Over the weekend, the feminist world was torn asunder with porn star Stoya’s claim that she was raped by industry colleague and former boyfriend James Deen. Deen has become one of the porn industry’s biggest stars in the past few years, propelled by his “female-friendly” image and his fashionable social justice beliefs: for example, he recently castigated the industry for its “racism” and attempted to shame female stars who refuse to perform with black men. Now Deen is getting hoisted on his own petard:
While Stoya has yet to go to the police—despite the fact that rape is a crime—the left has already set their lynch mobs on Deen. Feminist website The Frisky has already pulled his “What Would James Deen Do?” column from the site, with editor Amelia McDonell-Parry hyperventilating in response to Stoya’s accusations:
I imagine there will be some who will say, “But what about James Deen’s side to this story? What about evidence?” As is the case with the vast majority of rape accusations, especially between intimate partners, Stoya’s story of being raped by James Deen is very likely the only “evidence.” He is certainly within his rights to deny it, though it’s worth noting that he and his representatives have remained mute on the matter, and James has not responded to the text message I sent him yesterday. Like so many rape cases, this will very likely be a “he said/she said” situation. And as I tweeted last night, today and every day, I BELIEVE WOMEN.
Other porn stars are coming out of the woodwork with their own spurious accusations against Deen.
For his part, Deen has vehemently denied Stoya’s accusations in both a series of Tweets as well as a post on his Instagram page:
There have been some egregious claims made against me on social media
— James Deen (@JamesDeen) November 30, 2015
I want to assure my friends, fans and colleagues that these allegations are both false and defamatory
— James Deen (@JamesDeen) November 30, 2015
I respect women and I know and respect limits both professionally and privately
— James Deen (@JamesDeen) November 30, 2015
As Return of Kings publisher Roosh famously stated a year ago, all public rape accusations are false. Mentally unstable women such as Crystal Gail Mangum or Jackie Coakley have used false rape accusations in the past as a form of attention whoring, drawing accolades and sympathy from a left-wing media too lazy to check the facts. All the evidence points to Stoya’s accusations against James Deen being completely fake.
How To Rejuvenate Your Fading Career
On Sunday, attorney Mike Cernovich posted an article in which he laid out the case for Stoya’s rape accusation being false. As Cernovich pointed out, Stoya owns a porn website called TRENCHCOATx (link NSFW) which features several movies starring James Deen. Indeed, Stoya’s most recent scene on the site is with Deen. Why would a woman willingly appear in a porn movie with the man who purportedly assaulted her?
Additionally, Cernovich points out that Stoya mentioned being a “feminist” in her accusation. What does her feminism have to do with the fact that she was raped? The answer is nothing:
Stoya specifically mentions feminism is her public rape accusation against James Deen. This is proof she seeks to interject ideology into what should be a police matter. She is also sending a bat signal out to SJW hate mobs.
Additionally, Gaby Dunn, a friend of Deen’s, stated that while she knows Stoya’s accusations against him are false, she won’t defend him because she’s afraid it will deter real rape victims from speaking out:
Not only that, Stoya has acquired an extremely negative reputation in the porn industry for her behavior. Conversely, James Deen has seen his career explode in the past few years.
With just two Tweets, Stoya has managed to revive her failing career. Her accusation has not only been picked up by numerous media outlets, James Deen is already suffering professional fallout despite the fact that charges haven’t even been filed. Feminists have even created a Twitter hashtag campaign, #StandWithStoya, to further promote her cause. Getting “raped” may well have been the best thing that could have happened to Stoya.
Some Rapes Are More Equal Than Others
It’s worth contrasting the response to Stoya’s accusations with that of another porn star who was actually raped: Cytherea. Nearly a year ago, Cytherea was the victim of a home invasion in which she was violently gang raped and her family was robbed at gunpoint. The crime was so brutal that not only were Cytherea’s assailants tried as adults (two of them were minors at the time), life imprisonment was one of the sentences they could have received if found guilty.
Despite this, feminists completely ignored what happened to Cytherea. There were no #StandWithCytherea hashtag campaigns, feminist sites such as Jezebel refused to cover the story, and SJW spokescreeps such as Arthur Chu went so far as to accuse GamerGate supporters of “weaponizing” her rape. Indeed, I was one of the few journalists who even bothered to write about the story. I stated that feminists were ignoring Cytherea’s story not only because her rapists were black, but because of the class element; the kinds of rape stories feminists love involve upper-middle class white women being taken advantage of by “entitled” white men.
Feminists are celebrating Stoya and ignoring Cytherea because Stoya’s false accusation fits the social justice narrative: a tale of a preppy, “privileged” white man (ignoring the fact that James Deen is a Jewish supremacist) brutalizing an upper-middle class white woman. As Gaby Dunn’s example shows, the fact that Stoya’s story is flimsier than a $2 penis pump doesn’t matter to them: it’s about defending the narrative at all costs.
With the rapidity with which Stoya’s claims are collapsing, it’s increasingly unlikely that James Deen will see jail time for a crime he didn’t commit. But the sheer determination feminists have in pushing a clearly false accusation is disturbing and shows that we still have a long way to go before making false rape accusations becomes unfashionable once again.
Read More: Is Kacee Boswell Lying About Being Raped By Ronnie Radke?
I saw glimpses of this story over the weekend and I knew there would be a response from ROK. Well done Matt and Mike Cernovich.
“the Jews know we’re better than everyone else. That’s all that matters. It’s true. We’re the Chosen People. It’s a fact.” – James Deen
Yeah he may be innocent of this accusation, but I want to see James Deen suffer anyway. If he thinks we are all 2nd rate or worthless “Goyim” then hopefully this debacle destroys him. Good riddance
Is he part of the same group coined as “The Gay Mafia” who are pushing for more anal and cross-over porn?
Jewish porn and gay porn has a lot of cross over.
If that quote is true than I agree with you 100%. He might enjoy being Chosen around feral inmates.
He might be a disgusting jew degenerate, and it would be funny if he got faggotized by niggers, yet even so that might be disproportionate because the skank he allegedly raped was a fornicating porn slut already. Then again, he is perhaps a faggot already.
FYI, his worst SJW activism is trying to push white sluts to fornicate with niggers. This is typical behavior of such jew scum, and another reason to laugh if the jew got faggotized by niggers himself.
What needs to happen is this – apartheid from jews for one thousand years, for a start.
Jews should get a new racial state so they can be moved from Israel to this new state somewhere they’re not infringing on so many people as they do in the Middle East.
We should always support arming and funding resistance against Israel to punish the jews for WWII.
I wouldn’t indict a whole race though. There’s a big difference between Zionists and the secular Jews. That old saying ‘one bad apple spoils a whole bunch’. Its the zionists that perpetuate hatred of the Jews, with their attack on tradition and Christianity by institutionalizing sexual perversions, usury, marxism and covert terrorism(psychological and physical).
This has always been the tragedy of Jews. They have been instrumental in both the rapid advancements in society as represented by the secular Jews and the rapid degradation, represented by the malevolence of the Zionists.
One needs to differentiate in terms of pointing fingers. I’m against indicting a whole race.
To be accurate, I’m anti-jew, opposing their religion and their race,
because they insist on living among us.
I’m anti-jew because they won’t go away and leave us alone, and we don’t want non-whites living among us, but I am not “anti-semitic”, per se.
I do not hate every individual jew. There is a little fat girl I like. It is the race I despise in general, but not each individual jew.
“I do not hate every individual jew. There is a little fat girl I like.
It is the race I despise in general, but not each individual jew”
Then what is your reasoning behind this hate? Personal experience or the reasons I listed above?
No it isn’t personal experience of jews which puts me off really. I’ve had good times with jewish comrades, drinking at strip clubs and playing video games.
It is the plight of my race which makes me realize the jews are our primary enemy, waging race war against us.
It was the aggression of niggers which caused my racial awakening, which then lead me to see the obvious jewish problem, what they had done to Fascist Europe with their lies.
Once you see the Holocaust hoax for what it is, you understand the jewish problem is serious.
You’re still not providing empirical evidence. There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, but you need to back it up with historical/modern anecdotes
You can not just give somebody the understanding about the jewish question, you have to delve into it yourself, it goes to deep. I would suggest christopher jon bjerknes talks and also rape of justice youtube channel, thats the two i come to think of directly, but there is much more. There is a documentary called “what famous men has said about the jews” and then there is “adolf hitler the greatest story never told” but that goes in mostly on european history, there are probably others that concern america more that somebody else can suggest.
It’s a shame that the manosphere isn’t more familiar with Christopher Jon Bjerknes. He’s very level-headed and his work is well sourced.
Ask and ye shall receive the empirical evidence:
I posted a link to the article in the comment section as to when and where Deen made his supremacy known.
Jews have been supplanted by the Church. He’s on some sort of cheap drugs.
But keep the hate away. Trump has said far worse things.
Chosen for what? Creating havoc, mayhem and destruction? Is it a criminal conspiracy?
We’re only 2nd rate if we actually believe their stupid “chosen people” hype. In my experience, only low IQ, neocon-useful idiot, Glenn Beck listeners are dumb enough to believe that and fuck them all!
Sermon on the mount specifically rejected that there were two types of human being. Salvation was not on the basis of race, status, intelligence, inner strength, being better. The poor of spirit were blessed. The worst of people in the world are as entitled to it as all the rest. That has effects in the real world.
A Jew vs a slut…nice fight
She’s not a slut. Sluts are worthless. She’s a whore. She’s actually worth something.
Good article.
Rape culture not worth a mention: ISIS sex slaves, Saudi Arabia’s constant rape and sex exploitations of female 3rd world workers. Real black on white rape in the US. Muslim rape waves in Sweden, UK and other EU countries.
All those things are nothing to feminists.
But what matters to those psycho-feminazis is when any kind of high-profile man supposedly rapes a woman. Only accusations will suffice – and even the race there does not matter as Bill Cosby was convicted by public opinion just by mere accusations and Mike Tyson was convicted for real by a fraudulent fake accusation that should have been dismissed in court. Any man that either reaches fame and fortune like Tyson or Cosby or a man who God-forbid was born white and thus had this mythical “white privilege” bestowed upon him is automatically a prime material to be accused of rape – porn stars, CEOs, actors, journalists, college students, pro athletes.
Hey – but you never talk about the rape done by a white trash meth dealer – that’s not newsworthy even if done for real. Any rape accusation of a male celebrity is of course sufficient to create a global triggering hysteria by the Borg hate mob.
James Deen is one of the primary jews behind forcing white women into interracial porn with Blacks.
Here’s the thing, though. For one, why would you even WANT to rescue porn chicks? They’re not going to advance the white race, the black race, or any other race, for that matter, and even assuming they could HAVE kids, they’d probably be defective. Secondly, for every couple of pot-smoking dirty-blondes who may decide to have sex with black men, there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of white women who will stick with their own. They heeded the advice of their fathers and brothers to the letter. Remember that Freakonomics report about Match.com that said a black man has to make $150,000 more than a white man to even show up as a blip on a white girl’s radar? Or when Terry Bollea a/k/a Hulk Hogan said he’d only be okay with his daughter dating a black guy if he was a multi-millionaire? That’s the rule, not the exception.
The controls are firmly in place, and have been in place for decades. The majority of white chicks still won’t shoot with black guys despite the pressure of SJWs, and outside of the porn world, the best black guys can get are usually the dregs of white society. Don’t let a few NBA stars here or a few rappers there fool you. Black men, as a group, are at the bottom of the American sexual hierarchy, and the only women who associate with them tend to be women whom other groups have washed their hands of long ago. Case in point? The Kardashians.
Its not rescuing them. It’s keeping other impressionable white women (all women are very impressionable) from thinking having sex with negroes is normal or acceptable. Those dirty cum dumpsters have already been lost.
I see your point. But it reminds me of something Roosh said in a post a long time ago. Maybe if black men had more attractive black women to choose from (other than the one or two Sanaa Lathans, Kerry Washingtons, and Paula Pattons you see once every blue moon), we wouldn’t see fence-jumping at all. That’s the way it used to be between the ’80s and the late ’90s. Then, all of a sudden, your Moniques and Gabouray Sidibes became the norm. We talk about fat acceptance and its inherent evils a lot on this site, but black men felt the brunt of it. A lot of them suddenly found themselves faced with a difficult choice: to either pair up with a 200-lb land-whale or a hood chick with four kids, or to date outside of their race.
The thing is, though, black men as a whole have never had the money, social status, or resources to be a real threat to white men or anyone else in the sexual marketplace. On the other hand, you’ve got dozens of white women expatriating to the Middle East and donning burquas because they’ve been lured by the siren song of hyper-masculine, misogynistic men who they think have oil money by the truckloads and lush offshore accounts to go along with their swagger. I don’t know of any American guy, white or black, who can get a woman to jump on a plane and travel thousands of miles just to get defecated upon. While the competition for potential mates has never been fiercer, the fact is that as long as the best looking women keep going to the men with the most money and status, black men are the least of white society’s concern in the dating arena. Hypergamy in action.
If anyone wants proof. Go to backpage.com to the escorts section. I guarantee majority of the prostitutes there refuse business with blacks. Their ads will say “no AA” no African american. Bet 20$
And these are prostitues. Ugly ones too. Nuff said.
Confirmed. Hell, I think I even saw one or two BLACK providers say “no black men.” Quite a few said “open to white men.” The well’s drying up for tha brothas: the way it stands now, most of the thugs are relegated to banging Precious and occasionally Rebel Wilson, and the nerdy black dudes are relegated to banging Precious’s fatter church-going older sister. A conundrum indeed. But at least all it’ll cost them in both cases is a bucket of chicken.
I feel this is the result of feminism and welfare had on the black community post-segregation. It hurt their women and culture and basically turned them into a degenerative culture which is why they are seen in a bad light. There is nothing wrong with the color of their skin it’s their minds and culture which are repulsive.
Welfare is just the symptom of a larger problem. Whites are on welfare, too, but the two things trailer park whites have that blacks living in the ghetto do not are a) a sense of belonging and b) a sense of hope for a better tomorrow. By and large, the poorest white man knows he can get a good job anywhere, and he can hold his head up high knowing that he has a society that values him. Unfortunately, the lib-tards are chipping away at this, leading to more and more white men feeling devalued, which will in turn lead to more incidences of crimes involving white defendants, but that’s another story.
Blacks did try to own their own businesses, but they were destroyed. They built communities that were later burned to the ground. If blacks today collectively pulled their pants up, put on suits, spoke proper English, and started opening businesses, would white society accept them? Would whites even patronize such businesses to ensure that they survived? You see, whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics patronize white businesses, and that’s why they thrive. People of all races patronize Asian restaurants and Hispanic-owned auto shops, and that’s why they thrive. How can black businesses survive if their only customer-base also happens to comprise the lowest two-thirds of the socioeconomic bracket? So even if blacks did “clean up their act” as a group, would they truly be given a chance to become participants in the socioeconomic arena?
If the economy is great, and white businesses aren’t struggling, sure, I’d patronize a black owned businesses some, but when things get tough you help your own people first.
If you are getting paid to fuck there can be no rape .you made it a job
False claim or no, Matt hit the nail on the head: the accused is “white”. He could be a transgender Jewish martian from Africa and he would still be white in the minds of SWJ’s pushing their agenda.
Only the narrative matters. Facts do not.
That porny look pornstars make when they try to imitate genuine horniness is really disgusting.
And incredibly fake looking. Reminds me of the old jewelry commercials where she was just flashed a big rock and has that half gasp-half smile look.
‘Tis the season for that diamond guilt bullshit. Are they still cranking out the “Buy Access To Her Vagina With Diamonds Or You Really Don’t Love Her” commercials in force like they used to do every Christmas?
