Feminists Are Hysterical About Rape Because No Man Wants To Rape Them

We must ask ourselves why there is so much hysteria about rape when we live in countries, and have a culture, in which a woman’s chances of being raped stand at around 0.0060% (Australian statistics). I believe this goes deeper than just the blatant attack on men we are experiencing.

The reason these types are adamant about manufacturing stories about sexual assault and rape is because they are trying to prove they are desirable. It plays to their ego to think that there might be some testosterone-fuelled barbarian out there who would find her suitable enough for a forced session. These women want to punish men not because of a fear of being attacked, but due to a bitterness of not being approached, considered, acknowledged, and on the more extreme scale, and finally… not being a target for forced sex.

There are not many explanations that can justify the absurd irrationality of the #metoo, pussy-hat-wearing, women of the West. Any introspective types out there know that when we are confronted with something that unsettles us—that we are irrationally afraid of—we must look inward, and we must look for the truth, the foundation of that fear, however uncomfortable that may be.

I have a young sister who is in high-school and I often read her homework and/or assignments when I see her. For some reason our education systems have decided that it’s a good idea to present inflated sexual-assault figures to our young girls as truth and base a curriculum around it. I’m sure this would have to do with ensuring they are fearful and mis-trusting of men as they grow up—high-school discos are about to become a lot more awkward. The lies and fears start early.

You’re a descendant of rapists

Let’s rewind to the days of Vikings, global conquests, and crusades, where raping and pillaging were common. When these Vikings or raiders would invade, they would indiscriminately rape the women. Now, as brutal and as terrifying as it was, this helped these women indirectly fulfill their biological imperative—which is to pass on the strongest genes possible to her offspring. These genes were forced upon them by the, proven, bigger, stronger, smarter men who likely just decimated the local men of breeding age.

The women were either taken and absorbed into the tribes of the invaders where they likely had long and successful—biologically speaking—breeding lives, or they were left to the aftermath of invasion and the harsh realities of potentially raising a child with little-to-no family-support and collapsed social structures.

Fast forward back to today, these feminists and fat women (undesirables) would have been the equivalent of the low-born and peasant women of yester-year. But those ancient women would have still had exposure to top-tier men—the best genetics–whether it was consensual or not (not).

Today’s undesirables don’t have that “option,” if we can call it that. Do you think the likes of Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt are lining up to fuck a woman like Lena Dunham? Never in a million years. Top-tier-women of today are the only women who get exposure to the top-tier-men. Fatties and feminists cannot fulfill their biological imperatives directly (seducing a top-tier man) or indirectly (being raped by an aggressive, dominant man).

Today’s sexual marketplace is discriminate against the laziness and repulsiveness of fat women and feminists whereas the sexual marketplace of the invading hordes was indiscriminate, driven only by raging emotions and carnal urges.

Desperate for the attention of a man with options.

Acknowledging and internalising this information is no doubt far divorced from the emotional maturity of the modern feminist. But if we could boil down feminism to its few driving forces, one would surely be sexual frustration. Feminists despise the male-feminist, soy-boy-cucks who orbit them! The proof is in the lack of sexual success these men experience. So how do women find access to top-tier men?

The undesirables wish we could rewind to a time where men may have seen them as an object to be plundered but that day has long passed. I implore you all, when faced with the irrational ramblings of these undesirables, to be kind and reassuring. Look the in the eye and say, “Don’t worry, no man will ever want to rape you”.

Women need to leave feminism behind to embrace the lives that will lead them to the men they want, and therefore, the lives they want. What other call to arms can there be!? Stay in the rot, be bitter and miserable, take to the streets to march and scream, remain ignorant to the biological truths tugging at your sub-conscious, or, take responsibility for your life and build yourselves into the type of women that would command the respect of a good man.

Read More: Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies?

141 thoughts on “Feminists Are Hysterical About Rape Because No Man Wants To Rape Them”

  1. A woman is weak and her natural instinct when caught cheating is to lie. If she tells the truth then the man may abandon her or rip her up so her instinct is to lie and rape is the lie she tells. I have had a gf who cheated on me peddle that lie and the latterly end up with said “rapist”; most of us have. With the lies existing, and with the nature of sexual acts being that they usually occur in private regulating them has becomes an impossible task. Academic feminism went on the crazy line that women don’t lie, which is a hossrible lie itself. Its just a tough situation to regulate.

    1. Sex is also a dance where I have never had sex with a woman without consent, but also I have never asked for consent, so the whole thing in this modern world becomes almost impossible. My view is that most rape accusations are false since cheating is far more common and women use it as an excuse when they cheat than are men who would stoop so low.
      Now in the non-free mainstream society you cannot have this debate because we no longer live in a free open society where things like this nature of women to lie when caught cheating can be discussed. Women by nature their reputations are huge since a an must take it on trust that the child is his and so a woman has everything to lose by being exposed as a cheater, along with the fact no man may take ownership of her children and provide for them so lying is the route she usually takes.
      One woman cheated on me and she claimed initially that he raped her when she wanted to stay with me, then when she started dating him she claimed to him that I had raped her since we had had sex behind his back.
      We live in societies where we can all see whats going on but cannot actually discuss it. Its the same as black crime where rather than saying there the problem is black crime the bad thing and in some places the crime is noticing or mentioning it or pattern recognition such as stereotyping rather than the crime. Its an upside down world we have and we cannot change that.

      1. I think what happens is that once you have told your boyfriend you were raped then you have to follow through and go to the police. I also reject the idea that women are rational and logical like men so they tell the lie a few times and it becomes true to them. Feminism as always tells huge lies and back them up by pretending to be scientists and say women don’t lie about this. I think people rarely ever lie about being mugged or stabbed but rape sadly women lie about all the time.

