4 Reasons Donald Trump Will Win The Presidential Election Of 2016

The elite-controlled media has been doing their best to use social proof against Trump. Everywhere you look, you’d think that the whole nation hates Trump and thinks he’s a bigot. Every major news station paints him as a fanatical, Hitler-esque, corrupt billionaire, in the hopes that he will lose the upcoming election. Despite this, however, Trump has claimed a massive following that is not only highly vocal in person, but that is also very social-media savvy.

Anyone who meets a lot of people on a regular basis can tell that Trump is winning, and at the very least, tying with Hillary. The media has tried its best to skew polls and manipulate sample sizes, but despite this, Trump has been leading nationally in several polls.

It seems that no matter how hard the elites try, they cannot stop the overwhelming support for Trump from shining through. Here’s why.

1. Men Are Starting To Wake Up


Over the past decade, more and more men all across the Western world have started to wake up. A growing number of men has started to realize that all of our politicians are corrupt, our rights are slowly being eroded, and our hyper-feminine, overly-PC culture prevents us from expressing our masculinity.

There’s a number of catalysts for this awakening—some men have it forced upon them, after a terrible divorce or relationship. Some are exposed to the manosphere at a young age, leading to a more easy acceptance of the truth. Others are fed up with the system, and can now get news that’s actually true via the alt-media.

Regardless of the cause, tens of thousands, if not millions of men all across the West have started to wake up—and it isn’t just limited to the US, by the way. Men in great Britain, our motherland, woke up as was made so clear with Farage’s piercing comments to the UN as well as his leadership which led to Brexit.

And here, in the US, we look around us and what do we see? An unprecedented number of mentally ill individuals, an economy decimated by years of irresponsible policies and handouts, an increasingly divided culture due to high immigration, and seemingly no chance to save it…until Trump. He is the antithesis of all that the left is: where the left panders to the childish demands of SJW’s, Trump stands tall and laughs at them, as a father would laugh at a child trying to argue his way into power.

Where the left has attempted to destroy our economy with anti-business policies, ample welfare, and a high dose of bread and circus, Trump has declared: “No more!” and wishes to bring the jobs back with conservative fiscal policies.

And perhaps, most importantly, where the left has cucked our nation out to third world immigrants, Trump has declared that he will build a wall—an act that may very well be necessary to save our country.

Trump is the antithesis of all that the left is, and the men of America can see this; we’re tired of effeminate, weak, spineless men who give into even the slightest social pressure. We want a strong, virtuous man to be our leader, and that’s who Trump is.

2. Trump Tells It How It Is


In a world of political correctness, where politicians are forced to refer to mentally ill individuals as “feminists,” and to call illegal immigrants “Americans,” Trump is a breath of fresh air. He does not speak with fluff, he does not sprinkle truth onto a giant lie, he’s just blunt.

The media, of course, tries to turn this into a weakness: “Oh, didn’t you hear that Donald Trump said THIS?!” or “Oh didn’t you hear that Donald Trump said this about that group of people?!” But, my previous point shows, men have woken up—and they can see past this.

Trump tells it how it is, without frills, and the left hates this. Do you recall when Trump said that Mexico is not sending us their best illegal immigrants? They’re sending us crime, drugs, and rapists? Then, do you remember how the left skewed his words and claimed that he called every single Mexican a drug dealer and a rapist? This is the left’s only strategy against him. Because he speaks the truth so clearly and overtly, their only strategy of attack is to simply lie about him.

It’s difficult for me to even fathom how someone could disagree with Trump’s statement. It’s just a simple statistical fact that most illegal immigrants are either fugitives, drug dealers, or rapists—and they come here, because they know that our politicians will pander to them.

This is a simple fact, and should be stated simply, as Trump has done. This is just one example of his many blunt statements. Another might be this:

You are going to approve one of the biggest tax increases in history. You are going to drive business out. Your regulations are a disaster and you’re going to increase regulations all over the place… You’re going to regulate these businesses out of existence… I’m going to cut taxes big league and you’re going to raise taxes big league, end of story.

This was, of course, in reference to Hillary’s tax policies. Hillary spouts a whole bunch of feel-good nonsense without ever answering any of Lester’s questions, and yet somehow the media completely twists this fact and claims that Trump is the one who did this. I believe that this quote clearly says otherwise.

Hillary is going to approve one of the biggest tax increases in history. This is true. She is going to drive businesses out. This is true. She’s going to regulate business out of existence, and he’s going to bring them back by cutting taxes… this is true.

Literally everything that Trump says is of the most obvious truth, yet somehow the left cannot even wrap their monkey-brains around it. So, like a child who stubbornly refuses to accept reality, they proclaim that Trump interrupted her, and that he’s a misogynist.

3. Men Are Fed Up With Illegal Immigrants


For decades, the silent majority of men has loathed how easy it is for immigrants to enter into this country. An illegal immigrant jumps the border, and pops out a baby? Oh, what do you know! A new American! Give me a break—men are sick and tired of literally millions of unregistered, tax-leeching immigrants that refuse to assimilate.

Not to mention all of the crime they bring (which, again, Donald put so bluntly). Between 2008 and 2014, according to Breitbart News, illegal immigrants accounted for a whopping 38% of all murder convictions in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, and New York, while they only accounted for 5.6% of the population in those states.

In addition to this, the Obama administration grossly under-reported the amount of crime that illegal immigrants committed in 2014. Again, according to Breitbart News, the Obama administration only reported 1/10th of the total crimes that they committed.

And need I mention the individual cases of horrendous crimes? In 2016, Sarah Root, a 4.0 GPA college graduate was murdered in a car crash by a low-life immigrant who was street racing for jollies. In 2007, Tessa Tranchant, a 16 year old girl, was murdered by Alfredo Ramos, an illegal immigrant who was driving recklessly while intoxicated. And don’t even get me started on the illegal immigrants who’ve brutally raped and murdered female youth.

The list goes on and on, yet despite this, the mainstream cuck-controlled media claims that Trump is “xenophobic,” and “racist.” Give me a break—we’re not idiots, Mr. Soros. We can see through your globalist plans, and we do not intend on sacrificing our country so that millions of illegal immigrants can destroy our economy, rape our women, murder our families, and ruin our nation.

Trump’s single biggest advantage is his no-holds-barred approach to combating our nation’s single biggest threat: illegal immigration.

4. Masculinity Is Rising


There is an esoteric sociological theory which postulates that societies oscillate through periods of being hyper-masculine and hyper-feminine. When a nation is founded, it starts off as hyper-masculine: virtues such as decisiveness, assertiveness, honor, and strength are praised.

Then, as the society grows more stable and safe, it becomes hyper-feminine: virtues such as receptivity, passivity, empathy, and cohesion are praised. Over time, however, the nation becomes too feminine to protect itself, and one of two things can happen.

It can either collapse, such as the British empire, the Turkish empire, or the Ottoman empire, or it can experience a resurgence of masculine vitality, such as is evident in the transition of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. This is what I believe will happen with America.

Ever since the 1980’s, there has been a resurgence of masculinity, beginning with the men’s mythopoetic movement, a movement which asked questions such as: What is a man in spirit? What can we learn from the masculine myths of the past?

Now, 30 years later, I look around me and I feel hope. I see a resurgence of no-frills powerlifting, because men want to be strong, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. I see men refusing to accept easy truths, and daring to dive deeper, only to find that these “hard to accept” truths actually enhance your life beyond what you thought possible.

I see men dropping out of the system, because they’ve realized that you can’t win and that it isn’t satisfying to live your whole life as a cog in the machine. I see men taking control of their love lives by learning about the tests that women put them through, going out and learning game, and striving to change their lack of masculinity.

But most of all, I see men who want to reclaim their nation. I see men going out of their way to vocalize their support of Trump, I see men who refuse to bend over and let the waves of illegal immigrants decimate our country. I see men who refuse to cow-tow to political correctness, and most of all…I see men who want to take their country back.

Read More: Did The Anti-Donald Trump Riot In Chicago Help Trump Cruise To Victory On Tuesday?

510 thoughts on “4 Reasons Donald Trump Will Win The Presidential Election Of 2016”

  1. Well they can get him anytime they want, they just gotta pull a Cosby on him. I think they will wait untill the last second with that one, because you can’t use the heavy artillery every time.

    1. Agree with you. That Miss Universe crap was a warm-up. Now, why didn’t Trump parry that with “Miss Universe is a business and like all businesses, the products must meet standards. I recognize that there will be those who take offense at women as products, but the hard facts are that beauty pageant sponsors pay for pageants and pageant winners know, or should know, that sponsors expect them to remain near their winning weight until their year’s obligation is up”.

  2. Their usual attacks of ““xenophobic” and “racist” etc etc are so watered down by overuse that they have no real meaning anymore. I think many many people are secretly fed up with that lingo, though they are afraid to admit it publicly.
    I think there is a huge silent majority out there, people who just act like they go along with the PC bullshit and silently keep their opinions to themselves. When it’s time to vote, they just vote Trump, go home and act all PC again.

  3. I sure hope he wins. If not, I seriously suggest men tune in, turn on, and drop out.
    White men need to stop being so – for lack of a better word – “white.” Stop being so responsible. Fuck it. Stop putting your trash in the garbage can. Stop paying your bills, stop repaying loans. Stop working. Work as little as possible. Mooch. Get free shit. Take a big loan, put it in bitcoin, flee the country. Take what you can because this ship is turning turtle.

    1. By your definition, I am anything but white. I live like a bum, smoke a package of cigarettes a day, live off welfare while waiting for my trial for punching a cop, sitting on some 50k of debts, throwing all the incoming invoices on a pile of ‘Meh whatever’. It’s kinda relaxing.

      1. Are you really german, mein Bruder?
        It seems like you behave like an illegal alien.

        1. If I were you I’d move my czech ass over the border and fuck some nice hoes. But probably you are not allowed to leave the country with your record….

        2. Clear up your legal shit. Maybe consider declaring bankruptcy and change your scenery like moving to the Czech Republic.
          I’m assuming you speak Czech…

        3. Two cannibals walk into a restaurant in Prague and ask for separate Czechs. After a long wait, they finally get their meal – roasted clown. The second cannibal chews his first bite very thoughtfully for a few seconds. Finally he says, “Does this taste funny to you?”

      2. If all white men did that, the system would be brought to its knees very quickly. It is on the backs of men, chiefly white men, that the system sustains itself.
        For instance, it is common for two people to share an apartment where they each have a separate room but share the bathroom and kitchen. The responsible (white male) thing to do is to throw out your belongings, e.g., food etc, when you move out so that the person who comes in doesn’t have to guess what belongs to the other room mate and what was left behind by the one who just moved out.
        In short, don’t do this. Don’t be that responsible considerate person.

        1. You all sound so twisted that ‘irresponsible’ just can’t cover it. Great that you’ve learnt to pick up after yourself, though, good one. As advanced as my 7 year old, wow.

      1. It is legit, but it is also highly volatile. An ounce of silver will almost certainly be worth between $19.00 and $19.50 Monday, Bitcoin could be anywhere between $450 and $700 (currently $615).

        1. Is there an exchange for bitcoin where it can easily be traded? If it’s that volatile it should be easy to make money.

