I Was Detained By Icelandic Police After My London-Bound Flight Redirected To Keflavik Airport

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

For my June trip to Washington D.C., I chose Icelandic discount air carrier Wow Air to save $400 compared to the airline I normally use. There was only one catch: on my return, I would have a connecting flight in London’s Stansfeld airport. I know I’m banned from England, but it should be safe to have a layover where I don’t have to go through customs, right? Four-hundred dollars was enough motivation to find out.

The journey began with Wow Air #116, a red eye flight from BWI airport to Keflavik, Iceland’s main airport. I landed in Iceland without incident and had a brief layover that did not require me to go through passport control. I then boarded Wow Air flight #826, an Airbus A321 that was full with over 200 passengers. I sat in my assigned window seat, 6F, next to a cute American girl. I was too tired to make small talk. The plane departed on schedule and I dozed off.

Not long into the flight, I woke up to the captain making an abrupt announcement: “Flight staff to the captain’s deck.” The lead flight attendant went into the cockpit and came out a few minutes later. The captain then made another announcement: “Because of a security issue, we have to return to Keflavik. We will land in ten minutes. I’m sorry for any inconvenience.” The airplane made a U-turn and dropped altitude.

I’ve been on a lot of flights in my life, but I never had one turn around due to a “security issue.” Was it because of me? There’s no way the authorities would inconvenience hundreds of people because one writer said some mean words on the internet, I thought. But as we approached the runway for landing, I began to mentally prepare for the worst.

After we landed, I asked the American girl for some gum in case I’d have to do some talking. She only had white Tic Tacs. I took them and added, “If they take me off the plane, it was nice sitting next to you.” She gave a weak smile.

The airplane taxied to an isolated area away from the terminal. I saw one police car parked outside. I closely observed the flight attendants to see if they would give a tell by looking in my direction, but they held a stiff poker face. They must be trained to not let the “terrorist” know that he has been found out.

The front door opened and two male Icelandic police officers entered. The lead officer started counting rows as he walked down the aisle. An excited man wearing a yamaka stood up and filmed the scene with a tablet. Would I be the lucky game show winner today? The officer stopped on row 6 and looked directly at me. “Daryush?” he asked. I nodded my head.

My two seat mates cleared the row so I could get out. I glanced behind me and saw a lot of nervous faces. “Should I get my stuff?” I asked. The officer said yes. I opened the overheard compartment and grabbed my laptop bag and hand luggage. The entire cabin was silent. I hadn’t trimmed my beard in months so they probably thought I was a real terrorist trying to Allahu Akbar the plane. I kept my head down. I felt so embarrassed. I didn’t mean to delay everyone’s travel plans to save a couple hundred bucks, but I underestimated how far the UK government would go to prevent me from stepping foot into the country, even for a layover.

The officers escorted me to the police car. I sat in the backseat with the junior officer. He kept a close eye on me for any signs of illegal aggression. All my fatigue disappeared.

“I know why this is happening,” I blurted out. “I’m banned from the UK, but I thought it would be okay to have a layover there since I wouldn’t have to go through UK passport control.”

“We’re not familiar with your case,” said the officer in the driver’s seat. “Why are you banned?”

“Because of words! Because of things I’ve written!” I lowered my voice. “Theresa May is keeping me out because she says I’m a misogynist while she lets in thousands of migrant criminals. It’s so dumb.”

Icelandic people are not normally chatty and these two officers were no exception. I looked at my hands. There were shaking. I squeezed them between my legs.

The car stopped and the officers escorted me into a holding cell. It had a cot with a pillow and a short table with two blankets. They took my passport and locked me in. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed a camera in the corner. I wondered if there was also a microphone. The wind was so strong that cold Icelandic air was whistling into the room. I briefly considered joking with the officers that I would complain to the United Nations for inhumane treatment.

The junior officer came back with a cup of water and told me to hang tight. I alternated between pacing the room and sitting down. I tried to inhale deeply to relax myself but I could only manage shallow breaths. I took some pictures of the room and imagined what I would tell my mom.

The supervisor came into the room. “So after your flight left we got a call from England…”

“A call from who? Someone in the government?” I eagerly wanted to know how their border system worked.

“We just got a call,” the officer replied, not wanting to give details. “And it said that you’re on the flight and you’re not allowed in England. At first we weren’t going to do anything, but then my station manager called and said that we need to bring you back.” So the UK government receives passenger data from all inbound flights that is cross-checked with their immigration and criminal databases. It’s great that they have a locktight system to keep their citizens safe from a thought criminal like myself, yet somehow thousands of Muslim immigrants manage to enter the country to sexually mutilate and abuse females, including children. It’s okay to harm British girls with physical violence as long as you don’t trigger them with internet articles.

“I bought this flight because it was cheap. I know I’m not allowed in England, but I thought a layover would be fine. I guess they didn’t know I had another flight out of the country. Well, I’d like to book another flight if that’s possible. I just don’t want to go back to the US. I’ll go to Africa, even.”

“Okay, this will take some time.” He left the room but didn’t close the door, indicating to me that things were de-escalating.

Serving hard time in Iceland. I almost got a prison tattoo.

Ten minutes later, the supervisor came back and showed me his smartphone. It had the cover of my book Bang Iceland. I grimaced. How do I explain to him that Iceland was one stop on a multi-year fuck tour?

“I was in Iceland a long time ago,” I started, noticing that there was a female officer standing outside the room. “When I was younger, I would travel to countries and then write books about how to… date women.”

“So you have a black belt in women?” The officer grinned while motioning to his belt.

