Only White Countries Are Expected To Let In Hordes Of Illegal Migrants

In 2013, Japan’s Ministry of Justice (MOJ) approved only six asylum seekers’ applications for refugee status out of 3,777 cases (0.1 percent approval rate), the lowest number in 16 years.

– German news outlet DW‘s report on Japan’s horrendously strict refugee policy. This month, on the other side of the world, Germany permitted 8,000 Syrians on trains to enter its territory for local resettlement.

The European illegal migrant crisis has “evolved” from epidemic proportions to plain farcical and surreal ones. With the Germans and Austrians opening their front doors to whomever wishes to come and the Prime Minister of Finland now offering his home for so-called refugee settlement in a calculated electoral stunt, Europe’s elites are continuing a very sad tradition of Europe (and, by extension, majority-European America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) being forced to show a tolerance (and overt indulgence) that is never expected anywhere else in the world.

White-majority countries must accommodate millions of foreigners, whether as immigrants, illegal immigrants or genuine refugees, as other non-white countries can pursue objectively and highly ethnocentric immigration policies with absolute impunity. Keen to secure a future voting base that will strangle their conservative or traditionalist enemies and eliminate indigenous European cultures, socialists, other leftists, and SJWs see national or supranational borders such as those of the EU as bigoted and oppressive demarcations, instead of sensible boundaries that make able government and local prosperity (plus intra-European cultural diversity) possible.

Any problem found outside Europe is paradoxically perceived as both Europe’s problem and Europe’s responsibility to fix.

European banks crush the Greeks, but the EU is indulging every arriving non-European


Asylum seekers, many of them Afghans, responded to the cash-strapped Greeks’ hamstrung efforts to transport them further into Europe by rioting on the island of Lesbos last week. What message does it send to later migrants when this behavior is tolerated by the EU?

Ironically, one of the two major entry points for the tens of thousands of illegal migrants arriving every month into Europe, Greece, is the same economy where unemployment is higher now than it was for many Western countries during the Great Depression. The European Central Bank and other “institutions” will happily deny and put onerous condition after onerous condition on the Greeks, but the EU and many of its member states are demanding the resettlement of potentially millions of non-Europeans setting foot upon Europe’s shores and crossing its countries’ borders. Brussels shows more loyalty to illegal migrants than it does to Greeks, in many ways Europe’s oldest recognizable community.

Return of Kings‘ many critics will label this website, once again, as a supposed hotbed of inveterately “racist” activity. Yet they won’t proffer any explanation as to why SJWs are not devoting 0.0001% of the attention to combating actual, institutionalized ethnocentrism in a host of non-white countries where GDP is north of US$35,000.

If the situation was really about the betterment of people suffering outside Europe, SJWs and European elites would be vociferously castigating those countries that refuse to maintain even a semblance of a proper humanitarian program, particularly Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the oil-rich Gulf countries. They would also be holding individual regimes, such as Saudi Arabia and its exclusionary Sunni Arab policies, accountable for inflaming nearby conflicts on the basis of religious or ethnic sectarianism. That sectarianism is a significant reason why Syrians and others have departed for Europe in massive numbers.

Welcome to South Korea, where copious foreign blood was spilled to keep it racially pure in 2015

Despite white, African-American, Indian and other blood having coated the fields, mountains and forests of Korea between 1950 and 1953 to keep South Korea independent, the nominally “Western” government in Seoul defiantly keeps its population homogeneous. This is what a typical Korean classroom looks like:

Contrast that with a class from London’s suburban Risley Avenue Primary School, where all but four (or five?) in the photograph are Middle Eastern, mixed-race, or “pure” black:

I raise Korea as a prominent example because, unlike Japan, it does not have a modern history dominated by the colonial conquest of neighboring lands. Rather, it was saved twice from the ignominy of foreign subjugation by non-Koreans, firstly by American might in the 1940s to end Japanese rule and secondly by a US-led coalition force during the Korean War to spare it from the grasp of a Soviet and Chinese-controlled Stalinist dictatorship in Pyongyang.

Successive governments in Seoul have shown “gratitude” for both the historical and ongoing non-Korean underwriting of South Korean security by refusing to countenance any possibility of a cosmopolitan society, including additions from Syria or comparable war-torn states. That generosity is left to the same sorts of nations that sacrificed their young men to keep South Korea an independent nation.

Japan’s highly racist programs pertaining to refugees and general immigration are similarly inexcusable but for different reasons. Even as its former wartime ally Germany is the most financially generous place for illegal migrants in the world, accepting more than a thousand times more asylum seekers on a single day than the government in Tokyo did in an entire year, Japan is free to keep itself as the one race nation many of its Prime Ministers have called for.

The EU illegal migrant disgrace is about internal politics, not a safer world

The US-style “you’re a racist” response when someone opposes unrestricted mass immigration is quickly being taken up by European elites.

The modus operandi of SJWs and others is that “white privilege” means Europeans cannot celebrate their cultures like other races and ethnicities. They will turn a blind eye to very wealthy non-European nations like Korea applying the most exclusionary measures possible to avoid cosmopolitanism but expect Hungary or Greece to foot the bill of unrestricted illegal migrant movement. This has everything to do with diluting local European cultures to the point of irrelevance, so that SJW “cultural” uniformity can be painted over what remains.

There is, fundamentally, one rule for Europeans, who have contributed more to the affluence and stability of the world than any other continent in human history, and a bunch of other “rules” for everyone else. The European-founded United States will accept Iranian-Armenian families like Roosh’s as legal immigrants, but would you expect Japan, Korea, Taiwan or the Gulf Arab oil states to do the same, let alone welcome illegal migrants or refugees? No, of course not.

As illegal migrants throng at the entry points of Europe and stampede across its recession-ridden heartland, the white man’s burden of Rudyard Kipling is very much alive and well in 2015.

Read More: 10 Best And Worst Countries For An American Man To Find A Wife

552 thoughts on “Only White Countries Are Expected To Let In Hordes Of Illegal Migrants”

  1. Yet another white is martyr piece.
    You are *absolutely wrong* when you say Australia is “by extension” the same – they take PRIDE in rejecting immigrants×479.jpg
    Australia has just recorded 12 months without an immigrant boat arrival. They don’t care about NYT shaming tactics – and for a blogger who postures like leftist media does not affect him, you certainly sound jilted in this piece.
    Stop it.

    1. Australia’s policy is really a good model, and shows that xenophobia can easily be achieved. No migrants died, and none made it ashore. Turning them back is not hard if you’re willing to stand firm. A little bit of force goes a long way.

    2. And the way they did it was selling it as “to save the poor illegal immigrant children who end up drowning”. Hey whatever works. But it’s true that if a country is known for deporting illegals, then illegals stop risking the journey to head over there (and maybe start actually fixing their craptastic country instead of fleeing).

    3. I’m proud of my country for this. No one wants them here taking over. To put it plainly to the illegals wanting to come: fuck off, we’re full.

  2. This is madness. Absolute madness.
    Firstly, I am not a racist or a bigot. I am a European born Muslim and have lived and accustomed to a Western value system. Meaning, I have respect and tolerance for all religions and ethnic groups.
    I do feel sympathy and sadness for what these migrants are going though with their lives.But when I see hordes and hordes of migrants coming into Europe, it makes me shake my head. The fact is Europe is overpopulated as it is, and there are not enough resources available to accomodate the growing population such as houses and jobs.
    I mentioned this in one of the comment sections of the mainstream papers, and my comment got deleted by the heart bleeding liberals, who clearly cannot see common sense. By allowing more people into the country, the European born citizens will be further displaced from the job and housing market. Wages will be further driven down and these migrants will also be exploited. Not to mention the fact, that they will be granted permanent residence and be subsidised by the state, while European nationals are struggling to find work and affordable housing in an already terrible economy and job market.
    And who even knows, how many of these migrants are religious fanatics and nutjobs, ready to wage destruction against innocent people. Its madness, and I feel we are going through the same route as the Americans and their illegal immigration problem (which is even worse.) Again, there is always a hidden agenda behind everything, and without going down the conspiracy route, people must wake up to their senses and see the whole picture at play here.
    Its absolutely crazy what is happening.

    1. Ask these SJW’s if they would house a boatload of these refugees in their own house or apartment/loft for God knows how long? Ask the politicians to quarter the refugees in their mansions. Let’s see how warm hearted they really are.

      1. SJW are only “warmhearted” when there is no personal consequences. It’s all an act, which they believe in themselves.
        Something is wrong mentally with these people. Especially women.
        They don’t understand simple math. Like, what will 100k refugees a month do to a country. No, not letting them in is “racist”.
        I guess it’s because they don’t get children anymore they try to be the mother of the whole world.

        1. They’ll say “people aren’t numbers” and “muh humanity”.
          Not kidding, I read this in those newspapers’ comment sections.

      2. Just like the old days, the aristocracy is not bothered by these trivial issues. That’s for the peasants to deal with.

    2. From a geographical standpoint Europe is way more fucked and pretty easy to invade. America has controlled and wired borders north and south and lots of water everywhere else.
      Big advantage.
      Also, I´d rather have millions of fellow christians sitting on my doorsteps than millions of muslims. Incompatible religions are a ticking time bomb.

      1. The US border with Mexico is an unmitigated disaster. Everyone and his mother can cross it with impunity. Why else are so many Hispanics and other immigrant groups here in such vast numbers?

    3. Yeah it’s funny how none of the migrants want to go to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, etc even though these countries are immensely wealthy and have plenty of need of labor and other jobs. It is also likely that these countries themselves do not want to just start importing random migrants because they know it will lead to increased chaos.

      1. Those wealthy GULF nations refuse to take in a single refugee. So it’s not that the refugees don’t want to go to these countries, they don’t have the option of choosing to go there.

        1. I’m a bit confused on how that makes it Europe’s problem.

        2. It is Europe’s problem. Consider Europe’s inactivity towards the crisis in Syria and you’ll see why. That as well as Obama’s policies created this problem. Does this mean we should start accepting the mass immigration of Syrian refugees? No. Rather finding a way to get Syrians back into Syria would be a better solution. Sounds like you’re American. Only an American would be uninformed enough to be confused about such a thing.

        3. Sounds to me like you didn’t understand what I was saying.
          I meant how did this situation become a mandate to allow hordes of savages to invade European countries. That’s all we hear as justification from the likes of Merkel, Cameron, etc. They are not saying “Let’s find a solution, all options are on the table” but rather crying and telling us about how Europe just *has* to absorb what amounts to an army of young foreign men of fighting age into European countries.
          Next time cut the snark factor a bit, it’s unbecoming.

        4. Look Dad, you trying to tell me what to do on the internet is unbecoming, even when you add “for a bit.” And you’re right, I didn’t understand what you were saying, your comment being vague and all. Next time don’t give me the impression you’re a stupid American and make it clearer what you’re saying the first time round instead of getting your point across properly the second time you reply so you can avoid a snarky reply from me. Okay that’s the last of the snark, I’d rather not argue over nothing since we seem to be on the same page. As far as Cameron goes, he’s a joke, why pay attention to anything he has to say?

        5. Europe is being ass raped by thousands of filthy savages and America is stupid? LOL…Fuck off asshole!!!

        6. The majority of you Americans are stupid and ignorant, yes. Obama’s policies contributed to this crisis by acting as a helping hand in bringing the situation to what it is. Now fuck off out of my inbox. If you don’t have something relevant to say don’t bother me with useless notifications

        7. Because it’s cheap labor which is badly needed since euros don’t reproduce, because Europe has been trying to implement a platonic ideal of a unisex society with top down control.
          That’s why it’s being done, this was the intention all along. The noble families that rule probably figure that if things really get too much they can akill off enough migrant proletariat to cull the herd.. They could do that by outright killing, or they could start a war, draft large numbers of migrants and send them off to die.

        8. Yes, the majority of us are stupid and ignorant. But what does that make you Europeans? Your leaders are stooges to the military industrial complex of the US. You have a McDonalds on every street corner, your popular music is American or ripped from America, as are your movies/television programming. Whose more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him…..perhaps I have soured your mood.

        9. No, you haven’t. ‘m British but thanks for your insight. I didn’t mean to offend, it was just a comment. Chill dewd

    4. “and my comment got deleted by the heart bleeding liberals, who clearly cannot see common sense”
      I recently got my comments deleted by some chickenshit feminists because it hurt their little wheelings. This is what leftists do. They think silencing people makes them right. Lol.

      1. Um… why does he have to go back? He actually speaks and makes sense of the situation. You on the otherhand, you talk like a retard.
        So by your logic, all white people in America need to go back to Europe. Same as Australia and the other nations which were exploited and usurped by Anglo Saxon empires.
        If anything, I would rather co-exist with someone like this commenter, rather than a fucktard like yourself.

        1. He does make good sense, but the center of the problem is the very existence of non-native identities within Europe, of which this Muslim commentator is a part.
          The bits about economic resources may be true, but it ignores the elephant in the room. Race and ethnic identity.
          And yes, by this logic whites in the new world should also return to Europe.

        2. Here’s the problem. So many people are obsessed on race and ethnicity, that they forget that at the end of the day, there is only one ultimate race- the human race.
          As Martin Luther King perfectly explained, people should be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. There are so many people obsessed with skin, that they do not seem to understand what exactly makes up a culture.
          Culture is not defined by skin color, but by the values of which someone brings. Values can stem from anything in this world, but one certainty is this- culture cannot be defined by the color of one’s skin and race.
          How is this for culture? So many people love “white” culture, that they would by default, choose white people over any other race, just because of their skin color. My old neighbourhood which I grew up in, the vast majority were white. The vast majority of whites were low life trash- welfare receipients, unemployed drug addicts, welfare baby making trash etc. Whereas, the other ethnics in the neighbourhood such as Asians and blacks ended up becoming doctors, lawyers, accountants etc.
          What does that tell you? Can you be successful simply because of your skin color? No- it is based upon being brought up by the right values and characteristics. You can choose to obsess with culture being defined by skin, ethnicity and race, but at the end of the day, the better person with the better values, irrespective of race and ethnicity, will win.

        3. Very blue pill stuff. I don’t think wanting your race and ethnicity to continue existing without being blended into extinction, or threatened in your own homeland, is an “obsession”. It’s just normal.

        4. Its abnormal. If you still judge culture by skin color and race, then you are a lost case. I don’t give a damn about race. I judge a person by their character, not their ethnic background.
          I would rather be around other ethnic groups if their core values and interests were the same as mines, rather than hang around some low life degenerate white trash.

        5. I didn’t say anything about culture. I said people have the right to preserve their racial and ethnic heritage. Most humans do care about race and congregate with their own. We don’t live in a post-racial world, and probably never will.

        6. Racial and ethnic heritage?
          I could care less about this bullshit. And no- most humans don’t speak for me. I don’t give a toss about skin and ethnic background, because again, culture is not defined by skin color.
          I could care less about the white trash and white supremacist types and personally, would not hesistate for a second to watch them die out.

        7. And here is the other point: anyone can express their opinion, irrespective of whether people agree or not.

        8. “I could care less about the white trash and white supremacist types and personally, would not hesistate for a second to watch them die out.”
          Trust me, friend. The feeling is mutual. As far as “white trash” and “white supremacist” types, what does that entail, exactly? Someone who has a problem with their race and culture being wiped out? Because I want my people to continue to exist, I’m a “white trash, white supremacist”? Are you high?

        9. Ironic, considering YOU were the one who first claimed that you wouldn’t have a problem with watching anyone who doesn’t share your opinion “die out”.

        10. No the feeling is not mutual. You and the rest of your ilk are obsessed with attaching your emotions on race.
          So by your people, that also includes the above mentioned such as ghetto welfare recipients who happen to be white? If you are still stuck in the mindset of choosing people based on skin color, rather than values, then you are a gone case like the rest of the white supremacists.

        11. Your opinion is misguided and not as valid as mine. Acting above race is an abnormality spawned from privileged societies.

        12. That would make you part of the problem. The world is made of people who do care about their own, more than you as an individual. Advocating race blindness leads to ruin for the advocate, it’s only a matter of time.

