Western civilization was not the only producer of wisdom. I stumbled upon some useful Islamic quotes, many of which are from Ali ibn Abi Talib, the leader of the Islamic caliphate from 656-661 AD and cousin of the Prophet.
The slave of the lust is humiliated more than the slave of enslavement.
O slaves of desires, cut them short because he who leans on the world gets nothing out of it except the pain of hardships. O people, take charge of the training of your own souls and turn them away from the addiction to their habits. (Iman Ali)
Greed takes a person to the watering place but gets him back without letting him drink. It undertakes responsibility but does not fulfil it. Often the drinker gets choked before the quenching of his thirst. The greater the worth of a thing yearned for the greater is the grief for its loss. Desires blind the eyes of understanding. The destined share will reach him who does not approach it. (Iman Ali)
Sex differences
‘The good characteristics of women are the bad characteristics of men: pride, cowardice and stinginess. If a woman has pride she will not allow herself to be taken advantage of; if she is stingy she will guard her wealth and her spouse’s wealth; and if she is cowardly she will be cautious of everything that confronts her.’ (Iman Ali)
Obeying women is the ultimate ignorance.
Obeying desire corrupts the mind. (Iman Ali)
It is the duty of a king to manage his own self before his army. (Iman Ali)
Sexual pleasure
Beware of too much passion for women and being seduced by the sweet temptations of this world, for passion for women is trying and being seduced by worldly temptations is humiliating. (Iman Ali)
A good life
Three things spoil one’s lifestyle an oppressive ruler, a bad neighbour, and a loathsome wife. (Iman Ali)
Five essentials of life
“There are five things which if one were to lose just one of them it would render his life incomplete, his intellect short-lived, and his heart preoccupied. The first of these is health of the body; the second is security; the third is ample sustenance; the fourth is a compatible companion.”
[The narrator says], “What is a compatible companion?”
“The virtuous wife, the virtuous son and the virtuous friend. And the fifth one, which sums up these four things, is mild-temperedness.” (Imam al-Sadiq)
There is no institution in Islam more beloved and dearer to Allah than marriage. (The Prophet)
‘The archangel Gabriel descended to the Prophet (SAWA) and told him, ‘O Muhammad, verily your Lord extends salutations on you and says, ‘Verify the virgins from among your women are as fruits on a tree, which when they ripen must be plucked otherwise the sun rots them and the wind alters them. So when young women reach marriageable age, they have no other recourse apart from husbands, otherwise they will not be safe from corruption.’ (Iman al-Rida)
A suitable wife
He who marries a woman solely for her beauty will not find anything he likes in her, he who marries her for her wealth will be deprived of it as soon as he marries her, so look to marry women of faith.
The beauty of a woman’s faith must be given priority over the beauty of her face. (The Prophet)
An evil woman
‘Beware of the verdure growing in manure.’ When asked what verdure growing in manure was, he replied, ‘It is the beautiful woman that comes from an evil environment.’ (The Prophet)
Happy husband
Woe unto the woman who angers her husband, and blessed is the woman whose husband is pleased with her.
If I was in a position to command anyone to prostrate in front of anyone else, I would command the woman to prostrate in front of her husband. (The Prophet)
Husband’s duty
The right of a woman on her husband is that he feeds her, clothes her, and does not cause her to lose face [by insulting her or chiding her].
Verily the man who lifts a morsel of food to his wife’s mouth is well rewarded (The Prophet)
A woman’s jihad
The sacred war (jihad) of a woman is to be of excellent service to her husband. (Iman al-Kazim)
Marital mistreatment
If a man has a wife who mistreats him, Allah does not accept her daily prayer, nor any other good deed she performs, even if she was to fast all her life, until and unless she relieves him and pleases him…and the husband will bear the same burden and punishment if he mistreats or oppresses his wife. (The Prophet)
Cursed woman
Cursed! Cursed indeed is the woman who troubles and distresses her husband; and blessed! Blessed indeed is the woman who honours her husband, does not trouble him and obeys him in all matters. (Iman al-Sadiq)
Cursed man
Every man who is controlled by his wife is indeed cursed. (Iman Ali)
Habituate yourself to performing noble deeds and tolerate the burdens of losses, and your self will be noble. (Iman Ali)
O Kumail, no doubt these hearts (i.e. minds) are containers, and the best of them are those who retain most. Remember from me what I say; people are of three categories: the learned men (of piety), the students on the path of salvation, and (the third one) the riffraff of the society, following every croak of the crows, bending as the wind blows; never benefiting from the light of knowledge, nor finding a refuge with a strong supporter.
O Kumail, dividend from wealth disappears with its loss, O Kumail, the hoarders of wealth have died, while the learned men exist for ever; their bodies have disappeared but their teachings and wisdom are ingrained in the hearts. (Iman Ali)
Asceticism (Zuhd) is not that you should not own anything, but that nothing should own you. (Iman Ali)
It is incumbent upon the knowledgeable man to act upon what he knows, and then to seek to learn that which he does not know. (Iman Ali)
While many of us here do not agree with the sometimes violent spread of Islam to European lands, their views on the sexes and marriage fully account for the true nature of women that we’re all too aware of.
Islamists understand that a woman can become feral if not constrained by a strong patriarch in the home. When a culture fails to incorporate this understanding, the result is what we have in the modern West, of women who trade having a healthy family to become degenerates and sterile freakshows. Islam is not without its problems, but if their higher birth rates are of any indication, their gender strategies should be duplicated to some degree in the West.
Read Next: Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men
I wonder if there will be a shitstorm over this. I wonder if this is Roosh shit-testing his audience.
Well, for all the issues of the Islamic world one cannot say that the religion is not a successful religion.
And religions are successful when their followers reproduce a lot. Without exception.
One does not need Islamic sources for this knowledge (as the Roman concept of Paterfamilias covers the same ground)!but it is wise to note that Islam is not the West’s real foe. The West is its own worst enemy right now.
However the critical flaw in Islamic gender relations/fertility is its embrace or approval of cousin marriage. That renders a society less intelligent and more clannish. So clearly we can ignore that idea.
“I wonder if this is Roosh shit-testing his audience.”
I got value from the quotes. They’re secular anyway… if I told everyone they were from a Buddhist or Christian I doubt most people would be able to tell the difference.
The origin of the quotes is not as relevant as the fact that where similar principles are implemented, societies tend to flourish; and where these principles are denied, societies tend to decay.
I didn’t mean to imply you didn’t. As I said, something is clearly working for that religion
Interesting and very wise quotes indeed. We should learn from every culture, even our enemies.
These quotes from muslim scholars are just common sense, and that’s the common sense the modern western world has lost.
On a side note I guess once they’ve beheaded all of us infidels they’ll be peaceful and become wise again.
There’s much wisdom and good guidance in Islam if one takes the time to read and understand the Quran.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of crazy stuff in there too, like kill anybody that’s not Muslim with a free pass, 72 virgins and rivers of wine in Paradise (awkwardly, alcohol is forbidden in Islam), etc.
Muhammed was definitely a charismatic leader that united his people and he certainly knew a thing or two as far as warfare is concerned, I don’t think even his harshest critics will disagree with that.
Problem is so much of what he did is completely at odds with what most people would associate with a genuinely spiritual person.
Islamic doctrine is very political and the spiritual aspects seem more of an afterthought, whereas ideally it should be the other way around and more balanced.
This would have been less of an issue if Islam simply was more tolerant of other people and didn’t harbor such an “us vs. them” mentality.
The only real solution to this is to reform the crazy/controversial aspects the religion, which I honestly can’t see happening anytime soon if ever.
“Problem is so much of what he did is completely at odds with what most people would associate with a genuinely spiritual person” That’s the problem with all monotheistic middle eastern religions. They preach love and forgiveness while they slaughter and massacre all others. When will people see the woods from the trees on this.
You don’t see the same type of double-standards and ravenous need to convert every other human being on the planet, often with Sword in hand, with Hindus and Buddhists. The self-righteous arrogance and smugness of these people who think that their God’s only creation on this planet and that they have the inalienable right to force their belief on others. God will we ever wake up from this delusion.
Yeah because atheist religions/ideologies have built utopias on Earth hahaha…
yeah, because Christianity, islam and Judaism are the same thing and Hinduism and Budhism are so progressive (instead of the atheist religions they are and from which only stagnation stems). If this is what passes for intelligent opinion in the west, we are screwed.
There is no such thing as an atheistic religion.
If progressive means not spreading a bunch of unsubstantiated middle eastern “truths” that need to be oddly backed up by violence so much, well, then bring on the Buddha big boy.
