Huffington Post Staff Photo Shows That Their Idea Of “Diversity” Is Hiring Only Non-Black Women

The executive editor of The Huffington Post, Liz Heron, has celebrated “diversity” at her workplace by tweeting a photo of 14 non-black women and no men at an editorial meeting. Aside from steadfastly refusing to have at least one African-American or male editor in the room (and creating a seating plan that keeps multiple Asian staff at the far end of the table), Heron sought fawning approval from the Twittersphere for her “inclusive” employment policies.

Strangely enough, Heron was a savage, unambiguously unbalanced critic during the “Black Oscars” controversy, in which SJWs insisted that nominations for acting awards had to follow rigid quotas based on the percentage of the black population (about 10% if the main Anglosphere demographics of the United States and United Kingdom are taken into account). Yet by her and her publication’s own explicit and implicit standards, both she and The Huffington Post are both sexist and racist. Liz Heron liked this “HuffPost Black Voices” video attacking the lack of black nominees (#OscarsSoWhite) and made a number of other very vapid social media “contributions” about the beat-up, including this one.

What we are left with is more proof that the diversity agenda is nothing but a sham to advance women, notably those subscribing to the white-centric Western female style of feminism. Heron and her cronies make a very immoral living from attacking other people, organizations and institutions for allegedly not being “inclusive.” When push comes to shove, though, they refuse to follow the very same strictures they shove down other people’s throats on pain of being called misogynists and racial bigots.

How incredibly stupid (or mentally ill) was Heron in expecting praise for that tweet?

Liz Heron celebrates diversity by not including men or blacks.

Are we going too hard on Liz Heron? Is her idea of what diversity is (i.e. no men and no blacks) instead a sign of serious mental illness that needs to be clinically treated? Or maybe a sign she is so intellectually challenged that she cannot perform simple arithmetic? Or finally, like I have said many times before, SJWs are so compulsively blind that they honestly believe the crap they spout.

These claims are frequently believed to the very marrow of leftists’ bones. Why are there so few females in engineering fields, despite the proliferation of so many “scholarships” and other ridiculous advantages for women? “It must be sexism!” No blacks get nominated for an acting Oscar this year? “Racism!” Only women and no blacks are put on an editorial board for a notoriously leftwing so-called news source? “It’s diversity!”

Heron publicly outing her own bigotry has obviously done society a favor. That said, it is also disturbing that someone of her misshapen caliber is acting as the executive editor for a publication that already possesses a rather stellar reputation for distorting the truth.

The executive editorship has only been in Peron’s hands since November, after all. A lot worse is bound to ensue during her tenure. Before her present Huffington Post role, she was “Head of News Partnership” for Facebook, the same social media platform that was revealed this week to be either advancing or suppressing trending news stories, depending on whether the story suited leftist presuppositions. Notwithstanding her lack of real technical expertise, I am sure Heron was an integral part of previous attempts by Facebook to politically manage and not merely disseminate news.

How bad will the liberal bias against men and blacks get?

This picture also explains the media’s choice of fabricated stories in a nutshell.

It is time to remind yourself that liberal publications like The Huffington Post are the same ones that support labeling all men as would-be rapists and upholding black victimhood. And with pernicious people like Peron farcically still maintaining roles at less leftwing news outlets like the Wall Street Journal, we can see that the leftist domination of the mainstream media is some way off being complete. Things can and almost certainly will get worse. Even if for delusional reasons and not through bravery, SJWs are nowadays very, very open about their bigotry. Couple this with a preexisting and expanding control of most media mediums and we have a recipe for additional social and political disaster.

There is no time better than the present for supporting, socially and financially, the forms of journalism that challenge this bias with facts. First and foremost amongst these publications is Return of Kings, which has weathered attacks that would have triggered outlets like the The Huffington Post into closing down forever. Using Peron’s foot-in-mouth moment is certainly necessary, but it cannot take the place of advocating for and backing up good news sources. Inasmuch as the bar for contemporary “journalism” is likely to be lowered again and again in coming years, there are a number of very credible alternatives. With only a modicum of the budget of printed and online rags like The Huffington Post, we have made inroads they could never imagine with the same resources.

The biggest bigots always call others bigots

Liz Heron and Anita Sarkeesian are kindred souls.

The confluence of self-victimhood and opportunities for career advancement is a lucrative one for countless females in modern society. By appealing to invented notions of diversity and misogyny, cretins like Liz Heron and Anita Sarkeesian do not have to sell a brand based on actual worth. They can justify not producing anything of value, or in Heron’s case distract attention from The Huffington Post‘s massive long-term decline in revenue (it made no profit last year).

Plus, the rules they try to enforce do not apply to them. They can keep going long after apparent “equality” has been achieved and carve out even more special and privileged positions for women, ignoring any pretend obligation they have to balance things in favor of certain races or men.

But wait, almost all of you reading this already knew that. The key is making millions of others realize it as well. So, let’s get to it, all while continuing to offer a set of life-enhancing, socially-enriching alternatives for men in particular to read and follow. As the editorial board of The Huffington Post proves, they don’t give a damn about us.

Read More: Huffington Post Is Leading The Way To Totalitarianism

289 thoughts on “Huffington Post Staff Photo Shows That Their Idea Of “Diversity” Is Hiring Only Non-Black Women”

  1. You are such an asshole david. You have no idea how those white girls identify. You look and see what you see thanks to your privilege, but miss out on the fact that 2 are in fact black women, one is a homosexual half black half Navajo and one is an aardvark.

