Last week, I talked about the reasons women manipulate men, how to distinguish manipulation tactics from good behavior, and how to set the tone in terms of reducing the odds of your woman attempting to play mind games with you.
Today I’m going to talk about the three most common ways girls manipulate men as well as their motivations for the particular methods they key in on. More importantly, I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to say and do to shut this shit down and thwart any thoughts of a repeat attempt any time soon.
Again, these are real world examples that I have used myself with multiple females. When I do, one of two things usually happens: 1) They fall in line and keep the mind fuckery to a minimum or 2) They disappear because they know I’m not a man who can be mind fucked. Either way there is little wasted time on mind games which is the intended result.
1. Compliments and praise
The most insulting thing a woman can say to a man is “You’re such a great guy!” What she really means is that she doesn’t want to fuck you, but because she wants you to stay in her orbit she uses this tactic to which leads me to the very reason why she does in the first place…
To reinforce the behavior she wants you to engage in. By telling you you’re a “great guy” she is rewarding you with praise (which for most men is more than enough) so you will continue to take care of all of her non-sexual needs while she gets pounded out by unemployed tattooed garage band guitarist who may or may not have a permanent address.
Sometimes a woman does pay you a genuine compliment. For example, your girl might tell you “You look great in red!” which means she wants to to wear red because it makes you more attractive to her.
But whether it’s a compliment or an attempt control you, the intent is the same: to positively reinforce the behavior so that you will repeat it. Let’s take a look at a few common examples and how to correctly respond.
Example 1
Her: “You’re such a good dishwasher!” or “You’re such a great cook!”
You: “Don’t get used to it…”
She’s attempting to make her chores, your chores. Maybe you are a good dishwasher and maybe you are a good cook. But these aren’t things you’re going to do on the regular and she needs to understand that very clearly.
Example 2
Her: “You have such a sexy mouth! I’ll bet you give great oral!”
You: “You’ll never find out.”
If eating pussy is your thing, more power to you, but most men hate it no matter what they say out loud. At best it warms the girl up for sex, at worse you get pubes in your teeth and pussy juice in your beard. In either case, licking vagina does nothing for you as a man.
I have never lost a woman because I don’t perform cunnilingus on her…. not once. But they will cheat on men who “live for going down on a woman” in a heartbeat because it’s another form of putting pussy on a pedestal. Women adore sexually selfish men and that’s the bottom line.
Don’t give in to her feeble attempts at painting oral sex as something that will keep her around. Fuck that noise.
Example 3
Her: “I love that you’re not a cheap skate.”
You: Look surprised and ask, “How do you know?”
When she tells you how she knows, chuckle, shake your head, and don’t respond. In this example, she’s trying to manipulate you into spending money on her. You’re supposed to think “OMG, she loves that I’m not a cheap skate so I’d better prove it to her over and over again!”
Example 4: A real compliment
Her: “You look good in red.”
The right response: “Thank you.”
The wrong response: “Ohhh thank you soooo much! I really wanted to impress you with this outfit and I’m sooo glad you like it!”
(Next level game response: Smirk at her and say “Prove it…”)
2. Crying and other emotional outbursts
This has been a go-to method for females for eons. They’ve been using their tears and emotions to get what they want since men began taking this nonsense seriously.
Women activate their tear ducts for a few many, many reasons but within the context of a sexual relationship (and sometimes non-sexual) it’s usually for one of two reasons: 1) To lessen the blow of you reprimanding her for bad behavior, or 2) Manipulating you into doing something she knows you don’t want to do.
Understand this immutable truth gentlemen: The only time a woman’s tears are genuine are when they are alone.
If a woman has an audience, she is crying crocodile tears every time. If anyone at all is in her presence when the tears start to flow, every one of those salty drops are lies. Maybe she’s trying to sway public opinion, maybe she’s trying to make you look bad, maybe she’s trying to convince a crowd that she’s right and you’re wrong, maybe she’s trying to get something from you. Whatever the case may be, when a woman has an audience whether it’s one person (likely you) or 21 people, there is always an ulterior motive. Always.
So how do you handle a woman attempting to manipulate you with tears? Let’s take a two examples:
Example 1 – Lessening the blow of verbal reprimand
When you tell her she was overly talkative to the waiter at the restaurant when she knows damn well she’s not to talk to men in public unless she has explicit permission from you, she’ll start to cry because she wants you to back off of your principles and loosen the boundaries you’ve set for her. She wants you to be okay with her having “innocent or innocuous” conversations with other men in your presence.
Proper response: When you see her eyes well up and her chin trembling simply stop talking, hand her a tissue and say “Let me know when you’re finished,” and do so with a stone face and statuesque stoicism. Show ZERO emotion and ZERO empathy.
Example 2 – She wants something
She asks you to do something (or for something), you tell her no, and then she starts crying because she wants you to believe it’s so important to her she’s willing to cry about it. Obviously she’s also doing this to get you to give her what she wants.
Proper response: “You can cry all you want, the answer is still no.” And deliver the shiv in the same stone faced stoic manner as in the first example.
Do not allow women to manipulate you with their tears. They do it to their parents, their siblings, their friends, their bosses, their boyfriends, their husbands, and everyone else. You are going to be the one man who doesn’t fall for this bullshit and when you show her that you aren’t, she will respect and love you for it.
Women want men they cannot manipulate. But they have to try because it’s what they do. When it happens, don’t respond emotionally. Respond with frankness, stoicism, and borderline cold-bloodedness. Show her that her tears are invisible to you.
If you give in and take your foot off the gas with regards to reprimanding her bad behavior or give in and do whatever it is she asked you to do because she cried or threw a fit, she’s going to be doing a lot of crying and tantrum throwing. Men like this always wonder why people describe their women as drama queens.
3. Sex
Sex is by far and away the number one tool women use to manipulate men. It doesn’t even have to be sexual intercourse. It could be sexual allure, the false promise of sex, the false promise of a sexual relationship (read: the friend zone), the list is endless.
Girls use their sexuality for everything from free drinks at the club to promotions at work to avoiding responsibility in any and all situations. But the time they use it the most is with their men.
Here’s another iron-clad truth: sex is transactional for women.
Don’t get me wrong, they fuck for pleasure just like we do. Sure, women use their vaginas to control men but that doesn’t mean they don’t like having sex too. But their pleasure is not the priority. There’s always another purpose for them opening their legs for a man. Even if she’s in heat and can’t wait for you to you pound the life out of her, she still knows in the back of her mind what her end game is. It’s like walking onto a car lot with $20,000, knowing exactly what car you want, but still negotiating for a better price.
As men, we fuck to fuck. We fuck for pleasure. We fuck because we wanna fuck and it feels great. Simple math. But women never fuck only for pleasure. Your girl may love having sex with you but that doesn’t mean that’s the only reason she lets you fuck her. In her mind she knows that if she lets you fuck her on the regular, you’re much more likely to stick around. Guess what guys, this is transactional: I let him fuck me, he stays with me. Sequence, consequence. Cost, benefit.
But most of the time the transaction far outweighs the pleasure for women, and there are 4 main ways women use sex to manipulate and subsequently control you.
Frequent sex in the beginning
In the beginning of a relationship, the sex is always great. You’re fucking her 2 or 3 times a day, she’s sucking your dick all the time, you’re going back door, she does it all. Girls do this in the beginning because they actually want to. A shiny new cock is something girls love playing with. It’s like a new toy. They wanna play with it all the time.
But eventually they attempt to parlay that great sex into what they think is equity. They subconsciously think “Well I sucked his cock 30 times when we first got together so he’ll treat me well even if I stop,” and most of the time they’re absolutely right, but not because of the “equity.” It’s because dudes are thirsty. The frequent sex stops and now he thinks he has to take her to dinner to get any pussy. He got used to fucking her all the time which is exactly what she wanted.
At this point, she knows she doesn’t really have to do anything to keep him around. Not even fuck him. She’ll flip the script and start withholding sex from him until he does things for her, buys things for her, etc. She’s no longer on her best behavior unless he does what she wants. Then if he’s lucky, he gets unenthusiastic starfish sex and he thanks his lucky stars when he gets even that.
Blow jobs and anal
Blow jobs and anal sex is where women really turn up the heat. She gave you a taste in the beginning but then she cuts it off almost instantly to give you that scarcity mentality meaning you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get it back.
Head and butt sex used to come freely and easily to you. She used to get on her knees and pull down your pants as soon as you walk in the door but if you want that treatment now, you’ve got to take her to an expensive restaurant and drop $200.
Back in the day she used to beg you to butt fuck her but because you haven’t gone back door in months she knows she can use anal sex to get something out of you like the new iPhone or making a car payment for her.
To punish you
Now we’re into the realm of withholding sex to “teach you a lesson.” Girls do this shit all the time. Especially when she’s trying to change your rules or your fundamentals. For example, if you catch her texting her ex, you tell that if she continues, you’re out the door. (This is not an ultimatum, this is a choice. She can stop texting the ex and keep you, or she can continue to text the ex and lose you).
Anyway, she’ll stop texting her ex (or give you the impression that she has), but then she’ll stop fucking you. She’ll act pissed off because she doesn’t want to stop texting her ex and she thinks that by withholding sex, you’ll cave and allow her to on the assumption she’ll open her legs again.
Girls also withhold sex when their men make a decision she doesn’t agree with and stops giving him pussy until he changes his mind. They withhold sex when you do something she doesn’t like to teach you a lesson to not do it again. For example, if you work on a project for 2 hours longer than you told her you would, she’ll stop having sex with you to teach you never to do that or anything else again.
To reward you
Girls also use sex to reward you. They do this subconsciously and here’s how it works: she’ll fuck you all day and all night in the beginning, then she’ll throttle the frequency, and then she’ll suddenly stop. Most men will never call their women out if she doesn’t wanna fuck. If you walk up behind her grab her tits and bite her neck (my personal go-to move to let a woman know I wanna fuck), and she pulls away, 99.9% of men won’t say anything about it.
They’ll shrug their collective shoulders and say something to this effect: “Okay babe, I understand you’re not in the mood,” rather than doing what they want to do by saying “What the fuck? You’re pullin’ this shit now? You’re pullin’ this ‘I’m not in the mood’ bullshit now?? You’re one of those??”
If you do what most men do and not call her out on it, she’ll keep withholding sex from you until you crack and buy her something or do something for her. Then she’s got you where she wants you. You’re a trained monkey she can extract things out of by taking away your bananas and only giving them back to you when you buy her shit. At this point, the man is trained to pay for the pussy with his money, his time, and his resources and it’s all downhill from there.
“Okay Donovan we get it. But what do you do when a woman withholds sex from you?”
So you walk up behind her, grab her tits, and bite her neck to let her know you wanna fuck or however you let a woman know it’s time to do the dirty deed. She pulls away, tells you she’s “not in the mood”, she’s got a headache, or whatever excuse she comes up with not to drop the panties.
There is only one way to handle this effectively to ensure that it will never happen again: You grab your shit leave without a word. If she’s at your place, tell her to leave.
