Why Married Women Are Pretending To Be Single On Facebook

Several months ago, I wrote about Facebook’s change to the “relationship status” option. I pointed out that many single women, the “strong and independent” types, were no longer advertising that they were single. Instead, they were choosing a mysterious “ask” button. These girls went from “I’m strong and independent” to “It’s none of your business” overnight.

Well, not to be outdone, married women are now getting in on the action. They’re starting to hide their relationship status as well. Some are using the “ask” option. Others are providing no information at all. Either way, you no longer see the “married” status on many of their profile pages.

Don’t believe me? Check for yourself. I’ve counted at least five married women I know who did this. In some cases, the women were only recently married. I bet my readers can find a few as well. 

So why does a married woman hide her relationship status? A rhetorical question, I know. And the red pill readers already have an answer, but let me spill the beans for the men who are still living in a blue pill fantasyland.

Your wife is shopping for alpha cock. She’s planting the seeds for a future divorce or infidelity—and she’s using Facebook to find her partner in crime.


My observation here is ironclad. You might as well take it to the bank and cash the check—the money is good. If you’re a married man, and this is happening to you, then let me speak to you for a moment. I’m here to help. Let me predict what your wife is saying, or planning to say, about her relationship status on Facebook.

1. I’m worried about privacy issues

She tells you that she’s concerned about privacy issues. Consider this a pre-emptive strike on her part. It’s a clever move, because you’re forced to agree. After all, she has a point! There are privacy issues on Facebook!

But if she’s worried about privacy, then why is she still posting pictures of her dog Skippy? And why does she still have two photos of her new Jeep? And why does she display what city she lives in, and what high school she went to?

It’s simple. She’s keeping the information hidden so that she can find a replacement. Remember, she was able to find the “in a relationship” button when you first started dating. If she found that, she can find the “married” button.


If you’re recently married, and she’s already hiding her status, then it’s a bad sign. She’s organizing the troops for the upcoming invasion. When she makes her final move, she’ll have your child, half your paycheck, and a boyfriend in waiting. She already took Poland. Next, she marches on Russia.

2. I’m tired of all the Facebook drama

She tells you that she is tired of the drama on Facebook. Another pre-emptive strike. Again, you have no other choice but to agree. There is a lot of pointless drama on Facebook! You’re so glad that she noticed.

By criticizing the drama, she’s casting herself as a serious woman. She doesn’t have time to deal with trifling affairs. She doesn’t have time to upload dinner photos or feel-good memes! She’s too busy working on serious matters, like a Gaza peace treaty or an Ebola vaccine.

Actually, she loves the drama—the drama that comes from another man’s sausage in her love canal. If anything, your safe and protective arms are not providing her with enough drama. She’ll be getting that later from Ed the biker, who likes to spank her ass and pull her hair in the back of his El Camino while you’re busy working a double shift.

3. I’m an independent woman and I need my own identity

She tells you that she’s an independent woman who needs her own identity. Be ready for this one. It’s the “women’s freedom” excuse. This works if you’ve been indoctrinated in the lingo of second wave feminism.

This alibi is wrought with accusations. You wouldn’t want to impose on her freedom, would you? Are you one of those brutish apes, like the knuckle-dragging Ward Cleaver? What kind of patriarchal Mussolini would force his presence onto her personal page? Are you a member of the Taliban or something?

Some guys will seek a retaliation at this point. They’ll remove their “married” status as well. That ought to show her! Fight fire with fire!


Here’s the problem—she doesn’t care if you hide your relationship status. You’re a beta male to her, a provider. She doesn’t believe that you’re alpha enough to pull something better. So go ahead and change your status—she doesn’t care. As long as she gets a list of men to replace you, then it’s mission accomplished.


Facebook has a lot of critics. Yet for all its flaws, it’s still the favored place for attention-whoring women. It’s still the best place to amass a stable of beta orbiters and potential alpha suitors.

I’m sorry if this describes your life. You put your foot in a bucket of shit. Don’t worry though—everybody makes mistakes. If you haven’t impregnated her, there is still hope. You might be able to cut your losses.


Either way, I suggest that you call her out immediately. Let her know about everything I just wrote. See how she reacts. It probably won’t save things, but it’s an opportunity to establish your alpha frame—to show that you won’t be her disposable dish rag. If it doesn’t work, well then count your losses and hope that the final blow isn’t an extreme one.

Remember this:  If she’s unwilling to let the world know that she’s married to you, then you married the wrong woman.

Read More: Facebook’s Newest Change Shows That Older Women Are Getting Desperate

195 thoughts on “Why Married Women Are Pretending To Be Single On Facebook”

  1. Bottom line for both men & women. Always listen to what your gut is telling you.

  2. Fucking true, that’s a red flag. They love making their friends jealous and showing off their man. If she acts shitty when you call her out on it or says you’re too controlling, she’s definitely doing it for ulterior reasons whether that be orbiters or alpha cock

  3. Why even stress about it? Simply install keylogging software on the computer she uses. This will show you everything she types and you will know if she can be trusted or not.

    1. I’m on the fence on this one. Sounds like the opposite of what I’d do actually. My instinct is that the gut reaction, that you somehow feel that she’s cheating but you can’t quite put your finger on it evidence wise, is usually 100% accurate. If you’re not at that level of gut feeling but feel…something…isn’t right, then run some soft dread on her and see how she responds, which should tell you everything you need to know.
      Can’t say this is good or bad advice insofar as it goes though since I don’t use Facebook or any other social media and cannot stand zombies who are glued to it enough to care, let alone long enough to form any kind of relationship or friendship (male or female actually). Perhaps keyloggers are the way to go for men that no longer trust their gut? Dunno man.

      1. I used a keylogger once to confirm my suspicions when gut instinct was there but it was too subtle to confirm or disprove it out of hand (some of them are much more discreet and furtive about it, especially if she’s foreign, believe it or not). Haven’t regretted it ever since. There’s a very good reason why they say all’s fair in love and war.

      2. For all the bragging men do on this site concerning their faithful wives. Install keyloggers. Especially to you guys that have stay-at-home type wives. That castle some of you live in could be built on pillars of sand. In fact, the more confident you are it’s not, the more I recommend doing this.

    2. She can’t be trusted. The second you’re interested more than she is the whore gene kicks in…..every….time

    3. Sounds like way too much trouble, and possibly a criminal offense. Just assume she’s going to cheat.

  4. Ha, the girlfriend couldn’t wait to change her relationship status when I finally allowed her to use the title girlfriend (about 8 months of dating). 2 1/2 years later and I still haven’t changed mine. One foot out the door game, gentlemen.

    1. Obligatory Patrice O’Neal: my girlfriend’s been with me 5 years, I’ve been with her 8 months

      1. Every man should heed the words of Patrice O’Neal the man was a prodigy when it came to understanding and relating to women, a phenomenal teacher to boot.

    2. I’m still not even friends on facebook with the girl I’m currently seeing, its been 8 months lol.

  5. Five words to remember All Your Life:
    “Bitches. You can’t trust bitches.”
    À bientôt,

    1. Because they are kept from the truth and every last inch of media thrown at them from books to movies conditions them to think of this “end game” and NAWALT.

      1. Yes, there is that. But in the end, men who get married are simply desperate. They will knowingly risk everything just for the chance that their temporary wife may fuck them once or twice prior to divorce.
        Yes, it’s that bad for some men.

        1. To many beta shlubs to be honest. Frankly, I think some of what is going on is in fact a kind of society-wide purge of the weaker stock by way of the marriage-divorce industry, where the undesirable elements are drained of their lifeforce before finally being discarded. It may sound rather weird but when you really think about it carefully, it does in fact make a load of sense from a rather cruel animalistic perspective.
          This world really is even stranger than we thought.

