As men enter lucrative positions and ascend up the ladders of success, an increasingly common tactic to derail them is the malicious false allegation. Modern employment culture places masculine men at the mercy of women with whom they share the workplace. That, coupled with the fact that human resources and personnel departments are overwhelmingly dominated by women means that masculine men are essentially working behind enemy lines. Most gainfully employed men should therefore expect to be involved in a case of false allegations as either a witness or an accused party at some point in their careers.
To understand why women make false allegations, one must know it is often due to their realization that they cannot outperform or control a talented male rival. Women know that institutions tend to resolve any dispute between a man and a woman in favor of the woman due to “vaginal privilege” and because employers reason the females are more apt to file expensive lawsuits and make an overall bigger stink. Such women also view a false allegation is a means to enrich themselves with monetary settlements all while sullying the reputation and professional standing of a rival male.
The #MeToo hysteria is enabling men to finally realize that all but the most exceptional complaints are false, power-snatching, money-grabbing attempts. However, a seldom answered question is how does a man successfully defeat a false accusation from an unscrupulous female at work?
1. Recognize your enemies and keep a journal
The perceptive male can identify potential false accusers simply by being observant. That girl who always has a toxic quip, hostility to your mere presence, behaves as if the rules don’t apply to her, or tries to bait you with sexual jokes/innuendo is a prime candidate. You should make a brief note of each negative encounter with such a woman to include dates and witnesses. In the event it comes to a false allegation, you can cut and paste those notes into a memo to illustrate a historical context and to mount a strong defense.
2. Remain calm and composed
If a false allegation is ever lodged against you, it will be quite disconcerting. You’ll wrack your brain to determine if you did something wrong, and you’ll fluctuate between disbelief and anger. However, save the rants, shouting, and stress-busting outbursts for your home or the gym.
Your composure, as hard as it will be to keep, remains a very key component of how management and human resources will assess your culpability. If your reactions give them any reason to find you at fault, they will. So remain, polite, dispassionate, and matter of fact whenever you address the matter.
3. Treat the accuser kindly and respectfully after the complaint is lodged against you
Many otherwise unfounded female false accusations later develop 100% legitimacy if it can be shown that you are treating the female any differently, ignoring her, gossiping about her, or basing decisions related to her on her complaint due to the anti-retaliation provision in discrimination law.
Some women know their initial complaint will never hold water but wait for your negative reaction to it to establish a case of unlawful reprisal to discriminatory complaint. Therefore treat any false allegation against you as a chess match and comport yourself in a manner that protect yourself and your case.
4. Hire a labor law attorney to craft your official response to the complaint
Finding an attorney is a pain and it can be expensive, but trust me, they can save your rear in ways you could never imagine. Attorneys know the correct language, tone, and tricks to get these complaints dismissed. More importantly, they can assist you in crafting a counter-compliant (against the female or against the employer) which will not only make the lying female’s head spin, but it will provide you with the same retaliation protections which will protect you from being later disciplined or fired. Moreover, a counter complaint could end up being settled in your favor with your attorneys’ fees paid.
5. Expect a multitude of shaming tactics on her behalf
Fully expect colleagues, managers, human resources muckety mucks, and everyone else to take her side initially. You will hear, “I’m sure she would not just make it up,” or “Just man-up about it and come clean.” Ignore those shaming attempts as simply the gynocentric impulse springing into action to shame you into easing up on the demonic damsel in distress. March forward undeterred and without apology.
6. See the case all the way through to the end
Have your counter complaint reviewed by the EEOC (or state counterpart agency) and be willing to take it to a court of law if need be. The vast majority of cases settle out of court which is a way to get your attorneys’ fees recouped along with back pay from a denied promotion or opportunity. Most cases take months or even years to be resolved, especially if you have a particularly determined false accuser.
All men, white, black, Asian, Latino, atheist, Christian, Muslim or otherwise have the right to file or counter-file a workplace discrimination case against anyone, including against females or the institution itself. Don’t be that fool who’s been misled to believe that only women and minorities have these rights!