Don’t argue, don’t converse, don’t do anything but remove yourself from the situation. This lets her know that if she doesn’t uphold her end of the bargain (sex), then you won’t uphold yours (attention, company, companionship, etc.)
Her: “Where are you going?!”
You: [silence]
Her: “So this is just about sex for you?!”
You: [silence]
Her: “OMG this is soooo over!”
You: [silence]
Her: “Okay, okay I get it. Let’s have sex.”
You: [silence]
No matter what she says, asks, or does, do not utter a single word to her. Even if she throws the pussy at you (because regardless of what she says, she knows why you’re leaving) do not turn back. Leave.
If you’re kicking her out of your place, use the same protocol. And make sure you’re leaving your place too. Doesn’t matter where you go, just leave. She’ll have to leave too.
Not only have you shown her that sex is a requirement for your company, you’ve also activated dread. She has no idea where you’re going and because she knows you’re leaving because she didn’t put out, her imagination will start to run wild and get the better of her.
The night you leave (or kick her out), do not answer her calls or texts. Trust me when I tell you that she will blow up your phone with calls, texts calling you an asshole, telling you she loves you, telling you she hates you, pictures of her tits, and so forth. She’ll be all over the map which is exactly where you want her. DO NOT RESPOND TO ANYTHING THAT NIGHT. Make her sweat it out.
After that, run standard dread game for the next couple of days or so. Not extreme dread game when you go radio silent for a week. You want to keep her in your orbit after all and if she thinks you’ve moved on, she will fuck another guy… guaranteed.
Instead, text her maybe four times the entire day with short, cold, responses like “Okay”, “Sure”, “Cool” etc., not answering the phone when she calls, and denying her the ability to physically see you or hear your voice for the next 48 hours.
During that time she’ll offer up her pussy on a platter. If she texts “Hey can I come over tonight?” or “Do you wanna come over tonight?” Respond with “Nah, I’m busy” or something to that effect. Do not fuck her during the 48 hour dick detention period.
Then at the end of Day 2, send her a text that says “We need to talk.” Then give her a time that SHE will come over which will send shock waves through her body and mind because she’s assuming you want to end things. No matter what she says in response, DO NOT RESPOND.
When she does come over and she asks what this is about tell her, “Nevermind, it wasn’t important” and continue on as though nothing happened. Gentlemen, she will never deny you sex again for any reason.
Headache? Nope. “Not in the mood?” Nope. Long day at work? Nope. If you want to fuck, she’s going to let you fuck her because she doesn’t want to feel like she felt for the last few days. In addition she won’t use sex to punish you, reward you, or control you. And you’ll be surprised at how quickly she offers up her mouth and anus again.
NOTE: For good measure, you will not go to her place for at least two weeks. She needs to be on your territory.
I have used this technique many, many times. Half the time they fall in line, half the time they disappear. But guess what? None of them ever denied me sex again.
The bottom line here, gentlemen is that if she denies you sex, you deny her your company and attention. If she doesn’t uphold her end of the bargain, then you will not uphold yours. This doesn’t need to be said out loud to her. Your actions will do the talking and she will read you loud and clear.
Find out why Donovan thinks your girlfriend is a slut and why you should treat her like an alcoholic here. Watch Donovan Sharpe drop Red Pill truth on TSR: Primetime Sunday through Thursday evenings at 7EST/4PST
Read Next: 4 Ways To Stop A Girl From Manipulating You
The only way to keep the sex frequent is either pump and dump or pay for play. If you make the mistake of going LTR, the frequency of sex will drop to nothing, and what you do get will be Missionary or Spoon. This is how all LTRs go after a year or two.
Although I’m not gay, so I actually have no interest in anal.
sad but true
True, anal is for Sodomites. Vaginas are for sex, and the anus is for shitting.
I appreciate Donovan very much. I use to listen regularly to his youtube podcasts (before he was unjustly banned). I now enjoy hearing him interact with Rollo Tomasi on the 21 Redman round table talks. Donovan knows a hell of a lot about women, and is profoundly insightful. Likewise, his articles here on ROK are excellent. He has taught me much, and I am very thankful for him.
On the other hand, Donovan is a sexually immoral man, and stands condemned before the one true Holy God (most obviously in that he has admitted to fucking other men’s wives – adultery is a heinous crime in God’s sight). I would encourage Donovan to repent and flee to Christ in faith.
I’m not saying Donovan (or anybody else) should participate in modern American churchianity. Modern churches seem hopelessly compromised (even the most conservative ones). I’m just saying that the God of the Bible is the real deal, and we will all give an account to Him one of these days.
Yes, fornicators are for hell and no normal man wants to Sodomise a woman.
Easy on the fire and brimstone Cotton Mather. Proverbs is the only section of The Bible that provides literal instructions for living well. The rest is deeply esoteric code meant only for true believers of the word.
That being said, anal isn’t better than vagina, porn has just conditioned us millenials to think it is. As for married women, many are just unloyal sluts who cheat with any takers. It’s less of a “sin” on a dude’s part, but still unethical considering how many available women there are out there.
Imagine standing before God and him saying to you “What made you think I’d reward you for being such a pussy?”
@Jay: You sound like a virgin. You think being a good boy who never does anything dirty or kinky will get you with that cute blonde you went to Sunday school with. Guess what? She’s too busy getting porked up the was by a buff Satanist metalhead.
Bart, you could not have said it any better… We are all accountable to the one true Holy God (The God of the Bible) 66 book, written by 40 different authors over a 1500 year span and yet it all comes together perfectly like pieces to many different puzzles.. 50,000 confirmed archeological facts that confirm it’s histocity, thousands of fufilled prophecies (over 350 fufilled by Christ from the Old Testament alone),
I love reading these articles on how to deal with modern day western women, but most people in general are just lost….
Yeah if you do anal on a girl you are a crypto gay.
(((Society))) sold that to you as something cool huh lol
So if some J produces a MR HANDS video you’ll do it because it is cool?
How enstpidified are whites going to get?
At some point the Anglo has to assume some responsibility for being a dumb shit.
I managed to go 12 years and no kids with a woman who really wanted to have kids right away, but agreed to wait due to my holding frame on this and dealing with the issue from time to time.
How did I manage to go that long without kids? By never ever going off inside of her, unless it was [email protected] or I put a condom on. I did not care if she claimed to be “on the pill”, I never ever believe women when it comes to stuff like this.
Women LIE about “being on the pill” more then any other lie they tell their man. This birth control lie is almost as dangerous than even a false [email protected] accusation, because it ruins a man’s life forever.
Here are some samples of why women lie and how they rationalize and justify ruining the man’s life for their own selfish purposes:
So…. as a married man, how did I managed not to have kids 12 years straight? By putting on a condom when I was 80% of the way there and going off inside the condom. It sucks, but it is better then having a kid when I did not want one at the time (which would have ruined my life and prevented me from making the financial and educational gains I needed and wanted).
The other way was having [email protected] sex with her. It has been the other way I get to rawdog a girl all the time and enjoy the great pleasure of NOT using a condom with a woman. So [email protected] was what I did to enjoy that pleasure with 0 risks of destroying the financial future I worked hard for.
Yes, going off in the condom sucks, like using a trash bag, but it is better then 18-26 years of child support and massive costs. Just make sure the condom is highest quality possible and comes with spermicidal lubricant. I like the Trojan “Armor” Spermicidal lubricant condoms (and yes, I keep my condoms hidden to prevent sabotage, always check for leaks after I am done, and have 2x “Plan B” pills on my nightstand at all times).×600.jpg
So [email protected] is a a NECESSITY for some men, who use their brain and does NOT believe women when they say “I am on the pill” and he wants to enjoy his woman without a condom. It is also tight as hell. It is an act of dominance on his woman, which raises your value for the man.
Nigga, you gay…
Dominance Value?
Sounds like gay prison cell sex to me.
What is so wrong with condoms? I’m circumcised (not by choice, it’s a racket by fee seeking obstetrics doctors in the USA unfortunately) AND I use normal thickness condoms AND I’m almost age 60 AND I masturbate dry when I masturbate so the dick skin is slightly toughened up and less sensitive, yet I still have no problems with erections or cumming. Fact is, I prefer condoms because they give me better self control. I think you guys are watching to much porn. I grew up wapping off to a Playboy magazine hidden in the bushes behind the local church back when all they showed was breasts, and I never used porn as an adult. I think younger men have ruined their natural sensitivity because of all the porn they watch.
Vasektomie. And if you wan’t children, a small operation and over.
And if she becomes pregnant without knowing it, you’ll have a lot of fun….
Vasectomy?? Talk about pain! 😡 Ask someone who has done it, it hurts like hell. Worst then a kick in the balls, so I have heard.
I am perplexed at the criticism at me NOT wanting to have kids until I have completed my education and built up some money and paid off my house, student loans, etc. What is wrong with that??? :-/ I value success and I am grateful to be turning 36 now and having my life well put together.
Looking back now that I became widowered, I am glad we did not have any kids together. Can you imagine a child(ren) losing their mother?? Just terrible. 🙁 All for a reason….
Goat, I am un-circumcized and proud of that. Thank God I have both European parents, so I did not get mutilated as a child. Circumcision goes STRONGLY AGAINST Christian doctrine. That is a Jewish and Muslim thing that somehow got inserted into American culture. -_-
Nothing wrong with condoms, BUT, what men prefers that to rawdogging a woman??? 🙄 Come on fellas….
Genghis khan gave zero fucks about condoms & knocking them up. It is said that his descendants now number around 20 million.
Remember that when Genghis Kahn did that shit child support wasn’t mandatory but unfortunately now it is.
The Pill is not perfect – no contraceptive is. A condom should simply be part of your Malthusian Drill, which include post coital cleansing of the penis. If the female objects, remind her that “Accidents make People”.
And you wonder why ROK has a bad rep.
You’re not gay, but you’ve previously posted about how having sex w/trannies that look somewhat like women is acceptable? Yea, stay in that closet boy, no one’s forcing you to come out.
Its a logical step. If you are only interested in anal and being blown than pretty soon a tranny will do…then maybe just an old gay.
nothing you do with a woman can be “gay”
There’s something : not using the vagina. Something that only gays don’t use.
If you let her be the one to *put it in*, then yes. That IS gay. Moreover it is the ultimate beta move: you’re putting yourself in a woman’s position by being the fuckee.
Where do you go for pay for play. Backpage has went offline. It’s just not worth it chasing a woman. It’s best to pay for it upfront sometimes. I work a lot and don’t have the time to date .
Your best bet in the USA is date finamcially struggling single mothers, then convert a suitable candidate into a paid mistress. Soft prostitution. Come up with some bullshit reason for giving her money each time you have sex: chip in for the extra water bill if you had sex at her house, chip in for gas of she visited you. If you do it right, you raise your value versus the run of the mill guy who gives nothing, so she starts treating you much nicer. You will eventually have to use dread game since all beginners sometimes get confused as to roles: hers as service provider and yours as paying customer. Break up in an adult manner so the door is open and she doesn’t feel bad about calling or emailing to apologize. Don’t get too attached (avoid oneitis) and other rules of game still apply. That’s right, you have to game prostitutes sane as normal women of you want good results. But at least when paying, assuming the woman needs money badly, you have something of real value to trade with, not just alphatude plus a penis that is worthless given the excess of men versus women wanting sex in the USA.