        2. The Western World used to conduct massive World Wars to purge itself of useless beta males. How beta do you have to be to run into wave after wave of machine gun fire guaranteeing certain death? Think WW1. Those guys were SUPER betas. They died by the millions. The alphas didn’t go to the front as much. Many fled the scene before the war, or faced the firing squad instead of being drafted.
          Paris after WW1 was a pussy paradise for the alphas who didn’t die in the war. The sex ratios were very favorable to men.
          But don’t worry. The next big purge is coming. The Western World has World War in it’s DNA.

        3. Oh come now, any one of those men could have kicked your arse three ways to Sunday and not broke a sweat.
          They were idealistic, and WW1 was the great culling of the Classical Liberal from the West by the nascent and vicious Progressives. These men knew liberty, they cherished it generally across the West (both sides really). They all had wives that they married young with both parties as virgins, they had deep abiding faith while retaining a strong regard for actual scientific method. They were in fact everything we are not and they were that way because it was logical to be that way; your wife fucked you, looked up to you, made you dinner, provided you comfort after a long day at work and stayed at home and actively raised the kids. There was an equal exchange of “labor” and there was no foolish feminism clouding up relationships. Many went through a couple of wives due to death in childbirth, and many had mistresses on the side that was quietly acknowledged as a right for men to have. To have acted differently, that is, being some pussy sniffing weasel out banging everything in a skirt without regard to any kind of societal costs, in these circumstances would have been idiotic, to say the least. Beta? Beta my arse.
          Their Achilles heel was their idealism though. That’s what got’em, in the end. They still had faith in their ideas and didn’t realize that dishonest, evil men would lie to them and cart them off to die by the millions for no good reason. It was simply inconceivable at the time.

        4. Yes you are correct. They are much more alpha compared to me, but they lived in a different time; 100 years ago. Of course a man not accustomed to running water and electricity is going to be more rugged than a guy born in the early 1980s. They were certainly betas in their own time though. It’s really an apples to oranges comparison.
          And you are also correct that their idealism was the source of their beta ways. But beta is still beta.

        5. I see what you’re saying but it’s hard to apply modern alpha/beta labels to that time period (and prior). Betas, to me anyway, seem to do whatever is possible to get even a whiff of pungtang. They reek of desperation and goofy idiocy, by and large. These guys on the other hand entered an institution which had proven to provide an equitable deal throughout history, and they did it with women who were appreciative of their talents and efforts. In fact, as memory serves, women would go out of their way to doll up and try to attract these men, compete for them even. Guys had it made in that era, but they worked hard for it.
          It is my estimation, and this is only my observations drawn after a year or so reading the manosphere, that alpha/beta is applicable today because what it means to be a man has hit a schismatic bump and created two macro identities that we hue to, due to feminism. We see men as either like us, or betas (and omega and the rest of the greek alphabet, but you get my point). Men in the past would generally have more whole personalities and identities, by and large, they could and usually were both as the circumstances demanded.
          Growing up I got to talk to a couple of WW1 vets, they were old men by the time I was cognizant of life, but not so old that they were institutionalized yet (God, but they were still pretty old, I figure at least their 80’s). These were hard men and they had no confusion about who they were or how the world worked. Alpha/beta just doesn’t stick as a label on them, from what I can remember.
          So we look back on them with our own experiences and prejudices and labels and try to categorize them by our own standards. Simply put I really don’t think it works well and too much is lost in the cross generation translation. It’s hard to call a man beta who fathered six kids, had a loving, loyal wife who was a virgin when he met her, who went out and fought in trenches, came back and had a couple of mistresses on the side while his wife made him a meal back home.

        6. Agreed. It’s really a comparison that cannot be made very well. Although I must say, I do not believe those men ‘had it made’ back then. Not like we do. Those men had to make immense personal sacrifices to attain the good life. For us, all we have to do is show up and not fuck it up; get married I mean. We have much more control over our destinies than those men did.

        7. Maybe, don’t know, it really depends on how you define having it made. Who here wouldn’t give an arm to find decent, humble, God fearing, submissive women who want nothing more than to please them and give them lots of babies? Yes, you had a lot more social structure, but on the other hand, that kept this whole mess in check, and frankly some structure in society is not a bad thing, it keeps order and provides a bulwark upon which to build society to a better state.
          Personally, and this is just my choice and not reflective of others, I’d give up ten boatloads of easy sluts for one chance at what the men in WW1 had going on for them, despite the hard labor of life that they endured.
          It’s been a great discussion with you Acehole, I gotta cut out and run, thanks for indulging my ideas for a bit today.

        8. actually, historians have noted that the opposite in Germany, where two lost wars stripped them of their predominately Nordic alpha blood stock and leaving them with a higher stock of Alpine and other bloodlines. Lothrop Stoddard studied and wrote about this in detail.

        9. Their Achilles heel was their idealism though. That’s what got’em, in the end. They still had faith in their ideas and didn’t realize that dishonest, evil men would lie to them and cart them off to die by the millions for no good reason. It was simply inconceivable at the time.

          Quite true. if they became privy to the fact that they were being taken for a ride by a bunch of gray-haired elite bankers and captains of industry who funded the respective war machines on all sides and then planned to sweep on in with construction crews to “rebuild” the devastated nations after the fact they would have promptly turned their rifles on their commanding officers and fired. Good luck court-marshaling them all if such a mutiny happened en masse. But as you and Acehole said, it was a different time and such thoughts would have been inconceivable for the great majority of them.

        10. Betas are generally regarded as intelligent, well-meaning, hardworking, productive, and dedicated men who usually do what they are told and sacrifice for family and community without asking much in return. They do not have to be complete chumps here, but they are usually not exceptionally perceptive, and remain somewhat easy to hoodwink into doing something that goes against their own interest, or even against the interest of their family and community at large. That is the reason why they receive so much scorn in the manosphere, and quite frankly much of it is undeserved and based on the fact that they have been unable to adapt to a radically altered social paradigm. They should not be confused with gammas, omegas and lower denominations, who are basically seen as complete unthinking slaves (with varying degrees of passivity and zeal) to whomever happens to rule over them
          Alphas can, in fact, encompass much of the characteristics enumerated above (intelligent, well-meaning, hardworking, productive and dedicated), but they are also much more attuned to when something smells rotten, and will more readily rebel and walk away from a raw deal than hunker down and take the humiliation. It does not mean that they necessarily become solitary psychopaths, but if they clearly perceive that they are simply unable to salvage a sinking situation due to their very own mortal limitations, they will eventually walk away from it instead of blindly immolating themselves for nothing (go Galt if you will). I believe that captures the true essence of the more virtuous concept of the alpha as discussed in the manosphere.

        11. for what its worth I was madly in love w her. But that’s the old me of 5 years ago before I took the red pill..

        12. I remember a quote that was something like, “Death in warfare is random and chaotic. I’ve seen many strong men die, and others who I thought wouldn’t make it survive.” Can’t remember who said that. I don’t think war is a reliable means to purge beta men. Many probably avoided service entirely.
          The place that was a real pussy paradise was Russia after WW2. Operation Barbarossa was some of the nastiest and most bitter fighting in history. The Soviets lost an insane amount of men. Sure, they technically “beat” the Germans, but the amount of human life it took to do so was and is incredible. So many men were killed there weren’t enough men to fuck all the Russian women. This is where mail-order Russian brides originated. Now the population is balanced again.

        13. I think some of what is going on is in fact a kind of society-wide purge of the weaker stock

          This is in fact, exactly what’s going on. Women don’t even want beta bucks anymore, just alpha fucks. That’s why they’re getting their own career. That’s why they’re pushing all this socialized bullshit. Sexless beta men now get their paychecks garnished and it’s used to pay for bitches’ gyno appointments. Women love socialization because they can force men to pay for her and her bastard children via taxation. A society that emphasizes individual responsibility puts women in a position where she has to get beta provisioning. This is why most women are liberals. That is, at least until she actually gets married and has kids. Then she sees her beta male’s paycheck is being garnished to pay for other women’s bastards. Then, all of a sudden, liberalism doesn’t look like such a good idea to here anymore.
          The goal of modern women, whether they realize it or not, is to position themselves to have a buffet of alpha sperm at their disposal. Her bastard children, which aren’t “bastards” anymore because that word is “misogynistic,” are funded by beta tax money. This is why there’s a campaign against “slut shaming. They’re posturing themselves to use the average man as what is basically slave labor.

