You may think this story is better suited for Clickhole. If only. Instead, Healthline, a California health info provider, is trying to ruin the term “vagina.” It’s not gender inclusive enough. The word they prefer? “Front hole.”
Other hot stories on the site: Why women should bring back body hair. “It’s time we change how we feel about body hair,” the piece says. (Do not look at this while you’re eating lunch.) There’s also an “Editor’s Picks” piece about taking genitals out of the mix to revive a waning sex life. They suggest a “sex position bucket list.” For example, “hello kitchen island.”
But let’s get back to that pesky v-word.
According to Healthline‘s sex-ed guide, higher rates of HIV and STD’s are a direct result of discrimination,” reports Caldron Pool, a righty Christian site. “It’s imperative for safe sex guides to become more inclusive of LGBTQIA and nonbinary people.”
The clincher: “For the purpose of this guide, we’ll refer to the vagina as ‘front hole’ instead of solely using the term ‘vagina.’” Oh God.
Also at risk are the terms “penis” and “vulva.” They prefer the word “parts” across the board.
Here’s why: “The notion that a penis is exclusively a male body part and a vulva is exclusively a female body part is inaccurate. By using the word ‘parts’ to talk about genitals and using medical terms for anatomy without attaching a gender to it, we become much more able to effectively discuss safe sex in a way that’s clear and inclusive.”
So if I go to the ER and I say my “parts” are hurting, no doubt the doctors will know what I mean.
Whoa! I just read this article by @Healthline where author(Janet Brito PhD!!!)asserts that using the medical term ‘vagina’ is not gender-inclusive language so she uses the term ‘front hole’ instead.
How much further are we going to go before capsizing?
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) August 21, 2018
The Mirror tried to contact Charles Hodgkins, the site’s senior copyrighter and newsletter content manager, but to no avail. Calling is a tedious experience. A woman’s voice gives you six options — none of which lead you to a human being with “parts” or a “front-hole.”
Check out the health guide here.
Don’t Miss: How To Identify A Roast Beef Vagina
Clown world at its finest
Clown “western” world at its insanity !!
PS: No offense, but let us accept & face the reality!
“Read the entire article” Umm… no thanks.
“Vagina” isn’t inclusive because… what post-op m-to-f trannies have isn’t a real vagina? Is that actually what they’re admitting? How are they allowed to say that? I’d expect the trannies to be up in arms about people declining to refer to their “front hole” as a vagina.
Also since “female to male” freaks either have a rubber dick or still have a vagina, they don’t like the term vagina because that is what a woman has. Since they delusionally think they have somehow become men they don’t want a female term used to describe what they have. Strange world. When did I wake up in the Twilight Zone.
I would think non gay feminists would take this as an attack.
Perhaps this will be another example of the left cancelling itself out again.
They are insane and live their lives in emotional contradictions. If not for the coordination and control exercised by a certain self chosen tribe they would completely lose any cohesion among them.
non gay feminists will not see it as an attack as it is Marxist identity deconstruction. The point is not about the content but the underlying psychological warfare against the mind, relationships and the herd. This is why these same feminists do not denounce female genital mutilation but will cry islamophobia. It is why you also see them carrying placards about racism and homophobia when they protest about rape culture. In fact it is they that are raping culture with Marxism.
That’s ok. It was only my 3rd favorite hole anyway.
Yah, RoK has that “Middle Eadtern” flavor. And I don’t mean felafel.
Of course; it’s San Francisco. First it was a nice Spanish missionary colony, then a nice Anglo-American settlement, then a nice city, and now it’s a shithole thanks to (((them))) and their worthless meatpuppets known as liberals. Just nuke that shithole already!
Facts, sorry about my comment to you yesterday in another article (dog one?). Think I got you confused with another problem poster, and were being snarky to Roosh. Now I’ve seen a couple of your more recent comments, and you are deffo on our side.
Peace, brother.
Oh, haha. I was very confused. Peace to you as well friend.
Sodom and Gomorrah need to be nuked again because they have been built again and are back in business. Where ever there is Semites, Sodomites and real estate markets you have Sodom and Gomorrah. Humanity does not learn from history and does not respect God. For that they must pay the price of their rebellion and sin.
The vagina has been re-dubbed the “front anus.” I guess the penis is the “convex front anus”?
The penis is their clit
Your audience must feel that is not your brand new providing it
(even although it is). Talking boring and nonsense
groom speech is the last thing you try to deliver.
