Yuri Bezmenov, a disillusioned Soviet KGB agent, defected to North America while stationed in India. His goal was to save the West from Soviet subversion by publicizing KGB tactics and goals. While he received some attention in the Western press, his warnings have mostly gone unheeded while much of what he predicted has come true.
For an overview of Bezmenov’s work, I strongly recommended you watch the following interview he conducted. The short book I review below, titled Love Letter To America, expands on ideas contained in the video.
Russians are masters of deception, mind control, and subversion. If you study their more modern methods, such as reflex control, which is certainly used by Putin in his foreign policy, you’ll know that Russians have put in their dues when it comes to developing tactics to control others on a mass scale. These strategies of control were used for an extended period of time against America to make its citizens believe in a collectivist ideology that would lead to the destruction of traditional American values.
Bezmenov states that once the “hippies” in the Clinton-era were subverted with collectivism, they went on to accumulate power and institutionalize harmful policies that would transform America into a failed state that no longer posed a threat to the USSR. The USSR has of course since been dissolved, but the subversive ideas have not stopped, and ironically has served as blowback to the current non-communist Russian state.
Ideology can be weaponized
The real driving force of this war of aggression is IDEOLOGY — something you cannot eat, wear or store for a “rainy day”. An integral part of this war of ideology is IDEOLOGICAL SUBVERSION — the process of changing the perception of reality in the minds of millions of peoples all over the world.
Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight – by SUBVERTING anything of value in enemy’s country.
The main principle of ideological subversion is TURNING A STRONGER FORCE AGAINST ITSELF. Just like in the Japanese martial arts: you do not stop the blow of a heavier more powerful enemy with an equally forceful blow. You may simply hurt your hand. Instead you catch the striking fist with your hand and PULL the enemy in the direction of his blow until he crashes into a wall or any other heavy object in his way.
Soviets introduced the idea of “America privilege,” a precursor to “white privilege”
KGB influence in our media, politics and nearly every phase of our life has produced a growing conviction on the part of many Americans that we are the “bad guys” — again I have to remind you that to date, there has never been a single defection from the United States. The Soviets have produced an absolutely ludicrous global lie that people are believing — why? Because the tactics of ideological subversion work.
Why do so many people decide to sell out their own country?
They do it for creature comforts, money, awards, honors, and other benefits. Many masculine men today bite their lip when fed lies in diversity and sexual harassment trainings because they want the money to pay for their food, rent, and material items. It’s only a couple steps from there to actively sell out your country for even greater personal rewards.
The majority of my former colleagues are now firmly entrenched in the ‘privileged class and their humanistic ideals have all been traded one by one for small comforts such as a private car (a rare thing in the USSR), a free apartment, a country house (“dacha”), free trips abroad and freedom to socialize with foreigners, none of which would be possible or available to the average Russian worker.
“The Rules Of Revolution”
1 . Corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial issues of no importance.
3. Destroy people’s faith in their national leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule and disgrace.
4. Always preach democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
Legislating equality will destroy a free nation
All you have to do to “screw up” the status quo of a free nation, is to borrow ONE false idea from the ideology of a communist or totalitarian government. For the sake of simplicity, I have chosen the idea of “egalitarianism”. “People born equal therefore must be equal”. Sounds great. But look at yourselves. Were you born equal? Some of you weighed 7 pounds at birth, others 6 or 5 . . . Are you NOW equal? In any way? Physically, mentally, emotionally, racially, spiritually? Some are tall and dumb, others — short, bald and clever.
Now, let’s figure out what will happen if we LEGISLATE EQUALITY, and make the concept of “equality” a cornerstone and pillar of socio- economical and political system. All right? You don’t have to be a great economist or sociologist to foresee that some of the people who are “less equal” would demand as much as those who are “more equal” BY LAW!
Aha, now you’ve got it. There will be some who get more for GIVING less and take advantage of those, who are even “less equal”, say, in the art of TAKING. And to avoid the squabble for “equal redistribution” you will have to introduce a THIRD FORCE — the State. Why? Because people were never equal, are not equal and if God wanted us to be equal He would probably have made us equal.