Oh it’s even worse this year. I’ve heard a few variations of the same commercial on the radio from Shane’s (I believe). Basically, it’s the spokesman asking some schmuck what he’s getting his wife for Christmas. The schmuck replies with something like a sweater or a vacuum. At this point, the spokesman reveals that he has his wife on the line and then proceeds to unleash the beast for the remainder of the commercial. It disgusts me and I have to change the station.
Damn man, I haven’t heard that yet.
“Don’t like that I’m getting you something practical that you need instead of something impractical that serves no purpose? How about divorce papers, bitch? You want that kind of present?”
Heh. Go full frontal on’em if they try to pull that on you, I say.
Indeed. Those commercials infuriate me. Another example of MSM emasculating men.
That’s a disturbing commercial all right.
Up there with:
“You buy a new care, you named him Brad…”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxd49IRu02E
The Dodge Ram commercial “Courage is already inside.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbHGYYD5MFM
And the worst offender:
“I am your father. No, I am your father.” Not gonna link to that one.
There are more of course, but these were off the top of my head.
Not familiar with the father one. What’s it a commercial for?
Campbell’s Soup. Star Wars theme, two dads, one boy. Questionable ingredients.
Fucktarts…man it’s just gotten worse and worse hasn’t it? I thought this shit was unbearable enough to quit television back in 2003. Looks like it’s just gotten exponentially worse.
This is how our cultural opposition spread their propaganda (internet blogs, forums, pop songs, television, movies, etc.)
I view it in short sessions, but it is one reason I choose to go unplugged every 3-5 days (not to mention vegging puts a hamper on travel and doing real things).
One I forgot, for Thanksgiving I think:
Kohl’s ad “Celebrate Togetherness”
I always annoy my fellow cinemagoers by laughing at the spots and ridiculous movie scenes. It is really all you can do to release that brain pain.
Yes, they are. I wish for once they would just come out and say it on one of their commercials.
“Want some pussy tonight?…Nothing says let me bang you like a drum tonight like the heart diamond from (pick a store)”.
I’m a direct man and I kind of like my messages, directly…don’t beat around the bush (yes, pun intended).
The courage is already inside….what’s next, that women have honor?
What a crock of shit. Yeah, I’d like to see that Marine (woman) line up with her counterpart (man) and perform the same duties. Stick them out on the front lines….mandatory shit…no optional bullshit desk job for them.
Women are delusional and corporations pander to them for their dollars.
This Ram tv spot resulted in zero trucks sold to women haha
Incredibly shameless tactics of trying to socially re engineer the social culture. These kind of commercials look exactly the same in europe, most people think its innocent and doesn’t realize the reverb of negative effects that this leads to.
So a woman that lays on her back with her legs spread for a living was raped because he ignored her safe word. Got it. Part of the problem is you have this “Fifty Shades…” crowd that wants to be slapped, spit on, beaten, scratched and spanked but reserve the right to change their mind while a guy is a 1/2 foot inside her…I personally apply the “Kobe Rule” — you go into a guys room dressed like a slut at 3:00 AM, you knew what’s gonna happen next, and if you don’t like the results, don’t play the game.
Then you will have the ambiguousness-movement. Women who dress slutty enough to make a man want to take them, but not as slutty as to be called ‘dressed like a slut’.
I did BDSM for a spell. The safe word is sacrosanct. She can protest as much as she wants but if that word comes up, you stop.
Edit (tongue in cheek): The safe word WAS NOT “SACROSANCT”!
Ours was ‘diarrhea’, since we wanted a word we’d never legitimately use during sex, but that would kill the mood. Needless to say we didn’t really use it, it was there as a safety precaution and half in jest.
I always stuck to “red light”, but by your logic, I suppose “DEAD BABIES” would work, lol.
I suppose it would, but that’s a bit too ‘real’ with the whole tie in to reproduction and abortion and what not (and the fact that both of us do consider abortions to be killing what are essentially little babies,) even to have remotely associated in one’s mind… ‘Diarrhea’, while certainly a mood killer if brought up, was more just funny in other contexts.
Scat fun never did it for me but there were jokes like: what is red and white and can’t use revolving doors?
No, poop by itself isn’t funny, just the absurd juxtaposition of something so nasty and off the wall as diarrhea with a sexual situation.
It came up in the “what’s a good safe word”, and then “well something that you’d never wind up saying by accident during sex”, so it went on to “well what words are as anti-sexual as you can get”, and then, naturally, diarrhea, which is pretty off the wall.
As far as what’s red and white and can’t use revolving door… Umm, I dunno, I give up, what’s the answer?
All this had me thinking about is whether a man can charge his sex partner with rape if he finds out he unknowingly banged a tranny. If you really take a good look at Stoya, she’s got long arms, a long torso, and hella broad shoulders for a chick (I’d include a NSFW pic to give you an idea, but I’m, you know, at work). There are a LOT of chicks out there in the industry who look a bit suspicious to me. If you ask me, someone needs to do a PSA on THAT, especially since we’ve become a society that aids and abets this kind of buffoonery, as evinced by the Bruce Jenner farce.
Come to think of it, it seems to me that the “suspect” chicks are always the ones bringing drama. Just look back at Emma Sulkowicz, the “mattress chick.” Same weird-ass body type, same scatter-brain expression on her face. Screw getting notch counts. We need a definitive way in 2015 to ensure that those notches were garnered from natural-born WOMEN. Doctors can’t cure cancer or diabetes, but they’ve damn sure got this gender reassignment bullshit down to a science. The ease with which some of these skin jobs can pass for the real thing will blow your mind.
Gentlemen, don’t take the bait that you are required to publicly defend yourself against baseless allegations in the court of SJW controlled social media.
The only place you are required to defend yourself is in a court of law. Period. And the burden of proof is on the accuser. Period.
Further, understand that anything you say will be used against you and it won’t matter what you say anyway. Under the perverse logic of these fucktards, defending yourself only strengthens the validity of reports “that must always be believed.” In femtard la la land, this just shows why, in a he said, she said situation, only she should be believed – of course you will deny it; you are a rapist!
Don’t play this game. The only appropriate response, if you have to make one, is “police report or it didn’t happen.” if you start experiencing fallout at your job, etc… weaponize your innocence. Let them know there’ll be hell to pay in court – wrongful termination, defamation, infliction of emotional distress – for any adverse action taken against you on the basis of a false allegation. When faced with a costly lawsuit, you’d be surprised how many people will prefer to preserve the status quo until the truth comes to light.
Don’t threaten; do it.
Agree, but lawsuits are costly to both parties, so escalate only if necessary.
Porn is a jewish invention used to emasculate men, turn women into sluts, and sow general degeneracy in Western society. Who’s surprised that the people involved in this kind of degeneracy are also, themselves, degenerates?
how does porn emasculate men? I’m not arguing, I’m genuinely curious.
It’s valid, but I think the hookup culture and social style “tinder” dating does the same thing. Multiple partners a week, one time sex never see again is common. Girls constantly looking for the next better guy before she gets through with the current guy she is dating. Guys assume the girl is having sex with tons of guys, so they don’t attach and just go for numbers…. I agree this is an issue, but I think it’s much larger than just porn, it is now common in men and women (lack of bonding) due to the hookup culture in general. I might even argue this inability to attach is actually good for a guy today since most women, even ugly ones, have hundreds of sexual options daily through internet advances which they are no longer socially stigmatized for taking.
I also don’t think it “emasculates” them, it just makes them not care or want to bond with women long term.
I think that it’s one thing to see, say, three naked women for a lifetime, another thing to see them in three consecutive days, and a completely different thing to see these same three women in a matter of ten minutes. It’s a skyrocketing effect, like an overdose. Tinder can not have this effect, unless you have these women send you nudes.
The man in the video also says that porn makes your willpower weaker. That’s emasculation.
So true. This article below proves that. Especially point number five.:
I can answer the question in the title without even reading the article or thinking too hard about it. When a woman opens her mouth, roughly 90% of the time a lie is going to come out of it. SOLVED.
So it’s of no concern to you that jewish James Deen wants white women to be raped by Blacks because he’s an “anit-racist”?
I never said that. Frankly I don’t know anything about this clown, so it’s not for me to say. I simply answered the question posed in the article: is Stoya lying? Answer: likely, yes.
This woman is obviously a disgusting slut. Doesn’t change the fact i’ll relish every opportunity to throw jewish perverts/degenerates in jail.
Is Porn Star Stoya Lying
Who fucking cares? My guess is yes, but I don’t even know who this bint is, let alone why she’s famous (rather plain looking), and I certainly don’t care about Kardashian levels of drama. The guy sounds like a real prize as well and seems to be some pseudo-SJW so my ability to even care about his side is rather limited.
End of the day, as with any rape claim, produce a police report and rape kit, or it didn’t happen. Period. Full stop.
Let the filth eat eachother as far as im concerned.
This girl has problems….she’s an attention whore.
People just need to stop paying attention to her. It’s obvious that’s all she is after in the first place – attention.
She’s a porn star…that should be enough evidence.
Pun intended …
BINGO! both sides seem like opportunistic nutjobs. Wouldn’t surprise me if they both concocted a story for a viral social media post
That really seems to be far more likely than any other explanation.
From what I have read, he has a carefully cultivated image as a “feminist” and “the boy next door”. He has already been dumped from a few writing gigs and websites that distribute his porn. Unless the guy is a genius with a master plan to reinvent himself as a purveyor of darker porn, then it doesn’t compute. This whole thing is jeopardizing his breakout in mainstream movies or TV or whatever.
On her Wikipedia page, Stoya says something about getting into porn through her interest in BDSM. She even had to cover herself in her allegation by mentioning that she used her “safe word”. In other words, she likes to be slapped around. With no witnesses, who can say what really happened?
If he is bullying and shaming porn actresses into inter racial sex (for his political purposes) that they don’t want to engage in then he is a rapist.
Its OK using game, charm, swagger to obtain sex but the moment any form of intimidation is involved such as threats of social and career damage and isolation it heads in the direction of rape. Either way its work place bullying.
I hope he dies.
Fool. Be silent when your mental superiors are holding conversation. If you cannot see that “Stoya” lol is staging a classic FRA for media attention, then you out yourself.
Either way, they both perpetuate a “career” that preys upon our weaknesses as men for money. I care about neither.
I don’t care about her, I hate him. If he was on fire I wouldn’t walk across the road to piss on him.
You hate people who haven’t harmed you in any way? Are you insane?
I despise him for trying to hurt my people and the culture that sustains them and their well being. He is not benign he is hateful. He has harmed other people in several ways he those like him derive contempt. He is not safe to have in our society. May he be shunned.
How did he hurt your people exactly? He’s just a pron actor. People who watch porn passed teenage are just loosers. He can’t hurt them.
While not legally rape, it does fall into the spectrum of coercion and is morally repugnant and should be a crime (especially if it’s a crime merely to not hire someone because they are a minority etc.)
It harms our culture. Everyone who is an adult was a teenager for years, and some of their attitudes and perceptions about the world are made during these formative years. If white (western) women have a natural disinclination to have sex with black men (which they do, for good reason,) this creep’s efforts to shame them for it and to undermine that is harmful to this class of women, and since they are our people of course as men we should stick up for them.
i dont think any male, not matter how fucked in the head would want a false rape accusation hanging over their life/career/etc
Sure he would. Especially if the very service the fucked up dude supplies is rough sex on camera and no real law enforcement is evolved.
It’s well noted that heroin addicts after learning that an acquaintance has OD’d will seek out the dealer who sold the killer dose for the thrill of shooting up what is perceived to be such a deadly dose of their chosen vice.
So Stoya gets to look like a “victim” while Deen is the edgy bad boy that’ll fuck a slut with wanton disregard. It’s an extreme level of “bad publicity is good publicity”.
See my response to GOJ, above: it seems Deen has too much to lose and little to gain. I think it is far-fetched that he would conspire, and unlikely that he would jeopardize real money and real fame in the mainstream by raping a chick that he could throw a thousand bucks at to do pretty much anything to onscreen.
Well let’s just see how it plays out. So far it’s 3 chicks claiming to be sexually assaulted yet no Johnny law evolved.
So some shitty blog sites drop him as a guest writer. I doubt he’ll stop making fuck videos.
I wager that fucking sluts on camera has desensitized him and now he’s seeking really demented prey. Hell murders get mail from sick women every day in prison.
I’m being extreme but I stand by my post.
While I don’t agree, your analysis is not completely out of consideration. We agree to see how it plays out.
But it’s just sooo fun to speculate! 🙂
“Especially if the very service the fucked up dude supplies is rough sex on camera and no real law enforcement is evolved.”
Except the biggest bdsm porn company in the world, kink, fired him over this. 66Scorpio is right; there’s no upside in this for him. Stoya chose her victim well. I’m sure the fact he dumped her is icing on the cake for her.
Exactly this. We have not yet arrived at the point where we have fully abandoned the ideals of due proccess in our judicial system. Accusations of a crime MUST be backed by hard, ascertainable evidence that can be supported by credible witnesses. Otherwise it is conviction based only on heresay and innuendo.
Nothing in Stoya’s claim meets any of that criteria. She’s just another whore out for her fifteen minutes of fame in the SJW spotlight.
Ah yes, more jew legalism to defend jewish perverts. This woman is a disgusting slut; but that doesn’t change the fact that I hope this jewish degenerate gets thrown in jail.
So we’re supposed to throw out due proccess and selectively deny a man the right to justice and the opportunity to clear his name because he’s Jewish?
he didn’t even mention jews or james deen. All he said was that that accusations should be back be hard evidence
Besides the point.
No, actually, it is precisely the point.
Get the fuck off of ROK. Stormfront is more your speed.
Porn is one of the central pillars of cultural marxism/liberalism. It’s made sodomy and fag marriage socially acceptable, among other things.
Oy vey! So much for “muh freedom of speech.”
Which has shit to do with rule of law and rules of evidence. I don’t like this dude at all, but he’s entitled to due process and his accuser must present actual evidence or it’s all hearsay and thus not even worthy of entertaining. His being a Jew has nothing to do with rules of evidence.
You’re free to speak as you will, and we are equally free to call you a slackjawed junkslut for choosing to exercise that freedom with your anti-Semitic stupidity and suggest you take it someplace else.
/clap clap
slackjawed junkslut
I’ve just added a new term to my vocabulary, heh.
Fuck you.
I don’t think jail is in the cards for the alleged rapist. I think she’s shaming him and reviving her career. Still, she has the right to accuse him. Bad things can happen to bad people. He said / she said. He deserves this.
I don’t think anti-semitism is stupid. That’s not what ROK is devoted to, and some people here may not agree, but that does not mean its stupid.
One fat, Jewish guy holding a cigar and an ugly dog who was quoted in a cheap porno rag is not sufficient reason to suggest that James Deen, by virtue of his equally ridiculous Jewish supremacy theories, is undeserving of the right to due proccess. Everyone is entitled to due proccess. That you feel compelled to argue this fundamental precept of justice embodied in most civilized, modern societies is a testament of your quality as a person. Fortunately you and your anti-Semitic ilk are the extreme fringe that the majority of the civilized world laughs at, not entirely unlike Scientologists and people who still believe the earth is flat (http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/).
You’re obviously trolling but unfortunately I agree. This is why the West will fall. Outsiders use our value system as a weapon against us.
Al Goldstein is actually one of those who fought for your personal freedoms.
sure. that’s why porn was banned in soviet union – and could be even punished by death.
do you need a safe space?
no… he needs a red hot piece of 3/4 inch rebar jammed a full 24 inches up is stupid arse
surprised you are even familiar with porn, you sound like you binge watch the View
Here’s an interesting piece on the Jewish role in pornography written by Dr. Nathan Abrams (Jewish Professor), published in “The Jewish Quarterly”:
Every other demographic is slandered on this site but Jews are off limits?
