#MeToo Hero Asia Argento Had Sex With A Minor Who She Groomed From Childhood

Via Page Six:

Actress Asia Argento allegedly admitted she did have sex with a 17-year-old former co-star — but claimed he “jumped” her, according to explosive texts published Wednesday.

The texts, which TMZ says are between Argento and a friend, come a day after the 42-year-old actress claimed she never had sex with former child actor Jimmy Bennett but admitted her late boyfriend Anthony Bourdain agreed to pay him hush money.

“I had sex with him it felt weird. I didn’t know he was a minor until the shakedown letter,” Argento allegedly wrote to her pal.

“The horny kid jumped me … It wasn’t raped but I was frozen. He was on top of me. After, he told me I had been his sexual fantasy since was 12.”

A bombshell New York Times report published Sunday first alleged that Argento paid $380,000 to Bennett — who once played her son in a movie — after he accused her of raping him in her California hotel room when he was 17 and she was 37.

The age of consent in California is 18.

Argento finally responded Tuesday, saying Bourdain coughed up the cash because he feared negative press and because Bennett was broke, but said she never had “any sexual relationship” with the teen.

A photo published by TMZ appears to show Argento and Bennett topless in bed, but Argento allegedly claimed “It doesn’t mean s–t” in the text exchange.

“You can see my t–s,” she wrote. “That’s all.”

Argento, now 42, also allegedly texted her friend a letter she said Bennett gave her afterward.

“I love you with all my heart. So glad we met again and I’m so glad your in my life. Jimmy,” reads the note scrawled on Ritz-Carlton stationery.

Argento then claims Bennett sent “unsolicited nudes” to her for years afterward — until two weeks before his lawyers reached out demanding a payout, according to TMZ.

“I didn’t report because I always felt bad for this Hollywood failed child actor, a casualty of the machine, of his parents,” she allegedly texted.

“I have 80 pages on him by a PI that Anthony hired.”

The Italian actress became an icon of the #MeToo movement when she accused producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault last year.

Argento’s lawyer didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment.

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: #MeToo Has Gone Too Far

109 thoughts on “#MeToo Hero Asia Argento Had Sex With A Minor Who She Groomed From Childhood”

  1. Ahhh, hypocrisy AND double-standards in one package. How efficient of you Asia Argento!

    1. This is why I like Japan. Because they are so monocultural they don’t have to be PC and are free to unleash their stereotypes among the world. Thanks for being kind enough to not animate the American girls as fat slobs though. Haha

        1. Dude I love anime (secret from my gf and friends) and I work for IBM. Guess who loves anime besides me at my job, guy in charge of IBM in my state. Mind you we watch the ultra violent and rape stuff from the 90s but yeah. To us anime is like tijuana bibles from the 40s and 50s

      1. Most of us on this site do not live in fag Canada and have no intention of ever visiting that misbegotten liberal cesspool. I’d rather go to Mexico at least the men there aren’t sissies.

        1. Cavalier, if I had a choice between being lorded over by the SJW Globohomos, especially the Toronto strain, or being ruled by Cartel de Sinaloa, I’d choose the latter.

      2. This is a prime example of the bubble many disillusioned leftists in Toronto live in. They think the internet is Canada and the rest of the world does not exist.

        1. Toronto Police does monitor antifeminist content on YouTube and once they harassed Feminism LOL (Diana Davison) because she was uploading video which placed the Jian Ghomeshi accusers in a bad light. The police even threatened a girl from the States and warned how they will charge her under Canadian law, though she is in a foreign country.

    2. In most parts of the world, it’s legal to have sex at age 15/16. Can’t see the crime here! America is a strange country.

      1. JOHN
        Sex between 17 year old males and randy dirty older women is older than the bloody hills. Rod Stewart wrote songs about it.

        1. Rod Stewart, the sperm burping phag that OD’ed on blowjobs for his roadies before his performance in Brasil…That Rod Stewart? What does that have to do again with post wall cougars stalking male children? Legitimizing pedophilia, that is why people have a problem with you vile white knights. Always living with evil double standards. no body will miss you in a cell when you get caught entertaining your own pedophilia because you seek to self justify. Enjoy Tyrones ministrations as cellblock bitchole.
          if it is so great, GET THE LAWS CHANGED AND PUT YOUR NAME ON IT NAMBLA-man.

