Although their pussy pass has eroded somewhat, pregnant women who abuse their children by drinking, smoking, and taking drugs are still not being shamed appropriately. They are repugnant individuals who either excuse their child abuse or ignore it. Their behavior is on par with sexual abusers. One could argue such actions are even worse, given the risk of lifetime physical disability and/or mental retardation facing children whose mothers engaged in prenatal substance abuse.
Whilst the tiniest alcohol consumption is not necessarily worthy of criminal sanction, the misuse of alcohol and any use of smoking products or narcotics by pregnant women is a conscious decision to abuse a child and inflict needless misery on them. It should always be punished with jail terms. Doctors are now warning about accidental damage caused by women drinking, with any consumption of alcohol regarded by many professionals as too much when pregnant.
“My body, my choice” is a flimsy argument at the best of times, but even more so when a child is born with irreparable damage and suffering after the selfishness of an abusive pregnant woman. These “parents” are not fit to be mothers and must have their children taken away from them for the rest of their lives.
If a woman’s child gets fetal alcohol syndrome or a comparable condition, she should be jailed for a minimum of 10 years, if not 20. After all, she’s given her own child a life sentence.
“Addiction” is no excuse
You might remember the repugnant pro-pedophilia articles published (and then deleted) by Salon and other media outlets. Todd Nickerson and sympathetic journalists would have us believe that pedophilia is some disease for which we should feel sympathy. The same rationalization is frequently at play concerning pregnant women with “substance abuse” problems who, let’s face it, fuck up the lives of their children long before they are even born.
In addition to the sizable financial costs of helping a child physically abused by his or her mother in the womb, the youngster is set for an unenviable life of dependence, regular social isolation, medical treatments, and a lack of many of the opportunities we all take for granted. Just as giving alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes to a newborn or young child would be illegal, every country that claims to be interested in the protection of children cannot afford not to jail mothers who consume these products when pregnant.
Feminists support the rights of women to act as they want over the rights of children to be born healthy and happy
Tennessee is one of a number of jurisdictions that have passed or have tried to pass legislation criminalizing the use of narcotics or other substances during pregnancy. A number of feminists, as evidenced in the comments section of a Jezebel article, tend to support these kinds of laws. And why wouldn’t they? Who in their right mind can’t bring themselves to support serious measures for preventing the gratuitous horrors of children being unable to care for themselves once they reach adulthood and living a life of incredible pain?
Of course, large numbers of self-absorbed and plain malevolent feminists argue that women ingesting substances that end up killing or ruining the lives of children after birth are victims who should not be punished. It beggars belief that almost of all us can recognize the need to help those who suffer from congenital conditions or other serious disabilities, but certain political activists believe that those who cause this kind of suffering for children at birth are undeserving of serious punishment and ridicule.
We condemn sexual abusers (at least when they are properly convicted and with sufficient evidence) and rightfully so. We must also condemn and similarly jail women who abuse their unborn children through drinking, smoking, and drug-taking.
Read More: Fat Single Mothers Are Child Abusers
Only a selfish, disgusting lowlife thinks allowing pregnant women to drink, smoke and abuse drugs is acceptable. Maybe some of these feminists were born with fetal alcohol syndrome or other deformities from similar behavior?
Thank you Mr Brown, for the timely article. i cant agree more with your stats and opinion. they are spot on.
My son’s mother smoked cigarettes and I later found out abused both adderol and marijuana throughout most of the pregnancy. I was working 70 to 80 hours a week to support us and yet her worthless ass couldn’t even quit to protect my son. I wanted to knock her teeth out, of course, but once they are pregnant they have you by the balls.
How about, “my body, my choice?” Does it work for this one too? Pretty amazing how sexual harassment can cause mass hysteria but women who drink, smoke and do drugs while pregnant? Crickets.
Looks like is got a thumbs down from the SPLC.
