5 Ways Women Make Themselves Masculine

The perversion of sex roles in the Western world has led us down the route of androgyny. Men are behaving more like traditional women and women are behaving more like traditional men. Women often wonder why they can’t find a good man. Perhaps it’s because they are choosing to be more masculine. It’s not attractive. In what ways are women making themselves more masculine and less attractive?

1. Language

Women talk to men as if they’re just one of the guys. They’ll begin a statement to a man with something like, “Bruh,” “Hey man,” or “Look dude,” etc… The next part of the statement is too often something that only men should be saying to other men. For example, “Look dude, you need to man up,” or “Bruh, you smash?”

Not only should women not be speaking to men like men because it is unbecoming of a lady, they are also just plain bad at it. When men tell each other something like, “Get out of here with that bullshit,” or “Don’t be gay,” it is understood that we are respectfully holding each other accountable. When women do it to men it is understood that they sound bitchy.

2. Doing Stupid Stuff

When men, especially young men, do stupid stuff it is to demonstrate to other guys that they are willing to take risks and endure pain. Masculine men take risks and endure pain. We don’t have any rights of passage to demonstrate these so we do stupid stuff to demonstrate them instead. It’s probably not the best method but it’s what we’ve got.

Why do women do it? What exactly are they demonstrating to people, other than penis envy, when they punch each other in the face?

3. Promiscuity

Among men, being a player wasn’t always celebrated or even tolerated. Before World War I bachelors were largely social outcasts. When men sewed their wild oats they did so with loose women. No man worth anything spent much time with them. Men quickly figured out that although some women are better in bed than others, variety is overrated. It was preferable to have a good woman by your side so you could hold your head high when seen with her in public.

Sometime after the birth control pill became readily accessible (and hailed as a breakthrough in women’s health) promiscuity became increasingly normal for everyone. As more women became promiscuous there were fewer and fewer women worthy of marriage. Now we are at a point where even those men who value good women can’t find any. As one of my best friends learned the hard way, even the “good” women choose promiscuity. What was once the seen as debauchery for men and women alike is now seen as empowering.

4. The Corporate Ladder

These women have empty souls

Why oh why do women choose to climb the corporate ladder? Did they see some wall street movie like Greed or Glengary Glen Ross and decide that lifestyle was for them? Those films were cautionary tales.

Most women would probably say they choose to work to be independent. It is completely understandable that a woman would not want to be dependent upon a genuinely bad man. But instead of finding better ways to discern the bad men from the good, women decided to become more like men. The folly of this is simple; men and women are dependent upon each other in different ways.

Traditionally, women were dependent upon the basics like food, shelter, money, etc… Men were dependent upon women for keeping the home and raising the children well. For some reason women decided that what men did was more important, but before there was such a thing as a blue pill, men thought women’s roles were just as important. Men provided the basics but women shaped the next generation. In our present society that encourages women’s penis envy women provide for themselves when single and for their shopping sprees when married, day care raises the kids if there are any, and a maid keeps the house respectable.

5. Life Trajectory

Traditionally, a man’s life went something like this; as a young adult he’d finish high school and get a job. Then he would either finish college or just stick with his job and get promoted. Either way, by this point he would have boned a few hoes, figured out that promiscuity is overrated, and he’d have a wife or fiancee. He’d spend some more time working on his career and then they’d have a baby. More promotions and babies followed, then retirement and death.

For women with penis envy their lives are similar (though with more promiscuity); they’d finish high school and get a job as a barista. Then they’d finish college and get a corporate human resources job. Promiscuity, experimenting, and “finding themselves” would have started years ago and continued until they are in their late 30’s. Then a test tube baby comes or barring that, a puppy baby. Following that is retirement and death.

That’s not a good life. Why did we ever get away from traditional sex roles? Weren’t we, men and women, much happier when we had them?

For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.

Read More: Penis Envy Is Out Of Control Among Western Women

72 thoughts on “5 Ways Women Make Themselves Masculine”

  1. Yeah a lot of women are trying desperately to be the “patriarchy” they so hate. Everytime i hear a woman say dude I cringe. It sounds so forced.

    1. Whoever keeps coming through to downvote everyones comment….you’re a little bitch and I am glad you are butthurt over the ROK content.

      1. surely a leftist faggot who can help coming here taking his daily dose of testosterone from posters here.. because he cruely lacks of.