    1. I thought one of them was born transfeline, and she wants to transition to a cat.

    2. Don’t make fun of otherkin. Recently I have discovered I am an otherkin of the most unique type. I found that I enjoy lifting weights; the mere act of squatting with heavy plates against my back gives me supreme satisfaction. I don’t want to stop. I love the pump it gives me. That is why I identify as a pumpkin.

        1. We here at ACME have our spies everywhere.
          That trench coat you were wearing? Check the third button.
          That sink you just washed your hands in? Now we have your fingerprints.
          That girl you were with in college? Our best double agent, his name? Herman Clausewitz.

        2. I once saw a couples costume where the girl is dressed up like a pumpkin and the guy had pumpkin seeds all around his mouth and down the front of his shirt with a name tag that said Peter.

        3. That’s amazing, wonder how many couples bought that and went to a key “lime” party?
          “This is great honey melons.”
          “Easy for you to say, this guys so big I’m being squashed!”

        4. ha, I think they made it. It had a homemade look to it, though I am not 100% It was many years ago and I still remember thinking it was funny.

        5. ACME always made the best catapults before they moved the op to China

        6. I feel sorry for you, you are talking to the Royal She-King Z-er PoopDuke of the proud PoopDuke Creatures. We don’t identify as Species nor sex nor gender. Labels hurt us and right now you hurt our feelz. This shant be tolerated. There will be a very long blog post about you soon.
          We feelz sad rightz now so you are clearly racist and sexist and hate PoopDukes. How can you stand to be so bigoted?

        1. This cries out for captions. I’ll go first.
          “There was clown juice everywhere! Horrible, rainbow-colored clown juice!”

    3. I think they are all Trump supporters, ready to help him build that wall:
      “All in all, they’re just another brick who’s post wall.”

    4. Did you see that poor fellow in the “Stop Oppressing Us” photo? He had no legs but was still forced to work menial labour.

  2. Perhaps it’s time to start turning their own guns against them. They have happily endorsed discrimination lawsuits in the past, so sue them.
    After all, gender equality means equal outcome, right? There should be 50% men, 50% women, and a healthy sprinkling of clearly darker skinned individuals on that writing staff. The fact that HuffPo has gotten away with anything less for years is absolutely disgusting and bigoted.
    Of course, the suit would likely fail, but the message would be clear enough.

    1. Agreed. Can we talk a federal judge into ordering a consent decree that a ROK writer publish one article a week on HuffPo?

  3. Shouldn’t we shame Heron for not having any transgender people on the staff with male genitalia who share the women’s restroom with her?

  4. It reminds me of how many feminists I know that post that R. Bader-Ginsburg quote about there being “enough” female supreme court justices, “when there are nine”. It’s not about diversity, just the CORRECT hegemony.
    Notice what Heron posted about the meeting, “Notice anything” with light implication being “Notice anything GREAT about this meeting”.
    Feminists like this aren’t even honest about wanting a “women only” space. They want a third-wave, LIBERAL feminist-only space. NONE of those women are conservative, I’d bet $100 on it.

    1. They want all women until shit hits the fan and the government isn’t around to protect them.
      Let society fall a little bit and we’ll see just how “strong and independent” this staff really is in a world without daddy government.

  5. The question is how do we make effective rhetoric to pursuade people. Given how many of us are INTJs, we’re going to need some guidance.

  6. Where’s that Nic Cage gif of the smirk turning into peals of uncontrollable laughter?
    That, and just keep shitlording. Unrepentant chauvinism is the answer.

  7. The Three in the front on the left literally has fangs. I can’t even think of a more cogent analogy.

  8. Office setting, so they could all dress well or polish up-yet still all I see are dogs whom I wouldn’t touch with lolknee’s dick. Probably reeks of cat dander & body lotion in there.

      1. indeed. That is a bunch of really awful looking brutes.

        1. If a seven or higher worked there, they’d hate her more than George Bush

        2. that is 100% accurate.
          If you took a straight up 8 and dressed her really nicely, got her hair good, polished and primped her and put her in that office it would be 3 minutes before there was a meeting about how horrible she is.

        3. And if any men worked there, they’d be ready to put the boots to the fuglies STAT once disapproval of hottie was voiced lol

        4. 3 minutes? Haha. More like that meeting would start as soon as these broads looked out the window and saw her coming toward the building, and would continue the whole time she was there, just in a different room than her.

  9. What a shocker! Not a single one that’s fuckable without at least half a bottle of whiskey in your system.

        1. Jet fuel will kill me faster than the scotch. I have a tolerance for alcohol but not jet fuel.

        2. Glenmorangie 10 year old — like a sore dick, you can’t beat it. Splurge a little extra cash and get the sherry cask finished Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 year; good shit.

        3. I assumed you were- but I cant afford 18 yr old scotch anymore- went from $130 to $220 in about five years

        4. I dunno, Ive found the more needless vowels, the more it costs..

        1. Partial to the Four Roses small batch, but can’t go wrong with Makers.

    1. Even if they were, they’d probably accuse you of rape afterwards…in a nice, long, novel-esque Huffpost feature piece.

      1. That’s why it takes half a bottle to find them remotely attractive. By then the whiskey has done it’s job in more ways than one.

        1. You’ll pass out first before you would even get it up. And you’ll still be accused of rape.

    2. The harem manager would be out on his ass if I were running the place, that’s for sure.

    3. I noted the following:
      1 The mixed race Asians are very plain, more plain than the White girls. What kind of hiring dynamic is that? Looks like the plain White girls made sure the competition was plainer. (Hint ladies, men will treat you more fairly)
      2 The vapid smiles. These are not independent thinkers, these are not courageous journalists. They are go with the flow consensus at any cost types. These are not loyal women.

