Things are moving pretty fast in Baltimore. Three weeks ago Baltimore was just another American city, bustling beneath the radar of national attention. Freddie Gray died in police custody on April 12, and here we are in the first days of May and we’ve already witnessed riots, the swift arrest of six Baltimore police officers, and a triumphant victory rally.
There are still so many unanswered questions and conflicting information regarding the death of Freddie Gray that I find this topic very hard to write about. I’m not one who likes to eat crow unless I have to, so I won’t be discussing the actual incident. However, there is no shortage of people who apparently have no problem organizing, demanding, rioting, assaulting, and burning buildings without the necessary information.
On rioting
When it comes to rioting, I have to be honest, rioting and violence have their place in society. It shouldn’t be hard to admit that violence is sometimes the answer. It just so happens that the climate of injustice is not hot enough yet for me to start breaking windows and setting fires. However, it’s getting warmer every year and if things continue as they have, today’s rioters will be tomorrow’s purveyors of peace.
And that’s what it comes down to. It’s all relative. I can’t stand it when people who simply understand the effectiveness of a riot find camaraderie with rioters only because they riot. Equally frustrating are those who condemn any rioting just because they don’t agree with the current riot’s cause.
The argument that Baltimore rioters are only hurting their own neighborhood can go either way. On one hand, as a rightist if we were to riot, I can guarantee you that we would take the fight directly to enemy territory because we actually have stakes in our own community. We own property, take pride in our property, and have a sense of preserving it because we built it – it has value to us.
On the other hand, even though the Baltimore rioters destroyed their own neighborhood it was still effective. They inspired fear in the masses who watched it on TV. Other city governments took notice and their imaginations swirled with worse case scenarios were it to happen to them. The riots have also inspired a loss of faith in the police and provided a spark of inspiration for other cities’ neighborhoods that are powderkegs ready to explode on command. In the end, when the smoke clears, who do you think will foot the bill for Baltimore’s rebuilding? Will they even suffer a loss?
Now as a police officer, my job is to maintain order. It’s common sense. We are the first line of defense for protecting life and property, so if we are going to insist that we be the only ones who are in charge of that protection, we better do a damn good job at it. So what the hell gave the Baltimore police the right to stand down? As innocent people were being assaulted and private property was destroyed by mob violence, how moral was it for them to take command – then make a command decision to stand down?
I think citizens and businesses in large cities need to ask their local police departments if they are willing to stop a riot if it breaks out. If the city cannot guarantee protection from mob rule or is unwilling to do so, then the citizens should make the decision to defend themselves. Baltimore won’t be the last city to smolder.
The State as insurgent
Events in Baltimore began to get suspicious when Baltimore’s own City Councilman Nick Mosby said this about the riots (language all his):
What it is – is young boys, the young folks in this community showing decades old of anger, frustration for a system that’s failed them…These young guys are frustrated; they upset and unfortunately they displaying it in a very destructive manner. When folks are undereducated, unfortunately they don’t have the same intellectual voice to express it the way other people doing and that’s what we see through the violence today.
He went on to say that the media is the problem for focusing solely on the riots and when the reporter asked him why the police were allowing the violence and looting, Mr. Mosby said:
We asked them [the police] to back off…we told them we would be able to kind of talk to the young guys out here and we asked them to back up and they did it and it worked out.
It worked out alright. Councilman Mosby also said that rioting is wrong, but I’ll let you decide how sincere his statement was or if it was just obligatory. To me, he seemed delighted with the violence and more angry at the reporter for questioning it.
This interview took place on the street during the riot with a Fox News reporter and it is posted below. Notice how Mosby stands in front of what resembles a boxer’s entourage before a main event, surrounded by angry associates who restlessly sway back and forth behind him. As Mr. Mosby stood comfortably among the posse, his clean, expensive suit was in contrast to a man concealing his face with a white t-shirt like a terrorist.
I found it interesting that somehow Mosby blamed the riots on a failed system, yet takes no responsibility for being an elected official at the top rung of the system he claims is such a failure. Instead, his own tone is one of anger similar to those of the rioters who stood behind him.
Perhaps someone needs to let Mr. Mosby know that he is no longer sitting in one of his many social justice classes he took in college and that he is actually an elected politician now who does not have access to the victim card. He needs to man up or get out of office because he is the system. Local government is by far the most impactive level of government for people, but only when it’s done right and with people who are qualified to be there.
Perhaps it is all a racket. Do black leaders routinely climb to the top rungs of city government to fein helplessness and despair from some greater evil by which they say they have no control over; an evil that they cannot address—even with all the resources and tax dollars that are available to a large American city?
In my opinion, the greater evil is themselves and their obsessive culture that finds no greater joy than the collective of tribal victimhood and anger.
At what point do black people finally see themselves as the system? What world do we live in where a city councilman stands with rioters and rioters stand with a city councilmen? Or when a mayor attends a victory rally because the demands of rioters were answered? When the insurgent and the government stand hand in hand, you must begin to ask who they think the real enemy is?
“Black power” equals more government power?
Clues to the answer were found during the victory rally held Saturday. It appeared that a few hundred to a thousand people showed up for the rally. I was watching CNN and while the news reporters painted a picture of American justice and police reform for everyone as the six Baltimore officers were swiftly charged, the background noise of the speeches and chants during the rally were nothing but echoes of Marxism and black liberation theology.
The tone of the victory rally was clearly black power and injustice narratives that demanded more government programs and spending for black communities as well as federal intervention into local law enforcement. Who lashes out against the government to demand more government? And should we support them?
The archetype of the rioter or revolutionary freedom fighter was made popular through pop-culture and media over the years, securing a place for him in the heart of all Americans. Even some libertarians cherish the image of masked fighters resisting the state. But now it comes into fruition that those who actually resist the state with violence (and not just fantasize about it) are the ones demanding more government control. Oops.
Many fans of the Cop Block collective swear that they are comprised of libertarian-minded lovers of freedom. I have to question that when they appear to champion resistance just because it is resistance. They appear to take no caution in inadvertently supporting enemies of their alleged founding ideals of smaller government.

#BlackSpring?? the PEOPLE?? Sounds like collectivism to me
At another rally Al Sharpton said, “We need the Justice Department to take over policing in this country,” and went on to declare war on states’ rights by saying, “In the 20th century, they had to fight states’ rights to get the right to vote. We’re going to have to fight states’ rights in terms of closing down police cases.”
All this momentum for more government was ushered in on a wave that began as one specific right wing narrative, which no doubt emerged from the fear and anger of Obama’s America: the rise of the alleged police state.
Police state as reform?
It’s kind of funny how the right’s condemnation of a non-existent police state is what is actually leading to a real police state. The answer to what you thought was heavy-handed local law enforcement is now apparently federally operated police agencies. Sounds friendly.
You’ve warned of a police state for years. What does it say of your police state that was allegedly ready to boot stomp your freedom on command, when a major city police department failed to protect life and property from a mob of mostly juveniles? Or perhaps the state decides who gets protection and who does not?
As a police officer with inside knowledge of actual police power and capabilities, I can attest that as long as law enforcement is operated at a local level and law and order is reasonably maintained that there can be no police state. Regardless of what any YouTube video says, local law enforcement resists a police state.
But they are trying. Al Sharpton just demanded it. The rioters in Baltimore are asking for it under the guise of social justice as they exploit the unavoidably ugly nature of policing. Policing is a necessary function in society that can’t help but to appear ugly and unaccountable at times.
The millions of day to day encounters police have with citizens can be dynamic and unpredictable which can lead to questionable incidents like Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, John Crawford, and Freddie Gray as well as lesser known incidents like Kelly Thomas and other whites who are actually killed by the police more than blacks. There isn’t a single nation in the world that has perfected policing yet, and nobody ever will.
But they want you to think that they can perfect policing and bring justice to the people. Just a little more oversight, a little more control, and a little more government should do the trick, right?
Overall a balanced article. I was saying to my wife just yesterday “This is a battle between big government and violent hooligans, I’m not really sure I can take sides”.
You’ve warned of a police state for years. What does it say of your
police state that was allegedly ready to boot stomp your freedom on
command, when a major city police department failed to protect life and
property from a mob of mostly juveniles? Or perhaps the state decides
who gets protection and who does not?
Well, that’s a bit of a soft step there chief. There is no “alleged” in Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the countless videos showing cops acting like roid raged combat soldiers when dealing with peaceful individuals at traffic stops or walking down the street. One can claim isolated incidents to a certain point, but when you can spend all week going through video after video and not see an end in sight, that speaks more to an institutional level problem, in my opinion.
The notion of a police state doesn’t so much mean that police rule and set the terms of law, but rather that their masters in office use them as a strong iron bar to enforce totalitarian edicts. It doesn’t help that in your missive about an “alleged” police state that the picture was of what should be Andy Griffith wannabes instead dressed up in military “tacticool” gear.
All that said, I do agree overall with your article. Sometimes rioting does have a place, but in this case, not now. Due process and letting the system work things out, as well as a general respect for rule of law, is called for. A stupid bitch mayor saying “set rule of law aside, loot and burn, my people, loot and burn!” in order to get her leftist “thang” on and get her agenda across is criminal.
And for the life of me I still do not understand burning down one’s own home as a good tactic. Sure, it got attention, but now these hooligans and thugs are left with shit in their neighborhoods. Not that I care too much at the end of the day though, these urban “teens” can burn down their homes all they want, they step one foot into armed flyover country and they’ll discover real quick where the real power lies, and we won’t be restrained like cops are by idiotic mayors.
Great points.
In my opinion violence of any kind (including riots) has no place in civil society unless it concerns a revolt against overbearing police powers (read: the government). What I have seen in many riots is simply criminals, not so much “attacking their own neighbourhood” but rather attacking other peoples homes, cars and businesses, generally to enrich themselves and have a bit of fun doing it. Furthermore, the police generally stand back and let it happen, it spite of requests for help by those being attacked, unless of course government property is being threatened.
This is what happened during the London riots and it was only when concerned citizens began taking to the streets to defend their property that the police took a more pro-active role. Ironically, they criticized people for “taking the law into their own hands”.
In my opinion violence of any kind (including riots) has no place in
civil society unless it concerns a revolt against overbearing police
powers (read: the government).
Whoa now. Violence in self defense against criminals by normal citizens is also justified.
The looters/thugs, it’s a hard call. Honestly I kind of mix this crowd in with the Ferguson types who *did* violate their own neighborhoods. There are rumors that agitators are bussed in, but not being in a position to confirm this I can only speculate.
The London riots, yeah, I hear you on that, followed them a bit. It’s ludicrous to let looters loot and burn, then criticize decent men for standing up for their own lives and property.
No Ghost, if you are threatened with violence by an armed robber you must calmly call the police and wait for their assistance…
By “violence” I mean unprovoked attacks on person or property. I do not consider defending your person or property to be “violent” per se.
I figured, was just making an annotation for the lurkers.
Good idea.
Pretty nuts isnt it?
In NY(not sure if its just the city or the entire state) if someone breaks into your home and you have a gun, you have to retreat, close the door, then announce “I have a gun!” to someone who just broke into your home. Why not just count to “7 Mississippi”? Should give them a few seconds to steal the bone china, and no one gets injured!!
Woman visiting for the Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus a couple of years ago. Not a resident, just visiting. Some thug broke into her hotel room, she dispatched him, dead, with her sidearm. The grand jury was queued up super fast, witnesses testified that “Yeah, he broke in and threatened her”, no charges were filed and she went home, no harm no foul (to her).
New England is fucking insanity.
NY might as well be renamed Western New England at this point.
Yeah. I probably should have said “north east coast”, heh.
We get a few NEC refugees who come to central Ohio occasionally. Generally nice, but the moment they start honking on about “There out to be a law!” or “He needs to be prosecuted!” when somebody here does something normal and accepted, I generally shoot them down verbally, fast. Can’t let the poison spread. You want to come to a freer place, great, welcome, but don’t bring your shitty attitudes and expectations with you.
As you already know I am also in OH, but I also maintain a property in SC. A lot of NEC refugees have been moving there in recent years and the makeup is completely changing. Your statement is 100% accurate. There are a couple I have become good friends with that aren’t like the rest (thats why we are friends) but 99% are.
Every time I see a NY or NJ or Massachusetts license plate, and it’s not a holiday weekend, I get a chill up my spine.
I have one good friend who is originally from NY, who is anti-tax, pro-gun and cannot find a law he likes outside of normal common law, and if it were not for his goose like accent he’d fit right in. Others, eh, they really need to put the kibosh on their attitudes.
My father notices the same thing with the NY types who show up in Florida. If NY is that damned great that you agree with everything it’s doing and think it superior to your new home, why the fuck did you leave in the first place?
Well, as for Florida, didn’t you know it is the 6th borough of NY?
Off topic-ish, but I figured you were full time in SC. If you’re here regularly, are you still in central Ohio or thereabouts? If so we need to have some drinks and discuss life sometime.
I wish the subway went that far.
Im full time Ohio. About 1.5 hrs North of you.
In Montana if you park a car with California, Oregon, or Washington tags overnight you risk having the tired flattened and the headlights broken out.
They know full well that the west coast, or the culture of it, is a metastasizing cancer thanks to weaponized democracy.
Sure some Joe Blow type might want to move out there for more freedom, but he’ll be bring big fat wifey (mental obesity is causing the physical obesity) who watched Oprah for a decade or two and his public educated kids. They will vote.
I don’t condone private property destruction, but they apparently don’t condone weaponized democracy and people who vote for a living.
You know there was a “Make Texas Blue” campaign a while back where they had people intentionally moving from California and Colorado to fuck it up.
Yeah, I heard about that. Kind of like a sinister version of the Free State Project.
New York and California are terrible states when it comes to owning a firearm.
That is a load of shite. Progressives will try anything to get an edge…. can’t we all just have a fight and let the spoils go to the victor.
The people of Baltimore need to be tamed. You can’t apply the same social contract between law enforcement and the citizenry that you use in nowhereville Kansas to Baltimore. If police do things by the book and respect everyone for their rights in Baltimore, they will get walked all over. They have no choice but to rule with an iron fist. The same is true in Camden, North Philly, Detroit, Atlanta, etc.
This is of course a fantasy of mine, but it would be nice to simply wall up these areas, withdraw all public works and support including the cops and fire departments, throw in a truck load of firearms and have them go at it. Get it over with.
I know what you’re saying, but the unfortunate thing is that while handling the morons and thugs, the policies get exported to Nowhereville Kansas in short order. Frankly I’m not fond of being held to the same iron fist standards here in Hooterville, Ohio that they hold Tyrone and Lamarcus to in Baltimore. Ya know?
It’s gonna get ugly no matter how you slice it. It’s just one of many reasons that everything is going to shit. My grandparents told me that they used to hitchhike all the time in Johnstown, PA back in the 1950s whenever they needed to go somewhere as a young adult couple. Today’s America is so incredibly different from that one. A lot of people talk about the coming collapse, but if you look in retrospect, you could say it has already happened.
The “Battleground Texas” shit is still going on, but they’ve been kinda quiet lately. Ever since that dumb bitch Wendy Davis got her clock cleaned in the gubernatorial election, I guess they’ve just been trying to regroup.
What part of the country do you live in, if you don’t mind me asking (assuming it’s not PA?)? Big city or not in a city?
You must be a libertarian, they love changing the definition of violence too, to suit their “axiomatic and universal” morality.
Violence is neither inherently good or bad. Violence, or the threat thereof, is used to enforce property rights. Leave picking issues with systemic violence for the commies.
You would be surprised at the amount of conservatives outside of population centers like seattle and porkland. Hell, if those two cities were given their own little state, Oregon and Washington would be red states.
You’re 100% Correct. I’ve lived in Both Cities. Get outside of both and it’s pretty red. I always felt bad for those who lived east of the Cascades as they get screwed every election courtesy of Multnomah and King counties which due to population dictate the outcome of every election for entire state.
I’ve lived in both as well, and currently live in WA. I’m gearing up to head down to Texas myself.
