Recently, I was chatting with a German friend about the sexual assaults in Cologne of women by the “rapefugees” that had been invited into the country by Chancellor Merkel.
I asked my friend if he thought that public opinion was turning against Germany’s open door policy for third world immigrants. He said that while people were beginning to question the wisdom of the policy, most Germans still felt guilty about what happened in World War II. Germans have been so brow beaten for events that happened 70 years ago, that they feel obligated to commit civilizational suicide.
Collective guilt has been effectively used by our elites to engineer Western societies to fit their utopian vision. If we are going to make any progress in rolling back these transformations, we need to get rid of toxic collective guilt. Here are some examples of collective guilt.
World War II
A citizen of a country cannot be held responsible for the actions of his government. For example, I opposed the US invasion of Iraq by President Bush, but my opposition had no bearing on his decision. Even those citizens who supported the war are not to blame because Americans were sold a rosy picture of how the war would proceed. The blame for the war lies solely with President Bush and his advisers.
Similarly, the German people are not responsible for the actions of Hitler and the National Socialists. Hitler ran on a platform of restoring the dignity of Germany after its humiliation under the Treaty of Versailles—not on a platform of conquering Europe or murdering Jews.
Japan is another nation that was made to feel guilty for its role in World War II. As part of its surrender, Japan, like Germany, was forced to give up its martial character even though this was an integral part of Japanese culture. The rise of effeminate men in both Germany and Japan is partly the result of the evisceration of the martial culture of both countries after the war.
The Holocaust
The Holocaust weighs heavily on everyone’s conscience. Some have argued that Europeans and Americans must take on millions of African and Arab “refugees” because they failed to take in Jewish refugees who were fleeing the Holocaust.
While the Holocaust was a terrible event, it is far from the worst of the mass murders that occurred even just in the twentieth century. Approximately 12 million people—6 million Jews and 6 million Christians and Gypsies—lost their lives in the Nazi death camps, but murders perpetrated by Marxist regimes were far worse.
Conservative estimates put the number of people murdered by the Soviet regime at a staggering 61 million. The People’s Republic of China killed 76.7 million of its own people. And in Cambodia, Pol Pot and his followers murdered 2 million people out of a population of 7 million.
By the way, the WWII Allies don’t have anything to be proud of either. They were unnecessarily merciless with the defeated enemy. Journalist Michael Walsh wrote:
Typically, British administered prisoner-of-war camps were worse than [Nazi death camp] Belsen long after the war had ended and war disruption ceased. Tragically even civilians were illegally held, deported and murdered in the tens of thousands.
Walsh recounts other atrocities inflicted on the German POWs including starvation, torture, and slavery.
The Soviets were even more monstrous towards Germans. Soviet troops raped over 2 million German women—some of them up to 70 times. About 240,000 women died as a result of those rapes.
Rather than feeling guilty about these atrocities, learn lessons on how to avoid them in the future—and move on. Don’t select one and hold it above all the others.
American slavery is a similar situation. It is most definitely a black mark (no pun intended) upon American history. The guilt that some white Americans have over slavery is so acute that it probably played a large reason in them voting for Obama—even though he is not descended from slaves.
I’ve spoken to college graduates—products of the American educational system—who think that Africans are the only people who have ever been held as slaves. The truth is that slavery was widely practiced in history and almost every group of people was enslaved at one point or another.
The Romans had Greek, British, English, and German slaves. The Persians held slaves from all over their empire. The Arabs were notorious slave traders. The Turks preyed on white Christians and enslaved them. And some etymologists speculate that the Slavic peoples derive their very name, “Slav,” from the fact that they were slaves at some point.
If you really want to get your shorts in a bunch about slavery, don’t vote for some incompetent black guy—work to stop the slavery that still exists today. About 35,800,000 people are still held as slaves throughout the world. Muslims are responsible for much of this modern slavery, but because Islam is the darling of the Left, there is very little reporting on the topic.
Every battle that feminism has won has been the result of guilt. Early feminists lobbied to be allowed to vote because, how can you love your mother, but deny her the vote?
The liberalization in divorce laws was also supposed to help women. Back in the patriarchal days, women who were abused by their husbands had no way out of terrible marriages. They were stuck with a philandering or physically abusive husband. Men felt guilty so they liberalized the divorce laws. Now, women are not stuck in terrible marriages. They are free to get a divorce so that they can escape a philandering or physically abusive boyfriend.
Guilt also drove the affirmative action policies that women now benefit from. Because women were oppressed homemakers in the past, companies and universities must now give them preferential treatment in hiring and admissions. Now women are free to spend their reproductive years toiling in a cubical to increase the bottom line of a multinational corporation. So much win!
There are many other things that we feel guilty about: climate change, starving children in Africa, Asian sweatshops, colonialism, the crusades, the Iraq War, and paying Jennifer Lawrence less than her male co-stars. But the truth is that all of this is fake guilt because there is nothing that you could have done to change the outcome.
Fake collective guilt is toxic because it gets us to accept the bad policies of the social engineers. They promise that if we just make this one change, all of our fake guilt will be expiated. But we find that no matter how many changes we make, the fake collective guilt remains like Lady Macbeth’s spot.
This year, drop all of your collective guilt. Instead, feel guilty only about things that you have personally done wrong. By taking responsibility for our own actions, we will make the world much better than any of the legislation pushed by the social engineers.
Read More: Understanding The Difference Between Guilt And Shame
America’s first War on Terror was against the Muslim Barbary Pirate states of Algiers, Tripoli and Tunis. Even the generally anti-interventionist Thomas Jefferson had to confront them by sending the United States Navy to liberate Christians held as slaves there, as well as force them to stop raiding our shipping and murdering our citizens.
Pirates were the terrorists of their day. And let us remember that the diplomats of the Dey of Tripoli essentially told Jefferson and Adams during the Washington Administration that, as Muslims, they had “divine right” to take as many Christians as slaves as they wished, and the only way to get them back was by paying wildly high ransoms.
There was a phrase being circulated around America in the early 19th Century (while my home country was dealing with Napoleon and the French Revolutionary SJWs):
“Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!”
Indeed the campaign against the Barbary Pirates is still remembered in the US Marine Corps hymn: “From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli”.
i’ve always thought the campaign against the barbary pirates would make a great theme for an action-packed hollywood blockbuster. i imagine hollywood would be reluctant to greenlight a project that would remind everyone that african muslims used to enslave white europeans, though.
White people in America have a strong aversion towards hearing anything about their past as slaves. Just used to think it had to do with oneupmanship on blacks.
I’ve always thought it was strange that we never have seen films about the Barbary War, Mexican-American War or the Spanish-American War. Then again, the who we fought in one and how the other two came about would make many cringe.
I’d watch it
One major reason, among many of the pc police, that they don’t I’m sure.
Care to expand on this? Most simply are clueless, I had no idea until a few years ago
The easiest place to start would be the Moors of Spain. All sorts of things come from that initial period, including white women being passed as property. It gets pretty deplorable but needless to say it gives a string of insight as to why it is typically unaddressed history. Kemet had a bit of history with white slaves as well. Look and come up with your own conclusions.
what red hood said. look into islamic slavery of europeans. you could just google that to start out. it went on for over a thousand years and it’s pretty horrifying. a lot of coastal areas in europe were abandoned for centruies for fear of islamic slave raids. they used to do fun stuff like removing males slaves’ genitals and cutting off their noses. of course you can imagine what happened to the women, they’re still giving us a taste of that today in places like cologne.
This is retarded. You obviously have no idea what piracy is. Piracy is simply robbing someone at sea. Terrorism is the use of violence for political aims. Very different.
Their political aim was to extort as much money as possible from the United States and make the US subservient to them in regards to safe passage through the Med, as well as buy favor with the Ottoman Empire, whom they ostensibly answered to.
Piracy is a form of terrorism when used by nation-states to commit the crimes of slavery and extortion while simultaneously attempting to curry favor with religious authorities in Istanbul.
No, you’re retarded.
No you’re retarded! LOL…
You speak like a politician twisting words to suit your own aims. Extortion is not terrorism, its extortion. That’s why we have two different words to describe these two very different concepts.