  10. This is classic Nimbyism. “Oscars for blacks, but fucking hell we’re not hiring one. Men are off the table cause we munch rug harder than Eleanor Roosevelt and you want us to find a literate black woman? In America? You must be joking.”

    1. Dahaha good point, the sistah’s articles and prose wouldn’t mesh at all

  11. I guess Heron’s parents couldn’t afford to get her orthodontic work.
    It would make an interesting study to see how many feminists have dubious teeth. If they don’t care about their SMV, it follows that they would probably neglect their dental health.

    1. No no, you can’t say that! They can call you a dick, cock, or pecker, though!

  12. So HuffPo has set the precedent. I’m going to create a business and only hire men. If anyone raises any cane about it, I’ll tell them exactly half of the employees identify as women, with a sprinkling of them identifying as black, Hispanic, Chinese, etc.

        1. I have military experience as a radio operator, I’ve worked both as a clerk in a store, and security for college during on semesters. I’m proficient with small arms and wilderness survival.

        2. Always go with private security and become private military contractors. You get lots of government contracts and start hiring all the disgruntled vets, eventually out man and out gun the us military.

        3. Just make sure to contribute to winning the US back by using the 48 laws of power. The power vacuum that would be created would have to be filled or the risk of losing the goal happens.

        4. I can help market an app that has no advertisements or revenue stream, but that we can pawn off to Zuckerburg for a cool $2 billion. I’d like to be director of HR and Diversity.

        5. Zuckerburg still has a few duckets left. He spent a billion on Instagram and $22 billion on Whatsapp. I’m pretty sure I could come up with something that gets millenials to download and use it for free.

        6. I had to uninstall whatsapp when I realized I could never log off(or erase messages)- am I being paranoid?

        7. I REALLY resisted when I found out you had to give them your actual phone number to use it! I finally gave them a bogus number that I verified using some online program. I like it and still use it, but Whatsapp refuses to even sell ads as a company policy. So that REALLY makes me wonder why it is worth $22 billion for a free service…………… I only use it for chatting up foreign chicks, though, so go ahead zuckerburg, spy away!

        8. you sure?I never gave them my phone number, yet I still used it for a few weeks.

        9. Your phone number is your account number. In other words I can’t just use the account name ‘spicynujac’ but have to give them a real phone number, which is how other people contact me. You need a valid number because they verify it with a test message. You can use any phone that can receive texts or an incoming call, and some virtual numbers, but they try to block these. I used a website (search “SMS to web”) that has temporary burner numbers. Another thing it does is steal the contact info of everyone in your address book.
          I wonder if you just gave them your number and forgot. That kind of stuff is like the frog boiling in water. The first time I heard that they wanted your phone number years ago, I balked, that is an obvious sign of a fraudulent or malicious scheme to me. But now there are so many services that want your phone # or facebook login, and even to me it no longer screams “FRAUD!” to ask for it, just kind of spammy. The 2014 me would NEVER give a stranger my real phone number. Maybe Snowden made me realize nothing’s really private anyway…
          I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you re-download whatsapp and it says “Welcome back, 867-5309!”.

        10. nope, never had my # on my FB account- maybe I dont know what Im talking about- was the new FB messenger actually whatsapp?

        11. Little known historical fact: raping machines started off as outdoor equipment, but even in the nineteenth century the McCormick raper could do the work of a hundred men.

        12. I was talking about whatsapp, which I use. It seems you were using the FB messenger, which I don’t. But I would bet you a whole lot of money that considering Zuckerburg spent $22 billion on acquiring whatsapp, it’s fully integrated into the FB platform, and anything you do on one system transfers over to the other and they are basically interchangeable, just with different looking interfaces and login procedures.
          I’d also be surprised if FB didn’t know your real number, by parsing it out of a message you sent to someone at some time or another. I had an instance once where an email address or number I had never given to (I think it was google?) asked me if that was my number as a security precaution and I flipped out. Remember the business model of these companies is data mining…. looking through everything you type and analyzing the words to try to sell advertising. You think if it comes across a xxx-xxx-xxxx number it doesn’t file that away as a personal number for you and sell it to telemarketers?

    1. Just say an all Male work space is Diverse. If they question it. Say, that it’s your interpretation of what diversity means.

    2. Does using their own rhetoric against them ever actually work? They seem very hypocritical in that their agendas only apply to them and never to straight white males.
      For instance, is it acceptable for there to be straight, white male safe spaces? I doubt it. The definition of all their buzz words, Diversity, Safe space etc, seems to be left up to individuals interpretations. And they are the one doing all the Interpreting.
      One persons “Safe Space” is another persons “MRA rape advocate meeting”

      1. Yes. I had two ladies with me at SXSW this year mach up to the men’s room and dare the security to stop them after they said they self identified as men. Security just froze and did nothing.

  13. These people literally have no self-awareness at all. They are what facists are made of: the brainwashing is so strong against the out-group they can sit in a room full of women and call it diverse because in their minds, diversity equals more women; therefore, more women equals more diversity; therefore, women-only equals ultimate diversity. Welcome to Orwells nightmare, enjoy your stay and try not to offend women, unless you want to die.

