My Tinder Experiment Confirms That Girls In Western Canada Prefer Black Men Over White

For the last two years I’ve been living in Eastern Europe. For personal reasons, and much to my regret, I’ve had to make my way back home to Western Canada, if only temporarily. Things have certainly changed. Or have they? Perhaps the new sour taste in my mouth was just a result of reverse culture shock. Surely not all women around here are like gremlins, and not every guy I know was doing poorly in terms of Game. So I set out to think about this some more and pondered about something for which I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion. What about black guys?

Anecdotally, it has always been glaringly obvious that black guys pull the most around here, but is the effect statistically significant? What if I were a black guy? Originally, this article was entitled “5 Horrifying Reasons Masculine Men Must Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada” and for good reason: it is the Satanic capital of Canada, literally. The number of transsexuals appearing on dating apps (when your preference is set to “women”) are sky-rocketing. “Anti-violence” and gender identity propaganda is in full-effect. The list goes on.

Image result for white girl with black guy

I decided to refrain from rushing off to write a damning article about why I hadn’t got laid in my first month home in a city that, for most heterosexual men, is no longer welcoming anyway. So after asking my one black friend if I was on to something, I decided to run an experiment to confirm if it really was the color of his skin or just his imagination. He agreed that it was a good idea.


I wondered, is it abnormally awesome to be a black guy in Victoria, Canada? What about Vancouver? Surrey, and Burnaby? I trawled through the internet to create my perfect profiles. I picked an average looking black guy from a random U.S. city. He was of medium build and appeared to have a fun social life.

I optimized his profile by including a picture demonstrating each of Mystery’s 5 Attraction Switches, i.e. leader of men (a picture on the football field with his teammates), protector of loved ones (a picture with family members and kid cousins), pre-selected by women (a picture with arms around two girls at a party), ability to emote (a picture with a big wide smile), and risk-taker (a picture in a red sports car).

Image result for cool black guy

I purchased a burner phone (the FIGO is great for this kind of thing, has apps and comes globally unlocked), created a new Google and Facebook account, signed up for Tinder Plus for a month and got to work. I set my Maximum Distance to 15 miles, Age Range to 18-55+. I swiped 50 times per day, for 7 days each in each of British Columbia’s four largest metropolitan areas (mentioned above), for 28 days.

I did the same thing and set up very similar pictures with a random white dude on my phone and compared. They each had empty bios. It’s obviously impossible to ensure equality of experimental conditions, but the fit was close enough. Because I could not effectively control for perceived quality of prospective matches, I simply swiped indiscriminately. That is, I swiped right every single time.


Experimental Black Guy (TJ) received 214 matches, a little more than 50 per week. Experimental White Guy (Brad) received 60 matches, or about 14 per week. That’s 28% of TJ’s total matches.

Openers were selected with a random number generator, and consisted of:

  • Wanna fuck?
  • Bitter whiskey or black coffee?
  • Would you rather go down on Oprah or get pegged by Ellen?

TJ’s matches responded at least once to approximately 50% of all openers (105 responses).

TJ managed to number close 10% of his total matches, or 1/5th of the girls who replied. He got phone numbers and set up dates with 21 of his matches. I unmatched the girls as soon as I received their phone numbers. I did not store those numbers anywhere. OkCupid recently performed a large-scale data analysis showing that the response rate of white female recipients (90% of both TJ’s and Brad’s matches were white women) to black male messages was fairly low, at 21%, which was only 1% higher than for Indian males. White men, on the other hand, tend to have a response rate from white women of about 30%, or 10% higher than black men on the aggregate.

Brad’s matches responded at least once to 25% of all openers (or 15 matches, which is more or less what you’d expect if this were OkCupid). This, however, was half of TJ’s response rate.

Over the course of the month, three of Brad’s matches agreed to go on a date and provided their phone numbers. That the close ratios were similar was likely a good sign that the profile pictures and openers were sufficiently optimized. The major differences, however, rested in the response rate (to statistically identical openers) and in the total number of matches.

Ultimately, TJ had 700% more potential dates than Brad. I say “potential” here because I did not keep the numbers long enough to record flakes, given that I was the one ghosting.

The best opener was “Wanna fuck?”, which made up most of the conversations that for TJ ended in a number close. No woman responded to Brad when he used this opener. The most straightforward close was by TJ, who used that same line, resulting in a reply the next day consisting of the girl’s phone number and the message “Ya…text me”. She was a certifiable 9 out of 10.


Although the experiment did not control for hotness of the girl, and likely many other confounding influences, much can be learned. Did girls match with TJ more often because less attractive girls think that black guys are more accessible? Possibly, but from personal observation, and hundreds of anecdotes and observations over the years, I very much doubt that. I’ve always seen black guys hanging out with the hottest girls in town, and the matches that our Experimental Black Guy was getting were fairly high quality in terms of physical attractiveness.

There was also the fact that women were more receptive to the more sexually aggressive openers when sent by the black guy, such as “Wanna fuck?”. One possible explanation is that explicit sexual advances from black guys come off as humorous because they already stand out as it is, allowing the opener to function as if it were an act of peacocking as opposed to a line that signaled thirsty desperation.

Similarly, making friends with a black guy seems to send a strongly positive social signal to peers, especially in a very Left Wing virtue and diversity-obsessed society such as in Western Canada. Even if your matches don’t fuck right away, you’ll be sucked into their Social Circle like a vortex in a gravity well.

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Another, perhaps less speculative reason, is that black guys really are just viscerally more attractive to the predominantly white European population of women in this part of the world. There is definitely some highly-regarded scientific evidence to suggest that genetic opposites attract. This, in combination with the low population of black men in this region, and the current global cultural milieu favoring minorities in popular culture, is probably the best explanation.

Being black in Victoria, Canada is a pussy goldmine. Being black in Greater Vancouver is likely just as awesome. I even got a few matches from Port Angeles, in Washington State, and they responded with the same level of excitement and fervor.

As for Brad’s prospective mating opportunities? Increasingly doubtful. Brad’s profile was relatively average, but he was definitely a Chad, just like TJ. If Brad is only getting a handful of dates on Tinder per month, can the average white guy hope to do any better?

White men, it seems, are becoming the new Indian Race Trolls of Western Canada. It’s just better to leave and date foreign women, I suppose. Or is the lesson in all this that we should ditch our phones, live out our lives more authentically, and meet women during the day, on their terms?

In the end, if you are a black guy and are considering the move to Western Canada, or never stopped to consider whether it was worth it, it’s pretty clear that now more than ever is the best time to follow through with that move. You’ll definitely be drowning in pussy in no time at all, and if you don’t feel like moving to Japan, or being a foreigner in a strange country, this might actually be one of the better choices.

Read Next: 7 Reasons Why Approaching Girls In Real Life Beats Tinder Hands Down

309 thoughts on “My Tinder Experiment Confirms That Girls In Western Canada Prefer Black Men Over White”

  1. Interracial pairings with black men are also becoming more common in Eastern Europe. Years of propaganda in the media (particularly movies, TV, and advertising) has made it less of a taboo for white women. It’s no longer a big “risk” for them to try it out.

    1. Eastern Europe is sadly not what we imagine it to be – they are only more conservative in terms of being more backward but as they slowly get culturally-enriched by the West they will become more like the West, it’s only a matter of time – I give it a generation or two.
      And as for their women, well they are (by and large) sluts plain and simple. No other women are easier to get than Polish and they have zero standards as to men. I’ve see it in Poland I’ve seen it worse abroad.

      1. Western ukraine is even easier.
        I assume you speak for women in large cities who go to college away from families.
        Coalburning is mocked and shunned, “once you go black, nobody wants you back”
        nobody in Poland forgets 5 dumb bitches from antifa who wanted to show how racist they aren’t so they got fucked by Simon Mol and died to superAIDS shortly after (he didn’t get any reward for actively fighting antifa, even though he put his dick on the line.), another case being the single mother youtuber of the mutant who looks like a grotesque negro with white skin and blue eyes.

        1. I actually would like to start a system that rewarded black men for fucking white women, even gave them money, as long as they told us who these white bitches where and made their names public. Hell, I think that it would be funny if we could sell mudsharks as slaves to black men who could then take them back home to Africa. I am actually not mad at black men at all for getting their dick wet, I am just mad at white women who seem to think the world revolved around them and white men are just the losers who have to take care of them, protect the nation, and give them wealth so that they can go off and screw random foreigners…many of whom have STDs.

        2. pathetic = arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.
          Let me guess – I’m the pussy liberal and you’re the warrior?

        3. I’ve said before, I’ll say it again. Blacks carry a significantly higher rate of STDs in all cultures based on race percentage comparisons across the world. Some areas like Africa, etc.. obviously higher. So yea, once I find out a girl has or is fucking black guys I avoid them like the plague. And this is not looking down or discrediting any blacks. It’s fuckin math plain and simple. You play the #’s and roll the dice every time you stick your dick in a bitch. Rubber breaks, bad news. And what’s the likelihood at some point, condoms or not, bodily fluids don’t make it around your body in some form or another. All the numbers are right there for you to see on the CDC Website. No secret. Bash away.

      2. Well, I just took Eastern Europe off my pedestal. What European country is the most racially loyal women? Sex with blacks was laughed at by American women a generation ago.

        1. Racially loyal? Just because I’m white doesn’t mean I’m gonna be loyal to you because you’re white too. Me and you having the same skin tone doesn’t mean shit to me at all. You’re not my kin. You’re not my brother, my friend and you’re no more of a cousin to me than a some random asian guy living halfway across the world in some shithole. You mean no more to me than any other random stranger.
          So why the hell do you expect a woman to think any different?

        2. “Just because I’m white doesn’t mean I’m gonna be loyal to you because you’re white too. Me and you having the same skin tone doesn’t mean shit to me at all. ”
          And this, folks, is why whites are being decimated by groups with strong in-group preferences.
          Do Jews talk this way? No.
          Who is more successful, the average jew or this guy?

        3. I don’t want a cucked bitches brotherhood, piss blood. I do want a woman that isn’t a monkey loving whore, like any sane man.

        4. From what I seen countries where whites are numerically minorities, the whites tend to date out and marry out the least. Ie. white Jamaicans, white south africans,e tc. Most whites in white majority countries are mudsharks or mudchasers ie Finland, SWeden, norway etc.

    2. Good point to use inverted commas in “risk” here.
      The women will not stop at anything but shame. And a lot of the shame has gone out of it.
      But it is just as destructive as ever. I have seen it first hand. But as they seem to be hell bent on understanding nothing but shame, they throw themselves at it without even reflecting on the risk.

      1. Nor personal responsibility. These mudsharks with 5 half breeds from 5 different sperm donors go on welfare at the expense of whitey.

      2. I have a dumb single parent broad with two niglets coming sometimes to my building where her mother/something lives.
        Every time I bump into her I give her and the monkeys the “I’m so disgusted” look.
        Once I left my flat and from my door I heard them going into the elevator, one floor below… by the time they were down I was ready taking with my phone showing a banana to them and snapping a photo.
        Now has been quite a while since saw them around.

    3. Roosh, is this also true in Poland where we see a lot of nationalism taking place in light of the anti bring-in-terrorists-from-the-muslim-third-world sentiment? I would assume that polish females would want to stick with men of their race, but I have no idea. What is your observation?

      1. It’s not as simple as “oh this country is 100% nationalism, no cucks, debauchery or sluts” or “100% poz, everyone is under government-mandated HRT and every citizen is infected with HIV by the time they end primary school” (maybe except Sweden (^: )
        There are sluts and probably coalburners too, the difference is they are heavily shunned because the last two famous cases of coalburning ended with 5 deaths to superAIDS (Simon Mol) and the other with world-wide mockery (that youtuber with mutant abomination, as seem first on stormfront)
        If you don’t want sluts, don’t go to nightclubs or big cities which encourage hypergamy.
        You could look in a Church, Library or a Bookstore instead.
        Poland is nowhere near Canada.

