Liberal Woman Fired From Government Job After Giving Middle Finger To Donald Trump’s Motorcade

Via BBC News:

A woman pictured raising her middle finger toward US President Donald Trump’s motorcade has reportedly been fired from her job over the photograph.

The image went viral after it was taken on 28 October in Virginia, close to a Trump golf resort.

Juli Briskman, who was identified as the cyclist in the image, alleges she was fired by employers Akima LLC after she posted it to her online profiles. The company did not respond to the BBC’s request for comment.

Ms Briskman told US media the firm had called her into a meeting a day after she informed their HR department she was the subject of the widely circulated image.

She told the Huffington Post news website that executives had told her they classified the image as “lewd” or “obscene”, and therefore deemed that it violated their social media policies after she had posted it to her Twitter and Facebook accounts.

However Ms Briskman said she had emphasised to management that she had not been in working hours when the photograph was taken and had not mentioned her employers on the social media pages.

Ms Briskman also alleges that a male colleague was allowed to keep his job after deleting a post deemed as offensive in a separate incident.

She therefore questions why she was immediately dismissed from her role. The 50-year-old mother-of-two had reportedly been at the government contractor firm for six months working in communications.

Despite losing her job, Ms Briskman said she did not regret making the gesture. “In some ways, I’m doing better than ever,” she told The Huffington Post.

“I’m angry about where our country is right now. I am appalled. This was an opportunity for me to say something.”

The press photographer, Brendan Smialowski, told the AFP website that it was common to see people protesting or making obscene gestures at presidents as they drove by.

He said that he had been struck by the “tenacity” of Ms Briskman after she made the gesture several times and made attempts to catch up with the motorcade.

Read the entire article

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55 thoughts on “Liberal Woman Fired From Government Job After Giving Middle Finger To Donald Trump’s Motorcade”

  1. Question. Why is she or anyone for that matter allowed to be so close to a VIP motorcade? Imagine if she is someone carrying a bomb?

      1. @walk…
        You forgot about fowl smelling c_u-n_t !!
        By the way, ever heard about “belt bombs” !?

  2. I bet she was one of the ones clamoring for the Charlottesville Tiki Brigade to get identified and fired too.

    1. They shouldn’t have been fired either. People should be able to do whatever they want on their own time.
      Flipping off the president isn’t against the law. Neither is attending an Alt Right rally. Both are protected by Amendment 1. Conduct policies that seek to meddle with an employee’s personal views are typical leftist HR bullshit. Pushing politics on the job should get you fired. But if you can’t express your political views outside of your workplace, there is no place to express them.
      And by the way, this woman shouldn’t be on television pleading her case for how afraid she is of The Donald. She should be in a dark room, answering questions from the FBI and Secret Service who have every right to question why she kept speeding up in order to catch the President’s motorcade. Why did she do that? What was the purpose? If she caught up to the President, what were her plans?

        1. If a man did it, he’d be all over the mainstream media news. We’d have a number of talking heads and guest speakers discussing how we could prevent such incidents in the future.
          And my position would be the same. It’s ok to flip off the President, but not ok to follow the motorcade.

      1. Yes, I believe it is legal for a rodeo clown to wear an Obama mask too. It’s far better to hold the moral high ground and let them get away with it, rather than make sure they take the same medicine they’re dispensing

    1. Her pussy is probably akin to a grilled cheese sandwich at this point, sir.
      LOL yeah, that’s a nice visual.

  3. I wouldn’t have gone so far as to fire her, but the fact that she made several attempts to catch up with the motorcade is a red flag. She should have been arrested or at least detained and questioned.

    1. @Reed,
      Why the hell you are repeating your point !? Aren’t you contempt with you first comment !??

  4. I welcomed Trump’s appearence. However, after it became obvious the Deep State have castrated him I don’t think he deserves anyone’s respect. Leftist idiots will never have respect for him and those who voted him in and have a little bit of brain should have realized months ago that he’s become a cuck. Worse than Hillary since we at least knew her crooked agenda all along. Trump’s a cucked traitor in my opinion

    1. As Trump continues to attempt to help the American people while approximately several hundred thousand DC career bureaucrats work against him by ignoring his orders and sabotaging his efforts, I do what I can to assist him. Today I am making calls to both the White House and Congress politely demanding that Muckdweller Mueller be investigated for his crimes related to the Uranium One scandal with the appointment of a special prosecutor as defined by the independent counsel law.
      Have you done anything to help Trump this month or last Intezd? If you haven’t, then you are a cuck.

      1. Indeed @Dave. You are not alone in assisting Trump, you can count on me and Hundreds and Thousands of real MEN.
        *** Donald TRUMP, the Future of MASCULINE United States ***

    2. Whoa, worse than crooked Hillary? That’s a bridge too far. I agree Trump’s beginning to look like he’s bitten off more than he can chew but he’s never going to stoop as low as that lying, conniving, thieving, inhuman wretch Clinton

  5. ‘Ms Briskman also alleges that a male colleague was allowed to keep his job after deleting a post deemed as offensive in a separate incident.’
    Nice crab in the bucket mentality there.
    The level of disobedience in Trump’s government is disgusting. He was sworn in as their nations leader, personal feelings should not intefere with their duty, or obedience.

