On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI published his seventh and final encyclical titled Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life), subtitled On the Regulation of Birth. It addressed the question of artificial contraception, the importance of marriage, the role of women in society, amongst the growing problem of rapid population growth.
In 1960, the first oral contraception pill was released. “The Pill,” as it became to be known, began the sexual revolution, and is directly responsible for many of the societal problems today, from rampant divorce to high promiscuity to lack of happiness in both women and men.
Interestingly, while the pill is widely used in the west, less than 1% of women in the ethnostate of Japan take contraception pills. Their divorce rate, which has quadrupled since 1950, is still less than half that of the US.
Church Position on Moral Behavior, Marriage, and Life
The first encyclical addressing birth control was issued by Pope Pius XII in 1930. Titled Casti connubii “Of Chaste Wedlock,” it reaffirmed the sanctity of marriage, prohibited artificial birth control, and reasserted church authority over private life and civil governments in this realm.
While modern Republicans love to throw around terms like “sanctity of marriage” while flirting with their soon-to-be fifth wife, they ignore its meaning. Sanctity is holiness or sacredness. There is nothing holy or sacred about wifing up a girl who has been slammed by 100 other guys before you, even if you both manage to be loyal to each other. This type of union violates the sanctity of marriage, just as much–likely MORE– than gay marriage or any other weakening of the institution.
Marriage ≠ Holy Matrimony
Pius XII reaffirmed that holy matrimony is a sacrament of the church, and supported the role of the wife as a homemaker, insisting that wives obey their husbands and husbands love their wives, as Christ loved the church.
I consider marriage and holy matrimony two completely different things. If a friend of mine wifes up a slut, goes to the courthouse, plunks down $35 and gets a marriage license, that is a marriage. If a man takes a virgin into the church, and they emerge as man and wife, as was the custom for 1,900+ of the 2,000 years of Christianity, then that is holy matrimony.
Due to scientific advances, including the oral contraception pill introduced in 1960, it was necessary for the church to reassert its position on marital and reproductive issues. Paul VI addressed four main issues.
1. Married Love
Holy matrimony is much more than a union of two people. Paul VI stated that:
It is a love which is total—that very special form of personal friendship in which husband and wife generously share everything, allowing no unreasonable exceptions and not thinking solely of their own convenience… Though this fidelity of husband and wife sometimes presents difficulties, no one has the right to assert that it is impossible; it is, on the contrary, always honorable and meritorious… Marriage and conjugal love are by their nature ordained toward the procreation and education of children
2. Responsible Parenthood
Responsible parenthood is exercised by those who prudently and generously decide to have more children, and by those who, for serious reasons and with due respect to moral precepts, decide not to have additional children for either a certain or an indefinite period of time
Responsible parenthood is thoughtfully planning and deciding when to have, or not have children. Ironically, even today, with the sanctity of marriage all but gone, and the disappearance of chastity, so many children are the products of accidental unplanned births, one night stands, or random hookups. These are all violations of responsible parenthood, no matter how much the single mother insists “My baby comes first!”
3. Rejection of Contraception
Let [responsible men] first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.
If you ask me, Paul VI is either an omniscient genius, or had some experience with women. Here is the warning, plain as day, that predicted exactly what has happened in the 50 years since this work was published.
Contraception has increased the propensity of both men and women for not only marital infidelity, but for discreet sexual encounters outside the bounds of even a dating relationship. And men, myself, and many of the authors and readers here, increasingly see women as merely masturbatory aids. And indeed, the tragedy is that modern women have become little more than sexual objects good for one thing.
4. Promotion of Chastity and Rejection of Degeneracy
Everything therefore in the modern means of social communication which arouses men’s baser passions and encourages low moral standards, as well as every obscenity in the written word and every form of indecency on the stage and screen, should be condemned publicly and unanimously by all those who have at heart the advance of civilization and the safeguarding of the outstanding values of the human spirit.
We have an obligation to reject almost (((everything modern))).