        1. Fingers crossed then that Poland doesn’t sucomb to the western virus – though if memory serves you had talked about better days in poland before smartphones hit their streets.

    4. Yes, agree but the numbers are still miniscule. The only such pairing I remember was in Odessa. In 2 months in Southern Ukraine I saw two white girls with blacks. It has a long way to go before we are in German territory, and whites will probably wake up before then.
      A bigger problem is the low birthrates in Eastern Europe.

    5. When I visited Tanzania last summer, many of the hottest White Europeans that I saw there were hooking up with the local “Beach Boys”. It’s become so bad that even Zanzibar has a warning on its travel site warning European girls to not hook up with local Beach Boys because of the rampant HIV rates there.

      1. Biology even says once you go back, you (should never go, and aren’t wanted) back. I read a study during the initial tackling of the AIDS issue in Afica – for which if you remember the Gates Foundation poured billions into AIDS research. This was from maybe 5-7 years ago. They found out by studying African prostitutes that tested positive for AIDS, the FX of the disease (Auto Immune death), subsided when they remained in weekly sexual contact with ANOTHER person who also had AIDS. Thus, you’re bound to the disease or someone else with it until death, but of course eventually it kills you regardless. When I hear about white Europeans going on sex vacations to Africa, I pray that they find a strong heroin addiction instead, because overall, there is less pain and affliction on the world.

    6. In a normal world, I don’t think most white guys would care if some white girl was with a black guy. It’s that today, there are sooo many single white men, that there is absolutely no reason for white a girl to be going after some black guy. In fact, over the past week I’ve seen THREE WHITE men with BLACK WOMEN and mixed kid in tow with them. THREE! And I could tell why. White men are getting so sick of the rejection and years of singleness, that they end up considering black woman as potential wives.
      But what is also not quite realized, is that more than 75% of black women choose the multiple baby-daddy/welfare route rather than the husband & family route. Go to a event or area sometime where lots of black men are at, and you’ll see that the grand majority of those black men have no wedding ring on their finger. It’s because their women choose that thug & welfare life over them, leaving most black men single for life. There are lots of black men out there that would be perfectly happy dating and being married to a black woman, it’s just that they cannot find one at all.
      White women are turning into black women, which is why the numbers of single white men are increasing. It only takes a small percentage of white women to go into “dating limbo” or cock carousel riding to upset the balance terribly.

      1. dont know about that, I see more white men with asian women here then black male white female
        the way guys getting butthurt here is the same when white women hear you dated an asian girl

      2. If whites are superior to blacks, why are white females copying the negative behaviour of an inferior race?

        1. I don’t think it is a matter of “inferior” and “superior”, but a matter of different. Same way men and women are different but lefties like to pretend it isn’t so. They also like to pretend there are no racial differences, but there are. That does not, in my opinion, make one race superior to another (however, I do think cultures can be superior or inferior to each other).
          I don’t think Asians are superior to whites, nor whites superior to blacks. Just different strengths and weaknesses. Just like me and you no doubt have different strengths and weaknesses. We have different values and cultures, which can often make us incompatible. And for those reasons races probably should stick more together. We can recognize that without feelings of hate or superiority. Maybe not a popular opinion here, I dunno, nor particularly care.
          Great article though. Thanks.

      3. What bullshit, ‘there is no reason for white women to be pursuing non-white men’. This sounds like some serious beta, omega, and gamma non-sense. Last time I checked, women were free to do what they want with their bodies and time. Had you considered that a potential reason for white women pursuing Black men could be that they are sexually aroused by Black men or other non-white men? This is open hypergamy in action, when women are free to choose who they date and fuck; they are going to make that choice whether you like it or not; step your game up.

        1. Good answer goyim, though not the right one. Al Goldstein has something to say about this.

    7. HAHA. Glad you CUCKS know that you have been lied to by the “data”. I have been smashing good White pussy on Tinder for years. In fact, I don’t even swipe right if it ain’t White! I especially don’t fuck Asian chicks, because that is BETA. I mean, do you really want a half-Alien baby? C’mon man, you guys fawn over Eastern European women since the inception of this site, now they aren’t hot? LOL. You guys are more wacko than your women!
      Btw, it’s not the “media”, its the fact that more Black men are travelling than ever, and when White women get a taste, they end up wanting the whole thing. is the most popular porn site for White women!
      Hey Roosh bin Laden, you are not white buddy! If you put on a Turban or a Punjab cap, NO ONE would say “hey, look at that white guy” when mentioning you. Too funny!

      1. +BlackPwn, i’ve been watching alot of Tommy Sotomayor lately..the CoonFather. It’s just endless isnt it? Just story after story of these rachet hoes. Just when you think you’ve seen the rockbottom..they out-do themselves. At first it was sort of amusing to watch..a weird culture shock…then, like staring into the abyss.
        Its no wonder black men are poaching white women. Black men have it bad. Really bad. Many modern black women today are like something delivered from (((Hell))).

      2. You make some good points. There is a lot of subtle anti-Black male envy that appears on ROK, but it is what it is. These white females are going to fuck who they want, and I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts. The quality and mindset of women in the western world is shit, so why not enjoy the decline? What some keyboard supremacists want is to create a Handmaiden Tale scenario where the lower betas, gammas, and omegas would be guaranteed a white wife. Who knows what the future holds? But I’d say the answer to these men’s beta nature is to legalized prostitution in America.
        Otherwise, we are moving towards a scenario where SJWs will push for the end to white men having access to white vaginas and openly shut off sexual access to white men, at least that seems to be the path in the USA. I don’t believe a man controls a womans body, thats her choice. If white women want to fuck non-white men, they are going to do it.

    8. well doesnt that workout for you now that youre exotic. Its not blacks its non whites in general, usually black and brown while for men its asian girls.
      Think all media does this. Indias bollywood’s hotter actresses tend to be mixed and now they import latinas and russian girls for roles and modeling.
      In south eaast asia their celebrities are mestizios.
      But whats wrong with ethnic men like yourself getting a piece of the pie when white men are exploiting the white god factor in in thailand.
      And it shouldnt be a shock their clock is ticking. Its an oppurtunity cost. Do you wanna hump dirty slum girls in the turd world or find a decent white woman and start a family asap.
      1.2 billion full blooded whites on earth and aging vs 6.3 billion and growing non whites. If we keep playing overseas then staying find local brides perhaps in better areas then the future of western people will be mulattos and eurasians and whatever in between.
      It begins with our generation and could end with us.

    9. From only three girls who I know here in London who date black guys (openly)-one is Hungarian,one Polish and one Russian.
      I know a lot of women from other countries: english, spanish, french,german ..all sorts.None of them date black openly

    10. The behavior and stupidity of white women was the main reason why I stopped being a white nationalist. Our race creates masochistic and promiscuous women, I have no more reason to defend our species anymore, although I still reject and fight against leftist or multiculturalist movements.

      1. What a cuck response. Almost 1 Billion white people, less than 5% involved in any race mixing, but youre giving up? Why not just marry a black woman, Mr honorary Uncle Tom?

    11. It’s the removal of restrictions on women. The most successful opener is a direct challenge to mate with genetic foreigners, which is historically the most taboo act in societies. This is a societal level shit test power play soy boys are failing.
      This also causes them to respect white men less as a whole, further encouraging it.

    12. Black men have always had this allure for white women. It goes back centuries but my father certainly had this experience in the UK during the sixties and for me, in the Nineties, it was always easier getting a white chick than a black chick.

  2. When a woman likes black men, she is nothing more than one-night-stand material to me, and sometimes not even that, as a woman who burns the coal is likely to have had STD’s, abortions and daddy issues.
    I couldn’t care less if a white woman likes to get it on with black men. She will become a single mother and walk around with a mulatto that, in the best case, will only succeed as a rapper or as a gang member.

    1. Ah, you could care less that that little mulatto kid and that single mother will vote for welfare, will vote against whites, and will vote for more leftism? Nihilistic fucks like you are the problem. “Muh, I don’t care”…”muh, leave me alone”…”muh, whatever”. Pathetic.

        1. Bro, the only reason nothing matters and we cannot save the west is thanks to Nihilistic fucks like YOU. White men could probably recolonize the entire world and exterminate everyone on the face of the earth still, but, we can’t secure our borders and put our women in their place. EVERY pathetic man is JUST LIKE YOU, JUST LIKE YOU…the libertarians, the civic nationalists, the liberal cucks, the trad con cucks…..You are the picture perfect example of a demoralized white dude (I am assuming your white). Funny, the whole game plan of Marxists and leftists was to demoralize white men…and once that happens the game is over and white men can easily be swept aside. This is also why white men cannot re-tribalize, becasue so many of them are “individualistic” pussies who don’t give a fuck anymore.

        2. Oh, I forgot to mention, you need to change you avatar name from cuckslayer to nihilistic pussy. A guy who doesn’t care that his race of women are out there banging and breeding with dumbass foreign men is a PURE BRED CUCKERY….it is the definition of cuck. Even cucks who let their wives have a train run on them are still not selling out their race or nation, and are typically still getting some action from their bitch.

      1. I agree. This I don’t give a shit attitude is a problem. He said, “I can’t save the west.” True but you can still stand for something. And that something is to not submit to these motherfuckers. Throwing your hands in the air and saying, “I don’t want any trouble,” is a cuck move plain and simple.

        1. its not a cuck move, here in europe, the white population is not trustworthy at all, i hope these low lifes all get what they deserve.
          check out youtube social expiriments and pranks in germany, you see for yourself. why should we stand for these people? i stand for pigs and all animals, but i dont stand for complete retards just because they have the same skin color as me. im still not one of them. not everybody is worth saving. imagine a ship disaster, would you help the guy who will fight you in the water or the person who wants to be helped? hard choice… “you are a cuck for despising the dangerous stupid idiots who are of your skin color” you are an idiot if you really think that.

        2. Whats thete to stand for…this sute and its authors encourage going oveeseas and mixing out not staying and trying to lock down a wife.
          If we go out playing around in the turd world with slum women guess whats gonna happen while we are gone.
          Their clocks are ticking and someelse will take it.
          Exotic factor will always be there but it can get overplayed like beibg white in japan….not the 90s any more

      2. I’m with Wes on this. I give a huge fuck about this black plague that is spinning wildly out of control.

      3. YOU FORGOT ABOUT HOW WHITE CUCKS LIKE YOU MARRY THE FEMALE MULATTO OFFSPRING OF BM/WW!! You guys are a joke on here and I never tire of the laughs! I love boning your women, then sending back to you for marriage! They deserve good sex at least once, before a lifetime of you insecure sissies! #Trump2020

    2. ALOT of white women get STD’s from blacks who seem to have more STD’s. I would not have a one-night stand with one.

    3. “I couldn’t care less if a white woman likes to get it on with black men.”
      For someone who doesn’t care, you sure do spend a lot of time being angry about it.

    4. Any chick who throws her pussy at me I assume does so because she is a lazy slob with no impulse control, self-respect or values.

  3. So this article proves it what we all suspected for awhile that many White women are simply degenerate mudsharks with no hint of shame. If an average White guy comes up to a woman (not even a 9 or 10) and says “wanna fuk?” at best he can expect a laugh at worst a sexual harassment suit when a black dude does the same he can at worst expect to be ignored at best an immediate “yea!” (even from a 9 or 10).
    So how does that “white privilege” work again?

    1. Quote: “White guy comes up to a woman (not even a 9 or 10) and says “wanna fuk?” at best he can expect a laugh at worst a sexual harassment suit when a black dude does the same he can at worst expect to be ignored at best an immediate “yea!” (even from a 9 or 10).
      So how does that “white privilege” work again?”
      My thoughts exactly. Look, I simply do not want to go to the Philipines for pussy or wife material – I want to stick with white females, because I’m white. But east europe was the last haven for this, and if now no more, I think most likely it’s escorts for me.

      1. Men like you are the white woman’s little bitch.
        No matter how pathetic white women become, you’ll still carry the flame for them.
        Pathetic cuck.