How egalitarianism destroys the economy
People who have declared themselves to be equal will inevitably come to expect more for their individual needs, which sooner or later will tragically come to conflict with the “unequal” reality. That will automatically produce discontent. Unhappy and discontent masses are less productive than those who are happy being what they are and making the best of it. Decreased productivity, as we all know, leads to such unpleasant things as inflation, un-employment and recession. These, in turn, cause social unrest and instability, both economical and political.
Subversion is hard to defeat because it’s insidious and long-term
Most of the actions are overt, legitimate, and easily identifiable. The only trouble is — they are “stretched in time”. In other words, the process of subversion is such a long-term process that an average individual, due to the short time-span of his historical memory, is unable to perceive the process of subversion as a CONSISTENT and willful effort. That is exactly how it is intended to be: like the small hand of your watch. You know it moves, but you CAN NOT SEE it moving.
Demoralization of the masses is an important step of subversion
The purpose of this process is to change your perception of reality to such an extent, that even despite an abundance of information and evidence about the danger of Communism, you are unable to come to sensible conclusions in your own interests and in the interests of your nation.
Demoralized and enfeebled ‘masses’ tend to grab the ‘easiest’ short-cut solution to social ills and socialism seems to them to be the best answer.
Subversion can happen through entertainment
A group of rock or pop-musicians with a message of ‘social-justice’ sugar-coated in popular ‘spiritual’ tunes can be actually more helpful to the KGB than someone standing in the pulpit preaching Marxist-Leninist doctrine. The sugar-sweet messages of social equality from the crooning mouths of the entertainers is quite enough to accomplish the aims of the KGB without any overt activity on their part.
The way that George Soros finances Pussy Riot and FEMEN to subvert Russia is the same method the KGB used to do to subvert America. There’s nothing new under the sun—only the players have changed.
Deliberate distraction of masses with non-issues
[An issue that] may benefit a few is a non-issue (civil rights of homosexuals is not an issue; defending sexual morality is the larger, real issue).
The main purpose of non-issues and the devastating result of their introduction is the SIDE-TRACKING of public opinion, energy (both mental and physical), money and TIME from the constructive solutions. Soviet propaganda elevated the art of infiltrating and emphasizing non-issues in American public life to the level of actual state policy.
Subversion of education
The American romance with state-run education as encouraged by KGB subverters has already produced generations of graduates who cannot spell, cannot find Nicaragua on a world map, cannot THINK creatively and independently.
Does socialism allow for the human need of self-destruction?
Dr. Shafarevich in analyzing the ‘dead’ civilizations of Egypt, Maya, Mohenjo-Dara, Babylon, etc., comes to an ominous conclusion: EVERY ONE OF THESE CIVILIZATIONS DIED WHEN PEOPLE REJECTED RELIGION AND GOD, AND TRIED TO CREATE ‘SOCIAL JUSTICE’ ALONG THE SOCIALIST PRINCIPLES. Thus, Socialism, according to Shafarevich, may be a manifestation of an inborn human instinct of SELF-DESTRUCTION, if unrestrained — leading ultimately to PHYSICAL DEATH OF ALL MANKIND.
You must love Big Brother
In the struggle for the ‘final victory of Communism’, the goal of the subverter is to substitute, as slowly and painlessly as possible, the concept of loyalty for NATION with loyalty to the “Big Brother” welfare state, who gives everything and is able to TAKE everything, including personal freedom — from every citizen.
Prediction of Obama’s rise to the Presidency
All that will be needed is to ‘elect’ a ‘progressive thinking’ president who will be voted to power by Americans, who have been addicted to welfare and ‘security’ as defined by Soviet subverters.
At some point, the Soviet method of control was identified by Western elites as a better method than what Christian-based democracy offered. Our elites must have had the knowledge that it would likely lead to the collapse and death of nations that used it. So why did they do it? For the same reason that a Soviet sympathizer will sell out his country for access to a car, because it benefits them in spite of harming a nation they’re from. Why do they care if you and your family collapse into poverty and mindless degeneracy as long as they have their power, wealth, and estates?
I recently wrote about how depopulation is an agenda being actively used by the elites in the Western world. Would you say that a socialist system that will surely lead to national death is compatible with depopulation? It’s clear that they go hand-in-hand. At the same time our elites are ushering in the collapse of the system, they amplify their method of authoritarian control to ensure the masses don’t threaten their lives and their theft of billions of dollars of wealth from the system in order to weather the inevitable storm that they created and then accelerated.