        1. A lot of Feminsim is also the fact that this shit has taken over the narrative and women follow social orders always and this becomes the social order.
          Its why democracy doesn’t work with women voting because they just follow the narrative even if that is a suicidal narrative.

        2. My general view is that free speech is not supported by various groups because they are not rational. Women are not swayed by logical arguments anyway so why would they support free speech on the basis of rational argument winning out when they cannot themselves be swayed by rational argument? Its the same with many religious groups that work from a fixed ethic that they don’t want open debate and so they will always be fighting free speech. I would say that free speech will never be supported by African males also since they are not rational and they decide arguments not by logic but dominance so where does that leave free speech? Only white men support it and so at some stage white men will be such a small minority that it will end. When they enough numbers they can toy with the constitution.

        3. Women support immigration as a reproductive cuc-old strategy and men are against it as a mate guarding strategy it is that simple. Most migrants are usually men of breeding age which is never coincidental. They usually only move to places where they believe they have a good chance with the local women eg whites to asia or blacks/arabs to white countries. The other is economic but that is only half of the story. Men that allow migrations of men into their nation without stopping it are destined to leave the gene pool.

        4. “I also reject the idea that women are rational and logical like men so they tell the lie a few times and it becomes true to them.”
          They do this with *everything*. The ability of an otherwise sane woman to justify bad behavior or flat out lie about what they’ve done is truly a sight to see. I’m not saying that men aren’t just as capable of infidelity or bad behavior, but nine times out of ten if you catch a man doing something they’ll admit it was wrong. They may keep doing it but they’ll admit it was wrong. But women are different. Once that hamster starts going it’s remarkable how thoroughly they can convince themselves.

        5. Here’s a twist. If a girl tells you she was raped. Contact the police unbeknownst to her, yet on her behalf. Have them show up before a night out with said girl that’s planned. See how the fuck she turns that. Worst case she literally says YOU raped her… which is probably unlikely, just come off like you were totally concerned about her and thought the best things to do was make it right for her… bwahaha. that’ll teach her, because it will then be on record.

    2. Similar story here. Ex-gf cheated on me and fabricated a domestic abuse story when I found out.
      What red-pilled me was less that she did that and more that she legitimately didn’t seem to think she had done anything wrong.

      1. Many men turn to the red-pill women after the false allegations even though it is just a core female genetic behaviour. That is for many men the last straw because you lose family members over that shit.

      2. I think a common naive theme we all have subscribed to on some level here in the manosphere is that “women don’t know they’re crazy or believe their lies.” That just leaves far too open a margin for error. Nope, most of these hoes know that their lying isn’t right, but grew up getting away with it so feel indoctrinated to do so.
        Now aged, a go-to routing I use is hint a various tenants of neo-masculinity, PUA skills seen in public, and red-pilled behavior and I very, very closely observe the girl’s reaction to easing into my little drops. You can really predict a TON of shit about that girl based on her initial input response, or dismissal of the points you’re making.

  2. Everything has to be revolved around them… this is simply women nature. too bad for them i guess.
    Anyway I invite you to watch that show and forget a lil bit about the cuckery you see on TV.

    Patrice O’Neal and Pat Cooper are simply legends…

    1. *were.
      Patrice is dead.
      And it sucks, because he was Alpha as fuck. Been listening to him a lot lately and, man, Bill Burr stole his entire act.

    2. Its true man. RIP Patrice.
      I remember in one of his podcasts said : men are destined to be dominant and women follows…..
      like or not its their nature.
      Bill Burr was student of him. also a great comedian.
      nut not as alpha as Patrice was.

  3. It says a lot about all modern women and not just avowed feminists that more and more men would rather fuck a robot. This is the inevitable outcome of feminism — with its raising to alpha status failures at being women — and women’s herd instinct.

    1. The Trigglypuff feminist is at war with Russia because feminists hate Russian women for they are the most sexiest, loyal and feminine women in Europe and the entire planet.
      Feminists don’t know what’s in store for them once the Russian army battles the feminist via war with America, Canada, UK, France, Germany and other NATO countries.
      Russian women will be protected from the feminist!

      1. Pavlov…weren’t you always talking about how shitty Russian women are and how you like fucking black women. Get out of here Troll. HuffPo–>

        1. lots of white guys like the idea of black women if they don’t live around them until they find out two things the media won’t tell you about them:
          1) They rarely want white men.
          2) They are more masculine than men of any race.

    2. Men would rather screw a robot / sex doll because women are 100 percent insufferable NOW. Don’t blame them at all. a sex robot will never do to them what women already do. Women dug their own holes to climb into, EFF them. End of Story. I have ZERO sympathy for them these days, and they have done this to themselves. Is it truly AWALT, probably not, BUT WHY RISK IT AT ALL if they results of the RISK are having your life ruined. Its a bad bet, only fools will take it.

  4. Feminism is a J3wish conspiracy that wages war against men. Every man who is a victim of this feminist war on men should consider becoming friends with Vladimir Putin.

    1. The birthrate in Russia is 1.75 less than the USA. I guess (((commie feminism))) still controls Russia. Here we talk about going to Russia and fucking Russian women but what if you want to get married or have a relationship. It is never talked about here!!!

  5. The article explains very well why women have rape sexual fantasies but sadly the reality is that behind the rape hysteria and #metoo movement hide the usual (((suspects))). The idea is to make both men and women miserable and frustrated as such people are easier to manipulate and are much better consumerists of useless crap.
    The reason why women are at the front of the manipulation is obvious – they are more gullible and narcissistic than men are.

  6. This has always been true.
    Note how no woman who is a 7 of higher in look seems too worried about some supposed ‘rape culture’. These women are presumably the ones at most risk, but neither their words nor actions indicate any worry.
    Only uggo feminists and stupid cuckservatives promote this fiction.