No, his take is very much on target and on topic. You are the one that should fuck off!
You are correct of course but remember the rule about arguing with idiots.
Ignore the idiot.
“Muh anti-semitism.” You sound like the SJW faggots getting their panties in a bunch defending “muh protected classes.” You sure this is the right website for you, son?
What a silly looking faggot.
Due process? This is isn’t court fucker. Get out of here with your retarded shit.
Holy epic judicial knowledge fail, Batman. Are you being sarcastic or are you really popping off at the mouth without any clue as to what the term “due proccess” means? I’m hoping its the former, because most people with an IQ higher than a soap dish understand that court is part of due proccess, not the other way around.
Yes, because Wikipedia is the authority on all things in the real world. There is no due process outside of the legal system, and only an immature child would think that there is.
Put it this way, your due process ends where the desire of another human to kill you and chop up your body starts. In other words, it’s a delusion. It’s not real. It’s an abstraction of an idea, and not a very good one at that.
Cute trolling attempt though. It almost makes you worth not laughing at, almost…
Had you bothered to read anything in this thread at all, you would have understood that I implied the right due proccess under the circumstance of one person accusing another person of a crime. At no point did I suggest due proccess should negate the crime itself.
Of course, that would require you to actually comprehend whats being said. But since straw man arguments followed up with ad hominem attacks seem more your style, it’s pitifully obvious that basic reading and comprehension skills aren’t something you possess.
Yes, that’s right it must be my comprehension skills that recognize that people whom don’t give a shit about your idealism will just shoot you in the face to shut your stupid ass up instead of giving you a chance to “due process” your way out of any potentially violent confrontation.
Due process only works within the confined and context of the European style legal system. Everywhere else they shoot and chop first.
Your idealism is not representative of the majority of reality for the majority of the world.
So while you are crying about “due process” those people that would laugh at your idealism are conquering your lands through demographics.
I assure you, there is a problem of comprehension here, but it’s not on my part.
You’re just going to steamroll right on through with that straw man argument of yours, aren’t you?
*sigh*…you going Full Retard, man.
Oh no you called him anti Semite. I feel triggered.
Are you retarded?
When you grow up, you will understand.
Jews are behind a lot of evil. The truth hurts.
“anti-Semitic” = telling the truth about Jews.
Here we go again.
Yes, Jews are very disproportionately involved in these destructive movements. This should not be glossed over.
But ascribing magic powers to them and frothing at the mouth the way so many have here solves nothing. It’s irrelevant here and it’s shameful that some would willingly give up due process (and thus support the enemy) because “hurr durr he’s a degenerate Jew.”
It’s just a defense mechanism to shift blame away from an even more uncomfortable truth – this degeneracy is primarily the fault of the people of the West, who have willingly allowed this to happen and actively chose it.
WE, men, Westerners, whatever, allowed this. WE let our women have free reign and gave in to their shit tests. WE willingly supported this degeneracy.
By constantly blaming some shadow villain like “the Jews” or “the NWO” we get to dodge any responsibility for our own failings as men and as a civilization.
And that is pussying out.
Nice attempt at the feminist approved “Charge of Puerility” attack (https://exposingfeminism.wordpress.com/shaming-tactics/). Maybe next time you’ll put some effort into something that vaguely resembles an intelligent post, but I’m certainly not going to hold my breath.
Since a police report is not and will not be filed (until a few dozen accusers come out from under rocks and pressure police en masse) the rules of law and evidence are moot.
Who I refer to as AMP wrote that the court of public opinion is not a court a law and so none of this applies: she just believes the woman at her word.
That is where the real fight is, because if white knights and feminists are allowed to lean on people who don’t want a part in this then they win. The accusation alone can ruin job prospects, social prospects and life prospects.
If some bitch is crazy, or has a score to settle with you, then she can accuse you of rape in social media and then that is it. Unless your bread and butter is in the red pill/MRM/neomasculine community, you can find yourself blacklisted. Respectable banks, tech firms, accounting offices and such don’t want to hire an accused rapist. Even if you are an entrepreneur, they are crazy enough to hunt your business down and protest it.
You have to argue with the people the idiots are arguing with.
“A mind so open that their brain falls out.”
That is the downfall of the west.
This is social trench warfare. I don’t give a rat’s ass about either of these people but the way this plays out sets the stage for you and me. If some skank can simply accuse you on twitter and ruin your life, then there is something wrong.
The feminists say that men need all sorts of bullshit seminars on “informed consent” and “male privilege” and shit. No, what men need is seminars on how to avoid skanky, crazy, bitchy, BPD, junky, porno, useless women who will be heaven for a night and hell for eternity.
Rectum? Damn nearly killed’em!
So now you think I’m a feminist. Great job. You just called one of the leading voices in modern White Nationalism a damn feminist.
Men need to stop assuming that the modern world will ever work in their favor.
There you go again with another straw man argument. I never called you a feminist. I only said that you used a tactic that is commonly employed by feminists.
If you truly are a “leading voice” of White Nationalism and not just some self appointed mouthpiece, then what you have posted to date in this thread suggests a a great need for White Nationalism to elect better leading voices. That is, if they ever want to be taken seriously.
No, He’s right!
You only brought it up to push the conversation into me defending myself.
That you bought the bait I laid out just proves it.
1 The pornographic film industry has a very high component of Jews
2 Many have said they are using it to promote social and political change.
3 Its obvious that 2 is happening. Why should they care about another ethnic group?
3 What would be an acceptable methodology for me to prove my point that this is an effort to break down the functionality of the White goyim that stems from Jewish interests?
Humans are social and moral animals. Break down a ‘tribes’ moral system and you can destroy them. That is why people will defend religious beliefs to the death.
One certainly sees this pattern in other areas. Read “The Culture of Critique” by Professor Kevin Macdonald. Very thoroughly documented.
What I said was this:
“One fat, Jewish guy holding a cigar and an ugly dog who was quoted in a cheap porno rag is not sufficient reason to suggest that James Deen, by virtue of his equally ridiculous Jewish supremacy theories, is undeserving of the right to due proccess. ”
The entire point being made here is that the right to due process is supposed to be guaranteed to all
people, irrespective of any “ism” that would otherwise be used as an excuse to deny it. The moment you say that someone isn’t entitled to the right of due process because they’re Jewish, you go right down the same path that Feminism takes when they claim “all rape accusations should be believed no matter what”. If someone wants to believe that Jews are responsible for all the wrongs in this world, fine. But using anti-Semitism as the basis for denying someone’s fundamental rights cannot be permitted, lest we become no better than the feminist/SJW mob we’re trying to defeat. In fact, the very next article after this one on ROK is about how Harvard law professors are “rape apologists” for defending due procces and not giving in to Feminist demands to believe unfounded rape claims: http://www.returnofkings.com/74205/liberal-harvard-professors-are-being-called-rape-apologists-for-defending-due-process
There is a reason why the symbol of justice is a blindfolded woman with a sword and scales. It’s supposed to be applied equally to everyone, for the benefit of everyone, based on the veracity of the evidence for or against them. Thats what due proccess is and thats the point I’m trying to make here. If someone is being accused of a crime, whether he’s the Boston bomber, “Subway” Jared the pedophile, or a Jewish guy with a traffic ticket, let him have the due proccess he’s entitled to and let justice run its course.
I will try an answer each of your points. I can’t know whether dean is a rapist in the sense of physically forcing himself into Stoya. His moral character and hypocrisy lets me know he is likely capable of such things but this is no proof as obtained by due process.
Morally I despise him. For his “crime” of bullying porn actresses into inter racial sex scenes I would like to see the law changed and him jailed for his malevolence.
As far as the term “anti-Semitism” is concerned it is a misnomer. Dean is “anti-goyim” and an anti-Semite is merely an individual who has noticed the collective malevolence towards Whites that so many Jews exhibit and act upon. It is a shit-turd of hate with a vanilla icing of humanist liberalism over the top.
Humans are immensely social animals whose DNA and culture is closely coevolved. If you deliberately damage a particular groups culture and religion (ie marriage, how we treat the opposite sex, social cohersion or religion) you can destroy that race/tribe genetically. That is why people will fight to the death over ideas such as religion or ideology. They literally are matters of life and death.
This is what James Dean is trying to do with his race mixing bullying and ‘liberalism’
For instance in Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview by Professor Jurgen Osterhammel.
“Osterhammel shows that the colonial situation developed in ways that duplicated neither the metropolis nor the pre-colonial society, but instead blended these and added a new direction characteristic only of colonial realms. He emphasizes that the Europeans were normally not considered dangerous invaders by local populations until they threatened the traditional cultures with missionaries, European schools, and bureaucracy.”
That is why Jews is so often find themselves disliked, a raction to their mendacious medalling, and deep down they know it.
Dean is an ass. I’m not going to lift a finger to help him. I’ll stand on principle on another day.
Dean is not on trial. He deserves a bad reputation, he is bad.
No one on this site Brings it up unless it’s relevant. James Dean makes it relevant. No one picked on any individual apart from goy hating Jew dean.
Are you suggesting Jews are outsiders of the Western world? Despite them being an incredibly important part to the establishment of what we now know as the Western world?
Of course Jews are outsiders. Explain how have Jews been an “incredibly important part” of Western Society. In a tribal sense, Jewish elites have been the driving force behind global Usury, Bolshevism, Radical Feminism, Marxism, Neoconservatism and now the central banking system, as well as the IMF. It seems to me Jews have been an “incredibly important part” of destroying Western Civilization.
I can’t even argue with your idiocy. It’s just unreal. Kudos for making me hate men even more, dude. Good job.
I’m not concerned with the feelings or opinions of ingrates to begin with, so you’re more than welcome. Do you have a related point that is on topic or were your daddy issues a tangent observation based on your inability to refute my actual arguments? Maybe you should do something that matches your intellectual capacity, like paint your fingernails.
I actually don’t have daddy issues. Most of my friends are men actually. So I suppose I should say I don’t hate men; I only disagree with disparaging thoughts men like you have against other genders and races. You didn’t have any real arguments. If you want, I could write you a compelling essay. But I’m really not interested in trying to convince you to be a decent human being.
You don’t know me and you don’t even know the facts, which is Jews have a rich history of racism against cultures other than their own.
No one cares about you, your friends or your personal problems. If you can’t refute my arguments, take your unearned moral superiority and fuck off.
Lmao okay dude. You’re actually hilarious.
Lol, yeah okay. Nothing to say about the video I see. I think we both know why that is. All the name-calling and sanctimony does is prove your lack of character. If you think I am wrong about something try to make an argument. Btw “You’re a mean person” isn’t argument. If you can’t present an argument like a BiG gUrL, then kick rocks sweetheart.
Lmao okay I will. I don’t really have to respond to your propaganda video dude. This is so hilarious. I’m really excited to use your comments in my next article.
Propaganda? It’s a promotional video created for the book ‘Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel’ by Max Blumenthal about the racism and desert detention camps for migrants found in Israel.
Feel free to use my comments, as I had already planned on doing the same with yours. The comments you’ve contributed to this thread are emblematic of why women are still underrepresented in fields which require logic and inborn ability. Sorry, I don’t have another second to waste on you. Gong. Thanks for playing. Dismissed.
You think I’m offended. That’s adorable
Sympathetic guy.
So you now hate men for making you hate men. If you hate us so much, why do you not just fuck off. Who cares whom you hate.
Because I wanna waste your time (:
Jews are a central part of the western (white) world, but just can’t seem to make up their mind whether they are in-group or out-group… Whenever a Jew does something wrong it’s as a ‘white’ person, but when they accomplish something positive it’s as a Jew. The duplicity is really very infuriating. The Jewish people enjoy every benefit of full integration into and acceptance within white culture and yet more than half will push policy and cultural agendas contrary to the interests of white people. I wish theye would just make up their mind and decide to be consistent, not contingent, allies of western civilization. After all when America becomes minority white the tropically evolved people of the world will be dragging Jews into the street and killing them just like they will the rest of us white people.
Due process comes into play when, VIA THE STATE, someone is being deprived of life, liberty, or property. If it’s not a state actor and/or if the stakes aren’t loss of life, liberty, or property there’s no process due. As private citizens we decide if any benefit of doubt will be extended by ourselves to someone accused of some act, which might included giving them no such benefit whatsoever, which is a benefit of living in a free country.
Well put. If I’m on his jury I’ll give him due process under the law. In my private life I will consider him a socially corrosive piece of garbage.
Nobody here is saying we don’t give him due process under the law. When it comes to the power of the state we need to treat everyone as an individual lest we risk our whole system coming apart. Yes, SOME Jews are part of some of our really big problems, but we let them do it (hell we helped them do it.)
… No.
No as in Jews refuse to decide whether they are white or not? Exactly. Or do you think that after decades of villainizing white people in the Jewish dominated mass media all of the black and brown people who are here (and who will then make up the majority) will simply ‘let bygones be bygones’???) If so I’ve got a bridge to sell you…
Rape is when a woman is walking down the street and is kidnapped into an alleyway and sexually brutalized to the point of hospitalization.
Not some whore who has fucked hundreds of men claiming it was rape because her consensual partner was a little too rough for her particular whim that day.
Fuck off. Feminisst have trivialized the word “rape” so much it is hard to even take it seriously anymore. Every time I hear that word I just laugh.
This is the same as I see it as well. I’m a bit skeptical of her story for the reasons outlined by that attorney MC in the article. Look its entirely possible that Dean went hardcore on her during sex which he has done in hundreds of scenes he has shot and enjoys doing and she was not in the mood or it was a bit too intense for her liking…that particular day.
Personally I don’t call that rape in the same league as some lady out jogging who gets bashed and thrown into some bushes and raped by some stranger at knife point. This woman has also had sex (rough/bdsm) with hundreds of men. Its not like rough sex with her bf (not some stranger) is hardly going to traumatize her.
Having been in discussions over such scenarios with women before I know many see it B&W and from the feminist perspective and wont agree with me. My guess this will just play out in social media and no charges will be laid on JD. Also wtf is it with his shaming of pornstars who dont do shoots with black guys. There is a ton of black cock porn out there. Try spot an Asian dude in the US porn biz.
Rape is ANY sexual encounter that was not fully consented to. You and people like you are the reason I don’t feel safe. If you have a sister, significant other, any female friends, aunts, mother or god forbid a daughter, how can you say things like this? Don’t you understand that one in five women are raped. Twenty percent. Fifty percent of all women are sexually assaulted at some point in their life. How dare you say such ridiculous and disgusting things about a violent crime when it is very likely to happen to more than one woman you know.
Rape is far from trivialized. It is not understood well enough. Only eighty percent of rape cases are reported – and that’s because pigs like you shame the women attacked, make them afraid to come out with their trauma. And when they do, only five percent of all accused rapists get convicted. Despite the fact that far more than five percent are incredibly guilty.
Dude. If she’s not into it, and says no, then it’s rape. Just because she has sex for a living doesn’t mean she is required to do it whenever someone wants to fuck her. She wasn’t on contract to have sex with him, she wasn’t on her job at the time. He raped her. Being a sex worker doesn’t make you immune to sexual assault.
-yawn- The old 1-in-5 junk statistic again. That’s been debunked ages ago. Rape alarmists are did some fancy misrepresenting of numbers to get that 1-in-5. Dredging that up again and again doesn’t make it any more correct.
Dudette. It’s never the “no means no” that usually in question. It’s the veracity of the recollection that is. If we believed everyone on their word, then practically anyone can be guilty of “rape” just because a woman says so. That happens whether you personally agree or not.
