6 Slut Tells Every Man Needs To Be Aware Of

A couple years ago, Tuthmosis nearly broke the internet with his signature piece, 24 Signs She’s A Slut. About a year later Matt Forney came a little closer with 5 Reasons Girls With Tattoos And Piercings Are Broken. Thanks to the publicity those articles generated, countless men started to look at tatted up chicks sporting bullrings in their noses in a different light.

To piggyback off of their momentum I’ve decided to put together a list of slut tells that may not be so obvious to the naked eye—red pill or otherwise. Girls these days have PhDs in “hide my notch count-ology” so if men don’t take a good hard look beneath the surface, they’ll be taken for ride to be sure.

Here are six covert signs the girl you’re looking to run game on is probably a bona fide slut.

6. She lives alone


When you see where she lives you might think at first glance “Hmmmm…..she’s got her own spot. Impressive.” But if you’re unplugged, you’ll know this is a major red flag.

The reason is that women are heavily influenced by people who shame them, or question any choice they make be it how they dress, what they do for a living, and most of all how many random hookups they have with random dudes.

Living by herself gives her carte blanche to sleep with as many dudes as her little heart desires without the judgmental gaze of her roommates or relatives. You’ll often find that females who live alone claim they have “no social life” or tell you they had a “quiet weekend.”

If she’s even half decent looking, her claims are probably a lie. With male thirst at an all time high, it’s a pretty good bet that a woman who doesn’t share a residence with another human being is likely pushing triple digits in the notch count category, and it seldom takes long to get there.

5. Her hobby is an art, but she sucks at it

This one is based on my personal experience with sluts. Over the years I’ve noticed that a lot of promiscuous girls I’ve slayed are into drawing, painting, music, dancing, writing, and other forms of “artistic expression.” Thing is, none of them were any good any at them. Sure there were a few that were half decent but by and large they were all well below average.

I’m not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination, but my guess is that expressing themselves artistically is a way to escape the fact that they can’t keep their legs closed around men. The ex-Mrs. Sharpe was into painting when we lived in Florida but she was terrible at it. Of course I told her she was the greatest painter since Leonardo da Vinci (which never got me laid), but the fact of the matter is that she was an atrocious painter.

One girl I was seeing told me she wrote “poetry.” I’m no literature aficionado but even I knew her “inner thoughts” were a dumpster fire. It sounded like a cross between amateur hour and show-and-tell in Miss Crabtree’s 4th grade class…I am not exaggerating.

So the next time a chick wants to show you her collection of deformed bowls and vases she makes in her pottery classes, keep in mind that you’ve probably got a whore on your hands.

4. She is or has worked in a call center

Anyone who’s ever worked in a call center knows that commingling between employees is at least twice as rampant as any other workplace out there. Having managed a few myself I can personally attest to the fact that regardless of position, no one is exempt from the temptation of fucking their coworkers in this environment…or at least trying.

Girls who either are or have been employed at a call center are usually epic sluts in and outside of the office. Something about this particular work habitat is like an aphrodisiac for both males and females.

A classic example of the kind of woman who works in call centers

A mid-forties woman at a call center I used to work at whose thousand cock stare (more on this in a bit) was the very first thing I noticed about her, is the quintessential example of a call center slut. She must have told me she was a “good girl” no less than a dozen times in the first two weeks I was there. I never bought her act for a second and verbalized as much and as it turns out, I was right. She had seven children by three different men, was in the middle of a divorce, and was always texting multiple dudes who were trying to fuck her—or likely already were.

Her Facebook page (which was always on her screen at work) was riddled with meme after meme that all basically say “I’ve been with a lot of guys but I’m still an awesome woman who deserves a good man because I say I do,” or something to that effect. Her soon to be ex-husband was a man with a substance abuse problem who “treated her like shit” and “cheated on her all the time.” She used to say “I like nice guys” but she was married to this “douchebag” for nearly 20 years and is the longest relationship she has and ever will be in.

Never bought her act for a second.

The kicker was that one of her coworkers told me that she sometimes leaves her young children alone to go off and see this guy or that. She stopped talking to me altogether after a while. I’m thinking she knew I saw through her thinly veiled “good girl” mask and saw her for the typical aging slut she was, no matter how many ways she tried to snowflake. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

Chicks who work in call centers are easy and it’s as simple as that. Tread carefully with these broads because they’ll start fucking the dude with the highest closing percentage or the biggest bonus without a second thought. I’ve seen this happen in every call center I have ever worked in.

3. She has the thousand cock stare

This particular slut tell is a little tougher to pick up on. Especially if you’re not a veteran player. This was the look in the aforementioned office slut’s eyes when she first uttered the words “I’m a good girl.” Suffice it to say, her eyes betrayed her feeble attempt at trying to look like a unicorn.

The “thousand cock stare” is loosely defined as the look on a woman’s face that reveals spite, apathy, fatigue, and hopelessness all at the same time. This look is a direct result of being drilled and dropped by a shitload of men.

The spite is because she’s pissed off at the world for not having locked down a man because of her slutty ways. The apathy is from being desensitized to sex, an inevitable ramification of taking different cocks for an extended period of time. The fatigue is her being tired of the constant battle to get and keep male attention and having to resort to sexual favors earlier and earlier as she gets older. And the hopelessness comes from her knowing deep down she’ll never have a relationship of consequence with a man she loves and respects, who finds her tolerable outside of sex.

Women over 30, single mothers, and a combination of the two are most likely to have the stare and will be the easiest to spot. Keep in mind that it doesn’t discriminate against the young. Every once in a while I’ll scroll through Amy’s Facebook page and her TCS cuts through my screen like a hot knife through butter and she’s nearly a half decade from the big 3-0.

Picking up on this tell will take some practice but once you learn to recognize it, it’s easy to spot. The thousand cock stare never lies. Ever.

2. She works out at a meathead gym

This is frowned upon in today’s mainstream fitness clubs

Wannabe gyms that literally cut your balls off when you walk in (like Planet Fitness) isn’t what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the kinds of gyms that have 10 or more squat racks, dudes loudly grunting as they pull 400+ lbs, and openly discussing steroid cycles in the locker room—the kind of gym every man needs to join.

Women who are members of these gyms are usually in the upper aesthetic echelon. They’re in unbelievable shape because they don’t mess around with Nautilus machines or those ridiculous workout balls fat chicks like to bounce on to pretend they’re exercising. They’re squatting and lifting free weights with the fellas and their physiques reflect their hard work.

Girls who look like this are likely fucking their spotters

Add her hard-earned SMV with the fact that she’s surrounded on a daily basis by males who are much more fit and muscular than the average man and that those males have no qualms with exhibiting masculinity around her as they lift heavy weights and it’s only a matter of time before she starts sleeping with a few of them.

If your girl is in great shape and is a member at one of these gyms, chances are she has or is fucking her male spotters.

1. She’s been married at least once

A recent conversation with a soon to be divorcée sums this up:


Nothing elicits euphoria in today’s woman like separation and subsequent divorce papers. It is quite literally her golden ticket aboard the Cock Carousel Express and it takes them very little time to hop aboard and enjoy the ride. My own mother fell prey to this “newfound freedom.”

Recently separated or divorced women are some of the easiest targets out there. All they need to see is a little masculinity (something they likely haven’t seen in a while) and they’re putting their number into your phone before you can say “You seem cool….we should hang out sometime” and fully expect you to bang them later that night.

Newly single and ready to get fuc….uh……mingle!

While this is awesome for slut slayers, it’s terrible for men looking to settle down. Any woman who has at least one ex-husband has no doubt been slammed by hordes of men. And as we all know, the more men a woman has been fucked by, the less faithful she’ll be.

I imagine there are exceptions to this rule, though I’ve never seen or heard of such a case. Be that as it may, if you want to find out if your new chick jumped on the post-divorce carousel just ask her what she did right after she was separated and pretend to be excited and non judgmental about her answer.

If you’ve built enough trust and attraction with her she’ll spill some of her dirty little secrets, at which point you can act accordingly.


When you see a green-haired chick with a tramp stamp and an industrial piercing in the beer aisle, it’s easy to place her into the whore category. But with females becoming more and more proficient at covering up their slutty tracks, it’s getting increasingly difficult for the average man to discern whether he’s committing to a quality female or the town bicycle.

Hopefully this column helps men get a clearer picture of who he’s dealing with because heaven knows his woman isn’t going to volunteer this information.

Read Next: 25 Reasons Your Girlfriend Is Overrated

496 thoughts on “6 Slut Tells Every Man Needs To Be Aware Of”

  1. everyone laughing at mooslims for insisting their women stay virgins and covering up!

    1. They also murder and rape little children. Please feel free to go to the airport and leave.

        1. I mean Mohammed did… Not at the same time as far as we know, but its not such a stretch to suggest that a proprtion of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide follow suit.

        2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi
          During the Taliban’s rule (1994-2001), bacha bazi officially carried the death penalty[11][12] but was rarely enforced. The practice of dancing boys is illegal under Afghan law, being “against both sharia law and the civil code”,[13] but the laws are seldom enforced against powerful offenders and police have been reportedly complicit in related crimes.[14][15]
          Allegations have surfaced that US forces in Afghanistan after the Invasion of Afghanistan intentionally ignored Bacha Bazi.

        3. two accounts ??
          Mohammed might have but i don’t really believe anything i read in either the bible or koran and don’t just believe portions of it when it suits me.
          A portion of 1.6 billion people will not matter what the demographic.

        4. I like you and i don’t know why.
          I would suggest that is cultural rather than religious. Like the worshiping of the saint of death in Mexico. Its’s tied in with Catholicism but it is cultural and unique to the region and not representative of the billion plus Catholics world wide.

        5. Merci.
          Yes, you’re probably right, more cultural than religious.

        6. They definitely fuck little boys during Ramadan. “Girls are for children, boys are for pleasure.” is what they say.

      1. LOL great movie. “Shit! It’s a castoff skin!!”
        Isn’t it always with women?

        1. Hi Bob. What do sluts and snakes have in common?
          They’ll both swallow your nuts whole if you let them.

      1. Wow. Just…wow. I’m guessing her father has not been a big part of her life.

      2. Look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOBAw2unB9U
        The shit is real, looked carefully at the reaction of these women (even the young ones), they all enjoyed that ambiguous situations with their dogs which was captured on camera in that video. Interest in bestiality among women population is muuuuuuuuuch more higher then we expect.

        1. And some guys here still think dog fucking is not happening. I don’t know how much more it will take for Roosh to add a dog article to the ROK Best Of list.

        2. Shit you not. I kicked a girlfriend out when I found a little questionnaire for her potential boyfriends. One of the questions was “Are you into threesomes or bestiality?”
          Needless to say, my dick never went in that pussy again.

  2. That meathead stock photo is insulting. Squatting 135 above parallel with a belt screaming like its 405.
    On topic, its unfortunate, but it seems we’ve come to the point where one must regrettably assume that a female is on the slut spectrum unless it is irrevocably proven otherwise. I really do not like this prospect, as assuming guilt until proven innocence is a favourite tactic of feminists, but what choice have western women left us?

    1. “That meathead stock photo is insulting. Squatting 135 above parallel with a belt screaming like its 405.”
      Actually, it’s truthful. I’m seeing a lot of big, jacked guys at my gym who can’t lift for shit. That’s what you get when you immediately jump on the roids bandwagon instead of developing some decent strength first for a few years.

      1. I call them “fluff muscles”. I’ve been working out since I was 17, my muscularity is good but I don’t have “fluff muscles”. I can own the “big meathead roid” types on any rack without even breaking a sweat most of the time.

      2. Yeah, I know its a thing… There’s a guy in my gym, 6’1″ probs about 250, jacked to shit. Never spoken to him, but in my head he’s half-rep Harry. Curls, bench, squats, military, even deadlifts in a damn smith machine. I’ve never seen the man go full ROM on a single exercise. He also does something like 15 rep sets all the time. There’s no way in fuck this guy’s natural, nipples stick out like traffic cones, but my point is that this behaviour in and of itself is disgusting. If you want to use steroids, go nuts, but at least train properly too.

    2. None. This is the last dregs of your blue pill heart crying for hope. Kill it. Kill it with a nuclear war head. Western culture made our women into whores. Understanding made them all raging whores. Just go after a woman with none of these tells and some culture.

