Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape

To me the word rape has just about lost all of its meaning. Thanks to feminists and the “rape culture” propaganda it has been devalued and now I get very suspicious whenever I hear that someone was a “rape” victim. However, one thing that has never lost its impact on me is hearing about paternity fraud. This always angers me because I know these men will never get the justice real rape victims can hope to receive. I believe paternity fraud is in many ways a far more sinister, long lasting, humiliating and painful act than rape yet no one seems to see the polarization of how each of these crimes are treated and viewed by society at large.


Today’s Rape Is Different Than Yesterday’s Rape

When I was growing up I used to associate rape with Hollywood images of some recently released convict breaking into a woman’s home and brutally sexually abusing her and beating her up within an inch of her life. As I have gotten older, wiser and more skeptical I now know that scenario is the exception to the rule. Today in 2013 America, women can claim rape when both parties had sex under the influence of alcohol simply because she regretted it or did not like being “pumped and dumped.” In fact now I tend to think the worst about a woman who says she is a rape victim because I don’t know if her motives for claiming she was a victim of rape was an effort to get back at a guy, a cry for attention, or a combination of both.


The law as it is written with respect to rape goes above and beyond for women, leading many rape cases to go to trial with little evidence, all in an effort to show unwavering support for females. This legal bias has allowed women to get away with outright lying as the Duke Lacrosse rape case exemplifies and yet like the stripper in that case women still do not get in trouble for bringing false rape charges and ruining the lives of countless men. It must be nice for women to have so much support from the law with rape even when they are making up stories. Unfortunately, men are not afforded anywhere near the same support from the law in matters of paternity fraud.


Women Are Not Punished For Paternity Fraud

Paternity fraud clearly meets the legal definition of fraud which under the law is defined as an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. However, it is currently not considered fraud under the law (women do not receive prison time for defrauding a man into believing the child he is raising is his own). Why is the law absent? Why doesn’t it punish these criminals who are engaging in fraud by lying to a man about being the father of their kid?

Perhaps most painful of all is that when men find out that the child they are raising is not their own, they are almost always legally held responsible as the father even when DNA results prove otherwise. Try to image a scenario where a rape victim has to pay her rapist monthly checks for years after the crime. That would be unthinkable. So why are men who are victims of paternity fraud punished for years of having to write child support checks to the woman who defrauded him even after DNA testing has shown the kids are not his own?

Paternity Fraud Victims Are Adding Up

While Maury Povich is out there doing God´s work exposing the scandalous nature of women who are trying to defraud men, this subject does not get enough attention. Paternity fraud is far more prevalent than one realizes. In fact, a 1999 study by the American Association of Blood Banks found that in 30 percent of 280,000 blood tests performed to determine paternity, the man tested was not the biological father. While that number is high because those people already had doubts about the paternity, it illustrates how common this is and that there are many men being victimized by women.

In popular culture one of the most blatant examples of alleged paternity fraud is Klohe Kardashian, who I would describe as an albino Sasquatch in comparison to her short olive toned sisters. Kris Jenner, her mother, admitted to an affair around the time of Klohe´s conception years after the alleged father, Robert Kardasian, passed away.

Another recent example was celebrity crime boss actor from The Wire Idris Elba, who after DNA testing learned he was not the father of his son. Elba describes the experience; “You know, the truth is—like, even admitting it, I’ll probably get laughed at for the rest of my life. But it is just tragic, and it happened.”


When compared to genuine rape cases, paternity fraud is more common yet society refuses to address just how much damage these female criminals are getting away with at the expense of the male victims. Just imagine the psychological impact of being deceived into raising a child that you believe to be yours for decades and the permanent reminder of the infidelity your partner committed. It’s easy to see why this crime is at least as damaging to the victim as rape, if not more.

The most egregious part of this crime is how callous the women are to the men they are victimizing. These women play on the man’s emotions like a true sociopath by saying things like “look the baby has your nose and ears” to help pull off the ruse. What makes these women so much worse than the rapist, who also gets a thrill from the power of dominating the victim, is that these women often convince the man to love them and the baby all the while laughing behind his back knowing they are controlling this sucker into loving and supporting another man’s kid.


Unfortunately I don’t think anything is going to be done about paternity fraud in the future so that it receives the same legal treatment as rape. But the point of this article was to highlight just how hypocritical society is when dealing with two different issues that are damaging to both genders. The only way to make sense of the law and its rulings on these matters is simply to conclude society still believes women are tall children. This is why when men and women both have sex while intoxicated the law views women not as real adults accountable for their own behavior so they are able to cry rape if they did not like the outcome of a drunken hook up. This also explains why women are able to commit paternity fraud on men yet never be punished for the crime because society feels they should not be held responsible for their criminal actions since, like children, they did not know better.

In closing I think readers should be aware that while rape is the number one fantasy of women, the fact is no man has erotic dreams of being a victim of paternity rape.

***For the purposes of this article all references to rape are pertaining to adult women. Child and male rape on heterosexual males are far worse crimes and are not to be included under the umbrella of the word rape for the purposes of this article.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read Next: Help Raise Awareness About Rape Tourette’s

276 thoughts on “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape”

  1. I’m already grabbing my popcorn, just waiting for the crazy reaction from feminazis. Grean article, by the way.

    1. Lol at the comms “This is absolutely one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. If successful it only treats the symptom and not the disease. We should be more concerned with educating people in the hopes of shifting the paradigm. It is NOT the person’s responsibility to make sure they are not raped, it is the potential rapists responsibility to not fucking rape people.”. This idiot must leave his home door unlocked, because “we should be more concerned to teach people not to steal.

      1. It’s hilarious to me when I see some feminist literally say, “Why should I take every precaution to make myself more safe? MEN NEED TO FIX THIS.”
        Hell, no. You’re empowered. You’re “equal” now, so you fix it. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, remember?

        1. Why is it suddenly women’s job to “fix” a wrong men have been committing for… you know… ever? Rape is not new. It has been used as a tactic of war for centuries. The female body has been under male ownership and control for far too fucking long, and suddenly, because we are finally demanding you cut the fucking shit, it’s OUR job? How about, teach your children to respect the human form, catch signs of abusive behavior early and nip it in the bud. Relinquish the creepy sex obsession and warrant the respect you all seem to think you deserve. You aren’t “men” on your best days.

        2. Whoa there. As a non-rapist, it isn’t my responsibility to sit around and think up ways to keep rape from happening, especially since you feminist cunts are not receptive to the potential solutions. If we tell you to quit running around half naked in bad places, we are horrible people perpetuating rape culture and we should just make the rape stop. Rapists are gonna rape, probably until they get caught and go to prison.
          “The female body has been under male ownership and control for far too
          fucking long, and suddenly, because we are finally demanding you cut the
          fucking shit, it’s OUR job?”
          Yeah, pretty much. Hilarious to me how men are obsolete until y’all really want something changed. Then you start howling for men to do it. My best advice to you is to get yourself a gun and learn how to use it.

        3. Why the fuck are you writing a 3 paragraph answer for this attention whore. Remember she is not a man, so logic doesnt matter to her

        4. More than likely that shit was getting under my skin. I was pretty tightly wound around that time.

  2. well, we all knew these things are out there..we can cry foul all we want but i think the most salient point here would be one that was omitted from the article itself: how to avoid being conned. face it, the game is rigged against you as a man. the only way you can totally avoid being fucked over is to avoid marriage, avoid having kids(vasectomy, anyone?), avoid letting any bitch get too close to you. sorry gents, but this is war, and in war one does not fraternize with the enemy. the early feminist movement (of the 1920s) may have started with reasonable intentions, but the feminazis of today just do what every group of people do when they get to power: enact laws that screw over their opposition whilst reinforcing their own grip on society.
    i salute all those brave souls that venture forth against the odds by committing, settling down and raising kids, but it seems that nowadays not even a prenup can save you should worst come to pass – see this:
    the precedent has been set, you guys. if even prenups can be thrown out in court, there is NOTHING that can protect you from the woman-coddling justice system. choose carefully..

    1. If you want to protect yourself always insure that the female has as much to lose as yourself. A female should have assets equal to your own so that if you break up and have to split everything in half she’s only getting what she put in. You don’t marry females with no dowry or marriage settlement from her family. If you do then it’s like adopting a kid that you have to care for.There’s no reason to marry anyway and no benefit in it for a man.It’s like going into business with a partner where he doesn’t have to put in half, has no duties or working hours you can enforce, and where if you dissolve the business he wants half of the assets.

      1. not really applicable. if a guy sits around waiting for a chick that is 1. cute enough and pleasant to be around and also 2. about as rich as he is, he`d never get married! i agree with the principle that a woman SHOULD have equal assets upon entering marriage, but let`s face reality, when`s the last time you actually saw that in real life? dowries are hardly ever given anymore, at least in first-world countries.
        agree with the whole ‘don`t marry’ idea though. it`s like signing your own death sentence.

  3. I would rather be a celibate man who doesn’t get a whiff of pussy than be a victim of paternity fraud. I’m sure most of us on the manospere who don’t have kids dream of fatherhood, its only natural. To be able to raise our own seed and to teach/mentor them through life.
    But imagine this. You found a ‘good’ woman. She’s feminine, sweet, respectable. You see her as ‘different’ to all the other woman you’ve ever had/met. The ‘perfect’ woman to be the mother of your kids. She bears a son for you. He resembles some of your wife’s/girlfriends features but none of yours. You don’t really care, its common for a kid to not have the features of his/her father.
    Years go by, you love the kid, you almost highhandedly financially support him with tuition,food, shelter etc.Teach him the ways of a man. Teach him how to ride a bike, swim, change a tire , passing on your red pill knowledge on the ways of woman.
    Here comes John, you’ve never seen him before. He arrives at your house uninvited. Demands to see his son. You tell him you think he’s come to the wrong house. He surprises you by calling out your wife/girlfriend’s name. She sees him, her expression is more shocked than surprised, she tells him your son is not in the house and that she has moved on with her life. John leaves in a rage.
    You become curious, ask her what John meant by ‘his son’. She tells you she doesn’t know what he was talking about, he was an ‘abusive’ boyfriend( cough* Alpha). You’re not convinced, you get a DNA test. The results are negative. Anger and confusion fills your heart, mind and soul. This whole time, all the memories, bleeding in your soul crushing job just to make ends meet for your ‘son’, the self-sacrifice that comes with fatherhood all a fabrication. A colossal waste of your time/resources. This whole time you’ve just been raising and reering another man’s kid that you thought to be yours.
    But its too late what’s done has been done. Your son is almost 18. The cognitive dissonance becomes intense.

    1. “I would rather be a celibate man who doesn’t get a whiff of pussy than be a victim of paternity fraud.”
      and therein lies the problem, almost no man can go without pussy for too long. it`s our biggest pleasure and our worst enemy. hell, imagine having to wrestle a bear everytime you have to eat, that oughta give you a visual of what i`m saying – you basic desire is also something that can ruin you.
      you know, i`ve been reading manosphere blogs for what seems like years now, and the conclusion i have come up with is that the most alpha trait a man can have is the ability TO BE ALONE without losing his way mentally or spiritually. fuck that other alpha bullshit. if you can stand to be alone, you`ve almost won the game. you can focus your life on doing whatever the heck makes you happy, all the while women will be even more attracted to you because you don`t need them in your life.
      i should really think about writing an article on the topic, it`s a trait that few have but all of us need. not want. need!