    1. He’s an elected official, not a dictator, and the rest of the government aren’t his subordinates.

  6. This is more proof that women are being given jobs they should not have. She is a “marketing executive” who flipped off the head of her company’s ONLY client. Sorry, marketing exec is not the job for her. Planned Parenthood and NARAL are more her speed.

  7. Trump got Neil Gorsich into the Supreme Court. My vote was worth it. Who the hell cares what some idiot does or thinks? I think it was right to fire her for her lewd act. Dumb broad, maybe her bad example will instruct someone else not to do that shit.

    1. @Clever
      Absolutely ! kicking out that worthless t-w_a-t from Job serves two purposes:
      1. Warning for others who disrespect their elected President
      2. That Job can go the person who is really worth of it

  8. Trump, while I support the ideas behind his administration, is a zionist shill nonetheless, his kids are intermarried with the tribe and so was his road to success. Bibi Netanyahu loves him, and is some kind of special advisor to his son-in-law Kushner. Remember that divide and conquer goes both ways, extreme left as well as right. Israel will use the USA like a dime store hooker until every last drop of bodily fluid has been drained from it, then leave its carcass on the street for the wolves when its military has been spent and the Greater Israel Project is near completion.
    The two-party system must go away, in the least. Much more than that must happen if the the tide is to be turned, especially economically. It is impossible to have even an iota of freedom in a world where the Khazar mafia reigns supreme.

    1. Disagreed about the two party system. Have you seen what happens with public money in countries with more than two parties?

  9. Top Kek on this.
    This fattie shouldn’t even have been employed by a defense contractor in the first place. I’m sure she has ZERO skills, and if there’s even ONE disabled male veteran without a job, there’s ZERO justification for her to even be employed outside of a Target.

    1. ” if there’s even ONE disabled male veteran without a job, there’s ZERO justification for her to even be employed outside of a Target.”
      @Corinth, Bless You !

  10. She’s an adult. Not a teenager. It’s not a cute look. She’s too old to be sticking it to the man. She needs to lose weight and find a man. The real crime here is the ill-fitted shirt. I wish people cared more about their overall reputation. It’s sad to see people behave so petty. She’s and idiot and I feel no sympathy for her situation. I don’t care of she’s a woman. She put herself in that situation because, she cannot control her impulses. I’ve noticed a lot of girls and women don’t care about their reputation. Society should stop feeling sorry and responsible for their lack of common sense and personal responsibility.

    1. She wanted to stick it to the man…but it seems as if the Man stuck it to her, and broke it off!
      Personally, I wouldn’t stick it to her with a stolen dick.

  11. Anybody saying she deserved to be fired may as well have voted for Hillary. You believe in the thought police as much as any leftist.

    1. It’s a taste of their own medicine. Suddenly they don’t like the concept of egalitarianism any longer.
      Or, at least in practice.

  12. “Ms Briskman also alleges that a male colleague was allowed to keep his job after deleting a post deemed as offensive in a separate incident.”
    Obviously the employer thinks that the male employee is more valuable to the company than the female employee. Tough luck Ms Briskman.

  13. Ya, sucks we have to live in a world where you get fired for your opinions outside of work, but fuck em, they deserve their own medicine. On a different subject, I wonder whatever happen to that car that tried to ram into Trumps motorcade by driving through the forest on the side of the road only to crash in the ditch before they could get on the highway. Have any of ya’heard anymore about that?

  14. Yeah I feel as sorry as her for the guy at Google who used their own search engine to compile an actually well articulated memo to be posted on their “free expression” forum who was fired because some random womyn made up harassment allegations. Hope she can never find a job again.

  15. Gotta say again how much I love that last pic- namely the Asian guy on the left. You can just read his thoughts:
    “Fuck! 6 months pretending to give a shit about Hillary for these girls and now I’m not even going to get a hand job for it!”

  16. If this happened in Thailand at the King, they would beat the shit out of her and put in jail for at least 10 years!

  17. A sane person doesn’t chase ambulances… and a sane person sure as Hell doesn’t chase presidential motorcades. This crazy bitch deserves her punishment. Hope the only job she finds after this blunder entails cleaning toilets.

  18. “When someone hurts you, go after them. It feels good, and other people will see you doing it.”
    I can’t begin to describe how the irony of her being fired feels.

  19. A couple of comments.
    As a DC resident, I’m infuriated by these assholes that ride their bikes on major thoroughfares during rush hour (when there are no bike lanes.) You have to be a super-selfish asshole to basically say fuck all of these thousands of people trying to get home from work, I want to ride my bike. That’s what kind of asshole this POS is.
    Secondly, when I grew up, flipping the bird was essentially a challenge to a fight. Hence, you didn’t see it that much. Now you see it every day in DC because betas and feminists no they can do it without any consequence. It turns out the fear of a good ass kicking is an effective societal regulator.
    Today, instead of getting the living shit kicked out of you, you get $80,000 via a Go Fund Me account.

  20. I have to give her some respect for what she did, but she shouldn’t have been surprised to be fired for it, since she took the step of posting it on social media.

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