I’ve previously written about how the very concept of beauty in the Western world is being attacked. Coordinated efforts are being made to re-define beauty to accommodate the growing heft of strong, independent American women. These efforts are succeeding, because there are many fat women who are actually proud of their fat, with no immediate plan to lose the weight. Except for a handful of deviant websites like 4chan and Misc, no one is pushing back against fat acceptance.
There is no prominent politician or media figure who uses their influence to say, “Hey now, fat people are decreasing life spans and burdening our health care system.” There is no one stating the obvious that a person’s physical appearance is a reliable indicator of their character. There is no Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil stating that it’s impossible for a whale of immense proportions to be a psychologically well-balanced person. There is no male celebrity stating that he rather die than have sex with a woman over 150 pounds.
Why is this? We are allowing fat people to change the definition of beauty? Because they are consumers with money to spend and because they are citizens with votes to cast. Offending them is not prudent from a business or political standpoint. Telling them to put the goddamn bacon cheeseburger down may cause them to spend their money elsewhere or vote for the other guy. This means that fat acceptance will continue to make strides in the corporate and political sectors of life, but thankfully these two institutions don’t completely control the culture. No matter how many ads Dove makes featuring morbidly obese women in bikinis, most men will simply not find fat women attractive. No matter how many feminists tell you to stop being “sexist” for having a natural and biological preference for fit women, most men would rather jerk off with their left hand than try to find the vaginal entry point of a fat woman.
That’s where we come in. We at ROK fully understand that the reason women are so against fat shaming is because it works. Mocking someone for lazy and slothful behavior is one of the best ways to motivate them to change and appear more pleasing before our presence. If a fat woman goes to the bar with attitude, thinking she’s a great catch, but several men check her for that arrogance by calling her a grenade launcher, do you think she’ll feel comfortable the next day for her scheduled cupcake and ice cream binge?
Hurting people’s feelings is the quickest way to get them to change, as any man who has been rejected by women can tell you (we can get laid today only because we’ve adapted to being shamed and punished for our appearance and beta male behavior over the course of many years). It’s no coincidence that fat shaming and slut shaming are two big causes du jour of mustached feminists, because these two work synergistically in creating women who are not fat and not unabashedly slutty. The fact that these shaming techniques are being attacked simply confirms their immense power.
Therefore, we are proud to announce this week as Fat Shaming Week. For the next seven days, we will promote a culture of fat shaming. The brightest masculine minds are currently at work to bring you a delicious buffet of fat shaming analysis and literature. During fat shaming week, I implore you not to whine and nag about wanting a wider selection of posting matter. If you don’t like fat shaming—and we don’t see why that would be the case—come back next Monday when we return to our regular program. We have decided as a group that fat shaming is essential in creating a society of thin, beautiful women who are ashamed for being ugly. Let the fat shaming begin!
Read Next: Why Fat Women Should Be Sent To Prison
Howd you make a fat chick run?
Tell her burger King has a 2 for 1 special in 5 minutes
Whats a cheaper way to do fracking? Put a fat chick in heels and make her jump.
Every time a fat chick eats a puppy dies and burns in hell
You had me at “Every time a fat chick eats a puppy.”
Ahh, the importance of punctuation…
When judgment day comes, God’ll put them where they belong: with the Cereberus. Payback is a real bitch. And the Cerberus don’t like puppy eating either. Gotta love poetic justice.
Keep your religious opinions to yourself, buckaroo…
Nothing to do with religion, everything to do with Dante. He had a brilliant way of torturing people.
A Jewish God will use a Greek underworld guardian for judgement?!
Actually, that’s where the people doing the fat shaming will end up.
Cerberus doesn’t like gluttons, nor does Dante. Why is there a circle of hell dedicate to them then?
Because it made for good fiction writing in their opinions.
I really doubt Dante was writing the Inferno for fiction writing. Obviously gluttons had become so wasteful and unproductive that they deserved their own circle. The world isn’t big enough to support the grotesque mouths of fatties.
May I formally request that “Fat Shaming Week” be changed to “Every time a fat chick eats a puppy”.
Show your support! Get the hashtag #FatShamingWeek trending on the Twitters.
Our sisters need our support (and a girdle is not enough!)
I skimmed through the study: http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0070048
It’s based on a *survey* given to fat people about the number of instances they received “weight discrimination”. This is NOT a double blind study. Therefore it is impossible for it to prove causality one way or another (i.e. I wouldn’t link to a survey study that “proves” fat shaming works).
Suspiciously, the actual survey they gave to mostly old participants is not shared, so we have no idea what they polled for and what “weight discrimination” actually is, but you can rest assured it’s quite subjective with no consistency among study participants.
There are two results that can happen with sustained fat shaming:
1. The person loses weight IF they want to have an active social life.
2. The person withdraws from social life and becomes one with their bedroom pizza lair.
It’s not a coincidence that the height of fat acceptance (and anti-fat shaming) coincides with America being the fattest it has ever been. Men here don’t need to survey old people to know that if you take away disincentives to being fat (shame, ridicule, lack of sexual options), you create an incentive to being thin.
As a side note, you’ve revealed yourself to be overweight through your comment.
Any study based on totally subjective surveys (“Did you feel bullied?”, “Did you feel discrimination?” etc.) is, by any sane standard, not scientific, as it is garbage in, garbage out.
Roosh’s standard for a useful study – that it is double blind (meaning neither the subjects nor administrators know what they’re researching) – is very strict. Personally, I accept some epidemiological, non-clinical studies, but only as reasonable theories which should then spawn clinical studies to verify.
Okay. So your experiment would be… fat shame experimental group, see what happens… shelter the control group from mass media and all sources of fat shaming, see what happens. I don’t see how this becomes a feasible or ethical clinical study. I’m sorry dude, the best your gonna get is an epidemiological study, doesn’t mean you should throw out results with statistical significance because a laboratory isn’t involved.
oooo the pizza lair sounds good to me…. fatty bisexuals welcome….
115 lbs. I think the obesity crisis has nothing to do people making bad choices, but with a misinformed public that thinks fat makes them fat instead of carbs. My secret. Low carb, high fat. No exercise. People really have no idea that sugar in every single form is the worst thing they could put in their body, while fat is harmless and satiating. I fully stand behind Gary Taubes’ “Why We Get Fat.” And trust me, its not because people aren’t fat shamed enough. They will be fat as long as they trust nutritionists. I love that you had to call me overweight because I think it’s shitty to judge people. I didn’t really need a study to tell me that, just a moral compass. You can actually learn a lot from correlational studies, especially with those with over 6,000 participants. Most social studies of this kind are correlational. Of course you can only imply a relationship, and a pretty strong one at that. I don’t see how them being over fifty means the results don’t mean anything. Now if you can’t show me a study to prove that fat shaming works, can you at least show me one that shows it is highly correlated with weight loss. I would actually be interested in seeing that.
Tits or GTFO.
I just select for skinny women. Let your actions speak for you. Most women don’t respond to logical arguments anyway, even in the form of shaming. They DO respond to losing their options in the sexual marketplace. And this is just me, but if I get negative it alters my mood and hurts my game. Not suggesting you do anything different, just my personal way of doing it. I don’t have time to change the world but I can always improve my own life.
Shaming is not logical, it is an attack on the core of a person’s worth. It carries deep emotional pain and the fatty will bear the scars forever. Eventually, the pain becomes unbearable and she will try to change. Ignoring them simply carries the message that you don’t mind them. Showing revulsion, contempt and disgust will carry your message a 1000x more potently than looking the other way. Looking the other way while your house is burning won’t stop the fact that your house is fucking burning.
I have been rejected countless times. I don’t remember most of them. But I remember one particularly sharply. I approached a blond with her friend, and she stared me down with the most utter look of contempt I have ever witnessed. Then she sneered and turned around, without even answering.
My psyche, and perception of my own value was attacked and completely annihilated and I vowed to never let that happen again and proceeded to improve my game, my style and myself.
Frankly, I have adopted the same tactcs liberals use to shame those who disagree with them against them. Shaming is one such tactic. Never get angry. The best way to inflict mental anguish is an attitude of contempt, revulsion and disgust, dosed with a good measure of guilt-tripping.
Everytime I encounter someone telling me about fat shamiing, I simply shrug and tell them something to the tune of
“I frankly don’t care whether someone decides to ruin their health and body out of sheer laziness, I just feel extreme pity for the children forced to grow up in their midst, knowing that they will shamelessly pass on their disgusting habits to the kids and cripple them with mental and physical health issues. What kind of person would wish that on their children? They either don’t care about the well-being of their children and the future generations, or they are too lazy to actually take proper care of their own, which is even more contemptible. Now, if you are going to stand here and defend these individuals, that’s on you, but remember that these poor kids sufferings will be the direct consequence of your actions”
Logic doesn’t work, shame them, guilt-trip them, paint them as worthless.