        2. It depends on how severe the collapse is. If electrical outages are common or internet access is intermittent then no one will want it. But if we just see real estate, education, and securities bubbles burst followed by 20% unemployment, it will be quite valuable. If there is no crash, or a soft decline which is what id expect, I suspect that it will continue its trend of 5% growth per year for the next 3-5 years and then drop off by 10% for 2 years followed either by a return to 5% growth or complete drop off.
          I think the last part needs so.e explanation. The current Bitcoin system is only capable of processing about 10 transactions per second, as a point of reference VISA processes 3,500 per second. Currently, Bitcoin is not hitting that limit, but as it grows in popularity and value, it will approach it. When it does get there in an estimated 5 years the value will necessarily start falling. After that, the algorithms will either have to be updated or Bitcoin will be replaced by a different cryptocurrency like Litecoin or Ethereum Coin. Bitcoin’s distributed nature makes it very difficult to update; it has been done in the past, but it’s much more popular now and I wouldn’t count on it happening again. For a while the 2 or 3 currencies will coexist, but eventually one will become dominant (it won’t be Bitcoin) and the others will fade.
          I am not invested in Bitcoin because of its unpredictable future. Silver is just safer. I do play with Bitcoin and Litecoin (Ethereum Coin is very new and I haven’t gotten around to it), a lot of small news sites and podcasts accept it for donation and I frequntly oblige.

        3. Coinbase (US), Bitfinix (HK), and Bitstamp (US) are all good websites. You can make money, if you stay on top of it. But there also possible wildcards, like China outright banning it, that could crash it at almost any time.

      1. “We are the CIA. That ship needs to be with us! Maybe we should just take something precious of yours, huh?! Daha! This! This gourd-thingy, for instance. How do you like that, huh”

    2. As long as White men channel their newly found spare time into prepping, training, and arming themselves rather than becoming degenerate MGTOW drug addicts I’m all for this.

    3. Our viking ancestors ravaged and conquered by sea and land for centuries. We should be able to handle a gay mulatto and a sickly old woman.

  4. Lookie! New Americans! Great Point Jon.
    “or decades, the silent majority of men has loathed how easy it is for immigrants to enter into this country. An illegal immigrant jumps the border, and pops out a baby? Oh, what do you know! A new American!”

  5. If Hillary wins, America will look like the cantina in Star Wars: “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy” – a motley assortment of varying races and nationalities. A bubbling cauldron of fetid diversity. A witch’s brew. Eye of newt, leg of frog. Americans working harder but getting poorer. Rich Chinese (that the media label as middle class Chinese) buying up all the real estate.

    1. I thought I was middle class growing up: middle class people don’t buy 2 million dollar penthouses in London or Vancouver. That’s middle class? LMAO. I guess in reality I was dirt poor.

  6. I wish for Trump to win, but you must be smoking some crack to think that he even has any shot of becoming president. Hillary has quite the lead (70%) in recent polls. And if you are too concerned about illegal immigration, I don’t know why you haven’t updated yourself with the problem that affects America which is “LEGAL’ immigration. Look at the amount of East Indians flooding our neighborhoods thanks to the H1b work visa and easy green card scams their employers do for them. Look at the number of refugee asylum seekers here. It’s becoming a shit show. You are delusional if you really think Trump is going to win.

    1. Rich Chinese buying up all the real estate, driving up the costs of houses to the point that natives can’t afford to live there. Insane. Other countries, including China, forbid foreigners from owning property.

      1. I heard the same thing in the 80s about the Japanese “buying up all the real estate”. The Japanese ended up getting taken. Same thing will happen to the Chinese. The coming Mexifornia crash will be a site to behold.

        1. Chinese are using our own money to buy American real estate; they really don’t care what the price is.

    2. Your in CA, yes?
      Mexifornia isn’t even America anymore. Good luck with the one party rule.

      1. They may not be but they have more electoral votes than half the red states combined

        1. I know. The GOP wrote off the left coast a longggg time ago. Fuck sake… The punk band Dead Kennedys used to poke fun at Jerry Brown in the 80’s… and that schmuck runs the state today. The parasites there deserve all the pain they have coming.

        2. I heard. The best POTUS in my life time was governor there once. CA used to be rock solid conservative place.
          I have been from Galway to Moscow, Helsinki to Capetown… but I have never been to CA, Some day.

      2. We’re still America. Our problem is that we have 2 huge urban areas in the state. Once you get outside of them California is just as American as Missouri.

        1. I know. I have a few amigos in CA and they have said for years they wish N and S CA would split into 2 states.
          It is the old saying about certain men, “their view of the world is far as the horizon.” Anything outside of that isn’t comprehensible.

    3. “Hillary has quite the lead” Yeah, like Trump’s +6 in the LA Times this past week.
      Nobody ever thought Trump would win Mexifornia, concern troll.

    4. cite your source or gtfo. don’t bother with CNN’s post debate they over sampled the heck out of it.

      1. I love how my parents german newspaper ‘Allgemeine Zeitung’ wrote that Hillary clearly won all the polls – and then they only cited the CNN poll and not the 19 other polls Trump won. Ridiculous.
        There is a simple rule for news: If you want to get the truth, take the exact opposite of the news.
        So when the newsreader tells you again that ‘6 Million Skypes were gassed’ the truth is ******************.

        1. 4chan.
          Because Google censors articles that include niggers, so they replace the word nigger with the word ‘Google’.
          Then another guy came up with the idea to replace kikes with ‘Skypes’.
          Killing a Google and a Skype is my biggest dream.

        2. “Killing a Google and a Skype is my biggest dream”
          Do you want to bring the internet police to these boards?

        3. “…killing me softly with Islaaaaaaaam
          killing me softlyyyyyyyyyyyy…”
          Is it just me or is she getting religious on a subconscious level?

        4. the original is still the best. music like this is long, long, long gone

        5. You seem to know a lot about this- is it possible for a man in his early 30s to develop schizophrenia? He thought the govt was “out to get him” and he jumped out of a window at the New Yorker Hotel to his death back in the late 1970s

        6. not unusual for someone to get schizophrenia in adulthood. Paranoid ideation could certainly help that process out. There would usually be some warning signs. Was he hearing voices or something

        7. “Killing a Google and a Skype is my biggest dream.”
          Sure it is, homo. Then get on it or shut the fuck up. We’re tired of your faggy posturing around here.

        8. I think young men (in particular) are most vulnerable around the college-going age, when they’re most likely to have crises, take drugs etc. I’m not sure what the stats say but any crisis or severe form stress can potentially trigger underlying vulnerabilities, potentially at any time. Job loss, marriage break-down, and who knows, religious or psycho-sexual issues can all contribute. If here we have feelings of persecution with voices to match (a command hallucination?) then suicide could be the result. Is there reason to think it might have been suspicious?

      2. There is no source that can be sited that doesn’t have someone calling it bullshit. I think trump is going to get totally shit canned…Walter Mondale club time. I don’t know why. It’s what I suspect. I hope I’m wrong but really don’t care that much. In the end we will all know soon enough right?

        1. “The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true.”
          Now that’s the kind of mindfuck I live for.

        2. He is an illusion in the sense he’s a sellout to the Jews, just like Hillary. Ivanka and Chelsea both joined the Satanic Tribe.

        3. The media is setting this up to be a ‘close’ election. This puts the results in the hands of the vote counters. If there isn’t a landslide for Trump it will be a Clinton victory by roughly 2-3%.

        4. “there’s nothing you can do that can’t be done / there’s nothing you can sing that can’t be sung”

        5. I hope you are right and I am wrong. Either way we will find out next month. For as many people as say what you do people on the other side say the opposite. I’m not a gambling man. I’ll let you know who I think will win in December

        6. Ha. Yeah I know. A whole world of people who think that those four could make music. Want to talk about conspiracy theories and how the media can play the population? Take a look at Beatles fans

        7. “I think trump is going to get totally shit canned…”
          In Manhattan? No doubt.
          You remind me of the NYC columnist squaking after Nixons landslide in 72′. “I never met anyone who voted for him.”

        8. Hey, I don’t think that is true at all. If you read what I wrote I also said that it is just my sense of things and for everyone who says hilary will win in a land slide there is someone who says trump will and I will take my firm stance on who i think will win after they announce the winner.
          And most of the people i know are totally apolitical and worship either greed or sex. I understand those kinds of people. Like my pakistani secretary. Yeah, she is muslim, but she would sell the prophet to a homo gang bang rape circus for a Celine pocketbook. Those are the people I trust. The people I do associate that are political tend to be right wing conservatives. So most of the people I know don’t give a shit and the ones who do will vote “not hilary” at the very least.
          My feeling that hilary is going to totally blast trump has more to do with my rolling my eyes and thinking “fucking idiots” than it does with my experience of my generally liberal city.
          So the take away is: 1) I really don’t fucking care who the president is but if it is going to be someone it might as well be someone who pisses off feminists 2) My general feeling is that this country is just backwards enough to elect this fucking cunt

        9. Your last first paragraph I am in complete in agreement with. I am not dissing you.. you are closer to the American street that I am. I simply look at data and trends and the small pool of people I know who are still in the game.
          No matter who wins after the dust settles, there is so much baggage that it won’t matter. If Trump won, he would need to go full Cromwell or Pinochet to stop the slide and I know he doesn’t have it in him.

        10. Yeah see I don’t look at any of that data so you are probably more well informed than I am. It as they say, opinions are like assholes and I’m entitled to mine getting looked bu 24 year old sluts. I think that’s how the saying goes.
          Trump won’t go full anything. That much I know. The winner of the election will be president status quo and, frankly, I’m pleased by that

        11. While I agree with the overall sentiment, Trump’s a NYC real estate developer, and Hillary was a NY Senator. Business ‘Trumps’ most everything that divides people.

  7. This culture is sick: people slaving away at mind numbing jobs in order to blow money on things they don’t need: travel to exotic locales, new cars, the latest fashions, the latest mac fag products

    1. Maybe the magic fag products and sometimes cars, but a lot of us are working hard at our jobs which we don’t hate but all things being equal getting the money for free would be better. We are using that money to live outbreaks lives and do the things that make us happy like travel when we can or cars for people who like cars while putting enough away to ensure a financial secure retirement where we can enjoy our retirement. What exactly is sicknaboyt that.
      I like to travel and I like certain material things and a certain lifestyle. I wasn’t born rich so I found a job and worked hard and am able to do the things that I enjoy. I fail to see the problem with this? You want to lead the revolution and have “authentic meaning?” That sounds a lot like being a bum to me.

        1. I actually have very little game. I just dress nice, am in shape and have a good job in a city with a favorable female to male ration and I am comfortable and not awkward talking to women.
          I’d have no fucking clue how to talk a woman into wanting to fuck me. Numbers here work out so enough of them just want to

        2. Man I have to share it, to night I just keep watching that Woody Allen scene again and again, while laughing to death :

        3. I think so. It has been my default my whole life and it has always done well for me

        4. I was talking about the Woody Allen scene you self centered nihilistic orléanist.

      1. Watch an episode of Rick Steves or Globetrekker: it’s cheaper.
        I don’t understand why people need to go someplace to experience it. I cam imagine exotic locales in my mind more vividly than if I put boots on the ground. I don’t need to feel the sand sifting between my toes in order to picture it. That is THE hallmark of the modern woman: they are all obsessed with travel and “experiencing different cultures.” Only when they are confronted with truly divergent views, they scream racism, misogyny, and intolerance.
        Humanity will never evolve to anything higher if it remains at the state of crustaceans vying for which has the most extravagant shell.

        1. Define exotic. If you mean the rainforest of fucking Tibet or something yeah I’m totally with you. But a 4 hour flight to st Martin where I can lay on the beach, swim in the Caribbean, get drunk in the afternoon and eat big lobsters all day? I’ll take it
          If you can really say that laying on a beach, swimming all day, eating good food, talking to new people and drinking Island cocktails is a bad thing I really don’t have any common ground. I mean you couldn’t pay me enough to go on safari, but eating French food on a tourist island…shit man that’s a beautiful thibg
          The keeping up with the Joneses shit yeah I tend to agree. But I really like watches, I work hard, I can afford to buy a nice one in cash, buying and owning it gives me pleasure. What’s the issue?

