4 Reasons Why Child Circumcision Should Be Banned

For most of Western history, circumcision was seen as a barbaric practice. However, in the 19th century it found new popularity because physicians believed it “cured” a variety of ailments including masturbatory “self abuse.” Of course, as any circumcised male knows it doesn’t stop you from masturbating.

Regardless, this medical “advice” became a cultural hit and is still widely practiced for non-religious reasons, especially in the United States.

1. Circumcision is genital mutilation. Period.


Circumcision is a human rights violation. Cutting or burning off part of a child’s genitalia (male or female) is barbaric, regardless of how common or socially acceptable the practice may be to the host culture. That said, circumcision should be permitted to those old enough to consent by law, but not forced upon any child. Children are not old enough to understand or consent to irreversible bodily mutilation.

In the West, if parents performed female circumcision, or if they mutilated any other part of their child’s body, they’d rightly be thrown into prison for child abuse. Those acts are rightly considered evil, so why isn’t circumcision? Simple: cultural and religious biases. Western law does not permit the physical disfigurement of a child for any other reason, but circumcision has maintained a sacred cow status.

But what about the right of the parents to follow their religion? I ask, do these parents have the right to drag adulterers into the street and stone them to death? Are Muslims allowed to literally flog those who engage in premarital sex? Religious rights do not usurp another’s human rights, including those of a child.

2. Claims of HIV protection are exaggerated

People Infected With HIV

A common counter-argument is that circumcision helps protect against HIV. What circumcision advocates fail to acknowledge is that circumcised men still do, in fact, contract HIV. Promoting circumcision as an alternative to condoms is disingenuous and gives a false sense of security.

Proper condom use better prevents against HIV, and does not require unconsented bodily mutilation of a child. Put simply, you are not safe simply because you are circumcised. You must still use safe sex practices to avoid infection, circumcised or not.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) relies heavily on the HIV argument, and they have data that suggest circumcision helps prevent the spread of HIV during normal, heterosexual intercourse. However, they’ve come under increased scrutiny from international physicians who claim the AAP has a cultural bias.

Two major critiques were published in leading international journals, one in the Journal of Medical Ethics, and a second in the AAP’s very own Pediatrics. The World Health Organization recommended voluntary circumcision to poverty-stricken African countries with prevalence of HIV. Of course, an HIV epidemic in a remote and poverty stricken part of Africa has little bearing in Everytown, USA, where HIV is “overwhelmingly the province of homosexual men, injectable drug users, and the people who sleep with them.” They’re basically using an HIV problem a world away to rationalize genital mutilation in the United States.

Looking at world maps of circumcision prevalence and HIV prevalence by country, we can clearly see there is no correlation between countries that do not circumcise and HIV prevalence. HIV prevalence is dependent on culture, not circumcision. Europe, South America, and Asia rarely practice circumcision and do not suffer from an HIV epidemic.

Conversely, there are several African countries that have both a high proportion of circumcised males, and still suffer from high HIV prevalence. Circumcision advocates will rarely point these discrepancies out. The AAP should stop using a poverty and cultural problem in Africa to justify a barbaric and evil practice in the United States.

Circumcision prevalence by country. Data source: World Health Organization (2007)

Adult HIV prevalence by country. Data source: UNAIDS (2007)

3. Unnecessary and catastrophic injuries


According to American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision, catastrophic injuries are “infrequent,” but do occur.  Complications have included “glans or penile amputation, transmission of herpes simplex after mouth-to-penis contact by a mohel (Jewish ritual circumcisers) after circumcision, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection, urethral cutaneous fistula, glans ischemia, and death.”

One notable story is that of David Reimer, whose penis was accidentally destroyed during a routine circumcision. Dr. John Money, a physician who theorized that gender roles are mutable early in a child’s life, reassigned David as a female. However, his theory failed spectacularly, and David later committed suicide.

4. Circumcision takes away a person’s religious rights

Religious awareness 2014

A child should not be forced to permanently bear religious or cult symbols, especially when they may not identify with it as an adult. Many will not follow their parent’s religion into adulthood, and thus should not be forced to bear their guardian’s religious symbols on the most private areas of their bodies. However, once of consensual age a man should be allowed to do with his body as he pleases.

Does circumcision reduce sexual pleasure?

Some might be wondering why I did not include this as a fifth point. There are numerous studies that contradict each other regarding circumcision and male sexual satisfaction. Because of this, it is difficult to conclude one way or another. This point is still hotly debated. We know the foreskin contains millions of nerve endings, so it seems probable that removing those nerves would have some sort of effect.

In any case, it is a barbaric practice that should be eliminated in civilized society.

Read More: The Benefits Of Not Masturbating

298 thoughts on “4 Reasons Why Child Circumcision Should Be Banned”

  1. I’m glad to be circumcised. Thank god I don’t have some flap of extra skin down there. I know it’s natural, but I find it disgusting.

    1. Henz, I am glad you feel that way. Take joy in the fact that you do not have to worry about phimosis, paraphimosis and plethora of hygiene related issues with the foreskin.

    2. But I bet that the females you know have plenty of extra flaps of skin and could use a good trimming. I prefer a naturally good looking pussy or a good trim job.

  2. How did they get Serbia in 80-100% category? They probably just went to Sandzak and Kosovo and got their data from there.

      1. Sandzak is an area in Serbia, and since this is from 2007. Kosovo may be counted too. But all that still cannot explain it, since Muslims are not majority in most of Serbia, and Jews are a tiny minority. Circumcision right after birth is rare.

  3. Stack is back, and by the look of those stats I think I’m going to head over to the Balkans for my next trip 😉

  4. I’m cut, and I guess I don’t mind it. I’ve never had any problems with my junk, and every woman I’ve been with enjoyed it, lol. Then again my circumcision was “botched” in the sense that it wasn’t all cut off and I still have half of my foreskin. I think they call it a “loose circumcision”.
    My problem is that it was done without my consent. I’ll never know what it’s like to not have severed nerves down there. I’ll never know what it’s like to have the dick my genes actually code for, what nature actually intended for me.
    Circumcision should be completely illegal, even for children of Muslims and Jews unless there are legitimate medical reasons like Phimosis or whatever.
    A baby isn’t anywhere near mature enough to be religious, let alone consent to cosmetic surgery.

    1. Circumcision is one of those weird things that is so common, no one ever thinks about how truly fucked up it really is. The worst are women who say they prefer circumcised cocks. Hey, I’d like it better if she didn’t have beef curtains, but I’m not going to advocate labiaplasty on baby girls. That would be seriously fucked up, and so are women who advocate the mutilation of baby boys.

        1. Truest statement I’ve read all day, women’s opinions and assholes have much in common. Both are full of shit.

        2. this. first it’s “i’ve never been with an uncircumcised guy,” then u edge them, then it’s praise for your cock because it’s “just right”.

        3. Most females can’t even tell the difference in look when the skin is retracted.

      1. I am totally advocating labiaplasty on baby girls from now on.

        1. You could definitely turn it around on circumcision advocates. 71% of women who had a labiaplasty report an “improved” sex life, less pain and discomfort, and more confidence. Just do it while she’s a baby and she’ll never remember the pain! 😉 I’m sure if someone looked hard enough they could find evidence that having smaller mud flaps down there would reduce STD transmissions as well–less mucus membranes rubbing together, after all.

        2. This isn’t a rhetorical device for arguing. I’m firmly in the no meat curtains category.

      2. And how about fathers who have it cut themselves and want their sons also to have it because they think it’s good?
        Should big daddy government legislate that freedom away from them?
        For those of you that are uncut, I’m happy for you if you are happy with it. I’m happy being cut however and I would NEVER want to have my foreskin back.

        1. Mutilate a child for aesthetic reasons? Are you a sociopath? Such men are pedophiles and should be treated as such. Public hanging or slavery would serve them right.

      3. Women hated beards with a passion just 10 years ago. Actors and succesful man didn’t wear them. In five years the beard trend will be over with again.

    2. Same here, got a botched one too. But I say dont play sjw or neocon on other tribes practices, leave em be if its customary.
      I dont know where the source is but I recall that african tribesmen that were cut vs uncut did have lower transmission rates. But only by a little bit.
      My problem is with botched work however.
      Same story can be said for female circumcision which feminists call fgm, which I would agree if it involved the whole removal, but if its just the lips and clit then Id say thats female circumcision which is akin to ours….losing sensitivity.
      FGM would be like male sub-incision.

      1. its just the lips and clit then Id say thats female circumcision which is akin to ours….losing sensitivity.
        Perhaps not because many females can’t come anyway and the ones who can don’t require the visible clit since the nerves are continuous with the interior vagina where many believe the g spot is located. Many highly sexual females who can come do so by deep penetration and from my experience these are also the ones who can come quickly. The reason that the clit has gained so much importance is because many feminists are lesbians and it is the only area that’s easy for them to use outside of using a dildo which reminds them too much as a dick.The lesbian feminists hate Freud’s idea about the immature orgasm (clit) and the mature orgasm (vaginal requiring a dick) and pooh pooh him on this saying they are the same but I think that for once he was right. Immature may have meant very young girls whose nerves in the area are still not fully developed and mature may have meant fully developed and deep in the vagina and not due to any psychological reason, purely physical.Lesbian feminists hate this because it implies that deep penetration implies using a dick something they find repulsive.In my extensive experience the younger girls like the clit tickling superficial orgasms while the older (and this is relative and doesn’t mean old) like the deep penetration orgasms and find the clit rubbing annoying in general.

    3. I agree with you except beware of the phony phimosis diagnosis. Boys do not normally retract until an average age of 10 and often later into or after puberty. As long as he can urinate and it’s not a problem for him – it’s not a problem. Some doctors will try to forcibly retract or advise parents to – all this does is damage the child’s penis and then they will say “Oh now he needs a circumcision.” Boys will discover on their own how to retract. After that they simply retract, rinse, replace. True phimosis is extremely rare.

    4. You dont mind cuz you dont know any better now. Just like some guy whose born with missing leg, you’re used to it now so it don’t bother you.

    5. Actually they sell the foreskins and NICU nurses I know say the cut off skin gets treated better than the babies. They might say it gets used for skin grafts but it is actually sold and could be used in makeup/facials.

    6. Phimosis is not a legitimate diagnosis. The prepuce sometimes remains non-retractile until adulthood. That is perfectly normal. A child cannot be diagnosed with phimosis.

  5. I wonder what the psychological consequences of circumcision are? Would Freud have invented psychoanalysis if he’d had a foreskin? In an age where there’s so much fuss about FGM it does seem archaic.

    1. its interesting circ rates were at their highest during Freuds time and he often wrote of castration fears.

      1. Arguably a real danger for circumcised boys. Wonder why Freud saw it in terms of fear of the father. A rabbi / mohel is a patriarchal figure

        1. indeed…..mutilated boys would have a very real sense of fear about that….makes me wonder do our neutered dogs possess the same fear? do they merely behave out of fear versus a non-neutered dog who has actually been tamed via the owners superiority. admittedly the more red pill I’ve swallowed the more I’ve begun to wonder….perhaps Freud isnt near as insane as modern psych books would have us believe. Modern psych classes cant shut up about him but also cant stop mocking him…..me thinks Freud was onto something.

        2. Well feminism has proved penis envy true so castration anxiety may well be a thing. Whether circumcision produces something like castration anxiety or good behaviour based on fear would need to be studied further but I’m sure the psychological effects are profound

        3. lol forgot about penis envy….touche.
          well there are studies on “circumcision” but the the places that need this stuff plastered all over the news have these studies suppressed and the places that already know better see circumcision as the MGM rape that it is and arent going to subject infants to it.
          that said it is already documented that the brain does get damaged because the infants scream themselves into a shock induced coma or pass right out into one. and there have been MRI scans on the matter. but again pro-circ places suppress these studies.
          I’ll just say once you establish and come to grips with circumcision and calling it what it is that is MGM and rape, then all you need to do it look at the countless studies of what happens to children have been raped. what you’ll see is those children can suffer a clusterfuck of problems. Men today in America are suffering a clusterfuck of problems….is this all circumcisions fault? maybe not all of it, but i’d bet the vast majority of the reasons for men today acting retarded is because of this so called innocent thing circumcision aka rape and MGM.
          I also dont need a study to tell me cutting off half of someones dick is wrong. so I dont like the need to study everything.

        4. I think more and more people are coming to see it is as an unacceptable form of male genital mutilation. The fact that evidence of trauma is being suppressed is appalling. You’re right though it shouldn’t require extensive empirical evidence to demonstrate that mutilating the genitals of little boys in wrong

        5. while there is a growing number of intactivists as they are called, the reality is this movement isnt making that much progress. depending on the state cut rates can be anywhere from 40% to 90% which about what theyve been nationally for the past 100 years so progress isnt really being made to swiftly.
          theres also a huge debate even in the intactivists world as to whether or not MGM classifies as rape. the movement is greatly divided and made up of a lot broken people that lack the fire to steamroll this issue to congress the same way feminists pushed for FGM to be made illegal as of 1997. it’s made up a lot of people that cant even get angry at mom and dad for doing this to them. we really need intact men, aka non-broken, to wage this war. there is a clear cut difference in the intact man versus the mutilated mans psyche. some cut men while they dont like circumcision(wont call it MGM or even rape) actually think their sex life is fine as is. so my point is the movement is rather divided whereas liberalism is rather united.
          while more folks are opposing it, it just isnt enough. we havent made enough progress to say we are winning, we are still on the losing side.