These rear-hole liberals are trying to turn Americans into a bunch of front-holes.
San Francisco needs to be fucking nuked, all the straight hetro males should be given 24 hours warning to get out and bomb the fucking place.
No they don’t. They know they are living in the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and refuse to leave. They earned their right for whatever comes at them for CHOOSING to live in that cesspool of degeneracy. One doesn’t choose to remain in hell if they have other options UNLESS they do so willingly choose to remain. They are not prisoners there, they are knowing and willing participants.
This is academic. Whether they are there because they like the place or not is incidental. When punishment happens it will probably happen by surprise any way. I think the following expression fits well. “Kill them all and god will sort them out later.”
why don’t liberals just form a human centipede and be done with it?
Is it true that homos and Sluts are allowed to do public sex with miners at Pride and Slut Walks?
At Toronto Pride and Slut Walks? They say that Toronto Police aren’t allowed to press charges if a homo or sloot strips nude for a miner.
It’s legal for women to be topless in public in Ontario, but I’ve never seen a woman just walking around without a shirt. I’ve seen that maybe a few times at music festivals and shit like that but not in any normal situation.
Anyone know what this guy is talking about with all this “miners” stuff?
When the miners come into town with their gold the last thing they want to see is a bunch of transsexual perverts. But I think he meant minors.
OK, makes sense. Thanks Cav
A lot of miners are deviants. They only know what its like to spend time in a dark hole all day. Warps the mind.
On another front did you hear about the horse the broke its leg during race? They didn’t put it down, its healing well, and is now in a stable condition. Yuk Yuk!
@Blue: For someone who goes on and on about the low IQ of numerous nationalities, I would have thought someone with your “superior intellect” would have picked up on the misspelling instantly. In fact I would have expected anyone with an average intellect to realise.
I guess this means one can all but conclude that your incessant beating of the IQ drum (rightly it wrongly) is founded in your own insecurities.
@somedude: So you’ve been keeping an eye on my comments, have you? Feel free to disagree with my views, but don’t try to play amateur psychiatrist with me. I’ve paid dues in life I can virtually guarantee you haven’t. And WTF does “rightly it wrongly” mean???
Now go away, kid.
Devil youve upset Rabbi Somedud ;-O
@blue: Not sure what “paying your dues” has to do with your IQ, but if that little outburst makes you feel better…
@blue: Oh, and “rightly IT wrongly” was another typo, it’s OBVIOUSLY “rightly OR wrongly”. But you’ve already demonstrated your “superior capability” in the mentally arduous discipline of typo deciphering, so no surprises there.
Somedude you seem tense and irritable. You and your 85 iq need to relax and enjoy a nice banana, chimpie
Somedude you seem tense and irritable. Relax and enjoy a nice banana chimpie.
Swimming instructors who teach youngsters at summer camps are not banned from wearing thongs and one-pieces at the public swimming pools. Feminists might have claimed that a woman’s butt crease is not sexual or smth.
Reminds me of the good days in middle school at Etobicoke. My gym teacher wore a teenie bikini suit for swimming classes and seeing the gentle water splash on her baby hair gave me a boner. The baby hair on her ass turned into goosebumps once she left the pool. Her ass was phat and I wanted to bang her.
Courtis if you were to game your teacher now she will call the cops on you because you’re not a minor and she’s likely those teachers who get off from turning on preteen and teenage adolescents on school property. Men like us aren’t allowed to see a woman’s bare ass at a strip club, but you youngins are seeing your teacher’s butt in 4d using my tax dollars you freaking simp.
Save the good American, Putin
Ah more edicts from fuckin weirdo-land. They should do us all a favor and crawl into their “front hole” and die.
I just see the article title and LOL hard.
oh dear god the lexical insanity is spreading. please, PLEASE, God, make this madness quarantined in San Fagcisco before it becomes federally mandated.
Let’s replace the term “San Francisco Health Organization” with “Fart Holes.”
The immates are running the aslyum.
I support renaming the female lady garden as national parkland. That way everyone is free to visit and take pictures. Just don’t litter in the picnic area or start a bush fire
Ridiculous. “The Front Hole Monologues” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Fuckin retarded pussies! What you mean by “front hole” !? Forget about the Eyes, you still have Mouth & Nose on the “front” !!
Fuckin worthless pussies! MEN provided you with ALL the materialistic comforts, technology, advancements etc., and you dumbasses has Nothing to do; other than renaming your orifices !!