I grew up in Northern New England. I absolutely cannot fucking stand people from Massachusetts.
My insane hatred for them began in college. I went to school in Burlington, Vermont — one of the best college towns in the U.S. Every P.O.S. kid from metro Boston who went to school in Burlington would chronically bitch and belittle Burlington while speaking of “how much better their ‘precious’ fucking Boston was.”
Every guy I’ve ever met from Massachusetts has the same attitude. They generally wear sweat pants or gym shorts 24/7 and they do little but beat off to watching ESPN n playing video games all day. The women are overweight and have an insanely abrasive attitude while the good looking chicks are total fucking cunts and get away with it because there’s plenty of pathetic guys there who will cater to their every fucking demand.
Ghost, do you remember when you wrote this in 1781?
“Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.”
-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia
Invest in guns. It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
An interesting characteristic of the London riots was that all the minority communities protected their shops and properties with family members and baseball bats, whilst the English ones by and large cowered behind their tills and tables then complained that the Police didn’t get there within seconds of the 999 call.
Then all the people not effected by the riots were calling for troops on the streets with water canons.
The average person in the UK and US is such a pussy bitch that they demand time travelling police and professional killers in response to teenagers smashing up JD sports and a few buses.
Though I must say, as nonproductive as it is, young ones smashing shit up and being fierce is as much a reflection on the governors as it is the governed.
It’s possible some of the arsonists weren’t local teens or gangmembers but were agents who hopped back aboard the crowd of mini vans, church busses and suv’s that descend on any riot with tags from NY, ILL, FLA. I’ve seen a small town of 5000 people get swamped with 10,000 professional screamers, chanters and rabble rousers. In the ruckus no one sees or takes note of who broke what windows and then they’re gone. Bunch of lefty fifth column shit. One window breaker I saw was an agent provocateur no doubt and rode off hitching a ride with some SCLC chums as cover. If the church isn’t protesting abortion, it’s probably acting as a marxist cover of sorts. Balto on the other hand isn’t a small town and the teens and gangs in the hood will continue feeding into the disorder. Balto fits the hood/gated community model. The hot zones seem very contained and controlled while the peaceful northern burbs with synagogues and nice lawns are peaceful as ever.
Wendy Davis what a piece of work she was. Would have banged her though…
Hear hear…I’m tired of the “southie” Boston bullshit too . Ben Affleck /Matt Damon/Marky Mark Wahlberg …tired of those fucks too…
I am a libertarian. Your comment is contradictory and nonsensical.
Abortion Barbie? Really? She is the ultimate evil feminist. Aye yay yay.
Heheheh. Yeah, not me. Hard to believe she was just as ugly when she was young.
Same in VA (at least southern and western). Come visit but don’t bring that shit attitude with you or we’ll gladly show you the door.
Very happy to live in a state that allows and finds it very acceptable to carry (open or concealed). No problem getting a conceal carry permit, here.
It is funny when people visit and they find out how we do carry down here. It’s almost foreign to them. I explain that if things go wrong or break down (like in the Katrina disaster) do you think the cops will be around “to protect and serve”?
No, they’ll probably take care of their house…I expect it. You never know and I’m always ready.
Same here…south of Richmond, VA (about an hour).
Let me know when you’re in the area during your travels to SC, have drinks or beers, talk shop.
Agree. But with people running their local government it seems that they are willing to let the riots go on. They should have stopped the destruction of property (and potential loss of life), first, and then moved on to the business at hand.
The people in their local government were worried about their careers, first…that was the problem. The governor should have stepped in to control the situation (that mayor isn’t worth a damn). Too worried about her political career, first.
Sounds good.
In NC, if they’re trying to gain unauthorized access to your home while you’re in it, you can shoot them through the door or window, because the law here makes the presumption that anyone trying to break into your house while you’re home is intent on doing harm.
Learned that in the CCW class not long after moving here. 30 round (ie Std capacity) magazines and carbines are the right tool for the job where I live. YMMV.
In Louisiana I was told by a DA that the perp had to actually be in the house before you could ventilate him.
It’s a good idea to know your own state’s laws with regard to personal and home defense.
Damn straight. We need a border fence alright. Around California.
When I was up there visiting in-laws (Coastal NH) last summer I saw a large number of attractive females dating down with less attractive or ‘busted’ guys.
Here, it’s just the opposite. Warpigs walking around with normal sized guys.
Warpigs everywhere. The few women who are healthy weight get lots of attention because they’re so rare here.
Overbearing jackass yankees complaining about overbearing jackass yankees. Your avatar is also most amusing, the most interesting man in the world. More like the most boring sob on the planet. I believe you have some real mental issues, please begin taking your medications again. You may be a fully functioning nutter but you are definitely a nutter. One who suffers from conceited illusory superiority which masquerades as morally superior altruism. You also suffer from a severe case of APD or authoritarian personality disorder. You project that this is one big community of like minded individuals (one size fits all) and you repress any and all who don’t bow down to your self appointed position as big kahuna. From your previous comment it looks as though you do not limit yourself to internet bullying but to physical intimidation on a state wide level as well. It looks as though you bully everyone who doesn’t conform to your way of thinking. Get over yourself you funky old geezer.
A Damn Yankee moving down south and complaining about damn yankees screwing everything up by moving down south. You can’t make this shit up.
Your original home state must have really sucked to have moved to Ohio.
I don’t know where to begin with you on this one. Lots to clean you up on here. Ill respond to this when I have the time.
It depends, are you politically realist, or a NAPist? Your comment makes you sound like the latter.
Sorry mate, you’re still not making sense.
As if you ever do..
I despise Boston. I hate Boston Sports and their absolutely obnoxious meat head fans. If you’re from New England and like teams other than Boston, they treat you like you’re a fag.
Having lived in Seattle, I got into the Seahawks big time. I found the fans to be incredible. I was lucky to live there when we won 48 and went to the NFC Championship in person. It was an incredible experience. To be in the city during this first SB Title and regions first championship in around 35 years.
When I went back to New England and wearing Seahawks Regalia … they looked at me like I had 3 eyes. I’ve never met people who are so child-like when someone isnt wearing a fucking BOS sports shirt.
Still waiting.
And the whole country has to put up with and defend that arrogance. Just another group of city faggots who think their city is the center of the universe.
Were you in Hampton Beach? It’s like a giant white trash gathering spot for the dregs of NH and the complete POS’s from Massachusetts.
That’s why when someone breaks into your house, MAKE SURE they die, that way they can’t testify against you, and actually try to sue you.
Rule of Thumb here in the USA, if it’s a coastal state, it ain’t safe for a law-abiding American.
The one exception would be Alaska.
What those guys can’t seem to understand is, that NONE of their heroics would have been possible if it WASN’T for the guns they used.
They are now dumping 3rd world refugees in TX to turn it. TX is the #1 dumping spot for 3rd world moslems dumped on the welfare system. See Refugee Resettlement Watch
They are dumping low IQ 3rd world moslem savages in TX now. See Refugee Resettlement Watch
Get away from the coast and you’ll find plenty of conservatives in CA, too. Problem here is that the coastal areas have so many blue voters it’s real tough now to get red people elected to statewide offices.
” unless it concerns a revolt against overbearing police powers ” so government murdering civilians doesn’t merit revolt? What does then?
Who said it didn’t?
The police are pussies. They will attack an unarmed man in his home and act fucking hard, but when it comes time to really do their jobs and protect innocents from rioters, they meekly standby.
Remember, cops are not unsung heroes, they are the beta fuckup weirdos from your primary school days who couldn’t get any other job.
GOJ, I remember our debates from one of my old articles on ROK. I’m glad you’re still here tearing up the comments. Thanks for objectively reading my submissions by the way.
I don’t know how often you make it down to your local hood, but their neighborhoods are shit already. A few burned out buildings around the corner that they’ve never been in won’t make a difference to them.
Not to mention that they often take into consideration black owned businesses and spare them the destruction. They know what to destroy and what to preserve. They don’t have the science perfected, but there is consideration placed into what goes and what stays.
As for the “tacitcool” picture, that was edited in after my submission. I only provided the fist pic and the cop block screen grab. It wouldn’t have been my choice either, but this isn’t my blog.
No problem.
I can understand the collectivism of the left. It’s who they are. Those of us on the Right/libertarian side however should, one would hope, value individual rights and individualism based on the American understanding at our Founding. As such, I take a man’s words as first from an individual, then I may or may not consider what group he belongs to. If the facts and observations are true, then I could care less about the group.
There was a time when “defeat them from the inside” was a valid strategy. I really don’t think it applies any longer, but the time when it was valid, which was not too long ago at all, had a lot of right wing and libertarian types showing up in the ranks of the police and low level local government positions. Lots of them are still there, and are bucking the system or leaving the entire thing behind them (which your profile alludes to you being on the path to doing as well). I’ve met them myself, and they are frustrated. It is a discredit to anybody on the right/libertarian side if they engage in knee jerk collectivist group think and disregard truth coming from the mouth of an individual.
Most of the criticisms of this article (most, not all) are basically a form of argumentum tu quoque at best.
Noted on the picture choice(s), I wasn’t aware of how the editing process works, I just assumed the author of any given article made all of the choices. My bad.
Much of this stuff is funded by the same people who love “mob action” but despise the high capacity magazine.
It’s a collectivism fetish. They love getting mobs roiled up to wreck a city but the idea of an individual exerting his human rights is like a cross to a vampire.
And this explains why this crap only takes place in areas where decent people are either disarmed by law, or by a lack of funds.
The irony is that the poorest most suffering people in the United States are located in West Virginia.
Sure, everyone has an individual story, but West Virginia has been awarded the “most suffering place in the United States” time and time again.
It has the highest unemployment rates in the USA, the lowest education rates, etc etc, and poverty on par with turbulent parts of Africa.
West Virginia is also 95% white….take that how you wish….
And I’ve not seen pity for these people, nor help, nor acknowledgement. I wonder why….
The ones who suffer the most are the ones who are voiceless and ignored?
Yet pity is no pragmatic solution, the only possible solution is to free yourself from victimization, and hope you get a chance someday, better yet try and take it.
And Marxism is the real problem; it is of no help to the people it claims, it only makes things worse, and that is where the US is going. Victim ideology, no responsibility, no integrity, no jobs, massive tribes at war, cultural and economic instability, media bias, dying economy, and a welfare empire which will make the proletariat destitute and an even more powerful ruling class.
I also recently saw that Obama is going to continue to set up firms to help only poor African American youth. ….
The vilification of white males in the USA through propaganda in education and media is truly hitting sickening levels.
The narrative is that all whites are evil racists.
There is zero reporting on black crimes against whites, I can name many recent vicious ones from the top of my head – but it will never hit the mainstream because that is against the narrative.
it is not only that, white males are also the oppressors of all women all the time.
This progressive/Cultural Marxism has got to go, it is pure evil.
“Much of this stuff is funded by the same people who love ‘mob action’ but despise the high capacity magazine.
“It’s a collectivism fetish. They love getting mobs roiled up to wreck a city but the idea of an individual exerting his human rights is like a cross to a vampire.”
A gun is like a voting machine that can’t be rigged. A machine gun with lots of ammo would allow the prey to outvote the wolves on who is for dinner.
Black man holding a baby lynched by “teen” mob for helping a white woman:
Orrden Williams Jr. was trying to help a [white] woman to her car as a mob of students from Northwest Prep Academy converged on the gas station.
“As we get to the car they are in the parking lot throwing up gang signs and putting up a ruckus,” Williams told WREG.
Williams told WREG one of the students then “sucker-punched” him in the back of the head.
Williams tried to get to his car as the students swarmed the gas station. Workers inside barricaded the door so the students couldn’t get in.
At one point, a teen threw punches at Williams just inches from his baby’s head, and Williams considered using his CCW firearm.
They’re ‘students’ are they? What are they ‘studying’?
the art of ‘keepin’ it real.’
Chaos theory?
Social Justice and women’s studies. Those are all about protecting white women from men (black of otherwise)
It’s just to show that these “children” were manipulated, indoctrinated, and rallied by professors, and not just a band of random hoodlums that “happened to gang up”.
I live in MA. I would have an easier time getting a fully automatic assault rifle off the street than getting my license to carry. I’ve tried, they won’t let me have it. And I’m not looking to have an illegal gun because they put you away for years and years around here.
That said, I don’t feel comfortable not having a gun. What state has the loosest gun control? I need to get out of MA regardless and would like to arm myself to the teeth when I’m out of this fucking state.
Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Kansas, Kenucky, Ohio (we can buy silencers here in stores, and full auto as well), West Virginia, etc.
Vermont. That’s why Bloomborg had his Rent A Mob up here this last legislative session advocating for stricter gun control. That man is a very sick fuck.
Getting out of the communist Peoples Republik states should be a high priority IMO.
Being lawfully prohibited from defending yourself, and living under a government that denies you inalienable rights ought to be intolerable.
Every man has the right to liberty and the right to protect his life and his liberty with any level of force necessary (unless it’s a blue hero doing the violating in which case the only choice is to submit).
But don’t think that just because a state is 2nd Amendment friendly that law enforcement there will respect your rights either.
An incident I saw today, from Utah, where this man’s ‘crime’ was burning an old Christmas tree in his own backyard, in a barrel.
Watch this officer’s body cam footage (3 minutes) and prepare to recoil in horror at what this 31 year old white man gets subjected to as a response to his ‘crime’:
Tell me more about Vermont. Burlington seems like it might be alright.
Burlington is a freak show. Filled with weird SJW types. The state all around is a mess but because its so rural you can find places here and there to just live your life and be left alone. The key is to find a town without local zoning ( getting harder by the day) . The northeast kingdom is very rural and you need to be one tough reliant mother fucker to live up there – but its also the one enclave that reminds me of the old Vermont before it became gentrified. My favorite part of the state and the most hospitable is southern Vermont – Windham county in particular. But thanks to a National Geographic article – 30 years ago – on what a hidden gem the place was – serious money moved in making it nearly unaffordable for common folk to live there. That part of the state has many famous and not so famous multi millionaires and billionaires with second , third fourth and maybe even fifth residences scattered throughout the hills.
The state really went to hell after the Federal Gunverment got involved in the setting the price of milk ( post WW II) and the regulations imposed against raw milk sales off the farm. The minimum price determined by the parasites in Fed Guv. has always been so low over time it rendered the small hill farm obsolete. Another negative was the construction of I -89 and I -91.. Within three decades these two changes took what was a predominately sparsely settled, self sufficient agrarian state – governed mostly at the local level and turned it into this place populated by uber rich hard core leftists. Local control is gone and state regulations run rampant. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would have to believe it was planned. Such vast change in so short a period of time. I don’t think any other state in the union ever experienced something like it.
Not to mention that Burlington is where that socialist Bernie Sanders got his start.
You mean like the good ol’ Rev. Sharpton? (who still owes how many millions in back taxes?)
I would take the Murray Rothbard approach when dealing with violent people vs the all-violent State. Weigh the situation, see which has the advantage (moral-practical) from your standpoint, understand your views and preferences, and act accordingly.
I personally hold to the view that since the State is always based in aggression against person and property, any violence used against the state and its workers, even if done by wretched persons, is innately moral and defensive.
It’s hard to go wrong when taking the Murry Rothbard approach to many facets of life. Combine him, Rand, Von Mises, Jesus and Heinlein and you come up with an enjoyable, happy and plausible alternative to the current way of viewing things, both politically and philosophically.
Yep. Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, John Locke, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire — all of these are wonderful minds.
Rand is OK, but she was too cultish in her later life, and her Objectivism and arrogance are a bit off-putting to me, a Christian.
And on Jesus and libertarianism, here’s a wonderful and definitive essay on that very topic:
BTW, how can I still keep in touch with you? You are a cool guy; one of my favorites on ROK along with @doktorjeep.
And off-topic: what do you think of the Art of Manliness (AOM) by Brett and Kate McKay? And of its merits on manliness and all that stuff vs the content that ROK offers.
