Deferential admiration does little to serve ROK readers. Lessons from a prolific man of historical significance like Henry Ford however; are of great value. What can we learn from Henry Ford? What were his core teachings? Lessons from My Life and Work by Henry Ford contain truths that can guide a man to success, wealth, and fortune.
1. Work Will Set You Free
“The man who has the largest capacity for work and thought is the man who is bound to succeed.”
There are endless self-improvement blogs, videos, and courses available for men online. These resources are masturbatory unless they result in action. There is no secret to success. You must put in the work.
“The Natural thing to do is work— to recognize that prosperity and happiness can be obtained only through honest effort.”
“It is men’s labour that makes the harvest what it is.”
“…thinking first of money instead of work brings on fear of failure and this fear blocks every avenue of business — it makes a man afraid of competition, of changing his methods, or of doing anything which might change his conditions.”
“Every man is better for a period of work under the open sky.”
2. Titles Mean Nothing
When you work for a startup company, you can ascribe yourself any title you want. When I worked for a startup in college I was Regional Manager and Vice President of our three-man company. Titles are meant to a evoke status and hierarchy. Sometimes they can be misleading. Other times they can be infuriating to subordinates— especially when the title isn’t indicative of a man’s character and capabilities.
“Not only is a title often injurious to the wearer, but it has its effect on others as well. There is perhaps no greater single source of personal dissatisfaction among men than the fact that the title-bearers are not always the real leaders.”
How annoying is it when your “boss” is totally inferior and incompetent? Henry Ford was well aware of the frustration and rage this dynamic could cause employees.
3. Business is a Service
A man has an idea for a business or product—who are his potential customers? Does his business provide an essential service that benefits an individual or group of people? Henry Ford viewed business as a service. In doing so he grew his empire to over $87,000,000 in value by April of 1921.
“For the only foundation of real business is service.”
“The spirit of true service will create for us. We have only each of us to do our parts sincerely.”
4. All Men Are Not Equal
This should come as no surprise to ROK readers. For our blue pill friends, the competitive nature of life is a harsh reminder that their vision for a multicultural egalitarian world government where all people are exactly equal is a fallacy by nature.
“There can be no greater absurdity and no greater disservice to humanity in general than to insist that all men are equal.”
“We have to recognize the unevenness in human mental equipments.”
“Any plan which starts with the assumption that men are or ought to be equal is unnatural and therefore unworkable.”
5. Innovation Comes From The Outside
Henry Ford began development of his gas engine automobile on a farm in Michigan. This isn’t dissimilar from other great innovators and inventors. Philo Farnsworth began developing the television on a farm in Idaho when he was fourteen. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, invented Email in an office in Newark, New Jersey at the age of fourteen.
Globalists would prefer to have innovation centralized in our “Universities” — which are essentially indoctrination camps for kids. Innovation comes from the outside, it is decentralized.
6. Money Can Be Your Master or Your Servant
“The only use of money is to buy tools to work with or the product of tools.”
7. Impossible Is Nothing
I’m sure plenty of people told Henry Ford an affordable gas engine automobile was an impossibility. I’m sure plenty of people said the same to the Wright brothers, Philo Farnsworth, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, and our President, Donald J. Trump.
Faith is a factor in the achievement of the “impossible.”
“Everything is possible… “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
In regards to his friend, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford said: “His knowledge is almost universal. He is interested in every conceivable subject and he recognizes no limitations. He believes that all things are possible.”
8. War Is A Racket
“I have never been able to discover any honorable reasons for the beginning of the World War. It seems to have grown out of a very complicated situation created largely by those who thought they could profit by war.”
“An impartial investigation of the last war, of what preceded it and what has come out of it, would should beyond a doubt that there is in the world a group of men with vast powers of control, that prefers to remain unknown, that dos not seek office or any of the tokens of power, that belongs to no nation, whatever but is international—a force that uses every government, every widespread business organization, every agency of publicity, every resource of national psychology, to throw the world into a panic for the sake of getting still more power over the world.”
“There were men in every country who were glad to see the Word War begin and sorry to see it stop. Hundreds of American fortunes date from the Civil War; thousands of new fortunes date from the World War. Nobody can deny that war is a profitable business for those who like that kind of monet. War is an orgy of money, just as it is an orgy of blood.”
“Once we were in the war, every facility of the Ford industries was put at the disposal of the Government.”