I am fine with calling that sexual assault, but I think situations such as this should not dilute the seriousness of forced rape as described in a couple of posts above, which is what the vast majority of people would describe as rape off the top iof their head if asked. The trauma to a woman who fucks many strangers for a living +is into rough sex + has had rough sex with her accused boyfriend hundreds of times is nothing like that of the rape stories that make the headlines or the home invasion gang rape that of the other pornstar mentioned in the article.
Rough sex on contract with JD in a scene vs rough sex in his bedroom, yes I know there is a distinction but its not chasm .It could well be he stepped over limit (as more women verify his nature) and providing proof of this to a court like some here want is going to be impossible unless she films all their sex sessions.
When she says NO, that’s rape. Being into rough sex doesn’t make it okay for men to brutalize her body. There are other counts of porn stars being attacked by James Deen. Using sex as their job or being otherwise enthusiastic about sex doesn’t mean they have to have sex whenever he says so. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
I totally agree that evidence is important. However, when it comes to rape, even when evidence is provided, men often do not get convicted. There are many loop holes to protect men and hurt the victim further.
I have no way to prove that my attacker hurt me. But he did. And it’s a horrifying feeling to know that he not only got away with it, but has probably attacked others. And it’s so much worse to hear people saying it’s okay for people like him to have done it. I understand that you did not say that. But others on here have.
Alright whatever. You can ignore how many people actually get raped and otherwise attacked. I can’t argue with people who think violent attacks like that are boring and worthy of a yawn.
—–Alright whatever. You can ignore how many people actually get raped and otherwise attacked.—–
Nice try. Just where am I “ignoring how many people actually get raped and otherwise attacked”. IN FACT, I just said that it is you that pushing out the same old INFLATED number to create some sort of justification to be all indignant. Not only is that a straw man argument, you are pulling a rather despicable routine there by even suggesting I “ignore how many people actually get raped”. You are trying to leave the FALSE impression that your opponent is being callous. B.S. It is YOU that is being deceitful.
—–I can’t argue with people who think violent attacks like that are boring and worthy of a yawn.—–
Nice try again. The “yawn” was not about violent attacks. The “yawn” was about how YOU were putting out the same EXAGGERATED numbers to get the sympathy vote. This is par for the course of social justice trolls like you. It’s all about DISHONESTY and trying to hide that DISHONESTY with more DISHONESTY. That’s why you don’t get much credibility. Most, if not all of you millennial Feminists resort to this kind of deceitful method. Do yourself a favor and admit to yourself that you are completely wrong.
—–I totally agree that evidence is important. However, when it comes to rape, even when evidence is provided, men often do not get convicted. There are many loop holes to protect men and hurt the victim further.——
It’s no different for “rape” or any other felony. The burden of proof is important. If there isn’t enough of it then it will likely be thrown out. Too many loop holes? No, you are just rationalizing how too many women “cry wolf” because they know it will cause problems for the guy. Even the spectre of a false rape claim can carry a stigma. It’s all about revenge with most who advocate a free pass for false rape claims. Putting real penalties for starting a false claim would take away that avenue of hurting the guy that the woman wants to hurt. If a lot of guys aren’t getting convicted, it is because many cases of “rape” are really just remorse or vengeance. Stop trying to push out the lie that the law aren’t already skewed in favor of the false rape claimer.
—–I have no way to prove that my attacker hurt me. But he did. And it’s a horrifying feeling to know that he not only got away with it, but has probably attacked others.—–
For the few cases where the evidence is not enough, but it actually did happen, there are many that are just cases of “revenge” accusations. The Rolling Stones Magazine one from last year showed all of us just how “lying about being raped” has become easy to pull off…. Until authorities start drilling into the real facts. If this really happened to you, trolling sites like this to vent your anger is actually not helping you or your case at all. This kind of hostility can and will be used against you in a trial. “Agenda” is reasonable cause for embellishing or lying.
—–And it’s so much worse to hear people saying it’s okay for people like him to have done it. I understand that you did not say that. But others on here have.—–
Show me where someone has seriously said that it is OK for people to be assaulted, battered or violated physically. Remember too, if you are throwing punches, don’t expect everyone to stand around and take it. Stop attacking.
“Fifty percent of all women are sexually assaulted at some point in their life.”
I have read were the definition of sexual assault is pretty liberal to get this sort of figure.
Your uncle hugs you a little too much that makes you feel uncomfortable, a cocky flirty guy in a nightclub comes up to you and puts his arm around your waist or on your bum while trying to chat you up, you go on a date with guy and when he drops you off he tries to make a move on you but you are not really attracted to him, your boyfriend is horny but you are tired and he pushes you into giving him a bj…I gather these can all be considered as sexual assault now since there was touching and it was not welcomed by the woman. Feminists have hijacked the definition to include such incidents that are no great threat to the woman.
Fuck off, snowflake.
Who gives a damn. Men get raped, too, and none of you stupid cunts care. Do not feel safe? Well, stay away from men. As you know, we are all rapists.
Fuck off, douche hair.
I said many people get raped. Men are people, no? More women get raped, that was my earlier point. I never said men don’t get raped. Dumbo.
James Deen accused of sexual assault by two more actresses, hours after he denies raping ex
Undoubtedly Deen is not anybody’s idea of a Prince Charming, but read the accounts of the other “victims” in this story.
It’s clear that Deen’s main crime is making aggressive, persistent efforts to have sex with women – mostly women who make their living recording scripted sexual escapades of every imaginable variety.
“However there were moments when Farrah said she was unnerved by Deen’s forceful behavior.”
“She said: ‘There’s one thing I’ll never forget. He picked me up at a hotel when I was staying and I was like, “Can you come to my room because I can’t get my dress shut.” It zipped in the back and I couldn’t reach it. He said, “Yeah sure.”
“I’m not one to f*** the first time or second time, it really takes me a while to have sex with someone.”
“‘But he came in the room and he thought I wanted him to f*** me. He was trying to take off my dress rather than zip up my dress….”
“Because of that weird altercation with him, I said “we need to leave and get out of here”. I had to push him out of my hotel room because he was so pushy.”
“That stuck in my mind, like wow, he must really be pushy with other women.”
Wow. How “weird” and “pushy.”
It’s not clear whether she made a sex tape with him before or after this despicable breach of social norms.
There are other women coming out of the woodwork now to pile on. Mostly porn stars.
Women give consent with their bodies not their mouths.
So if a woman is saying no with her mouth, how exactly is her body giving consent?
Obviously you’ve never had sex with a woman.
Her legs are open, she is wet, she watches patiently as you put on a condom and then lifts herself up so that you can enter.
Don’t get excited now!
That would be consensual sex. But when she says no and is forced to, that’s rape.
Force is the key point here. You don’t need a woman to explicitly say “yes” or “no” to know whether she wants sex or not. Women make it pretty clear either way.
That is not necessarily true. There are a lot of moral grey areas. For example, if a woman is highly intoxocated, she is not in the right mind to give consent verbally or non verbally. If you were to have sex with her in that state, you would be taking advantage of her.
Mess with the Bull…
…and you get the sheeeet:
I don’t deal with drunk women because they disgust me but I take your point. You have to define what you mean by highly intoxicated. If you mean, legless, vomiting and practically comatose, only a seriously deranged man would have sex with her. And he would deserve the jail time.
If she says ‘No’, and then pulls your penis out, spits in her hand, rubs the tip to make it nice and hard, and then squats down and slides her vagina over it while guiding it in with her hand. That would count as a “no THEN yes” (or the woman changing her mind) and not a “no and yes in conflict”. Can you see the grey area yet?
Women have a certain degree of responsibility for making sure that if they really mean ‘no’ that they aren’t then saying ‘yes’ with their actions by for example coyly spreading their legs apart, smiling seductively, and then lifting their butt up a little bit to give the man a better angle of entry. It’s really not that hard for a competent adult women, who really means no, to close her legs, put up a hand, and repeat ‘no’. Then if force is used it really clearly is forcible rape. If a women is unable to muster even this minimal physical manifestation of her wishes she probably shouldn’t be out in the world without supervision.
Most crimes go unpunished in general. It’s just the way things are. It’s better for the state to let 100 guilty men go free than to convict one innocent one. This is part of why prevention and self defense are so important, since big daddy government can’t save you.
Well said sir!
Oh but Ghost you don’t Need evidence, that’s Patriarchy Bullshit, cmon Get with the Times. Like Amelia Says, Stoya’s Claims are the only evidence we Need! And as Gaby says we got to believe the victims, and Nobody will believe women if She takes a stance on this issue, except of course in this RARE 1 Percent chance where it never Happened…..Wait a Ticket……..
She’s a “porn star”; does it matter?
Not really, once the facts are established. However, her credibility is rather low because she stands to gain an enormous financial windfall as she gets more press.
I’ve always contended that you can’t rape a pornstar, stripper or prostitute. Look at what they do for a living. It’s theft at worst. And I don’t buy this BS about them being traumatized. You have dicks going in and out of you daily and one going in (without paying) suddenly traumatizes you? I have a bridge in Brooklyn….
I am no feminist or whatever, but that is Neanderthal thinking. There are rules to the game and you follow them; if you don’t then that is rape. Strippers take off their clothes and grind against you in a lap dance, but take if farther then you have crossed the line. Hookers do some things or anything for a price, but if you go beyond that. . . Porn stars do all sorts of fucked up shit on camera, for money. If you are not on camera and the money isn’t there, then you need consent or it is rape.
In this particular case, there is no credibility.
Well, technically it’s rape by definition.
Yes, it’s still rape, just with lesser damages.
So… would you say you can’t steal from a shop owner, because look what they do for a living?
Yes. And that would be the case with a prostitute, stripper, pornstar…stealing.
Yes you can, these days. In Australia some years ago an USN aircraft carrier came in to Sydney harbour. One of the sailors paid a prostitute for sex. When he refused to wear a condom she said no. He shoved it in anyway. He was convicted of rape, rightly so. He belonged to a racial group known for a 10 times greater HIV rate.
There were once laws that disregarded rape as a crime against prostitutes. This was because chastity of a woman was regarded as a virtue she was carefully preserving out of desire so that a chosen man would invest in her. Pregnancy and illegitimacy had to be guarded against. Forced sex on a prostitute was more regarded as common assault, a lessor crime. Raping a chaste lady or someones wife was considered more heinous because it caused more damage to her reputation and sense of herself.
This was a time, Georgian or Regency era, when it was considered inappropriate for a lady and man to have more the two dances with each other at a country dance.
Wow. If you have a bad reputation within the porn industry you really have problems!
I was wondering about that: can anyone elaborate?
Bad reputation generally means not turning up on time, juiced up or drunk, your colon not prepared if it’s an anal scene, turning up with an obnoxious pimp/boyfriend that wants to run thing heavy like and not behaving professionally. Pretty much standard employment conditions apart from the colon prep. They don’t want to waste time on the shoot. Time is money. A few of these girls have gone of the rail with drugs but the budgets are now too big and the margins too low due to illegal copying to tolerate that.
How do you know so much about it?
Just one point for everyone. Notice how that idiot Ragnar has gotten exactly what he wanted? Lots of attention and he has changed the subject from the issues discussed in the article to what he really wanted – to disseminate his nonsense about Jews.
This guy is punking all of you. Do not let this happen. Do not engage with idiots.
She tweets that he held her down and fucked her, those were her words. She never said held me down and raped me, interesting choice of words…maybe a slip?
She said that she said no and used her safe word but he did not stop.
She also never went to the police. Her story is bogus. Look, if she was raped, she didn’t care enough do to anything about it so why should ANYONE give a fuck if the ‘victim’ doesn’t?
I am just saying that she put into words what was required to make the accusation hang together on first blush. That doesn’t mean I agree with her or that this amounts to any credible evidence.
The law in NSW Australia is that the man must withdraw his penis from woman in 30 seconds or less after she has changed her mind and requests him to stop. One guy was convicted when asked how long it took for him to withdraw and he said “maybe half a minute”. That was enough to convict him. It was very unfair because he did desist.
I immagine it went the way she said it did. It’s a matter of she said he said and nobody can prove a thing and they are both idiots.
My point is that her tweets cover off all that is needed to sustain a rape charge. She seems to have been careful about that.
Maybe there was a miscommunication about the safe word.
A couple of degenerates are bickering over whether or not one subjected the other to sexual degradation without paying the toll first.
What’s on ESPN?
“What’s on ESPN?”
LOTS of Jews. Jewish privilege.
Just goes to show how long it will be before a white knight is gone after….
I’m not sure if the SJWs have already succeeded in weaponizing false rape claims yet, but it looks like they’re getting very close.
But what can men even do to reverse this?
James Deen is one of the primary jews pushing interracial porn. He pressured white women into being raped by Blacks, because “muh anti-racism.” http://www.businessinsider.com/pornography-has-a-big-race-problem-2015-9?IR=T
From the article listed above:
As much as false rape accusations are horrible, it is nice in a way to see it happen to someone who sympathizes with the enemy.
Chalk this up as the umpteenth example of why no guy should sympathize with political causes that have more political power than you.
So how is it permissable to defame someone by accusing them of a crime, without actually filing a police report?
falsely saying he is a rapist is libel, though it’s hard to prove she’s lying, but if this was on video he should cash in for millions
If I were in his shoes, I’d call her out and tell her to either file a police report or admit she was lying. Either way you have her, because if/when they find him innocent of any wrongdoing, you countersue her ass for slander.
Ok cunt, you know what? You don’t care if an innocent man’s life might be destroyed forever? Fine. I don’t care if you get raped some day. Seems fair to me.
Damn, the selfishness of these bitches. There have been so many false accusations the last several years I’m at the point where I just automatically assume any accusation is false. I kind of like to wait for that thing called evidence.
Hell, why should I even care anymore? They certainly don’t give a rats ass about destroying someone’s life.
Why are you getting your panties in a bunch defending some rich jew who makes his money off forcing white women to have sex with Blacks? I hope he gets thrown in prison.
Looks like we have a poster who gets his panties in a bunch whenever the word “Jew” is mentioned. Stormfront is still taking customers pal. Get lost.
You get lost…or, maybe you should just go back to planning your next gay pride parade with your boyfriend.
Nice projection.
Hollywood as well as the porn industry is run and controlled entirely by jews. This is no secret.
Really? Try again.
How can you type with your boyfriend’s member in your mouth? He must think you are ambidextrous!
Roosh’s Law: all public rape accusations are false.
No exceptions.
No cops, no rape. If it was ‘real’ enough to scream on your instagram, it’s ‘real’ enough to tell cops, a doctor to get a rape kit & a D.A. under penalty of law if you lie.
SJWs love to say 1% rape accusations are false. I’d further define that as follows;
1% of all rape claims made to police are probably false.
100% of rape claims made on social media are false.
20-30% to police are false what I remember.
“Innocent man” is an oxymoron. Promoting miscegenation is a typical tapir trick. By the way, are you Mark a cuckold?
So he banged her in the same manner that she gets banged in all of her films?
Sex positive feminists who created the culture of 50 Shades are all in a twitter about their next jerk off fantasy.
James Deen “recently castigated the industry for its “racism” and attempted to shame female stars who refuse to perform with black men. Now Deen is getting hoisted on his own petard:”
How noble that a Jew like Deen is concerned about racism in the porn industry which is run by Jews. He complains that not enough white women want to perform with black men. Only a Jew would castigate white women for having enough racial pride as to not want to be filmed having sex with a black man. Honestly those women are damaged anyway, but maybe they draw the line at interracial sex.
Wouldn’t life be better if there was no porn industry and Hollywood gave more opportunities for goys to make movies. The movies would certainly be better.