      1. Red, The issue that is bothering me is having to adopt a method of thinking that I can draw a parrallel to feminism with. That is the prospect that disgusts me.

        1. There is a huge difference in this instance, and this borders on nitpicking, but you have evidence of hundreds of men on your side who are actively hoping for otherwise. The feminist is mainly seeking evidence to match what she wants to believe to keep her world view the same. Similar, but not the same. Figure you use the Western women with this build as the training bikes they are, build your cultural base, get a language and travel, and leave the slags you find at work or clubs or through friends for greener pastures.

        2. I don’t disagree. I speak french and japanese and can piece together Italian and spanish enough to get the gist. And while I do note the difference you stated, the concept alone of connecting those dots no matter how loose they are from my rationally derived thought processes… To feminism… I mean you can see how that could be nauseating, Im sure.

    3. maybe the guy in the pic is on like his 50th rep or something at the tail end of a hard legs day workout.

    4. Be busy and forget women. Beat off when you need to. My notch count is low, but I did enough with each to develop enough skill with what I got to be good enough. I have the moral standing to go “wow, that’s a lot of dudes, sorry, I’m looking for a good woman….oh yes, you’d be right if I had been with 1/10th the people you have, but I haven’t….goodbye.”
      The red pill short circuited my head; I simply don’t care anymore about anyone other than a few friends and my remaining family.

    5. You’ll never know if a woman is a slut. If she seems not, you won’t believe her. If she shows the signs, you’ll think she is one. Obviously. Even if it’s her dirty secret that it’s all a big front to hide behind and she’s never even been kissed

  3. This reminds me of a commercial I saw recently. The chick in the commercial is in her 30’s, claiming she’s smarter with her credit than when she was in her 20’s. Even for a lousy actress, that thousand cock stare manifested itself.

    1. Haha. I know exactly the one you’re talking about. The first time I saw that, I couldn’t help imagining her with a couple dicks in her mouth.

  4. Just thought of some more…
    Western Church girls and Women who use the phrases :
    “I’m just trying to get my life back together”.
    “I’ve been through a lot of things.” (without specifying what those things are)

    1. Subtext – (but not my legs, they’re never together)
      (and cock, a lot of cock)

    2. “I had a lot of guy friends in college.”
      She’s in the military and not a full blown dyke.

      1. What if she’s a half blown dyke, like another girl started on her but didn’t finish? Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

        1. Subtext – (I munched rug in college, but got tired of how much work it was and missed the saucisse)

        2. The Whitest Kids you know always go “too far”…and its awesome!!

    3. I noticed you capitalized Church, so I assume you are referring to the Catholic Church specifically rather than just church-going girls in general, correct me if I’m wrong. Btw, how slutty are Baptist college boys, I want to know how hard I’ll have to work to preserve my virtue?

    4. Also see: Women who idolize Marilyn Monroe.
      “If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best.”
      Fucking run like hell.

      1. Women who say that don’t get that their best was their early 20s before the cock carousel. They can’t give me their best anymore.

        1. You should take out the rotten tomateos basket out.
          – Prepare for the ,,love” skank !

  5. Self proclaimed good girls are always the sluttiest around. Oh, you want to do my ass? Sorry, I’m not into that, says every hoebag who just got her ass and pussy plundered by 5 Womb Raiders the night before, or hell, even mere hours before.
    I’ve seen it more time than I count. And anybody who peddles the lie that women civilize men is a self deluded fool telling the biggest lie ever told.

    1. If a woman has to say shes a good girl that should be a sign that she isn’t like if a guy has to say he “doesn’t give a fuck” it means he gives a fuck. Plus women are ten times worse in this regard. Pretty much take anything a woman says flip it and you have a more accurate picture.

    2. I’m getting the feeling that ,,slut” category is being over-used and has surpassed it’s demanding. Normally a slut is a woman who slept around far too many times, but what name do you give a women that surpasses that level ? Slut level is a level that’s cutting it too short nowadays.

  6. All women are sluts, so act accordingly. If you are seeking marriage or any kind of LTR, you have already marked yourself as beta in the sight of women. Forget about those things; be alpha and fuck lots of sluts. You’re not going to save our culture by getting married, having kids and getting divorced raped.

      1. i’ve lived in north america, WE, EE, and central america. from what i’ve seen, your best bet at getting a nice, virginal, nurturing wife is latina girls who go to church. worth putting up with a devout catholic lifestyle, at least to me.

        1. Getting harder to find these days. I can find low notch count Latinas but not virgins. And the Catholic church is dying down there. They are all going for nondenominational YOLO lifestyle churches.

        2. Exactly. Since the self-destruction of the Catholic Church in Vatican II (60s) the institution began to die off here (LatAM) and many people are only catholic or church goers because their family were, however they believe in nothing and know nothing about the faith of their ancestors, a situation similar to Europe 50 years ago I guess…
          Edit: In the countries with a big proportion of Indian or Black heritage there is a slow but steady return to the heathen ways of the past(Santa Muerte in Mexico, santería en Dominican Republic, Cuba and parts of South America) , since not even the priests, many of them communists and SJWs (not as extreme as those in U.S. and Europe) like Bergoglio the marxist clown, believe in Christianity, only a remnant can be called Catholic as far as I’ve seen (Panamá, DR, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia).

        3. Yep, I’m talking about these lifestyle churches that have Starbucks inside them and rock bands for entertainment and if you don’t want to watch the service in the main “chapel” you can go to a room with lazy-boys where you can drink a latte and watch it on the tv screen while chillin with yo peeps. It’s church “lite”

        4. Does this mean we will have convert to Islam? I was hoping it wouldn’t go that far.

        5. i was mainly in the poorer, ultra-conservative parts of central america. i didn’t get a sense that the church was dying there at all, but it might be different in more “progressive” parts of latin america. argentina seems very liberal, and i’ve heard that feminism is on the rise in brazil, but i’ve never been to those countries.

        6. That’s good. I haven’t spent long periods (> 1 month) in any country to see for sure. But the girls I meet tend to be just nondenominational Christian, and I don’t trust that near as much to instill good morals into them. I visit the Catholic churches with these girls, and they seem interested, but they don’t attend there. If I was there long enough I would attend service there alone and see if I could meet anyone, but you’re not just going to quickly meet and wed a virgin down there–it’s a long process.

        7. I guess those countries in Central America are still conservative but I haven’t visited. However my observations pertain to countries like Panamá, Colombia and Argentina, where I have been.

        8. “you’re not just going to quickly meet and wed a virgin down there–it’s a long process.”
          very true. i was living in central america long-term when i met my wife. she’d never had a boyfriend before because she refused to have sex before marriage and most guys won’t put up with waiting. i understood her and accepted it because i used to be devout myself and i was really looking more for companionship than anything else at time.
          might be a bit hard to understand for most guys on here, but her company meant more to me at the time than tons of anonymous sex (and drama, and quite possibly genital warts) with pseudo-prostitute club chicks, which i definitely could have been doing had i wanted that. most guys in central america go that route, whether they’re there short-term or long-term, and i think that’s what gives the impression that the church is dying and it’s not much easier to find good wife material down there than it is in the decadent west. nevertheless, when i go to mass with her in her country the female to male ratio is always around 2:1. a lot of the girls are young and cute, and it seems unlikely to me that my wife is the only unicorn in the congregation.

        9. Sounds basically like everything Christ was NOT about. He feasted and stuff, but I doubt he wanted a laid back, casual attitude towards Our Father in Heaven.

    1. I was going to say that all women are sluts as well so treat them as such. You’ll get more respect from them ironically. Think this way and you’ll never be heartbroken.

  7. “Girls who either are or have been employed at a call center are usually epic sluts in and outside of the office. ”
    Bruh hahahah

  8. I have also noticed the meathead gym one. The sluttiest girls in looks and behaviour, here in the EE, are always banging the fighters or the juice heads. Glad to see it was not me imagining things

    1. Isn’t that the chick who sucked off a bunch of black dudes? Roosh had an article on that.

        1. Had been?!?! Hahahahahaa!!!!!! This might be gang bang number 4. Minimum.

        2. Yep, time you’re up to not just photoing, but posting it online, then it surely isn’t your first time at the rodeo.

        3. Do you think this might deserve a montage video with Sarah McLachlan’s “In the Arms of An Angel”?
          “She was such a good girl. Loved us. Loved her family. Got straight A’s. Then she fell on some dick, and everything changed!”

        4. Piercings outside the traditional ear lobes is already on Tut’s list. Good call though.

        5. Many would feel sorry for her. I don’t. Besides she could falsely accuse these dindus and they actually didn’t do nothin’. Everybody in that pic is trash.

        6. Pierced tongue confirms a slut. Most of the other slut tells are just suspicions.

        7. Indeed he was. That was the first article I ever read from ROK. I thought I heard on Roosh’s/Quintus’ Culture War talk that he just wanted to do his own thing. Maybe it was Athlone? Can’t remember now but it’d be great to see those guys pop in again.
          And Billy Chubbs. Can’t forget about him.

        8. But it’s the trash that sorounds our communities and families. It’s the trash that constructs public opinion. It’s the trash that if not taken out in due time, will start to fester and eat away at the Christian values societies have been built upon. It’s not trash, it’s brimstone and fire. Wake up everyone, wake the fuck up.

        9. He came back and did that one papa johns article last year and then disappeared again

        1. “Sure this isn’t a homeless young man with a fruity fashion sense?”

        2. “my room mate Is getting paid HOURLY. ninety-eight$ on the internet.”….two days ago new McLaren P2 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here!oi2141➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsDesign/GetPaidHourly98$…. .❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:::::!oi2141….

        1. According to messages between her and her victim, Paul, she had already contracted some std from sleeping around.

    2. That stupid sad, sorry sonofabitch. It’s bad enough to not realize what you’re doing, it’s quite another thing to have your balls cut off on the internet like that. Fuck her and everything about her, but I feel a bit bad for the dude there. She’s fairly attractive in that pic, he probably thought he was snagging onto a good deal, then boom, now he’s an internet joke. Poor sum’bitch.
      Hopefully it jolted him out of Blue Pill forever, that much I wish on his behalf.

      1. From a humane stand point, it’s what the system creates. What do you get by slutyfing the females (A) and emasculating the males (B) = whores (C1) and omegas (C2). We should not act so surprised.
        From another view-point as males, we should emphatize with the kid and I’ll tell you why in a minute. There are thousands of such examples throughout the world ( my country isn’t excluded and it’s a conservative Eastern European one). The only difference this one makes is because it got to the internet and we acknowledge it. This is what the programming ( TV & RADIO ) does to your kids. It makes them into moraless morons, conscienceless animals who go about their activity not knowing ( screw balls ) what consequences their actions hold. This is how STD’s are transmitted, this is how families are destroyed, this his how youth conscience is destroyed. This is what happens when the laws of God are not taught to your community and children. It’s a declared war, man. Imagine how that kid felt when he found out his ,,diamond pedestalized piece of havenly pussy” was ravaged by other guys and turned into a whore. For sure as shit he didn’t know who to turn to for advice. I hope he found ROK and the manosphere. Come to think of it, we need an article on ,,How to take the red-pill after being humiliated by a mega-slut”.
        Be in God’s jurisdiction gentlemen, respect His laws.
        Cheers !

      2. Actually its a positive. If he redpills and learns game, then he becomes far more interesting than if he was always 100%
        We admire the man that overcame adversity to succeed.

    3. Wasn’t that the girl who got Eiffel towered in some mandingo gangbang and the guys even told this beta to break up with her?

        1. Just saw it right after I posted haha.

    4. wasnt that pic from a story on here about how she got the train ran on her and that dude still stuck with her? I can’t remember
      Just scrolled down and realized it was, cheers

  9. I’ve got 2 slut tells this time around. Half a point for living alone, because I don’t now but plan to when I’m done with school, a point for artsy stuff, cause I dabble in all that stuff, and half a point for call center work, I do that kind of job taking phone calls, but I work from home and even at that my boss and the vast majority of my virtual coworkers are female.

      1. Nikolai its very simple – do not directly reply to the poor little lamb wandered into the den of lions.

        1. speaking of that, i guess the rule about being instantly banned for replying to a woman is no longer in force? never saw an official statement, but it seems that way.

