The life of man upon earth is a warfare, and his days are like the days of a hireling. – Job 7:1, DRA
Is the contemporary man more comfortable (and thus less “stronger”) than his primitive ancestors? This topic has been the subject of debate among men since the ages.
Well, with the advancement in modern technology, it could be argued that the modern man enjoys a “luxurious” lifestyle which his forefathers could only dream of. And at the same time, it has been argued by some that he could have become “softer” as compared to his predecessors.
But is this really so? A closer look at the life of a modern man actually reveal serious challenges which, even though they might not directly threaten his survival on a basic level as his forefathers had, can threaten his identity and quality of life in the long run as a man.
There will always be a test, even in luxury
There will always be a problem in a man’s life – even if he is enjoying a life of relative comfort as compared to others. Man is tested in both luxury and adversity—in fact the tests which luxury bring on a man tend to have more debilitating consequences for a man should he fail them, and more more importantly, fail to identify them to begin with.
And arguably the main reason why most modern men fail to identify the tests of a luxurious modern lifestyle is because they’ve been raised with blue pill indoctrination which teaches them to believe in these transitory and illusionary “pleasures” and comfort as the real thing.
By the time reality dawns, for some unfortunate souls, the damage done is too great, even if it may be still rectifiable. And in today’s environment. the main and evolved challenges modern men face (and not necessarily in that order) are:
1. Women
There is little difference between women throughout history, indeed – and they continue to remain as one of the primal tests men have to face throughout their earthly lives. Primitive man would’ve probably shuddered at the quality of modern women’s behavior (even with the increased “easiness” of them) – but the fact remains that with the increased feminism and unchained hypergamy of modern women, men, along with game has undergone tremendous evolution compared to primitive times.
Men today have to increasingly act as clowns to seduce women – which probably his forefathers would’ve find as ridiculous. At the same time, men in modern gyno-centric societies have to contend with the ever-increasing whirlpool of trashy women – who are good only for sex, but not for commitment – thus lowering the incentives and options for a modern man to raise a stable family.
Primitive man probably didn’t have to worry about his ass getting jacked in divorce courts, nor would he have to worry about missing child support payments for an irresponsible divorce thrust upon him by his mate.
With modern society increasingly favoring his irresponsible mate over him and he reduced to the position of a dispensable tool in this dysfunctional social construct, one would wonder how primitive man would adapt to this scenario, or more importantly – modern women.
2. Society
Much has been already written about the modern war against masculinity; and how men are gradually “evolving” into comical caricatures of pseudo-alphas dictated by the feminist bandwagon of modern societies.
Modern man’s forefathers probably would shudder at the life of their male descendants, were they alive to see at the societal beta-indoctrination peddled to psychologically emasculate young men in today’s societies.
With state-sponsored feminism increasingly trying to dismantle patriarchy in the modern world, a modern man usually has relatively little support to rebel against the modern feminist herd. With men turning against men to support feminism, the challenges a modern man has to face are overwhelming.
Beta-indoctrinating messages hurled at him since his birth, termagant feminist women who relentlessly cock-tease him to psychologically sexually desensitize him, unnatural societies where he finds where his natural sexuality being increasingly demeaned, challenges at workplaces where he finds it difficult to adapt, marriages where women increasingly abuse their husbands yet courts favor women – the list is too many.
In fact, it could be argued that he is being “tested” even more than his predecessors.
3. Code system
Every individual functions according to a code. A modern man has is often raised to adhere to such codes – whether it may be through religion, or modern dysfunctional social constructs like feminism which teach him against his own nature.
No man is an island; and the whole idea of blue pill indoctrination of men’s code systems is to mess up with the tribe – a man who finds that his tribe is blue pill will be forced to follow the herd. Add to that twisted interpretations that the majority is always right (another variation of the Group Trap which Harry Browne mentions) and men will succumb to a flawed code system.
Old habits die hard, and the optimal time for a man’s indoctrination begins from his birth. In fact, a man’s strong inner code is what defines his life irrespective of the circumstances or his environment he might himself in.
A blue piller who has strong blue pill code would continue to wade in his blue pill ignorance, even if he might be thrust in a society where men are actually rewarded for being true men. Instead, he would wage a war on this society for being oppressive to women—because he was raised to believe so.
This is why it is a great challenge to modern men to fight the code system they are raised in—because it often takes a great amount of time to deprogram from it.
In today’s environment, a man’s challenges have evolved onto social, political and professional levels – as compared to the physical levels they were usually restricted to in primitive times. It would be immature to expect a man to combat against the blue pill world purely on a physical level.
All credit goes to the man who disengages himself from the blue pill herd and rebels, because his resistance itself is commendable considering the odds stacked against him. One wonders how the men of the future would have to face more challenges considering the civilizational decline we are set in.
However, in spite of all the negatives a modern man might find himself at birth, the responsibility to unplug still resides on his shoulders. And the thing which will undoubtedly help him is the red pill—to unplug himself, and more importantly to help him realize that he is continually in a state of existential warfare for the protection of his own masculine identity in today’s world.
The man who fails to take it and falls prey to the supposed comfort of modern life—in spite of knowing the enlightenment that the red pill brings—has nobody to blame but himself.
Read Next: The War Against Men
Interesting article. I’ve pondered this question before, mostly in terms of physicality.
One hell of a golden article mate. I owe Oscar some brews. Our forefathers would be mystified how young men today are hammered with puke worthy Leftist and Communist propaganda. Here’s some comedic spin to the marvellous article.
This is very true. I am witness to this “change” going on around. Both my grandfathers fathered bastard children aside from their official families, and they really didn´t gave a damn or cry around because child support and that stuff. They both had 10-12 children with their spouses, and I am proud to say both my paternal and maternal families are clear examples of strong patriarchy. Neither of them went to school and received formal education, but they were really tough men. My mother´s father was shot when he was 7 years old. My dad´s dad was a landlord in southern Mexico, and he was shot twice during his lifetime. He also killed a couple of SOBs during his lifetime.
So yes, generations are becoming weaker as time goes by. When yesterday´s problems were other men trying to kill you, today´s problems are all about smartphones and that kind of stupid shit.