I hope this loser gets convicted. That would wipe that smug smile off his face.
I’ll show you the life of the mind.
The thing is, most of the viewers are white and can’t get that “suspension of disbelief” about themselves fucking these whores when they see a black cock pounding them. So my guess is, there is no market demand for interracial porn.
Or maybe there is a certain thrill from the “abuse” of it all.
I don’t see him advocating for 50 year old me like myself porking teenagers and responding to any resistance as being “ageism”. He does not seem to be lining up black girls with white guys either.
Perhaps I am wrong, I am just an amateur observer.
Black men love beautiful white women too, so there is a market I’m sure.
Ok, so we can pull out our pocket MBA:
The fact still remains that white guys outnumber black guys by something like 5 to 1, and in terms of disposable income, even more. If the porn industry behaved like the movie industry then logic would dictate it would pander to white guys and their fantasies.
The most successful “independent” movie was “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. It was based on a play that was set in Winnipeg, Canada. Not to insult anyone reading here, but Americans don’t know where the fuck Winnipeg is and otherwise can’t relate. So the setting was changed to Chicago.
Similarly, English movies dominate the industry despite Bollywood putting out more movies to more viewers: GDP of the group in question is what drives it.
However, in porn you have smaller companies who can choose an agenda – as long as it makes some profit – over maximizing profits based on what the market actually wants. And as a media company, they can influence what people THINK they want.
It’s sort of a perversion or Say’s Law.
No doubt black men love some beautiful white women just as I, currently a Sinophile, can appreciate a fine, black woman. It’s just that the numbers don’t add up.
Well if there’s a market for something as specialized as fecal fetish porn or foot fetish porn and that can make money I’m pretty sure that not all porn has to aim for the center of the market to be profitable.
Yes, and you can study Porter and find your niche. The issue here is using media power to move the fetish out into the mainstream. You only get this phenomenon in media products.
Most porn is rather boring for any observer who has had more than a half dozen partners. The market always needs something new.
“White teens taking BBC” certainly fills a niche, but trying to mainstream it indicates a social adgenda.
That’s absolutely true. It’s specialized niche porn, and as far as I’m concerned should remain so.
While humorous, I fail to see the relevance to the topic at hand…did I miss something in the article?
The Stoya chick will likely morph into a fat chick in a few years when her marketability finally disappears? Fat people are reading this article and heck, why not shame them? I dunno. It is funny though.
Indeed. Makes me want to print off some copies of this to distribute along with the fake parking tickets for the dicks who take up 2 spaces to park their car.
Heh, my son has a stack of the fake parking tickets that he distributes to assholes. Great minds…
“Fat people are reading this article”
Can anybody in the intelligence community monitoring these comments confirm this is the case?
Where is Uncle NSA when you need him?
They know everything. Including how many pounds you put on last week
Not anywhere near a US border monitoring potential enemy infiltration by “Non-Muslim-Extremist” terrorists through Middle Eastern refugee groups, that’s for damn sure.
The last time I was in England I forgot to exchange a fiver note before I returned to Ohio. Fortunately it’s now one of my standard go to bad jokes; I whip out the five pound bill and tell people “Yeah, last time I went to England I gained five pounds”.
It’s the little things in life that amuse me.
a sterling anecdote
Ooooh, I see what you did there…
Well, real work is haaaaard.
Must be an affirmative action hire. Sounds like the old “Talking” Barbie doll. Frightening when a large segment or the population is unwittingly emulating a child’s toy.
Off topic to the article, but it is a fun card. A click on the link over to the dailymail find loads of shouting White Knights and sneering, presumably fat, women all going into hysterics. A few sane voices to be found, but not many.
Is it wrong that the only name I recognize is Cytherea? (I knew of her before the ROK article or her rape/assault, mostly from trying to figure out this myth? phenomena? whatever, of squirting).
Looked up this James Deen on Google, found a scene he did with a former porn star turned activist named Jessie Rogers where he slaps her repeatedly and reams her rectum before tugging her hair to direct her to lick everything off the floor at the end (he certainly seems like a Feminist).
I basically marveled at the dimensions of her ass, and still didn’t care who Deen or Stoya were.
The one thing I would say is, unless you are a tantric master (and likely not even then) most men are not going to be able to stop half-way through. But didn’t Dr. Ruth already point this out?
“Jews have sex on the brain. And they have transmitted their obsession to the rest of society. We have all become infected with the sex virus.”
Gee another rape hoax? Is it finally time to admit that a woman shouldn’t be trusted in the first place with these?
It doesn’t sound as though she is describing “recreational” sex but a rough on-the-job porno session. If so won’t there be video evidence of the “rape” in question?
“the kinds of rape stories feminists love involve upper-middle class
white women being taken advantage of by “entitled” white men.”
NOWHERE is this more evident than in the European “refugee” crisis this year. Feminists had a golden opportunity to revive their failing image and do actual good work again, but because that doesn’t fit the narrative, they are silent about it:
They are detritus and should be totally destroyed.
James deen is a jew.
Either you’ve got a real jew complex or you’re hasbara
Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography used as a Weapon Against Gentiles
Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. … In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. … It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. … Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew – he was a generous donator to Jewish charities. …
Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? …Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.” Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. … Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. … https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/35ae09127d595b51c0046de333c252b2e97e2e65a5a23ff7f0f539842b12e74e.jpg
I’m aware jews are big in porn but focussing on that is separate to the specific issue being raised in the article (rape accusations being taken seriously without it being reported as a crime etc ) and the comment you replied. You might as well plaster posters all over your local neighbourhood.
“Additionally, Gaby Dunn, a friend of Deen’s, stated that while she knows Stoya’s accusations against him are false, she won’t defend him because she’s afraid it will deter real rape victims from speaking out:”
What about encouraging women to stop false rape accusations? False rape accusations HURT real rape victims. She got it all wrong!
Stopping false rape accusations would be to assert that women must exercise reason and accountability. Never going to happen.
This goes all the way back to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Eve took a bite out of the apple when God said not to. She then blames the serpent made her do it, trying to absolve her of any accountability for her actions.
satan didnt do nuffin’
Probably should have paid more attention to where Eve had that snake hidden (and why) at the time?
she would have claimed she hadn’t consented to hiding the snake
And how absurd is that whole post “I won’t say she’s lying, but I know she’s lying.” It’s typical woman one-foot-in talk. If you have something to say, say it or shut up
Let’s assume for a second that this woman is actually telling the truth. The question still remains — what constitutes a “rape?” Even if this woman is to be believed, she is accusing Deen of rape because he refused to stop mid-sex act. (I’m guessing this occurred after the sex act began with consent since she mentions using her “safe word”).
I’m sorry but I have a huge problem with the word “rape” being used to describe a situation where a woman decides mid-sex act that she wants to stop having sex with her boyfriend who she’s had sex with numerous times before. This isn’t even in the same ballpark as a woman being physically forced or threatened into a sex act with a stranger. Calling something like this “rape” makes light of the experiences of women who have suffered through actual, brutal rapes.
Seriosuly. Any woman can then just consent for a guy they want to fuck over and then say stop. Then what? How many more thrusts or seconds till it is rape.
Every day I believe even more in sharia law or a law system and culture similar to help men of all races. Women are property and while they do deserve respect and lI’ve , giving it to them will only bring you misery and failure in your relationships and future. A man must dominate every part of his wife and daughters life. There is no middle ground. There is no giving in. There is no fucking sympathy. Because the results of those weakness will be what we have today.
I don’t believe in god but I believe men of the west need to adopt sharia law and adapt it to fit all religions and ideologies. I believe neo masculinity and the red pill will eventually keep going and evolving until the most extreme and powerful ideologies will dominate the Manosphere. Many think the Arabs are backwards but they are actually greater. Fuck modern western civilization. I’m not white but I feel for my white brothers. White men need to embrace extremism and their true Christian values if they want a future. Fuck diversity and multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a degenerative disease to any group that accepts it. Hope that with the Internet and global awareness men will never forget these crimes against true humanity and their will be a global patriarchy that will lead humans into a greater future for a long time.
Another Eskimo in charge of porn. I looked into his supremacy and it checks out. Good thing the industry is losing money more and more every year due to downloading and streaming. Fuck James Stein. Whats with Eskimos being all about muliculturalism yet they dont want to race mix themselves especially in marriage. Whether its European borders or the porn industry,the eskimos are behind multiculturalism and eliminating the white race as long as they stick with their own kind. Usually i’d back a guy being falsely accused of rape but let this cunt go down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QU7IoDoVX4
If rule of law and rules of evidence can be suspended for one man because of his ethnicity or even because we can all agree that he’s a nasty, awful human being, then all of us can have it happen to us. As a white straight male, the demographic who while bringing the most good to humanity in history is nevertheless blamed for every evil in the world, I’m not certain that I want to roll the dice and hope to God above that the dregs of society don’t some day turn to me and say “You’re next”.
totally agree, due process is required, and the public has GOT to quit deciding someone’s guilty and punishing them with their outcries before the person is even found guilty through due process. Today you don’t have to be found guilty to have your life ruined… you can have your life ruined before the DA even decides whether or not to press charges. This crap is ridiculous.
Couldn’t agree more.
Newsflash: the rule of law is already suspended for white men.
Newsflash, if we flush rules of evidence, we’re doomed.
Well, that’s already happened to a large degree, but I agree rules of evidence should never be flushed.
Especially regarding rape. If we get to the point where the law can simply slap you in jail on accusations alone, no evidence required, not even a pretense of evidence, then we’re done not just as a society, but as men. Rules of evidence still stimey feminists, we dare not let that vestige go, or we’re goners.
Look, the legal system already is infiltrated by jews at the highest level, the Supreme Court. Lots of Affirmative Action appointments throughout.
We have to begin to segregate our people from the race war enemies who target us at every level. Jurisprudence in the corrupted Western society is dead already.
My thoughts exactly. Feminists, spurious rape accusations and all the rest of it, those are all merely symptoms of much larger issues.
Yes, this is why I approve of Sharia law in Muslim majority nations if the majority approves, yet obviously not in Europe.
(I don’t like ISIS for a different reason, they attack the greatest enemy of Israel, which also shares a border with Israel. (Syria))
The point of defending Sharia Law in Afghanistan or Pakistan, for example is because jews do not want to allow any parallel legal system they do not already control. I approve of DPRK (North Korea) for the same reason as Sharia in Afghanistan.
What whites need is White Law which is separate like Sharia, yet the magistrates, advocates, jurors, defendants and plaintiffs must all be white.
If that were the case, why can’t women get us imprisoned on accusation alone? I mean without a trial, with no evidence and in kangaroo court style? They can’t. We still have this tool on our side. I say, we guard it jealously.
Ah the voice of reason again . . . I was once accused of “scaring a woman” by “picking her up and throwing her on his bed” along with other assorted innuendo. I was lucky that the women who heard this thought it didn’t check out with how they knew me. Was very uncomfortable that was my safety rope.
The reality?
She climbed in my window got undressed and climbed into my bed and initiated sex. It seemed churlish to refuse. Later she said something to her boyfriend that alerted him she had been in my bed then lied to get out of trouble.
I wouldn’t want to count on escaping female dishonesty the same way again, nor would I like to see other men before the same court.
Exactly. There are places where we need to stand together. This is one of them. If “da Jew” or “da any other minority” or even “da whitey” need a beatdown later, then we’ll handle it after the war is won. Right now, we must stand together, even with our most despicable brethren, or surely we shall perish.
I admire your level-headed thinking in this thread, GOJ – but please consider the following:
Who exactly will this war be against? We must define the enemy and begin laying plans. By my research (many, many years and several red pills), if we were to remove several Jews from positions of power the following positive changes could occur:
1.) The supreme court that legalized gay marriage would lose its three Jewish justices (Kagan, Breyer, Ginsburg – all voted for gay marriage), and perhaps they could be replaced with more socially conservative justices.
2.) The Federal Reserve would crumble, putting an end to usury, and our government could print its own value based currency, which the constitution gives it the authority to do. (Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, and others attempted to expose and/or end central banking – and you can see the deadly results of standing up to these crooks. No wonder Jesus expelled a similar group from the Temple…)
3.) The porn industry would take a major blow and there would be less interracial narratives being pushed.
4.) The degeneracy in Hollywood would take a severe hit (such as your Jewish friend Seth Rogen, heh) and more independent film companies may gain traction and perhaps promote healthier themes.
5.) Nationalist minded people would have an easier time rejecting illegal immigrants from the Middle East by legal means if powerful Jewish groups and lobbyists were forced out. We would have an easier time building a wall on our own southern border if not for the overwhelmingly Jewish-run MSM pushing a “sympathetic” narrative. (See the following chart)
6) Feminism would probably not have gained much traction if not for the extremely heavy Jewish involvement, funding, and political influence. Also, women’s lib had a lot to do with getting the other 50% into the work force to pay taxes to help to satisfy the debt our Government owes the Federal Reserve (see point #2). This logic I propose (others have proposed it before me) makes sense, considering our government started collecting federal income taxes on a permanent basis (probably overwhelmingly from white, working males and landowners) around the same time the federal reserve act was passed because the bank knew it needed guaranteed debt payments.
7) While it can be argued that the “big name” conservatives such as Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and Breitbart News (founded by Jewish man Andrew Breitbart, and currently edited by a Jewish man, Ben Shapiro) are Jewish – It needs to be pointed out that these Jewish individuals have an unhealthy attitude toward Israel. This attitude is essentially that Israel can do no wrong and should always be high up on America’s “to fund” list. I’ve heard you mention a discussion you tried to have about Israel on Breitbart and how you were labeled an “anti-Semite” and told to return to Stormfront.
I could go on. The thing is, I believe I have correctly defined the enemies of liberty and the constitution. I’m ready to take nonviolent action to spread the word.
Who, specifically, have you defined as the enemy?
Oh James Deen the filthy jew who castigates white women for not degrading themselves further with non-human negroes? What a frigging surprise.
Anyone and everyone falsely accused should seek defimation and slander lawsuits with a non disclosure agreement. If there are no consequences for them the consequences for you can affect you 10 years later and do irreparable damage. If there are no consequences this could get so out of hand it will weaponize all women in general to be able to destroy anyone’s career and extort money from whichever rich guy they want. Consensual sex shouldn’t be the equivalent of Russian roulette.
It would also be good if sites like Vice and Huffington Post (along with television “news”) had to face libel suits for “reporting” this stuff in the first place.
Also, after Googling Stoya, isn’t it a conflict of interest that the rape claimant here sometimes works for the sites running the article? Not to mention what kind of credibility do these sites think they really have when they are actively promoting porn and porn stars?
“after Googling Stoya, isn’t it a conflict of interest that the rape
claimant here sometimes works for the sites running the article?”
good point. Much more focus should be given to the material rewards that incentivise these women to tell make false allegations. Its not just about the absence of legal consequences (for the most part)
Yes you can do that if you can prove it’s bullshit just like rolling Stone and their frat story. The writer got fired and they are in a massive lawsuit from both the frat AND the college. I strongly encourage it actually. If a news agency is reporting heresay one sided bullshit they deserve to be shut down for reporting propaganda that hurts innocent people instead of the news. If you don’t go after these news agencies they will continue to run stories like that since they are click bait. This is capitalism. If it doesn’t make money it doesn’t make sense.
I just don’t know how anyone can take this person as a credible accuser. She has way too much to gain from the publicity.
I want to introduce a new judicial concept: the presumption of lie. Here’s how it is applied. You can presume a woman is lying when she makes a rape accusation on social media. This act grants immunity to the accused man against criminal charges for that crime.
Ladies, if someone raped you, go to the police. And not like 10 months later; go the next day. And if you’re not sure that you’ve been raped, it means you haven’t been raped. It’s as simple as that.