        14. I read once this is one of the reasons there’s so many beautiful women in Russia. WWII killed a huge percentage of all the males and the ones that were left had a lot of choice so they got to bang the pretty girls, and those genes are the gift that keeps on giving.

        15. War was popular when it was men going off to the front and dying like flies. With WWII and the mass bombing of civilian (read female) populations, war became much less popular. This is why we have not had another big one; women are unwilling to be in the cross hairs. In the next massive world war the number of civilian casualties will greatly exceed the number of military casualties. So, there will be no proportionate culling of beta males. Hence it would not serve the feminine imperative.

        16. The Italian soldiers figured it out. Their response was to surrender to the Austrians. The saying was, “The Austrians are not our enemies; Gen. Cadorna is the enemy.” After that he was fired, but the Italian front needed an infusion of British and French troops to stop the Austrians. The Austrians then brought in the Germans.

        17. From what I gather about WW1, it was started over the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand, a relatively minor event. Could and should have been avoided by the US.
          WWII was different. The US was bombed on their own soil by Japan, and Hitler clearly had ambitions to take over the world. We would have had to defeat them at some point, but we should have just nuked both Japan and Germany as soon as they started shit.

        18. What you know about WWII is very simplified.
          Why did the Japanese attack PH? Was there an agenda of the Roosevelt administration to intervene in the European war at any cost?
          Did the US (equivalent back then to Saudi Arabia — huge oil exporter) cut off Japan’s main source of crude, leaving them with a 90 day reserve if they didn;t act?
          Why yes they did.
          Was the American public soundly against involvement in Europe’s slaughter? Yes they were.
          What even galvanized the American public to support Roosevelt’s ambition? PH? Hmm.
          Why were the carriers out to sea when the Japanse ‘surprised’ PH?
          Could US Naval Intelligence and Diplomatic Service read all Japanese secret codes in 1940? You betcha.
          Were the commanding General and Admiral of PH following orders by leaving ships tied up and planes parked close together?
          Were they sacked, blamed, and disgraced after the attack?
          50 years later, were those two men exhonerated and did they have their rank restored, well after their deaths? Why yes they did.
          The US manipulated JApan into attacking so they could use it as an excuse to fight the Germans.
          Roosevelt was a known communist sympathizer who loved Stalin and Marx, and hated the anti-communist Germans.
          Hell, Patton was right and he died because of it.
          ACcident you say? Lots of people who oppose the hidden hand of the USGOV die accidentally, not long after they publically express their disagreement.
          Oh I’m sure it’s all just a series of unlikely coincidences,.
          Red pill motherfucker, swallow it.

        19. I’ll admit my knowledge of war history is limited, but I’ve personally never been a subscriber to US involvement in large scale murders or terrorist attacks against their own people.

        20. Great point. There are no “civilians” in war, except maybe children under the age of 13. If you live in a country which wreaks havoc, engages in war, or fucks up in a certain way, you are partially responsible for enabling your government to do that. If America’s government became truly dastardly (IE Hussein), us “civilians” have the obligation to either physically overtake our government or leave the country. Basically, in war, you are either on our team or theirs, and no one living under an enemy government’s umbrella should be given anything.

        21. Some of you keyboard warriors make me laugh. I’m older, I actually knew WWI generation guys. Real doughboys. Forget about Brokaw, this was the toughest generation. Pure simple unvarnished manhood without all the narcissism and self congratulatory high fives. We are unworthy of them. Yes, they were done in by their idealism and their unflinching devotion to what they thought was their duty. WWI was the beginning of the end of the white race and with it Western Civilization. Sacrificed on the altar of the elites progressivism. Believe me you and yours have no right to cast aspersions or criticize them because frankly most of them would kick your would be alpha ass.

        22. more control??
          the churches loss is the states gain..
          6 months co-habitation = marriage in some jurisdictions.
          i can see this falling to 1 month, then 1 day.

        23. Indeed, tougher men could never be found today. Those dudes endured crap we wouldn’t subject our worst enemies to.
          But they were “beta” in the sense they were sent to their deaths by the “alpha” rulers. Wars have always needed legions of beta males to happen. It is not a slight on those guys but a acknowledgement of their place in the pecking order – some didn’t even have the right to vote in places like the UK at the time.
          Yes, these were idealistic men, devoid of the knowledge of how war really was, especially the new highly-technological, industrial-fueled war. Filled with the notion of glory and duty, perhaps not even the vets of recently past wars could dissuade with their horrors such youthful vigour. They had no media from which to determine the horrors of war save for some literature many would never have read or even had access to. They also truly believed the war would last a few weeks so they gayly marched on.
          Later they were conscripted…no one was really chomping at the bit to go to the front after about 1915.
          These WW1 vets were something else and no doubt more of a tough-as-nails man than any of us likely will ever be, but sadly they were also the cannon fodder of the rich and powerful, and thus “beta” in that regard.
          I’ve visited some of the front-line areas of France, read and listened to the stories, seen the devastation still evident so many decades later. I reckon all us men would quickly find our mettle in the same situation, but I am damn glad I never had to test that theory as those WW1 vets did.

        24. Today, the weakest generation.
          The good ol´ times when not only did such evil “men” exist but they did in fact control entire countries and the great majority in these countries was entirely ignorant of that state of affairs, utterly unable to see or even understand it…. Marriage played an important role as to how keep this control.
          But now, while the parasitic “elites” helped the majority become mentally weaker and dumber, so have they themselves.
          The growing police states and multiculturalism politics only reflects the growing failure of their moral control, they are stark admission that the blinders are soon going to fall off entirely.

        25. I find marriage and relationships in Western society is looked down upon due to our experience with Western women here who are totally fucked in the head!
          I’ve dated some foreign women and a relationship with them is heavenly! U rarely fight, she treats u like a man and wants you to be happy!
          It changes a man when he has kids but the key is to marry a normal feminine women which is nearly in possible to find in Western society today!
          All I’m saying is that these men say they feel complete and I believe they do! I hear the brain also matured to a new level when u have kids!
          Just DON’T ever fall in love with a westernised woman here, she will take everything u own! They are only good for a fuck NOTHNG MORE!!

        26. Look at today´s “elite”, they too have grown weak and pathetic.
          So it ain´t the end of the white race, those behind it decline have also grown decadent.
          Except for Putin but he and his faction did it on their own terms and because of that, the rest turn against them.
          Eventually also, technology bypassing the women who doesn´t want to do their biological duties for the sake of consumption.

        27. Soviet-Union had circa 200 millions inhabitants and lost 27 millions (7 millions military and 20 millions civilians), do the math.
          Thought the bolcheviks at least understood that strict monogamy would make the post-war era worst, not better.

  6. Damn. Western women are becoming more and more openly disrespectful about their marriages with every passing day. Clearly, the institution of marriage is dead. What will women think of to replace it?
    Now that women have radically abused the money transfer scheme that traditional marriage devolved into, rates of first marriage are sharply declining. In order to keep this shit show we call the consumer Western World going, society will need to find ways to transfer money from men to women. How will this occur?
    In the future, expect co-habitation to be considered a legally binding union where finances are considered community property. Also, due to the massive increase in false rape allegations, perhaps money settlements minus due process will be the norm to keep men out of jail after being falsely accused of rape.
    As the marriage money transfer scheme spins around the bottom of toilet in this post modern world, expect ‘democracy’ and the legal system to go fully fraudulent in order to keep female Western consumers well funded.