A large part of it is technological change, being hot head can slide when you are talking about hand held weapons. But with chemical weapons, nukes. Different story.
So you’re a bastard then.
Today’s man without a doubt, is an efffiminate, emasculated and pussified male.
It sickens me to see the state of what men have become like. When you compare the men of the past, one can clearly see and observe a huge difference. But where did it all go wrong? Well all I can say is that many factors contributed towards this, and unfortunately, I do not see any progress for the vast majority of men in today’s world simply for the following reasons:
-America celebrates feminism with great pride. Attached to this hideous ideology are the very products which have led to men becoming emasculated. This includes single motherhood, which is celebrated and embraced with open arms. It is now okay to raise young boys without a father figure in the picture because afterall, big daddy government has replaced the man in the nuclear family.
-The deterioration of the industrial and manufacturing ages, has resulted in men, no longer requiring their use of masculine labor. What has now been created is a service sector industry which has also been infiltrated by feminism through the use of corrupt HR departments and now women, have outnumbered men in the workplace.
-Men and in particular, young boys, are brainwashed by the leftist indoctrinated education system, which has molded and shaped them into complete wusses. Everyone is a winner, boys must put girls on a pedestal, girls can be the exact same as boys, follow your heart and the money will follow etc. With all of these bad ideals being taught in schools, what has been produced is a monsterous result of white knights, manginas and henpecked simps. Also, reinforce this with single mothers raising young boys, and the freak show has begun.
-The gay and homosexual agenda that is prevalent within the entertainment industry. Yes men, its okay to wear skinny jeans, its okay to buy hello kitty toys, its okay to wear make up and have sex changes, its okay to be comfortable with feminist programming making up your mindset.
Women now outnumber men in society.. Masculinity and traditional manhood has posed a threat towards women for a long time. And they will do everything to dismantle it.
When I were a wee lad I was a sensitive pussy boy. Now I am an ultramasculine asshole, and it isn’t, for the most part, because of how much I have changed.
A tough life or a sudden shock toughens you up!! Surely there’s something that opened your eyes!
“A tough life . . .”
The prognosis was 0% chance of living past 5 years old. To this day my mother swears I lived by an act of iron will. I have the toughness of a survivor, as well as that of a doggedly independent mind.
I was not just a sensitive pussy boy, but a smart, frail and sickly, sensitive pussy boy. A walking stereotype. I still throw like a girl. Perhaps I should do something about that.
“Surely there’s something that opened your eyes!”
I cannot recall a time when my eyes were not open. My “third eye” opened shortly before I entered kindergarten. That sort of thing will tend to set you apart from normal society, especially in the slums and projects where I lived at the time.
The lesson I had to learn as an adult, in my 20’s, is that NAWALTs are not just nearly as rare as unicorns that fart rainbows, but are exactly as rare.
That awareness grew with time, rather than as a sudden shock, although there were certainly some traumatic issues to deal with around the matter, as I had already been stupid enough to marry the crazy bitch. At least I got out of that one alive as well. Not everyone else did.
What you have to bear in mind though, is that 50 to 60 years ago even pussy boys would own their own rifles before they were teens, rather than claiming PTSD because someone pointed a finger at them and said, “Bang! You’re dead.”
the behaviorists know if they want a slave society, to destroy the masculine instinct that wants freedom, The masculine instinct in mammals wants individuality, it doesn’t want to be controlled by another dominant force, and rebels against such a notion, which is why masculinity is under attack
If you want a hive of technological slaves, you need to destroy masculinity first, which is what is going on, women will go along with anything, especially when they have been brainwashed to think it’s benefiting them which it is, but only in the short-term, they are pulling the rug from under our feet happily and proudly without realizing it will have an effect on them down the road
Women might enjoy the genetic feminine benefit of docility and hyper-cooperation right now because we’re only in the early stages of the new medieval technocracy, without really knowing how far they will be milked down the road(suckers), but by then pharma will be so advanced that the technological dictatorship will probably not bother anyone, You’ll “exist” technically, but your mind will be so owned and predictable and the technology that can control you with predictive programming will be so advanced you won’t stand a chance so yeah, you’lll exist, but the idea of free-will will be gone, they are already bragging about how privacy has ended
Free will is a masculine desire, women are like sheep
and where is the genius brainwashing coming from? It’s coming from the true Hyper-Alpha-Males who run this planet
along with the masculine instinct goes a sense of freedom, justice, and the rest of it, destroy that, and the society can be molded with “trendiness”
It’s OK to grow tits and whack off your weiner.
What do you mean by “women now outnumber men in society”? Surely the proportions are more or less equal?
Btw, I don’t have a problem per se with skinny jeans on men. Henry VIII wore tights and heels. I am less concerned with fashion and more concerned the actual fact of the situation (as you have described).
Perfect response to this post and I agree.
My 6 year old nephew is currently attending a Montesori school In Seattle. I spoke with my sister and questioned her about the school as I am very concerned about what he is being taught.
She immediately bragged about diversity and gleefully explained that he has 2 tranny classmates (5 year olds) and a couple of the kids have lesbian moms. I have no issues with trannies or homosexuals per se if they respect the fact that most people are not gay or tranny and don’t try to belittle people who are actually fucking normal. While I don’t beleive that these are necessarily bad, it does raise red flags as my sister’s overt celebratory attitude about the tranny and lesbian moms means that this is a perfect environment for his own blue pill indoctrination.
I just finished reading Rollo’s most recent book, Precentative Medicine which had a portion where he talked about acculturation and socialization of young boys. It absolutely infuriates me to no end that my young nephew who I love dearly could possibly be brainwashed. Even worse I feel helpless to do anything except feed him bits and pieces of red pill truth as he ages.
Needless to say I’m making it one of my life’s missions to make sure I can do whatever I can to help mitigate any possible blue pill damage.
Montessori schools are no more destructive than other forms of public schooling.
Short of enrolling him in a private school or convincing his parents to home school, there is little you can do other than take a serious interest in his life and provide a positive, masculine role model.
if you can, convince his parents to let you take him out to do ‘manly’ things, like hunting.
The mom is fucked up. How would home schooling help the poor kid?
My sister actually has a good head on her. She’s naive but rational and I do get through to her times on some issues.
