Land Is A Source Of Liberty And Masculinity

America clearly suffers from a general cultural and moral decay, as Return of Kings has documented so thoroughly. One source of this decay could be the growing landlessness of many Americans, coupled with sedentary lifestyles that are subsidized by an overly-generous welfare state. The solution, perhaps, is to offer an alternative to welfare: the Jeffersonian ideal of a nation of freehold agriculture.

I teach at a small private school in rural South Carolina, and every day I drive past fields of cotton and corn. Besides making for a scenic drive, these fields call to mind Thomas Jefferson’s vision of America as an “empire of liberty,” a nation of small yeoman farmers.

Jefferson’s contention was that a virtuous republic could be maintained only if a substantial portion of the people were involved in the strenuous work of agriculture. Such a life would instill within the farmer virtues like thrift, honesty, and hard work. Further, it would ensure that those men who voted would own a piece of their State and nation, and would make wiser policy decisions because they had a direct, visceral investment in the nation’s governance.

A final, crucial part of Jefferson’s theory was that the alternative—a nation of wage slaves crammed into urban centers—would breed corruption and dependence, as a small and wealthy cadre of political and economic elites could enjoy power through the bribery and exploitation of urban proles. The specter of the Roman Empire’s “bread and circuses”—the bought acquiescence of a non-productive urban population with entertainment and food—haunted Jefferson. Such a world would bring death to liberty and reduce men to feeble wards of the state. The farmer would always have his land to provide; the urban worker may not always have his wages, and had no land on which he could depend to provide sustenance in lean times.

While I don’t believe America as a whole should begin a massive “back to the land” movement, Jefferson was certainly onto something, and his nightmares are at least partially fulfilled in the modern welfare state, which “enslaves” generations of Americans, transforming otherwise productive members of society into politically-useful leeches, living materially-secure but unfulfilling lives in depressing Section 8 housing. While we certainly have an obligation to provide for those who are incapable of doing so for themselves, our social safety net was never intended to be a hammock.

Could we not break the indolence and moral turpitude of the modern welfare state by restoring, in modern form, the Homestead Act of 1862? The Homestead Act opened millions of federal lands in the Old West to settlement, providing a Jeffersonian foundation and boundless opportunities for tens of thousands of Americans.

Rather than cramming unproductive welfare-recipients into poorly-maintained housing projects in congested inner cities—or relegating them to dilapidated trailers on rented land in the middle of nowhere—we could open up millions of acres of federal lands in the West—or elsewhere—for homesteads. With some training in agricultural techniques and some seeds and equipment, poor Americans could earn a new lease on life—and break out of a cycle of dependence and meaninglessness.

Welfare can create a moral void, and while a New Homestead Act would require a great deal of hard work on the part of the participants, those same participants would benefit from the virtue-building nature of that work. In time, they would enjoy a sense of pride and accomplishment from taming the land and providing for themselves and their families.

Further, encouraging young men and women to take up the strenuous life would do much to restore a more traditional culture. Women won’t have the time to march against “patriarchy” while churning butter, harvesting crops, and teaching healthy farm children in the ways of civic virtue. Men could enjoy a hard-won but rewarding sense of freedom.

This is just a preliminary sketch—an idea that’s been percolating in my mind for a few years, inspired both by a conversation with a friend who has done police work in dangerous housing projects, and by the golden fields I drive past every day—and I know there are many complications and facets to consider.

There are, too, other alternatives. The growing Internet economy, for example, has enabled many young men to escape the corporate hamster wheel and the HR overlords of the modern workplace.

That said, America is blessed with abundant lands even now, and a chance at the strenuous life could give tough hope to millions of Americans trapped in dependency. Imagine young men, formerly destined for gang membership or indolence, owning and operating their own farms. Imagine the opioid addict sweating the poison of his habit from his brow.

That’s an America that can begin to re-install the time-honored values that made our nation great, while recreating the powerful “safety valve” that Western expansion provided 150 years ago.

Read More: Young People Are Returning To The Land

68 thoughts on “Land Is A Source Of Liberty And Masculinity”

  1. It’s a good idea. I get the sense that the property tax is an obstacle against more people owning land, but only in the highly valuated areas. There’s certainly no shortage of land, but people may not be willing to settle to the more remote areas and work towards making it a productive homestead or small farm.
    According to Wikipedia:
    “The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 ended homesteading;[22][23] by that time, federal government policy had shifted to retaining control of western public lands. The only exception to this new policy was in Alaska, for which the law allowed homesteading until 1986.”

    1. I would state the complete opposite, “Land ownership is a source of control and oppression’. By owning land you allow your government to control and tax you, you allow your wife to manipulate you and you become a slave to your employer to finance your land debt. If you are married, you don’t actually own the land, it’s hers no matter who paid for it, and in divorce you will find this out. Without land to tie you down, your government (and your wife) has a fraction of the power over you, in the event of any problems you can just pack a bag and move, no land, no debt, no chains. One of the biggest con games of all times is to instill in men the belief owning land is some sort of benefit.