        13. Non-Western societies do not suffer from equality. Ethnic and racial tribalism is the norm around the world.

        14. I get it. I just think it’s incredibly fucked up. And I think you’re completely full of shit. It’s not “people” you don’t care about dying out based on race and skin color. It’s WHITE people. Or is what happened to the American Indians cool with you? You think they were wrong to resist the flood of white Europeans into their country? Should they have just done the “progressive” thing and died off peacefully to make way for the whites?

        15. I am not a part of the problem. I am indifferent from the race wars. I could care less about which race (be it white, black, asian etc) outnumbers the other race.
          Again, I judge people by the content of their character and their values, not skin color. I believe that is more important.

        16. Yes. The feeling IS mutual. You would have no problem watching ME die out, and I feel the same way about watching YOU die out. Therefore the feeling is mutual. See how that works?
          And yes. That DOES include ghetto welfare recipients who happen to be white. If you have a brother who happens to be a “ghetto welfare recipient”, would you be okay with him dying off? Those people are PART OF MY TRIBE! That doesn’t mean I hate the people of different tribes. That doesn’t mean I want blacks or hispanics or Asians to die off. It doesn’t mean that I think white people are superior to them.
          How does that make me a white supremacist? I wouldn’t expect blacks to be okay with being wiped out. I wouldn’t expect Hispanics, Asians, or Middle Easterners to be okay with being wiped out. I don’t want ANYONE to be wiped out (Well, except for people who want to watch ME “die off”. Like you, for instance.). YOU, apparently don’t have a problem with white people being wiped out. So who is the REAL supremacist?

        17. No, I don’t think you get it.
          The history behind the literal slaugher of the Native Indians was indeed, tragic. But to compare that situation with the current reduction in numbers of whites, is a facetious argument and a ridiculous comparison to make.

        18. Those beliefs are the problem, yes. Real life is not an after school special about MLK. Racial harmony depends on race consciousness, not pretending race doesn’t matter. To most people, it clearly does.

        19. So people should live with superiority and inferiority complexes, based on ethnic and racial groups?
          Yeah, I think I’m gonna leave it there…

        20. No, they should live with racial and ethnic self-interest in mind. Interpreting this as superiority vs inferiority is exactly the problem with western thought.

        21. But I thought you said, “I could not care about people dying based on race and skin color. Don’t you get it?”
          Apparently that’s not true. You obviously care about the Native Americans dying out based on race and skin color. Just not white people.
          And no, it’s NOT a ridiculous comparison to make. It’s a very APT comparison to make. Who’s to say Muslims won’t wipe out the Europeans when they become the majority, just like the whites did to the Indians? White people didn’t just show up on the shores of America and wipe the Indians out the next day. It’s something that took generations to occur. There is absolutely NO reason to think that the same thing couldn’t happen today to the Europeans, is there?

        22. This will be my last argument.
          Racial harmony in my honest opinion, is bullshit. I have met all people from all walks across life, genuine good people and genuine bad people.
          From my life experience, I found that even those who were of my ethnic group, were some of the most horrible individuals I have met. Was that because of their skin color? No, it was to do with their values.
          I have reached a point in my life, where I don’t gravitate towards obessing about preserving my skin color and ethnic heritage, nor do I really care about what happens to any of the ethnic groups. I judge people by their character. That is not bullshit. That is reality to me.
          If someone feels uncomfortable being around other people simply because of their ethnic background, then all it shows is their deep insecurites and flaws as a human being.
          All the best.

        23. Very well. I do not doubt your experience, as mine has been the same. It is not that people of a single skin color are uniformly good, is it that racial and ethnic differences ADD to conflict between people, and ignoring the differences is not a practical solution.

        24. Not so much in Japan and S Korea, whitey have tribalism, look at France vs UK, France vs Germany. Slavs vs Germanic.

        25. Nah, the whites could of left the native AMERICANS alone, they aren’t indians.
          This is a bigger issue, whites bomb and destroy countries around the world, and when the immigrants come knocking, whites don’t want them in. How about turning UK into a raging fire and telling people escaping the fire to not leave the UK.

        26. This will be my last argument.
          “But I thought you said, “I could not care about people dying based on race and skin color. Don’t you get it?”
          that’s not true. You obviously care about the Native Americans dying
          out based on race and skin color. Just not white people.”
          -No, I did not say that. What I said, was ” the literal slaugher of the Native Indians was indeed, tragic.” Not because of their race, but because any literal murder and slaughter, is a tragedy.
          “And no, it’s NOT a ridiculous comparison to make. It’s a very APT comparison to make. Who’s to say Muslims won’t wipe out the Europeans when they become the majority, just like the whites did to the Indians? White people didn’t just show up on the shores of America and wipe the Indians out the next day.”
          -Again, what this perfectly reflects is your insecurity about one ethnic group outnumbering another group. Last I checked, there were millions of native born muslims in Europe, who did not go around slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians. Are there crazy Muslims? Yes, of course there are, but how many crazies are there in comparision to the non-crazies? This idea of muslim killing off the natives is a bullshit delusional belief which is inherent in the mind of the typical white supremacist. Like I said, to compare the Native Indians to the this case, is ridiculous and exagerated.
          “It’s something that took generations to occur. There is absolutely NO reason to think that the same thing couldn’t happen today to the Europeans, is there?”
          -Generations, are raised by the values which are instilled in the raising of families. Plenty of Muslims, adhere towards the laws of the country, not sharia law. Plenty of Muslims are hard working contributing members in society. My doctor is a muslim. Did he bring up his kids to become fanatics? No he didn’t. And now his kids are investment bankers and lawyers, who are married to non muslims. None of them are going around killing people off.
          This obsession of race and ethnic groups and seeing other races and groups as a threat, is the exact reason why I have no care left in the world for these race wars. But at the end of the day, I will do my best to be a good human being, irrespective of which racial background I come from. I judge people by their character, not their skin color.

        27. “-No, I did not say that.”
          Uh. I’m sorry. But yes you DID say that. That was a direct quote taken from one of your comments above. Word for word.
          “Not because of their race, but because any literal murder and slaughter, is a tragedy.”
          Let me ask you something. Are you in favor of diversity? If the answer is yes, then why are you championing policies which will make the world LESS diverse? If diversity is such a good thing, then why would you advocate the elimination of race and culture? Personally I LIKE having a bunch of different people with different cultures, histories, and traditions. I don’t WANT everyone to be one big homogeneous, indistinguishable mass with no history, traditions, or culture. Apparently you do.
          “-Again, what this perfectly reflects is your insecurity about one ethnic group outnumbering another group.”
          You’re right. It does. And??? Only someone who is completely and utterly historically illiterate WOULDN’T be insecure about one ethnic group outnumbering another group. This is EXACTLY why the Jews wanted a homeland of their own in Israel. Because they saw firsthand what can happen if you happen to live in a country where you are outnumbered demographically.
          “Last I checked, there were millions of native born muslims in Europe, who did not go around slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians.”
          At the moment, there are far more Europeans. That won’t be the case for long if immigration continues at this pace unabated. Of course they aren’t going to be going around slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians when the people they would be slaughtering have far more power than they do. The whites didn’t start slaughtering the Indians until the balance of power and demographics had shifted in their favor, either. When the balance of power DID shift in their favor, they took advantage. Don’t be naive. The scenario I’m describing has played out time and time again throughout history and all over the world.
          “Yes, of course there are, but how many crazies are there in comparision to the non-crazies? This idea of muslim killing off the natives is a bullshit delusional belief which is inherent in the mind of the typical white supremacist. Like I said, to compare the Native Indians to the this case, is ridiculous and exagerated.”
          Don’t look now, but someone already did the math. Check out this link and get back to me….

          And please refrain from ad hominem attacks. If you can’t actually refute this guys argument with logic, statistics, or anything other than emotionally charged language or name calling, don’t bother. Again. Not a delusional belief unless you’re completely naive. Which I’m not.
          “-Generations, are raised by the values which are instilled in the raising of families. Plenty of Muslims, adhere towards the laws of the country, not sharia law. Plenty of Muslims are hard working contributing members in society. My doctor is a muslim. Did he bring up his kids to become fanatics? No he didn’t. And now his kids are investment bankers and lawyers, who are married to non muslims. None of them are going around killing people off.”
          You really aren’t very good at this debating stuff, are you? There were plenty of European settlers who were great people, who didn’t have anything against the Indians, and who didn’t take place in any slaughter. That didn’t stop it from happening. Take a look at the article I linked above. Only 7 percent of the German people or so were members of the Nazi party. Didn’t stop Hitler from putting Jews into camps, did it?
          “This obsession of race and ethnic groups and seeing other races and groups as a threat, is the exact reason why I have no care left in the world for these race wars. But at the end of the day, I will do my best to be a good human being, irrespective of which racial background I come from. I judge people by their character, not their skin color.”
          I also judge people by their character, not their skin color. Can you point out where I implied that I didn’t? Can you show me where I said that white people are superior to anyone else? It used to be that a “white supremacist” was someone who thought they (whites) were superior to other people. Now, according to people like you, the definition has been shifted to any white person who isn’t willing to just die out peacefully. Let me ask you something. Do you also attack blacks for wanting to preserve their culture and history? Do you have a problem with them wanting to remain a distinct people? How about Hispanics? Muslims? Would you insist that they shed their cultural identity also? Or are only white people considered “supremacists” for not wanting to die out? Personally I think ALL races and cultures should have a right to exist. I’m not eager to watch ANYONE “die out”. Again. Who is the real bigot here?

        28. Culture is most certainly a product of race. If you hate “white trash” so much and wish it would die out, why don’t you just shut up and lead by example?

        29. Exactly. In fact, it has always been the norm with pretty much every species since.. well… Ever. Except of course modern day self-hating whites.

        30. Culture is defined by skin color, and race is real. There is tons of science showing that race is real. You are blue pill.

        31. Morals are fake, the content of character is nonsense.
          Your race is your extended family, from the genetic perspective. Altruism is meant for those who share your genes. Altruism is what creates high-trust societies.
          Diversity has been shown to destroy social trust-even when the diversity does not involve blacks. Homogeneity is good.

        32. By that logic, we need to find a map of where all the different races and cultures lived 10,000 years ago, and revert back to that time. That’s only fair, right? Wrong!
          White people own these lands now, right or wrong. Muslims own the middle east, right or wrong. Israel owns land in the middle east, right or wrong. Blacks have Africa mostly to themselves, right or wrong.
          The answer is that White countries belong to White people and they should stay White. Middle Eastern countries belong to Arabs and they should stay Arabic, etc..

        33. How in the hell are the “core values” of 3rd worlders anything similar to yours? (assuming you are White.)

        34. My guess is that you are currently living in a country where you are a member of the majority race. People who are a majority often don’t care about race because it doesn’t really pose any threat to them. The are protected by being part of a majority and take that for granted.
          If you were to suddenly find yourself in a society where you were outnumbered by another race you might suddenly find yourself caring A LOT about being outnumbered racially. People in ethnic minorities are often treated very badly by majorities.
          Some more intelligent and forward thinking White people see the policies their governments are implementing are causing them to slip into ethnic minority status in their living areas and they see the danger that poses to them. Others, usually the ones still living in the more homogeneous areas don’t see the danger on the horizon quite yet so they have the attitude that you have towards being racially outnumbered.

        35. The strategy of not caring about race works fine as long as you are in a position where your racial group is powerful. You have nothing to fear from other racial groups so you have the luxury of not caring about the race of the people around you. However once you are no longer in the position of being a member of the dominant, majority race then not caring about race becomes an unworkable strategy. If the majority race decides that they DO care about race then it doesn’t matter of you don’t. You will be completely at their mercy. Not caring about race won’t help you when you meet a group that DOES care about race and decides that YOU are the wrong one.

        36. Do you ever notice how guys like this are always trying to convince White people not to care about their racial interests and safety? I’ve never seen them go to some Black, Asian or Jewish groups and say “why are you black/Asian/jewish supremacists so concerned with the safety and interest of your particular group? Why are you so concerned with being a minority? You should all stop caring about the collective interests of black/Asian/jewish people and just focus on each individuals character”

        37. I don’t understand why this guy thinks that the idea of Muslims killing or abusing minority groups when they are a majority is so ridiculous? There are plenty of examples of them doing just that both historically and contemporarily. His idea that a White non-Muslim will be able to live as he or she pleases, happy and safe in a majority Muslim society is the delusional belief.

        38. there is no virtue in your indifference. You are indifferent to progress? You are indifferent to survival? South Africans who are indifferent to race and culture get murdered. Norwegian women who are indifferent to race and culture get raped. I trust if you are really indifferent to race and culture, that you find yourself residing in some central African nation benefitting from their productivity and historical achievements? right? I would hope that is the case given what you preach. Clearly there are consequences and factors to take into account that go beyond mindless tribalism, like do you want to live in a safe and prosperous society? Even the immigrants want to live in white neighbourhoods, in a white country. Given the facts and realities, yours is the un-intellectual “trash” position.

        39. Why is it “abnormal” ? Most people wanted it that way since forever. And still do. You could make a claim that it’s “bad” or needs to change. But it’s not “abnormal” when in fact it’s how the average person currently thinks.

        40. It has nothing to do with that. We in the West might be welcoming and helping out other people by letting them stay in our countries. But don’t think that the people we let in are on the same page. They don’t want to help their own, and for sure not us. In fact, they laugh at us and disrespect us for how softhearted we are.
          It’s not about not wanting to help someone, but to avoid being overrun by people who wants to destroy us if they had the power. They do not want to blend or be part of our society. Why would we hand over everything our ancestors build to other people just for free ? That is not being “racist”. Would you also open your house to every thug so he could kill you and steal everything you have ?

        41. You are crazy. Of course they are bad and good like everyoneelse. But a mass immigration from there to here would simply fuck up our country, no matter how good or bad they are.

        42. MLK was a plagiarist ,womanizer,wife beater , and race hustler. Even wikipedia can’t legitimately write this out of their bios now while the bloody public school systems still teach the sainthood of DR.MLK.Even his college studies were plagiarized. Academy has known this since the 80’s ,but have done a great job hiding it. He was only held up by the status quo at the time ,because eh was the only Black leader speaking about nonviolent resistance instead of revolution. His whole persona and cult of personally was created by Communists and Communist sympathizers dead set on weakening the USA and they did just that. 1960 USA while less advanced in technology was the high in USA power.

        43. hmmm then you need to do more research into how many times mass immigration happened in those countries, yet they are still here–sigh

        44. you forgot to add mass immigration by white Europeans–it seems that’s a pattern they are good at–i guess they are afraid of what they have done in the past may happen to them now

        45. There were certainly some battles, but whites did not run wild in indian territory and slaughter millions of indians.

        46. So you admit that mass immigration affects the local population negatively ? Because you didn’t really respond to what I said, but came right back with the usual boring “white people are bad” argument.

        47. nope not at all sir-the indians simply got up one and magically disappeared–
          you people are sick to the brain

        48. I replied exactly to what you stated…you just don’t want to own up to what your ancestors have done and try to shift to other groups
          So then do you admit that when your white ancestors came they destroyed the Native Americans? Do you also deny that no ther groups can compare to the massacres committed by whites in any countries?

        49. Again, what has it to do with what I said ? I said immigration is bad, I even admitted white immigration is bad. Then you, as an “answer”, say, in short “immigration is bad”.
          And to respond to that. Yes white people did bad to other people. But so did everyone else. It just so happens that white people, due to their vast technological superiority, was able to do it on a larger scale.
          The others are no better..they just can’t do much damage using their limited intelligence.
          They fought back and failed. We will fight back as well..and win. Darwinism right there..just accept it and shove ur stupid white guilt up your ass. Nature don’t reward guilt, it rewards strength. And we have it. Bye bye loser.

        50. They did not disappear, dingbat, they are still alive- 5.2 million of them.
          There are tons of native Americans in central and South America. They populate and rule most of those countries. And those are the places where there is [bad and unreliable] evidence of events that mighthave led to genocide.