You are aware of course that many nations used pirates to disrupt the shipping of enemy nations. Famous pirates like Francis Drake would do this to the Spanish. What the Barbary Pirates were doing was standard practice amongst pirates going back millennia. Also, of course many of them were from Europe, merely looking for a way to enrich themselves.
Yes I understand that calling them “Muslim Terrorists” fits your romantic worldview but I suggest you exercise some discipline and rationality and accept the facts for what they are.
*Privateers, gov’t sponsored pirates
Once again, your ignorance betrays your agenda.
The key difference between Islamic Terrorism through piracy (as opposed to suicide bombing) and pirates of the Golden Age of Piracy (which had ended over 100 years earlier) is the lack of a religious agenda on the part of the European pirates, and the fact that they didn’t typically enslave the crews of those they pirated, much less under the guise of religious superiority.
While there may have been some nominal influence of the Protestant/Catholic conflict of the era, for the Barbary Pirate states Islam was a major factor in their piracy, as the Dey of Algiers himself told the US Government that he was under no obligation as a Muslim to treat infidels as human beings.
The Barbary Pirates were terrorists. They utilized terror (extortion, kidnapping, slavery and theft) to attain their political and religious end to their own fulfillment. They took piracy from what was once a crime against nation states in a time of war to the enslavement of anyone who didn’t hold the same religious beliefs as they did. They held themselves to be a superior people who had a religious right to enslave all non-believers.
privateers = good
pirate = bad
freedom fighter = good
terrorist = bad
Exactly. The above is merely semantics.
What the terrorists potentially must fear, or stupidly long for, is for real crusaders to show up. I may be wrong, and they may really want a world war.
The difference is, the Eorpean nations could only afford to travel the distance from France, Italy (all going to these locales from far distances back then by traveling from their respective countries), then travel a handful of times to commit twenty battles that were largely unsuccessful.
Compare that to the successful hundreds of battles that the Muslims committed against Europe. Our history books written by these sycophantic pussies betray us! We were attacked first. Islam is the bad guy. They’re “history” is intentionally misleading into order to guilt trip us for their own genocidal tendencies.
In the future, we can travel there really quick. However, and unfortunately to their credit, they have used skillful manipulation to subdue our idiotic leaders to try and reason with them while taking out their enemies on their behalf. Bush, Obama, total fools.
If we really traveled there, and just so emotionally scarred them in war the way we could, we would be just like them. If one looks at their dictators like the Iranian leadership of today, and Sadam Hussein in the past, there was peace for us!
Why are we suffering just so they don’t have to shed their own blood in positive motion towards rebelling against their own corrupt leaders?
They should do that themselves before we ever lift a finger to help.
Instead, our idiotic leaders invite these mongrels in to rape the natives.
Gives new meaning to the first Obama inauguration party of “We are one!” does it not? LOL
I’m not arguing just clarifying terms. Francis drake was a privateer, that is he was sanctioned by a nation-state to commit acts of piracy on vessels of other nation-states. A pirate in the truest sense owes no loyalty to any state. I do agree that the term ‘terrorist’ is grossly over used and the definition so ubiquitous it is almost meaningless.
Well spoken, at first I wasnt sure where that was headed, but that last paragraph really sums it up.
You are essentially correct but strangely the Spanish did not consider him a privateer they considered him a pirate. Also, these men could be a pirate one year and a privateer the next, depending. But be in no doubt, privateers were in it for themselves.
Furthermore, on this basis we might also consider the Barbary Pirates to be privateers to the extent they were serving their rulers. You might also call them slavers. One thing they were not of course, is terrorists.
Perfectly said.
What’s your point?
My agenda is intellectual honesty.
Its fine to be wrong because you have made an error. It is not fine to be wrong because you are trying distort the truth.
By your definition all pirates are terrorists (and in fact virtually every violent criminal) is a terrorist since pirates have been doing this since the first man robbed another on the water. The Vikings were famous for doing exactly what you said. Terrorists?
The motivations that you ascribed to them are irrelevant. These men enriched themselves through piracy. I prefer to look at the fact of what they did rather than try to climb inside the heads of long dead men and figure out what they were thinking. And many were not Muslims. They were opportunists out to make a buck. Furthermore, just because you commit violence in the name of religion does not necessarily make you a terrorist. Were the Crusaders terrorists?
If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, its a duck. These men were pirates (or as some like to say, privateer). I suggest you formulate a less fluid and less self-contradictory definition of terrorism.
I do agree. The line between private and privateer is slim at best. And I agree with the point about the Barbary pirates.
Not necessarily at sea. Copying and distributing any copyrighted material without compensating the copyright owner is a form of piracy. Overtaking a vessel (ship, truck, or stagecoach) and stealing the contents can be considered as piracy.
LOL! Funny man you know what I mean.
LOL! Yup. I know what you meant. Just busting your chops. You’ve been watching too many reruns of Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean.
Never seen it. Did you know that Spartacus got double-crossed by pirates 2000 years ago? How history could have been different.
He is expecting eye patches and songs….hook and peg leg likely, but optional
But why’s the rum gone?!
parrot drank it
alternate answer: It’s my rum now
You pirated a pirate’s rum?
‘Tis a buyer’s market.
Funny story. My cousins and I (5 guys) some years ago were on vacation in Florida and rented a boat to go to the bars out there on the water. We went through the Ft. Lauderdale canals and hit the bars. We had vodka, whisky and tequila on the boat as well as some eye patches from the drug store and a bunch of cocktail swords I had taken from a bar the night before. Needless to say we were shitefaced and yelling ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR to the point where anyone that wasn’t drunk would have been annoyed.
Anyway, at some point we started lamenting the fact that we didn’t have any rum. As the boat docked there was a smaller boat next to us with two guys and two girls and they were drinking rum.
Now about my cousins and I. I am 6 foot and, depending on cycle, between 175-195 pounds of lean muscle. I am, of the 5, only the 3rd largest in height and 4th when it comes to muscle.
So we jump into the boat yelling arrrrrgggggg and something about capturing booty and using our plastic cocktail swords started poking the guys demanding their rum.
Whether they were just cool guys or they realized their situation could go from silly to very, very bad quite quickly due to the size and level of inebriation, they shared their rum and wound up joining us at the bar.
Hah, I haven’t been to Fort Lauderdale in quite a while. Fun area to visit with a ton of sushi places.
I gotta hang with you, and I always have rum.
great story. oddly enough im drinking rum right now
Ooh aar!
Fort Liquordale
And even most of the people called “terist” today, aren’t.
Indeed. Terrorists are defined by whichever government they inconveniencing.
Well, actually as one who hunted pirates in the navy, piracy can be an act of terrorism!
When they capture an elderly couple, rape and torture them, collect a ransom, then try to either sell the yacht, or scrap it; it is not just piracy. They are also committing terrorism! Many of them actually harbor captains of terrorist organizations. Either as liaisons, or middle men to get their more wanted members in and out of harms way.
I understand your argument, but you are technically incorrect.
Also, the Barbary pirates in their own minds, were doing the work of allah. in other words bringing terror to infidels. I’m sure many fatwas were signed back then. They read the same koran and hadith that is read now. They would have longed for the day when their nations were part of the caliphate that terrorized Africa, Europe, and Asia (mostly South) for centuries before fracturing.
The fact is, terrorism is synonymous with Islam, whether people like that fact or not.
I respect that you did the honourable work of hunting these scumbags but you are making an appeal to authority here (i.e. just because you hunted pirates doesn’t necessarily mean your argument is correct).
I think you are confusing terms here. Pirates have been “terrorizing” people for thousands of years, doing what you said and more. Likewise, if I rob a bank, the workers and customers will likely be terrified of the scary loud man waving a gun around.
But that doesn’t make the pirates or I, “terrorists”. A terrorist is someone who uses violence to satisfy a political aim not someone who terrorizes people during the course of enriching themselves. The Barbary Pirates were definitely out to enrich themselves even if at times they were serving their rulers (which would make them privateers).