Who wants to get involved with some mud shark or trailer trash who had a kid out-of-wedlock?
Single mothers?
No thanks.
@ goatnutsr
In USA, yes, you can “sponsor” a struggling single mother if you want that type of situation. Your guide on “how to” for this type of situation is excellent. This used to be common practice many years ago between lower-income single moms and higher-income men. But since the welfare state was created, this practice has been reduced and is almost non-existent in many parts of the country. But it does work, I know Brazilina guys that do this in Brazil to middle class single moms, actually. I know one guy that does this to his “back-up girlfriend” in Florida too, a single mom who would be a great catch if she wasn’t such a mess (mentally) and so emotionally unstable due to too many bad decisions on her part by age 26.
This situation can work great for a guy and give the woman a nice little cash boost.
BUT… be aware!
Do NOT let her and her child(ren) move in with you – ever! ❗ And do not commingle any finances or legal aspect of your lives!!! Here is why:
*1) Some States have common law marriages. Some require the woman lives together with the man # of days. Others, like Colorado, have NO minimum requirement! In fact, in Colorado, if you file a joint income tax return together (even if you do not even live together under same roof) or even introduce yourself as “husband and wife” to 2 or more witnesses who know you two lived together for at least 24 hours, then you are legally married, and with no prenup to make things even worse!!! 😮 The Colorado common law marriage situation is based on a CO State Supreme Court decision from the 1880s, still valid today!
Living together in common law marriage State OR in a state that has “community property” laws (this can be used by woman as a negotiating tool, even if you do not legally marry) is suicide.
List of States:
There are “equality organizations” even teaching this “common law marriage” scam to women, so watch out for this trap! DO NOT LET HER MOVE IN WITH YOU. Period.
*2) Give her cash or a check, where you write on check Memo “loan” or something like this. Never leave the “memo” field on check blank (she can write “child support” or whatever).
Never commingle funds with such a woman. Do not get tricked into opening a joint bank or financial account (like a credit card or even “store credit”), or so-sign anything for her.
Do NOT give her one of your credit card where you make her an “authorized user” on the account. If you do, she can max it out and you are legally obligated to pay for it all and she is not. Some cards can have $10k – $20k in credit limit, imagine the damage she can do! 😮 Once she is an authorized user, you will find it extremely difficult to cancel her card. She can call and request a new card anytime and spend away!
*3) If she manages to trick you into moving into your place (sneak move or with your consent), all she needs to do is receive 1 piece of her mail (like her new driver’s license with her address showing your home or a bill sent to your home) in your home and she is a legal resident there. !!
If she becomes a resident there and she calls the cops on you for ANY reason, you will be forced out of your home until the situation is resolved. She will have a hard time getting the house for herself completely, BUT she can use a false criminal accusation as leverage to make you give her X amounts of cash, so she will drop charges and move away, etc.
If she is truly evil, she can do what one of my clients is facing: the woman put cameras in her daughter’s room. They both knew. So she recorded the daughter changing clothes and stuff and downloaded videos into guy’s laptop at their joint residence. 😮 Then she and daughter were pretend talking in daughter’s room and pretended they “accidentally saw the camera”!!! 😮 They called cops, who took his laptop and conveniently found the videos on the desktop folder.
This whole thing is so diabolical, it angers me just thinking about it. But it worked. Perfectly. The guy is facing 40 years for this set-up since daughter is under 13. And worst part is, he will likely have to plead guilty and go to prison for this, because HOW do you even defend yourself from such a set-up??? So this woman and her daughter can live at this man’s house until it is foreclosed.
Evil cannot even describe this whole case……. >_<
Watch out for her to try a “Sneak Move”. into your home She will do this in 3 steps: stockpile supplies (tampons, toothbrush, hair products, foods she likes in your pantry, etc) in your place slowly. Then she will start leaving “work clothes”, and other important things she needs regularly, so she has “need” to get a key to go back and forth and get her stuff” and go to work, etc. Then she starts spending so much there with her child(ren), she will eventually say “why don’t we live together, it is easier and I will pay some of the bills”, etc. Boom. She is in.
*4) If you willingly allow her to move in with you (danger zone!) against our advice, then BEFORE she does, consult a lawyer about this situation, get a professionally done and legally executed (often signed before notary) Tenant Agreement of some kind, so it is clear you are tenants, not husband-wife, etc.
*5) Be prepared to pay child support for her child(ren) when relationship ends. yep, you got it. You never adopted the kid, your name is not in the birth certificate, and you never asked to be the child’s legal guardian. And yet, an Emperor in Black Robes (a/k/a/ Family Law judge) has ordered you to pay child support for the next 18-26 years of the child’s life.
How could this be legal? It is and it is growing in popularity now. It is already national law in Canada.
How do they establish this scam? The woman took a bunch of photos of you and her kid doing fun things over the next few months, you went on “family trips” together, you picked up her kid(s) from school, you gave her kid(s) nice gifts for Christmas, gave them greeting cards, etc…. your name was the “emergency contact” at the clinic when little Johnny hurt his arm. And so forth. You were acting as if you were that child’s parent or guardian and you did not even know it! 😮
Now all your good deeds will be presented in Family Court (even though you tow never married), and she will make an argument you “Acted like a parent” and that you should pay child support as a parent should, while having no visitation rights for her kid(s) – if you ever wanted that!?!
Can this happen to you? Not sure, but consult a lawyer in your State. As I said, already the law of the land in Canada. There are cases of sperm donors’ names being revealed by court order and the crazy single mom is forcing men to pay child support.
This has already happened in CA, NY, and NJ:
**Final thoughts: As Goatnutsr explained, do not get too attached and keep the situation cash-friendly and with some game management of the situation. Under no circumstances, do not allow finances to commingle, never co-sign anything, and do not allow her to move in.
This can all be avoided if you do NOT allow the woman to move in with you or allow her too much intrusion in your life.
Here are a couple very useful RoK guides on how to stay unattached to your woman and how to date single moms (from Sharpe himself):
These two are perfect for your “single mom sponsoring” in USA plan! 😆 lol
“because HOW do you even defend yourself from such a set-up”
Trust no-one, always password lock your computer and phone.
Have video cameras recording in your own home if you ever bring women back.
I go further and avoid all interaction with women in the west, too dangerous these days IMHO.
If you have to do all that shit just for a simple p4p why even bother?! The only advantage I see in hiring a pro is that I can easily bang a pretty woman without putting in any effort or dealing with all of her bullshit! The idea of having to ‘game’ prostitutes is retarded!!!
Profound. True.
I’d add that the only time a woman’s (fill in the blank) is genuine is when she’s alone. When she’s with you, she’s maneuvering to get her ways and wants from a man with less than genuine intent and action.
Women can be truly diabolical. Manipulation, tears, lies…. that is nothing compared to the evil and the ruin they can bring to a man’s life.
I think Donovan is aware of that more then most:
I just posted above ^^^ about an actual criminal defense case we worked on where a woman who used her daughter to send this man to prison, so they can live off his home while he is in prison, free of charge.
Underneath that soft, good-smelling skin is pure arsenic. If you understand that, you will act accordingly.
“Buyer beware”, as they say! :-/
Anal is kind of a novelty. More valuable as a psychological tool than for pleasure. There’s way more contact and friction in a vagina, it just feels better.
LTRs can get slow sex wise. They can also increase over time, just depends on how badly she wants to be in it.
This is all great and quite clever but inadvertently you’re playing women’s game. She tries to be manipulative and you try to be counter-manipulative.
Real men don’t play these games. real do not engage in any verbal exchange with women at all. Because if she’s testing you, she’s not sure about you being a real man.
Try to be the man that does not need word games, just ooze masculinity and both women and men (for different reasons) will want to be around you.
The, “no true Scotsman” fallacy, weak.
@Papa: why are you posting here rather than at the RVF? Surely with all that alphatude you’d be welcome there, unlike pathetic guys like me that have to pay, yes you read that right, pay a fraction of my discretionary income to have frequent sex with HB10 girls 35 years younger.
Yep, one of my ex’s did a lot of these tactics. I didn’t put up with it thinking she’ll change. The exchange for sexual acts from her was what annoyed me. If you really enjoyed doing “x”, then do it, don’t wait for me to offer something in return.
She didn’t. Don’t waste your time guys if you can tell already and she doesn’t offer any long term value.
Should an adult man act like child when he gets no pussy…
No, he should act similar to how he would acts if he helped a man friend with some chore, moving furniture let’s say, and then the friend refused to reciprocate. Explain his discontent, wait for a response. If the response is other than something like “sorry about that, there was just this family emergency i had to deal with, of course I’ll help you as soon as the emergency is over”, he should dump that “friend” and look for better friends. Storming off without saying why is indeed childish. The woman might have a good reason not to want sex right then.
Excellent article, Donavan. That is why I always read your stuff at RoK. Not only you present the problem (female manipulation), you present the solution, which is critical!!
Hands down, the best part of the article is about what I call “relationship management” using Dread and Dread game strategies.
Simply put, most men do NOT get this simple concept – women need to be led, to be ruled by a man. If not, she loses respect for that man and cheats on him, because she begins to see her man is of lower value then she is or that she “could do better”.
Men were programmed to be Beta from the moment they were born. They were LIED TO from birth. Men were told that “being nice to a woman” = “good relationship”. That is a fundamental problem, one that has been drilled into men’s minds from birth, the biggest fraud men have ever been told about women and the way they think and behave. Women are perfect, holy, they never lie, and they are always to be trusted – we were all told this from day 1. Think about how many lies you have been told by your mom and society around you: women are holy, they are always faithful, they are always truthful, they only want a husband that will love her, they love/wanna have kids, they always have good intentions, they are more religious/better believers than men, they never cheat, etc etc. 🙄
This is why we have a false rape crisis in America, the AngloSphere, and the Western world today; it is because we have too many men who believe that women are angelic beings, who would never ever lie 🙄 about being raped, for instance. When a man in a jury box hears a woman accuse another man of rape, the man on the jury is programmed to believe the woman is telling the truth, regardless of evidence, regardless of lack of common sense of her story, and even when sound judgement to the contrary is before him (I see this often in legal field). Men were programmed from birth to capitulate and believe whatever a woman does and says is true and that is this foolishness that enables women to manipulate, control, and imprison men.
A lot of her manipulation comes through shit tests, of course, and when a man fails the tests, she makes a man’s life worse and worse and the man, foolishly follows his societal programming and tries more and more to make her happy (gifts, more cow-towing to her, more niceness, etc), which giver HER more power and makes the man even more miserable and less respected by his woman.