        51. lol oh my what an idiot you are-
          idiot’s argument: hey you guys didn’t all die–there is still 10% of you guys left-
          nope the white Americans never killed and slaughtered millions of native Americans–

        52. Let me put it in simple terms for you:
          Mass immigration is bad when a group is using arms and other means to eradicate the native group–i.e. the way White Americans did it to the Native Americans–
          However, mass immigration is not bad when a group is trying to assimilate with said group without much interference from the local group–i.e. Italians, Asians in the latter half of the 20th century–
          The US is still standing even after its mass importation of immigrants from various countries in the 20th century.
          Most Americans would probably think that Einstein was born and raised on American soil–he was not–you can look at your top heroes in your books a lot of them were not born and raised here–yet they were able to succeed–and accomplished great feats and are regarded as more American than you could possibly ever dreamed of–
          “The others are no better..they just can’t do much damage using their limited intelligence.”
          In the history of mankind how many countries have the Atomic bomb? How many countries have used the atomic bomb? You are talking about limited intelligence and yet many countries that have the same technology have not committed the atrocities that the whites have. So spare me–
          “Darwinism right there.”
          Yet somehow the Americans managed to win against the Brittish, yet by Darwinian logic this should not have been the case–I can give examples after examples where the Darwinian logic fails–but to those who are Darwinists–they could never concede that–
          “Nature don’t reward guilt, it rewards strength.”
          Somehow with your brute strength couldn’t win against Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, etc etc–
          Sore loser, you sure are indeed–

        53. You make two errors
          1) you assume there were like 50 million native Americans in North America. There were certainly not. There is not the evidence for this. The Amerindians did not have pack animals. They did not have the wheel. They could not support large populations with their level of technology.
          A good estimate of their population is a couple million – assuming they were successful with their lifestyle.
          2) You assume a population decrease can only be explained by killings. How about low birth rates?
          I need evidence that there was ever a genocidal campaign against Amerindians. I have heard random quotes by crazy white men about it, and there were a few Indian wars (really just battles) with pretty low casualties, but there was never any genocide. No evidence!

      2. He doesn’t have to go back. I’m racialist as fuck but I won’t turn my back on allies.

      3. Did you think hundreds or thousands of years ago that you would not find a single foreigner living in Europe, or not a single European living somewhere else, like Asia? Of course not, people who had goods or services to provide used to go to other lands to make money from them. Same thing is true today. There is a huge distinction between legal immigrants who provide a specific useful skill or service and the illegal immigrants/mass migration of asylum seekers who don’t provide much but use up a lot of resources.
        I’m a legal immigrant to the US from India and am now a naturalized US citizen. As we are both readers of this site, you can pretty reasonably assume that we both share overall similar social and political views. Do I still have to go back to India?
        My overall point is just that the people that we’re supposed to be opposing, the SJW liberal elites, are so well organized and numerous that the last thing you want to be doing is alienating people who are actually on your side.

    5. You and Return of Kings are advocating for White genocide via legal immigration.
      Flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and telling everyone to “assimilate” to create a “mixed future” is White genocide.
      Africa will still be full of Africans.
      Asia will still be full of Asians.
      Only Whites will suffer from this.
      Read the UN genocide conventions: It is genocide plain and simple!
      Diversity is a code word for White genocide.
      Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

      1. Retard keyboard warrior:
        Nobody advocates for genocide. You clearly do not know the definition of genocide. You want to know what genocide is- go to Rwanda, or some of the old Soviet states.
        You white supremacist trash are the exact reason why guys like myself look beyond race.

        1. If trends continue in 50 years there will be NO majority White countries on earth. Yet Africa has over 50+ all black nations. Asia will remain totally Asian. And that will be true a century from now. It is White countries and ONLY White countries that are being flooded with non-Whites and it is EVERY single White country.
          Flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with mass non-White immigration, FORCED integration, & assimilation IS Genocide per international law.

        2. genocide
          noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
          the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
          “a campaign of genocide”synonyms:racial killing, massacre, wholesale slaug
          Nobody is killing whites. They are indeed, being outnumbered. But that is not the equivalent of killing. I suggest you look up the case of Rwanda, or some of the former soviet nations to truly understand what genocide is.

        3. If you are obsessed with saving people based on skin color, then you have a real problem. As an example, I can tell you for a fact, I have no intent or desire to save the white trash in my neighbourhood.
          You want to obsess with the white trash that I grew up around such as drug dealers, welfare recipients, welfare babies, ghetto moms? Be my guest.
          I’ll be spending my time around successful and better people, thank you very much.

        4. In a court of law you don’t use Websters dictionary definition, you use the definition per international law.
          The 1948 Genocide Conventions legally defines mass immigration plus forced assimilation as an internationally recognized form of genocide.

        5. I’ve read your comments and in general I agree with you. However, it’s all a matter of the size and the rate of the influx. I mean, it comes a point when this is turning into something else. What do you do if you get 1 million on Europe’s doorsteps? How about 50 million? What do you do with them. They will literally bring Europe to its knees. What if something happens in China, and 200 million of them start moving West?

        6. Which article and subsection are you referring to in the 1948 Genocide Conventions? Specifically, the part about mass immigration?

        7. No such thing as a white country, Europe is Northwest Asia and it is inhabited by pink people who get sunburned easily.

        8. Read the law? What, you mean interpret the law from your own personal perspective? Again, you did not answer my question- where specifically, does it talk about mass immigration?

        9. Different ethnicities in different regions suffer from different diseases. Jews get a lot of diseases.

        10. The genocide of 60 million whites in the old USSR was masterminded by Jews. How in the fuck is it “supremacy” to point this out?
          You have a dog in this fight or are you just a fucking retard?

        11. If you look beyond race why not move to Africa? They’re just as smart and creative as Whites, right?

        12. Well how noble of you to “look beyond race.” The brown and black people who want you dead sure aren’t doing that.

      2. Whites flooded Americas, Australia, they get what they gave. Africans was divided by whites, now african gets to do the dividing. Europe is just a fancy term for Northwest Asia, because it is part of Asia, whiteys love to think of themselves as special.
        Diversity is good, stop being a racist. Bet the native americans said the same thing.

        1. The modern USA and Canada and Australia were nearly vacant. The indigenous numbers were extremely low. Their numbers were not greatly reduced.
          Where indigenous numbers were higher, the indians have lived on in great numbers.

        2. Before Whites there was no America….the Indians on the east coast didn’t even know about the Indians on the west coast, there was no map and no place that they regarded as “America”. No laws or customs they shared, and no agreement among tribes to share or defend that land.
          Whites get what they give? well then I hope the Africans bring with them some world changing inventions like space craft, medicine, transport etc……oh wait, they are dumb negroes.
          Didn’t the population of Africa triple during colonialism, and many times more since?

        3. They aren’t Indians, they were native americans. That is an insult to indians who already establish cities and sewer systems. Native americans don’t use underhand tactics to kill and steal land, whites do.
          Africans don’t need to invent stuff, the whites coming into the american land weren’t inventors, they were lowly peasants.
          Somehow there are 250 million whites which is hundreds of times more than the people that left europe.

        4. They aren’t indians, they were native americans. But guess what, the aboriginals are stuck in concentration camps called reservations suffering from suicide and alcoholism. Indigenous population was in the millions, and now they are any of them around. Stop trying to justify your genocide.
          You can say Canada and Australia is vacant today because everyone lives in cities like Vancouver, Toronto, Melbourne, Sydney, therefore it is okay for migrants from iraq and syria to invade.

        5. The whole world has tripled in the last 30 years thanks to big bad whitey trying to stop starvation. You reap what you sow I guess.

        6. Yes, we know all about your revenge fantasies. Never gonna happen, sambo. My favorite part is when niggers and other non-whites try to throw a fucking bible proverb at me and claim “you reap what you sow” lol. If it wasn’t for us evil whiteys, you people wouldn’t even know what the fuck Christianity is.

        7. “But guess what, the aboriginals are stuck in concentration camps called reservations suffering from suicide and alcoholism” – Guess that just proves what losers they really are.

        8. That is because they would be discriminated and harrassed if they left the reservation, see white people all over their land acting like entitled cunts will make anyone go crazy. This is what the Europeans feel like when Syrians overrun and act like they own the place. Just lovely. Then Europeans are the real losers, no?

        9. “Indigenous population was in the millions, and now they are any of them around”
          There are any of them around? Check the census, dingbat. 2.9 MILLION people claim American Indian race, and 5.2 million claim to be part American Indian.
          The “aboriginals” are not STUCK, dingbat, they can move into America at any time, and many do. They also have the option to preserve their traditional culture and race in their reservations, which are like countries where they set laws but also get shittons of reparations. The best of both worlds. White people also have suicide, at higher rates than any other race of Americans.
          If a foreign people did take the vacant parts of Canada (example: Asians), I agree that it would not be a crying shame, because the there are no people with blood-land ties to it.
          It would especially NOT be a shame if the Canadians had no concept of land ownership, no skills in surveying to even understand the existence of Canada, no State, and were subsequently able to preserve their people and their cultures in peace after others settled this land.

        10. So if aboriginals can move around in America, then whites still stayed. So that means the migrants can move around in Europe because they are similar to whites moving into America, no?

        11. Anyone can do anything they want, I do not believe in morality.
          But there is not much to cry about if you are a native American. There was a lot of free, unused, land, and another tribe (European tribe) moved into it. This was happening with native American tribes for all of history. It is why the native Americans did not put up hardly any initial resistance to whites settling.
          But there is a lot to cry about- and fight for- with regards to immigration if you are European: there is a great culture, there is a competitive economy that we will be pushed out of by ethnocentric minorities, and there are physical structures and institutions we have built for our descendants that will be occupied by those not from our societies.
          The American Indians kept their cultures and societies and race, though in a smaller plot of land that fit their population. All European cultures- and perhaps the entire race- will be destroyed by the wave of Muslim and African immigration; these migrants have like 6 kids and burn out all the land’s resources, while raping local women.

        12. So what? Move to Idaho then, its mainly whites. Move to Argentina. You shouldn’t have invaded the world, if you didn’t do that, nobody would of invaded Europe. Also another fault is you guys advertise Europe and America to be paradise, so people want to come, would kill themselves to come.

        13. “You shouldn’t have invaded the world, if you didn’t do that, nobody would of invaded Europe.”
          That is hilariously untrue. Human migrations- and animal migrations- have always been going on.
          “Also another fault is you guys advertise Europe and America to be
          paradise, so people want to come, would kill themselves to come.”
          America is a LOT better than Africa or Guatemala- as long as the migrants can collect the welfare in countries like Germany. Also, many of these people go to white countries because they stupidly had more babies than they could support and need more money (with the exchange rate, minimum wage goes far for hispanics).
          “So what? Move to Idaho then, its mainly whites. Move to Argentina.”
          Many people are attempting to make a white homeland in the Pacific Northwest. There are two reasons that is no good:
          1) it won’t work – migrants will keep moving wherever whites are, constantly pushing whites out until we are gone, the liberals would thwart any white ethnostate, etc.
          2) Whites have created amazing civilizations in Europe and beyond. It would suck to lose so much awesome culture and achievement- not just monetarily (why should hispanics and blacks reap the monetary rewards of our people’s achievements and work?), but emotionally. If people let their societies become disposable like that, you might as well live in a diverse non-culture. Disposable, doomed cultures are about as unsatisfying and depressing as multicultural blobs.

        14. “That is because they would be discriminated and harrassed if they left the reservation”
          No they would not be harrassed! Are you kidding? You are out of touch!
          American Indians had no concept of property, America, a continent, or even a nation at all. They were a bunch of small tribes that occupied tiny plots of land. They did not view “America” as “theirs.” In NA, they were basically stone age.
          This is what separated them from other indigenous people groups such as the Indians (dot), Chinese, or Japanese, whom the whites left alone.
          The Native Americans can never say “Whites took our country” because they never had “a country” to begin with!
          After the fact, I imagine it would suck for them to have to come to terms with the fact that a superior people group has succeeded so much in front of their very eyes, spreading and controlling so much of the land that they were free to develop if they were advanced enough to do it. But alas, they were not advanced enough, and the whites beat them to it.
          Like I said earlier, I would be okay with a little deal where whites give the west to Amerindians.

        15. So now the whites are inferior, they collapse over their high ho snobbish we are superior we are moral attitude, stop justifying your ancestor genocide. whites took land in africa, australia, philippines too. there weren’t countries back then in europe either, it was kingdoms. aztec empire, incan empire, tolmec empire (they died out before whites came), mayan empire.
          Whites force korea and japan to open up to trade, they took hong kong from the qing dynasty. they took land in ireland, scotland, wales. even the falkland islands. White only had guns, whites were lucky, not superior. It was disease that killed. But whites gave the native virus infested blankets.

        16. I love talking to a white person, squeezing every ounce of “why we are superior” before they become on the endangered list. Amazing civilization? beyond. where? By raping resources in Americas, Australia, Africa, South Asia did whites get to built these things because everyone else was forced by slave labor and had no ability to succeed because they were too busy doing physical labor. nice to way to brag you know.

        17. Whites have done PLENTY of physical labor. America was 90 percent white until 1970.
          White people had great buildings and achievements LONG before they were exploiting (or trading?) with other people groups. Go to Europe and look at it, you ignorant imbecile.
          Rome was built by whites, and was leagues greater than anything accomplished by Africans or Native Americans, who surely were just morally perfect themselves, right?

        18. “So now the whites are inferior, they collapse over their high ho snobbish we are superior we are moral attitude”
          Yes, you are right. Whites are inferior in this evolutionary game right now! Whites are losing. We need to get tough and stand up for ourselves.
          ” there weren’t countries back then in Europe either, it was kingdoms.”
          The boundaries and forms of government were different in parts of Europe, yes, but Europe has had nations and formal states for a long time. There is a great difference between a nomadic tribe of 200 people with no government, just some respected elders, vs. a kingdom of 30,000. By the time whites were colonizing, though, these kingdoms were very complex and had a complex system of law, universities, representative government, etc.
          I did not mention Meso-America or Asia. It is inconsequential, because these people groups all survived and thrived, and are far better off because of the intervention of the white people (no genocide!). In Asia, white people might have made colonies, but they did not migrate en-mass, and let the people survive and keep their cultures, and when these people groups were ready to run their own countries, whites allowed them to have them.
          I do not know why you insist on saying that the fact that whites went into these countries to trade is “exploitation.” I mean, sometimes the whites might have forced their way in, but overall they did not have to.
          These people are better off because of white people.
          And never did whites threaten the existence of the African race, or the Asian race, or the native American race. Now, with mass migration, whites might be absorbed into other races (it will happen at the current rate).

        19. Native americans and aboriginals of australia are better off because of whites. Philippines is better off when spain brought catholic religion onto them. china was better off when people were addicted to opium. india was better off when people were to death for food to sent to britain. rhodesia was better off because blacks carry whites on pads with white people holding a gun to their wives. belgium had the cutting off people’s ears. sounds like fun. White manage genocides on 3 complete continent, no other race enslaved another based on race, only whites. Whites were greedy enough to enslaved and not stop till they got every last corner of earth. They put into place laws to keep themselves above the rest, then they blame the non-europeans as inferiors based their innate nature instead of the systemic laws in place. a farmer in india doesn’t have time to ponder about theories when there is a quota to be met to give britain x amount of food.

        20. Rome was not built by whites. That is in fact false on many accounts. The romans saw blonde hair blue eye as inferior beings, so the slavic people invading were seen as inferior with their pagan gods. The pyramids still make european structure look like a baby crib. there were pyramids in south america and north america, just because you never heard of it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. hanging garden of babylon, there were sewer systems in ancient india, the chinese built a canal linking the yantze and yellow river.
          You like to cherry pick the “native americans” because they don’t exist anymore and the africans because they are the one that you call with degenerate culture. You should know that the Middle eastern kept the works of plato, socrates, aristotle while the europeans were in the dark ages.

        21. Italians are the modern descendants of Romans. I am Italian. We’re White. We’re “darker skinned”, sure, but we’re European nonetheless.
          Our civilizations are the best – hands down. You’re just saying this because you’re #AntiWhite.

        22. I have said nothing of the Chinese. The Indus River valley was actually a caucasian civilization, made by Iranians (a.k.a. Aryans).
          The Romans were European whites. There is such a thing as white people without blonde hair and blue eyes, you imbecile. Italians are white.
          The pyramids by no means make the European achievements look silly. A pyramid is an extremely primitive work of architecture. You are either impossibly dumb or a troll. After these last two comments, I am done.