A terrorist actually has more in common with a Western style government (i.e. terror bombing – think WW2) than a pirate.
Never apologize. Never back down.
Regarding Divorce, grounds such as abandonment, infidelity, and cruelty were long in existence. The grounds had to be proven with evidence in order for a Decree of Divorce to be granted.
The substantive change was to allow one party to unilaterally seek and acquire the Divorce Decree. I don’t doubt that feminists and their paymasters misrepresented the law in order to affect the desired change, but a battered woman wouldn’t need those changes in order to get a Divorce.
The No Fault change was of a piece with the withering away of the kind of social relationships which exerted social pressure upon people to treat their spouses appropriately.
No fault divorce wouldn’t be so bad if endless alimony wasn’t given to women as an incentive to initiate a divorce. This is why we should support “alimony reform” efforts which focus on stopping endless alimony.
If it was up to me, the person initiating the divorce would be permanently ineligible for alimony. A woman (it is almost always the woman) who wants out of a marriage because she is bored with it would have no choice but to find a way to be financially independent before initiating the divorce.
Amazingly some European countries actually did reform some of their alimony laws. I know 2 men who divorced in Germany, and as long as the woman is physcially capable of working, only paid about 1 year of alimony. The child support is comletely out of whack— you can be paying until they reach 26.
Generally speaking I agree with the idea parents’ supporting their minor children up until they are legal adults (18 in the USA) but no further. Of course now child support is the new alimony, so yes, that too should be reformed, or at the very least, it should be better regulated so that the money being paid actually goes to the kid and not to the other parent.
IMO there are a few situations in which alimony could be justified (apart from my example above), but even then it should have a hard cap, in terms of the amount of money involved or the duration of payments. For the person paying, an alimony award must never be allowed to increase because of a change in his financial situation or a remarriage which brings him more total income.
I would go further with your analysis and say men should not be imprisoned for back payments. The laws are creating debtors prisons and they will never dig their way out of debt. How many men kill themselves because of the imposed costs by the courts? Insanity.
Agreed 100%.
Child support cannot be “protected against” in a pre-nup like alimony can. And it’s automatic and entirely based on income. If you’re an “unhappy woman” (all of them) and want out, you can just cruise on over to your handy/dandy calculator and figure out how much you’ll get. If you husband makes big bucks, the answer is “A LOT”. But it’s all just a rate schedule, similar to taxes (at least in my state):
It’s a shocking amount of money. 10K/mo in income is about 1.2K/mo in CS payments for one kid. When you get into “big numbers”, it gets even more out of control. If I use my income, the CS amount is more than the lease on a new Ferrari. Thing is, I can’t afford a Ferrari. Ergo, I do not have children.
This is cruel and unusual punishment.
If it was me though, I’d at least want my money to stay with my kid (notice the singular). Ideally child support payments would be fully auditable, with the paying parent being able to look up purchases made with the money to ensure that they were reasonable. Anything over and above reasonable should stay in a trust fund that the kid can access when he’s older.
Years ago, I saw my own sister with a calculator and pen and paper, deciding whether she was going to file for divorce.
Divorce is child abuse.
Only since default mother custody was instituted. I am 100% in favor of CS, but only if we return to 100% father custody.
Along with ditching the guilt, embrace the hate. Hatred motivates us to get out of our comfort zone. Notice that everyone’s hatred is always being stoked against whites while at the same time they try to spin or cover up anything that would stoke our hatred.
I strongly disagree. Anger, Hate and Fear are feminine emotions.
Fuck off bible thumper.
Are you a communist?
Your entire religion is feminine. Your community leaders are literally men in dresses. And people are expected to do what they say, or else.
You sound like a fat bitch.
Womenf should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
I think you’ve triggered him.
I believe so.
Too bad most Christians totally ignore that these days. They let the heathen cult of feminism into their midst.
I wouldn’t say that they are feminine emotions. Handled rightly they can do wonders and are certainly better than complacency, sloth and apathy. Even fear is sometimes useful because it serves as an obstacle to jump over and as a natural alert mechanism.
That is a fair point. It is the language we must be careful with. As language is the father and not the son of thought.
Fear is it. The others not
Without fear there is no courage.
Gear, yes. Anger and hatred , no. Only a cuck, or a coward runs away from their anger.
Satan cannot drive out Satan, A House that is divided cannot stand.
Hatred does not equal Satan. Ever heard of Vlad the Impaler? If it wasn’t for his hatred and anger, we would all be muslims now.
Fear is your friend.
I’ve never understood the logic (probably because there is none) of all those ethno-masochistic heritage days aimed at promoting cultural guilt in whatever race is the bad guy that day. Its obvious that there were slaves from all races throughout history which unfortunately was just another example of the dark side in human nature in general.
I have never enslaved anybody and will not be held responsible for any exploitation carried out by my ancestors. I was not alive and had no part in their actions whatsoever. It is indeed a mass guilt trip used by cultural Marxists to act out their own actual bigotry, by prodding and beating what are usually white western males, with a long logically fallacious stick.
There are those that would argue I get to live off the benefits of a culture built on the exploitation of others, but who doesn’t if you trace it back far enough, and what would they suggest? That I move to a poor African state and live the rest of my life in poverty and degradation to alleviate my western guilt? Maybe I could write a check for a certain amount that would cover my share of the apparent blame?
You take the opportunities you are given regardless. There is no virtue in a deliberately diminished life based on western cultural guilt. Otherwise you end up with a society where often the unhinged and untalented are rewarded over the intelligent and capable, because of some transgressions possibly committed by their distant ancestors many years ago.
No slaver refugees.
I used to be on the other side of the issue during my blue pill days. My grandfather fought in WWII against the Japanese.
Then I went to Hiroshima. What amazed me about that was how destructive the A-bomb was (touring their “peace center”) yet no one was (at the time 65 years later) dragging every American out into the streets and lynching them.
I call it a fucking draw. Move the fuck on. Guilt helps no one. Read it in a history book, mourn the dead who came before you and rebuild your fucking society.
The guilt tripping about the atomic bomb drops is a pigressive game. Years after when I read about Nanking and what the JIA was doing to the rest of Asia, I openly laugh at anyone who is moronic enough to bring it up.
The importance of focusing on decisions to use nuclear weapons (these are almost always weapons used against civilians, as their use against troops on the other side would almost always harm the attackers as well) grows in importance every year. Now, there are a handful of states which have nuclear weapons, but just as with gunpowder, very soon all nations will have this. If there are not discussions on the morality of obliterating mass populations of civilians solely to win a war objective, that can have very deadly consequences for the west, as the west would be one of the biggest targets of a possible nuclear attack.
In other words, ignore and discount talk of nukes at your own peril, it will likely end in blowback, as most western foreign policy mistakes do, only this time it would result in the deaths of millions, if not complete anniahliation of everyone except the elites in their bunkers.
Well and those Korean pleasure girls and all. In Nanjing they added Chinese to the concubinage.
Collective guilt is for chumps.
Guilt is for chumps too.
Collective guilt is bullshit. Guilt, on the other hand? I’m sorry, but I don’t want to live in a sociopathic world where everyone is just looking out for themselves, no one has any feelings for anyone else, and everyone is a narcicist. Basically that’s a world where everyone behaves like the modern woman does.
Yes, men have thoughts and feelings and emotions, and that’s proved by this article–our kinder natures were manipulated by women and our ancestors caved and gave them things they thought would make women happier.
But that doesn’t mean we should become like the enemy. No, be aware of how women manipulate. Be aware that men know best and men have ruled and made the decisions throughout history for a reason, but don’t become a guiltless, blameless, backstabbing, sociopathic female trapped in a man’s body.
I may be headed down the wrong road then. I cannot remember the last time I felt guilty about anything. I would feel guilty for screwing some guy over I imagine, so comrades would still matter. Still, good points.
And I don’t blame anyone for acting this way, only pointing out that it is indeed going down the wrong path and will be the end of western civilization. But our government actively punishes those who show any sort of self reliance, compassion, savers, investors, small business guys, independent MGTOWs, etc. and rewards those who are selfish, ignorant, criminal, borrowers, feminists, etc. So it is against one’s own best interest to behave in a good, altruistic way in todays society. Totally fucked up.
