The topic of bisexuality keeps cropping up time and time again. It’s constantly rammed down our throats: taking the form of either vacuous gossip about the “bi-curious” escapades of an acquaintance or vapid celebrity, or the even more tiresome bilge concerning “biphobia” and bigotry.
In this article, we shall examine how refusing to take bisexuals seriously is a perfectly rational point of view to hold, after having examined certain aspects of this phenomenon in closer detail.
1. The Ludicrous myth of “Biphobia”
In the 21st Century, it is becoming increasingly more and more laughable to suggest that homophobia is rampant, when all television, entertainment and culture seem to be catered towards the tastes of gay men: just looking through a TV guide or turning on the radio confirms this assertion.
Yet it is even more ridiculous to suggest that we live in a culture of “biphobia.” There has been extremely little evidence in history which suggests that bisexuals have been more severely treated than homosexuals and heterosexuals.
Despite this fact, “biphobia” has become an accepted term. Furthermore, it is used incorrectly to describe anyone who questions bisexuality in any shape or form, as opposed to denote those who genuinely loathe and despise bisexuals (of whom there are very few).
By classing the opinions of those with whom they disagree as an irrational “phobia,” LGBT activists are able to shun counter-arguments as being inherently flawed and diseased, without having to tackle the assertion with reason and evidence. This tactic is a favorite among leftists (e.g. transphobia, homophobia, etc.)
A writer for the Huffington Post has clearly stated:
“I think biphobia should be in the DSM, because I think it is a mental illness.”
The term “biphobia” has just become a means of suppressing reasoned arguments and healthy skepticism by portraying their opponents as being mentally deranged. It could not be more typical of the totalitarian progressive movement.
There is no such thing as biphobia: there are only those who do not wholeheartedly embrace bisexuals and shower them in praise and compliments for being so open-minded and adventurous; there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
2. They’re trend-followers
Far from being a minority of poor, oppressed, counter-cultural victims, bisexuals are extolled and exalted in modern culture. From Madonna and Britney Spears’ kiss at that god awful music show all the way up to the Mozart and Beethoven of our age (Lady Gaga and Katy Perry), bisexual behavior is portrayed as “cool” and fashionable.
Impressionable youths therefore gravitate to such behavior because it gives them a sense of identity and excitement. They engage in bisexuality as an expression of faux-individualism, in an attempt to distance themselves from what they believe to be the bigoted, narrow-minded majority.
They are of course, all completely deluded. They think they’re unique, yet all they are doing is following a trend which has been concocted for them by MTV and record companies. Bisexuality has simply become a fashion statement, and very little more.
3. They’re promiscuous
In Tuthmosis’ famous article, he lists claiming to be bisexual as a major slut tell. This could not be more true. Many of the other signs mentioned in that article stem from an adolescent, pseudo-rebellious attitude (e.g. tattoos, piercings, swearing, drugs etc.)
Bisexuality is simply another form of immature revolt: by challenging the supposed “heteronormative” culture, they are trying to affirm themselves as individualistic, exciting people. This childish attitude manifests itself in bisexuality, promiscuity, and self-destructive behavior.
Very often, youths do not have any major achievements or unique personality on which to define themselves; they therefore jump at any opportunity to stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, the “sex-positive” bisexual culture of today just happens to be the means to that end.
4. Bisexuals cannot form long-term relationships
The rebellious, childish youths described above are not fit for long-term relationships. It is impossible to be bisexual and maintain a monogamous commitment: one half of one’s sexuality must be renounced before entering into a relationship with a single person. Unfortunately the bisexuals will argue that they have the right to “be who they want to be” and claim “I am what I am.”
Monogamous relationships are based on self-restraint, compromise, and mutual understanding. Someone who continues to assert that they wish to sleep with members of both sexes whilst in a long-term relationship simply lacks the above virtues and has no empathy for their partner’s feelings, only caring for themselves and their carnal desires.
Were someone to vow full commitment to a single partner, they would obviously have to abandon any desire for someone of a different sex to their partner. This is a perfectly moral and reasonable expectation. Bisexuality is usually confined to the pre-adult phase of sleeping around and experimentation. It is therefore very difficult to view it something mature and worthy of anything other than condescension.
5. Evidence suggests it doesn’t even exist
Having said all the above, there is still reasonable scientific doubt as to the actual existence of bisexuality. A recent study investigating this naturally attracted a lot of negative attention from the liberal media powerhouse. In this study, it was determined that thirty males who identified themselves as bisexual were indistinguishable from homosexuals in their hormonal responses to pornography. The study can be read online here.
Dr. Michael Bailey, one of the conductors of the study, noted: “I’m not denying that bisexual behavior exists, but I am saying that in men there’s no hint that true bisexual arousal exists, and that for men arousal is orientation.”
Skepticism over the existence of bisexuality continues to this day. We still cannot determine at this stage whether it categorically exists or doesn’t, but it is downright foolish and disrespectful to label those who question it as having a “phobia” or being “bigoted.” The burden of proof remains on those who argue for its existence, rather than those who claim its absence.
It is not irrational or incorrect to hold a healthy, skeptical attitude towards bisexuality. Furthermore, those who doubt it should not be classed as intolerant or bigoted. Upon closer examination of the matter, it appears to be linked to juvenile irresponsibility and typically millennial, liberal attitudes towards sex, relationships, and politics. It is therefore perfectly reasonable to cast doubt upon it.
Undoubtedly, the leftists will jeer, howl and screech their vitriol against such an objective examination of their degenerate habits. Questionable behavior such as bisexuality should be repudiated if we are to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us as a whole.
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I had a feminist friend tell me she was
pansexual. i asked wtf that was and she sent me this link: ‘
I actually tried to read it and I’ve never been more confused in my life. Needless to say every thing point I brought up was called, hurtful and asshole’ish and they deleted me.
Tough times we live in.
No such thing as “Gender” except as a designation of a noun in some, but not all, Indo-European languages. Back when we used to think at least somewhat clearly, we had a designation called “Sex” which was either Male or Female. The Left changed “Gender” from it’s previous meaning to something meant to replace “Sex” but have no definitions per se, so that they could later use the word to indicate a wide array of mental illnesses and sexual deviancy. I don’t give the word, or those that use it incorrectly, any credence and reject their attempts wholesale.
That’s a lot of fancy words to describe “insane”.
You are not confused, that document is confusing blather. You would need to develop a mental illness to accept that material.
It’s straight out of Alfred’s Kinsey’s now discredited research. (He interviewed a lot of prison perverts but extrapolated them as a normal cross section of American society)
I’ve come across two women, one whom I dated, one years latter was an employee/acquaintance of my wife who were in lesbian relationships and then entered a depression as they tried to get out. The first, a beautiful feminine girl, suffered violence in the form of a choking attack from her lesbian girlfriend as she wanted to leave, the other declared she was heterosexual to her lesbian partner but had to continue living with her for financial reasons and began cutting herself from depression as she couldn’t get out of the lesbian lifestyle into a straight one. I hope she is OK.
I would treat these women with compassion, many simply ended up in a mess for various reasons.
Then pattern I detected was a poor relationship with the father. Women need affection, they actually need male affection, but some if they’ve had a bad experience will get it of a lesbian. Hard-core lesbian are only to willing to try and turn a girl, the militant one consider it duty.
Yes, its possible to turn a lesbian because many are not really lesbians.
What with the trouble and legal problems that a woman can get a man into through lying and false accusations, it seems that “turning a lesbian” is just not worth the trouble.
Yeah. Not a good benefit to risk ratio.
I had a feminist friend tell me she was pansexual.
I could never get sexually aroused by my cast-iron skillet, even though it helps me make some superior kinds of bacon.
I would pay good money to see the face of a “pansexual” if this line was used on them. I imagine a momentary slack-jawed expression, followed by a reddening of the face and frothing at the mouth while they begin sputtering accusations of bigotry and panphobia.
Oh, no doubt. Fortunately I don’t travel in circles where I’m apt to encounter somebody with this kind of severe mental illness, so I’ll likely never get to experience that schadenfreude.
Middle Tennessee, unless you get deep into Nashville, is pretty quiet as well. There is one cross-dressing teenager at our martial arts school, but other than that, nothing too odd.
I don’t see how cross dressing and martial arts mix. Not too well I suppose.
Yeah, it’s weird. He’s not over the top about it; mainly long hair and some eye shadow…it’s a little awkward when we train ground grapping though….I try to find someone else to work with at that point.
Long hair and eye shadow? Sounds like he’s really a Goth…
Didn’t mention the short shorts and padded bra…
So many tatt covered, highly pierced “finger in the air” idiots these days. One good punch to the face would see all of their bravado fade in an instant and their Poow Widdle Victum Face would instantly be applied. These are weak, sick people possessed of a bravado that comes from endless hubris, due to never having encountered anything hard or requiring thought and work in their lifetimes.
As to “bisexual” I really don’t give a flying fuck, I laugh at them like I laugh at the rest of the LGBTWZYSBBQOMGWTF crew. They are dangerous insofar as they seem to have the power of the State behind them now, of course. Odd really, that so many Millenials believe that by supporting this they are being edgy, when in fact they are directly and openly supporting The Establishment/The Man and are not being rebellious in the least.
Bissexuals are just gay/lesbian people that want a name that sound “cooler” than “homossexuals”. You think that if they could really choose freely between the sexes they would even consider being homo instead of only going straight and properly use all the tools nature gave them to fuck the opposite sex?
They will occasionally force themselves into some “straight slips” here and there just to delude themselves into thinking “oh, look at me, I’m really bissexual, I’m so cool lool” but the truth is that they’re just gay/lez..
What is the climate on this in Brazil? Is it jjust hedonistic fun or do you have homosexuals trying to get converts?
Well, it’s pretty bad, actually. They got some presence in the Congress (communist and socialist parties love them and fight for them, since they give them votes), and they keep on trying to pass homo-loving laws every time. (When the SCOTUS made gay marriage legal in America, Brazil had already done it two years prior). But good news is they face lots of resistance from conservative parties. These parties consist mostly of evangelical protestant congressmen (the only ones with balls to stand against them).