If more men understood what Dread is and how it works in a relationship, this world would have many happier men and many fewer divorces. Dread is not “mean”, it is simply a management tool to deal with a woman’s manipulation and her shit tests, which never ever end, even in a solid happy marriage.
I should know this, because I was very happily married 12 years before becoming widower. I used Dread sparingly, but effectively. I only had to give her “maximum strength Dread pills” once or twice a year to right the ship when it started to go off course and when correctly dosed and applied, the ship went back to its normal course and I was rewarded handsomely for holding frame and using Dread on her.
Other times, I had to use “low-dose dread” when she began to (unconsciously) shit-test me or bitch unnecessarily about certain things (this happened often after getting off the phone with her toxic mother). In such cases, I acted irritated and refused to engage her for a day or two. I would also make myself unavailable for 2-3 straight days, saying I am “dealing with something” and would only say it had to do with “work” or not answer at all, when pressed for answers. I would at times be at home, closed doors, working on my computer for 2 straight days, not much interaction. I would make sure to eat before I got home, so she would be watching TV alone most of the time or playing iPad games. After 2-3 days, she would go back to her sweet self and things would be great for quite sometime. 🙂
One key aspect of “relationship management” using Dread is NEVER to allow a woman to use sex as a weapon of control. If she is withholding sex, do NOT beg her, do not over-pursue her. Leave or take care of yourself, and make her realize that will not work on you. If she knows withholding sex will not work on you, she will have to find other means to try to manipulate you as a man, and you will still get the sexual relief men NEED to function properly. But in no way should any man allow this to be sued against him.
Simply put, Dread works. Here are my top 3 fav resources on using Dread:
1) What is Dread and how it works – also see article link on Dread game for beginners:
2) Hold Frame! Using Dread requires you hold Frame and do not back down. If you are feeding her Dread pills and she shit-tests you and you back down, then you lost and she will make your life even worse. Here is what Frame is and how to hold your ground:
3) The 16 Commandments of Poon (see that Header, under this absolutely must-have collection of Dread, game, and other priceless knowledge):
Men, learn Dread and use it. Donavan’s strategy to walk out silently when she withholds sex is Dread 101, it is brilliant, and it should be emulated by other men.
Hope you all can benefits from this excellent OP article and employ Dread to make your lives better and deal with women effectively.
“I should know this, because I was very happily married 12 years before becoming widower.”
So how often did she let you have anal or oral?
I think I already know the answer ….. not at all after year two of marriage.
Much more often then you think. 😉
I actually addressed this on a reply to your post above.
But I had anal probably 10-20 times per year and put on a condom when I was about 80% of the day there the rest of the time. Honestly, I rarely kept track of the stats, but I got it as often as I wanted it.
But anal requires so much prep from her, and it required extra cleaning on my part, so it is a lot of work.
Many times, it was just easier for me to put a condom on when I was 80% of the way.
But my point has to do with Dread game, which is critical relationship management strategy.
Well, my current Asian wife, straight sex 3x a week, and if/when I want something different there are plenty of available women to see on the side. No need to play any games at home, if the misses stopped the sex, I’d stop paying the home loan and utils.
Mind you, at my age I’m more likely to spend my spare money on beer.
You and I know that in Western society (I live in USA), not paying bills would land me in JAIL real quick. Woman would call cops, say I am beating/raping/torturing her or whatever the hell she decides to say, under Duluth Model of Policing (look it up), I would be arrested, forced out of my home and the bitch would not recant her lies until I paid the bills.
Worse, if I had a child in the home and I stopped paying electrical and gas in the winter, I would be facing FELONY charges of child abuse and child endangerment.
America is not a country where such measures can be taken anymore. This is a country full of leftist judges, Marxist prosecutors, and corrupt cops (just look at our DOJ and FBI, totally corrupted to its core).
I know you live in SEA, whole different ballgame there. A much more sane society in many regards. In the Feminist States of America, we are still fighting the “gender war” here…. that is why a guy like me, who would love to marry again and have a family must work out a LTR/live-in baby mamma situation (as horrific as this sounds), so I am not taken hostage by a woman threatening divorce.
Last Sunday (2 days ago), I made it to church and pastor asked me how I had been (I have not been to church in about a month). He asked if I was still vehemently anti-marriage, because if I was not, he had a 2 different girls he wanted to introduce me to (who want to marry) and I said, laughing “I have grown in my distrust for Marriage 2.0 so much and have become so much more anti-marriage, if you make me President, I will ban it nationally overnight. I got a pen and a phone” (we both hate Barry Hussein, so joke there).
All joking aside, only reasons I would get married is if I needed to sponsor a woman for US residency or if she earned 3x-5x as much as I did and/or was wealthy with lots of assets I could go after in court myself. Otherwise, it will be a hostage situation. I simply do not trust women to have any power and control over me. So I do not give them such power by getting married.
Only a total beta idiot would get married in 2018 America, save the two instances above (ok, also if both are ultra-religious living in religions area, like Utah or PA’s Amish country).
“Land me in jail real quick”
I knew black guys in Detroit (The ones who worked the sort of shit jobs I held when young) who had 4 children. I knew one who had 8 kids.
They will never pay a single solitary lick of child support.
It is odd how a black man can lope around having 10 fucking kids out-of-wedlock and never pay a dime but they’ll hut a white man down to force him to pay his electric bill.
@Race – That’s selective enforcement making whites culpabale for child support blood money but giving blacks a legal holiday on the collection warrents. Socialist service offices have a ‘most wanted’ for child support billboard wall at the entrance that’s full of white faces. I’ve seen them. Guys in suits, mugshots and some have the only available picture being a personal photo of the guy playing with his kid in the yard of what used to be his house. Then the stern eyed witches that work there shuffle past with their clipboards, studying and looking you in the eye to see if you’re one of the white males they should be worried about. They’ve put many many men behind bars in order to effectively eviscerate their families. That’s their job and they are die hard anti family feminist. So who can blame them for looking at all men so sternly? I’m sure they’re all potential hunted prey many times over by their many victims. That’s karma or potato-pototto or fart gas or whatever the heck it’s called that you reap or sow and then try to get rid of and that then keeps coming back around.
The child support judgements are targeted at whites and the enforcement is clearly selective seeing the ‘wanted’ posters. The selective enforcement is like the post 911 TSA pat downs where blue haired elderly white ladies and white kids that looked like Opie were anally probed in front of their fathers while men in sheets with wives in burkas were waived through.
It is a ‘combing’ through kind of like a shit test to see which whites resist. They’re ready to swat the non docile whites. The ‘combing’ is pretty extreme by any standard but their goal is to identify and weed out whites who haven’t been denatured and who are a risk of being non compliant.
@ Race
Detroit is a 3rd world country. That is same deal with California, these are not really part of USA anymore, only when it comes to welfare remittances from America to these hellholes. It is a welath transfer system…. the middle class flees California and gets taxed via Federal govt to send money back to California, to continue the CA welfare system. Same with Detroit, where it went from 96% white middle class in 1910 to less then 5% today. But the “refugees” from Detroit continue to fund that shithole city/people/system.
Oh, I believe you!!! These ghetto guys do not pay child support. The crackhead-types, ghetto-types, etc, do not have to worry about child support because America’s welfare state system comes running to give them a slew of benefits, like:
Section 8 housing, food stamps/EBT, WIC, Medicaid (free medical care, free child births, “free: medical care for kids, etc), cash assistance, EIC (Earned Income Credit – which is paying people who paid $0 income taxes get a check from IRS yearly for at least $6,800 – infinity, each year), SSI (Social Security Income), ObamaPhone “free” cell phone, and much more.
Then they go to churches and get free canned food, free clothing donated, etc.
Their kids get “free” school lunches, “free” bus/subway passes, etc.
Then they have stuff from electrical and gas companies with a “We Care” type program where they ask people to donate money on their bill to give free electricity and heating gas to these people. -_-
These are the bottom feeders of our society. These guys are in and out of jail so much anyway, the family courts will barely have time to put them in jail for failure to pay child support.
Here is one I saw on TV not long ago, a piece of trash has 22 kids, never pay child support, and then blames white people on TV for his behavior:
I saw the same thing in Brazil, BTW. We had these black kids on the street sniffing glue and they have guns of course, since BRAZIL HAD TOTAL GUN BAN….. and Brazilian people used to say to me “cuidado com esses! Eles nao tem nada a perder” (Careful with the kids types. They have nothing to lose”). They are right. So what if they go to jail here and there? Their life sucks anyway.
Problem is: I am a white guy, middle class, with a PT good-paying job and a house paid for. I am 1st years of 4 year law school program. I HAVE something to lose. These black ghetto dudes have NOTHING to lose. I have plenty to lose and the Courts know this.
If I have a kid and I do not pay child support, it is immediate jail, the woman will petition the Family Court to force a sale of my house, freeze and seize my bank accounts, etc. Family Law judges are “Emperors in Black Robes”, they have almost unlimited un-checked power. I do not think most men understand the Family Court system, in this country. There is no jury!! There are virtually no appeals. The Judge does whatever his FemiNazi mind wants him/her to do.
This is why I will NEVER get married again (I am widowed, btw). And if I have a kid, I will have to manage my finances and create a situation where I never marry the woman and protect my assets to an extreme and even then, I still have something to lose. 😡
This is why I love America, but hate its laws at same time.
For the white trash, it sort of works. I knew a white trailer trash guy named Scott when we were 22 and he had one kid out of wedlock (Aged 20). He was on the run from child support. He spent his discretionary money from his shit jobs to buy bags of marijuana.
The point is that the white trailer trash eventually learn. They have a kid out-of-wedlock at age 18 or 20 and it is such a curse that they don’t do it again after being locked up a few times for child support.
But blacks especially have a limited primordial cortex which inhibits their sexual impulses combined with a High T sex drive so they are always fucking.
The US systems were set up for white men. They cannot realistically cop with the savanna fucking patterns of the jungle Negro from West Africa.
@ Redux
Make no mistake about this: the current welfare system is going to collapse. We are about approaching $21 Trillion. Dubya Bush left us with $9 trillion and change and Barry Hussein left us over $20 Trillion. Trump is trying to grow our economy out of this current vortex, but it will be cutting very very close (if he is able to continue the current this economic mini-miracle we are seeing now), to be able to sustain this massive level of welfare recipient. We have to grow at 4% or more for next few years to buy us time to hopefully reform this mess.
One easiest way would be to make it a 10 year minimum prison mandatory for any immigrant to receive any welfare benefit. That would easily remove most of them out of welfare rows out of fear.
For example, in my hometown of Orlando, the Brazilians have literally invaded the entire metro area. Rents have skyrocketed and so have home prices. The State’s Medicaid fund is about to go bust!!! Medicaid is what pays for kids of illegal aliens/illegal immigrants and also for soon-to-be-born kids of immigrants of all kinds (legal and illegal). The Brazilians are now finding out they are pregnant (while in Brazil) and they do what every other dam immigrant who can get a visa (or storm the Border) on this planet does: jump in an airplane as soon as they find out about pregnancy (before belly begins to show), come to the USA, and pop-out a kid, stay here for few months after birth and when welfare benefits begin to slow down some, then immigrant and their US-born child leave the country, to return in the future if they so desire. They get “free everything” for months and months, even if they do not want to stay in USA long-term. Anchor babies are cash cows no matter what.