Don’t get too emotional, a hint of disgust or contempt works best. They will come round
Idiotic. All that’s going to do is encourage them to gain weight and make you look like a prick.
Lol. I just posted a similar comment on some fatties blog. She deleted my post and closed the comments section. I believe that’s what we call a critical hit in video game parlance.
It is particularly telling how much the raw, visceral truth about their selfish and evil nature hurts them, considering she had responded to almost every other comment so far, but she had to resort to censorship here.
and since you refer to trolling womens blogs hoping to be despicable enough to have then delete your comments as “video game parlance” you sound like a huge catch! I mean the last guy I knew who was that obsessed with video games was a virgin, and the one before that was abusive, it’s no wonder you use the term so proudly!
Oh yes, I applaud the efforts of these guys, in fact we should shame every negative aspect of every group. So let’s hear it for shaming tiny dicks/brains. In particular let’s shame the type of male who buys into the superficial socially-hyped value system that says women should be skinny, large-breasted, mindless, and above all passive and ready to be an object for sexual gratification. These guys don’t value or want real and yes, imperfect, women–they want blow-up dolls. Real women are obviously just too threatening for these boys.
Dear god, somebody on this waste dump of a comment section actually knows what they’re talking about?
You never cease to amaze me Internet.
Wow…your mother must be so proud. Lol! My weight fluxuates so I could be big one year and svelte the next. You never know. I always knew men thought like this but I never knew they were proud to be such dicks. It is one thing to care about a person and want them healthy but to just want them skinny because it helps make your dick look bigger is just fucking ridiculous. You guys stare at yourselves in the mirror when working out don’t you? You turn yourself on. Have you ever seen American Psycho? That is how I imagine every guy on this comment thread only not good looking. Sad and pathetic. Healthy should be your goal with helpful and motivating attitudes. Not the Revenge of the Nerds douche bag frat boy mentality. I am sure you feel confident spreading your contemptible vitriolic rhetoric on this blog but hide it behind a veneer of indifference when in public. Pathetic. Please don’t breed.
Lack of options isn’t enough, their hamster will happily rationalize it with statements like “men won’t date me because they are insecure”.
Fat shaming is so obvious it can’t be rationalized, which makes it far more effective.
Except it’s been proven completely ineffective.
Yeah but Sam, women’s rationalization can change any form of subtle rejection into a positive. He didn’t choose me, I didn’t choose him because he’s a douche bag. He has a girlfriend and he’s a really sweet guy that doesn’t want to cheat on her with me, etc etc. Especially fat girls – they look in the mirror every day, they know what they are. Their mental realization is freakin’ Newtonian in complexity.
Fatness won’t go away until a certain proportion of fatties who are susceptible to shame change their lives. Fat people move in herds, and if one or two members of the herd enact a massive change akin to this http://emmatheemo.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/redhead-weightloss.jpg or this http://imgur.com/a/5R2JF then others in the herd will be motivated to change. No all of them will, but even if shame snowballed into a 30% reduced rate of fatness, it would be a smashing success. Hell, even 3% of fat chicks making themselves bangable would be a victory worth fornicating – once, probably with the lights off to avoid looking at the skin.
Gentlemen, this is a cool vid. The bitch in the audience got owned…
“you don’t have a girlfriend”
bitch doesn’t know bout pump’n’dump
So you say a fat women can’t run? Did you ever try an take her chicken wing before?
I did, and when she ran out of breath, I ate it while she watched. Yes, kitten smoothies have excellent protein madam. I’d say you probably just burned a hundred calories running this last 20 feet; and I have good news, and bad news.
First the bad news. Losing the pounds via calories will become harder the less of a tubby-tubby you are, the good news is that as men actually find you attractive you will start to enjoy it.
Chicken leg?
And don’t get in their way at the salad bar either.
IN today’s raunchy buffets, I wonder why the salad bar is even there?
When I call them grass eaters, it is because they are unsexy to the maximum waistline; not because they eat vegetables.
*takes popcorn*
Sadly, I have been banned from Salon :
“And then, like any kick-ass heroines, we came up with a plan.”
Wow. That about sums it up.
Ha! She claims a thyroid problem….
You should have been. She’s not even fat.
“Except for a handful of deviant websites like 4chan and Misc,”
The interesting thing is that they’re probably the only places other than far-right websites or fundie churches that still use the word ‘degenerate’ un-ironically.
Sure, why not. I wrote this a couple of months ago:
Consider it my contribution.
I do lay most of the blame however (regarding America at least), on the terrible and redistributive agricultural policy of the U.S. government, which makes horrible food cheap and abundant and good food rarer and more expensive, and this is not a gender-specific problem (granted, most of the fat acceptance kooks I’ve seen have been women, suggesting massive insecurity for reasons already mentioned).
I agree with your diagnosis of the primary cause: artificial abundance of sugar and carbs (which are physiologically addictive) and therefore their supplanting of good foods. (And so I also disagree with Roosh’s associating bacon cheeseburgers with cupcakes and ice cream – saturated fats are great for you, provided daily carb+sugar intake < 200g – for average person.)
This doesn’t excuse fatties, but it does help to explain it.
This discussion should also include the fact that the “fat acceptance” is destructive and lethal, as they are encouraging behavior that leads to countless maladies and death. Celebrating obesity is like celebrating driving 150 mph on a jagged road.
You should preface that with a few facts;
a) No reputable scientist in the world believes that carbs ‘are physiologically addictive’.
b) One cannot put on fat, without eating fats
c) Diets high in saturated fat cause heart attacks at a vastly greater rate than a standard diet. Hardly ‘great for you’.
Bacon double cheeseburgers are the antithesis of healthy. To say otherwise is an attempt to justify and rationalize a bad habit.
You’re ignorant. Wouldn’t be so bad, but you’re posing as smart.
By “No reputable scientist” you must mean “Tons of clinical studies.” Search: PubMed. Keywords: “carb addiction” “sugar addiction”.
Like most beta males, you argue from authority rather than logistics. Still, for the lurkers, I’ll explain: Carbs and sugars trigger insulin production in the pancreas. As one eats more carbs and sugars, one’s insulin sensitivity reduces (the same as a junkie building tolerance to his drug). Because insulin is a vital hormone, one needs to then eat more and more carbs and sugars simply to get the natural insulin sensitivity. Soon, as insulin sensitivity decreases beyond the pancreas’s output capabilities, they become diabetic and need to inject insulin.
The hilarious and enlightening documentary ‘Fat Head’ (free at Hulu) explains a great deal of this (also exposes fraud in ‘Super Size Me’). http://www.hulu.com/watch/196879
Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol are the foundation for most all hormones – most especially testosterone. Without red meat and lots of saturated fat, men become effeminate and production of both T and semen plummet dramatically. This is why retarded men like you need Viagara to fuck.
Strong ad hominems, brah.
No, I’m telling you that no reputable scientist would ever say that carbohydrate foods are ‘physiologically addictive’. If you understood the term even vaguely, you’d know that very few things are.
To apply it to carbs is as absurd as saying “Oxygen is addictive’.
The guy who made ‘Fat Head’ is a conspiracy theorist with no experience or qualification relevant to the field of human nutrition. There’s a reason why virtually no one has paid to see his movie.
Also, you think it’s ‘beta’ to depend on the scientific method rather than the anecdotes and old wives’ tales found on numerous Broscience forums?
Dude, you just don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I’d be happy to continue educating, but you’re a poseur, fronting as educated, and therefore talking to you is stealing time from an honest man who talks in good faith.
You continued your beta attempts at argument from authority, idiotic insults of ‘Fat Head’ (nothing wrong with being “conspiracy theorist”, but he’s not one, regardless, so there’s another lie), and more retard bullshit.
Do whatever you want. Eat high carb, low fat diet (just the same as America has been doing) and whatever else you want. It’s none of my business.
For any lurkers out there, here’s a great article on the importance of saturated fat and cholesterol for testosterone: http://www.artofmanliness.com/2013/01/18/how-to-increase-testosterone-naturally/
(Again, note that America’s red meat consumption has been dropping steadily since the late 1980’s.)
………………And this is one reason why I don’t really buy into the whole Atkins/Paleo fad. Its adherents almost always border on the obnoxious. If it works for them, fine, but they tend to get self-righteous about it, a lot.
The basics I believe should be simple- adjust your diet according to your metabolism and lifestyle, and avoid processed foods. I don’t see why this needs to be so complicated.