    1. Jimmy,
      This is why they say rape is a crime of “power” rather than passion. They had to change the motive to justify what you said.
      And the media and politicians and schools went right along with it.

    1. (((Gloria))) was a raving beauty compared to chicks like (((Andrea Dworkin, Lena Dunham, Bella Abzug, and so many of them)))

    1. You believe all this “Mooslim rape-gang” garbage?
      Paul Joseph Watson claimed that beheading hoax in Woolwich was real. He’s bought and paid for.

  7. Approach this topic with the mind set, “what are they really saying?” And you are headed in the right direction. Start arguing statistics? And you just feel right into the trap. Chicks don’t care about statistics, logic and reason…. but they know YOU do… lol

  8. Maybe I’m just cynical, but who cares about undesirables screaming outside? Any man worth his whiskey should already be aware that as long as you don’t actually rape a woman (don’t even discuss rape with women, why?) you won’t have any issues. To hell with #metoo, if you make sure you’re a desirable man, you will have women.

    1. Because the media and politicians pander to such people- as we have seen?
      If I went back in time to 1978 and told men what was going to happen by 2018 do you think any of them would’ve believed me?
      Look at us now.

  9. I wonder if the SJWs, feminists/lesbos, fatties, and SPLC operatives really think we are going to stop commenting or change our views just because they come to this site to monitor us and downvote our comments? They’re just passive-aggressive weaklings.

    1. Enigma, I noticed it’s always 1 to 2 downvotes lmao. It appears to be 1 person who monitors daily. Pretty sad.

    2. Huey Newton seems to think so, and uses the downvote and concern troll strategies dialy.

    3. “Passive-aggressive weaklings”?
      I wonder, do you consider a women who is raped a passive-aggressive weakling? Because they aren’t. The DEFINITION of rape is that the person who is raped isn’t in control of the situation. Do you consider the protests against rape and for feminism, just like in the picture on the top, “passive-aggressive”? Do you think protesting directly against something that’s harming human rights and self-esteem is “passive-aggressive”?
      How very strange. You seem to have an extremely different opinion of the word “passive-aggressive” than I do.

  10. Once upon a time I was married to a shrew who asked me to hold her arms down while on top of her.
    For some reason, she’d get upset when I made red hand marks on both sides her rear when doing her from behind …. Yeah, I don’t know why, either.

  11. Not to short-shrift the author, but it’s one of those rare instances where you don’t actually need to read much beyond the headline: “Feminists Are Hysterical About Rape Because No Man Wants To Rape Them.”

    Yep. Done. Next.

    You wanna really piss off a feminist at the rape rally? “Wow, look at you, have you ever been raped? No? OK, good…and do you really think anyone’s ever going to rape you? I mean, just look at yourself — no man wants to rape that. So don’t worry, babe, you’re safe! YOU’RE SAFE!! Wait, why are you so much angrier now? You’re SAFE!”

    Because they are NEVER happy with anything, ever. They want to take 5 years off your life by berating and annoying you forever. That’s their “special talent.”

    1. Great post, great tactic. Completely deflates their argument by showing they are so undesireable that no sane man would touch them, except lowlife scum with no standards.

  12. I’m sure some very thirsty men in Calais that would be happy to make their delusions a reality…

  13. The author makes some good points re: modern feminists and their accepted myth of rape culture. The whole thing is a gigantic shit test and no one with any real-world understanding of human sexuality takes it seriously. Western culture is categorically opposed to rape and sexual assault of any kind on women so the idea that young men are running around raping women, when access to easy and safe sex is at it’s highest point in the history of mankind, doesn’t even pass the most casual of logic tests. These women aren’t protesting rape because they feel personally in danger or because they’ve experienced rape. They are playacting at being a protester because that’s the desired screenplay of their lives. There’s a fascinating bit in “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” where the author takes a long time to describe this inclination in Western leftists. Take the subject of the protest out of the equation because it is almost irrelevant, except insofar as it allows them to more perfectly craft their screenplay. They protest global warming and hunting and tax cuts and guns with equal fervor and shallowness.
    That being said, I don’t think the author knows enough about early cultures to accurately discuss the reality of rape and conquest in those times. I only say that because his claims don’t really jibe with anything that I’ve learned in my own studies. I won’t bore anyone with an exhaustive list of his errors but let’s just mention two. One, it’s not true that common or peasant stock bore the brunt of rape and conquest. When a village or town were sacked, women of all classes were likely to be raped or taken into slavery. Only the true elites (royalty) stood any chance of being spared as they could be used as political pawns, but these accounted for a TINY fraction of the population. As in less than 1 in 10,000. Second, the idea that women of the lower classes were less physically desirable is also false. The modern phenomenon of the upper class being almost universally more physically attractive than the lower class is quite new. In times past the upper class had higher rates of obesity, STDs, congenital disorders caused by inbreeding, and addiction. Michelangelo used a common foot soldier as the model for David. Contemporary paintings in times past show rich men and women with very unsavory appearances. Contrast that with paintings of pastoral scenes or peasant families and you see images of health and beauty.

  14. A huge part of the problem is that women are by nature disruptive.
    When you were a kid which parent was the one ready to pull out a mysterious last-minute set of “chores” that just had to be done RIGHT THAT INSTANT?
    Which one is it usually “fashionably late?”
    Who usually urges bar room brawls and the like?
    Now look at false rape accusations, the “sexual harassment hysteria,” etc. etc. etc. and ask yourself what they all have in common, what they all accomplish?
    I don’t know if (((they))) are responsible for all of this mess or not, but whoever it was either really knew or was insanely ignorant of how women often do things.