        6. to be honest I didn’t know much about it, but the more I think about it the more it seems strange that it has never been challenged. Obviously some cultures may be invested in it, but heh maybe it could be an issue which could become a pan-religion movement. I see how people might disagree on the issue, but then I’m sure that was the position for FGM a few years back. Early days

        7. well the strange thing is Abraham gets blamed for MGM even though his version was a slight cut that dropped a handful of drops of blood….its like Egypt that came up with cutting off foreskin and the Jews as they often did, said fuck God and altered the original thing.
          Jesus then does away with it and with the coming years being filled with plagues beyond measure….foreskin removal faded into oblivion.
          whats really crazy is circumcision in america is only 100-130 years old and in that time it went from fringe, to a magic cure all snake oil, to ancient religious and cultural tradition thats been done non-stop for thousands of years that is completely harmless to health textbooks dont even include foreskin in penis pictures.
          its quite amazing really. the heavy investment of cultures like Jews and Americans have only been practicing this for 100 years really yet they think otherwise.

        8. the origins and dissemination of such practices are certainly worth looking into – I can’t really comment but if what appears to be religious duty isn’t anything of the sort then that may well ease the path of what must surely become a practice to be phased out within the civilized world, volunatarily or otherwise. If the practice is of recent origin that needs to become more widely known: I’m fine for FGM to represent the abuse of womanhood but by the same token as you say perhaps circumcision should become the symbol of neutered male. Perhaps jewish and muslim men, and any christians that follow the practise need to revolt against their mamas

  6. I’d add that David reimers story is one of the saddest there is. The guy was betrayed on so many levels by the people closest to him. John Money was a monster and a pervert

    1. Yes he was. I’m shocked that a physician could do that. I’m not a physician and even then I know that gender roles are not mutable even early in life. How the fuck could a qualified physician say so?

      1. he was an idealogue who believed gender was socially constructed, and that david Reimer’s mishap was an opportunity to prove that you could turn a boy into girl or vice versa. Not only did his experiments fail completely and cause Reimer to become confused, depressed, angry and ultimately (successfully) suicidal but he also appears to have engaged in arguably perverted activities where he got David and his brother to act out sex roles. This is the guy – he was no ordinary physician – whose work resulted in the widespread adoption of gender as a meaningful concept to describe the disjuncture between biological sex and gender performance. From that foundational act of perversion and (at least psychological) murder the theory of gender has bounded from strength to strength despite the fact that everything indicates its a massive, depraved lie which creates identity confusion and mental health problems – which of course can then be blamed on social stigma within a patriarchal society. John Money really should have been put on trial

      2. Money was not a medical doctor but a psychologist and most definitely a pervert and fraud. His family was from one of those weird Christian groups.Reimer’s condition was the result of a botched circumcision ftom a urinary infection and his twin brother was spared due to this mishap and his infection just went away. Money just like a Dr Mengele saw this as an opportunity to study effects on twins and his speciality was the malleability of sex roles.Despite Money’s conditioning and the sex hormones given to the boy and castration as well as forcing him to wear dresses to school he could not get him to identify as a girl and as a teenage another doctor tried to reverse the female part and make he look like a boy again with hormones and phallic surgery but he was already too messed up from what Money did. The circumcision was not necessary, it was done by cauterisation (burning) and they should have waited to see what damage was done and if he could have a reconstruction of his penis.

    2. Dr. John Money is the person who created the idea of “gender” in human sexuality. Why this was not discredited when David and his brother went crazy and committed suicide is inexplicable.

      1. I’ve wondered that too. I imagine it was because people were already running with the idea – it had too much momentum. Actually I think there’s still mileage to be had in continuing to return to gender’s sordid roots. Gender theory has never made its case, it’s just got a lot of people who shout its argument really loudly

      2. There are crazy fucked up doctors just as there are laymen.However, laymen don’t get an opportunity to engage in any of their craziness or get arrested for doing things.It’s even harder to sue a doctor because you need an affidavit from another medical person stating that he did something wrong or the case is dismissed.Another thing that most laymen don’t know is that in a normal civil suit the standard is the preponderance of the evidence the plaintiff has to meet to prove his case. But in a malpractice suit it’s by ‘clear and convincing evidence’. Most laymen never even heard of this but it’s a standard almost at the level of the criminal ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’

    1. First thrown in prison for ten years so they get AIDS, then deported to Israel.

    2. They are nasty evil perverts who belong to an insane jew molester cult. Although I’m an atheist religions don’t really bother me. I’ve met people of all religions from Hindus to Mormons to Amish to Catholics to any one you can imagine but these jews are sick and completely warped. These sick jews are the same people who make films mocking people like the Amish or Mormons who are some of the nicest people around. Now, why is that? As I said, I’m sort of against religions but yet would never do this to these people. For some perverted reason jews just seem to enjoy bringing the good down to their sick level and you never find a happy jew unless they are bragging about how great they are or are damaging some innocent person.I am convinced that they lack many normal human traits and cannot relate to normal humans. Probably some entrenched genetic defect because I detect many signs of autism in them.

  7. Well, all I have to go by is personal experience. When it came time to make the decision with my kids, my wife deferred to my judgment. I’d heard pro’s and con’s, I had friends, rabidly against it and the rest were apathetic–either way.
    The only thing I had to go by was that I’d had two close relatives who started out uncircumcised and later in life had enough problems they had it done. One at the age of 14 and the other was in the military.
    I didn’t want my kids to have to go through it. We had no issues.

    1. These are rare cases and if these problems were common the world would be circumcised but in fact most of the world is not.

  8. Number 1 is the only reason that’s really needed to ban circumcision. We don’t allow people to slice up infant / young females, and we shouldn’t allow it to happen to boys.
    Chock it up to doctors looking for a quick buck and squeamish mommies who can’t imagine cleaning it until they can teach the boys basic hygiene.

    1. One thing, the foreskin is attached to the glans and shouldn’t be pulled back on an infant.It becomes retractable with age and shouldn’t be ripped back and separated as in primitive circumcision.
      One other thing, we’re not sure what ancient circumcision entailed.Although I’d be against cutting infants it may have meant just cutting off what extended beyond the glans which meant that you still had most of it.
      When the Hebrew men came into contact with the Greeks they were ashamed of their cut dicks so would stretch the foreskin which at this point was possible so they would look normal.The Rabbis hated this so instituted the radical type of circumcision which they still practise to today and really is a mutilation.In the modern world we became even more primitive!

  9. The typical male circumcision removes the foreskin (20000 nerve endings), the typical female circumcision only removes a tiny bit of the clitoral hood (non-bloody, nearly no nerve endings):
    “As a graduate student working in the Dept. of Epidemiology, I was approached by a group of nurses who were attempting to organize a protest against male infant circumcision in Kingston General Hospital. They said that their observations indicated that babies undergoing the procedure were subjected to significant and inhumane levels of pain that subsequently adversely affected their behaviors. They said that they needed some scientific support for their position. It was my idea to use fMRI and/or PET scanning to directly observe the effects of circumcision on the infant brain.
    The baby was kept in the machine for several minutes to generate baseline data of the normal metabolic activity in the brain. This was used to compare to the data gathered during and after the surgery. Analysis of the MRI data indicated that the surgery subjected the infant to significant trauma. The greatest changes occurred in the limbic system concentrating in the amygdala and in the frontal and temporal lobes. A neurologist who saw the results postulated that the data indicated that circumcision affected most intensely the portions of the victim’s brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions. Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery indicated that the child’s brain never returned to its baseline configuration. In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery.
    Our problems began when we attempted to publish our findings in the open medical literature. All of the participants in the research including myself were called before the hospital discipline committee and were severely reprimanded. We were told that while male circumcision was legal under all circumstances in Canada, any attempt to study the adverse effects of circumcision was strictly prohibited by the ethical regulations. Not only could we not publish the results of our research, but we also had to destroy all of our results. If we refused to comply, we were all threatened with immediate dismissal and legal action.
    Paul D. Tinari, Ph.D.
    Pacific Institute for Advanced Study

      1. We all know there’s a certain “tribe” that will spread propaganda in order to keep child genital mutilation legal. Many Christians don’t know they’re not religiously obligated to be circumcised. The New Testament clearly states that it is not necessary and means nothing.
        “Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts.”
        -1 Corinthians 7:19

        1. if they don´t know they are not christians. if a christians celebrates xmas and easter he is not christian. many other things. -If you are one of God´s preselect family he will crush you so you will be obedient to Him, if you want or not, if you refuse He crushes the individual until he (the individual) gives up. GOD´s predestined family gets refined through fire and trials = the blood baptism. type in youtube: 2233 gematria the first video

        2. I went to a Catholic school. We were brought up to believe that circumcision was some weird thing that only Jews did.

        3. The first christians were circumcised too. Jesus as a jew was also circumcised. That’s a fact. It’s the Romans who removed that barbaric tradition in order to attract more believers.
          And why always blaming the jews? We have ~1 billion muslims who also cut their dick and trust me, contrary to the jews they spread their “believes” using swords and AK-47s.

        4. Because circumcision is a jewish and muslim religious tradition. Only in the USA do significant numbers of non-jews and non-muslims participate in this barbaric ritual.
          Hell, in WW2, the Nazis would pull down your pants and that’s how they could tell whether you were jewish or not.

        5. That of course is bullshit. Muslims can be of any race or ethnicity and many don’t even follow their parent’s religion,and are Muslims in the same way many people are Catholic which may just be something they say if asked about their religion but don’t really follow it.Jews are entirely different where their Yahweh cult membership and their ethnicity are the same.Jews who even think of themselves as atheists get circumcised and celebrate Jew holidays in order to think of themselves as part of the ethnic tribe.
          As far as I know there is no requirement for a muslim to be circumcised and it seems like more of a tribal custom(circumcision was a black African custom is many tribes done at puberty and more of a fertility ritual when the boy became a man and it spread into the mid East when they migrated there) that muslims worldwide sort of follow at puberty than something you must do to be a muslim.They could change this custom and still be muslims but a Jew cannot be a Jew unless circumcised because Abraham, the founder of the Yahweh cult, made it mandatory for males at 8 days old(Yahweh told him to do this)

        6. Jews and the other rabble hanging around Jerusalem were the first followers of Jesus.When Saul (Paul) tried to spread this cult to the gentiles he knew they wouldn’t buy the circumcision nonsense so he changed it for them.

        7. The first christians were circumcised too. Jesus as a jew was also circumcised. That’s a fact.

          Jesus followed the Jewish “Law” while he was alive and lived a perfect life. However, Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection freed his followers from many burdens of Old Testament Law. Hence, why the early Christians ate pork as well, but only after Pentecost. A common misunderstanding among those who don’t understand Christian theology.

          And why always blaming the jews?

          Our media isn’t controlled by Muslims.

        8. You think you are smart but you are not. You’re just motivated by hatred and not knowledge.
          As for the “Yahweh cult”. Look. Both christianity and islam originate from judaism. So basically, Christianity and Islam belong to that cult too.
          “Muslims can be of any race or ethnicity and many don’t even follow their
          parent’s religion,and are Muslims in the same way many people are
          Catholic which may just be something they say if asked about their
          religion but don’t really follow it.Jews are entirely different ..”
          Well, that’s bullshit. You base it on personal experience or random encounter with… 1 jew?
          “Jews who even think of themselves as atheists get circumcised and
          celebrate Jew holidays in order to think of themselves as part of the
          ethnic tribe.” –
          And why do you think it’s bad? If you don’t know the history of your people then you’re a moron. If you have a problem with people who do know their origin then you just envy them. According yo your logic nobody is allowed to know it’s history and celebrate even christmas or new year (the day jesus was circumcised 🙂 ).
          “As far as I know there is no requirement for a muslim to be circumcised and it seems like more of a tribal custom” –
          Only minority of muslims are not circumcised. You can find some cults among the jews who don’t cut their foreskin too.
          “They could change this custom and still be muslims but a Jew cannot be a
          Jew unless circumcised because Abraham, the founder of the Yahweh cult,
          made it mandatory for males at 8 days old(Yahweh told him to do this)” –
          Muslims also regard Abraham as their prophet and ancestor of arabs and of their last prophet. They circumcise themselves at the age of 13 because Abraham circumcised Ishmael at 13 too.

        9. That is interesting. I will investigate this. I was under assumption that it was. One thing for certain, it is general procedure in a hospital. I guess unless specified otherwise.