      2. Ur right John.
        I lost my virginity at 17 and I see nothing wrong if a teenager decided to band this stupid slut.
        But it’s nice to use these people’s own puritanism against themselves.
        Alinsky: force ur enemies to live up to their own standards.
        If the genders were reversed, or the teen waited a year, everyone would be crying rape and #metoo.
        This bitch deserves so much worse.

      3. As an American expat, try having sex with a 17yo in Asia, and tell that to the authorities in a State where the AOC is 16 or 17. Under Federal American law and feminist laws, it’s a crime!

        1. And what are they gonna do?
          When I was 21 I hooked up with a 15 yo girl in Austria, and it was legal there.
          No one gave a fuck.
          I feel exactly zero shame.
          In fact, I am proud of it.
          I like reminding thots.
          They hate the thought of it.

    3. SUPER PEDO GOLD DIGGER THOT. you will never find a more pernicious vile predator than a vagina attached to that kind of a agenda. She needs to be bought by a middle eastern prince and pressed into his personal service.

    4. One of the things I’ve learned over the years by observation is that the more somebody virtue signals – “Look how [Christian, caring, compassionate, honest, moral, patriotic or whatever] I am!” – the more certain that the opposite is the truth.
      See that “perfect” family down the street? What goes on behind their closed doors will curl your hair. (Ditto that “perfect” couple.) See that anti-gun politician? He or she is packing. Tough on crime? Crooked as can be. See that outraged parent wanting to stomp out the evils of [fill in the blank here]? They’re looking for a payday.
      And see that celebrity media-darling SJW? Yup, you got it.
      And there are probably a lot of others just like her. Hollywood and all that.*
      Just a thought.
      *Oh, and don’t discount the whole Sexual Diamond thing. Despite the sheer number of people reading this who will probably disagree, it remains that women reach their horned-out sexual *drive* peak – not the same thing as Baby Rabies – in their late 20’s to early 30’s, whilst males peak at around 16 to 18. From a hormonal standpoint, she and the lucky lad were, in terms of sex drive, a perfect match.

      1. Femhags peak at 30 and boys peak at 16 when they start puberty 3 to 4 years later than girls? What twisted theory did you get that from? A feminist pedophile? Pride toronto and their child molesting supporters?

      2. Males don’t peak at 16-18 females do. Men don’t really reach their prime to 30’s or 40’s.

  2. Just another worthless degenerate whore. I wouldn’t have sex with her if she paid me.

    1. “I wouldn’t have sex with her if she paid me.
      Her? Holy crap, please tell me this creature was born as a man and changed.

  3. She’s the real reason Bourdain offed himself.
    Never trust an actress. All actresses are merely prostitutes with better PR.

      1. Maybe be realized the hypocrisy that lay at the core of this prostitute and because he was in far too deep he couldn’t see a way out.
        You are absolutely right, no prostitute is worth killing yourself over, particularly this piece of work.

        1. JOHN
          I laugh at these guys remarking at how a man is destroyed by some worthless chick.
          If Bourdain went to Thailand, he’d forget it all in 20 minutes.
          Women are, after all, a series of orifices that provide lubrication for a man’s dick.
          Women are not designed to be that intelligent. If they were, the human race would cease to reproduce.
          So of course they just crave resources and big dicks and cannot comprehend such abstract things as the sort of love an older man like Bourdain feels.

      2. He couldn’t handle what he thought reality should be versus what reality actually was.

        1. Bourdain is a loser ass. Now you are dead – next!! He could afford the best clinic and psycho doctors available. Hanging yourself is for when you find out that you have a terminal illness. What a puss!!!

        2. The problem, CinarElla, is that all the money in the world cannot buy common sense or honor.
          There are many things money cannot buy.
          Rat race participants often forget this.
          I went to one of the most expensive prep schools in my country.
          What a waste of money.
          You can educate yourself better in a public library.
          Most people are too lazy for that though.