You’re just another dumb ass who needs to be told what to do, and who to die for without ever thinking about what and who you’re doing it for.
Communism or Marxism for that matter could definitely be labeled a religion.
Especially considering that Marx himself transvaluated Christian ideology to encompass Marxist themes, with Marx being the messiah and state communism the all loving God which the working man must prostrate before.
It is also atheistic and materialist.
Buddha basically states that being enlightened is being devoid of emotion, the very thing that makes us human . Go join him and live by a river for the rest of your life . But if someone happens to come dam up your river and destroy your home you can’t be upset or counter act,that would be against his. Teachings unless your Zen Buddhist . To have a strong belief in something means you will have a strong reaction to someone insulting it. I’d rather have a strong belief in something than believe in nothing . Buddhism has its strong points but it also preaches isolation of self and detachment from the world . Which doesn’t work for the world .
I stand corrected…partly. What I meant is godless, a more suitable term to describe Buddhism and its derivatives. In Buddhism you are not saved by a Deity, you can only escape the endless cycle of birth-death-reincarnation through your own efforts (meditation, yogi techniques, “cessation of desire”). Only through cessation of desire, can you hope to stop the cycle and reach Nirvana…according to that “religion”. No wonder the societies influenced by this “weltanschauung are characterized by stagnation and distinct lack of charity towards one’s neighbour.
Yeah, the unthinking calling someone else idiot just because he pointed out uncomfortable facts (Christianism ¡= Islam or Judaism, Budhist influenced societies=stagnation). Whether you like it or not The Christian ethos built the West. I just need to look at the historical record, something from which it’s pretty obvious you know nothing, by your own volition.
As for me, I’d rather be Christian and live in a Christian society that live the hells of Islam or the Soviet style communism (which seems to be on the way thanks to our corporate overlords in collusion with the Government.
Actually the observe is the truth. Perhaps more detachment like Buddhism and less interference into the affairs of other people, like the monotheistic religions, would have produced a world less filled with war, animosity, hatred and the need to control others.
Emotion is part of our animal self and is part of our innate humanity, but, the Buddha talks about our correct relation to emotion, he doesn’t speak about eliminating it. There’s a huge difference between these.
Thais practice Buddhism and the Japanese practice Buddhism both very old war like cultures
Solipsism. I was, as you know, speaking in a wider context.
Or maybe violence is just inherent in man . Go do as you please but to have a belief one must have the force to defend it .
People like you always choose to be a la carte Christians when it suits you. Yet, often you’re less than Christian in the way you’d like to treat others. It’s not you’re smugness that I despise so much as you’re rank hypocrisy.
If you’re such a good Christian why don’t you practice celibacy rather than bitching on about how awful women are. Why don’t you become a proper masculine specimen rather than always running back to your faith which you only believe in when it suits you outdated idea of what it means to be a man?
Amazingly and ironically (or perhaps not) Russia has fully embraced Orthodox Christianity as if it were the state religion. Russia is running TO Christianity at the same time the decadent west is running FROM it.
I disagree. There is the cult of global warming.
Projection much?
BTW celibacy is not practiced by all Christians, only those who made the votes (priests, monks, etc). However since people with the same BS in their heads as you, infiltrated the Catholic Church this clergy doesn’t exist anymore.
Maybe, the flock asked questions about the patriarchy in the church when all the tales of hypocrisy and scandals came out. I don’t think people who ask questions about their superiors in high places should be construed as having BS on their minds? People who want the traditional, conservative church to be reconstituted with all its righteous rules and strict obedience even to the point of turning a blind eye to wicked things have no moral grounds to stand on when they talk about wanting the patriarchy back.
“There is no such thing as an atheistic religion.”
I love when atheists make such ignorant statements. Anyway, since Communism and Buddhism have already been mentioned, I’ll add Scientology.
Communists, Christians, Muslims you’re all the same. You all have the same root and your aim is to control people in what and how they think and act.
Why does anyone actually need religious beliefs or political credos to believe in so as to be a fulfilled human being? People who need to belief in something are ultimately insecure and fearful beings who cannot square up to the world on its own naked terms. That’s very sad.
Projection much? You need help. BTW I was referring to the Vatican II Council and the BS that spread from there, including the acceptance of “celibate homosexuals” into the clergy by the conciliar popes, a treachery that cost the integrity of millions of the flock as well as the credibility of the Church as a minor problem became a plague. Note that your beloved gays are responsible for more than 90% of all the sexual abuse in the Catholic as well as the Protestant churches (>90% of victims are male children and teenage boys, not girls…)
Marxism for one. Atheism+ would be another. Also the historical mysticism, animism, ancestor worship, and nature worship would all fall into the same category of atheist religions. Not believing in a God does not preclude them from believing in the supernatural, as so many cults and neopaganism that are springing up today can attest to.
Equalitarism, also.
I find it sad that some people aren’t even aware of what drives all of us humans.
Wisdom is passive. Hope is passive. Faith is the only active one out of all presuppositions. It is something we humans form ourselves and our world after.
It is also something that cannot be turned of. You live because you have the blind faith that there is some reason for it somewhere. You kill yourself because you have the blind faith in some reason all the same.
To “square up” with the world as in live without blind faith is impossible.
You forgot the Jews. Are you a jew?
Those are ideologies.
Scientologists believe in something they have no proof of (aliens or whatever, not my thing) and thus qualifies as a religion.
Don’t be hypocritical. We had a discussion in another topic about Nietzsche which did the exact thing of facing up the world without placing your faith in metaphysical things, truth with a capital T being one of them, and yet you disagreed with him and all you did was replace God with Truth and religion with science, different sides of the same coin.
When you’re non-religious yet make an ideology out of science, technology, ‘Truth’, Aliens, Progress, you’re not really non-religious. If you think you’re squaring up to the world you really need to read some existentialist philosophy, reading your comments makes my far more philosophy-rich mind hurt.
Fair point.
Marxism is an ideology. religion includes a belief in something supernatural or otherwise unproven (aliens, global warming, a bearded man in the sky watching your every move much like ceiling cat).
You believe in something you have no proof of, that you need a certain kind of proof for something to be real, thus science (or should I say empiricism/scientism since science is just a method) is a religion too.
Guess what else is a religion in that logic? Me believing that you are real and not a figment of my imagination, a machine created by my subconscious mind to lol at me because I cannot prove otherwise.
There’s more to truth than ‘muh physical available to everyone evidence’
Science produces practical results in the real world. The machine you use to write crap like that and the global communications network you use to share it with the rest of us are products of science. As is the cushy world you live in that allows you to think what you just said is in any way sensible. This will also be my last reply to you.
Using the geocentric system navigators a couple millenniums ago created the best navigation system of their times, which wouldn’t become better if they took the heliocentric system as true.
Useful =/= true
Some things in science being true =/= Everything in science being true.
Your reply was cliche as fuck and you’re an idiot if you thought I didn’t think about hurr durr machines before. I can literally think of atoms as very small fairy dust that has evil charges from sub-atomic particles called electrons and benevolent charges from sub-atomic particles called protons and they can have a magical bond with other atoms to create fairy super-dust called molecules, and still make a nitric acid solution exactly the same way. Scientific data is up to the interpretation and completely depends on the philosophy of science behind it. A romanticist and a logical positivist retard would look at the data from a whole different view.
We have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. – Werner Heisenberg, a scientist that lived in times when scientists weren’t complete idiots and autists outside of science.
Also, nah, the internet was created by my subconscious mind and is an illusion and so is everyone else because der is no scunteefic prov fur d oppozit.
Oh btw, science is good because it produces practical results is not a scientific statement and thus is untrue.
The point is exactly what I stated about Nietzsche’s notion of truth and its influence in post-modern thinking. Secular political systems like communism became belief systems during the 20th century just like religious systems because they espoused a relative form of “truth” which they stated to their believers as an absolute truth. This is exactly Nietzsche’s point about truth, however, the point I’ve made to your numerous times is that science is not a belief system. That’s not its purpose or remit. Scientists don’t tell citizens they must belief in the second law of thermodynamics. Scientific laws make general predictions and provide descriptions about the natural facts of the world and nothing more.
Existential philosophy is fine. I’ve read much of it over the years, but, each of its main proponents abandoned it (Sartre then Heidegger) as they knew it led nowhere as it was a completely contradictory philosophy that couldn’t stand up in its own feet.
They gave birth to it all.
A thoughtful comment. I wish, I could have the type of faith that religious people have. I wish, I didn’t have to doubt things so much. However, isn’t it possible to know God without having to believe in Him. What if you’ve had a mystical experience or a revelation like a NDE that showed you a very different type of God to the one we’re made to believe in. Suppose the reason we don’t experience God in the world is because our beliefs about Him keep us blind from knowing Him?