      1. I get your point but what about Buddhist Monks? Celibate Priests? You underestimate human willpower.

        1. don`t be naive. biological impulses are supremely strong and can break all but the most heady of men. i`m sure the various religious folk have found ways of coping with their urges, be it jerking off behind locked doors or screwing altar boys. gross, i agree, but i didn`t make this shit up. point is, base unrational urges will defeat ration and willpower most of the time. we all did and still do stuff that`s ‘bad for us’ even though we know better on a rational level.

        2. Dude… you make it sound like it is breathing ! There are many people who can abstain from sex for a long time of period with out much impact on their life.

        3. Yeah, fine, i never said it’s impossible. I merely pointed out that the overwhelming majority of men can’t go more than a day without blowing a load to release some pressure. Myself included, I’m not trying to be all holier than thou.

        4. Christian priests are basically a joke. Buddhist monks seem to have their shit together more, but their lifestyle is all-encompassing, and their mental meditations/exercises literally rewire how their brains work. It’s not just sex. They also usually go without much food. That too could be an important factor. It’s hard to get your dick up when you’re hungry.

        5. Buddhist monks do it because they are trying to separate themselves from the false materialistic things of this world and they want to obtain “enlightenment” and disengage from the endless cycle of rebirth. To get off the “Wheel” so to speak. There really is a bit more to Yoga than toading around in lululemons doing some asanas.

        6. I think you watched too many episodes of Kung Fu as a boy.In fact, he sold his sister to a brothel to get the money to pay the tuition for his monk lessons.

        7. oh please. just because you`re old now and your libido is a quarter of what it once was, doesn`t give you the right to go around patronizing younger people.

        8. Those Buddhist monks and celibate priests masturbate a lot.
          Some of them also engage in sex with each other and even molest the little boys under their care.
          Caveat: Not all monks and priests are like that.

        9. I agree. In conjunction with masturbation until one reaches the age where his or her libido has waned significantly. Then its smooth sailing from there on out.

        10. Buddhist and other Eastern traditional monks might be a few stages higher on the spiritual food chain than Christian priests, however they are also not without their own scandals.

        11. True. They are higher on the spiritual food chain than Christians, that is for sure, however they are not without their own scandals.

      2. The be alone part reminds me of one of the best comments I’ve ever read (I think it was on roosh): “The take away from all we discuss here is that while not everyone can be alpha, no one has to be a victim”. And I think that’s where the comfort with being alone comes into play.

      3. > and therein lies the problem, almost no man can go without pussy for too long.
        It’s not just that, it’s that going without pussy makes you weak, female-wise. You become much easier prey for single moms and other varieties of female predators. Even if it’s just maybe a new hookup every couple of weeks, you still need the exercise and the practice to keep yourself sharp.
        But I do agree with you, that the ability to be alone and independent is a very alpha trait, and one that most guys would do well to adopt. Have sex with women but don’t let them infiltrate your life.

        1. Or avoid them altogether. “Pussy”, “Girlfriends”, “wives”, “families” are all false bullshit traditionalist constructs created to enslave men.

        2. Its our biological imperative to create a family environment. The only factor stopping this is feminism which has made gender relations so toxic. Hence the development of the MGTOW lifestyle

        3. “But I do agree with you, that the ability to be alone and independent is a very alpha trait, and one that most guys would do well to adopt.”
          These guys won’t adopt squat.

      4. it`s our biggest pleasure and our worst enemy
        Take up opium smoking and sex will be your 2nd biggest pleasure lol
        In fact, you’ll probably become so interesting to females as a “bad boy” that they’ll be begging to suck your cock.
        DeQuincy was a very short man but still managed to knock up some farmer’s daughter in the lake country and females seemed to really like him. When he was a boy at private school he wanted to go to Oxford but his parents said he was too young so he ran away and lived in London for a few months. He was 15 and knew this girl whore of the same age who would give him money. He obviously had game. When he eventually went to Uni he started taking opium for a headache or something and became very addicted in his 20’s.But aside from his bad addiction he seemed to enjoy himself, at the opera, with females and writing poetry at his cottage in the lake country.

        1. Having been periodically involved in even stronger opioids, what I can claim as one of the few long-term benefits of that lifestyle is the concurrent deactivation of the libido. Strip away the sexual impulse and see the cold reality of woman in all her repugnance.

      5. I’m here to tell you that I’m doin’ it. I’m over 4 years in already and totally bat-shit crazy but that’s OK. No fucking pussy, no kids popping out of it, so no need to have a high drive high impact job. I can just sit back, learn the secrets of the universe in peace and serenity, and flip the bird to the rest of the world.
        I could have been a useful cog in the machinations of society, maybe even one hell of a bomb-builder. When pussy is no longer the object of desire, gnosis and philosophical wisdom are, the drive to attain and accumulate material and social currency vanishes. Really, the brain-gasms to be had are far superior to the sex I’ve had, and unless I’m just wired incorrectly it could be for you too!
        Two words, Google them separately: Trivium, Quadrivium.

    2. It is -not- common for a child to lack his father’s features. Facial resemblance is an honest signal of paternity, which is why women will attempt to convince their cuckold that the child looks like him.

      1. i`ve read somewhere that this is a common occurence amongst every culture in the world: whenever a child is born, the female and her side of the family will literally RUSH to say stuff like “oooh he has his father`s eyes” or something along those lines, to soothe the man`s fears. logically, this is bullshit because most every baby looks the same (apart from diformities which are a special case, distinctive facial features develop much later in life).

        1. Haha,….and do you know what they say went the baby doesn’t look anything like the father ? They say ” he looks just like you from behind” ! lol…

        2. Oh no, I’ve seen it on the Jerry Springer show where there’s a big picture of the kid and the mother is saying that it looks just like the father so it’s his.Do that tribal dance boys.

          Don’t worry girls, we have another dozen to test to see who da baby daddy be.

    3. I’m convinced most of the reports you see in the newspapers where some man inexplicably goes berserk and slaughters his whole family probably mostly come down to this.

  4. This is why the only way I will be having children is through surrogacy in a country where only my name will be on the kid’s birth certificate. A country like Mexico or Ukraine, probably Mexico since it is closer.

  5. Story brings back memories. Used to have a co-worker who got a woman “pregnant” although he didn’t think he was the father and they weren’t dating. She’d come by work and embarrass him, call him at work and filed a lawsuit for CS which he was served at work. He demanded a paternity test and the state allowed it. It turns out he was not the father.
    Point being this man was shamed at work by the women and some men and treated as someone who didn’t want to take responsibility for his actions. People stole his lunches (who does that?) and would leave him notes saying thanks for the lunch, he was temporarily removed from any committees he was on and basically sidelined in his career. After it was proven he was not the father the people who maligned him never apologized but surprisingly started using the word “rapist” with his name for sleeping with her while she was drunk. He resigned shortly thereafter.

    1. this makes me sick. that`s why you should always try to isolate parts of your life from one another. friends, work, your woman – these are all things that should never meet. your woman doesn`t need to know where you work, she certainly doesn`t need to know your friends(when`s the last time anything good ever came from introducing your woman to your friends?) and she most definitely shouldn`t know what you do all day. keep the various layers of your life sandboxed, you`ll be a happier man for it.

      1. “……when`s the last time anything good ever came from introducing your woman to your friends?”
        heh! This made me chuckle. It’s true.

      2. too late for me, recently found out I’m one of the suckers. wish I died before knowing

    2. A lot of guys are either young and/or inexperienced and don’t know how to handle things legally. First file a restraining order against the female and if she shows up have her arrested. File a motion for summary judgement to dismiss the CS demand and include a paternity test report as an exhibit.
      Sue every worker and most of all the company for harassment, defamation, infliction of emotional distress etc Don’t just quit without compensation and always take the offensive. Don’t just wait around and defend yourself and ask for a paternity test, go after her first.

      1. He should have also filed criminal complaints against those workers for theft, harassment etc

      2. Solid advice all around. Unfortunately the guy was beat by that point and just wanted to leave the environment and he was young, early 20’s so not to legal wise and able to leave it behind him career wise. The place was feminazi anyway and he reported to a female director/beta, white knight supervisor who threw his ass under the bus anytime he made a mistake. A few of us did advise him not to quit and consult with an attorney but he was beat. Interestingly he seemed most pissed by the people stealing his lunches.

        1. He was beat. This feeling of hopelessness is what causes depression and will lead to becoming mentally unable and incompetent to do anything which is why I said to always take the offensive so that you feel in control of things. Even if you lose a case you’ll still feel better about yourself and you would have put them on the defensive and forced to explain themselves in court. They’ll think twice about abusing someone from then on and will be very careful in the future.

      3. this. this. and more this.
        the laws really do work both ways. use them as the weapons they were intended to be.

  6. DNA paternity testing is something women don’t like but haven’t figured out a way to stop, short of just baldly banning it without a court order, like some European countries and US states have.

  7. Two stories on this. My friend from college was raising a boy who was not his till his mother got a paternity test. He signed the birth certificate and almost had to continue paying support due to the” best interest of the child” ( legal standard) he got off because the real father loved the girl and went to court to be declared her sons father. In another case I knew a girl who got pregnant by a thug who went to prison, she found a guy who looked like him ,fucked him and tried to stick him with the kid, they got a sonogram, he did the math, she got an abortion. Watch these foul women players….

  8. The fact of the matter is, starting at the relationship level, a woman’s feelings will always be more important than yours; both to her and to you. Most men and women act intuitively on the knowledge that women don’t develop emotionally to the same degree men do. Because a woman’s development is aborted (something most psychiatrists and many psychologist know but would never say as bluntly as I do right now), a woman is stuck at a grandiose phase of development where she expects to be (and believes she can be) the whole world of a man – something that is not only impossible, but utterly undesirable to most if not all men (hence one of the main reasons, aside from legislature and phallic women, that the divorce rate is so high). If (and in these days when) the relationship ends (after 10 years, 10months, 10 weeks, even a one night stand in some cases), her grandiosity, her expectation that she should’ve been your whole world, demands that she seeks revenge. And because we all on some level know that a woman is a “victim” of her aborted development, we generally, even many of us who subscribe to the “red pill”, would not hold her accountable for her acts of revenge – atleast not to the degree we would hold a man accountable. Follow this on to the societal level, and you can imagine just how much society changes if women are allowed to take part. It’s a dangerous thought, I admit, but I often wonder how things would play out if women weren’t allowed in courts/government.

  9. What about the loss of time and opportunity to father your own child. Many men now limit themselves to having only one or two kids, due to financial, health, age reasons. What if you spent the prime years of your life raising a child that is not yours (and lets hope that kid loves you, cuz I see plenty of Dads in my circle of friends getting crapped on by their teenage kids. In fact, their kids HATE them (and the mother passive-aggressively encourages it, make no mistake!) now you are past your prime, out of time, and these kid(s) are NOT your blood. You have no bloodline. Wasn’t that the whole point of marrying that bitch and fathering that brood?

  10. How long till lying about your income/schooling/anything to bang a chick becomes “rape by fraud”? Sooner than paternity fraud will be punished no doubt.

      1. This is some scary shit (particularly the first article). Read the first link for some frightening legal theories being cooked up by feminist instructors at law schools.

  11. Not to mention the abuse the cuckolded father often metes out to the hapless child. When you hear about a young man getting beaten by his dad and driven from the house you gotta wonder what’s really behind it.

  12. I am personal victim of paternity fraud and even after all these years later the hardest thing of all is knowing that I still love the son I thought was my own. I can’t imagine what rape is like to a woman, but I’m certain at the very least they don’t love and continue to love that rapist all while wondering whether or not to just say “fuck it” and go be with him anyway. In my entire life I don’t know if I will ever stop loving this kid and I agree such fraud needs to be a crime.