    1. Interesting thoughts. Let’s tease it out a bit.
      Women stop taking marriage seriously even when in it, which is basically where we’re at, give or take.
      Men stop wanting to enter marriage, which is where we’re almost at, give or take.
      Men go Japanese Herbivore or simply refuse to impregnate at all costs. – either is a possibility, however Japan is a real life example.
      Men hit EE or other third world shit holes and marry up some loyal bint there, and either stay there, or move back with the bint.
      The divorce rape industry dries up, mostly, and becomes a cottage industry again given a lack of clients – possible, though there may be a trickle of men who went to third world hell holes and brought the bint back home (she gets infected with GoGrrrrl-itis).
      Your suggestion of co-habitation becoming the new “married” is quite possible, however I tend to wonder that if that happens, won’t that simply create the same “will not participate” for co-habitation situation that it has for marriage? A temporary solution that eventually fails due to similar legal circumstances?
      A reform of marriage laws that give men a better footing? Maybe possible but it’s going to take more than snickering and “sitting poolside” and degenerating into third world thugs by choice. Chances? Up in the air still.
      Society self-extinguishing, hence why the borders are open now and we’re being invaded by the entirety of central and south America? Quite possible, seems to be the path we’re on currently.
      Open to other thoughts here.

      1. “Men stop wanting to enter marriage, which is where we’re almost at, give or take.”
        I disagree with this point. From my experience, there is such a glut of pussy-ass beta men in the West that men will never, ever stop exposing themselves to the marriage meat grinder. I think the powers that be know this. I know so many men, even good red pill ones, who still believe that marriage can possibly be in their best interests. Also, you must factor in immigrant men from traditionally-minded cultures who will be blind-sided by the marriage-industrial complex; Indians and Mexicans come to mind. EVERY Indian man I have ever met in America is incredibly beta, makes good money, and is willing to get married. Indian men will definitely be a massive target for the marriage-divorce industrial complex.
        That being said, I do not know how the millennial generation will handle marriage. None of the guys I know are millennials. Perhaps the new generation will be cynical enough to wise up to the bullshit that marriage has become. That says nothing of the millennial women. They may also reject marriage by and large.
        Your thoughts?

        1. Interesting perspective. I hadn’t considered immigrant men in all honesty, was thinking more instead the whole “marriage strike” that the matriarchy is screeching about the last year or two. Maybe that’s just another shaming technique put on as a preventative measure instead of addressing an existing ill?
          Due to a rather large amount of experience with Millenials my judgement of them is rather clouded. They are by far the most narcissistic, arrogant pricks of anybody I’ve met, yet they contrast it with being flabby (fat or skinny flabby), gender swapped souls in history. Where they end up is anybody’s guess, in fact it wouldn’t surprise me if their women started trying to find a way to grow beards. God help us all.

        2. Yes, I truly believe that the targeting of immigrant men will be the X-factor that keeps the fraudulent scheme going. However, will the numbers be there? Also, white Western women are going to have a really tough time marrying smelly Indian men. Just being honest here. They smell like shit. Will spoiled Western women take the status hit of being associated with an Indian guy just for the cash and prizes on the backend? I say yes, but who knows. Also, this is not a dig at Indian men, I respect them, but they are considered low status to Western women. I’m simply being realistic.
          As far as the millennials are concerned, I hate to bash younger people just for being young, but they really are weak group by and large. They are the first generation to be more or less completely raised by single moms. The results of this misguided social experiment are quite gross.
          The Millennials’ lot in life is largely not their fault. They were born into this perverse system, but that doesn’t change what they are. They are an extremely confused and directionless group. The men are fucking weaklings, and the women are a disaster on so many levels.

        3. The wild card will be divorce rates in immigrant communities. Not all immigrant communities have absorbed the Western acceptance of divorce.

        4. EVERY Indian man I have ever met in America is incredibly beta, makes good money, and is willing to get married. Indian men will definitely be a massive target for the marriage-divorce industrial complex.

          This will only work if the cathedral manages to co-opt their women as well. They are working hard on that, believe me, and are generally successful given enough time and exposure to the virus. Why do you think the culture here is alluded to as poison?

        5. As far as the millennials are concerned, I hate to bash younger people just for being young, but they really are weak group by and large. They are the first generation to be more or less completely raised by single moms. The results of this misguided social experiment are quite gross.
          The Millennials’ lot in life is largely not their fault. They were born into this perverse system, but that doesn’t change what they are. They are an extremely confused and directionless group. The men are fucking weaklings, and the women are a disaster on so many levels.

          When all else fails: soylent green.

        6. The Millennials’ lot in life is largely not their fault. They were born into this perverse system, but that doesn’t change what they are. They are an extremely confused and directionless group. The men are fucking weaklings, and the women are a disaster on so many levels.

          With all due respect, you’ve danced around who we inherited this “perverse system” from. Further, we take our cues from the original “narcissistic, arrogant pricks” who raised us. I’ll let you guess which generation that is.

        7. Don’t forget stupid. The millenials that I’ve met are also completely witless. In my generation, you had flakes, reprobates, guys who sucked at math, drunks, whatever. But there were always A LOT of very funny dudes, no matter how messed up they were in other ways. People could make jokes and generate humor because they had brains. I worked for a solid year with a dozen, educated millenials. Most had masters degrees. I never laughed once unless it was my own doing. They simply never made me laugh and I like to laugh. I like it and want to do it but there was never one single solid one-liner from them. Ever. I noticed it early on and then became increasingly amazed at how dull their minds were. No humor, no insight, no original thought, so interesting perspectives. I’ve been known to crack a joke or two. Whenever I nailed a solid one-liner they would look at me with near resentment on their faces, knowing the joke was funny and hating to see someone do what they never could do—land a simple, everyday one-liner. Their brains are melted by the internet. When other generations wanted to laugh, it was; make your own joke, outside of a few hours a week of tv doing it for you. Millenials want to laugh; click, click, click. Google ‘joke’ and sit back. They are hopeless. BTW, where is the millenial genius? I mean in any field (outside of fluky tech). Where’s the comedian, writer, musician, director who just leaves you in awe? I’m not seeing one, not in any field.

        8. Yeah, I disagree too. There is some decline in marriage but I think we amplify it here in our own little echo chamber. Getting married is still very much what people do, though a bit delayed. If you don’t believe me, then try going around in the culture as a never married forty-something. Unless you live in a state of constant ‘I’m not gay’ macho overcompensation–crushing beer cans on your forehead wearing Steelers jerseys all the time, then people will start to whisper. Bored, married Americans will use you as a type of social lightning rod/release valve for their own regrets, bitterness. New acquaintances with children will look at you askance as if you’ve been passing out candy at the elementary school—all this while being flat normal. Luckily I only have to endure for a month or two every few years then back into the world overseas where the women are actually smaller than greyhound buses.

        9. There is still a certain social stigma to ‘living alone’. If a 50-year-old guy lives all alone then he’s assumed to be a loser, nut, creep, or pervert (or combination of all 4). I have no problem with a guy living life freely up to 45 and then marrying a 30-year-old hottie for social purposes. But for God’s sake don’t get married before 30 if you’re a man.

        10. My last two sons are millenials. Their attitude is:
          1) marriage is out of the question.
          2) having girlfriends are not in their best interests, and
          3) hooking up while watching your 6 at all times is the best you can hope for in this wasteland.

        11. Why would a 45 year old man want a washed up soon to hit the wall hag of 30? I married a 25 year old when I was 52 and I am neither rich nor an adonis.

        12. My sons’ mother died when they were young so they were raised by a single father. Perhaps that is why I see a different reality than most of you guys when it comes to the millenials.

        13. The marriage rates are dropping at an increasing rate. You don’t see it because you are apparently 40. It is happening in the delay of first marriage til 30, and in the decreasing ever married numbers before 35. The changes are at the margins and take a long time to work through the gernerations. Most young women think they are good to go with delaying marriage because it worked for women who are now older than 40. By the time they find out things have changed it will be too late.

        14. The thing about Indian men is they have culture on their side. It would be damn near impossible for those guys to get laid any other way living in the U.S.
          I have an Indian friend who fits the typical profile and I’ve told him numerous times that he’s lucky his culture is reinforced here, otherwise he’d get eaten alive by American women.
          He’s in an arranged marriage to an Indian woman who was born and raised in India.