What age range are you in? I think I was raised in a very polluted time morally. I always see people get punished for showing any type of guilt. I try not to let these events weigh on me, but I always tell myself I will not be suckered in the same way. I raise ramparts before the war, basically. Removing guilt is a defense mechanism. I do not want to further the cultural decline, though, but at the same time I do not want to become a casualty. This is a very tricky line we walk.
Western civilization needs to end, and soon. It is in terminal decline and there is no going back. Die already and get it over with.
I am in my 30s but look early 20s and have the mentality of someone in their 80s.
Fly the flag for ROK!
Ironic choice of ad. Give mother the vote … and when she gets the chance, she’ll take the opportunity to kill you in utero before you inconvenience her narcissistic lifestyle. In the millions, over fifty years.
Today’s news from Ireland where the election is heating up. Her Grandmother would turn in her grave God be good to her.
“Dermody’s initiative is calling on all of Fine Gael’s female candidates to encourage all their female supporters and friends to canvass with them on Saturday, 30 January.
Under her plan, no men will be allowed to canvass for Fine Gael candidates on 30 January, with the South Dublin county councillor joking that they “can make the tea”. ”
I worked in Dublin about 15 years ago on a project and never understood the leftist culture everyone seemed to accept. Friends try to set me up with a date with a shrill harridan like Dermody– nutty than a jar of peanuts (who is still single and childless) and a south sider.
I know. It is sick. The leftist attitude stems from the anti-british propaganda drilled into us from birth. Thankfully there are some sanctuaries of Masculinity ‘beyond the pale’ (outside the Dublin region).
True. I travelled Eire extensively– really enjoyed Donegal, Mayo– and still have friends there in Dublin. Last time I was there I was lectured to by a friends brother regarding the “joys” of socialism. I pointed out that it easy for him to be a socialist when he works as a public school teacher and had recently inherited properties in Howth worth over €1 million. He shut up for the rest of the night.
A lot of people associate socialism with Irish Independence but in truth they have no idea what socialism is about and if they knew they would quickly distance themselves from it.
That is what happened me anyway.
Don’t be a stranger.
Was she good looking?
GBFM-one cock rule:
(women) cry cry cry
cry cry cry
not for you or for me
but for themselves
not for the 50.000.000 aborted souls
but for their dried up gynas and sore assholes
Id buy his book. Id buy a book of just a collection of some of his funnier posts. Should be called, Bernankied or Butthexed.
Never gave much thought to abortion until I found out over 50 million children have been aborted in the U.S. since ’73- a sobering number…
Now imagine those aborted babies in a pile of corpses. Try to imagine what it would look like if we stacked them all up. People talk about the horrors refugees face, and images from the Holocaust, but this mountain of corpses would be such an abomination to the senses.
And don’t let anyone tell you that the birth control pill prevents needless abortions. I got round to finally reading the statistics…
…and was horrified to see its result. The Pill was invented in 1961, released a year or two later. Have a look at how US abortion rates went after that. And before it was invented, abortion rates were tiny: 0.01 per 1000 residents. After it was invented, abortion rates have increased a thousandfold: never lower than 11.1 per 1000 people since 1971.
I never knew this about the abortion rate.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention Marcus.
Criminalize all birth control.
Shotgun marriages and orphanages went away during the 60’s and the age at first marriage climbed. Later, marriage rates declined. There’s no question that legal abortion was a key factor. However, births outside of marriage have steeply increased from around 5% of births in the 60’s to 42% in 2013. Since women don’t get pregnant by themselves, these trends have been driven as much, or more, by men’s desire to not have their “narcissistic lifestyles” inconvenienced as by women’s.
Women may not get pregnant by themselves, but they do have abortions by themselves; consent of the father is not required to terminate a pregnancy, that’s a decision entirely within women’s control. When given birth control, more abortions happen. When you make abortions legal, they happen in vastly greater number than when they were illegal.
Some pills, especially those dispensed by Planned Murderhood, are intentionally low dose, so they will fail. PP wants their customers one way or another.
Society, also, used to criticize women (rather harshly) for having children and no husband. It was society that kept women in check from having children outside of marriage because no other man would take on raising kids with that woman. It’s something we need to get back to in our society to keep things in check.
Women always want a pass on this fact and their go to argument is always “it takes two”. Sure, but ‘back when’ it was the woman who got the black mark if she had kids (no husband) so it was in her best interest not to fuck around before she got married. Today, it’s just the opposite (with the state playing the daddy role).
I am not sure if they are intentionally low dose or they are planned to women with healthy weights and nowadays most women are overweight or obese (more bodily volume requires increased dosage). In one case or another, there are much more failed results than expected.
It takes two?
50 million in the US alone? Sheesh.
I wonder what the global figure is. I suppose it’s pretty common in China due to the One Child Policy and the need for a son, so it would be done off the record.
50 million? try 79 million
Even worse…
For whatever reason, even despite the stats, I’ve never cared about abortion.
Yeah, same. I never understood how many of my right wing brothers will say things like; “They should put a fence around the ghetto and let them all kill each other.” But they shit themselves when K’wa’fhuniqwa wants to abort her unborn kid. I don’t get it. Don’t you want trashy people offing their kid before you have to pay for it through taxes? Yeah, yeah “thou shalt not kill” but if someone even considers killing their own child, i would rather have that kind of person killing their piece of shit kid rather than birthing something related to their shittiness and failing to raise it well.
Bottom line;
Who cares?
It corrects itself
Abortion is ok and encouraged for blacks and mudslimes only.
I’m of Margaret Sangers philosophy on Abortion…free clinics in every Ghetto so Shani’qua doesn’t pump out more future thugs.
Why not get rid of the welfare state too?
Why wasn’t that a problem with blacks in the 1950’s when it was illegal?
Real men instinctively feel the need to protect the innocent and helpless. That especially applies to kids. Born or unborn.
Even the knuckle draggers in prison go after child molesters and child murderers among them, like they do no one else.
And let me guess…. never had any kids, right?
I am sure you and I agree on a lot of things, but probably not all. One of the ones we don’t agree on, my guess would be, is the abortion issue. I don’t have children. It is a choice. However, I don’t care about embryos….hell, I don’t really care that much about children anyway, but especially not the embryo. Equating an abortion to molesting a child seems strange to me.
Fair enough, brother.
Guilt is used by the establishment to shame and silence men into submission for acts committed by their ancestors from generations before.
It’s completely illogical to blame current men, whom actually didn’t even exist at the time, for past men’s actions, just because they happen to look the same (guilt by association).
Psychological warfare at its finest.
Which is why we must teach our sons to respond “sucks to be you” when confronted with guilt trips.
Listen Woman, I am finding it hard to make money also. I do not need your sob stories.
The Japanese sentiment isn’t just about guilty by their war crimes but by the fact that they and their god were defeated by foreigners.
Japan now is much much more nationalist (racial) than ane white country. Demographic shows it.
I bet that the six million worth more than the x million of Chinese or any other people.
The guilt issue will be fixed by evolution. Guilty suicides don’t pass their genes, impassive psychos do it.
Women can divorce their boyfriends now?
I actually had an ex girlfriend threaten to sue me for palimony during an argument. Of course she had no legal ground since we didn’t live together. She actually thought palimony was like alimony where she’d be getting monthly payments from me.
I ignored it which made her hamster go into overdrive. She then threatened to hurt herself and call the cops. Told her It won’t bother me, I’d rather go to jail as an innocent man then with the guilt of really doing something.
That just took the wind out of her sail and I never got a threat again.
LOL! There are some nut-jobs out there. Lucky escape my brother!
Lucky escape indeed, but some epic debauchery was had as well. Equalled out
Had an ex GF pull that stunt with me— “I am calling the cops and tell them you beat me.” She knows I would be dragged to jail on a lie.
I looked at her and said slowly, “you can call and I promise you once you do I am going to beat you so hard your parents won’t recognize you. I am going to jail no matter what, but I have about 10-15 minutes before the cops get here. Thats a long time while you’re getting your ass kicked.”