        10. Where is your basis for this crushing? Have you yourself experienced this crushing from God himself or are you blaming this from poor decision making or things that you cannot fully understand? It’s said in the Gospel that rain falls on both the just and wicked alike. God will test his chosen but these chosen often are tested and tortured by Satan and his minions.

        11. ‘contrary to the jews they spread their “believes” using swords and AK-47s.’ – – – That’s ’cause they’re angry ’cause their penises were chopped! What a plan! Forever angry! >:I

        12. I’m not a Muslim but Muslims will tell you that their Allah religion (which jews refer to as the Yahweh cult) existed for just as long and their common ancestor was Abraham.Mohammed was just the last and most important prophet of the 100 listed.That area in Mecca where the Kaaba is has always been sort of special because it’s right where a well that according to legend never dries out. There was a pagan shrine there, then they say Abraham built a shrine to Yahweh (Allah) then it went back to pagan until Mohammed built a shrine to Allah there after it had been cleansed of the pagan gods.The black Kaaba was built later but as you can see there was a shrine to Yahweh/Allah to pagan and then back again there from the beginning and these Semite cults are quite mixed with each other so you can’t say one came first. Christianity is also some nonsense based on some jew Messianic cult.The centre of learning and culture was Rome, not the backwater hardship post of Jerusalem. Only Alexandria in Egypt came close but that’s Greek culture not some ragtag tribe group still practising blood sacrifices left over from human sacrifices to Moloch and Baal.The Original Egyptians were of course civilised Caucasians and related to their cousins in Europe and they too thought of these Semites and their crazy cults were barbarians.Hebrew Semites were held in such low regard morally and so stupid that Egyptians wouldn’t even eat with them. All they were considered good for is making mud bricks and stealing stuff. Go ahead you Jesus freaks, open that Bible and read the story of Abraham and his wife in Egypt and read it with an intelligent open mind, not some crap you learned in Sunday school from your queer Swagart type preacher with a 6th grade education.
          We in Europe have always been Pantheists and in fact there’s a Pantheon in Rome still standing.The founders of the US were also Pantheists. Jefferson tried to rewrite the NT taking the Pauline(Saul) crap out of it but it didn’t amount to much because unlike perhaps Moses or Mohammed, Jesus never wrote anything and everything known was written by Paul for the gentiles or a few other writers.Let’s get back to our roots where there were no primitive blood sacrifices(circumcision) and where we had a much more sophisticated religion and philosophy than the backward Semites.Many of our advanced Caucasian beliefs were spread to the East in Asia.The Jesus cult was for the stupid peasants and uneducated slaves.We don’t believe that Yahwehboobie sitting up in the sky is going to punish us if we don’t cut off foreskins or follow 100’s of ridiculous repetitive rules that turn us into automatons like the primitive and superstitious Semites.
          I don’t use Wiki but don’t feel like writing so read it yourself.
          Oh, and when you read it just ignore the recent crap that a few modern jews added and remember that Roman culture has been around a LOT longer.Human footprints found are 350k years old there. And now there are some found in England that are even older.During the Ice Age of course Britain was totally covered with ice but now we can see what was there before the Ice Age,

        13. Everything primitive jews do is weird like swinging a chicken around your head to get rid of your sins lol

        14. And the wolf blew the 3 little pigs houses down.You have any other faery tales for us?

        15. If you criticize my faith,I’ll tell you how it is, you fucknut.
          Take your fairy tales and shove them up your ass.

        16. And then Little Red Riding Hood filed a sex harassment complaint against the big bad wolf for wolf whistling.

        17. Whatever Marcus. Good luck on your doctorate. Try not to use sodium pentothal to put the white girls under so you can bang em.

        18. That’s no good they’re unconscious. I like a little life in them and they’re happy. I use laughing gas.

        19. Well, again I’m dissapointed.
          “Let’s get back to our roots where there were no primitive blood
          sacrifices(circumcision) and where we had a much more sophisticated
          religion and philosophy than the backward Semites” –
          Romans were pagans. They sacrificed animals and even human for their gods. A lot of other European nations at that time also practiced human sacrifices. So what your point? I say that the only thing I’m sure of is science. Although I believe in god too I don’t consider myself religious. It just makes me a better person and helps me in bad times.
          “Roman culture has been around a LOT longer” –
          The excavations shows that the opposite is correct. You see, Assyrians, Accades, Babylonians etc. knew more stuff in math than even the Greeks themselves. By the way they were semites. However, I do acknowledge the Roman and Greek importance. It’s funny but they were the first to wash themselves.
          “I’m not a Muslim but Muslims will tell you that their Allah religion
          (which jews refer to as the Yahweh cult) existed for just as long and
          their common ancestor was Abraham” –
          Any proof for that? Of course they would claim to be the first and that other religions are biased. The fact is that Judaism existed at least 10 centuries before Muhamad was born. We have proofs for that.
          “Hebrew Semites were held in such low regard morally and so stupid that Egyptians wouldn’t even eat with them.” –
          It’s funny but today those “Hebrew Semites” are considered as the smartest people as a nation. They had a very serious impact on our modern life and modern science. You can’t deny that. And where are the Egyptians? Well, they accepted Jesus (kupts).
          “The Original Egyptians were of course civilised Caucasians and related
          to their cousins in Europe and they too thought of these Semites and
          their crazy cults were barbarians.” –
          As far as I know Semites are included in the Caucasian race too. So what’s your point? And by the way, there’re assumptions that Egyptians were related to Semites.

        20. The Roman pagans in general did not practice ritual human sacrifice. There were rare cases of it being practiced by unorthodox parties, but it was far from the norm, and generally both illegal and frowned upon by most pagans.

        21. Circumcision is mutilation.
          Besides the rare medical condition (for example a very tight foreskin that makes erections painful) this type of surgery should be illegal to perform on anyone under the age of 25.

        22. Most of the ancient Jews never cut off the whole foreskin, at most only half, until the fanatics took over. A circumcised penis is a mutilated penis.

        23. Your own scripture quote contradicts your argument. It says “it is as nothing”, it doesn’t matter one way or the other. That hardly supports banning it. Joseph and Mary circumcised Jesus, that wasn’t child abuse.

        24. Rabbi Moses Maimonides actually admitted that foreskin removal was done to diminish sexual pleasure, some 800 years ago. As a mutilated man, I confirm that it does.

        25. I was circumcised in my late twenties and there was no loss in sexual pleasure, nothing diminished. I actually enjoy sex more and I rate my satisfaction as better.

        26. It was your own choice, have you lived long enough for the later effects to show up, When your penis is dried up and desensitised, will you admit it?. I was cut as a baby, at a time when it was still in fashion in England, by a GP who was paid a good sum to do it. Very few males if given the choice will want a lesser penis.

        27. I have lived long enough to know that my penis has not “dried up”. It’s funny how you assume. It’s been decades and my penis still has not desensitized. Maybe yours was done in a wrong way or something went very wrong with the procedure. Most men I meet in my situation do not have issues. Many men who have been circumcised are happy though.
          It’s not “less penis”…it’s just no foreskin. It’s the penis size and width that makes the difference in terms of less or more penis. A big circumcised penis is more penis than a small uncircumcised one. Seeing as more Arab men are circumcised and their penis is usually on the bigger size, they typically have more penis. Just pointing out the obvious.

      2. I think male mutilation is more popular in USA because not only because of who runs USA, while Europe was going through the renaissance and realising myths in Old Testament were nonsense, people were going to USA to start new religions. That’s probably why so many men in the USA spend so much time filling internet comment sections no matter what the subject whinging on against feminists or campaigning against evolution being taught in schools.

        1. I didn’t read the whole thing but I did mention a possible effect on the brain and nervous system above.

        2. Same here. I’ll have a look when I get a chance. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to suppose that there may be psychological trauma involved that could affect personality, relationships etc. It should at least be looked into, and would be if it wer girls rather than boys who were affected….which of course is what we see with FGM

    1. where’s that text from? without evidence, it is practically worthless.
      it makes sense, though. maybe circumcision is not really meant to have any effect on illnesses, but rather evolved due to the changes it makes to the brain, like rites of passage. to disassociate from pain and maybe support aggression later on? which would make sense for, say, warriors?

        1. Now you know what happens to a Warrior tribe who’s only ‘war’ takes place on a toilet several times a day.

      1. Ah those bold tribes of Shekel-steins that struck fear into the countries they marauded, making the Vikings look like amateurs.

        1. The Hebrews were as aggressive and perhaps even more so than the other peoples in the area.

        2. Apart from getting their asses kicked by the Romans on numerous occasions.
          I guess the weight-saving advantages of circumcision helped them run away faster though.

        3. They definitely were aggressive it’s just that Romans were smarter and better soldiers.

      1. That is not entirely true. It depends on the tribe, or “surgeon” how much they remove. I speak from experience.

      2. they don´t remove a tiny bit of “clitoral hood”. they cut out the inner lips and the clitoris. they leave a tiny hole behind

        No, that’s FGM III, the most seldom type of circumcision. There are other types of male circumcision, too, e.g. tearing off the shaft skin or crushing a testicle. These types of male mutilations are legal but even pricking the labia (not cutting, just pricking with a needle) is a jailable crime.
        Women, like always, are the most protected and privileged gender.
        Male circumcision is a violent violent procedure:
        “More than half a million boys have been hospitalised due to botched traditional circumcisions since 2008, according to a new report. In the last seven years, about 456000 initiates have been hospitalised in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo alone, according to a new report from the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL).”
        As a rule: All the “advantages” and disadvantages of male circumcision apply to female circumcision, too, if not even more so (for example female circumcision reduces female smegma and reduces HIV infections by 50%).
        Please also note that a study showed that women who have been infibulated (clitoris cut out) can still orgasm, and have even more orgasms per week than Western women.

        1. female circumcision is not positive. would you like to have your daughter circumcised, so she can have more orgasms later on?

        2. Here’s a Western-educated PhD who chose to have herself circumcised (albeit as a consenting adult) in Sierra Leone in accordance with the customs of her people. She says she has a good sex life and is mighty tired of ignorant Westerners telling African women they’re being exploited by the patriarchy. http://www.fuambaisiaahmadu.com

        3. That’s not really the point. I don’t think the poster above is supporting female circumcision, only showing that a lot of the so called benefits of male circumcision can be applied to female circumcision as well. So if male circumcision is justified, why not female?
          However, for girls it is not only considered violent and barbaric, but illegal. Whereas, for boys it is legal tolerated, often encouraged. How is that consistent?

      3. There are all sorts of alterations that are called female circumcision.Why do you point to something extreme that some primitive tribe does? I’m sure that the men fare even worse.Primitive peoples do all sorts of crazy body alterations. I used to be fascinated as a kid looking at National geographic with the tattoos, scarification, stretched necks, ears, lips and cuts etc
        Little did I know that they were ahead of their time :o)
        Seems like some girls do this stuff to themselves today.And if sewing up their pussy became in vogue they’d probably do that too.

    2. ya Im not a fan of the way they cut it due to the fact that they can botch it

    3. Really? Did you realize that those “20000 nerve endings” don’t contribute one bit to sexual pleasure? All that the foreskin does is to harbor smegma, which requires constant effort to get rid of.

      1. Constant effort?Females have more yet no one is circumcising them.Do you wash? Do you wash your stinky butthole?Perhaps people like you should have your butthole sewn up and the intestine diverted to the side of your body where you can keep it cleaner than it be hidden away in some crevice :o) Although I’m not one of these people who believe that everything natural is good or beneficial or that you shouldn’t tamper with nature or the body there are times when man has to interfere to make corrections. However, the foreskin should be left along and has a use.We may consider the appendix a vestigial organ but it likely had a bigger role when man had to live on nuts and things. Animals like squirrels have a large appendix. Who knows what we’ll be eating in the future. People have a tendency to believe that the tiny bit of time they live through is the norm and forget that humans have been around fro 200k+ years.Wisdom teeth may have to be removed in some people but they are perfectly good molars and a good backup if you lost a 1st or 2nd molar esp. in times when humans may have had to gnaw on bones for some nutrition from the marrow.I know that my grandparents died with all of their teeth including the wisdom so if they’re healthy there’s no need to remove them.Routinely removing healthy body parts like the foreskin makes no sense.

        1. Everything you’ve written is based on maybes. However, you may have a point that vestigial body parts that don’t cause any harm are best left alone. At the same time, making a law forbidding those who would rather remove them, as called for by this author, is a bit over the mark.
          Whether or not you want to circumcise your kid should be your decision, much like whether or not you want to enroll them in private school.

        2. There’s no comparison.
          I would make it illegal to circumcise a minor unless it was for a legitimate medical reason not for some half arsed mid east blood cult practice.
          If you don’t fit in to Euro Caucasian societal practices then perhaps you will be happier elsewhere but we don’t permit barbarians who belong to some Semitic cult to mutilate children.