9. The United States Has Not Reached Its Full Potential
“We have only started on our development of our country — we have not as yet, with all our talk of wonderful progress, done more than scratch the surface.”
Henry Ford was a visionary and captain of industry. He was an American patriot who fought against subversive international elements within the United States. He will be remembered a king.
Read More: 12 Strategies for Dealing with a Bad Bass
(((Chanty Binx))) is actually Chanty Morris and she is a suspected Jooish agitator. This is why she is still alive and no one found her headless and decomposed body in a ditch faraway from her city.
God will give that vile harlot a fate worse than death
God will have to defeat the Joos before punishing the feminist.
I’m proud to say that I was born at a time when we were taught to look up to legends like Ford. I grew up near Detroit and as a young kid we were required to take regular field trips to Greenfield village to see what this man created. Ford was an innovator and an out of the box thinker. And I can’t forget his greatest quote, “never complain, never explain.” This guy was the real deal. Nice article.
You heard it here first, “once you start splainin, you’re no longer gamin.” -Captain Morningwood. Put it in your next gaming article. I’ll let you have it free of charge. I’m the captain of this fuckin ship.
Henry Ford was very clued up on the J3wish question also. He was adamant they were working to usurp America and Christianity.
“The man who has the largest capacity for work and thought is the man who is bound to succeed.”
Unfortunately, this quote does not apply to the United States of 2018. We live in such sick times that honest work has been totally betrayed in favor of crony capitalism, being connected, political corruption, the avarice of the elites, and white collar crime. It is not the man who works the hardest or the smartest who is the most successful, but the one who makes the right connection(s), and who makes the right appeal(s) to the avarice of the elite.
Not true.
You’re being defeatist. I work hard and do well.
Common sense, why don’t you excercise some common sense, and come to the natural conclusion he’s talking generally. What you just did right now I call “NiggThink”,
“Blacks commit more violent crime per-capita”
“Nuh uhh cracka, I don’t do shiiiieeet biiieetch”
H1tl3r was probably right with the J3wish question.
I mean, I know you’re a troll, but there is truth to both sides of the story in this case. Jews should definitely gtfo of countries they are only going to subvert
Henry Ford told the truth about J EWs.
He gave out a free copy of THE INTERNATIONAL J EW to every consumer of his car.
‘Corral 50 of the worlds wealthiest J EWs, and there will be no wars;”
-Henry Ford
““There can be no greater absurdity and no greater disservice to humanity in general than to insist that all men are equal.”
Now that is some red pill wisdom right there.
Heck! What to do with the pussies who “claim” somehow they are “equal” to MEN !?
Guess its better to treat them as “laughing stock” !!
Not just red pill, but common sense.
Anyone with eyes can see it.
And it applies not just to individuals.
Awesome post David. Nobody believes in equality. Just ask the bar tender with 3 nose rings; “how do you become a bar tender at this joint? Because you worked here longer? Because you have more experience here? Well no shit.”
Ask whoever is in charge at the SPLC. “I’ve been here longer.” SPLC, respond to this post please.
Big fan of Henry Ford, he was awake:
“The International Jew is a four-volume set of antisemitic booklets or pamphlets published and distributed in the early 1920s by Henry Ford, an American industrialist and automobile manufacturer.
In Spring 1920, Ford began using his personal newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, to chronicle what he considered the “Jewish menace”[citation needed]. For 91 issues, the weekly paper announced a variety of Jewish-evil-influenced major stories in its headlines. The most popular and aggressive stories were then chosen to be reprinted into four volumes called The International Jew.[1]”
Ford and the aviation extraordinaire Charles Lindbergh used to regularly meet to discuss a certain (((Bolshevistic menace))) and what was to be done. Both wanted an alliance with Germany because they fully understood what (((plague))) had overtaken Russia and that it would certainly spread. Lindbergh was perhaps the first victim of ‘doxxing’ after he gave an incredible (Trumpian) speech:
He never recovered. His hatred of the (((press))) dated back to when they assisted in the ‘crime of the century’ that cost him his beauty child. So they went after him with the help of FDR and the planted claque of proto-SJWs in the crowd doing the heckler’s veto.
1.First honorable reason for starting a war:
I grew up nearby concentration camp Dora, where the V2 rocket was assembled.