      1. Totally agree with you there John. In Australia there is this insane obsession with owning property. People take out massive loans to finance $1 million dollars plus property purchases. This will be their noise around their necks for the next 30 plus years trying to pay the debt off.
        I have seen my friends also being divorced raped losing huge amounts of assets and money to bitches that took them to the cleaners. Owning property is vastly overrated.

      2. Ya if you are maxing out your mortgage debt to income ratio. That’s retarded. If you aren’t making real estate a business you’re missing out on the best way to generate wealth. I bought a house for 125k I rent the back apt for 500 and rent a room for 400. Mortgage is 900, do the math. Ill buy a 4plex here in a year or so.

        1. You’re a fool if you think you will ever profit from that rent. Seen a whole load of Aussies playing the buy to rent game, and they usually make a total loss. One difficult/non paying/wrecking renter will wipe you out.

        2. There is reason why RE is the number one path to wealth. If you own 10 units one person not paying and evicting will not wreck you. Its a business like any other that you must learn.

        3. No, you’re generating income from those 10 units. 10×600=6000 lets say your debt service and expsenses are 4900 a month. You’re cash flowing 1100. Unless 5 people decide to leave at the same time would you probably be screwed. But what is the likelihood that happens. That’s called calculated risk. Even where i am in real estate. I pay 900 a month which I can pay on my own easy. If my tenants leave I have no problem paying, its kind of in a crappy part of town but so what other people pay my mortgage. Which is why I chose this place first. Its all calculated risk.

      3. Right on.
        And that is what Alexis De Tocqueville talked about in Democracy in America.
        If only Americans read their own books…
        If you want to turn someone is a bootlicking normie bugman cuck conservtard, indebt them into property ownership they cannot afford.
        This will make them revolution-proof and as subservient as dogs.
        People who have nothing to lose are precisely the ones who will revolt. Hence, the obsession with hooking the goyim on suburbia home ownership.
        Suburbs which will totally lose their value when oil becomes harder to procure, and proximity will be valued over suburbia. These same suburbs which will be enriched by violent third worlders savy on (((Revolution))) lol
        I can’t wait to see the look on these greedy Boomer’s faces when that shit starts to gradually go down.

      4. @JD – I always said “rent is rape” when I bought my first house. I spent years paying leases and rent in price rigged districts and never saving a dime. The area wages were scaled with the rigged rent costs to keep everyone living paycheck to paycheck.
        We had a little one at the time and thinking back, landlords are as much your enemy as Mr Death, the taxman and your bank loan officer. In other words your landlord is never your friend either.
        So do you live like a nomad or like an Indian in a teepee? How do you escape the corrupt predatory system? If you look at most property and real estate and their chains of title, the succession of ownership goes all the way back to the first title issued by the state which ‘siezed’ the real estate in conquest.
        MOST REAL ESTATE historically was originally SIEZED by conquest and thereafter subdivided. It sure would be nice to be able to just go out and SIEZE a patch to build your homestead. So what to do?? STEAL IT? Otherwise then, where is there land that isn’t encumbered by a municipality or state? They say “they’re not making any more land (real estate)”. So can you ‘make’ new land and claim it? Can you create new real estate??
        THIS MAN artist Richart Sowa built a floating and livable ISLAND out of bouyant recyclables. He then made trips to shore to STEAL DIRT and make the floating island earthen to grow trees and food!! Check it out – – –

        I doubt any divorce rape court could touch that place. What a great idea. The island is constantly growing as he adds more plastic containers and dirt. I would suggest using 5 gal plastic containers tied together. A 1/4-1/2 acre patch of floating 5 gal buckets covered with moss, soil and rooted fescue would be like 1/4 the size of an aircraft carrier and could possibly be ocean worthy if the pontoon stacks were sufficiently high. There are tons of floatable containers getting recycled and tossed. Make your own mini island nation!

      5. JOHN
        Here’s a funny thing, too. Opposite of Brixton.
        8 years after I left the United States my brother called me to say they had sold my grandmother’s condominium. It had been worth $400,000 in the 1980’s which she paid in full.
        “We’re selling it for $70,000,” my brother told me.
        I was surprised. Then he explained that the young people had left the neighborhood with their college degrees for somewhere else, anywhere else.
        A council house estate had been built nearby.
        The property was worth little. Few people have any reason to MOVE to Detroit.
        My brother told me we were lucky to get $70,000. I believed him.
        In some way I was extremely lucky. As a young man, poor and with no connections in the United States and no prospects, I moved overseas.