      2. North America will fully balkanize and those who manage to hold on to cultural roots enforcing the traditional family model will persist and pass on their legacy to the next generation. I’m thinking mostly immigrants here, but also quite a few homegrown religious communities who manage to stave off the beast well enough to prevent internal collapse. Sure, some outliers from the aforementioned groups will be caught by the tentacles of the gynocracy and subsequently consumed, but the greater mass of libtard drones will simply go extinct overtime as they fail to reproduce. The wildcard will manifest itself at the level of the EBT-funded vivariums containing society’s unsalvageables. Will they persist in the decay and squalor that characterizes them, or will the taxpayers eventually stop funding these human zoos and a violent culling finally purge the parasitic surplus from the nation?
        It is quite possible that an eventual secession of the more productive conservative states from the federal union will finally tip the scales here. If history has taught us anything, it’s to really expect the unexpected here.

        1. I agree with your last paragraph, as I’ve said before on this site, we’re moving to Wyoming the minute the kids are out of high school. The reason? Cultural, and taxes. I suspect that will be a driving force for many in the future to abandon the hell hole blue states.

        2. Hey, you got a really nice big country there. Lots of places to move to were you can find like-minded people and offer significant protection to your loved ones from the more nefarious elements at large. It’s easier than expatriation and less cumbersome, not only on a practical level but on a cultural one as well.
          There is no paradise on this little blue planet. Every perk usually comes at some hidden price. Best to position oneself for the things to come and hedge one’s bets the best you can.

        3. I’m over here in commie Taxachusetts, I’ve been eyeing Wyoming and Montana. A recon mission is planned for this fall, hopefully be a resident of Free America soon

        4. A civil war in almost a foregone conclusion at this point.
          Things will get messy. We all know that.
          Highly organized, racially homogenous groups like Mormons will thrive in the new environment. Hell, they already have their own state.

      3. With the lobbies the women, LGBT, and other have I don’t see how we could get male favorable marriage reform.I also see societal collapse, or some kind of break down as the more likely scenario In your listed choices. I suspect your prepared, as most of us pro-2A guys are. SHTF won’t be fun, but I see it as likely so I’m prepping everyday.

        1. We can make inroads into fighting this back, but it will take a lot of work. As I’ve said before, I watched gun laws across my state get nullified one after the other, and more favorable laws put in place, due to the tireless efforts of a small handful of committed men. This was against all odds in a culture that despised them. We have hope, but most don’t even know that they do and simply give up.

        2. I’m terrified of the SHTF scenerio on the North American continent.
          But it does seem increasingly more likely with every passing day. America is no longer a nation, it is a continental economic system, and a failing one at that. The North American economic system is similar in theory to the EU, although vastly different in composition and functionality. The one common denominator between the two is that both are failing at a colossal pace. These failures speak volumes about the chances of a successful one-world govt.
          Just because it has not been officially announced, WW3 is already under way and has been for quite some time now. You can even make the argument that 9-11 was the beginning of WW3. The middle East is involved in it’s own version of the Thirty Years War, and the West is massively involved.
          100 years from now, historians will regard WW3 as having a gradual beginning and then escalating into all out worldwide chaos and conflict.

      4. The amount of beta schmucks willing to marry is enough for a generation. Even if all men suddenly became red pill, most would lack the financial freedom to emigrate and find suitable women.
        What will happen is that at worst, marriage will become a joke, at best, an eccentricity like in nordic countries.

      5. Mr. Jefferson,
        “Men hit EE or other third world shit holes and marry up some loyal bint there, and either stay there”
        – This is the route I have chose. So far, so good.

      6. Women who needs marriage, the state money transfer system to support themselves are weak. Thought they enjoy it, they do feel it makes them into something less.
        As far as the “herbivores” are concerned and indeed the rest of the former developed world, there will be no retirement.
        If there is still a retirement system in 10 years, who will get it? That´s right, the people who had children.
        This is going to be especially painfull in societies where people are considered worthless when they are past age 45-50 even when they are a lot more hardworking and efficient than a 25 or 33 yo.

    2. Got news for you — you can be put on the hook for half of everything you own for co-habituating in a community property state under the guise of a Common Law marriage.
      NEVER live with a woman or co-mingle your finances with hers…….NEVER. Keep your own place and your finances separate.
      Just my $.02

      1. I live with my gf, but she makes way more money than me.
        Is this a good situation to be in, or am I still exposed? I’m not sure what the law is in CA.

        1. In theory YOU could claim alimony after some time spent together, though with mangina judges you never know. Usually better to have your own private place. Period.

        2. In spite of what many might believe, having recently gone through a brutal divorce, this subject came up. My lawyer informed me that there are no common law marriages and privileges in the state of CA. Furthermore, the recent Gay Marriage Laws passed actually weaken civil claims by people trying to circumvent this – it is so easy in CA to get married now, that having not done so for any reason at all is a strong statement.
          Note: I am not a lawyer, but damn, I’ve spent a fuck ton of money on them.

        3. Good to know. I appreciate the info.
          On another note, it’s interesting how gay marriage has affected the divorce-industrial complex. Everyone knows that gays are generally not serious about marriage. Their marriages tend to last months, not years. They just want the attention and equal rights. But with equal rights comes equal responsibilities; i.e. spousal support.
          Homosexuals are a protected class in the Western World. But under the guise of equality, they potentially can also be ass-raped by divorce law. So does the legalization of gay marriage significantly weaken the divorce industry? Or will laws be selectively enforced? Only straight men and women must pay alimony…
          I can see that happening.

        4. I think that the more possible legal marriages, the more opportunity for divorce court rape.
          Waiting to see what happens when the first high profile rich lesbian/poor dyke toy divorce happens. 😉

        5. The laws as written are gender less. But what kind of man would ask for alimony, or be married to a woman making significantly more than him?

        6. It has happened. Jane Lynch is the older dyke on the show Glee. Her short lived marriage was terminated by her fickle lezbo lover, and Lynch was left holding the bag for quite a bit of alimony. Lynch was fighting it I believe.
          It happened fairly recently, so I’m not sure how or if it has been resolved.

        7. Caveat emptor. While there may be no common law marriage in California, there may exist provisions for CS (with camouflaged alimony to boot) if your GF ends up spawning with your seed. Might wanna check up on that just in case.

        8. In other more “evolved” countries around the world, everybody who ends up married gets to claim cash and prizes upon the dissolution of the union. Can’t leave the legal industry hanging now, can we?

        9. Since there are usually no kids these types of divorces are never really detrimental to any one party. Unless there is a huge income disparity both of them will walk out with pretty much the same stuff they walked in with.

        10. Ah, the virgin beta chump answering a rhetorical question with an insult. Nice.
          Actually, Miss, this could only be true if your emasculated, mangina ass is standing behind me. Now go make me a sammach and do the dishes.

      2. Yup, this is already the law of the land in pretty much all of Canada (save Québec, bless those Napoleonic roots and that rebellious patriotic fighting spirit). You are pretty much expected to hand over your balls once you co-mingle with a woman here. And if you don’t, the friendly Mounties will remind you exactly why you are considered the Queen’s subject. I’m not saying all unions are fully like that here, but most women around these parts know full well how things work and have the show well on lockdown, you can be sure of that.

      3. Actually, the state of Washington, in their “gay” marriage laws, openly attacked common law in this. They pretty much made it that if you live together too long you are basically married. Thank you, gays, for pushing us all on that train to Auschwitz that you clamored to get on just so you can get maaaarried you dumb fucks.
        I tell people I voted against it, then to repeal it. HOMOPHOBE! they shout. If I get a chance to explain, I tell them the entire marriage license thing started because some southern states wanted to keep tabs on blacks, then tell them that the laws actually violated my rights through an attack on common law that pre-dated the Constitution. But noooo. People gotta be dumb fucks and get all excited. Democracy is a failure.