The LGBTQWERTYLOLGTA community’s last stunt was an attempt to change the legal definition of family from a straight couple to pretty much every kind of couple that “luuvs each other” because their definition of family “is based on luuuvv and not on prejudice”. It failed (yaaayyy).
At least this time..
Its also often about a denial of being fully homosexual. An individual will feel both feign and bait acceptance of their own minority sexual orientation by classifying themselves as ‘Bi-sexual’, when in reality they are homosexual. It seems to make it more palatable for the individual, their family and friends. (It ain’t so bad he sleeps with girls or she sleeps with boys sometimes.) The even more watered down ‘Bi-curious’ label really is mostly about attention whoring behavior and to be taken even less seriously.
“Bi-curious”.. LOL.. as you said, that’s an even bigger pile of bullshit. As if someone could suck dick just out of “curiosity” and then if he didn’t liked it he could just return to straight as if nothing ever happened.. yeah right..
They live in such denial thinking they are unique, special snowflakes. There is not 1 unique person in the world. You cover yourself from head to toe in piercings and tattoos? There’s thousands of others that have done the same. You claim to be bi/homo/pan/dolphin? There’s millions of those as well. You’re not unique, you’re not special, and guess what….that’s ok!
Accepting this truth alone would destroy the egos of these self-inflated people. Punching them in the face, as you said, would simply be adding injury to insult…not that they don’t need it, mind you. 😉
I’m at the stage when I’ve come to realize that they really, really don’t hear any opinion than their own, since there are no consequences for being an asshole in public any longer.
Very true. It’s hard to reason with these kinds of people as they blatantly ignore any logical argument presented before them. Perhaps its my youthful optimism but I hope that if we can cause enough cognitive dissonance in them, they will eventually awaken from their stupor. Not likely I know, but hope springs eternal…
“Arguing with an idiot is a lot like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are he is going to crap on the board and strut around like he won”
Arguing with them is pointless. Just take Ghost’s advice and just punch them in the face. At least you’ll feel better 😉
That’s what this world needs. More people willing to punch someone else in the face. I hope this doesn’t sound sarcastic because it’s not. Physical fighting has always made people tougher and harder. There are so many benefits to fighting, and in this pansy-ass world, we are breeding pansy-ass children who forever remain children.
A punch in the face for being an unabashed asshole almost always cures that condition the first time it happens. Fear of retaliation for being an asshole generally curbs the impulse to be one to random strangers.
And yes, I agree wholeheartedly. A lot of the decline in male masculinity came about almost along the same timeline in “cracking down” on fisticuffs in men. Men used to routinely get into bar fights, non-lethal, and the most that would happen would be that they would be ushered out of the bar to sleep it off. Now five Squad Cars arrive and the cops make all participants into criminals. Such a shame.
“Unabashed asshole”
You called?
“Strike a scoffer, and the simple will learn prudence;
reprove a man of understanding, and he will gain knowledge.”
Hasn’t seemed to hold true in the modern era. They have become dogmatic, so if you offer understanding to them that is dogma violation, you are labeled a heretic and they disregard you.
A man of understanding is not necessarily a knowledgeable man, just one who is willing to listen.
It is not about you offering understanding to them, but how to handle different types of people. A SJW requires striking, for example.
“The hypocrites are slandering the sacred halls of truth.
Ancient nobles showering their bitterness on youth.”
This taken from “A Farewell to Kings” and is how I view the progressive left.
I see, I misinterpreted your meaning.
That and nowadays you can’t just fight one guy in a straight up fist fight. You’re more likely gonna get jumped if you start winning or someone is going to pull out a weapon as I’ve seen several times and someone’s gonna get stabbed, cut, or hit with a hard object rather than just fist till someone gives
Yeah, there is that. They should have let fisticuffs stay fisticuffs, now the punishment is so swift and severe that if you’re going to do it, you’re going to try and inflict maximum, even deadly, damage.
agreed.theyl be like snooki act hard one second then a wuss after the punch. think these cultures where u can sue for anything creates these types of people. goto any third world nation people behave since getting punched for misbehaving is ok thefe
Ahh yes… Using the bible to justify violence.
There are so many verses in the bible (new testament) which discourage using violence, including many spoken by Jesus himself. Where to start…
Let’s hear it. Start citing me verses. Let’s start with the ones where Jesus violently drove out the money changers. Or when he asked the disciples to get swords.
I’ve got a few great Meme shirts I wear on occasion – but I can’t stand FB memes – because they make a great point. The one I wear regularly to Rock/Metal concerts says:
“My Parents said I could be anything, so I became an asshole.” Had many comments on that one.
The thing about fights is, they aren’t about “fighting”, they are about beating the other guy into submission. The only rule is to win. You say men got into bar fights as a matter of routine? Really? You know this for a fact? A real man doesnt need to go into a bar and fight to prove…whatever. See the film, The Big Country for an example of a real man’s reaction to what you suggest.
We used to call it Friday night entertainment. Outside certain bars when everyone spilled out drunk there were frequently fistfights and brawls. A good time was had by all. Of course its all fun and games until someone gets a sucking chest wound.
That said, it is usually your choice if you want to fight. I managed to avoid this stuff simply by not being an asshole.
even jesus understood that sometimes assholes need to pay, and the part with the swords, it was saint peter how said that
When I was a young blue-collar worker people didn’t mess around with your job or your personal life. It was accepted that you could get your ass kicked. Then I became a professional where other guys resorted to cops and higher-ups to come to their pussy ass rescues. (Not that I ever did anything crazy) Now after the divorce and going broke I’m an older blue-collar worker again. And I can’t believe and faggoty, sissified way these guys behave. They act like vicious women in that they’ll backstab, start what they call “drama,” and screw you around. And they do it because they know someone will call the cops or they could have you fired.
I recently worked with a guy who was nothing but trouble for our department. And management just didn’t know what to do with him, so he keeps his job. He kept screwing me around and around. I finally lost it one day and met him in the parking lot. I explained that if I didn’t get my promotion because of him, he owed me the difference in pay: $12,000. In six weeks if I don’t get the promotion I add 5% to the number every week. If he doesn’t have that lying around he should start making plans. Put his mother on the street, sell his car, I don’t give a damn.
That asshole is nothing but polite to me now. And he waits to leave the building and watches the parking lot for my car now. Now, that was a time I went totally crazy. Oh, and he happens to be an illegal mexican our company hired. I also told him he’s not going to come to the U.S. and treat Americans that way.
Anyway, it looks like that promotion is coming through in a few weeks, so he’s off the hook.
Only if both parties are in agreement to fight. Otherwise, it’s just assault/bullying/acting like a monkey.
You have the right to your opinion. Please don’t breed.
I’m perfectly willing to punch you in the face. Where do you want to do this?
These are not children. Children are pure, they are not.
These are beasts.
As in “scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”
You are correct. They are sinners . . . just like me . . . only I am the biggest sinner of all.
How in the FUCK do you even pronounce “LGBTWZYSBBQOMGWTF.”
Speaking of insanity, you guys should read this article:
Guy had his perfectly fine ears lopped off to look more like a parrot. The dr who performed this surgery needs to have his license revoked.
not so sure about license revocation. If someone is going to be an idiot and you can’t talk them out of it, I see no reason not to make a buck on it. If some fag came to me and said he wanted his nose cut off so he could look like a bowling ball i would first say “are you sure” and then say “cash only….i don’t trust your credit”
Bruce Jenner.
Did riding the 4/5/6 train everyday for twenty yrs make you this cynical?
…is at Lamar Odom’sbedside. What a horrible way to go, surrounded by trannies and whores…
I still ride the 4/5/6 though I must admit I used to ride the BC.
Did it make me this cynical? No. However, it was a contributing factor no doubt.
Is it too soon to say that overdosing in a Nevada brothel is a step up from boning a Kardashian and, more likely than not, offers less chances of STDs?
Yup. I’ve no problem with the doctor who decides he will buy a porche and a house in malibu because Bruce Jenner is a degenerate fag. Let the guy make his $
That’s right. I believe the workers in the NV brothels need to be tested for STDs or they lose their license or something like that. Patrons must use condoms.
For the fatties:
Insanity Manitee!
One look suggests mental illness and tells of attention whoring uncommon in most people even today. The pathetic thing is it took no skill to get the attention he wants and recieves. Just a will to destroy one’s own body.
Well considering he was found in a brothel, I’d say he’s quite literally getting what he asked for.
They could have sent Caitlynn Jenner in to polish him off
Every bisexual I ever met all struck me as soulless hedonists who simply make “fucking everything” their thing. Never felt like I could trust them either.
I don’t think I’ve ever actually met an open bi-sexual male, or at least none that have said as such to me. Met some all out faggots, sure, but not a bi. The number of “bi” women I’ve seen has been astounding, however I’ve always had the very distinct feeling that the vast majority were doing it to try to turn on men (du fuq?).
Same here. I never crossed paths with men who claimed to be bisexual, just women.
All of them had that air of zero responsibility about them. Bisexuality is on that vector.
All they need is a diagnosis of pi-polar disorder and they have their license to wreck their own life (taking down the lives of everybody around them in the process) and when you ask them “Why did you do XYZ?” they all get that same soulless look in their eyes when they say “well, I’m diagnosed pi-polar and…. “
pi-polar disorder
Is that the condition where you have an incurable urge to travel to the Arctic in order to determine the radius of a given circle?
All of them had that air of zero responsibility about them. Bisexuality is on that vector.
I was recently hit on by a “bi” chick that I’d met before. On this evening she was with her male date (first date I believe, she goes through romantic partners at breathtaking speed) and she was gushing over my motorcycle (I parked right next to the bar patio) while I was taking my helmet off. She was telling me how she was going to “wink” ride with me if it was the last thing she did “wink”, and how would I like to ride her…oops..with her “wink”.
Needless to say, she was a Millenial, she was covered in ink, short hair, and the requisite septum piercing to compliment the cluster of insects, er piercings, she had on her ears. If she’d been the same age in 1987 she might well have been attractive, but ugh.