      6. JOHN
        The films you have seen like TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and DELIVERANCE are nearly true.
        Whereas the worst of rural Britain might have a village like the one where Dusty ran afoul the Cornish hicks in STRAW DOGS (Though Hoffman was a bit of an unwary idiot himself and a daft fuck) in the United States there is ghastly rural degeneracy and violence as a result of both inbreeding and poverty.
        White rural “hillbillies” (So called because they were from the Scottish border country) are the descendants of Scots deported during the time of Culoden, mostly.
        The xenophobia is intense. They’re fucking idiots, even if they are not inbred.
        Don’t confuse them with the gentleman farmers of England.
        The horror films over the years-DELIVERANCE, HILLS HAVE EYES, TEXAS CHAINSAW are exaggerations but they have some basis in fact.
        Ed Gein, the son of German immigrants who went mad in the wilds of the Wisconsin backwaters and began killing and eating people (Even dragging owners of the local bar out at closing time and killing them and taking them home to skin and dress) do exist.
        I’ve had some encounters with Stupid Hick Rednecks From Hell in college, which I attended in a rural location.
        Finally, all white rednecks are obsessed with Jews. I presume you are C of E but these stupid hicks blame Jews when they stub their toes. They accuse everyone of BEING A JEW like the Puritans use to accuse people of being witches.
        You have to take some of the articles on this site with a grain of salt.
        America is one of the best countries in the world for the innovative and wealthy but it is also straight-up fucking awful in more places than not.

        1. Go fuck yourself, this land was settled and won by simple but hardworking and intelligent Europeans.

      7. John, I think the idea here is to own this land without debt.. once you have it, a family is mandatory (hence a wife). you just can’t leave the farm without a human presence (to feed the cattle, take care of the barnyard..) and you need help of course as you grow old. you want to pass this legacy to your children.
        it’s a package. you can’t have an urban hot chick with it.. and the simple fact of living in country side as a farmer you just avoid those bitches. they won’t be interested, cause it’s “boring”. better get some traditionnal farm girl from Siberia.

        1. All the small farmers in the USA went broke and had their farms repossessed in the 90s. As a modern financial tool, it just doesn’t work any more. To be a hobby farmer you need to work your arse off in the city to support all the losses of the hobby. But that still doesn’t help you with the loan repayments, property taxes, and forthcoming divorce rape. But I’m not just talking about farms, even a nice apartment is a waste of your money as some Thot will take it off you with one call to the police ‘He hit me’.

        2. random guy
          The Teabaggers Have Eyes
          The UK and Australian wilds might be safe and romantic but I found the US rural white regions to be degenerate and spooky.
          Things are rusting everywhere. The vehicles. The bridges. The guard rails. Anything metal is rusted.
          There are few hot chicks in rural white areas unless you like jail bait. The hot girls take off for the urban centers where they can latch onto some man in an office job. The dimmer or less moral ones go to the cities to strip.
          Cops run rural cities and towns like a fiefdom. In the city you can more or less tell a police officer to fuck off if you are not doing anything wrong and he hassling you. Try doing this in a small town. Urban police are too afraid you will get a lawyer, of witnesses, departmental procedure. A small town cop is like a Filipino dictator.
          You won’t be shot in a small town but there are plenty of small-town brawlers and if you try to mingle with the locals soon you will meet them.
          The small towns themselves have no culture to speak of. No ethnic cuisine, no bookstores, nothing. Bars, taxidermy shops and loads of tattoo parlors. That is all.
          You’ll be shocked how unworldly they are. They have never been on a plane. Never been out of the region they were born except for the druggies, perhaps, who spend a few years in some city until they fuck up there and have to flee home.
          Very few of them are educated. Most have GED’s and a high school diploma from a rural high school is toilet paper. They could not tell you when the Civil War ended.
          In so far as adult entertainment is concerned, you cannot get a hooker. Cops will lock anyone up, for anything. Watch the original “First Blood”.
          Other countries have white trash, but do not have “hicks” like the US does.

        3. JOHN
          “Divorce Rape”
          In this library of impostors like RW you are the one guy I believe.
          But you have to get over the shit, man. You’ve been out of the UK for 10 years. The bitch is long behind you.
          Of course maybe you still have to pay alimony but you are long gone from the grey clouds and foggy afternoons of Britannia.

  2. While the premise makes sense, you’re making the assumption that these men and women will actually want to work and maintain their properties. Who’s to say that the land becomes desolate and and unkept or that the men and women simply leave for the easier life in the metropolitan areas where they can collect cheques and do drugs? I think you’re overestimating what the average person nowadays is willing to do.

    1. BURTON
      Sure, Burton. All the blacks in the inner-cities who mock white rural poor as peckerwoods will put down the crack pipe and pick up a hoe.

  3. Now that white peoples food supply and manufacturing capacity has been offshored, they are de facto slaves of the elitist banksters.
    Owning land and having a significant percentage of white folks in farming made them free as a people. To replicate this, we would have to go back to the 1900s and the kinds of morals people had then to make their society work. Would most modern day whites want/be able to do this? I sadly suspect “no”, as if you told them they had one last day to live the lie that is modern western society, they would fight tooth and nail for that last day.
    Whilst it is true that the banker has used social and financial engineering, for example, to make land farming unprofitable for whites; it is the people who respond to this who are also in part, to blame. For example, the banister may fund feminism – but it is white women becoming sluts and career women who divorce rape their men, who are also to blame. In this fashion, the bankers have weaponised almost all of society and made all sorts of people guilty/accountable for the continued degeneracy. Men also are to blame for being enablers, sucks, and similarly to women – degenerates.