“Something like that. It’s macho talk. I believe men should be masculine and women should sub… should follow men. That’s why I got banned in England. But you can’t say that anymore. I know in Iceland the women are more strong and independent. They don’t believe in old-fashioned arrangements.”

“Are you married, by the way?”

“Obviously not,” I joked. Him and the three officers outside the cell started laughing. He left the room and told me to continue waiting.

I stared out the window and saw an airport worker driving a baggage car. One of the bags fell out and he immediately stopped the car to retrieve it.

How many more bags will fall out of my baggage car? The book I wrote in 2011 will cause me trouble in this country. The article I wrote in 2015 will ban me from that country. The meetups in 2016 will get me attacked from this mayor or that politician for cheap political points. Bags will keep falling out because of things I’ve done in the past, even if one day I become Mother Teresa.

The supervisor came back. He said, “You’re free to go. There’s no reason for us to hold you.” I served one hour of hard time. Any longer and I would have started my first prison workout.

“Do I have to get a stamp to enter Iceland?” I asked.

“I already gave it to you.” He handed me my passport.

I gathered my things and he escorted me into the airport hall. “I hope I made your day a little more interesting,” I said.

“You did, but a few of my officers were reading the news articles and got upset over the things you said.”

“The media has made me a total monster, a rapist, a horrible person. It’s all fake news. I’m not a bad guy. They ruined my reputation and…” I considered explaining further, but even if you accept the most rosy interpretation of my writing, without all the distortions from the media, can you name someone who is more extreme than me when it comes to sex relations? Maybe I really am a monster. “They ruined my reputation and… I will always have to deal with that.”

I stuck out my hand and added, “Thank you for treating me well.” He shook my hand. I walked away and sat down on a bench. I would have to book another flight, and maybe a hotel room, but first I had to call my mom and tell her what happened. She won’t believe it.

Read Next: Theresa May Officially Bans Roosh From The UK While Terrorist Sympathizers Are Let In

144 thoughts on “I Was Detained By Icelandic Police After My London-Bound Flight Redirected To Keflavik Airport”

    1. Roosh is a Thought criminal as all of us are. For being men. And a man.
      Fuck them all.

      1. Nah. Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson are raking in millions for “being men”. It’s just that they’re all working for the same (((manager))).
        Roosh is a thought criminal because he’s an outsider who honestly addressed the JQ. That was his biggest crime.
        Possibly one of the main reasons the people up top didn’t order more napalm strikes during the most recent meetup is because Roosh jumped on the Trump bandwagon and by doing so started inadvertently supporting (((their))) cause and misleading white men into thinking that Trump is fighting for the common white folk.
        By the by, Roosh, “yamaka” and “yarmulke” are two completely different things.

        1. Roosh is also half-Iranian and half-Armenian. Joos hate Iran and Jooish Turks murdered 1.5 million Armenians in (((Ottoman))) Europe. This clearly explains why Dr. Jordan Peterson is not vilfied to the extent that his mother receives death threats, but is still able to rake in at least one million a year for his “postmodernist critical theory” that never criticizes the Joos.
          Roosh is organic in his following and Dr. Jordan Peterson is not.

        2. Trump is s terrific president. The economy is booming, the stock market is constantly setting all time highs, unemployment has hit all time lows for blacks, women and Hispanics. All dem favorites they like to keep oppressing to buy their votes with welfare snd special rights.
          Our military is succeding wildly against terrorism, and Al Queda. Illegals invading is already greatly reduced, even with a corrupt judicial system fighting the people.
          A large percentage of citizens now know that the dems and MSM are entirely corrupt and always lie.
          Dems were formed im 1792, joined by Jefferson, Madison and other,lesser lights. Om 1798, a vote was taken by Congress to outlaw slavery which failed by one DEMOCRAT VOTE!
          Continuing a pattern of hate and lies that continues to this day. From that vote, thru the Civil War, and its 600,000 plus deaths, righy thru to the current times, with George Wallace, Bull Connor and KKK grand kleagle and hillaarress mentor.
          Dems ate party of KKK, lynchings, church burnings, ctoss burnings, Jim Crow, segregation, Civil War, slavery, assassination, Bull Connor, George Wallace and Robert Byrd, right up to modern times with hillaarree.
          For their entire 200+ year history, dems have been the party of hate, lies, racism and divisiveness. Notice how all the “hate groups attack are conveniently gtoups who dont vote dem? The dems and MSM ate doing exactly what the Nazis did to the Jres

    2. The UK and Canadian intelligence agencies are watching Roosh. For what? Because he offended a feminist pedophile from having sex with animals and 8yo boys.

      1. He also offended Joos who fund and promote feminism. The first feminist to openly slander Roosh in Canada was Hayley Firkser, a Canadian Jowess who regularly visits Israhell. Behind every vocal feminist is a Joo.

    3. Roosh,
      Never admit you know anything to the police or anyone else.
      Never explain yourself or make excuses (lacking in frame).
      It’s always a mistake. (and you made that mistake 2 or 3 times).

      1. The American, Canadian, UK and EU police are not a man’s best friend. True!

      2. Good general advice, but not relevant in this case. He wasn’t in any danger in any case, so he did good by explaining himself on a human level and planting a few seeds of understanding in the immigration officers minds.

      3. Roosh is accused of political crimes, not legal ones.
        In that case, talking your way out is the only thing you can do. No lawyer can save you.

    1. Yep
      Wear it like a badge of honor.
      Go down swinging and fighting. To my last breath I will fight them.

      1. THEY will be going down.
        not swinging and fighting,
        but simping and cucking
        …till their last whimper.