I gave her date a head shake, raised my eyebrows in sympathy, breathed a rather bored sigh, didn’t say a word to her and headed into the bar. Fucking psychotic broad. She brags regularly when she’s between “dates” of her constant bedroom antics to anybody within earshot. She’s actually quite boring, but Millenial dudes still go out with her.
no such thing as a bi sexual man. If you suck cock you are a fag. I don’t care if you also bone an occasional vadge.
As for women, here is is again, straight from Goldfinger (yes, second time using this Flemming Quote). When things go south and Tilly Masterson must make a choice of who to go to for help and safety….Bond or Pussy Galore (who in the book is more than just hinted at as being a dyke)
Flemming says:
Bond came to the conclusion that Tilly Masterton was one of
those girls whose hormones had got mixed up. He knew the type well and thought they and their male counterparts were a direct consequence of giving votes to women and ‘sex equality’. As a result of fifty years of emancipation, feminine qualities were dying out or being transferred to the males. Pansies of both sexes were everywhere, not yet completely homosexual, but confused, not knowing what they were. The result was a herd of unhappy sexual misfits – barren and full of frustrations, the women wanting to dominate and the men to be nannied. He was sorry for them, but he had no time for them. Bond smiled sourly to himself as he remembered his fantasies about this girl as they sped along the
valley of the Loire. Entre Deux Seins indeed!”
Or even lesbians for that matter
Pussy galore asked bond ““not in a gangster’s voice, or a Lesbian’s, but in a girl’s voice, ‘Will you write to me in Sing Sing?’” Bond looks into her “deep blue-violet eyes that were no longer hard, imperious”, and says: “They told me you only liked women.” Pussy replies: “I never met a man before,” and Bond’s mouth “came ruthlessly down on hers”.
And Fleming penned these words when? Early 60s?
’59 for this particular one. Beautiful right?
Best line:”…but he had no time for them.”
There is indeed such a thing as a bi-sexual man and speaking as one I should know. We are not all attention seeking, trend riding, indecisive, untrustworty, whore mongers either. I’m sure there are plenty of millennial punks who fit that description perfectly but as a 50 year old man in a long term 22 year relationship I’m sorry to be the one to burst your bubble.
“Lesbianism” with two straight girls having a good time is what it is- girls having a bit of fun- it’s not sex, it’s an act of emotional fun between two chicks. They know this. They called it “Bisexuality” it’s not.
Most bi women I met were college aged and seem to mysteriously stop eating carpet the moment they landed a BF or left college.
Bisexual men outside of prison? They’re gay. What goes on in prisons, and I am sure some posters here could fill you in, could tell stories that would make most people’s skin crawl.
Whatever you say, tinkerbell.
If you’ve been in a relationship with a man for 22 years you are gay.
I was bangin a 28yo Bi girl a few months back on the regular. I wasn’t in it for commitment, but I assume once she learned my views on people who follow fads, etc for attention and an identity, to her credit she said:”just to be fair to you, I just want you to know I’m battling demons of my own, and one of those is I really have a hard time caring for a man, and committing.”
Like I’d just got off the boat and was clueless to “what” she really was. Well no shit Sherlock Slut. Smh. The moment you eluded to “being bi,” I knew among other things, like your “rape claim” that you’re a typical justifier of all things hoe-ing. Surly she reveled in the thought I was “falling for her,” which couldn’t have been further from the truth, as both times, I simply blew her off and let her go with no chase whatsoever. Dumb ass tricks.
Same for guys who’re into being cuckolded watching their bitch get banged. That’s just queer as fuck.
Whenever a girl post-college age tells me she was bi-curious and acted on it in college years, a prime directive of mine is to then get her to round up another bitch for a 3-some with me. Always a tricky proposition, but my job is to push that limit once they claim their “trendiness.”
I figure:”Oh you ‘played’ lesbo once? Howabout I make you do it again, then dump your ass as your expiration date accelerates with me?” Bwa haha
I just heard of this a few years ago. I mean, wtf?
I was in college back in ’91 but even back then we called ’em “LUGs” which meant, “Lesbian until graduation”
You are a queen. Why are you here? Go enjoy your faggot privilege elsewhere.
Its interesting, women pining for “real men” in 1959?? Have real men ever existed? Or did WW2 wipe them all out?
We had this convo before- the physical version of these books dont exist right now, some sort of legal wrangling goin on. I may have to buy one of those kindles to check these writings out.
They are great. Mine is a two volume. Can’t remember if it was 5 for both of 5 for each but either way totally worth it
“Whenever a girl post-college age tells me she was bi-curious and acted on it in college years, a prime directive of mine is to then get her to round up another bitch for a 3-some with me.” Because gay porn has dominated American heterosexual relationships for the past few decades now. That’s why anal sex is supposedly mainstream in American society now too.
I’ve been hit on by two women I assumed were gay (butch haircut and one was actually WITH another chick) and it was pretty confusing to me.
Here they are dressed in the opposite way a man would find attractive and yet they want sex with a man. I just assumed they didn’t want any dick and never even entertained the thought.
They even behaved in a feminine manner when they approached me. I still don’t get it.
That’s probably why when you see most chicks kissing or having pseudo sex it isn’t very passionate, you can tell it’s forced.
No, I’m a bisexual man who chooses to be in a long term relationship with a man. My choice of partner doesn’t define my sexual identity. I love women, I love sex with women. I just choose not to be in a relationship with one.
What privileges would those be exactly? Great hair? Fashion sense? Flower arranging? Just curious what goodies you think I’m hiding in my goody bag…
Bisexuality is a joke, much like feminism today but you just try expressing a skeptical view of bisexuality (something any degenerate can be if they want to “swing both ways”) as a 19 year old among other millennials and you’ll never hear the end of how judgmental and narrow minded you are. I think people (usually girls) see a female they find pretty and think HOOOOOOMYGOD ACKNOWLEDGING SOMEONE WHO IS THE SAME SEX AS ME IS ATTRACTIVE MUST MEAN I MUST BE BISEXUAL.
This is why we make it a point to not give a flying fuck what others call you. Agree and amplify works a treat when they start the snark fest.
Do you still remember me as the snarky girl?
I actually don’t remember you, outside of a vague recollection of your profile’s handle.
If you’re confronting your Millenial friends with truth, then that works for me. Every day we’re a new person with a new chance at things.
Inspirational words!
“they are directly and openly supporting The Establishment/The Man and are not being rebellious in the least.”
a little off topic, but i think about this when i go downtown in my ultra-liberal city and pretty much everyone under 30 looks like an extra from the road warrior. rebellious in 2015 would be dressing like ward and june cleaver.
i was watching BYU play a home game against cincinnati last night. i know not everyone on here loves the mormons, but the shots of the student section were amazing. row after row of kids in their twenties, most of them blond, no colored hair, skrillex haircuts, visible tattoos, or hardware in their face. very few fatties. the girls were amazing. thin, feminine, modestly dressed, with long, beautiful hair on almost all of them. reminded me of the fabled american women of the 1980s that you and i talk about sometimes. provo, utah is probably one of the few pockets of women like that left in the US.
The Amish in northern Ohio are pretty as well.
rebellious in 2015 would be dressing like ward and june cleaver.
Yep. I’m going to use that line.
Back when, these people would sit quietly in the shadows (or closets) because “back when” we would throw these people in the nut house (where they all belong). Today, like GOJ points out, they are backed by “the man”, the government and everyone (the herd) is trying to be new edge, hip, trendy, etc…
They all look like fools and they don’t even know it. How much shit did you really know in your 20s? Let me tell you…it’s zero because you haven’t lived yet.
“So many tatt covered, highly pierced “finger in the air” idiots these
days. One good punch to the face would see all of their bravado fade in
an instant and their Poow Widdle Victum Face would instantly be
applied.” So why don’t you do it then? Or is that just internet bravado
The nice thing about real life is that you really have no idea what I’ve actually done away from the screen here.
The nice thang about reel life is that neo-masculine, Red Pill ideas are influencing the mainstream now. Go to the 36 minute mark of this video when the Prof requests an audience volunteer. The volunteer is wearing a very Red Pill T-shirt. Read what it says!
You’re a sick person, seek help. Or are you one of those talk big on the internet guys? I guess someone didnt punch you in the face when you were young and stupid, huh?
Punching “them” in the face would instantly give them the moral high ground, and would only serve to confirm their suspicions about people of your ilk. You are only one, maybe two steps away from progressing from a punch in the face, to advocating all-out terrorization, from your remarks further down.
I guess it’s the cool thing now to advocate punching weak, sick people, is that it? Sort of a knockout game for the morally superior to play, like you?
Real men defend the weak from freaks like you, so be warned.
Post of the day Ghost. Bravo!
One thing that was mentioned in the article that is very important is the push on bisexuality in the media. Virtually every TV show, has main character flip-flopping between the sexes. Hannibal is a primary offender here.
AMEN!!!!! I WISH I WAS BORN INTO A DIFFERENT GENERATION! wait and see, when these Millennial freaks gain even more political power, they will blindly follow whatever cultural Marxist idiot that tells them it is “compassionate” and “loving” and “trendy” to destroy western civilization. it a long road ahead of us, and i curse my generation for being such sheep!
Bisexual women are basically sluts, just about every stripper and porn star is bisexual. Knowing this proceed accordingly. Bisexual men are basically lazy, because it’s more work to convince a woman to sleep with you in comparison to going to a gay bar meeting a horny fag. Any woman who has dated a bisexual man has been cheated on because these guys are basically sex addicts, their preference may be women but they need to get their rocks off all the time and it doesn’t matter with who.
“Is this it priest, the popes new army? A bunch of crusty bitches and a handful of ragtags?” Hell yeah. Say it for America Bill!
What you’re describing there is not a bisexual man but a “straight opportunist”. There are plenty of horndog bros that need to “get their rocks off all the time” and have discovered that it is indeed quite easy to find and use a horny faggot for just that purpose. Don’t confuse being an equal opportunity Alpha with bi sexual identity. Those paths cross but they are different paths entirely.
This includes any guy that fucks trannies even overtly masculine women like Serena Williams. They are bisexual. Bisexual girls can be fun but they cheat.
