit and boycott all these institutions, and anyone who supports them. Give them some of their own medicine, and don’t play by their rules. Do not give these cunts a cent of your money, always vote in an election give your vote to someone who has the same views as you. If you don’t vote you are essentially giving these cunts a vote.
They are the racists, the fascists and sexists, never let fucking hypocrites trick you into thinking otherwise.
So you go and troll a class you were not admitted to attend and you wonder why you are treated with the hostility you deserve lol.
The guy was just filming their insane behaviour, not saying or doing anything, until asked. If a group of men behaved like these women, the men would probably get arrested for assault.
Wait What, you are just a troll yourself. I don’t know which, but no doubt you are a white knight, or a femo-lesbo. You’re entitled to you opinion, but no one here really cares. Continue on this site if you like but it sounds like you are just wasting your time. Goodbye.
x10 if in a sorority.
White men need to get their balls back and put his woman back in the kitchen where she belongs.
…except that even raising your voice, or only making a woman ‘feel unsafe’ is a criminal offense in many states of America, and a federal offense in Canada, and that means jail time or death by armed police.
If you don’t believe me, refer to Canadian court case R vs Elliot (the infamous case of a former mangina being charged for criminal harassment for arguing with Toronto feminists Stephanie Guthrie on Twitter).
We’re still whipping this dead horse? Seriously?
If Roosh attended college today as a new man, and he earned his microbiology degree with a 4.0 GPA, NO ONE WILL HIRE HIM because FEMINIST POLICIES DICTATE that ONLY WOMEN should be given preference in hiring, even if they ARE UNQUALIFIED than the man!
#MeToo is a CONSPIRACY to EXPEL ALL MEN in HIGH POSITIONS so that feminists will replace those men.
EMPRESS DR. HELEN SMITH wrote a book in 2013 saying that YOUNG MEN WILL BE DISCRIMINATED, HATED ON AND TREATED AS CRIMINALS on American campuses (It’s even worse in Canada at Toronto and Montreal universities).
I predict that Russia and the BRICS alliance with Arabia will win the war against men. Once feminazis disenfranchise enough white men in North America and Europe, white men will immediately take the side of Russia. Brown men will end up serving Arabia (Iran, Syria, Libya and the Arabian League), and disenfranchised J3wish men will flee to Israel.
Disenfranchised half-Asians like Elliot Rodgers will end up doing drive-bys with their J3wish dad’s BMW car!
China has a YUGE half-Asian problem in North America!
The left says its all conspiracy theories to say the west will fall but the demographics can only be denied by liars. We are watching as South Africa is a couple of years from collapse – and the MSM refuse to cover it because of rules sent from their masters – and we saw almost all historic empires fall. Europe is due a war and its coming in our life times.
Oh yeah ?? Russia is a matriarchy since USSR! Russia has the biggest number of female bosses in Europe or in the world !
ROK needs an article on the First Feminist Government in the world wearing hijab.
Sweden’s self-declared “first feminist government in the world”sacrificed its principles and betrayed the rights of Iranian women as Trade Minister Ann Linde and other female members walked before Iranian President Rouhani on Saturday wearing Hijabs, Chadors, and long coats, in deference to Iran’s oppressive and unjust modesty laws which make the Hijab compulsory
This is just a red herring to North American feminism which is far worse because it’s corporatism blended in with gender rights leftist fascism!
I could care one fuck less of a Nordic country with a totally different culture than the USA sucking Muslim c0k for oil deals!
At the rate that North American feminism is targeting men, all men will be forced to cover up like 1slamic women so as to not offend feminists, while all feminists will skillfully display their vaginas in front of 5-year-old boys for se#ual education.
At the rate that North American feminism is targeting men, all men will be forced to cover up like 1slamic women so as to not offend feminists, while all feminists will skillfully display their vaginas in front of 5-year-old boys for se#ual education.
As crazy as it sounds I will not be surprised.
A feminist went into a Grade 2 classroom to share vagina shaped cookies that was baked using her menstrual blood. It looks like the fembots erased the story from the internet.
You moron, whats your problem with Iran making hijab mandatory for their pussies !?
Iran MEN (and most of the MEN in Asia) are not manginas or pussy maniacs. They dont allow their pussies to walk bare chested or do slut walks or raise ridiculous #(hash) campaigns !!