        23. Man, you can’t even write intelligible English.
          “no other race enslaved another based on race, only whites”
          Race-based slavery is the NORM, not the exception. It is NORMAL throughout history to enslave other people groups, and whites had FAR LESS slavery than Africa or Arabia did! Slaves were the Number 2 commodity of Africa before whites arrived, you imbecile! Arabs enslaved Africans all the time, for centuries before whites got to West Africa!
          ” a farmer in india doesn’t have time to ponder about theories when there is a quota to be met to give britain x amount of food.”
          You clearly do not know any history, man. Britain did not take food from India…they did not even have refrigerators! There was trade for cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpetre, tea and opium, look it up. The point was never to commit genocide, but to create trade. Look up the East India Trading Company.
          As for Rhodesia, that is funny because they really are committing genocide against whites there. They are saving a precious few whites who do the farming “for economic reasons.” Look it up.
          Do you want to know about a genocidal people? Bantu Africans. They destroyed every other people group in Sub-Saharan Africa.
          Peace out, idiot.

        24. Whites were able to build great things even before they had encountered other people groups.
          What do Africans have to do with the creation of science and technology? Essentially nothing. What do whites? Everything.

      1. Yeah, that did cross my mind. But it was just one country.
        Hell, if you read the Declaration of Independence, the US broke away from England for much, much less.

      2. The French revolutionists killed the wrong people, and they turned the philosophy of the Enlightenment, which might have promoted some workable ideas, into the full-blown leftism that led to the modern ideology of pushing humanity into one big fungible ball of “equality.”

      3. The French Revolution was not a heroic act of rebellion, but the product of decadence.

  3. Let them in well equipped camps if need be, but don’t give them permanent residence. Then when the war is over, send them back. But they are NOT interested in that. They come here to not only escape the war, but to live here forever.
    One would think that they would be happy simply to find shelter. But no. That should be enough to show anyone with common sense what is going on here.
    I know if I was on the run from isis troops wanting to behead me I would happily accept almost any conditions just to avoid that fate.

    1. That’s the theory, but in practice many who seek asylum in Western countries eventually being residents or even citizens, one way or another. Until compassion is fixed, no asylum should be granted.

    1. “Spectre” as in: Special Executive for Counter intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion?

  4. The white European populace is like a sitting duck. Disarmed, overtaxed, demoralized, and under siege from all angles: immigrants, the elites, the media.
    The elites betrayed their people and opened the gates to Babylon, for the barbarian armies to rape and loot. Even worse, (leftist) collaborators are aiding and abetting them.
    It’s time to rise up.

      1. LOL! Ok I don’t buy the Hitler-like belief that “the Jew is behind everything” crap but I have to admit that was hilarious.

        1. I agree that comments on this site oftentimes neglect the real enemy, which is the corporate elite, instead singling out Jews.
          It is true, of course, that the corporate elite is disproportionately Jewish, as a result of factors including Jewish in-group favoritism, high Jewish IQ (ie guys like Zuckerberg), and historical restriction of Jews to work in the financial sector.
          It is also true that Jews are more quick to betray the nation than other members of the elite because they do not share in the nation’s culture, although that has also been reduced as modern Jews have become increasingly secularized and assimilated.
          In other words, Jews contribute disproportionately to the problem, but the problem would exist with or without the presence of Jews. The problem itself is not Jews, but is diversity, multiculturalism, and the assault on the patriarchy.

        2. And all of those things are symptoms of uncontrolled compassion, which in turn is caused by societal wealth. Things are gonna get have to get worse before they get better.

        3. The Bible calls them: “The Synagogue of Satan” for a reason.
          These people who call themselves “Jews” are the descendants of the land of Canaan, and of Esau. Because these people are utterly depraved, God ordered that Joshua and the Israelites exterminate them. The White Christian Israelite peoples failed to fully obey, and so we have “Jews” today. (White people have been blinded to our identity as Israel, as per Biblical prophecy.)
          Without these people there would not have been a Civil War in the USA. There wouldn’t have been WWI or WWI. There would not exist Communism. All of the wars since WWII that America has been involved in would not have occured without them.
          These Jew-Canaanites have taught White people to have inter-racial sex according to “The Doctrine of Balaam.” Balaam the Sorcerer taught the children of Israel to commit fornication with non-Israelite (non-White) women, in the hopes that God would turn his back on Israel, so that Balak and his armies could conquer Israel.
          “But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice immorality (fornication).” (Revelation 2:14)

        4. Only white betadom is behind white knighthood. The enemy is the left not Jews, although leftist Jews are a menace too

        5. White men and Jew men are producing a great amount of leftoids. Both white conservative a jew should exile leftists from their communities and countries. Left damages both Jews and Whites. See Israel, leftist hate Israel, because Israel is not driven to ethnic destruction. Israel is fighting and winning and leftoids hate both in a variety of ways, beginning from that the main reason to being a leftist is that you are a loser who don’t want to fight against the tribulations of the individual.

        6. Media is not everything. Oil and petroleum are everything. This simple fact explains very well the mess in the whole world.

        7. With research you will find it is mostly Jews who are pushing multi-culturalism, marxism, controlling the media, Hollywood, international banking, feminsim, politics etc. They do have many goy race-traitors stupidly helping them, but this is a Jewish supremacism problem. I used to buy into the ALex Jones it’s the “elite” vague boogeyman shit, but if you really look into it for yourself you find out it isn’t hard to figure out who these elites are mostly comprised of.

        8. “I agree that comments on this site oftentimes neglect the real enemy, which is the corporate elite, instead singling out Jews.”
          It is exactly the opposite. Alex Jones and other shill sites go on and on with their scary stories about the vague, phantom “Elite” without ever actually naming the Jew, the actual wizard behind the curtain. You know who is in charge when simply see who you are not allowed to criticize. You can go on and on about the “corporate elite” (occupy wall-street anyone?) but if a group starts protesting the jews here comes the media hammer, the ADL, SPLC all at once. In some European countries you get thrown in jail for questioning the holohoax.

        9. The problem itself is not Jews, but is diversity, multiculturalism, and the assault on the patriarchy.

          Uh…who is actively and openly promoting each of these things in every country except their own…

        10. Alex throws around the word elite globalists a lot but I think we know who he means without the JDL coming after him and trying to destroy him for spouting anti semitism.

        11. You know…I don’t want want to believe that Jews are the problem. But I think we can agree that after the Germans eradicated almost all from their country, their country has been booming economically and is the anchor of the Euro. Plus, their country has 0 debt. Not saying that we should kill all Jews but it is pretty strange.

        12. Dude, excellent!, I could have not said it better myself…add one more thing to the synagogue of satan…the reptilians (demon possessed) entities, who conspire w the fake Israelites, the joos.

        13. The interviewer there is Myron Leon Wallik (known as “Mike” Wallace” for reasons dealing with assimilation and wanting to, um, have a name that “sounds white”.)
          Incidentally, the Apostle Jimmy Carter was a fucking retard. If we’re going to go after someone, why our staunches Muslim ally in the M/E? To show ho much fucking integrity we have? Kill/Cripple your ENEMIES, not your friends.

        14. Oil and petroleum does not manipulate people’s way of thinking, what they want, believe nor desire. Media does.

        15. What a stupid statement. Oil and petroleum don’t control the thoughts of millions of people.

        16. That’s not true. Israel has gay pride parades, thousands of African refugees and a secular government that supports the immigration of refugees.
          There have even been protests in Israel against illegal immigration:
          But of course, you should realise that Jewish thought on these issues is actually quite diverse. For example, Orthodox Jews are fiercely nationalistic and have traditional values in line with many “red pill” tenets advocated on this website.

        17. That’s not true. Israel has gay pride parades, thousands of African refugees and a secular government that supports the immigration of refugees.

          You’re kidding right? Israel is not a secular state. Israel is deeply conservative, viciously ethnocentric and entirely committed to remaining an ethno-nationalist state with closed borders, FORCED deportations of undesirable foreigners and FORCED sterilization of immigrants (namely African immigrants):

          I’m aware of Left Wing Jews. I personally know a number of Jews who embrace Left Wing values…until it involves Israel. Then the “Left Wing” Jews become Right Wing hyper-nationalists in the blink of an eye (see: Bill Maher).
          The fact of the matter is Israel is under the control of the far Right, religious fanatics, militarists and has a guaranteed income from an external superpower. Meanwhile, Jews promote diversity, gun control and mass immigration in European countries but want the exact opposite for the State of Israel? Yeah, I don’t really buy into the “token Jew” narrative and you shouldn’t either.

        18. Would say with the rise of the internet the media is starting to have a hard time brainwashing the population.
          I hardly ever watch the news, but get my information from other trusted sources.

        19. Ugh this is excruciating to watch i cant finish it.
          “counterculture is cool” said the jew.

        20. Sorry but the Jews, for all their success in material wealth, have been histories greatest patsies…they helped to depose the Kaiser and bring about the Treaty of Versailles, only to have the Weimar Republic collapse and get shipped off in boxcars…they midwifed the Soviet Union in hopes that global socialism would give them the equality they craved, and Stalin purged them first chance he got. They built Hollywood using their banking connections for hopes of getting ‘respectability’ by controlling a major industry, and today the very word is a synonym for empty vapid materialism and intellectual degradation…they helped establish the slave holding American South and the result was the civil war and the KKK…even now, thanks to their demands of PC and Multiculturalism, their latest project, the EU, is fraying apart. I do not wish ill on them, if anything I am saddened that for every step they take they seem to be getting tossed under the bus by some hidden sect from within their numbers that only wants to bring about more misery to the world.

        21. Yes, it is getting harder. The dissidents in our generation are nothing like those in our parents’ generation. Regular people do not even follow the news anymore, because it is unbearable. Many people are leaving/ignoring facebook.
          I do not know if we will have the kind of awakening we need.

        22. “I agree that comments on this site oftentimes neglect the real enemy, which is the corporate elite, instead singling out Jews.”
          The problem with this is: no matter which person of that religion is in the position(s) they’re in, they will continue to push the same political and ideological views onto the populace. They will continue to manipulate through media and they will continue whether it’s good for your people or not and if you don’t like it, you’re an anti-semite.
          The policies they push are a serious problem.
          People’s lack of resistance to those policies are a serious problem.
          People’s lack of ability to adjust and adapt is a serious problem.
          All of the people who get into those particular positions who’re of that particular religion push the exact same policies as far as the populace will allow. They know for the most part, how far they can push your people currently and what they can get away with at any given point in time. They’ll continue pushing endlessly and it won’t stop even if your kind goes extinct.
          They do not care about your people.
          They do not respect your people.
          They do not love your people.
          They’re not doing it for your people.
          This is why your civilizations have been crumbling under their thumbs. It’s almost step-by-step.

        23. “Many people are leaving/ignoring facebook.”
          They are? Out of curiosity are there any figures for that?

        24. And the doctrines of diversity, multiculturalism, feminism, and pathologized white identity are Jewish doctrines. You’re close, and you’re not entirely wrong about the problem being more generally about philosophies, but you still need to read Culture of Critique.

        25. Agreed. The best thing to tell a Jew is you just aren’t listening anymore.

        26. This is what were looking at for the rest of europe if we dont realize the jewish problem.

        27. I don’t know anyone save the German people who have suffered more at the hands of Jew treachery than Ukrainian and Russian people.

        28. diversity, multiculturalism, and the assault on the patriarchy.
          None of this would exist without Jewish influence. All these movements were started by Jews, some as long ago as the turn of the century.

        29. “The problem itself is not Jews, but is diversity, multiculturalism, and the assault on the patriarchy.”
          Jews brought on diversity, multiculturalism, and the assault on the patriarchy. So what point are you trying to make, exactly?

        30. Ok, so here is some backstory on me so you can understand my perspective a little bit better. I’m American, and I love my country. I know its not perfect, but no country is. Politically, I’m a Conservative, I believe in self-reliance and hard work, qualities that have gotten me through some challenging times in my life. I’m also half Jewish, although I was raised Christian. Despite this, I’ve naturally been interested in Israel and the Jewish community.
          Just as a side note, and this comment is more generally addressed to others who have posted on RoK on this subject, I want to say that not all Jews are radical leftists, or even leftists. Quit grouping everyone together, it’s actually pretty fucking annoying. It’s like saying all white people are conservative because Donald Trump is… it pisses me off that Roosh actually condones this mental fallacy, it made me lose a lot of respect for him.
          Anyway, I actually got a chance to go to Israel in June of this year. I got to meet real Israeli’s and see a lot of the country, so I can furnish you a perspective that has been tempered by real experience.
          Judging by what you wrote, I can conclude that you really don’t know Israel at all. Listen son, there are several key points you bring up that need to be addresses on account of their inaccuracy:
          Firstly, Israel is not under the control of the far Right. In fact, this case can be no better demonstrated by Israel’s most notorious far Right party, Kach (“Thus”) founded by Ultra-right-wing Rabbi Meir Kahane* being barred from running in the 1988 election for the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) on account of the party being RACIST. So the Israeli’s are so anti-right-wing that they will actually compromise their own democratic ideals by preventing certain controversial parties for running in a democratic election. Furthermore, Kach and its successor party, Kahane Chai, were banned outright in 1994 by the Israeli government, and the parties are considered to be TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS by Canada, the EU, the USA, and Israel. So, please tell me again how Israel is run by the far-right? It is for all intents and purposes, a fringe movement in Israel, with minuscule support from the ultra-orthodox community of Jews.
          (Note: Meir Kahane was an ultra-nationalist rabbi who advocated limiting Israeli citizenship to Jews, replacing the Israeli government with a Jewish theocracy, conditionally exiling Arabs and expanding the borders of the State of Israel to the Biblical borders).
          Second point: The State of Israel is a Jewish state. This means it explicitly declares its Jewish character and its mission to be a Jewish State in the land of Israel. However, this does not mean that Israel is not diverse. For instance, 20% of the population is Arab, and this number is growing. Israeli-Arabs have the full rights of Israeli citizens, just like any Jewish Israeli. Some serve in the armed forces, but have the added advantage of the choice to opt out of service if they wish, unlike Jews who have to serve (excluding orthodox Jews, but that’s another story). There is also the refugee population composed primarily of people fleeing countries in Africa that are suffering from war and economic turmoil. My Israeli friends are proud of hosting the refugees, because they say it reflects well upon the freedom and safety of their country. This is hardly in-line with the xenophobia you are insinuating.
          Third point: Israel has much stricter gun control than the USA. Private gun ownership is rare, and honestly pretty unnecessary, considering the sheer number of armed soldiers patrolling the streets of Israel’s cities. When I went to the West Bank, my guide had a fire arm, but that was only because we were in a high risk area where there was a genuine threat from the surrounding Palestinian community. One of my IDF officer friends mentioned in passing that there are many beautiful hikes in the West Bank, but he only ever goes if he can get the authority to borrow an assault rifle from his kibbutz, which is a lengthy bureaucratic process to say the least, so clearly gun control is strong in Israel, unlike your dubious claim.
          I want to conclude the points I’ve been making by saying that Israel, and Jews, are a diverse bunch when it comes to politics. I cannot even being to talk about the divisions within Israeli society and the Jewish community around the world. There’s an old saying that goes, “you get two Jews together, you’ll get three opinions”. I hope I have demonstrated that there are both Left wing and Right wing elements of Israeli politics, and that by no means does the Right wing control everything in Israel. Nor is Israel “viciously ethnocentric”, as far as I’m aware… Obviously it’s a Jewish state, so that identity will be protected and cherished, but foreigners and refugees are welcome, and Christians and Muslims are free to worship at their holy sites.
          As a final note, I am a full supporter of preventing illegal immigration in ANY country. I also think multiculturalism and and mass immigration are bad for society. Take from this what you will.
          Thanks for reading, I know I wrote a lot, I just wanted to address some points that I keep seeing repeated again and again on this website, and I felt compelled to state why they are inaccurate. If you have any other points or criticisms, I’d be happy to debate with you further.

        31. I respect your point of view but most of it was platitudes.
          Israel isn’t under the control of the far Right? Ayelet Shaked called for a Palestinian genocide and Netanyahu appointed her Justice Minister. Yariv Levin doesn’t hold Far Right views? Moshe Yaalon doesn’t hold Far Right views? Come now. You’re welcome to call me son if you like and insist I don’t know what I’m talking about but I grew up around an insane number of Jews and know all about Israeli politics.