    1. Is there really anything with loving the child when they haven’t done anything wrong? Yes, that child isn’t yours biologically, but that doesn’t stop that child from being yours if you’ve loved and raised them. While the mother should take responsibility for her lies that doesn’t mean the child does.

      1. I’m all for loving the child, I just am not going to pay for it. Either emotionally nor financially.

    2. Same applies to rape babies. Abortion is effectively blaming them, even though they are innocent. They may have the rapist’s DNA, but I try pointing out to the woman that child also has HER DNA.

    1. “‘There are guys with a entire cuckold fetish””
      So we are constantly told. If mainstream thought is anything to go by apparently (white) men everywhere are being cuckolded left right and centre…..and loving it.
      Don’t believe the hype.

      1. Ok, let me quickly explain the difference between a “Rape Fantasy” and “Actual Rape.”
        Its a fantasy about being dominated/taken
        -in the way you want,
        -having all the things you want done to you
        – by someone who you want.
        It DOES NOT mean you want to be raped
        -by some guy you don’t know
        -in whatever way HE wants,
        -doing things to you that you DO NOT want.
        (which is typically what happens during rape.)
        A rape fantasy does not involve the pain and the emotional damage that comes with actual rape. It is simply a way to express your desire for rough sex/domination etc. A “rape fantasy” is a paradox because you WANT IT. Rape is something you do NOT want, thats the whole point of it: its non-consensual, aka against your will. So a rape fantasy is not a desire to actually be violated in the physical world. It is meant to stay within your head. Because as we all know, fantasies are not always the same as reality…
        I don’t get why no one understands the difference between these two things.

  13. Here’s the kicker,…. if you talk to women about this, they will tell you the man in a jerk for not just continuing to pay and care for a child that isn’t his.
    Women’s hypocrisy knows no bounds.

      1. It’s probably more Nature. Of the million years that man has been on earth we lived 99% of it in the primitive matriarchy where they did not know that sex and pregnancy were connected. All a female knew was that this thing that came out of her body was like a piece of her that she was attached to.She may believe that any man she was with who sort of owned her also owned the baby not really understanding that the other dozen guys who stuck their dick into her for a few minutes was the actual father. They were probably all having sex with each other in the old caveman days just like Bonobos do today without knowing what this casual and common activity led to.
        Sure, we know today but this sort of primitive thinking dies hard and people will still often behave in irrational ways even when they know the facts and science behind something.The primitive subconscious instincts persist even when we know the facts and it’s like it hasn’t been effected by the knowledge we gained and it’s like we have to keep reminding people of this cause and effect in life.

        1. Looking at the animal kingdom, that isn’t quite right, male animals almost always kill their mates offspring if it isn’t theirs, however the females always try to protect/hide them, offspring is more important than a mate.
          So girls today a basically instinctually duping guys into accepting what they don’t want, and naturally get pissed when it doesn’t work.

    1. > Women’s hypocrisy knows no bounds.
      Yes, women are cruel, selfish and lacking in character. Judging women by masculine values is the foundation of white knighting and other blue pill behaviors. When you realize that you are dealing with cute/sexy merciless sociopaths, you’ll be halfway to the red pill.
      Did you know that the National Organization for Women opposes mandatory paternity testing? Paternity testing at birth is non-invasive, good for children and good for “fathers” but the official women’s organization does not care.
      Remember, there is no spoon.

  14. This is digusting comparing a beautiful baby and raising a living being to the horrific pain of rape. STOP RAPE CULTURE.

      1. eh, i get it though. why WOULD they care? we`re all fighting for basically the same pie, so men and women are adversaries for all intents and purposes.
        i just wish they were less fanatical about their beliefs. if you could reason with a feminist, odds are there`d be less of them walking around. but we all know how women loooooove playing the victim, so it suits them just right to walk around with this woe-is-me attitude. conniving cunts.

        1. Hi!
          I would love to engage in a reasonable debate! Feel free to use any source of government collected or peer reviewed literature to back your assertions.
          For this game, popular media does not count. It is lame, and almost always sensationalized and biased.
          Challenge accepted.

        2. Reasonable debate, eh, feminist?
          Did you think we missed your post earlier in which you patronized us, dismissed our concerns offhand, and minimized our experiences because there’s some minority group out there?

      2. You do know that men can also be the victims of rape, correct? The same dynamic of rape culture exists in these cases, where the male victims are feminized, erased, or deemed unimportant.
        So, you see, perhaps you should have empathy towards your fellow man.

        1. Way to miss his point, sweetheart. And stop pretending to care about men. We all know that game. Embrace your feelings, be the best female chauvinist you can be!

    1. there is no rape culture, you simpleton. yes, rape does happen – that does not mean, however, that it`s reached endemic proportions. that`s like saying there`s a head-on collision culture just because tens of head-on collisions happen on roads each and every single day. it`s one thing to be cautious, but you`re just using this crock of an argument in order to somehow make us out to be ALL rapists-in-training. grow up doll, in the grand scheme of things, the chances of you – and you specifically – getting raped are about as good as you winning the powerball lotto. that is to say, almost zero.

      1. You sound like you could rationalize away raping a drunk girl unable to give consent.
        I am small minded? You must live in some bubble to not see the constant abuse women are exposed to. I have been almost raped 2 times and I am only 22. You have no way of knowing what women are exposed to and the abuse we are subjected to at the hands of men.

        1. well then, sounds like someone needs to exercise more caution and not put herself in vulnerable situations. wear slutty dresses in dark alleys at night? hang out with `ghetto boys or other scum? get pass-out-drunk at teenage parties? sounds like you deserve whatever you get. there may be no moron-tax in the law, but there sure as fuck is one in life. do you expect a state-appointed chaperone for EVERYTHING in your life?
          p.s. drunk sex is still ok. what`s not cool is raping someone who`s unconscious. there is indeed a line there, but one that you CONVENIENTLY left out of your argument

        2. Hey there lucy,
          As I was mentioning to one of your hyper masculine, lantern jawed brethren in another thread, I’m ashamed to admit that a couple of times I’ve screwed one of you half-woman feminists when absolutely nothing else was available. But both times I was really, REALLY drunk, and she initiated the sex. And of course, the next morning I was completely disgusted and ashamed. So I was wondering. If this ever happens again, can I file a rape report? I’m just curious. Since you ladies are constantly changing and adjusting the definition of rape, it can get a little confusing…

        3. Troll – hey you want us to autograph your copy of 50 shades of gray? You get off on rape, admit it! You enjoy being abused and you deserve it honey. Aren’t you glad nature programmed you to like it?

        4. Actually, yes, you could file rape. Having sex with a person who is legally too intoxicated to consent is considered sexual assault. Of course, you would have to go through the usual steps of proving that it was rape, the same steps that any person reporting rape has to go through as well. If you feel sexually violated because of that experience, you have been raped. And if you can bring up the usual evidence needed for convicting someone of rape, you could get her sent to prison. Congrats, bro.

        5. Hi Lucy – Have you ever had sex when drunk? Tipsy? After one drink? Be truthful now. Yes?
          So why haven’t you brought up your rapey rapist boyfriend/husband/hookup on rape charges?
          I just don’t understand how you can be held accountable for your choices if you decide to drive or kill someone while intoxicated but you are not accountable if you decide to have sex while intoxicated.
          Please help me to understand. This is an honest, sincere question.

        6. The only person to blame is the criminal for committing the crime. You do not blame a murder victim for being murdered. “You shouldn’t have gone in that car.” “Well, you should know not to go to that area of town at night.” “If he wanted to go to that part of town, he should have brought a gun.” etc…

      2. I don’t know what exactly the definition of rape culture is but I think it is more about how victims are treated as unimportant. I’m not sure if the amount of crimes are what “rape culture” is about (I honestly don’t know what the phrase means) but might be more about how victims are treated and looked down on.
        Men, unfortunately, are treated the worse when it comes to rape because of the idea that they should be “masculine” enough to deal with it, or resist it, or just “deal with it”. When people are blamed or taught that their experiences aren’t important then it makes the issue, like men who are rape victims, harder to believe. Even on the news or in day-to-day life people are ridiculed for being victims.
        I’m not sure if that’s what “rape culture” is about but that’s what I’ve been thinking it is. I think its when society look down on the people who go through it, men and women.

    2. “Rape culture” histrionics simply nullifies the rare violent rape cases that almost all men would abhor. Embarrassing hyperbole like “rape culture”, every day, makes me question every female I hear cry rape in the news. It wasn’t like that 25 years ago.

    3. Real rape that involves some brutality is almost non-existent. Some misunderstanding or a female’s desire to harm a man for some trivial reason is not rape.

      1. There are only a few things under the law that constitute rape and I’ll list them, along with my own commentary of what a female thinks they are, which is not the law and just some feminist delusion.
        1. the use of force or a credible threat of force to have sex
        No girls, a guy threatening to tickle you to death with a feather to have sex with him is not a credible threat lol
        2. incapacity: this means that she was unconscious or paralysed and unable to move or run.
        No girls, it doesn’t mean that you had some drinks or regretted it later. In fact, even the unconscious part doesn’t always apply if it was your gf who is someone you always have sex with. Why would it matter if you fucked her a 100 or 101 times.
        3. sex by deception: what this means under the law is that some guy entered a dark room and had sex with a woman and the woman thought it was her husband or something.
        No girls, it does not mean that the guy lied and said he was a billionaire and he turned out to be a pauper and “cheated” you because you thought you had snagged a big fish and had sex with him.

        1. “a man cannot rape his own wife”
          Actually, my dear sir, spousal rape has been illegal in all fifty states for over two decades.
          What rock, exactly, have you been living under?

    4. @LucyTheFRAUD.
      Fuck off. You’re not fooling anyone.
      You’re the gender that VOTES to make it totally LEGAL to discard your “beautiful baby / living being” out of INCONVENIENCE. 3700 times a day in America alone. 50 MILLION since 1973 in the US, and ONE BILLON WORLDWIDE.
      Not even HITLER can compare with that kind of horror. Then you frauds actually actually have the nerve to pretend to be devastated by a school shooting.
      You’re pathetic.

      1. I know this might seem like it is weird to answer but I’m wondering how you got to this opinion. With Hitler it seemed like people were murdered against their will, with a fetus, I’m wondering if they have an ability to reason.

  15. “In Parentis Locus”…the incredible thing is, after X amount of time, when you suddenly discover the child(ren) you are raising aren’t yours, you are LEGALLY on the hook for all the cash and prizes that come with a divorce. Child support, special expenses…even college tuition…no joke! Not only were you deceived, you have to pay for it too!
    A woman that can financially and legally tether a different man to her child, with nary a single guilty emotion (for the child or the man), is a special kind of evil that deserves a very unhappy ending.

  16. Ask any man if he would be willing to take it up the ass against his own will …… or make 216 monthly payments to some underhanded, slippery BITCH like this:

    … and you might be surprised.
    Personally, I would suck you so hard your forehead would cave in and the sheets would go up your ass, and happily bend over while saying “I’m your sister” to make it REALLY good for you. Just to ensure she doesn’t get a fucking DIME.
    Fortunately it doesn’t have to come to that.
    But don’t get me started on the cheating slut wife of a soldier who tries to pass some thugs spawn off as his. These women should be dragged into the street and shot for the capital crime of treason.