Email in profile.
Dig Heinlein.
He wrote Starship Troopers which was made into a kickass movie
They’re all still based on Enlightenment bullshit. The Enlightenment is the single worst thing to happen to the soul of mankind.
…and they’re moving to a neighborhood near you under the guise of “equality.”
Nah, no chance. They only riot and strike where people are disarmed by law or by poverty. Step foot into flyover country outside of big cities and they get to learn a very fast, hard and likely lethal lesson.
There’s no fear of these mindless feral people out here.
I’m not saying they’re going to riot in white neighborhoods, they know better. What I’m saying is the poverty that their rioting will inevitably cause, will eventually uproot them from that neighborhood, and move them to traditionally more white neighborhoods. Many of the places they riot now were once mostly white neighborhoods that eventually suffered from “white flight.” Take Ferguson, for example.
That’s an interesting perspective. I’m curious however how they will afford to do such? In the past I get what you’re saying, but the income of American blacks is not rising, and each generation that stays in urban areas becomes more and more abject. I honestly don’t see how they’re going to move into white neighborhoods any longer, their cash potential is simply dwindling to nothing (I mean human capital wise).
Not saying you’re wrong, clearly this happened in the past, I’m simply wondering what mechanism you see that will enable your prediction to come true?
Blacks don’t need money, they’ve got government subsidies.
Ghost, ask yourself this. why does Obama take somalian refugees, a country with an islamic leadership party at the helm & sworn US enemy, to Minnesota & Maine – two of the most white (& naturally pristine backcountry states) where the Somalis have no business being in.
therein lies your answer as to how a once peaceful town becomes section 8. and as haven points out, white flight.
True. Some of these troublemakers tried stuff in Dallas last year for Michael Brown. It was a brutal slap down. The police squashed their run onto the highway in less than an hour.
This time the Freddie Gray protests in Dallas, Austin, and Houston were 100 % peaceful.
One protester tried to start something in Austin only to find no one followed him to run onto the highway. Within minutes he was surrounded by mounted officers who just looked at him like “idiot”.
Even the NYPD in New York shut down the rioters fast. A competent police force can’t stop it fast if they don’t have a mayor telling them to “give the looters space to destroy”.
I believe the Somalis you are referring to in MN and Maine were brought in by religious do-gooders. These religious groups are the worse offenders. It’s just more saps for the pews and money for the till. Then thru chain migration there numbers explode. In St Louis some Lutheran charity brought over Bosnians in the early 90’s. Just a dozen or so families initially Now there are a 150 K or Bosnian muslims in St Louis..madness.
Agree with that (here in southern VA). We have (had) shit like that pop up here and it was stopped right away.
Too many citizens, alone, carry so no worries here.
Not that I care too much at the end of the day though, these urban “teens” can burn down their homes all they want, they step one foot into armed flyover country and they’ll discover real quick where the real power lies, and we won’t be restrained like cops are by idiotic mayors.
It’s going to happen. When I don’t know so keep your weapons well oiled and plenty of ammunition.
“A stupid bitch mayor saying “set rule of law aside, loot and burn, my
people, loot and burn!” in order to get her leftist “thang” on and get
her agenda across is criminal.”
A typical politician. She is up for reelection, soon, and of course, she’ll need the votes. She couldn’t have this incident sitting on her record (as mayor) if she hoped to get reelected.
The real downside to all….it wasn’t good for their community. Expectations are now in place….go ahead and riot if you don’t agree with anything, look what happened last time (nothing, no punishment) and now the police have their hands tied.
Next time the governor will take control and if he/she can’t handle it then it will go federal (thus the police state). And people said the USSR was gone.
It’s bad for all.
That same type of shit happened 20 years ago (south of Richmond, VA) and that shit was shut down, fast.
Except for pretending Baltimore didn’t make the short list on body counts for the last several years: 2015 Body CountsL.A.: 60Chicago: 88NYC: 82Baltimore: 61St. Louis: 12Philly: 65NOLA: 37Detroit: 70Houston: ???Updated 4/19/2015
There are some interesting points to consider here. For me, I often misuse “police state” in place of “militarized policing.” I find it odd that police often have rules of engagement for civilians that would have landed me in prison had I used them on combatants in Iraq. I don’t deny that we need police, but I deny that Police need assault weapons and tactics.
The one point overlooked in this article is the role of the media in fomenting all of this. Who would even know the names of Garner, Brown, Rice, or Gray if the media was not spoon feeding us a race war narrative to sow division? If you think that’s not the goal, ask yourself why you haven’t heard the names Kelly Thomas, John Geer, or James Boyd – all unarmed white men killed by police during this same period.
The narrative is created to sell newspapers. Nothing sells like violence and division. Coincidentally, nothing concentrates power better either. That elected officials can stand with rioters on TV and claim to be against the system that they run, and not one reporter points out the obvious to them should convince you that the media is not your friend.
Indeed. I’d be arrested for shouting “fire!” in a crowded theater, but the press can incite violence openly and they get a pass, since they are no longer the fifth estate but rather a propaganda arm of the powers that reside in office, these days.
The alternative right based media is growing, but I really wish it would grow faster and get the neutering of these parasitical leftists over with. When it happens, if it happens, it will be a cultural game changer.
The Zimmerman trial was a MSM circus as well. They want a race war so bad they can taste it.
MSM pimps it, it’s funded by the Elites, NGOs, Soros and the DOJ and they have hoards of people trying to incite violence on the internet. If the police, media and government was there to help us…those people would all be doing LONG prison sentences.
when is the release on ps4???
Carl On Duty: Black Cops
The only thing the riots will accomplish is to accelerate Baltimore’s downward spiral. No business in their right mind is going to want to take further risks and make investments in a place they know isn’t safe.
Most of Baltimore was a burned out wasteland even before the riot.
So what is the over/under on Detroit being the next deep blue hellhole to be burned to the ground (what isn’t already I mean)?
Funny how this shit doesn’t happen in Cheyenne Wyoming or Billings, Montana. There must be a reason, but for the life of me I just can’t figure out what it could be…
I blame the voters. They’ve been doing the same thing over and over for 50 years and expecting different results.
Hey now! I vote for the correct people every time, but I don’t think my Soros financed electronic voting machine agrees with my choices!
Baltimore’s voters can be summed up as being the kind of people who consistently vote for more government, but then complain when they actually get more government.
Yeah. That’s likely true of every blue state hellhole city.
They think they’re voting for more government against you and me, to their benefit, but are not intelligent enough to realize that you don’t get to direct more power, and once granted it will be turned against you in time.
And the shitter is, they’ll never learn.
Last mayoral election, Baltimore gave Rawlings-Blake 84.7% of the votes.
Baltimore got what Baltimore asked for.
It’s too bad so many hardworking people had to pay the price for it.
They mean what they say but only when they are saying it.
That is all voters.
What gets me is that there seems to be a link to Soros behind Ferguson and Baltimore riots. If so he and the Open Society folks are behind sedition and should be hauled into court.
Court then firing squad, yep.
You really think voting matters? Look up Lyndon Johnson box 13 and watch The Big Fix 2000 by Daniel Hopsicker.
There is no difference between the left and right. It’s an illusion to make you feel like you have a choice or to blame people for not voting the “right” way.
Look at the choices we are going to have in 2016. LMAO…A Bush and a Clinton. THAT’S your choice…
Agree…and she really didn’t go the citizens (hard working) of that city any justice by “standing down” the police. Why have them at all if you’re not going to let them do their job?
Now, the hard working taxpayers will bear the cost of rebuilding what has been damaged (public property) all because she let these “adults” act like children.
If she can’t make the hard decisions, then she needs to step down. It takes a good leader to make those hard decisions – obviously she isn’t it.
lol..ugh, electronic voting machine. Why note at all, any longer?
Another scam to get taxpayers to pay for something that we don’t need.
Because one “intelligence” agency wasn’t enough….we needed more.
And I stress the word “intelligence”…now all under the umbrella of the mega government “intelligence” agency.
What could go wrong?
Where the buffalo roam.
I hadn’t considered that buffalo contain a natural riot-repellent. That’s quite a compelling observation, heh.
I agree. You can’t blame the government on this one. The people of Baltimore need to be tamed
This is partly true.
The negative damage in terms of bad PR will surely have major downside in decision making if considering opening a business in Baltimore. If I’m a business owner, I’m thinking twice about moving into many parts of Baltimore.
I have a business owner friend who probably lost $60-$100K in revenue from his 4 establishments near the harbor off to the right in Fells Point because of curfews, lack of interest and the general chaos.
The money is gone. File a claim like some business owners say they will do/have done and watch your rates jump 3 fold just like that and just the way they do for any other areas of the insurance protection racket.
Baltimore, like many urban cites, has a small line of demarcation from the ‘hood’ to the more expensive areas with actual lawns and perimeters. And those areas of the
city aren’t that many. Have to go out to the County, mostly north and west to better pastures to get your over-priced POS home so you can join debt serfdom. See “Enjoy the Decline.”
Therefore, if EBT cards stopped working overnight brought on by any type of financial collapse, if you’re not armed to the teeth and mobilized to GTFO, sadly those who have
nothing to lose and have zero respect for property rights will clean out the productive in a heartbeat. Don’t think it will happen? Don’t make that assumption if you live close to urban centers. Stay ahead of the curve and just look around.
“The truth knocks on the door and you say, “Go away, I’m looking for the truth,” and so it goes away. Puzzling.” Prsig.
Issues that would take too long write about : 1) fiat banking /dollar destruction (special-interest:see Janet Tavakoli on her thoughts, she shredded Wall Street 2) Welfare begets
more welfare and the policy of victim hood keeps on going instead of a movement towards self-responsibility 3) Off shoring of manufacturing base 4) Baltimore policy from O’Mally era that locked up thousands of innocents for petty crime ensuring distrust, they fucked with crime numbers just like the Feds fuck with unemployment numbers: fraud 5) failed drug war (needs to be medicalized, not criminalized) US has more folks in prisons than any other country (again more special-interest) 6) Officers financially incentivized to lock up more folks to get paid overtime…and so on…will anything change. I don’t
know, maybe after the collapse.
Your average suited professional in Baltimore is worried how he’s going to outlay 25K a year for Private Schools, or move out of the city b/c property taxes are killing him, or why his wife doesn’t fuck him anymore b/c (he’s not game aware), and going about the day-to-day routine of living his life trying to figure out how to get out of the rat race.
Then you got ultra-libtard Michael Moore wanting to completely disarm the police (or anybody for that matter), then guess what… terrorism strikes Texas. Put your dynamite sticks where your mouth is Michael! Ka-Boom!!
HUH!?! That was a good article? I don’t know because I had my fingers in my ears and was chanting “La! La! La!”. I don’t listen to fucking cops, even when they make a little sense like in this article. Always remember, guns don’t kill people. Cops kill people.
Were you joking or being serious?
Why wouldn’t you listen to any man who makes sense, when he’s making sense? (assuming you were not being humorous)
Police are at heart Sadist. A Sadist is a person who enjoys being cruel, they receive pleasure through inflicting pain upon others. It is a medical term and an oppressive reality that we all live with daily however it is seldom, if ever, mentioned by the Government, Religious Institutions or the Media and it is an absolute necessity in the Military.
A study in the United States, by National Surveillance of Police Suicide Study (NSOPS), showed 141 suicides in 2008 and 143 in 2009. This yields a suicide rate of 17/100,000, a figure that holds up under scrutiny and is consistent with CDC/NOMS data and is one of the highest suicide rates per occupation. It is not clear whether police suicides are the result of work stress or the consequence of other variables, such as the influence of a subculture of violence. However since their jobs do NOT fall into the Top Ten most dangerous jobs and never has the question must be asked. What is there to be so stressed out about???
Police officers are much more likely to experience interpersonal relationship problems. Relationship problems are most dramatically demonstrated by the divorce rate among police officers, which is usually reported as being the second highest of all occupations. Police officers also seem to have relationship problems at work, typically with superiors or with political oversight which means they have a problem with authority figures, but you and I have a “bad attitude” if we do.
The statistics show that clinically treated alcohol addiction rates are usually calculated to be about twice as high for police officers than for the general population in the United States. Often they become drunk and abuse their spouse who has nowhere to turn for fear that their partner will use their job and The Law to hurt and/or destroy them. Women married to police officers are some of the most abused spouses in America.
1. Fish-Related Workers
2. Logging Workers
3. Pilots and Flight Engineers
4. Heavy Construction Workers
5. Farmers and Ranchers
6. Coal miners
7. Mining machine operators
8. Roofers
9. Refuse Collectors (garbage men)
10. Driver/Sales Workers and Truck Drivers TOP
1. Police officers
2. Corrections officers
3. Cab drivers
4. Security guards
5. Bartenders
6. Custodians
7. Special ed teachers
8. Gas station workers
9. Junior high teachers
10. Convenience store workers
Most common cause of officer deaths? Automobile Accidents or Heart Attack from chasing a suspect. Officers always talk about stress in their job. First, prolonged stress causes people to regress. Their psychological growth reverses, and they become more immature. They rapidly become more childish and primitive, much like a person being sick for several days becoming more irritable and childish in its demands on other people.
Second, chronic stress numbs people’s sensitivity. They can’t stand to continually see human misery. They must stop feeling or they won’t survive.
The mind has this defense mechanism so people can continue working in horrible situations. If they kept their normal sensitivity, they would fall apart. As they become insensitive to their own suffering, they become insensitive to the suffering of others. When treated with indignity, they lose not only a sense of their own dignity but also the dignity of others. The pain of others stops bothering them, and they are no longer bothered when they hurt others. However most police probably do not suffer from this because they are naturally violent, sadistic and are probably Psychopaths. Psychopath Behavior is listed as: Frequent Lying – Decietful and Manipulative Behavior – Lack of Remorse or Shame – Poor Judment – Incapacity for Love – Loss of Insight – Unresponsive in Personal Relations – Frequent Need for Excitement – Inflated Self Worth – A Need for Power – A Need to Dominate Others. According to Dr. J. Reid Meloy’s book, The Psychopathic Mind, although psychopaths don’t feel emotion in a normal sense, they do experience boredom, envy, exhilaration, contempt, sadistic pleasure, anger, and hints of depression.
A lawful evil person methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises. This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains. Lawful Evil is sometimes called “Diabolical,” because devils are the epitome of lawful evil. Lawful Evil creatures consider their alignment to be the best because it combines honor with a dedicated self-interest. Lawful Evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents methodical, intentional, and frequently successful evil. Creatures of this alignment are great respecters of laws and strict order, but life, beauty, truth, freedom, and the like are held as valueless, or at least scorned. By adhering to stringent discipline, those of lawful evil alignments hope to impose their yoke upon the world. Obviously, all order is not good, nor are all laws beneficial. Lawful evil characters value the allegiances that they have with their cause, government, religion, or other organization. They also value those individuals whom they call allies. Betraying a friend is just as much a transgression for the lawful evil as it is for the lawful good. Lawful evil characters always try to work within the law, since it’s the safest way to ensure your own success. Breaking the law results in possible punishment and forfeiture of both wealth and power, and the lawful evil is loath to give up what he has attained through his own determination. These characters also like to use the law to destroy their enemies. If a lawful evil can find devastating evidence of a rival’s wrongdoing, you can be assured that he will use this information to his own advantage. Examples of Lawful Evil people are Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and even the fictional charcter Darth Vader. Just remember that everything Hitler did was 100% LEGAL. He never broke any German Laws. It is the same with the others listed. A lawful evil character will keep his word if he gives it and will never lie, although he may mislead or withhold information. He will attack and kill an unarmed foe and will harm an innocent. He will use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. He will kill only to advance himself, never for pleasure. A lawful evil character will use poison. He will not help those in need without a reward and he prefers to work with others. He responds well to higher authority, is trustful of organizations, and will always follow the law. He will never betray a family member, comrade, or friend. Lawful evil characters respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor. Here are some possible adjectives describing lawful evil characters: cruel, vengeful, proud, callous, hostile, taciturn, malevolent, calculating, plotting, merciless, domineering, severe, tyrannical, commanding, organized, and respectful of authority and power. Never call the police, they are Evil and Godless Creatures who will harm you more than help.