Enjoy living in a conspiracy theorist bubble, ‘dude’.
I’ll stick to the scientific method, if that’s fine by you.
Delusional? Schizophrenic? Both?
Never stated any “conspiracy”. People do conspire, and good to expose. But didn’t get around to that in my posts.
You adhere to the scientific method like Elton John adheres to a Puritan lifestyle.
I’m very deeply sorry to have disturbed a powerful, strong, successful alpha-male like you, David. http://m.c.lnkd.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-npU2llpij5VoRq3HqvScTY0PHc_Z_3yLnpmGWjroHQsK4f7KnpUGWxliHFur_gvDl1hr/david-brennan.jpg
That McDonalds diet looks to be doing wonders for you….
(I owed you an ad hominem)
Creepy, closet-case stalker: Never, ever, ever come near me in real life.
David, are you familiar with the science and philosophy behind IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros)?
I gotta disagree with one point. When cattlemen want their cows to get fat for market, they don’t feed them butter. It’s corn. Ain’t no fat in corn. But corn makes ya fat. So…”b” is patently incorrect.
Corn is 10% fat.
Um…okay. But it’s 90% not. The human body is capable of readily making fat out of insulin-stimulating carbohydrates. Perhaps even easier than storing dietary fat, which I’m not certain is possible without something to stimulate the pancreas…
Well.. you did say ‘aint no fat in corn’.
Grazing animals can easily convert starchy carbs into fat, whereas humans are very inefficient at converting carbohydrate to fat; we don’t do it under normal conditions. (The cost for this conversion is 30 percent of the calories consumed).
Gotta go with David on this one. And Dietary fat is a good thing, it satiates. Eggs and bacon are better for you than a bowl of cereal.
I also agree with that recommendation of watching Fathead. The dude is kinda hokey, but it’ll change the way you look at eating.
The FatHead guy never claimed to be an expert. He just presented other experts over the course of his own personal science experiment and journey.
Oh my goodness you are so dumb, pretty much everything you’ve said is wrong but mainly: you are talking about type 2 diabetes and its type 1 diabetics that inject insulin. Type 2 diabetics can still release insulin but their receptors don’t respond effectively but they can control this with a sensible diet, it can at some stages even be reversed. Insulin injections are for type 1 where the patient can’t make insulin, nothing to do with diet at all. We can also make our own cholesterol and don’t need to take any in through diet, saturated fat is terrible for you, the only good fats are mono and poly unsaturated fats. Maybe you should start reading pubmed if you think you’re so clever…
You said one can not put on fat without eating fats. You lost the argument in your second preface. It’s not true and you are arrogant for thinking you can make things up and post them as facts.
You said one can not put on fat without eating fats. You lost the argument in your second preface. It’s not true and you are arrogant for thinking you can make things up and post them as facts.
Again. corn is 4.7% fat not 10%, where do you get your facts from. Better yet, how do you come to the idea that the other 15.74 X carbohydrate have less of an effect? You are on fire.
I’m assuming that the overwhelming majority of commenters on a Disqus thread are not suffering from starvation or a hypothermic event. Pretty reasonable, no?
Your biblical quoting of the figure ‘4.7%’ suggests you have a total lack of awareness of the variable nature of crops.
Corn can be anywhere from 3 to 18 percent fat, the most common being around 10%.
3-18% – http://www.fao.org/docrep/t0395e/t0395e03.htm
12% – http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/cereal-grains-and-pasta/5687/2
10% – http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eating/the-nutrition-of-corn.html#b
Research before you type, Aamon.
you know your girlfriend is getting fat when she fits into your wifes pants.
someone got dumped
If you hate fatties.
Every single fat person out there is better than people like you and on those websites. I actually can’t believe people as ignorant and flat out stupid as you exist. You’re as bad as Hitler.
You fatties are pretty damn disgusting.
Person 1: Skinny person motivated by greed. They smuggled money from their clients, cheated on their wife and beat their kids
Person 2: Fat person, kind, makes a constant effort every day to help others, entreprenur busy all day trying to create new innovative products
And you think person 1 is better? You are screwed up. Fact.
And quite frankly Godwin’s law means shit. If you really think it makes my point any less valid, then you’re beyond an idiot. Can’t even be reasoned with.
The funny thing about you pointing to ignorance is that your entire thought and comment reeks of it. There is no logical thought. Just pure evil. You are a horrible person, and you shift the blame to a minority to get it off yourself. Disgusting.
But these are extreme examples, sweetie : ) You’re making the thin person a criminal and the fat person an angel. Why not make both examples the same, save for weight being the only determinant factor?
Unless you’re stereotyping all thin people as terrible personalities and all fat people as wonderful beings? That in itself would be your discrimination against the slim, wouldn’t it? : )
The entire point of the extreme case was that not all fat people are bad, not all skinny people are good. That extreme case does exist, as does the opposite. The point is that if both examples are the same, save for weight, then they’re equal. You cannot judge a person’s personality on their weight, and shouldn’t decide whether or not you like them or not (since that should come down to personality, note that I’m NOT talking about sexual attraction of any kind). It’s as simple as that. It’s anti-discrimination. I don’t believe in discrimination of any kind.
Point noted : ) Well, look at it from a different perspective. People have preferences and it seems these preferences are not respected. They’re being shamed by folks who don’t fall within these preferences for liking what they do – slim. Their tastes are insulted when they’re said to like ‘twigs’ or ‘anorexic’.
What if 1 day you’re shamed for preferring non-discrimination? What if your manliness is insulted for your beliefs? What if your personality and upbringing are insulted? Would you fight back?
Yes. Am I right?
So these folks are doing what is only human – defending their preferences. Is it wrong? : )
Having said this, I am not gonna fight nor entertain any aggression. We can always agree to disagree, peacefully and respectfully : )
Not liking a person = Genocide against people and starting one of the deadliest wars in history.
The point of a comparison falls flat on you doesn’t it? Pretty lazy response on your end. It’s pretty much an acknowledgement that you didn’t even try to understand the point.
Honest question here from a fat dude with a fat wife. I’ve lost huge amounts of weight and re-gained it over the years. We both believe that being overweight is unhealthy, unattractive, etc, and are working diligently to correct the problem. I see “fat acceptance” as a microcosm of female liberal fantasy-world “thinking” (read: feeling) that promotes poor health and lack of accountability for one’s own physical and mental well-being.
On the other hand, lots of people are lazy, slothful, and excessively hedonistic without being fat (e.g. junkies, drunks, etc). Fat-shaming, while it may be cathartic and act as a hamfisted counterweight to liberal permissiveness, isn’t really all that effective in the long run. Trust me: the vast majority of fat people (even women) know just how disgusting, pathetic, and slobbish they look and act. Shaming someone who already has a low opinion of himself is a waste of time. I can say from personal experience that it actually doesn’t provide lasting motivation to change; that has to be arrived at through a recognition of self-interest and acknowledgement of personal accountability. For the small percentage of women who truly buy into “fat acceptance”, it just feeds their sense of victimhood and allows the feminist propaganda to continue bypassing their natural self-interest mechanisms.
So, to my question: wouldn’t it be more effective to target the attitude itself for shaming, instead of “fatness”, which is really just one of a number of possible symptoms of the underlying dysfunctional worldview? I can see, for example, hammering home that the blame for fat womens’ health problems lies squarely at the feet of the “fat acceptance” movement: they are, in essence, prioritizing their short-term feel-goodiness over the actual physical health of fat people. I would go so far as to say that they are actively promoting the deaths of large segments of the population by providing rhetorical and emotional cover for their objectively unhealthy behavior. Headline:
“The Fat Acceptance Movement is Trying to Kill You”
“The Fat Acceptance Movement is Trying to Kill You”.
Excellent. If McDonald’s can be sued, legislated, and slandered (‘Super Size Me’), then these deadly feminist cunts should be, too. They directly encourage the behavior that McDonald’s could only cause when abused.
hmm… perhaps we can make a movie….. Super Fem Me….. about interacting with feminist women instead of burgers….
i came into contact with several feminists a day and pretty soon Dr. Roosh was detecting symptoms of beta, white knight and pussy whipping…. and he immediately suggest i change my social life….
The flip side of fat shaming is the encouragement of fat people who are making good-faith efforts to keep their weight down. The nutrient-deficient, HFCS-laden American diet practically forces people to get fat if they aren’t careful.
But saying ‘fat women already have low self-worth’ isn’t saying much, since deep down ALL women have a low sense of self-worth. That’s what causes so many women to start gaining weight in the first place. Fat shaming isn’t about self-worth, it’s about making them feel bad about being fat in particular.