  17. What makes these women so much worse than the rapist… is that these women often convince the man to love them and the baby all the while laughing behind his back knowing they are controlling this sucker into loving and supporting another man’s kid.

    That’s the sound of Bacon hitting the nail square on the head.
    Society is all too quick to pick apart the male psyche to find the traces of bloodlust and the capacity for tribalistic aggression and warmongering that it already assumes to be present.
    What society will not do — is afraid to do — is to stare head-on at the sociopathic potential of the “fair maidens” among us, to sound any kind of alarm against the mascara-veiled terror that lurks so close to men’s consciousness as to sleep in our very arms, and — as someone like Arthur Schopenhauer may have put it — stokes the basest flames of Man’s nature through misdeeds cruel and vile.
    In 1851, Schopenhauer wrote of women’s “fundamental defect” that gives rise to “falseness, faithlessness [and] treachery.” He wasn’t just reporting on the conditions of his own time; he was looking into a fucking crystal ball and staring the 21st century in the face, as well.
    The potential for the greatest destruction known to mankind is looking us right in the eye on a daily basis — smiling at us, flirting with us, begging us to choke it harder while we slam-fuck it from behind after a night of bar-hopping. But we don’t see past the mask of a woman’s assumed virtue — that essential harmlessness that Western society’s imputed to them for so long that even Schopenhauer spoke of it. We don’t see past our own biological programming — the programming that instructs us to smear as much lipstick on the pig of modern femininity as possible, for the purposes of cohabitation and simple human procreation.
    Women, as usual, get away with murder, with wanton ruination of a man’s life. And they get little more than a slap on the wrist before bouncing off with a “tee-hee” on their way to grab another latte from Starbucks and smiley-face their way through another two hours of Facebook-whoring on company time.
    It’s only through my own misdeeds — or adventures, as some would have it — that I’ve been able to connect to this paternity fraud issue on a personal level.
    How many married women have I fucked, who eagerly — passionately — took endless raw loads of mine deep in their spoken-for snatches, in the very patches of flesh that holy matrimony had promised only to the men they called their husbands?
    How many of these married women went flush with the thrill of the illicit as I made pillow talk out of my “desire” to knock them up and fool their beta schlumps into raising my spawn?
    How many of these married women were doing more than simply playing along in the heat of our bedsheet-soaking, headboard-shaking, neighbor-alarming fuck frenzy?
    How many of them were getting off on secretly assenting to the unholiest sin imaginable — simply because an hour of getting strangled, whipped and degraded by the guy they chose to fuck cut a quicker path to their hearts than a lifetime spent with the men they’d promised to make love to?
    How many of these women that I’ve known and fucked — and even liked on some level — would have knowingly engaged in exactly the sort of scenario described in the article?
    Possibly more than I’d like to believe…

    1. i like your comments, writer with balls 🙂 I’ve seen you on a few threads….
      here is the point worth considering and debating….
      if men set higher standards, and held more of a brotherhood with each other… (like a girl clique but longer lasting and with better values)….
      the women wouldn’t stand a chance….
      men could literally hold the city gates and say well, NO… sorry love, we only accept women with this and this and this virtues and this and this and this standards…. single mom, – single you will be… if it was that socially unacceptable to date a single mother, (it used to be), mothers would be a lot more careful….
      the problem is that men are competitive and kind of take pleasure in screwing not just anything with a hole, but also screwing each other over… if i get your wife pregnant, whether you find out I’m the father or not…. to some extent I’ll have a smirk on my face for the rest of my life… that’s not right is it ?
      guy gets ass fucked in a divorce case, you kind of feel sorry for him, but you kinda laugh at him and feel superior at the same time…..
      it’s the men that need to set some hierarchy and standards amongst themselves…
      even the whole PUA thing is men boning women galore thus creating the very sluts they complain about.
      would you fuck someone else s wife, or would you get her naked and then take some photos and phone up her husband and tell him what a slut his wife is….. so he can put her back in order…… hmm… no i thought not….
      there is a code of honor amongst men, that they never rat each other out for cheating…. it’s well known…. what we need is to extend that code of honor….. onto rating out cheating women without a question….
      In the bad old days it was the Kings and Knights and their loyalty and honor on pain of death that held things in place…
      today there’s barely an honor system for the next round of drinks….
      if i can bang your girl while your back is turned, if i can out game you and take your date off you and so forth…. better for me…. the women know this and they leverage it… that’s all…. men give them all the leverage…..

      1. I agree, whatever happened to ‘bros before hoes’?
        Its a feminine trait to sell each other out for the opposite sex. Enabling atrocious female behavior in the process

  18. The problem with paternity fraud and double standards on consent accountability is not the fault of women it is clearly evidence of the system that is the evil patriarchy because only under an evil patriarchy could such results occur.

    1. haha, what rock do you live under? is THIS is patriarchy, then i shudder to think what`ll happen to men when pure matriarchy becomes law. you`re either trolling or moronically ignorant. i presume the 2nd.

  19. I literally can’t believe this writer wrote “Stop crying about rape – it only lasts a few minutes”. If it is not clear to everyone on this website why that is an egregiously horrific statement, then I have lost some faith in humanity. This is why many people classify the so-called “men’s rights movement” as a hateful bunch of sorry ass men.

    1. WAAAAAA! Shaming tactics! Self-righteous indignation! Whining like a toddler!
      Try harder, femtroll.

    2. If you want sympathy you are looking the wrong place. Why is rape even a crime? For yesterdays woman when chastity mattered it was literally a life sentence. The quality of man willing to accept a non-virgin was much lower – she was ruined and damaged goods that only the dregs of society would want. Back then it was a tragedy.
      Now what is it? The average American girl ruins herself voluntarily, losing her virginity by the time she is 14. Then she rides the carousel racking up a body count of >50 by the time she’s ready to look for a rube to pay for her decaying a**. Raping this does what exactly? How is sleeping with this thing a major crime when she’s shagged every hobo and bad boy to come knocking so far? The penalty for rape in this case should be about $250 i.e. the going rate for a prostitute because that is what they modern American woman is these days and rape is just a prostitute with a bounced check. Boo-hoo.
      Rape was a crime because of real economic damage and it had and bore a real world price. Now rape is a crime because of a woman’s FEEEEEELLLLINGGGS about it which is about as stable a foundation as water. If rape was always so bad why do women fantasize about it and drink in trashy 50 shades of gray novels about it? Rape with a guy you find “hot” isn’t rape while drunken sex with a guy you later regret is. A man will see instantly that such can’t be a basis for law and sanctions but a woman will insist her FEEEEELLLLINNNGGS are paramount until the whole edifice comes crashing down.
      Rape is bad? War brides were some of the happiest people on Earth. Their husbands bodies weren’t cold yet before they were having multiple orgasms with the Huns, Picts, Goths, Mongols, barbarians de jour. Why? Oh because of that female nature we are supposed to ignore…”Your husband is dead here is a more alpha male – you have no choice” and they were fine. Historically this worked well.
      Rape is only a crime when female chastity is something to be protected. In our culture it is not so sex is basically worthless. If sex is worthless then theft of it is equally worthless – at most petty theft. A prostitute who gets ‘raped’ is simply one who didn’t get paid.
      I can hear the womyms everywhere screeching in horror at this – after all it could be THEM and their precious FEEEEELLLLINNNGGGGSS getting the short shrift. Thems the facts. Rape is bad only if sex is uncommon and reserved and in our society women have cheapened it to the point of it being worthless. In the future things will re-assert themselves, violently, at your expense, and I hope I live long enough to see it.

      1. I think you misunderstand. Rape is not equal to sex.
        1) Even if she fucked every hobo in town, she did it willingly. Rape is against her will. It violates her.
        2) Yea, rape fantasies are weird, but theyre a paradox. Because if you want it, its no longer rape. So the fantasy is more about rough sex/ being dominated, but because she wants it, not because someone forces her to.
        3) Your comment would make sense if a) Rape=Sex and b) Only a woman’s loss of virginity mattered, not the fact that she was hurt.
        Thats like saying: Beating a woman is only bad if you f*** up her face so she’ll be ugly and no one will marry her.
        However, if paternity fraud hurts you, I’m sure you can understand why rape may hurt a woman?
        If you can’t acknowledge that a womans psyche matters, perhaps you can agree that Rape would be, at the very least, physically painful (which it is. Someone holding you down and just fucking you without you being wet does hurt.) So at the very least, if you can’t agree that sexual assault is an issue, then perhaps rape is just regular assault, like being beaten up. (Forcible rape will also usually involve physical violence.) So would you at least agree that beating up a woman is wrong?

      2. [img][/img]
        -physical trauma
        -if she gets pregnant and keeps it, taxpayer dollars!
        If someone were to incapacitate you and fuck you in the ass I’m sure you would be able to brush it right off, being the paragon of stoicism you are unlike those emotional bitches.

      3. “Why is rape even a crime? For yesterdays woman when chastity mattered
        it was literally a life sentence. The quality of man willing to accept a
        non-virgin was much lower – she was ruined and damaged goods that only
        the dregs of society would want. Back then it was a tragedy.”
        You’re looking at this through the eyes of someone who thinks that those who have the most to gain or lose from a woman’s chastity is a man. It was wrong thinking back then and it’s wrong (and no longer valid) today.
        So why is rape still illegal in the 21st Century? Because our lawmakers aren’t knuckle-draggers like you who believe that a woman’s vagina is tied to her worth. Because they understand that, despite what may have been thought in the past, rape is a traumatic and extremely painful event, especially for a virgin.
        I don’t give two shits that lots of girls have sex for the first time at age 14, because there are still plenty of women, like myself, who are still virgins. However, I don’t remain a virgin because I think my “value” will decrease. Heck, I don’t even plan on getting married, and I’m certainly not a religious person. My primary reason for remaining a virgin is due to the fear of pain on first intercourse.
        Rape isn’t about a woman’s “FEEEEEEEEEELINGS” as you so kindly put it. It’s about a woman’s body being violated in a very painful way and being exposed to the possibility of pregnancy and disease. I find it disturbing that you consider the “violation” of your wallet to be a far worse crime than the violation of a person who does NOT want to have sex.
        Oh, and if you think it should be legal for men to rape women, it should also be legal for gay men to rape straight men. So have fun with the rod, Remo!

        1. I would argue that a man’s MIND and wallet are being violated in an even more painful way during paternity fraud.But I know you are probably entitled af and think your little female body matters more than anything else . Faggots are degenerates and thats another subject

    3. let me explain it like this. a woman`s biggest fear is being raped. a man`s biggest fear is to raise some other dude`s bastard spawn. now that we`ve established that, being cuckolded is like being raped non-stop for 18+ years, whereas, as the author correctly stated, a real-life rape lasts minutes. i`m not denying rape is very damaging to a person`s psyche, but get some fucking perspective! cuckolding is like some ariel castro shit, where you get raped for years on end, without any hope of escape. and to add insult to injury, cuckoldry is government-approved and -supported. really goddamn fair, right? all you whiny bitches make me sick.

      1. Let me break it down for you in simple terms. Paternity fraud is a serious issue, I agree. Paternity fraud should be persecuted, I agree. Paternity fraud is NOT rape. There is no need to juxtapose one against the other. There is no need to say rape isn’t that bad, paternity fraud is worse. Why do all men’s rights issues need to be necessarily anti-woman and/or anti-feminist?

