4 Reasons Women Are Racing To Become Cosplay Models

What is every modern, cosmopolitan woman’s dream job? You might think something like Princess but you’d be wrong. That isn’t a job so much as it is a title and birthright and unattainable. Women want that too, just like men would also like to be born into royalty, but it isn’t their dream job.

The dream job of modern women is cosplay model. If you’ve never been to any kind of nerd convention, you wouldn’t have seen any cosplay models in person. Rest assured though, women know about cosplay and they love it for the following reasons.

1. They Receive Vast Amounts Of Male Attention

As Roosh wrote here, modern women have replaced genuine connections with men with the attention they get from endless hordes of beta male orbiters, especially online. Some of these women have hundreds of thousands of Facebook fans and Instagram followers. The real attention high they get comes from going to conventions though.

When cosplay models go to these nerd conventions they get just as much attention in person, thus making the high they receive even greater. Keep in mind, these women have no sexual interest in the guys who buy their photographs or timidly ask to pose in a selfie with them. These women will likely go back to their regular lives and bang whatever Chad tickles their fancy that day. All they want from the guys at these conventions is endless amounts of male attention.

But they’ll gladly take money too.

2. Cosplaying Earnts Them A Lot Of Money

Some of these cosplay models make very good money. Some even make over six figures a year. They make their money in a few ways. They get paid to go to nerd conventions and take selfies with beta males to promote whatever video game the nerds will waste their lives playing. They also go to those same conventions and sell prints of photographs of them in a costume. They can easily sell hundreds of prints for $20 or more a day at these conventions, all while getting paid to be there and promote something else.

They get travel stipends. They get paid to use or promote products even outside the conventions. They get paid to model outside of the conventions as well. I don’t follow any of these women, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are monetizing their Instagrams, Kickstarters, Patreons, and only-fans accounts to great effect as well.

3. Cosplay Makes Them Look Far More Attractive Than They Really Are

Talk about smoke and mirrors, cosplay models are able to make themselves look like 9s or 10s when they are only 6s or 7s. They are able to do this in a few ways. The first is by choosing a fictional character that is already hot and dressing up as them. When you see the model dressed as the character your mind already has an association with the character and how hot she is.

Jessica Rabbit was a hot character; 10/10. When a woman dresses like Jessica Rabbit your immediate impulse is that she is a 10/10 as well, especially if she has big boobs. But look past the boobs and you begin to see a little bit of a gut hanging out.

By my standards, that woman is still attractive, but she gives the illusion of being far more attractive by manipulating your memories of fictional women. By now, you may have seen videos of not very attractive women doing their make-up to look much better. Their skills are impressive, artistic one could argue. Some of these women, especially some of the top-paid professionals, are very attractive even naturally, but that’s not the appeal of the being a cosplay model. Even the very attractive women aren’t very noteworthy for their natural beauty.

Professional cosplay models may still be attractive but they are punching way above their weight. They do that by using these makeup and costume manipulations to get the attention 9s and 10s get despite their less attractive day-to-day appearance. That’s the appeal of cosplay.

4. They Recieve The Celebrity Treatment

Add all these up and cosplay models are essentially being treated like celebrities. They dress up like an anime or video game character and get paid to do a photoshoot. Then some video game marketing agency flies them out to San Diego (or wherever) and puts them up in an expensive hotel room. The next day they don their costumes and get paid to take selfies with nerds at a convention. They sell their prints to make money. Next to their booth is Robert Downey Jr. (or whoever is popular) promoting another Marvel movie. The cosplay model is getting just as much attention as Iron Man.

Cosplay models get to feel like celebrities, and in many ways, they are being treated like celebrities.


Modern women would love to be cosplay models if they could. Most probably can’t do their makeup well enough. Already though women get as much attention as they possibly can from Instagram and tinder. They’d get even more without having to make themselves genuinely more attractive if they were cosplay models. Best of all they could take some nerd’s money for posing for a picture, thus fulfilling their need for attention and money.

While the attention, money, and celebrity treatment certainly sounds appealing, and it is, it is also what damages people’s ability to truly connect with each other. Just like no man wants (or should want) his girlfriend or wife dancing in a strip club no man wants his girlfriend or wife dressing provocatively to get attention from other men. Even if those men are beta males at a nerd convention. The problem comes when women don’t understand this and instead decide that their freedom to get male attention unhindered is more important than connecting with a man who may love them.

It’s the challenge every man in the dating market struggles to overcome and why so many women fail to deeply connect with a man who would love them.

For more about the roles of men and women in the media, literature, history, and our modern culture check out Legends of Men.