Roosh must have access to the data on IP addresses/locations from which peeps visit this site. I’m wondering how many visits he gets from IP addresses in Montgomery Ala. (SPLC home base). I’m sure they’re monitoring us for hate, misogyny, racial commentary and cherry-picking the most controversial articles and comments. Then publicizing those to milk more money out of (((their))) benighted donors.
Perhaps the SPLC designates hate groups to detract from their hatred of babies. I wonder what they have against babies. Weird.
You have got that right. Unbelievable, still.
This happened to an old friend of mine. His wife was a popping all sorts of pills (recreational drugs) while pregnant. Now his daughter has all sorts of weird ticks and anxiety issues. Way to go mom.
Anyone that hurts a child, born or unborn, is absolute scum. Fuck the pro-abortion crowd, and fuck any mother who doesn’t take care of their child either while pregnant or after it’s born. This is a real sore topic with me.
This just drives home the fact that life has to be legally protected from the very start. I know of one woman who drank and smoked heavily while pregnant, the baby was born with malformed major organs and died soon after at the hospital. That was in Poland in the 80s so no technology was available to sustain the baby’s life even for a little while. Family and friends commiserated but didn’t make it really clear how reproachable such conduct was.
It’s bad enough to be pro abortion. But to fight for it like someone’s taking away your right to live is truly psychotic. Then to have an abortion out of spite, even more psychotic.
But let’s be clear about one thing; to women, the abortion argument isn’t about killing babies, it’s about; “you told me what to do?” *Nuclear explosion in t-minus… 5…. 4…. 3….
It’s not selfish behavior. It’s criminal. They shouldn’t be shunned. They should be arrested.
Arrested and fined!
The sad thing is that the majority of women need to be shunned for their degeneracy, but that obviously won’t work.
Clark, it’ll work. The problem is; there are too many spineless white knights out there who continue to get blindsided due to inexperience. White nights are foremost the problem with most of these issues. Always and forever.
When I see a 6 month pregnant woman smoking outside some pub I just know that baby is gonna be born with a full set of teeth.
My view is that this should really be criminal.
Recent research has shown that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Effect and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder are at least ten time more common than previously thought. There is no amount of alcohol exposure safe for a fetus in any trimester.
One problem is that about half of pregnancies are unplanned and that often the damage from alcohol is done before a woman even knows she is pregnant and the effects can be devastating. Alcohol on the 10th day of pregnancy can cause spinal bifida, on the 17th day of pregnancy can cause intellectual impairment.
Further, a father’s drinking around the time of conception can also result in fetal alcohol disorders and various birth defects and intellectual impairment. With as much drinking as young men and women do, no wonder there are so many autistic children and children with various defects.
Instead of just hating on women, if you want a healthy population, neither women nor men should be consuming alcohol if conception or pregnancy are possible.
Publicly mocked while using the feral birthing beast as a public example.
I think Candydoll Sharlotta has FAS.
Also jobs like auto mechanic, refinery worker, firefighter should not be allowed for women for the same reason. Where are the great liberal protectors of children? I guess they figure they can dump all the problems with birth defects onto the backs of tax payers.
Good article. If a person (especially the father) dared smoke around a child, everyone would bust his chops for subjecting the child to 2nd hand smoke. Funny how the same principle doesn’t extend to women who smoke while pregnant, where there’s nothing “2nd hand” about the passage of nicotine and other crap straight thru the placenta.
Shunned? She should be steralized! For starters…
and men should not get a women pregnant that smokes, drinks, or does drugs. That will stop a lot of this before it gets started. Chose your child’s mother very carefully.
What you have to watch out for is having the issue be used to push for abortion. The telling of women that they run the risk of the baby being unhealthy due to drug/alcohol use and therefore landing themselves in jail. But then reminding them that this risk can of course simply be side-stepped by having an abortion.