        1. Read the article again, moron.
          As is said above repeatedly, many people disagree with your fundamental premise. For them, paternity fraud IS AS BAD as rape.
          The energy, emotion, time, work, money, and care put forward to take care of offspring that turns out to be another man’s —- all of that is stolen. The man feels:
          * deeply violated,
          * as though he has no control over an act another person is doing to him
          * scared about having sex again and somewhat unable to let go of that fear, lest he be pummeled again
          * deceived by another person’s fake smile and repeated lies, all done to destroy him
          * physically ill, both by the emotions and by the physical work required to earn the money to pay for the child
          * emotionally traumatized by the thought of what another person could do to him
          Sound like the effects of another crime…?

        2. You literally said “read the article again, moron… For them, paternity fraud IS AS BAD as rape.”
          Listen, moron, the fucking title of the article is “Paternity Fraud IS WORSE Than Rape.”
          Congratulations, you’re an idiot.
          Good day, shit-dick.

        3. Thank you Emily! People don’t seem to understand that two bad things can exist in the world! *Gasp!* You mean both rape and paternity fraud are terrible things??!! But surely one must be worse than the other!! And since obviously all women have rape fantasies it means they want to be raped! Plus it only last minutes!! There’s not lasting psychological damage!
          This article was painful to read. Write one about how paternity fraud is terrible and END IT THERE. No need to say why rape is acceptable. Not to Remo’s response. I fear for every woman he has met, since it seems like he has probably tried to rape them…

        4. Also, I like how the author says that male on male rape exists. Male on female rape is just females changing their mind the next day. Sheesh :p both men and women can be raped and be rapists…

      1. You do realize that contrary to what this website and others will have you believe, actual rape does happen right? Are you really that stupid that you think that all rape is women “changing their mind the day after”?

        1. Real, violent, forced rape is bad and *does* happen. We can all agree on that.
          I’m curious about Emily’s definition of “rape.” Does it include nonsense such as “after one drink a woman cannot consent and so anyone who she chooses to have sex with is therefore raping her”? How about if she consents to sex and then changes her mind the next morning?
          The problem with fems and “rape” is that they have expanded the definition of the term so much that they have rendered it meaningless. If a woman has one drink and then we have sex I’ve raped her? You’re kidding, right? Where is a woman’s responsibility here? What if we’ve both had one drink? I cannot take these people seriously.
          The real problem here is that feminists treat fake, non-violent rape (I was drunk, I felt pressured, I said I was raped because I was ashamed when my slutty actions became public and I didn’t want to take responsibility for my actions) as real rape. It casts doubt on all rape accusations, including real ones, and that is an injustice for real rape victims.

        2. Listen, if someone is aware enough to say the word “no” and object to having sex, that is enough proof. If both parties are wasted and willingly engage there is no point. If someone is wasted enough to where they can’t consent or are unconscious, you shouldn’t have sex. Why is this hard to understand.
          The amount of women using “rape” to get back at someone I’m willing to guess is INFINITELY SMALLER than the amount of women that do go actually through it.

    4. Notice this shithead could give two shits about the topic at hand, only how a few words made her feeeew. Adult children…..women.

      1. Notice how this shithead has to resort to name-calling because he can’t come up with a substantive rebuttal and then has the gall to call me a child.

  20. This is why things were the way they were in times past.
    This is why they will be that way again.
    The Muslims know what they are doing where women are concerned.

    1. As much as I hate the barbarity of it all, it’s going that way huh?
      The alternative is, amazingly, too horrible to contemplate.

      1. I’m ‘fraid so.
        No one knows how live so they’re going to receive the consequences of their choices…..TFB.

  21. Gubmint ain’t gonna ever help you. A man takes care of things on his own.
    Your girl preggers? When the kid comes get a paternity test on the down low. It’s easy. If the kid is yours then great now you KNOW. Happy fathers day.
    If the kid ain’t yours don’t tell her you know. Lawyer up with an aggressive attorney, prepare everything and then drop the daisy cutter on her.
    The paternity test you did on your own is not admissible in court. Talk to your lawyer to get your ducks in a row and get a legally admissible test.

    1. Problem: The hospital workers make you decide in the minutes after birth whether you will content paternity or not.
      In many states, they hand you the birth certificate to sign, while still at the hospital. You either: 1) check the box to skip the paternity test and sign as father or 2) refuse to check the box.
      Doing #2 is really tough, as the nurses will browbeat you and harass you as a paranoid freak
      Once you skip the paternity test, in many states, you are on the hook for life.

      1. Even if true this is no reason not to do a private paternity test.
        Check the laws in your state. My understanding is most states have a 2 year window to establish non-paternity even if you sign the birth certificate. Some states do not have a limit.
        If you fail to prove you are NOT the father before the child’s 2nd birthday then yes, you are on the hook permanently for child support.
        The tricky part not getting the test, it’s getting a test that is admissible in court. This means a test where there is a legally acceptable chain of custody for the sample and an approved test facility. The catch is you may have to get the mother’s written permission which, if she has cuckolded you, she certainly will deny.
        That’s why you should test down low shortly after birth and keep your mouth shut no matter the result. If the child is not yours then you have plenty of time to talk to a lawyer and work out a plan. Maybe you could make up some family genetic problem and get the kid tested under that pretext. Talk to your lawyer.
        It sucks that this happens, but that’s just reality. Accept it and deal with it. I have a buddy whose wife cheated on him long-term. When he found out he divorced her. Then she reamed him in court and took everything, not working even though she is totally capable of work (she is a lawyer and went to a top law school — never marry a lawyer). They have 3 children. I didn’t have the heart to suggest that he paternity test “his” kids.

      2. “Doing #2 is really tough, as the nurses will browbeat you and harass you as a paranoid freak”
        Not an excuse. Every man should do it

  22. Good article, bacon.
    TQR touched on this topic in “The Matrix is Getting Pissed”
    But Paternity fraud should always be a hot issue because until then there really will be no hope.
    Here is an excerpt:
    “Today’s modern woman is not held accountable for her actions, so she essentially has carte blanche to live her life recklessly, get knocked up like a farm animal, and pop out an illegitimate kid. So what does The Matrix do? The answer is quite simple: For every welfare mother out there, the system finds some unsuspecting schmuck to stick the dinner check onto. This is a practice done by all States in America and it continues to get worse.
    DNA tests that prove the accused is not the father are dismissed by judges being the gavel wielding fascists pigs that they are. In many cases the judges will not even allow a DNA test to be done. It has gotten to the point where any woman can point a finger at a man whom she has never met and simply lie to the State that he is the father of her child. The State happily goes along with this because they know damn well they can extort a certain amount of short term money from the falsely accused before he eventually takes his case to a higher court and gets the judgement overturned. And bear in mind any money he loses cannot be reclaimed.
    These case scenarios are just a couple of examples that have become common place today:
    Man’s paycheck garnished for child support from women he doesn’t even know
    Ditto for this guy. He apparently was 7 years old when he fathered a child”

  23. Clearly, paternity is really not a big thing and doctors and hospitals prefer to pass over such issues in silence, if not lie outright when they see the blood types can’t possibly match (“for the sake of the child”).
    But let’s not lose track of the real victims here: What if it turned out you were not the mother of your baby? Oh horror, society must prevent the scourge of hospital baby switching!
    “Some hospitals offer high tech ways to keep your baby from being switched. They use foot printing, banding, tags that beep, like the leather coats in stores, personnel who wear certain types of outfits, and more. Be sure to ask on your hospital tour what your hospital does to help ensure this doesn’t happen.”

  24. I’ve heard that more men get raped in the US than women anyway; they don’t even deserve to cry as much about rape. Even women think sodomy is worse, so why do we even submit to their frame of it being *their* issue?

    1. Excellent response! Well, mostly.
      It isn’t necessarily a female issue. It’s just guys are even less likely to report rape than women are. So, in effect, if women don’t get all up in arms about it, the poor dudes who are in this with us also won’t get any justice.
      So, when did the subject of rape victimization become Pareto efficient?
      You might care to notice in the small text at the bottom of the article that it was the author who excluded male rape from this discussion. Which is totally an important topic, further minimized by the silence on it in this article.
      Especially since he’s minimizing rape in the first place, in order to make his point.

  25. Whoa, dude. Slow down just a second. While there is biological precedent for males accidentally rearing other peoples offspring, in a great (okay, maybe awful) biological game of whodunit, you might be… um… jumping the gun a bit.
    Okay, maybe more than a bit.
    Hear me out?
    So, you cite a study. Yay for you! You found a study. Gold star. Using facts is a great way of reinforcing an argument. Good job.
    But just what does the quote from the study show? The sample of blood tests was from children who’s paternity was already in question. Think about that. Of all those kids who’s paternity was in question, because father dearest was suspicious, 70% were actually his kid.
    Ultimately, 70% of questioned wives in that study were faithful (at least at the instant of that child’s… preconception. Since, you know, conception isn’t quite instantaneous.
    So, only 30% of kids who’s paternity was questioned were resultant from cuckoldry. Which, in and of itself is an interesting phrase. It comes from the cuckoo, which is a brood parasite. Just a fun fact.
    Can you see why maybe that bolded 30% isn’t quite as strong a figure? Maybe?
    Not that paternity fraud isn’t bad, because it is. It really, really is.
    But your fixation with hyperbole is a bit excessive. Here’s another figure for the argument.
    Rape is actually one of the more prominently examined features in research in sociology, the psychology of deviant behavior, and even (gasp) economics. For instance, a paper in the peer reviewed ‘Southern Economic Journal’ reiterated that rape is still the most under-reported violent crime…. with only a third of victims actually coming forward (1).
    Now, let’s examine this mythos of “Women like to report rape to ruin men’s lives”. Yes. It can happen. Duke Lacrosse. You have a point. But, again, you resort to hyperbole.
    From your argument, and from the not quite so endearing memes you’ve scattered through the article in place of strong or convincing rhetoric, you make it seem like this happens all the time. As if, you know, only 1% of reported rapes were actually rapes.
    Is this so? Not quite.
    The FBI, for instance, only decided that 8% of accusations were unsubstatiated. That doesn’t even mean those 8% were false… just that the FBI couldn’t resonably confirm. So, in 1996, at least, 92% of rape accusations examined by the FBI were rape. The government in the UK does similar surveys, with fairly similar results.
    So, lastly, let’s examine the contention of the title of your article. Paternity fraud is worse than rape. Really?
    We can write a list of consequences of the two:
    Paternity Fraud ~ Income spent raising a child (hopefully well) that isn’t yours
    Rape ~ Diminished self esteem and self worth, coupled with likely PTSD.
    Paternity Fraud ~ Getting to act as a role model for a member of the next generation… even if it isn’t your offspring. Mentorship!
    Rape ~ Getting told by people that you should be glad they risked going to jail to bang you. So not what you want (or need) to hear.
    Paternity Fraud ~ Getting proof that your spouse was unfaithful, and didn’t love you like they should
    Rape ~ Learning you really can’t trust anyone… especially that guy who used to help out your ailing relatives, and seemed so nice.
    Let’s not even get into the fact that this article totally neglects nonhetero-normative rapes.
    Both, yeah, are bad. How about we stop with this silly game of ‘..but my hurt is worse than yours’ and get down to the business of being all around better human beings.
    I could totally go for that.
    You game? We’ll both just go our merry ways, acknowledging that everyone can get hurt, and… maybe trying to support our fellow humans? Instead of tearing down victims.
    (1) Allen, W. (2007). The Reporting and Underreporting of Rape. Southern Economic Journal, 73(3), 623-641.
    (2) For your convenience: Observe page 24, col 2:

      1. I’m not even sure where this one is coming from? Is it because the comment is clearly from a female voice? What on earth are you taking issue with??

