Are You Subliminally Revealing A Beta Male Core Through Mate Guarding?

Mate guarding is always a bad idea, no two ways about it. If you feel the need to ‘mate guard’ when you are in public with your girlfriend then resist it. It’s beta in the extreme and it sends out a bad message both to her and to the people around you.

In case you’re not familiar with the term, ‘mate guarding’ refers to the tendency of some guys to try to indicate ‘ownership’ of their partner in public. This can be subtle, say by linking arms at sensitive moments (for example when a group of guys enters the social space); or overt, by actively threatening other men with consequences if they don’t stay away.

Of course, this is all wrong on many levels. For one thing, you don’t ‘own’ her any more than she owns you. She is a human being who can make her own decisions. And if she is with you, then it is because she wants to be with you: no more no less.

Another thing is that any attempts at ‘mate guarding’ are counterproductive since they will make you look weak.

Protecting Her Ass

I recall many years ago standing in a bar with a ‘natural’ colleague of mine. We were observing a girl we worked with—quite an attractive, vivacious girl—and her boyfriend. The boyfriend, surrounded by people, had placed a protective hand on his girl’s ass.

My natural friend laughed and imitated this guy’s somewhat stiff, nervous posture, before commenting:

‘There’s no point in doing that. If she’s going to cheat she’s going to cheat. Nothing you can do about it.’

Now, this man was a tall, good-looking alpha, and it’s unlikely he got cheated on often. However, his attitude was instructive. And it is certain that he would never have stooped to mate-guardian measures himself.

Why? Because he didn’t have to.

Think about it like this. If you are truly alpha, a prize amongst men, then would you worry about your girl going off with another guy? No, of course not. For one thing it’s never going to happen, and even in the unlikely event that it does you will have little problem in replacing her.

Do you suppose that Justin Bieber or Leonardo DiCaprio or Ryan Gosling or A$AP Rocky bother with mate guarding? Of course they don’t! Why would they? They are confident in their superior status among men and in their magnetic attractiveness to women.

There’s no need for such men to even consider the possibility of a woman straying. It’s simply not going to happen.

Now, perhaps you are ready to counter this line of logic by pointing out that you are neither Justin Bieber, nor Leo DiCaprio, nor any of the other celebrities I’ve mentioned. You’re just a normal guy of average looks and means. Therefore, things are different. Therefore, you need to mate guard every once in a while just as ‘a precaution’.

That thinking is all wrong. By going down that mental avenue you are merely reinforcing any suspicion your girl might have that she is with a suboptimal guy. And as a result, your attempts to mate guard her will be counterproductive.

OK, on that particular evening she may well not talk to or flirt with any other guys. But what message have you sent her?

‘My boyfriend is so weak and unconfident in himself that he feels the need to attempt to broadcast the fact that we’re together to ward off other men when we’re out.’

I hope you can see how problematic and self-defeating this approach is. Once you’ve weakened her sense of you as a strong man who deserves her, then you have begun to chip away at the very foundations of her respect and attraction for you. And once respect and attraction are diminished then it’s only a short path to her dumping you or cheating on you.

High Value

Instead of mate guarding, when you go out with your girlfriend, or wife, or even with a random girl you’re taking on a date, simply act as if you haven’t got a care in the world.

Yes, your pulse might be racing, and inside you might be terrified that something’s going to go wrong. Disregard those feelings. They are the product of your imagination and they’re not going to do you any good. Instead, put on a front of being calm, comfortable, and in control of yourself.

Subconsciously your girl will be impressed that you are not fussing over her. She will be impressed because you are now exhibiting the characteristics of a high value male. And doing that will put you in a far better position than mate guarding ever will.

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Read More: Are You A Soyified Game Denialist?

99 thoughts on “Are You Subliminally Revealing A Beta Male Core Through Mate Guarding?”

  1. Daddy is that you!??!
    Daddy come back to south america!
    My mom and I want child support!

    1. There are no taboos anymore. But there is ALWAYS power of the wallet. Cut the snatchez off from the economic support that you dole out from your wallet and you will ALWAYS be Alpha. If she pulls that cucking crap in front of you, here monkey branching azz is gone. Cut the khunt off (no second chances), leave her there and go about your life, but call all the ties and ditch the ho completely. Its either complete loyalty or pavement pounding time (the get the F out factor). tolerate it once and you will have been the agent of your own financial and self respect destruction.