    1. These changes have been going on for the last 100 years. There is no way to fix this. Never mind it taking decades to return the offshored food supply and manufacturing capabilities – we don’t have the Human Resources(i.e. people with the right skills, behaviours and attitudes) to ‘fix’ white society. This is sad as current whites are the arbiters of their own demise, with only a very few being exempt for their own responsibility for contributing to this state of affairs. In fact, the nonwhites in western society are just as much to blame as the whites – but the situation of nonwhites in their ‘home’ countries is better as they are not as degraded from modernisation and they largely have manufacturing and food supply based close to home. In an economic collapse/collapse of society, they are the pragmatically salvageable ones.
      Knowing all of this doesn’t make it any easier for me, I resent this western society as I realise they largely killed off all the whites that think and act like me. I blame the tribe the most, but also the people too – for it is their behaviours that continue to contribute to the current situation.

      1. Its easily fixed Chicken little.
        Buying raw land-an acre or 2 in the country is the answer. Pay cash.
        Then build it yourself. Total cost of materials will be between 35k-45k.
        Thats it. Most of it you can do yourself on weekends, or with a little help.
        Youre paying a huge premium to live on a grid, next to dotheads, arabs, blacks and others Affirmative Action has brought into your communities.

        1. Indians and Arabs do not deprecate the value of a neighborhood.
          They all have jobs. They do not need Affirmative Action.
          Would you rather walk past a group of Indian teenagers or a group of Eminem Wiggers at night? Who do you think is going to be more likely to cause you trouble?

        2. @ Gen X-ile, first you’re defending the Jews, now the Indians. Wow, dude. And wtf, I thought you hated Indians, that’s why you keep saying that I’m a gay Indian boy. But it turns out you love Indians…

        3. @madman, that is the high-IQ Indian tech worker immigrants who are low-threat. I’m sure enclaves of low-caste Indians would be rape zones.

        4. BURNER
          I have lived in India and it is rare for Indians to rape a foreign male.
          I’d rather walk through Mumbai at night than I would Detroit, or the barrios of the Southwest United States.

        5. BURNER PRIME
          Facts Faced
          One reason Americans agree to the 1965 Immigration Act excluding Europeans is because the Italians were turning America into a Mafia Paradise.
          After 1965 it was a bunch of Asian dorks. There is the Immigration Lottery but in the main the Asians and Africans that get into the United States are the talented 10th.
          They just are not like Mestizos. They can grasp civilization and hold a decent job. The Indians do not have a mafia in the United States and the Triads and Hip Tongs are a joke. Only white immigrants have brought organized crime. That is not PC, that is fact.
          The Arabs and Indians and Asians use fraudulent business practices and loopholes but they are not violent offenders like Salvadoran gangs. This is because the Latinos are not Latin at all, they are Indian primitives.

        6. Redneck World
          Living off the grid.
          Not being Jewish, I actually graduated from a university in a rural part of Michigan.
          1) Maybe you are a millionaire. But most people have to have some sort of income and this cannot be earned farming. It is impossible. This leaves the fast food jobs that 40 year old adults in small towns do. If you DO have money, you can open a bar. Or taxidermy though outside hunting season there is not much work for that. Possibly run a tattoo parlor, though hick towns have six each of these.
          2) Transportation. Rural hicks live on dirt roads with potholes. Plus, because you are living 5-10 miles from the nearest Wal Mart you have to have an all-terrain vehicle just to get there.
          3) Your kids have to take a bus for 20 miles just to get to school.
          4) All the hot chicks leave their rural towns and move to the cities where they can latch onto some man who actually has a decent white-collar job. So the females remaining are not very attractive.

        7. Land in the county has no paying work nearby. Once you’ve moved there, how are you gonna live? How will you pay the land tax, buy clothing, pay the uilities. Where will your children go to school, where will you get your health care?
          You need money, so you need a job, and that job is probably 200 miles away.

        8. Low crime, for sure. Arabs and Indians don’t take care of their property, have garrish tastes and are very clanish. In sufficent numbers they don’t make whites feel very welcome.
          My neighborhood changed from about 30% white, 30% korean, 30% chinese to about 10% white, 5% chinese (they own but rent out the houses), 40% indian, 30% arab, 10% african diplomat.
          Its hard to get rid of the curry smell for a long time, out of a house that indians own or rent, limiting the pool for new owner/renters.