False allegations at work are a manifestation of the ongoing war against men. That being the case, arm yourself with the knowledge to legally beat back any contrived challenge to your professional life and earning power. Far too many men fail to aggressively act in their defense then later wonder why they were denied promotion, suspended, or outright terminated. Don’t be that guy.
7. Don’t work with women. The previous 6 points will all become null and void.
What happens if paying a hit-man is cheaper and economical than paying high 5-figure sums for a lawyer who will have to follow the feminist rule of law?
6 Million? — A fair point. A person trying to commit violence against you themselves or through a court system or by denying you your bread is an enemy all the same. Now about how to find that hitman…
Hire Agent 47.
The sole best answer.
Or as they say in limeyland ?? Send them to Coventry …
Beat them to death as publicly and bloodily as possible then do the time.
It may not help you, but it will discourage women from accusing other men.
Being in certain fields, that is not possible. It would be wonderful not to have to work with women, but not practicals if you work in:
*Customer service/retail/service industry;
*Offices/business offices/marketing/etc;
And many others.
You need to have a strategy to avoid problems in first place. The goal of work is not be get girls or be Alpha. The goal is to make money to fund your Alpha lifestyle. Life is out there, work is just way to pay bills.
Again, read this RoK article, it is a lifesaving guide for men:
Not working with women is the best option, but unlikely more and more, as they are burrowing all over men’s workplaces. And false accusations will continue as women always want a quick cash payout, for no work. 😡
Read the 8 Rules above, they work very well with the OP post. 😉
And if you have to, follow the new work rules:
*Never ever touch a woman not your wife. Not even a handshake.
*Never ever speak of non-work matters to a woman at work. Not even a joke.
*Never speak to a woman in anything but business appropriate language.
*Never ever say anything that can even vaguely be construed as sexual.
*Never ever allow yourself to be alone with a woman at work in any situation whatsoever (ESPECIALLY in enclosed spaces like file closets). Obey the Rule of Three: there must always been another worker, preferably a man, present as a witness. Even in open spaces, follow the Rule of Three. If you have your own office, or she does, NEVER close the door with just the two of you in there.
“If you have your own office, or she does, NEVER close the door with just the two of you in there.”
Not a bad trope in videos.
“If you have your own office, or she does, NEVER close the door with just the two of you in there.”
It works in certain videos.
Hate crime laws in Canada and the UK explicitly state that the truth is not a defense. What makes you think it is going to be any different in matters brought up in this article? In the UK, Sweden, Germany and I’m sure other advanced nations barbarian invaders groom, molest, rape and kill young girls with impunity. Only non Muslim heterosexual men need fear this war on men that is only intensifying. If she says you’re guilty then you’re guilty. With a few and I dare say few exceptions, these 6 points outlined won’t help you one damned bit.
Rape shield laws in America, Canada and several European countries also make it inadmissible in court to cross examine your accuser if she feels that her “sexual dignity” is violated, such as commenting on how she was the one arriving to work in low cut necklines to flirt with the Grade One students.
You have societies where many behaviours are only legal if religious is religiously bases aparthied states. Religious groups are
a) allowed to have segregated schooling, nursing homes, youth groups ect
b) Religious groups are allowed to employ only ethnic specific striaght married males in leadership roles
c) tax exempt
d) Allowed to teach books and therefore ethics of religious and ethnic hatred.
Being part of a religion seems to exempt one from all of modern society. Anyway who cares about the Anglosphere outside of the States. These are a bunch of police states these days and as the minority rootkit takes more power that will increase hugely. All values of freedom have gone they cannot even whisper most truths. They cannot even mention the truths which they cannot mention to mention because that would be to mention them indirectly. If they wanted to discuss why free speech would be better for them they would not be able to mention what it would since they would break the rules on speech to do so. Its funny to watch on.