        1. There is not much use wasting one’s breath on lower life forms, even if they appear to be human on the outside.

        2. To destroy marriage entirely, all what is needed is to make the family courts only just a tad more unfair, make alimony just a bit higher and advertise that enough to make the populations understand what marriage is nowadays.
          But destroying marriage means a loss of revenue and without marriage, a lot more people will turn to dissidence…
          Who knows? Given how unstable homosexuals are, they might well find out that marriage isn´t a good deal for them either!

      4. That’s a great point I realized some time back for some reason or another.
        Never assume anything with legal implications. You can get burned permanently.

      5. A couple as a financial unit is idiotic in a time of crisis.
        That is one major reason for gangs, it is more efficient financial-wise than marriage, especially in times of troubles or if you simply live in Detroit.

    3. > In the future, expect co-habitation to be considered a legally binding union where finances are considered community property
      It already is in many places

    4. ROK should care for advocating the financial and mental emancipation of men from women, independent thinking and purpose.
      Trash that money transfer system.
      Not some prudish whining about how bad it is that women have sex before marriage to hide what is really disgust for heterosexual sex…

  7. What if they do not use their real name? I have quite a few female friends on my Facebook from school who use a middle name (or a nickname), and a few letters as the last-name. They do this because of their supervisors/potential colleges/ and so forth trying to look them up, catch them doing something questionable and revoke their decision. I was told even in school, the less information on Facebook the better.

    1. Have they given thought to making their profiles Private (I assume that’s still an option)? Wouldn’t that be easier than going all fake? Not questioning you, but rather their decision making.

      1. I can’t speak of the privateness of their profiles, but that’s generally to be expected for those who are in academics. My Facebook is the name of this Disqus account. Our program director scared the daylights out of us about law suits over Facebook happenings.

        1. Just use two profiles. One real one for all officially public information, and another dummy one for anything you want to follow that you do not want to see associated with your public face. That said, keep anything really private away from the NSA’s harvesters (aka the internet). Period.

        2. Exactly. So many people freely give up up so much personal information today; that only thirty years ago would have required a warrant. Fucking social media idiots, the lot of them all.
          Privacy is deviously easy to achieve still. Just act as if you were teleported to the year 1985 and relied on mostly cash. That is, no cell phone (as in, don’t carry it on you), no iCrack, no social media and make all of your purchases cash with no information given to the merchant. It makes you practically invisible to law enforcement, given as they’re lazy and basically restrict their monitoring now to the internet and cell phones. The most they’ll know about you is that you withdrew, say, $200.00 cash from the ATM but they’ll have no idea what you did with it. Wanna spy on me? Send out a living body and target me specifically. Screw your blanket surveillance.
          Most people can’t do that all the time, but it’s a great way to drop off the radar for the really important stuff you want out of the public eye. And it requires absolutely zero law breaking.

        3. In many European countries the maximum you are allowed to extract from an ATM at any one time is something like € 1500. Take any more over a weekly cycling period and your transactions, together with your identity, is automatically reported to both law enforcement as well as the revenue service. I believe something similar is in effect in the US, although adjusted to the dollar. So even if you mostly go by cash, they can still track your expenses by assumption, even if they do not know exactly where or what that money went to. Simply put, as soon as physical currency touches a bank it is tracked. The pattern may not be as accurate as a direct scan of EFTs, but it still exists nevertheless.
          You can still carry a basic cell as a backup in case of emergency and simply enable airplane mode if you don’t want the antennae cells to track and record your movements on the go with the telecom provider (or pull the battery if you are really paranoid). Had one for years for just this purpose and never had any problems whatsoever.
          While going all cash does break up the link between buyer and seller of goods and services (unless you happen to find yourself on permanent candid cam, like in the UK for instance (thank you very much George Orwell)), it can also become highly impractical if not downright dangerous, as your regular visits to public ATMS can become monitored just as easily by live thieves as your online transactions. Plus, you lose discounts and benefits that you can obtain with some better credit cards. If you only use those for your regular purchases, such as food and gas, I don’t see how that information being compiled into Visa’s databases is really all that harmful (I’m discluding here those who practice “unusual” professions and consequently wish to keep all their cash flows off the electronic books, so to speak).
          Fully agree about the dumbass social media addicts though. Hell, if it were not for business advertisement purposes most smart people here would skip that brainless nonsense altogether.
          I think you may enjoy this book here (If you don’t have it already):
          It is a bit dated by now, but still full of useful tips that can easily be put into practice in order to diminish your daily footprint.

      2. Facebook has recently removed private as an option, meaning unless you deactivate your account anyone can search you if you use your real name. Well that was the situation when I decided it was time to call it quits on that site.

  8. On dating sites I’ve personally encountered numerous women who represent themselves as divorced. But in the middle of the first date they reveal they are really “separated” or the divorce isn’t “finalized”. They are still in the process of “separating assets” and she doesn’t have her own place to live yet, so in other words she open to being f*cked in her husband’s bed. Are they really going to be divorced next month when the home closes escrow? Or are they just running wild? You have no way to verify anything she says. All you know is that she’s getting 10 messages a day from other guys asking her if she wants to have lunch. If you don’t jump on the opportunity in the next 2 days, some other guy will. If she is only semi-good-looking she has virtually unlimited social options through the net.
    But this behavior pattern starts way back before a woman is married. Back to facebook I’ve encountered single women who admit to having 1000 “friends”, 95% of whom are male, their words not mine. They get pounded by messages daily from guys they don’t know, message them on FB for a few days, move to texting, move to phone conversation, then screen them with a coffee date, and date the ones who will take them to nicer restaurants and 4 day weekends to bed and breakfast inns. With the internet, unlimited social opportunity for a woman who is only semi-good-looking but can take a handful of flirty photos. They can bed a different man every month for as long as they want. Once this behavior pattern is established when a woman is single, what do you expect is going to happen after she’s married? If her unwitting provider husband finds out, she still is rewarded with half his assets, or put on the payroll with support payments, which just gives her greater freedom to bed more men without ever having to get a job. I’ve actually had a woman tell me on a first date that she’s a paid employee to take care of her own child.

    1. The incentive structure that women have adapted to is pretty disgusting from the male point of view.
      As a man, you must prepare and act accordingly when dating these whores.
      Modern Western women truly have reduced themselves to the status of disposable whores. Modern Western men have reduced themselves to something even more grotesque; a willing cuckold.
      God help us all.

    1. Generally speaking, most “men” who are on Facebook are not red pill in the slightest.
      Facebook is for gays and teenage girls. It’s strictly for gossip.

      1. Okay, let’s get off the high horses boys. Facebook is a useful tool: ask Roosh if need be. There is certainly something to be said of using the right tool for the wrong job, but that’s for you to determine.

        1. Meh. Facebook to tantamount to shitting where you eat at this point. A know some guys who ran a train on some skank they met on Tinder. There are always other options.

      2. I actually think it’s great for keeping up to date with old buddies who live in different states and have lives and such. As with most practical tools, it has been turned into gossipy, narcissistic horseshit by women and beta boys.

      3. I like seeing pics on FB of skanks my rowing mates and I ploughed years ago get married to beta schmucks.

    2. I agree to a certain extent. That being said, some guys are married to women that have an account. Noticing these warning signs can help these guys nip a potential problem in the bud.

  9. Women constantly want male validation, the only validation that women get is when men pay attention to how attractive they are, which is why they are trying to still look sexy even when they go to work, despite from a practical sense it is not necessary. A woman’s power comes from her appearance, from which weak men bow down in order to gain favor from her. A man’s power on the other hand comes from his status, what he’s achieved, the women he’s fucked, a man is always the product of his achievements and efforts which is why so many women still walk all over rich men who they don’t respect.

    1. Don’t forget that women’s other source of power is misinformation/gossip….

  10. Take out your cock and beat her across the face with it until the cunt learns her place- that is the solution. Women only follow when they are led.

    1. Roger, spot on. Hopefully my article shows men that they have to jump on this issue immediately, lest things escalate beyond control.