    1. Oh look, the feminist came here to patronize us…

      Yay for you! You found a study. Gold star.

      silly game

      …And to entirely dismiss the many concerns raised…

      Paternity Fraud ~ Getting to act as a role model for a member of the next generation… even if it isn’t your offspring. Mentorship!

      …And to act as though our concerns have little value because there’s some minority group that isn’t exactly the same as us..

      nonhetero-normative rapes

      What a strong example of standing up for victims of relationship abuse! Go Feminism!!

  26. The Roissy/Heartiste blog originated the “cuckoldry is worse than rape” idea back in 2007. If you’re going to use the concept for a post, you should at least give credit/attribution. I assume this is a subconscious rechanneling of that original idea unless “bacon” is Roissy. Here is the origin of this concept as far as I know:

  27. I don’t think absconding on child support payments should be illegal. This here ol’ land of the free has too many prisons and too many incarcerated citizens (the largest in the world, in fact).
    However you do realize don’t you that you admitted that paternity fraud is not rape by stating, “However, one thing that has never lost its impact on me is hearing about
    paternity fraud. This always angers me because I know these men will
    never get the justice REAL rape victims can hope to receive.”????
    And if the fathers don’t pay then other people who don’t even know the woman will have to pay – that is hardworking tax payers.
    So what’s the solution, Sherlock?

  28. You do realize you just outed yourself as not *really* buying that paternity fraud is rape or worse than with this statement, “However, one thing that has never lost its impact on me is hearing aboutpaternity fraud. This always angers me because I know these men will never get the justice REAL rape victims can hope to receive.”

  29. Dude I usually agree on most thoughts shared on this site, but paternity fraud worse than rape? are you fkin kidding?

  30. Men. Get your vasectomy’s as soon as you’re sexually active. Yes, if that means 15, 16, or 17 then do it. Fathers, tell your sons to do it too! Freeze a few of them squirmy buggers if you’re really sure you want to raise kids in this f’up world. Never let the bitches know you’re shooting blanks.
    Then, if your loyal virginal princess hits you with the big “P”, pregnant claim, or the other “P”, paternity suit you’re pretty safe in disowning the baby meal ticket and the lying slut. You ain’t no baby daddy, for sure.
    Also, start your asset protection and estate planning NOW. I’ve learned how to do this to protect myself for the overreaching courts who would happily lock me up for contempt for looking at judge the wrong way in any hearing involving a female. Judges LOVE to play white knight for every misguided miscreant on the planet. I speak from experience here. Just do it. Hint: your plans should involve an offshore trust.
    Just do it!

  31. “Another recent example was celebrity crime boss actor from The Wire Idris Elba, who after DNA testing learned he was not the father of his son.”
    Idris Elba?! For real?!?!
    He’s one of the hottest most alphaest men on the planet. If it happened to him it will happen to anyone.

  32. If you have any doubts about the prevalence of women getting impregnated by men other than their husbands, and even doing it intentionally, read the book, “Sperm Wars.”
    It will scare the shit out of you. It gives the scientific and evolutionary basis for why women do this. It does not bar and punches and the evolutionary biologist that wrote it is not the least bit concerned about being politically correct.
    Read it!!

  33. Alcohol compromises people’s judgment.
    This is a simple, widely accepted truth that suddenly gets opaque when it comes to getting laid.
    These same puas – no wait – self improvement enthusiasts whose lifestyle just happens to center on game explicitly advise to use alcohol to lower a girl’s inhibitions…which means what? 2deep4um8
    Dem carnivorous rodents sure run fast.

  34. Actually, men do have erotic fantasies of something like paternity fraud. Research the cuckolding fetish. Yeah, it’s really weird.

  35. Paternity fraud is a despicable crime.
    That said, the rule that the man who recognizes a child at birth is the legal father of said has many centuries of precedent and goes much further back than feminism. It exists for a reason: to protect children from the material and psychological crisis a mid-life role-reversal for their mother’s bad behavior.
    What is also true, however, is that this rule was historically balanced and mitigated by laws disadvantaging illegitimate children. This was done as a protection for legitimate children, so that they would not lose out on the estate because of their father’s incontinence.
    Pointing out the paternity fraud hypocrisy is nevertheless important, however, in demonstrating how libertines and their feminist bid-doers have created organized chaos in overturning only half of family and social law custom and thereby destroying the precious balance of tension that once helped keep the unruly in check, because modern laws are so skewed towards mitigating injustice from only one end.

    1. Um… I’m not sure if you’ve heard this yet so maybe sit down before I tell you – I don’t want to hurt you. Modern medicine now allows us to, without a doubt, identify if a man is or is not the father of a child. Now you just let that soak in, and after you have given it due consideration, let me know if you think violating someones body without their consent, possibly doing them irreversible physical and/or emotional harm is on par with being wrongly accused of something you can disprove with a blood test. Great. Thanks.

      1. The man who is a victime of Paternity Fraud Is financially enslaved for 18 years. That is almost on par with rape.

  36. lolololol wait is this shit actually real?? Or is this entire website just one giant feminist parody of idiotic assholes with first-grade understandings of gender difference who have some deep-seated, psychological fear of lady folk??
    I honestly can’t tell. Either way, hilarious stuff. Keep the stupidity coming. Or actually, don’t. Cause I’m sure there are some pathetically insecure men out there who take this shit VERY seriously.
    peace out homies, keep tryna work out your mommy issues

  37. This is fucking disgusting. Do you have any idea how much you just trivialized the rape of a woman? And I say woman because you made it very clear that while a woman being raped is quite alright to you, the rape of a man is a “far worse crime.” You can go fuck yourself, and all of you who in the comments just blindly agree with everything this horrid man is saying can go fuck yourselves as well. 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime, and you all are part of the fucking problem.
    This is not to say that I don’t think paternity fraud is okay, because I know you fuckers will latch onto this and think that’s the point I’m making. I’m fucking not. I’m not even speaking about that part of the article. This is simply a response to the way “bacon” here has gone about discussing rape.

  38. How is it that all of you assholes are completely ignoring what this ignorant piece of shit is saying about rape.
    How fucking dare you all think that because paternity fraud exists, that rape should be downplayed.
    For all you who commented saying things like “I don’t know what rape is like for a woman but I’m sure the woman doesn’t have to live with the rapist for the rest of her life,” you’re a selfish PIECE OF SHIT.
    Paternity fraud sucks. I am a woman and I agree that paternity fraud should be stopped and I think any man who wants one should be provided positive results to a paternity test before he is forced to financially support a child that may or may not be his. However, you cannot, under any circumstances say that kind of shit about rape. Some girls have falsely accused people of rape. But think about the girls who actually have been raped and if you think that’s “no big deal” or that women should “get over it,” well then I truly wish the very worst for you and I hope for your own sake that you never get what you deserve.
    Fuck you, disgusting.

  39. This is disgusting and everyone involved should be ashamed. Your ignorance about this subject is heartbreaking, I don’t know how it’s possible to be this cruel. Everything posted on this site is an awful demonstration of how far the world still has to go in order to reach equality. You sicken me.

    1. what is disturbing is that by minimizing another person’s experiences in
      a crime it reduces this person to “the other”. This mentality of
      something being okay with one person being a victim and the other one
      not, paves the way for inequality and prejudice. In some cases, the more people that adopt a mindset of prejudice can actually become a force. This is how nazism came about.

  40. You have GOT to be kidding me!!!! You should be ashamed of yourself “bacon” – as should all you others on here spouting off all these horrible misogynistic slurs. Newsflash – women are your equals whether you like it or not. I’m sick of hearing men talk about how the perfect woman should be “feminine” and “respectful” and perfect. You put all these rules and guidelines on what makes a woman “good” in your eyes – yet you behave like cavemen and talk about them like they’re your property. Drop the alpha male bullshit and try being a decent egalitarian man, and you won’t have all the relationship troubles you seem to be having. I put NO rules or standards on my wife that I wouldn’t put on myself. Don’t cheat on me, be good to me, and be my best friend. I’ll be married 11 years in a couple of months. and she’s still my very best friend.

      1. Nah, I’m hetero but obviously a tad more evolved than some of you here. Rape is real and it is hideous and to compare it to false paternity claims just makes me sick. I have a wife and 2 daughters and hate that they have to live in this rape culture that you guys want to perpetuate.

        1. Man you are idiot!? Rape Culture!? Do you live in the United States or the Democratic Republic of CONGO!? Paternity Fraud is a rampant situation that enslaves men financially and spiritually! Why do you have a blase attitude towards the abhorrent behavior perpatrated by evil women!?

    1. when betas like these become victims of paternity fraud, id feel zero sympathy but only glee
      because only purpose of their pathetic existence is provide resource to raid another males offspring

  41. I am so sick of women exaggerating about rape. I was accused of rape once simply because some fickle whore “changed her mind” and ended up with a few bruises. Now I just murder women afterwards- one less nagging vagina- am I right boys??

  42. I am so sick of women exaggerating about rape. I was accused of rape once simply because some fickle whore “changed her mind” and ended up with a few bruises. Now I just murder women afterwards- one less nagging vagina- am I right boys??

  43. I am so sick of women exaggerating about rape. I was accused of rape once simply because some fickle whore “changed her mind” and ended up with a few bruises. Now I just murder women afterwards- one less nagging vagina- am I right boys??

  44. I am so sick of women exaggerating about rape. I was accused of rape once simply because some fickle whore “changed her mind” and ended up with a few bruises. Now I just murder women afterwards- one less nagging vagina- am I right boys??

  45. I am so sick of women exaggerating about rape. I was accused of rape once simply because some fickle whore “changed her mind” and ended up with a few bruises. Now I just murder women afterwards- one less nagging vagina- am I right boys??

  46. Is this a fucking joke
    I hope this is a fucking joke
    Rape is about a million times worse than paternity fraud
    Obviously you have never been a victim of sexual assault
    “Sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes, with 60% still being left unreported.”
    Learn your facts before going around posting shit like this. Seriously, this is so disgusting I can’t even stand it.

  47. i find it so hard to believe that these kind of views even exist. you have no absolutely no idea what you’re talking about! this entire website is completely disgusting and i am going to file to file a lawsuit, together with all of my friends who have discovered this website through a facebook post. And yes, call me a silly little woman but you can sue people for causing mass, incredible offense and you’re going to be the one worse off from it, whatever you think of it

    1. “You can sue people for causing mass, incredible offense.” Oh man if only this was true, this is hilarious. How could somebody even take this person serious? What a feeble intellect. Shocking that I have started siding with conservatives on these issues, but read the comment above for the reason.

  48. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  49. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  50. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  51. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

      1. That’s all you got? Pathetic. I thought men were the superior gender according to this website but you’re so scared of women coming here and criticizing you that you have to ban them from your website?
        Elizabeth, these men are not “horrible human beings”. They’re just a bunch of weak sorry men who have to come here to hold hands and cry about how women are too strong these days and they can’t handle it.
        “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” -Napolean Bonaparte
        Like I said, pathetic.

      2. This site is public so do not expect that someone you do not approve of will not be reading it. That’s the price of being public with one’s opinions.