Minor reformulation:
You can presume a woman is lying when she makes a rape accusation in any forum other than a police report, unless she does so while requesting your help in filing one.
Let’s go further than that: make them liable somehow for false accusations.
I’m a fan of the stocks, but that’s me.
Can’t happen because of the way that slander is protected by the First Amendment. In order to sue for slander, you not only have to prove that what they said was false- you also have to prove that they knew it was false when they wrote it.
A Jewish supremacist and a white whore?
May they both get AIDS, die miserably and burn in hell forever.
Lay with pigs and wonder why you smell like shit. Fuck the both of those degenerates
Another thing, the more we unplug from the matrix the more we can watch from the sidelines as this rabid sjw ideology devours its own. As in all these revolutionary leftist doctrines, it’s the useful idiots who get killed/ personally destroyed first.
It’s great to see these disgusting insects trample over one another. They truly are lower forms of life.
Notice that her anger is directed at her alleged rapist’s fans and not the rapist himself.
She is hot. I would like to shit on her.
Well, that might be a beverage-snorted-from-nostrils personal record distance. Thanks for the laugh Tom, but now my nose burns.
I know, I have weird fantasies. Nobody’s perfect.
when are you going to try something new? That’s getting almost vanilla!
My love for you is like a truck, berserker.
those lyrics are better than anything eagles of death metal ever wrote
Said like a true Arab. Give that man a cigar!
Those arabs are convenient. Such that whenever I speak the truth, people think I am making fun of the turban carriers.
The truth is often funny and bizarre. The whole basis of comedy is such that we shouldn’t really laugh, but, we do despite ourselves.
Maybe we laugh because we can not allow ourselves to feel the stuff underneath the humor. Defense.
Maybe at times- it’s the last defense! Many of the greatest comedians and clowns in history were extremely melancholy souls behind the mask. Likewise tragedy has it element of farce.
Yeah, makes sense. But you know what, I always had this understanding that I can not express myself fully. But I never understood that it was not a choice. The defense mechanism was involuntary. When I desired a girl, I could not show her that I want to put my cock in her holes and fill her up. Instead, I laughed and made a sympathetic face. I would like to say it was voluntary, but it takes a hell of a lot of time to wear down these emotional blockades. That is so because it is intuitive to try to ‘break through’ to the right emotion and trying to fight and destroy and lose the blockage. But the blockade in itself must be honored and expressed before the underlying emotion can be accessed. And that blockade often carries a lot of pain that one has forgotten.
Have you ever explored acting as a hobby or even a career? It can very powerfully allow these “blockades” to be vented like trapped steam in a system in something constructive and affirming. It’s a really good way of clicking with chicks too as you can build up close bonds before anything physical happens?
I despise acting. It just seems wrong to me. To play roles and expose myself emotionally in front of others too openly. A bit like that guy who posted a video of his family. I prefer meditation and singing, which accomplishes the same, but is more honest and intimate. I feel that acting would be more akin to reenactment, less akin to resolution, but I may be wrong about that.
I do understand the point you make about acting exposing yourself to others in a very public manner. I’m an introverted person by nature, but, I used to be involved a bit in the amateur side of it, primarily out of an interest in the words, rather than in acting. It did induce me for a while to be more sociable than usual and I did meet a women at it whom I see still on occasions.
I’ve become more interested in music these days which I think resonates more with the truth about the world we live in. Words can after all betray us unlike music.
Indeed, words seem to be some of the greatest distractions from truth. The more I meditate, the more I realize how this is true. For instance, you may say ‘I do not dare to trust’, but what do these words really represent? Nothing. You keep analytically shuffling these words and think about how they are illogical and trying to ‘prove’ in mathematical precision that you SHOULD be able to trust. The simpler truth is that whatever you associate with that lack of trust is really just a painful emotion keeping you from feeling another. To make things worse, this painful emotion is neither directly accessible, but blocked by shame. (‘This should not hurt.’) So the shame comes first to be acknowledged. The shame of the pain. Then comes the pain. Then the emotion itself. And that stuff can be layered indefinitely.
Yeah, I used to try to be more outgoing for a few times in my life. But it never was how I felt underneath. I am getting closer to that, though. I believe that I will be able to inncently connect with people within a year, thanks to the meditations.
As for acting, I used to love making movies, now that I think of it. And I did play in them, very occasionally. I liked to put on masks. To look cool. But it is no longer something I enjoy. I made a lot of them, but they are all gone (un)fortunately.
Good comment. Words can make us say what we don’t feel and feel what we don’t say. There are labyrinths with caves and walkways going within mazes that lead to precipices and vistas that no words can every capture within our own recesses.
To analyze words hoping that such efforts will cast light across the shadow lands of our own reality, is I think a serious error that moves us further from the truth rather than closer, and of course closer to a reconciliation between yourself and the world you inhabit. I think meditating is a good route to travel along as it helps a person to connect with others in a more understanding manner, free from the tyrannical power of the ego that’s often composed from the shards and fragments of broken lives.
Well said.
Here is a proposed solution to all this madness: When a girl cries rape without foolproof evidence, give her attention and support (she may have been abused as a kid and projected the emotions on him, so still needing help), but do not punish the rapist. Show her understanding without doubting her, but do not blindly believe her either, and make no conclusions about what really happened.
Effect: Those who accuse of rape just to hurt someone else will no longer get the satisfaction of seeing someone else suffer. Plus, real rape victims will not worry about having to debate whether it really happened. We will just accept that the human mind can be weird.
Such, incentive for false rape accusations diminishes and you are left with a handful of girls who really want and need help and attention from a real rape – even if there is no conviction or evidence – and a couple of gals who actually have a disturbed sense of memory. They will be helped, too.
Our society focuses too much on punishment and revenge, as if that makes pain go away. Healing is more important. And when healing is the only thing the victim gets, faux victims will not bother.
As for the rapist, he will get punished only in ways that keep him from doing it again, to keep others safe from him. But not to hurt and damage him. Also, conviction is only possible with indisputable evidence.
So you end up with rape victims getting counseling and support even without evidence, but no incentive for false rape accusations.
Creative. But, I think that’s a terrible idea. (1) Women will still cry “rape” for the attention — that’s why false rape accusers do it anyway and (2) men who actually rape women are human garbage who deserve to be locked up.
Rape is one of the worst things a person could experience and is probably the worst crime imaginable except for murder. If you’ve had a family member who was raped (really raped — not got drunk and regretted it the next day “rape”), you would probably understand.
I was raped myself, so I beg to differ.
(1) So what? Give them the attention. There is a reason why they want it. I bet with you that if you actually give it to them in a real and honest manner, they will feel ashamed and not take it, because they feel like liars.
(2) Human garbage is one way to view it and it certainly creates a lot of pain and anger towards those who do it. And yet rapists act out of a lot of pain themselves and that is why they too deserve compassion. Just locking them up or killing them solves nothing. Unless you believe that every soul just has one life.
Besides, even after my experience, I think rape is not the worst you can experience. The most humiliating perhaps. But the worst is probably closer to getting your dick or tits or arms cut off or your eyes destroyed or your face burned off. There is a lot of horror in the world and we are often blind to any but the one that we experienced ourselves.
I guess we can agree to disagree on this one then. I don’t think a person who would forcibly rape someone and steal someone’s innocence is deserving of any compassion.
And locking up or killing a rapist actually accomplishes a lot. It puts them in a position where they, either temporarily or permanently, cannot hurt another person in that way.
There has got to be a better way to deal with false rape accusations than throwing out the rule of law and creating open season for sick-minded people to rape with impunity.
Well, I did propose to put them away. But not without evidence.
And I can not agree to disagree, as I believe ultimately everyone deserves compassion. But I understand that this is not something you would even consider after a thing like that happened to you or one of your family.
In the long run, needing to perpetuate the narrative of the evil monster rapist who stole the innocence is just a protection mechanism of the ego. Which is fine. But it also keeps one from letting go of the pain and accept it. Which I think is due to a lot of shame regarding sexuality in our culture. Rape confronts you with many emotions you have a hard time acknowledging, thus keeping you stuck in the trauma.
A person cannot be convicted without evidence anyway. You can’t be convicted without a unanimous jury being convinced that the prosecution proved it’s case beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s already a pretty high threshold.
I’m not getting your point about a “protection mechanism of the ego.” I had a family member who was raped by a serial rapist/child molester when she was 9 years old. The guy who did that was absolutely an evil monster who stole someone’s innocence and created all kinds of problems in her life. I have no compassion for him and wish he would have stayed locked up the rest of his life.
Yeah, true. But that does not keep the mob from believing that stuff.
Why do you think a child rapist does this stuff? Likely, because he himself has suffered sexual abuse, but repressed the memory and felt the need to somehow reenact it again and again. It is a tragic irony. I mean, unless you assume that some people do stuff without any possibility to explain it. ‘Just because’ they are ‘pure evil’. Why would you fuck a little girl as a normal person?
It is a protectio mechanism of the ego to not feel those emotions. When a trauma happens, the organism can not take all that pain, so the consciousness dissociates from certain emotions and stores them as traumata. This can manifest as tensions in the body – in terms of Chinese stuff, in the 7 chakras of the body. Rape affects one at the deepest level, at the root chakra, which is between the anus and vagina/dick. When you have unresolved emotions, you feel tensions or weird sensations in these places and these sensations block you from being confident, open, outgoing. The way to resolve this is to let yourself feel the pain, slowly and over time. I do it with meditation. As the organism is unable to take and process so much pain in so short a time as during rape, it needs to be done over a longer period of time, but it is still possible. When finished, the tension is gone and personal freedom reclaimed.
Interesting. Yeah, I agree that no normal person would do something as sick as raping a child. But, I also don’t think that even a person who has been abused themselves would resort to that kind of behavior without some sort of moral culpability. There are a lot of criminals I have compassion for and I can understand how some people can turn to a life of crime. But, rape? I just don’t see that. Everyone acts how they act for a reason. But, I still believe there are some people who are just evil.
Well, it is not so simple. It is not that the person does not have a conscience. It is that the emotions from the rape are indeed so powerful – but not consciously understood – that they completely outweigh all moral considerations. In that sense, the violence and shame in the rapist’s mind seems to be conflated in a way with pleasure that makes it seem as if violence and shame IS pleasurable. The real wish there is to feel those emotions of rape, but one is not consciously aware of having been raped, so one projects it onto others – some little girl – and experiences the own rape through her. It is cathartic for that person.
I believe that psychopaths – those who can not feel guilt and shame – are the only people you could genuinely call evil. They do it without much emotional component, just out of curiosity. It is a biological thing in their brains.
But a person who does this stuff compulsively is like a sex addict or fatty. Their underlying pain leaves them no choice but to do it, until they choose to confront it. But for that, they must know and acknowledge it is there in the first place.
Hey guys, look at this site on the porn page:
You rightly noticed that movie is with Deen. You missed that the movie actually IS about rape. What if this is just marketing?
That would be an interesting plot twist. I wonder how the SJWs would react to that.
I checked it. The video starts with her seeing a psychologist telling him that she was raped by James Deen.
I downloaded the porn out of curiosity. It really is a marketing gag. Haha, losers!
But she sure is an ugly bitch without Photoshop.
What the hell is this place becoming- a Jew bashing, hate spewing bullshit forum?
Wait…you’re sockpuppeting with Ragnar aren’t you?
I just don’t get it. If Jews seem to have more success in industry, and shit like that, what the hell is the hate about? If I admire the results a man is getting in his life and work, my duty is to learn how the hell he does it.
Hating will get me nowhere, will get no one nowhere, except of course, into deeper shit.
Ragnar, and all Jew hating guys out there, when you see Jewish success, humble the shit out and learn how the hell it is done.
Study and Learn.
Study and Learn.
Haha, a wanna-be Jew!
Son, you’re either born with it or not …
No shit, but no thanks. It’s common sense, which for some obscure reason, seems lacking in Jew hate.
I’m human first, judging myself on the content of my own character, and seeking amends and improvement.
Im no Jew wanna be. Just a man exercising reason.
There is a point to it and there is not.
A rapist has an effective way of getting pussy. Shall we learn from him?
“A rapist has an effective way of getting pussy. Shall we learn from him?”
oh vey! its like anuda shoah!
I and others have tried to swat him down on the thread, but I’m not particularly of a mind to find this site smeared.
Criticizing any person, religion or culture is fine on this forum. The extremists get smacked a bit, although they are free to express themselves. This isn’t a “safe space” Kay, it’s a place where men get down and in the mud in the intellectual realm. If some go over the top, we’re ok with that, because the marketplace of ideas gives all of us the power to refute bad ideas while retaining what we wish that was good.
There is no orthodoxy here, and I actually agree with your observation of observing what brings success and learning from it. I just don’t label the site any particular “ism” any longer. It’s a free for all here. I like that.
this way is not effective at all.
Why not? 100% success rate on cold approach.
Jew’s success is ONLY due to their corporatism and subsequent current statuts quo power position protected by political correctness. Period.
Success= Corporatism+ Status Quo+Political Correctness
Are you A Trump Republican?
Corporatism => Status quo => Success.
Success is maintained by political correctness = “you are against me, therefore you are antisemite” => ostracism.
Jews are the publicly untouchable. Try to run for office with an anti-Israel agenda in the US. Good luck with that.
arguably everybody on the planet is a possible crypto-jew.
Third accuser
They’re probably telling the truth, life as a popular male porn star can probably warp your mind to some extent. Mix in cocaine/meth and even the nicest dudes can probably cross the line.
He’s a smug member of God’s Chosen. Might be cosmic irony that he’s victim to his own Tribes inventions.
It’s one of those things that it’s hard to give a shit about, except insofar as we have to strive to ensure that a woman cannot get a man thrown in the clink on accusation alone. That is my sole concern on this thread. If we lose that battle, it’s over.
I’m just glad to see 2 disgusting people at war with one another. I hope they ruin each other’s lives.
What the hell is happening in the comment section right now?
Don’t worry, it’s just another Stormfront passing. When they’ve all stopped rubbing their dicks to pictures of the Star of David it’ll all be over.
As evil as it sounds, I just don’t care that much when I hear about a porn star being raped. Even if Stoya *was* raped, she was already damaged goods. I’m sure it affects her in a negative way psychologically. But it’s not like she was gonna get married and be a housewife, anyway.
It did not happen. It is a marketing hoax.
I bought a replica James Deen dick/dildo and made my girlfriend fuck it to one of his videos recording it all the while.
Very nice.
Welcome to the club of weird fantasies.
So kinda like simulated cuckoldery? To each his own I guess.
Cuckoldery? Nahhhhh! Just warping her mind for my benefit.
You benefit from that how exactly?
It’s a give and take. I’ve got her ready to lick and suck everything! She is willing to bring home girls now. I’ll give her a second dick for that. I’ve corrupted her. I’m good at manipulating women. They are objects to me. “Cuckoldery” comes from a punk who is the one controlled. I consider it….humbling them…..owning them.
Not bad, I must admit. Have to learn that art some day. Any tips?
Hmmmmmm….edge them with your mouth. Keep them in that state of mind. That state of mind is like a mans state of mind 24/7. THEN……while keeping them in the balance….make subtle suggestions. Things like….”I’d love some girl down here sharing your pussy with me.” Once she gets off…..don’t bring it up. Just know the seed is planted. Let it germinate.
What does ‘edge them with your mouth’ mean?
Eat the pussy. Keep them on the edge of cumming without letting them. Stop before they do. And talk fucking dirty in between while you dabble the hole with your fingers.
Devilish. I like it.