Religion has become the last bastion of freedom of thought and so logically it will follow that any new philosophy will have to use religion as its vector. The West does rely on crumbling genetics so I expect it to fall at some stage. It would be interesting to see if the way in which benefits pushed the r-selected low IQ groups to proliferate will also now select in favor of religion as the main for of philosophy again. New ideas are renegade usually and there are few other ways by which renegade ideas can be pushed. The natural selection death of the secular groups through low birth rates also shows atheism to be practically useless.
Every year as the Governments foot is ore firmly pressed against the neck of freedom. The irony is now that general conversation about topics is far more free in places like China and Russia than the West. Many really think that. Some leftist might protest this statement but in practical experience they may be wrong on that. So many people feel more free to discuss these holy cows like democracy or like race or biological social gender roles or many other things in Russia and Asia today than someplace in the anglosphere. Government criticism is easier in the West so there is no obviously free places. America is still the best place but after that I cannot think that Russia and China are below Canada .
The dictatorships offering that general freedom to offend in society and the democracies offering freedom to criticise rulers if not all all powerful groups eg js.
The West the laws are vague and as the rootkit demographic nonwhite bubble pops and these nonwhites move to positions of implementing law they will give far less credence to ideas like free speech. Vague laws will become far more strictly interpreted against intellectual dissidents.
The implemention of rules today is still done by the boomers who are are largely white where the average young Hispanic is closer ideologically to antifa than Voltaire.
“Every year as the Governments foot is ore firmly pressed against the neck of freedom.”….Ya, that is because white man let his government be taken over. The government is actually the only thing that really grants you freedoms and protections. China, Russia, and other countries are still somewhat dominated by the patriarchy (for now) and are not full of a bunch de-nationalized “muh individual” libertarian minded morons. The bill of rights, our freedoms all have no meaning unless the men that made them enforce them by controlling their own government. The reason many non-whites, like in Europe, don’t get chased after, like white man is, is because they are the allies helping the Marxist destroy white man. White countries are being invaded and colonized…it is pretty simple actually. Aren’t you dudes tired of constantly talking about the same bullshit over and over again….do ya’ll ever ACTUALLY want to do something about it? The first step is going to be accepting the fact that libertarianism and “muh individualism” is bullshit, and then accepting the fact that ethno-nationalism is important. Every man before before you knew this.
But once its gone its not easy to see a path to take it back. Those countries that haven’t started that path and that experiment should hang back a generation and see how it goes.
LOL, What are you talking about?
Because I am unusually well-dressed, clean-shaven, and a solid 8 in appearance, and because I NEVER EVER talk about anything personal at work, I always keep a “back-up card” for false sexual harassment accusations:
“I am a very discreet gay man. So how can I show any interest in you?”
It works like magic. I have pulled that card before when I was 23 and even though I was already married to a female (and I have never ever been gay or even considered it), I pulled that card when a fat hippo tried to say I made “comments” about wanting her body. 🙄 She pulled this one me because she was told I beat her quota that month and that I mocked her (which I did not, but women in offices constantly want to stir up trouble).
I got called to HR to be questioned (with Hippo there too) about my “sexual comments” about wanting to bang this monster… Because I am a professional BSer when it comes to fighting the system, I thought the “gay” strategy on the spot and have used it twice in my life. The 2nd time was harder, since I stupidly allowed the wife to come to my office once, but I explained we have a “lavender marriage” as I have been gay for years and she wanted to marry really bad. It worked that time too. The “gay defense” to false sexual harassment claims can work wonders in an HR situation. It also works well if a woman beats you up and calls the cops. If you say to cops woman attacked you after you told her you are gay, they MIGHT not arrest you and arrest her in that case, since Duluth model has a “gay privilege” provision.
So…. During the confrontation inside HR with the femme-hippo, I said to her “really? I have been gay since I was 15 years old, so unless you happen to be a boy, I have no interest in you. I am sorry to disappoint you”. They were both stunned and did not know what to say.
That was years ago, even BEFORE gay dudes had protected and privileged status in America. I can only imagine now! The “gay card” can work well for you too, if you are up against a wall. 🙂
Ps. Some may criticize me for being in-masculine by pulling such a stunt. I will do and say ANYTHING to beat the FemiNazi system, that has been created to destroy me. Even if it means faking being gay. There are no weapons I will not use against my FemiNazi and Marxist enemies.