        2. To each their own I suppose but I have to tell you I am genuinely happy. You look for your meaning or authenticity or the revolution, I’m going to do my job, enjoy my life and then retire and grow tomatoes, make homemade wine and write an book. I wish you the best with your endeavors though.

        3. I seriously don’t follow: all of that is just running out the clock. And all of those activities quite literally cost no money: you could do them right now at no cost. If that’s truly what you wanted to do, why postpone them? I mean, if you said you wanted to own a sports team or have your own submarine, I could understand stacking cash until you can buy what you want.
          The point of a job / career is to raise funds for something to occur at a later date: education to learn a trade or get the job, the job / career to raise funds for a cause, family, children, something.
          I know people who work as nurses or techs and they don’t make too much money yet they still blow it on short expensive vacations (like $1,000 a day). Instead, they could live frugally and work much less. Instead, the prevailing thought process seems to be to slavishly work away at a meaningless job one does not enjoy and blow the proceeds of that as quickly and as extravagantly as possible because one is only permitted 1 week or 2 vacation.

        4. I’ll agree that people should avoid debt prison at all costs but it’s not running out the clock to enjoy ones life.

        5. But they don’t actually experience what it is like to live there. They travel somewhere for a couple of days, maybe a week. It’s just an illusion of experience. To actually experience the culture requires being there for awhile and not as some tourist.
          I haven’t been many places because I like to be there awhile, at least two weeks and my work doesn’t allow being gone that long without everything going to hell. One trip was a work trip. I worked the facility there. I got a pretty good idea of how things really were there, as ordinary person, not a tourist. Another I lived with relatives. I saw the everyday life. That’s experiencing the culture. Things are either more or less impressive doing it that way.
          What little I’ve seen of Rick Steves seems to indicate he values the same sort of thing. His trip to Iran episode was very educational. Really exposes how the fear is simply ginned up by the respective governments.

        6. Would I eat pinchy? I might try to get my date tonight pregnant just so I can have a California cheeseburger

        7. So what are your preferred timepieces, lolknee?
          IWC, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin, Breitling, or Rolex?

        8. Patek is my fav. AP has been owned by the blacks and totally sold out. I don’t get breitling at all. I love IWC but for the money would rather have a calatrava. I love the Rolex for hard and simple construction. My daily beater is the new explorer 2

  8. Do you think we could apply for asylum status in another country? We should start preparing a document that we can use explaining how we are subject to physical, financial, mental, and spiritual abuse, exploitation, and degradation in this country.

    1. Fuck that noise, I’m staying to fight (politically, or physically if I’m threatened).
      If I’m going to hell, I’m at least taking an honor guard with me.

      1. I hate how we have been so passive for so long: I have no mouth but I must scream.

        1. That is because so far things haven’t reached a critical point. This upcoming election may be it, though. If Hillary wins you might see more… activity.

      1. Many native germans are moving to hungary since the refugee crisis.
        Even MSM reported on it.

        1. It remains to be seen whether Hungary can withstand the onslaught of rapefugees if Western Europe falls to the migrant hordes.

        2. It’s the right wingers who go to hungary, obviously.
          They interviewed one of the german migrants and he said that he has a Master of Science in Software Developement but where he lived nobody was talking german and I totally understand him.
          If I go to the Burger King in the city center everyone is talking arabic there.
          That’s why I drive to the Burger King in a small village nearby where most people are still german.
          Sometimes I wonder why I eat at Burger King in the first place but that’s a different story.

        3. If there were no arabs in BK you would you be over the whole rapefugee crysis?
          You do give the impression that the only thing you want from life is a hallal free fast food joint.

  9. A good number of people want Hillary because they DON’T want change. They are happy with the status quo. Women are content with their cats, their do nothing HR / managerial jobs, fags are happy with their celebration.

  10. We are definitely headed for trouble with a global economy over leveraged to the gills.
    Trump may not save us from the consequences but we would be blessed to have his leadership at the helm as opposed to whoever is running the show when sick hillary can’t wake up.

  11. I think if Hillary wins, a large number of men, particularly young white men, will be dropping out of the workforce and society at large.
    Like an actor seeking inspiration for a character or role, “What’s my motivation here?”
    Slave away at some salaried job, where I’m expected to work 10 hour days, which when combined with a progressive tax rate, means that for all my education and hard work, I make marginally more than a minimum wage worker who gets paid by the hour?
    No sense of community, no sense of identity, corrupt materialistic vapid women with all the warmth of a 2 Watt night light.

    1. The elites thought they could brainwash everyone into adopting a materialistic, hedonistic lifestyle driven by crass consumerism: what happens to those who didn’t succumb to the indoctrination? How many people are going to step off the treadmill and refuse to play a game that can’t be won?

  12. As bad as things look right now, we have an amazing opportunity. Russia is in good hands- Putin will not bow to the UN and western degeneracy. The Trumpenkrieg is flattening every shitlib that stands in its path. As the author of the article said, masculinity and nationalism are making a big comeback in the Anglosphere. If we take back our countries and Soros fails to dethrone Putin, it will be the SJWs who are totally hopeless, not law-abiding tax-paying men.

    1. And you know who else will not bow down to the UN?
      Great Leader Duterte, who would enjoy to slaughter three million drug addicts like Hitler enjoyed dead Skypes.
      Putin and Duterte are so literally Hitler the Skypes are getting nervous.
      At this moment they are planning to remove both Putin and Duterte to prevent another Shoa.

      1. One of the most important inventions great men of the past made was the concept of due process. No man should respect Duterte’s destruction of it.

      2. “Great Leader” Duterte is a wimp who sold out to the Chinese a few days ago.

    2. If Trump hadn’t brought that general in who reminds me of LeMay I would say Trump had a chance at being the guy who could avoid WW3 because I think he could get along with Putin on a personal level. But with this Flynn? guy… ouch.

        1. Because I disagree with you?
          If I was a troll I could make safe fact and opinion free comments that get people angry by attacking them personally. I offer my viewpoint and facts behind them. Have you listened to Flynn? This character reminds me of LeMay. LeMay, the basis of General Ripper in “Dr. Strangelove”. That’s my assessment. Trump is surrounding himself with dangerous people.

    1. Who needs a common culture, language, or history when we have our brands to manage?

        1. Weird tangent but I can’t stand collars on modern dress shirts they’re all so small, weak, and effeminate. Like something a Manchurian eunuch would wear. The picture triggered me.

        2. Question: when you are on this site making snarky comments are you knuckles deep or just flicking the bean?

        3. it’s actually very addictive too. Try getting it out of your head after listening it for twenty minutes

        4. Vote Trump, that way you won’t have to hear indians yap about how the flouride is good for you.

    1. Spot on picture. I argued with a blue pilled co-worker of mine who literally said illegal immigrants will fix the economy. I’m amazed at how the masses can be subconsciously fed up with the decaying society they enable, but at the same time act like everything is progressing. Classic doublethink.

      1. There is an argument for immigration when the demand for labor is high. The industrial revolution certainly made good use of my grandparents from Europe. But now all that manufacturing has jumped ship, thanks to overtaxing and regulating businesses, and (I believe) unions being too powerful.
        So now there are home-grown Americans who need jobs. It might be time to flood the moat and raise the drawbridge.

        1. Exactly! In 1880 our nation was as big as it is now, except for Hawaii and a few pissant islands. Then, we had 50 million people, so we needed a lot of immigrants. Now we are 320 million people ion the same territory.

        2. Well, immigration is still rampant as ever, and it’s coming in the form of H1b work visas. Most of the immigrants are coming from India, and the U.S. Census now states that East Indians are the fastest growing ethnicity in the United States. Not only that, but East Indians are massive breeders, and when they come here on work visas, they quickly try and take advantage of the birth right citizenship clause. So they start having 3 kids on average. The state of New Jersey has been fully occupied by East Indians. Certain parts of Texas and California are now overrun by East Indians. Also, the number one ethnic group coming to the United States on student visas to attend the universities are East Indians. Add to the fact that Indian Americans have no desire to mate with other Indians and really seek White women. Don’t believe me? Create an okcupid profile with a white girl in locations of San Francisco, New Jersey, Seattle, and New York City. See who messages you the most on there. Furthermore, American workers are being displaced by cheaper Indian IT workers. We are essentially bringing the sweatshops from third world countries and setting them up in America thanks to H1b visas. Hillary Clinton promises to grant every Indian a green card. Imagine what’s going to happen…

        3. You scare-mongering individual, really, disliking people based purely on their ethnicity?

        4. Sure. Why not? If East Indians were capable of maintaining decent countries they’d still be in East India.

        5. Last time I checked there where close to a billion Indians in India.
          Isn`t that enough?

        6. I’ve never had a problem with immigration. Brown, yellow, black, green, whatever. Never cared. But huge numbers every year come year to get “free this and free that”. “Me brown colored immigrant with no citizenship. You racist. Me deserve paycheck to have kids. Me deserve affirmative action job.”
          When my grandparents came over here in 1900, welfare did not exist. They came here and worked very low skilled blue collared jobs and made a living. Get rid of welfare and social programs and free college education for being brown colored and affirmative action, then all the immigrants can come here and have at it. Compete for jobs. Learn the language, become a citizen.
          The mexicans you see in Walmart talking their jibberish don’t speak english. The male and female mexicans cohabit together with kids are not civilly married. The mexican female collects welfare on the rats she reproduced. The male mexican mows lawns for a lawn mowing or landscaping company and brings home his earnings to combine with the welfare. Their rats grow up being supported via the tax payer. They get free college education for having brown skin. Then they get affirmative action job out of college for having brown skin. Then they vote democrat.

        7. Certain ethnic groups do not belong in America because they bring their cultural baggage and primitive ways with them. India is one of those countries. Chinese and other Asians seem to assimilate better. Not Indians.

        8. I see know reason why it’s evil to say:”Yea, our doors were once wide open, now they’re closing some, our country is in way too much debt, we don’t want to wind up like your bankrupt nation in shambles, which is why you want to come here in the first place!”
          If we weren’t considered the world’s #1 super-power, and in 2nd or 3rd place, no way in hell could we get away with a 20T debt. At this point it’s show boating… and that has to end. From a purely business perspective, a businessman is a must to get into office this time. Now add in the random terrorist b.s., public shooters, and cops vs. blacks and vice versa, to say it’s fear mongering is b.s.
          Everyone feels safe, until, you find yourself in a public attack scenario. Shit like this just didn’t happen pre-mid-1990s, at least not with nearly this frequency. Hope, whether it’s a figment of our imaginations or not, can go a long way. Trump is the only one up there changing the direction more abruptly than any other candidate since the Civil war.

        9. I live in an area with alot of Indian immigrants, and in addition to the negatives already mentioned I can add another: they are the worst drivers I’ve ever seen. Jumping lanes with no signalling, driving with no headlights in the rain and even in the middle of the night. I once saw one go up a curb and hit a sign trying to turn into the driveway of a supermarket. On foot jaywalking is the norm. In addition to all the crowding and stress they aren’t helping the car insurance rates around here either.

        10. It’s a sickening system, and Trump will bring it all crashing down. That’s why the traitors are so hysterical at the prospect of a Trump win.

        11. Chinese are no better than Indians. Perhaps a lot worse. You probably haven’t lived around them as much but trust me, they have no place in American culture. That’s why they create “Chinatown” wherever they congregate. No desire whatsoever to assimilate.

        12. Your position represents exactly the wrong understanding of what the free market is and what the policies should be to allow the free market to operate. Please look into and understand Austrian economics.