        2. Well Bucky, although the post still exists in the archives the about page simply states ‘strongly discouraged’ Since Roosh never altered this it would seem rather ruthless to banhammer every commenter who replied to women, many who would be unaware of that post from 2014.

        3. i prefer “strongly discouraged” myself. it’s usually best not to reply to women, but for example i’d hate to see nikolai banned.

  10. Excellent article because I suspect that when we get our global reset / civil war / WW III, the whole “slut” culture will be severely and harshly shamed finally, as it should. I think that some percentage of today’s females are starting to pick up on this and are starting to be more adept at covering up their cum-bucketry.
    In the final analysis, today’s female is, at this point, sufficiently chewed up and barfed out by the current zeitgeist. As Roosh stated in one of his articles: The decimation of western women is complete.
    The chick in the TCS photo: Is that a middle aged tranny?

      1. Kaley Cuoco, what a disappointment. When she was much younger she was a pretty tight natural 7.5/8, long hair, great body and decent face. Now she’s squared off in the face and, of course, the boy haircut and apparently, inability to commit. It’s a shame because she was, at least at one time, openly anti-feminist. Hollywood ruins’em all.

        1. The transformation was drastic wasn’t it. The “Hi, I’m 19 year old anti-feminist, beautiful Kaley” was murdered, and a bizarre replacement put in her place.

        2. I don’t watch television so I wasn’t aware of that. Just know her from the internet and dudes gushing over her a few years ago.

        3. I read that she used to wear a pink bikini and challenge all to a game of ping pong on-set of Big Bang.

        4. She also came out and said that she had no idea why feminists were so mad all the time, that she’d enjoyed being a girl all of her life and thinks men are wonderful, and suspects something is wrong with feminist women (paraphrase, she said a couple of things along these lines).
          The “today” Cuoco I could beat at ping pong and not even be distracted. The young 20 something, it would be….an interesting game.

      2. I don’t know why Trump married her. Maybe he is so alpha he does not care about a woman’s notch count.

    1. So, for the sake of argument, it happens. Women aren’t sluts anymore through shame/fear/they hate sex/a combination – whatever.
      Whom do you have casual sex with? Or don’t you?

  11. Lately I’ve been going for sex on the first date within two hours every single time. Approx. 80% strike rate. Chaps, these ladies will later act the vestal virgin with you if you display any beta provider potential, permitting tepid sex only after five or so miserably tedious dates.
    Be careful out there.

    1. And AWALT. I was casual friends with a girl who was married, I’m almost positive her husband was her first (at worst, he was her second). She went after me after the divorce, and I knew her parents (she was young), so I went kind of slow. She was very eager for the bang. She’s not really my type so I hit it and quit it, but we remain casual friends. I found out she’s sleeping with guys on first dates left and right, and freely admits that to me. Banged a guy almost 20 years older than her full of tats and piercings that she just met. This was a girl who was almost assuredly a virgin at marriage 2 years ago and has good parents raised well, and is only 23.
      Keep this in mind when guys say only marry a virgin. Even if you’re her second guy, it’s a totally different ball game.

      1. 30 is the new twenty. As in 30 notches is the goal post for most girls at twenty. If she isn’t there by 24, she is doing it wrong. By 25 and a half, they are transitioning to 35 more notches with an option to buy for a happy beta.

      2. The virginity aspect is not valid anymore. It is the culture. All of it. Women are like liquid, they take the shape of the container you put them inside.

        1. The container is comprised of a few motherfuckers secretly meeting and planning the very destruction ( stage II – Muslim invasion ) in masoneries. They have won.

    2. Can not agree with your more. Even the dirties slut will act up a ,,I’ve only slept with 2 guys” show if you portray any beta type behaviour. Ask for sex and you will receive.

  12. #7.. As a dude who worked in the medical field once told me, there’s two certainties in this life: death and nurses.

  13. #4 is true but with a caveat. Everyone needs a hobby and we all have to start somewhere; if she happens to have a cheap guitar or a couple of crappy paintings lying around and, when asked, says “I’ve just started learning – I’m not any good yet!” then fair enough, I wouldn’t hold that against her.
    If, on the other hand, she pulls out her insipid poetry or lopsided pottery at every possible opportunity and proudly displays her creations as if they were certificates attesting to her artistic abilities then you’ve got a narcissistic slut with delusions of grandeur – most likely fed by false praise from her thirsty beta orbiters – on your hands.

  14. Slut detector : LEVEL 3 reached.
    That ,,TCS” reference cracks me up…but I know a lot of women that have it. Well…we’re currently in the fast for the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christian Orthodoxy so for now, I’ll keep the colourful remarks to myself.
    Nice article.

  15. Calling centers! Oh, the stories I could tell. Drugs, sex, FCC, ex-cons, brass tacs baby. Every 1st of the month they’d parade the trainees through the “boiler room” and the men would monger the women openly, and they loved it! Meat market.
    I thought it was just (city life), but when I interviewed for a calling job in rural America and the two women interviewing me were openly, obviously, checking out my package during a face to face two on one conversation… I realized its more than just (said city). They fit the descriptions in this article to a T. The stare, divorcee, single mother… etc

  16. I know a girl who hits maybe half of these and she’s decent enough and not slutty. I’m not doing NAWALT, I’m just noting that you have to take more than a 6 point story into account when dealing with this kind of thing. Living on your own could mean what is said, or it could mean that she’s financially well off enough to not have to bother with roommates. The chick I know has *zero* un-scheduled time, she literally works 7 days a week and when not working, is in the gym, her schedule for fun time, let alone sex, is 0.0. Being in great shape, well, hobbies are good, no need to make an automatic correlation, and by indicating it’s some kind of a fault here it could possibly deter many girls who could benefit from exercise with the “We can’t win if we do or don’t!” excuse. Some of these seem just a bit stretched is what I’m saying.

    1. He did say, ‘not so obvious’. Perhaps it would be better to state that these are potential slut tells. The biggest slut I know is quite a talented artist.

      1. The word potential is appropriate, and basically what I was saying, more or less.
        Agree on the art, my daughter and I took pottery classes for a couple of years, and the instructor was a cute little minx who constantly had hands on me and was checking me out, yet, she was in fact a hugely talented artist. Like, published in magazines and books, writing articles, etc. talented.

    2. The woman who fills every second of her day. The woman who makes sure that none of those seconds involves personal relationships. That girl has other problems. She may not be a whore, but she is far from a good woman to be with.

      1. If there are no standards for good at all, then you’ll only see bad.
        She’s far right wing, btw, and not the Churchianity type. She wants to find a man, but is working on some things in her life for self improvement instead of just whoring herself out to the first comer.
        If we can make every single action possible into “bad” or “red flag” then we are indulging in self mastubatory Confirmation Bias.

        1. She is trying too hard to stay out of relationships. That is one hell of a self made wall

        2. I doubt she lets anyone in, but if she does then who knows. It is simply not normal for any human to try and be alone

        3. Why should she try to be in one, if she has other things to deal with in life right now? Isn’t a girl avoiding random relationships and holding out for something better what we want? She’s not adverse to relationships (we talk a lot).
          I think we really need to stop turning every single action a girl OR man can take into a red flag. If we want girls to be decent, and then complain when one is acting decently, that’s probably our problem, not her’s.

        4. You’re making it “permanent”. She’s doing it temporarily, I just noted that. She’s quite open to a future relationship.
          Dunno dude, if everything is bad, well, all you’ll see is bad. I happen to find her quest for self improvement rather cool.

        5. You are right in that regard. While she may try too hard to stay out of relationships. Us finding a red flag in everything is the same thing

        6. Its not a matter of trying. But is she open to it? Would she part with a wee bit of her busy life to let anyone in it?

        7. Sure. Her problem is that she likes very, very masculine men and her generation has a net combined total of less than 10 of them. So she basically withdrew from dating and is self improving in order to attract either the few that remain (scant) or go for a GenX older man. She has an “old soul”, I guess her father was very, very masculine. She likes a lot of things that no other girl her age even knows about (music from the 1960’s and earlier, old Twilight Zones, guns, strong authoritative men who take control, etc.).

        8. I think you’ve summed it up correctly. To say that she’s hot is an understatement. No tatts, no multi-piercings, flat tummy, nice behind, long sleek legs, natural 44d, fitness model body and an absolute disgust with men her age as well as women her age.
          She can recite, rote, Hank Williams Sr. songs. Her cultural mooring and views are entirely untethered from her generation.

        9. Watching her expertly brush off guys is an exercise in humor. She has a very particular way of doing it that makes me laugh.
          I don’t believe in unicorns, and she could slut out tomorrow, but her revulsion with her generation is palpable, and her interests are all so old fashioned that they nearly predate mine on the cultural timeline, and she means it, she isn’t bluffing, I’ve tested her a bit on it.

        10. I started paying attention the moment you said 44D. Hold her attention GOJ, I am on my way!

        11. They’ll hit, try to flirt, she’ll laugh in a particular way that I’ve come to understand as “Um, no”, then direct their conversation to something entirely different. Another guy comes up to hit on her, the laugh, and then she engages the two men together in a conversation, and walks away. Like clockwork. Time the two dudes are done hashing out the conversation, she’s long gone.

        12. In all reality she reminds me a lot of what I’m hoping my daughter turns out to be when she gets out of the house.

        13. That would be phenomenal. A woman, who is striving for a life of quality who hasn’t bought into the experience the world through your crotch culture of the west. There is still plenty of room in America for women who believe in chastity.
          Now that I got the morality out of the way, about this buxom, masculine seeking, model friend of your’s, I hope she can recognize strong character when she sees it, cause I’ll be down there! No beautiful buxom lady need be single, except if the guy is of weak fortitude. Not on my watch!

        14. Hmm. Once in a while a unicorn does manifest. Away from the modern poisons of feminism….Oh, who the hell am I kidding 😛
          Reading ‘Natural 44D’ drew my attention to the rest of your comment like flies on dung, sir…

        15. Haha! It’s times like this I wish Batman took you down while I stroll over & rustle this one unopposed, Red 😀

        16. Shit, she’s one I’m tempted with, and I generally can laugh and walk away with ease. Hell, my wife can’t even recite Hank or Patsy Cline lyrics.

        17. Don’t blame me. Bats had no answer for all the ones who couldn’t be deterred as sluts. I’m doing what he couldn’t. I’m taking them out. Well, mostly bringing them home. They rarely deserve to be taken out 😉

        18. Heh. That is some powerful stuff man 🙂 I’m having doubts my Kratom stash will help me out here….

        19. Whomever she finally settles with is either going to get the world’s most powerful case of Oneitis, or he’s going to be a mother fucking Demigod. My guess is the later, she hates fawning men.

        20. Sure, but her “game” is actually anti-ethical to men her age, they simply have no idea how to meet up to her requirements. She’s basically given up and is shooting for either the top 1%, or a GenX older man (her words).

      1. Yep. I did the same thing as a young man, I hated room mates.

    3. My tinder dates are all scheduled. They don’t last more than two hours (time to talk, drink wine and fuck them). All of them are “very busy” women. Did you fall into blue pill marmite, GOF?

      1. Nope. I just happen to know this girl pretty well. She makes most right wingers look like socialists by comparison. And intelligently, not “dis is whats I was taught”. This happens now and then, but it’s not often. Don’t always assume the worst, I suppose I’m saying.

    4. I would not call living on her own a slut tell as many people these days if they have the financial means dont want to have to deal with other room mates in their life, and I know quite a few who do that and I really dont think they are living the slut life, but then there were a number I knew who certainly did. The thing is apart from reading between the line on other aspects of their life & nature I really wouldn’t know what they get up to especially with online dating these days. Women dont have to get all dressed up + rustle up a few friends to join her going out on the town + spend money on cabs/drinks, if she feels like meeting a guy. She can go online from her sofa and let her fingers do the walking and order up a local meet, greet & sex from plenty of guys that are happy to drop their standards for same day nsa sex. Very easy to live a secret double life.
      I know a few women that have been single for a number of years and done lots of dates interspersed with a few short term relationships. Are all their dates with losers like they like to complain about or are are there still plenty with pump’n’go players in the mix as well. Who knows for sure. I know a few women that are on Tinder but say they are looking for a serious relationship. Actually also Its the very busy women who dont have time for a relationship that could very easily be big fans of Tinder.
      Living on her own allows the potential for her to bring back lots of guys but its not a given. Even if she has a roommate that still wont stop that if the roommate is single and has liberated attitude. They both encourage each other.