Ok. But how does your argumentum tu quoque invalidate the author’s points?
It’s clear he’s on our side, even if we may not all agree on points here or there. The article was pretty well balanced and fair, give the man the benefit of the doubt, this isn’t the street and this ain’t the revolution, we need allies wherever we can find them.
Just my opinion. I’m as anti police state as even the most ardent anacap, but I’m not going to spit on a man who is trying to be fair and tell the truth.
You are using the logical fallacy of argument from authority to dismiss the above posters comment.
I’m stating that regardless of the source, truth is truth. To claim that truth isn’t truth if it comes from Source A but is truth if it comes from Source B is argumentum tu quoque.
“It’s clear he’s on our side… we need allies wherever we can find them… I’m as anti police state as even the most ardent anacap”
You obviously don’t know what an ancap is, nor are you anti-police state.
What your opinion is of me, does not negate my False statement.
And once again you exclude yourself from discussion with me.
The funny thing is that based on what I’ve read that you’ve written to others, I strongly suspect that we’re 99%, maybe even skirting 99.9% in agreement on politics. You insist on ad hominem in nearly every post however, so you repel those who would ally with you.
Just a word of advice, which I know you won’t listen to and will snark back at me over, likely with a heaping helping of personal observations over what you think about me; Get the goddamned chip off your shoulder and learn how to engage others without the constant need to sneer and throw out invective. You’re on the right side of most issues but your demeanor makes you totally unsympathetic. If you don’t think it is important to engage your opponents, or friends, in a manner that best communicates your ideas, if you think it more important to insult rather than come to agreement or at least an understanding, then you’re a liability to the liberty movement, not an asset.
Hope your day goes better. As with the last thread where I cut you off, I understand that you have a compulsion to have the last word. And as last time, I won’t read it nor respond.
“And as last time, I won’t read it nor respond.”
Appeal to ignorance, a logical fallacy (for the lurkers)
If it isn’t the revolution then why do we need allies? Just because some sociopath/psychopath spouts a little truth now and then does not detract from the fact they are a sociopath/psychopath. Jeffrey Dahmer ~ “If a person doesn’t think there is a God to be accountable to, then—then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we, when we died, you know, that was it, there is nothing…” [An interview with Stone Phillips, Dateline NBC, Nov. 29, 1994].
You are an atheist, do you agree with Jeff here, Jeff? If so, what points? Some or all? But please don’t spit, he’s trying to be fair and speak the truth.
“how does your argumentum tu quoque invalidate the author’s points?” ~ You have already labeled my argument as an invalid logical fallacy yet you want me to explain in a logical and rational way why it is not a logical fallacy. Don’t feel like chasing my tail.
The simple fact is that you sympathize with police and government because your personal core ethics fall into the Law & Order range and not into the Chaos & Freedom range, while your morals of Good & Evil are probably in the neutral range since you are a libertarian.
You build allies before the shooting starts. Once the firepower comes into play, it’s too late, and any friends you make that you didn’t have before are highly suspect to say the least. Check out the Bolshevik revolution for examples of that kind of mentality in play. And outside of histrionics you’ve yet to demonstrate that he’s even a bad man, let alone a psychopath/sociopath.
My core ethics actually don’t fall into Law & Order. As it turns out, Rule of Law (not the same thing as Law & Order actually) applied as equally in pre-feudal semi-anarchist Anglo Saxon society as it did in the times just after the American Revolution. Amish hue closely to their own notion of rule of law, while being by most definitions “right wing” anarchists in their own right.
I labeled your argument as a logical fallacy because it was one, nothing more nothing less. You yourself even framed it as such in your initial post. As in here:
I don’t listen to fucking cops, even when they make a little sense like in this article.
You are attacking the source qua source and not the argument, then cede that there is truth to the argument while stating that you’ll reject the truth due to the source. That is textbook argumentum tu quoque.
The simple fact is that you sympathize with police and government
I don’t sympathize with any “group”. I sympathize with individuals. It doesn’t matter to me if either Gandhi or Stalin tell me that water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, the fact is true regardless of the source. Get out of the habit of group blame and collectivism man.
The problem with your assertions here isn’t your ideology, it’s your marketing and sales. If you reject facts out of hand due to your disdain for the source, how can anybody take the bulk of what you profess to believe seriously?
Parting quip: I find it humorous to see that you think I have a “neutral range” on my morals and don’t believe in Good & Evil. Without believed and accepted notions of good and evil that the individual takes with him through life, libertarianism fails. Self government means the opposite of rejecting good and evil, it in fact means self discipline and self control through living your life to a higher standard than that of a base savage.
Stop attacking me personally. You can do better than this.
I always say that the police system is fucked up because it encourages crime, but that some police are there trying to be heroes. That seems to about cover it.
However, I will distrust police as a matter of course, because you are too vulnerable if you trust them, but an individual officer CAN earn my trust… It is simply not the default state of affairs.
The police in this country are much like Grizzly Bears. if you encounter them at a time when you should really not encounter them, they will rip you to pieces. But if you encounter them during the day, you don’t know whether they will be friendly or will tear off your face. But as a default, it makes sense to expect them to rip off your face.
It is possible for a cop to not be twisted, as long as others bear in mind that the rewards for police to enforce ‘policy’ rather than ‘the peace’ are great… honest cops are a rare treasure.
I hear ya’ man, agreed.
“You build allies before the shooting starts. Once the firepower comes into play, it’s too late, and any friends you make that you didn’t have before are highly suspect to say the least. ” ~ You expect violence and firepower? Sorry but I personally don’t think so. And it wasn’t an attack, you are taking everything personally. Re-read it with less emotion. It would simply take me too much time and energy to try and bring you around to the level of my world-view. Even if I did spend the time you would probably still reject it. I could take your comments and argument apart piece by piece; but what’s the point? It is not worth my time and effort to try and “Prove” that “I am RIGHT and You are WRONG!” That’s what a woman would do. Besides I am metaphysically moving… beyond.
Yeah, ok, if that helps you sleep at night, man. Heh.
So then why do you reject the truth of Christ Jesus?
I have been SURROUNDED by cops my whole life. My parents had a restaurant where I would see them on a daily basis, chat and joke with them. I have 2 in my family on my mothers side and 1 on my fathers side. Having said that. They are ALL shit, I haven’t met a good one yet.
I have met a very few good ones, I spent years as an SP, a Navy cop. Military Police are NOT the same as civilian police, Since they enforce the UCMJ, that each military man agreed to and gave his spoken oath to adhere to, and thus most SP’s have a completely different…attitude. We are only around if things go really, really wrong. Catching criminals is less important than defusing potential situations, as our advancement was based on skills and aptitude testing and good performance, rather than jail count.
But I have met a very few decent cops. They are almost universally young and idealistic, and generally haven’t had the shiny rubbed off, thus they are almost always of lower rank. It takes a few years of ‘policy enforcement’ to beat them into the grumpy corrupt assholes they are to become.
Do you know what an opinion is? Go ahead give me your definition.
Blacks are treated very fairly. They’re a population of murderers, rapists, and thieves.
Interesting and well-written, but:
I can attest that as long as law enforcement is operated at a local
level and law and order is reasonably maintained that there can be no police state.
I’ve been harassed plenty by local cops over complete bullshit. And I’m a clean-cut, law-abiding guy.
The problem with law enforcement today is the monopoly it has. We need competition in the security sector.
The job of the police is to harass innocent people. Essentially, when you get a ticket from a cop that is harassment and robbery.
What if I told you that I haven’t wrote a ticket in years? And that there are many like me?
“What if I told you that I haven’t wrote a ticket in years? And that there are many like me?
I would say that you have a desk job/aren’t a street cop.
I would tell you that is a great thing and hope for more police like you.
What? Cops who have been nearly beaten to death and had their fingers chopped off? I would like to know that the majority of cops were like that.
How many cops do you really know? Because I never get harassed by cops. I have a few speeding tickets. Whoopdie fuckin do.
Try exercising your rights to carry a firearm, speak out, videotape cops, etc. Or, better yet, don’t. It’s not worth the hassle anymore.
I used to train with lots of cops but that’s not the point. It’s not about the individual employee it’s about the institution and the corrupt laws backing it up. Speeding tickets and the like are not about safety they are about revenue generation. If you are the mind of guy to mindlessly and ecstatically applaud every tax increase I really can’t help you.
I grew up with a lot of guys who are cops now.
Needless to say, “intelligence” is not one of their strong points.
But they have big egos and take orders well and wear cool uniforms.
Here is to your cherry getting popped by getting fucked over by a cop.
I bet your tune would change then.
And hopefully, some other dipshit mocks you and says the same condescending shit you just said, asshole.
There’s definitely some knuckle-head cops out there. But most aren’t from my experience. I’ll provide my own anecdote. I had a friend who got a DUI at the worst time in his life to get one, and the police officer who arrested him took him out for breakfast on his court date. There are cops who are just as knowledgeable about these topics we’re discussing on here as anyone else.
1.) Open carry is completely stupid from every perspective, 2.) I have spoken out against police before, it depends on how you do it. If you act like a child, expect to be treated as such.
“DUI at the worst time in his life to get one, and the police officer who arrested him took him out for breakfast on his court date.”
Wow. The cop got a bonus for getting a DUI conviction, the state/legal system/corrupt lawyers got 7 grand, and the guy got an egg sammich, as well as a DUI conviction on his record. Swell.
“There are cops who are just as knowledgeable about these topics we’re discussing on here as anyone else.
And the only time they speak out in public, on the record…is after they retire and collect their pension.
Cool story bro.
You really think they should just let someone go who’s driving liquored up, putting so many lives in unnecessary risk of danger? You have no clue how the situation went down. Most people don’t even hire attorneys for DUIs unless they really have to protect their names. Cool story bro.
You said open carry. I said carry. Ah, so act in a way others don’t like and it justifies state violence? I don’t think you understand what it means to have a right.
I think you’re being a whiny victim
I open carry almost every single day, and have attended many protests, even recently for a variety of causes. If this isn’t the case where you live, may I suggest that you consider moving?
Point 1 is false. Please don’t start the OC v CC debate, it’s pointless. Both have solid good and bad points.
Ah yes.
They are protecting us for our own good.
Arresting people and charging them large amounts of money for victimless crimes.
No wonder you think cops are so awesome.
You sound like one of them, you bootlicker.
You left out the part about the lawyers, judge and probation officer going for lobster and cocktails for lunch.
Not everyone can live in Texas.
I know, for example, I don’t.
You can’t open carry a sidearm in Texas, except on your own property or on others’ private property with the consent of the property owner (not public square I mean) and (I think, any Texan reading correct me if I’m wrong) when actively hunting. Weird right? Most people assume it’s Cowboy Country. Turns out that kind of thing is illegal there. You can open carry rifles and shotguns in the public square though, but that’s not what I was talking about.
Here in Ohio we have unlicensed open carry, and the cops leave us alone and have been trained to leave us alone because it also turns out that we can legally charge them our legal fees + damages should they interfere with the exercise of our rights here.
You’d be surprised at the number of states you can open carry in. If you’re interested, you can hit, and check out their map(s), it shocks a lot of people who aren’t abreast of current liberties and laws across the land when it comes to carry.
Protecting us for our own good? No, the police officer who arrests a drunk driver is not protecting the drunk driver from himself, idiot. He’s protecting the family the drunk driver is going to crash into and kill.. You’re just as much of a professional victim as some of the worst feminists
“Omg I’m so oppressed because I don’t have the right to drink and drive!” -Whiny little beta male bitch
Stop projecting.
DUI is a victimless crime,bootlicker.
And here in Fla it is a big money maker.
Look it up.
I have gotten out of two DUI’s and don’t drink anymore.
And calling me a beta is projection on your part.
DUI’s are a victimless crime and you are a scumbag.
Drunk drives do disproportionately cause more fatal automobile accidents than sober drivers, by a long sot. What do you suggest the government do? What is a better alternative to fines and probation? Pointing a desert eagle at your forehead is a victimless crime as long as the person who’s doing it doesn’t pull the trigger, right? Juggling hand grenades in your presence is a victimless crime until the safety pins become dislodged and they blow you the fuck up, right? You’re such a shithead
So you’ve gotten out of 2 duis, and that means its a victimless crime..
You are either an idiot or a cop, or wannabe cop “civilian”.
I’m sure I could find a thousand sources that say the contrary. You still have no argument. I’m not even saying having 2 or 3 beers will significantly impair someone’s driving abilities, or that .08 is an appropriate limit, but that’s a topic of another discussion. Someone who is clearly intoxicated on the other hand, is a threat to other motorists. He or she places unnecessary risk of bodily harm and/or death to others, just as someone who carelessly points a loaded firearm at your head. That’s the problem with your whiny libertarian argument. Someone who is doing something extremely reckless with no respect for the safety of bystanders should be held responsible BEFORE they hurt someone. It does not merely become a crime AFTER the incident occurs.
You are one of the biggest liars here.
“Drunk drives do disproportionately cause more fatal automobile accidents than sober drivers, by a long sot.”
“Someone who is clearly intoxicated on the other hand, is a threat to other motorists. ”
You are more likely to be run over by a car (driven by a sober person) than be killed by a drunk driver you halfwit!
Fuck off!
Stop posting to me!
You are wrong!
Fucking fuck off!
No argument I see. Just more pathetic ad hominems. “Oh, well.. uh, you’re a butthead!”
I think that the point is that the police do not go after people “that are clearly intoxicated.”
Stopping every person on a street is just one example of revenue creation. Another is a public intoxication charge. Who exactly is the person who is walking drunk going to hurt?
Public intoxication is not something I agree with. I never said I agree with every law under the sun. If you disagree with the manner in which police search for drunk drivers, that’s fine. I’m not a proponent of random stops or checkpoints either. But, if someone is blacked out drunk, they shouldn’t be behind the wheel. It’s really that simple. It isn’t a difficult law to comply with and it doesn’t violate any of your natural rights as a human being.
You’re talking to the wrong person. I’ve been charged with DUI for a .08.
While we are at it…what’s up with the DUI stops resulting in seatbelt tickets or a vehicle violation like a bulb out in headlights, brake lights etc…
REVENUE and intimidation is what it’s all about. The way they act during the stops are outrageous as well. I’d rather deal with criminals then cops. The criminals don’t act like steroid raged combatants in a war.
You’re arguing against points I never made. So you’re saying the government goes too far wit DUI arrests, but not that drunk driving shouldn’t be a crime, am I correct? I never said the government doesn’t abuse the DUI laws. It certainly does in some states more than others. I’d say the overwhelming majority of DUIs are not the result of initially being pulled over for not wearing a seat belt. Also, I have been pulled over several times in my life and have never dealt with one of these supposed steroid raged cops. I think some of you guys watch all these youtube videos of police brutality and wrongly assume that it represents all police officers. It doesn’t. All professions have rogue workers.
A seat belt ticket is just another way for the cops to harass people instead of actually policing and finding the obvious criminals, drunk or sober.
They are all rogues. I don’t believe decent people are cops. The decent ones end up quitting.
It’s amusing that you point to videos of cops doing what they do and say that shouldn’t influence how I see them.
Don’t tell me …. New Hampshire.
That’s because you have internalized the idea that state authority is legitimate… like a good little drone.
If it isn’t legitimate then why do you pay your taxes? Why not have some balls and stand your ground?
The US Supreme Court ruled years ago that being intoxicated in public is not a crime. So what the cops do is charge someone with disorderly conduct even if they’re doing nothing wrong, or J walking or some other charge. Just like with motor vehicles they can always find some bullshit to charge anyone with.
And why would you want to walk around looking like some gunslinger? Do you live in such a shitty place that you have to frighten people away?