She has bought into a lot of the neo-bourgeoisie egalitarianism but not to such an extent that has fractured our relationship.
So no, she’s not fucked up and if she was I wouldn’t have any issue letting her know she was.
“So no, she’s not fucked up and if she was I wouldn’t have any issue letting her know she was.”
Your sister IS fucked up, and you’re fucked up for not knowing she’s fucked up and because you “don’t beleive [sic] that these [trannies and homosexuals] are necessarily bad.”
Repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, so you may be forgiven of your sins, and ask God for His help with your mental illness (you SHOULD be revolted at abominations).
We believe in the gods not some effeminate jew con man
Agreed 100%. Can’t believe a site like this would have so many “red pillers” passively accepting that homo/tranny/etc degeneracy, especially when it’s clear that those are children abused in the worst way (for them to identify as something they’re not or behave as sexual deviants). If ROK gets taken over with this mindset, there will be no safe space left. We need more commenters like you who aren’t going to accept any form of faggotry, and who are not afraid to call others out on it here.
It’s that apathy of “I have no problem with fags or trannies, but…” that is the root problem here. They’re self-censoring themselves according to SJW indoctrination, by actively shutting down that internal, natural voice in their head that says “something is not right” when speaking of such abominations. People like that are why we ended up in this mess.
Society needs to start speaking out against homos and trannies and all the other filth, because yes they are a problem. A problem that needs to be straightened out in more ways than one.
I thought Montessori schools were doing some good things to foster creativity. Maybe I’m mistaken?
Unstructured environments are only a decent method of schooling when there are strong cultural norms to provide guidance. With today’s fluid indoctrination, Montessori schools have dropped to the level of public playgrounds with politicians preaching on every corner.
Not any better than public school, to be frank. Churning out little liberal arts elitists.
I don’t know anything about the curriculum. My sister said that many very successful tech CEOs went as well as famous actors, musicians, artists.
They are worldwide and are probably as diverse as the different countries that they are in.
That being said. It’s in Seattle. I went to college in Seattle and it is a SJW paradise. The fact that it’s in that city is enough to make me question my sister about the school in the first place.
Creativity. Ok. Any creativity, that’s projected from a blue pill mindset (false mindset) doesn’t mean anything. It just makes them “creative” drones.
About 5 years ago the Seattle City Council was voting to increase the permit fee for a skybridge that connected two large buildings downtown. This fee increase would have caused the closure of the bridge which alleviated much foot traffic on the streets below.
The reason from one of the council members was that the skybridge promoted elitism and that “people take skybridges to avoid people down below who aren’t good enough to go into the buildings.”
In modern day SJW speak, the bridge would trigger homeless and would lower their self worth.
So let’s stop making cars because people walking would feel inferior?
Yes, you can always spot a fucked up mentality.
So because the school has 5 year old trannies that means it provides a good education
Convincing five-year old boys they shouldn’t be and can’t be happy in their male bodies isn’t any less vile than Hannibal Lecter “persuading” his patients to cut off parts of themselves and eat it.
Montisorri schools are the worst: they inherently believe this radical progressivism, while most public schools have it rammed down their throats by the courts&”higher education” demogoguery.
How the fuck is a 5yo. a tranny? Oh my Gawd!
The same world where androgyny is rewarded. Have to wonder where and when did we start letting the animals run the zoo.
Went on public transit today. I have never seen so many lipstick wearing guys or butchy dyke girls in my life. Truly, I hope this is a passing fad.
If only. Current fad dictates this may not stop until the promoters of this fad run sterile. That seems to hold more of a chance over them changing back. Gender roles are too constricting after all
Jeez I went to a montesori school when I was a little guy and it was great. My very first red pill lesson was learned there. I got fed up, hit my bully in the guts, made him sick and gave him the very catchy nickname of “the barf machine.” No more bully. I still remember my parents (and the teacher) cracking up at the ensuing conference. Evidently montesori has gone bad too. Kind of sad, I had fond memories.
In Seattle…told me everything that I needed to know in that opening statement.
Fact is, you can’t do anything to change that. What’s warped as a child is warped as a man. He’s lost. You see, this society is dying. Protect yourself.
Nothing is dying except you. I guarantee that within a year you’ll really see a difference. The worm has already turned.
Diversity to a Boomer man meant which one did you want to shag. The blonde, redhead or brunette
Lifting heavy weights and working out are the most we could do in today’s society when it comes to redefining our masculinity. Also being self reliant and making sure you don’t become dependent on any source for long time and not become powerless.
Anyone who’s gone through basic knows that current humans have vast, untapped potential to withstand hardship despite our easy society… Most view those who have never seen a fraction of that potential with contempt.
It’s is a shame. I often talk about how we needed to go through a depression after 2008 to “right the ship”. The people who struggled through The Great Depression had a greater appreciation of everything, afterwards.
Yes, it sucks but it is badly needed today. It would put into perspective the really important shit and dismiss all of the nonsense.
I am strongly convinced it is happening soon.
Yes.Next question
Answer: Yes, calls like this prove it (part one of a multi clip call)
Tom’s voice sounds like it’s changed (Although I only heard of him recently and found a load of stuff from 2003 on youTube)
yeah it is, someone asked about that on his show before apparently it was due to an issue he had with black mold in a house he had bought and didn’t know about it until it already did damage……his show is back if you go to the URL above, spread the word he’s been preaching for decades what these MGTOW and red pill sites say
I just assumed it was due to a (un)healthy cigar habbit??
I knew Tom and he never smoked. His voice sounds the same to me. Hmm I’ll have to see where he lives. The best he ever did was with a show in Cal. but the station went to music or something and I don’t think he was working so perhaps he went downhill and is now living in a crappier house.
They paid him out when the station scrapped his show. Win/win!
Wow, that was so cringe-worthy
Jesus….wasn’t it, though. No wonder women are taking the high ground. Men are folding like lawn chairs.
To compare the modern man with near unlimited access to information in cyberspace and technology that would blow anything created a mere 100 years ago out of the water to a cave dwelling human being that had to face off against wild animals with nothing more than sharpened sticks and stones, the elements (floods, earthquakes, blizzards, drought etc..), various diseases, rival tribes, find a woman to mate with, pass his genes along AND keep his progeny safe until they’re old enough to stand on their own two feet is a MASSIVE insult to our forefathers who could only dream of the level of convenience we enjoy today.