The top one-hundred families of the world know of the cycles of empires. They know that America and Europe had to inevitably decline relative to other developing parts of the world, but they refuse to accept that they will be guillotined in the process. To preserve their wealth and power, they have used collectivist ideology, banking control, and depopulation agenda to ensure they stay in power even after this cycle plays its course.
In effect, they aim to prolong their rule, control, and wealth for eternity while praying to Baphomet, their owl god, or whomever is popular in their secret societies, regardless of how many people are hurt by their ideas of egalitarianism and environmentalism, and regardless of how many people die through their failed policies and false flag events.
During his lifetime, Bezmenov did not succeed in steering America away from socialism, and we are now suffering because of it. Even though he is no longer with us, I hope this article today vindicates his ideas and predictions. He was right all along.
This article was originally published on Roosh V.
Read More: The American Elite Hates America
Looks to me that the Soviets won the Cold War.
I’ve been telling older people that for the past five years or so – basically, ever since I learned what the KGB’s tactics and goals were.
We beat the Soviets, true. Their system collapsed, their wall fell, and their country split into its contingent states. On a classic European war scale, we won.
But they weren’t fighting a European war. Their war was to completely annihilate their enemy, to crush everything that was America and the West so they could remake it in their image. In that sense, every evidence says they won.
On the plus side, the fact that there is no Soviet empire to dominate us while we’re weak (yet) suggests that we have a modicum of time to restore ourselves before a dominant force does arise.
God willing, the Alt-Right becomes that dominant force. Of all the factions currently amassing around the world, they’re the only ones I am willing to trust.
Don’t hold your breathe. The average White is throughly cucked.
Maybe, but neither major invasions nor the quickest revolutions in history required more than single digit percentages of the population to be even interested enough to participate.
Democratic idealistic mumbo jumbo has blinded so many to historical facts and truths. I have been in leadership positions in the military and in business and I know the amount of difference just one person in a group of hundreds can do first hand.
How do you get the quotation notation in Disqus? I’ll admit, I don’t know much about formatting on the internet forums I frequent.
but remove the spaces.
I hate how obvious that was. I can’t believe I never thought about basic HTML formatting.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
God willing, inshallah the Alt-tr Right becomes the dominant force. I love it when Christians say Inshallah/God Willing. It’s time to build back your church and not be ashamed of your belief, and replace stupid cuck modern songs “I surrender all” with old standards like “onward Christian soldiers”. Build back your church, make fun of vicious communist cultural marxist atheists attacking the church, ridicule them as Alinski used ridicule against the church.
“…Marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before…”
That’s why I can’t handle most church services anymore. I’m Missouri Synod Lutheran, and the standard hymnal contains so much Scriptural truth that modern music just can’t capture. For example, check out Martin Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress is our God”, and try to imagine any modern shit that can even come close.
Plus, hymns can be sung by everyone, not just the wannabe rockers up on stage. How can we be a brotherhood if we’re all just passively observing “Church” happen?
exactly!!! – go to a Greek Catholic or Orthodox Christian church. Especially Ukrainian ones. Their services are awesome. I am married to a Ukrainian and its a great community. Or maybe start with a red pill bible study, and form an online red pill church community – get enough people, build a church. Go for it. In many countries where the chruch is persecuted, there is no formal church, it’s in people’s homes. You might also want to look into that as well. Starting a red-pill church, using all hymns from before 1960.
I can’t say that I’m a fan of any word that contains the pagan moon deity of the muslims…or any “muslim” word in general.
If only hymns in too many churches weren’t done with the only accompaniment being a thin & lifeless workman-like playing of the organ as that, IMO, detracts more than it adds 🙁
As I’ve found out first-hand, there are also too many hymns that are awkward to sing and have extremely lackluster and/or lugubrious music. Even if a hymn’s lyrics are great, if it is unsingable and/or shackled to shoddy music it’s a bust.
Well, it’s like America defeated USSR which then became traditional, patriarchal Russia, and USSR defeated America which became the modern feminist state of USA. Not to say modern Russia is a paradise…
the ‘ol switcheroo. Very cunning
Yes, and who benefits ? When trillions of dollars are spent to rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic? The international bankers.