Sure, people are going to move just for the sake of being able to carry a gun lol You must have no life and live in a really crappy place where you’re constantly worried about being attacked. Perhaps you should move.
Or would want to
He is a big guy as well. Definitely some mental issues there. I swear he has a three inch dick.
He is a big guy who is a frightened little boy inside.
Every time I’ve seen the police in action they charge people with 5 to 10 things. Resisting and disorderly conduct are SOP. Then during the plea deal they dismiss most charges. You are supposed to feel like it’s a deal only having 1 or 2 charges.
When I got my DUI I was charged with 2 counts of DUI…???
Correct GOJ but legislature here in Texas has passed a new open carry law and governor has promised to sign it. You still will need a permit though.
Hence the need for privatizing roads. Real privatizing, real private roads, not state sanctioned “sale” of roads to private crony capitalist organizations where the state still sets the rules and collects the fees.
I agree. We’ve discussed private policing on my Facebook page in the past. It should be a more serious topic than it is in the media. Police unions will fight it to the death, but many of us (those who don’t need to run to the police unions for assistance) often wonder about privatizing law enforcement.
Private security is where I’d really like to see things go, eventually. It’s a pipe dream to be certain, but was plausible at one time. Pinkerton’s was the correct route, initially. Hopefully more small communities will wake up to this.
Throw in a large dose of education regarding personal responsibility such that people start carrying their own means of self defense and it sounds like a good start back down the path of liberty, imo.
The U.S. actually started with a culture that allowed for civilian enforcement, arrests, etc… We need that culture back, where civilians do not risk being sued into oblivion for attempting to enforce the law.
Yeah. Also the libertarian revolutionary committees and the Sons of Liberty were basically voluntary organs of authority that lacked the monopolistic nature of the modern State.
When anyone asks for historical examples for successful statelessness and pure liberty, I would point to the American revolutionary committees (and also Ireland before it was conquered by Cromwell)
It is strongly indicated that during the 1940’s, the Mafia was far better at protecting certain blocks in the bronx than local law enforcement. Apparently they took the well-paid duty of maintaining the peace seriously.
Of course it didn’t last very long, since drugs entering the gangland scene corrupted it almost instantly, but it does offer some hope for privatized law enforcement.
Agreed…in Italian neighborhoods where the wise guys hung out and lived it was super safe. NO shit was tolerated. That great DeNiro movie “A Bronx Tale” illustrated this…
I didn’t realize that there was an actual movie illustrating this.
Maybe we don’t need a private police force but an ARMED citizenry. People who give a shit…
We would need a group or organization who would be liable for damages, with the capacity to actually pay those costs. otherwise, you’ve got unaccountable vigilantism. And that’s not a good thing
I tend to agree. Once “order is reasonably maintained” the organization is inevitably politicized and suddenly you find cops given quotas to fill. I’m a white dude with nothing resembling a shady looking vehicle, or even a vehicle that might be caught speeding (and I really don’t speed). I’ve been stopped in beach cities for the bullshit excuses of “Your license plate illumination is out,” or “You don’t have a front license plate affixed.” These stops were PURELY an excuse to run my record, ask me if I had been drinking, etc…
Publicly funded law enforcement, even if done perfectly, ultimately becomes a tool of harassment to justify it’s own existence.
Yes, my anarchocapitalist friend. The state is the problem, the solution is liberty
I myself have never been harassed by cops and am also clean-cut. Yet I acknowledge this idea of “don’t break any laws and you won’t be bothered by police” is horse shit. All you have to do is hit up YouTube and the abundance of Police abusing their power on innocent, law abiding citizens is incredible.
The one thing which clearly sets off a couple of these cops is when the citizen being stopped for nada knows his rights and the Constitution and therefore doesn’t allow the cop to engage in activity which is not warranted.
be careful of believing the narrative of any video that starts mid conflict. Too often I have looked deeper in these videos only to find the police granted multiple opportunities to resolve the issue peacefully, without charges, without any conflict, only mild direction, and in many cases, the one getting arrested and playing the victims were actually very much in the wrong… they had simply edited out their own wrongdoing and presented the police response as being in the wrong.
One example was the “protests” in the G20 in Toronto… the “victims” video showed himself in a small group, sitting in a circle of police in Riot gear. The police quickly closing in on them, then forcing them together and being pulled out and cuffed one by one. But a little digging discovered this small group was just a fraction of a massive “protest” who were walking down main streets without permits to shut down those streets… that said, the police allowed this, even shutting down the streets anyway. But when they reached one particular corner, the police directed then north, and the “protest” wanted to go west. But to the west was another (legitimate) protest march AND a residential area, and the police didn’t want them clashing, particularly in a residential area. But rather than turning north as directed, they started lashing out (verbally at first) at the bike police who were directing them.
After an hour of conflict, the riot cops were called in to stand (as the “protesters” were getting more and more confrontational, blocking off the south and west streets, the north and west were still open for these people to move along. It took about 3 hours before the riot police fully surrounded the group and informed them they would be charged with disrupting traffic, or some other chump charge that they were technically guilty of. They then had the “protesters’ file out of the circle in an orderly fashion, processed on the spot, and released. There were, of course, some agitators who refused to co-operate…these agitators are the ones who made the video and pretended to be victims of uncalled for and unprovoked police violence. They also happened to be the ones who had the bullhorns at the start of the conflict.
Good Points.
You made me think of a ‘mother’ at the May Day protest in Seattle. She took her child into violent demonstrations than cried on camera about “police brutality, BS”
Bernie Sanders offers what to me sounds like a racial solution, but he didn’t see the irony in his own statement: He wants the U.S. to look more like Scandinavia.
You’re listening to Beck too, huh?
I read Steve Sailer’s blog.
Heh, fair enough. Even if Sanders was offering such a thing (and I doubt he actually considers that angle) the man is a horrible human being. He’s fit for being shot out of a cannon, and not much else.
To his credit, at least he’s up front about his political deviancy, which is more than you can say about most politicians.
You had me until you wrote this:
“As a police officer with inside knowledge of actual police power and capabilities, I can attest that as long as law enforcement is operated at a local level and law and order is reasonably maintained that there can be no police state. Regardless of what any YouTube video says, local law enforcement resists a police state.”
As someone who has a pretty common knowledge of law enforcement lobbying (for domestic violence laws that take away gun rights, inability to expunge records, and mandatory arrests of male “perpetraitors”);
As someone who has a pretty common knowledge of police unions that get corrupt cops out of trouble;
As someone who has personal knowledge of internal affairs units that violate constitutional rights and get rewarded for their chicanery, I must say, you sir are full of shit.
“Law enforcement” is by its very nature a monopoly on force, and an unjust and corrupt legal system is what you enforce, to the detriment of us all.
These chimpouts by social justice warriors is caused by you corrupt imbeciles.
But being narrcissists, and incapable of self reflection, you are unable to see your own hubris gazing into your reflection.
Now go play with your stingrays and house xray machines and pentagon surplus mraps.
LOL. Anyone who lives in an area with such people in power deserves what they get.
” . . . if we were to riot, I can guarantee you that we would take the fight directly to enemy territory . . .”
In which case it would directed forceful action, not a riot.
If a white mob was destroying the businesses and property of non-whites, and a white mayor flanked by KKK officers was supporting them, they’d call it “ethnic cleansing” and they’d be right.
I think the only reason Cato’s Copblock is using tags like the “People” and “Black Spring” is because they’re trying to reach out to minorities, who were historically not fans of libertarian thought.
Of course, we’d expect Leftists to defend black rioters, looters, and racists. A lot of rationalizing going on there to justify criminal activity. They would not extend the same defense if whites rioted.
Nobody is trying to excuse people looting, burning and hurting people. But who is at the core of this violence? Who is not holding the law keepers to the same standard as all citizens?
The criminal activity is starting at the very top and it has infiltrated every nook and cranny of supposed civilized society.
The police are outrageous. Recently they have shot children that were holding BB guns, shot a handcuffed person on a subway, beat non violent people to death, suffocated a handicapped person to death and now we have 6 cops that somehow injured a persons back to the point of death.
People are celebrating because the 6 cops are being charged. That’s twisted. Every one of the cops involved in the instances above should have been charged with murder.
The one who shot the guy in the back 8 times was charged with murder but let’s see how all of this ends. People are pretty mindless and forget quickly so let’s see who actually gets convicted.And let’s remember that the DA is a cop himself with a law degree who is elected or appointed and needs to work with cops or he won’t get any convictions. 98% of cases are plea bargains and count as wins for the DA so he needs the cops by any means possible to bring him a confession or some admission by the defendant or he wins nothing.
Lawyers are another twist in the problem. See the missing 13th amendment aka Titles Of Nobility Act:
“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”
BAR as in bar association stands for british accreditation registry.
The third facet of this problem is the police union that not only gets these murderers off but most of the time the cops KEEP their jobs. All other unions in America have been eroded to the point of negotiating over lube as we are bent over and lose benefits, salary etc. etc.
The forth is the judge, who most do not see because of the plea deal, he too was a lawyer.
This year marks the unraveling of identity politics in the US and in the West. In just two weeks we’ve seen massive governmental/media incompetence with Baltimore. And now Islam aggression in Texas. In the former the government gave the looters carte blanche to destroy people’s property and businesses and were left to fend for themselves. In the latter we saw the local authorities do their duty and protect people who were practicing their First Amendment rights from people who were going to kill the for doing so. Then the media swoops in and tries to exonerate the would-be mass-murderers. This isn’t escaping people’s notice.
You’re getting ready to see a political earthquake in Britain in just a few days, which marks the death of Political Correctness in Britain and all of Europe. People are tired of not being able to call a spade a spade. And people are tired of deadbeat politicians who make empty promises and just try to placate people with more gimmes.
In less than 15 years more than half of US colleges will be bankrupt. This is the shrieking of the political class, of the media, and of parts of the country/world that are on the declining side of history as they all submerge into irrelevance. People are buying more guns than ever, and people have the internet. We see what’s happening, and if the November elections are anything to go by, we’re already in the process of flushing the political establishment shit out of Washington DC. It’ll take a while, but we’ll get them all and replace them with people who can get this country back to what it was founded on, which is less government, and more personal accountability.
That sounds like good news, but excuse me while I take it with a grain of salt the size of my head. I have been hearing about how the left is losing ground for decades while they simple keep tightening the noose.
When I see raghead bodies dangling from every lightpost in london, I will believe they have finally come to their senses. Until then? It’s just propaganda.
The real take away is that the Left/Right paradigm of politics is evaporating. It was always a sham fabricated by the political establishment to get people to vote one way or the other, but never in their self-interests.
In Britain that has stopped because people are now voting UKIP instead of for the political establishment, and are gaining support from all political spectra, especially with disenfranchised voters who haven’t voted in years or decades. Various countries in Europe are seeing the rise of nationalist parties in response to the growing threat of Islam and over-reaching attempts of the EU to Federalize Europe.
In the US we have the Tea Party which is a growing vehicle of disenfranchised voters who are sick of being forced to pick between a Jackass and an Elephant that’s scared of it’s own shadow. The rift in the Republican party has been apparent for some time now. However, in light of recent events the Dems are now beginning to see cracks in their own party as various minorities vie for being the most oppressed. As Steve Sailer pointed out, Asian and Latinos swung Republican in response to Black Victim Culture in regards to Ferguson, and I imagine what’s happened in Baltimore is only going to further drive a wedge in the Democrat’s Rainbow Cultural Coalition.
The Tea Party is the US’s equivalent of a nationalist party, going back to the fundamentals of what our country was founded on and flushing out the political establishment and un-elected bureaucratic bloat alongside it. November was the sign of electoral discontent clearly not going away. We’re just a few years behind Britain/Europe. What’s happened in the past few weeks is only going to put the pedal to the metal in accelerating that process.
The 2016 presidential elections are not going to go the way ANYBODY is expecting.
I think you need to look up the definition of the ‘left right’ paradigm before you go dismissing it. You seem to think it is a euphemism for ‘democrat and republican’
Both the pubs and dems today are firmly far left, the pubs just like to look as though they are not quite as leftist as the dems, but in reality they are the same party, just a few steps behind.
Hence why you have a Tea Party. Both parties hate conservative voters, and now instead of bouncing between the only two choices they were told they had, they are now in the Tea Party. By Left/Right paradigm I mean that what is ultimately driving these shifts is based on Nationalism/Patriotism, putting the Nation and its citizens first and believing in their own exceptionalism and values that got them that way. UKIP is responding to the challenges of Today in their own way, but in a way that reflects those things I just mentioned. As are the other nationalist parties doing the same thing. As we are beginning to do. Diversity politics are going to give way to “Not black, white, latino, but AMERICANS. America first, Americans first.”
This is an inevitability. It’s already beginning to happen, and there’s fuck all the political establishment can do about it regardless of how much of a fit they pitch.
Because at the end of the day all they can do is whine, but we still got the guns. God Bless America.
Except that the Tea party has changed from rightism to pure Geriocratic
If the tea party has their way, the voting age will be pushed to 65. Sorry, but they need to fail. They were pure at the beginning, but the shortcuts they took to be taken seriously have corrupted them into nothing more than an utterly useless republican-lite.
Yeah there’s no point continuing to discuss anything with you, you’re not doing a good job of listening to what I said.
You are right. We are not bothering to read each other’s messages.
I would love to see Britain get back on its glorious feet!
Thanks for the article, I’ve been out of the loop on this news until now. I found something you said most interesting:
“local law enforcement resists a police state.”
How do you figure that? They’re one in the same. The only branch I trust is the Sheriffs Department and even then, with a grain of salt.
“The only branch I trust is the Sheriffs Department and even then, with a grain of salt.”
I used to agree but sheriffs are just the “good cops”. The local police are the, “bad cops”.
I made this conclusion when the local sheriff told a deputy to delete the video of said deputy running over a civilian, and getting away with it.
Sheriff deputy’s never arrest local cops.
Every once in a while a state trooper might do it….the feds only arrest chomo’s.
The sheriff in question, “died” recently but my county is so corrupt (the feds are ready to make a name for themselves busting the local leo/state attorney rackets) that I suspect he is living on a beach somewhere in Panama or some such country….
police departments arre unelected, appointed officials with very little oversight and nearly unlimited latitude in pressing ‘policy’. This makes them highly susceptible to corruption, with almost no ability to take them to task for it.
Sheriff’s departments are elected officials with all the campaigning and ‘anything for the vote’ mentality that goes with it. This makes them highly susceptible to corruption, with almost no ability to take them to task for it.
Not all law enforcement is corrupt, but the question is, how can we refocus police efforts from ‘getting paid for crime’ to ‘getting paid for stopping crime’? Right now, all advancement, bonuses, and benefits come not from keeping the peace, but from CATCHING BAD GUYS. This leads naturally to a lack of interest in crime prevention, if not an active interest in encouraging crime.
Who watches the watchers?
Of the two at least with Sheriffs you get representation if enough people where you live are liberty minded. You couldn’t pay my county’s Sheriff to do something like gun confiscation, for example, but maybe a Sheriff in California would have no issues. We still have some wiggle room with Sheriffs.
Regular police departments though I absolutely agree with you. Defund and disband.
“Not all law enforcement is corrupt,”
Of course it is.
” but the question is, how can we refocus police efforts from ‘getting paid for crime’ to ‘getting paid for stopping crime’?”
Fire them all, tale away benefits, for starters…
” Right now, all advancement, bonuses, and benefits come not from keeping the peace, but from CATCHING BAD GUYS. ”
They have become the “bad guys”.
“This leads naturally to a lack of interest in crime prevention, if not an active interest in encouraging ….
And yet you say they aren’t all corrupt.
Talk about cognitive dissonance.
“Of the two at least with Sheriffs you get representation if enough people where you live are liberty minded. ”
The people who run for political office always have corporate contributors they have to answer too.
This is no different than your local ex IA covering up “groomed” sheriff.
But they look respectable enough so no one questions them.