I don’t even take homosexuals seriously. One lesbian chick I knew claimed that she had no choice in regards to her sexuality as she was born that way and that she was the “biggest dyke ever.” Few years later, she got engaged to some brawny dude who probably has no idea about her magical conversion.
I have no doubt that our current culture can make certain confused individuals feel like they’re homosexual or even of the wrong sex. Psychology has shown that sexuality can be distorted very easily.
I too question homosexuality. While there is some scientific evidence for homosexuality across species in nature, I think the current manifestation in humans is overblown and exaggerated. The only lesbian I knew (really cute natural beauty type) was ‘married’ to this girl for a few years, then next I heard they had split up and my friend was engaged to a dude. This really made me question the whole I’m gay thing. Then again I have 2 gay male acquaintances, and I can’t imagine anyone choosing that lifestyle. These guys don’t broadcast it the way most of these weeeeee I’m a pansexual! types do, but I have no reason to doubt they are not attracted to women sexually.
Totally agree that the psychology and culture are distorting sexuality. See this:
“Lesbian couple both used to be men.”
I had a short term girlfriend who said something like “I’m not bisexual, just open minded.” She certainly was when it came to heterosexual sex. I spent New Years Eve with her, a (supposedly) bi friend and a dyke, all naked in a hot tub. The dyke spoiled the soup and made out with the bi chick in front of us.
Then there was another girlfriend that lasted 2-1/2 year. She liked all sorts of crazy shit and discussed having a threesome with another girl. So we each sought out girls online. The thing is, she would veto any girls I suggested because they were better looking than her, and I vetoed her suggestions because they weren’t as good looking as her, and so it never happened. Then she went off and did lesbian porn without discussing it with me. I got drunk and flipped out on her and then she tells me to leave. Apparently her previous boyfriend was an abusive alcoholic (and that would be abuse in ways that she didn’t get off on) so me raising my voice with beer on my breath triggered her or something. Whatever. She had already hit the wall at age 20 and was going down from there. But, the internet is forever. Stupid whore.
The thing is, she would veto any girls I suggested because they were
better looking than her, and I vetoed her suggestions because they
weren’t as good looking as her, and so it never happened.
That seems to be more the expected result than an actual threesome, at least when one is in a relationship. Spontaneous threesomes don’t suffer from this I think, since nobody really knows or is invested in anybody else. But with a LTR? Yeah, good luck, you’re fighting an uphill battle there.
Not quite sure, if even given the opportunity of a threesome with 2 women, I’d take it. That’s an awful lot of work on my part….
It would be ok if it were the types of threesomes advertised in the 1970’s, that is; both women focusing on pleasing you. Today’s FFM threesomes are almost universally two lesbians who happen to have a male present that they’ll pay a little attention to now and then. Not my cup of tea, I want to be the Feature Star of the event, not the Guest Star.
Right. The 2 girls are basically doing it for the attention from the guy, not that they like the act themselves.
You wouldn’t even be a ‘Guest Star’ — you’d be a ‘Walk-On’.
This has been my experience as well. I advise men now that FFM threesomes are not worth the effort and to avoid them. One vagina and one penis seems to work best.
The main problem was that she was at the marginal end of looks, the lowest of any LTR I have ever been in, and I wouldn’t go lower and her own insecurities wouldn’t let her go higher.
On the other hand, if you are in an LTR with an 8 who is good to go for a romp with an extra girl, neither of you would object to adding a 7 into the mix.
Gah! That face gets me every time. I think it’s the bugged-out eyes and the glasses.
And this is how she laughs!
Count your blessings — you likely avoided a bullet.
“There is no such thing as bisexual. Either you suck dick, or you do not suck dick.”
Andrew Dice Clay
Andrew is a comedian. Not really my choice as the voice of sexual wisdom.
Maybe it’s not funny because it’s true. . . It’s just funny.
Ah the faggotry…
It has already been expanded upon before but I’ll say it again, homosexuality is a bi-product from having children raised by ambiguous, detrimental adults. Children have no agency and rarely do children associate a sex to those they are sexual with. It is all an ambiguous release of sexual energy to them. As people, humans, we can not escape the masculine/feminine polars required for all relationships to exist.
Scratch a lesbian relationship you’ll get a butch and feminine opposite. Same in most gay couplings. Two ‘queens’ in a gay relationship always creates a fight. There are studies out, linking children reared amongst single mothers as the highest likelihood of creating a homosexual.
At the end of the day, no amount of verbal dodging, explanations, studies shown, etc., will go against the basic fact; masculine and feminine must exist for a relationship to exist. Don’t let the whims of the young and naive fool you. They need the polars same as all humans. That hardcore lesbian, if accepted by a man (which coincidentally, if she isn’t ravaged by testosterone and has a man jaw to rival Jay Leno) will always revert back to a polar charge of feminine because that is what she was meant to be. Bisexuality in men is essentially the cheat code used to give off an air of sexual abundance, which sadly doubles as the route of AIDS getting the circulation which it does.
Homosexuality = Mutual masturbators.
“masculine and feminine must exist for a relationship to exist.”
I agree. If lesbians truly were attracted to just women, how come you never see two “lipstick” feminine lesbians together? You always see a masculine one and a feminine one. If they were truly into women, they would desire skirts, perfume,etc. like we do. Instead, you see a feminine woman with a woman who could pass for a man. That tells me that the feminine woman still desires masculine traits in her life.
I don’t understand why people like to label themselves. “I’m gay” or “I’m bisexual” or “I’m a non-binary woman.” (da fuq?) I really do try to treat people as individuals. But, when a person does choose to label themselves as a bisexual, you can safely assume that the characteristics in number 4 are absolutely applicable. “Self-restraint, compromise, and mutual understanding” are completely lacking in bisexuals. However, these traits are also lacking in many homosexuals and heterosexuals as well.
That’s what I said to. The I had a friend asking why I was trying to take this away from here. I guess yesterday was ‘National Coming Out Day’
It reminds of a quote I read on RoK a long time ago, “She told me she was bi, too bad she meant bi-polar.”
Anyone else notice that bog-standard alphabet soup folks are ugly as fuck? Phsyiognomy at its finest.
Girl: “I’m bisexual”
Guy: “Fine, just don’t get confused and play with my nipples.”
Guy: “You’re just a nympho. You’d fuck anything.”
“Whats up ladies? Whats up sluts?”
I am bisexual.. I have to buy it.
Ah come on! I can’t believe no one has uttered that chestnut yet 😉
or “it ain’t no lie, baby, bye bye bye!”
That’s their favorite song, right?
“Bisexuality is simply another form of immature revolt: by challenging the supposed “heteronormative” culture, they are trying to affirm themselves as individualistic, exciting people. This childish attitude manifests itself in bisexuality, promiscuity, and self-destructive behavior.”
The same applies to homosexuality.
Back in my Beta Billy days when I first heard a girl said she was bisexual I thought “Oh cool!”. By the hundredth time I had heard it I thought “Jesus, this trend is really starting to get tiresome!”. Now when a girl outright says it or somehow alludes to it I simply deflect it by changing the subject of the talk to something random and way out of left field (last time I started talking about Batman films simply because it was what I plucked out of the air at that moment). Don’t fall for this beta bait when it’s spewed, gentlemen. It’s a shit test and a half to the tenth power! And remember, “bi” can more often than not actually mean “bipolar”.
I say just play dumb and be like “are you on medication for that? I heard it can be pretty crazy sometimes.”
I mean, who even gets “impressed” or thinks it’s something special anymore when a girl claims she’s “bi” and waits for the dude’s reaction (“Oh cool, can I watch sometime?” must be the regular retort they hope to hear)?? It was played-out and beaten to death almost twenty years ago. Only the lowest form of bottom-of-the-barrel scraping beta schmuck must think it’s “cool” to occupy the shadow of a girl who declares such nonsense about herself freely.
Just say “I like Dr Pepper and Cheetos. Hey, this is fun! Let’s state other irrelevant, pointless facts about ourselves! Now you go!”
Naw man, I love all soft drinks equally…except for Fanta because they gas their citizens back in their desert hellhole.
That’s right…I’m bringing that conversation back. Happy Friday!
Fanta is what CocaCola renamed its flagship brand so it could be sold in NAzi Germany. interestin tidbit
Back in the days when we had phone books, we used to hand her one and say, “Knock yourself out. You can pick any name you want and fuck.”
George Carlin had a amusing bit about that; “…Can you think of how bad it must be to be bisexual? Can you imagine — wanting to f*ck EVERYONE you meet?! Think of all the phone numbers you’d accumulate! You might as well walk around with the White Pages under your arm!”
I think you can look at it as a red flag just like illegitimate children. If girl tells you she’s “bi” or has been with women, she’s not girlfriend material much less wife material.
The parameters for girlfriend or (God fucking help you!) wife material these days are getting narrower and narrower. I don’t even have the patience for anybody enough to want to wake up next to them more than twice a week, tops.
Lmfao..No fucking kidding!
When it comes down to it these whores just say that shit for attention. Give it another 10 years and the remarkable thing will be to hear from a girl: I’m a virgin and only like men.” Why? because that will be such a rare statement in 2025, she’ll get attention for it.
Gay/Pan/Omni/Cis/Fluid LGBTQWYWYWYWYSH will be boring and played out by that point.
Hmmm, doesn’t seem too far-fetched! Plus, if every other girl is doing it (especially with White women, who won’t hesitate to copycat the ways of girls they think are prettier and are thinner than them in hope of recreating some of their social status) you can definitely expect this to pan out. Good call!
IDK, branding everyone as bisexual ends the “us vs. them” that homosexual vs. heterosexual presents.
I should also tack on that I’m not convinced that sexual orientation is genetic like some people would have you believe.
Bisexuality in women is social. There’s no such thing as a homosexual woman. Even lesbians emulate a dick and penetration. Bisexuality/homosexuality in men is a genetic/social defect.
To give you an idea, read about the differences between a Bononbo and a Chimp. Bonobo females use lesbian sex to strengthen social bonds and quell rivals.
“I should also tack on that I’m not convinced that sexual orientation is genetic like some people would have you believe.”
You’re right. Sexual orientation is like every other tastes : temperament + circonstances = your tastes and your urges.