Couldn’t agree more. Smoking women are disgusting. Smoking pregnancy should be causal for death penalty, since sterilization stops just the problem from reproducing but it doesn’t end the problem. And in all fairness, smoking fathers should be punished as well. Nicotine-free sperm will perform better anytime over a nicotine-filled counterpart.
Also, as leaders of the house hold, we need to set the example. Can’t expect the hamster- wheel brain of a woman to just not come to the conclusion that “if the father is smoking while i’m pregnant, then it is ‘ok’ I smoke as well”.
Children are not born innocent. They have their personality traits and future habits marked down as soon as they are concieved. I say let people do whatever they want. Most of the women who abuse substances in pregnancy are idiots. It’s only right that their children will be idiots too and that they belong with their idiot parents. If they are exceptional and some kind of genetic miracle happens they will work it out on their own. Take away all forms of welfare and let society sort itself out. I don’t believe in doing anything for the ‘greater good’. Inequality is a solid fact of life and meddling never really solves any problem.
Here it is straight from the horses mouth (so to speak)! I am 36 years old and I am living/surviving a life as a result of a female continuing to abuse substances after getting pregnant. That was just the beginning of this “adventure”. When I was born I had physical abnormalities with my lower legs and feet (funny how I’m not allowed to have a driver’s licence or a job due to siezures and cabs are outrageous, problems inside my face (small eustasian tubes, poor vision, etc.), and an abscess in my brain (I was born missing 20%). On top of that I was dependant on the chemicals that my biological birthgiver was using so here’s a newborn going through detox.
I was sent home with her! Now it just gets more and more dire. Well she never stopped using substances (we are talking hard drugs) so she was never a “mother” instead when I was cognitive I started being drugged and abandodned. Alright that’s that now lets move on to the sexual abuse. Some of my first memories of Linda (my biological birthgiver) involve molestation and being urinated on by her and her boyfriends all the time. Then the sodemy. She would let her boy toys sodomize me. This ended up damaging my internal organs (my lower intestine and some of my urinary and sexual parts too) requiring surgury to save my life at that point. The last main part involving her was a murder that I witnessed. I was four years old at this point.
So finally the government stepped in and removed me from her. I ended up in a psychiatric hospital with a very, very poor outlook on ever getting out.
Thank God a couple that were very involved in raising troubled foster children with love and resposibility came in a convinced the hospital to let them try. Their first policy is we are in it for the long run – together as a family. Also, no children will be medicated, period. That was some real foward thinking and understanding of development. Finally, respect for everything good and evil, real and imagined, physical and mental but most importantly to God and needed authority.
Okay back to the timeline. I decided almost immediately to accept their offer of adoption. The government delayed this for three years while trying to let Linda have me back. My Parents won that battle! They offered me and my sibling the choice in schools (I chose private Christian and then home school P.A.C.E.) and really balanced out “life” for us so we could enjoy being a child while developing into valuable adults.
Social disorders were the biggest issues. Then when it came time for me to understand sexuality, I was a retard! I didn’t even know that there was a thing called stimulation and ejaculation until a “friend” showed me first hand when I was sixteen years old. Well I had just started my first job when I learned about masturbation. It was a very physically demanding job. Then I noticed something! My intestines were hanging into my scrotum and bulging out into my pelvic area. I was so ashamed thinking that I did this to myself because I thought it perverted to masturbate occasionally. I didn’t realize that this was a direct result of sodemy! So I manned up and squeezed and worked those organs back into place and then stopped using my “six pack” area to keep the organ in place. After two years of this they finally healed and have not penetrated into my testicles, but there has been some close calls so I have to be careful.