And why fatness? Because it’s outwardly disgusting, much more so than being, say, a junkie. Not that being a junkie is acceptable.
“it’s about making them feel bad about being fat in particular.”
If only it worked that way; unfortunately, when you’re fat, if you feel bad about being fat, you feel bad about yourself generally. Not that this is a totally bad thing, because it can provide motivation as long as it stays within a certain range of intensity. But additional external input intended to increase this intensity is probably going to be counterproductive in the vast majority of cases.
“Because it’s outwardly disgusting, much more so than being, say, a junkie”
Agreed that it’s outwardly disgusting. Don’t agree that it’s objectively more so than being a junkie. Take a look around for mug shots of crack whores; I’m not sure I could get hard around most of them with a bottle full of viagra and a premium subscription to Pornhub playing on an HD TV with surround sound. Not to mention that you don’t often hear about fat people robbing stores to pay for their next Twinkie fix. Junkies, especially female ones, are pretty fucking disgusting both visually and morally.
Usually the gyms are filled with fat people the first weeks after the New Year. After all, the most common resolution is to lose weight. Then they simply give up after a few weeks, saying “it’s hopeless.” You don’t see them for the rest of the year.
Yeah exactly. As I neared my 30th birthday, I decided to get rid of my gut and lose 30 pounds. So I cleaned up an old mountain bike and started riding last April, then in mid-summer bought a new mountain bike. Now 20 pounds lighter as Fall sets and ready to keep riding 7-10 hours a week until the snow falls.
Fitness ain’t magic, it takes real self paced work and unlike your job no one can tell you how you are doing.
it’s really easy to lose weight, just give up all dairy food…cheese is 40-50% fat… butter even worse…. milk is unfit for humans especially the way they produce it today with hormones and extended lactation periods on the cattle….. cut that muck out and you’ll lose lbs by the day…
How about a “PUA Guru Wannabe That Can’t Get Laid” shaming week.
Hmm? I like that idea.
“The brightest masculine minds are currently at work to bring you a delicious buffet of fat shaming analysis and literature.”
I have the popcorn ready to be popped. I can’t wait for this.
U fat ?
Shouldn’t this be a month-long effort?
“we will promote a culture of fat shaming”
I had a visceral reaction to reading these words. This is absolutely amazing, and liberating.
This should not only be a week-long annual event, it may require its own website.
Some Muslims led the charge against fat shaming in 2012:
We can only hope they continue their jihad.
I declare a Crusade against fat broads.
muslims are worse to have around than fat ppl
And let’s not let each other off the hook, either, you fat bastards! I need to lose 40 pounds! Today I begin the journey out of slobdom!
You can do it, brother. One day at a time.
I started the journey in February.
Coming into 2013, I had ballooned up to 360lbs. I was edging in on becoming a SUPERFATTIE!
Fast forward to today, I’m down to 255. Doing it by eating better and moving around more. No fancy diets, it’s a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Instead of having Mcdonalds for breakfast, BK or KFC for lunch and Wendy’s for dinner, I now cook all my own meals, including my lunches. I learned that I can lose weight while still eating plenty, as long as I ate the RIGHT things.
You CAN lose the weight, we have faith in you!
Are you fucking kidding me? You think 360 lbs is EDGING on superfatttie? You’re STILL morbidly obese at 255 you fucking disgusting slob.
How would you know? He didn’t say how tall he was. The guy might be 6’6″, which would put him at a healthy weight now.
I’m not 6’6″, but I do only have about 30lbs more to go.
Let me ask you a question, why the hell are you so mean about it? Do you actually mean this shit or are you just plain ignorant? Perhaps retarded?
My guess is that your dad hit you too hard one to many times.
Fuck these guys, TTFK, you’re doing great. Keep up the good work, bro.
Been a while, going through old comments and wanted to give an update.
Weight has been holding steady around 192-195 for several months now. Still doing all the things I was before, but after making my previous post I started a new permanent habit of going to the gym and lifting heavy things. After a few group lessons to get my endurance level up, went to a 3 day program of compound movements.
This Sunday I am going for 315lbs on my squat 🙂
Go for it! Keep it up, you can do it!
Good work. Thanks for the update.
That’s fantastic! Good on you!
Love this idea. At no point in my life has acceptance motivated me to improve myself.
I’m encouraged that the public is finally starting to talk about the obesity epidemic, but I’m disappointed at how lazy people and manipulators with an agenda have hijacked the dialogue.
One must motivate oneself to change. Belief in one’s own ability to change, is the first step to achieving that change. Therefore, exposing a weakness via shame, then encouraging belief in one’s ability to change, is a solid plan of action that has motivated men to become stronger warriors for millenia.
However, like so many social programs, fat acceptance fails to solve anything, and instead weakens us all, by suggesting acceptance is the end goal of the movement, rather than the starting point.
Therefore, I propose a slight modification of the central premise. Change “it’s not OK to be fat” to “it’s not OK to accept your current fat self, and we believe you have the power to change.”
For instance, one might publish a post of fat people who have become healthy, the new and improved partners they have attracted and successes they have achieved, and other people who are naturally jealous. As we all know, envy is as powerful a motivator to encourage behavior, as shame is to stop a behavior.
In other words, maybe alternate fat shaming with healthy envy.
Either way, as usual, solid plan, Roosh.
Give me a break, i bet not one person on here has a full 6 pack…and guess why? “Too much body fat”..
speak for yourself captain flour
At least in the United States, almost everyone is overweight….if u cant pass the basic Army physical, u cant comment on anyone else…
if i lose any more body fat people will think i’ve had surgery…
>most men would rather jerk off with their left hand than try to find the vaginal entry point of a fat woman.
jerking off with your left hand is great!
Has no one here heard of rolling her in flour and looking for the wet spot?
Or you could just count the folds til you find one with buzzing flies and then go back one.
Aw Roosh come on, you just haven’t discovered the joy and pleasure that comes from breaking some off in BBW. But’s that all right I guess, more for me.
All this shaming means there’ll be a spike in the number of emotionally desperate, validition-seeking BBWs, a perfect storm for you!
The more girls fat shammed, the worse they feel about themselves, the easier it will be for YOU To pick them up. LIfe will be good for good ol’ Nigel!
fatties always try harder (and will do pretty much whatever you want)… the only trouble i have is keeping it up for whales…. and they get pretty pissy about that….
Being fat or thin really is only about calories in – calories out.
A grown man needs about 2500 kilo-calories per day, a woman about 2000.
Take myself, I count the calories I eat every day and make sure it’s no more or no less than 2500. Thus I stay thin, with a BMI of 20.
Compare my 2500 kcal to the average american 3900 kcal per day, and you have the answer right there. It’s all about that difference of 1400 calories per day. That’s it.
But seriously, that’s just it. No harder.
it’s because the US food is all pulp and full of hormones…. i go to the US I can’t believe how much I have to eat to feel I had a decent meal…. My buddies come to Europe and magically cut back and lose weight….
Fat people who are OK with beiing fat should not be allowed to have state sponsored health care.
lets have fat shaming for life
Yo mama is so fat that ….
I wonder if that guy who posted the Tweet about Phd’s and carbs got fired??
Cool “Fat Shaming Week” is there a ribbon made from bacon I can wear??
we can start with fat jokes: “Your GF is so fat her blood type is Ragu”
“Pardon me, ma’am, but you and your friend here should be ashamed of your weights…oh…wait…there’s only one of you?!?!”
Remember, fat shaming goes only one way, towards fat ugly piglets. For men it’s ok and if were fat beats, we still belong with 18 year old slim girls. Thats just how nature is.
No, it goes both way, beta-male.
Nope, your the beta male for thinking so.
Your mom is a beta-male.
Ha Ha! Nature works differently than that. Fat chicks are leftovers. And leftovers go to beta-males. Beta-males tend to be fat and have little self-control, just like fat women. Better have real good game if you’re going there, because a sloth sets off red flags to everybody.
While having muscle helps it is not what women are attracted to primarily. Your attitude, confidence and your place in the male hierarchy is what truly matters.
On the other hand, no man is attracted to a woman because of her status, her money or power.
You have a fucked up view of reality.
the renaissance artists seemed to find fatties pretty sexy… at least they painted a lot of portraits of them anyway….
No, this is a myth.Remember those days they painted for Church, so, sexy women bodys would never be accepted.That’s why they drawed woman with a montronly body,it wasn’t about beauty, was pure simbolism.Google search Goya, this guy painted a thin, beautiful naked women and his art was considered “to erotic, bad art”. Search for old Indian female statues ( indian people celebrated sex, diferent then western cristian-jwelsh culture), they are all thin ,tiny tiny waisted with BIG boobs.Go study some history.