  15. Women are more susceptible to irrational fears than men. Because of their natural disposition as nurturers women process emotions differently. Extreme emotions allow women to make sense of their surroundings. Thus the need for drama.
    In current day western environments men tend to be very docile. This over all flat emotional state is very confusing and frustrating to women. It’s like standing on a snow covered mountain without signposts…not knowing what route to take.
    Women are artificially producing signposts by invoking the most extreme emotions i.e. creating drama.
    “Then, fMRI data from 700 participants suggested that womens’ stronger reactivity to negative emotional images is linked with increased activity of motor regions of the brain.
    Previous studies have suggested that women display heightened facial and motor reactions to negative emotional stimuli.”

  16. Feminists really want to be raped? That’s funny. Or should I say, “Eewww!”?

  17. “When these Vikings or raiders would invade, they would indiscriminately rape the women.”
    Yeah I guess some of the women were “raped,” as in “penetrated against their will.”
    But my guess is the majority were penetrated willingly. When your husband and menfolk have all been slain a woman’s best strategy is to join the conquering tribe. Either survive and procreate with a strong tribe, or die. Not a hard choice. And not really a choice anyway — evolution hardwired women to favor strong, violent conquerors.
    Look at mammal species like lions. A dominant male will kill lion cubs that are not his. Shortly after, the mother lion goes into heat. Then the dominant male lion will impregnate her with his spawn. She cooperates enthusiastically.
    Evolution doesn’t care about being “nice” or “loyal” or “honorable.” Evolution cares only about surviving and breeding.

    1. rape is as natural as any other behaviour. The war on rape is clearly failing. We need to look at this from another perspective, such as the 4 witness rule.

  18. Not disagreeing with the overall message of the article but your logic on rapists passing on better genes is faulty. If a pack of vikings 800 years ago came upon a small french village by surprise they could potentially have taken the women there because of superior numbers, the element of surprise, better equipment etc… None of those things implies superior genetics.

    1. When you kill the husband with a sword that is superior genetics. Those rape victim whores came buckets. It is female nature then and today. A huge number of women report orgasming during rape but the same women could not fun with their husbands being gentle and kind. Don’t listen to women. They lie.

  19. women who play the ‘victim’ card (as in ‘I was raped’) can use this to their advantage in manipulating a guy who is brought up to respect and honor women

    1. If any woman casually says “I was raped” then that’s your cue to head for the nearest exit.

  20. “For some reason our education systems have decided that it’s a good idea to present inflated sexual-assault figures to our young girls as truth and base a curriculum around it.”
    Just like the ‘only 10% of rapes are ever reported’. Next time you hear that bullshit statistic ask “How is it calculated that 90% of rapes are unreported when they are unreported?” Actually push for clarification. In order to calculate a percentage of anything you need to know the total number of whatever it is you’re calculating.
    Why not 9% or 11%? This figure of 10% is just an arbitrary number that some academic somewhere pulled out of thin air in order push the rape narrative.

  21. The superior genetics thing is wonky. These are usually passed on over many generations, and indicate a slightly better adaptation to specific environmental circumstances than to any absolute conditions.
    For example, a white furcoat is better than a brown furcoat in arctic conditions for a polar bear. The brown coat is not absolutely bad, but it provides less camo than white when there is snow on the ground. Given snowy conditions, the white coat genes will gradually take over after many generations of successful reproduction.
    Even things I am suspecting you would take for superior are not. More musculature carries a higher caloric cost. A bigger brain carries a hugely higher caloric cost. Less fat in the body % also carries a higher caloric cost through heat lost. A taller/heavier body means more vulnerability to attack from certain angles and also, more caloric cost. More aggressiveness caries more risk of retaliation and therefore, injury, premature death, and a consequent inability to reproduce. All of these are tradeoffs.
    Therefore, there are no absolutely “superior genes,” just genes better adapted to specific conditions.
    Source: I possess a PhD in biological anthropology.

    1. Thanks. Saved me from having to figure out how to word it all and make the point. Spot on.

    2. I’m making my first ever post here just to let you know how much I appreciated your insight into this discussion.

  22. Hm… is this the reason why these female abominations are so in favor of importing millions of muslim savages and low IQ Africans to our countries?
    I mean, muslims enjoy raping them and low IQ Africans will hit anything with a vagina, so…

    1. Important rule: Never be a white knight, helping a european woman in problems with those guys.
      More 90% of german women voted for immigration friendly parties in Germany. Sweden the same. Austria women elected the green president.
      They have to fix that.

      1. Important rule: Never be a white knight, helping a european woman in problems with those guys.

        Why help women at all? They really don’t care if you live or die — why should you give a damn about them?
        Besides, rape is a top female sexual fantasy — and many of them orgasm during it. Jump in to save them and they’ll probably just resent you for spoiling their fun…

    2. Hey chimp, how many non-Muslim Africans have been in the news (any news source) for rampant raping? Also, most non-Muslim African immigrants have at the very least a slightly above average IQ, a fact that can be gathered from the sheer number of Nigerian doctors, engineers, etc., for example.

      1. Go get triggered on someone else’s time, Huey, my post mentions things that are actually happening.
        I have seen your posts and you are a weak islam apologist with severe SJW tendencies and an IQ denialist.
        Stick to living in PC land, kid, this site is obviously not for you.

    3. You’re gaslighting. Africans are hitting what you threw to the wayside an no one else in their right mind wanted.

      1. ummm, so what. if they were quality they wouldnt be mudsharking. if they were quality they would be vigorously courted by men of their own ethnicity. if they were worth the migraine headaches their misplaced entitlement attitudes would be…..(ad nauseum)…
        you can keep them, collect yourself a dozen of them if they are so great….but STFU while you do it, white knight sir cuckalot.

  23. “Do you think the likes of Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt are lining up to fuck a woman like Lena Dunham? Never in a million years. Top-tier-women of today are the only women who get exposure to the top-tier-men.”
    I’m a lower tier male in (in “handsomeness”) yet I routinely “expose myself” to young, upper tier females (in looks at least). Thank God for money, my ability to earn it, and girls who desperately need it!