Read More: A Guide For Getting Laid At Anime Conventions

121 thoughts on “4 Reasons Women Are Racing To Become Cosplay Models”

  1. These cosplay thots are worshipped like goddesses. They really know how to make profit out of white male thirst

    1. I don’t see a bit of cosplay as harmful to anyone.
      Had a girlfriend who liked to wear a nurses uniform at night, complete with hat.
      I enjoyed banging her dressed like that, she enjoyed being banged dressed like that.
      Totally harmless.

    2. Haha you nerds deserve it. Basic mediocre bitches collecting incels game playing losers like 3rd place trophies. Stop complaining, these below average thots are your demographic lol.

    3. It is truly amazing how many different ways that women can monetize their vagina.
      But yes, they’re so oppressed, muh patriarchy, etc.

    4. I have had many girlfriends over the years that were NOT into Cosplay or anime and they wore tons of outfits for me. Not cosplay necessarily, but having a blonde girl in a China-dress, cheerleader outfits, or have my brunette late wife wear a tastegul redhead wig for me was all good and fun.
      I called the terms of what I wnated her to wear to please me. I told her what I wanted and told her to get it and surprise me. What is wrong with that??
      Most women WANT a man who will treat her like she is his plaything. Deep inside, even the FemiNazis want that, even if they won;t openly admit it.

    1. Yeah, make-up is dark magic.
      The old man told me “if you intend to commit your dick and very soul to a woman, make sure to see here without make-up first.”
      There is a saying in french regarding women with too much make-up, “maquillée comme une voiture volée”, painted like a stolen car.

  2. Daily Reminder, you are not red pilled if you are still:
    watching television
    watching movies
    reading comic books
    watching sportsball
    watching anime
    playing video games
    listening to popular music
    reading newspapers
    reading magazines
    These are all instruments of The Enemy designed to weaken and degrade you.

    1. Nice boomer posting.
      Why not look into what pushes men to these hobbies instead of just blaming the men or the hobbies?
      This is literally what post wall women do when they complain about men not marrying them.

      1. I didn’t see him blame men, just the pointless activities that men default to, to waste time, when there is something lacking in their lives. Hardly a judgment call, I’m sure FTGE is as guilty of indulging as we all are, but the statement is sound.

        1. SOXMIS, he set forth a stupid criteria saying that if you indulge in X hobbies, then you’re only doing so because your brainwashed.
          There is 0 evidence to back that up, its just more self indulgent boomer platitudes because its easier to blame men and the culture.

      2. You’re retarded, TheOnceAndFutureKing. The evidence against you is your piss poor reading comprehension skills.
        FTGE did not blame men nor the hobbies. His produced list reveals indicators of not being red pilled.
        That you do not understand what you read reveals a middling intellect. It would shock if your IQ did not fall within the 90 to 109 range.
        Good luck!

        1. How does having hobbies negate red pill knowledge?
          The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

        2. First, your latest comment seems to be a lame attempt at walking back your original error without owning up to having erred.
          You: “How does having hobbies negate red pill knowledge? The two aren’t mutually exclusive.”
          By your view, a 45-year old man playing with Barbie dolls would be a hobby.
          Toys are for children. Accomplishments are for adults.
          Good luck!

        3. “His produced list reveals indicators of not being red pilled”
          Yet he did not include using internet on the list. Internet turned peoples into pussies, only lemmings who get validation from other lemmings or sell stuff to them would disagree.

        4. You: “Internet turned peoples into pussies, only lemmings who get validation from other lemmings or sell stuff to them would disagree.”
          Brushing aside your New True Scotsman fallacy, it seems that you see the Internet only as a means to share selfies.
          It would seem that stock trading, researching real estate investments, using the Internet as a repository for learning materials is beyond you.
          Good luck!

        5. I don’t know what a New True Scotsman fallacy is. I could google it, but back in the old days (like 10 years ago), someone had to explain what he meant. I’m 30, so i knew of a time without internet being that prominent and peoples were not behind their screen waiting for validation.
          Which is why they get today on on forums and social medias, waiting for likes.
          “It would seem that stock trading, researching real estate investments, using the Internet as a repository for learning materials is beyond you.”
          Yeah those things existed way before internet. And i don’t know much internet users who read actually meaningful books. Ebook is crap.
          Also, i’m not into real estate and stock trading because i’m the average dirtpoor lemming, i could pretend i make a 6 figure a year, am 7 feet tall with a 10 inch dick able to lift 400 lbs without breaking a sweat, it would not make it real. Good luck.