    1. @ Max, no, the truth of Bourdain’s “suicide” isn’t lady troubles. Maybe kiddy troubles, but not lady troubles.

  4. The infamous leftist tactic of projecting strikes again. This wildabeest did not hit the wall, she smashed it.

  5. This proves that rape victims can become rapists later in life. Rape should be severely punished though, because the vicious cycle has to end somewhere – but it helps to know what causes it.

    1. She was in a four-year relationship with her “rapist.” Let’s stop repeating bullshit. She used Weinstein and then turned on him to get paid. She used the 17-year-old, and she used and abused Bourdain. This whore is a predator, not a victim.

    2. Weinstein was not a “rape” to her, Weinstein was a necessary MONKEY BRANCH to her goals that she willingly and gladly took for a future of lucrative easy MONEY. She was an overpriced whore, nothing else, by HER OWN CHOICE. The “rape” narrative is an outright lie. QUID PRO QUO. Get over it, Lying Feminist TRASH.

    3. You think huh? You sound like those social workers and psychologists from Toronto who insist to their clients that their teacher molested them in elementary and junior high because she was abused and she re-enacted the fantasy…..but if the client is a male teacher, the male teacher is a cis-gender rap-ist like all men who live in Toronto and every friends of his must be publicly slandered and forced to lose their jobs for befriending a rap!st teacher.

  6. This low-grade “star” is just another middle age tramp and a waste of oxygen; too bad she reproduced. Another fine and reputable spokeswoman for the blame-shifting #metoo witch hunt. Ingrained media stereotypes (along with money, weak-minded enbalers and a generally coddled life) have empowered these lying, impulsive, child-like Hollywood idiots to embrace their disgraceful hypocrisy. Meanwhile, Argento’s had her fun with her many manipulations, and so now she’ll fade into menopausal obscurity.

  7. We at Pride Toronto condemn your homophobia, misogyny and hate speech against Asia Argento. We dutifully request that you REMOVE AND DESIST from publishing hate content against women and members of the LGBTQ+ communities before we file a complaint to your internet provider.
    Pride Toronto,
    55 Berkeley Street
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5A 2W5
    Phone 416-927-7433

    1. As if we’re going to listen to peeps who profound mental issues and are evolutionary dead ends??

    2. Hey sissy boy, enjoy your degenerate lifestyle. Hell awaits you, though you are really already there with your confused thoughts and disgraceful behaviour.

      1. Sheeeeesh Cavalier!!!!
        …you’ll just make them threaten us mm…mm…mmooore……

    3. OMG OMG someone wrote something nasty about wommyn, the protected class of goddesses…
      Toronto soycreature trying to throw his weight around here – all 105 lbs of it…knowing his own weakness (only keyboard tough), he will try to insinuate that he’s got some big guns at his beck and call – some canadian kangaroo court or police who will jump to action to prevent “hate”. LMFAO…

      1. You know who can really be sure of that anymore. The left wing has become so over the top ridiculous and insane.

    4. Dear Pride Toronto, kindly go and fuck yourselves. While you are at it, you might like to suck King Cuck of Canada a.k.a. Justin Trudeau’s dick as well

    5. Eat sh*t yo fucking fa**ot! Doug Ford should cut funding for Pride and other femiMarxst pet projects. Only a ped0phile would affirm that it’s a “right” for a homo to show his will-y to children or for a femiMarxst to be nude around children.

    6. Eat sh*t yo fuking fa**ot! Doug Ford should cut funding for Prde and other femiMarxst pet projects. Only a ped0phile would affirm that it’s a “right” for a homo to show his will-y to chyldren or for a femiMarxst to be n*de around chyldren.
      The mods here seem to censor words like the homos and pedofems in Canada.

    7. Pride Canada,
      Are you for real and if so are you serious?
      Because if so:
      1) Nobody here cares about your threats. Canada is not the world, let alone your organization.
      2) If what you are trying to do here is serious, then you have certainly proven that Canada is a country I do not wish to even visit. Your leftism has literally- and I do mean literally- gone completely insane.
      Now please kindly go away.