You want to know how a man of yesteryear would’ve dealt with government, feminism & all the social ills that come with it?–011.jpg
”You want to know how a man of yesteryear would’ve dealt with government, feminism & all the social ills that come with it?”
Except the government with its modern technology and wealth can easily crush him especially in regards to use of force.
That’s nonsense and has nothing to do with technology. The average man has always been a follower and prole. The government does not have the power even today to control men if they weren’t all such natural pussies. The people who enforce the government’s edicts are the local cops and if enough men wanted to get rid of them it would be very simple. We know who they are and where they live as well as their families.All the firepower in the world cannot stop determined men when they outnumber their adversary 100-1 and they are armed. All you would need is small arms too. They don’t even know who the enemy is or if they could get shot in the back while eating a doughnut.Judges, prosecutors would also be in fear if they made some wrong decision. Then they have their families to worry about who could be taken hostage or they could be taken hostage themselves and locked in cells at the station. 1% of the men could take over the country if they had the will to.Forget military equipment like tanks etc they would be useless in this sort of rebellion.You couldn’t even turn a tank around on a city street and there are way to disable them, besides they couldn’t just fire shells. At what? An invisible enemy they can’t even identify and do you think that property owners are going to allow them to destroy their buildings.There are plenty of ways to have an ongoing cold war that just wears them down and bankrupts them so that they can’t even afford to pay soldiers and cops.
As your Commander I will lead you but I expect complete obedience.
Gen Marcus Benway,M.D.
I like the Cave-Man Meme, Ever see The Beginning of the Movie Quest for Fire? No Yes Means Yes Bullshit Going on there.
What percentage of men really tried to improve themselves; physically, mentally and professionally. I will add only less than 10% really is a challenge to SJW, feminists and the social order, rest are worse than hamsters.
This article smells horribly of egalitarian ideology. Most of the arguments when taken down their deepest paths favor equality of the sexes.
I couldn’t disagree more with the commentary on education, especially Lew Rockwell: if majority of men&women were left to their own devices they would not be able to light the spark of mindful cognition and chase it toward dualistic transcendence. A morality must be taught in order for a society to exist. Leary, Popper and all the other “hep” existentials were sophistically&ultimately wrong.
One of the major differences between men of yore and today is the fact that the modern man is not acclimated to his masculine violent side. Effectively this has been neutered out of him and only allowed within certain confines like sports.
As Tyler Durden in Fight Club said…”We have had no great war, no Great depression. Our war is a spiritual battle. Our great depression is our lives”.
The man at his core desires to be feared and respected. The only way for this to come about is through force. A force of will or force of arms. Either way this force must be overpowering, intimidating and completely invasive.
Notice the impotent rage of the mangina sjw or the whiny shitlib.
No one respects your anger when there is no threat of violence behind it. Crying about some injustice going on today? At best you are seen as a cry baby and a fucking nuisance…..just shut the fuck up.
Fuck your problems and fuck your worthless life. No one fuckin cares. You are expendable and if you aren’t breaking your back producing for the “common good” Ie entitled slut queens and welfare parasites then you might as well just kill yourself because that is your fucking purpose in western civilization you bitch of a man you.
Grab the helm of your fucking life and steer it where the fuck you want to go even if that means crashing and burning into the goddamn ground 1000 mph NOT where other ingrates and worthless shit stains of wasted oxygen tell you! Make these motherfuckers feel you! People don’t respect you? You aren’t dangerous enough. The unleashed rage of a self actualized man is a fucking inspiration even in my enemies…..and let me tell you every man needs enemies. I’m just gonna say this right now, the worth of a man can be directly related to the power of his enemies. Alot of value=alot of enemies. Learn to love that shit. Every conflict that doesn’t kill you just carves away the inessential shit you don’t fucking need. Let it all fall away until the visceral ferocity of a mad man is all that remains and the white hot fury of your anger is a palpable energy.
Fuck this peaceful shit. Our legacy is the fire of our will and the very earth itself has the scars to prove it…. you see this crater in the ground bitch? A FUCKING MAN was here once. Don’t let these fuckin broads forget….especially the ones with a penis. You have got a WHOLE LOT to lose when you’re fuckin with me SO DONT RILE ME UP! WOOOOOOO!
If they stand in your way with their snarky bitch ass face and faux outrage….make them fucking pay. Make your goddamn anger a spectacle to be feared, a sleeping dragon no one dares wake. Settle for nothing less than absolute submission. No fucking compromises.
When Alexander the Great went about conquering other nations he welcomed them into his arms like a loving father if they did not resist and accepted his rule. But if they did resist and fight with him as their ultimate ruler he would lay waste to entire fucking peoples and make sure their blood would be wiped from the face of the earth forever.
Be a fucking ruthless savage with these assholes today. I mean hell it’s only your life, your sanity and your balls that are at stake. You need to ask yourself the question…how valuable is that shit to you?
Are there things in your life worth dying for………worth killing for? If there isn’t then go back to your regularly scheduled programming riding your fuckin pony into a comfortable, safe space with rainbows and ( snarky voice) NO JUDGMENT among other faggot shit. You fuckin fairy.
21 gun salute to that request! Ballsy statement but damn if we don’t need to raze the field every now and then.
You’re right, it’s ww3 for the awakened men, it’s a silent spiritual war
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” – Winston Churchill
“Attack, attack, attack!” – Internet Aristocrat
That quote from Winston Churchill is such a great quote. Winston Churchill was such a great guy!
Excellent comment,
In traditional masculine societies where a man’s measure of honor was his measure of worth, men did not run around going off half cocked (see: the Code Duello.) Instead when offenses were traded, the aggrieved parties by custom agreed to settle things on the field of honor. In fact in some cases men who failed to hold their end to appear on the field of honor were legally prosecuted.
It is said that when the wearing of swords died out in Europe it ended a 3000 year long tradition of freemen bearing side arms. And it disappeared completely with the closing of academic or mesur fencing.
That took cold blooded courage as opposed to lashing out like a roidal jock. How man of these MMA wannabe types would show up for a mensur bout?