          Secondly, the forced deportation and sterilization of immigrants to maintain a “Jewish state” (read: racial purity) falls under “viciously ethnocentric,” at least in IMO. I’m a full supporter of preventing illegal/mass immigration as well but Israel does so to the point of irony. Which is hard even to debate.
          Lastly, in regards to your point on Gun control, you kinda missed the overall premise of my comment old man. It’s not Israel or Israeli Nationalists’ place to dictate or influence what’s best for a culture or people besides their own. Israel has strict gun control? Great. Doesn’t mean it’s a desired or even viable option for us. Furthermore, gun control is only one of many examples of Israel fucking over other cultures. Israelis have been begging for pity for over half a century but shows no pity or mercy to anyone else. Here’s another example:

          Israel is shipping its deported Africans off to Sweden

          I suppose what’s good for the goose isn’t what’s good for the gander after all.

        32. I see the points you are trying to make, but considering that Israel holds gay pride parades, has a sizeable refugee population, and grants citizenship to non-jews, it would be very difficult for anyone to argue that Israel is controlled by the right wing, as all of these qualities are inconsistent with right wing ideals.
          Of course, there are right wingers in Israeli politics, it’s a democracy, so what do you expect? Isn’t that reasonable? I just think it’s a little bit of a stretch to say they control the government just because they occupy some positions in government.
          Some Israelis are leftists, some are right wing, some Jews are leftists, some are right wing… It’s when people start to claim that Jews are part of some monolithic left wing conspiracy that I roll my eyes. Israel is just like any other western democracy; some embrace liberalism and are content with (what we in the manosphere see as) the negative cultural consequences, and some don’t.

        33. What’s a “sizeable refugee population” and in comparison to whom? I think a problem most people have with Jews is essentially what you’re doing at the moment; A vast majority downplay the bad and enhance the good as if it were more widespread than it actually is. e.g. You mentioned that Israel holds gay pride parades but neglect to mention there was a stabbing spree at this year’s Gay Pride Parade. Not that I give a shit about “Gay Pride” but you see my point. Some Israelis are leftists, some are right wing, some Jews are leftists, some are right wing but from my experience the one thing they all agree on is the success of the tribe at any and all costs. Which isn’t a big issue, just save the babe in the woods routine for someone else because no one is buying it anymore.

        34. About Zuckerberg. . .He stole the idea for FB from a couple of WASPS. He stole the software from a non-Jewish room mate. He got people to help him form the company, then he stole it. When FB went public he lied about earnings and basically stole investor money. FB steals users data and sells it. If you have OR HAD FB you have no internet privacy, because FB is a hub to monitor all your computer activity and pass it along to advertisors and the government. Once you’ve had FB and cancel it, it makes no difference because your computer signature is already out there. You have to wipe your hard disk or get a new computer if you don’t want anyone seeing the sites you visit or the e-mails you send. He’s the quintessential Jew and lives up to his race’s reputation. He’s not smart, he’s crafty.
          Keep in mind that Jews aren’t evil, and they don’t intentionally do bad things. What they do their people don’t see as wrong. When a Jew cheats you in a business deal it’s because you’re acting on standards of “fair play.” Jews don’t have the same standards, and they regard the cheating as just being smarter than the Goyim. SJW’s defending Jews are in the same boat as the feminists and gay supporters. They don’t understand that Jews have different ways to look at the world; common decency that everyone else lives by isn’t in their rule book.

        35. It is the Jews. Although in an unexpected, “obscure” way. Ever since the Nazi Holocaust, when their real suffering and victimhood was perpetuated in History.
          Since then, they got a free pass. And deservedly so to start with. But I’d say it has long expired.
          They learned to glean benefits, influence and power from their victimhood for their own self-interest And oh boy, do they do it clinically when they are allowed to get away with it…
          Who benefits from what Jews do? Hmm… 90% Jews, 10% every other “minority” culture or group who either learned from them or was allowed a bit of carrot on a stick from being an useful servant donkey.
          Who doesn’t? White western men.

        36. There was no term “white” in those times. It was Jews and Gentiles. White/black/non white are very recent American terms.

      2. I find it funny when people who don’t follow the Torah blame the Jew when everything in their civilization goes wrong. Read the Old Testament, know God’s Laws and follow them. That goes for everything: from how you select women to sleep with or marry, what to eat, what fibers to wear, how to preserve a day of rest, and how to administer justice.
        But if you did all that…
        You’d be a Jew.

        1. It is because they are no longer religious. Their religion is liberalism, and they are the ones feeding it through the media.

        2. Jews don’t follow the Torah. Jews follow the Talmud. The Torah is just kept to deceive the gullible “Christian” goyims.
          The Talmud is the “Traditions of the Elders” which Jesus would not adhere to, and spoke out against. Because Jesus rejected the Talmud, the descendants of Esau and Canaan had him murdered.

        3. The Talmud is the Oral Torah. It expands on the Laws of the Old Testament, including judicial procedure (like having multiple corroborating witnesses in order to convict somebody of a crime), fairness of compensation in case of theft, how to treat women, and how to keep the day of rest Holy. You’ve never read it, have you?

        4. You’ve never read it, have you?

          I have and can say with 100% certainty that the Babylonian Talmud is Judaism’s holiest book(s) and its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism.
          Furthermore, anyone follows the Talmud believes that the souls of non-Jews (Goyim) are not equivalent to the souls of Jews; That non-Jews can never reach the same place in Heaven; That Jesus was sentenced to death by a Rabbinical court and is in Hell boiling in a cauldron of Human excrement for eternity; That’s ok to fuck little girls of age 3 and younger; That you can rob from and kill non-Jews with no penalty…So on and so forth.
          Of course there are rank and file Jews, that live according to decent values. However, the Jewish elites in a tribal sense have been the force behind global Usury, Bolshevism, Neoconservatism and now the central banking system as well as the IMF. You’re a fool not to know this and an idiot not to know some of us that do.

        5. You are rather mistaken about the Talmud. The entire second paragraph of your wall of words is falsehood, the Talmud says no such thing. Neither are “Usury, Bolshevism, Neoconservatism and now the central banking system as well as the IMF” tracts in the Talmud.
          Perhaps you could provide a link to your sources?

        6. Buy a copy of the talmud and read it yourself or read it here and here You’re being dishonest because you assume I haven’t read the books but I became fed up with dishonest Jews lying about what was in the Talmud or saying “you have’t even read it,” so I bought the books and did my own research.
          Also, I never said “Usury, Bolshevism, Neoconservatism and now the central banking system as well as the IMF” were in the Talmud, I said they were a product of Jewish machinations and tribal behavior.
          Read the Talmud. Look up the Kol Nidre prayer. You might begin to change your opinion of the Jews.

        7. One of the links you posted is one I posted. The Talmud is longer (and a deeper read) than any Encyclopedia. I don’t know anybody who reads the Talmud and finds fault with it.
          I know the Kol Nidre prayer well, you should learn more about it, its purpose, and when it is recited. Did you know that it is Jewish tradition – rather, Talmudic tradition and a mitzvah – to forgive all debts after 7 years?
          Think about that next time you sign a 30-year mortgage with a bank.
          If your beef with Jews is that they do not follow the Oral Tradition or Old Testament, perhaps they are not as Jewish as you suppose, but, like gay “christians”, wolves in sheep’s clothing.
          Bring The Law up with a Jew who has wronged you. They cannot refuse recompense.

        8. If your beef with Jews is that they do not follow the Oral Tradition or Old Testament, perhaps they are not as Jewish as you suppose, but, like gay “christians”, wolves in sheep’s clothing.

          Fair enough but what of Jewish leaders such as Ovadia Yosef? A Talmudic scholar and authority on Jewish religious law is hardly a “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” I won’t even paste his off the wall rhetoric here because I’m sure you’re already aware of it but explain why Netanyahu gave him a television speech after his death, despite his (dare I say) “hate speech”?
          Sounds like mainline Judaism to me.

        9. Dont bother with him. Hes trying to drag you into a typical talmudic hairsplitting argument.
          Oy Vey!

        10. One has to know Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s definitions of Israel (vs. “State of Israel”), Jews, Jewishness, Gentiles and Goyim to understand why his speech isn’t hate speech but knowledge and teaching.
          I am unable to tell you what “mainline Judaism” is any more than I can tell you what “mainline Buddhism”, “mainline Christianity” or “mainline Islam” are. Reform Judaism Rabbi’s are always saying things that surprise me and I disagree with, but I accept them because they are still Jews. Simultaneously, I accept many who identify themselves as Christians or Muslims as Jews, because they are near to Judaism.

        11. One has to know Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s definitions of Israel (vs. “State of Israel”), Jews, Jewishness, Gentiles and Goyim to understand why his speech isn’t hate speech but knowledge and teaching.

          Come on guy. Are you seriously attempting to tell me that this is open to interpretation:
          “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world—only to serve the People of Israel.”
          “With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,”
          “Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created.”
          You seem to be the only one confused about his meaning.

        12. He really isn’t helping his case by being this dishonest. Kevin MacDonald calls this “Jewish group evolutionary strategy.” It’s basically what Jews do when faced with criticism towards Jews, Judaism, Zionism, Israel or anything related. Regardless of how minute or legitimate said criticism may be, it’s seen as a potential cause of mass murder of Jews and must therefore be thoroughly repressed. This is why a psychopath like Ovadia Yosef gets deference and grown men crying in public when he dies; Meanwhile, Norman Finkelstein is banned from entering Israel for criticizing its government and challenging the Holocaust industry.

        13. Well said. It is so hardwired, so limbic, that they are not even aware of it. Its interesting to watch.
          Have you seen this? Fascinating

        14. what can you expect from stupid people? Only stupid beliefs. Seriously, grow up idiot, it’s 2015 not 1830

        15. Look, you can go with The Law, or you can go with “science”. You know, feminism, Sodomy, communism, descended from ape, shove pieces of pork in your mouth, throw virgins in volcanoes to make rain, cannibalism, ritualistic human sacrifice and bloodletting, whatever you want. I won’t stand in the way of your fantasies. But don’t blame the Jew when it doesn’t work out because God already said “no.”

        16. Why bother to debate the jew on the merits of Old Testament or its sources? As Christians we fundamentally reject the old law and accept Christ’s new commandments. Full stop.
          The only group who seems to give it merit are the ridiculous evangelicals who reject the teachings of Christ in favor of a KJV interpretation of the Bible in its entirety. When you bring up that Jesus referred to Israel (or the chosen place) as any place that accepts Christ rather than a literal place in Palestine (Christ established no physical kingdom) their head catches fire.
          His whole thing about “The Law” is a joke to a Christian and has no merit.

      3. Great, great movie. And I remember at the time it came out that people compared the aliens to the Jews. What people don’t realize is that modern advertising is about mind-control and manipulating societal standards and consumer behavior. And the brain child behind it was the nephew of Sigmund Freud (Also a Jew), who used Freud’s studies to develop the format. The U.S. was his tesing ground, and in the past 100 years there’s been a “Hebrewization” of the country. Our country is now Jewish in it’s outlook in that only money counts, sex with anyone you want is accepted, murder and violence is OK as long as you’re not caught, etc., etc. Compare modern American society with the Israeli tribes and their behavior in the Old Testament and there’s almost no difference.

    1. What I find about Europeans is that they’re not willing to sacrifice and instead wait for the government to act. Newsflash, the government is the enemy.
      If you rise up against the government, media, and academia, you’re going to be attacked, fired, slandered, jailed, targeted, and so on. That’s the price of revolution, and most Europeans are not willing to pay it.

      1. There are some movements in the works. Unfortunately, people tend to wait until it is too late.

      2. True, the tipping point has yet to come. Right now, nobody seems to feel personally affected in their cozy little lives. It’s right here, but it’s still too far away. Maybe everyone needs to have one of their female family members raped first.

    2. If people did rise up it could be dealt with within a few years, the numbers seem big but if say you removed 50 million from Europe, you only need a million well armed volunteers to remove one a week each and you would hit your target within a year….

  5. saudia arabia the richest country in the world, cannot take in people on their back door step. sad shit. they ship them to Germany, where they will demand special treatment, special rights and rutt Germans out of their neighborhoods with crime and misery. Gotta love arabs. People want to point the fingers at a tiny place like Israel, but fuck, look at the entire PAN ARAB middle east. Sitting on huge mineral wealth and treating their people like dogs and cattle. Great folks.

    1. They are worthless. They cause trouble everywhere they go, they hate everyone, and everyone hates them. Yet, European countries are hellbent on whiteknighting for them. It makes no sense.

      1. Not European countries, European elites. They don’t give a fuck about the countries they are supposed to be governing.

    2. saudi isnt the richest think they been “very highly devoloped” nation recently. You can check the HDI index
      apparently theres alot of bedoiuns running around there.
      I think you are thinking of those rich ass sheikhs that rule the country

  6. The western nations need to be broken in order to be rebuilt on a single collective foundation. Old traditions and values stand in opposition to the Cultural Revolution, so they must be overwhelmed by a multicultural flood and put into a position to be shamed into silence by the social justice Red Guards. Eventually, the newcomers will be corrupted, and the destruction of family values will leave new generations reliant upon the state and open to its indoctrination into a global collective. New bosses will be addressed with new titles, but they will be essentially the same as the old bosses. Cattle, as always, will be cattle.

    1. thats what happens. Like if you meet western born migrants they drank the same kool aid as thier white friends going through the school system, then they have that culture clash at home.
      Its like feminsts do this on purpose.
      they aint having kids so they need to import them.
      tell them that they are multicultural and do the crap jobs
      then indoctornate their kids to be like them to keep the culture going.But now it spreads since they go home and shame thier families and force change on them

    2. This is exactly the aim of Peter Sutherland, EU Commissioner for Refugees. He wants the EU to actively destroy national differences while at the same time to add wave after wave of unskilled migrants to Europe. He’s been saying this since 2009. Chief member of the IMF, EU, UN, Catholic church, Bildenburg Group and 33 degree Scottish Mason. One big homogenized market- one big world government- first you destroy the nation states…. is it starting to make sense.

      1. Probably not a one world government. The wealthy elite are betting that the developed nations of the west have reached the end of their life cycle, that western democracy and capitalism is failing, and that there will always remain better opportunities elsewhere. With their willing allies in government and the central banks, they are looting the last of the wealth. At the same time they are providing funding to elements favorable to themselves in the Left to cultivate less antagonistic regimes when the old order falls. They are also supporting open borders as a step towards open markets and trade, but as way to aid capital flight to friendly boltholes.
        Money will go to where it is welcome, and they may eventually deal with the new socialist regimes by treating them as government consumers and contracting their commodity labor collectives at bargain rates.

  7. This crisis shows both the hypocrisy and the empty-headedness of the left. 3 examples (EDIT):
    Liberals six months ago: “We have to fight institutional racism in society. Especially those naughty Flemish people, since racism is very common in Flanders”.
    Reality now: most of the goods that were collected (to help the refugees who just came here) were from Flemish people/organisations.
    Conclusion: yeah RACISM! Especially when you know some of those goods were stolen by muslim inhabitants from Brussels that aren’t refugees at all: But hey, they are probably victims of racism, so they have the right to do so I guess?
    Liberals: “The 3-year old Aylan was killed because of the ‘insensitivity’ of the European politicians and people towards the refugees of war.”
    Reality: “Daddy of Aylan wanted to have a new set of teeth, but wasn’t allowed in Canada. So he tried to get his new set of teeth in Europe, paying large amounts of money (he received from relatives: to criminal human trafficking organizations who put them on boats that can sink every moment. After Aylan died, he went back to Syria and buried him there.”
    Conclusion: yep, the crimes committed by human traffickers doesn’t seem to count anymore for the narrative. It’s our insensitivity and while we’re at it, institutional racism of course.
    Liberals: “We have the financial means to provide food, clothing and even shelter for all the refugees who come here. All those who criticise it, are bigots and want to scare people.”
    Reality: yep, still seeing homeless people on the streets of Brussels, despite all social provisions. If you can’t provide shelter for those people, where is your guarantee you can provide shelter for >1000 refugees?
    Conclusion: well, since those refugees are now in the spotlight, and homeless people never were, the left can more easily attention whore on (social) media and vilify conservative people. So if we want to help the homeless people in Brussels and other cities, then we have to buy them a ticket to Damascus, and let them come back by foot. At least then their victim card seems to be of any use.