  17. Her holy land has been hit harder than the middle east with the 4 crusades combined.

      1. Same. Kinda bums me out sometimes. Ignorance is bliss but knowledge is power

    1. Girl at the gym- great shape, a little muscle, not too cut. Could only see her profile. Then she turned around, she had this giant Jackson Pollock splotch on her other shoulder- wtf? How coud anyone think that looked good?

      1. There is one at mine like that. Hot as fuck body but covered in tats all over her arms and chest. Calls herself an alternative model.

        1. Both men and women should take heed of the Guns n Roses tattoo strategy circa 1989: 2-4 tatooes, limited to the arms, no “sleeves”, please…nothing on the legs, chest, back, neck…

        2. Ink marks all the places other than the arms, where the diiick is supposed to squirt at. Body bullseyes…yep men too…

      1. The thing that got me, was that it explained all the tattoo chicks I’d been with in the past. I have avoided them since then. I see a tat and I scat…

  18. Many of these become more obvious once one leaves the west. Example: Almost all women (and most men) live with their families until they marry in traditional cultures. (Hint: The ones that don’t are great for a fun time while you’re on vacation). It makes you realize the freedom a girl has living alone is nothing more than a free pass to slut it up without anyone knowing.
    The art thing is sad but true. It’s sad because in the past, the patriarch always encouraged his daughters to take up skills like music, art, dancing, singing, horseback riding, etc. At some level, this element has survived feminism and a vestige of it remains, although they are doing it alone, without the proper training and guidance, nor the dedication required to become proficient at a skill.

    1. Knew a Jewish girl who had a bass guitar. Couldn’t play a lick. Now with a few swipes I can find her on Tinder!

    2. Any girl that lives alone turns into a slut. I have met a once conservative/good girl with traditional family and God fearing people. Once the daughter went abroad fucked a man 10 years older than her lol. Now shes damaged goods in her community. And when I met her, i fucked her on the second date .. sluts.

  19. The call center one – not surprising, but one I didn’t expect in any list. I’d be interested how many such places still exist in the US. With the exception of insurance companies, I thought most of them would have moved to India or the Philippines by now.

    1. They are all over the Midwest. Just about every internet based business has them as well. Especially the American millennial crowd. They are all about cheap, replaceable, low skilled, labor. Note why call centers have a large base of single women.

      1. It might be more a case of the type of women, like maybe desperate single moms, that end up working there rather than the nature of the place itself. Though working at a call center I would imagine would be depressing & unfulfilling work, so maybe the workers screw around to get more joy.

    2. They are everywhere. The big companies move abroad, but for example local utility companies, local banks etc. have them. I worked in one as a teenager, my only takeaway was the chick with the sexiest voice is a 400 pound landwhale.

      1. Now that you mention it, I’ve run into a few I know to be stateside stocked with H1-B Indians (doing “tech” jobs that no American will do, blah blah blah….)
        I don’t care who’s fucking who in that call center – want no part of it.

    3. A girl I was dating once mentioned casually as we drove by a call center she used to work in how everyone knew who was banging who. Even the janitor closet was fair game. Needless to say, our relationship didn’t last long. Maybe that explains partly why customer service takes too long to help me.

    4. A ton are in Dallas, and these girls are straight in your face sluts, literally getting passed around the office.

  20. Bravo Donovan!! You hit the whores on the head with this one. Granted there may be exceptions, like some kind of radioactive, culturally enhanced, whore block implant, keeping the woman from going to the dark side (the 1% ers) but by and large this rule holds ground a majority of the time.
    What I liked best about this article was the call out. It was like seeing the Voltron formation of the ultra slut. Divorce and newly separated bitches burn through cocks like they were laxatives purging all that came before. Came, heh. Call center women are some of the most hypergamous women you will ever meet. You would need to be a fool to attempt to wife one up. And living on their own women? That one had my ear perked because it is a feminist ideal to say they don’t need a man, except, to remind them that they are a woman. And they always need to be reminded they are a woman.
    Great article all around! I will be adding this to the greats of Tuthmosis and Matt Forney’s Tattoo-Gate article. Both still help me find the easiest and life afforded slags my time will allow.

  21. good piece
    call center girls love giving it up for real. if it wasn’t for the fact that you have to deal with irate customers who basically just want to yell at you for 8 hours, I would keep a part time call center job just to meet easy chicks.
    I notice even the chicks who are good at art usually love to fuck. they buy into all the artsy and spiritual mumbo jumbo about sex. art chicks are great lays.

    1. I hear in the good ole days even nuns would fantasize about marrying Jesus or receiving ecstasy just thinking about him, like Teresa of Avila. Maybe they still do.

      1. I personally know a chick who used to creep with a married preacher, and I used to knock off a preacher’s daughter when I was younger. she used to always tell me about how women in the church were always trying to get her pops(the preacher) to creep with them. always being extra flirty, even in church lol. women do some wild shit with and for religious leaders.
        so it wouldn’t be a stretch to me that nun who decided not to give anybody none would place jesus as “their man”

        1. Forbidden fruit tarts. Preachers or married men are usually their targets. My first job out of college there was a chick who admitted repeatedly sleeping with a married man just to see if she could seduce him and pull him away from his wife. She succeeded. The wife divorced him.

        2. it’s crazy right man? women always want what they can’t have lol.
          that chick from your job was a by the book homewrecker and the funniest part is after the divorce they guy didn’t have his wife and mistress wanted nothing else to do with him I bet smh.

        3. I remembered reading a while back about Catherine of Siena. Woman was crazy. She went on fasts, flagellated herself, even cut her hair short. The crazy story though, was when she married Jesus and supposedly received from Jesus a ring made from his foreskin. It does sound like your deranged modern woman if you think about it, what with the short hair, the rebellion against the patriarchy, the self harm, the anorexia, even wanting the hot Messiah guy for herself. Oh, and apparently, she was into poetry.
          As a bonus, Huffington Post actually at one time considered her a role model for modern women. Go figure.

        4. wow that woman was absolutely nuts. like how do you become that delusional? a foreskin wedding ring? damn she wanted full devotion 😂😂😂
          just further proof that if you want liberals to support you, just do the craziest shit you can think of then blame it on patriarchy

        5. “..guy didn’t have his wife and mistress wanted nothing else to do with him I bet smh.”
          Correct. The power rush was over and he was dropped.

  22. A helped set up an European shared center back when I was a single 30 year old. Most of workforce (>1000 employees) at the HQ were single women from across Europe between the ages of 24-34. Truly it was the best 18 months I ever experienced.

    1. Fuck what a great place to work as a single man. If you had been in a relationship at the start It would have been worth it to break up (say over the job stress)

      1. The staff usually only stuck around a year or two before going back to their home countries, so HR was contantly recruiting new staff. I was the only American male on site and “drank deep from the well to quench my thirst” for a very long time. Heh.

  23. Just goes to show that women lack self-awareness or much capacity for “personal growth” that leads to wisdom. If women had good judgment the first time around, they would protect their sexual odometers instead of racking up mileage just because they can.

    1. Their judgement was mostly catered to the assumptive gullibility of men. What broad thought in her right mind, that men would ever use the fact that she was a liar, to piece together clues to make banging her easier? Like a good con artist, women mostly used lies and moved to a different town once the jig was up. They can’t escape with the internet.

      1. The easiest person to con is a con-man because he thinks he’s doing it to you. A woman is trying to con you into LTR or marriage by hiding her past, and you are conning the con by never intending to go that far, but just taking the sex that she offers.

  24. From my experience, most chicks into art whether they are talented or not tend to be very liberal.

      1. Yeah its a shame, as an artist myself it sucks not being able to find a woman to share the hobby with without having to be told about “white privilege” or the fairytale known as the wage gap.

  25. I see the art sluts all the time. It blends with the tattoos. They all gt piercings, draw to express their “deep” feelings, write their insights, and get tattoos to express themselves.
    The saddest part is that they do not have a self and will never find the tranquility they claim to seek.

    1. I went to a big art school in Georgia and it was full of these types. Only a small percentage of them actually get jobs in the business and only realize after graduation (with thousands of dollars in debt) that their art sucked. They later take out more student loans and move into health sector service jobs like M.A.s, Dental, or nursing.

    2. I thought I remember reading that artistic types (M or F) have higher dopamine levels and so have higher libidos and more prone to cheating and clock up more partners.

    1. I keep hearing this, not sure where it comes from. I used to help raise horses as a teen, my job to help me pay for frivolities like, for example, food and clothing. The women in the field all seemed pretty damned conservative and down to earth, not in the least bit what I’d call slutty. Is the “horsey” thing in reference to girls who just “like” horses or who has other people take care of one and she rides it every month or so? Never dated those types.

      1. Horses were transportation. Horsey girls are the modern equivalent of the tomboy auto garage honey or the Nascar track party girl. She hangs with the boys (plural). Stable and cowboy types of men can beta/chivalrous and the cowgirl types gravitate to the chivalrous man with the most perks. She trades men around like a square dance. Every horse girl I ever knew also rode and had happy feet, doing as she pleased hopping from relatipnship to relationship. They’re big haters of lesbian types of women so they try to prove their alpha pussy status by always being with one cowboy or another. They’re very slim on the feminine side with low reproduction. The tight wranglers prohibit copulation over riding. Real farm girls would rather wear a long dress, not ride, stay in the kitchen baking or step outside to quickly slaughter a chicken and then back to the stove.

        1. Yeah, I get a lot of those former types trying to hang around me and make mooney eyes.

      2. Horse women also, as Terrence Popp opines, will bankrupt you, as they are looking for someone to pay to house, feed, and maintain the horse. Horses are up there into “boat and airplane” toy upkeep.

        1. I wasn’t sure if it meant girls who want a horse and want you to pay for it, or actual horse wrangler and trainer type women. The professional women I knew were very simple, easy to get along with and professional, and downright conservative. The “buy me a horse!” types would get on my last nerve.

      3. Yeh some of my family is involved in the racing/training scene so I got to know a few and the women seemed very focused on horses/riding/business. They were very down to earth, no nonsense types, boots & jeans, no makeup and no interest in partying. Maybe its the suburban young women who own ponies/horses who that guy finds the DTF type for some reason. Maybe its all that up & down motion while sitting astride a horse that carries over into sex life.

        1. They were very down to earth, no nonsense types, boots & jeans, no makeup and no interest in partying.
          Those are the ones I’m talking about, same experience. I can’t think of a group less interested in fooling around or wasting time. They seem very, very focused.

    2. Do you mean women who love horses or women with horsey faces? To tell the truth, I think it applies to both.

  26. 7. Claims of having been raped at one time.
    8. Tramp stamp and/or other ink
    9. Has a somewhat strange notion of what makes a good man, or even worse (and creepy) she has high regards for a criminal/crazy dad or step-dad.
    10. Drug use. What makes a slut and what makes an addict are almost the same ingredients. You don’t need either type, one is not far from the other.

      1. When I worked in corrections it was interesting to walk past during visiting hours.

        1. I can beat that.
          Right after a professional DT job – she just comes from under the sheets and out of nowhere says :,, you’re the second guy”. Back then I was just a student – I burst into frantic laughter and she blushed like a broken radiator.

    1. Ah yes, the chick who was making out with her boyfriend under the bleachers in high school, then she “blacks out” and doesn’t remember anything. Heard that one before.

      1. Or, the one making out with a dude under the bleachers while her boyfriend was sitting on the other side watching a game.

    2. 11. Current or ex-military. Speaking as someone who served in units with women, it wasn’t uncommon for women in the barracks to be passed around from one dude to the next.
      12. Dyes her hair in any fashion. If you want a confident woman, she won’t constantly change the color of her hair to suit her moods. (This goes for the amount of makeup she puts on.)
      13. The psycho bitch stare. See image.

    3. Claims to have been molested as a child. This is her license to cheat and get out of the doghouse when she gets caught.

    4. Nr 10. !!!
      If she ever used them, you can check the whore box ( slut level has already been passed with 2-3 years before you made her acquaintance) . Her notch digits are near 100.