        1. Men like you are the bigger bitches. You’re cucks because women no longer fear you. If you don’t make them submit, they will do so anyways in a masochistic fashion.
          The first guy is such a materialist he acts like this is buying a car.

      2. what do you mean eastern europe ‘no more’?
        there are tons of awesome women there. My wife and I were in Russia in september and there are a boatload of single women with no interest in marrying non-white men.

        1. I can’t speak from experience, but I’d bet any “nightlife hotspots” for 20-30 somethings are beginning to mimic what they see on TV, Movies, and in the news and SJW indoctrination. Just like tatts and beard trends, the breed of person who you fuck is equally trendy. I just think about the effort I see 90% of the US black community putting into life, and my thoughts are, if a white woman wants to lower herself to those standards, she’s crossed an irreversible line. Game over.

    2. Oh, it is a fad, and women LOVE FADS. Everyone of those sluts knows that later on she can just marry a weak beta white cuck (or so they think, those days are changing). It is also a curiosity thing, and most of the media that white women watch ALWAYS makes black men out to be these oppressed, hard ass, ultra masculine bad boy badasses….I couldn’t tell you how many women who are ex-mudsharks who have tried to date me, it is fucking pathetic, and funny thing is almost all of them are actually trying to get away from black men because they finally realize that black men have absolutely nothing to offer them. I have also noticed that a lot of white women lose their virginity to black men because at that age white women are highly insecure, and that single mother raised “I don’t give a fuck” attitude of blacks turns them on, and it keeps white women from having to try since black men will gladly stick their dicks in everything and are highly sexualized at a young age. Not to mention, mudsharking to many women is an empowerment thing, you know, the whole “white boys don’t like it but they cant do anything about…hehehe”.

      1. As much as I would like men to flip the script on women and all marry younger, leaving a historical example for would be future spinsters, I ain’t holding my breath.

    3. Well, if you examine it, it IS privilege in that as a white guy you are being awarded the expectation of being above such crassness and rudeness as to ask a woman if she wants to fuck. But it is considered acceptable from the black guy because he isn’t held to the same high expectation. He is a savage and a lesser being than the white guy so you expect that he is going to speak like a savage and behave like a savage.
      “Some guy just asked me if I want to fuck him!”
      friend- “Was he white or black?”
      friend- “Well, yeah, that’s how black guys are. They are crude. What do you expect, that they have class like a white guy and show respect for women? please, they’re black. That’s how blacks are.”
      The white guy is awarded the “privilege” of the expectation of dignified behavior. He starts at the default of dignity and can, depending upon his behavior, fall from dignity. The black guy on the other hand starts someplace below dignity, the expectation being that he is absent dignity. He isn’t privileged with the expectation of dignified nature. If he is dignified it is a surprise. It is anomalous. It is exceptional.

      1. Intentions are rationalizations, their actions are all that matters. They said yes to the black guy, so in reality they expect more for less from white men out of lack of respect.

  4. I never had any issues pulling girls in Vancouver, but I haven’t been in many years. Tons of Asians there I remember. I’ll be happy to endorse sending American blacks to Canada. Greater access to pussy and entitlement programs would be great motivating factors.

    1. JOHN
      I’m from the Detroit/Windsor border and US blacks have caused all sorts of problems in Ontario. Crack cocaine dealing and pimping mostly.
      Canada has no intention of admitting Americans especially those with Felony records.

      1. Majority of crime in Toronto is blacks statistically.
        On an anecdotal level, the only times I’ve ever been robbed or threatened in public was by black guys.

        1. CLARK KENT
          Canada & Statistics
          Natives actually commit the most stupid and primitive crimes in Canada like drunkenly stabbing someone in public for no reason.
          Black crime in Canada is generally slightly more organized and profit-orientated (Pimping, crack deals, street prostitution).
          Italians have some mafia activity but actually less violence than New Jersey. That might just be numbers.
          White Bikers thus far rule the criminal world of Canada simply because they are smarter and larger in number.

        2. umm, gun violence in toronto is a black thing. all the random shootings (e.g., eaton center) are by blacks.

  5. I unashamedly claim to be young handsome athletic and with a well paying job yet I have trouble pulling a 6 or a 7 all the while I see Africans and Asians(read Pakis) who I would rate at no more than a 5 or 6(at best and sometimes much worse) pulling 7’s 8’s and up – this is disgusting and infuriating that young good looking white professional can’t get a half decent white broad while dirty stinking “boat-people” can get almost anything they want all the while living in a immigrant “container village” and getting pocket money from my taxes! /rant-off

    1. Complaining isn’t going to do anything. Either you’re not as good looking as you assume or you’re missing some key aspects of attractiveness.

    2. I’ve seen girls I’d rate a solid 9 walking arm in arm with black guys I’d rate no higher than a 1. I’m talking black guys who project an IQ of about 50, no dress sense, no charisma, nothing. And these girls look so damn smug. I know why, they enjoy pissing off white men. Simple as that.

      1. Let em get STD’s and smacked around. Why do whites give a shit (Any more than I care about being “your friend”).
        We are noticing two bifurcated interracial trends-a Eurasian upper-middle class resulting from white males marrying Asian females and a dim, impoverished Mulatto underclass resulting from coarse, working-class or kooky outcast white women.
        White American women cannot leave the US easily like males so they have no idea how easy it is for a white guy with the average qualifications to simply marry an Asian or Eastern European woman.
        If 5 x as many white males did this in the US and white women were faced with a dwindling white male population, the entire US would look like Detroit.

        1. White males can only get the dregs of Asian women: the little brown water hogs (LBWHs).

        2. One thing I will say, as a girl. I don’t find black guys or Indians attractive at all. But it seems to me like sexuality has gotten really weird. One (white) guy posted on social media about how a girl in her upper twenties came on to him (which I don’t believe it, he’s a little guy), and how she was being so forward. He got a lot of responses from younger girls, saying that she was too forward and that she would die alone.
          So, I could see how a girl would want to sleep with a black guy, especially when she was hot, and the white guys are all acting like that and pretending to be grossed-out by girls and publicly shaming them. This guy was religious, but then again, that’s where all the trad-wife-material girls are. If white guys are going to act catty and bitchy to the high quality virgins and 9s, yeah, they’re going to sleep with black guys and act vindictive.
          I’m not saying that the people here are like that. I’m just saying, don’t assume that every other guy you know isn’t fucking weird. Just because you’re normal, doesn’t mean that other guys aren’t walking around and acting queer, over-gaming, and acting kind of un-aroused by femininity.

      2. Pretty much. Defiant just for the sake of being defiant with no purpose. Worthless people yet they expect everything for nothing.

      3. ” I know why, they enjoy pissing off white men. Simple as that.”
        Or maybe they just like the guy.

      4. “And these girls look so damn smug. I know why, they enjoy pissing off white men. Simple as that.”
        I suspect that’s what eventually happens when all the white men they run into are painfully beta. If they’re really hot, the white men who’ll NOT kiss their ass are as rare as unicorns.
        It’s sort of the reverse of a white guy with a Colombian or something, looking smug when he sees Trigglypuff feminists looking pissed.

      5. I mean, here is the ultimate end to the redpill game.
        Everybody from here needs to go to the big Trad-con-leaning churches. Red pill the clergy and “leaders”. Expose them as the fags they are. Make fun of their doofiness. Replace them as the people with influence. And then just do what you will with the women. Bang the sluts, marry the virgins.
        Problem solved.

    3. Western women will do anything in the name of virtue signaling and avoid being accused of the dreaded “racism.” Anything.

      1. It’s 3/4-Fold. 1) Attention by defiance and “holy fuck” snears from many in public both family, friends, & strangers while simultaneously antagonizing white men they believe, and gives them the identity of # 2) Trendiness and acceptance as the girl with the black boyfriend, so bleeding heart they’ll go as far as fucking them, which they think their other GFs or BFFs will commend them for, some do and will with praise, others will secretly start unfriending them and slowly drop them for good as friends, and 4) the thrill of the unknown.

    4. I used to comment on rok that white women hate their own men but no one believed me and always mocked me for it.

      1. Not as much as East Asians but it is there.
        Then again alot of Jewisg women marry non-Jews like Silverman. All her exes are Alpha non-Jews.

      2. The most racist group is specifically black women towards white men. This has been my experience, despite being able to pull any black girl I’d bother trying for, but I find practically none of them attractive at all. so…

    5. You’re seriously angry because non-whites can get better looking woman than you? Who the fuck do you think you are? The world doesn’t owe you shit. Grow up and deal with it.

      1. @ Sarge, who said I can’t get women of equal value? I certainly didn’t. What I did say is that I see women of high value hanging out with blacks and arabs who are dog-shit ugly (and, no, I’m not saying ALL blacks and Arabs are dog-shit ugly, but these ones are). We’re currently at a stage of mental retardation with what women “value.” And, no, that’s not ALL women, but certainly the vast majority of lower class ones, and a fair minority of upper class ones, are choosing poorly. Very poorly.

    6. Think tbose guys hust have better game….irt is dead now. Now they are really trying. But too be fair its exotic factor playing which western mainly whites use when they go overseas like thailand or brazil. Reverse will hold true too

    7. If you care so much they’ll see you as lower value. This is what is happening to you. You also give away too much info. With the number of skills you have, by withholding info, you can appear to have total mastery.

  6. “wanna fuck?” wouldn’t work with a white guy because eventually she feels that that guy or one of his friends may end up being the one she takes home to introduce to the family, etc.
    Her ASD triggers no alarms, though, for a guy who would f and chuck her, now that most are into that anyway.

    1. “Wanna fuck?” doesn’t work for White men because we are not mindless jungle savages and women expect more from humans. The problem is women are even less intelligent than blacks these days, White pussified males and anti-White jews as guides has led to the moral and mental decay of White women. Blacks and White whores need to be reminded who the Lion of the World is.

      1. Amen. White women feel empowered as they swagger around town on the arm of Blackie Deonte Sampson Washington. The stigma needs to be resurrected and I’ll take it a step further- They should feel the same unease, if not fear, that a lone white guy feels trying to share the sidewalk with Malik Tyrone. This ridiculous notion that we can all share and get along; we are literally paving the way for these rutting pigs to breed our women and further destroy our economy/culture. It must stop. There is far too much at stake.

        1. Why are you talking about it in the comments section on some shitty white-supremacist site on the internet? Go out there bro. Kill some darkies. Don’t come here talking about what should be done. Go fucking do it, show the rest of us what a big scary white man you are.

        2. Cell phone video recordings. Time to catalog the behavior, make it public and known. I for one have started intentionally NOT looking away when a black guy gives me their usual hardass “be scared of me look., imma tough nigga” Had a 250 lber just about shit himself when I didn’t submit with eyes and body language when passing each other walking In/out of the grocery store a few days ago. You know what he did when he couldn’t break my death stare? .. recognized who the fuck I was. One of the mother fuckers that created the stability that’s left in society. Right there’s a good first step in stopping the bullshit. He touches me, he goes to prison, and/or I snap all limbs with applies submissions if he does.

        3. Truth:
          The issue I see with video recordings is when you’re dealing with the mind of a simple savage, you’re almost as likely to encourage more outrageous behaviour i.e. the knockout game which is often recorded and subsequently used to lock the darkie darks right up. I’ve had a boy record me as he paid a couple street bums to pick a fight with me- because he knew that my other bald homies were nearby.

        4. So do it. Show outright aggressive body posture whenever any of them challenges you. Most black people act like they are all Jon Jones or some 300+ lb football player when they are shorter than white men on average.

      2. That would be the Jew coin in all its forms.
        Women like luxury, not in the kitchen of a farm.

      3. You’re not lions, but monkeys, gtfo. How can you claim your race as lions when in your same paragraph you described many of your brethren as pussified males? Cats can’t claim to be lions.