Birth Control Damages Women
Aside from the problems addressed above, birth control can be physically and medically harmful to women. It has been proven to cause vaginal dryness, low sex drive, hormonal imbalance, and even infertility. And yet it is allowed and encouraged, because it allows women to have no strings attached sex. Is it worth it?
Population Control and Eugenics
The only major issue I have with the treatise is the issue of population control and eugenics. The burgeoning population was a major issue in 1960, and there are now over twice as many people on the planet. While this is a different debate, I would say that what is right for a Christian in a moral and healthy society need not be a rule universally applied everywhere on the planet.
A principle need not be universal for it to be considered good. Contraception would alleviate much suffering and poverty in Africa, and the dysgenic world we have created today is quite ungodly in my mind. It is possible to have a pro-eugenic society that rejects recreational contraception, but allows for it in cases deemed detrimental to society.
We already see that first world nations naturally do not overpopulate–the net birth rate for all modern societies is currently less than two children per female, indicating population would regress to a more sustainable level without immigration in an educated populace.
The words of warning Pope Paul VI spoke 50 years ago have proved sadly true. Is there any hope for modern marriage? What happens to human society and civilization in a world where we reject even the basic rules of civility developed 2,000 years ago? Is it possible to lead a moral and happy life in the modern world? I am still seeking the answers.
Read Next: Pope Paul VI Was A Prophet For Our Time
You failed to mention me the inventor of the pill – (((Carl Djerassi)))
The Pill only works on white women. Otherwise I wouldn’t be up to my ass in mud!
Disagree, it’s not the pill. It is welfare, asset transfer by divorce and government jobs for women. Without free money to support their lifestyle they mostly behave.
Agree with you here, JD
It’s the welfare state, and these crazy divorce laws. (This is again caused by women’s voting rights and weak, simping men …)
The pill was definitely a contributing factor but I do agree that welfare and easy divorce were more devastating to our culture.
The cause and effect is pretty marked I think. Originally the pill was more for married women to better stagger their pregnancies and it was considered something ‘serious’ – now it’s basically candy for any girl with tits. What the inventors didn’t factor into the equation was the easy sex also made is easy for the girls too.
I agree, mate. It basically boils down to the fact that how much freedom you give them determines how good or bad they will behave.
Hypergamy, female solipsism, inability to understand group loyalty, and the inability to form truly deep friendships (women tend to view both other women and men through a utilitarian lense with a dash of ‘is this person pleasant’ ) are all biological weaknesses rather than cultural phenomenon. Take away their cash and they have to regulate these behaviors but they still exist under the surface. The only way to ever eliminate ‘psycho chick’ behavior would be to use CRISPr + cloning to change female psychology. It could be done if we really wanted but the SJWs would flip out if we started cloning 9/10 women who are naturally loyal and prone to monogamy.
Don’t forget (((Gregory Goodwin Pincus)))
Great work, Max. Really good article.
No need to go to church today. I was just subjected to a sermon on my favorite lascivious website. What is happening around here? Cuckservatives should hang out on Drudge.
What stumps me is how Pius XII could be so wise and red pill with regards to the shebeasts whilst he himself was a lifelong celibate. You would think it takes at least double digit encounters with the full spectrum of loose to tight women and perhaps marriage followed by divorce rape or infidelity with a whore before a man learns enough about women to pontificate upon the subject.
So HOW did Pius XII learn? – – It is rumored and I’ve read several pieces from Chick Publications which claim that NUNS and the sisterhood was originally set up to service monks and the priesthood exclusively so they could still retain their celibacy towards the outside world. Nuns are married to and are one with GOD literally so for a priest to convene in congress with said nun ISN’T CARNAL SEX in the least bit. It is simple communion with GOD himself which is permissable, anointed and sanct. Capiche?
He wasn’t absorbed in Facebook or instagram. He could think clearly and assess all around himself.
Good point Turboprop. Though I seem to know so much more with the web at my fingertips today, it is like porn for the brain where today you don’t have to go out and learn stuff the hard way. The answers are all right there in your face instantly at a click. Is this good or bad is the question?