  2. all of this shit goes out the window if/when you are in the same area as “ghetto population” just gtfo and leave if you see black youths enter the area. get between her and them and just disappear. A lot of black men/boys will just publicly grope or assault a woman for the hell of it. They view it as their ‘right’ due to what was drilled into their ape brains during public school

      1. Not at all harsh. Just like the police are not at all harsh towards blacks. They totally earned the reputations they’ve got, and are reaping the rewards (stop and search, getting gang raped in jail). Good. We need to teach a little cause and effect.
        Likewise, if the black community spends the next 10 years being model citizens the way they’re treated and thought of will differ greatly. Everything bad in their lives really is their own faults (besides IQ, which is genetically disproportionately against them).

        1. Same goes for every man of every race. Why are men still fighting about race in 2018 when the c*nts have already gathered against you to show you that it’s really still Man vs Woman? When you white guys stop looking at men of other colors as competition and instead as brothers, maybe we can all curb this imbalanced power epidemic. Work with your fellow man and not against him. Women don’t care what race you are, they will use up you and your resources and STILL move on to the next man, regardless of his race. Think about that!

    1. That only happens if they determine (& in your case, quite accurately) you are a bitch. In Detroit, for example, I’ve seen several cases where interracial couples (white male) are left unbothered in areas with a majority black presence. It’s painfully obvious your stay in Detroit was turbulent & problematic, but that’s the life of a beta/pussy. Once again, your horrible experience in the urban Midwest is your experience alone. I’m still perplexed on how you’re supposedly living the life in the East yet find time to comment on every ROK article, numerous times???

      1. Those interracial couples were probably attacked when u weren’t around to see it.

    2. Herb,
      Why are you still holding a grudge against all black guys just because your first love got a train ran on her by black guys after prom?

  3. This is a tough one. What if you’re with someone who Shit Tests you by flirting with another guy? Overreacting does have its hazards, since acting too jealous may come across as insecure. Still, if you don’t react at all, you’re signaling that it’s OK to do stuff like that, and expect a more audacious Shit Test soon.

    1. @Beau
      In my experience of dating Brazilian and American White girls an IDGAF attitude works much better most of the time. If you see her flirting with other guys dont say nothing it will make it look like you have abundance mentslity and frame.
      You should also flirt with other girls in front of her and if she complains ask about her double standard of doing the same and that next time you wont put up with her crap of disrespecting. This worked for me most of the time. They never dare to do those stupid shit tests again with me.

      1. It depends on what you want with the girl. Sure, you could ignore her flirting with other guys in front of you and you could flirt with other girls, that can work to stop her from doing that shit again – in front of you. In doing that she’s already shown herself to be a whore, or at least an attention whore. She’ll do the same behind your back anyway. If you’re just banging her and you’re not serious about her then it’s a good tactic, otherwise move on – she’s no good.

      2. I’ve done the flirting with other girls part, by throwing really cheesy pickup lines. It got the point across.
        One other time, a guy was trying to horn in on my date. I pretended I was bisexual and put my arm around him – he jumped back several feet and it was as funny as hell. Chick wasn’t worth it though.
        Aside from those things, I figure a moderate reproach is the best way to go.

    2. that one does not need guarding needs to be left alone if she is flirting with other man in your presence? when you are not there she bends over backwards for others she is a divorce rape waiting to happen leave her alone!!!!.

    3. My thought on your shit test may be a bit extreme but nonetheless, if a girl I was seeing began flirting with another guy I’d tell her if she wants to keep that garbage up, it’s over. It’s petty.

    4. “…What if you’re with someone who Shit Tests you by flirting with another guy?…”
      Flirting with another guy in front of you (for everyone to see) is more than a simple Shit Test….that is a massive disrespect.
      DUMP THE HO! No Big scene…No tantrums….No losing your cool….Just DUMP THE HO!

      1. SO far your post is the only one with the RIGHT answer, cut that beatch completely off. She don’t deserve what you provide for her. The bbeatch can go live under a bridge if she is gonna try an cuck you later or in your face. The disrespect of their self entitlement should be crushed the moment that naked mole rat face of her monkey branching shows itself. Cut that snakes head off and stomp its head into the ground and walk away.

      2. True, safest move for a guy in this day and age. But wouldn’t you rather teach the bitch a lesson then leave her plus slap the shit out of the guy that was disrespecting you as well? That would be Alpha.

    5. DNJ has the right idea. Cut her off after the fact if she offends you in any way. Negative reinforcement training. Like with a dog.