      2. They are the same female troll with different handles that blitzes this place, which I chased out on the friend-zone article before this… Ironically it was me recognizing this because she kept saying ‘dude, bro, etc’.. And so I challenged her to say when her last lay was, which froze her. That is how you do it. A woman will be stunned because she doesn’t know how to respond without sounding like a whore or an InCel guy.

        1. Kiki very funny ‘she does not know how to respond without sounding like a whore or an incel ‘

    2. I agree, it’s especially disappointing if she’s hot and feminine looking but talks like that all the time.

    3. It is typical female irrational behavior and illogical thinking. Why would the most privileged women the world has ever produced (Western women) want to be “equal” with men, who are the whipping posts of the feminist societies of today?? It makes no sense.
      The women who claim they want “equality” really want privilege under the guise of equality. If they wanted true equality, then we would have equal criminal sentencing for same crimes, equal child custody, enforceable Prenups, equal treatment in family courts, equal Selective Service (Draft) registration for women, and so forth.
      But what we have is stupid privileged women wanting to be treated like crap, the same way men are treated in our non-patriarchal societies.
      Women simply do not have the same level of mental and physical abilities men have to achieve what we achieve DESPITE all of society’s burdens and obstacles against men. We accomplish a lot despite the feminists throwing roadblocks in our way.
      The whole “equality” demands by FemiNazis when women have all privileges in our society is so absurd and illogical, it is hard to even attempt to comprehend. *shrug*

  2. Just f**king gross. Only sickos want to mess around with women trying to be manly. If you are into guys, just do a guy, and leave the sick bull dykes alone…they are worse than gays if you think about it. Trannies are more respectable than bull dykes, at least more honest when they convert.

    1. When my kids cuss, I want to smack their nasty duck bills off ( see also daffy duck n bugs bunny exchanges where his duck bill gets blown off) because it sounds and looks so disturbing trashy and unbecoming, never mind other vagina owners doing it. Vocalizing that kind of attitude in language when it is not genuine pain or anger outburst is smarmy and sickening and singularly the loudest reflecting signal of poor parenting on my part, to which I am greatly embarrassed. It always draws a rebuke from me my exe and their step dad without fail. Adults when they tolerate that trash from CHILDRENS mouths is a sign as to how low society has fallen in values and standards when they don’t even try to correct it in THEIR OWN KIDS. and then the part about the blatant promiscuity…..for the mere sake of doing it for a conversation topic, makes you feel like they all deserve a hate/grudge f*** just for being so trashy and nasty…likely a permanent STD is awaiting from these “prize” skanks.

    2. I am a bull dyke lover. I will let a masculine woman fuck me over a pathetic man any day. At least she knows how to use her beautiful fake cock.

      1. Translation: “I’m damaged beyond repair and I’m desperate for attention. I wish I had a cock.”

  3. Over the course of past few generations, women developed some inferiority complex while staying at home. I can envision two reasons:
    1) In past, men lived a competant life as they had to work hard in order to earn money, while a women’s life was easier(take care of house and kids). Women weren’t even focusing on their carrers while studying as they knew that eventually their fate was to become a housewife.
    2) In past, The kids naturally tended to fear from and respect their fathers more than their mothers. Many a times a mother tended to act like a soft cushion for the entire family in the times of conflict. As it was a patriarcal era, the dominance of father led women to think that they were not meant to make major decisions.
    So, such aspects led women to think of themselves as a minor cog in a big machine run by patriarchy. That is why they now want to eradicate patriarchy without realizing that though patriarchy was harsh for them, the entire family would reap its benefits in the long run.

    1. Except the problem with that system was, not all men are good problem solvers or decisions makers.
      So consequently, when the father and husband in a family was lazy, mean minded, a spend thrift,
      or simply unintelligent in some areas, the entire family suffered. Because even if his wife knew better, social norms would have forced her to do nothing besides housework and caring for the kids- and staying out of matters unrelated to that.
      If the man was a low achiever for his background and situation, the family would have no choice remain behind contemporaries financially, (since the woman couldn’t go and get a job even if she was capable)- which would impact not only their standard of living but long term issues like children’s education and how the couple would spend their old age.
      If the man was foolish or misguided and constantly took bad decisions for the family, the woman has no choice but to sit back and watch everything crumble, since it was ‘unladylike’ to try to do anything about it.
      So basically, if a woman was married to a high achieving, articulate, level headed man, her life was great.
      If a woman was married to a low achieving or careless man her life was hard.
      And if a woman was married to an outright abusive and bad man, her life was over.