Instagram women look better and better the more time they spend enhancing themselves online, but in reality they r’ally physically sit or slouch more in real life, hunched over their smart devices and their asses grow fatter and their faces droop more and more each day they spend whoring their life away to the mother beast web. Eventually clean up crews of robots will scrape the mummified guts and bones of the humans who died while hunched over their computers and finally got sucked into them. What seems like sci fi gets realer by the day I’m serious.
If you take anything Jack Chick publishes seriously, you need to to be locked up as a menace to society.
He was a man that studied and meditated much. I don’t believe that crap about why nuns exist. That is just Protestant muckraking.
Don’t be daft. You know that Catholics fuck their own men.
Don’t worry… The Muslims will fix it all
… like they fixed Byzantine you mean?
They appear to be the only ones feared anymore by our masters.
Better Muslim than globohomos. I just hope we would get to see a Sharia style mass execution of the elites like in post-evolution France after Muslims seize power in the West.
I am going to laugh my ass off when the muslims include you in the massacre, because you have different fairy tale than theirs.
Religion is the problem, not the solution, and the low intellect cucks in our society keep it in power.
Religion is the opiate of the masses, even someone as stupid as Marx gets something once in a while.
Religion has not been the opiate of the masses for a long time. At least not in the USA. It’s sports and all the cultish worship and behavior behind it. As for atheism, that’s for left wingers. I wonder why that whenever leftists take power they always manage to go after specific religions. To the tune of mass murder in the hundreds of millions in total.
People always want religion. Why do you think every society created a religion?
No not exactly Mr Bill. Religion is a tool. Realize that when applied craftily, religion can move masses in a unified and purposeful direction. Arab semites being compelled to adhere to Islam accomplishes what?? That’s right they proliferate with a reproductive rate that appears to be on steroids and they push madly towards any vacuum to fill where their Imams affirm that the green light to enter has been affirmed by the western (((traitor))) governments. Imams themselves are stupid, short, fat, brown and weak and with the brains of a used car shyster or dog catcher. Kim Jong Il comes to mind but he lacks the conviction to Islam. Imams are kind of like school crossing guards “beep beep OKAY muzzies it’s safe to cross now into Sweden, Greece, Germany. Their stand down governments give the blessing.” Wherever the traitors of the breeched host states lay out the breadcrumbs, the Muzzies follow AND they breed like rats along the way. Their prolific breeding is TURBOPOWERED by the doctrine of Islam.
FOR A SPECIFIC religion in question to be classified as an ‘opiate’ it must meet some criteria likening it to the effects of opioid substances on human physiology:
* Does it put you to sleep?
* Is it addictive?
* Does it impair normal reproductivity?
* Does it cause one to neglect personal maintenance over enriching others – or maybe neglecting your own tribe by adopting Haitian orphans instead of naturally producing healthy white kids with younger and more noob and fertile females instead of by some expired jug of sour cream divorcee cuckchurch lady who was some leftover you found on some cuckian dating site and her sterile puddy smells like stewed cabbage???
Well you can see where I’m going with this but I wouldn’t throw out Christianity altogether. It just needs cleaned up a bit. Quite a bit. Different sects of Islam work wonders for different tribes in keeping reproductivity and fidelity within the tribe optimum. By the same token there’s no ‘one size fits all’ brand of Christianity either. All Christians don’t have to love their enemies or turn the other cheek or cast no stones or restrict themselves to laying their chips all down on one solitary monogamous wife. Christianity for whites needs tidied up, shored up and tweeked here and there to make it purpose oriented and tribe positive so it bolsters the vitality of the white tribes that practice it. Otherwise Christianity becomes unwholesome for it’s practitioners, perhaps worse than an opiate and serves the identical ends as the secular globohomos – and that is to put every outlying tribe into a mad tailspin race to become completely mongrelized semitic and sexless to boot. Yuk if you ask me. Mainstream cuckian warehouses that are pastored by a female and where gay weddings are sponsored are worse than an opiate.