    2. Ahhh, I can see this being accurate. The emotional connection to a white man is real and eventually the woman would want, “…introduce to the family”

  7. T-Shirt idea: Nicole Brown Simpson with the caption…once you go black you never go back.

  8. Girls are pack animals, whatever the pack approves of is what the women in the pack do. At it’s core, that’s all there is to it. It’s a nice fuck you to white men, while also showing that they’re not racist to their peers.
    What’s more interesting though, is how black women are an endangered species. White men don’t want them, and neither do black men (plus everyone inbetween). And hollywood has noticed this, hence why in the last 5-10 blockbusters I’ve seen black women are being made to play the role of the “hot bitch.” Look at Marvel for example: Spiderman is now a mudshark. The new Thor film as a black chick who is referred to as “hot.” The new Deadpool has turned Dominic into a black chick. Guardians of the Galaxy has the green-skinned black chick. It’s ruining movies. Like I was thoroughly enjoying “War on Everyone” but, again, black chick in the romantic role. Thank god I could fast forward the make-out scenes. Not to sound backward but it makes me cringe the same way as when I see two guys kiss, I have to hold my hand up to block the screen.

    1. “I have to hold my hand up to block the screen” – and I though I was the only one doing this 🙂 I do it every time I see a mix-couple scene that I cannot skip

    2. No man wants an ugly sheboon. Black women are unwanted even by their own men. So they compensate with projecting an attitude of supreme self-confidence

      1. It seems the lower someone is on the sexual totem pole, the more obnoxious and loud they tend to be. And nothing is louder or more obnoxious than a black woman, and no creature on this planet slackens more cocks than a black woman either.

  9. Recently I’ve seen a tall attractive German girl(8 or 9, probably late 20ty), not blond but no less attractive, exchanging numbers on a street corner with a rather short half bald hook-nosed Syrian/Afghan (I’d rate at 3 to 4 – if you’re into trolls) and she had such a lovely smile on her face I almost had to puke.
    And I ask my self what does a pretty girl like her, that has it all, want with such a piece of human genetic garbage? How can she live with her self after letting him enter her, a guy who’s nowhere near her status, looks, background nor race?!
    She should be fishing for good looking well paid white guys in their mid 30tys to marry and have children with, instead she’s stalking the streets looking to bang some genetic mutants from the Middle East!?! WTF is wrong with women?!

    1. OTHMAR
      Nothing new. They used to get screwed silly by Hoodrats in the US army. It is part of the shaming of their culture that was the price for World War II.
      It saddens a German-American. Some of the n***ers or Mestizos or Asians have mocked the fact that I identify as a hyphenated American (Because I feel no shared ethnic pride even with Italians) but we Germans from the Northern Midwest cannot help but feel a bit sad for how German girls are used like fucktoys by all manner of foreign invader.
      Of course they could all go and look at the last generation of German women to see how this shit goes: a bunch of middle-aged women with unhappy Mulatto kids who never knew their American GI father.

    2. Yes. It’s not that white girls are going for black men or some mythical jacked tall Tyrone: they are going for anyone who is not white. I see more white girls with short ugly scrawny Asian (Paki, indian, or Bangladeshi) men than with black men.

      1. that’s because there are very few black men in Vancouver.
        back in the day (years ago, when I was in high school in vancouver) we rightly regarded white women who would date brown men as degenerates.

      2. ugly? then their game is really good or youre butthurt.
        THis is some elliot rodgers mindset when ever he saw a darky with a blonde. Give credit when its due. Gaming here is hard and they have apperent disadvantage and did while white western men goto easy spots like thailand.
        Just learn from em

    3. Very good question. The propaganda aimed at them is pretty intense. Dating a low IQ savage from the third world can be a death sentence, so you’d think that they would be more aware.
      if the propaganda is overriding the ability of a woman to weigh her options, we have a real problem. Refugee men and third world barbarians offer nothing of value to western women.

    4. From her perspective, she hasn’t run into any German alphas recently, so she figures she’ll try some muzzie dick. From what I understand, most German men are painfully beta.

    5. You sound like an omega or gamma in the mold of Elliot Rodgers. This is the exact type of bs he was writing in his manifesto before going AWOL in California. A lot of you dudes really believe that you are in control of white female bodies. Based on my readings in this thread, I’m convinced that white male gammas and omegas have a serious fear of genetic annihilation the upper 50th percent of white males are having no problems choosing between plenty of women.
      I can empathize with the white males that fall into the omega and gamma category, as they are pretty much genetically finished moving forward. Outside of sex dolls and prostitutes, these men are a genetic dead end. We are entering one of the most competitive sexual marketplaces in recent history to start 2018. However, the subtle creeping of white supremacy ideals into the red pill sphere is a Trojan horse that the media is using to stigmatize and marginalize the awakening of men across the globe to red pill awareness of overt hypergamy.

      1. You do realize that most of this Alpha, Beta, Omega stuff is not genetic but social? And this x% “white elites” will also genetically cease to exist after a short time if a larger Mulatto gene pool starts to grow.

    1. I would like to live in the wilderness half way up the country.. beautiful. But for their society and cities, no thanks. Sadly, retarded legislation made in cities rules it all.

    2. Well, it doesn’t help that the conservative party of Canada is like the trad cucks in this country…obsessed with taxes, free trade deals, fucking our environment over, and oil.

  10. It’s definitely that being a black dude still has an exotic appeal in Vancouver. I saw only one during a 4 day business trip out there back in the Spring.
    (BTW, whose idea was it to hand the island over to nouveau riche Chinese? These people have displaced the natives and even the rattiest bungalow now sells for 2 million bucks. I’m not anti-Chinese by any means, but if you let so many people in at once they won’t integrate. If there’s a war or economic downturn, these people are going to fuck off right back to China.)
    Tinder is absolutely disgusting, incidentally. If you told me 10 years ago that we’d be encouraging children to become transsexuals and normal everyday people would be using a phone app to find strangers to have sex with, I probably wouldn’t have believed you.

    1. The Compte
      White socialistic hicks in Canada were not really prepared for the Chinese whereas whites in the US are more likely to be Jews or ethnic whites themselves more capitalistic.
      Along with the millionaires from China came the Hong Kong heroin gangs, petty criminals, prostitutes and a few lunatics as well…but Canada opened its doors to them.
      “Fuck off back to China”
      Jews, South Asians, Italians, Arabs, East Asians…they are not going to hang around for nation-building. They are fair-weather friends. Why do you think they came to North America…for the weather. If whitey’s systems fail, they move on.
      Look at Detroit. In the end when a place becomes an Africanized shithole everybody will leave eventually.

      1. No offence Gen-X but as an Italian Canadian it’s not like Anglos are perfect either.
        The issues we’re facing now are across the entire white world. Let’s fight each after we’ve fixed our common problems.

        1. CLARK Spaghetti Curtain
          Actually I’d say Anglo hicks were the WORST criminals in Canada-bikers. Few Italians are in the biker gangs that endanger Canada. These are all Anglos (Or Quebecois, same thing) and mostly hick white trash.
          Blacks don’t commit crimes in New Jersey, parts of New York, one or two neighborhoods in Greater Detroit. We call this the “Spaghetti Curtain”. Did not say it is a bad thing.
          I said Italians are wary and cynical of Jew bullshit (Or any bullshit) because you come from an ancient civilization of Rome. This does not mean you are bad it means that you are more skeptical of the crap that Hollywood or the government rams down the Anglo’s throat.
          Canadian bikers are far more brutal and homicidal then the Italian mafia in Quebec. I lived in Northern Ontario back when cocaine was the big drug and every so often some stripper would be killed just for irritating the bikers in some way.
          Italians obviously have criminals but these people prey on gambling addicts (“Juice loans”) and major drug dealers and money laundering. This is really not a threat to John Q Public.

      2. “whites in the US are more likely to be Jews”
        There is no evidence that the number of jews per capita in the USA is greater than in Canada. Both hover around 2% of the population.

    2. You should be anti-Chinese. You would never be allowed to become a citizen in China so why should Chinks be allowed to become citizens or own property in our countries? I say they should fuck off back to Chink land and marinate in their hellhole.

      1. There are much bigger problems than the Chinese. Who gives a fuck if you can’t become a Chinese citizen? Is anyone looking for Chinese citizenship?

        1. actually yes. I’d much rather live in China than a Muslim dominated Europe or North America.
          In particular I detest south asians… I refuse to live in a country with significant numbers of them, and China is one option. The Chinese may be irritating in some ways, but they are smart on average and highly functional.

      2. Chinese are parasites.
        They’re like retarded jews and they spread around the world like lice.
        I’d be happy if we just rounded them up and shipped them back to Chinkistan.
        I do not believe they are even remotely as intelligent as whites. They’re good at being calculators and storing information, but they’re incapable of turning those intellectual raw materials into knowledge, creativity, or culture.
        The White can definitely do more with less.
        Chinks are just here for the free ride. I wish they’d f off.

  11. Well if this article is an attempt to revive the sagging comment numbers by chumming the waters with some outrage porn, it should be successful.
    Hopefully the readers will connect the dots and understand why the final red pill is the Jewish Question, and why those who are already awake hold Jews as the primary aggressor in the war against the west.
    It’s not complicated. Jewish men are typically weak, frail, nebbish, neurotic, and bookish. By contrast, they are awestruck by the perceived virility and athletic dominance of the negro, hence their intense negro worship.
    They loathe white males even more than they worship negros, and so the obvious play for them is to use the negro as a weapon against white men. And boy have they done this in spades, across all channels of media, for decades. The media is their primary attack vector but they also rely on government and academia.
    The mudsharking phenomenon is very sudden, very deliberate, and entirely orchestrated from the top down. It all goes one way – negro males with white women. Almost every tech company, bank, and international corporation features this nauseatingly unnatural pairing in their imagery.
    You can argue all day but the only proof you need is that if white women had any innate desire for blacks, there would be no such thing as white women after a few generations. It would be a self-negating and suicidal genetic component. After all these millions of years of mixing there wouldn’t be a single natural blonde or redhead left on earth if white women had any attraction to farm animals. Nature doesn’t make those kind of fatal and disgusting errors.
    This has been fed into white girls’ minds from birth. If you know the entertainment and advertising industries you understand that Jews sit atop every single agency of any notable influence. Staff is filled with a toxic mix of jewish american princesses, fags, neurotic jewish men who are threatened by masculinity, negros, assorted other affirmative action hires, and feminist, white-hating women. The media you see is weaponised by people who despise your existence and want to kill you outright, but lack the balls to do so.
    Only a cuck continues to watch movies, television, porn, or sports while telling himself that it’s the exception or it doesn’t effect him. It is all 100% pozzed and you can’t call yourself a man until you eliminate all of it from your life.
    The Final Boss is the JQ. Without addressing it, everything else is a waste of time. Your own women were turned into traitors that want to breed you out of existence. How does that make you feel?

    1. Jews don’t personally love Negros. I know this for a fact. They will not live near Negros any more than a Klavern of Alabama Klansman.
      Nor do Negros love Jews.
      I don’t disagree about the Hollywood or porn thing but the reality is that Anglo-Saxons really just eat up the shit like candy. They are easy to brainwash.
      I’ve got a theory about this that whereas Jews, Italian-Americans, Asian-Americans and so on come from corrupt countries with thieving rulers whom they did not trust the Anglo-Saxon in Missouri comes from 1,000 years of obeying the king and believing in his Lordship etc. So it is hard for the Anglo-Saxon not to be a peasant whereas the Jew or Italian since Medieval times has been a trader or soldier-of-fortune who does not believe a word of anything. They are very cynical races.
      Show me Adam Sandler liking his daughter getting a big black cock up her asshole. I doubt it.

        1. KFT
          Canada is the widest part of North America so the East Coast (Newfoundland) has always been nearest to Europe and Europeans got their first-Vikings, then the Brits and the Irish.
          Western Canada is nearest to Asia. Naturally Asians of some kind (Siberians obviously) and Chinese and Japanese go there.
          In the middle of North America are Anglo people and all the financial and media and cultural centers are on the East Coast or West Coast so nobody gives a fuck about Anglo people in Missouri. It is the interior. They have no power. Corporations own agriculture now. The few Anglo families with power are Old Money East Coast Puritans-Bushes, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts.
          It is not so much an ethnic thing as it is regional. The US South and interior happens to be Anglo-Saxon. For whatever reason, New York City and the East Coast corridor through DC is the financial capitol. Jews and other recent immigrants live there as well as through the Northern industrial states West to Chicago.
          Everything else is really in the interior in the US and nobody gives a fuck about it now that agriculture is corporate which takes any degree of price-setting out of the hands of the Flyover proles who farm for a living.
          Essentially, white Flyover proles are like American Indians. Not important except as a mass-consumer base.
          The West Coast is obviously nearer to Asia and so as a result there is more investment from Asia.