Yep, the banks and the corporate world have learned how to benefit from social upheaval. Clearly many descended the former Soviet Union after the collapse and probably had a hand before that, but I am not aware of any evidence that they contributed to (let alone orchestrated) the collapse. Having said that Soros was definitely involved in the velvet revolutions in czech/slovakia (he was involved since the late 70s I think) – but his legacy there – though I hate to admit it – isn’t that bad – I’m not aware at least that he profited directly or at all
It is enough that western power interests profit off western side of the war; I am unaware if there were eastern / Russian interests that profited off compelling Russia to war.
The Rothschilds did famously fund both sides of conflicts in many European battles, which of course is insanely profitable.
“I am unaware if there were eastern / Russian interests that profited off compelling Russia to war.”
Do you mean in the Ukraine/Crimea? I would have said the Ukraine as a whole was more geopolitical. Spheres of influence though do translate into economics, and no doubt companies will benefit as a result. Soros has campaigned with respect to the Ukraine for donkeys years. What his direct interest in that is I’m not clear. I wouldn’t have thought there would be any banks funding both sides though.
The Rothschilds are always interesting, but it’s difficult to separate myth / conspiracy theory (which basically says they run the planet) with the fact that that their holdings are relatively modest c.f. to many banks / corporations. They do seem to have been involved in the Yukos affair in Russia, and seem to have interests in how the EU handles Greece etc, but beyond that it’s fairly unclear.
I quoted Anthony Sutton because he clearly demonstrates that capitalists and bankers were involved in funding – at least partially – things they shouldn’t have any interest in on the surface, including revolutions etc. Today the equivalent would probably be to look into say who benefits from ‘reconstruction’ in Iraq, and, in time, Syria etc
Re: Rothschilds I was thinking about Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, which the Rothschilds purposefully distorted the news, while knowing what really happened, hinting that Napoleon had won, and quickly bought up tons of British assets at rock bottom prices.
I’ve heard that story. Don’t know whether it’s true, but the follow-up is that after they bought up those bonds they effectively dominated the British economy. In one of his novels Disraeli referred to unknown powers or something like that influencing things behind the scenes, and it seems likely he was referring to Lionel Rothschild.
It doesn’t have to be about the Rothschild though. You have an established myth, which rings true, that the best way to make money and achieve political control is by hedging your bets (loaning to both sides) because there are (massive?) profits to be made from war regardless of whom the victor is. A second related idea, is that doesn’t necessarily have to involve a hedge if you can control the outcome: any kind of uncertainty, crisis or upheaval, represents a money making opportunity. Anyone can benefit from volatility, but the suggestion here is that ‘managed volatility’ where the outcome is already known by the managers in question or at least be confidently predicted because they influence the conditions of the crisis or whatever, is a recipe for certain profit. I’m not necessarily suggesting absolute corruption, but that the big players may be able to manipulate the game and influence the direction of volatility
Vietnam was before my time, but there is some suspicious stuff with Bell Helicoptor and connections to LBJ. There is some reference to this in Oliver Stone’s JFK. The scenes with Colonel “X” who in real life was L Fletcher Prouty. There are interviews with him, probably on youtube by now.
When you realize over a trillion dollars was spent on Blowing Shit Up In Iraq, for no good reason, meanwhile the US runs a budget deficit, infrastructure is falling apart, and social programs are being cut back, it’s not a stretch to think there is a nefarious reason for promoting foreign wars.
My vietnam era history is a bit fuzzy, but a lot of dodgy things were happening back then. Given the assassinations at that period, looking into that may get you into conspiracy territory (although we’re probably already there).
Re, the Iraq and modern war expenditure, I think geo-political reasons remain primary, but in a sense to say that is to ignore the extent to which the the geo-political strategies are bound up in a system that seems to require unending war, or at least war-like interventions, colour revolutions, and the violent or coercive spreading of ‘democracy’.
Any money earned directly or indirectly from foreign interventions should be subject to careful scrutiny and investigation. In UK we may soon be getting the Chilcott report published, and it seems it will be genuinely critical, at least of a few individuals involved like Tony Blair
Honest question: What is the geopolitical reason for invading Iraq? I suppose “spreading democracy” but there are many nondemocratic states around the world–in fact some of our strongest allies. I think conspiracy is still alive and well today.