She put the phone down.
Good calling the bluff, but I’d hesitate to threaten a beating. Just the threat alone would amount to guilt and then you’re on her level. Hard not to do, I’ve been there. But in the future, just keep frame so one of our brothers don’t go into the pokey because of a girl.
She relented only because she knew I would have carried out the threat. I don’t make them lightly to anyone, nor do I receive them. It is a frame of mind of refusing to be intimidated and attacking the theats.
You are correct about sinking to her level and refraining from taking the bait. But considering what constitutes “assault” per the local statutes, I simply concluded I had nothing to lose.
You definitely took a calculated risk. Glad you’re ok.
Gotta agree. A risky gambit to say the least. At least it worked out for him. Another gentleman regaled the comments section (on another site I believe) about a similar instance where the woman called the police and claimed he beat her. He calmly sat down, discreetly pulled his cellphone out, and hit record video. He then began asking her why she would accuse him of beating her when they both knew it was a lie. She began to spill her guts about how she did it because she didn’t want to lose him and yada yada. When the police arrived, he simply walked over to them and hit “play video.” The woman’s jaw dropped and she was carted off to jail.
Had a friend in the army who said roughly the same to his wife. She reacted the same and put the phone down.
Cheers mate. Needless to say I removed myself from that train wreck shortly after.
I was out of the army a few years before that happened.
That was Donovan Sharp’s previous articles with a fuck buddy who wouldn’t take a hint from him ghosting on her. Great article that every man should man errr read.
Thanks for the clarification. Guess it was a ROK article after all.
ROK. Finding solutions for men since 2012.
I’d take that same gamble, as long as I completely dropped contact with her afterwards. A woman who will put you in that type of danger, or even threaten to, is NOT someone you can ever trust again.
See? Sometimes threatening to beat the shit out of a bitch works. For some reason the only thing some people understand is violence or the threat of it. Hell, if they’ going to destroy your life anyway with a phone call that would otherwise be a lie why not get your money’s worth?
I know a woman who cut her foot with a knife and then blamed it on her boyfriend. I mean full on needing stitches type of cut. She was so proud he went to jail. I was in awe. I never expected this behavior from this woman. I am cautious now, guys. I’m so cautious now I am almost becoming cut off.
Yeah, it was a great article. Many cops know the BS that the majority of domestic violence cases are and sympathize with men, but they still have to follow their policies. Proof is the ultimate weapon.
Hormonal driven vag with no moral compass. Sociopaths all.
The same psycho once threatened to get a knife from the kitchen and stab me. Told her to “go get it. I’ll wait. And remember, you get one chance. After that it’s my turn.”
Funny thing about threats. You need to be prepared to carry them out or no one will take you serious. A friend of mine had a falling out with his bitch one night and slid down to the basement to sleep. 3 am there she is a the top of the stairs with a butcher knife breathing heavy. She never came down, but he moved out the next day. I know too many instances like this.
Stay frosty guys.
That is how I compiled it at the time. If I am going to jail, I will get my pound of flesh.
I have never gone so far with any woman. Anyway, an ex-girlfriend of mine once said it was impossible not to be scared of my “psycho” look when I was too angry. Two green predatory eyes and a ruthless face have saved me from these quarrels, I guess.
Still, this was interesting to read. One never knows what might happen in the future.
Give it time. Since courts in the USA have become a de facto auxiliary legislature now I have no doubt that they’ll effectively bring back common law marriage in every state and we’ll see exactly that.
They are trying this you are correct. The response will be to never co-habitate with a woman. I already do this (i.e. I never allow a woman to live with me.).
Me too. Unless she cooks well and I need my clothes ironed for free. Which is rare.
Just make her leave after she’s done her chores. That’s what I do.
What’s sexier than this?
If she could do it wearing less clothes that would be just peachy!
Guilt. It’s such a useless emotion in general. The course of action you take in a specific scenario is always the best, based on your knowledge and experience at that time. Obviously there is hindsight, where you may have made a different decision, but that is based on a higher level of knowledge and experience.
Don’t ever regret a decision. And don’t ever bother with guilt my friends.
It’s funny that, when told every civilization practiced slavery, the masochist will retort that I am merely relativizing slavery to get the white man off his “crimes”
If I were an idiot that would be the case. That’s why one should always follow up with the question: what are the only people in the world that not only repudiated slavery but also actively fought to abolish it?
This. Also ask them about the slave practices by the Muslims compared to the West. While they often let whites convert for their freedom, many blacks were castrated or died crossing the Sahara on foot. If I remember correctly, the survivability of an African male slave was 10% or less.
I never saw a minority black community in Saudi Arabia or other parts of the ME. Funny that.
Yep. From what I’ve read, while the male to female in the Atlantic varied from 2:1 to 3:1, in the Muslim world it was the opposite. Most of the women were kept for harems while the men worked the fields. It’s a fun (and sad) historical fact that many liberals are either ignorant of, or refuse to acknowledge.
I’ve seen pictures of black people in Saudi Arabia, although they’re probably migrant workers.
The reason is stated above. The arabs castrated 100% of their black male slaves. Hard to create a community when you have no whole men to father children.
I’ve never given this a second thought honestly. Whenever any liberal’s attempted to shame me regarding my ancestry I simply laugh, than state I’m not going to self flagellate mentally or physically over things I have nothing to do with. All you have to do is mention if they hate Western society so much, they have the option to leave. Watching the cognitive dissonance spin in their head is enough for a good laugh.
First of all, PUPPY!!!!…ahem….sorry about that.
Ok, this whole thing about punishing the sons for the acts of the fathers is definitely nothing new. We don’t have to go far. The Book of Genesis is clear on the concept, from Adam and Eve screwing up giving their descendants the original since, up to Cain being cursed for killing Abel. If anything, the libs inherited the guilt complex from their Christian ancestors
The worst guilt is to accept an unearned guilt.— Ayn Rand
White people have been indoctrinated for decades now to feel guilty about things they had nothing to do with. It’s pathetic watching the white guilt fools try to appease people who will hate them no matter what.
The West will wake up, though. Days after the problems in Cologne (and other European cities), gangs of German men beat several muslim invaders and put them in the hospital. In Finland, a vigilante group called “Soldiers of Odin” is starting to pick up some small numbers and patrol the streets looking to protect their people from the animals.
It may take a while, but the West will wake up, shed this BS white guilt garbage they’ve been told they must carry aound, and take care of business.
“Days after the problems in Cologne (and other European cities), gangs
of German men beat several muslim invaders and put them in the hospital.”
hopefully they got the right guys, but as long as they did, great, good to see some western europeans finally standing up for themselves. do you have any links? i wonder if this happened in eastern germany, where i imagine men are more masculine. one of my russian friends posted the meme below on FB the other day. my translation:
“i wonder how long a bunch of african refugees would survive in any russian city if they were to molest 100 women in one night? probably not long…this is the difference between russia and germany. russians are real men, germans are eurofags.”
And yet the feminists still support these “refugees”.
Feminists: The true proponents of rape culture.
How much of that is actually true and how much of that is or not blown out of proportion by SJW brain waashing media? I ask this because the way they talk about PEGIDA and Front National is safely more than delusional.
My personal experience tells me Europeans everywhere (except the Eastern countries, maybe) keep being the spoiled deluded little brats they have been for the last 70 years.
In Aussie we are bludgeoned everyday to feel guilty about everything, especially about the first ppl’s. The more they try and make me feel guilty the more I just don’t give a fuck.
60,000 year culture didn’t invent a god damned thing, not even a wheel, no bow and arrow, just spears.
Every single minority group trying to mine our guilt like a mineable resource are a bunch of parasites, women, gays, feminists, muslims, blacks are all parasitical children, without the western world they would be all starving.
Heads up bro, there were not 6 million Jewish Ppl in the WHOLE of Europe, barely half a million in Germany, do the math, alleviate some more guilt.