      1. Most of what you said is true, but consider a few things.
        First of all, it was very important for a woman (and her parents) to choose / land a good man. So lots of work was put into making her marriage material, including things like personal appearance, homemaking, social skills, etc. If her parents were decent people they would also work hard to network and find good matches for their daughter.
        Second, though women did not have full legal rights they DID have power in the home and in social clubs. That’s where the saying, “Behind every great man is a great woman,” comes from. That saying has been attacked mercilessly by feminists and cucks for obvious reasons but for centuries women were proud of the role they had in helping their husbands achieve their full potential.
        Finally, even though women could indeed be tied to some lout who drank too much, beat her, or frittered away his money, that very threat checked their hypergamy. So while a man like that might be interesting in the short term it was catastrophic to be married to one. In present day women are insulated from this by no-fault divorce, child support, lack of social strictures, etc etc. But back then women wanted no part of that bullshit.

        1. What you described at the start is how the arranged marriage system in India is in the present day.
          The kind of husband a woman gets is almost entirely dependent on what kind of a family she comes from over what kind of a person she is. Their personal reputation combined with their ability and willingness to find the best match for her becomes more important than her own personal qualities.
          My ex came from a wealthy Indian family, and one of her aunts was married to an even wealthier man, and she went to live in America with him after marrying him ( she was born and raised in India). Within a few years,they had a huge 8 bedroom house with a swimming pool (he apparently got promoted in his company very quickly after going there). Not only that, but his family back home were extremely rich too, with properties all over their state, and they were fairly modern and liberal with their views. The guy wasn’t bad looking either.
          Her aunt was 24 when she got married, but I was shocked when my ex showed me the wedding pictures as she looked at least 30- overweight and frumpy with really unattractive features. The guy was 29 himself but he looked younger than her.
          Few years on, it turned out that not only was this woman ugly, but apparently she was also a horrible person.
          She never worked after going to America, so she stayed a ‘housewife’. I say ‘housewife’ because, to put it plainly, she was a lazy fat bitch.
          She apparently never cooked, eating little else besides junk food, and feeding their two kids the same. The kids were apparently visibly neglected too- knotted hair, nits, runny noses and constant crying and fighting between the two was normal. When their daughter started school, she was frequently late, always in trouble and once even went to school with no lunch.
          Other delightful deeds of this woman included sending their swimming pool cleaners a blank cheque (luckily they were honest enough to phone her husband and ask for the amount), allowing her children to watch totally inappropriate stuff on TV and constantly being rude to her husband, his parents and even his sister and her children.
          Every time the husband or his family tried to say anything, her father (a decent bloke who was nothing like her) intervened, asked them to forgive her, and swore on her behalf that she’d change. Eventually, the guy got sick of it and filed for divorce, with his family’s full support. My ex’s grandfather attempted to get them to reconcile again, but that’s when the guy apparently took a stand and had to basically say to him “Look, I respect you a lot but your daughter is clearly beyond help”, which is when her father finally had to accept the situation.
          When my ex told me all this, I couldn’t help thinking that the fact this man only knew her aunt for 2 months before marrying her, and the main reason he went for her was her family status and money (not her) might have had something to do with the way things ended up.

        2. So basically, there is a massive chance for both men and women that they’ll end up with someone terrible in that system, because they are not even given time to know each other properly before getting married- and let’s be honest, most of us would never marry a girl we’d known for a couple of months, which is the norm in India, and was normal in Europe and America in the past too.

      2. In the past, individuals and their wishes were not important, families were. If you had a daughter, you wanted her to marry into a rich family so she’d be taken care of. Wealth and noble rank trumped everything else. Families didn’t care if their daughter married a drunkard or a gambler, as long as he was rich and from an important family. Alcoholism was tolerated, even expected in men. My mother was from a poor European village. The local butcher’s son wanted to court her and my grandmother approved. My mother said he was handsome but physically abusive. She would not marry him, much to my grandmother’s disappointment. (All that money and social status — gone.)