Will leave the Church then and stop your girly moaning from the sidelines.
Again with your stupid understanding of Nietzsche.
Scientists and Islam are both the same due to the fact that both of their proponents argue what they are in theory while ignoring what they’re really doing or saying.
I’m really done with you.
All you do is insult anyway and never address the points I’ve raised. In addition you’re so smug and conceited declaring that you’re a Chemical Engineer and that you’ve read Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. A person like you could read all the philosophy in the world, but, guess what, it will never make one iota of difference to a condescending, smarmy dick like you.
Projection again? It seems you are incapable of coherent arguments.
“Projection again”. Hide under a cliche to make yourself sound smart and throw in a couple of insults and then run for cover. Very mature, manly behavior indeed.
You deserve to be insulted, your intelligence is sub-mediocre and you keep stating ass-raped philosophies as facts.
Insults are the coinage of empty and insecure minds my friend. By the way the use of your language about “ass-raped philosophies” says a lot about yourself.
Yes I’m sure that’s the case.
“Scientologists believe in something they have no proof of (aliens or whatever, not my thing) and thus qualifies as a religion.”
Well that’s strange.. some people didn’t have proof of Higs Bosson, but found it after who knows how long.
There are many things we don’t have proof of but eventually do which puts Scientologists back into the Atheistic Religion camp especially since aliens or whatever is out of the mix
What you don’t realize is that you’re weaponizing your personal belief and aiming it at other people in an attempt to control how they think and act if they don’t share your beliefs.
What you also lack is the ability to understand that people, religious or not, have the option to live the lifestyle they want and don’t need you to shame them for not choosing your path… and that’s very sad.
I didn’t shame anyone. I made an observation. There’s a difference.
As for the option to live any lifestyle you want, again, I’ve no instinctive issue with this so long as I don’t have to do things that are against my will and I reserve this right equally at both sides of the political spectrum.
Still childishly wrong.
Science doesn’t preach its theories (as opposed to divine truths) as being the absolute truth. On the contrary, science is constantly seeking to be proven wrong. It’s not an ideology. It is a systematic way of producing desired results in the real world. I honestly question why I even bother with this.
Buddhism is the evil that destroyed India. It is a disease of the mind, brought on by vegetarianism and propagated by a lazy, worthless aristocrat.
Before Buddhism, Hinduism was a proud, warrior’s faith. The Bhagavad Gita says it is better to do one’s caste duty poorly than to do anothers’ well. This is the definition of anti-egalitarianism and anti meritocracy, and pro-aristocracy. It also says that in a war, the most merciful thing to do is to kill every man, woman and child of the enemy, so as to prevent future conflict and suffering.
These things are logically and intuitively worthwhile. Unfortunately Hinduism long ago lost its backbone, due to, I’d argue, the Buddhist scourge. Buddhism was to India as Social Justice was to the West.
Siddhārtha Gautama was a traitor to Hinduism. He directly rebelled sacred Hindu teachings – by giving up his duty as an aristocrat to fight and lead – and instead used his aristocratic wealth to become a lazy and feckless philosopher. He betrayed his duty and betrayed his country.
Vegetarianism – the effect of which is plummeting testosterone and rising mental illness – was the worst effect of his disastrous philosophy. Before him, Hindu Kshatriyas (the warrior caste) were proud beef and lamb eaters. After him, to this day, Indians have a pathological fear of red meat, the Kshatriyas included.
Don’t lump Hinduism in with Buddhism. In its original state, Hinduism is the purest and most divine, and simultaneously the most grounded and realistic religion. If you read much of Evola, you would see how Hindu philosophy matured thousands of years ago and predicted much of what is happening today.
Well, I can’t say anything against that. I think that’s the only way actually.
God is something very fundamental in life. To find him you have to be doubtful about your life. As only then you can possibly change what’s fundamental to you.
It is simply impossible to casually believe in god.
It is not some lifestyle choice either. Nor does one believe in god out of fear of death.
To actually believe in god you will have to have reached the conclusion that his existence is undeniable.
Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t just chose to not believe in god anymore.
You could just as well deny your own sanity.
To stop believing in god you would actually have to do that.
The way I see it there are many reasons to at least look for god in life.
In my opinion the purest form of faith is such that has been reached by an open, doubtful mind. You cannot reach such faith by denying logic and reason. As these are the very things used to establish fundamental faith in life.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass god is waiting for you.”
Werner Heisenberg
I hate when Science alone is awarded the praise rightfully due the economic system of capitalism. The scientific method has actually existed since our early ancestors figured out how to make fucking fire.
Science in the hands of governments makes atomic weapons, chemical gas, the guillotine and so forth. In the hands of private businesses it creates ipods, air conditioning, advanced medicines, and all the rest. Just my 2c.
FYI – sometimes Science gets a lot of the credit that belongs to Capitalism. One can make the argument that the origins of the scientific method go back millennial, but all it really accomplished was more efficient methods of slaughter because thats what its sponsors (rulers/governments) wanted. Once capitalism hit the scene, we started getting ipods, air conditioning, computers, vaccines, plastics, higher life expectancy, etc etc. Just my two cents.
Americans are fed up with Islam and afraid for their lives. San Bernadino pushed things to the limit and the public response to the next attack will not be pretty.
..and there will be more attacks…
Show me the 72 vigin quotes and the ones where its alright to kill non-Muslims with a free pass, full quotes, not ones that everything out of context.
You know the first thing they are trying to reform is women’s rights. They are going after that right now in Saudi Arabia.
This is my first post. I would like to state that I am a Muslim, and you are wrong.
If you look in the past Islam has been very tolerant with other religions. All you have to do is look at buildings for example Churchs, Jewish temples that were next to each alongside Mosques. All in Islamic lands. But this changed in our lifetimes. What happened was that in Afghanistan Muslims were fighting Russians. America decided to help Muslims against the ‘evil’ communism. One major way they did this was push a certain brand of Islam in the forefront called Wahhabism. This is what the rulers of Saudi Arabia believe/d in, but was seen by most Muslims as too extreme. It was believed by America that making the war in Afganistan a religious war, this would help in recruitment, morale etc. Forget what you see now look at history, old movies like Rambo 3, old articles on the internet, reputable newspapers stating how great the Mujahidin are.
I believe this brand of Islam is similar to feminism. I know that may seem ludicrous but think on the similarities
a) facts misrepresentated
b)distortion of history
c) backed by a ruling elite who have their own agenda
d) most protestors were too afraid to speak up.
I say were because now a whole generation has grown up believing in the rhetoric.
Are you enlisting as an officer, a sergeant or a soldier, if you don’t mind my asking ?
You surely seem to have the intellectual background to become an officer.
I signed am 11b option 40.which puts me in ranger assessment right out of basic. I’m basically just another grunt although my degree puts me in as an e4 . For ever school the army puts you through you owe them time , I believe I owe them 3 years for rangers.if I wanted to be an officer I would owe them 6 years but I don’t know if I want to spend that much time in . My plan is to serve as a ranger and see if they like me enough to go on to green berets , serve another 3 years as a gb then get out and pursue my masters
As Plato said :
“he who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander”.
There is a reason they call it ” service ” haha. You will deal with alot of dumb people because some see the military as an easy pay check . But if you have a plan and actively pursue it you can learn alot . You are getting paid to learn how to defend yourself and survive under harsh conditions , college did not teach me this and that seems like something I’d rather pay for. As Pericles said ” let us not forget that one man is much the same as another , but he is best who has trained at the severest schools “
I agree with you 100%.
Not saying you won’t make it through Ranger and all, but…
Never believe anything your recruiter says. Don’t take it personal when you get absolutely nothing you were promised. In fact, don’t even be mad, it will make your life more miserable.
If you’re talking to me I signed a contract that puts me into rasp . It’s on me of I fail that .
Those dumbs are only good as grunts.
All I am saying is that anything can happen and your contract doesn’t mean that much to the Army, they’ll reassign you and put you where they see fit and won’t give a rip about your “contract.” So my advice was to just suck it up and make the best out of it. Think of it as putting lube on your butt before they give you the big green weenie… it’s for your own good.
Well considering my contract is legally binding and option 40 is for rasp I would say I get that . Now wether they put me in the 75th , 82nd, and so on is on them . I got a signing bonus as well for my contract , I’d say they need me where I want to go.
why would you enlist after graduating college?
I did read. I’m also an officer, pursuing my master’s now. which is why I’m asking why you’d enlist after graduating college.
You didn’t, you would have your answer if you did .