        6. 1. Your grammar is horrible. Stop using a translator. Learn English.
          2. People have sought adoration, or what you mistakenly call validation, from others for as long as mankind has written sources to attest this truth about the nature of mankind.
          3. Earning six figures in the 21st century hardly is a feat.
          Good luck!

        7. English is not my native language. And if making 100000 a year is quite possible in some currencies, it is not so easy in dollars or euro.
          Sure, if you come from a privileged background or have some outstanding skills, it’s feasible, otherwise, not so much. I’m not counting instawhores and cosplay sluts in it. Traders and the like don’t have much merit, either.
          They bring nothing to the table. Some centuries ago they were despoiled by the states and expelled for being notorious parasites.
          Whores and parasites rarely have been the subjects of veneration.
          Anyway, you did not offered counter arguments about internet making peoples whimps.
          Wasting so much time behind a screen clearly seems to make peoples weaker, even if it’s obviously not the only factor.

        8. Joe Skonue
          Where did I backpedal? I still stick by my original comment.
          Hobbies are completely subjective, I’m all for men doing them for therapeutic purposes. I’m only against it if its something like drugs which can cause severe harm.
          Okay, how do hobbies prevent accomplishments? What are you accomplishing by following this blog and reading editorials or by arguing with me?

        9. Your hobbies comment is a red herring. It lacks relevancy.
          Once again:
          FTGE did not blame men nor the hobbies. His produced list reveals indicators of not being red pilled.
          You: “Okay, how do hobbies prevent accomplishments?”
          First. It’s O.K. Okay isn’t a word.
          Second, if you spend two hours playing video games or playing with your Barbie dolls after work, how then can you improve yourself so that you can ready yourself to do something more?
          Facts remain. FTGE didn’t “blame men” nor did he blame the hobbies as you have claimed.
          Good luck!

      3. TOAFKing: None of those things are hobbies. They are forms of passive entertainment. I’ve seen this tactic used by cheeto-boys defending their addiction to anime, comic books, and video games. “Hey maaan, it’s a hobby. Who are you to criticize my hobbies?”
        No, junior, a hobby is something where you build, construct, devise, accomplish, or master something. With a hobby, you have something good, and tangible, to show for your efforts.
        With passive entertainment, all you have at the end of the day is a mushy brain filled with k0sher garbage that is insidiously calculated to make you weaker and more misinformed. All you do is sit there and soak in the creative efforts of someone else. You are nothing but a receptacle.
        Real men have real hobbies, and they involve getting your hands dirty, a bit of physical danger, pitting yourself against the best competition on offer, and triumphantly hoisting rare trophies before adoring masses.

        1. Kids These Days (very appropriate boomer name lol)
          noun, plural hob·bies.
          1. an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.
          Your subjective definition doesn’t mean shit. Hobbies are purely self indulgent, whether they are physical or not.

      4. To be fair, we’re talking about women laying Dress up and Make Pretend for men who watch cartoons and read comic books. There’s plenty of targets to point at and ridicule on both sides here.
        FWIW, not a boomer, but Jesus Christ, read a book. Without pictures. Go outside you fags.

      1. Atheism is for left wingers. I espouse no particular religion but to think that life is linear, you’re born, you live, you die is both limiting and false. One of the biggest problems is that we live in nihilistic spiritually dead times.

        1. It’s not a matter of left or right. Either you’re rational, logical and accept empirical data to form your concept of reality or you Don’t. The later is prone to accept any figment of the imagination that ‘ muh feelz’ good. Hobgoblins, dust fairies, etc. should all be fair game also in that view.

      2. I agree, belief in talking monkeys and the universe coming out of nothing is pretty silly.

      3. N_S
        So empirical evidence is the only form of evidence?
        I’ve got an experiment then. Prove to me the Holocaust happened by gassing a bunch of )ews, otherwise the entirety of WW2 and the holocaust is a fairytale like goblins and dragons, because we can’t observe it right now.

        1. You are acting like a leftist now. As for the Holocaust/WWII, we have reliable first hand accounts, video, photographs, records from multiple sources etc

      4. Most of the men on this website will talk to you with a serious tone that you need to look at reality as it is. Yet, they believe that an invisible sky daddy created us and all things via magical powers. You believe in magic when you believe in religion, MAGIC.

        1. @Cristian G M Ramirez,
          Roosh wisely decided to abandon using the term ‘red pill’ and opted for for using the term ‘neomasculinity’ to describe his website, being he new that his belief in spiritual/supernatural was blue pill.