I wasn’t condemning Iranian culture, but I don’t fall for the tradcon mangina fear that Moslems will turn their (((Caucasian))) feminists into Islamic wives…..I don’t care if Swedish feminists wear a Hijab as a token gesture to leech off the country’s oil wealth or to use that as a Trojan Horse to create another Iranian revolution.
White society in America didn’t allow women to walk bare chested in the streets, but because of (((feminists))), Western women want to walk 100% nude while complaining that they are victims of sexual harassment because of their nudity.
I honestly hope that BRICS, Iran and other enemies like North Korea do something about it before it infects the entire planet.
Coming soon to America….Feminist lawyers legalizing female nudity in front of minor children:
It’s considered a ‘human right’ for a feminist to show her nude body to 5-year-old Tyler at your local swimming pool! The feminist’s lawyer is also a feminist! These feminists want to dismantle our Western laws so that they can turn it into a twisted sexually repressive version of Wiemar Germany!
“But they discriminate against women because of some type of different conception of the woman’s breast versus man’s breast.”
Is Canada that loonie? President Trump…Please shred NAFTA to pieces and ban Canada from exporting maple syrup to California!
Only if you are a body positive, all bodies all beach body, healthy at all size gal. Because if you are a fit, busty, cute girl, the male gaze on that girls will be a crime and those women will be perpetuating sexual objectification and will be required to wear a burkini, like when feminist ban grid girls. The dress code was actually implemented by women because of course they will be jealous of that better looking women showing their attribute to the men. Women are the first crying “indecency” for that reason.
“A number of people complained that The Daily Mail and other media outlets used “misleading” original headlines because men were granted the extra time, too.”
I stopped reading there.
Were men given the extra 15 minutes too, or was it just women? If it was given to both men and women, then the title and first few paragraphs of the article are misleading.
And then the author goes on to say that pointing out that the extra time was given to both sexes “misses the point.” Isn’t the very title of the article ““ELITE” OXFORD UNIVERSITY GIVES WOMEN MORE TIME TO FINISH THEIR STEM EXAMS”?
I guess, by his logic, the title of his own article “misses the point” too. Right?
Sorry for repeating myself, but is this guy serious? He writes an article supposedly about how women at Oxford are being given more time than men for their tests, then he casually states that men are getting the extra time as well, but he tells us that focusing on that “misses the point.”
Am I missing something here, or is this guy really that dumb?
That doesn’t negate the fact that feminists on campuses are actively engaged in war against men:
In Canada, if you only try to have a meaningful conversation with a female on campus, you can be criminally charged with criminal harassment, and forced to plead guilty for a probation.
Is it meaningful to her, or only to you? Because if you’re the only one considering it meaningful, there’s a problem.
“Pile of shit” aka wait, what? !!
Is it humanitarian for a pussy to pose “nude” in front of 5 year old !? Or if its not the same for the 5 year old, then there’s a problem !!
@wait what?
The more you fembots send armed thugs in jackboots to persecute men for mere annoyances or hatred for men, the more likely these men you are persecuting will take the side of Russia. Just saying. The white man will become loyal to Russia and not feminist-occupied ZOG countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, etc.
Which city you’re at?
When I were at school/university, exams were designed so that they couldn’t be completed in the set time. Exams were competitive, the fastest came first. Most exams could be completed by a monkey if you allowed them a week to finish.
JOHN Armed Services
In the old days, the male dropouts (And many of the girls as well) were merely waiting to get old enough to join the Navy or Army at 17. The school system simply wanted them out into the enlisted numbers.
One unruly Irish-American kid named Canavan was even TOLD this by our geography teacher. “In two years time you’ll be in basic and the only thing you’ll get for complaining is a punch in the mouth.”
It was true. Canavan went into the infantry as soon as he could.
In the old days in the US it was simply assumed that the teenager punks would be collected and washed by the Armed Services and socialized through shower beatings by Drill Instructors.
Most of the time it worked. They got out of the services in their twenties and were better socialized.
The brunette with the glasses…WB!