Maybe I didn’t comprehend. I’m assuming you want to become a Ranger into GB. You don’t have to be a grunt to be special forces. The reason I asked is because you’re selling yourself short. I don’t know what recruiter tricked you into that contract but he saved the military thousands of dollars having you enlist instead of being commissioned. 10 year vet here, and I make it a personal mission to steer college grads from enlistment, and instead go for commission. I can’t catch em all.
And if you’re referring to the time commitment, keep letting that recruiter tell you you’re only bound by 3 years.
I owe time served for each school I go too. I would owe 6 for OCS alone , I don’t want a career . GB is a nice thought but I’m looking at 3-4 years owed for rangers and if I’m selected another 3-4 to be a GB . Also officers can only serve a limited amount of time in the GB before moving on to desk work .if I wanted to be an officer on top of that I might as well try and be a lifer and I’ve been told in today’s military that’s hard to come by.
More power to you, man. I never begrudge anyone in the military from wanting to cut their own path,but that shit is hard. I’m where I want to be, doing what I want to do, but I had to Wade through plenty of Bullshit to get here. And I have 10 in and I’m STILL not going to see this through for 20 years, because there’s always the opportunity to get placed where you’re needed, not where you want to be.
The option 40 guarantees rasp , out of basic they will send me to airborne school before rasp so I will be jump qualified . If I fail rasp I still will most likely be placed in an airborne regiment . If I get stuck somewhere else then it’s on me . I accept full responsibility
Hey man – I was enlisted infantry for 5 years, went through sniper school at Benning and served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today I’m a contractor making more money than a 2 star general and I’m only 27.
Grunts almost always have a huge leg up during SFAS because of land nav, PT, tactical experience, and road marching.
But frankly, I don’t think *anyone* should get a damn commission until they have been a private shouldering a ruck sack and doing the suck. Officers without that kind of background are a problem the entire military is burdened with.
Best advice is PT your ass to death. Any infantry unit – let alone a Ranger Battalion that is going to be your ace card every time. Also, if you get to Batt – get your tab asap – because you’ll never be right until you do.
Disagree. Your run of the mill enlistee is someone that does best when given instruction. Of course you have your standouts, and those are the ones that rise and become effective NCOs. An officer’s job is not to be the best at shooting, marching, etc, but to have the overall mission in mind and deploy the assets as needed.
I’ll be damned if I let a majority of enlistees I’ve worked with try and lead an overall mission. There are plenty enlistees that have that skill, but there is a much larger portion of officers that have that instintually. But, I know exactly who to talk to to keep the machine moving. That’s where enlistees shine.
Military is the last place in this age where a degree gives you instant merit i.e. officer status. Huge portion of the enlisted force now have degrees, another example of how worthless they have become. From what I see of about O-5 and below officers, is that they are yes-men willing to do anything to save their rep. They’ll lie, distort the real image, anything to save their ass in the face of the Colonel they are reporting to. Almost always laden with a tricareatops pretending everything is still cool with her not doing shit like it is 1953. & the special treatment they expect will surpass any military tradition, I’ve watched them fuck other service members out of aircraft seats so their Eastern Euro gold digging wife can have a place to hang her legs…got away with it too since he was an 0-6 or above. No shame. Plenty of great officers, but also plenty of fucking dirtbags running amok with worthless college degrees (Communications/Criminal Justice) & too much power. Read about Nathaniel Bedford Forrest- best cavalry commander in our history & no formal military training. The south is disgusting now, but I’m just saying.
Have you read Soldier by Anthony Herbert? Sums it up entirely.
I think you may be missing the point.
O’s that have never really been on the ground and in the shit are infatuated with this absurd idea of being some bigshot General like they read about in textbooks. They lack context and genuine understanding of the so called “small picture” and subsequently have a tendency to make horrendous decisions that cost countless thousands of lives.
It’s an old story. If you’ve seen Band of Brothers Captain Sobel is a good example. Sadly, the Sobel archetype seems to vastly outnumber the guys like Winters’ – if you get these references.
I do get the references, but what enlistees sometimes fail to see is that a young junior officer is much more similar to the young enlistee – you’re given charge of something (no matter how big or small) and you are perpetually in training mode. Junior Officers are considered “junior” until senior O4/O5 level. I’m not quite sure who you’ve been led by, but no one under a flag officer makes decisions based on their own accord in the military now. WW2 was a totally different animal as far as officers making decisions – most game-changing decisions are not made by anyone in uniform.
okay. but who said anything about a degree?
“no one under a flag officer makes decisions based on their own accord in the military now.” I hear what your saying – in the sense that there is always orders coming down and you operate within those instructions. but, at every level of leadership you are in fact making key decisions. A squad leader doesn’t decide when/if/what kind of patrol is being done… however he decides who will carry what equipment, when/what PT will be conducted, etc.
So it goes at every rank. As far as actual no shit combat goes a 2LT is a boot ass private with a bigger paycheck as far as I can tell.
I’m telling you, in the real world, you’d be treated like the chump you are with zero experience and a bullshit degree. However, because of military tradition, you’re saluted and given status that makes you believe you’re much taller than you really are. My point is, take two college majors-one civilian and one military…25 years old. The one in the military will have an inflated ego while the civilian will be much sharper and level headed. The hardest day of an officer’s life must be the day they go to try to make it in the civilian world and are treated like the rest of society. Consider the % of military these days that see actual combat, then consider the % of those that are officers actually leading in combat. Now go read all the bios of officers who received decoration simply for driving through a booby trap and surviving. Most are overrated these days is my point, NCO’s do just as much for a lower pay.
true. we all have to start somewhere though.
i am in the real world, fool. I was active duty, now I’m in the reserves. which means I have a civilian job. your anecdotes on the hardest day of an officer’s life are off – being a civilian after some military is great. who you should feel sorry for are those that go a full 20 in the military with no transferable skills outside of the military. a college grad who has done nothing but lead in the military is an easy grab for plenty of companies.
and no shade toward NCOs, every decent officer knows his E-6/7 are his go-to guys. every time you comment, i get the feeling that everything you ‘know’ about the military is theoretical, without you actually having ever been in. Correct?
IDK if it’s sad or good, but a full 20 even with no transferable skill is still a good drop in the bag. Sprinkle on some disability and if you have been wise with money the entire time, youre set. The medical, guaranteed income, and free travel are quite the benies. Then, go into some civil service bs or sales job where you need no benies offered by company anyways.
Been in, am in. Being an officer in the reserves and having a real job is admirable. My beef is with officers who never held a real civilian job, went straight from college to having the military tell them they are special-and believe it wholeheartedly. Without going too in depth, let’s just say I’m around some space cadet officers often, that are special to their field and would not be found in actual combat branches of the mil.
“On a side note I guess once they’ve beheaded all of us infidels they’ll be peaceful and become wise again” People who behead infidels will never have the capacity to become wise. Violence never produces wisdom.
I beg to differ , musashi, Bruce Lee, Alexander the great , Cyrus the great . All wise , all violent . A man must be both warrior and scholar
Different eras my friend. You can’t reinvent the wheel. I agree with Plutarch who you oddly quoted below that “violence is a form of temporary madness that diminishes us as wise and rational beings”.
Besides, all these great violent war lords were mostly pussy cats behind the scenes, mostly getting “their men” to go into battle on their behalf. Alexander the Great was such an example of a spoiled, intemperate, closest homosexual who went into traumas when his favorite boys didn’t reciprocate his vain gaze.
Why do you refer to these fossils? I don’t respect these violent men who forced people to do things according to their wills alone.
You talk about fossils but reference Buddha ? And what does Alexander’s sexuality have to do with his ability to forge an empire ? You also make no comments about any of the others I listed . Tell me have you ever written anything that has persisted for thousands of years ?You have nothing for an actual rebuttal so you try and slander what he did in his personal life . Ghandi was a pedophile and a racist but I bet you align with his teachings well .
But, there’s nothing to rebut. You don’t make any cogent points that require a response. By the way you can’t slander the dead.
There is , you yourself have never forged an empire nor do I think you’d have the intelligence to do so. You also left out musashi and Bruce Lee. Musashis “book of the five rings ” is mandatory reading for most high level executives in Japan , he was also Buddhist . Bruce Lee had a degree in philosophy and often blended his martial arts and philosophy together.
I don’t want or never had the inclination to forge an empire, such ideas are reserved for schoolboys who generally out grow these ideas with age.
Real intelligence my friend is knowing the difference between reality and fantasy.
I was just pointing out that the people you are attempting to critize have done greater things than you ever will .
Fair enough. But, I don’t measure my value as a human being against warlords. To each their own I suppose.