      2. LOL how do you claim to know what the foreskin feels like when you don’t have one? I have the foreskin and the penis head,
        I know what the sensations on the head are like and what the sensations of the inner lining of the foreskin is like.
        And the foreskin feels far far better!
        During an erection there’s barely any sensation from the head
        as compared to the foreskin.

  10. I am in my forties, and I am circumsized. I am glad it got done. I have no recollection of it. Things down there are cleaner, and it simply looks better. I have no regrets. No, I am not Jewish.

    1. Try to explain sight to a community of blind people. You don’t know what you have if you never had it.
      It isn’t cleaner, it just looks different. Actually as a functioning gland, the foreskin is there for cleaning and protection. It only looks “better” (see different, with a scar) because if you force everyone do it, it will become the norm. The (Ancient) Greeks and most other civilised peoples in history and in present prefer it. And it effectively looks the same when it is erect, as the foreskin is pulled back behind the tip… just without the ugly scar someone else force on you. This is why it is important, the gland is fully revealed and it is extra sensitive. Sex must be boring for cut men, as the foreskin as the most nerves on it than any other part of the body, and the tip of the penis loses sensitive and becomes hard.

    2. How do you know it’s cleaner? How can you have regrets without a point of comparison ?

  11. My religion removes one testicle from baby boys. I don’t mind it, chicks like how it looks, AND it reduces chafing. Clearly this makes it ok.

  12. Having a foreskin is great. Jews and Muslims need to stop mutilating babies.

  13. I have a foreskin. I have question to people without it though. I heard that people without the foreskin lose a lot of sensitivity on their penis and it doesn’t feel as good as compared to men with foreskin when getting blowjob and bareback sex. Do people without foreskin feel numb sometimes when they are getting head?

    1. Circumcised. Can’t even orgasm from blowjobs. Only penetration. Even have a hard time doing it with a condom on. She has to be really hot.

      1. Same here, I’m also circumcised. I can’t orgasm with a condom on, so I tend to avoid them. So much for helping to “protect” from STDs.

      2. You should look into jelqing and kegels. I had that issue as well and it isn’t uncommon when you factor in condoms. Truth is, as you never experienced sex with a foreskin, you may never know what that experience is like.

      3. Dam think I might have that issue. I went to a urologist about me not “getting hard enough” and “losing it quickly when i stand up” and he put a camera through my urethera and turns out I was fine. He cant figure whats wrong with me.
        When i was gonna lose my virginity I backed out cuz I didnt want to show my botched up dick.
        I thought I got ruined because of being cut the wrong way…. But perhaps its mental thing for us. Like we can go for hours but same time if we focus we can finish in 2 min.
        some guys on 4chan have this debate, some that got cut later say its not that much more different

        1. Your Issue may be in porn/Masterbation, I’ve heard that sometimes viewing lots of Porn and Masterbating can affect an Erection.If you watch lots of Porn and Masturbate a lot, stop, see within a couple weeks if you can Get a Erection Back.

        2. totally will, been on and off with the no fap longest was nearly 3 months but wound up getting a dead libido. But yes i have to quit it.
          Btw I took a big cialis pill before and i was able to get erect on command with no visual stimulus and it was literally rock hard, that I could put it through a wall and it was the biggest Ive ever seen it…Is this normal. Like before I could never get that easily hard and as big, it was usually a smaller and soft erection. When guys take those pills can they still get the same level of hardness and size without it consistantly?

        3. I’m not that sure about sexual enhancers, i’ve never used them, I’ve heard Viagra taken in a Larger dose can give young Men Erections for Hours sometimes, as Far as Cialis it may be normal the results your getting.

        4. It’s not botched . Circumcision destroys sexual pleasure . I’m in the same boat. I gave up on women because of it.

        5. No, his issue is all the erogenous nerves are in the foreskin but his was cut off.

        6. Viagra sales are highest in rich countries with high circumcision rates like the US , israel and UAE for a reason.

    2. sure, probably is some loss of sensitivity. but is that necessarily a bad thing?the only downside to being less sensitive is that you’ll probably last a little longer. how is that a downside?

      1. I never been cut before since I”m uncut so I will never know how cut people feel like. I’m only asking question out of curiosity and just trying to analyze based on what I read from sources online including doctor’s documentation researches.

        1. Try masturbation without touching your foreskin . Impossible right? That’s what it feels like

      2. I usually last a lot longer than I want to, and she starts drying out. I have to really focus to orgasm, so it really takes away from the pleasure. Obviously there’s still some pleasure there, but it’s not what it should be.

    3. circumsized. blow jobs, anal, and regular old vaginal all feel great to me. i can come multiple times in the same day, sometimes the same hour if i’m well rested, for what it’s worth. got to admit that it would be interesting to know what it feels like for the unsnipped, though.

    4. Never once cum with a jimmy on. Impossible. Figured guys just dont get off with it but sounds like it’s cause I’m cut.

  14. Always a few guys saying that they are circumcised and have no problems. Of course not, because you’ll never know what it’s like. Also usually hear a comment about cleanliness. Any extra step to washing your junk with foreskin is so quick and negligible as to be a non-issue.
    Fortunately here I have not seen any comments about women liking it better cause screw that for being a reason.
    I am a full coverage guy, I don’t pull it back during sex it is so sensitive. Getting a blowjob is the most insane experience when I have trained them to pull it back just a little bit and use her tongue. I get whole body shakes.

    1. For sure, i orgasm harder from blowjobs then penetrative sex because of this. The whole body shaking effect, i can barley move for a few moments after..

        1. naw man the best is when she puts her tounge in your dick hole holy fucking tits

    1. Americans, South Koreans, Filipinos, Jews, Muslims, Aborigines, Pacific Islanders, some African tribes. I may have missed a few.

      1. One interesting thing about the more primitive tribes is that they normally circumcise at a later age, as a rite of passage between boyhood and adulthood. I’d hardly consider it a worthwhile ritual, but on the other hand there are many strange, painful and mutilating rite of passage rituals the world over. And in those cases, the boy is conscious not only of the pain, but the meaning of the act. It is meaningful to them, it shows they can withstand pain, and they become a man.
        In America and among Jews (though I am not sure about Muslims) it is done with infants. Infants do not consciously bear the pain, nor do they understand the significance of the ritual. The practice is especially ridiculous concerning secular Americans, for whom there is no ritual significance at all, just a vague idea of “it’s cleaner”.

        1. if i cut up my dirty pictures will that make them clean?
          from 1845-1969 sexual torture mutilation was sold by sadistic american witch doctors to ret4rded puritan parents as a punishment and cure for masturbation. dirt is a metaphor for sin, and only 1 of 100 excuses over the last 2 centuries. circumcision cures whatever people are afraid of and gullible enough to believe.

    2. sadists, misandrists, pedophiles, mercenaries, hostile foreign intelligence agencies or other terrorist organizations, ldiots with stockholm syndrome, selfish bltches who don’t want to admit they harmed their child, and know-it-all-know-nothings trying to act cool.

  15. Circumcision is a totally barbaric fucking act of violence.
    But, you know what? It aint gonna stop in the US. It’s the only moment in the life of a man that a woman can be 100% sure she can get away of violence and, meanwhile, be praised for it. The fucking medical profession in the US is totally vaginized, so no doctor is ever going to argue with a mother’s wish to mutilate her son.
    So, while it’s frustrating as hell, there is not much we can do about it.

    1. There is something fathers can do about it: refuse to let their infant sons be mutilated!

  16. The thing about circumcision reducing STD’s is total fucking bullshit. Anyone with half a mind that studies the topic knows this.
    Men with circumcisions have less sensitive penis’s. Putting on a condom totally numbs it. Thus, a large percentage of circumcised men refuse to wear condoms. Talking about spreading STD’s! This effect FAR outweighs any tiny and very dubious supposed reduction in STD transmission from unprotected sex with an uncircumcised penis.

    1. I’m circumcised. The first time I had sex I thought I would blow within a few seconds, but I actually found it hard to cum. The problem only got worse as I aged, and using condoms is nearly impossible now. I can only suspect my circumcision is to blame.

    2. Also encouraging male circumcisions to prevent women from catching STDs is complete BS. Well we can prevent teenage pregnancies by circumcising baby girls and sewing their hole shut, like they do in some parts of the world. One is considered acceptable and the other barbaric, and feminism is to blame.
      If I have a son in the future he will be uncut.

  17. I guess circumcision is so common because it’s been happening for so long that most don’t even think to question it. Half the parents if not more that choose this option probably have no clue of its origin. I can see two sides of the coin. On one it is technically mutilating the child. On the other it seems like many parents are just doing what they think they’re supposed to do.
    As far as diseases go, OK so perhaps the statistics comparing cut to uncut’s susceptibility are flawed, but if you think about it, cleanliness with an uncut penis is definitely an issue. It smells fairly unpleasant in even the cleanest and healthiest of men. Cut penises are definitely more aesthetically pleasing, which brings me to another point – how a boy’s self esteem is affected by cut or uncut.
    Finally I think it’s worth mentioning how uncut penises could positively affect relationships and traditional gender roles: if in fact uncut penises are generally more unpleasant as far as looks and smell/taste are concerned, wouldn’t you think that would require some genuine love and tolerance from a partner so as not to be turned off by it? It just seems like if that were the general dynamic of bedroom intimacy, that relationships and gender roles would shine once more, rather than women falling so easily onto the carousel.

    1. Aesthetic preference is purely subjective. How much knowledge and experience do you have of cut vs uncut?

  18. Pretty funny that female circumcision that happens in a few faraway lands is considered one of the world’s great and most pressing evils, while nearly universal male circumcision in America is right up there with baseball and apple pie.
    Ok, here’s what we need–some prominent shrink looking to make a name for himself needs to declare that male circumcision is the leading cause of homophobia in America, because trauma resulting from the procedure makes men subconsciously terrified all men who look at their crotches secretly want to mutilate their cocks.

  19. Circumcision is and always has been for peasants. Chopped down at birth, the whacked man grows up to be a whipped man, never the master of his own house but rather – the other way around. Circumcision is the cornerstone of the most tyrannical hive insectoid matriarchy to come.
    Most men want power over their women to flow naturally, not having to perform verbal and cosmetic olive leaf antics to compensate for their handicap. LET THY SCHLONG HANG LONG amen. It is your rod of power. Princess Lewinsky learned the hard way that NO YOU CANNOT control the man with the pointed d+€k.
    THE OBELISK represents an ancient victory of males wresting themselves out from under the control of female domination. Like the dominatrix in Genisis II, we learn during slavery that you do not have to be physically larger – control is all in the mind. Chop the pyramid capstone off the top of the Washington monument and what have you done? You just took away all its power. Riight! The capstone is a focus, like a lens and the shaft acts as an antenna. It is not necessary to build a large Cheops pyramid. The obelisk is a space saver.
    Leave each man his full ROD OF POWER and teach him the wisdom to use it with grace. Sure ol’ William Jefferson went wild with his ‘rod’ and abused its awesome prowess and power BUT he had no father to teach him. Like a kid with a machine gun he was. I saw a guy looked just like Clinton in a soup kitchen once, only he must have been the circumcised version. With the nerve endings severed, the ‘little head’/’big head’ information feedback loop IS BROKEN. Most patent male energies never manifest and are sacrificed.
    Jews must rescind their covenant of circumcision. The problem is that circumcised Jewish fathers won’t be able to teach their sons wisdom and ‘user instructions’ that they themselves never had. It will be a difficult time and likely a heavenly figure will have to come down himself and guide and mentor the new generation of full unchopped male youth. Whole like Adam, the torrent of male energies will be at last realised. Energies presently diverted into creating posh cushy palaces for our princesses in their landlocked and earthbound doldrum will make way for the mighty male explorer energy which will catapult our great species once and for all into space.
    All hail the patriarchy!!

    1. Only problem with your data/analogies is that the ancient Egyptians did circumcision, even speculation that Jews got it from them.

      1. Egyptians went all the way with castrates. Under the priestess judges, a man could get whacked for the equivalent of a misdemeanor. That would be like getting your penis removed for a traffic ticket. Bitch rule has no bounds. Circumcised jewish men never make the booty call. It’s always the princess pulling his chains.

  20. Male circumcision is still being practised because of the large disproportionate Jewish influence in society. of course they are going to defend their cultural practice,no matter how barbaric it is. And the part about the mothel or whatever the ritual performer is called, doing to the infants mutilated body part, is beyond fucked up. to me it just shows the vile nature of that religion.
    And with women liking circumcised penises, who cares, hey sometimes men like a woman not to have a protruding labia. And it doesnt matter anyway, if your foreskin works properly you can just pull it back over the glans and you look exactly the same as a cut penis, just more red/pinkish on the glans.

  21. There aren’t numerous studies that contradict eachother on what circumcision does to sexual pleasure. You end with a spergy line about how “the foreskin contains millions of nerve endings, so it seems probable that removing those nerves would have some sort of effect.”, and yeah, they do. But there’s also really basic, intuitive things like how the foreskin retains moisture for the glans of the penis, and how circumcision completely dries it out, or how the foreskin provides gliding action.
    Circumcision radically reduces sexual pleasure, bottom line. And while restoration and some surgical measures can strongly replicate the original foreskin and bring most of it back, nobody should have to go through that to get back something so basic.