You must develop the ability to transfer your deviant ways via your persona/eye contact. I only attract women who are freaks. And I’m fine with that. Anyone casting judgment here is a frustrated hopeless romantic. Give it up boys….a “good girl” for you is my sex slave.
Yeah, that sounds like exactly the thing I want to do. Dark magic, kind of. Spiritual domination.
Good comment
Still not sure about the jew dick tho
You brought a dildo of another mans cock? Are you the gayest man on the internet?
Go fuck yourself. Loser. I get pussy cause I have adapted. Bitches like being USED! What are you….one of those MGTOW cant get laid guys?
You are fun.
Really over aggressive response there. Hit a nerve I think.
I can’t go fuck myself because I don’t own any dildos shaped after other mens cocks. Unlike you.
You are obviously gay, but keep deluding yourself.
You are also fun.
No faggot…I’m a YT guy. That’s how we talk. I’m a white nationalist/alt right…nigger/illegal/female/homo/Zionist hating Putin loving ass who has adapted for his own sanity. Deal with it.
I think I read quite a critical article about Putin recently. Before that, I also liked him. I guess the world is not black and white. Then again, I do not give a fuck about politics.
I’ve read shit about him too. All I know is Cultural marxism headed west and never thought the Iron Cutain would fall behind it. He is standing up for a lot of the things I believe in. But who knows with this Jewish controlled media.
It is hard to tell the truth, ever. One easily gets biased by what one wants to believe. History books are all interpretations of chronicle. In History, there are heroes and villains. In reality, there are just dudes fighting for power.
Faggot? Thats called projection.
You hate females? You can’t be a white nationalist and hate our women. Thats an oxymoron (judging from the quality of your posts may need to look that word up in a dictionary).
You can’t be a white nationalist whilst jerking off to filthy degenerate kike porn. You certainly can’t be one if you buy a dildo based off a jews cock! Are you on crack or something?
Whats a YT guy?
yeshiva trained?
You’ve adapted? To being a self created cuckold who buys other men’s dicks for his girlfriend to fuck instead of him? I don’t quite understand? This is adaptation?
I see your comments often dude. You’re like one of the wanna be guru’s here. You have punks swinging all over your your jock. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever looked at another guys GF, with the guy beside her, and wanted to fuck her brains out? Be fucking honest. YES! And she’s standing there with nut leaking out of her. Go fuck yourself.
I’m Red Pillman on YouTube. That means…I’ve taken the RP
Whew. Painful. You know how to cut a man (going to grammar like a bitch would). I thought I was all red pill till ya’ll came along.
Listen dork.
My GF is 21 yrs my junior. The one before that…..21 yrs my junior.
These young girls love porn (grew up on it….50 shades types). Just like you love porn.
I simply give it to them. While I eat their asses out I MAKE them watch gangbangs and the like. Degrading porn. Porn that would humble a whore. I don’t go over to MGTOW channels and RoK (and the like) and talk a bunch of shit about how the American woman sucks and blah blah blah. I simply take advantage of the fact.
The fact that he’s a Jew. I didn’t even know he was (at the time) and I bet his Ancestry DNA results wouldn’t let him migrate to Israel. Who gives a fuck. I hate Zionist not every damn Jew that walks the earth.
I have a feeling you’ve also taken the JD.
Bunch of insecure fags. With your contradictory philosophy on women. Which is basically….
“Women suck because they have fucked too many guys AND heres how to take a ride on her cock carousel.” Make up your minds.
I am a chauvinist; sexist; misogynist. No BS. I treat women like dirt because I view them as inferior objects. And it gets me laid. If anything is coming from this attempted rebuke from you tools it’s I’m feeling pretty guilty now for treating women the way I do as I’m thinking and typing about it. I mean…they are people…right? lol
Wait a Minute… You bought another dudes Dick, and you have handled it…….
“I believe women!”
I believe car drivers.
I believe accountants.
…see how stupid that sounds?
Well, accountants at least have some principles.
A dirty jew appropriates the name of a famous white film actor, uses it to violate white women, and degrade white civilisation one more step. Fuck him.
He is clearly guilty of rape. Should go to prison for a long “stretch”. Hope he won’t mind doing “sex scenes” with blacks in the joint!
The Social Justice Jew usually breaks down whenever they’re put into a position where they have to ever admit that an innocent black toddlers on they way to cawledge ever dindu anything but nuffin. They generally just ignore it completely and wait for the next white man to politicise.
The Media Jew is shameless in how it lies and manipulates the world.
The shooting of 12 in Colorado by a white man is still headline news “ebil rayciss white republican ban guns common sense gun control ban guns war on women ban guns!”
One of obama’s sons shot up 17 a park in New Orleans not a week later- crickets. Obama didn’t feel that one worth even mentioning in his last “muh dead white people – ban guns!” plea. Apparently he’s fully aware that dead blacks are completely worthless to his campaign. (Kind of… racist of liberals to only talk about gun control when whites are killed- but completely ignore tens of thousands of black-on-black shootings every year… isn’t it?)
Or the brutal rape and murder of a pastor’s wife in Indianapolis – crickets.
Or the six children killed in houston by their black father – crickets.
But another Dindunuffin-American wuz doin nuffin wit another cop? Oi vey, let’s burn shit down!
A friend recently mentioned a Daily Mail article about a Muslim girl who some guy on the subway called a terrorist, probably for fun.
Now, you gotta wonder: How exactly does this story – if it happened – end up in the newspaper? I mean, somebody has got to see it, feel overly self-important or bored and call the newspaper, then bring the girl there (who likely has better stuff to do) and so on and so on. I say it is invented bullshit, a lot of it.
How do newspapers even get informed about these events? Heh? Heh? Tell me, how! Who the hell bothers to call a newspaper about that shit without feeling ashaimed?
you’re right, its not a newstory but the ‘hero’ was messaging or tweeting or something about how heroic he was, so I imagine it was picked up as re-tweet
To this day, it boggles my mind how people care about ‘Tweets’. It is basically: Someone somewhere on the world said XX. Wow. Scary.
Like a sack of rice falling down in China.
Youre right but it’s quite addictive. You can (to a degree) avoid the banal and focus on more interesting stuff. Plus there’s the discipline of 50 letters or less. I had Michel Houllebecq follow me the other day, then about a day later he unfollowed me.
Haha. How these big names impress us, heh. Really interesting. Sometimes I guess we value celebrities more than our friends and ourselves, because they seem more real. We are exposed to their emotions and delusional thought worlds more than to our own sometimes.
As for him following you, I bet he just wanted you to follow him.
that’s how it usually is, except I was already a followers of some months. We shouldn’t care about these big names but because we’re hypocrites we do. His loss. I was going to buy his book, now I’m not
Yeah, his loss.
If a #BlackCrimesMatter member posted a twit that a white person must have knocked that rice down, the Jew would gladly report it as a suspected hate crime.
Haha, that is good.
The Media Jew is looking for any opportunity, no matter how slight, to publish more articles to encourage their Race War. Anything Anti-White will do. They will ignore anything that doesn’t fit their agenda…
Donald Trump, love him or hate him, is clever enough to play the media like a fiddle. He deliberately re-tweeted wildly inaccurate statistics on race crime using some non-existent source.
The liberal media, in their constant attempt to bury the man, had two options: Ignore it, or post the “real” stats from the FBI Uniform Database. (Which quite clearly show the staggering reality of Dindu-on-Dindu, and Dindu-on-Crackaasscracka crimes.)
Of course, I have also seen a third option from the Jew; just call him a liar and not post the actual stats.
Haha, brilliant. Nice ‘correction’ there.
But my point is: How do the newspapers even get to know about it? Who bothers to call them? I would feel intensely embarassed calling a newspaper because I saw something on the train. And in a city of many millions, how do you get notified about this shit? It is a real mind boggler, if you think about it. I mean, normal people would just be annoyed and move on and forget it.
I’ve not had time to look into any of those numbers. The source mentions San Francisco, so whoever made that infographic in the first place was likely using some local database. The lib, of course, further dilutes the truth by using on Federal numbers that include the whole of the country. There are a few cities in the US where the Dindu Tribes roam in great numbers where nearly 100% of certain crimes are committed by unarmed toddlers trying to turn they life around. Those may be accurate… from where they were sourced.
As for how the Jew knows? You’ve not noticed the embarrassing number of stories from “professional journalists” that use Twitter as a primary source?
The Media Jew is constantly browsing Tweeter, and Jewbook looking for these minor offenses. Automated scripts handle a lot of the load. Modern women are unable to go an hour without posting a status update, so they vent to their circle of narcissistic online followers that “some white person was rayciss to me…”
This gets re-twitted and picked up by the masters quite quickly, if not submitted directly by one of the feminist cult reporting every “microagression committed by a penis…” back to whatever Social Justice website they receive their horking orders from.
…. and yes, I also agree, and have no doubt a vast number of these “aggressions” are 100% fabricated. The cult gains power by being “victims.” When you don’t have any real problems, you make them up. Women learn early that there is absolutely no risk in lying- anyone who questions their lie by asking for evidence is shamed by other members of the cult… and when they are exposed as liars, nothing happens.
You make a good point. We all have to ask the question why was that article printed; what is it trying to achieve?
A professor, in college of all places, always used to tell me that everything I read will have bias. Articles are written for a reason; rarely is anything written for the sake of getting out the facts.
Good man. It is just like that. Add this question: How does the author of this article know it happened? So much stuff today happens through news agencies as well.
My old boss used to give press conferences here in Munich, so I kinda know how it goes. We were a little automobile club and he published analysis of our police speed traps and also some tests of corporations. They were always biased towards the companies we worked together with. Nobody verified it. How could they? They just printed it.
Its not only europe thats crazy i’ve been looking at that colin flaherty guy, a lot of violence, a lot of double standards.
Rape is when a woman is walking down the street and is kidnapped into an alleyway and sexually brutalized to the point of hospitalization.
Not some whore who has fucked hundreds of men claiming it was rape because her consensual partner was a little too rough for her particular whim that day.
Fuck off. Feminists have trivialized the word “rape” so much it is hard to even take it seriously anymore. Every time I hear that word I just laugh.
Doesn’t this just have the secondary backlash of once she gets to be famous again, the other fellow feminists would just start screaming to have the porn industry shut down for the 900,442nd time in the last week?
“Let’s praise this feminist pornstar who we want driven out of business!”
Rape used to be something that wasn’t ever taken lightly, but I also have to say that the fact this was done over twitter and not taken to the cops tells me that there is an 85% chance that she is full of shit.
This article is 100% spot on!
I have to agree, Rape Claims is unfortunately Going the way of the little boy who Cried Wolf.
one porn star is celebrated as a “survivor”, one is ignored. Fit the narrative…..
What an odd society we have.
Wasn’t Cytherea rraped by blacks? If so, that would totally explain the silence from the SJW crowd.
This is like watching the two sports teams you hate the most play in a cup final.
Wake up men. Pornstars are dumb sluts but only because we as white men have allowed this to happen. Kike Jew “men” are running the porn industry and taking many of our good looking women and turning them into trash. We can’t blame the women, they can’t think. Women can’t think. We have to stand up and be men. Women are what we allow them to be. Right now they are following the kikes.
This should be an interesting one, because Deen is a favorite of many feminists. I’ll bet the majority forgive him and let him be their dirty little secret.
Social Justice does not forgive. They regularly turn upon their own allies like starving wolves for the slightest offense. Just ask Joss Whedon.
There is literally no reason to ever appease feminists. Ever.
Early pioneers in porn might have been jews who flunked out of hollywood. But that argument is dated. The internet changed the porn industry forever. The technology to self publish is in the hands of every 14 year old girlie. The millennial generation is the first to grow up with porn available 24/7. They all have nude selfies they store on their phone to send to “hot” guys. There’s a real generational disconnect in some of the comments.
It’s difficult for me to apply the term “rape” towards a porn star, or prostitute. Especially when it’s a “co-worker” whose fucked you 100s of times. She should have gone for domestic violence and self inflicted wounds and bruises to herself.. Fuckin amature.
In other words, the cheque bounced.
Raping a prostitute is theft of services. It’s no different than a dine-and-dash at a restaraunt.
Whores try to report Johns who didn’t pay up (or didn’t tip…) to the police quite often, calling it a rape. The cops usually laugh.
Photos of the subjects give me the willies. Seems my knack for physiognomy is doing well… unfortunately.
“stoya” means “while standing” in Russian. like in “i fucked her while standing”. for most russsians the word “stoya” will first of all be associated with an old song:
hey Zoya
why did you put out while standing
in the stockings that was my present to you?
And in today’s edition of “As the World Burns”, we have one hardcore porn star accusing another hardcore porn star of rape………..weather and traffic on the nines is next.
Since women are going to be in the Special Forces , and it’s popular Feminist ideology that women are just as strong as Men and in most cases stronger, How could James deen hold Stoya down?
hahah Stoya?
Isn’t she the pale pornstar who likes to shoot some fetish kinky ass shit on kink (porn site)? I know she is into that bondage shit. Maybe James Deen didn’t fuck her hard enough because I seen some James Deen videos. He likes to fuck chicks really rough like Nacho Vidals. I wonder what happened? Maybe James Deen softened up and become little beta. Lately I have been watching him eat pussies; I don’t remember Nacho Vidals doing that. James Deen should get advice from Rocco Siffredi.
With nasty ass deranged chicks like that, you have to be DOM 24/7 No exception. Once you become little bit beta or even show slight signs of being switch (from DOM to Sub and even from Sub to DOM), those girls will torture you especially psychologically. STAY DOM 24/7 OR go Sub and choke on female strapon but don’t do both –> switch. When I used to participate in the underground BDSM, there were some nasty psycho chicks who (some had fetish for being cut open (like not deep cut but paper cuts) and love being gagged to the point of throwing up). … some intense shit.
Stoya is used to getting filmed the most insane shit; what could have possibly made her go psycho?
On the other hand you have Cytheria who loves to squirt and she got raped for real and the media doesn’t give a fuck. On the polar opposite, you got Stoya. I always thought she was overrated though but she is some real freaky pornstar. Kind of reminds me of Sasha Grey.
Kind of reminds me of Sasha Grey.
Maddox did a piece on her.
is Maddox a male pornstar or female pornstar? What’s Maddox’s relationship with Sasha Grey?
neither. Sasha Grey’s an easy target for riffing. Ex-pornstar, sometime actress, writer, DJ and all sorts of crap nobody gives a shit about.
What was it Roosh said? All public rape accusations are false. It’s held up so far.
Why not just put a camera up, do whatever the fuck you want to the whore, then simply not pay her. Then it’s a workers claim handled in small claims.
You’d think a Jew would know that.
Notice how after Stoya made her accusation 30 of his other ex’s are now accusing him of rape?
They’re literally trying the Bill Cosby stratagem because they think rape accusations en masse is evidence.
It worked for witches.
Probably, but he’s a sleaze bag member of The Tribe who are trying to fuck America with third world immigration, homosexuality, feminisim, and …drum roll… pornography! So to hell with him!
Here’s the article where Deen makes his supremacy claims.
These women weren’t raped, they were pumped and dumped. The muff mafia has become so empowered in the last 20 years that even their liberal alpha masters aren’t safe anymore. Rape is no longer a specific crime where a total stranger comes out of nowhere, and forces his dick into a woman using violence.
It’s meaning has been stretched (heh!) beyond its true definition by women, so they can take revenge against certain men. These are men who they gave it up to willingly, but didn’t give enough in return either monetarily or with commitment, hence the pump and dump.
James Deen is a young, male superstar in the porn. He stands out in an industry where women are the stars and 99 percent of the men are anonymous Johns. Moreover Deen’s special kind of fame is like that of Ron Jeremy; the general public know about the two men more from hearing about their celebrity than from having watched their films. I personally haven’t. But unlike Jeremy, Deen is young and in his twenties. He still hasn’t hit his prime and by the time he does, will have left porn and be working in Hollywood.