I like to think of that scene toward the end of season one in Mad Men when Burt Cooper is confronted with the ‘truth’ that Don Draper stole a dead mans identity and has been living a lie…and responds “Who cares? America was BUILT by men that have done FAR worse.”
I mentioned more than just warlords but you appear to only know about Alexander . I guess you are a real Buddhist and isolate yourself from opinions other than Siddhartha’s
Have the last word. It doesn’t bother me what you think or don’t think for that matter.
If you didn’t care you wouldn’t reply
And who are you? A pussy who talks big online and insults others’ religious beliefs and interpretations of history but probably has never done anything noteworthy. You seem to reject everything but believe in nothing. Whats the point of your ridiculous commentations?
What’s the point of his life ? If he believes in nothing, the gift of consciousness has been wasted on him.
” You seem to reject everything but believe in nothing” It’s much easier to believe in something than not to. The point of questioning is determine whether what we belief is in fact true. Surely this is an important process. Why would anyone want to live their lives by a set of beliefs that might actually be false. The truth is always more important than merely believing something that makes you comfortable,mediocre and self-satisfied.
Besides, I don’t use this forum as an echo chamber where we can all whine away together or say how wonderful we all are. How can you learn and develop in such a places. I suppose, we should all get to a point where we outgrow groups like this. Ultimately as a man you’ve got to except the fact that the majority of other men are weak or held in so type of “holding pattern” (religion, women problems, and all the rest) where they keep repeating the same stuff that’s usually based on some type of fear. I’ve got over these issues myself, so what’s the point of conversing with people stuck in these patterns, I wonder?
You are a contemptuous beta faggot.
Insults are the coinage of empty and insecure minds. God bless you.
All excerpts Taken from Chanakya neeti which explains the true nature of women
Muslims are not the real enemies though; they are just promoting their self interest like any other groups. Your real enemy is elsewhere (the ones in total control); too powerful but very sneaky.
The muslims are really more of a geopolitical rival, not your enemies
Your real enemies are the white equalists in your own countries
At this point it is becoming an armed rivalry, so the term is accurate in my opinion.
Enemy is not a bad word for me. You can respect your enemies.
The white equalists are traitors, it’s way worse in my book.
Your responses are clear, well though out, logical and intellectually stimulating. Well said.
Not really. Given the current divisions in Islam they will continue to fight each other as the holier than thou extremists kill other muslims for their lack of piety.
Religion is something which must be treated with care and caution. The truth is religion is like a double edge sword. On the one end, it can help to instill a strong spiritual belief in ourselves. While on the other end, it can be used to destroy our freedoms by creating oppresive regimes.
All religions, are dusty old relics, which provide some wisdom and food for thought while at the same time, can be interpreted by radical fundamentalists in a perverted and deranged manner which no longer reflects modern day civilization. Look at all the religions and you will come across the most insane and dangerous scriptures which must be rejected as they have no place in a modern society:
Islam- certain verses in the Koran
Christianity- certain verses in the Old Testament
Juidaism- certain verses in the Talmud.
That being said, at the same time, religion does provide some valuable codes, which can give us some meaning and structure in our lives. However, when religious doctrines are used as a political tool, this will lead to dangerous situations occuring in our world.
Which is why I strongly believe in the principle of separation of church and state.
“However, when religious doctrines are used as a political tool, this will lead to dangerous situations occuring in our world.”
However, when political doctrines are used as a religious tool, this will lead to dangerous situations occuring in our world.
“Which is why I strongly believe in the principle of separation of church and state.”
Oh yeah that worked so well in France.
We freed ourselves from the Church and religion.
The Modern State came to us and got rid of all fanatics.
We found the Modern State and follow Its guidance.
We don’t need guns here since the State will always come down to save us.
The State protects us against evil and guide us toward Equality.
State bless you.
Take a religion away and something masquerades as a secular non-religion takes its place.
You must realize that ideology and theology are the same thing. Yes, there are some things that may be useful out of them but when taken as a whole they are all nonsense.
It is best to develop critical thinking.
While the particular views on women by Islamic ‘scholars’ may be in line with all proper thinking men, I am forced to point out that none of these opinions cannot be found in the writings of the early Saints and Doctors of the Church most of which, if not all, predate Satan’s revelations to Mohamed.
However, considering that Mohammedanism is a ‘religion’ which is given a free pass in ‘progressive’ circles it may be useful to use these quotes as a means to discredit both.
These quotes should be used by men to tear down Mohammedanism in the eyes of ‘progressives,’ feminists and their fellow travelers while at the same time using similar sentiments of the Saints and Doctors to build a new Christian civilization within the ruins which the ‘progressives’ have created.
The point is that while there may be some very limited common ground between Christian values and Mohammedanism, we must not permit those common values to compromise the foundational principles of our civilization nor must we acknowledge that because some of their principles correspond with ours that we must accommodate them or even allow them into our societies.
The principle values of Western Civilization are Christian Values and they are incompatible with Mohammedan values. I for one will not accommodate nor will I compromise.
Patriarchy has commonalities that is arrived at independently via many cultures historically. It always results in civilization and could be termed a necessary condition for civilization to occur.
Unfortunately there are metaphysics that Islam is privvy to that is not conducive to a higher type of civilization.
All of the monotheistic middle eastern Abrahamic religions have produced more or less the same type of advice regarding women and marriages. The common denominator is fear and the need to control others in all three cases.
In the west, because our individual countries had their own unique cultures, religions and folklore we’ve been spared in our outlooks the obsessive mania that these middle eastern cult religions have produced. In my mind middle eastern monotheism of all shades has been the root cause for so much turmoil, negativity, hatred in this world. At times, I really feel it difficult to find any wisdom in the teachings of any Abrahamic creed.
I’m sorry, but essentially every culture, religion, tribe, nation of history has had roughly the same outlook regarding women and marriages, and the common denominator was fear, fear of extinction, aka survival; and the need to control others in your sphere, aka fear of chaos, aka survival.
It’s all been about survival for a few thousand years, and that requirement produced innumerable cultures based on patriarchy, central authority, and civic morality.
“fear of chaos, aka survival” That’s the point. We don’t live in that world anymore. Also, co-operation between people and not iron like control of other people is the main reason we got out of the mud in the first place.
As much as I despise Islam, I guess one should learn about it, if only to increase knowledge. Treat it as learning about history itself.
lol that part about avoiding an evil woman.
In Islam, it doesn’t matter if she’s evil because they will simply beat the shit out of her until she acts right.
The cure for crazy is not sticking your dick in crazy. But if you’re allowed to beat the shit out of crazy, then you’re more likely to continue sticking your dick in crazy and more crazy will breed. The definition of crazy then gets blurred. If the beatings are necessatated all too frequently, then she’s probably crazy but you’ve forgotten what crazy is by definition, and crazy proliferates, breeds and increases in a ‘pro-spank’ society. The ‘no spank’ totalitarian feminist societies also breed a new form of totally wild rogue vagabond feminist crazy that is just as bad as a crazy muslim woman who’s basically defective, but gets beaten in line and continues to breed. As always a middle ground where patriarchal wisdom rules and the discipline is taught to not stick your dick in crazy, but rather to expand your options while containing and isolating the true crazy bitches and breeding only by the non crazy is what we must strive for.
Say what you want about Islam, but it would solve the feminist issue and bring about an actual Patriarchy rather quickly.
And won’t that be great. A bunch of self-satisfied old farts telling everyone what to do- while they break all the rules in private themselves. God do you really think the majority of males on this planet are wise, honest and decent? Look into the faces of the business men and greasy hack merchants with the arse hanging of their pants the next time you walk along any city street. The Patriarchy- what a crock of shit that is.
What if that’s true but there are only two possibilities: patriarchy or matriarchy and you have to choose one or the other because there’s nothing in-between?
Why choose? Perhaps I either respect or lose respect for people not because they’re either male or female, but, because I simply think they have no values or decency about them. Perhaps it’s that simple.
I would be predisposed to agree, except the forced choice scenario might well be the scenario we’re in. ‘Equality’ feels pretty much like matriarchy to me
We wouldn’t need equality laws in the first place if we’d just learnt to be respectful, sure women can be right pains often, but equally I don’t have any time for blokes who are violent bullies.
Again I agree or rather I would like to agree, I just don’t see that were ever any circumstances where people were going to be mature and reasonable about such things. The issue is always power not fairness.
This is very true Michael. I’m convinced that the hallmark of true spiritual development pertains to maturity in all its forms. It’s like the transition from boyhood to manhood. It still amazes me in my daily life when I often meet middle age, so-called “successful men” at different events, many are business men or politicians, and, to observe how childish, petty, mean and immature they can be outside of the public gaze.