The costs here in FL for Medicaid for kids of immigrants is staggering. Even the LEGAL immigrants who have work permits and valid SS# STILL refuse to pay any taxes. They work cash under table (doing say housekeeping, babysitting, contribution, etc), pay $0 taxes, and can easily claim poverty because they have no income to show for. many upper middle class Brazilians come here and buy a house and put the house in their kid’s names, so they can say they have no assets in USA. 😡
Recently, I met a clown that came here to the USA from Brazil to study for a year. Got his BR wife pregnant first months after they arrived and she popped a kid in USA 9 months later. The guy is here on a non-Immigrant J-1 student/work experience training visa. And yet, the moment his kid was born, they all got a FULL WELFARE BENEFIT package from stupid American taxpayers. -_-
Medicaid paid 100% of birth costs, he got a $4,000 USD “cash assistance” check, wife got WIC pre-birth, food stamps (EBT) now, and they just moved into Section 8 housing. he is going to get EIC (Earned Income Credit), even though guy pays $0 income taxes. That is a check for about $23,000 USD, since their household is 3 and incoem is $0 (guy is student and wife is unemployed!!). 😡 Just insane.
Mind you, this guy HAS money in Brazil, upper middle class adult Brazilian family, coming here to study for a year. Do you know what he said to me? He said “America does child birth right. I wish Brazil was more like this”.
Any FOOL who thinks illegal alien legalization or open borders will bring in “productive immigrants” is insane. These people are overwhelmingly LEFTISTS, they are addicted to welfare, like crack. These immigrants are NOT “natural conservatives” like cucks like RINO Karl Rove or Paul Ryan say! These immigrants are Marxist minded all the way.
And I agree with you, American white trailer trash have a kid they cannot afford, they LEARN their lesson for good. Non-whites in America keep f-ing up over and over again, are in and out of prison, and become a massive burden on the welfare system. At least when they are IN prison, the welfare system stops, even if it costs money to keep them incarcerated. At least they stop reproducing ghetto trash for a few months/years.
But this problem is especially true with the new 3rd world immigrant class, mainly from middle east and Latin America. They almost universally are all on welfare, their US-born kids are also all on welfare. In fact Immigrants are worse then any race in America today when it comes to scamming welfare from US taxpayers.
But this whole welfare system will collapse once we hit $22 Trillion. We will have Austerity measures and a massive economic and social panic, like you saw in Greece a few years back.
So why’d your wife fuck a black man if she was so frigid?
Not to be insulting, because we brethren and live next door to one another in Issan, but did your wife just desire a huge dick or what?
Again, I’m not attempting to insult you but why after refusing you sex did she bring some Groid in off the street and risk the diseases we all know blacks often have (AIDS, syphilis) in order to have sex with a near-stranger?
You are a kindred soul and it would never be my intention to offend you but why did your wife fuck some black guy after not giving you sex for 12 years?
Haven’t you admitted to banging a couple of nigs?
Same reason, I suppose. Stupidity.
When crack cocaine came into Detroit you could get sucked off by a black woman in your vehicle for $25 dollars in the 1990’s.
So like many white men, I began receiving blowjobs in mt car. The black crack whores did not mess around either. No ginger licking the knob and weakly sucking the dip. These chicks powerfully sucked the shaft deep into their gullet and inhaled the jizz.
Sex with blacks-
In the 1990’s, and Automatic would understand this, crack cocaine was the scourge of the urban US landscape.
That was bad for the populace who smoked it but better for men who wanted an affordable blowjob.
From ages 23-25 I would get my pole smoked by them on a frequent basis.
@ Race
41 St between 7th and 8th in the late 80s.
Little orange dots going on and off on the fire escapes.
Crack smokers out on a summers night.
I remember it well.
Who could tell?, I have no idea why women do anything.
Hey, but it wasn’t all bad, if she hadn’t been shagging around, I would still be living in the UK and banging a 60 year old woman once a year.
I bet you got a blowjob once from a crack whore in the 1980’s.
It is too bad that the crack epidemic has faded.
Blowjobs were good and cheap back then.
@ Christian Cool – I’m assuming you managed her to the bitter end. The grave is where her service ends. There’s nothing broken or dysfunctional about a family that’s been widdowered. For a loyal tit feeder producer woman who passes away, provided she never abandoned her post she has the honors equivalent to a fallen soldier/servant unto you. If she was stymied from using her reproductive organs fully then it’s posible she withered on the vine like an ornamental trophy.
On the topic of the mother in law being a toxic influence, this is more bad behaviour that needs a handle clamped on by the mother in law’s master, the father in law. A mother in law will try to manage and manipulate by proxy her daughter’s families. Through her daughters she pulls strings of men in the extended family by more of the typical gratuitous nature that needs capped and managed with most every female.
And that’s just one wife. Imagine if you were polygamous with TWO sisterwives who were siblings from the same family and who had the same mother. This specifically results in a fail whereby the mother in law exerts TWICE the influence over the suitor son in law.
LEVITICUS 6 specifically forbids marrying two siblings while they’re both living. If one passes away, then and only then can you take her sister for wife. A sisterwife from another clan with a separate mother in law is still permissable because the POWER OF THE MOTHER IN LAW is diluted amongst two unrelated women and no two separate mother in laws can agree. Remember how impossible it is to herd cats?
BUT IF YOU MARRY two blood sisters concurrently, then this doubles the power of the same mother in law. Moses in his infinite and infallable wisdom knew this and stated this law explicitly in Lev 6. No man can remain the master of his own house with TWICE the power of the same mother in law over his head.
Before women’s suffrage in the early 1900s, architects and house designers during the Victorian era would typically design finer homes with a garage in the far rear of the property with a ‘mother in law’ apartment or suite located above the garage. Often it was charitable on the part of the man and master of the house to warehouse a MIL widow out of earshot. She could be visited for milk and cookies and for basic welfare checks but by NO MEANS did she pull the strings inside the main house or manipulate the taken and subservient wife.
Don’t forget, your tribe likes the smell of fertility in the morning. Child rearing is easiest and fully reciprocating and invigorating when you have the chants of conquista ringing from your neighbor tribesmen. Nothing beats the smell of a virgin in the morning and your fingers itch to get hopping training her. She is the fertile soil where ye plant ye seed. So much red pill needs to be re learned in the desexed and sterile west.
@ MaGoo
Not surte if you are trying to be Mr. Magoo or what…. But here we go.
I normally do not respond to Ad Hominem type comments, but since you brought up my late wife, I will respond.
First, my late wife was killed by what the American media calls “the victims” or “refugees”. Some piece of shit “migrant” was drunk at 10am in the freaking morning and T-boned her on driver’s side door, when this shitbag was doing over 70MHP on city street. Driving a company truck, F-250. Another reason we need mandatory E-Verify, so employers can stop this practice of hiring cheap illegal labor, further hurting our middle class.
Relationship management (a/k/a/ Dread Game) was used sparingly in my own life because I married a great Christian, feminine Gen X’er woman, whom I married in her prime. In fact, when I had to give her some Dread Pills once or twice a year, I felt bad about it because she was overall a superb woman and we had an amazing relationship, one I know I cannot replace given the degradation and decline of American women today.
My now ex-father-in-law is, was, and will always be a ragin’ Beta and his wife became unbearable because of his failure to lead. She was out of control because her own husband, a typical sheltered Boomer beta male, allowed her to get more and more out of control and to bully him and mock him openly in front of his own kids. I simply told my wife “I did not marry your whole family” and that I married her only and we limited interactions with these people anyway, since we lived over 800 miles away. 🙂 Over time, even my wife realized how dysfunctional her family was and became closer to my own family, which removed a lot of the problems. But whenever she got on the phone with her mom, you could just see, she would feel sad, down, depressed, or angry. Knowing this, my late wife limited contact and never ever talked to her mom whenever we were going out later that night or even if we had something fun planned for the weekend. She understood this well (my late wife was amazing, I am telling you).
I would never get into a polygamous situation. That is two divorce rapes in the oven, so no thank you sir. I will never re-marry anyway, I am no fool. Unless we have a complete revising of all our “Family Laws” in America, marriage is a dead institution and having a child will be playing Russian Roulette with 5 rounds and 1 empty chamber.
No matter how much we can wish for the “good ole days” of past eras, like pre-Suffrage or even Victorian Era, they are almost certainly never coming back. Short of a horrific/tragic event like a global conflic or pandemic, the FemiNazi system will never completely leave us.
This is why we learn Game. This is why we share our experiences about divorce-rape, dating, children, etc – so other men can make better decisions and not get screwed over.
But to pine away for some bygone era and avoid facing the realities of life today, in a Feminist-controlled legal system is counter-productive at best. And the truth is, short of a cultural and societal reset brought about men coming together and setting up some sort of well-funded legislative lobbying ground while men almost totally abstain from marriage altogether, this system will not improve anytime soon.
My .02 cents.
Sorry for your loss. It sounds like you found one of the good ones.
I’m also sorry for your loss Mr Cool. I was assuming she passed childless from non use of the reproductive organs bringing on a tumorous environment. “Use em or lose em” with the breasts. Non tit feeding women never empty out their mammary glands which accumulate years of hydrogenated chemically preserved oils through diet. A ten year old piece of cheese in there festers and becomes tumorous. “Empty those puppies out” I tell women frequently. Again my condolences to the loss of your fine woman.
I’ve known quite a few childless x-er women who went career, never having used their jugs and had them lopped off. One case comes to mind though I never met the gal, Christina Applegate. She lost her boobs at 35 never once having tit fed nor producing offspring. With no breasts, it was a wake up call. She quit the junk food cold and went on a healthy diet craze, later producing one healthy child at 40 with her hubby, but without mams to feed with. Whew! In colonial days, she would have been wed and shagged out offspring at 14 onward.
On the polygamy – I’ve never seen two sisterwives in a courtroom trying to fleece their man. Sisterwives sit at the dinner table and ferret out any issues and always avoid nanny state assistance. The union is illigitimate in the first place so a threesome family is always tight and the sisters watch each other’s backs. It’s not like a monogamous marriage where the nanny state is always the woman’s friend, competing with daddy for guardianship over the woman and the estate. It’s a renegade arrangement where all parties have to bond to ward off the system. Thus they seek a comfortable sweet spot of privacy and seclusion. The last thing that bonded sisterwives would ever do is pull the fire alarm to bring the nanny state in and police a domestic matter. It’s a strong hedge against the state getting their foot into your door.
The problem is the man who has two women who don’t cohabitate, ergo a mistress or a separate bigamous woman who can’t be in the company of the other woman. If only they could get along like real house cats. It is a heart attack waiting to happen when the man has to run around and cover his tracks, managing and placating two separate women who never meet. George Washington in fact died from pneumonia which he caught running two miles in the snow nightly to visit his mistress as Martha slept. He should have introduced them and shacked both. It was the winter of 1799. What could go wrong?