    1. Money doesn’t take the beta/omega male out of your game. Just because you have money doesn’t mean those ‘top-tier’ females are going to stay faithful or interested. Best you take head to Harvey Weinstein and stay in your lane.

  24. Anything and everything that justifies a feminist narrative is exaggerated to the extremes. All you need is a few swanky graphs and numbers to toss at people, and they suddenly believe it. I’m sure that this Rape Hysteria would sound rather ridiculous without these airy fairy numbers.

  25. Almost every woman I know has experienced some sort of sexual assault. It’s absolutely unacceptable. That said, the #metoo movement really is just a publicity stunt as far as I can tell. I don’t know the answer to the problem but I do know we need to do better.
    I was assaulted twice but I never pressed charges. The first time it was a relative and I didn’t press charges to protect my family’s business. The second time it was a drunk off his ass college kid and I didn’t want to ruin the rest of his life. Did he go on to do it again? Did I fail to protect the next girl?
    Would be nice if you men could police each other without us having to go through the painful reporting process and legal proceedings. But alas, laws.

    1. “Police each other” LOL
      It’s not any man’s job to slap the cocks out of your mouth.

      1. You miss my point but whatever. Your attitude just makes me sad. No quality woman is ever going to want to associate with someone with that kind of attitude.

        1. Quality woman. Lmfao.
          Go to the where are all the Good Men Reddit. Those unicorns are donkeys with toilet paper tubes taped to their forehead.

    2. I actually had a conversation with a co-worker about this last week. She being 23, fairly attractive, but fresh out of college with that PC vernacular. She told me her experiences, about how just last week she was on a date and a guy made a move on her, touching her when she didn’t want it. But she felt it’s just part of the culture and didn’t make a big deal out of it. And that’s why she liked the MeToo movement, because in her opinion, it gives people the strength to speak up.
      But to her point, I mentioned that if her experience happened just last weekend, and the MeToo movement has been going on since last October…how effective is it? The good men don’t need to be reminded not to abuse or violate women. The MeToo should address those who aren’t so considerate and applaud the men who are. Instead, the inconsiderate still don’t care. And the considerate who already care about the safety and security of the fairer sex, are only made to feel more self-conscious and awkward around women.
      As to your point about men policing each other…there is this thing we still do called, “minding our own business.” Unless a woman asks a stranger to intervene, we don’t know what’s going on in a couple’s relationship. That’s why, if anything, Instead of relying on men to change, I think it would have been cool if women were more emboldened to do for themselves. This includes, being the ones to initiate courtship and ask men out, regardless of the idea of it making them look desperate. People need to make choices, and all them come with risks, but also reward. You can risk looking desperate, but find yourself a good man who just might actually respect and appreciate you for taking the initative. But all this is wishful thinking. Cultures happen in cycle, and its only a matter of time before all this will be behind us and the media chooses to focus on something else to boost ratings and manufacture something worthy of saying, “we made history.”

    3. BKW
      If you didn’t put yourself in situations where you were alone with men (you didn’t want to have sex with) then you wouldn’t have been assaulted. I’m with the Muslims on this one, a woman who puts herself in danger is a whore. There is never any valid reason why you need to be alone with a man.

      1. except the feminist trash will argue from a point of denying responsibility at all for what women do, it all mens fault. look at how they dress. if you slathered a sheep in fresh blood and turn it loose in the wild, its a matter of minutes until its scented and killed by predators, indicating that common sense of reality is needed. as long as women are not held responsible for anything they do, this idiocy of feminist run society will continue. Dont swim with sharks and bleed like fools and not expect to be eaten. No one deserves to be raped, but when younput yourself out there like bait, you get what you draw to you. ive no sympathy for stupid and ignorance.

  26. Would be nice if you women didn’t lie so much about this.
    After all, you consider staring at you when you wear revealing clothes rape.

  27. Look I know there are plenty of fake claims and I get suspicious any time there is a deluge (think Harvey Weinstein), but give us the benefit of the doubt. Most of the time there is no upside to pressing charges. Who wants to have to relive the worst moments of their lives?
    Question: Do you believe a woman who says she raped? One who didn’t report? Do you automatically assume that she’s lying for some advantage?

    1. Most of you don’t give men the benefit of the doubt. Also, laws are stacked on the side of the women, so that kind of defeats your intention. If a woman wants to screw a man during trial, she is entirely capable of doing so without the man having a say on the matter.
      As for your questions: 1.- Depends on solid evidence. 2.- I don’t care. 3.- Yes.

    2. BKW,
      All women lie for advantage.
      False rape accusations give the woman advantage, usually the advantage of power over some man. Or the advantage of attention.

    3. Yes, I automatically assume a woman is lying when she claims rape because unless there Is Obvious evidence she is lying.

  28. I wonder…its difficult for me to take this article seriously, not because it isn’t valid, but because it’s written from a male point of view. That’s not to say men aren’t capable of looking at it from a woman’s point of view. But this article…
    Here’s the thing. The title itself got me thinking. And after reading the comments, I’m reminded of the fact that men and women think differently. Fellas, ask yourselves if you dare. How badly would it hurt you if the hottest woman you knew, raped you? Not even the hottest. But an average looking woman. Unless you were in a committed relationship, how much would it bother you if a sex-craved woman slipped into your bedroom at night and forced herself on you? I think the answer to those questions would sum up the mind set of many comments.
    But from a woman’s perspective, even these feminists who don’t particularly take good care of their health…like I said. Men and women think differently. A woman can whistle at a man and compliment his ass all day and the man would love it. Perhaps women used to love it, but by order of pop culture, they don’t anymore.