  27. Sometimes, and this is just an observation, any feminazi (my new word) who fights OVER THE TOP to defend “women’s rights” is really just defending her own right to sleep around.
    Any woman who says “it’s my body, and I can do what I want” or something of that nature has woken up more than the normal amount of times on the side of the bed that lies between some guy she met clubbing in the slums of Miami and an empty glass, streaked with red lipstick and wreaking of cheap vodka and desperation.

  28. I don’t get the call center thing. Never worked in one or even known anyone who has. What about it makes workplace sexual hookups “twice as rampant” as any other place?

  29. Girls who look like this are likely fucking their spotters
    Or, alternately, doing Clen.

  30. My friend once told me “All women are sluts, except my sister and mother and that’s only out of respect for my father” … I have yet to meet a good girl, the one my father always described as marriage material

    1. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I feel really bad for the few Millenial men who still own their own balls, these days.

      1. I’m moving. Once I get my house straightened, I am going to get more involved in town socially. Church, community theater, a running/triathlon group, volunteering, and I shoot in various groups. If I meet someone in one of those, or a friend of someone in one of those, so be it. If not, fine, but I’m not going to waste any time looking for anyone. I’m not a millenial, not by attitude and I’m a couple months too old, hah, but I just get a profound weariness when I think about any women I’ve met.

    2. That’s basically me. My mother and sister both met their husbands young and married young. Strong family unit with Catholic values. Of course one can never know for sure, which is why when chicks try and pull the wool over my eyes about their notch count I’m just laughing inside – “Bitch, I barely trust the women I’m related to were chaste until marriage, what makes you think I’m taking your word?”

  31. Pierced belly button – not only sign of a slut, but sign of a pro or wired to be one.

  32. In my experience the worst are:
    Nurses and also but to a lesser extent, doctors. Lots of lonely nights in the hospital, without nothing else to do, and a private place for the staff to rest.
    Flight attendants. Most of them know very well the nightlife in all the cities they use to fly to. And they have several free tickets to spend every year. Woman that travel a lot = slut.
    Girls working in sales. I don’t have the logic yet, but maybe it is because working in sales requires several traits like being very social and extrovert, that makes being a slut more likely for this women.
    But who cares, at the end of the day, every woman that is able to get away with it, will be a slut.
    In my opinion the only way we can make things change, is to all of us reject settling alltogether and letting society collapse. Which logically speaking doesn’t make sense at all. Invest all your resources in a woman, why? No wonder why women needed to restrict their own sexuality so much. It was them, not us, who always shamed sluts, for that reason, to put theirselves in their pedestals.

    1. Nurses and doctors getting together is a fantasy. However, I understand your white pantihose fantasies.

      1. No, not really. I know way more doctors and nurses than I should (my wife’s profession puts me in contact). I’ve seen first hand doctors and nurses fraternizing, sometimes even in a restroom stall in a high class restaurant. That shit happens way more than I think people realize, because I think most assumes it’s a fantasy thing.

    2. “Flight attendants. Most of them know very well the nightlife in all the cities they use to fly to. And they have several free tickets to spend every year. Woman that travel a lot = slut.”
      I’ve witnessed some unbelievable stuff by airline staff especially stewardesses wearing wedding rings in Japan. (Narita)
      Think about it they know all the places to pick up in every major city on their routes and nobody knows them!

      1. To further corroborate your wisdom,and enlighten anyone in a LTR with a flight attendant…
        While working/living over seas in various countries the past 10 years I fancied the tight bodied yet naughty FA for just that purpose alone…practice game and strengthen my newly adopted RP ideology and lifestyle (Thanks ROK and all you contributing members, shout out to GOJ). Needless to say, they played all the games we discuss on ROK and exhibit those traits or red flags. They are quite skilled at it and many a men fall prey to their game, only to become, or resonate, a BP beta behavior, choking on their own failures as a man while the money is depleted and nuts have retreated. I remember vividly the moment my RP decision was christened, no not by gaming a 10, but the night I threw a FA’s purse down the flight of stairs from of my pent house floor villa, her contents strewn everywhere over 3 floor levels. It was beautiful. Talk about a testosterone enhancing moment!, no squats or dead-lifts needed. I took a mild slap on the face (i was reliving the moment in slow motion in my head, she caught me off guard) but gentlemen she never ever came over UN-announced or UN-invited again, ever, and it crushed all SJW feminist man hating controlling nature within her and allowed me to control everything from then on forward in and outside the bedroom. Would I marry her, hell no, shes a whore, but she was now MY whore at MY disposal. I used to be a stupid beta. I wasn’t raised properly nor did I have good male examples. Nevertheless, RP ideology and behavior can, and must, be adopted and implemented in ones life. You are never too far gone gentlemen. It’s never too late.

  33. Number five with those “artist” types, I am aware of a former college colleague who moved from the city and now lives in the desert as a “water activist.” If anybody wants to explain what the fuck that is, I’m all ears.

    1. It’s somebody on the Left who doesn’t understand or refuses to understand the disastrous conservation policies of the EPA and how they create artificial water shortages in specific areas. Most of Cali has plenty of water, for example, but they have a “shortage” because every mud puddle is declared “protected wetland” if it has a single amoeba in it.

      1. “If government started a business in the desert soon there would be a shortage of sand.”
        Milton Friedman

  34. I’ve never seen more thousand cock stares than when I used to attend church (American Protestant). Every mother, wife, daughter, high school girl, college girl, grandmother, hell, even the Sunday school teachers had it. So if you’re looking for a good girl, you should probably steer clear of the modern American church, although hardcore Bible thumpers will tell you otherwise. You’ve been warned.

    1. I went to the Christmas service at a local church last year and a majority of the women there were dressed like they were going to a club.

      1. That’s probably because they were. Or to a local bar. Either way, they were probably all railed later that night.

        1. Muslims don’t recognize Jews. Catholics don’t recognize protestants.Baptists don’t recognize each other in the liquor store.

        2. “Muslims don’t recognize Jews”? Muslims are obsessed with Jews. Jews play a central role in the Qur’an. Hell, every other passage seems to be directed at Jews.

        3. There’s an account where Mohammad executed 88 Jews in one day, enslaved the women, and then forced the children to live with Muslim families and convert. I’ve also read reports that until the Nazis met with the Arabs prior to WW2, they had just planned to export all the Jews out of the country. After their meeting they were talked into full genocide.

        4. Yep, Haj Amin Al-Husseini (or however the fuck you spell his name) collaborated with Hitler and actually planned to establish concentration camps in the Palestine Mandate had the Axis powers won WWII.
          As for Mo, the Banu Qurayza of what is now Saudi Arabia in the 7th century were executed by Muhammad for not submitting to the sword.

    2. A former co-worker of mine said his brother used to do the rounds of local churches simply to pickup and was having great time. This guy was fat and not so good looking so I assume his brother was similar but he said it he was doing well juggling multiple church going pickups. It was not my style to fake interest in god and go to sermon’s just to score women that I would expect are looking for LTRs mainly. Are you sure you are not mistaking the TCS for just some sort of serious reverent/devout demeanor? Unless they were giving you lots of IOIs and doing flirting with you or dropping comments about wanting a good man and sick of all the losers they keep meeting (ie hooking up with) then they still might be ‘not that sort of girl’.

      1. I can attest that it was the TCS and it is rampant. I know from personal experience that I have a better chance of getting laid going to a church function than going to a night club. And I never feigned interest in God. The girls knew that I liked to go out and wasn’t really into the church aspect. When I ran that game a couple years back, betas tried to shame me every chance they got because the girls flirted with me and not them.
        There are still some very innocent girls at churches, don’t get me wrong, but they are few and far between. And they are also hungry for masculine men. It’s amazing how thirsty and pathetic some church going betas can be. They work extra hard to sabotage any guy who shows any interest in the girls they have high school crushes on.
        The TCS is rampant because “reformed sluts” feel welcome there, and they have this confused notion that they’ll meet a good guy there. What ends up happening is they get relentlessly pursued by thirsty, desperate betas while a handful of guys like me come in and feast. They’ll eventually meet a “good guy”, aka a guy with resources to wife them up and make them feel special. All while claiming to be born again virgins.

        1. Interesting. I would not have thought it. I’d like to see an article on church game. I know why you are there but dont you have to act spiritual at least otherwise aren’t they going to say why are you here, or my guess is they are so keen to have new faces show up that they just assume you are god fearing and dont pressure you on your beliefs.
          If you have some swagger and are single I can see your appeal to the churchy women given the nature of the men there, though religion does promote the beta spirit to an extent – the meek shall inherit the earth, become one of the flock, turn the other cheek, etc. If the beta church going dudes get a whiff of you being there more for their women than the good lord, I bet they get cheesed off.
          As for reformed sluts. Ive known a few and would not have any interest in them now that they have ‘matured’ and are now after a good gentleman. They settle down with guys that they would not have had the time of day for in their short skirt days. I would get that they would have the TCS and are now looking for a gentleman who knows how to treat a lady but I guess because of their past they still fall for the same triggers that made them DTF in their past and if they see you at church they think they are getting one of the good ones. Are they hard to keep things just casual with?

  35. In 2016, assume she’s had more dick than the urinals at Yankee Stadium. If she hasn’t, consider it a bonus, like finding $10 in the street.

  36. Speaking of chicks to workout hard.. my nephew is a PT at a hardcore gym (he completes in bodybuilder comps), and quite a few of his clientele are just like the chick pictured. He confided that women who workout this hard have a much higher testosterone level, making them much more aggressive, especially sexually. He’s also single. If he’s not spending half his time smashing pussy, I’ll need to have a serious talk with the boy.

    1. I thought so as well re women and testosterone; it seems that the high activity level in the more adventurous types makes them more wiling to screw around.

  37. The “4. She is or has worked in a call center” can apply to almost any work.

    1. I think the older gal with the “come hither” look in the last pic is far more preferable. Both look like they’re willing to do anything.

  38. If she lives alone, she lives like the Toxic Avenger. It’s like these skirts prefer to live in landfill-and-horsefly conditions

  39. I am glad I have been married 25 years. I actually understand the MGTOW folk a little more.

  40. So right on the call center thing – I was a manager at one for five years. Almost every woman there that wasn’t over 55 was looking and most times getting. Didn’t matter if they were married, had kids, anything.

  41. Been mentioned before, but TRAVEL. If she’s a big traveler she’s been ground out by more dick than patient zero.

    1. Depends. If she’s never traveled before and you marry her up and she likes to travel when you take her places, that’s actually pretty fun. But yeah, I know what you meant.

  42. Fellas, just trust me on this…sometimes those untalented artsy types…they’re simply insane. Not slutty, just nutty.

      1. Pro tip, right there. Psychology and social work. They’re working through their own issues by trying to learn how to help others. Almost definitionally bent in the brain.

    1. “Fellas, just trust me on this…sometimes those untalented artsy types…they’re simply insane. Not slutty, just nutty”
      You are correct good sir.
      Watch “Art School Confidential (1/9) Movie CLIP – Art School Clichés (2006) HD” on YouTube

      1. I went to SCAD from 2002-2006. It was right before the influx of feminism into the school (but was starting to show it’s ugly head). I met a ton of these types of girls. A lot of them came from pretty well off families and didn’t even need to be in college as they would just coast by until they got married. One girl I dated was there just to get a useless degree cause her billionaire parents wanted her in school. Total nutcase, but crazy in the sack!

      2. Both total psychos above, but if I’d have to pick, I’d give the chick with the stuffed animals a slight advantage; she looks like the eager type.

  43. You have no fucking idea how hard I laughed at #5. I’m talking drink on the monitor. As a working graphic designer and artist I tend to attract a lot of artsy chicks. And I can say that the girls who invite me to their place after just meeting me or on the first date usually have their shitty “art” all over the walls.
    What bugs me about it, though, is how much of an ego they have surrounding it. I have no doubt that the dozens of other guys the average “artsy” girl has brought through her bedroom have all complimented her on her “skills” in order to butter her up for sex. So when I ask them if they made so-and-so I can expect to have my ear talked off about their “masterpiece”. Meanwhile I know that to improve my craft I have to remain critical of myself and my own work, and I know this mindset has allowed me to make a good living off my talents. It’s the Dunning-Kruger Effect in pure living color.
    In short, my theory is that these girls know they have nothing to offer except their vaginas so they have to create some facade that makes them seem intelligent or talented and show that they do, indeed, do other things than take it anally from strangers.