As the crazy Prof said in movie Accepted: “If my ass is a hamburger and everyone takes a bite out of it [in this crazy dog-eat-dog world]…but hey, guess what? I can still sit!” 😀 So screw you, I will fight fire with a extinguisher, and a knife with a Katana.
Heck, with 42 genders, and countless species, you could claim to be a pink elephant.
What can they say?
Of course, a pink elephant might be seen as having desires for the whale accuser.
You might also add the “trans card” along with the gay card.
I’ve been rejected from several job opportunities and its been suggested it’s because of my very long hair. Trans seems to rate higher on the trendy victim ladder these days.
Heh heh heh, victory stories are rare, but when I find them, I laugh joyously on the inside.
“All is fair in love and WAR.
A bigger point us that there’s no justice in the American work place. You can follow all the rules, expect company due process and they will ignore it all and fire you at leisure.
That’s why we don’t have work contracts in America. The courts have to enforce contracts ir the whole edifice of the market breaks down
I doubt that counter-suing your false accuser will work in feminist occupied cities like (((Toronto))) and Montreal. I’ve been reading from CBC that there is an alarming rise in women being executed gangster-style in the Toronto area, but somehow this is because of white middle class men offending women! You can’t make this shit up I tell ya folks!
A little more detail please.
“alarming rise in women being executed gangster-style…”
They asked for it, aren’t they !?
problem solving 101 simplified. as heartless as it may sound, logically, solving the problem simply means removing the cause.
in vietnam, the vietcong sent suicide bombers ( forced children) to carry hand grenades into American troops wire and ranks. the simple logical heartless solution to survival was shoot them out of range before they succeeded.
this is what society has become. false allegations are the daisy cutters against men. you either clear the environment of the threat by taking them out of the work place or accept that these female suicide bombers aimed at you are already there close to you, and when they break into a sprint at you screaming the false allegations, you react to it. the real world is funny that way. do you react to the life ending threat by “pshaw”ing it away, or realize you life is about to end. they really leave you no choice. look at the grieviously wounded victims, never mind the suicides caused by these easy to employ false allegations. the women dont care that they are absolutely wrecking your entire life.
You americstani probably were in Vietnam for pleasant cruise, but they were just unwelcoming host. I am glad that they fucked the shit out of your scum trops there, and drove you back from their land.
The first pic shows men wear blazers and ties in summer weather, while the twat wears a sleeveless vest that I can smell her stinky armpits from my computer. This is the reverse Saudi Arabia for men.
7. Film Everything…..All the time.
Hidden camera pens, key rings, watches, eye glasses, alarm clocks….etc…etc….etc….
Heck…you can get some of these for $10…..all in glorious Full-HD with loads of memory! E-Bay is your friend!
Even being alone with some of these Bunny-boilers in an elevator can be dangerous…PROTECT YOURSELVES BOYS!
8. Take the stairs. Get cardio, in the process. Double win.
No kidding. in most case the lying tarts won’t want to get sweaty using the stairs preferring instead to get sweaty being acting getting h0rny at their desks fantasizing.
Recording everything REALLY helps. But in USA (a/k/a/ lawyer’s paradise), you need see State laws in this regard. I currently live in a 1-party State, meaning as long as 1 person in the group being recorded knows the recording is happening, it is legal. 🙂
State Laws regarding recording calls and wearing bodycam:
I have my work area “bugged” top to bottom with 2 hidden cameras, HD, color, motion activated. My fav is my hidden desk cam, as that is one that I use to KEEP all daily interactions with any woman that comes inside, even if it is innocuous. That one I hit a small button to record and when woman leaves, I turn it off. I take these recordings home weekly (unless there is a problem), then I take every recording with me nightly and restart it in morning.