    1. VC good, as always. They originally worked together when he was 7, she called him ‘son’ in tweets, plied him with alcohol for the seduction, he felt traumatized afterwards.

      1. Check out the details of the film.
        Worse than you might guess.
        Yes, VC, consistently high quality & zero nutters in the comments.

      1. It’s worse than that.
        The symbol is not ‘Pizzagate’ but instead a pre-existing paedophile symbol, used by the group operating out of the restaurants.
        It was in use long before this operation was uncovered.
        I say’ uncovered’ but they used to symbols on boxes and logos and signs outside in the street.
        i’m having trouble linking to a decent image.
        Strange, as I know they exist and can easily locate one or two, but the link simply does not work.
        It takes you to a related, but DIFFERENT PAGE and or IMAGE.
        If you want to appreciate how this symbol is used by paedophiles (again, it is NOT ‘the’ Pizzagate symbol)then google image these terms….
        pizzagate ….symbol….boylo**r symbol pizzagate…….logo symbol pizzagate advert……symbol on logo……symbol in logo pizzagate……symbol on restaurant in pazzagate…..curly symbol restaurant pizzagate
        …then scroll down a little.

  8. This woman is pure Eurotrash.
    She has consensual sex with Weinstein, but it becomes rape when she doesn’t get the roles she thought the sex entitled her to.
    But her crime is having consensual sex with a 17 year old, which is not a crime in New York state and many other states in the U.S.
    My opinion is all U.S. states should have a uniform age of consent, 17, so I don’t see any need to treat this as a crime.
    Mostly seems to be the actions of a variety of despicable people.
    And I should add she is lying Eurotrash.
    And, oh yeah, fuck Pride Toronto.

    1. Something tells me this is the beginning of a bad nightmare for the Hairy Swinestein accusors. Hairy and his friends are not going to allow the congo line of #MeToo hotel whores to walk. These women were around Hairy, Bill and the rest because they wanted to be FAAAAAMMMMMOOOOOOUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS.
      Apparently one slore said to Hairy, “I’ll give you a blow job when I have an Oscar in my hand.
      It’s sooo sweet watching them try to excuse Ahhhhhhseeya for doing what she has been clutching her pearls about.

      1. CinderElla,
        That is highly unlikely, because the mainstream media will simply not talk about it. EVERYONE has heard about the #metoo part, but…well, don’t you remember Duke University and the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax? The moment they were shown to be hoaxes the media dropped the stories, leaving the FINAL IMPRESSION that “something” did happen.
        My guess is the whole Weinstein situation was scripted, but those behind it, whoever they were, underestimated the hysteria and hive-mind mentality of modern Western women. It simply got out of control.

  9. Bourdain could have had his pick of women and he chose that piece of shit. Must have been more fucked up than anyone thought.

  10. Does Uma think a bullet is too good for Asia? Are women gleefully hoping that Asia gets brutally raped in prison, because that would be justice? I know Rose McGowan is urging is to be “gentle” with her.

  11. Does anyone else notice that Asia Argento is beginning to look like Elphaba the witch of the west from the Wizard of Oz?

  12. Here in England 300 years ago Asia Argento would of been burnt at the stake in the local market square as a WITCH.

  13. Ill try to keep it short, but to me Asia Argento is the embodiment of evil. Greed, lust, deceit, & betrayal are just scratching the surface of her traits. When news of her beta victim Bourdain hanging himself starting to spill, I knew she was the fuel behind it all. You know the more disgusting & depraved Weinstein got with her, the more she loved it. A true sociopath & frightening personality to be aware of. Many like her out there, they have no remorse-just an appetite to feed.