        13. Not at all. When the union was formed it created a big free trade zone from Maine to Georgia, the biggest in the world at that time. Every state that has joined the political union gets to join the customs union. What you guys want to do is separate the 2 and essentially abolish nation states, and that’s lunacy.

        14. Lunacy only because you dogmatically accept the myth that a state is necessary for the peaceful operation of trade and civilized cooperation. The state is force personified. Again, I will urge you to understand the arguments of praxeology and Austrian econ in order to make your case against it.

        15. I live in San Francisco so I have seen my fair share of Chinese. I really don’t mind Chinese people. Sure, there’s a lot of them in huge large numbers, most of them Fresh Off the Boat and barely speak English. But the thing about Chinese, they stick to their own, their men don’t harass white women, and their women tend to be better looking than most minorities. East Indians, pretty much the opposite. They envy the white person, and most of the Indian men try to harass white women thinking they are promiscuous and will have sex with them easily. Every night club I have gone to, I always see East Indians from India trying to grind up against a white woman hoping they’ll get some. Go to any strip club in San Francisco. The majority of customers are all Indians from India. It’s no wonder that India is at the top of the list for highest amount of rapes. Their culture is really disgusting. Just look at the Indians at universities that come on student visas. Very poor hygiene, they dress up like they can’t afford clothing, and they all for some reason wear sandals. Don’t get me started with the body odor.

        16. Did you read his book on dating? He found great data, but totally lied about what it meant. “Women are happier being lonely, single, and independent cat ladies and it’s all men’s fault.” Fucking beta pussy. You can tell when he mentioned his girlfriend, he was terrified of her. If i were him, I’d be banging 18 year old girls in India. Not a control freak white woman who only fucks me once a month on good behavior.

        17. Only sociopaths/psychopaths would refuse to acknowledge the difference between legal immigration/immigrants and illegal invasion/aliens.

        18. North (or central depending on how you divide the state) Jersey very close to Staten Island. The Edison area is mobbed with them and the area has changed so much in the last 10 years as to be almost unrecognizable. One of the few good things I can say is that the Indian community tends to have decent manners as in not being very violent or outright rude. On the few nights I’ve had to use an ATM in the area they seem more nervous towards me than I of them. The only local crimes linked with them (that I’m aware of anyway) are illegal housing arrangements with a home being rented out to 15-20 people at once. There was a rash of home break-ins a while back targeting them since they tend to keep gold and jewelry in their houses. Even so, the main problem is the H1b issue and the fact that chain migration has turned a former old fashioned American town (there are even Revolutionary war battle sites in the area….not that the population today knows, or cares about this) into a congested facsimile of Calcutta.

        19. Yes, Edison NJ is totally destroyed and it angers me as you mentioned that it used to be a Revolutionary war battle site with a lot of history, but is nothing more than a little Calcutta. I mean, even the school system has had to adapt and our tax money is going into support ESL classes for these Indians. They even took out baseball and added cricket because that’s what the majority of Indians wanted in their PE class! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6bAG1BaWlI

        20. You’re absolutely right – he’s totally beta as fuck! I started the audio book on his dating book which I found for free on youtube, and honestly, after 1 hour of listening to it, I just felt that this guy was just whining about why he couldn’t land a date. It’s because you’re short, Indian, and beta, Aziz Ansari!! I watched every episode of his Master of None TV show just to see how Beta this guy really is and boy, did it truly confirm how fucking beta this guy is. I mean, he calls himself a feminist. What bothers me the most is he goes up on stage and talks shit about white people, especially white people in Hollywood, but yet his TV show was all about banging white chicks. I was utterly shocked and disgusted that he got to make out with Claire Danes. But Claire Danes seems to be on the Indian cock lately as she also made out with another Indian boy in the show Homeland. But Aziz Ansari is just not funny, and I just laugh at the hypocrisy of his message.

        21. There will still be a state, we just won’t call it that, and it will be run by the likes of the Rockefellers, Bilderbergs and Soroses.

        22. Who do you think runs the state! Without license to do violence, none of these would run anything of mine, unless they offered better products at better prices. Only by means of violent coercion can they compel us, just like the state.

        23. So your totalitarian one-world Utopian government wouldn’t have a “license to do violence?”
          Are you high?
          Government is the greediest, most corrupt and murderous force on Earth, and the more powerful a government becomes, the more greedy, corrupt and murderous it becomes.
          Governments, primarily “redistributionist” governments, murdered 262,000,000 of their own citizens in the 20th century alone, and the first step in all those democides was disarmament of the peasants.
          You want to consolidate all power into the hands of a small cabal of elitist megalomaniacal psychopaths.
          No thanks. I’ll take enumerated powers distributed among a bunch of sovereign states any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Some of them will be bad, some of them will be good, but they won’t all be bad, and you can leave a bad one for a good one if you choose.
          Absolute power only has one direction to go, and there will be no place to escape.

        24. I think we are talking past each other. I agree with you wholeheartedly, except I would like to see the sovereign state reduced to the size of the individual.
          And no, not high….. for now 😉

        25. I understand it well enough. The kind of society you are advocating for has never existed in history. It’s more utopian nonsense. And, its high school philosophy that freedom can only exist under natural law. Do want a world that allows a man to sell himself into slavery? No? Then you’re not for free trade .

        26. I thought that in the land of the free anyone can speak any language they want. So if those Mexicans at Walmart are all on welfare the whites there also collect welfare. By the way there are also yellow illegals, black illegals, and yes white illegals too.Hey genius show me where in the constitution does it say that English is the official language. Actually in the constitutions of the states of California,Texas, and New Mexico by the law the official languages are English and Spanish. There were so after the USA stole those lands through an illegal war and after an illegal influx of white illegals from the South during the 1830s and 1840s.
          Read the book “Lies my teacher told me” by James Loewen.
          Like I said earlier the USA has the right to protect its ill gotten loot gained through illegal immigration like those taken away from the American Indians, the Mexicans, the Hawaiians, and Spanish. However one has no right to blame one country for a problem that many countries participate in.

        27. The kind of society I’m advocating has existed, in part, many times and has rewarded the adherents with prosperity and liberty. It is not utopian and is based on sound reasoning and economics, not spurious utopian dreams, but rational and true arguments. Natural law exists, and is not dependent on your realization that it does so, but you would do yourself a favor to understanding the ratiocinations of its derivation. I mean Lockean property rights, of which self ownership is derivative, and which are inalienable, therefore, slavery is not in accordance. Free trade has nothing to do with this argument, but go ahead and chase that red herring.
          These positions are not arrived at by speculation or whim, but are the culmination of hundreds of years of rational thought. I would encourage you to get to know this for yourself. If you then would reject or refute them, so be it, but at least try not to make a false argument against it by making assumptions and assigning reason that does not apply.
          A great place to start looking is Mises’ “Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition” 1927. This is a defense of a free society in the terms we’ve been discussing here. It is not a long read and is quite enlightening.

        28. Indians may be a little worse, but I don’t want ANY foreign SHIT CULTURE existing in my country. Send every last one of them back to the hellhole that shat them out.

        29. I disagree with you. Just look at all the Chinese naturalized citizens that end working for NASA or another national agency only to be arrested later on for espionage. The southern Chinese from Canton and Fujian have/had lesser ties and loyalty to nation of China. They are quite more idependent.

        30. Yeah, my household received a couple of those calls. Each time I just laughed and said “no you’re not” and hung up.

      2. Illegal immigrants will fix the economy into mass poverty, by reducing the minimal wage, working for below a living wage for an American family. An illegal man can live in barraks not suitable for a family, send the rest of his wage to support his family in mexico as everything is cheaper there. But an American man’s family can’t subsist on thati illegal wage with American bills to pay. Then the American can’t find a job

        1. No. The poverty level in America is relative to the rest of the country, so being poor in America is actually better than middle class in many other nations.

        2. Eh, depends on how you define poverty. There are few who are homeless and starving to death. But there are plenty who live day to day, have zero assets, and will likely die if they contract a serious illness or have an accident.
          This is simply pathetic. While part of it is due to an economic system that concentrates wealth at the top, and inadequately rewards labor, there is simply no excuse for having ZERO net wealth. Drop me in any third world country and in a week I will have a positive net wealth, even if it’s slight.

        3. NO, it does not.
          The USA is still the greatest land of wealth an opportunity in the history of the world.
          Anyone can become rich here if are just willing to get off your ass and work.
          Like Dave Ramsay says, ” work, save, invest”., end of poverty.
          If America is so bad, why do so many foreigners risk their lives to come here ?
          Get an education, learn a skill that is in demand, learn how to spend your money on something besides beer and cigarettes.
          I got tired of being poor.
          I handled bales of hay all day long in the hot sun, for $10 an hour, and I never had enough money.
          Since I am the wrong sex and the wrong color for any help, I had to overcome poverty by myself.
          After loading hay bales all day, I went to school at night, 5 days a week.
          I made a 100 mile round trip to school and back, 5 days a week, at my own expense.
          I spent my day off, driving to the location where the sate test was being given, at my own expense.
          After I passed, I made payments on my school for four years.
          All because I was tired of being poor, and I was willing to get off my ass and make something out of myself.
          My reward, job offers pouring in before I even finished school, and a job that paid $150 a week to start more than my fellow graduates.
          I am no tougher, and no smarter than anyone else, if I can do it, you can.
          Now 22 years later, I am a master of my profession, and jobs come looking for me.
          I make better than $50,000 a year, in a blue collar job and no college, and mostly what I do is sit in a chair.
          I refuse to feel sorry for the ” poor “, if I can do this, they can.
          The USA is the greatest place in the world, anyone who is so stupid and lazy that they cannot make good money here the greatest financial system ever devised, deserves poverty.

        4. Praxeology, and the deduced Austrian economics, is very clear as to the policies that support the free market and that will allow for the maximum wealth and liberty for all.

        5. Illegal immigrants will fix the economy the same way a veterinarian fixes a dog. They will take a functioning system and render it non-functional.

        6. Now there is a thoughtful response. Do you have any clue what you’re talking about? I mean besides the Wikipedia article you just skimmed?

        7. I’m quite familiar with Von Mises, Hayek, et al. Their theories have always resided in the far outer orbit of rational economic thought, and have been largely adopted by people who can’t differentiate between macroeconomics and microeconomics, much less understand econometrics.

        8. Tell me then, how it is that there is even a differentiation between macro and micro? Do the laws of economics change based on scale? If so, when does this change occur, at what scale? Who determines this? What exactly are the mechanisms that behave differently once you get to some arbitrary size? Austrian econ asserts that economics is built upon the action/values of individuals, and aggregates to an entire system based on that premise. How is it that macro/micro/neo can’t offer any similar general statements?
          On econometrics, the Austrian school understands that value is subjective, and that individuals rank their wants ordinally, therefore making math useless for the kinds of calculations your talking about. If you’ve figured out a way to add ordinal numbers, please enlighten me, as I’m sure the Fields Medal is yours for the taking.
          Economics is a social science and deals with people, their values, wants, passions, decisions, experience, and a myriad of other subjective and utterly unpredictable phenomena. How do you suppose to accommodate for this in your mathematical models?
          Try this: https://mises.org/blog/myth-macroeconomics
          or this: https://mises.org/blog/5-reasons-why-austrian-economics-better-mainstream
          If you honestly believe that the Austrian school is on the far outer orbit of rational thought, I would love to hear your rational arguments, not empty statements of you parroting some prof you had back in college, dismissing without arguments. I have heard the most rational and logical arguments for Austrian econ, not so much for your macro/micro/neo system.