Believe it or not, any Concentration Camp in Europe was a honorable reason…
2. War is the master of all developement.
In case of Henry Ford it was the bristish Brown Bess musket.
Interchangeble standard parts made by factories gave military advance and a push from this rifle to industrialisation.
No…the only honorable reason for war is self defense.
Liberals (especially if call themselves “Conservative”) always use this excuse that war is good for industrial development.
They are just Liberals who want to live off the government welfare program called the military (and its “defense” contractors).
I believe Ford was talking about the First World War, not the Second. The reasons for WWI are many and varied and rather confusing. The video series “The First World War” takes an entire hour to explain it, (and to not explain it too well) and as I understand it, it mainly had to do with posturing and nationalist pride. As the wise Edmund Blackadder said, “It was just too much trouble NOT to have a war”… He also said Britain would have been better served by keeping everyone at home and shooting 50,000 of their men per week. In case you’re unfamiliar, Blackadder was a very funny British TV show starring Rowan Atkinson.
Actually WWI and WWII had their origins in the same things. And WWII was a continuation of WWI, as WWIII will be a continuation of WWII.
Can you imagine all the hundreds and thousands, if not millions of Europeans who know better this time around, and will go fight to help Germany? Even redpilled non-whites would.
I love #4 because it’s the cold hard truth. Bluepilled guys can either be an SJW and ignore the truth and be miserable wimps who wonders why he is always stuck dating ugly chicks. Or they can acknowledge it and detox their SJW Brainwashed mentality and work to become better men
war is a racket was actually by General Smedley Butler I believe.
I think Ford published his unvarnished thoughts mainly in the Dearborn Independent, which was subsequently renamed the NYT. Unless I’m just making stuff up
Putin will wage a just war against the feminist and lgbtq community.
what’s that got to do with the New York Time’s hostile takeover of the Dearborn Independent? I think they even interfered a bit with the editorial line
Ford says a lot of wisdom but times have changed. Now it’s not enough to work hard to make fortune, now you must also fight your way through enormous obstacles government puts on your way. Now also you can’t be as honest as he was, can you imagine saying something like that about equality, for example that women are less intelligent? Modern commies would eat you alive.
“..ow you must also fight your way through enormous obstacles government puts on your way..”
I could not agree more, Miskow.
And the greatest of all obstacles are the abhorrent US tax laws, that penalize hard work and wise investments. Over 40% of my income (from both work and return on investments) is STOLEN from me every year to pay for the unconstitutional social welfare programs (including SS & MC) as well as horrific overspending on the bloated government workforce. Americans did just fine before these programs and bureaucracies, and would be fine without them. They were never needed. Were simply a trick used by the left to rope in voters and transform this once great country into a socialist cesspool.
Things you describe are common everywere. I live in UK and government simply punish people for hard work using progressive income tax. Women, third word immigrants and lazy degenerates are favored. I know people who don’t work for years living on benefits.
The government allowed Ford to even exist…look up Selden Patents you libertarian MORON. America wouldn’t even exist if not for governments and their regulations. Your quality of life wouldn’t exist, and you probably wouldn’t even exist. Governments in the west are F**ked because white man detribalized, became selfish and stupid, and allowed other people with different agendas to take over it. The END.
People all around the world became selfish and stupid, not just in America even if supidity from your country is most influential to others. So how on Erth it all happens, by accident? Evolution? Maybe black magic?
@ Wes
I will refrain from name calling, but you seriously need to educate yourself.
Whites are not in trouble because they are not taking care of the bottom of their race. The bottom dwellers should perish right along with the others. The issue with White Americans is that they have forgotten the time honored tradition of “don’t work don’t eat”.
I have no use for lazy, good for nothing whites in the same way that I have no use for filthy, lazy blacks.
Wes, how and why did white people “detribalized”???
I know they did, but mind explaining to me how?
Henry Ford.
A great man and a great American.
One of the greatest Americans.
He singlehandedly built what was at one point a world-class city, but then we all know what happened after he and those who looked like him left for the suburbs. Sad that no matter how many examples we experience, we will never learn.