  22. Is the “mohel” a good looking sheila ?? If yes, then I’ll have a circumcision straight away & everyday !

    1. if you have sexual fantasies about women mutilating your penis I’m sure there any number of feminists out there would be happy to help out. Not sure they will be good look sheilas, but you’ll be in extreme pain so you probably won’t notice

  23. Since all of those points are being debated you might as well as included the effect on sexual pleasure, for both the male and the female. I can tell you that female circumcision negatively impacts sexual pleasure for the man!
    And this of course doesn’t even begin to touch on the psychological damage.

  24. Circumcision won’t go away because women prefer it, and it helps prevent cancers, including penile cancer, prostate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women. That is male circumcision I am talking about. And it saves you time of having to clean there all the time. Apparently getting circed after age 35 provides the strongest protection against prostate cancer.
    Often the mother makes the decision and with women in charge it will not go away.
    Don’t see it as masculinity thing either; men who cry about circumcision remind me of feminists who cry and make an issue about everything.

    1. Who gives a fuck what women prefer?
      I would argue with the cancer ‘facts’ you provide, but they are clearly nonsense.
      Which is all I’d expect from someone who thinks having your penis mutilated is the same as not liking an advert for protein.

    2. Complete BS. If you want to mutilate your own penis go ahead. But only a pervert (aka mohel) or a sadist would want to cut into an infant boy’s genitals.

    3. Why don’t we just snip off your asshole and insert a tube into a colestemy bag, saves you the time of having to wipe down there?

    4. The “benefits” of circumcision are extremely exaggerated, and are based on cultural and religious biases. Regardless, it should be a person’s right to opt in to any sort of permanent genital mutilation.

  25. Think this comment section might become something like those cut vs uncut debates on 4chan

  26. As a circumcised guy I’ll never do that to my son. Perhaps, cutting the tip of the dick had some logical explanation 2,000 years ago but today it’s a nonsense.

      1. I think initially (2000-3000 years ago) circumcision was done in order to reduce sexual pleasure. Today we have a bunch of proclaimed experts who seek to find a logic in every unusual religious rite. Honestly, I don’t believe that severing the dick gives you extra health.
        Same with removing the glands. I know many people who hadn’t gone through that process and yet they are healthy as an ox!
        In the end of the day, the more you interfere with your body when there’s no need for that, the more damage you do. You can behead yourself and be sure that no sickness would stick to you anymore.

    1. circumcision hasn’t changed much since it was used 4500 years ago to brand and break the slaves of egypt.. except back then they were at least civilized enough not to commit this crime against children.

  27. This is an uninformed opinion. I am in healthcare and I can tell you for a fact that male circumcision has nothing to do with “genital mutilation”. The potential risks of circumcision are few and short lived, while the potential benefits are many and lifelong.
    Below was taken straight from medical literature untinted by feminism. read and be educated:
    “Benefits of circumcision in men include reduction in the rates of urinary tract infection (UTI), penile cancer, some sexually transmitted infections, penile inflammatory and retractile disorders, as well as easier hygiene. These benefits, which extend over a lifetime, need to be weighed against the potential risks of the circumcision procedure, which are often short-term, and in the context of the low incidence of UTIs and penile cancer in uncircumcised men.
    “Circumcision protects the male from acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV), and probably herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). There is also some evidence that it may protect against trichomonas and chancroid infection. Male circumcision also confers benefits to female partners by reductions in cervical cancer and acquisition of some sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis.”
    While I totally support the idea that every parent should decide if they want to circumcise their kids or not, it is not wise to rail against the practice in its totality.

    1. OK, let’s look at this fearmongering. Out of the scary things mentioned above, penile cancer is the only really serious one that stands out. So let’s examine that.
      The American Cancer Society estimates for penile cancer in the United States for 2015 are:
      About 1,820 new cases of penile cancer diagnosed
      About 310 deaths from penile cancer
      Penile cancer is rare in North America and Europe. It occurs in less than 1 man in 100,000 and accounts for less than 1% of cancers in men in the United States.

      OK, so penile cancer is a very rare disorder, affecting an incredibly small portion of the population. (Hint: there are almost 33,000 traffic deaths and 480,000 deaths attributed to smoking annually– would save far more people if we just banned cigs instead of lopping everyone’s dick off, so obviously health and safety is not the major motivator here)
      Median age of diagnosis of penile cancer is 68. As opposed to the estimated male lifespan in 1947 of 66!!!. So you are already nearing death and likely something is going to get you if not penile cancer.

      Circumcision rate in Denmark: 2%

      Penile cancer rate in Denmark: 0.82 per 100,000
      Circumcision rate in US: ~60%
      Penile Cancer rate in US: 1 per 100,000

      So circumcision may not have an effect on penile cancer at all. At the very least, it is possible to have a lower rate of penile cancer due to other factors besides chopping off body parts.
      Finally, let’s keep in mind the seriousness of this procedure. This is not a lifestyle change like quitting smoking. It’s not even an imposed change like ‘you can’t drink raw milk anymore because the gov’t bans it’. No, this is a permanent, physical and psychological event on a man, cutting literally right into his manhood, and for that we are supposed to accept a vague list of small benefits to society as evidence that this barbaric practice is acceptable??
      The only good news is that I think fewer than 50% of NEW newborns in the US have circumcisions performed so the silly argument of what is “normal” or how your dad is should soon go out the window.

      1. It will go out the window. In general people(even doctors) seem to hold onto beliefs regardless of the science and just do what is common in society and follow along until some strong willed maverick comes along and really changes things.Then they believe the new ideas whether valid or not the same way they believed the now debunked old ones.In the rare cases where circumcision is necessary then do it but it’s not necessary to remove healthy tissue in a newborn.

    2. Circumcision protects the male from acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV), and probably herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

      What a fucking joke. You clearly didn’t read the argument in the article pertaining to HIV. If you Google pictures of genital warts and genital herpes you’ll see countless pictures of infected penises that are circumcised.
      Here’s a better idea: Don’t mutilate a baby’s dick over something that doesn’t really work anyway, and advocate condom use–something that actually helps.

    3. I’ve also heard that if not properly cleaned(Foreskin) uncircumcised men can develop hygiene issues.

      1. Absolutely. It takes more effort to keep the genitals clean in uncircumcised men compared to those who are circumcised.

        1. Exaggerate much? Toenails are nails; they keep growing. Foreskin never regrows.

        2. “more effort’
          That’s the same as saying it takes more effort to clean nipples so we should all cut them off.

        3. You must be a genius! Someone who thinks that foreskin is equivalent to nipples. That is a rare breed.

        4. Well I can say with certainty that my foreskin was more valuable than my nipples have ever been. My nipples bring me no pleasure. My foreskin brought me loads. Intact men agree with me. So does neurology.
          You have to believe the foreskin is useless because it was taken from you. It’s called a coping mechanism. You’ve never felt your foreskin. So how can you be sure it is useless? Are you calling all intact men liars? Are you denying neurological facts?

        5. Sooo, if your foreskin is so pleasurable, why then are you still interested in women? Why not simply go on and enjoy your “loads” of pleasure from your foreskin?
          Again, I am in healthcare, and I am telling you things you didn’t know, since Wikipedia is your source of medical knowledge, it’ll be wise to learn from someone who knows for once.
          Underneath your foreskin are loads of dead skin which forms the smegma (google it). Exposure of the tip of your penis to this substance can cause significant irritation; it has been previously thought it could cause penile cancer as well. So, I suggest you take some notes, and stop being utterly ignorant.
          And, it’s not about me; I have no horse in this talk. Just an informer.

        6. Dysfunction from circumcision? Seriously? You are far more ignorant than I thought.

        7. Smegma is very rare and women get more of it. Normal people wash so it is never an issue. You need to wash if you’re circumcised too.
          I do not have a foreskin. That’s why i gave up on women . Sex is frustrating because it feels of nothing when you only have the non erogenous glans.

        8. Medical students are never taught about the function and neurology of the male prepuce. Doing so would cause public outrage because then people would know all of the erogenous nerves are in the prepuce.
          I’ll have a guess. You’re American and you were mutilated at birth. Never had a point of comparison . Culturally conditioned. Male ego prevents you from considering the possibility you were harmed. The perfect crime. And it is technically a crime , just like FGM.

        9. So a finger is comparable to a prepuce? Really? Your knowledge of anatomy needs a rework, obviously. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

        10. WEll it’s comparable because each serve a function. Different functions but functions nonetheless. If you were socially conditioned to see cutting off the left foot of every child as normal, it would be a logical comparison to point out that cutting off a hand instead would also cause dysfunction, albeit a different kind of dysfunction.
          As someone who was circumcised AFTER using my foreskin (Without my informed consent I might add), I would trade one finger for my sexual pleasure back in a heartbeat. Sexual pleasure is far more important than losing one of 10 fingers.

        11. Lmfao, and here you are, a doctor, claiming that cutting off
          apart of a male’s genitals has no effect on sexual function, but for a woman, it does. You even compared denying circumcision is beneficial to be comparable to denying gravity. Incredible. Yeah, I think people like you (doctors, of all things) who think the permanent removal of a layer of skin that’s tethered to your penis, that by nature cleanly slides up and down and covers the head and shaft most of the time, thereby retaining moisture, isn’t going to have any effect on sexual function, are the ones who are more comparable to denying gravity. Or aren’t as informed of anatomy as you are. Or any of other insane comparisons you’ve dredged up to defend this barbaric, useless practice.
          Only a handful of developed countries outside of the US engage in MGM to any significant degree. All of Europe, Japan etc.’s medical establishments are against it. It was popularized in the US by John Kellogg, a sadistic pedophile who thought it would curb masturbation. Everything since then is post-hoc rationalization of enshrining male genital mutilation and avoiding the admission this has been done, and of course men who don’t want to admit they’ve lost something. And of course, doctors admitting they’ve been engaging in genital mutilation. Have you performed any circumcisions, by chance?
          “People who think circumcision isn’t beneficial are like the people who think gravity is a social construct” -A “doctor” defending a practice popularized by a depraved monster who should have been executed.
          I also noticed you didn’t have anything to say to the person who cited studies finding health benefits to FGM. Wonder why?

    4. The same pseudo-science bs can be said of female circumcision too, but I don’t hear you extol the virtues of it? “The potential risks of circumcision are few and short live”. Yep penile destruction is really short lived.

      1. Medical science does not generally advocate for female genital mutilation. That is a purely cultural practice in some parts of the world. Circumcision is not pseudoscience.

        1. It actually is, just not by Western medical science because of it’s very politically incorrect nature. In areas where it is common, it’s virtues are extolled. Where it is not (in the gynocentric western world), it is the root of all evil. We can find some scientific study to justify anything. Again, the fact remains, the risk is too great and the male child is not consenting. Male circumcision is a human rights violation if there ever was one in the West.

        2. African and Muslim supporters of FGM do claim it has “medical benefits”, and there is some Western medical research to back them up. At least three studies have found a reduced risk of HIV in circumcised African women (Kanki, 1992; Stallings, 2005; Kinuthia 2010). Essen (2005) found circumcised migrant women in Sweden had an easier labor during childbirth compared to “intact” Swedish women.

        3. Dude, have you ever even read a scientific paper on this subject? Why are you so eager to publicize your ignorance to the whole world? Check the local library where you live; knowledge is free in this age of the internet. Cure your state of ignoramus.

        4. It’s a fact circumcision is a religious blood sacrifice , regardless how many post hoc rationalisations some dream up.

      2. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to these guys who take things from ‘medical books’. I can show you things from my old med books, like Merck manual, from only 30 years ago and many look totally absurd to what we know today.btw, different doctors write different sections.
        Here’s an example. The section having to do with sex and VD (STD’s) was tiny and of course didn’t have AIDS. Syphilis was virtually unknown and the treatment was the same as today (it was rare because the health dept. required doctors to report cases and someone would track contacts to tell them they may be infected and to get treatment) Things like herpes and HPV there was no treatment and you just lived with it. There’s really nothing today either outside of palliative treatment either.
        In the section having to do with sexual dysfunction like male impotence (ED) or female frigidity(I like these old terms for females who can’t come lol) there was no useful advice either even though Dr Masters and others had done some research.Medicine moves at a snails pace.
        One thing that was WAY off was male impotence (ED) and its causes because even as recently as 30 years ago they believed that it was 99% psychological and only 1% physical which is the opposite of what we now know. What I find so disturbing about this misinformation is that some poor guy with ED was likely wasting his time and money going to a shrink. Even at the time I felt there was something wrong with this idea that mental problems would cause a guy who was not elderly to have a limp dick.
        The same will be true with circumcision where it was considered beneficial but in the new Merck manual 2020 edition it will be the opposite. The doctors who write this stuff are just as biased and follow what’s accepted in society at the time as everyone else.