    2. 1. I watch very little if any MSM and network TV
      2. I have a library of good films and some you find for free on the internet. The early 90’s was the last time I sort of followed what was going on in Hollywood.
      3. Never liked comic books, although there was a time when they were OK.
      4. I still love and follow baseball but not much else. The occasional boxing or MMA match.
      5. Never watched one second of anime.
      6. I turned away from popular music in the 70s. I love jazz and will continue as long as I live. I would take seriously anyone who is knowledgeable about classical music.
      7 and 8. I used to devour newspapers and magazines. President Trump likes the MSM compared to the way I feel about it. In the 90s I caught on to their game.
      Enough barking orders and shaming of men. Red pill your pals and relatives but I always stress being your own man. Men that are able to do that are the ones most hated by the Matrix.

    3. Well I’d certainly not be red pilled if I just let some random bloke decide what is red pill and what isn’t for me. Achieving great things in one’s life takes much time but I can’t spend every living hour of every day working on myself. I need a break sometime. So sorry, but I’ll definitely be enjoying various things on this list when I’m taking a breather from working hard on self improvement.

    4. FTGE, that sounds like an extreme MGTOW lifestyle. 😮 I agree with you, but IN MODERATION, every guy needs downtime. I like my downtime to be lifting weights while watching TV news, so that is how I make a “time waster” (watching TV news) into productivity.
      Just to clarify one point since I mentioned MGTOW:
      MGTOW does NOT necessarily mean “avoiding all responsibility” and accepting/becoming a loser. I know a non-Christian guy who is divorced (no kids), he went MGTOW after his divorce (in fact, he was first one to tell me about this concept years or so ago) and he is quite successful and happy, but he is a forever-bachelor. He is also kind of player now, because he refuses to allow a woman to push him into marriage and then financial servitude to life. He has a good financial situation and uses cash to ‘entertain himself’, while refusing to marry again or even be in long-term relationships with a woman. He took a route “polite society” deems “unacceptable”, thus making him a MGTOW.
      MGTOW can simply mean not allowing yourself as a man to become a pawn of a system designed to destroy men and enslave them financially to women. It does not mean becoming a loser/lazy/BlackPiller on purpose. 😉
      Some may actually say I am a MGTOW because I refuse to get married again. I consider myself a Red Pilled Christian (NOT MGTOW), but by deciding not to re-marry (as basically everyone in my family and church expected me to), I am taking a different route.
      MGTOW really means “taking a different path” and charting your own course in life, away from what society DEMANDS of men (i.e. submission, surrender freedom and wealth to women/courts, etc). 😉

  3. When you participate in popular culture, you become a living conduit for the sick and degenerate ideas they wish to propagate. And you do it for free. Ten better things to do:
    walk in nature
    plan a backpacking trip
    learn how to fish
    become an expert marksman
    pursue new personal records in bench and squat
    read a literary classic
    read me!n [email protected], the bible, and thus spoke zarathustra
    write a blog article
    write a book
    find a good woman to marry
    learn how to set up a corporation
    buy all of our proprietor’s books and become an expert in manipulating women for good instead of evil

      1. You can’t possibly know what the author actually wrote if you don’t read it for yourself. If you accept all or any other interpretations without ever cracking the book open, you are the definition of a low info moron who has no educated opinion to start with because you just are spewing someone else’s opinion you have heard and blindly accepted.

      2. Are you going to add value here or just keep running your mouth? Help men. Dont tear them down. Stupid ass.

      3. I’m sure you have not read Mein [email protected] or even skimmed through it. It’s listed because it’s an important book that goes a long way in explaining the formative events of the 20th century, straight from the mind of one of the key players. Why wouldn’t you want to read it? If Mein K makes you squeamish (wait weren’t you the one calling other people boomers) then you can substitute it with the Communist Manifesto, Plato’s Republic, or the Gulag Archipelago. The point is to read the great important works of the western canon in order to better understand your place in the world.

    1. Here is your list, improved:
      • walk in the woods, at the shore, in the desert
      • backpack
      • fish
      • shoot weapons at targets
      • exercise for muscle stimulation and growth
      • read a literary classic
      • write a blog article
      • write a book
      • marry a good woman
      • work for yourself, profitably
      Too many of your suggestions hint at learning rather than doing. With doing, learning comes. Most anyone can learn about how to ski, for example, but until one experiences skiing, one knows nothing about it.

        1. Mein Kampf? Why should I read that crap? Thats pop culture reading, is not better than comic books. Whats next? Reading 50 grey? I rather read the estoics, plato or even aristotle over that pop culture no-value garbage.