Have never understood why guys like using the poop hole when there is a perfectly good vagina there (well you would hope). Its uncomfortable, degrading, feels a little bit [email protected] and you’re literally putting your D in sh1t.
Otherwise some good intel on female manipulation tricks.
It’s part of the homosexualization of men but sheep think it’s cool.
I agree-you might as well fuck ladyboys if all you want is anal and headjobs.
It probably is a gateway to homo s3x but it also probably demoralizes and negatively effects both sexes in many ways.
It’s fair to say the act of s3x and relationships between man and woman have been heavily compromised and corrupted.
Thanks (((Freud))) and (((porn)) and an over-s3xualized (((media)))
Tight as hell;
No need for condom (wash carefully and prep her well beforehand);
No risk of pregnancy.
That is what it was to me anyway. I enjoy both anal and regular, but the point is if the man wants it and she denies him, it is a manipulation strategy most of the time.
You need the right responses and Dread to keep things balanced. That is bottom line.
Probably one of the most useful RoK articles I have seen in some time. It exposes the problems and solutions. A+, Donavan is a great writer.
You might as well fuck another men:
– Tight as hell;
– No need for condom (wash carefully and prep him well beforehand);
– No risk of pregnancy.
This is funny as hell.
You wanna compare anal with a woman to a MEN?!?!? You sound weird saying that, sir. 😮
You argument is so preposterous, under that same line of thinking, then if a woman gives you a BJ, well then so can a man, so go for a man?!!! 🙄
I am NOT saying I would not prefer vag sex then anal. I am trying to avoid pregnancy at all costs. I am trying to allow myself to build the lifestyle I wanted for myself and posterity.
Just a few things a woman has that men do not:
-Soft skin
-Delicious smell
-Sexy voice
-Feminine Beauty/long hair/sensuality
And so forth. Simply put, a woman provides a man with a lot sexually. I will never deny that.
Again, if your argument is that a man and a woman can both provide anal… well same for BJs. So you are saying if you like BJs, then a man or woman can equally provide that?? 🙄 lol
Not for me, sir. Women only. But each their own!
“You argument is so preposterous, under that same line of thinking, then if a woman gives you a BJ, well then so can a man, so go for a man?”
I’m not that keen on oral either, and I never use a condom.
Sex is for enjoyment and procreation, I wouldn’t have sex if I didn’t think it had the possibility of procreation.
Can’t see how you claim to be Christian and use condoms, in my mind one excludes the other.
Sounds a bit gay.
The definition of h0m0sexuality is attraction to the same sex. How are you guys equating @nal sex with women to @nal with men? Seems like closet behavior
Tracy I don’t want the mother of my children to be a sodomized whoah.
A woman eager to let a man use her back passage also suggests to me damaged goods.
Are you not aware women want to be dominated in bed by a man??
Or do you let her strap-on your ass and dominate you? 😆 lol
Women need to be led by a man and dominated by her man sexually. Why else do women get all hot ‘n bothered by poorly-written crap like 50 Shades? This is basic game 101, basic-grade level game strategy.
Man you guys need to read some serious game,. sexual domination and relationship headship are critical tools of game and relationships with women.
@ Sasquatch
The mother of your children has already, almost certainly, been sodomized before by some dude she banged before. Modern Western women self-denigrate cheaply, quickly, and easily.
Trust me 99.99% of women you meet today have been analed by some dude before. Most of our women are damaged goods, as you say, already way before you even met her. They are Queens of Bad Decisions and they become bitter and angry with each bad decision they make themselves. There is NOTHING you can do, my man. She has almost certainly have been buttstuffed before.
If you are lucky, you can be the one to enjoy that hole first. I lucked out my late wife was still a buttvirgin and I had the fun of breaking that cherry myself.
I know this guy, Mike, he is pushing 38 now, old high school buddy. This guy has always been a total natural Alpha, jacked up on ‘roids, just the badass HS girls could not resist. He is one of these guys who will bang any woman, no matter how vile, for the sake of numbers. He is one of these guys.
He recently told me that about 2 years ago, he started having anal with girls on the first chance he had to bed the woman!!! Surprised at what he told me, I asked why and how come?
My thinking has always been that if you show girl good time on first night, you get a better chance of a repeat days later. I always put extra effort and extra time to make the woman go off with me first time around, trying to increase my chance of a few more sessions with her later.
But Mike, told me that when he goes straight anal first time around, even if girl wants vag better that first time, he still goes for it and almost always gets it. Why do that on first bang?? Because it shows that HE has higher value then her from day 1, that he is the Alpha and gets what he wants. He wants something that pleases HIM most, not worried about her.
What Western woman today can resist a guy who puts himself first, who doesn’t give a dam about her, and who is a “bad boy” in that sense, one she needs to tame? 🙄
He told me since he started this, he increased the # of girls wanting to bang him again, but vag next time, the girl always asks. He goes vag second time and from that point forward, but first time around, he gets what he wants and shows he is higher value then she is.
Does that work every time? No, but he said around 90% effectiveness rate. Take it for what its worth.
Her immortal soul is not my responsibility, she may be damaged and soul-less, but I’m not, I’m not adding to her damage, and I’m keeping it that way.
I have had anal with a few women recently. They are totally into it…
its more about passion of new pussy/body to play with, and dominance.
My previous LTR offered it up at the beginning – and was not good -too tight —neither of us tried it again in 6 years…
Another gf – loved it every time…
Men have mouths and hands too…doesn’t make getting a blowjob or hand-job from a woman gay…
bitch is getting it in her ear to wake her up if I have to…
@ Captain
It is not that they may just enjoy it from a pleasure standpoint as much as they enjoy vag more. It is that women want to be dominated by a guy and a man that demands anal from them is a man of perceived higher value to them. Hypergamy at work. It is also because our women like to be denigrated by men, no question about it. Otherwise, why would so many of our women go out and get banged up by hundreds of dudes, in carrousel-like manner?
I would NOT get into an LTR with a woman that offered me anal in the very beginning. That is a red flag for me, but each to their own.
I had to work hard to get my buttvirgin girlfriend to give me that, and it was great. That is why I ended up wifing her up, she was inexperienced in that sense and that is a sign of quality woman for LTR/marriage.
(NO, I will never marry again, I lucked out first time around, please, do not get marry men).
Too tight? There is no such thing, man. Tight women are the best. 🙂 I do not get dudes that want to “stretch out” their own women. That sounds like “busted up” to me. 😮
If a man make demands of his woman, she can bitch about it all she wants, but she will appreciate you are showing good perceived value. Hypergamy can be gamed and exploited to a man’s advantage.
Yeah pussies are for screwing and assholes are for sh¡tting. Truth. I browsed on the web and was totally shocked. I mean really disturbed, not by all the bung whores but by something else. Young girls who have no shitters. I can barely digest this but now COLOSTOMY bags are being worn by young girls.
MY GOD what did her parents feed her? She’s too young to sh¡t in a bag. G0DDAM the plagues wrought by processed sh¡tfoods have to stop. A G0DDAM PLASTIC BAG she sh¡ts in and that stuff used to be for the old fogeys in retirement homes with insurance to cover frivolous zipper surgeries. And here’s another one:
DAMN that girl is too young to be messed up with her asshole removed. I’m three times her age and my sh¡tter sh¡ts normal stinky sh¡t like it’s supposed to. I CRY for these poor youth who haven’t a clue about proper diet. All the HFCS and refined fiberless dead crap they’re eating. If I gamed that girl and pulled down her panties MY EYEBALLS would pop out seeing a sh¡tter bag that you would only expect to see on someone’s great grandmother. It’s unbelievable how young the people are when the frankenfoods take their toll nowadays. Damn MCGOO can’t take it anomore. How can I wake up the youth on digestive health? Do I have to dress up like a big plastic bag full of sh¡t and run around on a campus somewhere slamming young people and screaming for them to get off the processed grains or what? I still feel warm and fuzzy with my own good working sh¡tter but it’s just so sad seeing kids so messed up by the diet pushed on them by the kosher sh¡tfood industry. What’s next? High school kids with pacemakers? They’re killing the west with all the toxic processed sh¡tfood.
Her: “You look good in red.”
You: ” I didn’t ask.”
Nah, that’s bitchy.
Cute Asian woman that I mess with at the checkout whenever I see her.
Her: “Hello my friend!”
Me: (Flat tone of voice) “I’m not your friend.”
You just sound like a male version of an oversensitive Feminazi. You know, the kind that says “I’m not your dear/love/sweetheart/honey/darling/etc!”
Good article. But it only makes me want to visit escorts more as I never have to deal with this kinda bullshit from them. I hate interacting with American civilian women. I mean, I can pull, and have many times in the past conquered normal girls, but cost/benefit analysis became extremely apparent to me once I got into the workforce. Working 50s a week I don’t have time to chase girls for the opportunity of sex when I can just pay straight up. I’m not 18 anymore with all the time in the world.
And that “you’re such a nice guy who deserves someone” is the fastest quote to literally have me just get up from my seat and walk away and never speak to the bitch again.
You’ll save time and money.
Also, one thing I gave to disagree on with the article is eating pussy. No offense to the author but I’m a die hard, unapologetic pussy and ass eater. Especially when it’s from a HB10 brizzlizan model. When it’s time to check out from this life, I hope it’s with my escort ladyfriend suffocating me by way of sitting on my face.
That is called playing the same game as a woman does-since most women can only truly climax through oral sex. Once they have, you can play the scarcity game with them and reward them with it.
As for rimming, while I have done it, I notice women really don’t get into it that much. Or not many.
I know some guys that like it when the woman RIMS them.
These guys are fucking homos, but many women love rimming men for some reason.
Oral Sex is a good way to hang on to a woman.
Let’s face it. It is the female equivalent to the Blow job.
As for rimming, I’m not sure women are partial to it.
You are disgusting if you eat ass . No way a woman will respect you for that
@madjeff: good point, but it’s a mistake to demean himself by “rewarding” the woman with oral, assuming you like it. Give her oral everytime, without asking anything in return, even if she had been misbehaving recently. Men should be slow to anger. Wait until she crosses some line, then just leave. The fact that she is losing all that cunnilingus as well as what other benefits she gets from you will make your loss that much more devastating. And if she caves, she will cave hard.
If you don’t like giving oral, don’t do it. She’ll eventually see through your fakery, unless she’s an idiot but who wants to screw idiots?, just like intelligent men see through women’s fake orgasms eventually.
@madjeff: they love rimming because of the power it gives them over any man who wants to be rimmed, given that many women adamantly refuse to rim or even hear discussuon of rimming. Everyone loves power over other people. I prefer paid sex precisely because of the power it gives me over the woman, and conversely I hate civilian “dating” because of how powerless it makes me feel. Unlike guys like Donovan Sharpe, Troy “Drivel King” Francis, the studs at RVF, and so on, I’m not overflowing with alpha male sex appeal. No way I’m getting sex with a Ukrainian HB10 35 years younger without putting money in the table.