    6. If she wants to cheat, she’ll cheat. Go find another one. As my current lady says, “geeze Wayne, I bet your next gf hasn’t even been born yet”

    7. You should simply smile, then when you’re back at home you dump her for making a fool out of you in public.

    8. 1. Dump any girl who shit tests you. I mean like yesterday. She’s toxic.
      2. Animals mate guard all the time. I thought RoK was big on sociobiology, how we all have animal instincts etc.

  4. Mate guard whom? And what is with all the hot chicks photos? Do u really think that if u are able to attract chicks like these u would ever care about mate guarding or whatever? Nope, if u are able to attract such sluts in the first place u wouldn’t care at all cuz u if u lose the cunt u will just swap to another one. If u ever think about the possibility of losing ur cunt then the fact is ur just an incel/beta/socially awkward/looser who is not attractive to wahmen in the first place so no matter what u do u will still be fuked in the end… like in gambling.

  5. Roosh writes similar articles trying to rationalize why he can’t keep a girl.

      1. Seems accurate, I have no stable relationship either, have some cash but don’t own a house(I leave abroad). Basically a woman requires financial stability for her to stop fooling around with other dudes.
        Once she commits she’ll become nagging & demand the man to raise up to her expectations.

        1. Such a woman will start fooling around again after stability the best one although hard to find is one who never liked fooling around. I know many say she does not exist but that’s like an African in Ethiopia saying it’s impossible to earn $10k month because he has never seen ‘wealth’ but its other peoples reality to spend it in two weeks of fun.

  6. The last three paragraphs sound funny if you imagine them being read in the style of a 1950’s instructional film.

  7. “… She is a human being who can make her own decisions… ”
    Yeah, that’s been going well for the last 100 years.
    2 in the kitty, let her do the “guarding”

    1. you are right them bitches need to be guarded that’s the only time they make good decisions is if they are guarded and face consequences like in Islam or fundamental Christian churches where they don’t walk alone or go to the corner store alone or any man who is not a close brother ,father

      1. that said that woman need to be guarded its not worth guarding a non virgin as you don’t know where she was yesterday and probabaly wont screw anyone today as she is on recovery dyue to the hours of drug sex she has yesterday.
        I had friend he was talking to a girl who works in the same building as me. then another guy came telling him he must stay away from her before he pollutes her!!! I laughed because he had already slept with her at her own home while her mother was there yet this guy still thinks she is a princess

    2. “… She is a human being who can make her own decisions… ”
      Yeah, Big20, that very same sentence triggered in me a “Fuck this Feminist BS, Patriarchy NOW”!-response.
      2 in the kitty & dump and disrespecting bitch are the correct action forms in such a situation.

  8. I usually like Mr. Francis’ articles, but this one is pointless and dreary.
    Nice pictures embedded in the articles, it’d be great if women that looked like that actually existed in the States.

    1. I am not in the states. are you telling me you cant find such woman in the street ? even near some college ?and they look like some teenagers

  9. ”Do you suppose that Justin Bieber or Leonardo DiCaprio or Ryan Gosling or…”
    no, I don’t suppose what hollywood cucks and faggots do

    1. Look what happened to Weinstein, then that guy from the Dukes of Hazzard has just been in jail for not paying $150k in alimony. The Hollywood male stars are in the same boat as everyone else, it’s great at the time, then you get divorce raped and falsely accused later on in life when you’ve lost your looks and fame. I expect it’ll happen to Bieber and DiCaprio in a while.

    2. “Justin Bieber or Leonardo DiCaprio … are confident in their superior status among men”
      The Drivel King really outdid himself with that shit there.

      1. Looks like one of the Bieb’s fans downvoted me. Didn’t expect them to be hanging out in a forum like this.

  10. Have never and will never mate guard. Makes you look pathetic and afraid. If she wants to shit test, give it right back. If she can’t take it. Give her the boot

  11. If my woman leaves me for someone else, I honestly, truly would not give a fuck. I’d just find another one. If you’re able to internalize this, your entire life will become much easier and less stressful. My woman knows this too, because I’ve told her, and also because she can sense it.

  12. This article should only apply for dates and girlfriends. Completely disagree with it for marriages. We all know about the nature of women and hypergamy. There are many articles here suggesting an end to womens’ suffrage, and that women make poor decisions. Don’t give them enough rope to hang themselves! If you are married and/or have kids, do not give them the opportunity to wander! Keep them out of these situations (bars/clubs), and protect your family–it’s in your kids’ best interest! If she still finds a way to cheat, oh well, fuck her, divorce her ass (and never marry again), but don’t give her the opportunity to wander by attempting to appear alpha and nonchalant.