You don’t choose to have them but you choose to follow some of the urges you have.
Getting fucked in the ass is as much of a choice as taking heroin shots is.
Soon you’ll here pedo molesters using the genetic argument.
“Soon you we’ll here pedo molesters using the genetic argument.”
I thought they already were. Recall the “I’m a Pedophile But Not a Monster” story.
You’re right ! I have trouble following the downward spiral of madness. It goes so fast !
If I didn’t have to be an active member in this society, if I could be an objective outside observer, it would almost be a kind of comedic tragedy.
Maybe that’s what our ancesters are doing upthere : watching us and laughing.
“When they turn the pages of history, when these days have passed long ago.
Will they read of us with sadness for the seeds that we let grow.”
It is still your choice. George Carlin has a great bit where he admits (late in life) that he is not interested in the outcome anymore, and is merely a spectator to the insanity that is mankind.
I am 100% convinced that it is formed at birth or is in some other way not a optional condition. My evidence is the simple thought experiment that you may want to try. If male homosexuality were a choice, why on earth would only 1-2% of men choose it. If you could be choose to be attracted to men, and avoid the disgusting, manipulative, harmful parasites called women, why would you not choose homosexuality?
My own bitter experience with many women has not put a single dent in my involuntary attraction to them. I have no choice in the matter. I think the gay guys have the same situation I do. You don’t get to choose who or what attracts you sexually.
Science fiction writers share some of the blame for this. Guys like Heinlein and Clarke promoted the fantasy that in Future World, everyone would belong to everyone else, and they would do each other without worrying about the configurations of their respective genitals.
This is how they deal with LGBT activists in Russia:
Caption: “Sorry Ivan, no blowjobs this week.”
I think we need a bit more of that here in Australia
It can be shown that however distinctly unisexual an adult plant, animal or human being may be, there is always a certain persistence of the bisexual character, never a complete disappearance of the characters of the undeveloped sex. Sexual differentiation, in fact, is never complete.
We used to call them AC/DC because they could run on either type of electrical current.
Feminism pretty much rejected everything Freud said about sex except his opinion that babies were born bisexual, although by that he didn’t mean that gender was a social construct but that sexuality depended on normal development (not that there is anything very normal about the oedipal). Since then the main thrust of feminism has involved trying to intervene to try to promote bisexuality (or homosexuality) with a view to destroying patriarchal heterosexuality. That’s why it promotes the clitoral orgasm and denies the vaginal – the point is to wean women (and men) of PIV sex (although the non feminist porno promotional of anal is an analogous but in some ways equivalent parallel movement). If you add into the c equation the promotion of gender as a construct and performance (Judith butler) and Adrienne Rich’s attempt to co-opt all woman centred relationships (including the non sexual) into the feminist idea of the lesbian continuum what you get is the theoretical groundwork for the phenomenon of so many stupid girls identifying as bi. It’s got very little to do with sexuality. Everything to do with ideology, but sometimes also power play, genuine confusion, and general flakiness. Bi males on the other hand: basically gay, or perhaps reflecting early sexual experience / abuse, or less frequently inclined like the women to ideologically grounded experiment
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… there’s no such thing as “bisexual.” The only purpose that term serves is for the people who self-proclaim it so they don’t have to fully admit to people that they’re gay. This is especially true for men. Once you’ve put another man’s junk into an orifice of your body or vice versa, you’re a queer, there is no going back.
I suspect you probably mean except for cases of real rape (a homo rapes a straight guy who was simply walking down the street). It does happen, a former Master Sergeant that I know of was out for a morning jog and strayed outside the Presidio (a military installation in San Francisco at the time) and was abducted by a van full of men, so called “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” I believe they were called (or so we were told), and tied up and repeatedly raped. He was sorely broken, was reassigned and last I heard he committed suicide. This was the mid 1980’s.
Jesus, that’s terrible. To the point, yes, I would discount instances against someone’s will like gay rapes, prison rapes, etc. But I stand by my statements about those that do it willingly, there is no “bisexual.”
In the words of the great Andrew Dice Clay:
“You either suck dick or you do not suck dick, there is no in between.”
I agree with you. Just wanted the exception carved out for that kind of thing. It happened on a Saturday morning, we never saw him after that, only heard reports from others that he was battered up bad, bleeding, cut, etc. The man was a solid NCO with an impeccable record.
Geez, that is awful.
Wow. Dreadful story !
Here’s how it works: When a man and woman join in congress, they become ‘one flesh’. (still the man is the ‘head’ of the composite ‘body’). Two women breaching that barrier become joined as one body as well but lack the corporal male ‘head’. The two women must remain together as a ‘package deal’ if they are ever to crown their body with the patriarch’s head. For a man to take only one of the breached females while the other female philanders about elsewhere opens up an unsecure back door spiritually and the patriarch’s harem is weakened and compromised. The two women joined must remain as one, solid and obedient to the word save the structural integrity of the harem.
“The two women joined must remain as one, solid and obedient to the word save the structural integrity of the harem.”
I think you’ve been watching those “Human Caterpillar” films
So biphobia doesn’t exist, yet you wrote an entire article disparaging bisexuals and making grotesque generalizations based on absolutely nothing other than your own backwards superstitions?
Oh the irony!
Biphobia? Are you serious? Is that actually a term? LOL!
When I consider horses fucking, I’m repulsed. When I hear people talking in great detail about horses fucking, I have no desire to be party to the conversation. When people insist on talking about horses fucking at all hours of the day across all mediums, I disassociate with those particular people. This isn’t because I’m afraid of horses, far from it, rather I’ve no sane desire to deal with the obsession with horse fucking some may have.
Your account is new and has only 8 comments. You are a troll and you spout boilerplate that is easily laughed at and cast to the side. Begone, you fairy.
It’s hilarious that you think I’m a “troll” because I actually have a life and don’t sit on my computer commenting on vitriol like this all day long. I think you need to have a long hard look in the mirror sir. You clearly spend a pathetic amount of time trying to stir the pot on internet comments sections. You are the definition of an internet troll.
Regarding the “phobia” phrase (i.e. homophobia, transphobia, biphobia) – it doesn’t mean that LGBT people scare others into hiding under the covers. It’s not like being scared of spiders. It refers to the irrational notion that gay people are “taking over” and threatening the way of life and deteriorating the country, intended to provoke panic and hatred. So semantics aside, its the hatred of bisexual people. Which you and other lowlives here clearly demonstrate exists. You are the degenerate ones.
First paragraph – ad hominem, rejected as irrelevant.
You don’t get to redefine phobia, child, words have meaning and you are not Mr. Webster. Second paragraph, rejected as irrelevant.
“It’s not like being scared of spiders. It refers to the irrational notion that gay people are “taking over” and threatening the way of life and deteriorating the country”
So basically we should ignore common sense and the last 10-15 years of tv and movies shoving this LGBT-mental illness brigade in our faces?
“So semantics aside, its the hatred of bisexual people.”
Oh no, I might be called hateful. Is this your argument? Bisexuals are human scumbags all of them.
“You are the degenerate ones.”
Just because we pozzed in your neg hole doesn’t make us degenerate, heathen scum like you.
Why are you so heterophobic?
Survey says 80% of bisexuals are really trending gay and will permanently switch teams. Males think bi women are hottt because it creates the possibility for threesome. Reality is you end up like Ross on Friends, divorced from a dyke who has your baby.
Don’t buy into that identity politics rubbish. What we’ve seen over the last couple of decades is as much manufacturing process as it is coming out. Much more so for women because of feminism, the fluidity of their identity (i.e. its relative to whoever their relating to) and factors such as narcissism which make them proud to identify as bi so as not to be taken for granted. You’re also missing the most obvious point, which is Ross is the sort of man who turns women gay, just like George was in Seinfeld with regard to Susan (Kramer turning them back of course!). No fixed points in a woman and let you put one there
Fuck the politics. Most bi women are only good for short-term dating.
well it comes from the politics. Not disagreeing with the latter analysis though.
I am sure you meant to say pump and dump.
Actually, being “biphobic” means that you don’t want to suck another guy’s dick.
Soon enough, being 100% straight will be in the DSM.
Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I doubt it will ever be that overt but the systematic pathologising of male sexuality has been going on for quite some time now and is central to the feminist project. From ADHD, ASD (the autistic male brain pathologised as against the ‘relating’ female brain), to teenage conduct disorders, to personality disorders, psychopathy and male-centric sexual paraphilias there is a subtle feminisation of psychiatry and psychology going on which is designed to feminist / progressive values at the centre. Obviously the progress of LGBTQ, tran-sexualism and the idea that gender is a construct rather than tied to biology is a big part of that
Actually, I’m half-joking. In 10-20 years, we will be probably reverting to a traditional society where these outlandish LGBTQ bulltshit won’t make sense anymore.
Hope you’re right but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes which may be difficult to dismantle
I like the Manosphere but I think you guys take yourselves too seriously.
People are a product of their environment. In a wealthy society, the State take care of the population (i.e. Nanny State). As a result, women don’t need men to survive, faggots don’t need to keep a low profile, kids don’t need to respect parents, etc.
However, in hard times (war, crisis, etc.), people need to revert to basic human nature to survice.
For now, most western countries are very affluent compared to the rest of the world but that probably won’t last.
Fair enough, although on the deterministic side. Sounds like you’re reacting to my use of the word ‘ dismantle’. All I mean by that is that we should be for example be contending each and every one of those ways I mentioned whereby psychiatry / psychology is being feminized. One can be too resigned to states of affairs that may not be inevitable at all
Personally, I think we are just a lost generation. In 20-30 years men will have women who will be looking for their protection and all this liberal bullshit won’t make sense anymore.
When the Communist took over in Russia in 1917, they implemented liberal (easy divorce, abortion, etC.) policies. However, because of the incessant tension (wars, famine), they had to revert to something resembling the old system. That’s why FSU countries are the most masculine countries in Europe even though they lived under Marxist rule during most of the 20th Century.
Hope you’re right. I’m inclined to think there’s a clear and present danger abroad at present. It might pass of it’s own accord but there’s also a danger of being complacent perhaps. We’ll see I guess
Sure but I think 2014 was a watershed in the history of masculinty and mankind as a whole: it’s the year Russia officilally was back to the poker table and they’re back with a revenge.