        1. We are witnessing UK
          on the cusp of a collapse.
          Now the floodgates open.
          Now you will see their
          prepubescent schoolgirls
          getting drilled out by
          muslims “groomers”
          like never before.
          This will make the
          Red Army’s rape of
          every German girl
          from 4 to 84 seem
          like child’s play.
          UK will decease
          even sooner than
          France and Germany.

      2. “To my last breath I will fight them.”
        @TT, well said, but allow me to make two changes:
        “To OUR last breath WE will fight them.”

      3. Obviously, the police agreed with you in this case.
        They were forced to turn back and enter a plane with hundreds of passengers and arrest a man.
        But wouldnt give a reason!
        You dont demand procedures designed to capture international terrorists with no reason. When police get this kind of request, they have the RIGHT to know before dying on the runway.
        But they knew their demand was for trivial reasons.
        The police had Roosh’s name, making him easy to find online.
        The result of this imcident? Roosh was met by a single squad car, with two officers in it. He was held for an hour, very casuslly questioned and released without charge.
        Obviously, the police not only did the police look him up, but agteed with him too
        The airline and country need to file charges with the UN, and punish the perps.
        Liberalism is a hate crime, and its time to confront and punish them.
        SYOP THE HATE!

        1. I have an idea. I’m sure it’s been suggested before but this particular situation warrants it.
          Roosh should change his (real) and stage name.
          It’s not something pleasant to do but since Roosh has been a journalist under a pseudonym for so long, he should be used to it. Here’s why it would be a gamechanger:
          The left has published all kinds of slander over the years about his positions and those are the top entries on the search engines. If he uses a new name, he gets a fresh start.
          Then he can go on his blog and change it to the new name replacing Roosh with “X”. This will also freshen the results.
          For his new personal name, make it something generic that will certainly make it harder for some protesters to spot him. He can make reservations in the name of John Smith at cafes without some SJW throwing a drink in his face.
          He’s a born nomad so this shouldn’t be a big deal to him.

    2. No, you are on the watchlist for commenting on the article not reading it….probably

  1. Writing books and being accused of “misogyny” by Canadian and British feminists are grounds to enforce security measures against a man for what he wrote?! Fucking pathetic.
    You also stated that you look like a Moslum and on your ticket your name sounds Islamic, so I don’t think that you get a token Muslum card because you’re not part of the Soros and feminist agenda.
    If you were from I$IS and you had an arsenal of nuclear weapons strapped on your chest, then maybe the UK government would have let you in VIP access. In the UK it’s legal for a feminist to have sex with 5yo boys and take videos and photos of those acts, but it’s illegal for a man to even be accused of street harassment, and it’s ten years in prison if a man imports a sex doll which is appeared to look under 18.

      1. Its up to seven now.
        Seven people blinded by hate. Not even a drop in the bucket for libs.

  2. “We’re not here because we’re free; we’re here because we’re not free.” – Agent Smith

  3. Unbelievable that they would incur all that cost ($thousands in fuel, and delaying 200 passengers just for staters) for somethingg and like this. I sense that Roosh feels somewhat miserable over this, but we should all take solace in the fact that these lunatics behind these systems hate themselves. They are the most pathetic miserable human beings, and they know it. Thats why they hate real genuine men and women like roosh.

    1. This is what happens if putrefied pussies are voted to Power! I sincerely pray to my Lord that a pussy should NEVER become a President of the United States.
      Roosh, do not worry, I can say that you always have the best Wishes of real MEN; regardless of the race, color, religion, country etc.

    2. Let me tell you why Roosh got busted entering the UK. I worked in flight-ops until 2014 as departure control system admin for an international airline. This was my daily butter.
      UK Home Office will get your data even before the captain starts the engines ! If Roosh is banned from entering the UK (for whatever reason, no matter how trivial) they will enforce this rule. No ifs or buts. I don’t know if the agents in charge that took the decision to deviate your flight knew why you were banned. I guess they wanted to cover themselfes, better safe then sorry.
      As soon as the checkin supervisor on the departure airport closes the flight, the system will transfer out your APIS data record, together with the flights PNL (Passenger Name List) and another bunch of records to the UK Home Office and/or the destination airport. The UK Home Office wants to know who arrives and the airport needs to know what to do with the passengers. Connecting flights, special requests etc …
      As soon as the supervisor on the departing airport hits the button to close the flight for departure, the data goes out. This happens after the door is closed and before the pushback will move the aircraft.
      UK Home Office will crosscheck the PNL they receive with their databases and refuse flights with unwanted/banned individuals on board. The captain will then return or divert. His choice. Costly for the airline, since they have to suck up the following expenses and claims …
      UK and most other countries will penalize the airline if they allowed passenger on board without valid documents or visa. Checkin agents are drilled to make sure the customer they are checking in is allowed to travel. But they can’t detect if the UK has banned you, unless you are a criminal on the run and your name has been put out. The icelandic police probably didn’t even know what was up with you until you told them and the x checked.

      1. “unwanted” individuals – this is a dictatorship in action we are witnessing. There is so much the anti-descrimination and anti-racist efforts in the UK and yet, if you have an opinion they don’t like, you become “unwanted”.

    3. Clearly he has a lot of (powerful for now) people running scared. And people in a panic do stupid, panicky things. The diversion of the flight is an example.
      I guess who ever in charge doesn’t know that the best course of action in dealing with ideas you don’t like (unless it’s going to lead to immediate violence or something) simply is to ignore them. As it is, the reaction of the UK government has only given Roosh just a bit more currency.
      Consider: the security people who (politely) escorted him off the plane had never heard of him. But now they know what he writes about and have read some of it. Maybe they’ll keep reading, and maybe they’ll tell their friends. And all because some censorious bureaucrat got into a huff.
      Regardless, it’s an interesting (and eye-opening) story. Thanks for sharing.
      Just a thought.
      P.S. What a clean-looking holding cell, bright and airy! And the security people were so polite. They even let him keep his phone camera, computer and baggage while he was in it! Can you imagine the same relatively agreeable treatment if he’d been stopped in the United States? Me neither.