        2. H!tler is the most maligned figure in human history, targeted by a Tr!b3 of psychopaths who are infamous for their chronic lying and manipulation of the truth. Wouldn’t you want to know his side of the story? How could you consider yourself intellectually curious if you have no interest in discovering the truth behind the most influential events of the past 100 years?

    2. You forgot watch porn and jerk off. You “enlightened” incels do that every single minute of the day, pray tell. LOL

  4. Yep, THAT youtube video in the middle….! :
    Ugly feckin’ chinks and gooks doing some makeup magic…… Grrrrr! :-((
    But in reality they’re look like DOG VOMIT!!!
    ( and the worst thing that on the youtube comments there are plenty of females, feminists and trans creatures defending them slant eyed abominations and cursing those whom telling how fucking ugly they are! )
    BE WARNED: To be extremely cautious when starting up with those chinks / gooks / south east Asians, especially the Koreans! ! !
    Two words: plastic surgery!
    White women are the most beautiful on the Planet, and fuck all that those others can do about it!!
    That is just one reason that the “people of the tribe” ( oy vey! ) hates us WHITES so dearly.
    Anyway, My comment was regarding the youtube video in the middle, would love to kick that little horse tooth chink’s head like a football, just because she’s damn feckin’ ugly!!
    Peace out!

    1. “White women are the most beautiful on the Planet”
      Maybe, but you can’t bang them much, unless you’re a drug dealer, and they’ll grab your assets and house and make false accusations given the chance. Not to mention being the laziest and most worthless women in the world.
      Safer and less expensive per bang with non-white women IMHO.

    1. To which subjective tyranny are you referring? Oh wait, nm. You hadn’t thought it out.

    2. I deployed twice to watch TV and work out. In return the military taught me how to shoot, how to navigate, how to kill browns and a host of other skills. It was a fair trade. YMMV.

      1. “…how to kill Browns” !??
        Hope they taught you some common sense!
        … Every action has equal & opposite reaction !!
        …B o o m e r a n g !!
        …What you sow is what you reap !!
        But hey; common sense is not so common !!

  5. “It’s the challenge every man in the dating market struggles to overcome and why so many women fail to deeply connect with a man who would love them.”
    Because women don’t chase men who love them? And never ever will be deeply connect with them outside of romantic movies?

  6. Comic book / video game conventions are for nerds, faggots, betas, the kind of guys who still play with LEGO in their 20s.
    Most of these boy-men will go through their whole lives without sex. Some will marry their first contact females.
    No male can claim the mantle of manhood who habitually plays with toys well into his twenties and thirties. However sophisticated, video games are toys, almost exclusively.
    Stripped of graphics, video games are contrivances for being challenged to put the cylinder through the circle hole, the block through square hole; to find the path through a maze, and so on.
    Some video games are merely deck card games with contrived decks and variant rules. Some video games are screen versions of Rock ’em, Sock ’em Robots.
    If such things can captivate your mind for hours, day after day, week after week, year after year, likely your intellect is not as high as you believe it is.
    The popularity of video gaming and all associated with it reveals the great degeneracy of males, a thoroughgoing destruction of manhood as a concept, whether by design or by coincidence.
    The Japanese are further along than Americans in this regard. And look at the pathetic state of manhood in Japan.

    1. Anime culture can really fuck up men,seen one on television where it had a guy acting like a simp towards a domineering women
      that kept hitting him.I wonder what effect this has in on young boys in Japan
      and nerds in the west

    2. Life is about balance. Video games are not inherently bad.
      I would argue that in the current climate video games are not sexy and glorious but that may well change with time. I would not be surprised if the ancient greeks thought olympics and sports were stupid but today they are monetized and glorified heavily even though jumping over a bar is not exactly curing cancer.

      1. Life is the record of one’s living. Living is about decision under circumstance.
        You: “Video games are not inherently bad.”
        Have you tried to imply that I have made such a claim? If so, how do you support that counter claim given my foregoing words?
        As to the Olympic games, why speculate? You could research such.
        Good luck!

      1. Good for you Chuck. Set goals. Be ambitious!
        Should you succeed, you will have a story to tell your grand kiddies.