    5. Most studies that claim circumcision prevents all these diseases have been carried out by culturally-biased American researchers in Third World hellholes like Kenya and Uganda with poor standards of public health. Studies in the developed world seldom find any significant effect. Some studies find that circumcised men are more prone to certain STDs. Australia and New Zealand, where circumcision is rare, have the lowest rate of cervical cancer in the Western world, and cervical cancer there is more common among circumcising minorities such as Aborigines and Pacific Islanders. http://www.tiny.cc/sti

      1. You might as well say “gravity was a social construct”. Keep on denying science.

        1. There’s a difference between “science” and “research that is published by scientists”. Some studies have found that circumcision reduces the risk of certain STD’s; others have found no protective effect. Check out the link I posted for the latter. (So much for “reproducibility” in science.)

        1. fuck off you worthless pedophile. you who likes to strap down innocent newborn infants by tying down their legs and arms and then cutting off their dicks while they scream themselves into a coma(if they dont actually die).
          fuck off pedophile.

        2. Hurling ad hominems is proof of an empty head. Keep going and keep confirming your idiocy.
          FYI there are free dictionaries on the web; learn the proper meanings of the words (e.g. pedophile) that you so brainlessly and thoughtlessly throw around. You’re not impressing anyone, dude.

        3. tell me something….suppose i line by line refuted your argument, like the original article….would you care? of course not. you posted a long ass reply of BS science to back up your claim to refute the original article.
          anyone that is in favor of infant MGM or FGM is a raging pedophile. unlike most Im actually willing to help the repentant pedophile. I however have seen this MGM argument played out repeatedly. and I rarely see pro-MGM folks change their minds because they keep shitting out BS facts like ITS CLEANER, ITS HARMLESS, and of course THE FORESKIN IS NASTY!!!!
          now if the tone of your message was….how this so, where can i learn more, this is new to me….then there would be hope. but i could be wrong about you.
          if you truly want to learn more
          drmomma.org is a fantastic great start.
          if you goto that site and actually want to learn about the foreskin and why chopping it off is sickening, then come back and reply I will answer questions….if you have no desire to learn then i stand by it….”fuck off pedophile”

        4. You are as ignorant as they come. I am far more educated about the human body than the likes of you whose claim to fame is a quick referral to Wikipedia commons. Why should I listen to a school dropout ignoramus like yourself? You ought to go back to school and learn, not parrot the nonsense that some unnamed idiot has placed on the web. Get the heck outta here!
          Fools.like yourself rejected vaccination for kids, and quickly brought back some of the infectious childhood diseases among kids in California. Why not pay a visit to Africa or other third world countries to see the devastation which half baked knowledge can cause?
          Please get educated and stop showing the world how utterly uninformed you are.

        5. consider this my last reply as I do not associate with pedophiles.
          Africa you say….hilariously enough they are fairly pro-MGM and FGM and have high disease rates, America is pro-MGM and has high disease rates. so the claim that it prevents anything is utter bullshit.
          Wikipedia is a great springboard for information, read something then go look up more information on it. I could give you more information but it is clear you get off on strapping down infants and playing with their dicks(fun fact….doctors used to masturbate infant dicks to get the penis head/glans to pop out of the foreskin….fucking sickening perverts) and cutting them off and masturbating to newborn bloody infant dicks. what kind of sick pervert enjoys making newborns cry themselves into a shock induced coma and making their most sensitive body parts blood red and sore for weeks? fucking worthless perverted cunt.
          that site I linked you links to plenty of other sources. I know as I have those same sources. it is a great starter site much like wikipedia. I’ve read some very academic books on the matter that i stumbled across because of these so called wikipedia sites. if you can’t stomach the basics why would you stomach to harsher truth?
          thus my point is proven….you had no intention to learn anything. you are a troll who just wanted to post BS science and bait some replies.
          if you didnt want to learn….why post here? ]
          but I’ll leave you a parting gift….scientific academic research on the matter. then you can fuck right off till the ends of time knowing you a pedophile.
          there is one of several sources well researched on the matter i have. 300 pages with 100 of those pages being sources. or some absurd amount of sources like that.
          now choke on it and eat crow.
          if you are not a pedophile and actually want truth….read that book. I’ll accept your apology.

        6. Again, you are an ignorant person, and ought to have learned more at this time of your pathetic existence than throw insulting terms at total strangers.
          Calling someone a pedophile simply because you disagree with their position tells any right thinking person all they need to know about your mental state. If you really wanted to have a conversation, you need to get rid of your thug mentality and discuss like an educated person. At this time, you a waste of breath.
          FYI: I did not bother to read your rant above, but I won’t ever allow you to have the last say. People like you need to be taught how to behave in the public square.

        7. i only ask since youre so insistent i dont have the last word….so i await your explanation of how a bleeding infant dick isnt rape.
          I do so look forward to it.

        8. If you’re so educated, then why aren’t you aware histological analysis has proven the glans isn’t erogenous ?

  28. Thanks for the article. I have been amazed for a long time that the West accepts male genital mutilation as normal, yet is horrified about the female circumcision. Future fathers, please DO NOT ALLOW this evil Jewish barbaric practice to be performed on your sons!

  29. I disagree with my ex-wife on nearly every subject. I’m thankful that we both agreed that circumcision was wrong, and didn’t have it happen to our son.

  30. If I buy a new BMW, I’m not going to remove the hood. It protects the engine. I’m not going to pull out my fingernails, those protect the sensitive nerves in my fingers. Same goes for the foreskin. The glans penis is not supposed to be unprotected making it insensitive with time.
    Now I can understand a lot of circumcised men don’t know any better, and that’s fine. But that’s not a reason to promote circumcision like it’s something wonderful and spread lie’s. Washing your dick 2 times a day for 20 seconds is all you need to do to keep it clean when you’re not circumcised. It doesn’t protect against HIV, and the sex is really better. You can even orgasm with a condom.. yeah, I found it to be disturbing to read here that some men are somewhat impotent. Never heard of it before. Common guys, it’s mutilation and a unnecessary medical procedure more than 99% of the time.

    1. The glans isn’t erogenous . It’s exposure is trivial . The damage of circumcision is the removal of the foreskin which contains all the erogenous nerves. It’s medically unnecessary 100% of the time.

    2. if i cut up my dirty pictures will that make them clean?
      from 1845-1969 sexual torture mutilation was sold by sadistic american witch doctors to ret4rded puritan parents as a punishment and cure for masturbation. dirt is a metaphor for sin.

  31. Does circumcision reduce sexual pleasure?
    I’m just throwing some ideas out.
    It would be impossible to determine this simply by asking men because people are accustomed to what they have and know nothing else.You could only argue based on nerve endings lost and try to make some deduction.It’s very difficult because the brain which is sort of monitoring every nerve in the body will many times try to compensate for a loss. On the other hand,even when a body part is damaged or cut off in circumcision the brain may still believe it’s there eg phantom limb pain etc and it’s hard to say what effect it has on a man’s psyche especially when you’re talking about his dick.I’m sure that most men would prefer their hand was blown off rather than their dick.An 8 day old infant of course is still developing a nervous system and brain and we don’t know what this shock of having part of their dick cut off has on development in this area.
    Circumcision should be illegal because there is no reason to do something that was based on primitive tribal customs or discredited medical theories like masturbatory insanity.If there is some medical reason for it then just do what we do with wisdom teeth or the appendix or any other medical condition that requires attention. btw, the guy(can’t remember his name) who was adamantly against routine circumcision had to be circumcised himself at an older age for a medical reason but he’s still against circumcision in general.

  32. circumcision is great! It reduces transmission of STD’s, less precancerous shegma, women appreciate it cut for hygiene purposes (that is if you like head), and you don’t finish in 1 sec (women can be pounded for more than a min). Why do all the Abrahamic faiths have this practice? If you don’t like it, don’t do it. but stop with this ‘nobody should do it’ approach. Let people make up their own minds.

    1. You clearly didn’t read the article. It says it shouldn’t be forced upon children. Grown men can do whatever they please with their cock.

      1. still doens’t address most of my points. its much more traumatic when you are an adult, if you are doing it, then its your parents choice. just like its their choice to take you to the doctor or not. in some ways you are a circumstance of the culture you are raised in.

        1. still doens’t address most of my points.

          Actually, it does. Babies and children don’t need to worry about allegedly “slightly” reducing their risk of a few STDs during “normal heterosexual intercourse.” Nor do babies and children need to worry about impressing women who give them blowjobs. Your arguments are non-arguments. The best way for an adult to reduce his chances of STDs is to use a condom. Anyone who Googles images of STDs will clearly see most of the infected penises are circumcised. Yeah, such great “protection” there! Idiot.
          Most Europeans are not circumcised, and the rates of HIV and STDs are lower there than in the USA, where circumcision is much more common. Same with Asia. The alleged “protection” is drastically exaggerated. You have no real argument, you just enjoy mutilating babies genitals. Spare me the JIDF propaganda.
          You never addressed the fact that circumcision is, in fact, genital mutilation. Nor did you address the fact that doing it to a child is a human rights violation.

        2. Nonsense. It’s worse as an infant.An adult who needed the procedure can prepare himself for it. The area would be properly anaesthetised and afterwards he would take some morphine until it healed. An infant has none of these benefits and doesn’t understand why someone is slicing his dick.He’s also pissing and pooping in his pants which has to be very uncomfortable even under normal conditions let alone with a cut and hurting dick.

      2. Exactly. It’s nobody’s choice but the male’s once he is of age. People who can’t comprehend this, are just not worth the effort. I have seen none of these pro-male circumcision people even touch female circumcision.

    2. “and you don’t finish in 1 sec”
      you’ve made a strong case for circumcision being allowed for 14 year old boys

    3. “””VMMC is often portrayed as a simple surgical solution to the African HIV/AIDS epidemic. Africans have found that this is not the reality. Many cite ethical and human rights issues within the campaign. Others observe that newly circumcised men and their partners appear to be infected with HIV at a *HIGHER* rate than those who were left alone.
      Western public health agencies are endorsing VMMC to curb the spread of HIV by 50–60%. To that end, they are actively misinforming Africans that circumcision is protective against HIV (the “surgical condom” myth). This false security is a leading contributor to the HIV epidemic today. In Malawi, the national HIV rate is reported to have *DOUBLED* from 10% to 20% in the first year VMMC was implemented. In Uganda where we conducted our investigation, Ministry of Health statistics show higher HIV rates now than before VMMC implementation.
      African HIV rates had been on a downward trend that was reversed when VMMC was implemented. For the first time since the war on AIDS began, HIV is back on the rise. “”” – The VMMC Experience Project (Voices from the African circumcision campaign)
      “of US women, 85% who had experienced both circumcised and intact men preferred sex with intact men. Sex with a circumcised man was associated with pain, dryness and difficulty reaching orgasm (O’Hara 1999). In another study, women were twice as likely to reach orgasm with an intact man (Bensley 2003). Even when a woman said she preferred a circumcised partner, she had less dryness and discomfort with intact men (O’Hara 1999)”.

  33. I love being circumcised, but I love being me in general. And I was a baby when it happened, so I don’t remember shit about it.
    My poor dad was circumcised by the Army b/c of a penis infection. Must’ve hurt like hell, but the recovery allowed him to pick up a cute girl volunteering at the hospital, and thus I came to be.

  34. below, the future King David presenting King Saul with a barrell full of Philistine foreskins.
    Not only is circumcision a cruel thing to do to baby boys, but Philistine men also really hate it

    1. I hope they were dead when he took them
      I guess it was the jew version of taking scalps like the ‘Injuns did.Saul gave him his daughter for those foreskins.

      1. that was Heller’s joke: that David didn’t realise at first that it would be easier to take their foreskins if they were dead. I guess its not unlike scalping

  35. I remember I was assisting in a circumcision. Before doing the procedure, I went to the parents.
    “Any complications with the birth?”
    “no complications?”
    “Good health, no abnormalities?”
    “nothing wrong with him.”
    “well that’s good.”
    Obviously SOMETHING was wrong if you decided that you needed to chop off the foreskin of your perfectly healthy son.
    Listening to an infant scream the whole time (even with lidocaine) isn’t exactly the most pleasant experiance. Oh, and that particular circumcision was botched too.