      1. Interesting mix of fallacies in your reply.
        Nowhere did I use the word love. Jews are awestruck by negros, they worship them on a physical level, but they do not love them. They feel a mix of paternal condescension, wonder, and disgust. They have the same unhealthy conflicts with white men. They are impressed by his mix of attractiveness, intelligence, and creativity. They seethe with envy that the white man is the only one capable of creating consistently beautiful daughters. And they want to destroy all of it.
        Where they choose to live is irrelevant.
        “Anglo-Saxons really eat it up…” Speak for yourself, cuckboi. Where did you get that data from? The fact that Jewish pornographers shove unprofitable cuckporn in your face?
        “I’ve got a theory…”
        Your theory is absurd and wrong. Try reading more and writing less. No offense but you are not wise enough to be constantly postulating in the comments. Lurk Moar.
        “Muh Adam Sandler”
        Being this naive, assuming Sandler’s daughter doesn’t go to private Jewish/White schools. Assuming she wasn’t taught from birth to avoid the groid.

        1. “They seethe with envy that the white man is the only one capable of creating consistently beautiful daughters. And they want to destroy all of it.”
          This is the most retarded fucking thing I ever read. My God, the comments section is full of some truly retarded shit like this.

        2. So Jews (And probably Italians and Asians too) are more wary and cunning than Americans from Old Colonial stock who live in Dick’s Knob, Tennessee or Missouri.
          Whose stupidity is that? It is a capitalist country and this puts the poor white “losers” kids who attend public school or live in low-income housing in harm’s way of apes. I agree. If you are one of these whites who leaves school at 18 and starts a family by 20 on minimum wage you’d better be out in the sticks where Groids don’t want to live.
          “Avoid the Groid”
          Your average New York city female Jew knows what 10 or 15 blacks do to a female jogger in the park. They don’t have to be told to stay away from blacks.
          “Impressed by his physical attractiveness”
          Jewish men tend to be cuckholded by white Anglos. Like Silverman for example, who has always been married to Anglos. Jewish women usually have sex with Yankees (Though the dude has to have a job and make good money).
          Jewish men have big dicks on average (Why do think they are in porn even if they are only 5’5 like Ron Jeremy)-they are not jealous of blacks about that.
          “Media Messages”
          East Coast ethnic whites and Asians on the West Coast don’t believe in PC and they don’t believe that a man flies through the air wearing a Red Cape called Superman either.
          The reality is the Flyover prole is not very street-smart whereas the Jew or ethnic white from the East Coast (Irish, Italians, Slavs) is a lifelong street hustler and con in an unforgiving urban landscape.
          Therefore the Anglo in Missouri or Kansas is a dupe

        3. HEAVEN’S
          I love these things that Anglos from the US interior who never met a Jew think: “They love their beauty!” I’m from Detroit and Jews are foul racists towards blacks as would be expected from the race with the highest IQ towards the race with the lowest IQ. As bad as any KKK.
          At least James Deen is not blaming his life as a heroin-addicted porn star on “The Goys” or Amy Winehouse’s parents do not blame Christians for her daughter smoking crack until she OD’d (We German-Americans don’t give a fuck about Nazis, ask Trump).
          If Anthony Weiner were a white Southerner he would blame his “dick pics” on Jews making porn.
          Come on you white hicks from the sticks, assume some responsibility. Your kid goes to a bad public school or gets pushed around by blacks because you had him at age 20 instead of going to college like a Jew or an Asian or East Coast Irish Catholic. Your little brother is a wigger because Anglo people in the Flyover have no ethnic pride like Italians or Greeks. You jack off to Ron Jeremy because you’re a loser, not because he is a Jew.
          Jews (Or Asians) don’t watch SPIDERMAN and think that guys in costumes swing from buildings. They don’t believe anything Hollywood produces because THEY KNOW IT IS ALL SHIT.

        4. “They (Jews) worship Negros”
          Spend a day in Brooklyn where Jews and Blacks have race riots on the streets.
          They love one another.
          Only a rube who was never above the Dixie line in his life could think this.

        5. Good god, where do people come up with this stuff?
          Some day, you’ll actually meet some Jews and find out what they really think.
          But meanwhile, carry on, your fantasies are amusing if nothing else.

      2. Germans are the most naive and easliy brainwashed race on earth, even more than Anglo-Saxons.

        1. “Jews are awestruck by Negros”
          Ever notice Jewish women never marry a Groid.
          Sure, lots of them marry a Christian like Silverman but how many marry a Groid?
          “Sandler’s Daughter Goes To Private Schools”
          He can afford it.

        2. you do realize that Germans and Anglo Saxons are the same race, right? Google ‘the frisian gene’. Modern genetic testing shows a clear continuity.

        3. It’s the other way arouund.
          Germans needed to be surrounded, genocided and firebombed into western liberalism by two world wars.
          Anglo-Saxons were offered some shekels by Mr Goldblattstein and did it willingly with no resistance.
          Germany’s current problems are a direct result of military occupation and foreign influence.
          Left to their own devices Germans are way more ethnocentric than ind8vidual8stic Anglos and Westerners.
          I even notice this myself in Germany. Germans are far more predispossed to hang out in groups. Anglos prefer to meet up for convenience only, prefering to be alone otherwise.

      3. Agree, Jews do not respect blacks. They use them as tools in the culture war, but they have general disdain for them. Few movies show a Jewish women dating a black guy. THey push that crap on whites.

        1. jbwilson
          I’d argue that Canada’s own culture war was started in the 70’s when Trudeau No. 1 imported a load of French-speaking Third World people from Lebanon and Haiti etc. (Border states got a bit of the spillover, I’m from Michigan)

      4. What are the medieval to modern connections with the groups I listed? Like your theory on Italians and Anglos, which was great.

        1. KFT
          Oh that is simple…British and French came to America to farm during an agrarian period and the Jews, Irish, Italians, Slavs came to cities to work in factories in the 19th century which put them closer to the centers of power and finance.
          Today, Missouri has very few Jews for example. Groups that arrived in the East a century ago or 150 years have stayed there because that is where the $ and media and industry is.
          LA was an orange farming grove that Jews fled to because Edison had the patent on film in New Jersey. That is how Hollywood started.

        2. KFT Medieval to Modern
          Rome and Judea were steeped in corruption and abuse of power and lies for 5000 years back to the Persian, Greek, Roman Empires.
          As a result what resulted is what is known as “peasant cunning” (Describes Tony Soprano) whereby the population distrusts and loathes the government and does not believe them.
          Italians, Jews, Irish-Catholics under the thumb of Britain brought this corner-cutting distrustful mentality and lately so have the Asians and Hispanics. Corruption and bribery and distrust runs through them.
          Anglo-Saxons are farmers. To listen to some of the rubes on this site everybody in the US should be Amish and this is the typical European agrarian complaint about Jews (They are urban traders and hawkers and so on) but applies to lots of different groups.
          What does it it mean? That essentially the Anglo-Saxon is a rube who is naive and easily bamboozled.
          Look at Bush voters. They were not Jews (Though everybody will go on about how Jews were behind this or that or wanted Iraq) or Hispanics. They were Anglo-Saxons in Louisiana or Missouri who could be made to believe that an alcoholic bum was fit to serve because he found religion at the age of 42. Nobody bought that shit in Chicago or LA.

        3. Fascinating, thanks. What your thoughts on the Norse in MN? and Germans? Appreciate you taking the time, this actually makes America more interesting.

        4. Norse in Minnesota. Some fairly strong evidence suggests that possibly the Vikings found Minnesota after roaming through Canada. Which means they got a fair way into the interior of the US.
          Germans? I’m German, a Yankee, and once in twice Jews called me a “Nazi”. This did not bother me at all. I’m sorry that Jews died in World War II but as a German-American I am not filled with guilt everyday about it.
          This is an interesting dichotomy. White Americans hear about slavery but it is rare for Jewish-American to complain to German-Americans in the Northeast (Where Germans and Jews live in the same zip codes) about World War II. Sarah Silverman, a Jewish comedian, was married to Kimmel who is German descent.
          The skinheads in Detroit that I knew were mostly Polish-American. Not German at all.
          Your average German “Nordic” is a liberal Swede who lives in Minneapolis.

        5. I guess Germans are all over, from Amish to Jewish neighbors. Norse have a History of trading but I believe most came late as farmers in tough conditions. Where do you put upper Midwest folks, above Missouri but below East Coast? Farmers like Anglo settler stock? The big cities like Viking trading ports?

        6. Germans everywhere like the Holy Roman Empire, the East Coast is the center of power, like Germany, but majority are peasant farmers. Norse raiders and traders in big cities, with skraeling thralls running around free. Rural Norse heartier than Anglo settlers but more like Norse that stuck to farming in homeland. Just a stab.

        7. Law abiding rubes- First French and Anglo Agrarians. Germans assimilated into Anglo-America as hardworking cultural Protestants. Upper Midwest a little smarter and more industrial, with added Norse contingent in MN and WI to a lesser extent. Street smart cynics- Big city ethnic Whites like Irish, Greek, Italian, Slav. Maybe a little more willing to bend the rules. More opportunities and more opportunistic. I left Jews out to keep it more strictly European but I can see they have overlapping traits, as you pointed out. A more modern stab.

    2. Wow. What a shit-post. Stopped reading after the first 6 sentences for fear I might kill too many brain cells from reading such garbage.

  12. I would like to see this experiment repeated again using South Asian (Paki) and East Asian (Chinese) male avatars. This experiment only shows women do not like white men not that they prefer black men. I think you will find white women will also respond favorably to all men who are not white.

    1. Pakis? I would be VERY surprised. Most white women disdain Pakistanis. I have never met one who would fantasize about a south asian. Not one. Blacks yes, Latinos, yes, even Japanese. But never ever a south asian. Even the south asian women that I meet would prefer a man from another ethnic origin.

  13. I don’t see how this is surprising at all. This *is* Canada we’re talking about and you just have to look at the kind of PM they elected (and will almot surely vote for again) to see what kind of women and society they have there.

    1. Coming out as a conservative in Toronto is more taboo than coming out as gay in Russia.
      If they could beat us up, they would, but they can’t.

      1. Plenty of conservative orthodox Jews up in Forest Hill. I think you mean ‘coming out as a conservative white’ (gentile).

        1. Newfies seem quite conservative.
          If they hide this in T dot I’d be surprised.
          My feeling is that the Liberalism came out of Quebec and Trudea the First.

  14. The last time I was in Canada I did notice that women tended to have a Pollyanna perspective when it came to black men. One girl I spent some time with up there, referred to black men as being, “Rare, special, beautiful flowers.” This was partly due to the fact she lived in Saskatchewan, where blacks are as rare as hen’s teeth. I told her to go take a tour of the ‘hood in any major U.S. city and get back to me on that one, but she’d been brainwashed by the media into believing that blacks were exactly as portrayed on TV and in the movies – strong, smart, talented, funny, non-violent, athletic, great in bed, hung like horses, etc. If a woman can see through the obvious bullshit there, she’s definitely dating material, but unfortunately, especially in Canada, I’m thinking that’s a rarity. Most women believe whatever they see on TV no matter where they might live. Which proves they need constant supervision. And I just don’t have the time for that…pump and dump.