        9. Drink deeply of the crackpottery. There’s clearly no hope for a cultist like yourself.

        10. Again, you make no argument, just insult.
          I sincerely hope you take the time to understand, if only to refute.
          Go ahead. Make a case. You’ll be shreded.

        11. You can’t shred anybody with Austrian nonsense. It’s just an excuse for gold bugs to complain about central banks, “fiat currency,” and their general dislike of any government involvement in economic matters. It completely ignores the power and tendency of capital to create its own monopolistic and predatory conditions, and is willing to subvert the general welfare of people to the wealth of the plutocrats.
          There’s no evidence contrary to any of my assertions, nor has your model ever worked in any real world application.

        12. Listen, it is quite obvious that you have not encountered the arguments. You truly should check it out, Mises.org is a wonderful resource.
          We “complain” because the logic of praxeology and Austrian econ shows that coercive interference destroys wealth, utility, and distorts markets, causing boom/bust cycles and other unintended consequences. It also reduces individual liberty and the rights of individuals and subsumes them with statist power. The power tendency you speak of is due to wealthy and powerful people buying influence in political power, which is exactly what we want to remove. Every regulation written is done for the protection of some special interest who paid for the privilege.
          The tendency of the free market is to increase quality, reduce cost, and satisfy consumers. Again, this is borne out in the reasoning, which you should read for yourself.
          As far as evidence, I submit:
          the 20th century,
          Chile since the 70’s
          China abandoning communist economics for a market economy,
          the fall of the Soviet block,
          or any other country that has taken more free trade (actual free trade, not protectionism disguised as such) than controlled and centralized policies.
          Again, I would also urge you to look into the reasoning for yourself.
          The interventions of Keynes has been refuted, socialism (in all of it’s forms) has been shown to be unworkable, and liberty is the most beneficial policy to create wealth and empower the individual.

        13. Now you sound like the people who come to my door and want me to read “The Watchtower.” It’s a cult too.

        14. Yeah. I’m a hardcore capitalist. But when sufficiently large multinational corporations have power, wealth, and influence that rivals governments its a problem. especially when these companies have no national basis or loyalty to a people… in fact willing to subvert those cultures and peoples interest to make themselves still richer. It isn’t good.

    2. Ghost of Jefferson is the one that says: Sure. That’s why they put a roof over our heads and feed us!

        1. we have a very limited amount of time to either enjoy the circus or complain about it.
          This are our choices.
          On that note, I am going to stick in my pocket square because I have a first date with a girl i picked up this weekend and who I plan to sodomize later this evening.

        2. Amazing it is only when you get older, and wiser, that you realize time is the biggest commodity a person has. No amount of wealth (or begging and pleading) will buy you a minute more of life.
          I dislike your nihilism knee. But you are honest and forthright and, at least to me, with no malice in your intent.

        3. Thanks to some family matters, I have a monthly income that allows me to live without working. It is not much, but it pays all the basic needs.
          I quit my corporate job for a big international firm a year ago, and this year has been the best in my life: I spent my time reading, writing, and training.
          Time, being used for the best, is the most valuable treasure a man has.

        4. Joe, your time is tangible asset and confined to the treasury of G-d.
          Read and experience life.

        5. I’ve never undestood why on earth would you willingly stick yourself into someone else’s intestine.

        6. I don’t understand why people vote. We all have our little hobbies

        7. Did you take my meaning of sodomize to be anal sex? If so, I agree and thing that that is just disgusting. I meant her throat. I use the term biblically as non vaginal. I am very happy pretending women don’t have assholes

        8. Oh ok that’s better. Although I more and more tend to find all kind of sexual act akin to these mutation scenes in John Carpenter’s The thing.

        9. Only when they are done right Monsieur, only when they are done right.

        10. The other day in the Parisian subway I couldn’t help but smile at an 8. She smiled at me back repeatedly. I felt weak. And raped. I’m a monk with a charming Frenchman’s body.
          Leaving in a big city would be hell for me.

        11. Starting the morning off in a cafe with some boudin blanc, rosette de Lyon, duck terrine, croissant and comte
          I would make such a great Frenchman

        12. Well I hope you had an enjoyable sodomization session, young squire…I, too, screwed somebody last night – namely, Las Vegas. It was quick, clean, and there was no chance of any STD’s changing hosts. (Sweet.)

        13. Like these ?
          You have to find that movie “Calmos” with eng sub, from Bertrand Blier.
          It’s one of the most French and mysoginistic movies ever made. It’s the
          surrealist tale of a proto-mgtow movement in the 70s.
          It’s beautiful :

        14. The movie starts with a frontal shot of a vagina waiting in the gynecologie office, while the gynecologist, played by Jean-Pierre Marielle tries to eat some paté on his desk but stops, digusted by the sight of the bourgeoise woman’s genitals.

    3. (I threw a deliberate typo into one of the speech bubbles in the image above…nobody has mentioned it yet, because it’s one of those typos for which your mind fills in the blank…it’s in the middle speech bubble…can anybody spot it now? Yup, now that I pointed out the scam, no doubt about it…but that sort of thing, if spotted, is usually pointed out by somebody, right away, which makes me infer that virtually nobody caught it the first time they read it…weird how the mind can trick us into seeing what we want to see…kind of like those “normal-thinking” birds in the image…heh.)

        1. Thank you, kind sir.
          There’s some meaning coming from a fellow creative critique.

        2. As opposed to something being shouted at you by a drunken passerby in a car…I totally get where you are coming from there.

  13. Good essay, but in the spirit of telling it like it is, people HAVE to stop using the BS phrase “illegal immigrant”. They’re “migrants” or “aliens”.
    Using the PC bull crap terms of the left, undermines the entire essay.

    1. Posted this so many times.
      It is time the writers on ROK stop talking about orthodox christianity and start praising Kek.
      Cult of Kek will win the battle for the globe via Meme Magic.

      1. Memetic Chaos Magic, fam. It’ll save masculinity and Western Civilization from hoes and Commies.

        1. Didn’t know there was chaos magic in warhammer, but I’ve never played it so I wouldn’t.

        2. I’ve tried to escape reality by painting some of these incredibly expansive pieces of plastic, back in my early teenagehood.

        3. I’ve stared through the shop windows a few times, mesmerised and and a little appalled. Little did I know their wizards knew real magic

        4. They can fascinate you into painting them and playing with them.
          If you haven’t got tired of it by the age of 13, they take your soul away and you’re likely to stay virgin at least 10 more years, grow long hairs, grow some fat on your stomach, and listen to manowar to entertain a fake sense of masculinity.

        5. If you want to feel the effects quicker, you can mix it with a magic cards collection.

        6. Yes it’s powerful. You could also try joining a WOW brotherhood, but I fear you’d find it to be too plebeian.

        7. plebeian! I bet it turns out these guys secretly run the world from their mothers’ basements

        8. No I think the world rulers are some Jewish tabletop rpg players, and the gentile tabletop rpg players are their subordinates, then the Jewish Wahrammer players, then the non-Jewish Warhammer players, then come the Jewish Wow players, then the gentile Wow players who execute the guidelines from above in the real virtual world.
          In that hierarchy, the higher it is, the less technology is involved, and the more it looks boring to the uninitiated.

        9. In fact, memes are the perfect form of chaos magic with Pepe as our sigil with millions spread around. Memetic warfare.

        10. elite Jewish warhammer players? I’m sure Straight Alpha said they were all playing SkypeRym and Elder Scrolls of Zion
          But that’s just a conspiracy theory

        11. Straight Alpha is a casher malware created by the Jewish Wow players to lure us into resident evil type of satanism. I would not trust him. And do not think it’s a binary system : Gay Beta is no better.

        12. Not Gay Beta as well.
          Actually, I remember I saw the Warhammer movie not so long ago. There is actually a golem in it. Which is an ancient Jewish myth.

        13. I’d have to find the right lodge first before they could ban me from it though

  14. I literally (Hitler) convinced my good friend to vote for Trump last night. Yeah, Trump may be low life scum, but he’s the kinda low life scum I like!

      1. You could carve some steaks out of Trigglypuff’s arms. Enough to feed a small country for a week.

        1. Instead of sending relief convoys into syria to be attacked by russian fighter aircraft just send Triggly Puff and let the hungry feed from her teats.
          more syrians. They’re having a rough time at the mo’

        2. That’s Grade F meat, I wouldn’t touch that, nay even a starving kid in Aleppo would pass on that.

        3. A well marbled steak is one thing, but its arms are pure fat. Not even Hannibal Lector would touch it.

      2. Oh yeah. My sole interest in who wins president is based on lulz. Whichever candidate will piss of people in the way I find most hilarious i will back (in my theoretical way as there is no fucking way I’ll vote let alone donate money). This race was pretty close for me, but I gotta go trump and see if trigglypuffs spontaneously combust. Still, I’m thinking hilary for the win

        1. I wanted to see Obama win in 2008 because I wanted to see how many people flipped their shit and so far he’s been a huge disappointment. Now, I want to see the Orange guy slip into the Oval office and judging by his statements,it looks promising.
          The whole world is my television, baby! Woooooooooooooooo

        2. Yup I was the same. Obama being a disappointment and pissing of the klan was lulz now it’s mr orange making fems go nuts

        3. Do you think he’ll bully the Marxist nut jobs enough so that a handful will eventually go nuts and end up passing one of those ridiculous 1800s laws like “no red laces worn on Tuesdays. Punishment, a bucket over the head while having your toes dipped in cold water.”

        4. I think “we are going to have open revolution if Hilary wins” is the right wing equivalent to the lefts who still haven’t moved to Canada despite the first time dubya got elected. So they are going to have to up the ante

        5. Unless she enact some sort of FEMA law shipping her enemies to desert camps which is unlikely to happen, then it’s all talk and chest beating a la Harambe.
          The leftists will only leave if their gov job disappear which isnt going to happen, we all know the government won’t go away any time soon. What will they do in Canadia? Work in a real job? HA

        6. I’ve often thought the left would be heartbroken if they knew how harmless we really are.

        7. Does “the klan” even have enough membership nowadays for its members getting irked to be noticeable?

        8. You have to meet certain financial/risk-mitigating criteria to move to foreign countries. Everyone I’ve personally known that’s talked about moving to Canada would be denied faster than Bill Clinton running through interns.

      1. no. The best A-Team episode ever is “Cowboy George” Where culture club plays a oil pipeline and mr t and boy george kick some ass of bad guys trying to steal thee payroll. That is the best episode of the A-Team. It is an objective fact.

        1. GTFO dude. Culture club was freaking huge when this show came out and, tbh, probably one of the best bands in the 80’s

        2. I can see you using that line at the “Culture Club” on Varick Street on the bridge and tunnel crowd. I assume that hole shut down by now?

        3. Oh yeah, a long time ago. Do you remember Club Shelter on Hubert St?

        4. Funny thing, the B and T clubs tend to last longer than the good places. Evaluate they make more money

        5. I figured.
          Get drunk on shitty Coronas while listening to the best of Poison and Wang Chung
          Dont remember club shelter.

        6. Shelter was a really cool place. Underground. Tunnel was the best though.

        7. “In 2016, a crack team of neomasculinists was convicted of mass triggering and remote internet rape. These men promptly escaped the mass media brainwashing and propaganda and formed their own online community full of lulz and microaggressions. Today, wanted by governments worldwide, they appear only briefly, behind pseudonyms with offensive masculine avatars to terrorize the Citizens of The Current Year. If you have a problem, if you’re on antidepressants, if you have neon hair, if you’ve been raped and made an artistic sex video about it, you may be, one of the Deplorables.”
          I suppose lolknee would have to be Faceman, Doctor Jeep could be Murdoch. I can’t really place Mr T so that will just have to go to Roosh. No one here’s old enough to play Hannibal except Ghost of Jefferson. I identify as the attack helicopter. Guest appearances by Colonel Trigglypuff and friends. If I was in middle school I would totally be remaking this with my friends now.