On the flip side, heap hearty praise on the women in your life who have recently lost weight and toned up.
Fat shaming week beats Shark Week by a country mile
When you are in the bar or on the street and a fat woman tries to catch your eye, pointedly ignore her. Women are senstitive to that kind of thing and it does affect them.
I have nothing profound to say, but I seriously love this site and articles like this one. Thank you.
This is why a free market is truely the best. With every measure of gluttony, comes an equal counter-measure warning you about the risks of being obese. The world needs now, more than ever, value placed on physical fitness and an aversion to the ugliness that is every obese person.
No one wants to smell fat people, share the same airplane seat as a fat person or be married to a fat person.
But like all innovation, we don’t need a nanny state government to come out with a big media campaign, to be the omni-potent overseer instructing us all.
it’s all done here from you… the people. Immediate, honest and with the best concerns of people at heart.
God Bless America and god bless return of kings!
I actually do want to share the same airplane seat as a fat person and be married to a fat person.
What ever happened to Fat Girl Jihad?
My effort on the fat shaming:
My new girlfriend looks like a model with her thigh gaps and long legs and skinny waist: 170cm tall, 48kg. In Finland, which is one of the most obese countries in the world, I’m proud to put a shame on fat people.
Sure dude. What screen of your mental onanism cinema is she showing up?
If you’re putting a shame on anyone, it should be your girlfriend. 103 pounds at that height is not healthy. She’s a full 20 pounds short of a weight that could even be considered healthy.
She doesn’t sound like she looks like a model, she sounds like she looks like a skeleton.
I can’t wait for the feminists to catch wind about this. Its going to be Epic! This should be an exciting week.
Anyone has some good fat chick rape jokes ?
Can you do “Single Mom Shaming Week” after this?
How many of us will truly shame a land whale this week?
Men of the red pill, are you ready to engage a fatty by looking her over from head to toe and utter “GROSS!” for her and all to hear?
Are you ready to pick a fight with the gaggle of females — even thin, attractive and bangable ones — who will come to the fatty’s defense because they MUST defend her, lest fatties not defend the bratty, irresponsible, feminist, and slutty girls when it’s their week of shame?
I’ve done it before, and it takes balls to call out the bitches in public. I’ve had white knights and even the girl’s mother verbally assault me for stating something as unoffensive as “you’re a six at best.” She wasn’t fat, but had I added a FAT element to my admonition, I could only see what type of reaction I’d received from other women in the bars. Of course, the real brahs who were there watching the NBA finals with me thought it was great I stood my ground with this princess bitch.
So, if it’s fat shaming week, I’ll make sure I shame at least TWO fatties this week. And no, it won’t be on FAcebook, Twitter or any other online bullshit. It will be face-to-face, eye-to-eye, and not in some isolated situation. I hope there are other fatties around to take heed that real men love thin, feminine women who work at maintaining the appearance, and we are tired of tolerating the lack of standards we are being forced to accept by those too lazy to even try.
You’re an idiot. Thin and feminine are antonyms. Real men love big, feminine women, not skeletons.
If I didn’t already have a girlfriend, I’d be telling every large woman I know how beautiful she is.
Is this a joke article? I can’t tell
I bet my bottom dollar that 60% to 75% of men on this blog are themselves overweight to obese and are rejoice at the chance of getting back to the generic concept of “fat lazy ass girl” from the comfort of their armchairs.
You guys need to read this article from The Onion, it’s too funny.
I am at a loss for words. This article and this entire site is absolutely disgusting. Your opinions are horrible and cruel, and sound like they’re coming from uneducated, sexually frustrated half-men half-dwarves (for some reason I feel like a lot of you were probably born with tails). Please remember that every person on this earth is an actual human being, and that every woman is someone’s daughter. If by some ungodly science experiment you manage to procreate, could you imagine if people were saying some of these things about YOUR daughter? Compassion and empathy are two vital characteristics to thrive as a rational human being, and based on your posts, “Return of Kings” really needs to get in touch with both. I see no “kings” on here…simply peasants.
Hey guys, fatty here. Going to go eat an extra mcdouble just for you all, to show my love! Then I’m going to go take an enormous, oily dump, and then emotionally shit all over my skinny, supportive, and great looking boyfriend of 5 years who I’ve dominated into submission! Also, I absolutely never wash my hands after shitting–don’t touch the handrails.
I was going to end it there, but I really wanted to include one more thing for everyone. I get a really perverse joy out of slowly seducing my alpha friends, then friendzoning, and sucking the absolute life out of them. I make them feel that I really get them, that their taste in music is cool, or that shitty anime they like is really deep, or that just in general they are a sooper special flower. The best part of this is that I know that they’re physically repulsed by me, so it really fucks with them when they can’t stop thinking about me! The name of the game is timing, the game goes on for years, and I’ve never failed to ‘consume’ a guy completely that I’ve set my sights on. I have very little empathy and get tremendous amounts of sick glee out of toying with them, and soon enough they like it too.
Bring it on you pretty little twinks. I love it.
I can’t believe there are actually people who believe this bullshit. You want overweight women to “change and appear more pleasing before our presence”? How about you all stop being ignorant assholes to appear more pleasing before my presence?
Whoever wrote this shit needs to be curb stomped. I am willing to bet that none of you pussies would say any of this shit to someone’s face. Cowards.
Just came over here from Buzzfeed’s link (complete with all the commenters bitching about how RUDE it is to fat shame).
Seeing as how my response to one particular seat-belt-extender-hogger was moderated away twice, I came here to post it for posterity: This was my message to them, coming from a former-fattie-happy-to-now-go-up-a-flight-of-stairs-without-needing-a-respirator:
Here is a simple two-step guide to determine if you are the proper weight. It is called the Cheeseburger Guide:
1. Stand in front of a mirror wearing only a bra or bikini top if you like. Raise both arms all the way above your head. Now, count the number of ribs your can see through your skin. If you can see more than one on each side, EAT A DAMN CHEESEBURGER ALREADY!
2. Stand in front of a mirror wearing only a bra or bikini top if you like. Hold your arms loosely at your sides. If there are any folds big enough to block you from seeing any part of the skin along your sides, PUT DOWN THE DAMN CHEESEBURGER ALREADY!! If someone ever thought that the only way to have sex with you was to roll you in flour and look for the wet spot, PUT DOWN THE DAMN CHEESEBURGER ALREADY! Hell, you can even count the fourteen steps back and forth between the couch and the trash can as the start of your exercise program!
Your idea of “a little overweight” and reality’s idea of it are not even close. You are instead talking about Dating Site Overweight, which is a clearly distinct measurement.
Dating Site Overweight, as long as you only have a muffin top, you get to call yourself “average.” Those of us in the real world do not.
Dating site overweight, looking like someone is trying to bake a turducken between your ass cheeks is “a few pounds overweight.” In Reality-Land? BZZZT!
And no, having back-tits does not mean you are “curvy” or “full-figured”. It makes you FAT.
I know fat. I’ve been fat much of my life. And you know what? I’ve never hidden the fact. Difference is, I decided to finally put down the Haagen-Daz, stopped having three meals a day at McDonalds and laid off the “I’m having a DIET soda, so I’m all good!” mentality that you and the rest of of the excuse-making diabetes-encroaching crowd is constantly throwing about.
It’s well past the time that EVERYONE who was fat, other than the TINY (as in sub-1% in total) of them that have legitimate medical issues making them bloat up, to be shamed.
The fact that you can’t handle it being YOUR turn on the Wheel Of Shaming is not our problem.
You all are disgusting. Women are not fucking objects for you to ogle at and own. Get the fuck over yourselves. A woman can do whatever the hell she wants with her body and can be beautiful no matter what she looks like; it’s not your fucking right to tell her how to look or how she should live her life. I repeat: WOMEN ARE PEOPLE TOO, and they have thoughts and feelings and don’t live to fucking please any of you. Get the fuck over yourselves, seriously; I have never seen so much immaturity in one corner of the internet. I pray and hope that no woman ever has to deal with any of you sexist pigs. Also don’t you have something better to do like clean your fedora collection?
Are you stupid? You sure sound stupid.
No one here is bearing agency upon another person. We’re expressing that as a fatty, you are undesirable. You are shunned from normal human beings and rightly so.
But fatties ARE desirable…
People like you is the reason why so many American women today are disgusting and intolerable. You might as well start stocking up on cats because you will be lonely for the rest of your life as you deserve to be bitch.
No, Brandon, that would be people like YOU.