I am a huge fan of concealed body cams that you can push “record” from inside your pocket whenever dealing with a woman in a one-on one situation at work (not alerting the harpy of the recording). I have developed a system when I talk to female co-workers one-on-one, I press rec before we start talking, and keep the chat, even if it is just “can you send this fax” or whatever. Why? Because if it ever comes to a he-said, she-said later on (which is most cases), I can ask “when was the alleged Harris sent happened?” And pulls out the recordings for that whole day and hand them over. If I am questioned whether I only recorded that day, I can I can hand digital COPIES of all the recordings of every interaction we have, showing I record EVERYTHING and keep it all for life, making the false woman accuser back off. Keep all recordings for life, thanks to #MeToo allowing bitches from making false accusations 40 years later.
I know this is not a happy situation, but I do it, because I am in law school, 6 years as Paralegal dealing with women in law offices, and I KNOW how this shit legal system works.
Ps. Another idea is to minimize interactions with women whenever possible. When dealing with them, use e-mail or text messages and keep it simple and professional. All HER to get nasty and aggressive. That can allow you to file a “hostile work environment” lawsuit later on if it gets really bad and you decide to move on to another job. 😉
Better have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. 🙂
“….But in USA (a/k/a/ lawyer’s paradise), you need see State laws in this regard. I currently live in a 1-party State, meaning as long as 1 person in the group being recorded knows the recording is happening, it is legal…..”
You and I…(and everyone that visits this site) know that: In the West being a Man and playing by the rules…IS NOT a winning strategy.
Winning Strategy:
1. NOT play the game (MGTOW=No Marriage/No Cohabitation/Pump-and-Dump only, Going Galt)
2. If you MUST play the game…you have to cheat.
I DON’T CARE WHAT THE RECORDING LAWS ARE IN EACH STATE….My job is to protect myself. So I would rather go to jail (doubtful) for recording something without consent than going to jail because of a false rape accusation.
This happened to a colleague of my neighbor. His saving grace was his male boss, he himself had false accusations thrown at him multiple times (says the neihjbor). Apparently his boss, a vice principal, was strict with teachers about their attendance. They did not like that and accused him of sexism and racism. The ironic thing is that he hired more women of color than almost any other admin. In his district (through recomendations, according to my neighbor). It’s a rather large school so the head principal would defer to him for personnel decisions.
Anyways my neighbor had the habit of working late. I would occasionally meet him at work and play ball with him on the court after the workday. He had a habit, per his own admission, of only conversing with the young/ pretty teachers after school. I assume they spoke to him because he was a highly decorated veteran teacher. This ruffled some feathers with the older teachers, and one, who is actually quite pretty but volatile, accused him of harassing her.
I remember meeting her one day at the ball court and was shocked with how she treated her students.
Anyways, he kept a journal which he provided to the administration as proof that nothing happened. Apparently the other teachers learned of this and said it was full of fabricated accounts (most teachers live in the same cities around here, so gossip flies). The vp, knowing this guy, took his side. He’s convinced that’s what saved him. The journal wouldn’t have done much if had another boss who wasn’t sympatehtic. He considered leaving, because he is so well respected in his district, but the only principals/vps hiring were females (which he isn’t comfortable with).
Moral of the story is don’t have private meetings at work with other people, open the door and make sure there are others there or in the vicinity. Always keep documentation, and be proactive in voicing concerns with your boss if you feel like something is off (offense not defense).
Most people around here work in government or education and I many stories like this one.
Even if the accusations against a man are 100% false, he did not do anything wrong, and he gets a total victory in court at the end, he will never be able to work with peace of mind in his workplace in the future, because there will always be doubts in the air about him afterwards.
Because of #5 (in-office slander and smear campaign against you), I say fuck #3 (even if patience is a virtue). Anybody who carelessly threatens your livelihood gets the pointy end of consequences, not glad-handling. I’d rather take every risk and go down in flames before tactically kissing that ass.
When I deal with women in the workplace my main mode of communication is email or text in an off-site/on-call scenario. Documentation is the key.
Never go out to a company happy hour with women. Just go home.
If you want to happy hour with co-workers just invite men. If women claim it is sexist just respond and say it is a private after-hours event.