    1. BOB SMITH
      I am a Detroit native who lived in Ontario and rented a room from an ex-stripper named Dana who can answer this.
      Dana told me that she moved to the US as a stripper to make more money and had no experience with black criminal tendencies so she went along with a black who offered her cocaine and she was gang-raped. I met her years later and she hated blacks.
      White Canadians are basically hicks that grow up in a semi-socialist country. Moreover, our media is their mind-forming experience. They follow US trends seen through the prism of collectivism.

      1. hicks? that term means ‘rural’ and ‘parochial’. The bulk of Canada’s population lives in Montreal, Vancouver and Toronto. Major cities with significant culture. What do you mean by ‘hick’? It seems an inept metaphor.

        1. jbwilson
          “Significant culture”
          I lived in Ontario and it would seem to me that Anglo-Canadians are quite similar to Midwestern. Egalitarian, respectful of law and order, reserved, pragmatic.
          Quebecois are Latin people, more like Italians or something.

    2. One trip to africa should convince her that black men are hardly ‘rare’ or ‘flowers’. They breed like rats (worse than south asians), and have dismal records as far as intellectual achievements go.
      Perhaps she means that well behaved, educated and intelligent black men are rare. That I would agree with, sadly. Duke Ellington and Walter Williams are outliers.

  15. I love it when street sociology negates the white knight romantic bullshit we’re fed with. No wymen will admit that they get the tingles with openers like “Wanna fuck ?”.

    1. True. Oh so true. I’ve landed 6s and 7s with the opener “I want to orgasm inside you.”
      It has worked for some weird reason.

  16. Tinder is an app for fucking, not marrying.
    I think what you are seeing here is that women are using it to ride the carousel with the “exotics” before marrying the white guy.
    Compare this to other OLD sites that are more about meeting and dating, and you see the response rates differ greatly, because it’s for a real relationship with the eye towards marriage.
    So basically, women are whores because they can be, and they have the tools to act that way, with no shame.

    1. So then we all agree. What’s sorely needed is a “Reverse Tindr” for marriage, which catalogs and displays all the women guilty of mudsharking, divorce-raping, carouselling or attention-whoring. A marriage minded man can flip through his options knowing that he’s getting women who have never been caught being whores on the internet.
      Anyone who can develop an algorithm to screen for marriageable women will make a mint. Get to it lads.

  17. More than virtue signaling anti-racism to her friends, it’s also a bucket list item to get sport-fucked by a big black cock. It helps that blacks are cast in movies and pay-TV (HBO, SHOWTIME, STARZ, CINEMAX) as savvy ghetto geniuses fucking white chicks left and right while making the big bucks. Frankly, with all the anti-white-male propaganda, taking a knee during the anthem, Poop Doggy Dog as a game show host, the general gangster attitude in practically everything–it’s all jumping the shark. Chicks are the last ones to get it.

  18. Thanks for making this experiment. It shows also how trivial peoples minds work – black man can say “wanna fuck”. White man can’t say “wanna fuck”. It creates error in women’s mind. Black man-fuck, white man- beta. Simple program. This is so childish and stupid. Here in eastern Europe I got matches on tinder, but I can’t communicate with them, because I am not so dumb. I simply go to clubs, pull out and fuck. It’s 30 times easier for me, than setup a date on tinder. And most of them are on tinder just for attention or to find some dumb sponsor for food / money extraction. Dumb communicate with dumb.

    1. “First off, I’m not here for a ONS.” Translation, I’m a carousel hoe. Lying by the same mechanism movies, TV, and all of western enculturation has done. A giant, perfectly inverted facade.

  19. Wow. The comments section is filled with so many bizarre and downright retarded fuckin ideas.
    Anyone who believes in freedom should accept the idea that each person has a fundamental right to choose how to live their lives, which includes their choice of mates. 95% of you are actually angry that white women are choosing non-whites as sexual partners. That makes no fuckin sense at all. Why would anyone be angry about that? Unless you really don’t believe in freedom.
    Also, why would anyone want to sit around all their lives being angry about who other people fuck with? Isn’t this site supposed to teach men how to be strong, masculine and all the good shit? Sitting around being angry at other people’s success and blaming Jews for your own lack of success is rather pathetic. If you have time to be angry about inane nonsense like white women screwing black guys, then I’m sorry to say, you probably don’t have much to offer in life anyway. A true winner in life would not have time to worry about inconsequential nonsense like this.
    The article was interesting but the people in the comments section are either insane or stupid.

    1. “. If you have time to be angry about inane nonsense like white women screwing black guys, then I’m sorry to say, you probably don’t have much to offer in life anyway. ”
      What is your argument for that claim? This is just a mere assertion.
      Worrying about inter-breeding is in fact not a waste of time. It is the sort of thing that successful ethnic groups (e.g., Jews,upper caste Indians) do all the time.

      1. jbwilson
        Actually Jews are hodgepodge of Central Asian (Khazar) and Italian (Roman) and European from which a small founding population of Arabs can be traced.
        It is more a religion than a race.

        1. I’ve read that the Khazar theory is obsolete — DNA shows that Jews are about half Middle Eastern, half Roman/European (as you said) — and it was the men who came as traders during the Roman Empire and married local women.
          Also, the IQ thing happened during the Middle Ages — Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs but Sephardic Jews don’t.

      2. “Worrying about inter-breeding is in fact not a waste of time.”
        Actually, I agree with Justin. It is a huge waste fuckin waste of time. I have a lot of shit to get done in my life, especially when it comes to putting food on the table. Hating on other people for arbitrary reasons like their ethnicity or their penchant for screwing people of differing ethnic backgrounds is a not only a waste of time, but emotionally expensive. A huge price to for no gain. It doesn’t help me put food on the table.

        1. ..said the guy working X% harder whose tax burden feeds the very people being discussed while “putting food on the table and worrying about it.” riiiight.

        2. You sound like a BoomerFaggot.
          The whole country went to shit because of lazy, pathetic, self-absorbed pieces of shit like yourself.

    2. JUSTIN
      “Blaming Jews” I agree with you here and at least Ron Jeremy or Amy Winehouse did not blame their pathetic existences on “The Methodists”.
      “Jews think Negros are a beautiful attractive race”
      This is fucking hilariously stupid.
      “95 % angry at a white girl choosing a black male”
      Well the average white girl who has a kid with a black guy ends up making the taxpayer come up with the cash to support her. Half the time.
      Also, look at Brazil. Supposedly a multicultural utopia but actually a huge poor Mulatto underclass.

    3. Spoken like a barren, post-wall jewess or self-loathing white feminist.
      Who cares if your race and culture is eradicated, goys?
      What, are you a loser? What kind of loser cares about his people?
      What kind of weirdo protects his women, his children, his birthright, and his heritage?
      A winner would turn a blind eye while the only race on earth to ever create anything worthwhile is systematically exterminated by a gang of cunning, psychopathic international parasites.

      1. You have no idea how stupid this whole posts sounds. It’s ironic that people who claim to have “high IQs” can believe stupid shit like this.

        1. They made the technology that allowed this website to exist, the efforts to which started a few decades ago.

    4. Except it’s not an equitable trade: black men, paki men, indian men, Middle Eastern men all want white women who represent a step up from their own nasty repulsive women. No white men want a nasty sheboon or hindu bitch who smells of curry. So a lot of white men will end up with no woman.
      fuck you and fuck your “you can’t control who someone falls in love” narrative

  20. “predominantly white female population”
    Have you even been to Vancouver? Predominantly white???
    Are you nuts? Predominantly ASIAN. Whites are not a majority of breeding aged females in Vancouver. Victoria, yes, but not BC as a whole. The bulk of whites are old fogies.
    PS: You don’t mention the race of the people contacting your fake black guy. I would suspect very few are Asian, given the long standing negative view of Asians towards blacks.

  21. Why should I be mad at Black dudes for getting pussy?
    Seriously, I think the dudes offended here should look inward and take some responsibility for themselves.

      1. And plenty of heroin-addicted white girls exchange sexual favors with black dealers for a hit. What are we getting at exactly? Are you keeping score or something?

    1. Not the best tradeoff, my virgin daughter for a half-dead cum crusted crack whore. Better be the best bj ever with no blood coughing….

    2. It’s not the act of it occurring, it’s the risk for society, a much bigger picture here is being discussed. Any white guy worth his wit doesn’t concern himself with “competition” from other races, especially regarding tagging women. He concerns himself with being swindled by counterfeits who’ve turned his own achievements against him by crying, pissing, and moaning “life’s not fair,” which created the cracks in the social structure that allowed it to occur in the first place. Life has always not been fair for everybody. So to say now, after decades of reparations have been made, and most have been on a level playing field living under the same laws, but have now gone far beyond (the reparations) their intended purpose.. i.e. EEOC laws, entitlement programs, Obama phones, welfare, food stamps, the dregs of society who CHOOSE to be the dregs, are achieving status in any sense, social or not, they certainly don’t deserve due to lack of work, commitment, and societal functionality, is not an unreasonable concern. And yes, it’s a big fucking issue thus the fucked up society we have now. You can’t just “not-worry-focus-on-yourself-it” away. A destructive broad spread turn has occurred that historians warned us about, and they’re proving to be right.

  22. What’s important here is the age-old advice: “don’t look like everyone else”. Black guys might do wel in western Canada, or even eastern europe, only because there are not enough of them around. It is instant peacocking, no funny hats required. In area’s with an abundance of black men (southern US comes to mind), black men must make more of an effort do well with women.

  23. i have an older sister that cannot have children of her own, and so her and her husband adopted 2 black children. This is serving as a valuable lesson to the rest of the family as the little shit stains screech like chimps, torture the farm animals (kick the cowdog, try to crush cats with cinderblocks), and are 6 and 3 years old. Thanks for takin one for the team sis!

      1. You and your boyfriend, herb, have never spoken in such a manner to any black man in person. In fact, you cum stains avoid anything that can result in physical confrontation. Oh, the safety of the internet!

        1. DARK KNIGHT
          True, walking through ghettos is something white men avoid.
          We call that White Flight.

          Avoid physical confrontation? Well blacks don’t care if they go to jail, many will end up there anyhow. But few whites want to assault a black for no reason and do 5 years, 10 years. Being on the “down low” does not bother you or living in a cell. This is why you commit stupid crimes and get caught with 24 hours.
          Whites don’t really want to confront blacks…they want to get AWAY from you. Then you have Detroit, St Louis, Atlanta.

          Yeah whites really want to go into the run-down and dirty Second World ghettos (If a Taxi would agree to take them) to tell crackheads their opinion.
          “Safety of the internet”
          Which white wants to go to jail for 5 years for manslaughter because he had to defend himself from a “chimpout”.
          Maybe AIDS or someother blood-borne disease in the bargain.
          This cowardly “white flight” is why every city US blacks occupy ends up being like Detroit or St Louis or Atlanta.
          The whites run off and with them goes the tax money and their business and their politicians and at that point blacks really start running things so it is only a matter of time before the city goes back to farmland like Detroit did.

        4. Most blacks are cowards, they fight dirty, and they don’t give a shit abut going to jail. Most colored people fight in packs, and they only pick on people smaller than them. Also, they are the most un-honorable fighters in the world and you can always count on on of their friends blindsiding you from behind. Also, colored people tend to take things too far and will pull out weapons when they start getting their ass beat. Western civilization was not created because white dudes just go around talking shit and fighting. When it comes to it these “big ol’ nigs” who think they are hot shit are going to get a gut full of buck shot from some skinny white country boy, and are going to be gurgling in their blood feeling like a dumbass.

        5. WES
          You have a point. If white men fought every black all the time then there would be no food supply to their shitty ghettos from the farms that are white owned and then they would be eating one another after 5 days.
          So there would be no civilization.

  24. There’s no way to control for the “sure thing”. Let’s be honest, most white guys need a wingman. In online world, women who are DTF can’t afford to waste time with the white “maybe” when they can grab the black “sure thing”. Gripe all you want but WE know white dudes are Low T cucks for the most part. Do you honestly believe women don’t know that as well? Why do you think it is so easy for us one on one? The competition is poor IRL;)

    1. If that’s the case, why do we see white women with indian, Paki, and Chinese men who are even more lacking in T and general masculinity than white men?