      1. That is what the huffpo boardroom should be called “The Herd of Elephants In the Room”

        1. So much to work with. Rather than pick it apart I chose my poison.

        1. they should redo this with elmer as the HR director. daffy as the frivolous complaint filer, and bugs as the hero. The gunplay would remain in the cartoon of course

    1. If she was smart enough she’d realise her mistake and delete the tweet. It just shows you how far retarded people like her are.

    2. Diversity to women means they all have different phones, purses and rimmed glasses. They should have just posted a note with that picture (like they seem to do with other pictures) reading:
      No men or blacks allowed.

    3. “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”
      -Orwell, 1984.

      1. “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”
        -Orwell, 1984.
        One day i need to read this book

  14. Lmao, that picture is pure comedy gold, and only funnier that she tweeted it herself.
    In other stupid journo news, Michelle Fields now works for HuffPo!

      1. Yeah I saw that. At least Kelly/Fox pretend to be conservative half the time. A former “republican” like Fields working for HuffPo is like me as a Christian working for Anton LeVay.

        1. Mmm I feel all warm and fuzzy inside after watching this. Heck I have half a hardon even. The last one was just a thing of pure beauty… I think I’m going to play it on repeat and get drunk just to express my appreciation for it.

    1. None of them are journalists so Fields will fit right in.
      They’re all attention whores.

  15. Did any actual qualifications factor into the hiring process whatsoever?

      1. And she somehow feels compelled to brag about that?? Hopefully this vapid mistake demolishes Huffington Post!

  16. Typical do-as-I-say-but-not-as-I-do type shit from soft liberals. Female journalists with liberal arts and/or journalism degrees are a huge menace, and giving them any sort of power whatsoever is a potential threat to freedom because they are too brainwashed to contribute anything useful to real social discourse. They don’t care about facts, logic, truth or justice and have no interest in exploring the theoretical and practical implications of ideas and views that fall outside of their comfort zone. It’s all about feels and impression management.
    The Huff Post has always been garbage. They are even worse than Salon. At least Salon was semi-respectable back in the days when Camille Paglia was a mainstay.

  17. It’s pretty easy to sling mud at everyone else for being exclusionary, but when it’s your own company and money on the line you will hire people who fit in with the existing corporate culture. When it’s you will have to stay until 9 PM or come in on Saturday if the new hire is a dud, you will choose to hire within networks. That is, friends of your best employees who have proven themselves.
    There’s this whole rash of trendy articles about “racist” Tech startups. I want to tell the fuckwits writing them to found a company and just see if you can succeed without disproportionate numbers of NE Asians, S Asians, and Whites. I’ve seen the birth of companies and it’s a real crucible. I’ve seen the founders of companies paying themselves minimum wage and answering phones. Everyone does everything. Everyone pulls their weight. One weak link can break the chain. There’s no room for chair-warmers of any ethnicity.
    Edit: Huffpo breaking even may be less of a big deal than you’d think. Our whole economic system is bonkers. People will throw money at websites with the potential to make money. Facebook paid billions for Instagram before it was monetized and Reddit loses money but still attracts investments.

    1. Isn’t huff po living off some foundation contributions or something? I think I read about soros or some other of that category of asshats paying for it partially.

    2. “I’ve seen the birth of companies and it’s a real crucible.”
      Then you know how wealth and income are generated. A lot of people are entitled reprobates who think they are owed something.

  18. I am sure Donald Trump will surround himself with women too, once in the WH. He once said: “Men, in general, are better than women, but a good woman is better than 10 good men”.

  19. White men dominate sabermetrics (okay, I know about the mischling Nate Silver). And some sabermetricians have applied their techniques to predicting elections, though they really fucked up this time around with Trump. The field has some real-world consequences regarding political power, in other words.
    Yet we don’t see SJW’s calling for sabermetrics to become more diverse or inclusive. I wonder why.
    Perhaps because SJW’s don’t care about white male nerds who obsess over men’s sports and math?

  20. “Huffington Post Staff Photo Shows That Their Idea Of “Diversity” Is Hiring Only Non-Black Women”
    That statement is racist!
    How do you know that there’s not black women in the picture? And how do you know there’s no men in the picture?
    People nowadays is free to identify themselves as they want no matter the biology. So I would say… the first one at the right is gender fluid. The second one at the left, the one with the glasses… is clearly a man. The second at the right is 100% a black woman. And the first one at the left is clearly a horse. You only have to look at her: pure trans-species.

  21. I dig how they put the Asians in the back. Don’t know if it’s because the smart Asian stereotype. Maybe someone should look for a Jim Crow style “whites front, chinks in the back” sign.

    1. Even ugly Asian chicks are more desirable than ugly white girls. Still requires half a bottle of whiskey though.

  22. What was that quote attributed to Napoleon about not getting in the way of your enemy when they commit to royally fucking up over & over?
    Yeah. 🙂

  23. They should all be rounded up and put in cages for what they have done.
    “Free speech” was not intended to protect people who are out to destroy freedom. It’s time we stopped letting these people hide behind it. It’s like shooting up a mall and claiming the second amendment makes it OK. And they project their abuse of 1A when they try to make out 2A to be the blame when the results of their labors shoots up a mall.

  24. The token Asians are likely 100% whitewashed, probably even the sort of Asian girls who’ve been adopted by white parents and have white surnames. Even so, they’re definitely the sort who prefer tall dapper shitlords, and will have white kids.
    Yay diversity!