Sheriffs as an institution long precede democracy in the Anglo Saxon tradition. They still however had to answer to the people that they represented. Sheriff = Shire Reeve. = The top guy you would bitch about violations of your rights to (indirectly through the Reeves, a subordinate office) who would then either help you solve that violation, or petition the cynig on your behalf. If he stood against enough people, he would be removed lest the population rise up and displace him.
Ancient Anglo Saxon society is a remarkable study in near anarchism, prior to the Normans stomping their boots ashore at Hastings I mean. The cynig was not a hereditary position and if he fucked up enough he would be done away with, the local village could and did air issues in local meetings and they were addressed and solved or at least given some kind of remedy, and the rules of compensation and re-compensation were well defined and represented all men, high and low, at least at some level.
There’s a reason you hear modern American Sheriffs spouting off defiantly to the FedGov still. They know that they answer to their neighbors, not Obama, nor Bush (back in the day). We at least have that much still. Not a lot, but it beats nothing.
I am noting the difference between an organization and the individual members of an organization.
Baby and bathwater. I am not sure that the downside of defunding the police department as it stands, and the looting and immediate upsurge in crime from the criminals that are only held in check from fear of incarceration.
If we had some sort of decent citizen militia in place I would certainly say it a worthy experiment, but without any sort of backup plan, It would be insane to dump it overnight.
That sounds good but they are still corrupt, absolutely.
All, Never, Absolutely and Always are words to avoid when describing others, I’ve found. There is no rule but that there are exceptions.
Just because you have money behind you doesn’t mean you’re corrupt, maybe those business owners in your community also value liberty. In small towns and rural counties that still happens a lot, believe it or not.
While anecdotal, my sheriff’s department is a quiet, lazy country boy affair that absolutely seems to respect rights and gives people no shit unless absolutely necessary. We don’t have a police department out here, just them. Even the occasional teen doing something stupid will more often than not get the Sheriff coming to the parent’s door to inform them instead of hauling the kid into the legal system for a rapin’ (for non-serious stuff I mean, like speeding or whatever).
All I know is that with them, when they pass me and I’m open carrying, they either nod and smile or just pass on by. The violent crime rate in the area is nearly non-existent and I can’t recall the last time any charges of corruption or even rumors of it floated at the local bar about the Sheriff or his deputies.
Beats having a police department by miles.
Would I prefer an alternative? Sure, private security, and that only for report taking if at all possible. Somebody has to be there to write down the facts after you plug a bad guy, so that you can get your carpet cleaning reimbursed by insurance, heh.
police and sheriff corruption goes hand-in-hand with overcrowded urban environments.
I have said it before and I will say it again… Urbanites are sick. City life drives humans insane.
They are only good for writing tickets and jailing people on drug crimes, or “domestic offenses.”
90% of them are protecting the bankster status quo.
Worthless and part of the problem.
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Lord Action
You seem to want everyone to sing along to kumbaya and drink a coke.
Thats why you cannot deal with the “chip on my shoulder”.
Well I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass.
And I’m all out of bubble gum.
I don’t have to deal with the chip on your shoulder, that’s your burden to bear, friend. You just don’t realize it yet.
My chip comes from guys like you who never seem to stand up for anything in life.
Seriously, have you ever stuck your neck out IRL?
No, your chip is your insufferable anger at people who do not 100% comply with your dogmatic view of life, word for word, 100% of the time. You are on a site with allies, philosophical and political allies (for the most part, some exceptions no doubt) and you can’t even contain your bitterness here amongst friends. I can only imagine what damage you’re doing to the pro-liberty brand when you’re not around people who agree with you.
Sit us down with a spreadsheet of political questions, have us both answer them, and I’d bet we match in 99.5 out of 100 times. But you hold this seething hatred and contempt for me, and everybody else here, because by golly, there are minor areas of disagreement that you perceive, that may not even exist, but who cares attack attack attack!
It’s kind of pathetic. Grow, the fuck, up, junior. Your view on life is not new and shiny, and millions of people before you held it, and millions after you will hold it as well. You are not some special snowflake nor does your belligerence towards any and all human beings on this thread make you anything other than a hot headed, irrational child.
And incidentally, anything I list that I’ve done in real life (and I have) you’ll belittle and mock or call, in some way, evil and/or bad. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Not going to play that game.
You may earn future chances to act as an adult and talk civily with me in the future. For today, you bore me, and I give you the third and final farewell. Everybody deserves three chances a day if they are on the right side of issues, and you’ve spent your three.
You keep shaming (using shaming language) me, talking down to me, and you get along with everyone, yet never stand for anything….
You constantly get the last word in and then tell me you aren’t going to read what I say.
I have very few “allies” here, and I dislike the term.
Most humans are pond scum.
You are lower than pond scum.
Our government, along with its “citizens” inside the government are totally and absolutely morally bankrupt!
So fuck you and kiss my ass.
I doubt you have ever stood up for anything in your life, except you next beer.
Again, go fuck yourself and keep singing kumbaya.
meh, they still are good for jailing murderers when they bother to try and catch them.
Seriously man, step back and pay attention to the manner GOF responded to you and compare that with your invective filled replies. You have some growing up to do.
That’s all I have to say about that.
There appear to be many different definitions of a police state. One commenter touches on it above when he confuses the police state with “militarization.” Some seem to define it as a system of corruption in law enforcement. Others nanny state narratives or enforcing laws for special interest groups.
Regarding the article, there is a lot of talk of federalizing the police and creating federal oversight of the police. My opinion is that this is where the police state will emerge – when there is one monolithic police force with one policy, one goal, one conscience. Local law enforcement (with all its faults) is still based around the community and can operate based on the needs of the community rather than the needs of the federal government.
I understand now. You’re saying the enforcement of Local Police is the roadblock to the situation going , “police state”.
My definition of a Police State is simply when the state ignores Posse Comitatus… which happens far too often.
The bs that transpired in Watertown after the false flag event in Boston, MA is a perfect example of the State testing the waters to see how far they could push the citizenry.
I wish they would try that in Texas. I dare them to.
I agree. I grew up in a small town in the midwest. We had a Sheriff. That sheriff was elected and if he or his deputies fucked up it was hell to pay the next election. We went to school with the sheriff’s kids. I can remember the sheriff stopping kids with 2 cases of beer in the car and making them dump it out and then calling their parents to pick them up. NO CHARGES. So I agree about local police control…
Based around the community? What community? A “community” where I am forced by the Federal Government at gun point to live and mix with others not of my own kind or whom I do not wish to cohabitate with all in the name of equality? A community where the Governor of the state says No! to desegregation only to be pushed aside by soldiers with bayonets attached? A community where your voice is never heard but your money is constantly taken, once again at gunpoint? A community where some asshole like you will drive for over an hour to “work” in my “community” only to leave it after his shift is over? Yeah, some “Community”.
We will all need our state national guards very soon
The only reason these Dindus get away with this is to scare the people into supporting the Police State that they need for Communist takeover. Think of how easily the Million Man Army of Saddam in Iraq was crushed. It was what six days? Maybe less. If they wanted to, the Feds could cream these clowns to sorgum in a matter of less than a week. These Dindus are too stupid to realize they are being used. White people are not being persecuted for starting slavery but ending it. A certain group of inhuman goblins made a shitload of money selling slaves here. They started it up in Afreaka again after the White Powers left the region. Same plan here. Get rid of Whites and bring back the Slave Plantations. Its all money, that’s all they care about.
Dindu’s lol. i am so stealing that one (pun intended lol)
oh btw, you’re making too much sense 😉 dont get caught
Are you crazy? Slave plantations in the age of power machinery? They were a losing proposition in the US in the days when we had to rely on human labour.
And perhaps burning down the inner city is what developers want. Get them out and then gentrify the area so that no lower class people can live there like they do in NYC. They can’t live in the suburban areas either because they’re too expensive so it’s the empty areas for them. Out of sight out of mind.You see, places like working class Ferguson are different because they put public housing there so you knew the town had to go downhill. You can’t do that in the better suburbs because the people will block it and even though a lot of it looks like empty woods and lands they have it all sewn up in one way or another.
“It’s kind of funny how the right’s condemnation of a non-existent police
state is what is actually leading to a real police state.”
Non-existent police state? You sir, are delusional.
More US citizens killed by US police than US soldiers killed by enemy combatants in Iraq.
More US citizens killed by police than any other country in the entire world, even countries with populations that dwarf ours, and even countries that are REAL police states.
4% of the world’s population and yet 22% of the world’s prison population.
Nope, we don’t have a police state… if you’re delusional…. OR A COP.
It does come down to definition I think. In one light, that is, the militarization of police, Combat Vet Rage Syndrome, the “thin blue line” of not turning in their own, the wide range of latitude given to cops on use of force that normal citizens are denied, yeah, we’re fucked. In another light, you can still, most of the time (not always) get police abuse taken to task in court and sometimes win, which would mean that police are accountable to an entity outside of their control. Plus we still have local police and sheriffs, many departments which act independently and sometimes even in defiance (in a good way) of whatever administration is in power in D.C. or the state capitols.
No matter where one pegs us though, we have a huge mess that needs taken care of, quick. And the answer is not the smarmy leftist push to federalize police forces, that much is certain.
You seem to be an expert on everything except keeping your mouth shut. Are you sure you are not a woman?
Your statistic that more citizens are killed by US cops than US soldiers kill enemy combatants – Is every person killed by the police an innocent victim? Is any deadly force encounter justified? Are most of them unjustified?
There are millions of police-citizen contacts every day in America, mostly at the request of other citizens. Do the citizens take any responsibility for contributing to our allegedly brutal police state when we are called to handle every problem that arises?
Recently where I work, a kid ran out into traffic and gets hit by a car and people protested to put a stop sign where there wasn’t one needed. Then they videotaped the new intersection, pointed out violators and brought it to the attention of the city that cops aren’t enforcing their new victorious stop sign.
My favorite one is: “My son is psychotic and homicidal – he’s hiding in the house with a knife and threatening to kill anybody he sees. He just needs help so don’t hurt him when you find him. Thanks.”
That kind of call is routine. It’s daily. Most of the time we figure a way to get him out unharmed, but when something goes bad and he gets shot because he won’t put the knife down as he’s walking toward us – it’s just more evidence of the police state.
Tase the motherf***** or call for backup if you can’t handle him yourself, it’s that damn simple.
Back up? In my small town police respond to everything with 4 or 5 police cars.
“Back up? In my small town police respond to everything with 4 or 5 police cars.
All gangs have the support of their homies.
Its how they roll.
Then you should have absolutely no trouble disarming, subduing, and detaining the criminal without lethal force.
You cops are acting like a bunch of scared little girls afraid of breaking a nail, freak out and start shooting because you might get a scratch. Give me a fucking break, be a man, and subdue him like a club bouncer would, ya fucking pussies.
“There are millions of police-citizen ”
When did you piles of shit get granted extra rights?
You communists hiding behind the state/police unions are civilians and citizens as well.
Badges don’t grant extra rights you pile of shit!
God damn!
Cops are all pieces of shit as are their supporters on here.
I don’t think Many people Appreciate the Crap Cops have to Go through, I thank you For your Service.
Fascist douche bag.
The Crap Cops have to Go through is Quite a bit, so I would Like to thank the Man for his service, Maybe you don’t realize that Cops only enforce the Laws that Society Makes, and who is Society ? You and Me , don’t Like the Laws? then Make sure you Vote Next election for the Person who best Represents your Needs and will Create the Laws you wish to have Govern Society, if the People vote In a Socialist/ Fascist , than most likely society is going to Feel that influence and the Police Force will adopt Socialist/Fascist Tactics, If the Peoples Vote Demands More Freedom, than society and Police Forces will Follow those Demands, It’s not the Cops Fault an individual Stupidly Voted in a Tyrant or Didn’t Vote at all, the Cop took an oath to Protect and Uphold the Desires of Society, and As I said it’s you and I with our Votes that Decide how we want Society to be, the Cops and Police Force just Follow Our Demands, Don’t Blame The Cops , if your going to Blame anyone, Blame Society or Blame yourself…Douche Bag.
If you dry that crap out it will make good fertilizer. As soon as you are finished servicing this anonymous cops tool you can get to sucking on mine. I was a cop for 8 years before I became tired of all the politics and backstabbing. I know the crimes my fellow officers and I committed while I was on the force. You seem to support this type of sociopathic behavior. You must be a sociopath.
You must be an “Angry Old Man”. Do yourself a Favor, Become Educated on How Society Works, Then you won’t get so Angry when all the Ignorance and Lies you’ve Invested in, become Disproven.
What do you know. I’m not angry I’m just horny and you are boring. I wonder how exciting you would be asphyxiating while I was busy buggering you.
Old Man, if you could Get Close enough to Asphyxiate me, it would be you who would be in trouble.
Yeah, right. I didn’t become a dirty old man by letting punks like you beat me, you can beat my meat. But you are probably busy gobbling down some cops spooge.
Police are at heart Sadist. A Sadist is a person who enjoys being cruel, they receive pleasure through inflicting pain upon others. It is a medical term and an oppressive reality that we all live with daily however it is seldom, if ever, mentioned by the Government, Religious Institutions or the Media and it is an absolute necessity in the Military.
A study in the United States, by National Surveillance of Police Suicide Study (NSOPS), showed 141 suicides in 2008 and 143 in 2009. This yields a suicide rate of 17/100,000, a figure that holds up under scrutiny and is consistent with CDC/NOMS data and is one of the highest suicide rates per occupation. It is not clear whether police suicides are the result of work stress or the consequence of other variables, such as the influence of a subculture of violence. However since their jobs do NOT fall into the Top Ten most dangerous jobs and never has, the question must be asked. What is there to be so stressed out about???
Police officers are much more likely to experience interpersonal relationship problems. Relationship problems are most dramatically demonstrated by the divorce rate among police officers, which is usually reported as being the second highest of all occupations. Police officers also seem to have relationship problems at work, typically with superiors or with political oversight which means they have a problem with authority figures, but you and I have a “bad attitude” if we do.
The statistics show that clinically treated alcohol addiction rates are usually calculated to be about twice as high for police officers than for the general population in the United States. Often they become drunk and abuse their spouse who has nowhere to turn for fear that their partner will use their job and The Law to hurt and/or destroy them. Women married to police officers are some of the most abused spouses in America.
1. Fish-Related Workers
2. Logging Workers
3. Pilots and Flight Engineers
4. Heavy Construction Workers
5. Farmers and Ranchers
6. Coal miners
7. Mining machine operators
8. Roofers
9. Refuse Collectors (garbage men)
10. Driver/Sales Workers and Truck Drivers
1. Police officers
2. Corrections officers
3. Cab drivers
4. Security guards
5. Bartenders
6. Custodians
7. Special ed teachers
8. Gas station workers
9. Junior high teachers 10.
10. Convenience store workers
Most common cause of officer deaths? Automobile Accidents or Heart Attack from chasing a suspect. Officers always talk about stress in their job. First, prolonged stress causes people to regress. Their psychological growth reverses, and they become more immature. They rapidly become more childish and primitive, much like a person being sick for several days becoming more irritable and childish in its demands on other people.
Second, chronic stress numbs people’s sensitivity. They can’t stand to continually see human misery. They must stop feeling or they won’t survive. The mind has this defense mechanism so people can continue working in horrible situations. If they kept their normal sensitivity, they would fall apart. As they become insensitive to their own suffering, they become insensitive to the suffering of others. When treated with indignity, they lose not only a sense of their own dignity but also the dignity of others. The pain of others stops bothering them, and they are no longer bothered when they hurt others. However most police probably do not suffer from this because they are naturally violent, sadistic and are probably Psychopaths. Psychopath Behavior is listed as: Frequent Lying – Decietful and Manipulative Behavior – Lack of Remorse or Shame – Poor Judment – Incapacity for Love – Loss of Insight – Unresponsive in Personal Relations – Frequent Need for Excitement – Inflated Self Worth – A Need for Power – A Need to Dominate Others. According to Dr. J. Reid Meloy’s book, The Psychopathic Mind, although psychopaths don’t feel emotion in a normal sense, they do experience boredom, envy, exhilaration, contempt, sadistic pleasure, anger, and hints of depression.