        1. Ask ANY Western woman who was married (or was into an LTR) with an abusive man to describe the relationship with such a man after such relationship is over.
          The woman almost always giggles and says something like: “never a dull moment with that man”.
          What a weird thing to say about being abused!!!! Why say that?
          Because Western women are so privileged and live in such wealthy, comfortable societies that DRAMA, not financial or emotional security, is what they crave. They want the drama of being with an unstable man. They want ot be able to go to their friends on the weekend and complain about their abusive boyfriend/husband, and get her friend’s support and comfort. They want to be a victim.
          Women want drama in their lives, that is a constant in the West. They are not in 3rd world countries where their need for food or safety comes first. These women have no time for drama, because they need to worry about getting food and shelter for themselves. That is why we see a lot of “mental illness” in rich countries and not so much in poor countries. In poor countries, the women need focus on survival, too busy for mental illness or drama.
          This safety, wealth, and privilege is why Western women LOVE abusive, criminal, or damaged men. This article describes it very well: http://www.returnofkings.com/74207/3-reasons-women-stay-with-abusive-men
          ‘Nuff said. Women have a victim mentality. They are privileged and they are spoiled… so they SEEK OUT abusive men or thugs…… And then these same women complain about their own decisions. 🙄
          Gimme a break with this little discussion in Comment section about “poor women” being abused and all that, people. -_-

  4. I’m somehow in a bind…
    I’m 16, I’ve considered once that I thought having a wife that works is fine by me, but reading articles like these, should I be reconsidering or is it not bad at all?

    1. If u live in a major city then u probably shouldn’t get married with women who prowl around in that type of environment, unless u go to church, there u might have a shot. Make sure she ain’t experienced & that she prioritizes family.

      1. The thing is even though I don’t see myself going after women within my own vicinity. I was gonna about this pertaining to women in general.

        1. focus on your self. you will encounter problems within your psyche that all your company will be hurt. its better to be without peer until you understand how to treat other living creatures in an honorable way. i dont think you will find that at ROK because the common motto here is: “fornicate with as many girls as you can, and then cry about how all girls are sluts” because most people here are from the The National Association for Retarded Citizens LOL

    2. 16 kikikikiikk how about getting good grades so that you can get a scholarship into the best university or that you will be the best at whatever you chose your life to be. meanwhile have you done your Algebra homework? before choosing your wife.
      just know woman are brutal to broke man

      1. kieth
        This is true but once a man starts seeing prostitutes he realizes that on the monetary value a woman is worth about $50 per load she makes you shoot.

        1. $50 Not loosing your house and tolerating the downside of dating that seem like a good deal thought that prostitutes are dangerous std, or they will embarrass you asking for money from you when they see you at the mall.

        2. Kieth
          As a young man in Detroit I had a few scares. I was caught with a prostitute approaching my vehicle and the police, obviously having a fun time, fined me for expired insurance.
          Once I went overseas, where all men use prostitutes.

        3. Marz, You should be selling your jizz to some fucked up by feminism spinster. I reckon you would get at least $50 a job. That would go along way to subsidising your activity. Win Win situation

        1. have you considered that English is not my first language and my degree is not in English grammar?.

    3. You are 16 and you too young to be thinking about tying yourself down to foolishness anyway. But yes, reconsider. Marriage is LOSE LOSE proposition in the bets of times as you nullify ALL your rights when you say “I do” because they courts are already stacked against you BEFORE you get married.
      Don’t be stupid. Don’t get married.

    4. What are the first two words said preceding the sure thing event of divorce, that without them being actually said makes divorce impossible?
      ‘I do”.

    5. L.D.M.
      Depends. If you marry at 20 with no degree and have a kid you are fucked.
      This is the biggest reason poor people are poor.
      Lots of rich people do the drug thing, do the DUI thing, do the frat thing…but impregnate a chick at 20…..kiss it all goodbye.
      Why do you think religious people are poor? They have a kid at 21.

    6. The mistake is thinking of having a wife. White women are worthless, and marriage in the west is a life of slavery for a man. You have two viable options, 1) forget marriage, or 2) move out of the west.

      1. JOHN
        I moved out of the West at 25. And though women then in the West regarded me as a loser, they did me a huge favor. I sidestepped any hassle.