@Bill Whatever it’s other faults be, I’m pretty sure Islam will guarantee the rights of Man and put thots in their place under pain of death. Ask yourself . Would you want infinite intellectual freedom but zero reproductive freedom — which is what the ((( globohomo order ))) is going to impose on most men. Nature doesn’t care about your lameass intellectual theorizing if it doesn’t lead to survival and reproduction. Islam does that better than the ((( globohomo order )) which is why they will dominate by sheer numbers alone after the globohomos run out of steam ( they are living off the past greatness of western Christendom but Christianity is dead in all but name)
Religion protects a culture and gives it vitality. Specifically when Europe was Christendom it was unassailable and could spread it’s people throughout the world. The tribe knew that Christianity had to go to be able to enslave the masses. And of course they push actual opioid use. Destroying the Nobilty and convincing everyone that they are all the same was another method. Now of course “They” are our new nobility.
Because the barren wombed atheists have brought such glory to the West
AH…so the secular people die off and the religious people expand…according to evolution that means that religion is right; religion is the winner.
@Wes the Great
Evolution doesn’t care about religion (directly).
It’s not even evolution – it’s just a species can spread more effectively when it
– has the fittest individuals (=are able to survive better in their environment & acquire resources for their offspring
– has generally more offspring
And then all this r/K type of stuff comes into play, but the thing/”problem” with humans is, added to their (1) biological drive to reproduce (which is natural in all species), they have (2) a mental component / mindset to reproduce.
That means, if you infect a population with a mind virus (e.g. feminism) and start promoting careers for women in their prime fertility window, you species starts declining rapidly (and women go mental, as it goes against their biology) – while others with their religious programming still have 3+ children and just spread like crazy.
What’s beyond my understanding is, how our “super advanced” “intelligent” western society kills with their social system their most intelligent population and is taken over by some 3rd worlders. This is madness and just ludicrous if you think about it.
The pill also made it possible for people like Roosh and all of you here to commit a sin by having fornication outside marriage.
So thank me for the pill!
You sound like a feminist.
WTF? I thought we all wanted to drink the milk without having to buy the cow?
I just wanted a little sausage without buying a whole pig.
Why is the Manosphere hijacked by degenerates who don’t want a conservative society?
The marriage system is irredeemable corrupt at this point. The only option left is to destroy it altogether. This we must do. That must be the goal of the manosphere. The state will pay for the bastard spawn of lawless thots bred by the NWO propaganda machine
That’s correct and btw, the only problem I have with the pill….there are now only saggy tits available out there.
We’re just riding your (((decline)))
Is this a bangtail site for manly men or a hand-wringing site for conservative old women? All of these articles rehashing HOW we got here is becoming rather boring. I have known the score since the early 90’s and MORE talk and bitching about the situation we find ourselves in is very womanish. There is NO way back. The bridges have been burned. We are in uncharted territory. We have sailed beyond the edge of the map. Here be dragons. There is not a lot ANYONE can do because we are not allowed to ORGANIZE. We will never be allowed to organize. Don’t believe me? Just ask Roosh…
The origin of marriage was as a contract between the man and the father of the woman. Basically the woman was property of the father and ownership was now being passed to the man who was marrying her. Much like cattle. This is the only type of marriage I would considet.
Freud, Marx, Djerassi, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Stalin…along with small but deceitful – Harris, Krauss, Shapiro, Milo… let alone all the Hollywood.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do”
Still The Jewish Question is avoided like a fucking plaque. God forbid, you open your mouth about the tribe.
The hate for the Christian world is in Jew’s DNA. Judaism is the only religion that is still waiting for the messiah (antichrist) who will grant them the dominance upon the whole world. And they have been successfully preparing for antichrist for a long time…
I just found an old, original birth control pill. Wait a sec, there’s writing on it, it’s stamped .223
Now just imagine what another 50 years of video games, porn, gym, instagram, selfies, attention whoring, social climbing, carierism, materialism, individualism, art, SJWism, photography, travel, hipsterism, egocentrism, chasing it all in life and “where are the good men/wahmen” gonna do to the west. Yeah, it seems like there are too much things to do and one life is not enough in modernity let alone bother with children.