    1. This past year liberalilsm ran its course. Its dead. They passed fag marriage, trrannies in the military and then took down the confederate flag. There is no group to “liberate” . Then Trump the Wise came and started freeing peoples minds and mouths. These groups of lefties are now turning on each other, like jackals vs hyenas vs cockroaches vs vampires vs lycans.
      It will get worse. Then the correction will start.

  8. european culture? Europe lost its culture long ago. Like when was the last time we seen dutch wooden shoes,german lederhosen,french berret or russian hats. Now they all dress and act like americans. Like when did this happen honestly. Id like to see tradional european life and culture but Id say american and now feminists influence changed that.
    For the example in korea, the locals tell a different story and some say its intervention of thier politics. Thiunk that was happenin 2 yrs ago when south was ready to war with the north but usa stopped them.
    Its very easy to go out and say Yeah we are a generous and open culture but same time we go out ruining other countries and shit goes bad to worse.j

      1. its really cool to hear that you are keeping with tradition and impressed you learn Gaelic, hope to see it go widespread in Ireland, along with its music,clothing and sport. But its unfortunate for Europe or much of the world when they abandon centuries old tradition for screwed up degenerate american pop culture and then practice their cultures traditions or ceremonies in some bastardized way.
        If you can get your buddies to dive into your interests pass around in social media, walk around in traditional irish clothes itll pick up. Even migrants that land in Ireland will appreciate it much more then just being a “cultural american colony” in a sense.

  9. This is called White Man’s Burden. By coincidence, I published a blog post today about how this is a form of SJW racism. They think white people should take all responsibility for every problem in the world because colored people have no agency.

      1. Well, technically, by a white president, namely, Dubya. We had *no* business invading Iraq, for no apparent reason, and toppling a government that had kept the region in order for a long period of time. Obama made the mistake worse by pulling out troops and leaving them high and dry. I think Dubya also negotiated the pull out date, but the theory was (I’ve assumed) that there would be troops left behind and a well trained local military, which Obama thumbed his stinky little nose at as he laughed.

  10. As seen from Vienna :
    * People are shocked and angry. Only the most extreme SJWS are for this disgrace.
    * There is open talk about regime change throughout Europe on the Internets, including economic collapse and civil war, after which the guests of the regime will be made to go or buried. There appear to be ppl just waiting for the ISIS creeps to commit their first atrocity
    * There are rumours about some event of terrorism on a scale far beyond 9/11 to happen in the near future
    * I was last Saturday at a bar. Next to me a German chuck berating the Beta with her that this unacceptable – Germans are normally much more PC and left than Austrians
    * From my observations there appear to be basically 2 groups of interlopers: semi-legitimate refugees or economic refugees and muscular, violent looking men who sometimes have scars/burns which result from military action. First group composed of old beggars and a few families, apparently no women or children travelling alone. Second group apparently veterans and violent looking antisocials.
    *In the past, politicians would walk the streets w/o visible security in this country. Since a couple of weeks the one’s I’ve seen have bodyguards.
    * For now we’ve apparently only gotten a few as all seem to want to go to Germany, what makes no sense to me as the cash they get is about the same. I suspect they have a mission.
    * The Mayor got a beer tossed at him last Friday, and a district administration was outed by MSM for protecting some pederasts. Those are small but I’M significant events, as it contrasts starkly against the normal submissive and friendly way of ppl towards authorities.
    To the other Europeans reading I’d want to say that it’s not the right time to think about going wherever to hunt poon. It’s definitely not a beta thing to defend the women of your tribe from a horde of savages. If we let down those cunts we lose. They are, after all, OUR cunts. Running away from responsibilities is unmanly and defaitist.
    Man up, people!

    1. “War is just when it is necessary; arms are permissible when there is no hope except in arms.” – Niccolò Machiavelli

    2. It’s utter madness. All those people are dreaming of driving BMWs through wealthy German suburbs, going to see Bayern Munich play at the stadium and then down a few world-class beers afterwards. What they don’t get is that when they’ve managed to eradicate all the Germans, there will be no one left alive to engineer BMWs or make those fine beers. That Hoompaloomba nigger just arrived on boat from Senegal sure as hell ain’t no rocket scientist.

      1. “That Hoompaloomba nigger just arrived on boat from Senegal sure as hell ain’t no rocket scientist.”
        No, no, you don´t get it. He IS a rocket scientist, he just lost his papers in Senegal. Now don´t discriminate him and let him be a rocket scientist, OR ELSE!
        …and move out of your house because he needs it more than you. All you wealthy Germans can easily buy another house.

        1. Actually, u get a lot of highly educated African immigrants into Europe and the US……
          Doctors, engineers, finance and accounting types…..
          The reality is that Europe is moribund. Culturally stagnant and declining birthrates which cannot provide the workforce of the future to pay all those pensions and socialist goodies.
          They NEED the immigrants.
          No choice. Either that or fast track to irrelevance and eventual conquest……Japan will be forced to make the same choice soon.

        2. Not true, man.
          And low birth rates are not a huge problem.
          I would rather live in a happy, small country that is not a superpower, but is my own home and culture, than a crappy multiracial liberal country that is.

        3. What a load of bullshit! White people just need to build healthy families again, and stop murdering our unborn.
          Legalizing abortion, and then claiming that we need immigrants to replace all the babies that were mercilessly slaughtered, is a despicable scam!

        4. I know, that´s why the hospitals in Africa have such a great reputation all over the world. Highly skilled professionals, whereever you go.
          I´d definitely fly to Nigeria for a heart surgery. They´re the best down there.
          Fact is:
          Real professionals don´t arrive on boats and in the back of food trucks. They come the official, legal way (via plane).
          The rest of them is a mix of unqualified people, criminals and low lifes….yes, that´s what I just said.
          We don´t NEED the big majority of immigrants you media brainwashed hippie. Use your own head for once in your life and you will have another view of the situation. And get rid of facebook, it does no good for you.

        5. Africa is an open zoo of corruption, anarchy, poverty, voodoo, violence, cannibalism and rape; what does Europe stand to gain from it?

        6. For one highly educated, cultured immigrant, they let in 1000 unskilled leeches. Refugees are not screened… ISIS already brags they smuggled 4000 of their fighters among the “refugees”. This by the way is the reason invoqued by the gulf states for not taking in any: the risk of terrorism. Apparently european nations do not think terrorism is a problem…
          Also, if Europe is moribund, do you really think that bringing in a dysfunctional, fanatical, lazy muslim population will make it less moribund? Less culturally stagnant? Unless a kebab shop on every street corner is what you call culture.

        7. Voodoo is from Haiti and Louisiana not Africa. In Africa they have Ifa. Otherwise I have nothing to disagree with 😀

        8. It depends. If you have a lot of young enterprising people, children and a few elders (relative to population size) almost everything is possible, even victory over large hordes that outnumber you, enterprising and smart being the operative words here. That is how it was during most of European history.
          But few people, lot of cynical worn out people and few young people and children, is a recipe for disaster. History teaches us that happy, little and defenseless countries are short lived. Europe is becoming an example of this, even if in absolute numbers, there are more Europeans than in 1917, proportions matter…

      2. Easy on the racist rants m8! Being mad at these immigrants is like being mad at the fox for eating your chickens whereas you should have built a fence to keep the fox out.

        1. I do agree. But even the slightest mention of a fence or stopping mass immigration will get you branded as a Nazi more quickly than you can say Lederhosen.
          It’s Hitler’s ultimate legacy, the more time passes since 1945, the more anxious Germans have become to avoid any sign of being anything but stupidly bleeding heart.

        2. Just say that you’re worried about how well they’re being handled by the authorities and how that might affect their integration. Also mention ISIS and that these refugees might suffer from PTSD.

    3. Can you give me links of people gathering in Internet regarding your second point.
      I want to check them out.

    4. Would be very interested in hearing more about conditions on the ground. There’s a lot of discussion on the forum about how we as neomasculine men can respond to this bullshit.

      1. When black women date white men, black men heckle and even attack those couples. Perhaps we could start by taking a lesson from this…

        1. How does one PM here btw? Doesn’t look like Disqus does it.. Am in Germany and my blood is boiling over this, it’s horrible.

        2. You said it man, it breaks my heart too. I love Europe and it is getting treated like a toilet like you say. I used to like Merkel but her recent behaviour in the matter suggests somehow the US is pulling the strings. It’s treason what she’s doing. Haven’t they already made up for the bad they did in WW2, they don’t need to repent anymore.. Back then they were trying to conquer Europe and fill it with the ‘master race’ now it’s like they’re doing the complete opposite. Why not just find some middle ground instead of this. I moved here from the anglosphere and learnt the language, have been watching the media closely and with total panic. For example, within a few hours of their arrival, 200 out of 1000 asylum seekers ‘leaked’ out of the centre in Munich and disappeared in taxis, nobody knows who or where they went. There are non-extreme parties like Alternativ für Deutschland with a charismatic leader who are successfully resisting the government’s crazy behaviour but the press is non-stop pro-asylum propaganda, lies, also designed to crush and shame any fear of Islam. It’s all there is in the newspapers at the moment! The government is breaking all the existing asylum and immigration laws. Of course there are marches every week and resistance, but I don’t think the government cares or listens. The people here don’t know how good they have it and have not seen what has happened in other countries. To directly answer the question, among my German friends and colleagues, there’s a few naive hippy’s who want to help refugees but the rest have a sense of business as usual with some mild concern. I don’t personally know anyone who is ‘strongly concerned’ like myself but am thankful that there is a fair amount of considerable strong German resistance to this being expressed in a variety of different ways.

    5. As another son of Europe though an expat now (work reasons), I can tell this: they are our cunts, but we committed the grave mistake to think they are like us and are reasonable thus granting them power over us and our children.
      Results: moribund and childless continent, demoralized men, bankrupt economies, sluts and whores giving birth to literal sons and daughters of bitches and barbarians at our gates. If Europe (and the west) survives, the first lesson to be learnt is that our cunts will have to be put in place before we can win. For that we need to Man up people!

      1. This. This x1000. Western countries made the HUGE mistake of not only allowing women to have a voice in the running of our countries, but actually allowing them to dictate to US how they should be run. It’s a disaster. I don’t hate women. But we think differently. We’ve evolved over millions of years with the primary goal of defending our tribes and our freedom. Women have not. They think if we all just hold hands with the people who want to kill and/or replace us and sing Kombaya, everything will be fine. And maybe it will for the women. When the invaders slaughter us, they’ll probably just join up with the conquering tribe. It’s what women do. But if we continue to allow them to tell us how things should be done, then we’re doomed. All of western civilization is doomed.

        1. There is so much truth to that it’s sad.
          It’s been said that a large sum of the initial Jewish population was the result of European women who converted and left with them after being exiled.

    6. > Those are small but I’M significant events, as it contrasts starkly
      against the normal submissive and friendly way of ppl towards
      Just like with women. If you’re a strong leader figure, they are submissive. If you start being a wimp and a cuck, like politicians today, they become aggressive.

    7. Oh a fellow Austrian patriot. Thank you for your words, my view of the whole situation is much more bleek since I believe most of our people are completely cucked Gutmenschen haunted by white guilt and “tolerance” brainwashing and our political leaders are traitors/jew puppets.
      But you are right this is no time for chasing skirts, it’s time to remove kebaps.

    1. All I see here is men licking there chops when the women come…its truly insane

    2. This is why Isis chops off heads. To establish their Alpha authority and to rid the world of scum.
      They would NEVER do something like that in their own countries. They would be killed for such disrespect. Assad, Saddam, Omar, etc all keep all these fucks in line. But they act like that here because they know whites are weak (for now). Just Incredible, I wouldnt have believed it.

  11. The whole fucking problem is not even accepting the refugees, but rather that any Muslims destroy any place they migrate in large portions, which has already happened in a lot of Europe.
    The general belief of Islam is that the only way to bring peace to the world is to force everyone to become islam, which is why they call Islam “A religion of peace” and therefore that any and all tactics are justified to spread islam to the world.
    Every person I know who has spent time in the Middle East has told me the arab world in general is a sick and twisted place, and typically will either be a Sharia Law Fundamentalist area where people are in poverty and routinely killed/tortured/enslaved, or an oppressive state ruled by a dictator. Sadly, the dictatorships are normally significantly better situations due to how bad Islamic behavior will be without a dictatorship keeping it in check.
    The comical and sad thing about this whole situation is that in any area where muslims establish themselves within, (actual) rape and kidnapping of women (and underaged girls) becomes normalized, as harassment/beating/murder of homosexuals and banning of drinking/wearing revealing clothing, along with forcing everyone to hear their loud prayer bills all though out the day.
    Yet paradoxically while feminists get in a fury over non-abuse of women, they give these people an open invitation to do whatever they want. With any luck this will eventually become enough of a problem that SJW’s realize their viewpoints need some level of revision.
    I think this immigration influx is going to be seen as one of the biggest mistakes in the decade, and I am honestly wondering if the powers that be are just trying to set us up for a massive war against the muslim world because they have made a lot of really bad choices to give them free footholds in.
    I am honestly quite worried about what this will do to Europe though, and could permanently make a very bad shift happen to one of my favorite places in the world :/

    1. The Ummah is useful to the Left as a part of their multicultural front against traditional values and ideals. They are ready members of the victim class and provoke responses that the Left can frame as bigotry and oppression. The Left assumes they can eventually subvert the newcomers just as easily as they have subverted the rest of society, so they discount any possible threat Islamic fundamentalism presents.

    2. The vast majority of Muslims are normal people. You’re not going to convince the public otherwise. A better question would be:
      If the outsiders were all good and decent people, should European society then allow its own ethnic and cultural heritage be replaced by immigrants?

      1. How about showing up at the stations and borders and forming a line of men with clubs, swords, knives, or whatever else you’re still “allowed” to have over there that serves as a weapon?

        1. At least that’s an idea, though I’d say its wrongheaded. What, you’re going to rally 1,000 men to form a standoff at every train station in Germany? Logistically bad idea. If Westerners are going to take up arms against anyone, it should be ISIS, not the people ISIS has been kicking around. Al-Jazeera had an article about this, that the best thing Europeans can do for the refugees (and themselves) is to find a way to reestablish them back in Syria by stabilizing the region. I’m in favor of Germany and England opening their borders to these people, but the idea that that’s all that need to be done is wrong. The West’s problem isn’t its involvement, but its passive involvement. Taking in refugees and not hitting back is like condoning bad behavior. Kill ISIS, give Kurdistan back to the Kurds and Syria back to the Syrians. If you had 1,000 men at your disposal, you’d be better off having them all join the Peshmerga than standing at train station that no refugees will ever arrive at with a stick in your hand and your head up your ass.

        2. Perhaps a better idea is to take those same men and storm the Bundestag and every other government building where these self-hating edicts are being proclaimed?
          We used to hang errant politicians from the gallows, now and then. About time Europe thought about reviving that grand tradition.

        3. We also used to drag such politicians to the guillotine. Didn’t work out so well. Burning your own house to show the world how much you love it is probably the least productive response to have. Best leave the self immolation to the Buddhists.

        4. Actually it worked out quite well many times (I saw your original post before you edited it). Bastille day, not so
          much, agreed, but other times, hey, they needed a proper hanging.
          Hanging your politicians is not the same as burning down your own house, they are separating themselves from you intentionally so it’s not like they’re really “you” any longer, now is it? I mean, self hating simps like Merkel has no connection to the German people, in fact she seems to
          be intentionally having them replaced by foreigners.
          It beats doing nothing and sitting around complaining on the internet. Wanting to take out a few prominent politicians and elitist is not the same as burning down the Eiffle Tower and throwing molotov cocktails in the Louvre.
          What do you recommend if not something a bit more drastic? Clearly voting has solved zero issues here and won’t in the future. So what then, if not hanging some well deserving necks, or voting them out (good luck with that)? Harshly worded petitions?