A lawful evil person methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises. This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains. Lawful Evil is sometimes called “Diabolical,” because devils are the epitome of lawful evil. Lawful Evil creatures consider their alignment to be the best because it combines honor with a dedicated self-interest. Lawful Evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents methodical, intentional, and frequently successful evil. Creatures of this alignment are great respecters of laws and strict order, but life, beauty, truth, freedom, and the like are held as valueless, or at least scorned. By adhering to stringent discipline, those of lawful evil alignments hope to impose their yoke upon the world. Obviously, all order is not good, nor are all laws beneficial. Lawful evil characters value the allegiances that they have with their cause, government, religion, or other organization. They also value those individuals whom they call allies. Betraying a friend is just as much a transgression for the lawful evil as it is for the lawful good. Lawful evil characters always try to work within the law, since it’s the safest way to ensure your own success. Breaking the law results in possible punishment and forfeiture of both wealth and power, and the lawful evil is loath to give up what he has attained through his own determination. These characters also like to use the law to destroy their enemies. If a lawful evil can find devastating evidence of a rival’s wrongdoing, you can be assured that he will use this information to his own advantage. Examples of Lawful Evil people are Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and even the fictional character Darth Vader. Just remember that everything Hitler did was 100% LEGAL. He never broke any German Laws. It is the same with the others listed. A lawful evil character will keep his word if he gives it and will never lie, although he may mislead or withhold information. He will attack and kill an unarmed foe and will harm an innocent. He will use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. He will kill only to advance himself, not for pleasure. A lawful evil character will use poison. He will not help those in need without a reward and he prefers to work with others. He responds well to higher authority, is trustful of organizations, and will always follow the law. He will never betray a family member, comrade, or friend. Lawful evil characters respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor. Here are some possible adjectives describing lawful evil characters: cruel, vengeful, proud, callous, hostile, taciturn, malevolent, calculating, plotting, merciless, domineering, severe, tyrannical, commanding, organized, and respectful of authority and power. Never call the police, they are Evil and Godless Creatures who will harm you more than help.
Learn hand to hand combat at the academy. I’m sure 2 cops with batons can’t handle a nut with a knife unless you’re afraid of getting a scratch.
You have to admit it was really sweet for the mayor to give them a place to riot.
She later denied it and apparently has no idea how video works.
When I saw that video … I knew what she meant. The words came out the wrong way. She was saying by allowing peaceful protesters the space to protest it — unfortunately — also allowed violent protest.
Don’t FOX News this. I tend to pick FOX over all the others but FOX’s coverage of this was utterly disgusting. Anyone with a spec of common sense understood what the mayor meant but FOX kept playing that one little sound bite to proliferate wrong info to the lofos.
Hannity was unbearable during this coverage. I WANTED to HEAR what people on the street would say yet that POS — whose target audience is the 65 plus judgmental Catholic crowd who needs their senior citizen discount and tips 2% tops — would talk over them or suddenly cut to commercial break. Last Thursday was the tipping point. He had that black reporter on the streets “asking” people questions yet clearly had a pre-selected answer. He would talk over those talking and then in a choreographed fashion suddenly spit out something he had predetermined which was literally the opposite of what someone just speaking had said on camera.
I don’t watch (or agree) with any MSM, today. It’s all entertainment. But you are sugar coating this one as well.
To me, it was all common sense. The police have their job to do. They would not have stood down unless they were instructed to stand down by someone higher up the chain. The destruction went on because the mayor (or other) told them to stand down…this isn’t rocket science here.
We had it happen, here, in VA and it was shut down right away….no room to “play”. Whether she said it on camera or not…someone gave that order so the police listened to “the boss”.
The danger is the next time it happens will they have free reign to just destroy property, again, or will she let the police do their job.
What a little fascist tough guy you are!
Got nothing to say to counter Drivers points, so just insult him and pretend that does the same thing… who’s the tough guy again?
How can anyone believe that this isn’t being stirred by the powers that be when they are financing protests and the MSM uses pictures of Venezuela for the Baltimore protest.
It’s as insane as MSM using a picture of a Sandy Hook kid for an Afghanistan school shooting.
We aren’t even being told the truth…yet we are being told what the problems are and how to fix them.
If you have millions of savages from the four corners of the world in your country, a police-state is a must!
No. The right to bear arms is a must. A good dog (or two…or three) is also helpful.
Are you an arms-bearer?
Training course next week, and I buy my gun then.
As there is no need for a police state, I expect you and your ilk at the next American Chimpout to sort the savages out then?!
As the heat rises, the American Pavement Ape Chimpout Season is upon us!
Are you dull witted or trying to be funny with the chimp out remarks?
Seems like you are all in for the militarized police, or standing army that shoots before asking any questions. So YOU are part of the problem, possibly even a cop or someone who is profiting from the chaos.
No my friend, it is you who is slow-witted. And yes, the term chimpout is very funny indeed. And descriptive.
You cannot have a first world country with a third world monkey population. You have to choose one or the other.
Did you forget which account you were using…Lampshades and Nevsky are both relatively new accounts. Did you just create them to make silly remarks that add nothing?
Ilk? the Right to Bear Arms is a God Given Right, every American should own a Firearm and if not should at least support the 2nd Amendment. Learn some history about Governments that disarmed their citizens and what happened, it may change your mind on Guns.
hahaha just respond to the man’s statement instead of trying to divert attention…
He had you on the gun thing loser
That’s funny…I don’t recall talking about a gun. What was your point again?
Ilk? Yes, the type of guy who complains about a police state, but also supports the presence of a criminal race of negores that necessitate such a police state. Who at the same time is planning on getting a gun, but won’t go down and sort the negroes out with it, in the absence of the police state that he doesn’t approve of. Laughable.
FYI I believe in the right to bear arms. But if you have criminal negroes running around, burning “this shit down”, and you don’t agree with a police state, then it follows that armed citizens would be needed to sort the negroes out themselves. But he does’t agree to that either.
So I guess that the groids should be allowed to burn your shit down, without any response..
No ones coming to burn my shit down, they would be shot dead.
Glad to hear it. I just don’t like loudmouths like Possum whining about a police state, when he and his ilk aren’t prepared to sort the criminal elements out themselves..
get a revolver as your first handgun. Learn on it first before getting some semi auto. Check out the S&W model 66 .357
You wouldn’t shoot anyone panty waste. I would wait until the opportunity was perfect. You wouldn’t know I was there until you were eviscerated. Then you could watch your shit burn down while I corn holed you in your front yard. I would photograph the chalk outline that your precious cops would draw around your corpse and hang it on my wall. Next week I will cum for your family. 😉
Uh, America has already started dismantling the 2nd amendment. It is called the gun control act of 1968 and is almost an exact copy of the 1938 Nazi gun control laws. 1968 was also the year we see the dismantling of our immigration policy to destroy this formerly white Christian nation. The constitution guarantees the 2nd amendment but the gun control act of 1968 takes it away.
“Perhaps someone needs to let Mr. Mosby know that he is no longer sitting in one of his many social justice classes he took in college and that he is actually an elected politician now who does not have access to the victim card. He needs to man up or get out of office because he is the system. Local government is by far the most impactive level of government for people, but only when it’s done right and with people who are qualified to be there.”
Yeah he shouldn’t try to get justice he should shut up and sit down and do as the police say, but there is no polic state, get real.
“I can attest that as long as law enforcement is operated at a local level and law and order is reasonably maintained that there can be no police state” The biggest lie of the century. We already see militarized local police nation wide as if local government tyranny is preferable to national government tyranny. It is far harder for hundreds of thousands of federal government workers to behave illegally than just 1 city.
I’m honored that I could have the pull be credited with biggest lie of the century, but I’ll assume you’re just being dramatic. Anything else you were being dramatic about?
Great article. Great insight and much needed on this situation.
Guy in the video was a douche. It’s like he didn’t want to be seen as a politician. Like he would go home and not live it down. Like a teenager rather than an accomplished man with serious responsibilities to both rioters and non rioters.
Totally agree, state does not get to dictate who does and does not get protection.
The incident that triggered this whole thing was extremely incriminating though and really reflects badly on the Baltimore Police.
Glad the author mentioned the white victims of Police brutality.
Blacks or civilization. Pick one, you can’t have both.
You can put a black in civilization but can you put civilization in a black?
I did a few years in Baltimore. I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner. The racial tension there is thick and it’s one of the most segregated cities I know of. Baltimore blacks are mostly a different breed than southern blacks, west coast blacks, or even NYC blacks. Take every negative stereotype you have about african americans, combine them all, add 3 or 4 generations of welfare entitlements, political corruption, race baiting, and the biggest, deepest ghettos you can imagine. That’s what 65% of Baltimore consists of.
I’m looking forward to Ms. Mosby’s case falling apart as well. I believe she’s trying to appease the mob with 6 sacrificial lambs. The charges won’t hold and the mob will burn the rest of the city.
The place is a goddamn ‘war OF drugs’ laboratory and most of US heroin comes in through Baltimore harbor. Are the cops that stupid or crooked? Is the entire municipal government there 100% maggot infested, from the slick hood pimp representatives in suits to the uptown bosses in the shady lawn neighborhoods with synagogues in every northside zipcode? And they ALL act complacent and ignorant like Sgt. Schultz with the drug running and corruption right under their noses.
The cops are slow to respond for life and limb in the hood but they somehow guarantee their services to remove fathers from households. Turn on the police scanner and the cops scramble like a bunch of F-16’s that just saw a UFO whenever a domestic disturbance call or FPO violation is reported. Like it’s a four alarm fire you hear units chattering and racing to keep their quota of protecting the ‘single mother’ status of residents. They speed right by crack deals going down just to shoot Jack right out in front of the house that Jack built. It’s despicable. Keep your family away and teach your woman to hate and fear the state.
They don’t act complacent, they are complacent. The drugs are being brought in by the government. Iran Contra wasn’t the beginning, middle or end of that.
Simple test for figuring out if you live in a police state: You have an encounter with the Police while you’ve done nothing wrong. Do you feel at ease or not?
The majority of these people are protesters yet they are represented by the minority of negative element namely the looters and more aggressive people. Right Wing media, namely Fox News loves to film and categorize the entire protests by its negative minority. Yet Fox News is hypocritical in that it also asks to not categorize all police by its negative elements as well. They do this to deviate from the main issues of why the people are protesting. Also they criminalize the victim any opportunity they get, like Trayvon Martin who never had the rap shit, ironically than that of the ever-growing rap sheet of one Zimmerman.
A Police Officer died from a gunshot wound in the head by a black youth, and Fox News and Right Wing Media states “why no protests.” Well mostly everyone on both sides would say what the criminal did was wrong in the first place and secondly I’m pretty sure the criminal who shot and killed the cop is sitting in jail and will serve his entire life in jail case closed! Not necessarily the case the other way around. (Notice how Left-Winged Media Outlets also condemn the killing of the Cop and didn’t justify the act as Fox does the other way around with Police Brutality). Furthermore, many Right Wing Extremists are PRAISED by Right Wing Media for standing up to the Federal Government. Like Cliven Bundy who refused to pay land grazing Taxes since the 1990’s and continuously letting his cattle graze on Federal Property which ironically was land squatted on and taken from the natives in the first place. Cliven Bundy protested by pointing Rifles at Federal Police and did not receive not a single scratch, yet a 12 year old kid Tamir Rice gets shot and killed withing 2 seconds of Police pulling up and Fox and Conservative Media continued making excuses. Also the shooting of Crawford in Ohio. The police again lied in the police report and many of us already know this but now with technology people are beginning to see this, yet the excuses rain down from these “News” Outlets. When a person sees a Fox “News” reporter first thing he should do is listen to the question and focus on the deviating tactic and quickly point it out.
Lastly Protests and rioting have been part of this Nation before it was a nation, with the most violent ones actually being White-Led Riots and they began with false information. Instead of burning down their own neighborhoods they burned down Black Neighborhoods killing many people, and around 300 in the case of Tulsa White Led Riots. Oftentimes with the indirect and or direct support of Police and Government Officials just for perspective.
Lastly I do not condemn all police officers obviously as many in Conservative Media or some commentators here condemn the Protests as a whole as violent “thugs” and rioting. I do understand however that the police officers no matter the race are subjected to a culture where at times they also stereotype the very people from the communities they themselves come from. Some Police speak out, but they then run against the culture of the police departments they work for. Ironically that very Fox “News” reporter named Leland Vittert stated he was “shoved” by Sharpton or the Mayor’s bodyguard….and he was barely touch after continuously asking to question and told they would answer at the Press Conference. Even Megyn Kelly called him out and laughed at his acting. Sharpton predicted Right Wing Media would use that to deviate and that’s what they did. Don’t paint with a broad brush, you are very likely to miss the details.
Note: White on Black crime fits a specific notorious narrative in this Nation, having to do with inequality Under the Law. However a white ex County Sheriff shot and killed a younger white male at a movie theater, and Black people actually stood up to speak against the Ex County Sheriff who shot the young man simply because he felt verbally insulted.
I think the author is overthinking much of the issue. You can’t apply this kind of rational thinking to a group of people who have historically, for over a century, done the same things to every community in which they were a majority. The media plays a significant role as well; black-on-black and black-on-white crime kill orders of magnitude more people every year than botched police chases like Freddie Gray’s. But it’s only these highly specific cases (Trayvon, Brown, Gray) that are plastered over our news 24/7 and inciting people to destroy their own communities.
Author is a fucking MORON. Sorry, Roosh. He IS. Where the fuck do you get these guys?
They are “writers” what do you expect?
Their goal is obvious, just as you said Al Sharpton openly stated what they want from all this, federal control of police agencies. They want to start with “federal monitors”. They’re already trying. Those federal monitors will have the power to fire officers or even police chiefs accused of discrimination.
aka questioning the federal government.
Once they have put enough of their own sympathizers in place, then they will have them terrorize the citizens to herd everyone to supporting a full federal takeover of police agencies. Police officers won’t answer to state governments but the to the DC federal monitors who will have the power to fire ” if discrimination is found”. And they’ll be able to decide what counts as discrimination.
The Left was furious when they passed all those gun laws in states only to have local sheriffs just ignore it because they weren’t going to terrorize their own voters to grab guns.
I bet by this summer you’ll see legislation being brought up to put more oversight of police agencies by the feds. They’ll say its for police in ghetto areas so that normal white voters won’t think it applies to them.
The Rinos will roll over and go, “But we have to solve this problem” and they’ll hand the keys to the kingdom to the feds to give them the power to fire local and state police they don’t like.
And then all these voters will be like, “Huh? I thought it was only for these police agencies”.
The Left wants federal control of everything because they want to run the USA like an Empire out of Washington, D.C. Centralized power means they have more power.
Just wait til they get to constructing their Death Star.
Sharpton and Jackson were booed out of Ferguson, maybe that’s why their opinions are being offered from a distance.
Probably. But even the mayor of Baltimore is afraid of her own voters (it’s obvious). Did you hear how Elijah Cummings (Md senator) tried to calm the crowds and was told loudly by several of them to “#$%k off”. He eventually fled the scene in a van.
It’s pretty lame when you’re terrified of the very people who vote you into office. No leadership whatsoever there.
They want to be treated like rock stars even after all of the things they do and the lack of leadership.
I find it logical why anyone would be paranoid about the militarization of police, especially when the Baltimore Riots were literally one false flag operation away from Martial Law.
I should know: my biological parents themselves were in law enforcement during Martial Law in the Philippines.
And, please, for the love of God, race is a red herring here.
Police were given bigger guns after the bad guys started using bigger guns. Can’t have the police using pea shooters when the bad guys have got body armour, automatic rifles, and high capacity mags. See the North Hollywood Shootout for more info.