      1. Thank you, Major Styles, The fast reaction is the only rational one. It demonstrates that she has miscalculated badly and can either submit or fuck off. It may also be an idea to take that as a sign to move pre-emptively and start protecting assets, if this has not been done already.

        1. Roger, I agree. The pre-emptive strike might be to bridge the topic in the hypothetical. The man states that he knows of women who do this, is disgusted by them, and would never committ to such a woman. This lets her know, before marriage ideally, that he is hip to the game.
          This type of pre-emptive striking goes for more things as well, I believe.

        2. Actually I am in favor of fuck off with no other option . Once you find this dump her right quick and don’t look back.

        3. Mike, you’re option is probably the better one. That being said, I am giving the proverbial benefit of the doubt here due to an honest (cough, cough) omission.

  11. This describes the happenings in my ex relationship to a tee.
    Everyone should read this article and pay attention. The man has done his homework.

  12. Chicks are fucked. Period.
    I got a call from my cheating ex (of well over a year now) the other night early morning. It was out of blue so I answered it in case there was an actual good reason… Like business related or some kind of emergency.
    She just wanted to talk to me. Because she was “thinking of me” after a concert she was at. She was clearly high on something.. probably just weed though.
    She starts rambling about shit going on in her life and I’m like wait a second wtf… I don’t want to talk to you… Why am I listening to this… I’m going to bed. And I hang up on her.
    The next day I found out she was at this concert with her beta-schleb boyfriend who she has been with for like 6 months now. Why didn’t she mention that to me on the phone? I guess he aint cuttin it.
    Chicks are fucked and I have no sympathy for her. The thought that she would cheat on this poor schmuck after knowing what she put me through boggles my fucking mind….
    If I stop to think about it it would actually make me go crazy. Just fucking dump the poor sucker.

  13. Heh. Great thing about the manosphere, that I am sure others will agree with, it basically confirms your instincts.
    Even when I was uninitiated to these ideas I had nothing but suspicion for girls who weren’t excited to have a boyfriend.

  14. An interesting post, yet it’s not particularly relevant to the well-adjusted red-pilled man. Facebook should, for men, never be used to contact or associate with women (outside of perhaps brief communication with relatives or girls who you would never consider intercourse with). The fact that women are playing these games should never occur to you whilst you are on your Facebook — you do not need Facebook to reveal/reinforce the true nature of women.
    As for me, I use Facebook mostly to save money on my phone. Rather than pay for texts to message my friends (all of which are male), I simply use Facebook. Elsewise, I have a few liked newsources. I read one, and only one article when I check my Facebook in the morning. I do not look at the pictures of other people for more than a brief second. I do not read any rants or posts, especially by female friends of my friends. I log off once I have replied to all messages, and when I have read my article for the day.
    Ever since I applied the above, women and their behavioural problems are a distant issue for others, and I will ensure that this remains a reality.

    1. Dude, there are plenty of cell phone plans that include unlimited texting. It’s really not that much more. To each his own, though.

      1. The concession of “it’s really not that much more” means that it is more, and that you are being inefficient with your money, which proves my point. Whether the inefficiency is of importance to you is irrelevant to worthwhile discourse, unless you can argue as to why it is, rather than merely stating that “it’s really not much more”.

    2. Simply ‘unfollow’ shameless attention whores on FB and use FB as a newsfeed only by liking pages on various content outlets like ROK.
      If used this way FB becomes a useful content aggregator,

    3. “An interesting post, yet it’s not particularly relevant to the well-adjusted red-pilled man.”
      Agreed. That being said, hopefully, we can reach out to people who might otherwise not be exposed to this information (femcentric society being what it is).

      1. That is the goal of sites like this, and it is pleasing to see that it is also your goal. However, be careful about how you disseminate the information. There is a difference between what you know and how you teach it, and the way you teach it could get you into a lot of strife. I suggest that you plant seeds in their minds, rather than hit them with hardcore red-pill truths, but this conclusion is based merely upon my experience.

  15. This is the perfect followup to the article ” The difference between a woman’s intent and behavior”. I’d say that married women pretending to be single on facebook, often explains and shows the commonly seen difference between a woman’s actual reality and her behavior. Women are like opossums today, who’d play dead (show they’re available or unattached), to dupe men. Women often lie all the time, and they lie more effectively than men.

  16. Between the unbelievable amount of epiphanies that the manosphere has handed to me on a platter and the revelations of how people think on facebook/internet, I have had my stance towards humanity completely overhauled in the last few years. I realize now that I was giving the world waaaaayyyyy too much credit. Facebook has revealed that everyone is just so far gone into their own solipsistic personal journey that you really shouldn’t expect or need any kind of approval from others. It’s not a negative so much. It’s just clarity. Everyone is gazing into the sunsets, mystified for their own private reasons, tinkering with their own private narratives (and posting the sunset photo on their homepage) and you should not strain or even seek any kind of deep, sociopsychological entanglements with more than a few people, if any. People aren’t that close. Even if they are, most peoples’ psychological framework isn’t something you need to bother yourself with clicking into. Everyone’s a mess, so just get some cool hobbies that will always see you through the day. The narcissism and solipsism of facebook has been so educational.

    1. don’t take humanity as they are, take them as they could be. They have unlimited potential, as long as you can cut through the lies they tell themselves to avoid meeting that potential.
      Mankind is, IMO, the greatest thing in all creation. We may potentially be the only sentient life IN all of creation, and all we need to do is to stop lying to ourselves. And it is not all of mankind, it is those rare individuals that catapult our species forward… the rest of us are just here to help the great ones drag us forward by our bootstraps.
      Do not discard the human potential because of the masses of self-deceivers. They are not really important anyway.

  17. I read that 25% of American women are being treated for a mental illness. That is a scary thought, it means that 75% are not being treated.

    1. I must remember this one. But the statistic is that 25% of American women are on psychatric drugs. There are probably a lot more that are getting non-drug treatment for their psychiatric problems; at least lets hope they are getting help.

    2. I’ve read that 89% of American men don’t visit the doctor routinely, thus go undiagnosed. And the percentage that do, don’t freely admit their issues…again, they go undiagnosed.

  18. Not to mention , more mature, and they get their points across in the most mature, rational yet artistic way…

  19. Thank you MajorStyles & ROK for the quality research, introspective & well written articles that makes up ROK for what it is.
    This article touches a fragile subject that men only begin to become akin to, but women have mastered over time. The language of Double-talk i.e. ,,I want more space” translates to ,,I need to get our of your proximity and into anothers, proximity, cock & all”, ,,I don’t think you can judge me for the past, the past is the past, and if you can’t get over it, than that’s your problem” translation : ,, I can degrade myself conciously by fucking and sucking whomever I see fit, and even though you’ve figured that out, you should be a fucking gamma-boy and not give a fuck”. Now we’ve all met with double speak when it comes down to women – they all do it, but what it actually comes down to, after you understand the women and pay close attention to her is to think hard – THINK HARD – that bitch that you so ferociously protect and as a reweard she busts your balls and talks shit ( zero respect for you ) can and will eventually BE MOTHER TO YOUR FUCKING KIDS ! – that’s if you let it get out of hand.
    There are basically 2 types of women if you boil it down:
    A. the pump and dump – madonnas, whores, sluts ;
    B. the weirdos – fat, ugly, no self respect – sometimes crazy ( slutiness degree achieved );
    C. the society lady – who’s a slut in disguise – but you have to look very hard as she knows people are looking and knows how to hide it.
    D. the common girl – not yet touched by the contemporary filth and decay i.e. village girls ( look deep before you come to a conclusion ).
    I would propose as an exercise, one that i’ve done with a cousin ( former gamma, becoming beta striving to be alpha-ish ) : go out and study every single girl you see and label her – slut, whore, good girl, weirdo, crazy bitch, drug addict – just by looking at the way she dresses, speaks, walks, behaves and if you are in doubt of your label – immediately go and speak to said girl to convince yourself whether you’re wright or wrong – this way you’ll discover a wonderful device of social identification called – get ready for this one – INSTINCT. It never fails you, always tells you the cold truth.
    Go forth and sculpt the world into what it is supposed to be.