This is good shit right here. I’ve wished upon a lucky star that dueling would return. You would find me with the sword and pistol all fucking day or whatever weapons allowed.
I would train all day in my craft and anyone who so much as looked at me cross would be getting a slap across the face with my glove or whatever formal disgrace needed to push it to a duel. Why? Because I want a good death fighting at my best and the glory of laying up my life in honorable combat.
I’m not sure what you mean by wannabe mma types but I am an ex pro mma fighter and the two don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
At this time we can only look back to the past and wonder what it must have felt like as a man to fight for his honor. I mean we always have our word but in today’s massive ease of information society coupled with our luxurious and resource abundant lifestyles….someone’s word just doesn’t matter as much.
We live meaningless lives for trinkets and external validation. It’s a goddamn shame to all of us as men.
Like the ronin of fuedal japan, the modern man is a ronin….lacking a master to serve in that he has abandoned himself as his own master and his essence. He has been denied the knowledge of himself and all that he holds sacred through relentless conditioning.
We all are grievously shamed, mortally dishonored. This makes me very angry.
I’ve thought of this article for a long while and honestly I have concluded we haven’t become more pussy compared to men of the past. If you are referring to certain time periods, then of course the lean in answer is yes, men have weakened in principles. However this has less to do with men as a whole and more to do with external factors. The men of yore, WWII survivors, coupled with the softness of being a merchant, decided it was easier, safer, and more satisfying to battle in the arena of dollars and commerce than it was to duel in the hardships of conquering new terrain. And in the search for this new battle men took on the aspect of women, who hungered for security, resources, and verbal authority over others. Our limbs got weak. We watched as men became obsessed with this effeminate power. With men living feminized lives it is only natural they look to women for support. Corporate moguls, merchants, and their ilk all sought comfort behind a desk and skirt. They said fuck the world family. If the world will sacrifice my life I will just stack dollars. With men like this running the world of course the inherent principles for manhood would leave the building.
What is happening now is both due to duress and an indomitable spirit of men. We are forming a new substantive brotherhood that acknowledges the void of manhood and honor long lost to us by our merchant forefathers. And to their credit they saw horrors so turning cowardly makes sense. For the current state, we hung on tooth and nail to strong principles of aggression amid shaming, blaming, and outright lies. It is beautiful how we are coming together to discuss cultivation of strength in body, mind, spirit, and fiscally. I think our standing externally has weakened as men but internally, we are far stronger than men of past, at least on a mental scale. I’m taking into account the principles many of us held to here, in some cases without having any men to teach us honor, respect, courage, and love. Somewhere within us we just knew we were different, stronger, made for battle, and an unknown enemy was destroying our vitality. We must live with the sword thrusted into our backs and not relent as we progress into further definition of manhood and our birthright as shapers of humanity.
Not if feminist cannibalize themselves first!
Why does this woman delete her comments within hours of posting them? Happy Mother’s Day btw
Because she is either trolling or very unsure of herself.
“Somewhere within us we just knew we were different, stronger, made for battle, and an unknown enemy was destroying our vitality”
I would agree at least personally these are conclusions I came to and questions I simply had to have answers to.
And it is true that modernity breeds the feminization of men and society as a whole. With so many more people on the earth than ever before finding ways to live together and cooperate has been a big question for lots of people.
However I personally don’t give a fuck. I don’t really want or care to get along with everyone and the world’s problems are not my problems. I’m not someone’s fucking savior. As men we need battles to fight and peoples to conquer. How the fuck we gonna do this if everyone gets along?
Most people are hive mind idiots who don’t deserve life because nature would have killed them off long ago if we didn’t have so much technology which effectively has them on life support all their fucking lives. I say no to this. Let the useless eaters die off and the unfit die off. I do not want to waste ONE SECOND of my time, one penny of my money or lift one finger to save anyone who can’t do for themselves. Only a bleeding heart fucktard naive child thinks like that and it has infected nearly everyone in the west because they are all grown up children.
Let it fucking burn I say.
That was only for we of the upper classes. The peasants didn’t have duels or could they even afford a sword or knew how to use it.They bashed each others heads in with shillelaghs or sticks lol
Or a good clean round of shin kicking.
Alexander the Great opened his arms for those who toed the line. So aren’t you really just proposing the exact same system that we have today…a world of “sheep” and followers but really your goal is just that you want to be the leader of the sheep, in place of the current leaders? Is the same system under new leaders really an improvement? And, in fact, wouldn’t this be more of a return to the prior state of affairs, before the feminist mentality took over the Western world rather than a new system? And if so, why did that system break in the first place and what would stop it from breaking again?
Well there will always be among the majority of peoples….the sheep or the herd mentality. We know this is especially true among women.
I’m not trying to start something “new” or even grab the levers of power among the current systems. But I know that I’d have a whole hell of alot of fun watching it all burn to the fucking ground.
Fun watching it all burn…lol! That did give me a good laugh. And I have to agree that the world as it stands (the Western world for sure) is broken..I’m not sure what would fix it either.
So are you still a 98 lb weakling, blowhard and keyboard warrior? Here, try this.
You’re projecting bro.
Intimidation is not respect. Displaying that kind of anger is actually a weakness.
I do belive people are smart enough to get out of the way for a steamroller that knows where it is headed, and clear the way for it if it has a good plan. Extra sirens and machine guns is advertising there’s an idiot at the wheel.
I make a huge comment with several points and all you can think to focus on is intimidating people?
Go back and read more carefully. Intimidation can be an aspect but was not explicitly stated. Just simply existing as an unapologetic man today will have you labeled as “intimidating”.
I very clearly said that anger means nothing without the threat of violence behind it. Not only just the threat but also the actual carrying out of punishment/consequences. Bad things happen when you poke a bear and to assume that people are “smart” enough to know this is to overestimate the cognitive ability of the average fuckin simp. You read this website. Certainly you are familiar with the idiocracy we live in and the absolute proliferation of inferior genes flourishing.
Have you not seen the animal attack videos of retards at the zoo trying to pet dangerous animals or get close to them?
Don’t be so naive pal.
Yes inferior genes are most definitely flourishing.
The threat of real violence is exactly what I meant by intimidation.