    1. In my country it’s a taboo for married woman to be in night clubs unless they are whores.

      1. There are no taboos anymore. But there is ALWAYS power of the wallet. Cut the snatchez off from the economic support from you dole out from your wallet and you will ALWAYS be Alpha.

        1. DNJ,
          No taboos in the west, but the west isn’t the world. My wife isn’t allowed social interaction with other men, unless it’s in front of me. Same for my unmarried daughter (20yo), she is never allowed to be alone with a man except for me. There are plenty of countries where women are property and guarded 100% of the time. I don’t need to police this myself, the other locals who see them do it for me, if either were to break these rules they would be publicly shamed.

        2. Public shaming only works when the culture in the are you live in supports it. Those of us living in the first world nations do not have the culture that uses shaming on women but only men. UNTIL MEN CHANGE THAT, the Western first world nations will be cultural shit holes. That’s fine that you live where it’s practiced but the infection of the west’s wasteland culture will eventually infect and destroy the local values. It’s not an if scenario merely a matter of when…. UNLESS MEN stand up where they live and change things and get rid of the feminist infections and the social justice movements insanity. You can’t run and hide from it,but we already know that doesn’t matter to you. Hence the “stay and fight” the cultural war position I have.

        3. DNJ,
          You can’t change anything, you can only choose to be alone.
          I don’t believe Asia or Africa will ever succumb to feminism.
          They don’t really care about what women want, they don’t do welfare.

  13. The thing is if you are NOT Justin Beaber or Ryan Gosling or some other super-Alpha-male you ARE going to get cheated on, so your best bet is to catch it quick and dump her ASAP

  14. Justin Bieber or Leonardo DiCaprio or Ryan Gosling? WTF? If one has to pick 3 actors, why pick 3 that look like fags? Alpha males? No, rich males. Allow me to suggest 3 other males you might consider a bit more, uh, masculine: Sean Connery, Gerard Butler and Mickey Rourke. They ain’t saints, but they are alpha, and the other 3 are gay as fuck!

    1. “Takes one to know one…”
      Um, no it doesn’t, unless you’re using 2nd grade insults. It may take one to blow one, but recognizing flaws in others doesn’t make one guilty of the same.

  15. Mate guarding is really a goldilocks kind of thing. Don’t do it and she thinks you don’t care or allow her to cheat, do it too much and you’re a low value man.

    1. It’s not. I highly doubt alpha males (tribe heads) 30,000 with harems didn’t care when their women wandered; they kept them LOCKED and made it impossible for them interact with males other than family.
      I don’t recommend it because of current laws but ffs don’t mend alpha males’ definition according to your internalized feminism and equate cuckest behavior with alpha.
      Just observe alpha behavior of some authentic alphas, say, Taliban tribal chiefs. Do you think they don’t give a fuck if their women are fucking males on side?

  16. i say it right out to my wife. if you screw up ill replace you in a second. theres a line of bitches wanting to take your place in my bed

    1. And you are a citizen of what country and what is your financial situation? Have you ever heard of community property, alimony, child support, “domestic abuse accusation fast track option during divorce proceedings”?

  17. You transition from boy to man when you understand that if a woman were to leave you for another man it would be cause to celebrate.

    THE ONLY RIGHT answer, cut that beatch completely off. She don’t deserve what you provide for her. The beatch can go live under a bridge if she is gonna try an cuck you later and dare to do you in your face? The disrespect of their self entitlement should be crushed the moment that naked mole rat face of her monkey branching shows itself. Cut that snakes head off and stomp its head into the ground and walk away. Have some self respect and dignity, you vaginawhoreshipping cucks. Quit enabling that bleeding hatchet gash.