  25. This is bad news for asian men in dirt poor countries. Now there will be an influx of low quality white men from Canada who can not get a white woman and are now relegated to going to south east asia to find a woman who will also be of low quality.

    1. Not necessarily Southeast Asia. Eastern Europe. East Asia. Australia. Latin America.
      Besides, low-quality whites in Canada marry a squaw and Natives are essentially an Asian race of sorts.

  26. We don’t want your women. True, there are some of my brothers who lust after white women but that’s a tiny minority. So tiny, in fact, that I’ve only known 1 black man in my 27 years of life spent throughout multiple US cities who actually dated a white girl. So that’s a myth. The majority of black men seek out almost exclusively black women. I’ve never been with a white female. Although most don’t seek out white women, I can’t say the same for white women. Control your strumpets.

    1. NEWTON
      African-Americans are the descendants of British or French men in the South who fucked African females. Your family trees go back to some white man and an African female-this is why none of you look like actual Africans.
      Then at some point your ancestors were fucked by American Indian Braves. You can see the Native American in many blacks like Snoop Dogg.

        1. NEWTON
          African immigrants cancel out the theory that “white blood” improves blacks because they are better-employed, smarter, more sophisticated than the average African-American who is 20% European genetically.
          As for Somalians, they are part Arab.

  27. The last few days when I try to share any of the ReturnofKing articles on facebook it just loads indefinitely and won’t share. This happen for anyone else here?
    I use facebook solely to propagate politically incorrect ideals (always getting 30 day bans though)
    Anyways Tinder is for fornicating degenerates anyways; women who use it are of course going to be disloyal to their face; as by being a whore she is already a disgrace to her father and thus bloodline, so the behaviour should be expected.
    Still lets be real, most race-mixed couples are a very fat white woman with Tyrone Johnson with his gold teeth, long hair and his pants halfway down to his ankles exclaiming gnome wa I sayin over and over.
    Otherwise if a woman is using a male solely for sex, many of them believe the lies about the Tyrones and their performance. Women are naive and gullible, so what else would you expect.
    I do see white women fighting for the economic refugee parasites though. This action is probably solely to appear righteous and compassionate. I do see those couples, some stinky arab or cow urine soaked Indian with an attractive white woman and I scratch my head thinking wtf?
    All in all we need to bring back the days where women do not have freedom and arranged marriages with virgin women were the normative.

  28. Sexy looking, successful black dude > average run-of-the-mill white dude
    Well, isn’t it kinda obvious?
    Gets boring really quick going on dates with these dudes. All wearing nearly the same haircut. They all drive pickup trucks. Drink light beer and dress poorly on dates.
    Seriously, I went on a date and this guy showed up wearing a camo shirt and torn jeans! Like, Hello?! Fashion disaster on aisle four!!!
    It’s like they’re all clones or brothers or something! They all take you out to the same places and do the same thing!
    A black dude will take you to see a ball game. Show different parts of town. Watch different channels with you. Make an effort to keep things exciting and keep you guessing.

    1. You are against men wearing jeans and work clothes? Sounds like you want to date a fag.

    2. Every black guy dresses the same, speaks the same, drives the same cars, and is obsessed with possessions as if they’re a religion. You’re describing human stupidity. Some of the Muricas are essentially white’s version of the suave pimp actin black dude.. we all know the character models here.

  29. point overlooked is that VICTORIA is an uber-feminist nightmare. It’s such a paradox to see such an attractive small city witOneh awesome climate ; have such utterly nasty women..
    It’ s worse than San Fran even. You have to be completely disdainful of the chics..then they will be attracted.
    There is NO marriage in Victoria almost. Futire cat lady nirvana.
    Oh and most of the regular folks are bloody nasty too. Visit, but neeeeeever be fooled into living there.
    Noryh Korea is welcome to retarget their missiles.

    1. can you elaborate on your take on San Francisco game? I’m genuinely interested cause I live here.

    1. Didn’t you see the data he provided? They aren’t. They get 21% of replies compared to our 30% nationally. He was just warding off white men from going to the whorehouse that is British Columbia

  30. I don’t like these race-baiting articles. There are plenty of non white dudes that come here for mentorship, advice on men’s health, happiness, etc. Besides:
    The “data” in it is anecdotal bullshit. Even Donovan Sharp, writer for this blog and podcaster, has said that white guys with their shit together are swimming in pussy from Asians, Whites AND Latinas.

    1. I gave up the pretense that the manosphere at large is not a white supremacist enclave a long time ago. Chateau Heartiste and, to a lesser extent, ROK has the same demographic, Stormfront losers.

    2. LOLZ white men are definitely NOT swimming in Asian pussy. Asian women stick to their own men. White men can only get the unattractive ugly brown Asian women that no Asian man would want.

      1. You’re talking about blacks in Korea or Japan, not white males.
        And if you are Asian yourself you would know that you are a short-dicked unmasculine built-like-a-10 year old Ladyboy-looking total “Zeta”.

        1. Having small dicks doesn’t seem to stop Asian men from getting ultra hot White and Asian women. There goes your Mandingo theory.

        2. PEACH BANDIT
          Where are Asian males getting red-hot white women unless their Russian hookers bought and paid for at the Chicken Ranch.
          On the West Coast in LA that is the weirdest part of the US?

        3. Not true man.
          The hottest, educated, good family, almost virgin, Asian women fuck and marry within their culture.
          I can definitely attest, and for me, getting Asian pussy is the easiest by FAR. It’s a cultural, racial advantage.
          Now, there’s some whitewashed Asians or ghetto-ass Asian women that deflect, but they are definitely a minority, and not the really high-quality mates anyway, according to my Asian, conservative standards.
          BTW, I don’t date women who’ve been with Black guys either, because that signals to me that they don’t have STANDARDS.
          It’s a biological instinct for procreation for me.
          And, who you calling a ladyboy, put up your photo and talk smack to my face.
          *really good comments and perspectives BTW.

        How would a black like you who depends on government subsidies or some welfare-program bureaucratic job know. You’ve probably never been 40 miles away from where you were born in your life.

    3. DAVID
      The “JOOOS”. The JOOOOOOOOOOS. Its all because of the Jews, man.
      How clear does it have to be?
      You know the Southern white Rubes from the exurbs or Flyover cities South of Dixie are on the air when the Jew shit starts hitting the blog. The Jews make me jack off to porn. My beer that I cannot stop drinking is a Jew plot to keep my Gentile ass in drunken unawareness. The Jews made me try meth when I was 15 and drop out of high school and now I’m a 30 year old doing a teenager’s job.
      Can’t you see bro…it is all a Jewish conspiracy.
      Jews don’t hate German-Americans whose families actually killed 6,000,000 of them and this is why Sarah Silverman married the German-American Kimmel or Trump Sn. managed to become a millionaire though German-born in Jew York.
      No….the Jew hates the Anglo in Ass Bend, Missouri or Corn Hole, Iowa. He is out to destroy the Anglo. Isn’t obvious? Not German-Americans, or Arab-Americans (Roosh can tell you Iranians are doing quite well in California).
      It is all part of the Zio conspiracy.
      Yep, Hymie the Coney Dog vendor is behind the nefarious plot to rule the world with his secret international banking cartel (Which seem to ignore its fellow Jews on welfare in the Bronx).
      Or perhaps the JOOOS are ALIENS send to earth to control Goys with advance technology (From their shitty corner of the Eastern Mediterranean) desert.
      Or perhaps the Anglo in the United States is just really fucking stupid and their act has downhill at 600 mph since I left the US at the tail-end of the Clinton era and they elected some alcoholic bum because he told them he was “born again” at age 42 after a lifetime of drunk-driving offenses and losing jobs.
      Could this be it…
      No, it is the JOOOS.
      Rural whites with their $10 tattoos and Lynrd Skynrd t-shirts and old meth scab scars wonder why liberals from the East Coast or Left Coast hippies think they are fools. They are fools.

    4. Whites have valid concerns. A lack of racial diversity will negatively effect all gamers. I don’t buy the “pussy is all the same” line. You yourself like latinas I believe.

      1. KFT
        Married now. However, using condoms, I had sex with whatever woman was willing.
        Here’s an interesting thing about women of different colors. The white woman sort of goes through the motions of interracial sex but the Latino or black or sometimes yellow woman genuinely likes to taste white jizz ass if on some genetic level they think it is superior.

  31. Well, i cant speak for other girls but when im with guys of different races, its all about having funnnn
    I can have a good time and go home at the end of the day and not feel guiltyy about it .
    I mean, its not like its gonna lead to anything serious anyways so its like whatever happens happens you know what i mean? ; when im with a white guy, its more of a nerve wracking experience. Like , am i having sex with him too soon? Or holding up too long? Is he going to leave me and not call me back? Is this going anywhere? Are we in a relationship or gonna be in a relationship soon? Do I see myself with him six months from now? Is he talking to other girls besides me? Is he the kind of guy that I can show to my parents? Is he gonna fit in well with my friends!? Do we have hobbies in common????
    I know this doesnt make much sense and its random but i cant think of a better way to explain it or whatever. I gotta finish my wine im kinda tipsy now and i got class tomorrow
    xoxo boys ;D

    1. Typical woman…all about fun…zero responsibility, zero pride, zero honor. Just wait till you get old, and you better hope that our country doesn’t economically collapse, because tipsy and retarded like you are essentially destroying this nation.

    2. The second that you allowed a black man to touch you, you became permanently unworthy of any love or attention from a White man. If you ever rope an idiot into committing to you, it will be solely on the basis of your lies – which means you will never, ever have a real relationship with someone who loves you.
      You think you are just “having fun” but you have already destroyed your entire future. Just like a heroin junkie who still believes they are having fun in their teens and twenties. You haven’t even begun to pay the price for your crimes yet.
      Your life is ruined.

    3. You use them as a sex toy. In a way I understand, it can be hard, dirty sex. In theory or in principle I support equality of men and women (real equality, not what some radical bourgeois feminists mean). In theory you could say, as long as no pregnancy results, what has in effect happened? (Of course something does happen, not just personally but also socio-politically, if done by too many) But yet I have to concur with others here: if I see beautiful white women with some genetic garbage, I could puke my innards out, it painfully looks like zoo….ia or something.
      Something has to change.

  32. I can tell you for certain that these women’s beliefs in women are FAR from the norm with white women. I’ve met so many that have said they’d never go black. Similarly, many of my friends and I have vowed to stray away from black women. There were many reasons why different people thought the way they did, a big one being the extremely high rates of STD’s in the black community being a large deterrent, but the biggest reason was general unattractiveness to blacks. Never let it be said that the youth of America are completely lost nowadays.

  33. One thing I will say, though, is that if you tried this in a black majority area with a white man, he’d probably have a much higher ratio of matches than a black man. Similarly if you did a black girl and a white girl in Iceland or northern Russia, the black girl would probably do better. It’s not a matter of the focus group being more attracted to one more than the other, I think more about the idea of what a rarity it would be to actually get with said minority, therefore increasing their chances of success.

  34. Russian women also love fuck black men.
    I’m white Russian from Moscow and prefer Asian, mulatto and black women over Russian women too

  35. No respectable white woman would ever end up with a black guy. All women basically want to end up marrying a white man. Girls will go to black guys if they are ugly, fat or unstable.
    This experiment is based on “TINDER” which is basically less then 3.5% of women in a given city (the bottom of the barrel, emotionally lost girls)

    1. Think about the kind of disgusting whore who would be on Tindr to begin with and you see why the surveys reveal that they are…disgusting whores.
      This is a girl who is unable to get any positive attention from attractive males in real life, most likely because of her terrible personality and reputation as a whore. She needs a website so she can fuck strangers randomly in dark alleys – a pathetic and disgusting activity formerly reserved for homosexual males. These women are genetic and social dead ends. We are far better off just cutting our losses, throwing them to the wolves, and remembering that they were race traitors, when the shit goes down. They don’t deserve the slightest bit of protection or concern from white men. They are no longer white. They are subhuman.