    3. Yes, true in some sense and the comparison is quite good.
      Although I’d like to add, that if masculinity is under attack (e.g. in the west) und society basically punished you everywhere for being a male – computer games are a sort of “virtual” outlet for male behaviour, like exploration, aggressiveness, mental / tactical / strategic challenge, etc.
      I don’t say it’s good, I wasted a lot of time in games during my school time as well and it is sort of addictive. Virtual worlds are especially a welcome escape compared to the special kind of hell which school is today (and was the last decades).
      With the Japanese, the story is slightly different, but comparable: Masculinity was removed from society:

      Japan, and my story as a Japanese MGTOW from MGTOW

      A good explanation is this part:
      “Growing in Japan, I never got the sense of men being appreciated in any masculine role, nor did I see any basic virtue in anything traditional. This was especially true in school when all the popular boys looked like girls, and relatively muscular people like me were considered “scary”. It’s not that I’m muscular compared to white men, it’s just that many of the men have become stick figured weenies since the romance and majesty of the samurai warrior is long gone.
      I attribute this to the death of many soldiers who died in combat (aggressive strong men dead) and the post WW2 resolve of the Japanese to become completely submissive to peace (no social acceptance in masculinity)”
      I don’t know if we can blame all these “soy boys” 100% for becoming like that. I’d say the society contributed A LOT to that.
      I think we identified the problem, and now have to think, how to keep our masculinity in this degenerate societies and how to spred red pill, as I think (or hope) that many men can be red pilled.

    4. Oh, and btw,
      look at this video
      「Gatebox」Anime Waifu ver VR – The Device That Can Live With an Animated Girl [Hajime Review]

      I’m just speechless …
      Maybe that’s a weapon for mass extinction of soy boys globally ?

  7. Like men’s minds on porn, so are women’s minds on attention. The dopamine hits just keep on coming and coming driving their need for the rush it causes, more destructive than heroin or gambling or sex addictions in the permanent rehardqiring of their brains. This women’s addiction to attention is what is driving our species off into dysfunctional suicide by corrupting every natural normal act into hardcore degeneracy supporting that addiction to dopamine. There is no other more dangerous or insipid danger than the one that they do not understand and is completely legal. Eventually an physical addictions will make you physically ill before it kills you. But a dopamine addiction and dependency does not do that until the reward center of the brain get so overestimated for too long that the sufferer soon feels nothing but depression and then suicides. Men succumb to the depression faster because we sense the loss of attachment to more personal meaningful activities and growth and challenge. Women exist and function solely on feelz and like Pavlov dogs or rat’s in a cage…. The beat to death the rewards button for all its worth, until the yawning numbness of existence where they can no longer feel anything but depression from the abuse reward center finally grants them the permanently release from life through a suicide. They are so incapable of self introspection and understanding the cannot ever see why it is they are so miserable.

    1. Sad but true. Your analysis is dead on.
      The question is, the only way to stop this madness is to educate *all* men, even these soyboys – altough I really doubt, if they can (and want) be saved.
      The emphasis should be on the key word (dopamine) addiction. That’s what it really is, and when you’ve got a void in your life, you are very easily lured into some sort of addiction.
      Probably even some of them can’t be blamed that they turned out like that.

    2. You have it backasswards. Not only do they not crave the attention, but it’s the worst aspect of the job for them. They do it because the nerds who drive these conventions are frustrated horndogs and incels, and it’s the closest they’ll be to a hot chick in such sexy clothes all year. Or decade. Or lifetime.

      1. Well your first half of your comment has no basis in reality, your second half is also spot on truth. You got it half right… Not bad for a feminist troll. You arent fooling anyone using a male name.

        1. Haha, the “second half is also spot on truth”, and that is only because it is paraphrased or quoted from somewhere else on the forum …

  8. Two cents thrown in here… You know, a couple years ago I took my 2 young son’s to a “Comicon” convention in Lawrence, KS (cool, but increasingly SJW infested cesspool about a half an hour outside Kansas City proper). My girlfriend at the time had mentioned it and said they were giving away free food and swag to the kids, so I thought “what the hell” and took them there. Everything the author described is correct: soyboys and incel betas galore and there were a couple cosplay “models” there dressed up as anime characters of some I’ll as well as one 7+ dolled up as “Wonder Woman”.
    Needless to say, the skinny fat, Marvel tee-shirt donning beta thirst for these chicks was unreal. “Wonder Woman” complimented my kids as to how cute they were out of the blue, probably because I basically ignored her walking by and she was sick of getting her ass kissed by those pitiful dudes swarming her for a selfie. I swore never to take my son’s to one of those joints again, even though they seemed to have fun (not knowing any better as they were only 7 and 3 years old at the time). The whole thing literally defied belief, I shit you not!