I agree. I think everyone should be subjected to serfdom like in medieval Russia. Just work, reproduce, go to church and pay your taxes. Now THAT”S living!!!
If Screech and Chump are richer, etc, its because they sold their immortal souls to a Godless, materislist system.
And, like hillaarree, they think they got a good deal for it.
How do you know that Medieval Russia was bad? Is it because the enemies of the Tzar and the Russian people that Tribe of self chosenites say so?
We need no marriage nor children. Only clones!
But I like making children!
Especially with asian women.
Very, very good article. Congratulations for the work
History Lesson 101 for White Cuckservatives
If Screech and Chump are richer, etc, its because they sold their immortal souls to a Godless, materislist system.
And, like hillaarree, they think they got a good deal for it.
“Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.”
The reverence due to a woman? Ha!
The Catholic Church’s anti-contraception stance, much like its stance on mandatory celibacy of its clergy, is rooted in genophobia. (“Sex is for procreation only.”) One of the many reasons why it’s the most heretical denomination of the faith.
Woman was made for man in Gods likeness and image
Marriage is a Holy institution.
Children are a by product and are blessings.
Sex IS for Peocreation and it’s purpose is 2 food: unity and children as taught by my Traditional priest.
You’re an imbecile for your statement.
You actually have to think before typing.
Perhaps you should re-phrase that to “I choose to believe what I was PROGRAMMED to believe!!!”
And you think you have a single original thought that was not put there but the culture you were brought in?
How very Christ-like of you! Insulting someone who doesn’t agree with you. Christ preached against the Pharisees for being so dogmatic about the Letter of the Law. He accused them of being spiritually dead but adhering to spiritual laws that they vocalized but never put into practice nor understood. The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life. You like to quote scripture and brow-beat everyone with YOUR interpretation of scripture for your own selfish ends. Matthew 23
Jesus by name called out filth and Jews: “Snakes, Serpents, Vioers, Liars & Hypocrites”.
He also physically whipped a mob of Shylock moneylenders from a large temple.
Sorry your feels got hurt. I don’t give a damn tho.
HOORAY !! Thank you Sir !
Finally a voice of reality in a sea of religious hypocrisy.
Finally some one who who knows what the bible actually says, instead of mindlessly repeating what corrupt cuck of a preacher told him to say.
The current state of the church and the republican party are living proof that christians, liberals and muslims are the same thing.
Control freak, hypocritical assholes who cannot mind their own business.
If anyone wants examples of this, just read ROK.
Screw (((Christ))). He was one of (((them))).
Yeah, hocus pocus. Religion is the ultimate blue pill.
The believe that sex is for procreation only is not genophobia.
It is the original denomination so I think that the heretics would be the sects that are a mere 500 years old.
Oh, you have a BELIEF. Well I guess that settles it. Give Johnny back the ball, might as well all go home now…
Instead of burning witches at the stake perhaps we manly men should start tossing all of these lay-preachers overboard and see if they really CAN walk on water!
Most of the witches burned… were j ews
How boring and depressing America has become. There are no more cool people anymore. So many here think they know the score and I bet the family farm they have never tripped. You can’t possibly begin to understand ANYTHING until the “Bonds of Reality” are loosened. When your perception of “Reality” is shattered and you see INTO things on a subatomic level it all becomes a hilarious joke! How can ANYONE possibly know anything about the universe when they simply pick up a book and start quoting scripture? It’s like the parable of the blind men with an elephant. True enlightenment comes in a flash, like Brahma downloading a program into your brain at lightning speed. It can’t be explained, only experienced…
The link between the pill and autism:
All of. You. Guys are always going on about. The good old days. In my opinion a well behaved. Woman. Because. Of culture and. Threat of stoning is just a. Camouflaged vindictive whore, I’d rather have my degeneracy stare me right in the face than being artificially suppressed. Just don’t marry and pay the way of these cunts. Hopefully with everything out in the open combined with sensible choice of mates in men the degenerate whores might become removed from the genepool finally.
I see what you’re saying.