Do continue on in your defensive mission of idiotic rabid animal, someone will put you down and we can evolve.
Or, you choose to remain calm about it, would you not enjoy the benefit of eliminating the slow moving stupid from the gene pool with your well directed steamroller?
I fail to see why we are at odds unless you are used to people telling you you are overreacting. This is a result of how soft you youngsters have become.
Technology played a major role. Back in the days most men were physically fit with their job, doing the same manual labor day after day, carrying heavy loads, using tools, building things, working with their hands in general. There was no need to lift weights at the gym. That time is long gone, kicked by the digital era. Today workers spend their days filling a useless excel sheet sitting in front of the computer, so that they can hand it to their boss and lick his balls.
Back in the days, at 15 most men were expected to work. When you start to work from such a young age you quickly learn the true nature of life, it’s not fucking wonderland with rainbows. Nowadays most people in their 20’s who are still in college are stuck in the “what’s up bro” frat college behavior, their only concern is where the next binge drinking house party is going to be.
”Back in the days most men were physically fit with their job, doing the
same manual labor day after day, carrying heavy loads, using tools,
building things, working with their hands in general.”
Unfortunately the labor of the industrial revolution in the long run results in joints being worn out and your body ending up busted.
You are absolutely right. However we might question if today’s results in the long run (or even short run) are not similar? We might not have bodies who end up being busted, but how about all the psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, loneliness, lack of self esteem, attention deficit disorder?
50/50, there needs to be balance.
There is a fine line to be walked indeed.
Don’t you play a team sport? This is vital if you have a pussy job.
And looking old at 40.Too much exercise and lifting at some gym will wear you out too. It’s just that these millenial boys are too young to know this and being kids think a couple of years is a long time. They’ll learn the hard way
Truth. Over-training ain’t good for the body.
No man is an island;
not sure if this is true. The MGTOW movement makes a good argument otherwise, that it’s better to create your own island of personal tranquility than deal with the crap society tries to foist on you.
I have designed and built my own bicycle and automobile frames, and was in my own island of tranquility while doing so, but – I didn’t make the tubing or the gas bottles, nor could I have working on my own.
Mount Athos, nothing female- including animals- is allowed.
Doesn’t that pose a logistical problem of a society unequivocally doomed to a fairly quick complete extinction?
maybe – the level of cooperation / brotherhood required amongst men to survive and thrive throughout history created a solidarity amongst men which allowed us to achieve the technological advanced existence we currently ‘enjoy’.
This same technological world that we have created in turn shapes and forms us, so that the cooperation amongst men that once made us ‘large and in charge’ has been replaced with a fragmenting technological experience requiring competition and zero sum interactions, where one wins but only at the expense of the other.
Whereas mutually beneficial transactions were previously required for men to advance as a group and for the greater good of all, today the game is to ‘get ahead’ ~ get ahead of the other guy by taking his stuff and adding it to yours. Hence the White Knights and Manginas… and feminism, police state, big government, prison and military industries, oligarchy, hypocrisy, corruption, devaluation, default and collapse… bringing men back around full circle to brotherhood and solidarity.
Ironically modern man’s technological advancement has made “real men” obsolete… for now.
That is a very lucid statement. If every man knew this, then we would have immediate smackdown control over our herds of wild bitches and mankind would finally be prepared to blast off into the universe. If only everyone had ears to hear. If only there were some sort of mental colon cleanse additive to put into the water instead of the fluoride.
mental cleanse is available in plant form – but those are illegal…. hmm ~ wonder why.
I don’t understand. I agree with much of what op had to say but I missed the link between “one wins only at the expense of the other” (totally agree) but I got lost at “hence the white knights” etc. Why hence? I don’t understand how the feminism etc issues link to the system in the context of “taking his stuff and adding it to yours”? Genuinely asking – can anyone expand on it for me?
‘hence’ = ‘therefore’ white knights, manginas ~ these types of men are the product of feminism and the Feminine Imperative. White Knights [cops for example] are the type who work zero sum games where they win but only as the other man loses. Manginas deceive and manipulate other men [politicians for example] for their own gain… white knights and manginas are the men who support and perpetuate feminism which in turn leads to a police state and the rest cited above.
Band of brothers is an old, old expression for a reason 😉
Mutually beneficial transactions has always been the only way for any individual to do business with another. This separates the men from the boys, the talent from the freeloaders. Group cooperation is only needed by the weak to hitch a free ride.
I read a few stories from men around WW1 up until the 1920s an you can tell they were far tougher an masculine than were today. But it was a a different type of masculinity, you didn’t go around peacocking an giving out negs or a acting like an asshole to be masculine, being masculine was simply expected of you. Men didn’t bitch an moan about how hard something was or how much pain they were in, if something had to be done it was your job as a man to do it, an a man was the head of the family that’s the way it was. I’m not saying it was a utopia because it wasn’t but men were more masculine back then, but it was old school masculinity not a caracharture of masculinity we see today.
Agree…and I believe society (as a whole) appreciated the man “back when” for doing all of these things, not bitching about…he was “rewarded” for it. Today, it’s a whole different ball game. You’re expected to do all of that shit (thinks the entitled people) because you (the man) have been the entitled one for so long (remember, they were the oppressed ones).
Men, gladly, did many things because of the appreciation they received from society for it. It’s ugly, today, because women want to only take on “some” of that role…the easy stuff (and benefits). They don’t want to truly be equal or do the heavy lifting. They talk about how they are doing the heavy lifting of society (without actually doing it).
True, but the worm is turning. Marriage is a suckers bet. MGTOW is growing. This society Is dying. The only way feminism is stopped is thru a major societal reset. Like a civil war, or a land war of some sort. Where the women who are survivors are so traumatized that all they want is to live.
I agree back them men were actually respected but now days in Western society men are just seen as a source of amusement, at least up until women need a man to do something dangerous most women won’t do. It doesn’t help that women are bought up an told they are superior to men in every way an men are bought up being told the same. But as we know women don’t want real equality, they only want it when it suits them, most don’t want to face the same consequences as a man or they want special treatment when they can’t do something.
Men would do anything in exchange for appreciation. When that’s gone… fuck it all!