      1. Even the UK would have likely put him in a prison for hours, as they did to Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone. The US… you said it all mate! Northern Europe is the last bastion of western civilization.. but it is quickly fading. The rising sun, for better or worse, is in the east.

    4. No, it’s worse than that, sort of.
      The Icelanders didn’t have any idea who he was and were even amused by the incident. Probably most of the British version of the TSA are in the same boat.
      His name was flagged in a file as “no fly watchlist” and the state mechanisms kicked in. Some bureaucrat gets a notice and passes it on and they overreact as a “normal” reaction.
      Roosh reminds me of Tommy Robinson in that he did nearly everything to kick their beehive using classical debate and his opponents are reacting emotionally and viciously like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum except these 2 year olds have access to a massive media and friendly leftist governments. He also has a relatively unique name and pseudonym making it all that much more easy to target him.
      What especially raises their ire, I suspect, is that he wrote books on getting laid by mocking feminism which especially humiliates the cucks the feminist left relies upon to remain relevant.

  4. Just wonder what would happen if here in the US we started banning people who were a “threat” to our country. Oh wait, we did with the so-called “muslim ban”. Apparently that was evil and racist. Had does England get a pass?

  5. This is just surreal, Roosh. But as always, you maintained frame and would have been able to deal with anything they threw at you.
    Apparently you’re so truthful and effective that it scares an entire major European government. All I can say is: Well done, brother. Though you’re mellowing a bit with age, keep hammering away at the enemies of our countries and cultures.

  6. I generally side with Roosh but the line is starting to blur a bit. While Roosh may not have incriminated himself directly in any way, ROK as of late has published articles celebrating the death of innocent women in addition to high school jock articles blasting cucks and soyboys. Roosh did not write those articles himself but I imagine he chose to give them the exposure by having them appear on this blog.
    With this said this is not a take on how governments or the law should operate at all; it’s just that if they are going to detain or control people’s movements over extreme views, then it is not a big wonder if Roosh catches their eye and acting outraged over it is starting to seem less reasonable. Roosh chose to inject his face and name into the mess that is Manosphere, in good and bad, and that comes with both positive and negative consequences.
    I can now see and empathize with people who associate Manosphere with extremism; too bad for the rest of us who managed to keep our emotions in check but we’ll all rise and fall as a unit by association.

    1. Are u saying that one does not have the freedom to celebrate anyone’s death? Don’t get me wrong, let me explain. U see, it was universally acceptable to celebrate the death of say Osama the skyscraper slayer, but on the other hand it is very morally disgusting to celebrate the death of somebody else? I’m just wondering, who decides whose death is morally right to be celebrated and whose is not?

    2. Celebrating the death of a woman…No, we just laugh at the irony in the death of some women because of their own stupidity and hypocrisy. Many of these women would laugh their asses off if Roosh died, so stop being a pussy. High school jock articles? Bro, get out of here dude, HuffPo —->

    3. You think Roosh should be considered an extremist for “celebrating the death of innocent women”, when Roosh warned years ago that importing the third-world into Europe would lead to the death of innocent women.
      The Manosphere only seems extremist because we point out the hypocrisy of our age, which is far more diabolical than anything we ever had in mind.

      1. It seems that ‘telling the truth’ now has become a criminal act if that ‘truth’ isn’t Politically Correct and isn’t approved of by the unelected Political Commissars.

    4. Where the fuck were you when dozens of feminists from Canada, USA and UK were posting libelous claims on the host, #metoo liars sent even CBC and BBC feminazis to say that the host did things illegally to them which was false.

    5. When Nelson Mandela croaked, I opened a bottle of wine to celebrate. When Kim Jong-il kicked the bucket, I cracked open another, just as I did for Castro, Rockefeller and Brzezinski. I still have bottles marked “Kissinger”, “Soros”, “Blair”, “Mugabe” and “Merkel” cellared. I will continue to celebrate deaths of petty tyrants and egomaniacs for as long as I draw breath.
      So screw you and your hypocritical, pseudo-moralistic posturing. You and your ilk are hobbyists – more than happy to play dress-up and talk big, but the moment the wind of responsibility blows, you vanish without a trace. Go lick out May’s box, you pathetic toady.

    6. @Depres…..,
      Death of “innocent women” !? How the hell you know that they are innocent !? On what basis you concluded them as innocent !? Use your common sense and do the math; number of innocent MEN vs “innocent” women !!
      Don’t you have any concern about the MEN who are putting their lives at risk? Have you ever imagined the kind of challenges, troubles, stress & emotions the MEN go through? Do you even notice how the societal & legal double standards betray MEN of their basic rights?
      Do yourself a favor; get over your “depression” first !!

    7. Yes, hate speech has consequences. Roosh knew he was banned from entering the UK and yet he books a flight to there. What did he expect? Does he not get that nations keep records and lists of banned persons? Because of his arrogance and failure to understand the situation, he inconveniences a plane full of people, and then whines about it. It is good to think before one speaks. Words have consequences, hate speech has consequences. And does anyone see the irony in the great Roosh, the Great Cocksman, calling his mommy about his treatment — apparently no other woman will have him.