        9. ASDASDA
          What kind of grown man tailgates like this?
          In some weird girlish fashion, you are almost like a fan of mine.
          Breathlessly waiting to respond to some throwaway comment I’ve made like a teenage girl.
          Which you might actually be. I just don’t buy you as a man in your 30’s. Again, like RW the Brit impersonating an American Good Ole Boy, you maybe that Indian girl of a few months ago who got on here and trolled.
          Some hysteric and emotional post-adolescent female who talks to men on this blog because it turns her on and she cannot deal with her screwed-up sexuality.
          So first I thought you were an Indian adolescent, now I believe you might even be a teenage girl.
          What I will never believe is that you are a man in your thirties.
          No possible way.

        10. TACOS
          I don’t agree with Immigration but let us be honest-not PC, just honest-that the Italians and the Russians and some other white immigrant groups brought organized sophisticated mafias. After 100 years the Italians have assimilated, I concur.
          Illegal Central American immigration brings back the ancient Red Man vs. White Man conflict because they are Amerindian primitives.
          Asians and Arabs are not corner-dealing crack cocaine. If they stink up the house with the smells of their food, this is less important that chopping your head off with a machete.
          A few Chinese import heroin into the United States but far, far, up at the top. The Chinese heroin importer lives quietly far from the junkies who pay his mortgage.

      2. jm
        Jews arrived after the Irish and Italians shifted the centers of power to the cities via industrialization. Tammany Hall and Italian racketeering was in full-swing by the time Jews with their predilection for skilled trades. Of course Jews were well suited to adapting to the corruption of urban centers but it was there before they emptied out from Warsaw or Budapest.
        The great white migration out of the cities in the 1960’s and shift to power in the suburbs started with the WASPS and then the Irish. Jews hung around until the 1960’s to run their liquor stores and pawn shops; finally they were replaced by the Asians and Arabs.
        Jews did not INVENT electricity, film, print media, the stock market, the assembly line or the rest of it that transformed us from agrarian into industrial (Now post) societies. They adapted well to it, having high IQ’s. But this economy was created when Northerners opted for poor immigrants from Ireland, then Eastern and Southern Europe instead of blacks.
        If whites, and I mean Anglo-Saxons, no longer wanted to truck food and petrol to the East Coast financial centers or the black ghetto than Hyman and Tyrone would be cannibals in three days.
        Blacks were hunter-gatherers and Jews were always tradespeople-they still are in a glorified sense-who were never agrarian to begin with.
        Not everything can be laid on Jews. And I am no Jew but my own German family immigrated to brewery towns and these were going to exist whether a single Jew had ever showed up.
        Prior to the mass media, Jews were pretty insignificant. They have high IQ’s and would always have become dentists or whatever. But it was not until the advent of film and television that they suddenly possessed such influence.

    2. Yes. This is your country on J’s…..
      Mortgage means Death Pledge. Mort=death. Plege=death
      The entire system is rigged. Just as it is with women. That doesnt mean we dont buy homes, try to set down roots and raise children. Youre a fool to not do that. Not much better than a gypsy or 3rd world street ficki ficki muslim.
      One can Speculate, Take part in Home appreciation, and this all allows for upward mobility.
      Dont dont ever think you are free.
      If we abolish the FEDERAL RESERVE, this problem resolves itself, as no interest home loans should and would be the norm. USURY itself is a J construct and by its very nature is parasitic. It needs abolished.

      1. I am amazed that a man would call himself a “home owner” when his home has a mortgage.

      2. So if you don’t own a home ur no different than third world wandering rabble?
        How about Germany?
        > one of lowest homeownership in West
        > one of biggest economies in the world
        You can drop the smartass attitude now

        1. Germans under Merkel (nee Kasner) Jewess, are the least free in all of Europe, with one of the lowest child reporductive rates. So, not much better than 3rd world rabble imo. Housing and Land ownership is a key componant to any stable nation.

    3. jm
      White people in the US interior are gullible.
      If I were a Mexican dealer told by my cartel boss to stake out a population it would not be a Jewish neighborhood, for example. No customers. But dealers can pump crack in the 80’s and then meth in the 90’s and then Oxy in the 2000’s into white populations in the US interior and they will shove the shit in their veins.
      There were loads of stereotypes about Asians in US television up to the 1990’s when PC took over and Asians were not affected by it. They know it is a bunch of performers hired by some producer on cocaine to act out a filmed play written by some drunk or cocaine addict. Only whites watch the shit and believe it is reality.
      Jews did not run out and want to imitate the BEASTIE BOYS, those prototype wiggers. A Jewish slur is “Beastie Boy” which means a Jew who acts like a ghetto black. When Eminem came to prominence in the late 90’s then all the Anglo-Saxons wanted to be Marshall Mathers. No Jew wants to be Ad Rock.
      Again, I’m not a Jew. I’m just being realistic here. Let us lay the blame on the disintegration of the white race where it belongs.
      Porno? Sure, Jews are involved in it but the labor capitol is bred in the trailer parks and bad neighborhoods of poor whites. Stormy Daniels, for example, was the child of young divorced parents and grew up in a bad neighborhood (By her own account) with a single mother. Naturally when some Jew offers her $1000 for a half-a-day’s work sticking something up her ass it is a good opportunity.
      In many ways, Anglos are gullible sheep. They just are. It goes back to their Feudal Yeoman roots in the British and Northern European system of Lords, Dukes, absentee landlords. Italians and Jews and Asians all emerged from ancient corrupt civilizations where bureaucracy in the form of the church and state stretched back to Roman times. They are naturally wary and distrustful of politicians, the law, etc.