  19. This stuff could only be written by an older guy whom is still a pick up artist. I’ve dated some girls whom absolutely wanted to be mate guarded, and have directly asked me to do it when I went too aloof on them in my younger, kinda PUA’ish days. Others hate it, but from what I can tell, those girls want to appear single so it’s easier to hypergame.
    If you can find a girl whom wants your arm around them everywhere you go together, she might be clingy and annoying, but that could be a worthwhile price if it indicates more attraction for you and a girl whom is more likely to be loyal. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. I know if I don’t do that with my wife, she’ll come find me if we’re out and place my arm around her.
    It’s funny that Troy knocked down the idea that I’m not an Alpha, so I shouldn’t behave like one. There is some truth to that. A true Alpha probably doesn’t have to use much cocky funny, and probably zero “negs” to get a girl. Think about it, if Lebron James, or Marky Mark is mean to a girl, she could be emotionally hurt, but a dweeb might have to use push pull in order to convince a girl you are better than you are. ‘Negs’ are useful to some men, but I guarantee they are not Alpha and very few Alpha’s behave that way, as they don’t have to.
    If I’m Lebron James, even if I’m not famous, I’m so big that I simply walk up to a girl, confidently introduce myself and I have a pretty good shot at getting some interest from her. But take Leonardo DiCaprio, take away his fame and give him an average paying job, if that’s me, I’m going to have to work harder and behave differently to get top notch ass.
    An yes, I’m suggesting that without fame and fortune, Leo is far from “alpha.” But any 6’5″ pro athlete is probably going to come off as immediately alpha.
    Also, don’t you think mate guarding exists as a natural behavior because it works evolutionarily. Maybe so called alpha’s don’t do it becuase they already impregnate so many women that they don’t need to. Maybe it’s a necessary strategy for the rest of 90% of men in order to make sure they raise as many of their own children as possible.
    I mean, isn’t that what old marriage was before marriage was flipped to favor only women. Old marriage was transfer of ownership of a girl from a father to her now husband and as ownership was an extreme form of mate guarding.
    Also, if you ever get tired of fucking random whores, and decide to settle down and raise kids with one woman, don’t be surprised if your point of view on mate guarding and “ownership” of each other totally flip. I promise you that a marriage works so much better and feels so much nicer if both you and your girl agree that you own her. That’s right, she wants to be owned, and truth is, if she’s popping out your kids, you want to own her. You want her to know that changing her mind just because she doesn’t feel like something anymore isn’t acceptable.
    In fact, I’d go so far to say that deep down, the only reason you don’t want men owning their women is for your own personal benefit. It’s a very feminist view that married couples don’t “own” each other or more specifically men can’t “own” women. If a man owned his women, she’d be far less free to cheat on him with you. But since you still like to play to field at 40whatever, you benefit very clearly from no men having ownership over any women.
    You sir, are thus, part of the decline, and part of the barbarianism of our society. You are uncivilized, for civilization created marriage and requires families. Civilization is large groups of men ignoring their more animal side and baser instincts, and controlling their women, for the greater good of society as a whole. This is done so advances in technology, science, literature, art and philosophy can occur.
    But, the decline is likely to be unstoppable at this point. Sometimes I think that maybe I should join you and help the decline move along that much more quickly. It would certainly be much more fun day to day than attempting to be a good father. But I doubt it would be more fulfilling long term.

  20. So what about if my woman has a great ass and killer body and we’re always in PDA mode? We seriously have crazy attraction for one another. I love having my hands on her at all times – has nothing to do with mate guarding. Are we saying that that is a nono?

  21. Beta or not, I do not wish to share my woman with others. Sharing your woman IS beta.
    If she is my woman, I own her, period. By her own volition, mind. If she behaves in a way that triggers mate-guarding in me, then she is not behaving properly, as she is supposed to do. Maybe because I am beta – but more likely because she is a slut.
    If she behaves that way, is she is not behaving herself as if she was my property – then probably it is prime time to next her, asap.

  22. Sort of a complex subject.
    In a way mate guarding is obviously insecure and yet it makes perfect sense from another perspective. Insecure or not, mate guarding moves will effectively prevent 99% of guys from making a move on your girl and it also signals that you care about her. If you’re high value, she might get off on you being possessive of her and even getting into retarded fist fights over her.
    Even if she’s more attracted to other guys, at least the mate guarding guy will get a few bangs and affection out of her before she eventually strays when the perfect storm of factors encouraging her to do it come together. If we’re not being romantic here and don’t believe in true love, then it’s just a matter of time before she monkey branches UNLESS she can not see any better options and the man CAN control it to SOME small extent by distracting her even if his odds are bad.
    Allowing other guys to try their luck with her is sort of like reverse dread game and similar to the teaching of “the less you care the more they come to you” in the initial meeting process but countless men have found that to be a horrible idea. As a man you always have to be thinking on your feet and pushing for things to happen. Pretending to be some indifferent king of the concrete jungle will work if you’re like that but if everyone is a king, then nobody is a king and the odds are that you’re not a loaded international male model celebrity and acting like one is just like a kitten trying to roar like a lion; you might believe in it, you might act consistent and have “balls” but acting like you have great value is just that…an act.
    So no, unless the regular beta guy cocks his fists at guys that glanced at his chick I kind of cannot blame him. It’s not my thing and I would be a bit embarrassed to be caught doing it intensely but it’s the basis of some traditional masculine cultures and to some extent it’s healthy; when you like a woman, you want to shield her and not expose her to the dregs and bottom feeders of society, who want a piece of the pie too, and a little bit of nudging in the way of mate guarding can be fine.
    She knows that Chad is out there waiting and ready to whip it out, which might excite her, but occupying her mind with your personal reality and your shared relationship will protect her from having to come to grips with that reality.