    1. This is why this site isn’t for women.
      Look at you, thinking that we would like it if some thot whistled at us on the street. You couldn’t be more wrong. A woman acting that way, for most of us, would be a disgusting tramp not worthy of a serious relationship a one night stand at best.
      On the other hand, women actually do like that kind of attention. Oh, you can claim that you dislike it all you want and act offended all day, but deep down women like to know they are desired and enjoy knowing they can get men to do that.
      As for a woman raping us, well first of all, the woman would need to get the man hard first, not easy in that situation. And no, “sex is sex” or “doesn’t matter had sex” is not how the majority of men think.
      You really have a lot to learn.

  29. THANK YOU technology, internet, smart phones and their apps – for finally revealing for ALL MEN to see, once western, now worldwide. the TRUE NATURE OF WOMEN. Outside of 3 holes and a desperate scam artist’s whining bitchmoany for power, you’ll be very lucky to find a woman worth more than the above-mentioned. Sure you might get lucky, sure maybe a few aren’t this way, but the over whelming majority have now been undeniably diminished to their lowest common denominator as such. Just bang hoes until you’re in the retirement home, then expect half-assed medical care from guess what? … a healthcare hoe worth little more than her 3 holes. This is reality now.
    Oh, and skirt the false rape accusations best you can. Meanwhile, if you actually “want” to risk half a life or more worth of ass-busting work to actually marry or tie down some LTR, good luck to you, and I sincerely mean that. Age has made me much more risk-averse than that. I’ve see far to many “sure thing” relationships with equivocally “important, successful” people go belly up in the past few decades to ignore the truth. Red pill, you know, before the term hit the mainstream… that’s what I’m talking about here.

  30. Women don’t have the market cornered on lying, guys.
    I agree that the pendulum has swung too far to the left and men are at a disadvantage here. There was, however, a time that women were shamed for being raped. Humans, being what they are, can’t seem to find that healthy middle ground. The thing about pendulums is that eventually they swing the other way. And on it goes.
    By the way, it is prudent for a women to be wary when a man approaches her. As a rule men are stronger than women. A strong enough man can overpower most women. Little white women are conditioned to be afraid of big black men. Sad but true.
    Right or wrong, it comes down to self preservation.
    None of this justifies a false rape claim. False rape claims de-legitimize valid claims and creates a cry wolf situation.

    1. Except for the fact that Western women (especially below HB5) are actively fucking black men, and they don’t seem to be afraid at all. They like the feeling of an animal raping them, and it’s promoted by the media. For example, they see fat-assed Adele caterwauling over some spearchucker on TV and they copy it.

    2. “Women don’t have the market cornered on lying, guys.”
      But they have cornered the market on people believing them, no matter how far fetched the lie, or how little evidence they can provide to support their lies.

  31. When a woman says something, it means the opposite.
    Also, I’ve never seen anything above a 4/10 promoting rape culture. Top-tier women seem to not associate with this riff-raff.

  32. The picture at the top is hilarious, truly a walking disaster.
    That is a whole lot of really confused college girls frustrated about not getting asked out to the dance.
    I hope they didn’t spend too much money on their women’s studies dating classes. They don’t seem to be getting good advice.
    Professor: ‘girls if you find a nice shy boy you like remember; show him your tits and yell at him.’

    1. I heard Lena Dunham just bought some pepper spray and a rape whistle, but that’s kind of like putting a Club on a 1973 Pinto.

  33. Explain why it is that men sometimes rape other men. I’m talking straight guys raping other straight guys, too. This happens. A big fear that I and other straight men have had is going to jail and being raped. Is it because, shockingly, rape is not about how attractive the perpetrator finds the victim, but is rather about the exercising of power?

    1. “A big fear that I and other straight men have had is going to jail and being raped.”
      I don’t have fears, I have accepted the reality that life is a brutal place and if you think it CANT happen to you, you are stupid and naïve. There is no fear for me, there is acceptance and firm resolve to fight back and not just let stooped happen to me to start with.

  34. Reality also doesnt have absolutes in behavior. I try to avoid judgements that are based in absolutes because the assumptions tend to be wrong due to cognitive dissonance or personal biases. i prefer the anecdotal evidence of experience instead that shows itself merely by observations.

  35. This is an absurd analysis. These feminists dwell on the mythical “rape culture” because it allows them to vilify men, and to act like needy victims. They don’t want to be raped. If they were around men that they knew to be violent, they would quickly be quiet and get to safety. They want to bitch about men that they feel safe bitching about, since modern-day liberalism caters to the ones with the highest victim status.

    1. False. Women in their sexual prime crave violent alpha male warriors. They run from violent beta male providers.

  36. So when a black man rapes a white woman (or better yet, a man who rapes young boys), he’s proving the superiority of his genes? Give me a break. All he’s proving is his inability to obtain a woman in a legal, civilized manner.

  37. Oh, Gawd. I can hear those feminist now (in reference to the title). You notice that all the Hollywood directors that have been put on front stage for their alleged sexual predatory conduct are nerds and goofballs? This just goes to show that money doesn’t take the nerd/goofball out of your genes. Once a nerd, always a nerd.

  38. The only thing that a mordern woman hates more than a rapist, is a man who has no interest in raping her at all. If you don’t have it in you, she will come to despise you.

  39. I wouldn’t touch a Feminist with a pole. And I hate there rape culture bull shit that doesn’t exist and is a myth. They really want rape culture it happens in the Middle East and Africa which are shit hole countries. Man fuck feminism and there cancer. The only religions that keep girls in check that I know of are is Islam,menonites,Amish, and jehovahs witnesses. My moms side of the family is jehovahs witnesses and all my girl cousins act feminine and are submissive. So guys I recommend u try looking for jw chicks that are tens, just don’t hit in the pastors daughter he cock blocks the shot out of you.