Very well said! I’ve often had this same thought (although I think it applies to both men and women). Strength used to be something you just Saw in someone. If a man felt the need to tell you how strong he was, that would have been a compromise of strength. Why should he need to tell us he is strong when the way he conducts his life makes it clear for anyone to see. In another time, we saw strength in humanity in the simple act of people living their lives honorably, industriously and with dignity (and dignity was a right of all men – you could be dirt poor but still hold your head up because you lived as an honorable man)…”doing”, without complaint and with no expectation of accolades for doing what needed to be done.
That’s right, being strong wasn’t something you bragged about, it was simply something you were expected to be. Like when you read stories from guys who were in the trenches, they faced real horror but they don’t talk about how brave they were, they just state matter of factly what they went through without looking for sympathy.
You have no idea what the past was like outside of some stupid Hollywood films you watch.Most of you new keyboard boys couldn’t even survive in the 1970’s and that was like yesterday.It would be hilarious.
I’m not sure why you’re criticizing me, I’m openly admitting men were tougher in the past. An I’m not a fan of Hollywood propaganda, I prefer to read books that give some kind of intellectual stulation.
Books are for 4 eyed geeks
Keep trolling
Well said. The younger men at my place of work are all talk. They compete almost constantly over nothing of importance, avoid all responsibility, and when a real decision has to be made they show themselves to be cowards.
Similar to some of us here, I am disappointed with the focus on blaming others for our problems, this is a most unmasculine weakness. In my day you got on and did something about it.
men in the past dealt with constant death, war, famine…..
These days western men are weak for skipping this.
I was thinking about this earlier.
As some of you may be aware there were protests in London today in which a key war memorial was vandalised by people protesting against the newly elected government. I found myself asking would those who protest and deface in the name of democracy been willing to place themselves on the firing line in the two world wars Britain fought in to save democracy in Europe?
The answer is a resounding no.
Males of my generation face no real hardship. They are mollycoddled and protected. They have the security of the welfare state behind them. They are constantly fed feminising media. The reason I am not like 90% of my generation is that I have been out there and explored the real World and have faced adversity. To put it simply, there is very little adversity for men (and women) in Western society.
My grandfather was born in the 1920’s, physically abused by his father, bullied at school and grew up in poverty decades before the welfare state had been established. By the age of 21 he had fought in France and Norway, been shot and then hauled before a military court for his efforts. He fought at D-Day and saw many men he was proud to call friends killed before his eyes. He went on to suffer from what we would now call PTSD, but he didn’t bitch about it and he didn’t seek recognition for his efforts during the war. He kept on living and maintaining a frame of resilience to the adversity he had faced in life.
Very few men of the post-baby boomer generation would be able to go through that without whining and seeking sympathy at the very least. Our generation has had no war and no great depression as Tyler Durden famously said, and we should be grateful for this in many ways, yet also accept that these tragic events made people truly great and created a standard of men we are currently below.
I’d never fight a war for elitist government/corporate pigs like Roosevelt and Churchill and their financiers and war profiteers and neither would both of my grandfathers had they realized the truth…which they did later.
Read “War is a Racket” by United State Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler.
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of our country’s most agile military force — the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. During that period I spent more of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected that I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. I was rewarded with honours, medals and promotion. Looking back on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three city districts. I operated on three continents”. — General Smedley Butler, former US Marine Corps Commandant,1935
”Males of my generation face no real hardship. They are
mollycoddled and protected. They have the security of the welfare state
behind them. They are constantly fed feminising media. The reason I am
not like 90% of my generation is that I have been out there and explored
the real World and have faced adversity. To put it simply, there is
very little adversity for men (and women) in Western society.”
Not with the invasion of Radical Islam in the west.
My grandfather fought at Odessa (on the German side), his brother was in a different unit, died there.
Another uncle was a pilot.. He fought against the Brits, Americans, Russians and when it all turned around he fought against the Germans, and ultimately was shipped in the Pacific and fought against the Japanese, so he ended up fighting against all the 5 air forces at the time and he lived to tell about it.. We live a good life, but in the same time I am not sure about the psychological aspects we are up against vs. what they had to deal with. It’s different today, but not easier.. The pussification is mental of course, and while you are not aware of it, is fine.. Once you wake up, it’s a real pain in the ass.
I was talking to my father.. and war is not exactly what we think it is… They were bombed day in and day out by the Americans, and then at night the Brits were coming..They were only coming at night.. And with all these people continued to live their lives, went to work and ending up at the pub at night.. And outside the pub there was this guy with a flat bed truck hauling all the drunks away when the AA alarms were going off.. And then when the Brits were off, back to the pub picking it up where they left off..
I’ve come to the conclusion that as men continue to lose ground, many will go over to Islam. Hate to say it, but Islam is the only open expression of masculinity left. Seriously. Think about it, don’t just react. I was raised a Christian, but can’t stomach Churchianity. I’m in my late 50’s. Straight up MGTOW. Been a history buff all my life.
One thing I’ve noticed repeatedly thru out history, as a society fails and becomes feminised, the masculine men will desert to the other side. Many reasons why, but the perversions we see as everyday conduct are signs of societal sollapse.
Islam is one of those lower class things in the US which is why you find it in the ‘hood and prisons. And I have to wonder where most of you live where all of this crap is going on.
Just think about this….you know for a fact that feminists despise you. You know that after you get out of high school, you might get a job flipping burgers if you’re lucky. You’ve watched your mother hose your dad at every opportunity, and then lied about him in the divorce. You know he didn’t abuse you or your sister. But, he couldn’t defend himself in the face of such a monstrous attack.
Would you fight for this country? When you’ve seen what happened to your father? If you’re a smart kid, you can go on the Internet and find out that this is commonplace. You know that the girls got all the privileges, and the boys got the scorn. What can you do?
This is where Islam is going to have a field day. Think about when ISIS proves that cowardly manginas can’t protect themselves. Think about what happens after feminists are beheaded. That’s what’s coming. You see, masculine angst is going to be paid. But, the actual fact is, this society has mistreated and hated young men and boys to the extent that they won’t protect the women in this society. Masculine retribution is coming.
Masculine retribution is coming.
I agree. It will be nasty.