        1. John Dodds
          I don’t live in the west though, and like what I said a while ago, about women in general, regardless of race,culture,etc.
          madman marz
          I also don’t really plan on marrying atleast until I’m in late 20s or something [If something like that comes to fruition anyways.]. I’ve also seen how my fellows in my country fuck up due to not having focused themselves for a future, and Western World poison is starting to enter my country.
          Last time, I almost became way too cynical to people or women in general despite the factors I’ve said a while ago. However, I also see how my country would soon have the same prospects the west has in Marriage if left unchecked. [The Stakes stacked against men.]
          Worst. Even my country almost has alot of the bullshit that the West’s MSM has. I’m seeing my schools also falling for the same crap as well
          ; as evidenced to how there’s this male teacher of mine who has a wife and a child, yet his wife is the one who manages the money says that if young men don’t take a vasectomy in the future [Issue is that men were always depicted as irresponsible and sex-hungry here in real life, commentaries and media.], we don’t respect our wives. All of these thoughts have been bogging me down as well. I wonder if I should just marry to a job once I have one.

        2. LDM
          If you don’t tell us your country, we can’t give advice. Every country has different laws.

        3. madman marz
          not really that rich, though I’m somewhere in the sustainable middle class, unless you consider someone who has a dad that’s bought a freaking curved HD Flatscreen TV to be rich, although I preferred if my house was a bit more modest right now, but hey, not like I could communicate to him about it.
          Though I wonder if it’s a good start that I’m trying to get into Cryptocurrency, thanks to my friend and another peep.
          I also wouldn’t try Shabu, you can take me away from that kind of shit, that money is better spent for hobby materials or food.
          John Dodds
          I’ve never heard of such where people rarely marry in the PH nowadays, but yeah, my reasons stated in my earlier comments are why I don’t see any prospect in marrying someone from my own race, even though I will fight tooth and nail for it to keep standing.

        1. L.D.M
          Well if you are rich Chinese-Filipino kid, you’re made.
          Just as long as you don’t smoke shabu.
          I lived in the Philippines for 3 years and although I tried shabu and it did nothing for me I noticed many teenagers and young people got fucked up on it.
          If you are a squatter, you are in a tough situation.

        2. Hardly anyone marries in the Philippines these days, costs a fortune for divorce in Catholic countries. I wouldn’t bother, if I were a local. Might do it for the free 1 year VISA as I’m a foreigner although Vietnam is better for getting married to a local, 5 year VISA for $40.

    7. My personal convictions tell me it’s better to settle down with someone who has worked. Even if they don’t work once you settle down.
      If she’s worked, she understands and respects the value of money. You don’t want someone who’s gonna potentially spend the money for bills because she doesn’t appreciate how much things cost.
      Also where you live also depends on whether your wife working is essential or not.
      There’s a lot of people here who will say a wife should never work, but when it’s a choice between eating and your wife not working? Your wife has gotta work.

  5. Woman who talk like man 99.999999+ 0000001 of the time they sleep around. If your girl talks like man she has man tendencies

    1. Add DRINKING/SMOKING/DRUGS to the list.
      Women are not meant to consume these things (including ‘the wine bar’). Their bodies cannot handle it. They start causing trouble with people or pass out in public. I’ve even seen a woman puffing a big cigar.
      In addition to making fools of themselves, it ends their luxurious lives prematurely. So many nights have been ruined because a girl couldn’t handle a watered-down shot, which I always forget because I’ve shared bottled swigs of Jack with a girl who didn’t even wince.
      It’s bizarre because I can remember one of my first lays (years ago) and my most recent lay (6 weeks) ago were like bookends because they were so eerily similar with unbecoming women. Shitty convenient store wine, at first on my kitchen table where the sex starts, then my bedroom. Both laying under my covers still naked, as I put on pants and refuse to cuddle as we are finished, and I’m wondering about how I can evict them since I have to leave in the morning and have tons of cash hidden in my cupboard (the first one is gone when I rush home in the afternoon, second one I drop off at her car – no money missing).
      As I’m calling it a night and my head is spinning from hours of drinking, each one reaches over and finishes off the bottle of wine on my nightstand (last one was doing double lemon drops at the bar), despite their tiny frames and my larger frame because they weren’t done drinking.
      I only saw the first one in passing afterwards, as she made her way back to the streets, undoubtedly having another relapse (previously lost her kids and actually did time for neglect)…and then this last one died last month, presumably from alcohol poisoning.
      Also, tattoos/body piercings on women are even more revolting.