  9. Robert Downey Jr. doesn’t do conventions. He might attend SDCC to promote a movie, but he wouldn’t be caught dead signing at a con. Also he would probably charge close to a million dollars just do to a signing. Thus making the convention hosting it charge folks up to 300.00 for an autograph. Arnold is making his first con appearance in San Antonio this October and to get his autograph and a photo taken with him is $1250.00

  10. Pffft. Such agonized handwringing from a bunch of post-menopausal Nervous Nellies. I didn’t even know what cosplay was until a few months ago. Yes, it’s idiotic, but in the larger scheme of things it’s nothing with nothing.
    But you Nellies love to agonize over nothing, so I expect you’ll just keep moaning and weeping and blowing your runny noses into your hankies. Well, carry on then.

  11. The chick in the first picture has a nice rack but I have no clue who’s she’s supposed to be and don’t care

    1. You’d have more chance of banging her if you didn’t know. I had a chick who did photos at events in Chinese internet cafes dressed as the incel’s favourite lvl 80 elf princesses and wuxia warriors. Easy 500 dollars for 2 hours ‘work’.

      1. She was engaged to her first boyfriend when she first started cosplaying. When she started to blow up she dumped him. She’s been with her current boyfriend for several years now. A plus point to her is that she still lives with her parents and they help her run her business. She’s making close to 25g a month through her patreon plus prints and signings.

    2. It’s big and stuffed into a form-forging costume. But are you sure it’s nice? Those titties could flop out big and saggy without support.

        1. She is beat. She looks like she drank too much, smoked too much and sat out in the sun too much.
          She also looks like she’s pushing 40.

  12. Two cents thrown in here… You know, a couple years ago I took my 2 young son’s to a “Comicon” convention in Lawrence, KS (cool, but increasingly SJW infested cesspool about a half an hour outside Kansas City proper). My girlfriend at the time had mentioned it and said they were giving away free food and swag to the kids, so I thought “what the hey” and took them there. Everything the author described is correct: soyboys and incel betas galore and there were a couple cosplay “models” there dressed up as anime characters of some I’ll as well as one 7+ dolled up as “Wonder Woman”.
    Needless to say, the skinny fat, Marvel tee-shirt donning beta thirst for these chicks was unreal. “Wonder Woman” complimented my kids as to how cute they were out of the blue, probably because I basically ignored her walking by and she was sick of getting her ass kissed by those pitiful dudes swarming her for a selfie. I swore never to take my son’s to one of those joints again, even though they seemed to have fun (not knowing any better as they were only 7 and 3 years old at the time). The whole thing literally defied belief, I shit you not!

  13. “Jessica Rabbit was a hot character; 10/10. When a woman dresses like Jessica Rabbit your immediate impulse is that she is a 10/10 as well, especially if she has big boobs.”
    When I saw the JR chick in the pic above, I immediately noticed her mediocre face. At best, she’s a 6/10. Without big tits, she’s a 4/10, but maybe lower, depending on her ass.

    1. Indeed. She has a mannish face. That was clear upon first sight. The bod looks all right except for the paunch.

    2. Well:
      a) She’s white, and doesn’t look like she does many squats, so you can pretty much anticipate that she lacks a decent ass.
      b) I’m pretty sure you’re probably a 4 or 5 yourself. Average-looking men need to appreciate average-looking women. Chances are, they’re the ones most likely to put up with your probable beer-gut and Gundam model collection…
      c) Frankly, I’m a heterosexual male. I don’t need women to be a 10, just to enjoy the best aspect of females: Pussy. Even a 10/10 will get on your nerves. It’s the pussy that’s the great equalizer in life. I’ll take a 6/10, sooner than waiting around thinking I’m landing a 8/10 to 10/10, every time I want to get laid.
      Just because we prefer very attractive women, doesn’t mean we act exclusive to it. Truth is, if that chick wanted sex, 99% of the males here would go for it, without a second thought. So, why in the hell talk as if that’s not true? Who the fuck are you, frankly? Mr. Universe? Doubt it, neckbeard.

    1. They have low standards of intelligence here. After all, this whole website orbits around a dumb-ass named Roosh, who thinks he’s not every bit the beta male that he himself acts like. Like a hipster beard and a collection of poorly-tailored suits makes him a stud.
      Then he has all these losers with DeviantArt-esque cartoon characters and TV show actors as their profile images, writing articles as if there’s even remotely any chance they’re living it up with the ladies, by using the shitty advice they like to advise.
      They seem to think they’re being inherently different than the ditzy women who rely on Patreon for a career. Real studs in life aren’t sitting at home, writing for websites on how to score with women. They’re out there enjoying life.

  14. There is a point to this essay, isn’t there? Maybe if I look long enough it will show up.

  15. Writing that the girls who do this aren’t hot and then showing photos of nothing but super-hot girls is probably not the best way to illustrate the point. WOMEN ARE RACING —— not really. Plenty want to do it, because, in your words, “they earnt lots of money.”