  14. @ everybody who’s commenting about how this bitch looks like…
    you know what ? Most Italian women (I’d say 75%-80% of them) share similar features. Short, thin but misshapen with absolutely zero curves and masculine harsh faces, dark brown hair and eyes and pale sallow complexions.
    The dark, voluptuous type a la Sofia Loren or Gina Lollobrigida is an absolute outlier in Italy, these ladies in their hey day were regarded even in the old country as hot, exotic beauties.
    Nowadays though I suspect the perception many Americans seem to behold of Italian “ladies” as big-titted, fiery sexpots stem from the percetpion of Italy in North America, where what is essentially a very old, brutally conservative, boring and insular European culture is easily and often mistaken for a Latin American type of society.
    Truth is physically-wise Italian women look more like a bony semitoid type: think of Jwish chicks with no T&A or even North East Easians without the sweet feminine facial features and the fresh, perfectly manicured skin.
    Where this Argento cunt deviates from the Italian norm is in her sex-crazed lifestyle as Italian women, despite being as leftist as it gets, are undoubtedly the most chaste and unapproachable in the whole of Europe.
    This has nothing to do though with some traditional, Catholic values, simply the country is a depressive, dull, passive-aggressive, obtusely stuck in the past place where even possessing a modicum of ambition or even a lively personality will get you branded as a moron and/or a douche. In such an environment you do not exactly easily develop a party or hook up culture.
    I’ll give them that though: Italian women are not particularly materialistic and they’re not whores, they lack the initiative and think too high of themselves to spread their legs for a living…even in one of the worst economies in the OECD area.

    1. ASIA’S mother Nicolodi was hot, but she looks like her horror freak father Dario.

    2. Ajeoshi
      To the credit of Italian women (I can only speak for Sicilian-American girls) they are pretty good screws.
      And those that do sell sex are high class call girls in NYC, not working the road like the blacks and Anglo girls for $50 worth of crack.

    3. Interesting analysis.
      Hopefully we’re making fun of her appearance because we don’t like her (and movie stars posited as exemplary are fair game).

    4. Daria Nicolodi was hot and her daughter Asia is not.
      This undoubtedly has an effect on a girl’s psyche; being unattractive and having a hot mother.
      She would never have been in the business if not for her parents anyhow.

    5. AJ
      Mark Gregory of the 1990: Bronx Warriors was another sad guy.
      He owned a house in Arizona, where he did THUNDER.
      The guy was really lusted after in the early 80’s by US women (Though openly gay, more or less).
      But now he is fat and looks really horrendous

  15. I want some personal time with the second heads, the mole on her forehead. Whats that gonna cost me. I feel the need to try the fetish out for obscene body parts as a stimulant. That Exposed brain matter above her eye is doing it for me….Id bet that mole gives better head than she does. Weinstein got the important movie roles for her huge face born mole, not her. (sarc off)

    1. Who, didn’t notice that…
      She could get it treated with a laser so it falls off, no scar.

  16. Two consenting people above 16 should not be made an issue. At 15 I always fantasized about older women and if I had a chance, while have laid one. So where is the issue

    1. Except that the same women are changing laws that make consensual teens into registered sex offenders. Feminists are pedophiles. Any feminist who vows to expose their nakedness to underage children are at-risk of molesting children.

    2. only with the LAW, After all is California we are talking about, held the enemy to their own standards

  17. Hollyweird is modern day Sodom storing up God’s wrath every day. Just don’t be surprised when the strike comes. It will be the end of that cesspool.

  18. Italy competes with the US in regards to producing some of the most mentally sick and sociopathic women on the planet.

    1. Possibly, however Asia “I Hit the Wall Running” Argento was essentially run out of Italy because nobody bought her whining. 🙂

  19. That actor, Jimmy Bennett, was 17 at the time, and he viewed Argento as a mother figure. Years later, after she became a hero for going public with her sexual assault accusation against Weinstein, Bennett attempted to sue her for intention infliction of emotional distress, lost wages, assault, and battery.

  20. “I didn’t report because I always felt bad for this Hollywood failed child actor, a casualty of the machine, of his parents,” she allegedly texted.
    After all these years grooming
    and molesting
    psychologically traumatizing
    sending scandalous pictures
    and then the day finally comes
    that moment
    you completely own him
    every part of him
    and it feels great
    spiritual energy
    absolute control
    man, all that effort and he doesn’t call you back
    “not this one too”
    you’re heccing uggo

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