  15. Even if Shillary does win, the children of The Great Silent Majority is building and becoming stronger and it’s only the beginning. I have the faith that whatever comes our way, we will continue and there’s not a thing those god damn liberal bastards can do about it.

    1. Citizenship is passed from father to child, that’s actually the “birthright” that is a universal human right. Most countries don’t lay claim to children that are born to citizens of other countries. We disrespect family and fatherhood by making it all about place of birth.

      1. This is what happens when idiot politicians, Republicans in this place, hastily ram through laws, in a bid to lock down minority voters for life, when their political clout is unchallenged.
        As unfortunate as it is, it is supreme “poetic justice” that the modern-day liberal democrats have completely co-opted the black voter bloc that the Reconstruction Republicans screwed over the country to “lock down” for their side.

    2. Adding to the “usual suspects” In California, specifically, there’s a supplemental surge of Asians who’ve been playing the birthright game like an Olympic sport. Fly over to the states, birth kid, fly back…dual-citizen it up and exploit the system. Rinse and repeat. It’s just a business transaction in the long game of social Darwinism.
      Further complicating matters:
      The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that approximately 7.5% of all births in the U.S. (about 300,000 births per year) are to unauthorized immigrants.[4]
      The Pew Hispanic Center also estimates that there are 4.5 million
      children who were born to unauthorized immigrants that received
      citizenship via birth in the United States; while the Migration Policy Institute estimates that there are 4.1 million children. Both estimates exclude anyone eighteen and older who might have benefited.[4]

      1. Why does the USA allow for dual citizenship anyhow?
        It just doesn’t make sense: you want to come here and join up with this country, but you also want to remain a part of the country that was so crappy that you left it?

        1. A lot of the powers that be hold dual citizenships with Israel. I don’t think government officials should hold dual citizenships (talk about conflict of interest!) but there is a very good argument for allowing it otherwise. I intend to keep my domestic citizenship when I obtain my EU docs shortly.

    3. Even “Dingy” Harry Reid, semi-supreme leader of Democrats, agrees.
      Or, more aptly, he agreed, then someone threatened to beat him to a pulp again and he recanted, just like he did with his semi-recent Trump 2016 endorsement 😉

  16. I’ll just point out that I’m sick and tired of Deus Vult. Just saw it 4 times in the last 5 minutes.
    As for the topic, it seems to me that at Trump rallies, there are thousands of people filling up huge spaces, with more thousands having to wait outside because the event was full. On the other hand, Shitlary can barely fill a high school gymnasium.

      1. They look forward to the day when they can openly celebrate and promote pedophilia, rather than merely having to defend it.

    1. When asked about whether Shen swallowed a Canary during the debate her husband, former president bill Clinton, was quoted as saying “Hilary? That bish never swallows”

  17. Trump is an authoritarian with no principled differences with the status-quo. There is not one thing where he thinks the government should have less power. Simply a difference in how it uses it which gets smaller with each passing day. He uses various social techniques where people project on him their own ideas. People then see what they want to see in him.

      1. How is it a non-sequitur? Don’t get me wrong: I think Trump is going to win. Not only that, a Trump victory should be preferred to a Hillary victory. However, just like you always want to know how a deal could backfire, you want to make sure you understand how a Trump presidency can backfire.

      2. The point is that Trump is using game principles. He’s gaming people. People are just projecting their hopes on to him. If he wins there’s not going to be any reversal of the loss of liberty. It doubt the cultural marxists will even slow down.
        Trump isn’t going to get the government out of our lives. He’s not going role back the welfare state, he’s going to stop the war machine, he’s not going to do any of these things. Some minor refocusing sure but that’s it. For two reasons he believes in these government powers and roles and the office of the president can’t do the things people think it can.
        It’s like the economists who are all up in arms because of Trump’s protectionist outlook. He can’t do jack unless he can get the other countries to agree to new treaties (and get senate approval) or get congress to pass tariffs. Lots of projection even when basic knowledge of the USC show it’s nonsense.

        1. When there’s a raging fire in your house, you don’t concern yourself with the clogged toilet. You firstly put the fire out before it spreads.
          Big picture friend. Big picture. Trump is all about the firehose right now.

        2. I already have. You dismissed them with your faith.
          As to the most recent comment. Learn what happened to the last three presidents who bucked or started to buck the system. Only one retained office and then abandoned all the promises and appointees that didn’t serve the system.

    1. Ultimate reality TV. I always hated that Apprenticeship show where all the candidates have to unctuously bow down in supplication to him. What a bunch of spineless, shadow, conniving half-wits, especially the men, unworthy of any leadership positions in society.

    2. If you really want to cut back government, the key is to gut the federal agencies and to win the cultural fight on campuses and in society.
      Federal agencies are the ones that write crippling regulations, have swat teams for no reason, and sue normal Americans for breaking pointless laws NO ONE knew existed.
      And Federal agencies do this because they’re staffed with safe space snowflakes produced by college campuses.

      1. Unlike even Reagan let alone Ron Paul there have been zero promises from Trump to dismantle those systems.

        1. Dismantling agencies doesn’t occur overnight, because they’ll sue anyone who tries to cut them in the name of self-preservation.
          That’s why we have to do what the cultural marxists did, and destroy the left’s institutions from within. Yes, try to starve the agencies and de-fund as many as possible, but also play the long game.

  18. I was so so on trump recently given all his endless pro-isreal bullshit but during debate when he made a quick aside at yellen/fed I knew he was legit. You think Killary would ever mention the fed?

  19. Guys – I gotta say I’m fucking scared. He was betafied tryhard as she fluttered her fucking eyes and pulled bullshit smugness. He gotta get that bullshit called out.
    Spread the word and play the manosphere gender card …and fast. I wish he would just play hard Defense, “its the economy stupid”, and Reuglation choking. He gets baited far too much goddamit.
    We need a Brett Favre-like comeback and damn fast!! Its the 4th quarter.

  20. The other thing is that you are not passing up anything special, if Trump turns out to be a disaster, he will be gone in 4 years, and then its likely someone better than Shillary will get elected or just like her. There is literally nothing to lose in electing Trump.

  21. According to the people from my grandparents generation, going on welfare was shameful. But what did they know? They were evil wops,mics, and krauts.

  22. Errrm…no he definitely won’t win. He would be the better choice – no doubt about that – but the arguments metioned in the article are still minority issues.
    If you disagree with me, please feel free to give me a look in the future: How will he win? Apart from being in line with some of ROK readers views?

  23. “Literally everything that Trump says is of the most obvious truth, yet somehow the left cannot even wrap their monkey-brains around it.”
    Just wait until Trump defends his belief that gay marriage should not be allowed. He’ll say same sex couples don’t have a right to procreate, men don’t have a right to be pregnant, women don’t have a right to impregnate. Obvious truths, but the left cannot accept that males and females have different reproductive rights.

    1. Will he defend those beliefs? Early on in his campaign he was asked to defend his anti-gay marriage position and his response was that he didn’t need to defend it, it simply is.

  24. Unfortunately Democrats have such low standards. Even if Hillary turns them off, they’ll still vote for because she had a D by her name on the ballot.

  25. Trump declares that he’ll stop the Muslim/Mexican invasion but he is kissing up the Jews.
    At a conference of European Rabbis their President stated that European Jews are ‘fighting alongside their Muslim brothers who want a free Europe.
    Muslims are our natural allies – he said.

  26. From the shitlib left Michael Moore explains why Trump will inevitabely win
    Now when Trump does win, it will be our job as citizens to make Trump’s job easier and more pleasant. We must rail on as the antithesis of sjw’ism and we must continue cleaning out the pockets of social marxism that remain in academia, business and the YMCA women’s shelters. The family courts will be torn down and great basketball courts for the hoods and skate parks for the burbs will be built in their place as eagle badge projects. So so so much more good news is in store for American men and fathers for that matter worldwide. More to come . . .

  27. Well, with 51% of the population female, this will be a tall order. However I think he may win based on the fact that people are fed up with establishment politicians like the Clintons. It’s ridiculous that the whole last 20 years (since 1992) was preordained by two families on both sides of the divide. This was the way it was meant to be- Obama and Trump- were factors who upset these plans.

    1. This might be a situation where WE can use feelings against the left. Bombard undecided female voters with the whole “if Hillary becomes president, she will literally (Hitler) let in terrorists and rapists”…
      That could help, since at the very least it would create more headaches for the Clinton campaign.

      1. Besides many women naturally dislike her- they know what she is- it’s well known that women distrust other women more in public roles like this.

        1. But a lot of women are voting for her not because of her policies but purely because of a female president.

        2. And if Hillary wins (unlikely) they get what they deserve.
          If she loses we will rub it in their fat faces till the judgement day.

  28. Good but
    “the Turkish empire, or the Ottoman empire”
    That’s the same entity you dummy

    1. The only problem there is that Putin has been kissing up to the muslims lately.
      I find it difficult to believe that the man who let the Iranians built a massive mosque in Moscow, the man who desperately needs his cut of the $150 billion that 0bama gave Iran, would be waging “counter jihad”.

      1. Meh, not fond of any Muslim but it’s clear to me that the Shia muslims (Persians) are not as bad as the Sunni variety (Saudis/ISIS).

        1. Obviously you don’t remember the 1979-81 hostage crisis. If you did, you’d feel differently, trust me.

  29. Definitely voting Trump, but his election isn’t even half of the answer. Going to the park for my daily run this afternoon, first thing I see, a couple of attention whoring, young bitches holding hands pretending to be carpet-munchers. Little further down the trail, two burqa clad hajis are walking side by side. I call out, “on the left,” so that they might let me pass. It became clear that they didn’t speak English, because even after repeating myself, they failed to cede any room on the trail. I ran through the grass a bit and made my way past. No big deal. Now this is a picturesque place, and with it being the tail end of wedding season, there were plenty of wedding parties there. celebrating the upcoming castration of another American cuck. One distinctive memory, as I ran past one party as customary, I stared down the bride as she gave out the fuck me eyes. That marriage has two years, maximum. Many other views of our collective demise were available, but I’ll leave you with maybe the most mundane, yet most telling. A gathering of high schoolers and their families were collecting around the grand basin of our treasured city park. They were there to capture homecoming photos. One beautiful, blonde young woman was there with the Google she brought as her date. Now, I was never that opposed to mudsharking, but we all know the statistics. As I ran past, I looked in to her father’s eyes, and it was apparent that he knew the statistics too. Unfortunately for him, all he could do was play along and smile approvingly. Trump might win, but we’ve got a long road ahead. Let’s not kid ourselves.

  30. Get ready for him to LOSE.
    Agree w/ a lot of this article’s sentiment (and a high % of comments), but I also think Trump’s chances have been scotched by this week’s events; + the media headwinds have grown quite fierce. The silly Twitter wars and Hollywood hairdo aren’t helping matters — Trump is a flawed guy, simply not cutting the presidential mustard IMO. All the while, we’re seeing how the propaganda machine has found gears we hardly knew existed! And people are buying it. This from an independent/subjective/centrist core viewpoint, btw…

  31. It’s still way too early to determine if Trump wins – do not get your hopes until the election is over.

    1. True the far Right in Austria were surging every where then a supposed 30,000 mail votes came through “all” apparently voting for the left.

      1. Hopefully the USA is ready for this, we already went through that with the fraudulent elections of Al Franken and Lisa Murkowski.
        That said, we’ve already found serious instances of voter fraud this year and at least 2 states do vote-by-mail so…

      2. “True the far Right in Austria were surging every where then a supposed 30,000 mail votes came through “all” apparently voting for the left.”
        Indeed. We slso have to factor in voting fraud. I’m not optimistic at all.