“The reason women hate fat shaming is because it works” yes it’s called A LIFE THREATENING EATING DISORDER. I am 16 years old and I weigh 115 pounds, before you try to say I’m “fat” myself. Also I would like to say that I am a woman AND a homosexual so I feel like I should get an award for being everything you hate inside, but should you see me on the streets you’d probably whistle at me. Remember that everytime you see an “attractive” girl… There’s a reason I’m a dyke and that’s because the prettiest girls want NOTHING to do with misogynistic bigoted assholes like you. Women won’t sleep with you simply because of natural selection, if you don’t breed, you’ll die out and the human race will be better for it. So please please PLEASE voice your stupid fuckin opinions because it makes it much easier to avoid you.
Piss off, if you want to ‘avoid us’, make an effort.
Lack of effort is why fatties are fat.
As a white woman, you are the most privileged class of person on the planet, start making an effort, the rest of us are sick of carrying you, especially as you packon the pounds.
You’re homosexual… ummm.. you do realise… that’s not how the species continues.. queering doesn’t work. No successful species continues by fucking the same gender. I would suspect your homosexuality points to natural selection weeding your genes out. YOU are the weakest link.
Hi there,
May I preface by saying I’m a feminist, but not here to fight? I actually found this article pretty amusing and nodded at a couple points, though I do think there’s a flaw in your idea that shaming is the greatest motivator.
I get a little tired of fat pride, though I see where it comes from: people tired of being objectified. I’m not a fan of the Dove commercials, which I find manipulative, and I personally find fit women and men sexier from a biological standpoint. I sometimes can’t help but roll my eyes when I hear obese people (not curvy, obese) tell themselves they like how they look. It’s up to them, but I don’t really believe it.
Here’s the thing; I grew up bullied, and people tried really hard to make me feel bad for being weird. It didn’t end up changing me at all though. It just made me think they were boring and I was glad to be me. I think shaming fat people to cure them is a shaky option at best, and not one that’s very reliable just because shame frequently results in further pride.
That tweet up above. Laughed my ASS off at it and felt bad, but sometimes I want to take a similar ruthless tactic not just with fat friends, but with any friend who doesn’t like their life but is unwilling to change it. I don’t think shame is the answer, but tough, honest straight-shooting would work.
I’m pretty sure even you realize that your need to control how women feel about their bodies is a result of being, as you admit, a beta male. Let’s be honest, you’re not much of a catch yourself (no t, no shade) so you’re not really in a position to ask women to be be “more pleasing before your presence”. You’re not a king, and women the world over don’t owe you beauty.
Part of why i laughed the whole way through was that I could see how helpless and lonely you are– the need to control women always sprouts from that. But I think if you come to terms with your own flaws, learn to like yourself, you might find women like you without your trying to control their perceptions of their bodies. Then everyone’s happier.
Please just keep in mind, feminism is misnamed; it really needs a name the expresses how it compliments both the sexes to be respectful and affectionate of their differences. As a feminist, I believe men are smart enough and secure enough to enjoy my company without being threatened or aggressive. I don’t think they have to be animals trying to control women. I believe in the potential of mankind, and adore the men who’re comfortable being around women as people; it’s the most attractive quality.
So yeah, didn’t come here to fight or flame you. I honestly find a lot of your articles quite amusing (not always in a condescending way).
What? Please upload a clear photo of yourself so we can adequately judge you.
This wall of text brings nothing to the debate.
Hi there,
May I preface by saying I’m a feminist, but not here to fight? I actually found this article pretty amusing and nodded at a couple points, though I do think there’s a flaw in your idea that shaming is the greatest motivator.
I get a little tired of fat pride, though I see where it comes from: people tired of being objectified. I’m not a fan of the Dove commercials, which I find manipulative, and I personally find fit women and men sexier from a biological standpoint. I sometimes can’t help but roll my eyes when I hear obese people (not curvy, obese) tell themselves they like how they look. It’s up to them, but I don’t really believe it.
Here’s the thing; I grew up bullied, and people tried really hard to make me feel bad for being weird. It didn’t end up changing me at all though. It just made me think they were boring and I was glad to be me. I think shaming fat people to cure them is a shaky option at best, and not one that’s very reliable just because shame frequently results in further pride.
That tweet up above. Laughed my ASS off at it and felt bad, but sometimes I want to take a similar ruthless tactic not just with fat friends, but with any friend who doesn’t like their life but is unwilling to change it. I don’t think shame is the answer, but tough, honest straight-shooting would work.
I’m pretty sure even you realize that your need to control how women feel about their bodies is a result of being, as you admit, a beta male. Let’s be honest, you’re not much of a catch yourself (no t, no shade) so you’re not really in a position to ask women to be be “more pleasing before your presence”. You’re not a king, and women the world over don’t owe you beauty.
Part of why i laughed the whole way through was that I could see how helpless and lonely you are– the need to control women always sprouts from that. But I think if you come to terms with your own flaws, learn to like yourself, you might find women like you without your trying to control their perceptions of their bodies. Then everyone’s happier.
Please just keep in mind, feminism is misnamed; it really needs a name the expresses how it compliments both the sexes to be respectful and affectionate of their differences. As a feminist, I believe men are smart enough and secure enough to enjoy my company without being threatened or aggressive. I don’t think they have to be animals trying to control women. I believe in the potential of mankind, and adore the men who’re comfortable being around women as people; it’s the most attractive quality.
So yeah, didn’t come here to fight or flame you. I honestly find a lot of your articles quite amusing (not always in a condescending way).
You are all horrible men.
Who are they to judge anyone? It’s funny because the FB page has hardly any comments, due to the lack of anonymity. Boy cowards behind computers.
“Mocking someone for lazy and slothful behavior is one of the best ways to motivate them to change and appear more pleasing before our presence. If a fat woman goes to the bar with attitude, thinking she’s a great catch, but several men check her for that arrogance by calling her a grenade launcher, do you think she’ll feel comfortable the next day for her scheduled cupcake and ice cream binge?”
Actually, this is probably the WORST way to get her to change. In this scenario, YES, she’s going to feel completely comfortable with an ice cream and cupcake binge, resulting in your taunts having the opposite of their desired effect. It has been proven that “fat-shaming” only makes the targets gain weight, because food isn’t going to judge them. A study at the Florida State College of Medicine that came out this summer found that when overweight people were targets of fat shaming, they were twice as likely to become obese as those who were not. When obese people were targets, they were three times as likely not to lose the weight.
Why are women opposed to fat shaming? Because it DOESN’T work and only succeeds in making the victim feel bad and the bully look like an idiot. All you’re doing is encouraging them to stay fat.
Also, why is it okay for YOU to change the beauty standards in the world, but not okay for fat women to try to change them back to the way they were? The beauty standards used to be that men were supposed to be thin, women were supposed to be fat. Then the fashion industry got involved, and most clothing designers are gay men. Of course, being gay men, they find other men attractive, and the way they design their clothes are in a way to make the models resemble what they find attractive. Many men bought the lie, which is why you lust after thin women, simply because that’s what you’re told to like.
Really, it’s completely stupid that the focus is on fat women and not fat men. We’re the ones who are supposed to be thin, not women. Women’s bodies are genetically predisposed to be larger to make for healthier births if they decide to have a child. No genetic male has ever had a child, so we don’t need that extra weight, which is why our bodies are not made that way.
Never mind all that, tell us about your Buf magazine collection :
Congratulations on your nuptials to a manatee in a micro-mini.
It’s a shame some of you are allowed to reproduce. If governments had any sense they’d give the lot of you vasectomies/hysterectomies. You don’t deserve the right to pass on your genes if you don’t fit into the category of ‘basic human being’.
Oh, that’s not directed at fat people. That’s directed at YOU revolting-minded body-policing miserable excuses of slime that somehow managed to claw your way into the world and think you have any right to be so abusive.
What the hell is wrong with you people? I’m sorry, but what do you hope to accomplish with this? Your ignorance shows in that you honestly know nothing about weight gain at all. You are obviously not aware that genetics, metabolism, depression/stress, and medication play a huge role in weight gain, more so then diet and exercise even. You’re attacking women for things they cannot control no matter how hard they try and the only thing you’re going to do is increase depression and stress that is causing this weight gain. Your image of beauty is, mush apparently, not fit women but anyone who is willing to mash themselves into whatever your view of women happens to be. This shaming week is cruel and heartless, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
This entire page makes me want to vomit. I seriously have lots of pity for you, Roosh. I heard about this “fat shaming week” nonsense on Twitter this morning, and couldn’t believe the amount of written diarrhea that was on my computer screen.