    1. I neglected to say that women do mate guarding too. They nag, act frumpy or distract their boyfriend or husband from watching scantily clad hotter women when they go out together. I don’t know if women grab a guy’s hand and say “let’s go honey” or give murderous stares but they do the above.
      Just like when a woman is chatted up by some male alpha, a guy will question his happiness if an underwear model grinds against his junk on the dance floor.
      It may not lead to any sex but it will ignite a spark of doubt inside him and he might find her less desirable after that.

  23. I’m not sure what to think about this. I can understand it, I’m just not sure that I entirely agree with it. I also think that maybe a few things are missing when it comes to this.
    On the one hand, you’re showing that you’re “alpha” by not giving a fuck if she goes elsewhere, by showing non-neediness. That might be the case – if the idea you have in your head matches with hers.
    There’s another group of guys who also don’t mind their girlfriends being chatted up by other men, who when their wives are approached by other men wouldn’t say anything at all – cucks. They don’t come from the position of being “alpha”, they’re “beta”. They avoid saying anything because they’re weak, passive, afraid of other men. They’re pussies.
    Sometimes if you do nothing at all and you allow her or another guy to disrespect you like that, she’ll put you in the latter category no matter whether or not you think you’re being “alpha”.
    An example: me and my girlfriend went out with a group of friends. As I was outside smoking a guy approaches the table with my girlfriend, her girl friend, and the girl’s soyboyfriend. He of course said nothing as the guy invaded my girlfriend’s personal space. She moved away, so he tried it on with the other girl as my girlfriend watched to see what soyboy would do. He did nothing. Eventually my girlfriend stepped in and told the guy to fuck off.
    Afterwards she came out and told me about it. She said “he just stood there and did nothing so I had to step in”. In her head, she had to be the man in that situation, because he was being a pussy. His behaviour, sitting back, watching, saying nothing – wasn’t “alpha” to her. She told me that if I was there I would probably have chinned the guy.

    1. Starting a potentially lethal fight over “personal space” sounds very unnecessary in that situation. All they would have to do is move to a different table or do what the girl did and tell him to go away. If that does not work, there’s probably a bouncer there to take care of it.
      No matter how much of a douche the guy doing the approaching is, it’s best to allow them to save some amount of face and not get physical or make threatening comments because it will quickly escalate into a fight with potentially serious consequences.
      Girls don’t necessarily understand that male dynamic and sometimes them mouthing off can force men to get involved with bad consequences but in other cases the girl telling the man to fuck off may be better than the man politely asking the guy to leave because the douchebag does not feel like he had to defer to another man and instead just amused himself with the hysterical girl (in his one track mind).
      In any case bars are teaming with people representing the slowest learning 30% of the population and alcohol brings the worst out of all people there. If you already have a nice social circle, why go into those places anyway? I do it because I don’t have a gf or a circle and it’s always distasteful for me to step in as I would rather not share my life with strangers like that unless I’m doing it from a position of power.

      1. I think that this mentality is a side effect of the emasculation of men. I can’t imagine asking another man to protect my girlfriend.

  24. What a load of shit. Mate Gaurding, fucking laughable, any cunt who tries anything with my, yes my woman, will know about it.

    1. “Baby, Let’s you and him fight…”
      You are a fucking chump and women of a certain type LOOOVVVEE guys like you. She is acting like a whore so having 2 men fight over her gets her off real well.
      Fucking gamma…

      1. Gamma hey, sit there and get cucked idiot.
        I bet you are a little boy, go play with your toy cars.

    2. It depends.
      Yes, if you are together and minding your own business and some jackass comes up and starts talking to her, then I agree. That is a reason to fight.
      But if SHE starts slutting it up with other guys when you are supposed to be together, then she is not worth it. Guess what? She’ll slut it up with the next guy, and the one after that, and so on and so forth. Cut her off and ghost her.