    1. “. Meanwhile I know that to improve my craft I have to remain critical of myself and my own work, and I know this mindset has allowed me to make a good living off my talents. It’s the Dunning-Kruger Effect in pure living color”
      Good point. I think male artists who are good have a side of them that allows for critical thinking to expands their talents.

      1. This extends to any artist. I used to be in the gallery world for a few years and the least talented artists, regardless of gender, had to double down on their ego or “artist statements” to justify their garbage work. Truly great art doesn’t need an explanation and if the artist has an ego it’s at least justified. Spoiler alert: The great artists rarely had egos.

        1. “Spoiler alert: The great artists rarely had egos”
          Did you work in the nyc art scene? Your experience dounds s8milar to mine in the big spple. Didn’t Picasso have an ego?

        2. Yeah NYC – I think it was Julian Schnable(spelled?) said that most successful artists spend much less time in their studios snd more time at the coke parties social engineering their contacts. Then one has to wonder if, to be duccessful is like in the recent article by roosh who stated that succeed means having to participate in satanic rituals, eat the feces of those in power, and suck off a horse or something. I always struggled and maybe the satanic shit might exist in the art word.

        3. It’s all money, and whoever spends the most money on art sets the trends, pure and simple. Artists who hang around rich UWS coke parties and hob-nob with the rich are more likely to have their work sold to rich people. Quality takes a backseat with this model.

        4. “Artists who hang around rich UWS coke parties and hob-nob with the rich are more likely to have their work sold to rich people. Quality takes a backseet”
          That is more or less tolerable, but I’m hoping one doesn’t have to blow a goat or some shit to apease those controlling the art world.
          The article (link below) is on the anti-semitic side, so my apologies in advance, I’m not anti semitic, I did notice how the author esentially stated that one better be willing to let the art world elites fuck your wife if you want to be successful artist: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Darkmoon-ArtII.html

  44. the 1000 cock stare? lol.. I do agree on the recently divorced… did about 10 of those. Its like shooting fish in a freezer.

  45. #2 for sure. One of the few nines I banged was a tight Ukrainian girl that worked out and instructed at one of those gyms. 4’11”, 95 lbs, and had an excellent feminine muscle tone. She invited me there a few times and I saw pure magnificence. That place was an absolute fuckfest. It quickly opened my eyes up to the truth about chicks pumping iron at these meat factories. I noticed that the guys there did not need to speak much game. It all came from their masculinity. Think about that.

  46. Playing hide the sausage with the one with TCS or slut tattoo be like throwing a broomstick down a hallway.

  47. Soooo it’s okay for guys to “slay” but if a girl has more than one sexual partner, she’s a slut???

      1. Are we going to discuss that at all or is that the only “proof” you have for your argument?

        1. It has been discussed thousands of times , but you’re not from here. You wish to say that there is a double standard. And i answered you , yes there’s a double standard. Who says there shouldn’t be ? Males value different things , females value different things.

        2. And by narrow-minded you mean to say that people who don’t accept whores and equality of the sexes are narrow-minded. Please enlighten us in your progressive views where male and female are both alike and equal. We are the only species on this planet that propagates this nonsense ideology. Male’s and female’s roles in society were always well established. And female’s role is not to be a whore.
          Edit : if you truly are a male and you have these views of equality , spend a little more time here , see the truth and it shall set you free. Your ways of defending sluttery will be your own downfall.

        3. First of all, sexual dimorphism has not always been the deciding factor for which the “dominant” gender is. Second of all, why shouldn’t the genders be equal even though their physical characteristics are slightly different? And that is a blatant lie. Even species of primates “propagate this nonsense ideology”.

        4. Just one more thing. Homo sapiens, us, are the most advanced species on this planet (that we know of) why shouldn’t we be different from the other species that inhabit the Earth?

        5. Who says there should be? That’s the real question here. You are using circular reasoning. real helpful to an argument

        6. My takeaway is that if she owns her home, lives alone, rides motorcycles, and owns call centres, she must be a slut. Boo you whore!

        7. Advanced , yes. Only because of two things : opposite digits on our hands and complex language patterns. Both of these got us up the animal ladder , else we’re one of the weakest species ever to exist on this planet. If you accept that we are different from other species , why don’t you accept that we’re different from females as well ? Being both human you propose that it automatically means we are also equal ?

        8. I’m not defending sluts. What I am defending is tolerance for one. You don’t have to marry these women you deem as sluts and you most certainly don’t have to pursue them and then punish them for being your definition of a “slut”. Slut shaming isn’t going to change anything. Our culture created these “sluts” as you call them. The more casual sex becomes, the more “sluts” are created. And who is to blame but the men who are constantly going around “slaying”. What do they expect. There is not an endless amount of women on this planet, so how can this culture continue without creating a whole world of “sluts”.

        9. If she is cooking daily , cleaning , raising intelligent kids and going to church , does that mean she’s a good girl ? Not obligatory , but it sure is a sign. You see what i mean ?

        10. Also, the role of a female was never “not to be a whore”. It was to reproduce so their species survives. What better way to reproduce? ay?

        11. Equality doesn’t mean that we are not different. Also, the weakest? That’s not quite true. Our ancestors were very strong, it’s modern life and basically the discovery of agriculture that has made our species weak.

        12. “And who is to blame but the men who are constantly going around “slaying”.”
          You see how you managed to shift the blame to men ? Dude it’s not like they get raped. It’s consensual sex. Are they not responsible just because they’re women ?

        13. lol at sluttery. new favorite word. It’s like wizardry but somehow better. Thanks.

        14. This is my point exactly. Did I mention rape? No. They consented (as an equal) to have sex with their male partner. An act that females enjoy presumably as much as males do. Why does this immediately make them dirty? untouchable? Where is the logic in this. Past sexual partners is always a touchy topic when it comes to relationships. It is fine to have a preference for a woman who hasn’t had many other sexual partners but that’s one person’s opinion. It shouldn’t be some standard that all women are held to. And they are responsible because they are women. They face way more potentially negative repercussions from sex anyway.

        15. Just popped by while drinking coffee before I steam the floors and do other chores before I go to work. I found it amusing that women living alone was deemed a slut tell. Is this article sarc or serious? So many sluts, so little time.

        16. I respectfully disagree. When it comes to being completely unarmed and face-to-face with 90% of the species of this planet , we lose. Without weapons , armor or segregation from the wild , we would all be running around hiding in trees. What can you do armless against a lion , a tiger , a hypo , an orangutan , a bear , a shark , hell , even some spiders and snakes. How about wasps ? You see what i mean ?
          Later edit : how many years does a human baby take to be a viable for self-defense against others ? They can’t walk and they shit themselves for the first 2 years of their life … and deer start running from day one , and they’re 100% prey material. What makes us then ? People are afraid of dogs for pete’s sake , and you say we’re not weak ?

        17. 90% of the planet. really. where did you get that statistic? your ass? Duh we do not have the strength to fend off these huge, well-evolved, mammals. And running around hiding in trees is EXACTLY what early Homos (not what you’re thinking xD) did. Also, the fact that we have put these animals into check (so to speak) is why strength and these physical characteristics shouldn’t really be a part of our little “equality” discussion here. and the difference in strength between males and females is soooo minuscule compared to these other very dangerous creatures you mentioned.

        18. Yes it does make them dirty. Do you know where the flaw lies ? Believing that women think like us. The more sexual partners a man had , the more they are wanted and respected by future women. It’s preselection. Men want faithful , nurturing , fertile women , it’s in our genes. Many sexual partners for a man means he has a lot of experience , many sexual partners for a woman means instability and a future potential for unfaithfulness and cuckoldry.

        19. I already mentioned. Physical capabilities are really not a huge factor of this equality discussion. We take longer to mature because, well, we are primates. That’s just part of their gestation characteristics. We are all about the brains. and we are predators which is exactly why our offspring don’t need to be immediately ready to flee an attacker. A baby lion wouldn’t be able to defend itself against a wildebeest or a water buffalo. They would get trampled. A baby gorilla, although undoubtedly strong at maturity, would not be able to beat down a leopard.

        20. That’s society talking, friend. Where do you think those came from? There is a teensy bit of evidence from a biological standpoint considering chimps live in packs with a dominant male (and many lesser males, many with even lower status than the females *gasp*) and a harem of females that he reproduces with. This setup isn’t recommended if you want viable offspring because of the many mutations after the gene pool shrinks up. We base our decisions for sexual partners on how “fit” or ready for reproduction they are. it is true, males that have had many sexual partners are seen as fit for reproduction because they have already proven themselves many times but if the men are selecting fit women, what are you leaving for marriage? unfit? I’m unsure of what was desired from this.

        21. So are you not ok with this whole marriage thing? The only way your system would work is if no one was ever looking to settle down. So why bother trying.

        22. and it’s actually not because of those two things. it’s because somewhere along the line, we (not homo sapiens but a distant common ancestor) started to walk on two legs. This led to growth in brain capacity which led to our speech capabilities and it’s just a whirlwind of improvements from there. Opposable thumbs is a trait shared by many lesser primates yet they haven’t made it this far.

        23. Don’t worry Matt the majority of these guys are just salty losers. Let them enjoy their little circle jerk while the rest of society gets on and ignores their bullshit

        24. The best way to reproduce is to have a child and take care of it while the father provides the sustenance and protection needed to raise the child safely.
          Thanks for playing.

        25. You’re the type of fuck wit who says that and yet keeps coming back time and time again to say the same thing. I wish you would fuck off once and for all time but it ain’t gunna happen is it shit for brains?

        26. “Matt” is obviously a woman, if you didn’t pick up on that by now. Actions shouldn’t have consequences, you know. It’s not fair.

        27. The two human sexes have been optimised differently and have different behavioural traits. The most notable difference is that the male leads and the female follows. This is biologically determine. Like anything it can be perverted. But naturally and ideally, this is the behaviour.
          Because the two sexes have evolved together, each will benefit most by finding a mate in their natural role. As a follower, loyalty is of great value; as a leader less so. Therefore, promiscuity, which is indicative of disloyalty, is permissible for males but not for females. Furthermore, as sexual experience increases, so to does a males confidence and his ability to sexually dominate a female. This intensifies his distinctively masculine traits.
          That’s one explanation but who cares. I don’t like sluts and anything to help me avoid them is welcome.
          I don’t believe you are genuine in your attacks on the article and on us readers. It seems to me that you have a feminist based belief system and everything we say conflicts with it. This is the only way ideologies like feminism can survive. They must silence their opposition and call them “offensive” because they cannot rely on the strength of their argument.

        28. Yes of course it’s a woman. I find it hard to believe that a man could be this level of white knight. It’s over 9000.

        29. “because they cannot rely on the strength of their argument.”. What argument ? They don’t have any arguments. They’re all like ” i don’t like what you say and you need to shut up because i say so and i’m right because i’m right ”.

        30. “I’m not defending sluts. What I am defending is tolerance for one. You don’t have to marry these women you deem as sluts”
          You’re defending tolerance for sluts and in the same sentence not tolerate marrying one. That right there tells me you yourself wouldn’t tolerate one.

        31. “I found it amusing that women living alone was deemed a slut tell.”
          It’s not always, but when coupled with other factors. I.e., the context of the situation of a given woman.
          Plenty of older women are living alone (sadly) and are not sluts. It all depends.
          He is right, I have seen living alone as an indicator for those women who I am confident are sluts.
          Healthier women are (typically) in stable relationships and/or with a family in place.

        32. our species is better for female infidelity. If it takes many generations to evolve a trait, then women must have always done it. Why else would men evolve sperm that specialize in destroying other men’s sperm? The strongest survivors fertilize the egg

        33. I’ve known some total bitches that fulfill those criteria. Great wives and mums, I’m sure, but not good company

        34. No. It’s safe with you here you ineffectual moron. I wish you would fuck of and die because you are a nuisance.

        35. Is it really ghosty pal? I can’t agree with that. Although that may be the ideal family, that is definitely not how the reproduction cycle works. Also, if we are going there, how often do the fathers abandon their family therefore not providing for them or protecting them with their machoness? Thank you. for your invalid reply.

        36. K friend. So to tolerate a homosexual person you would have to marry them? Or to tolerate other races you would have to have a relationship with them?(y’all won’t get this one because everyone on this website is probably racist as well as sexist) The answer is no. You obviously don’t know what tolerance is probably because you have never exercised it in yourself.