“60,000 year culture didn’t invent a god damned thing,”
Ha! I remember going to some Abo park in 2011. They showed us their greatest inventions: sticks, fighting sticks, wooden swords, boomerangs, sticks with a point on the end, wooden sticks that were hollowed out by termites that they consider instruments. They were too stupid to domesticate Emu. A truly worthless “people”, just like the North American trogs
Here are some more arguments against their weaponized Guilt:
6 million jews did not die in the holocaust. That number was never investigated, but printed by a columnist because it matched the ‘6 million must die by sacrificial fire’ dogma Zionist needed in order to excuse the removal of Palestine and insertion of Israel.
European jewish Statistics:
World Jewish population 1933 – 15,315,000.
World Jewish population 1948 – 15,753,000.
Look up the holodomor if you want some real crazy history you don’t hear about.
The first slave owner in the US was black
(refer to image below)
-More whites are in slavery today than there was in the Americas circa 1850.
i only had a vague idea of the holodomor before i lived in ukraine. it’s a shame that it isn’t a household name like the holocaust.
If anything, we should instill the feeling of guilt to women who take advantage of men for personal gain like leading men on when they have no interest in pursuing a relationship. Guilt women for initiating a divorce for no good reason, false rape accusations, and flaking.
What else did I miss?
I think that is how we ended up with Patriarchy.
1Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
2The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’ ”
4“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5“For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
I don’t feel guilt about anything , especially after actually learning about the Crusades , slavery , colonialism and etc . When it comes down to it people can call whites whatever they like but the fact is most are probably mad they didn’t come out on top. Had the Persians succeeded in conquering the Greeks what would the world be like ? Had the Crusades not ousted the museums from Europe? There are many pivotal moments in history where cultures classed and what is now considered simple as “white” cultural came out on top . At the end of the day the winners eat first and it’s not like people don’t have a shot at the title , western culture just keeps winning .
“When it comes down to it people can call whites whatever they like but
the fact is most are probably mad they didn’t come out on top.”
that’s how i look at it. i’ve never been able to muster the disdain for darker-skinned races that many on here have, but the idea that white europeans are somehow more evil than other races is crazy. all races have always conquered and enslaved both their own race and other races. that’s the dark side of human nature. white europeans have just been better at it for the the last several centuries.
Good article. Me for example don’t blame the current Muslims for invading and destroying the country of my ancestors, but I do hate Islam and Muslims who have the same mentality as the Muslim invaders of 1000 years ago. Because they will do it again if they had the chance.
I don’t blame current British people for colonizing and looting the country of my ancestors, but I do hate British (or any other white people) who think they should colonize and loot other countries again, because they are the superior ones (for whatever reason that may be).
People tend to think in stereotypes, because that’s how the brain works. So it’s easy to blame a whole group of people for what a few individuals did in the past.
That’s a good point. If you are troubled by slavery, who else can you blame but modern white people? Everyone you could legitimately blame is long dead. The only person you can direct your anger towards would be someone who is tangentially related to the event and still living. So the big question is why is our culture so focused on blame instead of real problems or working on real solutions?
It’s like all the stupid stuff in the Mideast–idiots want to debate endlessly whether it’s Ws fault or Obamas and in the meantime we stay at war for 15+ years and our treasury goes broke as we establish a more violent government in the ME than the one we went to overthrow…
Great article! Now I don’t have to finish that apology letter to Jennifer Lawrence.
You wanted apologize for the Fappening? Who are you man?!
Relax, I was being facetious 😀
You mean FAPcetious
About white guilt: I live in a country in Western Europe now and the white guilt comes from the fact that the country became rich by slavery, looting and exploiting other people. Before Imperialism, this country was just a useless piece of ground.
A lot of people of the younger generation feel ashamed that they come from an ethnicity that did these things in the past. That they benefit from wealth that is obtained by crimes to humanity. I think that’s the reason this country is very left and white people feel the urge to help everybody in the world.
But in the end, you can’t blame yourself for things you didn’t do or are outside of your control. People in the past lived in a different world with a different mentality. I shouldn’t feel guilty for what they did, even though you benefit from their actions.
The strong rule the weak. That’s the way history works.
How Humanity works. In history, things sometimes go even harsher and in place of subjugation, you have genocide
AryaVarta I live in a western European country & you should read Emile Zola books how the French working class people become rich by slavery, V Hugo Les Miserable is another example, then you can read how the English working class become rich due to slavery, Oliver Twist come to my mind then Jack London The Iron Heel…. Oh yes those working class people did get wealthy from slavery & looting from Asia & Africa ??
All those working class white European become slave traders & looters & don’t forget the one behind China Opium War ???
So AryaVarta
I feel guilty…Mea Culpa ! Mea Culpa ! Mea Maxima Culpa…..
Remember, if you feel guilty for the holocaust or slavery – you might as well feel great personal pride for every fucking thing ever invented.
I did some really weird things in my early 20’s as a result of male guilt.
Luckily no one’s ever been able to instill racial guilt in me. I’d probably have gone full cuck if they had.
Male guilt is definetely bad but i would say racial guilt is far worse actually.
That’s a tough call. Male guilt targets a larger demographic, but racial guilt seems to be more severe.
To add to this they seem to be quite interconnected as well.
I have a hard time seeing white guilt existing without male guilt and feminism prior to it, it seems to be a ladder of destructive development.
I was listening to a YouTube video earlier where the host was explaining how feminism is a luxury. If it wasn’t for us white males, those women wouldn’t have the free time and abundant resources needed to pursue “first world problems.”
Perhaps that is the true source of white male guilt?
Not far fetched at all, as an example here in northwestern europe i see more and more women becoming traditional, nationalistic and anti feminism etc. it’s most definetely connected to the intensifying of our current societal and cultural decline here.
I think we’ll see a decrease in feminist rhetoric as our nations continue to decline. Too bad it must resort to that in order for people to think rationally again.
Hopefully we will be able to steer things in our direction despite the current situation getting worse. The false gods of feminism, multi culturalism, multi ethnic societies and globalism/universalism are dying so this is the only chance we will get to capitalize on it.
Fingers crossed.
Can’t let the present moment go to waste. If we do, we may be end up with an SJW police state.
I believe the SJWs will be irrelevant further down the line, they are only here to weaken us with their degeneracy and anti intellectualism but they have no inherent strength. As soon as the collapse is an undeniable fact it will be coming down to who will be the most dominant player/group, i for one stand with nationalism and the indigenous people of europe.
I will remember this RoK article as the most powerful and poetic piece I will ever come across since I first came to this website. Not only are these words true but they will give hope to people reading it and they will know that no matter what some insane SJW screams, they will know that those words are empty when they realize that the past need not hold them down in some meaningless collective guilt.
Guilt? I feel no guilt over what someone else did. I’m immune.
Fuck caring.
I’m not a full-blown sociopath as is evident by my adopted animals and givings to animal charities but I have a super-poweresque ability to not give a fuck about people:
Starving children – fuck ’em
Rape victims, both real and imagined – fuck ’em
Racial inequality – fuck ’em
War refugees – fuck ;’em
The Economy – fuck ’em
Global Warming – fuck it
Go jump off a cliff you animal.
Not today, mother fucker.
Last year in Turkey a filthy little girl begged me for money. The beast pantomimed eating and asked me for money in Arabic. I told that sub-human little shit “Em She Khannzar”; “Piss off, swine”. Children, especially brown theists, will never eat because of me.
I think I remember reading that line here on ROK quite sometime ago………were you not previously known as betterlivingthroughnihilism, by any chance?
I’ve been banned so many times on so many websites. I liked the BLTN name, it was one of my favorites, but I would get banned instantly on my favorite troll sites: Alternet and Rawstory.
It’s really too bad. It’s too easy to use a proxy. By making my choose a new name, people don’t know to ignore me if they dislike me.
The animal thing doesn’t prove a thing about you not being a sociopath, FYI. Trust me, I know how charming hardcore animal lovers can be.
For the rest of your description: you’d come close to my daughter, I’m cool so you’d get a warning shot.
Your daughter is covered in nigger jizz.
Good try but execution was lacking.