      1. Does not sound like a great reason to fight to me.
        Ask yourself if a man of value would risk everything he has (his life) to correct some scumbag who talked to your girl? A guy who is happy getting a few meals a day and content with scratching his ass in prison for the rest of his life might be cool with that but men with aspirations must think farther ahead.
        On an evolutionary level, of course, we’re all irritated by that kind of situations but you cannot wrestle a pig and expect to come out of it clean. If you have a social circle and girls, do yourself a favour and stay away from bars. You cannot beat ‘bar people’ in their own game.

  25. Yeah coz letting ur bitch publicly cuck you by prancing her ass and tits around for other men to interact with is so alpha and dignified.
    Women love being possessed.
    They act like war booty because that is what they are.
    Just coz they bitch about it in the instant doesn’t mean they’re not turned on by a possessive guy.
    Just read 50 shades of grey.
    The beta here is the spineless coward who looks the other way (“I’m so aloof bro”) coz he doesn’t have the training to overcome some thot’s shit testing gambits. Now that is seriously beta.

  26. Troy, you NAILED it man. I’m going to brag now, so apologies in advance for my horrible ego. I know of whence you speak because I am perpetually on the receiving end of that beta body language you described, for years and years now, endlessly, and I can feel it draining the energy out of some men as it flows into me. It requires no effort, and brings me much joy to be the disturbance in their weak force. More than half the time I wasn’t even looking at their ugly-ass girlfriend or wife; those are the best…these guys are like paranoid little squirrels on a thin branch. They get my ZFG, Darth Vader style.

    I keep dates and GFs/LTRs going with minimal PDA when we’re out and about (no clinging, let her do the reaching/touching and even then, gently brush her off and make space sometimes). This has always been my natural thing, since high school. Any public contact with my girl is mostly furtive and not deliberate. The good stuff happens in the substance of our conversations and rapport in public and then later, behind closed doors.

    When I’m in the area, or in the party, I absolutely see some dudes tensing up and immediately start “claiming” on their females in awkwardly spontaneous ways, trying to kiss, mashing on them, it’s super-insecure and pure “cuck theater.” Some will get nervous enough to shoot you that hairy eyeball that says “What are you looking at?” My nonverbal reply (through a wan smile): “YOU don’t make the rules for where my eyes go.” I am absolutely hated on sight by these pseudo-males. Poor bastards, they have no idea how their women are clocking their soft moves and pushing down their SMV with every little defensive posture they throw to some stranger. Truth is I have “swooped” some of their women right on cue. Wolf maneuvers.

    Asian guys are the most uptight…they almost begin sweating and go into “herding cats” mode. Immediately you see them looking for hand-holding and fawning and all this ridiculous shit, which their women don’t really respect! If you do that, and I think you’re girl is hot, I will go after your girl! Just to fuck with you.

  27. Troy, you NAILED it man. I know of whence you speak because I am perpetually on the receiving end of that beta body language you described, for years and years now, endlessly, and I can feel it draining the energy out of some men as it flows into me. It requires no effort, and brings me small moment of joy to be the disturbance in their weak force. More than half the time I wasn’t even looking at their ugly girlfriend or wife; those are the best…these guys are like paranoid little squirrels on a thin branch, and their women aren’t even that hot. They get my ZFG, Darth Vader style.

    I keep dates and GFs/LTRs going with minimal PDA when we’re out and about (no clinging, let her do the reaching/touching and even then, gently brush her off and make space sometimes). This has always been my natural thing, since high school. Any public contact with my girl is mostly furtive and not deliberate. The good stuff happens in the substance of our conversations/rapport in public and then later, behind closed doors.

    When I’m in the area, or in the party, I absolutely see some dudes tensing up and immediately start “claiming” on their females in awkwardly spontaneous ways, trying to kiss, mashing on them, it’s super-insecure and pure “cuck theater.” Some think they are being dominant, because they believe their girl is a prize (usually they are wrong). Some will get nervous enough to shoot you that hairy eyeball that says “What are you looking at?” My reply – verbally or non-verbally — always calmly says: “YOU don’t make the rules for where my eyes go.” I am hated on sight by the lamest of these pseudo-males. Poor bastards, they have no idea how their women are clocking their soft moves and pushing down the SMV with every little defensive posture they throw to some stranger. Truth is I have “swooped” some of their women right on cue. Wolf maneuvers.