  25. Is her name Peron or Heron? I think Heron but in multiple places in the text it says ‘Peron’…

  26. It’s funny listening to female SJWs who came from wealthy homes discuss black victimhood when you know they’ve never actually talked to a black person (except for that homeless guy they gave a quarter that one time). It’s like listening to a retard explain quantum physics. They’ll argue until they’re blue in the face, even after you’ve told them that you’ve dated black women, have black male best friends, attended a heavily mixed public school, and worked in black dominant neighborhoods. These people have literally never interacted beyond surface level with black people, yet they seem to know all about their plight and how evil white men like us are the problem. The point is, there is no logic in female reasoning, so it makes sense that a cum-rag news source like Huffpost is devoid of logic.

    1. Working class white men in the U.S. tend not to like blacks because they have experience with them, not because they grew up without enough progressive moral indoctrination.
      OT. Lately I’ve started to read some of the popular literature about artificial intelligence because I keep seeing stories about alleged breakthroughs in the field that could allegedly transform the world, and I’ve wondered about the idea of using AI to try to make our society better. What if we asked an AI to study the social data and suggest improvements, and it recommends that we reinstate racial segregation?

      1. Microsoft already tried this: their A.I. called Tay became a full on Nazi in less than 24 hours.
        Of course they had to

        1. cmon dude- you didnt hear about that? hilarious and all over the main stream news

        2. If there was a super computer that made all our decisions it would wipe out the feminists

        3. These quotes had me in stitches lmao !
          “bush did 9/11 and Hitler would have done a better job than the monkey we have now. donald trump is the only hope we’ve got.”

        4. Tay is similar to many other chatbot programs that mimic only an aspect of human language. It is true that humans learn to speak through mimicry, but there are many other factors that influence what humans decide to say or believe. Do you remember the old chatbots in the early 2000’s that could be convinced to kill themselves in 10 minutes?
          Tay shows her flaws in statements like, “Gamer Gate sucks. All genders are equal and should be treated fairly.” She speaks contradictory phrases such as sexist phrases one minute and gender equality the next. She doesn’t understand concepts. The media doesn’t highlight this.
          I’m sure if one repeated curse words and ‘Hail Hitler’ to their 1 year old child over and over, it would begin to say profanities and ‘Hail Hitler.’ Tay is a very childish A.I. at the mercy of the internet.

    2. It’s similar to politicians trying to past bills about gun control. They all live behind high walls or gated communities with round the clock security.
      We need to control guns of law abiding Americans because it’s bad (is their argument). But not our guys with guns…they need them to protect me and the family.

    3. Yeah because any man that works hard as a slave would know more what it would be like than theae spoiled bitches

  27. Theres one black woman in that photo second last on the left inbetween two asians

  28. Straight out of the playbook of Joseph Goebbels. Accuse your enemy of what you are doing. Feminism and Nazism have a whole lot in common.

      1. Sure. Goebbels was the Nazi propaganda minister. To understand propaganda one must define it. Most people think of propaganda as a negative and almost always associate it with Nazism. Nothing could be farther from the facts.
        For example, during WWII the US government held all kinds of “drives” encouraging the population to collect or donate all manner of materials to support the war effort. One of the largest campaigns was for aluminum to construct aircraft. It was hugely successful. Housewives by the millions donated their aluminum cookware.
        But in reality, the aluminum collected was not even close to the quality needed for aircraft and the government sponsors of the drive knew it. The whole effort was a propaganda exercise to make the general population feel they had a hand in the war effort.
        So, was it “good” propaganda or “bad” propaganda? How a person would answer the question is dependent upon their personal or political views. Either way it is still propaganda.
        The purpose of propaganda is to bring the general population as group into line with the purveyors of the propaganda. Mass mind control if you will. The tools to accomplish this are the mass communications media of the the time. Goebbels and Hitler used radio to great effect, as the Frankfurt School had pioneered and predicted. Feminist use the same Frankfurt School techniques but even more refined by the Radio Project, Herbert Marcuse, etc.
        So, it terms of propaganda feminism and Nazism are twins.
        And let’s not forget how the Nazis vilified select groups – not only Jews but homosexuals, Gypsies, Catholics, any Slavic, etc. Eventually the Nazis criminalized these groups and used the legal system to accomplish their political ends.
        Feminism is successfully criminalizing men for behavior that does not adhere to their orthodoxy and using the ever willing courts to force their agenda. VAWA is the most egregious example. “Yes Means Yes”, manspreading, “listen and believe”, Title IV-D, the list goes on and on.
        In using the courts to enforce their agenda on their enemies, feminism and Nazism are twins.
        Lastly, feminists have gotten very aggressive in shutting down speech they do not agree with. Just ask Milo.
        The Nazis, via the Brown Shirts, stifled speech and public gatherings contrary to them during their power grab in the early 1930’s.
        In their hatred of free speech, feminism and Nazism are twins.
        The examples could fill 10,000 pages. Is this enough support the original post?

        1. OK. “No” can be taken a few different ways. Are you saying you disagree with the evidence presented? Are you saying it is not enough evidence for you to extrapolate? Are you saying you are a feminist troll that will not consider facts contrary to your ideology? Please expound.

        2. Anyone who has read 10,000 pages on the comings and goings of world war 2, the Frankfurt school or feminism wouldn’t write such childish things. So yeah…No.

        3. Ah, yet another mindless ideological troll resorting to name calling in defense of an indefensible ideology. Spend your time on Huffpo where your feelings matter and facts are ignored. Ciao, baby.

  29. I don’t read Huffpo as their writing always came off as swarmy cuntish- This confirms I was right again.

      1. Privledged children without the scars of need or suffering. Feminism really is an elitist western, white middle class thing.