When ISIS is defeated, there will be two sides:
– A liberal side led by the US promoting feminism, LGBTsm and whatver bullshit. Bu this side is already challenged by its own population who will grow tired of paying for other people mistakes.
– A somewhat conservative side led by Russia. It will have more solid values but will be divided because it will include people with different interests and ideologies.
I think you’re right about 2014. Something started to break through from that point. ‘East’ vs West is part of that certainly. There’s a polarising of ideas / ideology – that’s becoming increasingly evident, and if things get out of hand potentially militarised with it: something probably best avoided. If gay marriage was the progressive zenith it seems likely the ‘liberal’ side ‘ has peaked: their ideas are slowly becoming unstuck and easy to ridicule. One can almost hear the sound of techtonic plates colliding under the surface. But its the left-liberal plate that is being pushed down.
Sure. We entered a new era. Just be patient.
“and male-centric sexual paraphilias” such as?
Liking girls?
Do you know what a “paraphilia” is?
In an inverted system of values them liking girls would be a paraphilia. That and getting off with a Hoover
Bullshit. Don’t use terminology you are not familiar with. Heterosexuality is not a paraphilia and no one claims that it is, besides you.
feminism is currently seeking to de-sexualise the breast – there is an absolutely mainstream campaign to make breast non-sexual so that women can go topless in public. ‘Breast men’ will then be paraphilic. Psychiatry is value-relative, and male sexuality is being re-described as perversions – that’s the whole point of the comment. I may have used the term in a way you find unsatisfactory but it conveyed what I meant at the time, which is what I’m explaining. My response about ‘liking girls’ was clearly in jest yet you chose to take it seriously, to try get some smart arse points. The comment I made was aimed at demonstrating how psychiatry is being used to pathologise male sexuality, yet you chose to ignore that and play the pedant.
Don’t quite know what you mean by “de-sexualize”. Breasts are secondary sex characteristics (so are mens’ shoulders and chests) but their main evolutionary function is as a food source for offspring. If you are talking about the “free the nipple” campaign, isn’t that a group of moms who want to breast feed in public? I grew up watching my mom breastfeed my younger siblings in home and everywhere else so the breast as food source concept is not a shock to me. Don’t know where you are from but in many countries the breast is seen mainly as this, and its because people grow up witnessing the women in their families breast feeding regularly.
Female toplessness in public is forbidden in most places at present precisely because breasts are considered ‘sexual’ by most people. The ‘free the nipple’ campaign is the latest movement to want to ‘de-sexualise’ breasts as organs that are ‘designed’ to feed babies, but there have been others I think: there were lesbians in the 90s who travelled bare-breasted around the NY subway because of the ‘double standard’ between men and women. Pro-breast-feeding mums are part of that campaign but in its origin its radical feminist and about stopping men from ‘objectifying’ women’s bodies: apparently there’s anthropological evidence to support the idea that men in some primitive societies don’t regard breasts as sexual. The logic here is that if these campaigners succeed in arguing that breasts aren’t inherently sexual (and you’ve pretty much argued that case above) then they can also argue that we live in a ‘deviant’ society that sexualises parts of womens’ bodies that shouldn’t have anything to do with sex i.e. that men ogling womens’ breasts is part of a sick society that sexually objectifies women. Once that happens men will be shamed (more than they already are) for any overt attraction to breasts i.e. it will no longer be considered ‘natural’ but a culturally derived deviation from the new ‘normal’. Once something becomes socially pathologised, its highly likely to become individually pathologised within psychiatry. Psychiatry is one of the main ways in which progressive / feminist values have been sneaked in at the expense of masculinity and male sexuality.
You’re stretching it and sounding a bit paranoid while you’re at it. Where are you from? There are loads of topless beaches in Europe and nobody’s died from it yet. There’s even a few in the USA. Miami beach comes to mind. Its already legal and has been for years for women to go topless in NYC yet they don’t, 1 or 2 exceptions every 10 or 15 years.
You’re stretching it and sounding a bit paranoid while you’re at it.
Where are you from? There are loads of topless beaches in Europe and nobody’s died from it yet. There’s even a few in the USA. Miami beach comes to mind. Its already legal and has been for years for women to go topless in NYC yet they don’t, 1 or 2 exceptions every 10 or 15 years. For the most part women don’t want to go about their daily lives topless.
You’re missing the point. Noone imagines there will be topless women everywhere if this succeeds. I’m from UK but have been to many topless beaches in st Tropez etc. It’s no big deal. But this is not about a practical right except on the surface (yes some women want a right to breastfeed everywhere – even though for the most part they have it anyway.) The point though is to ensure that if men notice womens breasts it will become their problem and societies responsibility to do something about it. As for paranoia, I think you’re being naive. You should read some feminist psychology etc: you’ll soon enough discover the point is to reconstruct the male from the ground upwards. Psychiatry and psychology are battle grounds here because that’s where society negotiates what is ‘normal’ and what is deviant. The whole of modern psychiatry can be told in terms of the pathologisation of masculinity and male sexuality and you seem to want to turn a blind eye to it
Actually he knows precisely what he’s talking about. He works in the field he’s using in his rhetoric.
I meant “I” don’t quite know what he means by it.
Try wearing “Proud to be straight” T-Shirt and see what happends.
Haha! That would be a good social experiment!
I could try it … when I’m out of town
Bisexuality works perfectly for girls. It validates their position as something credible (a) they can be “edgy” (b) can get way more attention whoring in a club by making out with another chick whereas they’d otherwise be another chick in the crowd. (c) give the empty impression to be more progressive and libidinous. (d) being a selfish cunt since they’re sexuality cant be restrained by “binary social norms”.
Spot on. Let’s call out these stupid vapid worthless whores
Probably some of you already know this link:
It contains some data about gay/bisexual men and HIV.
Three excerpts:
“Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV.”
“In 2010, gay and bisexual men accounted for 63% of estimated new HIV infections in the United States and 78% of infections among all newly infected men.”
“In 2013, in the United States, gay and bisexual men accounted for 81% (30,689) of the 37,887 estimated HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 years and older and 65% of the 47,352 estimated diagnoses among all persons receiving an HIV diagnosis that year.”
These numbers are really disturbing, there is no much to say. And an urgent question: why is this highly self-destructive life style so promoted by media and governments?
A last excerpt, from the same link:
“Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination may place gay men at risk for multiple physical and mental health problems and affect whether they seek and are able to obtain high-quality health services.”
Translating: again, it is not their fault.
HIV/AIDS is a behavioral disease, no ifs, ands, or buts. Don’t have risky sex (read promiscuous, especially gay, sex) and don’t use dirty needles and you’re 99.999% guaranteed not to get it.
Maybe butts
“These numbers are really disturbing, there is no much to say. And an urgent question: why is this highly self-destructive life style so promoted by media and governments?”
You want to know why? If you’re healthy, there’s not much money to make off of you. You would pay whatever you got to make you well again. If you can’t afford it, government will tax the healthy (Medicare tax) to subsidize it. Healthcare and big pharmaceutical companies make huge profits who then contribute to the politicians to continue making these policies. You Joe Schmoe taxpayer have very little say in it.
It gets worse, of the other 35 per cent, many of them are women who have had sex with men who have engaged in homo/bisexual sex.
Just that Frankfurt School train, rolling on down the line. Destroying the family. Destroying Western Culture.
2+2 = whatever The Party says it means.
Me? I’m a Shitlord and Proud.
So, here’s what I always point out with regards to “bisexuality”, these people are some of the firmest evidence that sexuality is not “born in”, because these people freely flow from homosexual to heterosexual. And it’s funny because they’re very prominently displayed on the “lgtb” acronym. You see, one of the big reasons why were currently enduring all the bullshit about homosexuals is because these people make the case that “we can’t do anything about ourselves we’re born that way”. And so, as follows, how could you fault these people…after all, its like faulting a black person for being black et al. The “born in” thesis is a crucial part, indeed, it is the foundation of homosexualism. Compromising this would severely impact that “movement”. But, the odd thing is that its already compromised. Alas, the argument itself cannot withstand the rigors of reason and logic and, in terms of science, there is no “gay gene”. If anything, homosexuality seems to be a consequence of early childhood molestation, a terrible thing, but, nonetheless environmental not to mention a social ill worthy of eradication. Of course, as noted above and by many here on this thread, we all can very easily observe that this is a “fad”. People who are identifying as “bisexual” are doing this because they’re weak conformists. Now, weak or highly impressionable, again, this is yet more proof that homosexuality is conditional. And when we finally come to grips that homosexuality is anything but absolute a very thin veil will inconveniently fall off of the face of this odious movement. Disclosing to us all that this is no noble movement of liberation but one of wanton excess and impulsive self interest ergo a vice being demanded.
A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Based upon the he stated agenda of homosexuals and what they’ve forced into the culture so far, those fears are anything but irrational – they are well founded. I’d say bi-phobia is a reasonable reaction, given the cultural decline of the west.
I wouldn’t call it a fear of homosexuality. It is a repulsion.
Just like we are repulsed by a piece of dog shit stuck to the bottom of our shoe. We’re not afraid of it.
OK but then why are American guys turned on by 2 girls kissing? I’m revulsed by it myself, but supposedly this is why female bisexuality has been mainstreamed. Some frat dudes watched gay porn and asked some girls at their party to kiss and before you know it, 3somes and other perversities like anal sex were mainstreamed amongst heterosexual Americans. Am I missing something?
Different strokes for different folks. Some people are repulsed by it like yourself, some are enticed by it. Fear and repulsion are 2 different things.
American mainstream media is trying to promote homosexuality as something that people should engage in. So they get celebrities to do gay things to get the masses to find it pleasing. We traditionalists find it offensive and repulsive.
Does logic dictate the behavior or the attraction is the diagnosis? If it is the behavior then there is no question that bisexuals exist and I would argue that it is the behavior that matters. Would we argue that a woman whom is only attracted to men but whom has sex with another woman due to some other circumstance (like impressing her bad boy boyfriend) is straight, bi or gay. I think many would argue straight if we could prove she didn’t enjoy it, but that implies that actions don’t matter.