Don’t really care that much for Islam, but I can see the real attraction to lost and confused boys. I, personally, will not fight for a society that hates me for being a man. ISIS will behead feminists on Go Pro HD cameras. They will kidnap them and take them out in the country. Feminists have no idea how much they are hated. You know, all that brutal stuff about nasty men that we’ve been accused of? Well, hell is coming to visit, and it’s going to stay a while.
Psyop warfare can be used by both sides, you know.
I don’t like the medieval, primitive beliefs of Islam. Having said that, you have to admire them for one thing – unlike the west, at least they know how to control their women, and are entirely unapologetic about shaming sluts.
There are no countries anymore- they only trot that dead notion out for the World Cup…
There was an excellent ROK article on this theme about what is happening in Sweden. Feminists are gonna see how ‘strong and independent’ they really are when the few real men left won’t feel inclined to protect them from being raped by Mohammed and his 10 best buddies…
I laugh when people on this site think that THE MILITARY is a bastion of red pill manliness. It never was. (Read USMC Major General Smedley Butler’s “War is a Racket”)
Even before women were allowed in the military…it was a place for conformity to government…serving your GOVERNMENT…NOT your ‘country”.
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of our country’s most agile military force — the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. During that period I spent more of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected that I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. I was rewarded with honours, medals and promotion. Looking back on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three city districts. I operated on three continents”. — General Smedley Butler, former US Marine Corps Commandant,1935
The uniform is one of the great social control inventions of all time, able to project an illusion of alpha status, while in fact stamping it out entirely.
Contrast with the conventions of heraldry, whose principle function was to make warriors identifiable as individuals even in the heat of mass combat.
Yes and no. The Corps allows much greater latitude to make important decisions in the lower ranks than the other services. Marines really are expected to figure things out for themselves. I went back the the Army National Guard – the Army was a different world.
Some Oriental guru once said that the best governments are the most corrupt ones. They only come to tax you once a year and then do nothing for you but leave you the hell alone for the remainder of the year.
Primitive challenges are more physical, modern challenges are more psychological and social.
AND with this kind thing spewing out of media …
This article has made me think: men NEED a ‘tangible’ obstacle/project/enemy, upon which we can act physically and exert ourselves against – as opposed to the realms of complex, labyrinthine abstractions (such as the current western social imperatives) which are little more than a waste of male resources: smoke and mirrors to detract from the way of men.
Great article, Oracle. As ever.
When the female hamster wheel turns the beta males jump aboard its confines. A white knight will drop everything he is doing when he hears the squeak of a poor wheel. Several jump aboard the confines of the wheel, giving it added momentum until it is too fast and then they leave the scene when tired. The cop, the socialist worker moustache fag with thick glasses, the co worker, she has her pick of the winning orbiter when she stops her wheel. If the cop gets the gold ring, he begins to do the monkey dance for her until she tires of that game and the cop becomes the biggest chump when she begins playing the mantis and bites his head off for the next orbiter in line.
A woman who doesn’t get her way when pressed with an ultimatum will often respond with ”I’m calling a white knight then”. Most manginas are white knights but a cop is always a white knight to her.
Only one thing at a “miss princess fairground” that spins faster and has more novelty factor than the Ferris wheel… guess what?
“Now now. Pick your *unicorn*, dear. Hold tight. Sure you’ll see stars and rainbows when the laws of physics make itself present to you via centrifugal force.”
They’d have to pay ME five bucks to get on the crazy carnival rides they’ve got now. Who would get a thrill from being strapped in a big clothes dryer and tumbled like a rag doll? A hamster for brains whirly girl that’s who. The carnival ride puts a counter clockwise spin on her shit and she’s DTF then when she swaggers off. Plus it’s safer for everyone than a crotch rocket motorcycle ride where she clings to your back like a tick. Personally, I’ll pass on the amusement park rides. Like I said, only if they paid ME to ride, then I’d put on a wal-mart kidney belt, little leauge groin cup, bike helmet and goggles like an astronaut in training. Then once prepared, I’d gladly make money all day pulling 5 g’s on the round-up, the nut buster, the cosmic castrator, etc. Otherwise I prefer standing below and watching as the little bitch gets HER shit shaken beyond stupid.
Who says men have to act like clowns to get women? I have never acted like a clown in my life to get a woman. If you ask me, women want a man who acts like a fucking man, balls out. If you are acting the fool and getting no pussy, well now you know why.
We are Homo Domsticus.
Long ago Cro-Magnon man was domesticated by farming, society, slavery and selection. It probably didn’t take long but it made us more docile, weaker, slower, dumber, and more submissive. Cro-Magnon was better in every way.
All domesticated animals – dogs, cattle, sheep, goats, etc… are wild animals that were selectively bred for “tameness” – they are trainable and docile. Once Cro-Magnon started farming, building big towns, trading, and owning slaves – he was breeding humans for tameness. Men who were too aggressive, too alpha were killed by slavers or out bred by the townspeople.
Here’s how fast it can happen with foxes:
“Many domesticated animals are black and white. When selection is made for tameness, it impacts on the entire make-up of the animal.”
People have been complaining about this since forever.
I got around to reading The Prince a few months ago and Machiavelli lamented that men have become more effeminate.
How do you expect people to give credit to you, when bible verses and pictures of evolution are depicted on this site?
Because the majority of the readers of this site are ignorant fools who either can’t get the woman they want and/or are laughed at by women and society on a regular basis and therefor they seek and receive validation for their lives.
They are ignorant. To show humanity towards their fellow brothers and sisters is obviously too much for their fragile egos. Jesus taught love, and all I see on here is hate and fear. Real people who are confidentknow tthat they don’t have to put people down to show their point.
This article is nonsense. A real man still seeks to prove himself in some form of combat, and those that do not are weak cowards.
I think the ones who contribute content to this site are, yes hahahaha!!!
a modern man usually has relatively little support to rebel against the modern feminist herd. “With men turning against men to support feminism”, the challenges a modern man has to face are overwhelming. – this point regarding men turning against men is why the battle is so much harder – feminism was brought to a halt because of world war two and for at least a couple of decades after because men were forced to be men to stop “warlords” and dictatorships a woman sitting back at home in safe secure roles while men risked their asses could not demand anything because if these men realised they were going to be shafted they would simply walk away.