    1. What gives you away is your hatred at men and your self sanctimonious hatred at that.. Gives you vagina owners away every single time. You can’t even remotely disguise it. Your naked hatred of everyone that is better than you for biological reasons or competition to you among other vagina owners is so biologically overriding your though process that you can’t help to leak it out in every single comment.

      1. What Stan said is logical. And nothing to indicate he’s actually a “vagina owner” (good grief). Please explain in detail to the class why you believe that Stan is a hate-filled female.
        P.S. “biologically overriding your though [sic] process” Ay caramba!

  16. What gives you away is your hatred at men and your self sanctimonious hatred at that.. Gives you vagina owners away every single time. You can’t even remotely disguise it. Your naked hatred of everyone that is better than you for biological reasons or competition to you among other vagina owners is so biologically overriding your though process that you can’t help to leak it out in every single comment.

  17. Big tits are gross and they hang low even with push-up bras. And when she gets older they’re gonna be even bigger, like she’s carrying a baby in her breasts. Let alone the sweat & smell big boobs produce. Yuck!
    Hot supermodels and high-paid actresses all have small to medium tits.
    The larger the trashier!

  18. “As Roosh wrote here, modern women have replaced genuine connections with men with the attention they get from endless hordes of beta male orbiters, especially online.”
    You mean a guy who LOOKS like a fat beta male orbiter, is criticizing how others who look like him, like seeing attractive women who willingly want to dress up like our favorite comic book heroines, for a brief bit of fun at conventions?
    …As recapped by a middle-aged guy named Jared Trueheart who has some sort of He-Man cartoon parody as his profile image?
    You guys are a bunch of self-hating beta males around here. And you think you’re passing along good advice on how to view and gain women? Hahaha! You’re the kind of guys that other guys would beat up in school.

  19. Maybe women themselves deep down are unhappy with what feminism has made women, so they are trying to be “something else.”
    The characters are, when boiled down, attractive to men, usually in an often classic way (no tattoos, no freaky hair, good shapes, etc.).
    Rarely is there no reason for a sharp increase in some activity. Maybe cosplay is a sort of “safe rebellion” against the oppressive leftist Baby Boomers.
    Just a guess.

  20. Mind Control works.
    Incel thirst is pre-configured by hypnotic cartoon garbage.
    Female anime/cosplay characters VIRTUALLY represent on-screen everything thirsty ROK type idiots claim they want .. Yielding. sweet. loving, even perfected feminine ideals that do not exist in real life.
    Beta trash literally fall into a ‘love-trance’ watching Wonder-Pixie upskirt animations until the sun rises. They fetish-ize the costume into a trigger.. A flash of Wonder Pixie Nipple in Episode 61? Uhhhhhhnnnnnnn!!!”””
    AsiaMediaCorp rents the MegaCenter in the crappy part of UrbanSqualor-DownTown.
    Omega level SoyCels line up outside in the rain hiding their tear- filled eyes and yearn for a chance to “meet” their ‘love interest’.
    Homosexual minorities (‘security’) frisk genitals ‘for safety’ at the En-Trance (the only sex betas get).
    $20 and $50 bills flow like confetti as the beta-omegas set the template for their later years to be wasted at the Lap-Skank Pig Bar with $30 Table Dances featuring Stretch-Marked & Tattooed Street Whores on Methadone… it’s all a part of the USAConditioning.
    Cosplay girls are Inst-Failures with low 12k Followings but act like Rihanna offstage because they (almost) can fit into the Wonder Pixie Wig & Corset. Surly cunts with no personality yet the SoyGeneration swoons over it all. Sex is an idea. You look at it ONLY. Empty BluRay Visuals over and over until your dick stops working!
    Betas ejaculate prematurely as the Valtrex-taking, Cellulite prone, 33yr old ‘but petite’ Wonder girls sign “Love to You Jonah- Wonder Pixie XOXO” for $40.. with a $60 Selfie possibility if you do not touch the Wonder Girl or engage her in conversation.. Or Security with throw you back out into the rain-filled alleyway.
    Betas float home intoxicated with joy for having met their “love”.
    Spending all day waiting in line, wasting $350 dollars for a Promo-card, getting the flu in the filthy city… Love made it all worthwhile.
    The future is fat, slow, impotent, virgin boys watching TV in the basement until the CityCoroner zips their bloated bodies into a DoubleWide body bag and dumps it into the Crematorium for The Homeless.
    Cosplay is the American Dream realized!

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