Let’s apply this logic to another scenario. A young man lives in a bad neighborhood and has never been violent in his whole life. He’s been the victim of violence though. One day he decides to join a gang. In the initiation, they make him rob and murder someone. He doesn’t enjoy it in the least and even despises himself. He is clearly still a murderer though even if he never does it again and leaves the gang immediately.
In the opposite scenario, someone whom fantasizes about murder all the time and never commits murder is not a murder (unless you ask Jesus about commiting murder in your heart).
In the old days, sexuality was defined as who you had been with, not whom you think you might want to be with.
Now I don’t want anyone to think I’m conflating bi-sexuality as being as bad as murder. In fact, I won’t argue it being bad at all. I’ll let others handle that. For those men on here whom have been with more than one women at once, would you denounce the behavior of female bisexuality, even if they were doing it only to impress you? So I’m not saying it’s good or bad. All I’m saying is that the action of bi-sexuality makes you a bi-sexual whether or not you enjoyed it and by that definition it exists.
I’m not sure if it is socially relevant if bi-sexuality exists as an actual attraction to both sexes as apposed to the act itself. It seems only relevant that it does exist in action. Let’s examine this. Imagine a world where everyone is attracted to both sexes. Is this socially relevant if no one ever acts on it? I’ll let others expound if they want. I think it’s a self answering question.
Finally an article that hits the nail on the head. Too many men fall for women that are bisexual thinking they are going to get a lifetime of sex and action only to find a rude awakening waiting when these relationships implode due to flaky, shady, non committal behavior. Men…,do not fall for the bisexual hype.
I dislike strongly the use of the word “phobic” when applied to behavior or people whom you may simply dislike. Dislike and hatred are two very different emotional attitudes which have been, or very soon will be, merged very cleverly into one homogeneous class of heresy by our friends on the left. The brave new world is in sight, a world where no soul can dislike, can offer a different opinion, can see the light from the shades, a world where everyone simply likes to be liked… principal objection to such a land of perpetual milk and honey, of continuous multi sexual orgies, is not moralistic, but rather motivated by the unique human need to be one’s self. This future utopia sounds conformist, tedious and extremely uninteresting. I still want to inhabit a world where I don’t have to be nice,where I can be a obstinate, stubborn, mule-like old prick, when I choose to be. A world where I can dislike and like these whom I choose. That’s real liberty which is the opposite of leftist equality, which is of course slavery as Orwell and Huxely knew so well.
Bisexual female = Straight attention whore
Bisexual male = Closet fag
A chick isn’t going to suck clit just to get “attention”. She’s crossing over, telling herself she’s still interested in men but only if he checks all the boxes on her long list of requirements, which never happens unless he already has an attractive girlfriend.
she’s sucking clit because she was told to do so. Maybe not in so many words, but she’s just being obedient, just to different people than before.
The thing is I guarantee they’re not sucking clits and have never sucked a clit. most bisexual girls I know have never actually been involved with a woman, even if there are available women. I’m sure most other people can attest to this.
Then they’re not bi. Where do you live, in some small town where the only bi women you see are katy perry on the internet?
“Then they’re not bi.”
Exactly what I’m saying.
If I had a superpower it would be the ability to go on dating sites and spot the bisexuals just by looking at their photos (As well as the queers, pansexuals, demisexuals, heteroflexibles, and whatever bullshit non-binary orientations they list). Once you know the signs they’re really easy to spot.
And what do you know, they also happen to look exactly like the girls I can pick out who are obscenely crazy, usually bipolar disoder or BPD. But it’s politically incorrect to make the assumption that bisexuality and being off your rocker have any connection.
Dating sites already do that. Are you from 1997? Yes they’re mostly fucked in the head, personality issues, radical feminist, neon hair etc.
1996, actually.
If so, I would advise you to sell your Furbees and Tamagotches immediately
Most bisexual men are gay, most bisexual girls are bisexual.
Fixed it for you.
Gay because they suck dick and attention whore because they make out with girls. Add cheating to the list.
I posted this below another article a couple of months ago but it seems very relevant to this one – Awhile back I went out on a date with a girl who mentioned being bi, and how her last BF let her screw around with women on the side when she wanted to. I asked if he was allowed to watch, participate, or at least hook up with other women himself since she got to and she answered emphatically that she forbade him to do anything of the sort. When I asked why, her reply – “it’s too hurtful to share someone you love with someone else”. Uh, hypocrite?
I know some get excited when they hear a girl is bi-sexual since fantasies of threesomes pop into ones head, but to me it sounds like a selfish excuse for a girl to hook up with other people in a LTR while you get no benefit from it. Maybe it’s different for some, but to me it’s a major, major red flag and something to run from.
Full-on bisexuality must me some kind of hoax. But I have certainly dated girls who are very touchy-feely with each other, and braid each others’ hair and do make up and sleep snuggled up in sexy lingerie — even though there’s zero sex or kissing, just niceness. That doesn’t bother me at all. True bisexuality would totally bother me.
All girls do gay shit like do each other’s hair, paint each others, nails, wear each other’s clothes. That’s just girls being feminine. There’s just another group of attention whores who make out with each other at parties in hopes of getting the attention all the men. These girls are a pathetic lot they can’t raise their desirability, they don’t know how to be feminine or be multidimensional because their only skill is fucking. They don’t know how to get a man and keep him interested.
You are right Bill. It’s the “and keep him interested” part that so many are missing.
The gays and lesbians dont even care for bisexuals. No one is interested in a confused, flaky, self obsessed attention skank for a partner. Their mentality is so impulsive that they can drop a relationship of years based on the newest trend, or lack of creativity in the bedroom. We all know what tickles our fancies at the end of the day, lets just stick to it.
Ha sounds like you got jilted by a bi
Lol, it does, but I was in the category of the confused, lying to themselves, refusal to make a sound decision, “bis”. I knew what I wanted and preferred all along, but from lack of character, laziness, and even being a coward, I often floated around aimlessly using people at my wake. Age, burning bridges, and being honest with myself, stopped all that nonsense.
The only thing valid about this article is the effect of homosexuality/bisexuality on tv on prepubescent (except that parts not really mentioned) children. They can end up falling into the role due to being different.
Otherwise there are still parts of the world where people are beaten/arrested or murdered for their sexuality. If you really think the world is as is TV you are an idiot. It is annoying the amount of radical articles made here that are just another for of hate. Should homosexualoty be allowed to accost my friends get in a fight and play victim? (Yes this has happened in front of me) No. It’s the same as the guy that stabbed my friend and played victim to a crowd to get away with attempted murder.
On the other hand this article sounds like poorly covered hate speach. Can bisexuals have relationship status yes. Are they more promiscuous? Most the ones I’ve met, but it’s a case by case thing. The way you guys compartmentalize entire groups of people based on your experience in your zip code screams ignorance. Ignorance is just you being too lazy to do the work it takes to understand something. Being lazy and ignorant and an author tells me your word is just a bunch of inexperienced bullshit or your trying to paint a target on this place.
I rate this article a 2 on a 1-10 scale. 10 being best. I honestly can’t believe you guys listen to this shit, but then for some of you your just attracted to like minded individuals. In this case I recommend getting the fuck over it.
You are no different then the dumb women who say we believe all women or all black men are lazy.You are just as radical and just annoying to listen to. You’d have made great nazis. They put people in boxes too
I think the statistics speak for themselves, AIDS started in the 1980’s as disease that affected mostly gay men in the US. Today AIDS affects mostly gay men. I’m still waiting for the big crossover when it affects heteros but it hasn’t’ happened.
I can tell your mindset is from the freshly minted SJW college graduates who have no clue on reality. People like you are shocked when you actually meet men who speak their minds. Men who support traditional roles for women, men who are repulsed by gay activity. Nothing in this article mentioned anything about black people. This is an attempt by you to compartmentalize people who are against homosexuality and feminism as racist. Yet all real men are against homosexuality and feminism.
So if you are gay and I assume you are, enjoy the ride, don’t me get in the way of your hedonistic lifestyle.
You’re putting words in my mouth and stretching bullshit so so so far. Every one of your assumptions is wrong and so dumb it’s not even worth wasting time. If you want to say shut the fuck up fag just say it, but you’d be wrong and you are.
So you’re not in a gay relationship? You don’t really say so I just assume. You feign outrage but it’s attention you crave. You wish you could be strong and masculine but you can’t, so you seek masculinity by having sex with men. You don’t understand male bonding because for you the end game should be sex. It’s not your fault your father didn’t love you. I really don’t have the time to teach you how to be a man. I’m sure there might be some mentors out there.
You’re projecting your issues on me. You’re not even talking to me anymore. Go ahead buddy vent. This is the internet. Am I supposed to care about your emotional nonsense or something? Lol. Just accept that you are not a logical person. Anyone with intelligence knows how to make a structured argument so when you’re ready let me know by saying something that’s not all made up ad hom attacks to make you feel better about yourself. You are just supporting my points to begin with.
This is a website for straight men who reject feminism and homosexuality. You don’t belong here so kick rocks and get the fuck out.
Make me little man. See I am straight and I do reject radical fem nazis, but you on the other hand give the sane people here a bad name.
You sound like a woman
Bisexuals strike me as especially sleazy, being willing to go both ways. Homosexuals, however deviant, at least have a preference and stick with it.
There is no such thing as bisexuality. All women are bi/pan-sexual in the sense that they are aroused by emotional states, rather than by physical objects, and, so, can be aroused by either a man or a woman. Men, on the other hand, are aroused by specific (primarily) visual stimulation, which is typically calibrated to the female form, but which in some cases deviates to men or children. In any case, the male targeting mechanism is hard-wired, so that men may be described as having a “sexual orientation.” Women are the target – the passive recipient of emotional states. Naturally, these emotional states are normally created by men, but a woman is not in any way unhealthy, unnatural or deviant for being sexually aroused by a woman.