  36. I am circumcised and I would not have it any other way.
    This is a misleading article with false information and multiple logical fallacies.
    I will address only few points.
    1) You state that circumcision causes irreversible damage to the brain. To support that, you quote an unpublished report of some no-name scientist from Kingston, ON, Canada. What do you think happens to a newborns brain when the umbilical cord is cut and when he/she starts crying in order start breathing through its own lungs rather than through the umbilical vein? By your logic, such trauma of transitioning to ex-utero life is also inhumane and babies should never be brought into the outside environment from the womb.
    Moreover, the evidence you are providing is extremely sketchy. It is well known among the enlightened that brain is made up of very plastic neurons which can modify and change their synaptic networks. It is impossible for “permanent” scars to be left in the brain anatomy unless they were of course from brain abscess or lobectomies or such cerebral excision surgeries.
    2) You falsely equate the benefits of circumcision in reducing transmission of HIV with circumcised people eventually contracting HIV. No scientist ever claimed that circumcision completely stops HIV from transmitting to that individual. However, the evidence is clear that if 1 HIV virion particle is required to infect an uncircumcised male, then you need more than 10 virion particles to eventually infect a circumcised male. Hence, circumcision increases the initial requirement of original inoculum required to become infective.
    Males who think they can talk about science by reading few articles here and there should be annihilated from the human male gene pool. Partial knowledge is extremely dangerous.
    Khalid bin-Alwaleed, Hons. B.Sc, M.D., MPH

    1. 1. Are you a Muslim?
      2. Do you think your religion is affecting your ability to speak impartially on this subject?

      1. 1- My religion or lack of it is irrelevant to the logical and evidence based points I have stated as rebuttal to false claims.
        2- I am only using what I know as a physician and a man of science to demonstrate the inane suggestions made in the article.

        1. Regardless of any “innane suggestions” made, we know for a fact that there are many irreversible side effects that can come from male circumcision, including complete destruction of the penis. That fact alone is enough to put a stop to this barbaric practice, so your pseudo-intellectual babble is all for naught.
          MD’s with no hint of common sense or integral thinking, should be removed from the gene pool.

        2. Everyone has a bias and your religion is yours.Two people can look at the same data and come to opposite conclusions. Let’s also remember that we’re discussing the Sexual transmission of HIV. So let’s simplify all of this and compare areas that are similar and compare statistically using the law of large numbers between let’s say, the US and Western Europe.In the US the rates of circumcision are high while in Europe they are low.The numbers of homosexuals are the same. Now compare the rates of HIV between them.The highly circumcised US has higher rates despite the puritanical obsession with promoting condoms while Europe, the low circumcised example has lower rates.

        3. He’s a jew pretending he’s an Arab and he’s no doctor.
          Here, I’ll test him. So. AlWaloon, tell me where McBenway’s point is (yes it was named after an ancestor of mine) and in which condition it applies.

        4. You completely avoided the question. Of course, I’m not surprised, and it is a valid question. If you are a Muslim, then your religion is going to create a conflict of interest. The Quran commands Muslims to mutilate the genitals of male children, after all. I’d say that’s adequate for creating a bias. Oh, and I don’t believe for one second that you’re a real physician.

        5. You are proof a person can easily acquire college degrees via having a good memory but no critical thinking skills.

      2. Weird insinuation that either of those affected what he wrote in his post…. seemed like a straight forward response from a physican, can’t fault that.

    2. ‘It is well known among the enlightened that brain is made up of very
      plastic neurons which can modify and change their synaptic networks. It
      is impossible for “permanent” scars to be left in the brain anatomy’
      Let me first say, do not confuse what I say with anything else someone else has written or cited on here.
      “neurons which can modify and change their synaptic networks”
      That was my point and the reason that circumcision may be harmful especially when done on an 8day old newborn because it may adversely effect the development of normal neuron pathways.
      “However, the evidence is clear that if 1 HIV virion particle is required
      to infect an uncircumcised male, then you need more than 10 virion
      particles to eventually infect a circumcised male. Hence, circumcision
      increases the initial requirement of original inoculum required to
      become infective.”
      That makes no sense and I would tend to believe that the opposite is correct.HIV is difficult to transmit and the prepuce and its secretions would add to the protection from the virus.An exposed glans would be more likely to contract the virus.
      Marcus Benway, MBBS,MD(US)
      Maria Danilova PhD-concurring

  37. When I was a baby they lopped off half my penis. I was too young to object. My parents were supposed to protect me, but instead they helped victimize me.
    Ban child circumcision.

    1. Are you serious? You have no glans? An infant’s penis is like 3cm or less so it’s a tiny area and mistakes can be common.

  38. This article is a reflection of what feminists exactly want you to believe in. Soft mushy feelings and whining. Circumcision and the removal of “200,000 nerve endings,” as some have claimed here in comments, is the first step in becoming an independent leader and an alpha male. Circumcision is the ultimate symbol of patriarchy that men adopt as babies (whether it was forced or consensual). Circumcision is the ultimate representation of getting rid of your “sensitive” parts and marks the beginning of journey into manhood.
    Consent, rights, forceful mutilation, what non-sense coming from people who tout themselves to be paragons of manhood? These are the terms and narratives used by feminists to further their victim-hood.

    1. The journey into manhood is a choice that every man decides on at some point in their life. Cutting off some baby’s foreskin has pretty much zero to do with it.
      More of a sucking blood out of a baby’s dick pedophile ritual if anything. he he.
      p.s. haven’t read the article yet, so you might be right about the tone of it.

    2. All terrorists and suicide bombers are circumcised. You are a terrorist or terror sleeper cell member.

    3. Good evening Doctor,
      As young parents of a son, my husband and I were initially against circumcision.. However, we did so due to the nightmare stories related to me by my father and uncle ( both of whom had the surgery at an older age due to recurrent infections)
      My question to you, as an MD, is are there any comparisons to FGM? And do you think FGM has any medical purpose ..? Can FGM be fairly compared to male circumcision ??
      The reason I ask is that so many of the commenters here are comparing the two as being equally as bad..

    4. Right… we’re not “real men” unless we’re down with mangling a baby’s cock. Feminists try to use the same lame shaming tactics.
      Once someone is a grown adult he can do with his cock as he pleases. Until then, keep your knives away from other people’s genitals.

    5. So being chopped makes you a better alpha male? In what way? I bet you had no problem focusing on your rigorous medical studies and many jewish men excel as well in their academic endeavors BUT THEIR HONED SKILLS ARE LOPSIDED. Their command of their DICK wanes greatly. DICK PRIDE is non existant. Curious mr doctor, WOULD YOU flail your dick about openly for all the fine fair virgins to behold? I didn’t think so. Just as the jews YOU TOO succumb to DICK SHAME. When MAN RETURNS TO THE THRONE once and for all, men will be able to openly point their dicks to the sky and FIRE THEM OFF like the 4th of july as all the nymphs gaze on in awe.
      IF YOU DID have your nerve endings intact at least you wouldn’t have grown up a DICK WEAKLING. Sure the full nerve loop would have been perhaps more of a challenge to learn command over than your petty medical study but you would have blossomed to become a MIGHTY DICK.
      Many men sadly lack fathers though, and without a strong patriarch or father to guide you, there’s the chance you would have become just some masturbating failure in the bushes somewhere. But foreskin affords you the opportunity to prove and grow yourself whereas circumcision amputates the option. It is the greatest and most empowering feat to tame and command the awesome prowess and power of your OWN FULL DICK.
      But as a chopped man, society or your parents deemed you unworthy or too infidel to be bestowed with the full ROD OF POWER. So try the best as you will, a life of coping with a wild fully secreting and predatory sea of women who you will never fully grasp or control. Bitch rule and tyrannical matriarchy always looms around the corner for the circumcised man.

    6. I was circumcised as a teenager. It took away all of my sexual pleasure and gave me ED. Circumcision renders you sexually inadequate, which is far from being alpha. Men who defend their abuse are slaves and pussies. Useful idiot.

  39. Some illogical comments made here almost make one believe that foreskin has more nerves than brain.

  40. I’d say if you…
    1. Can’t practice basic hygiene.
    2. Think an old tribal religious practice makes sense in the 21st century.
    3. Sheepishly do things because other people do it.
    Go for it. Provided you make the decision as an adult and someone doesn’t make it for you when you’re a baby.

    1. if i cut up my dirty pictures will that make them clean?
      from 1845-1969 sexual torture mutilation was sold by sadistic american witch doctors to ret4rded puritan parents as a punishment and cure for masturbation. dirt is a metaphor for sin.

  41. In USA circumcision is due to doctors get paid $300 for this, if insurance drops this payment, circumcision will cease.

  42. It’s really all about CONTROL. Breaking and taming the male. Anyone who breeds dogs, horses or barnyard animals knows that the more genitalia you cut off or remove from an animal, THE MORE BROKEN AND TAME that animal becomes. You can take a raging tiger and depending on how much of its genitalia you chop off, you can make it so tame it will curl up on your lap like a kitty cat.

    1. Circumcision for secular reasons in the United States is ridiculous, and is based on Victorian era fears of masturbation.
      From the religious perspective, it’s basically a way to permanently “mark” the cult’s symbols on a child. It’s a claim of religious ownership. I have no doubt that if (3.5 thousand years ago) they chose to brand the Star of David on our balls with a hot iron, then that would still be legal in the USA.

  43. In Florida there is currently a case where a woman entered a contract with her child’s father to have him circumcised. She tried to back out. The child is now 4, and a judge has ruled the woman cannot prevent the child from being circumcised in part because she can not back out of the contract.
    Interesting that parents in Florida cannot enter contracts to waive child support because that would interfere with the rights of a third party not part of the negotiations (the child).
    Can’t contract away a child’s right to the higher earning parent’s money (that is not paid directly to the child), can contract away part of a child’s genitals.

  44. Thank you for having the courage to write this article. It is inadmissible that the barbaric ritualistic genital mutilation is still practiced today.
    For the neuropsychological implications of male infant genital mutilation see the following article from SOCIAL BIOLOGY, Volume 44, Pages 265-275, Fall-Winter 1997:
    A Biocultural Analysis of Circumcision
    Ronald S. Immerman and Wade C. Mackey:

    1. And that they even encourage it like it’s some virtue. I had my hopes high that the men on this site would be more modern than advocating this barbarism.
      The fools. Yes, you person with your happy circumcision. You are a fool.

  45. The human body is sovereign, period. That’s the only reason you need to keep your hands off.

  46. I’m circumcised, and I’m sure glad that they did it to me. You can keep your unsanitary foreskin and I’ll leave you alone and you can leave me alone.
    Any future son I might have will be circumcised. You morons won’t be able to stop it. Mind your own business.

    1. A barbarous primate like yourself doesn’t deserve children. Enjoy your bronze-age genital mutilation, you sick fuck.

  47. This is the one and only article where the replies shocked me. That there are so many backwards thinking men advocating this barbarism. Really disappointing.

  48. Jesus was circumcised. I was circumcised too. I wish I had not been, but if it’s something my Lord went through, I can do it too.

    1. “Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts.”
      -1 Corinthians 7:19

    2. To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it. the sexual torture and mutilation of children benefits satan (witch doctors). that seems like it would be the opposite of what jesus would want

  49. Mass male circumcision was instituted by jewish doctors for the purpose of allowing jews to hide in plain sight.

  50. Men who are reacting angrily to the idea that ritual infant genital mutilation needs to be banned are only the ones who have been circumcised against their will.
    The memory of the barbaric unnecessary torture they had to go through for no reason is still present in their subconscious.
    The anger associated with the feeling of powerlessness while someone was mutilating their body is still vivid.
    The primal fear of being castrated is still screaming its protest inside their whole being.
    You are right to feel angry for the violence you had to endure.
    Your fear is totally understandable too. The part of your male body that was made for procreation got mutilated, and the feeling was that you could lose the possibility of being able to procreate, something that goes against each and every one of your very genes.
    If you have been genitally mutilated, you need to understand that the people who did it to you did it out of ignorance.
    That does not mean their actions are to be condoned, it’s only a way to try to make peace with them, so you can better accept your loss.
    If you have been genitally mutilated, you lost one part of your body, and that part you will never get back, nor will you ever be able to feel it.
    Make this a reason for being more considerate with your body, for treating it well, and being grateful to it for all what it did and endured for you.
    Make peace with your body too.
    And then…
    please make sure you can stand firm against the barbaric practice of ritual infant genital mutilation, spread the word that it this barbaric practice needs to be eradicated from all cultures and traditions. In the name of all Men.

  51. I was once at a party and a conversation about circumcision came up. A girl asked me if I was cut and I responded with my usual smart ass answer, no, I’m not Jewish or Muslim so why would I be? She told me that lots of non Jew/Muslim guys are cut and that uncut dicks are gross and look like an ant eater (whatever the hell that means). I then politely asked her if she was circumcised, which of course she responded “no, female genital mutilation is disgusting and barbaric. I told her that uncut pussies are gross and look like meat curtains, (not my real opinion but I figured a clever response) she said it was totally different and ended the conversation when I asked her to explain why. Also my best friend is cut and acts like any guy who isn’t doesn’t deserve to get laid. I explain to him that something like 80% of the worlds population is not cut, but he is still surprised when he learns that some guy in town who rakes in hot pussy isn’t cut. At the end of the day I could care less if my parents had decided to cut me, or about the fact that they didn’t, it’s that old double standard that gets me.

    1. a great comment except for the very end. what other kind of death/sacrifice/torture ritual would you not care if your parents did to you?