I try to be careful answering such question. If conspiracy is alive and well, so is conspiracy theory, and it is often speculative and careless about evidencing its claims. I remember reading Chomsky, and back then the ‘conspiracy theory’ was that it was always really about ‘oil’ rather democracy or whatever it said on the tin.
There will always be those who see the defence of Israel as a priority in middle-eastern affairs, just as with Syria today. Alternative conspiracy theories include the suggestion (which I don’t believe is verified) that Saddam refused to bow to the central bankers. This line of thinking is usually about wanting to trade oil in something other than the (petro-)dollar. Again the devil is in the detail. I don’t know whether any of that is more than speculation, but even if its not the case there certainly is a petro-dollar system, and US hegemony certainly does depend on the dollar remaining some kind of reserve currency. So even if you ignore the specific speculative conspiratorial claims, you can see a US vs Russian/China /Brics situation, where the main thing is about maintaining influence on the world stage and dominance in the world economy.
Obviously strong regional powers, Iraq, Iran, Libya etc acting too independently may threaten an already very threatened status quo. The tragedy is that some – neo-cons at least – may have seen de-stabilising the middle east as a way to stabilise a threatened world system.
All of the above contains a great deal of speculation, but if any of it is true, and it amounts conspiracy, then it’s just a continuation of the same kind of spycraft that’s always happened – the great game has been going on for centuries.
In support of something like the above I’d also point out the neo-con Project for a New American Century, written in the early 90s I think which is often seen as outlining an aggressive middle-eastern policy designed to maintain american influence. After 9/11 Wesley Clark – who is very much an insider – he came out the following when he was thinking of running for president I think – mentioned plans for a series of seven invasions or something.
when it comes to international statecraft I doubt we ever get told much about what is really going on. I’m sure its just as bad with China, Russia, etc, but the MSM may well tell us what they’re getting up to
Actually the USSR had all the SJW experiments by anti church Leninists in the 1920s. They failed miserably and weakened morale. Lenin shut down most of the experiments in 1920s within 3 months, the free love thing. Then Stalin shut down what remained, replaced Leninism with a Christian Victorian moral code to up morale during his purges, even briefly allowed religion in World War 2, and exported social marxism & Leninism abroad to damage the west. So the experiments that didn’t work in the USSR were marketed to destroy their allies.
Also US did the same. The radical Chicago in the 1920s capitalism was exported to Russia during in the 1990s. 50% of the Russian economy was wiped out. After the USSR was gone, Soros and some left leaning American elites took advantage of the infrustructure Russia left to destroy the US for power. As Putin came to power, he worked on restoring the Russian empire & pushing decay to the west in revenge for what they did to Russia in the 1990s. Putin picks what strengthens Russia and coordinates with Iran to sponsor NGOs like Code Pink that weaken the west.
Modern Russia is corrupt – so to hide Putin’s corruption, he does what he can to ruin the west so the average Russian outside of Moscow can say “yes I am poor, my life is shitty, but it’s not as shitty as those Europeans with their SJWs, feminists, male cucks and Islamist terrorist rapists. Thank Putin for that.” If the west was normal, there would be pressure on Putin & his friends to stop stealing from Russian provinces. By laughing at SJWs in the west, Russians forget their own misery and don’t see how Moscow robs the provinces.
Sounds just like the muslim countries (and latin america etc) that have to mask their own misery by blaming the “Great Satan” that is the USA.
Maybe it makes sense after all, as their philosophies appear radically opposed, that Putin is palling around with the Iranians then as (in addition to oodles of Western money) Iran’s philosophies aren’t as different from Putin’s as initially meet the eye. 🙁
Iran and Russia have the same system and are close allies. It is a victim-cult, or a scarcity mindset of blaming others. The opposite is the Donald Trump abundance winner mindset. Cernovich’s Gorrilla Mindset is an excellent book on a winner mentality. Cuck mindset blames others, and a dictator wants his men to be cucks, calling themselves victims and blaming others. Too many alphas with abundance mindset – you get a revolution and people start turning their country into America. So an insecure corrupt guy will be sure to cuck-ify his people by seeing themselves as victims (instead of winners who overcame set backs and continue to win).