This page is for “Masculine Men”…
I’m a little slow on the uptake here, but last time I checked, a solid mark of masculinity was shown in possessing a solid character and being a reputable person towards everyone, and given the amount of misogynistic bigotry seen here, I don’t exactly see that, in fact, it sounds like your man tears (since I know you would probably correct me if I didn’t write that as two words) are fueled by fact that you aren’t equipped to handle heavy machinery, but school yard insults are neither here nor there, and won’t accomplish a thing. Anyway…
So I see some of the comments posted about the fat shame hashtag, and damn, you guys got it out for the fatties. One was “they should eat bullets, not cupcakes”, which seemed a little harsh, I mean, didn’t mama tell you the old adage about “If you aren’t going to say anything nice”? Most of the ones I saw pertained to obesity is equal to laziness and ignorance, which strikes me as ironic given the whole concept of this cute little hashtag.
Now, there’s laziness. I’m 5’7″, and weigh 168 lbs, and I have a girl’s name. I don’t have a thigh gap, which by some of the logic, means I am fat. I also have an Afghan Campaign ribbon with a bronze star (Which means I went over there twice, for those of you who haven’t, or never will, enlist). So am I fat and lazy?
Well since we are talking about me, I’ll clue you in to a few more things. I was picked on in Elementary School, trying to explain to a classroom of eleven year olds doesn’t exactly make you very popular. I got picked on a lot. My parents taught me self-worth, and pride, and while it might have translated to latent nihilism, my not caring about the kids that picked on me turned me into someone in high school, (and later in life) who wore everything on his sleeve. It also got me acceptance, and as far as the spineless wimps that cry “I’m being bullied”, I have no sympathy for them. You have PTSD by being bullied in high school? That’s sweet, why am I not fazed by Taliban rocket attacks? Stop your belly aching.
Bullies, you aren’t excluded. I see some jackass with the “daddy didn’t love me enough, so I have to put you down to make myself feel better’. Hmmmm, I swear, I have seen that, recently, in a hashtag….
Shut the fuck up, get over yourself asshole. I see your maturity level has transcended to social media. You don’t raise awareness for bullying, you raise your kids not to be little shits.
Alright, back to me and my narcissism. Guess what guys? I’m a fucking chubby chaser. I got no shame in that. What I have shame in is the fact that I have to share this planet with clearly perfect looking motherfuckers who have make themselves feel better by putting others down. If I do my math correctly, Guy who likes chubby chicks + chubby chicks = more skinny babes for you. Problem? Don’t think so…
Don’t get me wrong, back in my single days, I had no preference in size. That girl that someone was lamenting on Twitter “would be an 8 or 9 if she wasn’t fat”? My dreamgirl. That 8 or 9 that IS an 8 or 9 by societal standards? Yep, She is sexy as hell, too. I just prefer thick babes.
Now, my wife. I know you bunch of shallow motherfuckers would place her solidly in that category, and the amount of fucks given by me? None. She’s my wife, not yours. She is not a size zero, and I am fine with that. She is the one person that completes me, and understands me. I don’t care about her dress size. I married her for WHO she is. Maybe when you grow up, you will understand that. Before I forget, she eats healthier than I do, and can probably run circles around me, and I consider myself a pretty fit guy.
I see comments on here about plus sized women, and how gross they are. That’s your opinion, and you are entitled to it. They don’t sit on their asses and eat bonbons all day. They work out, and again, eat healthier than I do. Let’s dispel that notion that “all these fat broads sit on their big asses and eat cupcakes all day”.
Now, in our twenty thousand year existence, it is only recent times that that “thinspo” mentality has been embraced as the ideal size for women. Look at effigies of fertility goddesses, such as the Venus of Willendorf. She definitely needs to be fat shamed, by your standards. In fact, it seems like the ideal woman wasn’t fat shamed until Twiggy came on the scene in the late sixties, and the homosexual man started dictating fashion.
You guys go be manly men, maybe after you learn basic manners.
Roosh is a terrorist plain and simple. The guy looks like a Saudi gorilla.
Wow. Just wow. As a gay man, I have zero interest in what a woman looks like, only that’s I can get along with her and she’s a good person.
As I’m now in my mid thirties, I’m starting to get a tummy, and my partner (of over ten years) is starting to lose his hair. But I still find him sexy as fuck, because I love him for who he is, not the outside package.
You little boys have a lot to learn about love and relationships.
Carbs are what made Arnold and Lee Hanley, they are as essential as protein. The key is the type of carbs and the proper use of them to fuel the body no one on the Olympia stage is on the fucking Paleo diet. Stop the carb bashing. Paraphrashing George Farrah here. Women who let themselves go are pathetic agreed but blaming the food is just stupid. The lack of self control and inferior genetics are the root of this. Having been a personal trainer I think its safe to say men on average are much more likely to be successfull long term maintaining a balanced physique. Women eventually just give up.
why aren’t fat men included in this shaming? douchebags.
“We at ROK fully understand that the reason women are so against fat shaming is because it works.
Mocking someone for lazy and slothful behavior is one of the best ways
to motivate them to change and appear more pleasing before our presence.
If a fat woman goes to the bar with attitude, thinking she’s a great
catch, but several men check her for that arrogance by calling her a
grenade launcher, do you think she’ll feel comfortable the next day for
her scheduled cupcake and ice cream binge?”
Psychology 101 fail.
Don’t you realize that making a fat bitch cry is the BEST way to get her to eat MORE? They eat for comfort too, you know.
“Don’t you realize that making a fat bitch cry is the BEST way to get her to eat MORE? They eat for comfort too, you know.”
That’s if you take the approach that our noble pro-health campaign is about salvaging existing fatties, and that shame is meant to reverse them.
It’s not, they have become worthless and we are writing them off. They won’t breed, or will breed with desperate men, but essentially they will be segregated to being lower forms of life.
Our courageous health campaign of shaming existing fatties is for the kids! Won’t you think of the kids? We are. When they see the subsidies, acceptance and tacit approval removed, fatties sink to where a level playing field will take them, Kids will not want to have that as an outcome, and endeavour to improve their nutritional and exercise regimes, to ensure they live the full, rich lives all of us here have.
Congratulations, Roosh, you successfully made a bunch of already miserable people slightly more unhappy with their lives. You took an easy swing and you hit. All bull aside, you have a pretty lousy argument. You probably don’t know much about human psychology or really anything concerning the way the world really works at all. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice marketing scheme. Troll people about fat shaming, get the internet ablaze with raging comments. Good technique. It doesn’t change the fact that you, Roosh, are a pathetic writer and even more importantly, a pathetic man.
How horribly misogynistic. If you’re going to shame fat women at least shame fat men as well. Or better yet, don’t shame anyone, and take a look at why you feel the need to make others feel bad. Also, women do not exist for the gratification of men. Read a book.
You see the thing is, you don’t find a whole lot of men saying theyre proud to be fat or that society needs to love and accept their weight…
The mods here must keep a close eye on the comments because mine got deleted 5 minutes after posting. So I won’t use the m-word this time (don’t want to hurt any little boy’s feelings) but this post is incredibly derogatory not only to women but to the entire human species. Women do not exist for the gratification of men. I hope we soon reach a point where human consciousness evolves to a point where the types of people who contribute to this website no longer exist. Not through any sort of violence, but through people using their sense of empathy when dealing with others, and teaching their children this skill.
“Women do not exist for the gratification of men.”
What else are they for?
So, I’m a fatty because I weigh over 150? Tell me, since you all are the health experts here, should I stop running 5 miles a day? Or maybe I should start eating cheeseburgers? I’m glad you dicks have each other.
You are a fatty. If you are running 5 miles you should burn at minimum 500 calories. For you to still be a chubble-o-seven is not possible. You clearly overeat. Sorry ho, the math just doesnt add up… its ok I wouldnt expect a fatty to understand numbers anyway.
“These people should get what they deserve” Yeah a medal!
“We should do a #smallpenisweek” Yeah, guys with small penises go for fatties… The desperation… of the guys!
“Forget it… #prematureejaculationweek” Poor fattie, most of the guys she gets with are premature ejaculators with small penises… The surprise!! Lolz
These chicks posting their rants on their Twitter with their 200 followers… Lolz! You are a celebrity, an opinion leader… Haha
It’s actually proven that “fat shaming” has the opposite affect and keeps the fatties fat. Awesome, huh? Not that someone of your obvious intellect would ever think to look shit up, ever.
Then there’s this woman who dropped 10 dress sizes I like the tweet – “can’t give up carbs” as opposed to giving up fat.
I wouldn’t touch any of your penises with a ten foot stick. You’re all bitter, shallow, sexist shitheads. But then again, I’m not anorexic so you probably don’t want me anyway.