      1. Sorry to hear that. The quality is bad or maybe you need to up it a bit, there is an accountant who wants a fuck and still want to go to work tomorrow those should be your type maybe.
        Yes tattoos I associate them with woman who can’t be faithful even for a week

      2. Weimar, it’s your life, but I think you are putting poison in your body and soul. By that I mean alcohol and bad women.

      3. Women who want to cuddle after sex want to cuddle because they’re not satisfied. Make a woman come like Eddy Murphy describes in Raw – trust me to tell you this as a woman – she is NOT going to want to cuddle with you. Either you’ve had a bad go of it picking women or, as difficult as it is to hear this, you never satisfied one.

  6. The upside to this is that women with a great deal of testosterone like to fuck more.
    It why black women have so many kids out-of-wedlock.

    1. downside is she does not only want to fuck you. DShe wants to fuck everybody while at it she is not that attractive as the testosterone that she got from fucking around now courses her to want more and more dick.

      1. kieth
        That is a very good point. An oversexed woman is hard to prevent from straying.
        Here is another thing I have noticed about oversexed white women. They often go black.

        1. That’s because white man don’t want want her at least the one she wants. While at it even black people they think white women are whores with zero morals I suppose such woman are responsible for such reputation.

        2. kieth
          one of the truest things I’ve read on this blog, it pains me to say.

        3. keith
          Here’s a funny thing about living overseas. A few times I dicked Indian and Asian women who’d spent time in the United States and been dicked/had relationships with white men.
          It was obvious to me there-through analogy-that once a white woman has been fucked by a black man she does not go back.
          The same is true with Indian and East Asian women.
          Once they have been dicked by a white man, even if was a decade ago, they want it again.

        4. Yes they still want it. I think honestly most rational woman of other races still respect white man. Plus many culture don’t do foreplay or the woman get the avarage man of his race but when she gets a white man she she does not get the white dork. She gets a guy who has been around that’s why he is with her in the first place so satisfaction is guaranteed.

  7. Deep voice epidemic. Funny thing is; their voice isn’t that much deeper, it’s just extra nasally. And it sounds awful. It wasn’t like this twenty years ago. I think chicks are trying to sound assertive and have a strong voice but they really just sound like Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber when he does, “the most annoying sound in the world.” A girl should have a soft and pleasant voice.

  8. this is one manly female. listen to her, if you ever encounter a masculine woman like this, dont get fooled by her looks. leave the trash for a beta chump.

  9. Jared Trueheart,
    In point #2 you write “rights of passage”. I guess it should be “rites of passage” instead.
    If we put apart that single mistake, the rest of your text is good, and not only for its grammar.

  10. Interesting article.
    I was thinking the other day about a woman I had as regular, casual lay in college and how she was fine for meeting my sexual needs but completely disqualified herself as a serious partner on the first date with me by displaying unstable an promiscuous tendencies. I recall thinking “what man in his right mind is going to marry this psycho?”
    I lost touch with her and don’t even remember her last name but, aside from her, I hooked up with scores of sinilar American women (I’m American as well) during my single years. These women were all “independent” “career oriented” and unmarriable by my standards. Not proud of this but, as a younger man I had my share of post-wall women and a few divorcee’s.
    I finally married a traditional woman who was ready to settle down relatively young (she was 22 when we began dating and 23 when we got married — I was 30 and 31 during that timeframe) and have children. My wife was actually the first woman I was involved with who didn’t exhibit the sluttish tendencies of the girls I was casual with.
    Here’s what I discovered about hookup culture:
    1. Casual sex gets old — unless you’re a sex addict, there’s only so much excitment to a one night stand. After a few years, it becomes an annoying pattern.
    2. You get tired of the resentment. Here you’re committing an intimate and risky acts with women whose posture toward you become resentful once their lust has been sated. Women in this situation tend to try to tear down their sex partners.
    3. It can turn you into a misogynist. I don’t use that term lightly. There’s a difference between disagreeing with feminism as it’s currentky practice and hating women. It’s unhealthy for hetetosexual men to hate women and you’ll never be happy if you do. My stance on feminism follows the Christian (I’m an athiest but see merits in Christian teachings) “love the sinner but hate the sin” philosophy.
    4. It perpetuates female dissolution. Change begins with oneself. My days as a cad in the 90’s and early 00’s existentially contributed to the pool of dudes loose women fuck with impunity. Had I spent my energy on self improvement and in seeking out a good woman, I’d have least absolved myself from contributing to the downward spiral of social mores.
    What I suggest:
    1. Delete all of your dating apps and resolve to approach women in real life outside of bars and clubs. Ignore the whoremongers around here and boycott prostitutes, so-called sugar babies, and any other kind of sex worker. Those types of wonen feed on make misery and you’ll only feel worse about yourself.
    2. Hold women to your standards rather than accommodating theirs. To wit: if you tell a slut “no” then you not only save yourself a potential STD but you send a message that her behavior won’t get her very fat.
    3. Stop hating women as a group: you may as well hate the weather, traffic, and everythibg else beyond your control. Quit stereotyping and see women as individuals. Group identity politics is just what sjw’s and their ilk want. Don’t fall for it.
    4. Be smart, not thirsty. Men can reproduce well into old age. We have the luxury of no “biological clock” ticking down. Rather than make dumb marriage decisions young, you can wait it out, build your own succesful life, and be with a woman in her prime 5-10 years younger than you when you’re in your prime (I figure male prime is about 28-34, female prime is about 18-24 — although marrying an 18-20 year old is ill advised. People won’t likely argue female prime. For men: we’re not “full grown” physically until we hit about 22-23 years old; we usually have our careers going by about 24-25 and our incomes/promotions pick up in our late 20’s).