The Old Order did ‘artificially’ regulate the sexual and marriage markets. But it was a regulation that played to men and women’s better angels rather than to our worst instincts.
A civilization with a low impulse-control, feral population doesn’t stay civilized for long.
Still, we can’t go back. But we can as men put in place a new ‘regime’ that make sense in this social, technological and legal culture.
1) don’t wife-up a thot
2) don’t wife-up anyone if you have a lot more wealth than her
3) don’t knock-up anyone accidently
These are things we can do now, individually and corporately.
You might be on to something there Jeff.
Max, appreciated the article. Very good. I especially liked the juxtaposition of marriage vs holy matrimony. Had never thought of it in quite that fashion.
The Pill was the death knell for Western Civilization
Women voting was.
Then Affurnative action and no fault divorce.
Honestly I think birth control is amazing every week when I fill some white female or Asian with my one week load and see her eyes widen my cock is pulsating and shooting my Brogurt or my baby Goo its amazing.
Honestly most of the readers should be blowing loads in girls and racking up their notch count but they are to busy complain about how much pussy they not getting or when a girl rejects them they get frustrated and blame feminist or slut shame them.
If all you readers were busting a nut in young college girls and even the odd milf return of kings would be a graveyard with articles that no one reads .
Abundance is key to game if some cum dumpster blows your off just get a new girl or approach more or work on your social media. Pick up that use to work in 2008 -2015 is fucking dead because its been mainstreamed. Rather work on yourself then be yourself gym , make cash and cum in females.
but instead your reading dumb articles to stroke your ego and blame society for your issues that is why i cant stand red pill , blue pill or even MGTOW . They a bunch of cry babies who cant get laid and instead of working on themselves because its too hard they have to go on forums and reddit to post how women are screwing over men or how all women are bad.
Just make money , work out and blow loads in chicks its really simple but still takes hard work. Instead of reading shitty articles on return of Chodes. Approach beautiful women or average women if they reject you move on its not like there is a shortage of females, make money to travel so you can spread your seed to other females of different races and culture.Work hard on your body there is a less likely chance you will get rejected if you have a good body aswell as money .
Game should only counts 5% think about that.
Boasting of having sex only once a week isn’t really a boast.
I’m 60 and even I manage to bang a woman 3x a week.
John Dodds
I use to be a guy who had sex once every three month and there are guys out there who are not having sex at all .But I mean congrats on banging the retirement village at your ripe age, but I am doing alot and travelling alot so my time allows me once a week .
Thing is I came a across this article aswell as the website literally 2 hours ago .
I feel like if i had a lot the free time that a 60 year old has banging the local sluts at the retirement village and cumming dust and still has time to read shitty articles then yes i would be banging more but unfortunately women to me isn’t everything its nice to have a few around and banging new girls.
I just feel like men can achieve more rather then read the articles at Return of the Chodes.
I feel Like Roosh is a smart guy and probably does get laid, but is more beta then any reader here.Reason being is that he complains about pussy more then he is fucking it.
Roosh V builds this persona that he is Gods gift to man kind and showing them the way. I feel that if Roosh is really and truly getting laid the way he claims in his Bang guides and even in his new upcoming book how many sluts his creampied .
Then he wouldn’t complain so much .I have been actually studying male Alpha behaviour and if Roosh V is anything he is more beta then any reader here. He doesn’t show any of these Alpha traits his just a MGTOW boy playing alpha .
You’ll see be burning in hell John. I guarantee it.
Go watch porn. Thanks for making ROK circle jerk central though. I knew some of you were closeted f a g s.
Ban miscegenation and propagate the dangers of race-mixing!
why ?
The worst thing is that contraception is being used for racial politics: hi-IQ populations are demographically stable or declining, low-IQ populations are undergoing uncontrolled demographic explosion. The invasions at the southern borders are only the tip of the iceberg. Human intelligence is the main natural resource, and we are slandering it.
Low IQ=higher testosterone and masculinity though.
Your kind deserves to burn in the hell it created.