  52. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  53. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  54. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  55. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  56. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  57. This article pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity.
    Having read through the comments and seeing comments like “let’s grab the popcorn and wait for the feminazis reactions to this one”, I’m really hoping most of you are trolling, because otherwise this is just sick.
    “Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape. Stop crying about rape: it only lasts a few minutes while paternity fraud can last decades.”
    So anyone of the female gender who reacts to those opening sentences with shock, horror, or hate (which anyone in their right mind really should), must be a crazy, man-hating bitch? Really?!?
    Rape is a crime, one that very often goes unpunished. It happens to both males and females, and cases can be very varying in severity.
    The same goes for divorce, and child welfare. Sometimes it goes better for one party than the other. There have been very rare cases where something as drastic as what you are calling “paternity fraud” occurs, but those cases are extremely rare.
    Comparing the general crime of rape to this very specific and rare kind of fraud is akin to claiming that being conned by a spam site is worse than being stabbed in the street as you walk home.
    If any of you ignorant dickbags actually looked up any statistics on rape and “paternity fraud” (or, I don’t know, maybe pulled your heads out of your asses..), you would understand that.
    I’m completely shocked by what utter scumbags the people on this site are (I wouldn’t go as far as to call you men), and I honestly hope you grow up and get some sense.
    Both issues in this “article” are valid and terrible crimes, but the childish and offensive way with which they are described by the writer of the piece, and by the fans in the comments is completely wrong, and utterly despicable.
    Now go ahead, call me a feminazi, call me fat, call me a sad, lonely cat woman, since those responses seem to be all you people can come up with, I don’t care.
    Just know that you’re horrible human beings, and maybe you’ve just lost your way or you’re following whatever this douchebag’s saying because you think being a pig makes you more of a man, but honestly, take a look at yourselves and the things you’re agreeing with and reconsider what you’re doing.

  58. I agree that a man should not have to pay for a child which isn’t his, and that if a woman lies to a man about the paternity of a child they are vile, and should be punished for that. But WTF has that got to do with rape. You have clearly not done your research because most rape cases don’t even make it to court! You are stating that these women who claim it was rape because they were drunk and regret it are the majority, but I you had done your research you’d realise that most of the time if the woman had been drinking the courts the man is convicted not guilty. I suppose you’re one of those idiots who thinks that if a woman wears a short skirt or a low cut top she deserves to be raped? If you’d looked into they take things even as pathetic as that in favour of the male in rape cases. You sir, are an idiot.

  59. How can ANYBODY possibly say something so horrific I have no idea. YOU have mental health problems. Clearly you have never been a rape victim. You are sick!

  60. “I know these men will never get the justice real rape victims can hope to receive.” you couldn’t possibly believe this shit? you guys are smarter than this, right? c’mon. you’re better than this… right?

  61. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Rape is so wrong in so many ways. “Paternity fraud” could never even come close to having the traumatizing effects a violation like rape has. Did you get dropped on your head as a child? If not, that needs to happen now. Sexual assault is not something to be trivialized. It is something that so many women, AND MEN are victims of and are affected by. 17.6% of women and 3% of men in the United States alone have fallen victim to rape. Only about 10% of men are victims of paternity fraud, which admittedly is not the best situation to be in, but IT’S NOT RAPE. Rape isn’t something that “only lasts a few minutes” it lasts an entire lifetime, it effects each and every day of that person’s life for the rest of their life. This whole website is disgusting and you should be truly, deeply ashamed of yourself. “Men” like you are the reason why so many strong women hate guys. I know that one day all of this shit is going to come back and bite you in the ass, when you’re trying to get a decent job, when you’re trying to get the girl of your dreams to marry you, or when (God forbid) you have children and they somehow find this website. If you can’t consider anyone else’s experiences then at least consider YOUR future, like the self-centered asshole I’m sure you are, and don’t post stupid shit like this. Really, what the fuck is wrong with you?

    1. Ask any man if he would rather take it up the butt or pay 18 years worth of child support? I would rather lube up with anal -eze than pay a fortune to a triffling woman!

  62. Man I just love tricking men into sleeping with me while drunk and then having a baby. I get all their money, and the guy gets called a rapist! Nothing is more satisfying. The best is to get to see his humiliation when he finds out the child isn’t even his! I fucked all his friends too HA!

  63. Look, I agree that paternity fraud is an issue. I’m not trying to debate that point, and I would gladly get behind the criminalization of paternity fraud bandwagon. But to compare this issue to rape?? I certainly acknowledge that there is a huge gray area in what is considered rape and what should be considered rape. I agree with the author to some extent about sex under the influence being claimed as rape, but this article is about paternity fraud, not about rape. Why even include the comparison between rape and paternity fraud? As a woman, I know that I will never have to worry that my children aren’t actually mine, but I DO have to worry about being raped. Again, not minimizing the paternity fraud issue, but there are some preventative measures; use a condom, or have a paternity test done when the baby is born if you really aren’t sure. For a woman who is always conscientious of her surroundings, all it could take is one insensitive dick and she’ll end up with a traumatic event and lifelong emotional struggles.
    Bottom line: There is no comparison or competition between paternity fraud and rape. They are separate issues and shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same article.

  64. this is fucking disgusting, rape only lasts a few minutes? it scars women for life. You must have a penis the size of a raisin to even consider writing this. Rape is the number one fantasy of women? are you HAVING A FUCKING LAUGH. I think if a woman close to you experienced rape you’d feel a lot different. Although i can’t imagine that you do have a woman close to you given the fact your mother probably didn’t love you if you have a view of woman that is this distorted and STUPID.

    1. This quote could be used in an analogy.
      Let’s use another example…someone was shot with a gun in the chest…well it was only for a few minutes!

  65. No, rape is not worse than paternity fraud. Rape is paternity fraud with added assault!

    1. rape only lasts a few minutes paternity fraud can last decades. paternity fraud is clearly worse.

      1. Fuck me you are the dumbest human being on the planet. If I shot you in the face that would last less than a split second, so by your logic, murder is really nothing at all right? I mean, all that matters in a crime is how long it last…the world would be a better place without you.

      2. How would you feel, for example, if someone shot you (which only lasts a few minutes) and you survived? Then later on some website someone tried to compare identity fraud with being the same as being shot at. What if they said what you went through wasn’t as bad because identity fraud can last a lot longer. How would you feel? That is essentially what you are doing.

  66. Are you serious? If you were to be raped by a man I dont think you would spout this absolute nonsense. You need to grow up

    1. I guess you cant read dumbass
      “For the purposes of this article all references to rape are
      pertaining to adult women. Child and male rape on heterosexual males are
      far worse crimes and are not to be included under the umbrella of the
      word rape for the purposes of this article”

      1. are you trying to say that other victims are more important than others? That’s like someone saying murder that happens to children and men is worse than murders of women.

  67. A woman being forced to have sex with a man is far worse than a man having to take some money out of his pocket for a child that isn’t his. I don’t believe that paternity fraud is right, and I do think that it should be against the law, but if a woman is raped, her life changes forever, in a way no man can understand. I fail to understand why a man being raped by another man is worse than a woman being raped by a man. I have to assume your reasoning is that a woman must be less affected by the rape, because she is attracted to men in general, where as a straight man is not attracted to men in general. However, what really matters is that no woman, ever, at all, nada, enjoys being raped, even if she enjoys sex. Force is force, and the fact is, rape is the theft of one’s safety of mind and right to control his or her own body.

    1. It doesn’t matter, man, woman, child, elderly…anyone who is subjected to the crime is devastated and it affects their life in inumerbale ways. Disregard for another person’s experiences and trivializing a serious crime is something I cannot understand. It would be like someone supporting animal cruelty. It is just fucked up.

  68. I cannot even believe the words that have come out of your mouth, or better yet, your fingers. You obviously have a problem with women. Period. To even say that rape against men is worse than rape against women……it’s just idiocracy. Both are equally as bad. I don’t know why you even included these two topics (rape of women and paternity fraud) in the same article. If you can’t present your facts about paternity fraud without tearing apart every woman who has presented a legitimate case of rape, then you are the one with a problem. Sure, there are women (and men) who have cried “rape”, but there are plenty of real cases, too. All your article is doing is telling women that if they are raped, they should not report it because it is their fault and no one will believe them. This article literally makes me sick to my stomach. Why are you putting men above women? Aren’t we all supposed to be equal? Obviously not in your skewed world. I hate to see what you would tell your mother, sister, daughter, or any female in your life if they came to you and said that they had been raped. I sincerely hope you don’t have children. You’re basically saying that it’s ok to go out and rape women, that it’s not a serious crime, and any woman who claims she’s been raped is lying. As far as your “Paternity Fraud” case, there are two sides to this. Let’s not forget that there is a high percentage of men who cheat on their wives/girlfriends. Some of them even get other women pregnant. You cannot call one group out without calling out the other. The only reason that a woman’s indiscretions are so much worse in your mind, is that women have the ability to become pregnant from it. I guarantee you there are plenty of men who get women pregnant, even know that it is their baby, and couldn’t give a damn. Don’t pin this all on women. And don’t even compare that to a violent crime such as rape. A woman has a right to say no at any time, whether she’s drunk or not. The same goes for men. You need to do some serious thinking about why you hate women so much.

  69. ” I believe paternity fraud is in many ways a far more sinister, long lasting, humiliating and painful act than rape ” wow that’s funny because the last time I heard about somebody committing suicide over paternity fraud was… oh, right! literally never. just like the times I heard about physical injuries from paternity fraud, or years of therapy needed for paternity fraud.

    1. also, just like time a victim of paternity fraud walked into a hospital, clothing torn and dirty, crying, waiting to get a dna test in the hopes of finding their assailant. Just like the time a victim of paternity fraud hid their secret in shame. Do you need more examples?

  70. As to your last point. It’s called cuckholding. The term is used for men who fantasize about having their partner cheat on them. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them also fantasized about their woman getting pregnant by another man. Just because someone fantasizes about something does not mean they want it in real life though.

  71. I mean the worst part is that you are dumb. More specifically, you are stupid, a very very stupid idiot who has obviously never read… well, anything. Every living being would be better off if you weren’t alive because of your egregious stupidity. Have you tried dying? Please give it a go. I’ll provide instructions. Signed, every living being.

  72. Listen up, this is important. I truly think you need psychological help. You complain about women being “attention whores” in multiple articles, but fact of the matter is, you are more obsessed with attention than any of them. You write this trash because you know it will get the most shock value and the most attention. But maybe before you go on an attention binge and write another bullshit article, you should think of the innocent people that you could hurt with it. There is enough victim blaming in this world, and articles like this and your “rape tourettes” article only condone the horrifically FALSE notion that rape is the victims fault. That will cause more psychological and self harm of victims, more rapists that are let off the hook for their heinous crimes, and more assailants that think the trauma they afflicted on an innocent person is okay. Think about the people with body issues who read your articles that shame overweight women and cause them to go on a bulimic or anorexic binge that could lead to their death (also fun fact, men can have eating disorders too). Let’s get real here. This is the 21st century. Women are not baby-making sex toys that don’t know life outside the kitchen. Women are independent. Women are strong. Women are tough (we have to deal with shitheads like you all the time). Women DON’T GIVE A DAMN if you don’t think they’re feminine enough or domestic enough, because our world, contrary to popular belief, does not revolve around what men think. Women are career oriented, and are just as good at them as men. I’d be willing to bet big money that you’ve seen a female doctor in your life. And you’re still here, which means she must have been good at her job. Women are not going to take this kind of offensive material because we are fighters and we demand respect. The world is changing for the better, and the longer you remain in this sexist archaic rut, chances are you will never find love. Because there are more strong, independent confident women than not. Way more than you think. And we’re not going anywhere.