  52. Infant ritual genital mutilation is all about trauma-based mind control and *feeding predators*. It is being disguised under religious, medical, or other reasons, but basically it is the most widespread, most established, best way to initiate human beings into becoming mindless slaves. The evidence of that is so much in-your-face that we have difficulty admitting it. It takes much more effort and suffering to be able to be able to think in a free, autonomous and independent manner after a part of your self has been alienated away from you by someone who *cannot be fought back*. Think about it. It’s everywhere, and between the profits of corporations, the frivolous self interest of female consumers, and the fairy tales of desert dwelling goat-herders, it seems that children will likely continue to be mutilated. The blood sacrifice has to go on to *please the gods* (read *feed the gods*), regardless if circumcision is trauma, regardless of the fact that to rational beings it is obvious that God is not smart if he made man with a foreskin or clitoris just to command to get rid of it… . OK, we cannot fix the *gods’ stupidity*, but we can fix ours! DO NOT accept any practice of ritual infant genital mutilation, and you will contribute to liberating humanity from mind control and blood sacrifices which are NOT of our making as humans, but rather the product of the predators’ minds who are *feeding* on humans.

  53. NO NO NO! THIS article must be a joke right??? ROK can’t agree with something feminist believe in! .OH THE HUMANITY!

    1. Most feminists couldn’t give two shits. Most will tell me i’m a nutter and mock me when i tell them i have a numd dick.

  54. It’s time to stop the hypocrisy and to say things as they really are:
    Circumcision is a Mock Death ritual,[2] a game of play killing in a sacrificing ritual. Once the tissue is taken, the concept of death is finalized and bandages placed. Criminally and medically circumcision’s ritual is a Genital Dismemberment.
    As early as 1945 the connection of circumcision induced homicidal and suicidal rages was established in a child as young as 6 years old.[3] This article also connects PTSD, then called Combat Neurosis, to such early surgeries and may be a reason the USA and U.S. Military personnel are highly susceptible.
    Degrees and intensity vary with age and higher when young. Pre-verbal trauma is not easily accessed by regular memory and much resides in the unconscious. Verbal conscious memory increases the awareness of betrayal. Traumatic frustration occurs and remains with both verbal and Pre-verbal. In essence, circumcision related violent behavior is expressed from being a Sacrifice Returned.
    Genitally-focused circumcision Assault and Battery is a form of Culture-Bound and Culture-Specific Syndromes in a Shared Psychotic Disorder. Violence between individuals and societies are common to the point of pathognomonic.
    America’s circumcision is an adopted habit of socialized violence through Cultural Imperialism. The result is Cycles of Violence and Betrayal.[4] These cycles reside in a sense of Betrayal resulting in a Transference of Aggression onto other persons in other acts of Betrayal. Besides the individual, the Transference of Aggression is expressed socially between one group and nation against another. Transference is a deliberate choice and the substitute object is the genitals.
    Transference is the deliberate displacement of one’s unresolved conflicts, dependencies, and aggressions onto a substitute object.

  55. i hate circumcision comments. so many idiotic, ignorant and outright stupidly dangerous folks think circumcision is harmless and not genital mutilation and rape.

  56. My skills so ill unfolding like the Lotus, his momma didnt cut him he still got his commitment Bonus, he capable of pleasing a grown b!tch, cutting innocent babies is sad Sick, some people got that Brain Damage, its the same as clipping a girl`s clit

  57. little boys are mutilated so theyre lazy mothers can leave em in a soiled diaper longer. Hospitals collect the mutilated foreskins of helpless infant boys & the skin is sold to cosmetic companies & made into Face Cream (if you dont believe me, google it).
    Male Genital Mutilation reduces the quality of intimacy for both men & women, & later in life men who have been mutilated become vulnerable to Drug Abuse, Spousal Abuse & Crime.
    I personally prefer Intact Men :-p

  58. Note to those who still think it OK to cut up the genitalia of children,
    you won’t be damned to Hell if you allow the child to decide, when it
    18 years of age, whether it wants mutilated genitals. An ignorant nurse
    did ask if we wanted our perfect newborn son genitally
    mutilated! We said no, if he wants it done when he is 18, I will pay
    for it. But he is an intelligent young man, and so has never mentioned
    it, and he has seen my mutilated penis on the beach. In fact, my
    mutilated penis is the only one you’ll see there, all the other men and
    boys are intact, but then we are in the UK, where genital mutilation of
    boys went out of fashion 60 years ago. Only religionists here still do it,
    because they are not punished by prison.

    1. No medical journal considers it mutilation so…
      You obviously have brainwashed yourself as well.

      1. Let me guess, you are a religionist with no sense of personal freedom for everyone to choose what sort of genitalia they enjoy.
        Very few males, if given the choice, will opt for the removal of his own foreskin. Most Jews, Muslims, and the selfish, know this, so they mutilate the boy while he is weak and defenceless.

        1. No, I am for parents being able to choose what they think is right for their own children, without being harassed by online trolls. I am also for research and objective information. Many men have chosen to get circumcised later on, if they don’t choose it is because it is a much longer procedure when done during adulthood, it’s a surgery after all or they don’t know much about it. Either way, that is beside the point. Again, no medical journal considers it a mutilation.
          Also, your last sentence is very ignorant.

  59. One benefit to banning circumcision is that Jewish boys can’t be singled out and herded to the concentration camps like they were during WWII, and Muslim boys can’t be singled out like they were during the partition of Pakistan and India.

  60. I’m so glad my dangle doesn’t smell like spoiled cheese. If I wasn’t circumcised already I would pay to have it done as an adult.

    1. wrong. over 6 billion people have everything they were born with – because they had a choice.

      1. Cheese dicks will be cheese dicks and they are welcome to it, lol. None of the women I want would touch “dog dick” even for $50,000.
        Nobody in the civilized world wants an “Outie” belly button from being left untended like an animal and nobody wants a smegma factory below their belt buckle either.
        This whole anti-circumcision movement is driven by homosexual activists because uncircumcised dog dick facilitates buttsecs, fact. Hence most of the organizations actually putting money into anti-circumcision propaganda are based in San Francisco

  61. The truth here if you follow the USA circumcision trail, it was promoted as a hygienic measure as if there were anything dirty about a normal penis. As hospitals took over childbirth every male baby was scrutinized for circumcision even pre matures. Could it always been money? When I was born the circumcision fee was 25 dollars! Even in the day, that was not a great sum. Certainly some other strange beast of culture was engaged. I might add in the 1920’s my uncle went to hospital for some reason and he had no penis problems. He came out circumcised. The level of quackery and deception just shifts with time.
    Today its UTI which in nuts, that is fewer than half a percent of any boy child and it prevent HIV. Take a look at CBS, Time magazine and PBS plus NPR how they jumped on the circumcision promotion bandwagon. Even now the CDC. But they’re all run by circumcised US males.

    1. if i cut up my dirty pictures will that make them clean?
      from 1845-1969, male genital torture mutilation was sold by american witch doctors to puritan ret4rds as a punishment and cure for masturbation. dirt is a metaphor for sin

  62. Of course what you say is common sense, but Americans, largely circumcised at birth are not wishing to hear reason.

  63. You’re all overlooking one important point. Circumcision is illegal in western countries because assault/grievous bodily harm is illegal. If a doctor or rabbi grabbed a random boy or man off the street and circumcised him, he’d be jailed. If a parent drugged his 30 yr old son and either he or a doctor he asked circumcised him, they’d be jailed . An 8 day old baby has the same right not to be assaulted as an adult, so it is illegal . Legality isn’t the issue, the authorities not enforcing the law is.
    Me? I was unnecessarily circumcised by the NHS at 14 for ‘phimosis’. I can say with utter certainty that no foreskin means a lifetime of zero sexual pleasure and erectile dysfunction . Why? Because all you’re left with is the glans and the glans is not erogenous. Histological analysis has shown that the glans is like the eyeball. It senses pain and pressure , not fine touch like the foreskin.
    The claim that we don’t know if circumcision reduces sexual pleasure, is false. Hard science shows that it’s devastating . The studies claiming it’s uncertain or not harmful are all flawed or fraudulent. They do touch tests and refuse to touch the foreskin, for example. They deliberately ignore that it’s a scientific fact all the erogenous nerves are in the foreskin . Most of the people behind these studies are jewish and make money from circumcision .
    ‘Circumcision’ was invented for religious reasons, and its aim was to numb the male genitals while still allowing ejaculation and procreation . As jewish scholar Maimonides admitted . The claim FGM is worse than MGM is gynocentric unsubstantiated folk theory. How can it be worse than removing ALL erogenous nerves? Exactly . We’re all being lied to continually by our leaders, by academia and by the media. But normies are unable to filter out the propaganda and think for themselves .
    The reason most people think MGM is okay is the same reason most are anti racist and pro third world immigration . Social conditioning.

    1. You in this and other posts claim the glans isn’t erogenous- where do you get this from? The only study I’ve seen directly comparing the sensitivity of intact and cut penises (“Fine-touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis.”) did not say this. Like, I imagine if you were to quiz uncut men, the vast majority would say they feel plenty of pleasure from the head. Circumcision completely dries out the head.

    2. nothing that happens to men will ever be “as bad” as if it happened to a woman, when people don’t care about men in the first place. gynocracy
      “Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their
      husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee
      from the only homes they have ever known…” – hitlary clitnon

  64. For Phimosis or Frenlum Breves,
    there is a very simply non surgical problem for foreskin problems.
    Manual stretching.
    Exercise 1:
    Hold the foreskin by the point where it is connected with a frenlum,
    a cord like thing that you can see under your tongue if you lift up your tongue.
    Theres one on the penis as well, hold the foreskin by that point and stretch away from you to a degree of tolerance(pain is not gain) and hold for 25 seconds.
    Repeat 10 times with a short 5s break for your hands.
    Repeat once every other day for a 2-3 months.
    Exercise 2:
    Very very gently pull back the foreskin to give a very mild stretch to the “o ring”.
    The opening of the foreskin. Phimosis is when this is too tight.
    NEVER attempt to fully pull back the foreskin, the process must be gentle.
    Remember pain is not gain.
    So pull back to feel some tension and hold for 25s.
    Repeat 10 times with short breaks in between.
    Repeat every other day.
    Exercise 2 Advanced:
    Now after a month or so, if you feel that the opening has widen reasonably,
    you can then try and do a more advanced stretch, where you insert your fingers into this opening to then stretch it outwards. Like putting your fingers inside a rubber band to stretch it outwards. 10 repetitions every other day.
    To start with only select one of the above exercise for the first month,
    and then introduce the other exercise on the day you took a break.
    So after a month, every day you will alternate between these two exercises.
    One day exercise 1 then the next exercise 2 or the advanced version of it.
    In 2-4 months, you should have the problem solved.

  65. I feel circumcision is child abuse and also a human rights issue I was circumcised at birth and I hate the fact I am it is an evil act preformed by evil sick people

  66. I’ve seen women in the USA say that men who haven’t been genitally mutilated are disgusting. They sound as backward as the tribes who mutilate females. The end is supposed to be covered until sx, or if exposed all the time the end hardens and becomes less sensitive.

  67. I think it’s popular in the USA because while Europe was going through the renaissance and realising myths in Old Testament were nonsense, people were going to USA to start new religions. Only have to see the numbers of men in USA who spend a large part of their life online filling every internet comment section no matter what the subject whinging on against feminists, and campaigning against evolution to be taught in schools, to see many are more backward thinking than Europeans

    1. The Renaissance was 150-200 years before the founding of the USA. Most EUROPEANS were still ruled by monarchies while the USA was a democratic and enlightened nation. Post revolutionary France was the only truly enlightened, democratic state in Europe in the era of America’s founding.

    hiv protection isn’t just exaggerated, it’s completely bogus, just like the other 100 fake benefits american witch doctors have sold over the last 2 centuries.
    “””VMMC is often portrayed as a simple surgical solution to the African HIV/AIDS epidemic. Africans have found that this is not the reality. Many cite ethical and human rights issues within the campaign. Others observe that newly circumcised men and their partners appear to be infected with HIV at a *HIGHER* rate than those who were left alone.
    Western public health agencies are endorsing VMMC to curb the spread of HIV by 50–60%. To that end, they are actively misinforming Africans that circumcision is protective against HIV (the “surgical condom” myth). This false security is a leading contributor to the HIV epidemic today. In Malawi, the national HIV rate is reported to have *DOUBLED* from 10% to 20% in the first year VMMC was implemented. In Uganda where we conducted our investigation, Ministry of Health statistics show higher HIV rates now than before VMMC implementation.
    African HIV rates had been on a downward trend that was reversed when VMMC was implemented. For the first time since the war on AIDS began, HIV is back on the rise. “”” – The VMMC Experience Project (Voices from the African circumcision campaign)
    every circumcision is an Unnecessary and catastrophic injury. it’s usually committed without anesthesia.
    sexual pleasure is reduced by 70%

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