        37. This is simply not accurate. There have been plenty of cultures where the female leads. Just because the Greeks didn’t have any leading females doesn’t mean that society has been this way forever. I mention this because our modern society is based off the Greeks for their influence was major. And when exactly have I said anyone’s opinion is “offensive”. The answer is not recently, thank you very much. I have been opposing you (and the rest of the readers) with facts. It is funny that you say this because that’s actually the only way you (and the other readers) can exist with your opinions.

        38. “the state of being male or female” literal definition of “gender” Go fuck yourself, thanks

        39. Go fuck yourself. Gender is a political movement of the 20th century dictionary dickhead.

        40. I suppose u think cows lead bulls and hens lead roosters etc etc. u are only saying what u are saying because u were told to by feminists when u were very young and it is politically correct. Instead of being the teachers pet, Have the courage to just call it as it is.

        41. When a woman gets a man who has had sexual relations with many women to commit to HER. It means she has won, she is superior to all those other women. When a man has to get in a relationship with a woman who has had sex with a lot of other men to get her to be with him it means he is inferior to all the other men she had sex with without requiring a committment.

        42. But winding you up is soooooo easy, thus amusing for me. Thanks for responding cupcake 😉

        43. Contrary to your beliefs, I was raised in a very small town with equally small-minded people. Extremely conservative and also very obsessed with church. And obviously I do not believe your barnyard cliches (cows lead bulls, and hens lead roosters ets.. in case you forgot) and no thank you very much for choosing anecdotes that only support your case and none of the many, and there are many, cases that would disprove your very weak stance you have decided to take. and lol at “courage”. how hilarious

        44. You obviously care deeply about this little word of the english language. I’m sorry you are so OFFENDED by my use of it. Woah, is there someone else other than a liberal and/or feminist that is getting offended by something insignificant? guess so. I’m sorry that I am stomping all over your fragile beliefs.

        45. I’m offended by your ignorance. “Gender” refers to sex traits that are theorized to be fluid and socially constructed. The way you just say “gender” like it’s just a word shows that you have no idea what we are all talking about! The whole philosophy here is that the word “gender” can’t be used because it refers to something that we don’t believe exists (socially constructed and fluid sex traits). We believe that the behavioral traits of the two sexes are hard wired. They can never be switched. Any medical attempt to do so would leave the patient as simply an interfered with member of their original sex (assuming they survive). Similarly, any indoctrination method simply leaves the person and a brainwashed and perhaps deluded member of their original sex.
          “Gender” was originally used in grammar to refer to the literal pronunciation of words as being associated with one or other of the sexes. As “Gender Theory” began to grow in popularity along with feminism, the word “gender” was used more and more widely, beyond the field or grammar, to describe actual people rather than just the words themselves.
          Get it!?

  48. I see. No room for the other side of the argument. Let’s just shut down anyone who has a different opinion so we can continue in our narrow-minded way of life.

  49. A big red flag is also if she is of mixed race or hangs around with people of different ethnicities. She will adopt the negative aspects of both cultures. For example a half black chick will be slutty and extrovert but will refuse to cook, clean or respect you in any way. Both sides will secretly hate her or find her ironically amusing

  50. ‘an inevitable ramification of taking different cocks’ Excuse the pun.

  51. That bit about the call centers had me laughing! So true. Every call center I worked at was ripe hunting ground and I took full advantage of the benefits. It’s so easy! You already have common ground in that you both work there and passionately hate the place and you spend 8 or so hours a day with each other. That’s not counting activities outside the office – going out for a few beers after your shifts, holiday parties, etc. Highly recommended.

  52. Guys are so confusing — they push girls to sleep with them. When a girl doesn’t put out fast enough, they typically dump her — yet guys don’t want girls who are too easy.
    I don’t quite understand why guys don’t want girls who are sluts — a slutty girl could teach a guy a trick or two in bed.

    1. When you’re horny and want sex, not a relationship, you want a girl that is easy. Do the deed and you’re happy. Girls get dumped when they don’t put out because we’re horny and just want sex.
      We don’t want to marry girls that are too easy. It means that once we commit to her, she’ll sleep with another guy just as easy.
      Get it Smart Chick?

      1. I still don’t get it — if a girl was a slut in the past but is currently committed to you, why would the past matter?

        1. Because she’s irreparably damaged. It’s the type of woman she is, her character, lack of values, and more that make her unworthy of a long-term relationship. It is inevitable terrible things will come from them.
          It is an incredibly naive idea I see pushed by some women or “male feminists” (white knight types) that a woman’s promiscous past has no bearing on how she’ll be in the long term. Very foolish, as proven time and time again.
          Women a man can respect and would be safer to long-term (LTR) or marry would not engage in promiscous sex, drugs, have personality disorders/sense of entitlement, be ok with “divorce culture”, etc.
          Pretty much common sense, although unfortunately many men are thirsty, foolish simps who are willing to put a ring on those types.
          As men sometimes say: Some women are good for fun, some are the marrying type.

        2. The reason is men find the idea that our significant other was a cum dumpster in the past repulsive. Don’t ask why. Men just do. Just like you women find nice, timid men repulsive as a husband.

        3. Just like women say that some men are the husband type and some men are the boyfriend type.

        4. That last post I gave was an actual statement from a woman’s mouth in the midst of a divorce.

        5. You just provided me with another red pill truth why men and women are not equal.
          A woman doesn’t mind a man with a “slutty” past as long as he is committed to her. In fact, she prefers one so he can lead in the bedroom. She is repulsed by the virgin man.
          So women think that women and men should think the same way, act in ways that women find attractive in men. Likewise, some men act sweet toward women thinking that since men like those qualities in women, she should also find those qualities attractive in a guy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

        6. I have heard a few women also make that analogy as well plus read it in articles directed at women. There is fun guy type, boyfriend type, settle down for marriage type, and I don’t doubt in the hookup culture today lots of women have it. Plenty of women though will try to turn the fwb fuck guy into a boyfriend.

        7. They’ll try to turn the FWB guy into a boyfriend when others find out she’s his booty call. So to not appear to be a slut, she’ll want to make him her bf.

        8. I think it is sometimes that. I think most women get a heads up early from their NSA guy that he is not looking for anything serious, but they are happy to go with it as it suits their current mindset or he is hotter than what they could get for a bf. A lot of women are not good at having sex with the same guy a number of times without becoming emotionally attached, especially if he is decent looking guy, is a great lover, and does other non sex activities with her so its not just a fuck n go type thing. I also find with some women, to avoid any rep as just a fun time girl that they will describe their FWB/F-buddies as boyfriends to others or just keep it a bit vague and just describe him as ‘some new guy I’m dating’ since it sounds better than saying ‘some new guy I’m fucking’.

        9. The past is always an indicative of true personality. People don’t change beyond basic personality adjustments here and there. Once on the carousel , always on the carousel. Past unfaithfulness and promiscuity equal future unfaithfulness and promiscuity.

        10. I would argue that yes , it does. Contrary to popular opinion , it’s not that easy to make a mistake. Not making a mistake requires previous thought about our future actions and in 99% of the time that saves us from making said mistake. Making it usually means choosing to make it , either by literally ignoring our brains telling us not to do something or just missing the signs.
          If a girl cheats on you and says sorry , it was a mistake , i was drunk , does that mean that she accidentally fell on the cock ? Because anything else is her own choosing and not a mistake.

        11. Alright think of it this way, why is a Bentley more valuable than a Honda Civic? I mean they both get you from point A to point B right? Well very few people have the luxury to experience sitting in a Bentley let alone drive one, hell even see one in person. It is seen as unique and exotic, and seen as a dream car because most people will never get to experience it in their lifetime. Anyone can own a Honda Civic, you see them everywhere, your friend would have no issues loaning you his Honda Civic with 200,000 miles on it. You don’t have to work very hard to purchase a Honda Civic.

      2. Plenty of women are savvy to this though and its easy enough to play the sure thing, funloving, DTF girl for a guy they probably know is above their league/too much of player to stick around, but when it comes time for a relationship or they come across a guy that they feel would be good bf material, they will switch to sweet, likes romance and wants to take things a bit slow type wholesome girl routine. She will tell her NSA lovers about all her kinky adventures, but good bf material guy wont hear of all her Tinder pussy smashing dates.

      3. It’s like a singer says : “if she wasn’t with you , she would’ve cheated on him with you”.

    2. I don’t understand it either. I can do the ‘friends with benefits’ thing quite well and could do it the rest of my life quite easily. It’s others looking for what they consider to be “marriagable” women. No fault divorce kinda screws that up so roll with it. It’s the whole “if life gives you lemons make lemonade” thing.

    3. A slutty girl could teach a low experience beta guy a thing or too. I have found plus also reading other men’s comments online that high notch count girls does not necessarily = great lover. Some of the ones I have slept with were passive in bed and I had to initiate most of the action. There are your maneater slutty women and also your insecure submissive, fucking for validation slutty women. The former type who is more sexually aggressive definitely could teach a low experience guy a thing or two. A lot of women though dont want to be in that lead role. As part of their hypergamy they dont want to have to teach the guy, they want him to be a better lover, dominate her and give her great experiences. Also some women will be a freak in the sack for a hot an hunky guy when it comes to nsa sex, but if they end up with avg joe beta shmoe that unbridled enthusiasm for no holes/holds barred action can easily fade, and beta guy wont get to experience her full tilt slut side.
      By the same token, I have heard from a number of women that players also dont necessarily make great lovers either. You can score with lots of women but still be narrow in your technique, arrogant, selfish or inconsiderate in bed, quick to cum, etc.

    4. If a girl is promiscuous and the guy knows her past but she doesn’t put up fast enough for him , he will dump her. We don’t want girls who are to easy , but they have to be not easy for everyone , not only for us , because what would that say about her attraction if we knew she slept with guys on date one in the past and we are at date 3 and she still didn’t ?
      My point is don’t act like virgin mary without being one , we can smell that and walk away. You can’t be somebody else’s whore but my personal nun because you decided to not put out so easily all of a sudden.

      1. “My point is don’t act like virgin mary without being one , we can smell that and walk away. You can’t be somebody else’s whore but my personal nun because you decided to not put out so easily all of a sudden”
        Very well put.

        1. Marijuana rules do not apply with pussy !!
          If you can smell it across the room it is not good !!

    5. “smart chick”? is that like an oxymoron? You don’t know anything new that a guy can’t see 3,000 times a day on the internet. It takes a master to open any lock, while a lock that can be opened by any key is a shitty lock. Rules of the universe, not mine sweetie.

  53. 8. She fetishizes black (or other colored) men. In other words, a lover of BBCs, night rider, queen of spades – whatever you want to call them. It’s mainly the fetishizing of them, compared to how she reacts to other type of guys, that, in my experience, prove to be another indicator. Big time.

    1. Hippies are the worst, it’s all about free love haha, and yes BBC lovers have most likely been passed around the homies.

  54. Im sorry but your analysis on sluts is a little much. I am a female, I live alone because I work for a living and there have been times I have painted or colored pictures….do I call myself the next Leonardo da Vinci? No, cause I know that my work is crap. The last time I painted a canvas was to decorate my townhome and that’s all it has ever amounted to.

      1. I understand but how is that being a slut? I live alone cause I work so I can take care of myself. I do art cause it’s an interest, why is that being a slut? I know the art work is shit and I ain’t trying to sell it so who cares? Again, I know what my limitations are so what do you have to say?

      1. No, you have no clue what I do in my life on a day to day basis, just cause I fit a few criteria doesn’t mean slutdome.
        The art thing is ridiculous. I am sure women have their reasons for getting into it. I personally like the way certain colors look together. Honestly though, articles like this make me not want to pursue it as an interest if there is such a stereotype for a female to do this as a hobby.
        The living alone thing, I can see for the simple fact that there is no accountability to anyone. This is true for anyone living alone though , male or female. There is nothing I can do about this though if I am to make a living to pay bills.
        Thank you for this perspective on things. It’s another lesson on how things could look to another who doesn’t know you from Adam.