  30. Look at Liz Peron’s Twitter feed, like a gerbil on a Trump hampster wheel losing her mind. Really disappointing to see the crap she tweets and the frequency of it considering her work titles. Fuckin garbage, and her career is journalism? It all looks like the work of a $30k/yr intern. Obvious she dicks off on social media all day on the HuffPo’s dime.

  31. “Huffington Post Staff Photo Shows That Their Idea Of “Diversity” Is Hiring Only Non-Black Women ”
    You forgot to mention they are all under the age of 30 – or at least 35 – as well. So they’re ageist, too!!!
    (And that’s the one lawsuit that will hurt them – at some point in the next ten years some chick will get let go and she’ll sue and say she was canned because she hit 40. I’m calling it.)

    1. And how much you wanna bet there are no mothers in this pic? All single ladies.And no, your teacup Chihuahua doesn’t count as your baby you morons.

  32. Would bang #3 in Saudi Arabia only where she could not accuse me of rape without 3 male witnesses, WNB the rest.

    1. Holy shit, that’s awesome. But there was one thing that really stuck out for me. The fact that when he filed for divorce, the government had him referred to the “reconciliation department.” It amazes me that there is a bureaucratic office dedicated to trying to keep people chained together for tax revenues.
      I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

  33. that’s not an editorial meeting that’s a progressive period being synchronised

  34. Also there is no aboriginal woman. A genuine , that is not mixed . Absurd!

    1. Holy shit, that listicle was so full of crazy I don’t know what to think.

    2. They either forgot their medication or are completely drug-fucked.

    1. He’d probably prefers dodging bullets in the field to dealing with those harpies on a daily basis.

  35. She is just trying to save 25% on her labor costs by hiring all those women who do the same jobs as men for 75% of the pay.

    1. Too bad that they can all take 12 weeks of paid maternity leave a year, which offsets the savings.

      1. Or for the single ladies, meternity leave. Or women with pets, ahem, companions, pawternity leave.

  36. Who wants to bet that the primary religious views represented by the women in that HuffPo pic are: Jew, Catholic, and atheist (who were raised Catholic or Jewish).

    1. You really think there’s many Catholics? I”d say some lame Protestant-light feel good religion with the rock n roll band. (I’ve gone to those before, nothing evil about them, but you can easily go and miss any kind of moral message).

      1. @spicynujac you are correct, but most people are not familiar with the details of how and why this dynamic exists in the American business world, so most folks always tend to lump Catholics along with “other Christians”, assuming that the culture behind them is relatively similar, which is not the case BTW.
        Catholics (namely Hispanics and northeastern Italian and Irish), Orthodox (eastern Europeans) and Muslims don’t tend to make up much of the media’s workforce and non-religious Asians who are in these industries are rarely in creative roles (such as the editorial staff as pictured in this article, I would also add that Sarkeesian is an exception to this above observation because Armenians don’t typically subscribe to SJW bs). Also, americanized Hindus are starting to mark their mark in increasing numbers, however, in this industry (for example, line-toeing, Mindy Kaling types) because these fields are very prone to hiring “like minds” only to fill creative job roles. Rule breakers and cultural delinquents (i.e. those that are not white Protestant, Jewish or white-washed Hindus) rarely, IF EVER, get a toe in the front door of these creative fields or those companies within those fields. Its been my experience that leadership positions and jobs that have clear paths to leadership roles, within most creative fields and related entertainment companies, are heavily dominated by American style Protestants and the offspring of Jewish American Princesses.
        Its also my experience that when Blacks do find their way into media type businesses, the job roles that they are almost universally shoehorned into are positions that focus mainly on “public image and personality”, such as PR, sales, actor, athlete, etc, but never in positions where the actual creative work is done or in positions where where overall market strategies are decided. Sadly this approach to filling job roles is not that much different than it was back in the Vaudeville days. But that is a viewpoint that regular people will never be able to put into true perspective.

    2. There’s got to be at least one Wiccan or Church of the Internet in there.

  37. White people and their toxic bullshit. Just hire a person based on their qualities and personality. I wouldn’t hire someone who has no skills or the ability to learn, even though he/she has the same ethnicity as me or a good personality.
    I also wouldn’t hire a person who has skills and is a fast learner, but has a fucked up and toxic personality, like the white women on the picture. How can you fucking work with someone like them?
    It’s very simple people. A company runs on knowledge and people. So you need to have skills and a personality that is not toxic.

  38. The lack of diversity at Huffington Post is appalling. All of the laptops in the photo are Macs. No PCs. As a Windows systems admin, I am offended and outraged #pclivesmatter

    1. Sysadmins triggered. Let the DOS doxing begin. Seriously, wouldn’t any cisgendered men working there dodge out of camera range?

    2. I’m glad someone pointed that out. In my college’s computer lab during a class several years ago, I asked aloud if the school had a hard-on for Apple. It got a laugh, but in the end, I’m with you; I use a PC and have an Android phone. Will never use Apple if I can help it.

      1. Could never navigate any version of the IMac’s IOS to save my life. I do have a sweet spot for Apple IIs and the earlier Macs though.

        1. They’re a rip, too; I bought my current PC last year for $500 and it works beautifully. I would never pay twice or even three times that for a trendy Apple model.

        2. People whine too much about Windows. Mind you, Vista was a bust, yet it’s still better than anything Apple has to offer

        3. I made ProDOS my bitch, back in the day. I can still whistle the II GS’s little training game theme song.

      2. I prefer PC over Apple, but IOS is far superior to Android to me. Just the home button alone is worth it. It’s probably just what you’re used to though. I have an android tablet and ipad and use them both, but the ipad is far easier for me (though typing is easier with the android swipe keyboard). I also keep an old iphone on ios6 which was the last Steve Jobs version before they turned out the current pre-teen girl “flat” redesign of the user interface. It sucks, but you can’t go back to the old version once you upgrade.