        5. Throwing white men into battle in a region where they have no business is hardly a solution.
          Don’t you get it Antares? This isn’t about Syria. If Syria were a peaceful rainbow covered love fest country, then it would be some other country. Additionally, this isn’t only about Syria, there are plenty of other ethnic types coming in, in hordes, from various nations. It’s not about a war, or a specific action in another nation. It’s about replacing *you* and your family and loved ones. It is no coincidence that the same policy seems to be taking place in the Anglosphere as well, and last check, there is no war in Mexico or Honduras to send white men down to fight to “fix it”. Canada certainly isn’t going to send volunteers over to Asia to battle peaceful nations where most of their replacement colonists are coming from. The only sensible one of the group is Australia which as I understand it, finally realized that unchecked immigration is *bad* and put the kibosh on it (or did last I checked anyway).
          Fight in Syria and they’ll still be streaming in from Afghanistan, or Pakistan, or whatever-istan while you traitor politicians invite ever more of them in.
          The problem is at the heads of your state, and the elite who surround them.

        6. Except it absolutely is about Syria, mate. That’s the only demographic Garrett referred to, mischaracterizing them as illegal migrants when in fact they’ve been given refugee status. Which is my original point. If you’re going to address these issues, you must address th with specificity in order for your words to have any meaning. Empty rhetoric like calls to “rise up” or references to “whatever-istan” are precisely what I’m talking about, because they have more to do with emotions than solutions. You want to address the issue Syrians entering into Germany? Address the specific facts of that situation. You wanna talk about Pakistanis or Bangladeshis instead? Address the facts of those cases. The US and Mexico are a different case again. Facts are stubborn things, and they don’t go away just because you make childish generalizations about it.

        7. But, it isn’t just about Syria. And I’m not going to continue to debate that, it simply isn’t just them. Many documents to get in are *forged*, and there are open reports of *Afghanis* and the Syrians crying about each one getting “special treatment” by the border folks. Afghanis, last check, are not from Syria.
          Basically your “solution” is for Europe to send its sons out to die, because young military aged cowardly “Syrian” men fleeing their countries refuse to do so, and then maybe they’ll be nice and leave. Maybe. Who knows though, really, the benefits are awfully nice in Germany I hear; a sight better than heading back to a baking desert and living in poverty I’ll bet.
          Hey, they’re your nations (I assume you live in Europe), by all means, keep treating the symptoms but not the disease. Good luck with that.

        8. The disease is ISIS, friend. Always has been. And the more Western countries continue to ignore it, choosing to whine about refugees instead, the worse its going to get. The Syrian men are fighting, doing the best the can, even forming their own militias to do so, but it’s not enough to combat the Sunni-funded affiliates of the Islamic State, Al Nusra, and Al Qaeda, which have entered into void left by a war left unfinished by the US and parts of Europe (no, Western hands aren’t clean in this crisis). But these Western countries are only taking on these refugees because the first line of defense has already been exhausted. Contrary to the hand-wringing in Garrett’s article, White countries aren’t the only ones that have helped out. Turkey and Egypt have taken in over a million refugees apiece over the last few years, while Jordan and Lebanon have given asylum to tens of thousands. Europe is the second string here, and it’s being called upon not because some comic book villain elites want to replace “you” or “me” (God knows why, maybe because they’re “evul”), but because of Europe and America’s failure to address the main problem, that’s staring at us through an internet video as it hacks off the heads of another group of innocents. Which is exactly de Bretton-Gordon’s point. No, he did not say Europe needs to sacrifice its best and brightest in a pointless land war abroad, but that they need to engage by targeting ISIS’s chemical weapons and by creating safe zones to keep the Syrians in Syria. Prior to war, these people didn’t live in poverty, but had relatively comfortable middle class lives, and believe it or not, they want to stay there.
          I get your concern about Europe’s own cultural suicide, but as I see it, that has more to do with its governance of Europeans in Europe rather than foreigners outside of Europe. The root of that problem is less a matter of Western leaders letting too many brown people in, and more of a matter of not allowing its own people to live as real Europeans (the Afganis were a strange example on your part, because they’re rioting in Lesbos because Europe *isn’t* allowing them in. Where, I wonder, are these nameless droves from whatever-istan coming from? Your imagination, I presume, because the droves, as I said, are nameless, and whatever-istan doesn’t exist. Specificity, my friend. Leave the lazy journalism to Gawker and Buzzfeed). German nationalism isn’t a curse word, and the Germans have a damn fine reason to be proud this day. But go ahead, go and kill Merkel in the name of protecting the West. Those who really want to protect it will be focused on killing ISIS.

  12. I wonder why other Middle Eastern and African countries aren’t taking these refugees. Western Europe is more overpopulated than pretty much anywhere in Africa. This isn’t a black or white color issue either since it only affects Western Europe and not Eastern.
    BTW. China and India take Muslim refugees especially the Rohingya of Burma. India takes in millions of refugees. These countries are even more populated than Europe. I am not from the Gulf countries but feel that it would be more fair if Gulf countries took more refugees.

  13. A thousand asylum seekers walking along major highways from Budapest to the gates of Vienna didn’t just happen. It was a piece of political theatre. All of this is theatre before it is a humanitarian crisis

  14. I think that for a first time I’m happy that I live in a poor and shitty european country that no one wants to hear about.

    1. YET……. Without pushback, and clear resistance to White Genocide with boundaries and repatriation, then more attacks are inevitable.

  15. Watching the national news now…first they said “hundreds of migrants flowing into Hungary” then seconds later said it was “more than 50,000.”
    Blows my mind how no ones questions anything anymore…

    1. “Blows my mind how no ones questions anything anymore…”
      That’s because it would be “racist”. GASP!

    There is a word for imposing conditions that lead to the elimination of a race. That word is GENOCIDE. Genocide is a crime under international law.
    White Genocide Defined:
    There can be no all White countries anywhere.
    There can be no all-White neighbourhoods in the formerly all White nations.
    There can be no all White areas in the formerly all White nations.
    There can be no all White police forces, in business, in administration, in organizations, no all White anything.
    They say there’s no such thing as White Genocide —
    but they always argue a position that puts us in a world without white

    1. Whites are nor originally from Europe dude. Whites are immigrants from Central Asia…..came into Europe as barbarians….the last major migration precipitated the fall of the Roman empire.
      The original inhabitants of Europe are Blacks who crossed from Africa at Gibralter, island hopped from North Africa into Southern Europe, and who crossed from Africa, into the Levant and then the Bosphorus….
      Whites are always free to go back to Central Asia.

      1. Fuck off.
        Whites have mad Europe home and developed it for thousands of years. That is like saying Native Americans migrated from Asia and should go back.

      2. and Socrates was black, whites stole all the magic technology from the coal-black Egyptians, etc.
        You ‘groids and your pseudo-history. it’d be funny if it wasn’t so pitiful.

    2. then whites should not be travelling anywhere then–why did they go to those places in the first place?

  17. Garrett biffed it on this one. The 8,000 Syrians that are being admitted to Germany are not illegal migrants. They’re refugees from the Civil War that have been accepted as such by the German Chancellor, and are therefore entitled to a different legal status. Lumping them into the more general, but distinct category that’s present in the both US and Europe of illegals seeping through a porous border is a gross mischaracterization of the facts. Though foreigners, many of these Syrians are themselves Christian, and therefore don’t pose the same cultural problems as members of other religions might. If anything, since their own faith has sicne been hardened by persecution, they might even be able to provide some well-needed balance to an increasingly secularized Europe.
    That said, Garrett’s point is well taken in regard to the general shaming Germany and many other European cultures have to put up with. White people are everyone’s favorite punching bag until there’s a real crisis. Then, as usual, they come in to save the day. Garrett is right in calling this out, though he could use a little context. Comparing Germany to South Korea and Japan is a poor move, because you’re not comparing like with like. Logisitically, it would be a nightmare getting 8,000 Syrians into east Asia alone, much less settling them on a peninsula that’s a third of the size of Germany. What’s more is that European countries are hardly the first ones up at the plate to take on this burden. All the bordering countries – Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and even Egypt (but not, have opened their borders to tens of thousands of Syrian refugees already, making the primary carriers of this humanitarian burden Middle Eastern countries (except Israel, of course – they’re the only country who’s only allowed to be responsible for itself), not European ones. No one squawks about when Copts or Turks let in close to a million Arabic-speaking Shiites or Christians, and this hand-wringing about cultural purity when Germany accepts a fraction of that number is very misplaced. Merkel (not exactly an inept defender of Tuetonic nationalism) and the leaders of German are to be commended for this act, not criticized.

    1. You mean the 800,000, not 8,000 and the vast majority of them aren’t real Syrians (google “fake Syrian passport”, even the main stream media has picked up on this)

      1. No, I mean 8,000 Syrians. Anyone with a fake passport isn’t Syrian. Which is why they fake it. Because they’re not Syrian. Also, you’re pulling the “vast majority” stat out of your ass. Many of the people who claim to be Syrian are proven to be Macedonian, making it more of an intra-European migration problem, not a problem of migrants without. Check your facts and come back when you’re better prepared.

        1. Absolute horseshit. Macedonia is tiny and Macedonians look Southern European, like Italians, not South Asian like the Pakistanis who are the actual majority of fake “Syrians”.

  18. War is now inevitable. The West is gone beyond the point of no-return: I’m sure within 20-30 years there will be conflict on such a scale that the EU, as it is at present, will cease to exist. What happens to America is anyone’s guess.
    The migration crisis and the decline/displacement of the caucasian race are not the only factors for this to happen eventually. Like a few posters have noticed, many parts of the civilized world are over-populated (albeit not racially homogenous, makes little difference in this regard) and are so technologically advanced that life becomes more and more expendable. From here, men will cull each other and raze everything they made to the ground in the process, not simply out of sheer bloodlust but to also make themselves essential again in a world that makes sense to them.

    1. There will be no war. Just check Europe’s population pyramids to see why. This is going to be more of a catwalk.

      1. I reckon the white EU aging population is still very savvy in warfare matters, especially in open (non guerrilla) conflict. Fancy a wager?

      2. I think you meant “cakewalk”. A catwalk is a platform over top of a stage.

    2. Either the refugees or their hosts will end up in cattle-cars and camps. That’s the European way.

  19. Only one thing: Japan and Korea have the RIGHT idea. The article shouldn’t be implying that homogeneous Asian nations should take up the Western model, it should be advocating that we do what the smarter and longer lasting nations of the East have been doing forever.
    Also for those saying stagnating populations will force countries like Japan to adopt similar policies, I think you’re drinking too much of the kool aid. Japan is an intelligent country, they can and will find other ways to adapt. They’re a leader in things like robotics for a reason, they’re looking to phase out lower level service work. In fact, for the crowded island nation, a population decline, if managed properly, would probably help more than hurt.
    If Westerners believe the solution to population declines is to flood your country with third world immigration and commit cultural suicide, then I think you don’t have your head on straight. The only people who benefit from that model are the lowest and the highest ends of society. The lowest end benefits from things like free healthcare and subsidized housing, and the highest end benefits from the influx of cheap labour. But the middle class, as usual, absorbs all of the costs until there’s nothing left at all.

    1. How can the lowest benefit? They have to compete with these migrants for the limited jobs available. If anything, the migrants lower their bargaining chip.

  20. My White Outgroup Altruism bookmark folder has never been more tested.
    Only way out, and actually doesn’t seem unlikely: collapse of the EU, rise of nationalistic parties.
    As bad as it seems, Europe is still basically 90% white, and already the heat is rising. This is good. Our job on our little keyboards is to keep the pressure rising.
    The best way, in my opinion, is to use altruistic arguments against Europeans. Show them their generosity being taken advantage of and not reciprocated.
    They won’t believe you at first but doubt will fester
    Also, stories of Israel building a wall are good. Accomplishes much the same goal.

  21. Let’s not forget one of the most affluent nations in the Middle East (largely due to US taxpayers) and THEIR policies about the “migrants”.
    Jews are overwhelmingly in support for immigration reform in Western countries, why not for Israel as well? Isn’t Israel much closer to Syria than Europe?

    1. actually, you should put it this way: why not to take Israel as an example of sensible immigration policies? btw did you know that Israel is smaller than Albania.

  22. I am a legal immigrant and I find nothing racist about keeping your own country for your own people. If that’s racism, then all people should all be racists. If this country wants to stop further immigration, or even force me and my family out to preserve its own racial and ethnic heritage, I would not like it, but I would understand because I’d want the same for my country.
    The social problems of the West are rooted in its flawed humanist values, most of which are little more than extensions of altruism and not functional ethics. All of these values need to re-examined, if not dismantled:
    1. Compassion, leading to
    2. Tolerance, leading to
    3. Diversity, leading to
    4. Equality
    Some degree of niceness is needed for working societies, but none of these things are the infallible virtues that Western society thinks them to be. Compassion should not be the first thing considered in policymaking for the same reason any emotion should be blocked from rational decision making. There is a limit to love, and your people have long since passed that limit.

    1. Compassion is the only one of that list which is virtuous. In its proper state, compassion is the ability to bestow mercy on the wretched. It is an act from a superior to an inferior.
      The corruption of compassion is the modern “tolerance”, which is the glorification of the wretched to a status equal to your own.
      The further corruption of tolerance is diversity, which elevates the wretched above your status ON THE BASIS of their wretchedness.
      Finally, we have the modern “equality”, which is the denial of superiority and inferiority. This allows the wretched to not only have power over the superior, but also to shut down debate.
      All that is necessary to dismantle the current illusion of peace is to reveal the emptiness of equality. The rest shall follow.

    2. True. Many european countries let feelings lead their politics. Sentimentalism is a dangerous way of running your country.
      I understand that a dead kid picture is moving, but are they as moved when they see the picture of a dead yazidi kid or elder? Selective compassion, methinks

  23. White man creates problem, then white man complains when problem backlashes onto white man. Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan had virtually no mass exodus’ until white man showed up with the bombs of “democracy”. Now that you’ve destroyed their homeland and turned it into a haven for psychopaths of all flavors, you want to protect your precious “white” nations. Nah. Doesn’t work that way.

    1. “White man came across the sea,
      He brought us pain and misery.
      He killed our tribes killed our creed.
      He took our game for his own need.
      We fought him hard, we fought him well,
      Out on the plains we gave him hell.
      But many came too much for Cree,
      Oh will we ever be set free?”
      Your post reminded me of this Iron Maiden song “Run To The Hills”.

    2. Your comment may get applause from the ignorant. But what you just said is white men are almost god like and non whites are a bunch of pets and lesser beings incapable of civilized behavior with out proper white guidance.

        1. So I read white huh. If you are a minority type you should be ashamed of yourself. Never let anybody tell you it is whity’s fault you are ignorant and stupid.

        2. The god-like white man enjoys using words like “minority type”. Such words strokes his divine ego to believe he is the majority on planet Earth. A simple Google search(invented by the god-like white man) would show that he is the actual “minority”. This fact is inconvenient to the mind of a god-like being.

        3. I guess this is your way of showing your shame. Not all black men see themselves as victims of all mighty whitey. You need to find yourself a strong male mentor to teach you how to hold your head up as a man.

    3. Destroyed? Afghanistan has never been freer. We have bombed ISIS for months which has helped Assad even if that wasn’t the intention. Libya and Iraq were complete disasters but you say the white man done this assuming we supported the maniacs in our governments. We did not, and have absolutely no say in our governments decisions. There is no democracy for the most part in Europe.

  24. I see a rise of underground militias. I would totally join one here in Alberta Canada and I’m not even white.
    Also Europe will be vastly different in even 5 years.
    This battle is between Islam and Western values.

    1. Western values are what caused this problem in the first place. It should just be framed as a struggle between one ethnic/racial sphere against another.

      1. Nah man, good, old-fashioned Cold War time Western values were what made life worth living in the West as opposed to the other 80% of the world that was and remains a steaming pile of shit. They upheld the financial system quite well too.

      2. MOdern western values indeed caused this problem.
        Traditional western values is what made white countries so great.

  25. If you want to see how deep reaching the European problem and “white guilt” are, look no further than this thread. Typical leftard comments follow with texbook leftard bullshit like “I see no colour” and this garbage gets upvoted too, while the rest are hastily pre-facing whatever they are about to say with “I’m not a racist/Nazi/xenophobe…” Who the fuck cares? Just say what you want to say without this apologist bleating.

    1. I hate this,””I see no color” ” the most! I just want to scream. You might not ,but they certainly do. They won’t stop crying about how whitey needs to pay while they keep pointing out what we did and how they are different ,but people still think that somehow the not seeing color is so progressive of them. You’re playing by different rules you stupid white leftard liberals. The rest of the world is laughing at your naivety and gullibility.