    1. Some Edits:
      “Male misery” not “make misery”
      “Won’t get her very far.” not “fat”
      Lots of my l’s get typed as k’s on this fucking phone machine, etc.

    2. “2. Hold women to your standards rather than accommodating theirs. To wit: if you tell a slut “no” then you not only save yourself a potential STD but you send a message that her behavior won’t get her very fat.”
      Taking antibiotics for a week ain’t that big a problem.
      Trust me on this one.

    3. Uncanny bravo, @Nomorepills
      You really spent the time. Someone who truly gets it. Suggestions 1,2,3 and 4 — rarely do I see such a long post take the words directly out of my noggin. Straight mirrors. Keep living that life, man…I pity the fool that down-votes this post.

  11. I’ve noticed an epidemic among young women today talking with a low pitched creaky voice. I researched this and discovered it’s referred to as “vocal fry”. If you can tolerate listening to a few seconds of the likes of Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, or Katy Perry (personally, I’d rather be water boarded than listen to them for even a millisecond), you can clearly detect this. Not only are many trying to be manly looking and acting (I find it distasteful myself), but I’ve also observed that more and more, young women today are easily incensed, combative, and they curse like dockworkers too.

  12. Yes the collective female dialect is becoming far too brash in recent times. Girls at a young age are verbalizing very crude assertations to fit in and be “cool”. Grade school girls shouldnt know or utter any form of atm or dp talk. High schoolers tatted up, talkin like pirates. And they demand exaltation Fukn sad.

  13. LMFAO. The shit is so transparent. Went with wife ( before married ) to the Vet. She was taking her cat for some random treatment it needed ( we no longer have cat/s cat…..you know waste of money ). Anyhow…Vet lady doctor whatever comes in. Her normal speaking voice is YELLING. Bitchs voice bouncing off the walls, bossing people around with useless orders. Can tell nobody can stand her. I laugh and tell my wife within ear shot ” that’s a pathetic ploy for authority.” Really, that’s all she has? YELLING TO BE TAKEN SERIOUS. Time and time encounter theme and variation of such. Women can’t stand these dumb bitchs…that’s magement style is usually fault finding and spastic focus on worthless ( not pulling dollars ) dumbshit.

  14. I’m a woman who grew up in a rampantly feminist household but eventually saw the light. More and more women I know, including me, would trade it all for a traditional household with a traditional husband. Sadly our culture is what it is.
    My advice to you:
    1. Be the man she’d want to marry. Be strong, stand up for yourself, live up to your values, but don’t be a jerk. Eventually she’ll warm up to your values, even if you’re already married. It will take time and patience but it will be worth it.
    2. When you finally find a wife and you have children, teach them well. That it is the best way to effect change on culture.

  15. You all need Jesus to get your life right and your facts correct.. Give your life to Jesus

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