  4. Unless there is a strong likelihood that incentives will exist for work and effort, only the highly uneducated are going to blindly work themselves into the ground. The erosion of incentives in America has been going on for generations, but has clearly accelerated exponentially in the past 20-30 years. Redistributionist government policies and regulations to benefit the have nots at the expense of the haves are mostly to blame, not just high taxation. Open borders, birthright citizenship, social welfare state program abuse and many other policies/regulations have created the mess we have. Eliminate open borders and birthright citizenship, restore incentives for small entrepreneurs, restore other incentives and get rid of other redistributionist barriers in America and greatness will return eventually.

    1. PROUD
      “Open Borders”
      This is part of the problem, but the many of the worst Cholos I ran into in Arizona had been there before mine or Trump’s family arrived from Germany. I agree that something has to be done but the reality is that Danny Trejo’s family has been in America longer than Trump’s. North American inherited Cholos from the Spanish colonies they absorbed.
      “Only the highly uneducated are going to work themselves into the ground”
      I graduated from Central Michigan University and worked a variety of off-campus jobs to get through school. I hated them. Trimming trees was the worst. Short-order cook with irascible tweakers was a near-second. Cold call telemarketing was awful. Eventually, I just worked on-campus. I was never so glad to graduate and leave anywhere in my life and I later worked in Bangladesh. Rural labor jobs are awful.
      “Social welfare state abuse”
      Do we accept paying for 20 minutes of a trailer trash or hood rat’s pleasure or simply allow the country to turn into India with starving orphans? With no welfare we would have ghettos and exurbs resembling India.
      Socialism works just fine in Japan or Finland, with an intelligent and homogeneous population. Sure, you have a few vodka-swilling derelict males sitting around bedsits watching hockey or drinking Sake in a Tokyo park all day but no women reproduce with them. And poor white or Asian women will usually peddle ass because it pays better than welfare.

  5. Without an allodial title you own no land.
    Have you ever wondered how you can “own” land and they still can charge a tax on it?

  6. How about I kick you in the balls? So once that land is gone, then what? Oh, that’s right, you are probably a libertarian so you don’t give a flying fuck about the future. Open up the last bits of frontier to a bunch of white trash inbreds who would more than likely just destroy it in the first place…pfff. Rural living isn’t that energy efficient, nor is it that “bountiful”, those people would still be poor as shit and in order to make a living they would have to go into intensive farming, lumbering, slaughterer all the wildlife for food, whatever. The federals lands of this country are probably one of the coolest things that we have in this nation, fuck homesteaders. We need to close the fucking borders, that is what we need to do.

    1. WES
      I agree. I moved from urban Detroit to mid-Michigan to attend Central Michigan University.
      This was after I’d attended Detroit Community College and at first the bucolic campus seemed ideal.
      But off-campus was rural poor white. There were actually few agricultural jobs by then and it was surreal to see 40 year old local men working teenager’s jobs in the campus fast food joints.
      I started working off-campus and the jobs were horrendous and minimum wage. Tree trimming was the worst. I also lived with a redneck sign maker and worked in his shot for a summer-he lived so far from nearest city that he had to drive 10 miles to get groceries. There was no public transport, you had to have a reliable vehicle.
      Finally, I got a decent job near campus in a Big Boy. All the workers were irascible meth heads and ex-felons who could not get any other job. Every so often, somebody would get busted. “Oh yeah, Dwayne got bitched” one cook said to me. “Bitched?” I asked. “Yeah, it was his third possession and they found some stolen shit in his car. He’s going to get 28 years.” Like it was nothing.
      The only locals with any money were the local landlords who owned student apartments. I remember hearing that one student on acid had slammed the landlord against the wall.
      The city police ran the city like a fiefdom. In an urban city, you can play lawyer with a police officer. “Why are you detaining me?”. City police are afraid of civil rights lawyers and the like. Rural police are not. And city cops will usually leave you alone but small-town cops will constantly stop you in the hopes of find a joint on you or whatever.
      The rural whites were incredibly ignorant. They shouldn’t have been, considering that the schools were relatively safe. But none of them knew pig shit. Apart from a few ex-Navy guys who could talk about whorehouses they’d been to, none of them had ever been anywhere.
      Drugs in rural Michigan at that time were crack and crystal meth. Oxy was not around then. Maybe 30% of the local rural white males under 50 were tweakers. Some of them would befriend students off-campus and then burglarize their property.
      The buildings and houses were incredibly old. Houses were all clapboard affairs made of wood and drafty. The downtown buildings were 100 years old.
      No trickle-down economy existed and as a result there were no blacks except for students and absolute no Jews, except one student in the dorms.
      If a white urbanite could afford to live in the country, why would they not take their money to Hawaii or Florida?