Never date a woman that works for your company. Period.
Never comment about the appearance of a woman. Never. Even if you think it is a “compliment”. Just get your coffee say a polite hello and go back to your office.
Never meet with a woman one-on-one in a closed door environment. Always have an HR rep or assistant in on that meeting even if they have nothing to do with it. Just say “Donna is here to take notes” and move on if questioned.
If you are a PUA, player, or cad never talk about it at the office. Just stating your weekend conquest (even though women will openly discuss the guy they hooked up with last night) is enough to get a sexual harassment complaint thrown at you. Keep your mouth shut and just do your job.
Always meet dates far away from your place of work. Just being seen with an attractive woman by the leggings as pants fat lady in the office is going to catch you flack. Just don’t create the liability.
Yes it feels like we live under a oppressive regime with these rules, but we do. Is it fair? No. Is it real? Yes. You can’t live life wishing something wasn’t true.
Jeff, you are correct and right on. Do 95%+ of all interactions with women at ANY office/work venue via e-mail, text, or some other electronic way.
I work in legal field, the staff is 90% women, the nastiest lawyers you have ever met are women (we call them “HellCats”, not the cool military band, these are Hellhound lawyer bitches from hell), and you are already in a legal environemnt and everyone has lawsuits and litigations on top of their minds.
The only way is to document everything by e-mail, text, or in-house messaging. I screenshot everything and here is the key: PRINT ALL SENT AND RECEIVED e-mails between you and women and take them home each day. Why? When you get accused and dragged into HR for a police-style interrogation (and often, dismissal), you may not have a chance to gather your evidence to counter-attack the female accuser. It will make your life easier if you have a recent problem to have e-mails printed and ready to go (kept in your work bag) each day, preparing for the false accusation. You will also make it easier for your lawyer to verify the communication without having to file lawsuit and wait several weeks for Discovery responses (they also cost money to do). With printed evidence in-hand, your lawyer can send a “Demand for Settlement” without filing a lawsuit, which can get cash revolution (cheaper fee) then trial. 🙂
Finally, memorize these 8 rules and live by them. This is probably one of the best RoK article and should be mandatory reading for any man working in office or any environment with more then 10% women.
Read above and know it by heart. It is a survivalist guide to dealing with any woman in workplace.
Final thing: record everything with hidden cameras and use concealed audio recorder which you can discreeetyly activate without the harpy seeing it (i.e. Using remote from pants pocket) and keep all recordings for life. Not a fun thing to do, but it will help you a lot in litigation costs when you file a “wrongful termination” lawsuit against your old company. 🙂
Ps. Check your State laws about recording audio/video secretly and the laws regarding recording phone calls.
Hope this helps, folks. 🙂
Man, I’m in a situation at work that’s no big deal but happens all too often to me, so I figure I’ll see what’s the best way to deal with this:
1. So there’s this girl at work who is nice, cute, friendly and loves having all the guys (who are mostly beta’s) hanging onto her.
2. Naturally, I ignore her, I know her game, she’s harmless, just a typical office attention whore. It’s a b-grade win-win, the beta’s get to practice talking to a real girl for the first time, and she laps up the beta attention.
3. She notices me being the odd one out, deliberately ignoring her, so now she’s fixated on me.
4. Oh, and any time I’ve done the opposite with girls, be cool with them, treat them like one of the boys, never censor my jokes, they end up getting fixated on me. So I’m fucked if I do, and I’m fucked if I don’t.
So yeah, basically I tend to turn on my female work collegues, and I don’t want to. So what’s the best approach?
P.S. Worth mentioning, I do have an alpha vibe in the office, can’t help it, surrounded by betas, hard not to stick out. And, no, I’m not going to go Clarke Kent, not an option.
Keep doing what you are doing and just interact with he only with work related stuff
Yeah, but this pisses me off. The whole thing, if I saw her on the street I’d approach, so that side is a whole fucking no-go. And on the other side, I’ve tried doing absolutely everything to ensure the hot girl at work does not like me and that backfires spectacularly. So no office parties for me.