There, i’ll even give you a thumb up because i do have super-poweresque ability to not give a fuck too. We’re both super heroes it seems…
Where do you get 61 million of dead Soviets number from? Complete non-sence. Why not 100 million or 150?
It’s hard to know exact numbers when they are so high and during such mayhem but it seems that somewhere between sixty and up to a hundred million died.
I’ve read 100-150 million as the death toll for all communist countries combined. So realistically, I’d just ballpark Russia as being 20-50 million.
150 million? try 250 million
In the land of abstractions there are no deaths. For here happiness is the perpetual reward bestowed on the obedient citizen by the wise benevolence of the State.
Chill dude. I love Russia but you guys aren’t special snowflakes. Yeah you guys got blood on your hands too. It’s the point of the article: Mighty Ivan shouldn’t feel all butthurt at the mention of his grandad’s little Holodomor diet plan.
In Russia, Holodomor is rarely talked about by ordinary people. Its WWII that gets people all sensitive and defensive. I believe there are should be sacred events, a common, binding memory. Without common memory, there’s no nation.
This article proves that the demonization of the Russians started years ago. Why not write that 200 million people perished under Anglo-Saxon conquests, including 40 million natives, among which 4 million raped Indian women, some raped over 150 times?
I never said “Russians.” I was very careful to say “Soviets” and “Red Army.” Those troops were under Bolshevik leadership.
As far as numbers go, I went with what is the accepted figure. Who knows what the exact figures are?
My whole point is that history is that pretty much every group has done bad stuff, and had bad stuff done to them so don’t feel guilty about it now.
“My whole point is that history is that pretty much every group has done bad stuff, and had bad stuff done to them so don’t feel guilty about it now”
“I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.”
The estimate of pre-Columbian population in North America (ie: Canada, America, and Mexico) peaks at 18 million.
But then again, most people who cry about the Indians are either trying to whitewash Hitler or whitewash Stalin, from what I’ve seen.
No one should be made to feel guilty, period. If its between individuals, as in, one person wrongs another etc, then, yes, guilt is appropriate. But, lest we forget, that’s the true use and purpose of guilt. To use it as its used today via identity politics is disgusting. Because the simple fact is when you assign guilt to whole groups you condemn innocent people. No one is alive today that owned slaves in the Civil War era. No one! We know this to be true because human beings can’t live over 150 years. Worse is when we assign blame because of what our ancestors may have done. Projecting guilt is routine for the liberal progressive and it tells you everything that you need to know about just how fucked up those people are.
Wanna cure all “guilt” over past shit?
Always wonder, when hearing about some “oppressed peoples” somewhere, is ask yourself:
“Did they have it coming?”
“Every battle that feminism has won has been the result of guilt.” And now their white guilt is being used to defeat them. Notice their silence on Cologne. They didn’t even put up a fight; instant submission.
What about the Red Holocaust of the Romanian people ?
Guilt, the much beloved emotional weapon of the naturally cunning over the naturally strong. How even men who can move mountains with their hands or split atoms with their minds succumb to this poison more fatal than any paralytic neurotoxin.
Yes faux guilt will do that
Dear German people,
You have long been forgiven and atoned for the sins of a political party you elected, or allowed into power. You’ve twice pulled yourself from the ashes of war and became the largest economy in Europe. Your cars, engineering and innovations have spread through out the world. You owe nothing to anybody.
NSDAP didn’t even win the election, they came close and then they bullied themselves into power.
USA was able to land on the Moon because their German rocketry was even better than the German rocketry of the Russians.
goddamn right. operation paper clip. the key scientists name is slipping my mind right now but he was key through the 70s.
Von Braun
Wernher Magnus Maximilian,
Freiherr von Braun
Damn, those japanese men of WWII almost make me want to switch teams.
Japanese society is insane in a very logical and unique way. You can buy pairs of used womens underwear from vending machines in restaurants, while on the other hand their social customs are so rigid and dictatorial, like rules about how close you stand next to passengers on a train, least they become inhibited. I think they’re an extremely odd race of people.
Lived in Korea for 6 years. Already get it.
This article rates a standing ovation. Well done. I always believed white guilt only works on people ignorant of Pre-1492 world history.
Instead of keeping score on the past, let’s learn from it and make a better future.
Oy vey muh 6 million!
Never forget the 6 trillion, goyim!
Japan is finally getting over this. Prime minister Shinzo Abe (about eight months ago) went to pray at a shrine for Japanese World War II heroes. Some people didn’t like this, especially Koreans. But he is helping Japan reclaim its martial history. Good for him.
Koreans meanwhile keep begging Japan for an apology for World War II. They sound like babies. Japan is moving on and so should everyone else. Hell, America is allies with Vietnam now and they embarrassed us just 50 years ago. Time to move on everyone.
“But we find that no matter how many changes we make, the fake collective guilt remains like Lady Macbeth’s spot.”
Except her collective guilt wasn’t fake.
Angela Merkel, the German whore is just as bad as Adolf Hitler!!
Hitler brought misery and death to his people by having Germany invading other countries while Merkel is doing the same by letting other countries invade Germany through the “open-door” refugee policy
Please edit your story, Hitler never killed that many Jews and was not the advocate. The French killed more Jews then any other nation.
Exactly – feeling guilt for something you have not personally agreed to or allowed to happen is idiocy.
The good news is that power through guilt is unreal like a dream. Like magic, it only has power over those who believe in it. As people start waking up, they get an increasing sense of a world that is more solid and enduring, the world of truth like the light of day, which is beautiful and good. The dream logic, which once seemed absolute, quickly melts into nonsense, and the horrors of the dream slip away as a harmless half-memory, soon to be forgotten.
Well said old chap.
Spread the good news all.
It’s been said, with some good reason, that the Germans have never forgiven the Jews for Auschwitz.
lol i’ve never heard this saying before, what does it mean exactly?
It’s a mark on the national charachter of Germany and everyone knows about it, so the Germans are always reminded about it and are deprived of national pride. Hence the statement.
Something to keep in mind, the German state is constantly endoctronating school children about it through education and media and have been for generations. The leftist state loves it as it keeps the population meek and docile (which is why “white guilt” is beign pushed other countries) like a giant Skinners box. What happened in Köln is the end result. Their women are getting raped by foriegn invaders and not even the police will lift a finger.
If you would ask a Turk about the Armenian genoice, he will laugh in your face with no guilt what so ever.
Interesting. I do think that the German state was deliberately dismantled by the western powers to be incapable of ever rising up again. Look at how they have that weird coalition type governance. Everything was done to prevent them being strong again, because of the fear they could take on the world and possibly win.
And yeah there’s probs a lot of indoctrination that’s going to boil over as people get frustrated at not having an legal avenue to talk about these things.
Same kind of indoctrination but of victimhood occurs in Israel.
I always encourage people to watch the documentary defamation, does a great job of explaining just how statist propaganda works.
Yes, Germany was completey dismantled and occupied, but it has been 70 years and the pendulum has swung to far that it is destructive. Voicing a concern about importing massive amounts of foreigners who openly say they want to convert or kill you isn’t a “ultra right wing” extremism, but that is exactly how the state is trying to shut people up.
I will watch “defamation” this weekend. Thanks for the tip.
If you hold yourself out to be a good person and are discovered to be complicit in an attempted genocide, you may well be angry at those whose destruction you failed and the exposure the failure resulted in.
Hey if Guilt is a problem Stop feeling Guilty. What happened in the past is not your fault so don’t cop a plea when the Self Jerking Weenies come after you. Let the losers rant and whine about the past while YOU look to making yourself a better future. If there is anything to feel guilty for it is well I am very very much ashamed Buck V Bell is no longer the law of the land in which the government used to Sterilize Idiots and other such types like these to save us all the future of having more such buffoons. Oliver Wendell Holms was quite right in saying ‘Three Generations of Idiots is Enough’. Frankly if anybody should feel guilty its the parents of these clowns who didn’t practice contraception when they were fooling around so now they are flooding the land with these fools.
Should have been taken to the crick and drowned.
Am I the only one who don’t feel guilt about anything? I don’t even understand why some people do.
Exactly. Tell them to fuck off. Were you there? I wasn’t.