Next time, try to use LOGICAL arguments instead of this kindergarten “you’re ugly and dumb!”. Everybody is shallow … wouldn’t you prefer to fuck Jonny Deep/ Bradd Pitt or the fat ugly guy nextdoor? hahahah stop pretending
Congratulations for being responsible for cruel and hurtful comments this week, I wonder what’s everyone’s excuse the other 51 weeks of the year when their words make it harder to keep motivated and on track with my personal weight loss goal that I’ve been working on for six years while practically bedridden due to pain.
YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF Do Humanity a favor and take yourself out your ignorant hateful fuck
You’re an idiot.
You’re a cow.
What a chicken-shit little band of (hidden homo) bros this must be. It may be too late for many of you to get lives, but please stop trying to ruin those of others. There are fat people I love, thin people I hate and vice versa. If all you can see about people is the physical, you may as well go blind.
Oh look, a group of stupid and hateful people being stupid and hateful.
Carry on.
Hey look, a troll calling people stupid and hateful because they can’t understand that fat is a personal choice, is not healthy and might not look good to everybody.
Troll on.
This is disgusting! I can’t believe this! I literally feel sick. I am currently struggling with my appearance, even though I know logically that I am not ugly- I’m 5’5″, 125 Ibs(roughly), measurements 35, 26/27, 37. I can be doing fine, enjoying my life, and then I see something like this. Not only does my self esteem plunge, but my faith humanity as well. People can be obese for reasons other than sloth. Yes, some people do let themselves go. However, more often than not, those who are morbidly obese suffer from some form of physical or mental condition.
I know people who suffer from a very low metabolism, and have to take medication just to keep it in check. The metabolism also slows as you age, making it a lot harder to lose weight. And please do not say that just because someone has a slow metabolism makes this ok; someone may put in as much time as they can into their diet exercise, but people have other priorites, like school, work and family. I personally would be entirly willing to give up my personal health to keep my children happy and healthy.
Hormone problems such as Cushing’s Syndrome, hypothyroidism and PCOS can also contribute. But let’s not forget Binge Eating Disorder. I am really quite trepidacious about mentioning this, as many, MANY people mistake it for laziness. Binge Eating Disorder is a serious eating disorder and classed as just as risky as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. It involves a lack of control over what you consume. Those suffering cannot simply stop bingeing, or as I have seen it so eloquently put “stuffing their fat faces”, just as someone with depression cannot just “cheer up”, or a paraplegic simply “get up”.
These things are far more complicated than people imagine, and instead of shaming those with obesity issues, I personally believe we should help them just as we would help someone with cancer.
“I can be doing fine, enjoying my life, and then I see something like this. Not only does my self esteem plunge, but my faith humanity as well.”
This is 100% a personal problem. Deal. With. It.
Fat Shaming, such a great idea! I’m sure you feel so empowered with all of your witty comments for the obese. At the end of the day, those “fatties” you hate so much are a thousand times better than you ever will be. They are kind and forgiving of these comments. Most of you are sad little men who drown in self-deprecation whilst searching for the perfect woman. I hope that soon you realize just how stupid you all sound by condoning this.
Fat Shaming Week is one of the best things about this site. Last time I checked, “bad genetics” didn’t put 200lbs on your 5’3″ frame.
Just because it works doesn’t mean it is right.
Look, fellow ladies, don’t come on a mens’ website and complain about what you find here. Read it for enjoyment or leave. The reality is that overweight and obesity are UNHEALTHY. It doesn’t matter how many excuses you come up with. It’s neither beautiful nor healthy. Your quality of life will be compromised because of that unhealthy lifestyle.
This is 2013, your opinion is literally worth nothing. The fashion industry is publicly flawed at this point, we understand you are simply bigots.
As an obese businesswoman who travels a lot, I recently realised I need to downsize when having to walk up a flight of stairs i was gasping hard and needed to sit down, while a woman 25 years my senior continued on no bother.
As much as I hate to admit it, with me this “fat shaming” would work.
If a decently good looking guy poked me into the side and told me I’d have to lose 10 pounds to get naked with him, I’d do it. It would take me 2 months to do it properly, though (= no crash diet, but exercises and eating habit changes while still working and commuting and socializing normally). But my surplus is due to hypothyrosis and sitting in an office job for 12 hours each day, not due to compulsory stuff or boredom or not being educated enough. So maybe I am not really the target audience of this article.
P.S. sorry for commenting old entries, I’m just working my way through this treasure chest of entertainment and male insights.
Your biography fits you perfectly, you hateful fuck.
funny stuff guys. Really?!?! Cant wait to see the SNL parody. Fatties should be offended, but this is just too funny to be real. I wish i WAS fat, just so i could sit on your faces, naked, and swallow your head up inside my big sweaty pussy! Doesn’t that just sound yummy?
OINK OINK OINK I am sick of fat hating trolls. Click Here and Read Why Gluttony is GOOD!
My wife’s a big lady now because she broke her back at work so can’t run around like she used too your post is offensive your are an unfeeling tw#t think before you open the hole under your nose
Learn proper grammar before you try insulting other people
She doesn’t have to keep eating so much.
you’d think that when it gets to “morbid obesity”, it has a fatal ring to it, and a turn-around will take place. for both, not just women. but who am i to judge.
I happen to have no problem finding the “vaginal entry point” of fat women. I don’t really understand why this is so difficult for you, but okay. I guess some people are just better at sex.
“I happen to have no problem finding the “vaginal entry point” of fat women.”
Remote controlled drone technology’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it?
Who would want to?
Hahaha. This is the most ridiculous post I’ve ever seen. So I guess I’ll go make a blog shaming anorexic people, and calling them disgusting. (That’s complete sarcasm btw). Anyway, it’s insane that you think shaming gives people the confidence to lose weight. If that were the case, shouldn’t everyone in America be thin now? As someone who has gone through this problem, people need reassurance and support to lose weight, not the opposite. I hope all women decide to gain a ton of weight, leaving you and you’re gang on discriminators in the dust.
This is doomed to fail, beauty is a biological standard, not a societal standard
Obese bodies are repulsive because thats just how nature works, doesnt mean the owners of the bodies are bad people
Shame on me! I am a 5’6″ woman weighing 230lbs. I didn’t set out to be fat. I didn’t wake up one day thinking I wanted to look amazingly disgusting. I’ve tried everything to lose weight. I exercise and diet and eat junk and vegetables and fruits and cheeseburgers and CRAP!! I’m all over the map when it comes to eating healthy and unhealthy foods. I’ve even tried going cold-turkey on my favorite junk foods like some drug addict. Nothing works. I’m currently doing Weight Watchers for the UMP-TEENTH TIME!! And guess what? It’s not helping! I’m at a total lost and feel defeated. I just don’t know what to do!! Any tips?? How do you stay fit and healthy? Do you have an insatiable craving for junk food? if so, how do you get past it? Instead of shaming me, help me!!
I’m surrounded by women your height weighing 110lbs.
You are a fucking fat cunt, EAT LESS, EXERCISE MORE!
No sugary drinks, no processed foods (bread, cakes, biscuits).
Swim a minimum of 500m every morning, or cycle 25Km.
Only 3 meals a day (nothing else), unprocessed food you cook yourself, drink only water.
Fat is just the worst. Forget that, I would rather j/o. Very slim is good; very slim and fit is best of all.
Trolls like Sauron666 are even worse than fat.
Need to do another fat shaming week. I loved the first one so much that two years later I still read the articles
i’d like to thank this sight. I’d truly like to thank it for showing me that no matter how far I fall, how low I might feel, how unhappy I might be…i know for a fact it can’t be half as bad as living as one of you: The disenfranchised, sad, weak , little men of the internet.
just googled ROK editors, half of you are ugly fatties. put down the cheetos and laptops and get on a treadmill fatties 😉
fat-shamers = sons of a bitch. period
Not every overweight person is that way because they over-indulge. It’s just unfair to say that. Personally, in 2015 I gained 50 lbs because of medication. That medication changed my hormones, and when I ate the normal amount I had always eaten before (never had a weight problem, and was always on the thin side of normal) it was too much. It’s pretty hard to eat less than 1400 calories, and it isn’t healthy in terms of getting appropriate nutrients. Now it’s been a 8 months since I’ve been off the meds, working out 6 times a week, 30-60 minutes of cardio, and still eating less than 1500 calories a day. I’ve only lost 7 lbs. So before you shame someone for obviously eating pizzas and cookies and cake and icecream and cheeseburgers, you should make sure that that’s actually the reason they’re fat.
Yes they are, fat people eat too much and exercise too little.
A fat cunt is that way because they don’t care how they look.
No medication can defy the laws of physics!