Thats why there’s a SWAT team. Regular beat cops have no need of military weapons and gear to issue traffic tickets and hassle the general citizenry, the majority of whom do not carry the big guns or body armor you speak of. I’d be willing to bet that the percentage of “bad guys” that are out and about sporting the latest in body armor and automatic weapons is miniscule compared to people who don’t. Given the general ham fisted approach that the average beat cops take to enforcing the law these days, I think they should be stripped of their guns entirely. If they get into a situation where they’re being shot at, call in SWAT to deal with it. Letting barely educated hirees off the street wear a badge and carry a gun and expecting them to conduct themselves in a more morally and ethically upstanding way than their fellow citizens is like handing an alcoholic a bottle of vodka and expecting him not to drink it.
“In my opinion, the greater evil is themselves and their obsessive culture that finds no greater joy than the collective of tribal victimhood and anger.”
Hit the nail on the head.
The altruism of these political movements is always a ruse for more state power.
The typical meme that “people of color [black people] can’t be racist because they lack the power to effect their own racism” implies that if they did have the power, then they would act out their racism through policy and violence towards their perceived enemies, people with white skin.
This is ultimately what these social justice movements are about, to gain power via any means necessary of the government apparatus and dole out “historical justice.”
The movement’s current kingpin, Rev Al, wants more state intervention to get more control and to salve the mob’s lizard brain primal urge for violence and retribution. Rev. Al has even been a proponent of lowering the standard of what constitutes a hate crime. If Al and his mob had their way, they would legislate self-defense itself against any person of color as a hate crime and any act of violence towards a non person of color as an act of liberation.
When reading this article, I can’t help but constantly be reminded of Roosh’s latest article on Jewish intellectualism and its destructiveness.
Or like a cop?
In a nutshell Baltimore is a failed city like Detroit. It was destroyed by the same left wing Democrat belief system that ruined the motor city. Leftists will use it an proof that we need more of what failed.
“What it is – is young boys, the young folks in this community showing decades old of anger, frustration for a system that’s failed them…”
List of Baltimore mayors 1967 through 2015:
1967-1971 Thomas J. D’Alesandro III, Democrat
1971-1987 William Donald Schaefer, Democrat
1987 Clarence H. (Du) Burns, Democrat
1987-1999 Kurt L. Schmoke, Democrat
1999-2007 Martin J. O’Malley, Democrat
2007-2010 Sheila Dixon, Democrat
2010-present Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake, Democrat
When the oh so reverend AL Sharpton demands DOJ intervention, what he is really asking for is a Federal Police Force. What figment of local control still exists would be annihilated under his proposal. The professional race hustler is probably still shilling for the FBI and this is what he has to demand in order to keep the coin coming in.
Like the other comments I’ve seen, this stuff is funded and organized. These ‘riots’ are not grassroots movements that happened on their own. I’ve come to learn that people very rarely are ever able to organize on their own to start a protest or riot unless something truly devastating happens. It takes money, special interest groups, and organizing for it to occur. The same cabal that organized the Arab Spring, is the same cabal that organized the Ukranian uprising, is the continuation of the cabal that organized the bolshevik revolution. And is the same cabal behind the Ferguson and Baltimore and NY riots. SAME PLAYBOOK. The agenda is to nationalize the police forces across the nation eventually.
There may have been a grassroots movement to begin with. Most times they are infiltrated with government stooges.
The agenda is exactly as you said it is. They’ve been destabilizing us for decades. We are very close to end game which means our country will be like Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan to name a few.
“Rioting has it’s place in society…” Fuck off. Not in modern society. Sure, back in the day, e.g. French Revolution, it might have been effective, but today…? Fuck off. You can’t win. The rioters would have run in about 2 seconds if the police fired bullets into the crowd; and trust me, they will be doing that sometime in the near future if these monkeys continue with their shit.
Whatever happened to gratitude? If the niggers are soooo suppressed under white rule why don’t they fuck off to Africa and go live in Zimbabwe and enjoy Magabe’s rein (and that’s just naming one black cunt in charge over there). Go on, do it. Seriously. You’ve got your white education and shit, now fuck off to Africa and make it a prosperous continent. I won’t hold my breath.
A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city.
“This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,” Jordan said today from his Waterford home. “I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.”
Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.
The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.
But the U.S. District Court found that New London had “shown a rational basis for the policy.” In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover.
First, is the theory empirically justified? If so, I can see where civil authorities are coming from. That being said, it’s obvious that there are some areas where “rational discrimination” is socially acceptable, and others where it is not. The same arguments used to be applied to women, in terms of the actuarial probabilities that they would get pregnant and so have to leave the workforce. And disparate impact always looms large in the utilization of these sorts of tests.
Second, can’t you just fake a lower score on an intelligence test? Do police departments hire statisticians to smoke out evidence of conscious selection of incorrect scores? I doubt it. Jordan may be smart, but perhaps he lacks common sense if the upper bound for IQ was well known.
My initial thought was that an IQ of 104 seemed too low for a median police officer, but poking around it does seem plausible as a descriptive statistic. Honestly I don’t have much acquaintance with the police, so I’ll trust the scholars no this. That being said, is it in our social interest for police officers to be so average? I don’t know. Though is it in the social interest that someone with an IQ as high as Robert Jordan’s ends up a prison guard?
Believe that we live in a country that values human rights? Think that we are the freest country in the world? THINK AGAIN!!! We have ALL been lied to! Don’t believe me? Facts don’t lie…
Within the last couple of decades there has been a tremendous increase in the level of incarceration in the United States. Between 1988 and 1993, the imprisonment rate (number of adults incarcerated per 100,000 civilian adult population) increased from 244 (BJS, 1989) to 351 (BJS, 1994a) — an increase of 44%. This increase far exceeded the increase in crime. According to the FBI (Uniform Crime Reports, 1989 and 1994) the Index Crime Rate(1) increased by two percent during the same period. Other researchers also have reported that in the United States during the 1980s, the increases in crime lagged far behind the increases in imprisonment rates.(2) Thus, the increase in the level of crime alone is insufficient to explain the increase in imprisonment.
The United States incarcerates more people – and the highest percentage of its population –than any other country in the world! At the beginning of 2008, the U.S. had 2,319,258 people in federal, state, or local jails/prisons; China was a distant second in the world with 1.5 million people incarcerated; Russia in a distant third place at 870,000 people incarcerated. In a surprising twist, countries our government and public often points fingers at for human rights violations are far behind the U.S. in incarceration rates. According to statistics in 2007 and 2008, the U.S. was incarcerating a stunning 760 people per 100,000, Iran was at 222 per 100,000 people, South Africa was at 329 per 100,000 people, Russia – 626 per 100,000 people, Saudi Arabia – 178 per 100,000, and China – 119 per 100,000. What about countries we consider allies and comparable regarding human rights policies? In 2008, Canada incarcerated 116 people per 100,000 and France was at 222 per 100,000 people. Sweden, perhaps not surprisingly, was at a very low 74 people incarcerated per 100,000 people in its population.
The U.S. hit a startling figure in 2008 with 1 in 100, or more precisely, more than 1 in 99.1 people in the country incarcerated with the state of Georgia consistently ranking near the top for incarceration rates in the United States. In 2005, Georgia was ranked 2nd highest when 1,021 people per 100,000 were incarcerated, and according to 2007 data, Georgia had a rate 21% higher than the national average of incarcerated adults per 100,000. Just for those of you wondering, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and Oklahoma are always among the top of the incarceration list as well.
At what cost?
Readers can ascertain the human, familial, and social costs of the above facts themselves. Here I will focus a bit on the financial costs that have skyrocketed. Between 1987 and 2007, for example, states’ increase in spending on higher education was 21% while the increase in spending on corrections was 127%. In 2008, $1 in every $15.00 of states’ budgets of discretionary money was being used for corrections, and in the state of Georgia, every dollar spent on higher education equaled 50 cents spent on corrections. There is no doubt that in the nearing $100 billion industry of corrections, public priorities such as education, healthcare, parks and recreation, transportation, infrastructure, and so on have suffered.
Studies have also found that child support and restitution payments become almost nonexistent when someone responsible for such payments is incarcerated. So, it seems that we put people behind bars, take away their ability to work and earn money to be responsible for their debts, take away their ability to work and earn money and pay taxes into an increasingly small pool of money, and make it harder for them to find work after they are released because of the stigma of having served time in jail or prison. Even for those people less inclined to concern themselves with the social and moral ramifications of incarceration, everyone can certainly see the extreme economic cost to every single taxpayer and person in our country.
Our local tax dollars
For SPLOST 2011, voters will be asked to approve an $80 million bond sale to pay for only ONE jail expansion in Clarke County and the following November they will be asked whether to pay back the debt with future sales tax revenue (about $20 million in interest). That’s approximately $100 million to make room for even more than Georgia’s already high numbers of people incarcerated.
Given that the increased number of people being incarcerated is not correlated to an increase in crime, but rather change in policies governing admissions and lengths of stay in jails/prisons; Given the horrific differences between the rates of incarceration depending on race and socioeconomic status; And given the evidence of a skyrocketing jail/prison population and an exponentially increasing bill for housing and caring for incarcerated people, it is absolutely critical that taxpayers ask local, state, and national governments some tough questions. The only answer the government can give anymore is, “We have been focused for so long on the bottom line, that the bottom line is all we have left…”
What you can do about it
SERVE ON A JURY!!! The surest way we as citizens can stop our government from running roughshod over us is to simply refuse to convict! We all want to see justice done, to see right win-out over wrong; but arresting and incarcerating for financial reasons is simply tyranny!
Jury Nullification is defined as the right of the jury to judge not only the guilt or innocence of an individual, but also to determine whether or not the law under which they are charged is a just law. It is one of our fundamental rights, and a protector of our liberty, but the judiciary will not inform juror’s of their rights! The Founding Fathers all intended the jury to serve as a final safeguard of our liberties. In 1804, Samuel Chase, Supreme Court Justice and signer of the Declaration of Independence said: “The jury has the Right to judge both the law and the facts”. This power which Americans possess is to nullify oppressive acts of the legislature.” Thomas Jefferson said, “I consider trial by jury as the only anchor, ever yet imagined by man, by which a Government can be held to the principles of it’s constitution.” John Jay stated that “juries have the right to take upon themselves to judge both the law as well the facts.” John Adams said, “it is not only his (juror’s) right, but his duty – to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court.”
The Constitutions of numerous States currently have provisions guaranteeing the right of jurors to “judge” or “determine” the law, and two recent court cases have upheld this right. U.S. v. Dougherty, 473 F.2d 1139 (1972) and United States v. Moylan, 417 F.2d 1002, 1006 (4th Cir. 1969)
However, the Supreme Court has ruled that although juries have the right to ignore a judge’s instructions on the law, they don’t have to be made aware of their right to do so.
In our Constitutional Republic the people have granted certain limited powers to government, preserving and retaining their God-given inalienable rights. So, if it is the juror’s right to decide the law, then the citizens should know what their rights are. They need not be told by the courts. After all, the Constitution makes us the masters of the public servants. Should a servant have to tell a master what his rights are? Of course not, it’s our responsibility to know what our rights are!
The idea that juries are to judge only the “facts” is absurd and contrary to historical fact and law. Are juries only mere pawns to rubber stamp tyrannical acts of the government? We The People wrote the supreme law of the land, the Constitution, to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Who better to decide the fairness of the laws, or whether the laws conform to the Constitution?
What the white cops in Ferguson and Baltimore should have done is just pull out, never to return. Let the place burn, and the World can see these people for what they really are, the next Detroit. It amazes me that any other race in the world can peacefully co-exist together, but not one of them wants to live near black people in a majority black area. I’ve lived near Latinos, Indians, Asians, etc, and never had a problem. Let the blacks destroy the city, and don’t help them rebuild. Situations like these, there is no middle ground, because the other “side” has no interest in changing. They hate meritocracies, hate facts, and refuse to change. So the line has to be drawn. And if white people are so bad, why do they keep following us to every town we go to?
So what exactly is the middle ground? People should not be upset that people are being slaughtered in the streets like animals?
The facts are…these are government sanctioned riots. Paid for with big money, provocateurs sent in and the city is allowed to burn. Then the MSM pimps it with pictures from Venezuela. This isn’t a black/white issue. The fact that half of the cops involved are black and half white should have made you understand that. It’s just being pimped like that because they are trying to pit one group against another. If we kill each other, it saves them some work and allows them to say…see we need more cops, MRAPs, rifles, hollow points, laws and possibly marshal law.
If a protest is not Government sanctioned…people get hurt, vilified, arrested and eventually run off. See Occupy Wall Street. They protested for months. When winter didn’t drive them out, TPTB decided they had to do something. They closed them violently, and kept the press out while they did it. The press being booted is another clue that a protest isn’t sanctioned.
If you are still being fooled by Ferguson, Baltimore and the Zimmerman trial, shame on you. Follow the money paying for these events.
“So what exactly is the middle ground? People should not be upset that people are being slaughtered in the streets like animals? ”
They are animals: Mike Brown, Freddy Grey the fat fuck from NY. When was the last time the oh-so cops gunned down someone names “Chung” or “Patel”?
Careful, they do get killed it is just not reported that way. The people you listed are criminal types sure. The law is the law and it applies to the police also. Never ever let the police forget that ever. Don’t let this racism shit matter it is only about the police violating the constitution and getting away with it. Calling it racism lets them of the hook as your comment shows
I would really like the police to defy the authority of traitor politicians who decide to side with criminals. Maybe not a full revolt, but defy their authority from time to time. Politicians who support criminal groups don’t deserve to be listened to, regardless of the position they have.
Until Black people start to value their own lives, expect more chaos. This is not a government problem. Its not a police brutality problem. Its a black culture problem.
73% of blacks are born out of wedlock. When Dad’s not there to instill discipline and expectations upon the youth – the culture will destroy itself.
This is not a white people problem. This is not a government problem. This is a black problem. Blacks make up 13% of the population. They commit > 45% of murders in the US. They commit > 50% of volent crime. Its not because of poverty. Its not because of racism. Its not because of racism. Its not because of ignorant black leaders.
Its because Dad left. And until Dad comes back home, this race of people is going to be a parasite on US culture.
Dad didn’t leave he was forced out. Also “dad” was and is usually one of those thug types any way. He gets the gina tingle and the pussy. remember alpha male are not necessarily the best men for the sake of civilization or the black community.
Either way it is called African American culture and it is done on purpose to maintain and ignorant and helpless voting block.
I didnt know cops could read and write
fuck this shit i am tired seeing the cops doing fucked up shit then rednecks letting them rednecks full as shit the big boys took 100,000 decent blue collar jobs out of baltimore then next thing you know fucking cocaine is in dirt poor neighborhoods in baltimore.i grew there i saw had to go to baltimore county to certain white cats if you had the money to buy cocaine.
Simply a brilliant, insightful article. Thanks, Anon!
Hey where are the ‘Justice fo’ Trayvon’ riots that you promised us? My frineds and I knew you didn’t have the balls to bring your chimpouts to Central FL. You’d have been cut down by white homeowners before the cops had a chance to throw a tear gas grenade.
# Not to me.
Here’s a step by step guide for the riots.
1. Guy gets shot by officer
2. Riots break out
3. Police come in
4. Continues for several months
5. Everyone moves on
6. Repeat process
…wait unto all the cops quit and these downtrodden “youths” are stuck with angry “non-minorities” and no one to cry to.
Well the cops were told to stand down by the black mayor of B-more, so we can see what she actually values
The Baltimore cops are doing the right thing in standing down and letting the thugs kill each other off. Similar protests and race anger here in Indiana two years ago. The black preachers kept the neighborhoods riled up everytime there were patrols or arrests. So the mayor told them to police themselves.
So from noon to 3am you could be anywhere downtown and hear gunfire coming from the ghetto areas. After two years it stopped because the thugs had killed each other off. Now, in the meantime ambulances and fire trucks had to stop going there also, because they’d be robbed and shot at.
But it’s natural selection. They don’t want the police interfering with their chosen lifestyle of crime, and they use SJW’s to defend them. So just give everybody what they want.