      1. The Ju Shareholders and Members of the Board for the Ford Corp and GM all moved their base of operations Offshore, while reporting record profits.
        And the economy went with them, at least locally. Right down the crapper.
        Its part of why Trump was elected.
        Being a Ju, you rationalize this with crap, and throw out deragatory ‘redneck’ and hick epithets, but those people are the backbone of America and helped build it and make it great. When the jobs left, it decimated those cities. Ive seen it firsthand, including Pittsburgh. The Steel Town. 1970s, 150,000 people got pink slips. No Insurance, no pensions, no nothing. Overnight. Coincidentally, the Steelers won multiple Super bowls during that time. Some say that is no coincidence with fixed NFL games and Im inclined to agree, but I digress.
        The Steel mills closed, all offshored to Japan and China.
        It took them 35 years, but what a turnaround. Contrast it with Youngstown, and see the wreckage for yourself. Still great people in both towns.
        We need industry.
        Hitler told the world that Production is real wealth, not digits on a screen, debits and credits that Ju’s control.

    2. WES
      Poor whites in Flyover states were the poorest people I ever met.
      There are no farmers left-it is all agribusiness now. Rural whites who are 45 work in the one Burger King in town.
      The black ghetto is on the grid and there is public transport and a “trickle-down” effect like rats nibbling at garbage. No such thing in the sticks.

      1. What bullchit.
        There are small towns all over Ohio, that I visit on occasion.
        I dont see anything you describe. Whites work construction, drive trucks, Teach, work in the trades making 40-90K depending, and crime is low.
        Others have jobs in plants that they drive 30-60 minutes too and do just fine.
        I can use multiple cities as examples-like Wilmington, or Washington Court House, or Piqua or Sydney…all places I sell to and visit. All driveable to major cities like Columbus, Dayton or Cincinnati.
        You just simply talk out of your arse about something you know nothing about.
        You nailed blacks, but thats not hard to do.

        1. Redneck World
          You know, I’m beginning to believe you are a Brit who is masquerading as Good Ole Boy from Ohio.
          Certain grammar and speech patters in your writing lead me to believe you are not even from the United States.

        2. RW
          Well you are a Brit, so it is obvious you don’t know much about rural Southern Ohio or the Rustbelt anyhow.
          You’re syntax gives you away. I’d lay odds you are English. Male, twenties, lower middle-class white male of the semi-Chav variety, live in semi-detached with your parents…Kent maybe, or Suffolk.

    3. You clearly don’t give a F* about facts. You’re part of the problem killing this country.
      ” …once that land is gone, then what? Oh, that’s right, you are probably a libertarian so you don’t give a flying fuck about the future. ”
      Wut? The world Libertarian platform has been for all families to have several self-sustaining, untaxed, and inalienable eco-homesteads. They also support a base income from endowed investments in the economy, and retained government efficiencies which is what is supposed to fund the EIC.
      In Alaska they devised the Permanent Fund as a demonstration project for a base income AND funding government services without taxation, and in Florida ended taxes AND liability from suit for small homesteads. In every country they’re working to being a US-style Bill of Rights and freer market democracies to end the poverty created by tribalist know-nothings and totalitarians like you.
      You may disagree with libertarian proposals, but to suggest they don’t care is to lie.

      1. @John…wow, not only does your comment make any sense whatsoever, it doesn’t even address my own comment. “You may disagree with libertarian proposals, but to suggest they don’t care is to lie.” I DISAGREE WITH LIBERTARIN PROSOALS BECAUSE THEIR PROPOSALS CAN ESSENTIALLY BE BOILED DOWN TO ” I DON’T CARE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I like the idea and the general positivity of this article. Perhaps this isn’t entirely feasible given the types of ppl we see on the welfare rolls, but it’s good to offer solutions. Thanks for the article

    1. CHUCK
      I have been around white hicks in Michigan and nobody wants to live out in the backwoods with them, least of all blacks.
      How could blacks live in the sticks when they don’t have vehicles? You cannot live 10 miles from a grocery store and not have a vehicle.
      Blacks do not want to step off the sidewalk. You think they want walk through mud on dirt roads?
      Cops in rural white regions are a total hassle, even to straights like me. Blacks do not want cop cars following them down the street all the time-especially since they are usually breaking the law.
      There is no crack cocaine in the sticks-the drugs of choice/availability are meth and Oxy.
      Black women cannot peddle ass in rural white communities. The cops would bust them and in any event the whites would hassle them and there would be no customers.
      What kind of work are urban blacks going to do? Taxidermy in hunting season.
      So many posters on this blog are stone unrealistic. Facts have to be faced. Reality acknowledged.