  40. In order to defend against false allegations, maybe it’s time to start recording sexual interactions. I don’t mean the actual sex, but the consent part. Most ppl have a smartphone that can record audio and video. It’s not hard to just turn it on covertly while u are meeting a new woman. It may save u from alot of heartache

    1. In order to defend against false allegations, maybe it’s time to start recording sexual interactions. I don’t mean the actual sex, but the consent part.

      Why not the sex, too? Get it all on film.

    Women do not want to be raped. There is so much more to a person than whether they’re “desirable” or not. They are people. You are denying them basic human rights.
    All of you commenters are weak people who are whining about why nobody seems to want you anymore. Do you have any idea how terrible rape is? Do you know how incredibly traumatic the experience is?
    You are not the righteous protesters you seem to think you are. You’re advocating abuse, and by that note you’re also advocating the nightmares, the screaming, the terror. Why do women protest rape? They are protesting the fact that some people still — despite this being 2018 — think that men have some sort of power over women. They don’t protest because every single one of them have been assaulted before, but because they stand together and fight against this BELIEF.
    I agree that some women may use rape as an excuse for cheating. These women are in the wrong, and they aren’t the women I’m referring to above. But overall, women aren’t just some attention-needing beggars. They don’t define themselves by their sexual experience. No one should.

    1. Well, consider the fact that so many of the so-called feminists ignore real rape cultures, such as the one among many Muslim men, or the rape culture promoted in rap. Also, look how these histrionic gals dress. True, they do not want to be raped. I agree with you there. However, it’s obvious that these protesters are not addressing real problems.

    2. Thanks Ray. I agree totally. The men here are total misogynists. Rape is real and the inspiring #MeToo movement is also real and not going away. I know. Because I am a rape survivor. It was truly horrific and terrifying. I also personally know many women who have been sexually abused, harassed at work and also raped. It’s an epidemic thanks to toxic masculinity, the objectification of women among other factors. Of course no woman wants to be raped , go through that horrible ordeal but it happens. Sadly many women have been silent and quiet about it…holding it in and even blaming themselves for the horrible acts of men…but no more. The #MeToo movement is changing everything and women are speaking up and speaking out like never before . Time’s up for the misogynists.

    3. Ray, “Do you have any idea how terrible rape is?”
      Been raped twice by women, it wasn’t that bad.
      1st time, she was a bit overweight/ugly, she followed me home, I said ‘no’, but I was so drunk she overpowered me.
      2nd time, I woke up to find a gf having sex with me while I was asleep, a Brit guy got 10 years for doing that only last year.
      So let’s actually think how bad a crime rape really is ….. ‘I’m gonna cut off your leg, or rape you’ which would you choose? OK, so not as bad as having your leg cut off. How about blinded, arms broken …… all the way down to little finger snapped. Let’s face it, a vagina was designed to be penetrated, and in the animal world, strongest male get to do it. Until the last 50-100 years most women didn’t have any choice in who fucked them, their dad sold/bartered them to a wealthy guy, or they were taken by an invader.
      White Knight syndrome fail ……. rape is an entirely natural event.

  42. This article hits a lot of nails on the head, including hinting at why there’s an unholy alliance between feminists and barbarians, be they uncivilized migrants or 16th century muslims. Both subjugate women and relegate them to their base utility (to be bred as cattle, with just as many rights – cover yourself, keep your mouth shut and do exactly as you’re told or else) and the women are suffocating in sickening beta male-run western kingdoms where the men having zero intimidation capacity, detached balls, and always seek to curry favor by giving women everything (by way of government and law) they claim they want.
    And yes, women hate-hate-hate chronic beta suck-ups. They can’t respect men that constantly kiss their fat asses and won’t ever say “Hell No”, “Fuck You, Do it Yourself” and “Shut Up”.
    That’s why the barbarians are so magnetic (on a strictly biological level) – they WILL rape, pillage and take what they want. And as such the totally unattractive, loud-mouthed, college-educated Dunham-types will never stage a “Stop the Migrants from Raping Us!” march, regardless of how obvious it is that it occurs.
    Too bad the countrymen of today are a shadow of their straight-talking, tobacco-chewing, ass-kicking, terrain-conquering, barefoot and pregnant wife-having great-great grandfathers.
    So in the end it’s our dads and his dad’s generations fault. Not understanding the true nature of “waaamen” they gave these broads every goddamn thing they wanted, and now that those chicks have political power there’s absolutely nothing to stop the march of the uneducated, progress-averse, technologically illiterate Rape-Procreate-Dominate hoards.

  43. Women do not manufacture stories of rape because they want to be raped. What. The Fuck. No one WANTS to be raped. It’s a traumatic and horrible experience, denying women of basic human rights.
    And why would any women want to have the child of her rapist? Yes, they might be ‘bigger and stronger’ but they’re RAPISTS. FUCKING RAPISTS.
    AND. WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘BIOLOGICAL IMPERATIVES.’ Are you saying it’s in men’s NATURE to rape women? Passed down from their pillaging, murderous, viking ancestors? You’re also descended from people who used stones to wipe their shit, so why the fuck are you using toilet paper?
    WOMEN. ARE PEOPLE. WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS. WE HAVE EMOTIONS. We protest rape because some men still think that they have some power over women, that it’s their right to do whatever they want to us. Not because we want to be raped.
    I don’t even know what this article is trying to communicate. That women want to be raped? That it’s natural for men to rape women, so we should just accept it? That feminists are all idiots and we should ‘leave feminism behind to embrace the lives that will lead them to the men they want, and therefore, the lives they want,’ the ‘lives we want’ being what? Living in constant fear and trauma, under the rule of men?
    Feminism is wanting EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN AND MEN, job opportunities, citizenship, etc. It’s not just marching and screaming in the streets about what ignorant misogynists males like you are. Why should we make less than males by doing the same job? Why should we bow down to the other sex because our genitals look different?
    By supporting the article, you’re supporting abuse and the denial of basic human rights. You’re dehumanizing women, like we’re some sort of sex object that you have a birthright to.
    It’s the 21st century. People should be more educated than this.