Crying over slavery? Most of these pansy assed whiners grew up in houses better than I ever did. They have had more handed to them and they want me to feel guilty? Just fuck off.
I don’t have any guilt and will never feel guilty for the actions of another person. Those starving kid commercials always have a Rob Reiner sized guy next to a bunch of brown people. Many of the UN charities are absolute rubbish and need to be audited.
Its always the same entities with their hands out and their leg cocked back to kick you in the ass when you turn away.
Why feel guilt over something you haven’t personally done? I could understand feeling guilty if you were an SS guard at Auschwitz dropping pellets of Zyklon B into rooms full of people, but if you weren’t even born then…why? Germans need to get over this crap. Really, 99.8% of the individuals responsible for starting WW2 are dead and gone anyway.
“I could understand feeling guilty if you were an SS guard at Auschwitz
dropping pellets of Zyklon B into rooms full of people, but if you
weren’t even born then…why? Germans need to get over this crap.
Really, 99.8% of the individuals responsible for starting WW2 are dead
and gone anyway.”
Yeah they were dropping pellets to save lifes,since typhus was a wartime disease at the time that was spread via lice. So tell me, since gas champers need airtight doors to protect the people outside, how is a wooden door any good?
Don’t forget that there are still slaves in Africa.
The Holocaust? People still believe what they’re told about that? The official story is such a transparent fabrication that only the passage of laws forbidding anyone from disputing anything about it, even ‘facts’ and (invented) figures, have kept more people from realizing that it’s an enormous web of lies.
Well, actually… the Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg trials sure bragged about the Holocaust themselves.
The torture they were subjected to had nothing to do with that I’m sure.
” Approximately 12 million people—6 million Jews and 6 million Christians and Gypsies—lost their lives in the Nazi death camps,”
Death Camps eh? So riddle me this, why would the Nazi’s bother to build hospitals, swimming pools, synagogues, and football pitches in ‘death camps’? Look at the gulags in the Soviet Union to see what REAL concentration camps look like.
The ‘gas chambers’ were actually for delousing.
To the author: I don’t mean to LOL at the first part of your post, but do you still believe in the holocaust (holohoax).
what about the bolshevik Jews massacre of christians? I dont recall any movies made about that.
Through inflicting ‘guilt’ upon Men women in the West have now become empowered to feel no guilt or shame and have become little more than whores, free contraception, free abortion without shame, free to sleep with any male or female without stigma, no stigma in being a slut talk about double standard one that needs to be done away with and Patriarchy restored.
Steve Sailer:
Roger Cohen opinionizes in the New York Times:
“Immigration is a challenge but also a measure of the confidence of a society, its preparedness for self-renewal. That confidence is low in America right now. “The dignity of a person is untouchable” — so begins Germany’s postwar Constitution, with words drawn from bitter experience. Merkel has shown the conviction that this idea can eventually be absorbed by everyone now in Germany. She will be vindicated.”
“The dignity of a person is untouchable” … unless she’s a German woman on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.
It must take a particular profile to succumb to collective guilt. The easily manipulated via brainwashing – emotionally immature resulting in reactive rather than proactive responses – those who follow the group hive mind set rather than distinguish themselves as individual thinkers. It’s as Rene Girard maintained people- take their cues from others and standing apart as an individual carries a risk. The elites are familiar with this anthropology,psychology and sociology so they plug group think for all its worth.
I see the pushing of white guilt/privilege on the Western man by governments, media and institutions (those we would classify as “left”) as evidence of an arrogance derived from a lack of confidence.
Those whites who would subscribe to the rationale that it is only whites who have enslaved throughout history, or that the crimes of whites outweighs the good that whites have contributed throughout history, cannot hold non-white, non-Western peoples to the same standards – they are obviously (to the leftist) akin to a powerless, child-like group who can never be powerful enough to subjugate others, let alone other whites.
A strange sickness, this mindset, which I attribute to self-hate and lack of confidence, like the bully who turns and runs when the “weaker” kid finally musters the guts to fight back. He was blustering loudly all the while, trying to cover up his insecurity.
I’m Polish and I can say that the part about the Slavi is wrong. The word “slave” became popular after the 10th century during the Christian Byzantine Empire time because the Slavs had migrated into the both former eastern Germanic lands and Balkans and were took as war captives. Here is the dictionary:
[Middle English sclave, from Old French esclave, from Medieval Latin sclvus, from Sclvus, Slav (from the widespread enslavement of captured Slavs in the early Middle Ages). See Slav.]
Word History: The derivation of the word slave encapsulates a bit of European history and explains why the two words slaves and Slavs are so similar; they are,
in fact, historically identical. The word slave first appears in English around 1290, spelled sclave. The spelling is based on Old French esclave from Medieval Latin sclavus, “Slav, slave,” first recorded around 800. Sclavus comes from Byzantine Greek sklabos (pronounced sklävs)
“Slav,” which appears around 580. Sklavos approximates the Slavs’ own name for themselves, the Slovnci, surviving in English
Slovene and Slovenian. The spelling of English slave,
closer to its original Slavic form, first appears in English in 1538.
Slavs became slaves around the beginning of the ninth
century when the Holy Roman Empire tried to stabilize a German-Slav
frontier. By the 12th century stabilization had given way to wars of
expansion and extermination that did not end until the Poles
crushed the Teutonic Knights at Grunwald in 1410.
·As far as the Slavs’ own self-designation goes, its meaning is,
understandably, better than “slave” it comes from the Indo-European
root *kleu-, whose basic meaning is “to
hear” and occurs in many derivatives meaning “renown, fame.” The Slavs are thus “the famous people.” Slavic names ending in -slav incorporate the same word, such as
Czech Bohu-slav, “God’s fame,” Russian Msti-slav, “vengeful fame,” and Polish Stani-slaw, “famous for withstanding (enemies).”
As a side note: while a lot of black Americans bitched and moaned about the past slave history, none of the Slavi every bother to complain. As far as they (and I) were concerned, shit happened. What matter is doing things today to build a better future.
I do not feel guilty about anything! The Jews can kiss my ass freaking liars, it’s a great shame the Nazis failed to finish the job! The yanks can do the same kiss my ass..Global warming bull shit can take a hike along with Lawyers Judges and cops. Religion is pedophilia in disguise a pox on all religions!
Fails to distinguish between actual murder (Nazis) and death by mismanagement (USSR). Fails to recognize that US carried on slavery roughly 80 years after rest of Western world stopped.
Still perpetuating the ‘holohoax’ lie about “6 million” jew!? Great, I was mildly interested in reading this until I see this Bull $hit. Get up to speed – the jew lie has run its course and done enough damage, and still is. Check out this web site, and don’t let the page title fool you:
It was the damned Allies, that’s right AMERICANS that murdered the most people and that was AFTER the banker war of WW2 ended.
As Jung said, “condemnation oppresses, understanding liberates.”
Guilt has long been used to control people. Guilt-ridden people simply have less motivation to stand up for themselves and are thus more desirable to certain parasitical elites.
The left has become puritanical in its use of guilt, and for that reason, I realized that I could no longer align myself with leftist groups and movements. True progress comes from making our sons and daughters of all backgrounds proud of who they are.
In order to fixate on injustices, the left has had to dumb down education, because a truly scholarly approach recognizes that most evils are too complex to blame on any one group. If you want to blame someone and make them feel guilty, you cannot afford to look at all the factors.
Feminism is implicitly based on guilt. There is no logical way you can claim to be advocating equality and call your movement something that is clearly only one polarity of human being. It would be like launching a movement for racial equality and calling it “Russianism”. The only issue I have with this story is that the movement for women’s voting rights, did not call itself “feminist” and the women’s groups of that era had nothing in common with today’s “feminists”. For example many of the women at that time organized to outlaw alcohol for religious reasons. That issue was often as important to them as voting rights. The unipolar and intrinsically unbalanced feminist movement has co-opted these early women’s movements and we need to recognize they have very little in common with early women’s suffrage groups.
Article was good. But what makes me happiest….the word “social engineers” is becoming common parlance.