  36. As a middle aged half black guy from western Canada, living just outside and in the surrounding area of Victoria, I can say that this region definitely seems to be a social justicey type of white female. There arent many men of colour here, or in western Canada proper in many provinces for that matter, including the province of my birth. It is interesting to be called “Exotic” and yet be from the area at the same time. In any event, I have noticed out here, chicks above my SMV definitely giving me some serious signals that they want to bang, I havent really taken advantage of it, because, at this age, I just dont care as much anymore, and I find it to be a lot of hassle for little reward, but im sure I will on some occasion take one of these chicks up on it, just been there done that so many times already that it became “old hat” to me.

  37. Interesting how this article was interpreted as “race baiting”. The way I see it, Western Canada is just a great place to be black, in just the same Thailand is a great place to be white. I also think a lot of the replies complaining about black guys doing better than you are redundant. If pussy is really the only thing going for you in your life then that’s pretty sad, but at the very least you should probably think about moving somewhere that’s more efficient for you in terms of effort per bang. Whining about the state of nature doesn’t achieve much.

  38. Here’s my theory as to why “wanna fuck?” works for blacks but not whites.
    She doesn’t know if the white man is alpha or beta. But either way, she won’t be as down for no-strings-attached sex with him. Why?
    If the white guy turns out to be alpha, she’s thinking that she might possibly want to marry him, and so will start a whole hard-to-get courtship routine.
    If he turns out to be beta, she doesn’t want to fuck him anyway.
    In the case of black men, they’re much less interested in marrying them, and so are down with no-strings-attached sex.

  39. More small-dick white boy tears. This is exactly why white girls are preferring brown and white dicks over yours. Because all you do is whine like a bitch and blame people that look different than you for your own shortcomings. That isn’t masculine, that’s bitch boy shit.

  40. CHOLO
    You’re all the kids of White Spanish guys like Charlie Sheen that some Aztec or Pueblo had out in the desert because your white father would not acknowledge you anyhow.
    If a small-dicked white had not fucked an Aztec you would not exist.
    That is what the word “Mestizo” means. You’re half-breeds and not some macho Red Indian fucking a white blonde either but a Spanish degenerate like Charlie Sheen sticking his dick in an Aztec.
    At the bottom of it this is why the Cubans in Miami look down on you. You’re half-Indian, maybe even three-quarters Indian.
    The word “Cholo” originally means some Spanish guy who fucked an Indian who had a kid.

    1. What you’re referring to happened 200-500 years ago. Some new balance-wearing cracker is not the same as a Spanish conquistador. Last I checked my parents are still Mexican. And whether you like it or not, you white boys (gen-x to millennials) have been taught to be nothing but entitled whiny betas that apparently don’t need to take responsibility for anything. Guess what, women don’t find that attractive, even your precious snowflakes. So while you whine about white genocide to your co-workers your gf is having a Mexican over for verga and cervezas, pendejo.

      1. Whites still run Mexico which is why anyone below a “castizo” has to run up El Norte to get a job. Spanish are still pushing your Red asses around down there like they did 500 years ago.
        What happened 200 years ago was that degenerate Charlie Sheen types screwed Aztecs in their Haciendas and the first Cholo was born.
        You’re the products of white men fucking Indians who then let them be raised as bastards in the Pueblos.
        I’m not sure that a degenerate Charlie Sheen type Spanish sleazy nobleman is better than any other type of white.

        1. More like 500 years ago. It was the 16th century when Cortez wasted the Aztecs.
          But he wasn’t that great; he lost to them on the first try because even with modern technology and firepower he couldn’t subjugate those mostly vegetarian warriors.
          He had to collect all the rival tribes together in order to beat the Aztecs.
          Maybe the Aztec people were fucked up with their bizarre human sacrifice rituals, but that’s just the way they are. Still to this day the cartels are obsessed with death and Santa Muerte cult. Europe had bizarre human sacrifice rituals too at the time: burning witches.
          I think it’s a tragedy. Tenochtitlan was way more beautiful and sophisticated than any European city at the time. Way cleaner as well.
          Since then the Spanish have bred the Aztecs into an inferior slave race and Mexico city is a huge trash heap.

        2. MATCHES
          We all know that Indians and Mestizos are running El Norte to escape White Supremacy. Maybe the odd Arab like Carlos Slim does something in Mexico but it is still basically run by Spanish families in Mexico City.
          If you are an Indian you are nothing and the majority of Mexicans are the by-product of whites fucking Red Indians.
          The President of Mexico or Vicente Fox would look like any other cracker in a pair of New Balance running shoes.
          Strangely a good many of them are part Irish. For some reason a bunch of Irish people married into the “Criollo” Spanish upper-class of Mexico.

  41. so its offical its better to be a nonwhite male be it black mainly or some latino arab indian then a white guy when it comes to gaming for white women.
    wow remember 5 years ago guys saying ethnic guys have to work harder cuz lower SMV. Well shits changes fast or it was a circle jerk.
    IRT was just a puss then if he had it that easy

  42. OKC should not be taken seriously since its LTR site for used up women wanting beta bucks.
    TInder is the real alpha fucks online that matters. HOw has no one done a survey on that

  43. Soviet women were fucking with blacks even before the western white women started.
    There is an ironic name for mulattos in ex-USSR “a child of olympic games”. The Moscow olympics was in 1980.
    In reality most of mixed race kids in USSR are from foreign african students.

    1. I understand your sentiment, but you’re not going to change hearts and minds by shouting expletives at people, even if they are in the wrong. Hate can’t defeat hate…

  44. making friends with a black guy seems to send a strongly positive social signal to peers, especially in a very Left Wing virtue and diversity-obsessed society such as in Western Canada.
    is this some batshit crazy shit here,you fucking lowlifes worried about black dick so bad it is insane

  45. Why don’t you try this with a good looking Asian, Indian or Middle Eastern guy profile? See what the results are.

  46. Try the experiment again, but with two variations.
    Variation #1: portray the white male as a thug, a criminal with many tattoes, chains, and imply but dont be explocit about a drug habit. The model used should also have an innocent face.
    Variation #2: portray the black male as a successful intelligent man who is deeply integrated into white society. Ie, he goes to an all white church, he dates both white and black women, he engages in white sports, etc.
    My prediction is that the numbers will reverse based on RSD concepts of lover vs provider. The white male in the oroginal experiment, however edgy, is a potential provider, and is a part of the white womans ocmmunity. Displaying her desire to engage in promiscuous sex with a white male is something that can potentially come back and harm her status among the white community. Both to her and her future mate and children.
    However doing the same with a black male, someone alien to her community carries very little risk of harming her reputation, especially if he is a criminal.
    Basically, I am proposing that this is the equivalent of a female using a pet, such as a canine, for sex.

  47. I’m a black male. I’m from the UK and I can say I’ve never really bought into the idea that black men are so popular with women. Any black man who thinks that and starts approaching women is gonna get his feelings hurt.
    For one-we did not get to see a picture of the white guy you put up. Secondly the black man was a good looking black male.
    Remember women like men who are tall and handsome, just because they’re tall and handsome, period. Second there is a huge difference between a woman liking you on Tinder (or any dating app) and fking you. That gap is enormous.
    It’s been my experience that being a white male in the dating game is like being a good player on Grand Theft Auto and playing it on medium. Being black male is playing it on hard. The goal can still be accomplished but it’s more challenging for some.
    Anyway this piece makes it seem like white women are just some prize, they’re just women, no better or worse.

    1. Seconded, and I’m a black guy (who is abnormally attractive). White men are so insecure that it’s scary. Getting quality women via online dating is impossible for black men, especially if the women are non-black.
      It’s so bad that I don’t even bother swiping non-black women because all I get is trash.
      White males are the top choice for literally all races of women AROUND THE WORLD, and they think WE are their competition? Absolutely delusional group of people.

  48. “One possible explanation is that explicit sexual advances from black guys come off as humorous because they already stand out as it is, allowing the opener to function as if it were an act of peacocking as opposed to a line that signaled thirsty desperation.”
    This is the correct response. It happens this way in other cultures too. As a white guy in Korea, I could get away with similarly direct and ludicrous openings where an ethnic Korean guy would be looked askance by his target.
    Still got to wonder if you chose the best experimental white guy profile for this, but I think generally this experiment was a hit. Well done.

  49. I don’t really blame the black men for going after white women. After all the black women are sub standard. You would be hard be hard pressed to find one decent looking one out of a thousand, much less one that could hold a literate conversation. It doesn’t say much for the race that a man has to go outside it’s own race to find a decent enough woman.

    1. Meh, the black women at my university were pretty, literate, and pretty darned smart, just the same as a great many other individuals of other races.
      You must be looking in the wrong socioeconomic brackets.

  50. How low has roosh fallen, I’m incredibly ashamed that I’ve used to read his writings around 8 years ago, now he surrounds himself with dregs that used to read roisy the nazi whiner, it’s not complicated to get a woman you might like that’s within your league, but fat or anti-social white boys that think the retard in the Whitehouse will make it great again for their ilk can’t believe that PUA sold them snake oil,,sheesh,

  51. The commenters here upset about black men with white women probably cower in front of them. Change the social perception of them being dominant. Loudly say Obama’s daughter’s are dating white men if they start peacocking. Bonus points if you say ‘Bleached’ afterwords.

  52. White males are so delusional. Why don’t you check the actual stats on Tinder (and every other online dating platform). White men consistently rate at the top while black men consistently rate at the bottom, even below Asians. All this crap is in your head.

  53. Nice study, could be accurate. However, what you said about “opposites attracting” is plain false. Most studies show that people in general engage in assortative mating based on a wide variety of variables including similar facial features, similar years of education etc. The study you posted about MHC is irrelevant for two reasons. Firstly, that has to do with odor and on Tinder you obviously can’t smell the person you are matching with. Consequently, the “opposites attracting” idea is utterly irrelevant in this case and all that matters would be facial features and other things so the cause for women responding to that guy are probably entirely due to cultural factors and novelty-seeking and nothign to do with “opposites attracting.” Secondly, the MHC difference may be a factor at work but only to prevent incest. It’s obvious that people engage in assorative mating so that means that facial similarity preference (which leads to own race preference) overrides MHC difference as a factor and additionally it’s been found that pairings of third and fourth cousins are most fertile, meaning that women would most likely prefer males like that and not very genetically distinct males of different races. Finally, do you seriously think white girls like how blacks smell? Most European people who have been around them don’t like how they smell to put it nicely and I know a lot of girls who have said they don’t like how they smell (or how they look for that matter!). But MHC preference is entirely based on smell so…

  54. I understand your sentiment, but you’re not going to change hearts and minds by shouting expletives at people, even if they are in the wrong. Hate can’t defeat hate…

  55. Roosh nailed it. Most people can’t imagine the impact that propaganda has on people. People want to believe in things. They want certainty in their lives. The propagandists are there to supply it in the Western World, in spades.

  56. So true..we non-white males here trying to learn as solidarity of manhood, now we have to deal with these pseudo intellectuals who are white supremacists… wonder men are losing the gender wars

  57. We desperately need sex-bots NOW!!! Some of you guys are so screwed up in your heads that you blame everyone else for your own misfortunes. Gone are the days of paycheck-extortion. You can no longer hold women hostage to your paycheck and you have no one to blame but yourselves. You asked for a free-for-all-pussy-paradise and your wish was granted. You opened that pandoras-box all by yourselves and now, all you can do is complain. Didn’t anybody ever mention to you that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Where in the world did you think all this free pussy was gonna come from? Furthermore, you wanted to taste the exotic-fruit-of-strange. Well, did ever occur to you, that women, just might have a craving for forbidden fruit themselves? No, of course it didn’t. Gentlemen, you made this bargain with you-know-who and he’s merely collecting fee.

  58. u didn’t show pics of the white guy though. I have a hunch that the white guy was just inherently less attractive from pics not due to race.
    also vancouver barely has any black guys, so makes him an anomaly.
    too many holes in this experiment imo. I also get more matches than both those dudes combined and I’m European.

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