Shame on you, ungrateful creatures!
God! I really miss the Cold War days where we faced nuclear annihilation from multi-megaton MIRVs atop Soviet SS-18 ‘Satan’ ICBMs.
The Satan 2 is 40MT.
Not big enough! We need something that will fracture the earths crust and initiate something like a Siberian traps eruption that will bury SF under a mile of magma. Same thing for the rest of the Sodom and Gomorrah’s out there.
Slag the lot of them!
It was a such a simpler time and the degeneracy stayed hidden like it should have been….Ever since Feminism was allowed free reign, all manners of degeneracy and Feminism “allies” have since taken the stage to destroy mankind. Its like mankind has become immobilized from saving itself from this cancer, but is instead rolling in it like a dog in an old smelly dog turd. It can’t get enough of the degeneracy into its pores
I’m a simple man. My dick will still know what this hole is for.
Just proves that the lgfjshsjahshdjsg “movemet” is and has always been fundamentally totalitarian. It’s not about the basic package of rights. That much I can appreciate and support. If anyone, to include a freak, gets a parking ticket and has to endure dealing with the state…I want that freak to get the same treatment as me. But, they have all their rights but it’s not good enough. gays, today, have a whole host of privileges, period. And that is what I call unfair! What most are missing or deliberately avoiding is that the homo agenda seeks to force individuals to believe what only they believe. Heck, it goes further, in that homos want us to praise and worship them. I don’t want to change a homo I just want nothing to do with them. So go sodomize yourself to the point that your rectum fails and you are stuck involuntarily shitting yourself. Apropos to the uncontrollable shitting, how can I be blamed for not seeing this as a rational behavior and why, people, am I forced to endorse it? homos have a couple of nice enclaves and so what. But having been to one of those enclaves, provincetown, I do not want the rest of the world to be anything like that “community”. We have every fucking right in the world to NOT comply with these dictaks. The lgtjsjsjahvaf is so power drunk they don’t realize just how far in the wrong they truly are. And with each day they prove to be the sources of systemic hatred and intolerance and certainly NOT the antidote to such things as they continue to claim to be. Men, our ACE is as follows, no one has the right to tell you how to speak. Such people are tyrants and need to be treated as such. You do not have to endorse the perverted behaviors of gays, you do not have to worship them, you do not have to speak their language. No one does, and, above all, just because you don’t approve of perverts sexual acts does NOT make you a bad person. If anything we have learned why homosexuals were always relegated to the fringes of society. As a group and largely as individuals, they are unstable and jealous people who, when given a “voice” and power quickly abuse it. In time things will come to equilibrium, no bashing gays indiscriminately will be moved on from, and that is good, but the gays grip on power will be corrected and they will once again be a community on the peripherals.
Unfortunately the state and all the degenerate freaks, gangsters and oligarchs are on the same team.
Normal, natural, god fearing dudes are on their own in this world.
Just call it a baby maker
I need my own country so that I can be King and outlaw what goes on outside my kingdom so that if it happens in my domain I am free to punish it as I see fit. Society has become an evil freak show and a crime in progress. I want to be free of it.
How is it that transsexuals, a tiny tiny minority of 1 in 150,000, and a minority of mentally ill delusional people who think they are the other sex, get to control the language for the rest of the population?
Insanity has taken hold.
the prevalence of trannies is high than that, significantly, but point taken. It is a low prevalence disorder, far lower than the Marxist class conflict dialectic would have the public believe. Nonetheless, you can drop two zeros off your estimate and you’ll be a lot closer.
I don’t know if it’s all govt. wide yet but, I was informed last week that I must use preferred pronouns for these “other” gender freaks while on duty. Under penalty of termination, civil suit and soon criminal penalties including fine and jail time. America, how far you have fallen.
oh shit, really? Transexualism is the epitome of the identity disordered. It is therefore no surprise that these mentally ill people are being manipulated by leftists.
Soon I will see this at work. The crazy years in science fiction are now.
Call it a fukkin AIDS Gulch for all I care, San Francisco.
Middle easterners prefer the back pussy. Roosh can tell you about this.
Almost praying for the waking of San Andreas… California can sail far away, this liberal hell hole won’t be missed. Let them have their degenerate paradise.
I would be on board with, “whispering eye”, but not this front hole nonsense.
Transsexuals appropriating womanhood is offensive!
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