  44. Women do not manufacture stories of rape because they want to be raped. What. The Fuck. No one WANTS to be raped. It’s a traumatic and horrible experience, denying women of basic human rights.
    And why would any women want to have the child of her rapist? Yes, they might be ‘bigger and stronger’ but they’re RAPISTS. FUCKING RAPISTS.
    AND. WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘BIOLOGICAL IMPERATIVES.’ Are you saying it’s in men’s NATURE to rape women? Passed down from their pillaging, murderous, viking ancestors? You’re also descended from people who used stones to wipe their shit, so why the fuck are you using toilet paper?
    WOMEN. ARE PEOPLE. WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS. WE HAVE EMOTIONS. We protest rape because some men still think that they have some power over women, that it’s their right to do whatever they want to us. Not because we want to be raped.

    1. I don’t even know what this article is trying to communicate. That women want to be raped? That it’s natural for men to rape women, so we should just accept it? That feminists are all idiots and we should ‘leave feminism behind to embrace the lives that will lead them to the men they want, and therefore, the lives they want,’ the ‘lives we want’ being what? Living in constant fear and trauma, under the rule of men?
      Feminism is wanting EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN AND MEN, job opportunities, citizenship, etc. It’s not just marching and screaming in the streets about what ignorant misogynists males like you are. Why should we make less than males by doing the same job? Why should we bow down to the other sex because our genitals look different?
      By supporting the article, you’re supporting abuse and the denial of basic human rights. You’re dehumanizing women, like we’re some sort of sex object that you have a birthright to.
      It’s the 21st century. People should be more educated than this.

    2. You were making some sense up to this point…….
      ‘We protest rape because some men still think that they have some power over women, that it’s their right to do whatever they want to us. ‘
      ….because that is just a flat out lie that every man reading this now knows to be a flat out lie.
      In England, we have a very specific, sadistic and real ‘Rape Culture’.
      It’s victims are ALL white English school girls.
      They are the sexual slaves of their M***** Masters and this is plain and explicit.
      Some of the young teens are branded on their buttocks to give them cause to never forget they were sex slaves. I say ‘were’ as the supply is so vast the girls are disguarded when they start to develop breasts and their vaginas and anuses are used up.
      All true.
      You will find the details easily if you look it up.
      Guess what ‘Ariel’, guess what?
      True story.
      The only protests are by MEN in the EDL.
      Not women.
      Never women.
      You might want to look the ‘Rape Culture’ in the transit camps en route to the UK.
      Not only are women NOT protesting that, they are swooping like Vultures to have sex with these men under the guise of ‘providing AID’.
      Even male children are not safe from these female ‘AID workers’.
      Look it up.
      Your lies are far worse than distasteful.
      I have zero interest in any discussion with you (or any woman like you) and will only response to any other poster who responds to my post.

  45. So, basically, what woman say must be reversed. If she say “you’re a great man” she feel “you suxx!”. When she say “you’re an asshole” it means “I want you!”.

  46. This article is not saying women want to be raped or sexually assaulted. It is addressing jealousy of unattractive women that they are not desirable and how women use, exaggerate, or completely make up stories to show that they are desirable. They crave admiration and sympathy, thus the victim-brag.

  47. Feminists are hysterical about rape because: they are the at the most emotional end of the spectrum for the more emotional of the two genders. As emotional creatures things have to “feel right” for them at all times. So they can go into a man’s bedroom with the primary intention of “just making out” (even though this is entirely irrational, if they just wanted to kiss it could be done in public) but also their fantasy is to be swept off their feet by a sex God and that’s always in the back of their head so they happily go along with sex because they get horny and they’re high on agreeableness. Then as the man carves a notch in his bed post and he sends her on her way again her emotionality kicks in again and she thinks ‘That didn’t ‘feel right’. My intention was only to make out’….which she’s right about …in a female inconstant way…’he took advantage of me’. And he did take advantage, but not in the way that she and feminists think: he took advantage of a chance to reproduce with an irrational, highly emotional creature who has a Prince Charming fantasy and who got horny. Men who go on about “rape culture” also tend to be highly emotional creatures.

  48. Uglier women are generally more afraid of rape because they have every reason to be. The men who tend to find them attractive are at the bottom of the barrell, old, fat, homeless, sperg ect and they don’t have the resources and protection of the more desirable males because the top quality men feel indifferent to them, they might be able to find the odd drunken pump and dump but apart from that they are basically on their own. It’s just another female mate selection tactic.

  49. WTF guys !!! Why does someone would like to be raped ??
    If women take the streets, it’s because no one deserve to be raped, among others things, and not because they secretly wish to be raped ! That doesn’t make any sense to anyone that has a modicum of common sense.

  50. Seriously? I thought feminists were a caricature of themselves, but you are actually worse!

  51. “Australian statistics”? Where is the reference? There should always be a reference

  52. Womens are not alive to seduce or to be objectified by mens. Sexual violence is a real major issue embedded in rape culture (culture that your article demonstrates perfectly).

    1. Hahaha! I guess you are an ugly ass feminist yourself. Why would anyone try to produce a coherent argument when all you have to say is that people who disagree are ugly?

  53. I couldn’t take this article serious as the very first figure are completely false : from where do you hold this “0.006% of chances of being raped” ? Srsly? In OECD countries one woman out of ten is victim of (at least) one sexual assault in her lifehttps://data.oecd.org/inequality/violence-against-women.htm
    I will not even comment the use of the world “chance”…

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