    Asian guys are the most uptight…they almost begin sweating and go into “herding cats” mode. Immediately you see them looking for hand-holding and fawning and all this ridiculous shit, which their women don’t really respect! If you do that, and I think you’re girl is hot, I will go after your girl! Just to mess with your mind.

    1. why are my posts in an alternate ROK universe and off the thread — what the fuck???

  28. If a guy is blatantly hitting on your girl in front of you, it demands a reaction. Someone people’s reaction will differ from others. Where I come from, you can pretty much expect a fist fight. Some people I know may just take that to the next level and spill some blood. If you stand there and do nothing, you are a cuck by definition, and deserve a cuck life, see Anthony Bourdain (or so the story goes).

  29. This article isn’t telling you how to be a beta and is scaring men into remaining beta…
    What a terrible article. I’ve never been to this website but return of kings? Doesn’t this article at all sound like a king? Remain a pussy is what this seems like.

  30. If you have a powerful presence, no fighting should be required. Other males should stay away from your meat

  31. Well said, Troy; lots of guys don’t even see this in themselves. Through experience I’ve vaguely sussed it out as a legit point of denial amongst many high-SMV men. I actually don’t contain the impulse to do what they do, so I pick up on the contrast.

    Best not to stoop to such an empty defense, if it the other guy is provoking the mood to defend. Quite relieved that I’ve never coveted the female species on that level, where it’s all twisted up in your nonverbal. There’s this charismatic “pickup” sense between men that just sets some dudes off territorially. I’m surely not the only ones who recognized that beta body language at an early age (well-described in this article). It’s gotta suck while I’m drawing another man’s energy out of him as it flows into me. That’s why I never played it; the power exchange is real. My side of the deal requires basically no effort, and as a side-effect generates a small, quiet moment of narcissistic, egotistical joy to be the disturbance in their weak force. More than half the time I wasn’t even looking at their ugly girlfriend or wife; those are the best…these guys are coveting like robotic dopes, and their women aren’t even hot. They get a niiii-ice ZFG, Darth Vader style.

  32. Alpha and beta are exercises in mimicry. Have you read that article and adopted that behavior yet?
    This is what the alpha looks like, so mimic it, making you alpha.
    What do ‘alpha males’ do other than get laid?

  33. you know what’s REALLY beta? going out in public with a woman you’re involved with, with whom you have some kind of reciprocally exclusive arrangement, yet allowing her to look like she’s on the market and accepting offers. alpha would be telling her if she needs attention, the attention you lavish on her isn’t enough, then she can find someone else to put up with her on a daily basis. then you won’t have to put your hand on her ass to claim ownership, since nobody will be staring at it.
    once a buddy and i went a club in dc. he was a club veteran and i was a newbie. we got there around 10:00 – still early – and scanned the battlefield. the only real talent there was some girl right at the bar, in a slinky little black dress. a punk was next to her, seemed to be sweating her pretty hard. maybe 5’8″, 150#, hoodie over a wife-beater, white, chinstrap beard, flat-brim hat slightly tilted. yeah – THAT guy. we figured for sure she wasn’t with him, so we continued to keep an eye on her. eventually she walked away, i guess to the bathroom, and we watched her. then we looked back toward the bar and homeboy made a signal as if she was with him. fine, my buddy and i thought, there’ll be plenty more girls coming in.
    sweetie-pie comes back to her seat, and we’d stopped noticing her, but for some reason punk starts making a scene, yelling to us ‘you want some of this’ while he gropes her. i yell back something like, no thanks not interested in whatever he and countless others like him have had. then he (and she) get really livid and start hollering for me to do myself and my mom. i get a kick out of their tantrum for a bit but then it goes on too long and people start to notice. so i tell homeboy it’s loud in there, i can’t hear him, would he like to step outside and talk about it. he shuts up immediately and turns back to the bar. i was about 225# at the time, benching 350 and deadlifting 600. i could walk the length of a basketball court on my hands.
    point being, she WAS with him. exhibit ten million in hot-chick-with-loser category. but also, because she had to go out looking like a whore, her guy had to put himself ins situations where he’d get embarrassed. he managed to score that ass, but couldn’t control it. posing alpha, but still ultimately beta..

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