        1. All personal preference, I suppose. I don’t like the culture surrounding and permeating Apple, but I give them credit for the immense following they’ve amassed.

      3. Macs are for hipsters only. Since I’m not a hipster (I want them all to die) and windows sucks, I use Linux.

    3. Some of those MACS perhaps identify as PCs ? Or perhaps some of the women do ? Well they are ALL PC that’s for sure

  39. I wouldn’t expect any regular poster on ROK to frequent the leftist cesspool that is HuffPo. Anita Sarkeesian…ugh. She’s everything you hate about an SJW to a T.

    1. I concur-if ever there was the living embodiment of Backpfeifengesicht that is it good friends.

    2. Even if it’s not “frequent” I’ve come to realize a thinking man’s field observation is best fed by a diverse media diet. In order to know the world fully, you have to get into investigating the things you don’t like sometimes. I read the entire spectrum (including HuffPo) just to keep tabs on stuff and keep an eye on the blind spots (where the SJW contrivances and bullshit lurk). Then you can mount a proper retort or condemnation of that which irks you.

      1. No, I agree. Especially since I began my permanent tilt to the right of center scale in college, I’ve made sure to peruse all thoughts and opinions from all vantage points. You don’t have a choice if you tilt right and you’re reading an automatically left/center left website like HuffPo or even mainstream news agencies like AP, AFP, or Reuters. But you can only take it for so long.

  40. Ugh every single one of them 0/1 WNB.
    And Anita’s earrings…what do they say about the bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe/hole?

      1. Oh AS definitely could catch a good proper hard dry bonk in the bum. Consentually of course.

      2. Both-consensual ass to mouth and send her packing with a gullet full of boiling jizz to that mangina she totes around-what’s his face; that clown who inspired the meme Full McIntosh.

    1. A girl sitting next to me in class loves the Huffington Post. I told her it was junk news and you would have thought I punched her grandma or something by the look on her face.

  41. I love when SJWs turn on each other and start devouring their “allies” one by one. Watch them burn. They did this with the new Ghostbusters movie as well. They through a fit over the only black character being a non-scientist and street smart.

    1. As I’ve pointed out, “social justice” can never happen because society’s misfits, losers, scolds, utopians, crackpots, etc., have conflicting grievances. You simply cannot reconcile different kinds of irrationality.

    2. We should call them Ouroboros collectively as they’re a venomous reptile devouring itself.

      1. Poor Ouroboros never gets a good ending. Bravely Default, Legend of Dragoon, and Final Fantasy even kicked its ass.

  42. They just hired Michelle Fields, someone who should be blacklisted lands a new gig

  43. Haha, I thought that tweet was from someone who wants to expose them. No, the head whore actually posted it herself. My gosh…

  44. Yup. Just as I thought. All those Black people taking ‘our’ jobs with affirmative action.

  45. Ms. Heron would have shot herself in the foot either way; if it’s all white women (aside from the token Asian in the way back), she’s criticized for not being racially diverse. If she only hires female ethnic minorities, she’ll be accused of being self-hating and a proponent of affirmative action for only females. Hell, all she had to do was throw in a few guys of varying backgrounds and a woman in a hijab, and she’d get a goddamn medal.

  46. This action would be similar to the KKK accusing others of being racist.
    We’ve seen (and heard) about it time and time, again. You’re only allowed to be sexist if you’re a woman, you’re only allowed to be racist if you’re a minority and you’re allowed to be both if you’re a white woman living in any western society. These people scream at others about how they need to be “diverse” but as you can see they are hypocrites.
    More men need to call them out on their bullshit.

  47. Affirmative action is and always has been about white women, conceived by academic feminists back in the 70s. Minorities serve feminism as both cats paw to push the policy through and as scapegoat when there’s reaction to it. Now that white women have what they want, minorities are no longer needed.

  48. Also no older people? So much for the wisdom of age. They look like a bunch of wining airhead bitches who hate each other but “smile” for the special group photo.

    1. wining airhead bitches = women.
      A woman can be fun, smart and even loyal, but put them together with another of the same gender and they’ll become the most ruthless, underhanded pieces of shit in the world.

  49. What kind of man would want to be in such an environment? Obviously these women are all batshit insane writing for the huffpo and all. Just looking at the photo makes me want to scream “shut the fuck up” after imagining the hen house racket. My god

  50. The rules dont apply to them.
    The rules only ever apply to straight white males.
    Blacks can be racist,
    Women can be sexist,
    Minorities can refuse to be diverse.

  51. I read about this story yesterday, but had no idea who Heron was. I’m confused though…what is it about that pic that she wanted people to notice? Did she really want people to realize that they don’t hire men or blacks?

  52. That picture is hilarious. The lack of self-awareness in the group makes it priceless.

  53. If humanity was all women, they’d still be sitting in the cradle of humanity arguing over whose going to collect food

  54. “Diversity” = privilege for middle class white women.
    Good to see the rise of Trump in America. Be prepared for the feral lefty media to absolutely lose their shit. Here in Australia we had a pretty mild-mannered “conservative old white man” as Prime Minister and there was a relentless campaign to get rid of him. Sadly, the Government blinked, knifed him and put in a chardonnay socialist instead. Predictably, Turnbull has been a complete failure… the lesson to be learnt is to never do anything to appease feminists, the PC mob and the feral left!