Where is lesson number 9?
it might have been censored. Or maybe it was deliberately left out to create puzzlement. Maybe the writer isn’t good at counting. All of the above
This article seems a little too libertarian/baby boomer for me. It has that “muh, just work and everything will work out”…”just go find a girl at church and you will be fine”…”just get married and everything will be fine”…”you just didn’t marry the right girl, work harder next time and have more optimism”…”Muh, just improve yourself and everything else will be fine”…”nothing to worry about, just work”. Ya, that’s all great if you live in an actual nation that will reward you for your work, a nation where the money you earn from working will actual bring you satisfaction, or in general, a nation where your work goes to supporting your own people and your own culture. Why the fuck would I want to work so that foreign losers who ran from their own country can enjoy the benefits of my success. Why would I work my ass off just to bring something new and awesome to people I fucking hate? Why would I work my ass off just to live alone in some mansion surrounded by walls to protect myself from the decaying society around me? Tribalism bros, tribalism and nationalism….stop running from it, stop being afraid. Stop thinking like a simpleton idiot. You know how hard and how much white people invested in South Africa to make it one of the richest nations in Africa (not just rich for whites, but also blacks)…now look at it.
Yes, it is always good to improve yourself, and the tribe is only as powerful as the sum of its parts, but still. Henry Ford was a Jew hating nationalist, and was born in a nationalistic country that didn’t give women the right to vote, and didn’t have our degenerate “anti-white” culture. Henry Ford also wouldn’t have accomplished shit if not for the Trust breaking era of “Teddy” Roosevelt. The idea of the car was literally patented and owned by a group of rich a-holes, and Henry Ford was not be able to build his empire until that patent was overturned (search Selden Patent), and that is only thanks to the anti-monopoly, anti-trust mentality of the day (aka, a tribal government doing what was best for the tribe, and not some rich A-hole individual). If you want to get really theoretical, than you could also say that if it was not for the racist, tribalistic whites who colonized America with the help of governments funding the first exploration (like NASA), than Henry Ford would have never been born, America would not exist, and Ford Motor company and Henry Fords life experiences would have never existed either (along with the rest of us).
Problem is for one at the time the government was very libertarian at the time. Second Nigeria was originally the richest country in Africa(just won back the position) along with a number of other west African nation’s before they where went through civil war.(Plus you have the whites which are encouraging and bribing the ANC so much for muh Tribalism).
Third you missed history libertarianism is just when you have a reliable source of money (like Silver in Rome or private currency before 1913 in America). After Rome abandoned silvet as money it went to shit . Ever since 1913 America went to shit coincidence? Once the whole USD scheme pops you’ll see all the hidden “Tribalism” and regular human nature occurrence not just in America but the whole world.(USD props up the other central banks)
Second Nigeria was originally the richest African nation?…because of white colonization, and resource extraction. Nigeria today is an overpopulated shithole with a gentrified community that is half Christian and half Muslim. Nigeria is polluted, impoverished, and violent outside of the handful of “city centers” where western and Asian industrial powers have their headquarters. Nigeria has only a third of the per capita income of even the failing shithole South Africa. ($2,300 per person in Nigeria vs, $6,500 per person in South Africa)
America was never “muh individual” libertarian. The government of America was just what it was for the times. There was no need for healthcare, infrastructure, or many industrial regulation like we have today BECAUSE THOSE THINGS DIDN’T EVEN EXIST BACK IN THOSE DAYS. There was no reason to have social security and medicare back in the day when the average person only lived to 50, there was no real healthcare to begin with beside that random doctor that would give you some mercury pills and say a prayer over your deathbed, and the average couple have 5-7 children (with a number of them dying) to help them in their old age. Having 5-7 children today is stupid as fuck, unless you are rich as fuck. As society got more complex government naturally did ass well. Plus, that was back in the frontier days. There is no western frontier for the poor to run to these days in order to start over and essentially get free land. Also, America was in no way an “open society” that supported “muh diversity”. White Americans were very tribal back in those days, which is why they conquered “individual” native tribes so easily. The most robust native american revolts against white man was when native Americans realized they needed to band together as a cohesive unit under one leadership to fight white man.
You know, liberals will say America was founded on diversity, just like people such as yourself say America was founded solely on my “muh individualism”. It wasn’t founded on any of those principles, and that is just another example of ideologues trying to revise history to promote their own selfish and cowardly agenda.
PFFF, don’t even get me started on the stupid ass “muh gold standard, muh silver standard” BS that you libertarians promote as a cure-all for societies problems. Fiat Currency was one of the greatest inventions of the modern world. Basing your entire economy and currency on a scare resources is fucking retarded. Rome fell for many other reason, it had nothing to do with silver.