Paradoxically, when I can go down to my local pub and play some snooker and play against a guy who’s a plumber and another bloke who’s a bus driver both in their earlier 30s, you realize each has that spiritual maturity in terms of soundness and decency that the other buffoons I meet during the day would never have in a 100 years.
Bonhoeffer considered we were in a world ‘come of age’ although, given the backdrop to that idea, one might wonder what made him think that. Maturity can mean wisdom, and also taking responsibility for onself but in a sense it can also mean becoming jaded and cynical with it. We gain the perspective, responsibility (and with it culpability?) of the adult but we lose any sense of innocence perhaps. Feminism has pretty much failed to make adults of women while doing its best to makes boys of men so perhaps we shouldn’t be too hard on those who can at least still stand up straight, even if they aren’t morally upright or sage. I know what you mean though. There is no wisdom in simple acquisitiveness or the desire to dominate, and I do agree with you about the many ordinary working folk who actually know how to ‘live’ – snooker is an excellent earthy game btw – but when we lose that acquisitiveness and competitiveness do we become wise or just end up getting beaten by fools? Guess it depends on what game is being played.
“but when we lose that acquisitiveness and competitiveness do we become wise or just end up getting beaten by fools? ” Good question. Resignation is different from detachment. I go between these states, I sometimes feel the former can be a reaction to being beaten up by the fools in this world who can sap your energy and vitality on occasions. I find the later state very healthy and positive, almost as if I’m immure from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
that makes sense. Although detachment, including in the sense of being non-reactive, can take some cultivation. I used to think some of the characters in Graham Greene novels achieved a kind of lyrical sense detachment in adversity – although looking back maybe it was resignation, I’m not sure
I must read some of his novels. My Dad was a big fan of him. I guess this is something I can do over the Christmas, apart, from getting in the way around the lady of the house!
I haven’t read many but I think you’d enjoy them. I’m not sure what to recommend really, maybe for Xmas, Monsignor Quixote perhaps? Just realised I never quite got to the end of Brighton Rock
“Why choose?”
You speak of maturity a lot. This statement reveals much about your own maturity.
those who sacrifice freedom for patriarchy deserve neither.
Lol touche.
The West could have freedom and patriarchy if men became men again. American men have become way too soft.
Did America not once have both freedom and patriarchy in the beginning? Weren’t men the builders of the country, the lawmakers, the rulers, the breadwinners, etc while women stayed home not working or voting?
yeah but not under Islamic rule.
A Gaytriarchy more like it. Muslims are woman-hating faggots. Period (no pun intended.)
Know your enemy, and know your friends !
Almost worth converting to radical Islam just to troll the intelligence community.
I find the works of Idries Shah to be particularly enlightening. Sufism is a very mystical and differing philosophy from fundamentalism.
Sufism, according to Sufis, is the actual original form of Islam. There are very few Sufis left today.
I think if Muslims started adopting Sufism en masse, it would be a step in the right direction.
That way, they’ll be able to retain their religion and focus more on the practical, spiritual and mystical aspects of Islam instead of violent Jihadist ideology.
“I think if Muslims started adopting Sufism en masse, it would be a step in the right direction” It unfortunately will never happen. It’s the same in all religions. The most spiritual branches are always prosecuted by the most literal minded within the same faith. I call them the evil ones.
This article is one of the rotten apples in the basket. There is nothing wise about these mockers of Christianity, and their pedophile self proclaimed prophet.
Does Truth cease to be truth because of the person saying it?
Good article and good points. I just wish, in light of the second to last paragraph, they didn’t accompany it with a picture of the Hagia Sophia, one of the great Christian sites captured by Islamic conquest.
I hate Islam but that all makes sense.
The quotes from the elders about masculinity, patriarchy and the nature of women ring familiar regardless which religions they come from. Islam retains much of its patriarchal philosophy but seems to have abandoned the culture of scientific discovery which put it on the map. Islam has turned its back on science. When you search ‘Islamic science’, you are only referenced way back to the 8th century or so. (actually when I search ‘Christian Science’, I get a picture of Mary Baker Eddy and see a very dark age of fat desparate post-wall single mom whales with coffee breath all crammed into a reading room in 20th century western suburbia. I’d run from there to old 8th century Baghdad in a heartbeat).
But with Islam in regards to science, the religion seemed to be explicitly conducive to scholarly inquiry and scientific discovery from the get go. From its inception, within its first century Islam was striving to become a magnate, attracting wise and learned men from every discipline worldwide. Both racially and aesthetically, Islamic culture blossomed for four centuries and then fell to mongols. After the fall of Baghdad it never seemed to recover. At its apex, Islamic culture was characterized by patriarchy, science and yes geeky white guys with multiple wives. You had it all rolled up into one burrito. The anti-science dumbing of Islam has been the indicting case against Mohammedism ever since the mongol sacking of Baghdad in 1251 which ended the golden age and left Islam as a more mongrelized and mongol spirited remnant. Baghdad was a carbon copy albeit more violent and instantaneous of what happened to Rome and what is transpiring in the west today. With the bulk of its records destroyed, Islam’s golden age seems to be all but obliterated leaving precious few traces like these museum artifacts, astronomical devices which were retrieved and salvaged. Astronomy clubbers, which there were many, would utilize one of these ‘astrolabes’ for making quick calculations. Only a handfull remain in museums.
Everything learned was largely erased and trampled and left to revell alongside the other mystical legacies like Atlantis or the Indus Valley Aryans. It’s like everything was erased and trashed by compulsive anti-science psychopaths.
Baghdad was the cultural and scientific center of the world in the 9th century. The city grew to 900k population by the year 900ad and within the following century was the largest city in the world since Rome with over 1 million. Originally built as the ‘circular city’, Baghdad was surprisingly cosmopolitan culturally but remained very patriarchal with regard to sharia.
Chinese astronomers and scientists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Alan and Indian scholars, Sunnis, Shiites and even Jews had their own sections in the city. The ‘House of Wisdom’ was where they converged and where all worldwide historical records, scientific texts and even ancient Greek works were translated into Arabic.
Among areas of research were medicine, surgery and optics which led to stargazing. Astronomy clubs and societies abounded and observatories were built. Astronomy seems to be a favorite with the culture.
They brought it all together. From India they borrowed the concept of ‘zero’ and mathematics quickly developed algebra and trigonometry. Centuries before Newton they were on the verge of the technological fast track and best of all the patriarchy still held as law in society.
Calculating and proving polar rotation of planets with the right math is simple. The abacus must have been a dumbing down tool from some extinct culture of public education proley slaves. The smell of school lunch mystery meat belch conjures memories of the ‘flat earth’ fairytales that still gripped the lands beyond in their dark age of grappling with their matriarchal demons.
Abbasid era science geeks pondering yet another contraption. Tesla would have fit right in with these guys and would have probably secured a few wives instead of going mgtow. These scientists were free range and rogue in comparison to today’s corporate wage slave stem grads.
Algebra has occurred in a lot of places.
Including Greece, India, China Egypt and Babylonia.
Astrolabes were took from Greece. And astronomy is not science and hasn’t nothing special, since it takes place all over the world except in Africa.
Astronomy is observation and science is identify mechanisms.
I don’t understand why so much enthusiasm for them aside the polygamy and patriarchy
You’re right, the patriarchy and polygamy are catchy but I won’t try to ‘black jesus’ for the modern day bunch that barely resembles the golden agers. It’s like comparing Mayans to Aztecs. In a way though they’re similar to Mormons in that they also espoused a new testament or branch from Abrahamic gospel. Though Mormonism was Masonic, it also had patriarchy, espoused polygamy, built an oasis in the desert and within a century became compulsive with amassing records. With Mormons it pertained to genaelogical records of every possible source. With Islam, it was documents, science papers and recorded history from the World’s libraries.
Good post. As an addition, the Mongols had a similar effect, I would argue, in China, and the Muslims had a similar effect in India. An Outsider ruling group can survive only by weakening the host population.
“Obeying desire corrupts the mind. ”
sure and it has nothing to do with controlling the people. if today’s politician said it, everybody would be fuming that “elites” want to keep the sheeple under control by suppressing their desires.
The elites preside over a system that maximize and manufacture desire, shaping people into consumer / identity groups in the process so those desires can be fully exploited. So I don’t see that there is much danger of politicians / elites saying such a thing
hopefully there’s no such danger – because that’s exactly what i heard from the Communist Party when living in the Soviet Union.