  55. I liked this one very spot on donovan i also appreciate ur sense of humor you always crack me up dude rofl.

  56. “my room mate Is getting paid HOURLY. ninety-eight$ on the internet.”….two days ago new McLaren P2 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here!oi2141➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsDesign/GetPaidHourly98$…. .❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:::::!oi2141…

  57. Do you guys know why some black people are in favor of feminism? I was arguing with a Professor and he said, “Black people don’t support anti-feminism”. Also a lot of comments in Facebook are from black guys who criticize those who don’t believe in feminism. Is the feminist narrative even more drilled in black communities?

  58. So, to sum it up, you want women to be unnaturally fit, but you think we are “sluts” if we exercise? Makes sense… Not.
    Furthermore, why is it acceptable for men to sleep around as much as they like, often getting praised for it, yet if a woman has more than one sexual partner, she is called a “slut”? If no women are willing to have more than one sexual partner, where would all of YOU sluts find people to sleep with?
    Finally, why are men allowed to wear hugely revealing clothing, but women aren’t?

    1. Men do not respect women who give it up easily, but men will take full advantage of the opportunity if it’s presented. If she does not give it up so easily then they will respect her wishes by either sticking around to form a relationship, or else leaving for an easier target. Men have greater respect for these women, because these women make better wives and mothers for their children. They use the former for fun, the latter for family. It’s up to you which you decide to be, and thus how you will be percieved.
      There would be no players if all women kept themselves pure and wholesome.

      1. there’d also be an awful lot of sexually frustrated wholesome women. Everyone married at 17? Assuming you were lucky enough to find the right one…

        1. There is no right one, they are all the same.
          Pick out one the shape you like, impregnate, and job done.
          Once you’ve had more than a few, you understand they are completely interchangeable, essentially a womb with a hole.

    2. I like tight fitting clothes on fit women, loose fitting clothes on the larger ones. One that I can trust only wants to be with me, and treats me like the man that I am..
      The slut label should be used as behavioral description only.

    3. It’s economic and I don’t expect you to understand it. Womens value plummets as her number of partners increases or her looks depreciate. Men’s value goes up with age and with number of partners among other things. Men and women do not derive their value in the world of attraction from the same source.

      1. Also depends on which country u r in, I guess. In my country, 40+ men usually don’t take care of themselves and just basically look like shit. Younger men have more value.

    4. It takes a lot less work for a women to get laid. If she takes anything that is thrown at her, she is a slut. Men have to hunt, generally most men won’t have multiple women walk up to them at a bar and offer to buy them drinks.

  59. The Splattered butterfly Vagina. What looks like a butterfly shot with a shotgun. Then you know you have a real winner

  60. She’s over thirty and keeps getting tattoos. Biggest red flag ever.

  61. When you say hi.. And she says she doesn’t mess with anything shorter than 12

  62. Heard of “Slutwalk” but never understood it. Just read up on it, know their arguments and shit. . .And I still don’t understand it. Women are retarded. Don’t wanna be raped, but want to be respected for getting gang-banged.

  63. Well with the state of Michigan leading the nation in sluts, this information don’t surprise me.

  64. Tom Leykis used to say girls who smoke are sluts. Women who are into self destructive habits are indeed sluts.

    1. – Piercings
      – Tattoo’s
      – Excessive alcohol (3+ drinks a week)
      – On the pill when not in a relationship (big red flag)
      And even this one:
      – takes the car instead of walking for 5 minutes on a sunny day.
      Maybe you don’t get that last one, but you will when you see a woman who is too lazy for even the minute psychical activity. A marker for an unhealthy future. Both physically and mentally.

    1. Hot girl growing up in a poor ass eastern block country, moves to America and lands a Billionaire 20 plus years older that her. No never, can’t be.

  65. This is helpful to me, and know I’m more knowledgeable about the Thousand Cock Stare.

  66. 1. Or maybe she’s a full time college student who’s too busy to have any real social life and got an apartment to have a space to herself to study without distractions?

      1. Someone who saved up, has higher socioeconomic status, or is simply smart with their money. I live by myself in an apartment and am currently in college. I worked hard for years to save money, get scholarships, and shop smart so I can afford my education and living expenses

        1. Well damn. Sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. Also, I wasn’t talking to you. My earlier response was answering a question to explain how I can afford my educational and living expenses.

      2. I can. I save money on school expenses because I applied for every scholarship and financial aid I could. I also have worked hard to save money and shopped around for the best deal for rent. I live in an area where apartment rent is not very expensive.

      3. Some parents help with college expenses. Also, I think living off campus can be cheaper, less noisy, and have more comfortable bedding to sleep on.

  67. I recently dumped a girl twenty something y.o who was unemployed but worked at a callcenter previously. She had a pierced tongue and when I met her she unpeeled like an union when I talked about her experiences with men. She even admitted she once was in a threesome. She was on some kind of anti-depression medication. Almost all her friends were lesbian couples. She lived alone and I saw a multitude of different dating apps on her phone when she grabbed the device and unlocked it. Needless to say, after 3 months I had it. She was very jealous and suspicious of me. If I said I would go to the bar with a buddy she would flip. She quit smoking for me, but when I met her she did smoke. That’s also a slut-sign. Dumped that crazy biatch. Never been happier that a fling ended.
    Why did you breakup, my mother asked. Well, for a man to quit a relationship he just compares the pro’s and con’s together. It’s not about emotion I guess. But this is something women will never get.

    1. I accidentally picked up smoking just by keeping smokes on me for whores I met at the bar. Note, Keep a classy lighter like a Zippo even after you quit, and use it in the outdoors smoking areas where all the real action happens, bonus if its really cold out. Stay away from Menthol smokers (mudsharks) and roll your owners (single moms) or at least just be aware what your dealing with.

  68. Actually fat girls are the sluttiest. More cushion for the pushin’.

        1. Are you alright darlin’??
          Hope that she isn’t a relative to you and you are in a way much better shape…!
          Don’t get offended / triggered / or whatnot, it’s not worth it here on this website! :))
          Just keep the carbs under control and you’ll be fine!

        2. I’m fine. I’m just grossed out by that picture.
          I’m a cute little blond, and I’m in great shape!
          I love this website. I’m glad you guys here stand up for yourselves and don’t take any crap from (feminist) women.
          Keep it up!
          If a woman doesn’t take care of herself and looks like a pig, why can’t a man say so?
          I’m sure if some nit wit feminist saw that picture she would say that mutt was beautiful.

        3. It is good to know that Miss Stephens! 🙂
          I didn’t mean to offend You but having this hangman humour of Mine ( ..which is the best friend through the years… ) is flipping the fuse very often!
          Though I don’t agree with a lot of stuff written here as I do believe that there must be “worthy” women… But find this site funny so I had to come up to troll the f out of it!
          Have a jolly good Easter weekend lady!

  69. I don’t understand why you bother debating these women in the comments. Just ignore them! This place is becoming the corner of White Knight Blvd. and Cuck Avenue.

  70. I just relocated form the city that never quits attracting sluts.
    Now living in the countryside – nature trails, wildlife, nice people, etc…
    damn I miss NYC

  71. This guy STILL creeps around her facebook page ? That is absolutely insane !… One tell I’ve also noticed is sticking tongues out in pictures. They absolutely love to stick out their tongue in pics.

  72. “A mid-forties woman at a call center I used to work at… Chicks who work in call centers are easy”

  73. One girl I was seeing told me she wrote “poetry.” I’m no literature aficionado but even I knew her “inner thoughts” were a dumpster fire.
    BRAVO SIR. Lol

    1. To be fair, 99% of poetry is shit regardless of who wrote it. And no, I don’t write poetry.

      1. Agree. Author’s way of mirroring her inside being to that of a flaming dumpster was so precise, it can only be viewed as majestic, poetic prose.

  74. I have an announcement to make, you’ve had an imposter in your midst for a while now. He claims to be an alpha, tall, rugged, strong, lifts weights, attracts women, keeps his 11/10 wife interested et cetera, but this is all a mask, a lie lived vicariously.
    A tragedy. Well no more! We must free ourselves from Omegas such as this “man”, otherwise we will never free ourselves from the Jews! Who “he” is but a part!

  75. I am going to be blunt. My parents made it clear I will not live with them forever. They been good parents so I have no complaints. They let me stay with them for awhile to save up money. But it would had been hell living with them forever because I know they would try to control everything such as when I get up etc. Some people do think women should not live out on their own and I get it. But I think they were not counting on the fact some women may get the mentality of “no sex in my house.” I do not know how many women think like that but I would not be surprised if some women share my mentality. My house is my sanctuary so I do not want it defiled. I do not want to go to a guys house either since I can watch Netflix at my place just fine.

  76. Great article, but disagree on the steroid thing. There’s a place for those Planet Fitness type gyms. When I first committed to getting back in shape, it definitely helped my confidence knowing my fellow gym members were schlubs just like me. If I were surrounded by roid-raging cro-magnon men, that would have been intimidating.

    1. Its not intimidating when you know roid heads cheat their way to muscles . They will have numerous health problems by the time they reach 30 as well .

  77. This is all true but if you sleep with sluts that makes you a philanderer and traditional standards you don’t deserve a nice girl. You need to be the change you want to see.

  78. A woman who is a Star Trek fan is probably a slut, in my experience.
    I don’t understand the attraction, because although the franchise promoted sexual freedom as a subtext, it never featured regular promiscuous female characters, human or alien, for sluts in the audience to identify with.
    In fact this reminds me of the joke: Why didn’t anyone in Picard’s Enterprise ever have sex? They were afraid that Counselor Troi would feel it.

    1. Any female Trekkie is gonna be outnumbered by thirsty geek males 100-to-1, and she has no qualms about going after low-hanging fruit, probably on account of her low SMV to start with. A quick google of scifi or comic cons is instructive.. the few women in attendance just love to dress in slutty cosplay outfits, and generally be the center of attention in a sea of betas, despite considering themselves “above average intelligence empowered women”.

  79. Oh God. Not another “signs she’s a slut” article. Haven’t these been done to death already?

  80. #5 had me rolling with laughter — but only because I have repeatedly found it to be true. In my experience, art bimbos try to blend in with the real talent in your town, have super-fragile egos, and are also most likely to be “bunny boilers,” so watch out.
    “The artist” chick profile, OMG, you nailed it. There’s always some girl working at a cafe, restaurant or bar who will tell you how she’s a “shoe designer” or “making a demo with her new band” or “in art school” and maybe 80% of the time it’s just an amateur-hour conduit to gobbling the cock, and not much else. A lot of these women are hunting for husbands while they make shitty hippy jewelry and such.

  81. Anglobitches often complain “Why can a man sleep around and it’s no big deal but when a woman does it she’s a slut?!”
    Easy, women are receptacles, men aren’t.

  82. I think I said this the last time this article did the rounds, but I’ll say it again. My nephew works as a PT in a gym of the kind mentioned, and quite a few of the clients are women precisely like the one pictured. He intimated that the naturally high-T levels of these girls (coupled with whatever they’re juicing) jacks up their libido far higher than the average female. I told the lad, if he’s not crushing pussy from one end of the gym to the other, it’s time to visit the doctor.

  83. The site one can read insane amount of fake bullshit from self proclaimed studs, in reality bullshit posing losers: Return of Kings. Come on Roosh, shut this pit of shame down already.

  84. Freshly separated girls are easy as pie and so horny. Ive met a few and theyre really really enthusiastic. Its ridiculous

  85. I’m watching Bad Teacher currently and if you watch it in a very Red Pill mind you will notice the bad teacher is a very nasty gold digging slut bitch and it doesn’t make any effort to hide her conniving agenda
    Im starting to think Bad Teacher was directed by someone of the Red Pill persuasion which is interesting. Talking about the Standardized Test being racist to whites and asians since they score higher than blacks they make it more lenient for blacks, no left leaning movie would say that.

  86. Look, know what you are likely getting into, but rule none of them out, even if they have an -itis that can be transmitted likely permanent. Don’t go down on it and ALWAYS WEAR A CONDOM…
    Basically find one you don’t have to chew your own arm off to escape when you are done, DO NOT GO TO EXPENSIVE “dating” it, rent it like a old VHS movie and return it unrewound, slam it through the gears and leave it parked in the section 8 parking lot where it likely lives anyway, freshly lubed and ridden hard. Tipping is option but not required. Leave the parking lot with squealing tires and don’t look in the rearview mirror…TOO EASY!! Protect yourself from sperm jacking by it, and above all be smart about protecting yourself from FALSE ALLEGATIONS later.

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