“Ever since 1913 America went to shit coincidence” WTF are you talking about…America hadn’t even entered its golden age till 40 years later, and it wasn’t till the inbred “muh individual” Reagan retards and baby boomers took over that we began going into massive debt in the 80’s. FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS. Grow up.
@ Wes
Why the hostility towards libertarians?
Perhaps because you are a low achieving White man?
Why should high achieving Whites/Caucasians fund your type? What is the advantage of doing so?
Why would I want the worst of my kind to move forward? What will you/your kind do for me?
Not much, I suspect. I am fully capable of defending myself from the savages. No help needed here.
Libertariansim is the selfish, stupid, and white trash ideology that makes white men WEAK. Libertarianism is a stupid religion that is only accepted by people who don’t understand civilization, they don’t understand why nations were formed in the first place, they don’t get History, they don’t understand economics, they don’t understand patriotism, and they are the same morons who turned the Republican party into a laughing stock. Trump is and was pretty much a moderate, and not a libertarian, and that is the only reason people like me and those in the rust belt voted for him. If not for ex-obama voters who are not obsessed with laissez-faire economics, and who are not obsessed with oil and fossil fuels….than Hillary Clinton would be president.
Libertarianism is a wishy washy “Utopian” ideology that makes white men a bunch of de-centralized and weak little bitches who literally let women and minorities rule over them….while constantly bitching about why their taxes are high, why their jobs leaving the country, why is our country going to shit. Rights come from your tribe, and your tribe protects them….without the tribe and a sense of ethnic-nationalism than you are nothing and your rights (like we are seeing today) will disappear. These asshole libertarians who constantly talk about how “taxation is theft” and “it is all about Muh individualism” are just dumbass cowards. If white men were nationalistic, proud badasses like WE USE TO BE than women would be back in the kitchen, our borders would be closed, diversity wouldn’t be an issue, and we would be living a good life. White libertarainism is the problem with our country. Leftists, minorities, socialists, Marxists are just taking advantage of white mans weak position.
“Globalists would prefer to have innovation centralized in our “Universities” — which are essentially indoctrination camps for kids. Innovation comes from the outside, it is decentralized.”
So true but Liberals (even the “Consevative” ones) will say…
“If it wasn’t for the government, we wouldn’t have the Internet. It was a military program.”
Yeah, we would have a better Internet instead of the clunky http protocol.
…and we’d have a better train system than Amtrak, better highways, etc.
You make some big stretches there. Society wouldn’t exist if not for government, and do you realize the amount of information/data/regulations that protect dumbass “Muh individuals” like yourself every single fucking day. You wouldn’t even know who was fucking you over if not for the government regulating businesses and providing you with data on them. Pretty much the discovery of the new world, landing on the moon, and most other great accomplishments where initially funded, incentivized, and initiated by governments. Civilization is a cohesive group of individuals with a culture and set of standards enforced by GOVERNMENTS. Civilization = Government. Grow up little boy. The Government sucks because White men detribalized (thanks to moron “muh individuals” like yourself), and allowed other people with different agendas to take over it…welcome to reality. I doubt Henry Ford would agree with you at all, and if it wasn’t for the Teddy Roosevelt “progressive Era” than Henry ford wouldn’t have been able to even build his enterprise (look up Sheldon Patents). Seriously, you libertarian, Spartan warrior, badass “muh individuals” need to STFU. You are not helping anything or solving any problem, you are literally just whinny parasites and worthless pussies.
The only “whiny, worthless pussy” I see here is you. Proof? Only pussy need others to help them in life. Real men stand alone. Yes, like Spartan Warriors. Now go get behind Rufus in the welfare check line.
Oh really, Amtrak…interesting how it is mostly privately run, and public rail transportation in other nations are F**king amazing. Interesting. If not for public land grants and the government making railways/highways/etc than none of that would exist in the first place, not even the public roads you casually drive on.