Same as I wish that “reporter” SJW idiot who facilitated Tim Hunt’s demise gets what’s coming to her, especially in the form of what she deprived the world of by making him quit when he was at the peak of his career,
I wish these busybody admins for their lives to depend on these underqualified scientists they help staff STEM with.
Anyways, more women to f and c in the workplace.
Women are not getting an ‘extra’ 15 minutes, that would be too obvious.
As women at Oxford need longer (to get poorer grades) then ALL candidates get an extra
15 minutes.
To be clear…
Working in the corporate world sucks these days. Women outnumber the men and they impose their way of thinking on you. Not good!
A feminist Buzzfeed writer wrote an article how her pussy was infected that it smelled like a dead rat and it stunk up the office….One reason I don’t work with women and work outdoors in the Bakken oil patch. You can’t smell decaying, worn out disease pussy anywhere!
stop the sensationalist headlines. if u read the article it says all students are given an extra 15 min (from 90 to 105 min) to complete their exams, women AND men. while the move to increase time is prolly to help women, u cant just write blatantly false headlines like that. that, as trump would say, is FAKE NEWS
I’ve been an engineer for 20 years .women still can’t design shit
You just need to give them 20% extra time to finish their designs.
wtf is going on in the comments? References to Mark Lepine, Roger Elliot etc. Seems like some kind of antifa op to make RoK look back.
?what the fuck? No one here is supporting those incels views. If it was an authentic antifa operation, they would be on the Roosh V forum sending PMs to users to conduct false flags.
Mark Lepine was not an MRA, but feminism caused him to react in a way that was criminal. How the fuck is that making the MRA movement look bad?
What about the Holocaust denial, and advocating of genocide against Blacks, Hispanics and Hebrews from other users? Feminists have got y’all silenced right where they want you to be.
It isn’t wrong to point out that feminists can cause incels to lash out in violence, but it’s wrong to advocate violence. Why is everyone paranoid of man-hating fembots?
Look up name ……
Marc Lépine was born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi
So another Muslim mass killer!
“Half-breed Muslim killers”
Mom is usually white and Dad is a foreign student, local Pakistani wide-boy, Arab businessman, African immigrant.
Dad is disillusioned in the West. Struggling businessman, whatever.
The marriage does not work out. Domestic violence and Dad fucks off back to Islamabad or Qatar or Africa.
Kid then grows up with single mother in bad area.
Religion becomes a soothing balm and missing father figure. He blames Western society for being abandoned by his father.
Shoe bomber. Lepine. They all fit the mold.
It’s quite rare these days to come across a self-identifying MRA unless it’s an antifa pretending to be so. MRA, Lepine, Elliott – these are the preoccupations of antifa. As for holocaust and genocide etc. that’s largely system admin level extremism.
Ridiculous and offensive of course, but this will most probably not do anything to change the difference in grades between boys and girls. The reason for the disparity is differences in talent for and interest in mathematics, not that girls need more time to check their answers. No tinkering with the exams — save for outright discrimination — can undo this simple fact.
The Telegraph:
“…the main effect of the time increase appears to have been an increase in the number of 2:1s overall, with 2:2 figures falling. Men continued to be awarded more first class degrees than women in the two subjects.”
If anything, girls are in my experience more prone to rote learning, a strategy which can actually be beneficial under time pressure, compared to a more analytical (and therefore time consuming) approach.
Long time since these universities were cradles of intellectual discourse. These days ROK is far better and more intellectually front-line than Oxford. Thats a very sad reflection on these Universities which don’t now allow any controversial opinions – which means they allow no free thought.
So many people say that these are not what they once were and its now just wrote learning to compete with Chinese students. They exist in a land with very limited free speech and they are effectively a government operation which supports whatever the politically correct liars in the Marxist left tell them to.
They cannot even openly debate the impending fall of Europe other than to deny it. Sad. They should put Oxford out of its misery and just shut it down. Its an embarrassment these days rather than a seat of learning.
Adam …….. ‘Rote learning’
I don’t know about you, but these motherfuckers all look like they stepped out of a Greenpeace protest in 1993 or anti-nuclear demonstration in the late 70’s.
None of them have changed since Neil the hippie. The long stringy hair and patchy beards on the males, the black military issue glasses on females, the dyed hair etc.
The girls are all the same plain brunettes with stringy hair and military issue black glasses.