      1. “hate speech is bad mkay, if you do hate speech you’re bad mkay coz hate speech is bad mkay”

      2. I don’t like hate speech legislation and I’ve had much more exposure to it than most here have or will have in their nightmares.
        However, the fact remains that a lot of the content on ROK is quite hateful and not conducive to peace, harmony or mature dialogue. If the authorities are going to stomp on hateful speech, then ROK is right up their alley.
        If you say or write hateful stuff, own up to it like a fucking man and don’t try to slither away from the obvious implications of your words with martyrdom and feeble explanations/diversion.
        In no way does that mean that me or someone else agrees with ‘feminism’, much less the worst excesses of it. The law or the authorities may be unfair and inconsistent as hell just like ROK is hateful as fuck as of late.

        1. “Hate speech” or should I say truth speech doesn’t care about your feelings. And since when has ROK caused violence or not been conducive to peace?

      3. “hate speech has consequences”
        Does it? Feminism is 100% hate speech, yet it is taught in schools.

        1. Two wrongs don’t make a right and the hate speech of feminism is much more subtle than the hate speech that’s occasionally seen on this site.

        2. “Two wrongs don’t make a right and the hate speech of feminism is much more subtle than the hate speech that’s occasionally seen on this site.”
          I said that when I was 12 and have come to regret it so many times in my life.
          By definition, “wrongs” don’t make a right if you think about it because “wrongs” are by definition, wrong. 3 wrongs don’t make a right. Neither does 10. The problem with feminism is that it’s several seemingly “right” things are actually wrong such as innocent concepts such as
          “equal” rights in the workplace.
          It’s all well and good except that it caused wages to fall, women to become dissatisfied with men as men’s wages fell and there’s rose and the cost of living also rose. It’s like giving your kid ice cream and telling them they don’t have to brush their teeth. Who doesn’t like people being happy except for the long term consequences?
          So many “wrongs” are justified claiming there’s a ‘right’ at the end of the tunnel but again, that wasn’t a “wrong” so much as a “right” in that people rarely do “wrong” things. If you break a window for fun as a kid, you don’t view it as “wrong” at the time if you’re enjoying the action. Nobody does things that are unpleasant unless there’s some type of psychological pathology.
          Which perfectly describes feminism and men who support it, even men who support “nice” feminism.
          Rather than criticizing the “two wrongs”, we should instead criticize stupidity.

      4. Last I checked, it was NOT who inconvrnienced or detained anyonem
        It was just a layover, probably for refuel. Gas is heavy and they save by flying lighter and refueling.
        Ssme with sitting at the airport.
        If its sitting, it isnt flying and earning. It just sits snd wastes gas to keep the generators running.
        I would have flatly refused. Since when do they have the right to deny access to an international flight? Without even an explamation of his crime. “Wsntef by the state for political crimes” How utterly Nazi-like.
        You also show classic liberal arrogancr, who always decide things that othets pay the pticr for. You attack Roosh, but are petfectly OK with the govt inconveniencing 200 passengers. Tben make the airline absorb the costs and consequences. I have yo believe that it is a grave violation of international law to fotce z plsne from another to turn around and go home for such s ttivial reasons, and not even telling them why.
        You just dont do this for childish crsp like that in the real world. The hate filled libs knew it was too trivial, and you czn bet the airline and police knew the deal befote Roosh landed. Or tney would have met the plane witn more than one squad car with two officers.
        Setiously, if it justified sending an internstionsl flight with hundreds of passengers back to its home country and arrest a passenget, wouldnt you think it involved an international terrorist, or similar?
        Yhey knew they would be refused if they gave the real reason. Given what they said to the police, its a shocking violation of intetnztiional law.
        Tbe police had Roosh”s name, and must have looked it up. No wsy were they going into this ignorant. Obviously, they decided Roosh was harmless.
        This is z shocking petversion of international law. Using crisis procedures for trivial, concealed reasons. Endangering the police by concealing the reason for sending the plane back and arrrsting.a passenger.
        These are crisis procedures, made for emergrncies.
        But, classicly liberal, they ALWAYS make decisions where someone else pays the consequences.
        The airline needs to file chzrges with the UN, recover damages and give jail time to those responsible.
        Its a shocking of international law.

        1. On behalf of all sane British “subjects” may I extend my deepest apologies to Roosh … and that plane-load of inconvenienced passengers.
          @Little hugger … there is no such thing as “International Law” … unless you are already employed as a lawyer, and unless you are (consciously or unconsciously) a Communist.
          We’ve given way to much power to the incompetent and Communistic U.N. already. They are toothless unless pursuing the globalist agenda.
          And they’d have to dress in drag before confronting the British Homo Office.

    8. If you are talking about the French single mother no one celebrated her death. That article merely pointed out the dangers of acting like an honorless slut.

    9. We would be associated with extremism even if we were all certified saints.
      We exist in a culture of hate, lies, racism, and overwhelming hypocrisy. People claiming tolersnce, hate us beyond reason, and think themselves justified, even supetior, fot theit hate and lies. Blinded by hate.
      Liberalism is the Religion of Hate.
      Libs will still lie about us, no matter what. They will tell the vilest lies sbout us, far exceeding anything I have ever seen by anti black, Jew or woman hater.
      I am a practicing Christian, and I am made uncomfortsble by some of what I read here. But Roosh has it right. Freedom of speech means exactly that. If Roosh made himself the arbiter of that, he would be no better than all the hate filled libs who attack all who disagree, viciously try to punish them and tell outrageous lies about the whole group. Its common and constant amomg libs.
      This is exactly why Roosh was detained. Lib hate, and their hypocrisy of claiming tolerance
      You want Roosh to go against his bedrock beliefs, and censor freedom of speech on his site. A betrayal us, and a betrayal of conscience.
      Please give me your arguments why you and others like you should not be censored/banned?
      We are all waiting.