Amtrak is a state owned Enterprise bud lol also the railway was initially privately funded just some railroads where made with government contracts
@Chris…Amtrak is privately run and operated for profit, and it was created from the voluntary union between 20+ privately owned railraod companies that had to ban together in order to survive. Railroads would have not existed in the first place it wasn’t for A) Tribalistic whites conquering that land in the first place and then building the society that funded the trains operations B) government selling/leasing land, and allowing the railroads to operate C) Governments had to continually bust up rail monopolies and set standards/regulations in order to maintain competitive pricing and access to transportation. Ever heard of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)? LOL, back when railroads were first started the government literally pampered their asses with millions of acres of land, for next to nothing. BTW, why are European, Japanese, and just about every other countries public rail lines so robust and efficient????? Also, the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 and the Sherman Act of 1890 where directly related to monopolies of the Railroad industry. Damn, 1887, that was a long time ago wasn’t it? I guess 1887 America was Marxist too, holy hell!!!! And what took a lot of the market away from the railroads in this country….THE GOVERNMENT OWNED, OPERATED, AND BUILT HIGHWAYS….YEE HAAAA!!
If it was privately owned then how come there are no other competitors or other private companies like: Virgin trains in the UK. If you think public services are awesome sell your car and use public transit only in your city. Unless you live downtown in a city you can’t move
Is Roosh afraid of the Juice? My comments aren’t showing when posted here!
Mine too, and i wrote a really good one.
Ford financed Hitler.
Good for him
Prewar America was amazing. FDR could not even nominate a (((moneychanger))) for any prominent positions because everyday Americans were always woke to the JQ. Then when the radical (((Morgenthau))) was appointed to genocide Germany, the anti-Gentiles never looked back. The government had sponsored proto-hippies like Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger by train to tour every backwater Southern hellhole during the Great Depression to soften basic Christian ‘anti-semitism’ with garbage folk music with little success because even the illiterate knew about (((them))). My how things change.
The greatest story never told!
Henry Ford did his part to stand-up to government tyranny, too. He refused to sign on to Roosevelt’s so-called National Industrial Recovery Act:
The wisdom of Henry Ford needs to be filtered carefully through other realities, like Orwell’s Animal Farm characters, parallels of which are alive and well today. Hard work will set you free, but you don’t want to blindly work yourself into the ground for your organization (and expect great things will happen) like Boxer the cart horse either. You must have a strategy for everything.
Didn’t he also pay his workers almost twice the average wage at the time so they could become consumers?
I think Ford payed his employees so well to prevent unionization of his factories. At least that’s what I was told a long time ago.
Correct EE.
And not only that, he paid them so well they could afford his car. A built in customer base.
The man was a genius.
Ford, Edison, Tesla & many others were visionaries and the true expression of the US. They’d be appalled to see the country today.
11. Never take your eye off the Jew.
Has anyone noticed that Americans make up any narrative to fit their worldview?
If a bridge falls down, racists and sexists will say that the bridge fell down because Cuban girls designed it, Communists will say the bridge collapsed because of deregulation, and Libertarians will blame the government for funding it.
If an actor sucks, racists will say he is a Jew, but if the actor is talented, racists will say that he is white.
If Steve Jobs failed, racists will say he is an Arab, but if Steve Jobs was successful, racists will say that he is white.
If politicians want votes, they will say that they are black, Indians, or homosexuals.
If a girl is successful, sexists will say that she is a tranny, but if she is corrupt, sexists will say that she is a female.
Fascists will say Trump can drive up the national debt because Obama did.
Nazis love the police state because they think tyranny only affects blacks, illegal immigrants, Jews, homosexuals, and Muslims.
Socialists think smoking should be illegal because it is dangerous, but pot should be legal.
Communists think voters shouldn’t need ID to vote, but Americans must have an ID to drive, drink, buy a gun, or check out a library book.
Nazis will say Ron Paul is a globalist because he supports immigration, but Libertarians say Ron Paul supports freedom because he favors secession.
Ford fought the Unions, he was truly a heroic American figure. Big fan
Henry Ford opened my eyes and ears to that ever asked and unanswerable (((question)))
Henry Ford and Bill Gates also spent time at a bed and furtniture warehouse where they spent the day testing bed springs and evaluating comfort zones.
A wise person reminded me “Rome was not built in a day.” I work and have worked hard to earn what I have. I think it’s natural to want to do this. I agree not all men are created equal BC not everyone is willing to work.
(((subversive international elements)))
Hear hear …Cheers gentlemen 🍻
Good piece. By my count, there are indeed 9 things the author learned from Henry Ford. #5 was learned by example; no quote necessary.
So here’s mine: “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.”