    1. Your kidding right? If the female response to 5 reasons to date a girl with an eating disorder has proved anything its how emotionally fragile and weak modern women are today.

      1. Yeah, who would have thought that women would be so sensitive to a bunch of pig-headed men who marginalise a recognised disorder? Is it a requirement that you have literally no gray matter to be a supporter of this site?

        1. While I find your comments unbelievably hilarious, why don’t you try addressing some of the issues that the OP put in their comment, rather than lowering your self to petty name calling?

        2. While I find your comments unbelievably hilarious, why don’t you try addressing some of the issues that the OP put in their comment, rather than lowering your self to petty name calling?

      2. Oh and btw, as I mentioned in an above post, if you truly stand behind the vitriol you post, then come out from behind that fake name. Tell us who you actually are. Have conviction in your hatred. You are not only ignorant, but a coward as well.

  73. The difference is that with rape the woman knows what is going on while it happens and nothing good comes from it. I agree completely that this type of fraud is probably the worst type and makes you feel cheated and used, maybe even violated, but it is not an emotionally traumatizing thing. I doubt anyone get post traumatic stress from paternity fraud no matter how hurt they are by it.

  74. Wow, you’re terribly uninformed about rape, but that doesn’t stop you from writing about it, does it? Seriously, you’re embarrassing men everywhere with this drivel. Why can’t you discuss one issue without demeaning another one? Are you not intelligent enough for that?

  75. this article is the biggest bullshit and i hope all of you burn to death in the flames of your hatred for other people.

  76. are you fucking serious please tell me this is a fucking joke im literally disgusted by this someone tell me this isnt real

  77. Wow! Thank you for demonstrating just how ignorant and ill informed you are about the subject about rape. I literally am at a loss as to where to begin in picking apart this abhorrent hate post. The statistics about rape simply do not bear out the reality you are attempting to construe. Rape is phenomenally hard to prove, is one of the most under reported crimes in the country and leads to a conviction in a stunningly small number of cases. You yourself mentioned the fact that paternity tests are available to anyone looking to establish parenthood and yet you somehow think that rape and paternity fraud are akin? Perhaps you need to be held up against a wall and penetrated. Then consider whether or not paying a few hundred dollars a month to support a child is still equally traumatizing. You know litteraly nothing about any of the subjects you have discussed and you marginalise women who are a victim of an incredibly serious crime. You should be ashamed of yourself, your mother should be ashamed of you, your life is a testament to ignorance and callousness and you have no redeemable qualities. Furthermore, if you truly believe the things you’re writing, why do you hide behind a pseudonym you coward. Come out from behind your veil of anonymity. This website is supposedly all about masulinity, yet you all have the integrity and courage of youtube trolls. You are sad, inexcusable, pathetic human beings.

    1. ask any man if we would rather be held up against a wall and pentrated or pay 18 years worth of child support for someone else bastard child!

  78. way to cite a reliable source (about the female rape fantasy) there. rigourous. also, if you want something to seem ridiculous, you need to do better than just stick quotation marks around it. must try harder. furthermore, “Return Of Kings” is for pussies.

    1. “Return Of Kings” is for pussies.”
      this is coming from a guy wearing a yellow tank top in his avatar photo.

    2. “Return Of Kings” is for pussies.”
      this is coming from a guy wearing a yellow tank top in his avatar photo.

  79. “Child and male rape on heterosexual males are far worse crimes
    and are not to be included under the umbrella of the word rape for the
    purposes of this article.”
    Male on adult male rape is never worse than male on female rape, because men cannot get pregnant from the encounter.

  80. Most of the information that I find on this subject deals with the guy who was tricked into believing the child was his. What about the biological father that was told the child was not his only to see the child years later and know without a doubt they are the father? What are there rights?

    1. They will have the right to take care of the child while the fraudster is in jail.

  81. While my heart and condolences go out to victims of paternity fraud, I -do not- at all think PF(paternity fraud) is worse than rape. But I’m not stating rape is worse than PF. They are both horrible. Personally, as a woman, of course rape would be worse for me than PF. And as a man PF might be worse for you. But you can’t force your own opinion onto others and most of all, you can’t minimize someones problems to make you seem like a bigger victim than them. Say, you’re a victim of AIDS and someone came along saying the fact they have cancer is a much bigger problem than your AIDS.
    While I do agree that some PEOPLE (not just women) are crazy and would do something like this, I don’t think its fair to generalize such a major traumatizing problem like rape. There are several sentences in the article that really got to me and were plain hurtful and ignorant. ” (PF is a more) sinister, long lasting, humiliating and painful act than rape” Once again, I think its wrong to assume one is worse than another. I had an incident happen 15 years ago and I still feel the effects of it through my social anxiety. Another thing I’d like to comment on is the picture comparing men and women having sex while intoxicated. The intoxication is NOT a factor. Being an intoxicated man and having sex does not make you a rapist automatically. And being an intoxicated woman and having sex does not automatically make her a rape victim. The MAIN factor is consent. A woman saying no when she is drunk, or being -unable- to say because she is unconscious, or even staying silent and not saying yes are NOT signs of “I want to do you.” Likewise, if you are a guy, and a hefty gay male is trying to enter you and you say no and he does anyways … would that be enjoyable? It’s the CONSENT that matters. You don’t have partners tattooing things on -your body- while you are sleeping so why should you force yourself into a partner when she does not want it or is unable to say no?
    Please people, I am totally against paternity fraud but please have a more open view on matters like these. Experiencing rape or having a loved one be raped is not a pleasant matter in the least and should not be made light of. There are people still recovering from rape who might come across this article. Have a good day everyone.

    1. “While my heart and condolences go out to victims of paternity fraud, I
      -do not- at all think PF(paternity fraud) is worse than rape.”
      Of course you don’t. You’re not paying for it.

  82. This is sick how dare you say that most woman “overreact” about rape. Yes, paternity fraud is bad but rape is far worse and this whole website makes me feel sick to my stomach. I am a woman and I am not a slut or a whore and any men who are using the words slut and whore to describe woman are pathetic little shits who need to sort out there priorities and get over themselves. If some woman do act like, as you describe “Whores” that is on most occasion because society has made them feel that way and treated them like that is the only way they can get attention in this world. Woman are people to and this website is one of the most disgusting things I have ever encountered.

  83. Quite the controversy in this post and I really can’t compare the two since they are on two different levels. As for paternity, this area affecting many men across the nation and there is a simple way to solve it and its by DNA testing. Viaguard Accu-metric has made this an awareness in paternity fraud issues and cases and they are by far the lab that is really helping the issue. These test are fool proof and is simple to do, and results are within a few days. So for those questioning then I suggest taking the test and be sure the laboratory can help you out or assist you afterwards if the results could change your life.

  84. IN febuary last year i was comtacted and found out i had a 24 year old daughter and now have 2 grandchildren. It seems the Mother of the child Put another mans name on the childs birth certificate three months after the birth to keep me from finding out about the daughter. she was unmarried at the time and a few years later had another child with this man and then married him. They divorced 4 years later. I am in contact with my daughter through facebook and she is in england with her husband who is serving in the U.S. military there. I am now about to contact an attorney to see what can be done to change my daughters birth certificate and take legal action against both the mother and the man who fraudulently signed the birth certificate. I have only talked with my daughter once by phone when the mother dropped by to bring me pictures of my daughter . Only saw the mother 4 times since she gave me the news. I have emails admitting that she and the man where both at fault for this and saying she would make it right and pay for a DNA test. It`s been a year now and she has done nothing to correct the situation or my daughters birth certificate. I send the Grand kids Birthday and Christmas toys. My grandson will be one in april and Grand daughter is now 3 years. I was on facebook with my daughters mother as the grandson came into the world in england where her mother visited to help with the new arrival. I stayed up all night waiting for my grandson to be born.

  85. Paternity fraud is very serious – DNA testing at birth would be effective – I appreciate the suggestion regarding Khloe – I will look at things differently.

  86. To Whom It May Concern,
    I, Joshua Newcombe, am looking for pro bono help in a disestablishment of paternity case. I am currently paying $316 a month for child that is not biologically mine. I have already paid $420 out of my own pocket for the paternity test. I ahve two other children and a wife to support. I only make $10 an hour. My wife is unable to work becausae we can not afford daycare for our children and we have no family support. I really need some assistance. If I have to continue paying child support I will no longer be able to pay for my apartment and DCF will come and take my kids away because I can not support them and a child, which, at 17 years old, I thought was mine. I need help before I lose my family please! I have all the paperwork but do not have the $300 dollars to file the petition. I also do not have the funds to pay for a lawyer. Please, if anyone is willing to help my family and I we would greatly appreciate it. I have attached a cody of the paternity test. I only have until May 26th or I will have to pay for another paternity test, which I can not afford. If you are willing to take my case you can contact me at 813-510-8703 or you can contact my wife, Kimberly Newcombe at 813-510-8702. Thank you for your time.

  87. happened to me, but mommy worked with the cops and got all the manigina’s with guns to harass me, go through my trash (but I turned their shit against them wait for the book – for real…) and here I AM TODAY… because I never once had fear or disrespected myself and I didn’t even say nothing but PROVE IT. viola – never cost me a dime… just a $100.00 she grabbed and took to have a party to find a new cock to get attention from – see, I said fuck you, prove it slut and walked away and waited and lived my life. 16 years later guess what – IT’S THE KID OF THE BOY (not man… mamma’s mangina raised boy) THAT SHE WAS SIDE FUCKING LIKE ALL WOMEN DO. See, their whole lives are constant lies which is why they make no sense and confuse you men – BECAUSE THEY’RE LYING AND LOGICALLY YOU CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT. Anyhow, real court later… I PUT THE BITCH OUT ON THE STREETS, WAS AWARDED EVERYTHING SHE AND HER ‘HUSBAND’ HAD… AND THEN I SOLD IT AND WENT AND FUCKED HER UGLY SISTER… TRUE STORY. And I told the world. she did it to herself, and wasn’t going to ruin my life because she’s a child minded retard for life. Just a parasite.
    … MOST women are just parasites off mankind… think you live in a gals imaginary patriarchy – try a matriarchy where no woman is ever held to account for her own choices and can blame anybody as long as she gets out of it IT’S LEGAL. nope, women are parasites off mankind… LQQK AROUND MEN… great world you built – that some little bored natural born whores wanted to ruin because they were’nt active in the building of it – OTHER THAN GESTATION. Sure there have been SOME, but let’s get real, women = udder disrespect and only half human with the shit they pull day in and night out – sadly, most are just holes for dick – which is just how they WANT it… want, women always want – but… here we are. And they’re up to no good all-ways and NAWALT is just another lie for them to use so they don;t get caught. Call every woman on the carpet constantly for their life long lie of a life – they’re the chaos in this world… and we all know it.
    3:12 = read it, women are of the devil… man, of G-D.

  88. So let me get this straight. If I, an adult female who happens to be a virgin, were to be brutally raped, it wouldn’t be as bad as a man caught up in paternity fraud, nor would it be as bad as a heterosexual man being raped by a man?

  89. As a lawyer I’ve seen 3 cases of paternity fraud just last year. in one of them there were 3 childs involved, all of them had different biological fathers.

  90. Reason why it is not criminalized, is because it is a crime that ALWAYS involves female perpetrators and male victims.
    And this sexist society always ignore male victims and female criminals.

    1. same society that sympathizes with rape victims laughs at paternity fraud victims. This is why society must be destroyed via some horrible cataclysm whether its nuclear warfare or HIV being engineered to go airborne.

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