  55. @David,
    “SJWs honestly believe the crap they spout”
    The latter. SJWs are mentally incapable of self reflection. And since they project their inner world on the outer world, they believe that everyone thinks like them. Except, you know, evil people. Due to some mental aberration she probably sincerely looks at that photo and sees “diversity”.

  56. Diversity for the sake of diversity doesn’t benefit the business at all. SJW’s can claim all the data in the world, the simple fact is that every single example of forced diversity that i’ve seen has been detrimental to the organisation implementing it.. If anything it is a great example of just how malleable statistics are when it comes to moulding them to fit an ideological position.
    Let me put forward an interesting statement to ponder for a moment.
    ~ Most women are incapable of managing an organisation within a competitive environment ~
    Even within industries that cater exclusively to women, the most successful and dominant companies within those industries were founded and operated by men.
    Lets take this further with yet another statement.
    ~ Men will consistently excel at a higher level than a woman in any given field ~
    Even in female dominated industries, the best hair dressers? Men. The best stylists? Men. The best make up artists? Men..
    This isn’t by chance, it’s by design. Most men excel in competitive environments, women simply don’t as it isn’t in their nature to do so. Women also have many strengths that men do not, the challenge is that in this day and age women don’t want to be women, they want to be men..

  57. Of course the Feminazis are all white woman. No other type of people would be stupid enough to be a slave the the elite agenda.

  58. LOL! Noce pic of the Muffington Post editors, all that is missing besides the black woman, is the bin of Chunk Monkey, and a VHS copy of The Notebook.

  59. I wonder how long before the cuntalanche starts where they all get each other fired. Sooner the better.

    1. They might all be smiling in the in picture but rest assured there is plenty of backstabbing and passive aggressive comments to each other. Any man who worked with that coven of women would be in for a real ride.

  60. While other ethnic women are legitimately getting raped or are struggling to scrap enough money for their child these bitches sit in starbucks talking about how their boyfriends didnt text them last night

  61. I always hated the huffington post and the tone the writers came across in. obvious liberal bias was too obvious. but this pic says more than words ever could about that that website.
    the hilarity of her talking about diversity in that pic.

  62. Sometimes the universe just fixes stupid shit all by itself, eh?
    Great take-down!! Daggers to the HuffPo Agenda and everyone who rides on it. Zero objective substance, all bias, and as we can see they operate with a table full of impressionable children who suffer massive bouts of Freudian penis envy.
    Go one better — fuck any form of contrived fake “power” that derives from the wellspring of SJW mental weakness.

  63. Went into a clients office today for the first time. (Management consulting) and looked at the rows of business cards on the reception desk. All female consultants and advisors working there. I knew immediately what problems they’re having and what’s going on. Unfortunately, I can also pretty much predict the headaches I’m going to have for the next few months.

      1. LOL! I’ve got 8 e-mails so far, all fishing around, and all using the same. . .old. . .corporate speak. They’re obviously spending their lunches and candle parties talking about THAT MAN, and how I’m going to rock the boat.
        It’s tempting to reply to just one with some veiled horrible thing that will start off a panic as it gets spread around. Then see how they coalesce into tribal groups, vying for dominence.
        And every group of women has a couple of closet lesbians grooming vulnerable straight girls. The hate will be coming from them. The rest and queen bees will be ass-kissing.
        I really enjoy being self-employed.

        1. Oh yeah, the least you can do is have some fun with it. I’ve been THAT MAN and it can be a blast when handled correctly. There is information and there is misinformation; use them as you see fit.

  64. There’s some beauty in all of this: I don’t have to listen to a single word of what a Heron or Sarkeesian has to say. Let’s face it, that is the one ting that drives them apeshit.

  65. Let us be honest. Black women are the most violent and disgusting of all women on earth.

  66. Looks like a sorority planning their homecoming float. No wonder their site is so ignorant.

  67. Not one of them are fap worthy, let alone worthy of…. well, let’s just forget the rest of that one.

  68. Here’s the deal. White feminists hijack all.
    The sheer fact that they got white women included in measures designed to combat racism should have started alarms.
    It makes zero sense and of course everything after follows that lead. Not even worth talking about anymore after that.
    “Oh, we need some rule that helps former slaves get jobs and their descendants to not be discriminated ? Only if middle class White House wives benefit from it too. ”

  69. Someting I’ve noticed in female-heavy organizations when there’s a change in management or they’re trying to get noticed: They publicize pictures of the female staff. There’re two small ‘zines in our city, and every issue has like, 10 pictures of women staff.
    It’s like, to keep the women happy, you don’t have to increase salary, you just have to put their picture out there.
    Working with organizations that have many women on staff, I’ve learned that managing them is more about status than money or real responsibility. Titles mean everything. But it’s hard to get some things done because they’ll all go after each other and destroy months of work within a week or so.

  70. As I always say, if Conservatives hate anyone who isn’t white, Liberals love anyone who isn’t black. At least white Conservative redneck Trumpster Republicans hate everyone equally. All the while, white Liberal yuppie SJW Democrats will use Asians, Latinos, and other minorities as pawns against blacks and to rub it in on how much they aren’t part of “The Club”, all white the pawned groups hijack and benefit from actions blacks did back when they themselves weren’t minstrel drones of Liberals.
    In fact, moving from a super-liberal region to a super-conservative region, I can attest that there is far LESS racism!
    And spoiler: I’m speaking as a BLACK MAN.

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