  7. Damn I need to be careful. As a US citizen living in Britain i could get deported if the police saw the material I write read and watch.

    1. As a British citizen, I’m really starting to think what I read and watch online will negatively impact my new career, though I’ll be small-fry, so maybe I’ll be OK..

      1. In an Orwellian nation, there is no such thing as small fry. The goal of automation and massive bureaucracy churned out by the thousands from British universities who need something to do is that they could keelhaul you over the most minor offenses.
        I’m surprised I missed this film, “The Lives of Others” but it’s appears to be an interesting and gripping tale of the Stasi secret police in East Germany.

  8. That american girl who sat besides Roosh in plane would have gone crazy after he left the plane.

    1. She was probably all wet dreaming about making out with him….
      Women love masculine man!

  9. I know it’s not worth much but I also wanna express my support to our brave and sharp host.
    Be strong, Roosh don’t let the bastards break you.
    God bless the corrupt thugocracies of East Asia: as scummy and bad as they might be, they’re mostly interested in wheelin’ n dealin’, the powers that be here couldn’t care less about your opinions on women, fags, blacks, whatever

    1. A.J.
      As a fellow expat in Asia I agree with you. When the powers that be are concerned with stealing as much as they can and living as well as they can nobody gives a shit what anyone says.
      Can you imagine Asia police arresting you because you said something about women? Can you imagine them giving a single shit.
      Hell, most Asian women would laugh. My wife, at least, is realistic about these things.

    2. A.J.
      The average Asian cop thinks blacks are brutish morons, Western women are complete ditzy sluts, white men are comedic cucks and homosexuals, and that Roosh is simply stating the obvious.
      Female police believe this in Asia too.

  10. Brosef, you are VERY fucking lucky whether you realize it or not. They could have easily Tommy Robinsoned your ass with the quickness.
    What you could really do if they had? You had a nice cozy “jail cell” but had you been extradited to the UK for attempting to “break the law” by entering illegally they’d be well within their rights tot throw you in the slam w/ a bunch of Muzz jihadis.
    The crazy ass part is, this is truly where we are at today. People need to wake the fuck up. Imagine turning an ENTIRE AIRCRAFT around at 30,000 feet with hundreds of passengers for one blogger. Just think about the insane level of Clown Worldism that requires.
    Thousands of dollars in tickets, fuel, pilot and crew salary, logistics, law enforcement involvement. We truly are edging towards true totalitarianism. EU countries are especially bad. Thank baby jesus for Donald Trump. If Killary was elected we’d be 1984 up and down the block in the States as well.
    Something has to give, this is unsustainable.

    1. That’s a good point. Iceland intervening kept Roosh from getting ensnared in some UK trap. When the government swine in suits and skirts feel threatened by the light being shined on their cabal, they don’t use courts or go by rules. It’s all arbitrary moves made and calls made by shadowy figures. You have to act like a dumb unaware sheep for the system to leave you alone. Otherwise they treat you like Roddy Piper in ‘They Live’. The powers freak out when one who can ‘see’ sneaks right past them. We are like their boogeyman. We are the monster under the bet to the cabal, not because we can devour them, but because we can shine the light that absolutely burns them. Yeah . . we’re kind of like the ‘self cleaning’ knob on an oven to those globohomos.

  11. I am glad that you are okey roosh. This is what you said in one of your youtube’s livestream. There will be a moment of your live in which you will have to choose between disappearing or fighting the establishment accepting the consequences.
    Best wishes

  12. We’re all unconvicted felons. Thought criminals. It’s insane they would divert a flight over hurt fee fees.

    1. I made a reply to CK and it was erased. Twice. My point is obsession with them is simplistic and counter productive. It is all the rage on this site. If you can’t have a reasoned debate about who our enemies are and how to deal with them then defeat is certain.

  13. I hope you will fint total rehabilitation with next Britain prime minister Boris Johnson (if Corbin will become Pm, Britain will die in 10 years or so, and new britainstan will rise in his ashes).

  14. Roosh- Stay up playa. I applaud that you are such a cheap bastid, you risked entering UK to save some loot. Theyre just haters!

    1. “cheap ba….”
      Maybe you are using a “funny tone”, but please stop being “too funny”! As the saying goes; too much is too bad!

  15. Imagine how disappointed the Icelandic authorities were when they found out you weren’t a terrorist.

    1. You mean it was probably the most exciting thing that happened all year? LOL!

    2. Real terrism is all but non existent. The last one I can think of was the DC sniper. The rest of it is all fear, smoke and mirrors, or false flags.

    3. The fact the police only sent one car, with two officers means they knew he was harmless, despite not being told.
      Police want to live. They knew his name and finding him on the net is easy. He is hated by hate damsged libs world wide
      What they did to Roodh was a shocking violation of international lsw. You dont ask airlines and police to take emergency crisis ptocedures for this childish crap. You do not request emetgrncy procedures and give no reason.
      Police dont want to die in a tertorist shootout or bomb. They looked him up, discovetrd the truth, and acted apptopriately
      One squad car, released witnout chatge

  16. I wish that the god-emperor Trump would hear about things like this and bring it to the attention of the people

  17. At least it wasn’ an American jail or prison cell as I have experienced. It sucks. Best thing is to maintain frame by keeping silent and relaxing; don’t fidget.

  18. The real question is, was it worth it?
    Would you have done all the stuff with ROK and neo-masculinity if you knew it would have resulted in you dragging around an anchor for the rest of your life?