It is odd that these kids were probably being born then because they look teleport subjects.
Could Oxford discuss race? Nope Jews? nope never ever ever. They cannot actually dismiss these things through debated real open arguments they can dismiss them only by being banned to talk about them. Its a sham that oxford calls itself a seat of learning when they juts parrot the lies of the Marxists. The same Marxists who deny that humans are like mammals with different natural roles and different abilities between genders.
With this “race is a social construct” and “gender is a social construct” they live as a university in a world of lies and half-truths. These days the religious studies colleges are actually closer to the truth than the social-science departments whom they laugh at as superstitious fools. That is not a joke. The laughing is now in the reverse direction.
Each year you think they won’t fall further from intellectualism than they were last year and yet they manage to fall even further. The degrees are only worth anything to be corporate drones and cogs to acquire some paper before you die and give it back. They have no role beyond that intellectually in society.
Oxford is still one of the best places in the world for research and education in mathematics. And no, it is not at all about mindless rote learning, quite the opposite actually. Things may very well be different in some other fields, but at least for mathematics these allegations are completely unfounded.
Bla bla bla,
Face it, universities have failed. Each year this will become much more apparent.
These days ROK is far better and more intellectually front-line than Oxford.
Do you speak in your capacity as an Oxford graduate, outraged Cantab… or simply some random bloke whose biggest claim to fame is mastering RoK’s approach to “game”? I suspect the latter, Ox and Cambs graduates know better than to make errors such as “wrote learning” and “Its an embarrassment”.
You usually chime in with complete irrelevant point. I am sure the spelling mistake in the comment was a huge boon for you. I have family members who are academics there is various fields in these crumbling places.
They require no evidence to suppose that “race is a social concept” or ” gender is a social concept” but if you tried to say that Africa and Asia were going in different directions due to racial differences you would be fired on the spot.
The levels of evidence for any theory they dislike is very high, and for those they support are very low. These places are dropping and everybody and his dog knows that. If the subject is political it is less and less objectively looked at.
ROK touches on arguments like this which could never be discussed at these universities. Men who can consider more opinions and arguments are likely to come to more accurate conclusions.
The movements on some subreddits have a far bigger impact than all of the Universities in Europe. The academics follow big established movements. The odd individual like Dawkins may have an impact but that is very rare. The movements like r/hapas and the current rise of the huge and wider Asian far-right is something that they will learn about in 15 years. They don’t lead from the back they follow.
Science and maths is different but even in Computing the software developments don’t come from them. Only is some mathematical fields like cryptography are universities research actually useful.
Reddit has ten times the social impact as Oxford unfortunately. The place is dead.
The looks have not changed. They all look the same as they did in 1993. Half-stoned, lank hair, black glasses.
lol take men out of university and that entire rotten house of cards will collapse on itself.
Men will be fine. I’ve known quite a few men who taught themselves programming, foreign languages, published books/manuals, and started their own businesses.
But women???
Lol they’re fucked.
But Western men sure as fuck need to do a fuck load more lateral networking and associating with each other. Coz unless we build by strength to push back at these smoldering vaginas, then we will be picked off one by one like the little sitting ducks we are.
Stop being a selfish asshole and bro-up faggot.
Truer words have rarely been spoken.
Further proof that displays xx inferiority to xy in the fields of stem. I’ll list off the other fields that we perform better in just for good measure:
Physical labor (soldiering, fighting, mining, etc)
Leadership/politics/c level executives
Creative (design, art, literature, film, etc)
Medicine/caretaking (outside of stem)
Skill laboring (plumbing, mechanic, driving)
Romantics/empath (women are psychotic)
There is no reason to panic. This will not stop.
This is the reality until nature corrects itself.
Nature hates the idiot, and kills it.
Societies are no different.
This idiocy will eventually become the norm, and the norm will perish.
Sad thing is, the pretty women will just fuck the new oppressive overlords…because they do all they do over here because they hate us because they can.
They wanted equality.
The wimps gave them advantage.
Women hate that.
Women dont Want to admit that Theyre born with smaller brains. Its an uncomfy subject for them. Yet when it Benefits them to privileges like this, they will ignorantly go for it. But theyll still flip out if you remind them of their smaller brains