I think most good and rational men — which make up a minority on this site — would agree that a traditional marriage based around producing and rearing healthy children is the ultimate ideal. There must be at least some recreational sex in such an arrangement, but not necessarily romantic love. There are many other joys and passions in life that can and should replace the constant need for sex, which is the byproduct of continual stimulation of our base instincts — which is by design, of course. And it wasn’t that long ago (60-70 years?) that most people engaged in this kind of social contract without thinking too much about it. In a truly healthy and moral society, such a marriage is the natural order of things and provides most societal members with great satisfaction / purpose, which binds communities together.
But now, everything is upside down, and although I was surprised how wise and rational Pope Pius’ words are, BOTH genders have changed immeasurably since his time. The female, in particular, due to being targeted by many decades of so-called (((Feminism))) and (((Hollywood))) mind control, is simply not worthy of the typical man’s efforts and trust. The typical modern female has fallen below the standards practiced by street prostitutes from 60-70 years ago — literally. You were very unlikely to find a street whore from those years covered in tattoos, dressed so slutty and spewing such foul garbage from her mouth. In fact, from my vast experience, modern street whores (at least in Mexico and SA) are very often better company, more honest and not so degenerate as the typical modern Western office / retail worker who pretends she is not a whore while she posts endless selfies on social media and acts like the Queen of Cock Teasers.
Marriage, much like “religion”, has become a sick joke at this point in time. Maybe things will improve within our lifetimes, but it will take a MAJOR event — be it social revolution, world war, natural cataclysm or perhaps “alien invasion.” And until that change happens, satisfying our base needs via recreational sex with multiple partners is a relatively safe alternative that provides a modicum of enjoyment without cruelly bringing other beings into this world to be used and abused by (((those))) who currently run the show. The key is not putting such behavior on a pedestal and pretending it’s so f*cking awesome — because it pales in comparison to what gender relations could be in a different cultural matrix. Just my 2 cents.
Disagree (again),
You marry a woman, you buy her a house, she stops fucking you.
Women essentially fuck for a house. Once you buy them a house (outright) they stop banging you. I’ve seen this happen all over the world, if you ever want constant access to a woman’s vagina, you must never allow her to own a house. I believe this to true throughout history. Women haven’t changed, but as our society became more wealthy their ability to own their own homes became greater. The main difference, in countries with welfare, the man will be divorced (as the state will provide her with food and utils), in countries without welfare, the man is usually kept around in a sexless marriage to provide food and utils.
The Catholic Church with some much honorable values, timeless beauty and noble virtues but yet the most hypocritical institution on this planet. The biggest secret gay club on earth and the most effective hideout and alibi for child molesters and pedophiles. Sorry but that is the truth. It has always been like this. The only reason why we know so much know now in the modern days is because of media and witnesses that had someone to turn to.
Many catholic priest are very effete. The Orthodox can not save the White West, it is to oriental, to distant and to concentrated on foreign nations that the West can not relate to. I believe in stoicism and Evola as inspiration even though it is a bit pretentious.
Christianity can not save us because it betrays us all, again and again. All you people have is nostalgia and sentimentality.
“so much”…
-i just took the pill to stop overpopulation
-i just turned in my gun to stop violence
-i just chopped off my own dick to stop rape
-i just shopped at El Mandado Supermercado
to show them we only want to coexist as equals
-i just got married in a church to prevent my
wife cheating on me, divorcing me, and
removing my daughter’s daddy from her life
As here is a picture from the film Idiocracy, it seems to fit well:
I just stumbled upon this crazy article.
So the high IQ / “intelligent” women do this procedure when they are in their prime fertility window and want their career and by that they reduce massively their chance of having offspring.
That’s active dysgenics, nothing else.
“Interestingly, while the pill is widely used in the west, less than 1% of women in the ethnostate of Japan take contraception pills. Their divorce rate, which has quadrupled since 1950, is still less than half that of the US.”
ONLY because birth control pills were illegal in Japan until about 1999…because of lobbying from the abortion industry.
Correlation ≠ Causation
Great Article!!!
Lol, the Bible teaches polygyny. Homosexual beta societies enforce male monogamy. A true Christian knows this exodus 21:10