    1. Yeah but don’t forget that after the beta revolution he has the chance of being proclaimed god emperor of all betas, incels and frogs for eternity!!!

  19. Wow, it seems this incident shook you up a little bit I empathize with you. Keep up the good fight Roosh you got this it’s tough to get by anymore if you have a warrant or on a “list” with so many cross matching programs they even use ancestry DNA to track people down its a madhouse.

  20. Roosh, you made a difference. You made the world a better place.
    (And You made more than a few girl orgasm).
    You are a hero, you fought, were targeted, and are still alive. Culture wars are real wars.
    Thnaks for showing us a path.
    You may have ennemies, but you also have friends.

  21. Of all the places in the world to be detained… and you hit the jackpot: the Nordic country of Iceland. I’d say you got lucky this time.

  22. You can most definitely put a fork in GB, it’s done. Glad I got to visit way back when because I sure as hell ain’t going back.
    Imagine, Britannia Ruled the Waves. And now, 10s of 1,000s of moslims parade through their streets.
    Shakespeare could write a beauty about them facts.

  23. So, to all of us internet keyboard warriors out here, Roosh has officially been a political prisoner, even if only for an hour. Even though I think Roosh is prone to depression and has a lot of other problems and odd things going for him, he is and has been fighting for men, and we should thank him for it.

  24. We should start fundraising for Roosh to regularly try flying to UK through random countries.
    Maximize the waste of fuel and bureaucrats’ time!
    Maybe he’d slip through one time and we would get a real show in England.

    1. As I’m sure you have read above, it’s entirely possible the Brits could put him through hell if he were to get into their grasp. What they did to Tommy Robinson and other journalists has sent a message: They are just as bad as Putin when it comes to ideological dissidents.
      One wonders why it’s so awful in Britain as compared to someplace that should be far worse such as the feminist welfare state of Sweden. I’ve been to Sweden and despite them also going cuck, why isn’t is so bad?
      My suspicion is that UK is just further along due to massive immigration which has increased the volume level of leftism in the nation. England is a toxic stew of a high cost of living, feminism, immigration, and crony capitalism. The Queen of England perhaps 50 years ago would have cared about it but she’s like the grandmother playing bingo in the basement who doesn’t understand what’s going on. Prince Charles probably doesn’t even wipe his own butt. Her grandkids are all a bunch of leftist cucks who feel both isolated from the consequences of leftism while feeling smug and self important as followers (the worst kind of leftist imaginable: privileged)

  25. Roosh, i won’t blame you if you don’t see my comment out of hundreds you get, but can i offer you consolation in
    knowing God punished the soon-to-be-gone UK with
    a humiliating stinging defeat to Croatia in their
    all important FIFA sportsball tournament.

    1. Roosh, you should start a deathwatch series
      for that not-long-for-this-world nation.
      What goes around comes around.
      May will be calling MAYDAY soon.
      Either she is finished or her sack
      of manure “cunt-ry”is finished 🙁
      From this moment forward;
      i will look upon them with
      disdain in my heart for
      their dangerous levels
      of simphood causing
      their own destruction.
      they’re not funny anymore.
      They shall not last.
      Their cancer won’t
      infect the globe
      much longer.

    2. Let’s just hope God will also punish the Africans with a humiliating stinging defeat to the noble Slavs of Croatia.

  26. May must have thought Roosh was en route to meet Boris Johnson to precipitate the uprising against her tyrannical regime

    1. michaelmobius1,
      Sorry for putting this under your post. It seems my post at the bottom was sent into the netherworlds. Linked posts seem to go that way as a form of censorship.
      “Whoah is me! Whoah is me! I is ‘Ol Roosh the Talmudic Cuckster. I dress like Al-C.I.A.-Duh and write demeaning and superficial articles. I can’t see why people are upset with me. I need my Safe-Space!” Wanker!!! Being retarded has its consequences.
      “I served one hour of hard time. Any longer and I would have started my first prison workout.” (In a room with my cell phone and luggage). Pansy. Did you prison rape yourself too? Wankers love wanking.
      This is my third attempt at this question for you. For those who are unaware, see the bottom of the comment section here: “10 things I use everyday” by Roosh dated Jul 4, 2018.
      For those who are too lazy to do so, here is a partial copy and paste:
      Why are you banning/ blocking articles/ posts critical of Israel? Are you Cucked by the Talmudic Cult?
      Inquiring minds want to know.”
      My comment has received 12 up votes and 0 down votes.
      You have willfully not addressed the issue. And your continued silence can only be seen as consent.
      Besides, only dysfunctional mental midgets would follow the Talmudic Cult that has 613 Commandments:
      Search “The 613 Commandments – Mitzvahs & Traditions”.

  27. I have now officially banned Theresa May from giving me any more rim jobs. However, I will give her a temporary exemption the next time I have case of explosive diarrhea, so I can shit all over her skanky face.
    Hey Theresa, how’s that brexit coming along? Not so great I hear. But hey, you can’t point to your censorship of Roosh as your greatest accomplishment. You go girl!

    1. “so I can shit all over her skanky face.”
      Trust me! she is not even worth of that !!

  28. @roosh
    the title makes it seem like iceland did you wrong when in fact they seem to have treated you fairly and well. you should re-title the article to more precisely address the situation and make it more easily viral. brits need to know what kind of lunacy is going on
    but i agree with the guy who said iceland did you a favour. who knows what might have happened had the plane landed in london

  29. Your the best there is Roosh. Lucky for you you didn’t have to be exposed to the UK.
    Thanks for ROK, and all its different sections. Culture section so fun bc Liberals so out of control and goofie.
    Thanks for providing a place to go online where I can read journalism that interests me and doesn’t boil my blood.
    Cheers brother!!!!