Sexuality (not orientation) lies on a spectrum. This is why in all-male spaces worldwide throughout history and right up until now, hetero men have engaged in homosexual acts in prison, men at sea, boarding schools, monastaries, sex segregated cultures, etc. Most of them are not gay but are opportunists engaging in the only sexual activity available to them at the moment. Put them back in the midst of women and it stops, for 98% of them.
“All women are bi/pan-sexual in the sense that they are aroused by emotional states, rather than by physical objects, and, so, can be aroused by either a man or a woman.”
They would be from cultures where it has been mainstreamed. I asked my mom and grandma if this were true of them and they both said they are viscereally disgusted to see two women kiss, not turned on. Today’s young American women, like young American men, have been greatly influenced by gay porn. And make no mistake about it, all porn is gay porn. Hello anal sex! In my grandmother’s generation oral sex was also considered a perversity engaged in by gay people only. So in a mere 2 generations we’ve allowed ourselves to become 100% influenced by homosexual bedroom activity.
#5 – Three cheers for Matthew!!!
Hasn’t bisexuality been mainstreamed by guys who watch bi porn and then ask their gfs to have 3somes in college or something? I heard some college girls will kiss each other at the request of dudes in order to turn them on at college parties or something like that. Heterosexuality these days is largely informed by gay sex since porn is mainstream and all of porn has been influenced by gay porn. Hello Anal Sex! Previously, like in my grandparents’ generation even oral sex was considered a perversity only gay people engaged in.
I think in general modern society has become so fixated on rigid definitions of heterosexuality,bisexuality, homosexuality, with the last two being tirelessly propagated.
A chick deciding to sleep with another chick does not automatically change her “sexual orientation” – she was just curious/ a whore, depending on your interpretation.
This entire concept of sexual orientation seems to be a social construct to me. Any person/people (regardless of gender) engaging in a sexual act, especially if you’re horny, will most likely make you aroused.
> Far from being a minority of poor, oppressed, counter-cultural victims, bisexuals are extolled and exalted in modern culture.
Bisexual women are. Bisexual men are not.
> Someone who continues to assert that they wish to sleep with members of both sexes whilst in a long-term relationship simply lacks the above virtues and has no empathy for their partner’s feelings, only caring for themselves and their carnal desires.
Before trying to convince bisexuals to be monogamous, maybe you should convince Roosh.
> Having said all the above, there is still reasonable scientific doubt as to the actual existence of bisexuality
The study you cite is impossible to understand without putting it into context of the broader research work of Michael Bailey, the author of the study. His research supports that homosexuality has a genetic basis. Something which I’m guessing you probably disagree with. Anyway, about that study, He committed one of the biggest sins of psychological research: self-selection (by placing ads mostly in gay magazines, deliberately skewing the results). Researchers who copied Bailey’s methods without this self-selection effect did not obtain the same conclusions.
If you are so convinced that your opinions are true then you should try to tell me why I’m wrong. Otherwise you’re the one opposed to free speech and rational debate.
Goddamn how I love being white heterosexual male…
Makes life simpler.
“one half of one’s sexuality must be renounced before entering into a relationship with a single person.”
False. Most husbands would be perfectly fine with a 3some. Wify plus her hot female bi-friend is more a perk than a problem for men.
Bisexual is “code” for a bi will stick it into, or take it from, ANYTHING, without discrimination. It’s really a huge dysfunction, an inability to make distinction-in-sexuality, to be so ruled by urges that anything, anyone, anywhere, anyhow is always the right moment and object of focus. Acceptance is spreading and of course, gateway habits lead to more over-the-top habits. And, these days it would seem you can introduce an idea in a sitcom, back it up with a demonstration on Saturday Night Live, or MTV awards and next thing you know, homos, trannies, lesbos and all their demonstrations are mainstream.
There exists no greater group of conformist followers than the progressive leftists (especially women) that follow mainstream media and consume the “entertainment” mainstream media creates. And of course, these ideas, once introduced, become grist for curriculum to teach the kids this stuff, which is my main objection. We’re getting dangerously close to these cretins bending toward accepting young-kid sex and affections with animals. But they need to get into kids’ heads, get them thinking it’s normal, just another way to “be” in the world.
And they “defend” it by turning your objections into a new phobia. Last thing in the world I fear are these miserable follower-pervs, I haven’t seen or met one yet I couldn’t mop floors with, so the “phobia” label doesn’t work for me. I think people have always exercised their proclivities, but decent society demanded discretion. And that’s what’s been lost, a sense of decency and the demand that it be upheld. But the attention whores won and the public eye is a sewer. And here we sit, bemoaning the loss of decency. As if we’ve had any say in things the past 50 years.
As a woman who considers herself a bisexual I think this article is slightly wrong. Bisexuality does exist and in many cases leads to promiscuous and whoreish behaviour but that is not always the case.
I may be both sexually attracted to men and women but I am also a virgin who is saving herself for marriage. I don’t believe bisexuality is cool, I just happen to love both men and women and can’t really help being sexually attracted to both sexes, I wish I wasn’t but that’s life unfortunately and it doesn’t mean I have to act on those desires, I exclusively date men.
Also with regards to the term biphobia, the author is absolutely right and it is utter nonsense. Bisexuals do not suffer any form of hatred other than just being dismissed as either homosexuals who are too afraid to come out or as people who are just slutty. If anyone who is a bisexual hates the so called abuse so much they actually have the luxury of hiding their bisexuality and dating someone of the opposite sex. All this whinging from SJWs is ridiculous.
I always saw bisexuals as trying to have their cake and eat it too.
It doesn’t make sense and just strikes me as sexual deviancy.
“Skepticism over the existence of bisexuality continues to this day” by idiots.
Idiots who claim with certainty that other people’s claims are lies. The logic failure here seems to have caused damage to cognition.
In science, one study is the _beginning_ of investigation into a phenomenon, not the end. Dr Bailey’s flawed conclusion is based only on the results that presented themselves through limited testing. Kinsey did better work in the 1950s.
Bisexuality is the new politically correct, morality-proof sluttiness.
In the end they all end up with men.
Or they end up being gay. Sometimes, saying ‘bi’ means being in the closet and not wanting to be gay.
Sexual orientations (as in plural) are a myth. There are only two kinds of people concerning “sexualities” heterosexuals and perverts. This idea that some people were “born” to “have sex” with the same sex (or children, animals, whatever else) is not only impossible (the mating act is only physically possible between a man and a woman) but also ludicrous and flies in the face of natural law. It’d be exatcly like claiming that some people are “born” to eat logs despite the human body being incapable of digesting wood. Human nature is heterosexual, period. A man’s body is oriented towards mating with a woman regardless of how he “feels”. Any feelings he has otherwise is and should be regarded as a mental illness or disturbance just like someone wanting to kill or starve themselves is considered mentally ill.
Those whose eyes are opened to the truth must not even succumb to the very language these LGBTSHKLUV use, because these people are defacto mentally unstable and use this type of language to manipulate normal and healthy indivuiduals into accepting their mental illness as “normal” and “natural”. We must instead call all of these behaviors what they are disordered, unnatural, and perverted.
Homosexuality is actually quite prevalent in the animal kingdom therefore making it the opposite of unnatural. You can’t really say that other species exhibiting homosexual behaviours and tendencies are perverted.
The only difference is that humans have the ability to resist these biological urges due to higher levels of intelligence and conscience.
6. They spread AIDS into the general population.
I consider myself a queer man who likes mostly getting boned by masculine men like myself, but I also appreciate the beauty and intamacy of making love to a nubile young lady(I have fathered 5 children by two women).. I am a total heathenistic slut with a large bank account who can litterally give a fuck what you puritanical peasants think:)
Women complain that men say they’re all bi-sexual, but it’s not that. They just don’t have personalities. Women will jump into bed with other women from peer pressure to be “cool.” Guys who say they’re bi, I don’t know about those guys. I’ve only met gay guys, and that’s mental illness.
Bi guys want to fuck anything with legs or are in denial of their own homosexuality.
agree with most of the post and the comments. however, I thought that the research article doesn’t give as much support as it could if the study were designed differently. For one thing, the study reported that ALL men included in the results showed a measure of arousal even when watching the non-preferred scene as compared to looking at the landscape scenes. In other words, gay men were aroused by f/f scenes and straight men by m/m, at least marginally and the article even states that this suggests some type of potential for general arousal to just the fact that two folks are having sex. THEN the arousal that a self-proclaimed bisexual had for the scenes was subtracted from or compared to the arousal reported by the heterosexual and gay men. Once that was done, most of the self-proclaimed bisexuals responded similarly to gay men, and a few similarly to straight men when looking at genital arousal. Still, there was a small arousal for all men watching any sex scene. This may have blunted results a bit for deciding whether bisexuality exist because of the floor effect.
This article is so biased though. It’s like writing one on the 5 Reasons Why Only White People Shoot Up Schools or the 5 Reasons Why Only Men Are Rapists. Only a small percentage of them act that way so the stigma and stereotypes it’s been given is a load of shit. All of the bisexual people who I know aren’t like this at all. They don’t care about what “biphobes” think frankly, and have strong long-term relationships with one person at a time, just like how any straight relationship works. What I find confusing is why somebody really took the time to write this article. Seriously, who cares? If you aren’t living it up in gay bars or seeking out LGTBQ then what does what they do matter to you?
Is there really need for this, friend? You’re really that scared of the fact that sexuality is on a spectrum and that its not black and white? Is it too much for your mysonginistic little minds to comprehend?
Mary Sue:>>>>>>Is there really need for this, friend?<<<<<>>>>>>>You’re really that scared of the fact that sexuality is on a spectrum and that its not black and white?<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>Is it too much for your mysonginistic little minds to comprehend?<<<<<<<<<<<<
Lol. Once again it is the expected “everything that I don’t agree with is Misogyny!” You feminist children are all the same. You can’t debate something so you just call anyone that disagrees a hater. No. People don’t like Narcissists like the people the article is about. They also dislike trolls like you that come here over and over again with the same bullshit. You get refuted, and you just go off, create a new sock puppet, and post the same shit up again.
The most perverts
I’m a bisexual man and when it comes to bisexuals that get in mixed orientation relationships, they are trashy, self hating and insecure. I agree with this as a separatist. We should stick with our own.