  26. USA (321 million) for Mexicans 126 million
    UK (64.8 million) for Pakistanis 190.8 million
    France (66.9 million) for Nigerians 182.2 million
    Germany (81 million)for Turks 77.6 million and Iraqi 36 million and Syrians 23.3 million and Afghani 26 million
    Italy (60.7 million) for Republic of Congo 77.2 million
    Spain (46.6 million) for Algerians 39.5 million and Morrocans 33.3 million
    Netherlands (16.9 million) and Belgium (11.2 million) for Indonesians 257.5 million
    Sweden (9.8 million) for Somali 10 million and Yemeni 25.9 million
    Israel (8.3 million) for Indians 1.276 billion people
    Antartica for white people.

    1. The difference of course being that Europeans and their North American descendants created the modern world, while the latest wave of mass immigration will destroy it. Big difference.

      1. White always create their own world and words. Modern world? You mean destroyed the people there and rebuilt it. Isn’t that what immigrants are doing right now? DESTROYING IT AND rebuilding it in their image and they will call it the golden age. So the people now are doing the same thing. Whites are bitter because it isn’t them.

        1. I don’t think moving to a place via guilt and living off their work by shaming them is the same thing as whites moving into other countries and helping them build their countries into functional modern societies is the same thing. Notice that not one of those once colonized countries have managed to stay modern once the whites were ran out or killed off, but whatever.

        2. Really? I don’t think so, whites did not built infrastracture, only exploit the people and built churches so they can worship the white washed jesus. Singapore became a modern country/city state but that was because of KWY, not the whites.

        3. I don’t know about Singapore ,but if true it is the exception and yes whites “built” infrastructure everywhere they went. In the slight you meant manual labor wise,yes whites designed and supervised the building whole natives did the labor. It’s finny all those projects have falling apart since whites left.

        4. You mean whites used slaves and indentured servants to built railroads, buildings from slave labor.
          Not really, white man’s burden, the minorites cannot survive without the white man is laugable. China, S Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Singapore, Israel, Argentina, Peru, South Africa stuff isn’t falling apart.

        5. China is a communist country that only innovates through thief. S. Korea only exits because whitey Mc USA keeps them afloat. Japan is somewhat capable of growing without white influence, but never had much white influence beyond the USA helping to rebuild it after WW2. India is a SH*Thole, Veitnam is like China a communist shill living off the past .Thailand is literally the cum dump capitol of the world. I know nothing of Singapore,it’s that important Im sure. Israel, is totally dependent on the USA and for the most part run by Jews of European decent and the west never really invested in it anyways. Argentina is 98% white people of European descent.I know nothing of Peru as it is a nothing state ,but I imagine it is run by the white settlers who stayed there like all other s.american countries where the whitest people run the government. South Africa is literally falling apart thanks to letting the great apes in charge. Look in to it.

        6. Really eh? China innovate through stealing? Whites stole printing press from the East, used eastern technology like guns, stole atomic bombs from nazi. Who was the one stealing and calling themselves imperialists, it is the tighty whiteys. China face a dark age, invasion by japan, a civil war, invasion of usa through korea, again through vietnam, they are rebuilding. vietnam fought china, japan, usa, france and is still rebuilding. You can’t judge countries that is a work in progress. China in 1980 wasn’t even a state recognize by the usa, now it is a threat. Singapore, S Korea, HK is world class because of the people, not because of whites.
          If white countries are so great, why is Greek such trash, Italians and Spainiards are lazy as fuck, UK have the ugliest people and the most entitled wankers in the world, Germany are cuckolded till death. France loses every war it is in.

        7. You sir, are proof positive of why whites are better.:) Your deluded diatribe of how things weren’t is just scary not to mention the oblivious mistakes you made. Good luck with that Allah Akbar stuff.

        8. Whites are better? They are pretty stupid in my opinion, they cannot compete, they have to rigged things in their favor. They bitch when indian americans win spelling bees, in english. They bitch when asian americans does better at school than the average white boy. They bitch when africans americans take away their spot in the job place and in sports. They bitch at australian aboriginals taking over their land. They bitch at mexicans having too many babies. They bomb islamic countries and bitch when people are fleeing those countries. THE PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC IS DEAD, white skated by all these years by having whites run the system, not by hard work.

        9. Sure we did….. It isn’t like everyone gets benefits in our countries if they are non-white or female. It isn’t like non-whites get free educations in their own countries and then greedy companies use them to undercut debt enslaved whites here. It isn’t like white countries are infested with Leftist knobs who advocate for non-whites being over represented in Media as infallible while the white guy is always the dunce. No none of that happens at all. It isn’t like the majority of the money used to support all that foreign aid , free protection from hostile countries and food aid is white money..nope. Or the the money that pays for the majority of those african and hispanic americans via welfare is white money . nope. It isn’t like all those freaking Indians are receiving tax subsidies to help them move here and undercut the white majorities, it isn’t like those Indians come from the top of their crap hole country and only compete with our middle class fellas. Nope.Lets just not go into the amount of white everything the world owes us through tech, medicine, and modernity in general. Get out of here you retard.

        10. Lol nobody owes white shit, in fact whites owes us for all the destruction they did to the world to advance themselves. Those african and hispanic americans are there because of whites people forcing themselves on the native americans and shipping africans to america. Those indians do in fact come from the upper class in india. White never gave people technology, people had to find out themselves while white try to put embargo on their countries aka china and the nuclear weapon. What is modernity? Only whites think they are modern and sophicated when they are not, they are just outright snobby pricks who needs their skin burned.

        11. Yes, keeping countries form getting the nuclear bomb is the norm and had no other reason behind it than to deny non-whites the tech.White don’t owe anyone shit fool. All that destruction was taught to us by non-whites. You’re a retard. “What is modernity?” wow! Im good with this conversation, it’s hurting my head to go back and forth with you. good luck with the whole I hate whitey and he owes me soil. Im sure it will keep working for you.

        12. I’m sure complaining to me in here wouldn’t stop the migrants from trying to leer at your sister, seduce your wife, harrass your kids, take up your land, call you inferior, push you out. I don’t have anything to lose since I don’t live in Europe. If whites didn’t advertise Europe to be so “modern” like you say, then they wouldn’t have come. Also these picky migrants are disappointed at what a shithole Europe, they will turn it into the middle east.

  27. Great article – Its bizarre that other muslim nations haven’t made one effort to take in any of these muslim migrants.
    As for Japan and other parts of Asia refusing immigrants is part racism and part commonsense, how many guys have known Asian women being harrassed for dating a foreigner Asians won’t admit it they will welcome a foreigner as a guest but not as an addition to the family. Asian nations have probably seen the damage done western society by mass immigration and not wanting to repeat the same mistakes.

    1. Dude, Asian countries didn’t go around burning and bombing and killing people in the middle east, northern africa, south asia, the americas. And whites love to promote their land as the best, so of course everyone comes knocking. Japan and S Korea was hermit kingdom isolated from the world until it was forced open by the whites. Therefore it is understandable because they have contact with the world but maintain their homogeneous population, that is the whole point of Korea and Japan, otherwise they would be part of China.
      Plus Asians aren’t suppose to take up the white man’s guilt, it is white man who caused it and must handle it.

      1. Where do you get Korea and Japan would be part of China, Korea was part of Japan for decades before WW2 and years before WW1, Parts of China were under Japanese control from 1930 to the end of WW2 there has never been any chance for China to control Japan, the only reason China invaded Korea was in support of the North Koreans who were on the verge of losing the war that they started.

        1. If Japan and Korea didn’t parade their nationalism and homogenous ethnicity, they would of been another province of china. If Korea and Japan weren’t so against china, they would been absorbed by now. That was why Korea created their own language called hangul in the 1500s, to be different. Japan had chinese influences but maintain their language too, so it became a hybrid of hiragana, katakana, and kanji.
          By the end of WW2, china was already pushing japan out of china, china wouldn’t take on japan because it didn’t have any military to project over water. China went into Korea because MacArthur wanted to invade china for being communist, and us was attacking chinese soil. Learn your history.

    2. well to be fair Muslim countries actually took the majority of those immigrants so far: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. it’s the Muslim Gulf countries that didn’t lift a finger.

      1. Iraq are you serious isn’t half the country over run by ISIS and needing American/Australian/British help defending itself. Jordan / Lebanon those places are full of refugee camps that’s not “taking them in” in the western sense of the word.

  28. This happens when you stick your (Jew)nose in someone else’s business. The problems you see in Africa and the Middle East have an origin. Europeans play a big role in the origins of these problems, since they colonized these regions and created the present-day countries. When you put rival tribes and religions in one country, you can expect war. When you give a minority group more power than the rest, you can expect war. It’s like they did it on purpose. Such unstable countries will be a breeding ground for extremists and militant groups.
    I’m not sure what they are planning now, but bringing in people who are culturally and religiously infected by Islam is funest for society. I’m from Europe and Muslims are the #1 annoyance in daily life.

    1. Talmudic Judaism loves to use Islam to destroy Christianity. They have been doing it for a thousand years. It was their treachery that subjugated Spain under the boots of Muslim conquerors for centuries. That is why Isabella expelled them from Spain after the reconquista.
      Unfortunately their control of the Wests publishing houses have successfully memory holed this truth.

  29. Perhaps the all-knowing and all-powerful white man should have used his god-like knowledge to look into the future and see that destroying nations would result in foreign and strange peoples moving to his wonderful utopia in the far northern latitudes of planet earth.

    1. I think white people promote their land so much like a paradise that people want to come in the millions. People think the street is paved with gold.

      1. It is if you’re a non-white as we give them benefits galore and their host countries give them nothing if not actively enslaving them.

        1. I claim no responsibility toward Libya. It was all the outcome of a Black president and a old white lady named Hillary. I’m not a fan of democracy either, in fact I think it is the number one reason whites are being guilted/shamed into taking in everybody’s trash.

        2. Well, you could of stopped it, now it is too late. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T SPEAK UP.

        3. Whites are stupid. Thinks bombing and invading countries and leaving helps the people, stupid white people with their superiority complex. We make you eat your words of human rights and challenge your notion of superiority. A superior people does not whine and complain about their land being taken, if they are so superior, why are they being cuckolded by their own people. Whitey learning their lesson, you don’t expect no consequence when you invade and bomb countries, the more you destroy, the more they flood you.
          2060 EUROPE will be Muslims, whites will be in ghettos.

      1. or whites should of never invaded the americas or australia, all whites move back to europe and let the immigrants take over the americans and europe. good trade.

      2. You’re right. The god-like white man is impervious to bullets…knives on his neck? Not so much.

  30. I see only 2 solutions to this. Either Europe disappears, or responds with a resurgence of national socialism that will be savage in its determination to rid the continent of non-Europeans and their enablers. Vox Day stated in a post that we should hope that the civilized cultural warriors
    win in halting the cultural rot, because if they don’t, history strongly suggests that the uncivilized cultural warriors will take up the battle.

        1. maybe whites should leave americas and australia and keep europe, and the migrants get to go to australia and americas, fair game.

        2. WHy? Australia was discovered by whites, the natives are retards that numbered less than a few thousand and couldn’t even build huts. America is ours , we bought it, inhabited the land left after natives died of disease, and fought wars for it. Get bent!

        3. In a few years, Europe was discovered by Africans and Muslims, the native are retards and numbered less because they are drones and hate sex, they couldn’t even stop invading other countries.
          America is ours, we flooded it, we inhabitated the land left after the white americans died of heart diseases, and we fought wars for it. Get blown!

        4. HAHA, you’re delusional if you think that the trend isn’t going to cause a huge pushback. By the way, I get blown every night thank you very much.

        5. I want to see how high and mighty Europeans morality claim to be when they criticize others on human rights yet I want to see if they can do what they promise. Native americans felt hopeless, now Europeans feel hopeless.

        6. Why should we even care about human rights, no one else does. We don’t need to claim the moral high ground, we are the high scale that you try to measure up to.

        7. lmaos, tell that to iran, north korea, china, and other countries europeans have deem as inferior because of human rights.

        8. This make son sense and has no relevance to my comment beyond using the words “human rights” in which you just jumped on. You sound retarded for real.

        9. Coming from a guy who’s name is I stole her pony. Can you do anything else besides calling people retards.

        10. Yes, I can ,but you are a retard ,so I’m going to keep referring to you by it.

  31. I would love to see all illegals deported or made to come to USA legally… But then again…Who will clean my office toilet?

  32. I think a plus to this situation is it will be much easier to find young refugee illegal women to have sex with.
    Many years ago in Southern California, I employed a young Mexican girl as a cleaning lady. I discovered she was an illegal and she agreed to have sex with me so I wouldn’t tell. She really didn’t like it when I put my lovestick in her a sshole but she swallowed like a trooper!

    1. Have yet to see a young refugee woman with my own eyes. Counted the crowd on the train station on sunday and there are 17-20 men to 1 woman. That 1 woman is always a heavily veiled wife hung with kids.

    2. nope, it will be much easier to find young refugee illegal men to have sex with. there are no women among those crowds.

      1. They do all seem to have a “young men between the ages of 16 and 35” look to them, don’t they?
        We won’t call it an actual invasion of course, because they are not technically, officially wearing uniforms.

        1. And why fight when your retarded host country will let you elect your own government? Just bring the rest of your family. have lots of kids, and wait a generation. Either the Europeans stay asleep and wake up in a Caliphate or there is a genocide to make WWII look like a joke.

        2. That appears to be the trajectory that Europe is on. And the West in general.

      2. Hence we see the ugly Eternal Jew, perverse in nature, tortured in mind, reveling in the degradation of those he sees as his superior in form and spirit. You are going to get yours Portnoy.

  33. Funny how the Spartans fought tooth and nail keeping the then persian-serians out of Greece, but their descendings are letting them in with open arms. King Leonidas is rolling in his grave.

    1. It’s worth for Austrians -previously the gate keepers of Europe are now a bunch of freaks dancing for arriving arabs on the stations.

  34. Being branded a “racist”does not sound horrible to many people anymore. A lot of people start acknowledging this. It is obvious that a Polish migrant in the UK is of higher preference than Indian or Syrian. Mainly because a Pole is white but also because he is not a muslim, does not wear gold colored PJs all day long, does not paint a ridiculous fat dot on his forehead and does not practice retarded medieval traditions.Why? well, because Poland has been interacting with almost every other European nation since 6 century ,exchanged genetics and adopted common values and culture.
    People ARE racist. Look around.Check any large city demographics. Take london: white people living in west and south West, colorful vibrants living in filthy boroughs of Northern London etc etc.People don’t mix. How many mixed marriages do you know?Possibly few. Now how many mixed marriages do you know where a woman is not a fat single mommy? Yes, I thought so, it is none
    Some say that Indian and Chinese appreciate knowledge and their kids tend to do well at school. Who cares? This means a European kid will not get into a medical school, only because he played sports at school (according to European values and traditions) and only because his European parents were not cruel fascist fucks and allowed him some freedoms.

    1. “Who cares? This means a European kid will not get into a medical school, only because he played sports at school (according to European values and traditions) and only because his European parents were not cruel fascist fucks”
      Well said and worth repeating.

  35. “This month, on the other side of the world, Germany permitted 8,000 Syrians on trains to enter its territory for local resettlement.”
    => This number is already outdated. It was actually 15,000 just last weekend (Saturday and Sunday).

  36. Societal suicide.
    At least the Mexicans invading the U.S. are Catholic. Europe spent a thousand years repulsing Muslim invaders – now they will submit and become a Caliphate in a generation.

    1. That’s natural. If Christians didn’t invade Middle East since the Crusades, Islamic people wouldn’t be so angry at you guys.

      1. There are no damn Christians in the middle east other a few here and there waiting to be killed by the peaceful religion of Islam.

        1. BUt there was before the 70’s when muslims started persecuting them and killing them ,but the media laughs at Christians being persecuted because I guess USA and Europe are really successful.

        2. The first christians were the coptic christians. The middle east was christian earlier than europe, where the germanic people pray to the pagan gods.

      2. I love how you rely on people not having read history to make such silly claims. Seen you do it on other threads as well.
        Slow day at #BlackLivesMatter I take it?

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