  30. Much respect Roosh. You’re playing life on hard mode when most of us cowards have chosen the easy route even when we know in our hearts how bad things are, apathetic to change or resist it.
    When our time is up I’d rather have the satisfying reflection that we were true to ourselves and atleast attempted to defy the beast rather than surrender and sellout for selfish comforts and gold we can’t take with us.

    1. “…when most of us cowards have chosen the easy route…”
      Had to agree! and feeling shame to include myself in the “most of us …” !!

  31. Sometimes those at the forefront take the brunt. Dinesh DeSousa comes to mind too.
    We’re with ya bro!

  32. “…they probably thought I was a real terrorist trying to Allahu Akbar the plane.”
    Ha ha ha! Roosh, that’s incredibly hilarious !! Thank you for lightening up the otherwise serious topic!

  33. Clearly this was a punishment without trial event, if they were really concerned about you entering the UK they would have just paid a guy to sit with you until your connecting flight left. But they wanted to cost you money and didn’t care how many other people they inconvenienced in the process. Someone needs to shoot Teresa May in the head for being a feminazi cunt.

  34. We should all book flights, from wherever we are to London, under the name ‘Daryushm Valizadeh’.

  35. Roosh- …finna just slip through this bish via layover & clip $400 to spend on some pints instead…doo doo do bop bop…

  36. I don’t understand why this commenting system sends some comments to a separate page.

    1. B.A.,
      Because Roosh the Talmudic Cuckster doesn’t want any criticism of Israel.

      1. Idk, if that’s it. If it is, though, the filtering system does a really bad job.

  37. Wow. You got two blankets? And a cushioned cot? And they talked to you like a human being? I just got detained at Pearson airport in Toronto Ontario . . . a cold locked cell with a bare steel cot . . . cold air conditioning and I had to plead for a blanket for an hour. Low I.Q. automatons whose only dialogue was to quote policy to rationalize their malevolence and imply threats. Polite and compliant behaviour had no observable moderating effect. You did well in Iceland. Those blankets sure look nice.

  38. They say Sweden is the canary in the coalmine and will be the first European country to capitulate. I’d say the UK will be the first, they’re the most politically correct and pander the most to Islam, they crossed the point of no return way before the rest of Europe.

  39. Roosh, you are so dangerous. Anyway, anyone who believes in liberty should be very concerned about this Orwellian nightmare.

  40. I remember reading about the Rotherham sex scandals.
    We’re certainly living in strange times.
    As Roosh’s experience has shown, thinking unpopular thoughts and writing about them is viewed as hate speech, or whatever they call it over there. However, for several years Pakistanis sexually abused vulnerable young women and got away with.
    What a crazy world it’s becoming.
    Guess if I ever want to visit England I’ll have to grow a beard and change my name to Mohammed.
    Sheer lunacy.

  41. You need to wear a rag on your head and undermine the west. Then they’ll treat you well.

  42. UNfucking believable. Meanwhile, pedos, murderers, gangs, and really bad hombres walk amongst us. Rooshie, you must of thought you were in some weird 1984 dictatorship. Glad you survived.

  43. Each experience like this and you are more ready for the next. Fear is the mind killer.

  44. “Men”, “masculinity”, the so-called “return of kings”. Far be it from me to judge the degenerate lifestyle of the Untermensch, but there is nothing here that even remotely resembles masculinity.

  45. This is your life now Roosh. Mind as well embrace it. You’re on the front lines while the rest of us cheer you on. The Left continues to reveal itself for what it is – a sick movement that’s out to win at all costs and will pretend to support such notions as free speech only in cases where it works out to be in their movement’s best interest, and deny it in all other cases.
    Your jokes about getting a prison tattoo and starting a prison workout were hilarious. Well done.

  46. That is fucking NUTS. They turned a plane AROUND, mid-flight.
    Fucking Insanity.
    Motherfuckers have Sharia Law in parts of England and Roosh can’t even get a layover.

  47. Read a biography of Bobby Fischer recently and he went through pretty much the same thing. Some things never change.

  48. I live in the U.S. and I’m being persecuted by the U.S. government for about 2 years now for alleged racism. I’ve written to Roosh before explaining my situation detailing what I’ve been through. I am living with my parents now but I am unable to come out of my home since they communicate what I say and think to the neighbors in the Bronx, NY, where I live. It feels from my perspective that they want me to commit suicide but I’m hanging on.

  49. They turned the plane around… That’s fucked up over a satire article where Roosh’s views aren’t extreme as Islam. How many Muslims are there in England???

  50. A couple of phone calls, prior to booking these flights, would have revealed that the UK ban applied to individuals in transit. There is this thing called a transit visa, which the UK would probably have denied, but it was there. It is not admirable behavior to cost a lower cost airline thousands of dollars, and cause varying degrees of anxiety among passengers, and those waiting for them, just to flip the UK the bird.

  51. In the first place, why would Roosh book a flight to the UK (even in transit) knowing that country banned him to enter?
    Except for making publicity of himself in this case, he already knew what’s going to happen to him.

  52. Please God, just destroy the planet and everyone on it, then just start over with a clean slate. Problem solved.

  53. The Marxist feminist cows are really dangerous it seems. Orwell was right, but I doubt he could have predicted that the new fascists would be made up of vile feminazis

  54. I literally know the airport security man who detained this man and he never said “you have a black belt in women” or any of the things Roosh is making up in this lol…..pathetic

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