Guess those commies were right about something then
yes they were right that it’s necessary for the communists to stay in power. that’s why they were preaching it.
there’s more than one way to control people through their desires. Repression can be one form, but I’d say trying to multiply and amplify them is a greater slavery still. USSR was a particular system, but where you have a ‘capitalist’ system that is dominated by the the super-rich – the elite of the elites – then capitalism and communism (albeit not of the soviet type) can almost seem complimentary. The purpose as you say is power and control, but making money out of people, indebting them, and hooking them on their desire for material things is a pretty good way to do that
People I know personally who grew up under communism and then saw it fall (USSR and eaastern european) say the same thing; Everything the communists said about communism was a lie, but everything they said about capitalism was true.
that makes sense to me. Marx’s analysis / description of the capitalist system was (re. the 19th century system at least) very accurate and is still relevant in principle. Its solutions though are rubbish and invariably murderous, and as radical as it goes it still seems to tell us little about how the banks operate – c.f. traditional capitalists becoming rich through surplus value against banks expropriating wealth through debt creation and quantitative easing (inflationary measures) etc
i guess you talked to the wrong people. communists lied about capitalism too – just like about anything else.
I’m not sure you understand what that quote means. Politicians and the elites love for the masses to desire and be greedy. Why do you think people love when a candidate claims they will lower taxes? That means less spent on taxes, more money that can be spent on materialistic bullshit.
Islam, on the other hand, loves to preach against desire. Mainly because the man that desires wealth and materialism will have his mind focused on making money instead of following Allah. A man chasing his desires is not going to pray 5 times a day.
“A man chasing his desires is not going to pray 5 times a day.”
ok i guess you support my point then. obviously, the religious and ruling Islamic elite would prefer people to pray 5 times a day – therefore they try to control them by suppressing their “desires”.
desires are not necessarily “materialistic” (e.g. sexual), and not all materialistic desires are evil (to say the least). the key is to have your own brain, use common sense and personal responsibility.
and finally, i heard about “suppressing materialistic desires” from the Communist Party for years when i lived in the Soviet Union. so it has nothing to do with religion, spirituality and other bullshit demagoguery. it’s all about controlling the people by whatever “oppressive ruler” (using Imam’s Ali definition) is currently in power.
People also love a politician who promises them (free) crap.
~yes, right-wing here
It’s the exact opposite of what corporations want us to think.
I don’t personally hate muslims, its only natural to have competing factions in a world where survival of the fittest was our progenitor. I hate the fact that our own people are so easily tempted and led astray by lesser deceivers.
Our culture is perverted by an atheistic and satanic tribe that seeks to consolidate world control monetarily and technologically. Our males are being disenfranchised, demoralized, cuckolded, and devoured of all hope for the future. Our races are being mixed by subliminal propaganda and pornographic stereotypes being reinforced onto the naive minds of young children by the media, and the big daddy government is covering up for the women birthing every one of these half-breed bastards so they think there is nothing wrong with it.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if they do succeed in wiping out all the white Christians, the muslims will be next. They are not as astute as some of the geniuses of Christian antiquity, and they will not be able to beat the “elites” by their own because the masters of technology are all working for the narrative.
I’ve already woken up several more around me, and if I am maimed or killed they will know I am right, thus the message spreads. Do your part gents, spread the word, defend your race, defend your culture, your identity, your future, your lives. Fuck the agenda, fuck egalitarianism, and fuck every sellout and traitor out there!
I cant stand islam anymore. Please dont share anything about islam.
You can find the same exact things in the bible and yet no one is implementing them.
I rather enjoy my freedom of not to drink, not to do drugs, to stay healthy by my own
choice instead of having it be forced upon me. That is not freedom if it is forced upon you.
I only have 1 of the 5 essentials of life. My soul is crushed. That said, take a look through the Christian bible as well. There’s similar things in there but it’s not widely taught.
Well good to know. A lot of quotes from the Bible would seem pretty awesome too. But let’s remember what all of that ‘dirty woman as second class’ citizen leads to;
Segregation taken too far and women put in burkhas lead to this
It also leads to inbreeding since they often only have contact with cousins as they are still family.
The only positive thing about inbreeding is that given a large enough sample size it is a good way to cleanse the gene pool of shit. Other than that it is always a negative.
Inbreeding by definition has no large sample size. It is always bad! Highly intelligent British families who attempted it in the 19th century (Rothschilds, Galtons, Darwins, Wedgewoods) also found out that it is not worth the bother. You have some geniuses and then plenty of deformities, weak and low-IQ specimens. Breeding with similar, intelligent and strong ones will improve the gene pool.
By the way – this infatuation with genes is also faulty. Genes do improve over generations via improved water, food, pregnancy, lack of toxins and yes more children being born to strong intelligent humans who don’t breed within their extended family.
”You have some geniuses and then plenty of deformities, weak and low-IQ
specimens. Breeding with similar, intelligent and strong ones will
improve the gene pool.”
The thing is in biology this provides great opportunity for a through genetic purging until CRISPR of defective genes.
I LOL’d when I read the title of this garbage article.
Roosh, I crown you the KING OF HYPOCRITES!
Crawl back to the desert and send us all a postcard.
“Ancient Moslem wisdom” You mean something someone snatched out of thin air 1400 years ago?
If you are really looking for ‘ancient wisdom’ then you might look at the pre-islamic societies ( all eradicated ), or Buddist / Hindu societies ( nearly eradicated ), Christian societies ( Eradicated in the Middle East ) or the other Semitic doctrine ( Being expelled by the Romans from the Middle East was probably the single best thing that could have happend to those guys).
Next, some guy who murdered his way to fame and fortune isn’t a ‘Prophet’, such a person is on a par with Stalin, Pol pot and Mao, and the fellow from Austria whose name, one must not speak.
Don’t forget the amount of technical, scientific and philosophical wisdom of the Greeks and Romans eradicated by the Christian Churches that took over Rome in Europe and North Africa.
“Don’t forget the amount of technical, scientific and philosophical wisdom of the Greeks and Romans eradicated”
Citation please.
Theodosius I and Theophilus went through great lengths to eradicate the “pagan” knowledge of Alexandria. What was left of the libraries and such were burned to the ground.
To pretend ancient Christianity was any less hostile to culture than Islam is a fundamentally dishonest premise. Then again , the fact that you single out Hitler and such as “evil”, instead of true evil incarnate like winston Churchill, shows you’re probably a conservative moron anyway.
What scripture mandates this destruction?
And what about the preservation of ancient texts by the monks of Ireland?
Good job doing your research. It is always important to separate the current ideologically fueled Islam from its older, virtue-driven father.
On a side note, Bill Maher is the only media mouth piece that explicitly voices the danger in new Islam’s conservativism. He has some great stuff to say as well.
As someone else noted, Islam does have some wise sayings in it. I imagine if you’d examine any world religion in depth you’d find a few nuggets here and there.
Summed up, most of it is bunk based on a book written by a false prophet. It distorts and perverts the Abrahamic promises given to Issac by trying to rewrite that part of Biblical history as if those promises belonged to Ishmael. It takes what it wants from the Bible to create a counterfeit, perverts Yahwehs’ perfect law, all while saying silly things like the sun sets in a mud puddle.
The answer for western civilization is what made it great in the first place: Biblical morality and Christian principles. The proof is in the pudding for every religion by viewing the cultures they create. Culture is religion externalized. Take a look at the societies & cultures created by Islam and it speaks volumes for the “wisdom” in it.
The Bible says everything anyone needs to become wise, including the subjects of gender relations and women. Examining other schools of thought with a scholarly inquisitiveness is always a good idea. Many of America’s founding fathers did just that in reading Islamic literature, prompting them to wisely reject and keep it away from our nation. Very first commandment of them to do so.
Islam is the cultural inheritance and native system of the East, and it’s people; not the West. It holds nothing more than scholarly curiosity for any true man of the West.
LOL. Islam is a big joke. The whole idea of not getting attached to worldly pleasures comes from Hinduism/Zoroastrianism. They were the only “religions” that placed importance on the development of your soul and gathering knowledge instead of physical pleasures like sex or gaining material stuff. It only gives pleasure in the short run, but in the long run you get nothing out of sex.
Muslims on the other hand were addicted to worldly pleasures. Their whole lifes were about stealing stuff from others and raping their women. In the end their empires fell, because they had zero knowledge about the world or how to produce stuff. You can’t steal forever.
I suspect Islam will fill the spiritual vacuum in the West and restore Patriarchy.
And make the west a shithole in its own way.
Islam is largely stolen from Christianity and Judaism. The unique parts of Islam are based on Arabic culture or simply made-up to suit their agenda. Arabs were the only people who had no empire and were basically surrounded by mighty civilizations. Nobody conquered the Arabs, because nobody was interested in a shitty desert. Pedophile Muhammad knew he had to unite the Arab tribes if he wanted to accomplish things. That’s when Islam was born. The tribe of Muhammad worshipped the Moon God, that’s why the symbol of Islam is the moon.