  8. Can you really say you own land if you must pay the government every year in order to keep it? Fail to pay your rent, and they will eventually confiscate “your” land. This money is then used for “public purposes” like police, who will remove you from the government’s land if you fail to pay your rent.

  9. I thought this was a terrific article. That ROK is listed as a hate site is a travesty.

  10. I am glad to see someone has written an article about land. In Russia the movement back to the land was inspired by the Ringing Cedars books by Vladimir Megre. The books are inspired by a Vedic Russian women in Siberia. She describes what are called “kin domain” where families lived for generations. They are 1 hectare of land surrounded by a living fence of trees and plants. In 2014 there were over a thousand “kin domain” communities with the largest one having more than 200 kin domains. I went to Russia to see for myself because some of the ideas in the book are hard to believe. Standing on a hill overlooking 200+ kin domains, I thought of what it might have been like during early America with independent, strong settlers, who helped each other. It is possible to create a kin domain by yourself, but most of the time in Russia people get together with the intention to create a kin domain community. Although it is a community, each kin domain is independent and sovereign.

    1. robert,
      If Russia is so great why don’t you move there. Must be plenty of available land with all the Russians trying to escape the country.

      1. JOHN
        Why is Northern Wales so empty and deserted?
        One thing as an American that surprised me is that England is incredibly densely populated but when you cross the border into the Welsh hills the place is a vast empty wilderness.

  11. It’s a little too late to go back to Jefferson’s time. The day of the small substance farmer is over. Most, I think, jumped at the chance to take jobs in factories instead of trying to make a go of it by living off the land, and being at the mercy of nature.
    The writer failed to mention perhaps the biggest problem standing in the way of homesteaders trying to make it on Western federal lands – NO WATER. Indeed, the entire West – save the Pacific Northwest – is pretty much a desert. Water tables are evaporating. Hell, the Colorado River runs dry before it even hits the Gulf of California. The West has exceeded its carrying capacity already. The last thing it needs is thousands of new homesteaders dying of thirst.

  12. Land is worth what it can produce in agricultural output, mining, or speculative appreciation. There’s nothing magical about it. The vast majority of land is approximately worthless. In today’s world attempting to farm your own plot as a small holder is simply idiotic, because wages from a part time minimum wage job will yield vastly more calories than tending to some tiny crop. Modern mechanized agriculture has obviated the small farmer.
    An emphasis on land is 18th/19th century thinking. Today we have a “managerial elite”. Power and wealth comes from technical skills, credentials, and connections.

    1. botbot
      Unless you discover oil or diamonds I would not purchase a plot in rural America.
      No possible way will you make a go of it as a gentleman farmer in the day and age of agribusiness.

      1. Country living or Off grid- You can work mobile, doing hosts of jobs- from IT to Coding to cyber security to insurance or trucking.
        No one says you have to farm to make a living, though that can be done too, a family in Pasadena CA does it on less than 1/2 an acre. A family operation. They grow 6000# of food off of that land. Its remarkable. See Utube.
        Optimally, you commute to a city 30-60 miles, live there for security, peace, low cost of living, and safety when shtf. Off grid is now feasible- with solar, turbines, batteries and todays innovations. Being on grid is a living hell, you cant pick your neighbors, all are getting diversified with 3rd world mystery meat people, and your privacy infringed upon.
        Ive Done it for my kids the last decade and am miserable. Ready to go. Bought land and working on a build.

        1. RW
          You know, I am from Michigan and I don’t quite buy you as Good Ole Boy from Ohio.
          Certain syntax and phrases you use make you as a Brit.
          I don’t know why, but I get that feeling.

    Why are rural whites, some of whom post on this site, so obsessed and damning of Hebrews?
    Irish-Catholics, Italians, Polish, even Arab-Americans do not express the sort of hatred for Jews that rural whites do.
    Why is it that whites from the US interior, thousands of miles from Jews, dislike them more than the Irish or Italians that live within proximity of the Jews?
    If the Jews were out to get anyone in America, wouldn’t it be Arab-Americans or Iranian-Americans (Who’ve done quite well in the United States).
    Why do rednecks believe the Jew wants to do them in.
    For that matter, why are Asian-Americans or African-Americans not claiming that the media is brainwashing them?

    1. Because Jews have an overwhelming presence in every institution of Western society. There’s nothing wrong with that in and of itself. After all, Jews are naturally high IQ, so it makes sense that they would rise to the top. The problem is that they use these institutions to push destructive liberal ideologies onto white Christians, meanwhile using the money, military might and goodwill of white Christians to maintain an ethno-state in the Middle East.

  14. To all the gents on here I see knocking owning real estate, please be afraid of it, please scare others off of it and please keep renting. Thank you very much!

    1. If owning real estate was a good idea, the banks would have bought it all.
      But it’s high risk, so they let you buy it, while taking little or no risk with their loans.

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