  32. The bi-partisan ruling party will never let an outsider win. Trump will need to beat the hideous hag by a 10-15% margin to escape voter fraud, which won’t happen. The media, the electoral commissions and the Russians are all working for Hitlery.

        1. Yup. Trump and Putin should rent a room. Trump would be on the bottom–or on his knees. And I say this as a Clinton-hater who is voting for Trump out of desperation

      1. Yes! Didn’t you see spies like us? When Putin says the secret phrase Hilary is under his command

  33. It’s perplexing that TR had so many pro-man quotes but then worked tirelessly to grow the federal government so that the USA would become a Nanny State.
    Advocating for The Strenuous Life but working to ensure that no one else could ever live it…

  34. Masculine men get outvoted by feminized men, girls and minorities. Realistically I doubt Trump can win. The country is doomed.

      1. What, expatriation? I have thought about it but there is still nowhere better to go yet.
        Not much to do under Hillary but hunker down, not squander time or money, stay safe and healthy and keep loved ones close. Bush may have been the last Republican president.

        1. Say what you want about Yale but the bulldogs have dominated that office for more than a few decades.

      2. I like to crush up The plan b and put it in their coffee in the morning

        1. Suppository works better imo, the fun doesn’t have to stop in the morning!

  35. Do you have to read people’s private messages on facebook to earn a decent income these days?

    1. Maybe be a shill in this comments section. I wonder how much Soros pays for that.

  36. Good reasons. 1)But bulldyke professors are brainwashing the women. And they believe it. Swallow it all hook, line and sinker. 2)Dead people are voting, and not for Trump 3)AcaDEMICS are getting paid high salaries to tell freeloaders on the dole how oppressed and unfairly they are treated. 4)Not everybody reads online news.
    ZOmbies win

    1. 1. They only believe it enough to not like Trump, but hate only won’t be alone to get them booths.
      2. If they rig it we’ll burn it down,and that’s still a win for Trump.
      3. Freeloaders on the dole wont their dole to not be shared between new beans and skittles
      4. See 1. Those that don’t give a shit about educating themselves are also those that don’t give a shit about voting.

  37. We need to make a list somewhere of all the celebs who have stated that they will leave the US if Trump wins, and put pressure on them somehow to follow up on their plans.

  38. This article doesn’t give any evidence regarding polls or the elect-ability of the candidate. Let me be clear: I am voting for Trump. However, he has a massive problem in the polls right now to say with certainty he is going to win.
    Hillary Clinton is up post-debate. And remember that the manosphere is a small percentage of the population. We barely register (and probably don’t even register at all) as an electoral group.
    No, polling and statistical data still scientifically rate Trump’s chances of winning as being about 40%. Bear in mind that if the Democrats were running almost anyone but Hillary Clinton (who has the same disapproval rating as Trump among the General Electorate) Trump would be losing by a lot right now.
    This article is the equivalent of a comforting lie: Trump is the underdog in this election, with about a 40% chance of winning. His dis-approval rating is about 60%, and Hillary is leading in key swing states such as Florida, Pennsylvania and others.

      1. Florida could go either way, and a 40% chance is nothing to laugh at. But I more take issue with the article claiming to give 4 reasons Trump “will win”: the 4 reasons don’t seem to be based on any electoral methodology and seem to be wishful thinking.
        I realize there is an intrinsic need to keep morale up among the RoK readership. But that “propaganda” of sorts should be based in reality and fact, not sentiment and wishful thinking. It all goes back to a comforting lie vs a difficult truth.
        4 Reasons Trump Can Win:
        -The current middling economics point to a close election, even without two exceptionally unpopular candidates.
        -Trump is leading by wide wide margins among independents. Although this didn’t help Romney win, it can’t be bad.
        -Assange has alluded to an “October Surprise” that could severely damage Clinton’s campaign. While I only give about 50/50 odds he will release severely damaging information, we can be cautiously optimistic.
        -If Trump is as smart as I hope he is, he can’t be blind to the current state of the polls either. Anyone with a brain has to realize Trump needs to act more “sane” and “Presidential” in the second debate. If he can use his media-manipulation skills to set the narrative that he won the second debate, he can turn things around.

    1. The truth is refreshing–and all too rare in these comments. Thank you for the reality.

  39. When you add up all the females, minorities, homos, and effiminate males in this country, they outnumber white males. They will vote democrat. Beyond that, I think the “powers that be” own and control the elections. They will put in who they want. They can rig an election if they like. My fear is that they’ll put hiltard in. Then you’ll have a bunch of females walking around in society saying “It’s a bout time we had a female president”. Then hiltard will do nothing but help implement more anti-white male laws and programs.
    Beyond that, if she gets in and continues another liberal anti-white male administration, I don’t know much more the country can take before it finally collapses.
    In reality, if all females in the US walked off their jobs tomorrow, the country would run just fine. If all minorities walked off their jobs tomorrow, the country would continue just fine. If all white males walked off their jobs tomorrow, this country would completely collapse within 10 minutes. White males are the backbone of western civilization. Most females and minorities (very few do) possess the abstract thought capabilities and true tenacity to innovate and create the way white males are able to, especially when white males come together as a whole. They design and build skyscrapers, jets, the latest integrated circuitry, they build roads, they build bridges, they design, build, and maintain the sewage system so you can have a toilet, they provide water to all homes and they invented the modern flash freezing and refrigeration technology so you can go to the store and buy food.
    The only reason why white males haven’t organized and boycotted the country is because of the chicken coop illustration below. That illustration says it all.

  40. Everbody knows Trump will loose and Clinton will win by a lanslide! Your a rasist bigget!

    1. Your lack of education is showing, sugar tits.

        1. You’re trolling sir, I appreciate it. High level stuff. lol the misspellings were a good touch

  41. It may already be too late for legacy Americans to save their country, but that will definitely be the case if Trump is defeated. If that happens the only effective response would be more extreme than most people are willing to take. Too many are worried about their mortgages, careers, and 401k’s

  42. 1 Reason why Trump won’t win the election: The election will be rigged.

    1. Of course that’s one reason. There arr plenty of other more visblr reasons why he won’t win. Sauntering up to the plate and trying to wing it and ad lib like a mediocre caucasian being the main reason.

  43. The #1 reason Trump is winning is because he speaks honestly, not like a politician. The douchebags and turd sandwhiches from either side cannot give a straight answer to any question, and are constantly lying and talking out of both sides of their mouth. I only agree with Trump on maybe half of the issues, but I know where he stands, and I understand him when he speaks.

    1. honestly? does that include all of the lies that he told?
      before you answer please don’t mention hillary we are talking about DJT
      and where he stands?
      please do tell: where does he stand on the wall? and on the muslim ban coming into the US

  44. The first picture–the political cartoon–is called something strange. Load it in another window and look at the titlebar. Is this intentional?

  45. To me this election is like a referendum on the old media vs the new media (TV, newspapers, entertainment, most of the web vs alt-right sites and social media, some foreign press, alternative press, and ‘conspiracy sites’.) Where do you get your information?
    Trump always calls out the lying media. When he mentions ideas like Ted Cruz Sr. maybe being in the CIA in the 60’s I get the feeling he follows the buzz on the Internet (although maybe that one made the NY Post or Enquirer).
    Trump supporters are getting a real education on how the establishment media works. Beyond Trump’s ‘lying media’ they can see that all of the knives are out against the candidate.
    The establishment offers 100% certainty with their ‘fact checking’. “Did LHO kill JFK? Yes, the Warren Commission concluded he and he alone did this.” Once you’re in the ‘alternative/conspiracy’ world it’s not so easy. You have to entertain conflicting theories and gather evidence and assess your own probabilities as you go along. There’s a minefield of misinformation and disinformation to navigate.
    If Clinton wins there may well be a huge effort to shut down dissent on the Internet. I’m sure ROK would be near the top of their list for ‘hate speech’. Maybe we’ll have to discuss on the dark web.

    1. He mentions Cruz’s dad to see what kind of negative reaction he could get, take him out of his element. it worked, it wasn’t a sincere statement about his dad. lets get real here, it was strategery.

      1. Okay, I’ll buy that.
        I suppose it behooves all the campaigns to keep track of Internet rumors. I’m sure Trump is well informed from first hand sources with all his connections.
        I forgot to mention what’s probably the most significant part of the new media: Twitter, which Trump uses so masterfully, and YouTube.
        Some people say the Internet crackdown is underway with last weekend’s UN takeover of ICANN.

        1. It was bound to happen sooner or later. The internet is like the wild west, I don’t agree with what the UN is doing but with all that is going on and allowed to go on no a days, its no surprise that reeling in the internet was next on the agenda.

        2. I’m hoping a Trump administration would be more free speech, given Trump’s opposition to PC.
          I wonder how this UN thing will work out. Will it be sort of a ‘least common denominator’ supporting the complaints of each member state? I mean, for instance, if Saudi says ROK is anti-Muslim does ROK lose it’s domain name?
          Here’s a great Garrison cartoon. I had a big chuckle with some of the details (the typewriter has a ‘birth certificate’ in it). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba9b7e415863800b018089feaddc960e31fe147c0af92cbdea6ee16989bd9e29.jpg

  46. “3. Men Are Fed Up With Illegal Immigrants.”
    Weren’t white people were the first illegal immigrants?
    “An illegal immigrant jumps the border, and pops out a baby? Oh, what do you know! A new American!”
    European immigrants claimed their children to be Americans because they were born
    in America too. Why can’t other illegal immigrants do the same?
    That’s probably what non-American think in common.

    1. Weren’t white people were the first illegal immigrants?
      Nope. Injuns had no immigration laws. Look what it got’em.

      1. In addition to the fact that injuns were a conquered people and are lucky to get what they have. most conquered nations, the world over, are wiped out or enslaved.

      2. They got butchered for letting Europeans in and trusting them.
        But if a place doesn’t have immigration laws, then it’s okay to wipe its people clean and claim the land as our own?

    2. It was a disorganized land mass at the time. They were settlers. As soon as a person was born they became a “native” of the region they were born. Please learn something before making ignorant comments. BTW, your “Indians” all had Caucasian DNA, as science has proven. Google it.

      1. “It was a disorganized land mass at the time. They were settlers.”
        Right. Next time we find a land with disorganized people, let’s genocide them and build a new civilization with our system. Their system? Fuck their system. Throw it in a bin where it belongs. If it’s not our system, then it’s not a good system. We will refuse to assimilate and obey to their custom and culture. Fuck no. Fuck those. Fuck ’em. Fuck ’em all. Our system is the best.
        “As soon as a person was born they became a “native” of the region they were born.”
        Trump disagree. Are you with Trump or nah? Love him (no-homo) or hate him, dude.
        “Please learn something before making ignorant comments.”
        Yoh… I was just saying what I’ve often heard from most non-american of their thought of white americans. Calm your tits.
        “Your Indians…”
        Dude, that’s rude. I don’t own them (eventhough I think it would be nice to own one as a slave).
        Naturally tan skinned, dark haired and slightly slant-eyed people are somehow related to Caucasian? Sounds like a cheap pop science to me.

  47. The Trump cock-sucking is pathetic. Your lives are shit and your counting on this piece of shit to save you from your own piece of shit decisions. And you’ll keep blaming immigrants or whatever the fuck you think Trump is gonna save you from when this country is in the shitter.
    If there’s one thing all white people have in common, whether far-right Trump supporters or hippie limp-wrist liberal SJWs is you’re all on a self-righteousness contest.