Thought I was pretty ready for the world. When I was nineteenI had my childhood friend call me up and invite me over. He said this is marijuanna, it will get you high. I had no idea of what “getting high” was. So I consumed a dose and I realized that, “I AM FUCKED!” there is nothing else in this world that will satisfy me more than how I feel right now. I was fucked because I knew that this was unaffordable but was what I was going to want to do for life. Being illegal is the reason I knew I was fucked not what it was or what it did, just getting caught with it could destroy a already desperate life. Not to mention that it worked as a great medication so I’d go broke looking for it. If I had just known what I know now I would have taken a Worker’s Comp claim (hell they won’t allow anyone to hire me even with no claims because of siezures) and had my hernia repaired at a hospital and then got some psychiatric treatment and things would be much different. Now I’m in my mid to late twenties and I start having siezures. Most of them while on the job. So now I don’t have a driver’s licence and my vehicle (investment) is useless and now my commute to work has been severely burdenized on me. I had to leave my home and move so I could walk to work. Another wasted investment because I had to leave my job shortely after because Worker’s Comp forced my boss to eliminate me after ten years of dedicated work. So now I can’t be employed and have any hope of worker insurance. Not my fault! I applied for disability right away when I lost my licence. It took five years and a lawyer to get help. All this time I was racking up hospital bills in the tens of thousands of dollars for each visit and I’d end up with about two every three months. Most of them were unessasary and just because someone freaked out and called 911. I still got stuck with the bills on top of paying a neurologist out of pocket. The neurologist hated the fact that I consumed marijuanna and put me on medication with the intent to harm me. When I caught on about his theft and the medication he had me on. I told him, look I’m still having siezures but now I’m miserable and I have thoughts of killing myself. He stood up pointed his finger at me and told me to “get out and never return”. I asked him where do I go? What do I do? He just repaeated himself and threatened to call the police. I should’ve let him do that knowing now what i didn’t know then. So my frst forced visit to a mental hospital happened in this timeframe. It should’ve gone gently and communicatively. NOPE! It was no different than being arrested for commiting a crime exept that the jail was the hospital. The officer knocked on my door. I was well composed and calm (someone else called because they were “worried”) and quickly realized that I was fucked for doing nothing but answering my door politely. I was a little non-violently resistive and when the officer gave up tryng to get me to cooperate he just got physically violent with me. I told him that he needed to be careful because I could have a seizure and if it happens in these hand cuffs the damage could be permenant. The officer completely ignored my warning and left me in the back of his extremely hot police car to the point where I split my head open three times trying to break the barrier and get some ventilation. I told that officer I’d be out of this car in 15 seconds or less if he didn’t do anything about the cruel heat. He laughed and I split my head and in 9 seconds he was around the car the door was open and I got put in an ambulance. Of course I was charged $42,000 me for stiching up my forehead. I never paid a single hospital bill because it was hopeless. Honestly in the end the hospital is the only place I get any treatment from, period. Finally two years later and I get 80% coverage for health insurance. How the hell am I supposed to pay anything for coverage when I’m on disability? So I avoided getting any treatment at all. Then there was the guilt! Man I now owe millions of dollars in hospital bills. I’m mentally and now physically defecient so I’ll never pay back this debt and now I’m not even working a job. That was another suicide senerio that I barely escaped. I’m a different person and man enough to say, “Hey I tried and you failed, now take responsibility for your inaction.” I am lucky enough now not have to worry about health care costs and can call an officer or an ambulance when I end up in trouble. I DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EARNED PRIVILAGE! It is a last end resort and that balances out any guilt.
Anyway, life is an adventure for sure. I’ve made a pretty good life out of it but it’s needlessly complicated because of childhood abuse. I AM LUCKY!
My view is this: If you get pregnant you should be subject to drug testing and if you fail you have violated the rights of your child and will be incarcerated until the baby is born and then immediatly remove all contact with the birther except the fact that she has to pay child support out of her own earnings. If she misses even one payment she is sterilized and given a sentence and then is free after serving time.
P.S. I’ve never been in an intimate relationship with another person.
It can be lonely at times but I don’t have to worry about all the problems dangerous females bring and my time is MY TIME. I SPEND IT HOW I CHOOSE.
Forgive me if this is posted twice.. The first try didn’t seem to post.