I saw a very good documentary about Islam on YouTube where they stated how Islam was created to unite the Arabs. The violent parts were added later, because people didn’t want to convert. They needed more folllowers if they wanted to create a big empire, so they simply converted people by force.
If Hitlery wins the election, though, Islam will likely be the only refuge for masculine men. I just realized, isn’t it sad that we have to actively use the word “masculine” in front of men to differentiate us from the rest of our sex? How far we have fallen.
Islam understands women better than the West understands women. The West pampers women too much; this is why western women are more prone to disrespect and have princess spoiled syndrome. Don’t get me wrong, minorities and non-western women can get nasty too if their leash is let too loose but Islamic culture knows how to put that tight leash on women.
Just look at how western white kids treat their parents vs Muslims treat their parents. Muslims treat their parents with total respect. Islam does have flaw though but it also has better understanding of social dynamics better than the west does.
I would take it seriously if the wisdom didn’t have a nasty out. The Islamic man can do whatever he wants regardless. Anyways, the Christian version is equally profound and it requires real commitment. If only people comply. Free Will is a choice.
I recall reading a story about a young man who entered a white tent to find a beautiful girl. She consented to lie with him if he first drink from a green bottle. After he did so, she declared that by law this was a token of marriage and now he would have to marry her.
Muslim marriage involves a green shawl with Koran verses over a white dress. So, I understand this story to mean, the words of the prophets are a necessary step men take to truly enjoy women. A faithful woman who respects and abides by the words of the patriarchs makes a suitable partner.
“Peak of Eloquence” is the book which comprises of the most authentic quotes with verified sources, attributed to Imam Ali. A must read to understand some concept regarding the then law, society, patriarchy, women, social contract, human psychology, government, war(Jihad) and virtues etc. Those things are still relevant to the modern world when one looks into the matters getting aggravated day by day.
There’s also a letter (to say a guide line) of Imam Ali to one of his governor elaborating dos & don’ts that should be put in to practice by a ruler over his people and that of the territory.
Wisdom can be found among different races and religions. However whether that had much to do with Islam itself or a particularly wise or spiritual man – like Rumi or Shams-I-Tabriz, that is another matter.
As MCGO put it well in his comment – Islam when it retained a secular outlook and profited from Persian culture was the height of the world and Baghdad was the pearl. One could argue that this progress had maybe little to do with the religion, but Islam just facilitated the conquest of those countries for the generals of the time.
Personally I think that Mohammed was a conqueror who more or less made up a religion to wage war, get laid and have wealth and power. He is not unlike many other cult leaders. The truly spiritual ones within the religion came later with Rumi and the Sufis, but unfortunately they were not included in the Quran. The doctrine of war that is Islam made it possible to unite and conquer entire countries and more or less secular governments up until the 13th century created the true golden time of Islam. But then when they turned back on secularism and tried to live according to the words of the prophet, then they were as good as doomed. Of course they still had great armies and a united people, but any other culture which would move forward in science was going to wipe them out sooner or later as they adhered to the precepts given to them by medieval warlord.
Sounds spot on to me.
Imam Ali peace be upon him represents the real Islam, the Shia Islam, not the so called “sunni” Islam which is represented by historical figures who were hypocrites, terrorists and the most evil persons, this is why the anti-muslims of alqaeda and isis behead and commit genocide against the shia muslim communities, because Shia Islam’s beliefes are completely different than so called “sunni” islam. This article reflects a drop in the ocean of Imam Ali’s knowledge, wisdom and divinity. By the way Imam Ali blessing be upon him was martyred by a terrorist, he was hit with a sword in the head while praying by the cursed Abdulrahman Ibn Muljim, The Imam battled death for three days, during which he said a popular will to his son and successor Imam Alhasan blessing be upon him, the will contained instructions on treating his killer
An interesting read. Indeed, wisdom grows everywhere, with great consistency.
Islam has always been a conflicted thing; Mohammed’s own life follows two very different strains of thought. Early Islam was open to the truth of wisdom everywhere, and had an Hellenizing period where they were more open to thought and philosophy. Some strains of Islamic thought try to preserve this, today, but Salafism/Wahabism fought strenuously against “outside influences,” denying that anything in nature was rational or philosophically searchable, insisting instead that everything was accomplished directly by the will of Allah, who is so unlike the creation that nothing in the created order could be said to reflect some truth about him.
To me, this is a flawed view, and Moslems need not accept it; I view my Christian civilization as the product of three great cities: Jerusalem, Athens and Rome. Through the centuries, we have been eager to find the best customs and the best wisdom, from wherever they arise. We accepted revelation from Jerusalem; we accepted philosophy from Plato, logic and reason from Aristotle; we accepted law and just governance from Rome, transfigured by the above principles into the monarchies of Christendom; we accepted the respect for true liberty, what could be called “liberty under the law” (i.e., reason and the Natural and Divine laws), and fostered its tradition of healthy and free citizenry, from the Germanic north, and especially the Anglo-Saxons, along with the system of law that supports it; I could go on, but the point is that Christianity never considered itself to be “separate” from true wisdom, wherever it was found. I wish the best to all Moslems who strive to recover the ancient sentiment of their religion, and look to incorporate wisdom from all places into their tradition, rather than quenching it.
Islam wasn’t pro-science from the get go. Like the Christians before them, they recruited converts from the riffraff of society. Mohammed himself was illiterate (ask any competent Islamic theologian). Like the barbarians they were, they pillaged, raped and plundered under the guise of spreading their faith, which included the destruction of “pagan” cultures, and the forced conversion or enslavement or extermination of unbelievers. They started the African slave trade after all.
(Abu Bakr?) was quoted upon conquering Egypt that either the books and manuscripts in the temple libraries were in accordance with the Qu’ran or they were not. If they weren’t, they were pernicious. If they were, they were superfluous. Burn them either way.
They then proceeded to use them to heat their hot water baths. It was only some of the more enlightened among them that realized the value of this knowledge and studied it instead of destroying it, hence the Golden Age of Islamic science so aptly described in this article.
If you happen to read about Imam Ali, you will come to know that he was educated by the Prophet himself yet how come an illiterate person produced a man of words and deeds like that of Imam Ali?
Like Christianity has Catholics, Protestants & Orthodox etc, Islam has Sunni-ism, Shia-ism , & Wahab-ism etc.
Then explain why that in the books I’ve read about the life of Mohammed, written by Muslims, they admit that he was illiterate. He could neither read nor write, and after memorizing the verses quoted to him by the angel Gabriel, he recited them to his scribes (the word Qu’ran means recitation) who wrote it down on any piece of material (like goat skin) that was handy.
I have two daughters, who are both smart and independent. I didn’t raise them to be second class to any one. I don’t think they need any advice from a 7th century pedophile, or any of the losers who followed him.
My girls are smart enough to keep away from men who just want to bang them, and sure as hell won’t get in a relationship with anyone who practices most of the stuff posted above. The general attitude here is that women are lying, shallow, materialistic Pieces of S***, not good for much more than a fast fling.
The great SF author Ted Sturgeon once wrote “90% of everything is crap”. Well, that applies to people, including both women and men. Ya, 90% of women aren’t worth wasting your time on. Neither are 90% of men. And 100% of Islamists.
You gotta love how SJWs are embracing the patriarchy by defending Islam.
I can’t wait to see some homosexuals being hanged and adulterous women being slaughtered on the streets, that is what they deserve and crave afterall.
So when are you moving to Saudi Arabia, Rooshie?
Down with Islam. It doesn’t coincide with Western principles of freedom. It is medieval barbarism. It is not a religion, but a political system.
Thanks for this great article. there’s a small mistake by the way : the word ‘Iman’ should be ‘Imam’ which is the word for leader of prayer (or political leader), ‘Iman’ is the word for faith.
I’m a muslim myself and I try to behave according to these principals, I live in Paris and people here suffered a lot recently as you know. I’m just a bit sad that majority still think that those violent acts are related to Islam.
— “[..] violent spread of Islam to European lands [..] ”
during the life of the prophet, there was 27 battles, he took part of 19 of them (in front line), yet all were defensive battles and he tried his best to avoid them.
there is no glory in war and violence. killing an innocent human being (regardless of his religion) is the worst thing is Islam because “technically”, all the sins of this innocent man or woman will be put on the killers shoulders. So, this victim will not be judged, since he/she has no sin and will go to heaven.
Those are basic principals of religion, and I’m always surprised by how much those terrorists are brainwached to ignore it.