I’m a die hard, unapologetic pussy and ass eater. Especially when it’s from a HB10 brizzlizan model. When it’s time to check out from this life, I hope it’s with my escort ladyfriend suffocating me by way of sitting on my face.
i would agree 100%, but the word escort makes it sound pathetic. eating a prostitutes ass and vag is not a good idea.
Agreed, at one time chasing woman was one of my great pleasures. Then a few work related trips to Asia and SE Asia later and now I’m hard pressed to even even flirt with a woman.
Don’t get me wrong, sexual conquest and game is an essential part of developing as a man. But once you are on your way and know what you want in life and how to get it; chasing pussy and the dance that goes with it is a waste of time and just silly.
If sex is what you’re after, a nice whore will beat your average one night stand EVERY TIME. In looks, performance, and overall cost benefit analysis. Hell most are even better to hang out with. And many times – at least overseas – they make better short term girlfriends.
I know, shocker! Belive me, the first time I experienced this fact, it was like overdosing on a red pill Micky. But it’s true. About one of the only guaranteed times you can expect and will receive great feminine companionship and sexual release is with a good Hooker…who knew?!
With regular women, a nite out is a crap shoot of time, money, and emotional investment, with nearly all the odds stacked against you.
The berry of modern woman is almost rarely woeth the squeeze.
The passion is not always there with prostitutes, though many do it because they like sex.
Also, if you are going to use prostitutes, white women are generally the worst. These are usually junkies or retards who hate what they are doing.
At least with non-white women you have a better paid experience.
FSU pros (white women) are a mixed bag, but there are jewels there if you search, at least for those who prefer a mistress type situation, where you see the same girlt over and over and want real affection not just fake. Cheaper than SEA but higher quality for these paid and shared mistress situations. If you prefer not to share, that is also available, for a higher price of course. Once you’ve experienced a paid girlfriend situation, where the man actually has something that the woman wants besides ephermal “alpha male sex appeal”, you’ll never go back to regular girlfriends, at least if you can afford the paid type. Not once has my current girlt ever done or said anything even slightly annoying to me. If she’s even 5 minutes late because of taxi problems, she apologizes effusively. After something like this, the idea of “dating” civilians, on the off chance they might throw me a bone of bad sxs in a stinky puss (high end pros are always scrupulously clean in my experience) if I put on a goodn enough song and dance show, is like a bad joke.
agree with all of this.
But, where you refer to benefits of “girl friend effect” hooker – only in SE Asia.
I reckon 10 hookers in USA are totally hot but too much money for short time…(for me)
have had many in LOS – and mix it up with short times…
damn fine life.
Planning another escaped to Pattaya this xmas…
@automaticslim???? come on book your ticket!
Perhaps its time to leave – Sometimes I just cannot take it here anymore…
and now I can get over 55 retirement visa…
“Perhaps its time to leave – Sometimes I just cannot take it here anymore…
and now I can get over 55 retirement visa…”
I do find myself wisfully thinking of just leaving it all and kissing the USA goodbye. But I have familial responsibilities and am too much of a western chauvinist to truly feel at home in SEA or Hong Kong or Japan. Although Thailand and Japan are two of the only countries I’ve been to where I never felt a need to leave once settled in.
“Western Chauvinist”
Would you feel safer on a street in Bangkok or Detroit or East Los Angeles?
Are you more likely to have serious violence inflicted upon you in Taiwan by Asians or on any US street by blacks or Hispanics (Or on a bus, in a fast food restaurant)?
Infrastructure? Is the water cleaner in Flint or South Korea?
Okay, some of you patriots will start going on about how you can live in the boondocks but is an old farmhouse on a dirt road with potholes 10 miles from the nearest crossroads more Western than an apartment in downtown Bangkok?
It is better than having sex with snotty white call girl/Women’s studies majors whose vagina is a big cavern.
And if you have not noticed more and more white girls are getting into the sex industry.
Back when I lived in the US, if you watched porn it was the same 40 or 50 whores doing it.
Now, there are thousands of white women in porn.
The price is different, that is all.
I never wanted to return to the US. I’m a working white middle-class guy and America offers nothing, really.
To begin with, I do not have to worry about blacks and Mestizos in the street.
As one cop on this blog commentary noted in another roll, the US now has to devote an enormous amount of its budget to keeping a military presence in the ghettos and barrios.
This is no concern in Asia.
Entirely reasonable cost benefit analysis. If you can use game and don’t have to pay with a massive time investment, use game. If it costs less to get high quality pussy paying up front, use cash. Game and cash is formidable.
@ Rob:
I agree with you 100%. I am beginning to see that my time/cost vs benefit dealing with our American girls is simply NOT worth it anymore. And I am a guy who has always prefer relationships/LTRs to ONS (One Night Stands) with women all my life.
But that is changing now for me. The amount of time and energy I put in to daygame and some online game is too much investment to get some girl for a mini-relationship. The quality of the women are hardly worth MY time, cash, and energy.
I look at life as cost-benefit. These days, even spending $10 at Coldstone ice cream seems like a lot for some of these girls. Why should I spend more then gas money to get somewhere with this woman if there are so many women putting it out completely FREE of charge???? Makes no sense to me. “Let’s hang out at my place and watch Netflix” is one of my fav lines these days.
Our women are almost feral-like in their behavior. Our women are raised with no boundaries, no sense or honor or honesty or self-respect. They are often rude and lack class and lack femininity. I read this article about this issue a while back and it is really an expose on this situation and how we got to this point:
To have to spend this much time and energy to game a woman, manage them, and keep their little manipulative games at bay is just too much of a headache in an LTR.
If I was not a Christian guy, I would go the high-end escort route too. But for now, until I am ready to cross that line (unthinkable to me 2 years ago), I will continue to go for mini-relationships ONLY. Given up on LTRs completely at this time. Total waste of my time.
Mini-relationship model is basically one where I “rent” a woman until cost of renting becomes too high, when it does, I pass on the “rental unit” to the next dude and move on to next short-term rental. No need to deal with all the headaches in the OP article (which is excellent, by the way).
Consider mini-relationships if you ever get tired of the escort thing. 😉 It works really well and sometimes you even get an easy call from some mini-ex texting you up to see “what you have been up to”. Easy comes, easy goes. LOL 😆
Thankfully I have found and trained a good woman who is only steadily becoming kinkier and has a higher libido than previously. We’ve been married for 8 years and have been having sex for almost 10 years. She doesn’t punish me by withholding sex. She does “reward” me in a way, which is to say that I have certain outfits she finds sexy, but I wear them when I choose, which is rare because it’s fucking hot outside for ten months out of the year…
My wife can not argue with me because I am a former interrogator for the US government. Maybe I should write an article for RoK about how to win arguments with a spouse or GF…
yea do that. I wish to know.
because, presently I believe you cannot win an argument with a woman…
they don’t care about facts
An article? For crying out loud man write a book!
This is why men shouldn’t marry. Eventually your wife will stop putting out. I don’t know anyone who is married and is having quality sex. Sometimes dread game doesn’t work. If she has your kids then she has you by the balls. You can’t leave if you are married unless you want to be divorced rape. Then you will be able to experience the @nal pounding on your own r£ctum when she gives you the child support papers. A women won’t care that you have dread game when she can download tinder and have her choice with 100s of guys.
Dread game may only be effective if you have a f$$k buddy.
There is no such thing as marriage dread game because she doesn’t have anything to lose but everything to gain. Don’t beleive me? Go over to the marriage red pill on reddit and see stories of guys applying dread game but still aren’t getting sex from their wives. She won’t care that you are leaving for a few days. This gives her the chance to bounce on her side c0ck. She won’t care that you will go silent. She will download tinder and see what’s available in the dating market. You gonna threaten her that you are gonna leave ? She will laugh and hope you do divorce her so she can be “free” while still getting alimony. Every married woman will use sex as a weapon. All of the men at my job constantly complain about not getting sex from their wives and these are guys making good money.
The best thing to do when your girlfriend doesn’t put out is to have sex with other women. F$$k dread game. I shouldn’t have to play a game to get sex. I will simply have a few women on the side. Either the woman is having sex with me or I am having sex with someone else. Regardless of the situation I will still be having sex.
Not all of suffer that problem. Find a better wife and manage her.
Fine a better wife ? So you want men to get remarry after getting divorce raped . You are a cuck
More likely he’s 16yo and posting on this forum in between marathon wank, porn and videogame sessions. No married man in USA of today could possibly be so oblivious to the costs of divorce to the man. Then again, I’ve underestimated human stupidity in the past, so I might be wrong.
If your choice of women leads you to that conclusion, then perhaps the problem is in your choices.
Yes, Western women are at their worst because men today let them, but we now have all the knowledge we need to learn how to find, keep and manage women. Use it and stop complaining.
Or keep complaining and stew in your own bitterness. You choose.
Sure goatballs, you keep telling yourself that, if it makes the pain and disappointment of your existence easier to take.
After all, it’s easier to knock someone else who’s succeeded than it is to make the changes you need to succeed yourself.
Every married man I knew in the white world suffered that problem.
I’m calling BS on your ‘find a better wife’, and am betting you’re single.
Its interesting because I never was married in the West and all of this foreign to me.
And you’d be wrong.
I get the cynicism. I do. I’ve seen a lot of men lose their relationships because of their shrew wives. Been there myself.
Then a wonderful thing happened; I found the red pill and opened my eyes to what is and now I’m reaping the benefits.
How many of those men you knew had been solidly red pilled?
Every single one of us overseas. There are two types of males-those who have been living outside their country and townies who don’t or cannot.
Believe me, a man overseas is red pilled.
Especially to their own country.
I’ve dated some of these women.
Unlimited options with men – and set for life with payments thru divorce.
Great stories of fun drinking and partying with the other divorced mommies…
Not a good situation
@ Avatar Aang
Not getting sex in a marriage (or just “duty sex” is not even a sex issue anymore. A man can get his woman to perform better for him if he makes the right moves (Dread game, holding frame, basic Game concepts).
Marriage 2.0 (2.0 is the current fraud some foolishly believe is original, traditional marriage) is about a man putting his life, finances, freedom, and future to a woman’s capricious whims. ❗
The woman can ruin a man’s life at anytime, for any reason, or no reason at all. She can false accuse you of crimes that will literally end your life. She can file for divorce for no reason at all and take at a minimum 50% of your stuff. She can have you evicted of your own house with one phone call to the cops and no evidence at all, and then get the house in the divorce. She can take away your kids and shack up with a local child pedophile and there is NOTHING you can do about and the Judge will do nothing about it either. Kids are HER property. The woman can bang some random dude in your marital bed, send you the video of it, humiliate you publicly on social media, and that changes nothing in divorce court, in fact some FemiNazi judge might find her “empowered”. 😡 She is guaranteed at least (minimum) 1/2 of your shit, minimum of 1/2 of all your future pre-tax earnings, and if you upset her enough, she will cost you YEARS, maybe decades of your life in prison with a false criminal accusation.