      1. Your sister, daughter, wife, or gf will do it for me, gringo.
        It will always give us satisfaction that a simple green card gives us the same rights as a shitkicker nationalist like you. And that puts fear and resentment in you. You’ve built your personality on this, which makes you a pathetic, emotional, little bitch. You’re no different than the triggered, bitch-ass SJWs.

        1. Its always the liberals talking mess and calling names. Why don’t you like people who value borders and boundries, Heyzues? Why do you feel like borders and laws don’t apply to you? or if you are legal why do you object to law?

        2. It’s common knowledge among Latina women that Latino men cannot deliver the goods. This is why they run into the arms of white saviors, driven by their lust for the BWC.

        3. No fear, your attitude and outlook shows what a Worthless Piece Of Shit you are and that’s why we don’t want you here.
          We Whopped that Ass in American Mexican War! We will do it again. Never forget this punta!
          If the white man wanted he would take your land by force joto, not sneak accross the border like a rat!
          You minorities forget that the white man is the hardest, most calculating killer to ever walk the earth. You can continue to underestimate the brutal savagery of the civilized white man at your own peril!

        4. So you’re gonna sharpen your katanas? Just so you know, 2nd amendment rights also apply to me, so I’m ready.
          And if you’re gonna make death threats online, at least have your real name and a picture of you, you know, like I do.

        5. Whatever, white bitch, you’re just anonymously gonna call the cops on me. That’s always very tactical and calculating.
          And since it’s relevant to the discussion, I’m here to stay, being a US born citizen and all.

        6. Haha, you or your ancestors snuck across another nations borders and I’m the bitch?
          When my ancestors wanted another country’s land they killed for it.
          Your people want it given to them.

        7. My grandfather came here legally, then had to go fuck up nazis to prove he was a real American. Then he worked and paid taxes like any other American. So what is it you’re saying again?

        8. Maybe I’m special, but my experience has been the complete opposite of that. Especially now, with the mainstream Trump hate it’s never been better to tell white girls I’m Mexican.

        9. Have that white trash, white girls that fuck Mexicans and blacks are the lowest our race has to offer, yet y’all love them.

        10. It’s because you have to offer them marriage, a house, a car, commitment, etc. for just the possibility of getting laid.
          All we have to do is feed them a Corona and some carne asada and they’re readily spreading their legs and taking Spanish lessons.

        11. You forget, the white girls that want to fuck you are the white girls I do not want to fuck! Or else they would fuck me!
          Put your ego aside, bendejo, and look at life objectively.

        12. Exactly my thinking. Legal immigrants or second generation immigrants need to support the law abiding order. My parents were legal immigrants and paid their dues, as a result, I’m as American as Apple pie, baseball and a colt 1911. Oh and being proud of your ethnic/cultural heritage (which I am) does not mean imposing it on the country that gave you succor; to have it force fed on others.

        13. As you’re writing this, there’s a tatted AB member fucking your ass.
          And I’m not an immigrant.

        14. Your eloquent words truly showcase your abilities as a masterful rhetorician. Bravo.

        15. I’m done. I’ll just finish by saying that your pipe dreams haven’t changed since the end of the Civil War…..and here we are and haven’t gone anywhere. Shithead politicians like Trump have come and gone throughout history, and we’re still here. We fuck your women, we eat your food (that we grow), we buy your foreclosed properties from money we keep on making while you’re out blaming the economy and immigrants for being unemployed and broke, and we exercise the same rights as white “Americans”.
          About time you just accepted it, or try and compete rather than attempt for the thousandth time to kick us out by trying to elect some piece of shit that will never accomplish anything for you.

        16. You’d better be ready, since you put your real name and your picture online, genius.

        17. When are you coming to kill me then?
          Maybe I’m just not afraid of a fedora neckbeard threatening me online.

        18. “When the time comes,” as I said above. Not terribly bright, are you? Not terribly brave either, seeing as how you just made your profile private, lol.

        19. It’s not a hallucination, it’s a brief lightheadedness after a white girl drains ever drop from my balls.
          I’ll admit, Mexican girls don’t have those abilities.

        20. Yeah Latinas won’t do it for beta males like yourself. You should read more game content to overcome your failures with women.

        21. Haha, I live in Phoenix joto, I have a deep respect for hard working traditional Hispanics, specifically Mexicans. It is your dirty mouth I won’t accept, you think your so great because your a leach. You need to accept your place.
          God willing the south will rise again, when it happens I have no issue letting traditional Hispanics on board, men like your grandad. Not cucarachas like you.

        22. Here we go again.
          The south will not rise again. There are way too many poor whites who are suckered in by the Republican promise of a “return to values” (just as you would say poor blacks are seduced by government help) to ever change their ways. The only viable future the south has is in tech and sevice heavy cities like Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas, etc. What scares white southerners is you dont have the knowledge or the WANT of knowledge to adapt to the changing times.
          The south is full of losers and will never rise to whatever glory that has long surpassed you. Eventually you will realize this.

        23. Like he said, you have hallucinations, obviously. Or is it pipe dreams? Being dirty and thinking white girls want that. Keep hallucinating, it helps you cope with reality.

        24. “not an immigrant.” ??? Then what are you? You stated you are a “Mexican” yet you claim to be born in the USA and are a citizen???
          You are a moron, you don’t even know what an ethnicity is.
          Oh wait, you aren’t an “immigrant”, you are an alien (I.E. illegal), that’s it!

        25. Believing in the fantasy that being “born” in a country by illegal aliens makes you a “citizen” of that country is more delusional liberal nonsense. As if a pregnant tourist, are invader, can give birth and then her baby is magically a “citizen”. You have been listening to too many libtards that want you to vote for them for the bribes they pay you.

        26. Who invented electricity?
          Who invented the automobile?
          Who invented the train?
          Who designed the homes your people build nowadays?
          Fuck at this point you name something the white man didn’t invent. You can’t get enough of the white man’s inventions, you love what the white man has done for you.
          Who invented beer?
          Cell phone?
          Motor boat?
          Who started mining for resources?
          Who went to space?
          Who invented rockets?
          The accordian?
          Video Games ?
          Property rights?
          Bill of Rights?
          Who ended slavery, punta?
          You are a worthless rodent, reaping the joys of a culture you disrespect. You are a worthless piece of shit.

        27. OH NOOO MEME ATTACK!. Im so embarrassed and defeated now… really man? what are you so pissed off about? Who shit in your cornflakes? er uh burrito?.. refried beans? it was the beans huh? You didn’t even notice the shit till you took the first bite I bet… Sorry about that, but let me tell you, You are in the wrong place if you think you are trolling shy individuals..

        28. lmao, I love when they say “im done”. They cant ever seem to keep promises.

        29. The South cant rise “again”, it was only up because the rest of the land and government at the time wasn’t fully developed and ignored them too long.

        30. Oh man, how am I going to recover from that? shit. Tell me more doc. ::lays on couch::

        31. Romans 10:12
          “For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.”

        32. On a supremely transcendent level, you are correct.
          On a purely earthly and physical level, there is massive difference.

        33. ah, my mistake. you may have a very big future as a psychic with your ability to assess peoples personalities over the internet.

        34. What “law”, you’re delusional and choose self serving definitions of words to help you cope with actual reality. Did you hear? Trump won, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! GFY!

    1. All insult, no solutions, typical libtard. Obviously you didn’t have a job of which illegal aliens cut the pay rate in half in a few years.
      You’re far too ignorant to participate in this debate. Get a rectal decraniotomy and come back after you fully recover.

      1. I’m not a liberal. And if you lost your job to an illegal immigrant, that’s your own damn fault for being useless. All you people do is cry, and your last bastion of hope is riding on the possibility of Trump being president.
        Go fuck your sister or tilt-proof your trailer.

  48. no trump isnt going to win at the rate he is going.
    he needs to nail clinton to the wall on big issues instead of fighting in the mud with clinton and counter punching. he needs to throw first strike haymakers, not play the counter punch game. he needs to go for slam dunks on fast breaks, not slow down and set up offense.
    Trump needs to stop responding to every twitter feed post and every tax remark and start nailing her to wall about 90,000 emails, benghazi, the economy, and if we’re going to talk about the 1990s then talk about how the clintons had sex scandals in the white house.
    there is other stuff but you get the gist.
    Trump is going to lose if he keeps fighting on their terms and letting them set the tone. he needs to throw the haymakers first.

    1. Agreed. Was disappointed with his performance in the first debate because I expect him to bring up all of her scandals and lies. The mods certainly aren’t going to do it.

      1. I’m not convinced that’s the right way to win. I think he needs to get a public speaking coach and learn how to talk efficiently and effectively about his actual policies, their details (barring those that might help our terrorists), and how they will help us. I’m never impressed by a person dragging down another and would much rather hear what you are going to do for me rather than someone else’s dirty laundry. At least from the prime candidate. I hear all that other trash elsewhere.

    1. Like that Trump is still 1,000 times more a man than you fascist, anti-free speech, libtard, panty wastes. Now go do your domestic chores that your female master commands of you, mangina.

  49. In all seriousness, these Trump articles make you look like you want Trump’s dick in your ass more than you want his presidency. There was even an article where one of you faggots said he was “handsome”.

  50. There is a certain sweetness to white male delusion that cannot be found anywhere else. Possibly the best in the universe, dark matter and all.

  51. Sounds like a ray of hope but I’m reading in other places that regardless of the popular outcome Clinton will have a landslide in electoral votes. I can only hope that The House and Senate will be so stacked against her that none of her idiotic policies will pass. The Supreme Court vacancy will present an even worse and farther reaching problem.

    1. In 2012, Obama and Romney were tied in the realclearpolitics poll average, but Obama ended up beating him by 4%. Why? Enthusiasm for Obama was much higher than it was for Romney, so Obama voters were much more likely to actually go vote, whereas a lot of whites stayed home. It was why black voter turnout was actually higher than white turnout in 2012.
      Now, it’s almost exactly the opposite. Enthusiasm for Trump is much higher than it is for Hillary. Plenty of Obama supporters, especially younger ones and blacks, will likely stay home.
      On top of that, there are plenty of people who are enthusiastic Trump supporters but are afraid to tell anybody for fear of getting punished in some way by SJWs. This was not the case with Obama.

  52. I really hope that Trump does win, and that men take back this country. Not flash in the pan puas that just want alot of easy sex (which doesn’t help slut culture), but the ones that are responsible, strong, loyal, and respectable. Those with courage, that will bring back the nuclear family, head their households with a firm hand, fidelity, integrity, and respect, and demand the same, and put this place right again.

  53. Trump winning is far from certain at this point. He should outperform the polls but he needs to put some real effort into preparing for the debates. His ego is getting in his way. People who follow politics forget how little most people know of what is going on. Many people only get their news from the mainstream press which portrays Trump as Hitler. He needs the debates to connect with people directly.

  54. Not all illegal aliens come from Mexico. Half of the illegal ere overstay their visas. Might as well build a dome to keep those guys out.
    As of last count more Mexicans are leaving the USA than are coming in.
    I understand a country defending its borders but blaming illegal immigration on just one country is irresponsible.

  55. You sound like only men have advantage of Trump being president. There are many women who are fed up with immigration as well.

  56. So far the MSM and all of the political “experts” are batting 1.000 when it comes to being wrong about Trump. Weather forecasters are right more often.

  57. All good points but he’s still the wrong choice for one important reason: Short temper combined with control of nuclear codes. Boring and feminine might be better ever since nukes were invented.

  58. This “manly, handsome, red-pill, alpha-male” (your words, not mine) just screwed himself out of the presidency because like any insecure little bitch, he just can’t keep his trap shut when appropriate.

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