    1. Thank you, Johnny. I am a recovering victim of the doublespeak kingdom. Thus, I share my lessons learned. Thankfully, ROK provides a vehicle for the truth.

  20. I just don’t do the Facebook thing….. I just don’t have time for silliness and drama. I know it was created to keep in touch and people up to date, like contract workers and soldiers overseas. But now it has become something else entirely.

  21. The husband that sits back and does nothing while the wife has her relationship status as “Ask” is beyond pathetic.

    1. One can’t expect anything good from seeing a leak in a boat and not plugging it up the moment it shows itself.
      So it is with these things, too.
      “Nip it in the bud” as I once heard it put.

  22. “I’m worried about privacy issues” So why are you using FakesBook? And why is your concern about “privacy” apparently limited to whether others know that you are married? What are you trying to hide?
    “I’m tired of all the Facebook drama” I agree. So let’s start by taking down your FakesBook account.
    “I’m an independent woman and I need my own identity” Okay… hit the road (married women have no business playing the “independence/identity” card – you both lost that option at the altar).
    (Full disclosure: My wife has never pulled this stuff – she is far too sensible for that. And neither of us do FakesBook)

  23. …fuck man, if you got married anywhere inside the continental United States, you married the wrong woman. Seriously though, Facebook married-sluts, and I’ve through a few of them and it never ceases to amaze how one weekend they’re tonguing your ass, the next day they’re posting pix of them kissing their kids, and the week after that their marriage is crumbling…..AND SOMEHOW ITS YOUR FAULT…but never theirs.

  24. Man some guys must be ultra beta, if my wife did this game with Facebook I would probably dissolve the marriage.
    I was driving to work this morning and heard on the radio that 67% of women wanted to have affairs but not get a divorce, I was like WTF, what kind of man would allow that. Since going red pill I am noticing alot of this stuff, I mean it’s just blatantly out there. I mean they want to have a man on the side and keep their husband, can you imagine if men came out with that, the outrage etc.
    Men need to start standing up to this stuff, it’s way out of control.

    1. Some guys are ultra beta, and unfortunately make things even worse by getting bad advice regarding serious situations involving their woman.
      You should see some of the terrible advice on Reddit, for example, which on average tells the beta man in question to be “forgiving”, or to “understand her”, or etc blah blah blah.
      Taking advice from a collective of neckbeards and politiccally correct, likely social justice warriors and bisexuals is hardly what will help a man climb out of the hole he’s found himself in.
      Marriage forums are slightly better, and fortunately in some cases solid advice is given, but there is inevitably quasi-feminist bullshit opinions pushing a man to be submissive instead of employing dread game or etc.
      My point is that not only are many men ultra-beta, they are left with little legitimate, brutally honest advice outlets when they need it.

      1. Yeah guess so, lot of wrong politically correct information out there. In my marriage I don’t know if I have been cheated on or not 100%, I don’t think so but were I to find out so, I wouldn’t need to ask for advice on the subject.
        You have to cut your losses at that point, I went through a mini episode early this year before I knew about the redpill, were I started questioning my redpill behavior and looked online for advice, I hear you on the advice man, it’s crazy. There is zero allowance for the guy and the female can basically get away with anything, also very gung ho divorce if you are the female but if you are the guy you should work it out, WTF? Also if the female is cheating you should under no circumstances also cheat, it’s like WTF.
        I told a guy at work about my redpill ideas when he told he was doing laundry and house chores, and it seemed like a huge relevation to him, this is a guy in his mid 40s white, earning six figures. I could tell it was literally the first time he had heard such ideas from another educated male as myself, he even implemented what he could I think and was seeing results. If his wife cheated he would probably stay.

        1. I understand.
          The irony is, men such as myself and many others, possibly you, ironically who are pushed and shamed into being even more beta and being accepting towards being cuckolded, cheated, taken advantage of, raising another man’s child, etc., reach a point of flux so to speak where once the red pill hits them, they transform in to serious motherfuckers who no longer give a damn.
          In other words, when you continually step on a man, once he sees a way out it turns out you actually only give him the extra push to become the exact opposite of what you’d have him become.
          Honestly sometimes I don’t have the right words, and simply it blows my mind how fucked up things are now, and how much people want female dominance in society, despite it wreaking havoc in relationships, paternity, economics, legal issues, and so much more.
          It’s a sick world out there.

  25. I miss the good old days “Hi honey – say someone said you were seen with the mailman today. I’m going to beat the ever loving shit out of you now… ” Wives next door hear this and think mmm…. consequences? They exist? My goodness…. maybe just maybe I shouldn’t do this!

  26. You really can’t be married in the U.S. and “alpha” anymore unless you’re a mafia kingpin whose wife knows that you will have her killed if she misbehaves. No man can face a SWAT team alone and she has this at her disposal if you displease here. Therefore to restore your strength the first move if you want to be married or even have a better relationship is to leave. You can’t be alpha where the law is actively making you beta and yes this means you brave keyboard warrior. Q: What did pioneers do in the old days when the bonds and shackles of society grew to heavy? They left. And yes, I am saying this from the other side of planet Earth and YES ITS BETTER HERE. Greetings from Asia btw… 🙂 5 years out and never coming back.

    1. Sounds like good material for an article here (your life and experiences over there). Please do write more!

    2. 5 years in south america now and I can 100% support every single word you wrote.
      “Where the law is actively making you beta” -> thats just plain truth. You eighter bend the law, you break it or you leave.

      1. Amen brother – Amen. We’ll probably never meet but if I do dinner and a round (or two) on me.

  27. “If she’s unwilling to let the world know that she’s married to you, then you married the wrong woman.” That’s the one that sold the whole thing.

  28. A woman FB status says allot about their commitment to their relationship with their man!
    If she is proud of her man and wants to be with him SHE will never say she is unavailable period!!!
    The ones that went from ‘in a relationship’ to ‘single’ or ‘ask’ means the relationship is in trouble and she is looking for a new man! Once she finds her new captain, she will jump ship!
    We learn from dysfunctional Hollywood that if their is a problem with your relationship, you should give up on it!

  29. If your wife says ‘ that she’s an independent woman who needs her own identity.’ then you don’t have a wife.
    If your girlfriend says ‘ she’s an independent woman who needs her own identity.’ then you don’t have a girlfriend.
    If you accept that shit, then you are now a doormat and she just lost all respect for you. Good life in your life of taking shit, always being in the wrong and paying all the bills.

    1. “If your wife says ‘ that she’s an independent woman who needs her own identity.’ then you don’t have a wife.”
      That’s exactly why one should not marry a career woman right there

  30. Time for cross examination on each of those points. Use each of those paragraphs to build up cross examination questions.
    1. Why is it so important to hide your relationship status now you’re married but not when you had boyfriends?
    2. Give examples of Facebook drama you faced from having your status as Married.
    3. If you were such an Independent Woman then why did you bother to marry me?
    If her general attitude is “I don’t have to tell you” or otherwise stonewall then your only recourse is to tell her “Then I don’t have to be your husband.”

  31. while reading this i thought of a good response. Stare her dead in the eyes and give her 3 choices
    1. change your status back to married now, and then make an update post right now declaring you are happily married to me tagging me in the post.
    2. take her phone, log in and delete your facebook(if she wont comply though odds are she has it set to auto login anyway so all its it matter of doing is outpowering her). take her phone though, even if you use a computer to delete her facebook which is probably a better way to do it.
    3. get the hell out of my house now.
    and after you give her these options tell her you have 5 seconds before i decide for you. the option YOU SHOULD pick is number 2. it hurts the most, displays the most power without kicking her out and will take a lot more time for her to try and undo. in fact its probably the option she fears the most as it will cut out her social circle instantly.
    if she is going to cheat….rob her blind of her social circle.

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