It is insane. Only a moron would get married in 2018 America, anywhere in the AngloSphere, Brazil, or Western Europe, really. Marriage is the worst deal EVER, hands down – for a man.
Bill Burr is probably one of the loudest voices on this matter. Hilarious, but totally worth watching this 4 min clip:
I am serious…. I cannot believe I am writing this again. How come, in this day and age with all the info out there about Divorce Rape crisis, some men still want to consider marriage. 🙄
Aaaand, Burr cucked out and got married, one year after that interview.
“The best thing to do when your girlfriend doesn’t put out is to have sex with other women. F$$k dread game. I shouldn’t have to play a game to get sex. I will simply have a few women on the side. Either the woman is having sex with me or I am having sex with someone else. Regardless of the situation I will still be having sex.”
This is a form of dread.
“Saving a low sex marriage: The Man’s Guide to Dread, Seduction, and the Long Game” covers this in more detail for LTR/Married guys.
@RooshV: what the fuck is going on with the censorship here? I understand you don’t like me because of my frequent jibes at alphatude, etc. But the crazy thing is, you’re censorship doesn’t actually target those sorts of remarks. It’s like it’s just random shit with no explanation.
…me too.
Guys, about going down on a woman. Never do that shit.
reason: It has been found (by mainstream, valid medical research) that a common strain of HPV virus can infect the man’s throat and exhibit no symptoms for a long time until, boom! throat cancer!
Just ask Hollywood star Michael Douglas about it. He has come out publicly discussing this and his sexual habits in the media after he was diagnosed with throat cancer.
I also hear that currently available medication to clear a HPV virus is not very effective.
You have been warned.
besides, oral sex is subservient act, appropriate for the dominant man to receive but not give it to the woman. After all oral sex involves sticking ones private, dirty pissing and fucking thing in someone’s face.
to each his own and I respect another man’s decision not to perform oral on the woman. But personally, I find it a dominant act that puts me in charge of things, same as I prefer being on top during intercourse, preferably missionary because I can last longer that way, again control is everything for me. Giving oral works best with shy girls. I would never give oral to a loud mouthed American feminist. Not a fan of anal, but vigorous anal (with condom to protect myself from her shit) is probably best type sex with women like that. I wouldn’t know since I avoid these termagants. Passively receiving oral annoys me because I’m no longer in charge. Active skull fucking, where I hold the woman’s head and fuck her mouth, I like on the other hand.
As for the HPV, yes but your overstating the issue. 99.9% of throat cancer will have other factors besides HPV. In particular, smoking or chewing tobacco or weak immune system. HPV is everywhere. There’s like 100 varieties. Common warts are HPV. Everyone gets exposed to HPV but only weaklings suffer steps consequences. Strong immune systems eventually fight the HPV off. The media likes to hype STDs because idiots like you gobble this stuff up. And the pharmaceutical companies love hysteria about HPV because of that vaccine they have, expensive and of dubious effectivity. Ditto for hysteria about Herpes.
“by mainstream, valid medical research”
the words mainstream and valid dont go together. either its mainstream or its valid.
if you dont want to smell on her pussy and slurp on her like she is ice cream, it is a good indicator that you are not attracted to her. you will produce bastard children with a skank you did not even like.
if i dont think about eating her asshole the first 5 seconds i meet her, i know, she is not good enough for me.
Great Article – excellent – learn the dread and don’t suplicate.
However, this really does need to be backed by legitimate abundance…
And I love eating pussy.
I often go for the push push first – they are usually hot for it…and then mix it up, moving around the bases…
However, as some of the others have stated seems a waste of time chasing them.
was on a role recently – plenty of dating, because I had plenty of time, and abundant location.
The results are plentiful, but low par…
Same as my previous LTR…
Not sure what the solution is. I cannot think to maximize myself anymore…I’m 55 – and I’m pretty much ok. however women have too much opportunity. And zero reason to commit, or be reasonable.
The chick I spent 2 days with: “and I have realized you are quite charming, alarmingly so.” And she has a $3million condo and near unlimited lifetime expense account from divorce. But I paid…She is fun. We had fun…And can push it on. And also continue to date others. but, damn.
However, I have relocated to area with less women aroudn during the week…
I think I need to knuckle down and get real work done until labor day…improve financial situation…
More money – I think more play for pay combined with some fun/interesting older women…
Great ROK nostalgia piece!
Feminists are garbage and America is decaying, we get it. Sometimes I just want a lighter read about bitch managment.
Because I have lived overseas most of my life as an adult, some of the stories on here astonish me.
I truly thank the dear lord that I never married a college sweetheart or impregnated some Polish or Irish Catholic girl that led me into a marriage.
Thank goodness.
I’d be fucked.
Of course the primary reason to be out of the United States is because blacks and Mexicans cannot travel overseas but women seems like a third reason.
Oh my god…
You’re so wrong about us. We’re not like that. You’re describing a sociopath.
To me, you’re entire view sounds like someone in terrible pain because someone evil did a real number on him. Don’t give up hope.
If you want a woman who you can trust to love you and not hurt you, be someone who will love her and not hurt her.
And stay away from mean girls. You can’t fix them.
Because males unlike women are less dependent upon a system or a community we can move to another country and have sex relationships easier.
Most of the guys on this site are either already overseas or have one foot overseas already. Asia, Eastern Europe, South America.
It is very easy for males to simply “walk off” to another country and get sex from women there.
Whereas you would find nothing attractive about Asian males-their penis is small, their physical build not masculine, their physiognomy different-we males can derive equal pleasure from sex with Asian women (Though not African, usually).
Let is look at the very act of sex, for example. The male always finishes and walks off. This is how men feel about their countries. If the pleasure is not there, we simply walk off to somewhere where there is greater pleasure to be derived.
So many of the men on this site, myself included, have long since walked off from the US or UK.
African women make the best wives/mother. The golden rule is to not to bring them to hte US/Europe.
Race (Detroit rent boy)
Why do you assume to speak for white men or everyone like you’re some kind of authority on everything. You’re a Ju for crying out loud you’re not even white. Shut the fuk up with your BS
Think MM is bout to pop. Its only his 27th new alias in a week hes used. Identity crisis begets the fall
You are a Caucasian woman, so Asian males would not be as attractive to you on the most fundamental level.
To begin with, their penis is too small. And let us face the fact that size does matter. They are not muscular or tall enough. And so on.
So if a white woman seeks a non-Caucasian partner with whom sex is enjoyable, it has to be a black man. And this has other ramifications of course. Not least of which is the fact that no black man has any fucking money.
With Asian females and white males, a different ration exists. So therefore, Asia is much more attractive to white males and many of us just walk off overseas to enjoy the tight vaginas of dusky women in cheaper countries. And let us also face the fact that males are more focused on sex than community or whatever so a guy will forget about “home” in 10 minutes when he moves to Asia.
More and more white men are simply going to be leaving the West and putting their sisters, daughters, mothers in a position of fending for themselves.
Remember how easy it is for men to leave and simply plant themselves somewhere else. White women cannot do that as easily.
This is why cities like Detroit or Baltimore look the way that they do. White men have left.
“Keep crying, baby, it just makes my dick hard.”
Since when does doing her up the ass make a man homosexual? It is generally much tighter and anal is a great way to avoid unwanted pregnancy without resorting to birth control. FTR: only beta cucks use the “male bc pill”.
if they hate girls anuses that much, they have a huge problem. because girls assholes are so close to her vag you cant avoid it. you are forced to pay atention to it hahaha. these guys sex must be the most sterile and boring waste of time. find another hobbie people, women are not really your thing (assuming they also hate eating pussy).
I like eating pussy but I get pleasure out of it. Only eat pussy if you get pleasure out of it. Don’t do it for the skanks enjoyment. Ever.
if you dont want to smell on her pussy and slurp on her like she is ice cream, it is a good indicator that you are not attracted to her and never will be.
if i dont think about eating her asshole the first 5 seconds i meet her, i know, she is not good enough for me.
“if you catch her texting her ex, you tell that if she continues, you’re out the door”
If you’re ABLE to catch her texting her ex odds are she’s probably also been fucking him. I don’t put up with shit like that period. What, you’re going to wait until you catch a dude balls deep in her until you really decide it’s bad?
Good article!
Donovan anal
Donovan, you do some great work, really, but could you please stop mentioning anal s*x in your articles, just for me? Thanks a lot, bud!
The tears thing is kinda true, but some folks are genuinely emotional. Men hit stuff chicks cry. Women sex drives are tied to their cycle but men don’t have fluctuating sex hormones. Women don’t always deny sex to control. What if she is ill, on her period or just had a hard day???? And oral sex feels great. How do men expect blowjobs but refuse to return the favor? I don’t understand. It’s like what does a women get out of relationship if the dude isn’t sexually giving her what he demands as well and being unkind? I guess since I’ve only been with my husband Ill never understand this level of pettiness seems tiring.
“It’s like what does a women get out of relationship if the dude isn’t sexually giving her…….”
A house, a car, living expenses, protection from invaders, etc.
Thank you!!! I am a 30 years old man, and definitely this world would be a better place for man if they could have more confidence and not fall for mind games. Some woman have to figure out what they want, or die alone in a apartment full of cats.
But, the author here is basically a crazy inverted feminist. He has this vengeance mentality, it is just sick.
Guys, I can tell you for sure: if this is your mentality, no valuable woman will (or should) approach you, and that’s probably the reason why he thinks this shit. He doesn’t have a great woman around for as long as he remembers.
Your goal should be to identify crazy manipulative females so you don’t spend your valuable time in shitty relations, and not try to became one of them, like this guy here.
And one last thing, EATING PUSSY IS AWESOME! When you experience your wife trembling of pleasure, by things you can do only with fingers or mouth, and she is already crazy because it was only foreplay, and she knows shit is going to get real, you will know what is to feel a king.
Bad advice for college aged guys. Title IX discriminates against men and the myth of rape culture in the west has its stronghold on college campuses. It’s not unfathomable that a guy trying to have sex with his girl, the girl not wanting to, the guy icing her for a few days, and then resuming normal sex after dick detention could be twisted into some kind of rape accusation. Or emotional trauma.
Why the obsession with putting your penis in a shit canal? Full of, ya know, feces..? When the wet soft luscious pussy , o mouth is available?
how come the author writes such a long article about virtually nothing? these ‘tactics’ you identified are used by both men and women. usually by those who lack spine.
if i was the author i would try to surround myself with people who have more of a personality, maybe thats his problem and not that hes obviously in the closet and therefore doesnt enjoy a womans vagina?
You are a fuckin delusional and bitter person, and as a heterosexual white man, I just wanna ask: What are your traumas, dude?
Some terrible advice and points in here. Women never fuck only for pleasure? GTFO.
Great article and advice. I wish I could get to the point where the sex dropped off after a month or so and pull these kick ass techniques because I’d love to. Truth is, all I can get lately is one or two dates with hot day game girls who do not put out then lose interest or sub par online sluts who bang and ghost. The search for a girl I like who will stick around goes on…