In other words, James Deen is the apex alpha; he has no equal. Stoya on the other hand, is nowhere near his level. Men would rate her a 6 because of her girl next door looks, but in the world of porn, she’s between a 4 and 5. She’s got an okay face, but a terrible body with no tits or hips.
I imagine that when Stoya met Deen, she put in 100 percent of the work in making him her boyfriend. She likely snagged him by being very easy and differentiating herself, from the typical industry blonde bimbos, as feminist writer. This probably made the young liberal and idealistic Deen think she was worthy of some commitment.
But he eventually got tired of her subpar looks and nagging, grating feminist personality. He dumps her and she tries to win him back. After trying for two years she fails, looses hope and seeks revenge using the rape card, because the current climate allows it.
Other women have come out of the wood work to gang up on Deen. I think they are jealous and bitter about his success and/or couldn’t hold down his commitment either. Btw they’re not that much hotter than Stoya.
The situation Deen is now in, is similar to Bill Cosby. Low value, over-the-hill women gathering together to bring down an alpha male because he “won”and they “lost”. These women like Stoya, can’t admit they gave it up too quickly and punched way above their own weight.
I just read the story from the latest of his rape accusers, she was girl who was a 21 yr old virgin when she went to Kink.com SanFran to be deflowered (supposedly) by JD in a bdsm porno shoot. At the end of day drink session at the bar, JD is half drunk and is flirting with her. She is not drunk. She agrees to give him a bj at the bar. Its going swell for both but he gets a little aggressive with the throat fucking, and then decides to let go with some piss while he is in her mouth. This pissed her off, however he still managed to convince her next to pull her pants down and he fuck her in the arse with his beer bottle. This is in a bar with dozens of crew, other actors, and whoever else in nearby vicinity. She never yelled out or called for help because she claims she was too intimidated by his celebrity status and her nativity when it came to sex. She never complained to any other staff members as soon as the encounter was over. JD as the pornstar idol of many a girl is probably used to pushing the limits and getting away with stuff like this with many of his co-stars post shoot and I’m sure he gets off degrading them and gives a bit of insight into his nature that off camera is not that different to his on the job attitude.
Its quite possible she was overwhelmed by his aggressive nature and celebrity status, still she just needs to chalk it to experience and learn to be assertive in the future (which she did until the stoya accusation). If you are moving to another city to live and work with the type of people in the porn biz you cant be gullible, naive or submissive. Willingly getting on your knees in a public bar for the guy, you cant call this incident rape, post regret that you did not protest sufficiently at the time.
Rape accusers don’t file a police complaint – or any official complaint – unless and until they know the system is completely rigged in their favour. As bad as the criminal justice system is, you still need to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, on evidence that is relevant and probative, and presented to a jury of your peers at your option.
Unlike the university system, the porn industry doesn’t have a kangaroo court that she can run to.
She is not even willing to try and prove on the balance of probabilities in a civil court that he raped her, presumably because she has nothing to back up the claim.
But to paraphrase the one tweeter: who cares about things like evidence? Believe the woman and that is that.
Something obviously happened between the two and the rape accusation seems to be a calculated move to drag him down and lift herself up.
Do I care? Not really, in the specific. If either or both of their careers imploded that just means less fap-bait clogging up the network bandwidth. In the larger context it is yet another example of this whole “rape” dynamic.
“Not only that, Stoya has acquired an extremely negative reputation in the porn industry for her behavior.”
That negative reputation has to do with Stoyas brash outspokenness against the porn industry because of her feminist and social justice warrior leanings. She has negatively called out fellow colleagues in the past like she has done with Deen and has written extensively how men predators who harass her daily.
I did a quick Internet search on her reputation. It yielded an article that talked about how she threw former co-star Mr. Marcus under the bus when he became part of an STD scandal in 2012.
Though Mr. Marcus deserved blame for covering up a positive test for syphilis, infecting many costars and shutting down the industry for a brief moment, Stoya’s shocking reaction on a weekly radio podcast raised eyebrows and likely turned off a lot people in the industry. She said on the Velvet Radio podcast that “should anything unfortunate happen to him and he no longer be living, I think his head should be displayed in a biohazard bag outside of CET (testing service).” Like Salome in the bible, Stoya literally called for a man’s head on a platter.
When she’s not singling out individuals, Stoya has made her feminist views known to others through her writings, which she publishes on her website. No only can they be found there, but Jezebel.com published one of her essays on their website, titled “Yes I’m a Porn Star and if You Harass Me I Will Punch You in the Balls”. It is the scariest piece of feminist writing I have ever read. She talks about how she has been harassed by countless men in different cities around the world. She even name drops Slut Walk Toronto and Hollaback. Her solution is to “teach every moldable male that treating women with respect is the right thing to do”.
On A lighter note here’s a bio of her in 2011 when she listed as #11 of the top 100 hottest porn stars.It mentions that she’s and alternative porn star dated Marilyn Manson for a while and changes her hair color frequently between black, pink and blue.
These three articles date back to 2012 when she was in the prime of career and looks. She met James Deen the following year. It’s evidence that she is more than some innocent adult actress that got taken advantage of. It proves she has an aggressive streak and agenda behind the false victim hood she is hiding behind now.
BTW to Matt Forney, if you have any other stories or articles about her bad reputation that you alluded to in the article, please post them in a response comment. Feel free to take this info and include it in a follow up post about Stoya. It’s important that she gets discredited as soon as possible to protect Deen’s reputation from further slander.
awesome thanks for the links
Lying is where a woman’s political power comes from since society gold plated a women’s “right” to be believed. Give anyone the option of lying and they will exploit it for all that it’s worth.
Altough this rape accusation is probably false, I don’t feel for James Deen. He’s a male feminist and social justice warrior. Oh and I can’t stand porn movies he’s in – he looks and fucks like a huge douchebag.
Why defend James Deen? This guy is a enthusiastic feminist. He stands for everything RoK doesn’t.
Who cares? She is just another slut that claims she won’t be ‘slut shamed.’ AKA called out for being the slut that she clearly is. Her, the bachelorette slut, the raging feminists who don’t understand why real men don’t settle for spent whores. They all need to re-validate their idiotic and immoral behavior. So they take to social media to get reinforced by other sluts and whores.
That was fantastic. Domingo’s performance was incredibly powerful. Thank You.
She’s not lying…. There are many films showing her being raped???
Stephania $98 an hour for making porn, is too cheap !
Beat it, dumb asshole—————–>
Does “racism” in porn mean that pretty White girl’s don’t want to fuck niggers? Because that sounds logical to me, not racist.
The fact that this guy freaks out when a girl doesn’t want to expose herself to a massive HIV/AIDS risk is very creepy. ( http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/racialethnic/africanamericans) Coercing women to have sex they don’t want is kind of rapey in itself. This is one instance where I feel this guy should be fed to the SJW trolls as he is using financial pressure to be a proxy rapist, not very manly behavior at all.
Yeah, since he feels so bad about the White girls not wanting to get fucked by niggers HE should agree to bend over and let them fuck him.
>James has not responded to the text message I sent him yesterday.
this line cracked me up the most. course he hasn’t fucking answered you dumb bish
>Stoya has acquired an extremely negative reputation in the porn industry for her behavior.
Would love to learn more about this though
Check out my comments. It’s about 8 comments down under most recent.
Just out of curiosity I went to KAT and downloaded a couple of her flicks. She is rather run-of-the-mill, but in the ones I saw she was ivory white, with no tan whatsoever.
For those that care. As with GOJ, I had never heard of her before, nor of all the accusers coming out of the woodwork feeling they have strength in numbers or something.
Searching the other media for word about this is surprising, but then completely expected I guess. I haven’t read anyone saying 1) she’s a sex worker so she can’t be raped 2) It was with her boyfriend, so she can’t be raped 3) she was asking for it or any of the tropes from, say, 50 years ago. . .and yet the feminist crazies are tilting these windmills or creating straw men to attack. Additionally, the narrative seems to be that the reaction to he accusation (ie. anything short of full acceptance without question) somehow proves that “rape culture” exists.
I think the most revealing comment is from Amelia McDonell-Parry (hereafter AMP for short), the editor-in-chief of the women’s website The Frisky: “The court of public opinion is not a court of law and I don’t need Stoya or any woman to ‘prove’ that she has been raped for me to believe her.”
AMP doesn’t have a sound awareness of the mental (never mind legal) processes at work here. Stoya’s accusation is evidence and that evidence constitutes proof to AMP and people who think like her. To anyone the least bit objective, that evidence is insufficient to do anything but arouse suspicion. . .and that suspicion might be directed at the accuser rather than the accused.
This is like watching an undercard fight at some 2nd tier MMA event: you really don’t care about the outcome – because you have no emotional investments in the fighters – but you are hoping for a good show. Who knows, maybe Deen will throw down and sue her for defamation? (Fat chance in America, for better or worse.)
Yeah James dean is a Jew, he recently said “Jews are the best and we know it” and he’s trying to promote inter racial sex in porn to promote mud sharking and inter racial marriage and children.
All part of the standard Jewish promotion of immigration, race mixing to genocide out the White goyim. That has been the open objective of a number of Jews in the industry. (Its not the neo Nazis saying this, they are saying it themselves)
A man that will try and bully a porn actress for not wishing to partake in the inter racial porn now dominating the industry is a pure ass hole and a rapist just for compelling her to have sex she rather would not. He’s a rapist.
Do I think he could rape someone? You bet I do.
I hope Soya has the evidence. This is one guy I don’t care about. I hear he’s planning on trying a cross over into gay porn.
I want to assure my friends, fans and colleagues that these allegations are both false and defamatory
— James Deen (@JamesDeen) November 30, 2015
LOL…James, You plumb drug addicted homeless sluts who were fucked by a crazy uncle in all 3 holes…and you have fans??….LOL!!!!!!!!
Is there a more deluded industry than the porn industry?
Who the fuck buys porn????
I read somewhere he does actually have a fan base – a feminine one.
Roissy said it best : chicks dig a sociopath.
He is most popular male porn star of all time. Women who identify as feminist are his core fan base.
James Deen is an interesting case. He is a good looking guy with a big cock and a trust fund. Supposedly he is quite smart too. With those attributes, why bother doing porn? He can get laid whenever he wants.
Some internet source said Deen is drop out from local junior college who was working part time at starbucks before he got into porn. Its really just a shit test when feminists say they want a man with depth.
It’s been at least a hundred years since publishing FRAs as fashionable. If ever.
A “21 year old webcam model” claims she was a virgin when she did her first porn shoot ever. She was shocked and horrified that after filming when she was rammed hard from various angles in front of a crew of strangers, that at the wrap party “Deen started slapping me on the ass”
Ha ha ha. Oh, this is funny stuff. The sad thing is, there are at least a few who will believe these stories, and white knight for girls like this. I suppose one day she will talk a guy into marrying her by saying “Yeah the only time I ever had sex before you was this one porno I made.”
The funny thing in every picture she is smiling and clearly strongly attracted to Deen, who isn’t paying any attention to her. I doubt he even remembers meeting her. Really? Now you can’t even pat a whore on the butt? This is insanity.
Feminists want their daughters to masturbate to James Deen, because he is “sex positive”. You cant get any higher form of cock worship than a feminist who wants to encourage rape fantasies in her daughter. How much more fucked in the head can feminism become?
Wow it must be hard staying relevant.
I decided to watch some of her work over the weekend…and im on her side. He is a douche and im jealous he gets to bang her. so fuck him.
Kat Item 1:
Kat, the problem with arguing in favor of current legislation that effectively allows most plaintiffs to accuse without penalty, is that such avenues are constantly abused by those seeking to harm via intentional abuse. This scenario of false accusation was brought to widespread attention a short while ago when Rolling Stones Magazine admitted to sensationalizing what turned out to be a wholly fabricated rape claim.
This is your comment:
…and this is why it is really nothing more than a disingenuous bit of misinformation:
Hence, that is the why the current legislation in most regions are completely skewed in favor of women. Let’s be honest here. This does not consider the state of intoxication of the man, and it is reasonable to understand that both parties are usually cognitively impaired enough to not make good judgements.
Yet… while both adults (we are not talking about statutory cases here) should be equally responsible in any aspect of contractual interaction, the man is deemed solely responsible for ensuring that agreement by the woman is legally binding. That makes this legal point of view, by its very definition, SEXIST.
If you intend to argue the MORAL aspect of it, how is it morally acceptable to assume that the woman can, at any time after the act, claim to have not consented, yet, have been a willing partner up to her abilities to determine willfulness during the act, but the man cannot? This is equivalent to saying that person A always reserves the right to claim they are not a willing participant of a business transaction, even after the deal, while person B cannot. Advocates of this extremely skewed view like to think that it is because person A, is the one who may have suffered loss or damage, yet conveniently ignore that even a false claim generally causes loss and damage to person B, the accused. From a moral standpoint, such a biased approach is MORALLY corrupt and, as the records show, often exploited as a means to exact vigilante punishment.
It’s really a word of warning: you can be playing with fire. When I was 34 I hooked up with an 18 year old online. She was into BDSM and we got together. The relationship lasted 2-1/2 years until she made the decision to do lesbian porn, and didn’t consult me. When I found out, I was both distraught and angry. I made the mistake of getting drunk, and when she came home I laid into her.
Two key points:
1) We had discussed having a three some but if I found a girl online she would always veto me, apparently because the other girl was better looking. I vetoed her candidates because they were less better looking than her, and frankly, as a 6 she was only getting by on her personality and submissive proclivities. So we agreed to disagree.
2) It seems – I was only informed of this at the critical time – that her ex was an abusive drunk. I guess you have to put “abuse” into context for a girl who ENJOYS being tied up, fucked up the ass, gagged with your cock and spanked and such. . .but let’s get beyond that. I got drunk and yelled at her, he got drunk and yelled at her (probably before he ACTUALLY beat the shit out of her), so I triggered something and she kicked me out of our apartment.
Lessons Learned
1) Don’t get drunk around women
2) manage kinky chicks
3) Play detective and dump any who say they have been abused,
Thankfully, she never accused me of rape or anything, but I think I would have been toast if she did.
This came up in another thread about rape:
1) If they say they are a victim and are lying. . .RUN!
2) If they say they are a victim and are telling the truth. . .RUN!
The first are despicable. The second deserve our sympathy, but not our love or progeny: they are just too messed up to handle that.
Here’s what I think is happening with these rape allegations against James Dean. Porn is a woman’s world, they earn more than twice the amount of money than males and they get twice the amount of fame. Now, here’s a guy who is defying the norm within the industry, I didn’t even know who Stoya was but I’d heard of James Dean. These vapid and self absorbed whores want what Dean has, so instead of working for it, they sabotage his career with allegations of rape, therefore increasing there world wide recognition. Obviously these gold diggers haven’t been raped but James Dean has been now. I mean Stoya claimed that during BDSM sex she used her “safe word” but Dean didn’t stop. Fuck me, who can believe that is rape?
We’ve all been dumped or rejected at some point in our lives. I know this is a hoax from the moment that I heard about it. As a woman, I know exactly what it feels like when you get dumped or rejected by a guy. U get very bitter and jaded about it. It’s a question of whether you act on it or not. Perfect example is Taylor swift who slanders all of her exes on her songs. Of course, the public can only hear her side because it’s a song and she’s an attention seeker herself while the exes cannot talk abt it for fear of being called a misogynist. James deen should sue all of these women for libel. That’s what I would recommend. Get screenshots of all their accusations on social media and use these against them.