I’d love a sure fire way be able to just chill at work and avoid having girls I want to fuck want to fuck me. I know, I can stop showering, wearing bad clothes, have a poor posture, eat garlic, but fuck that. I considered pretending I was married, but then I know that’s like a bee to honey.
Pretend you’re gay 🙂
Was this article checked for spelling and grammar?
Know et wuz knot.
You can run into an issue if you don’t go to work parties. It can be seen as social rejection of your colleagues. It’s a lose lose situation.
If you must go keep it brief and do not imbibe.
The best decision I ever made was not to go to the “open bar” X-Mas party about 10 years ago because I was sick. HR spent the next six months with “workplace investigations” that mostly targeted men for behavior at that party. A bunch of men ended up leaving the company (probably fired but they said they quit) but no women were held publicly accountable.
When an HR babe asked me about the party my answer was simple. I was sick so I missed it. I called out sick that day and the next few. Never heard anything back. Also left that job as soon as I could get another one.
“Fully expect colleagues, managers, human resources muckety mucks, and everyone else to take her side initially.”
Although nothing to do with harassment I did have a ‘problem’ at my previous job with a gossip mongering narcissistic women in her 40’s. I pretty much kept it to myself only mentioning it to a couple of the other guys. Her on the other hand practically ran around the whole building telling everyone her bullshit version of events. I even had a another woman who worked on a different floor that I barely knew take a verbal swipe at me while I was in the kitchen. I’m still amazed at how many cucks and others fell over themselves to lap up her bullshit story.
Never underestimate the lies a woman will tell in an attempt to discredit you and to make herself look good in the eyes of management and others.
This is easy.
Simply do not interact with the 5s and lower in your office.
And let’s face it, unless you in work in retail or on a trading floor, the females at work will be plain to ugly — except maybe the receptionists and secretaries. And if you work in IT, the females will be 10% or less and will be HIDEOUS. Something I know all too well. Very easy to pretend they don’t exist.
Idk, in Americastan maybe you have ugly females at IT. Here at IT they are very beautiful( beautiful and smart – combo that most think is imposible), and not SJW infested.
Where is “here” for you?
I have heard that Poland and Romania have pretty girls in IT.
Here in the US they are hideous…simply HIDEOUS!
That’s why I don’t work with women I work In a warehouse we’re the women are only in the office and male in the work floor. And if I have to I record or try to avoid talking to .
Nope and Nope.
Become angry and hysterical!
Righteous Indignation and
rapid-fire denial of everything
even working in the building
is your best defense every time.
It will even shut down a panel
filled with lesbians and betas.
They got nothing as long as
your mind keeps racing
and not calmed down.
This is very timely. I’m pretty on guard in the office but in the me-too era you can never be too careful. I’m trying to work my way out of this job with a side business. Until then I’m stuck in the vipers den. The risk of working in a corporate environment with women right now is too high. It’s not sustainable
The one thing here I disagree with is refusing to date coworkers. Don’t use coworkers for casual sex, but if you can find that one girl who’s nice, feminine, and wholesome and you can tell she won’t bring in HR if things go south, you need to seize those opportunities.
The feminists basically want to reverse gender roles and by becoming too afraid to ask out the few respectable women at the office, we’re seceding a dangerous amount of ground in the culture wars.
No lie…I’m currently dealing with something like that. As someone who’s had to suffer an allegation just before the hysteria, so I was still able to keep my job, I definitely see the signs. And now, especially 2 and 3, really does show the mark of my growth. This girl comes at me for all to see on group chats, in front of the whole department. She gets away with it because she has her circle of friends who sees her blatant rude behavior, I guess as cute. She keeps making up rules to suit her preferences, and i’m one of the few males who won’t put up with it. So we’ve clashed. and each time, she goes over board and says some rude remark and insults me in front of everyone in the group chat, and in team meetings. And everytime, I keep my cool, stick to the topic, remain respectful and go on about my duty. My bosses have started to take notice and have even apologized on her behalf without me even having to report it.