You are spot on. The mansophere is the #1 threat to cucks, the cuck mindset and dictators who benefit from having a population of cucks. Dictators use war, and their own masculinity as an outlet for cucks to feel masculine instead of show them the red pill and empower them to be all they can be like manosphere websites such as the return of kings does. This is why every tyrant is afraid of his people seeing the red pill
Now you got it right. This comment I can accept.
McCarthy warned us, but they didn’t listen
He was proved right by the venona paper too. Funny how nobody talks about those.
Is that Sarah Connor?
same with the space race
I read some years ago a quote attributed to the Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek. He was asked to make a prediction on the future and he said, “Communism will win”. I thought it a strange thing to say given the demise of the USSR. I’m not so sure anymore. Marxism was an ideology inflicted (largely self inflicted) on the Russians and the nations in their sphere. However, it’s an ideology that transcends that time and place. The progressive liberalism destroying the West is simply the same destructive ideology in a slightly different guise.
“These strategies of control were used for an extended period of time against America to make its citizens believe in a collectivist ideology that would lead to the destruction of traditional American values.”
Leaving aside the many other issues raised in the article, it’s worth focusing on just that one issue, collectivism vs individualism. One of the first people to understand that that was in many ways the substantive issue in politics today, and that everything else is just distraction, was the late and great Anthony Sutton, author of Wall Street and the Boshevik revolution. Below is his take on why its not about capitalism versus communism as we’ve been made to believe:
“Bolsheviks are at the left end of the political spectrum and Wall Street financiers are at the right end; therefore, we implicitly reason, the two groups have nothing in common and any alliance between the two is absurd. Factors contrary to this neat conceptual arrangement are usually rejected as bizarre observations or
unfortunate errors……..”
“….it may be observed that both the extreme right and the extreme left of the conventional political spectrum are absolutely collectivist. The national socialist (for example, the fascist) and the international socialist (for example, the Communist) both recommend totalitarian politico-economic systems based on naked, unfettered political power and individual coercion. Both systems require monopoly control of society. While monopoly control of industries was once the objective of J. P. Morgan and J. D. Rockefeller, by the late nineteenth century the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood that the most efficient way to gain an unchallenged monopoly was to “go political” and make society go to work for the monopolists — under the name of the public good and the public interest…”
“…Therefore, an alternative conceptual packaging of political ideas and politico-economic systems would be that of ranking the degree of individual freedom versus the degree of centralized political control.”
I look at it as a circle.
Moderation is the highest point with “right” and “left” directly opposite each other at East/West and we hit “extremism” (the national/global socialist totalitarians) directly opposite moderation at the lowest point.
i see what you mean, but the above claim is that the real issue lies between collectivism versus individualism, which would if he is right have to substitute for the ‘right’ / ‘left’ poles, which no longer apply in quite the same way
Collectivism is inevitable in all refined social systems. As soon as an area defined as a nation-state becomes successful in providing material wealth, individualism is no longer the optimum position to be in for the citizen at large.
Individuals are able to project strength only through groups, therefore, the move towards collectivism becomes inevitable as the economy grows. Rich nations are all collectivist in nature, as the wealth attracts persons who want to enrich themselves at other’s expense.
All human societies, from hunter gatherer to post-democracy, are collectivist. The nature of man is collectivist, we desire to bind ourselves to each other. Politics is the art of controlling people through the associations and institutions that are voluntarily and naturally formed.
Individualism, in the political sense, has never existed. No political system has ever been consistent in protecting the individual over the collective; the very nature of governance forbids it. The entire purpose of governance is to control resources for the benefit of the few, why would those that govern ever allow a concept such as individualism to interfere?
Since people need each other to survive, and are eager to form voluntary associations, then the would be owners of a nation, or people, need only to weave a parallel narrative into the fertile fabric and graft themselves onto the social support system already in place. The art is in convincing the masses that the graft is as essential as all the rest, that without the leadership of politics, the rest of the voluntary social fabric would dissolve. After 2 or 3 generations the new system is considered to be correct, and the citizens themselves will fight to preserve it. As an example, look at public school education in America; an abomination if there ever was one, but defended by at least 90% of the population as a normal and desired part of social life.
The only defense against your neighbor in a democracy is……to participate in voting, which leads to condoning the political system that assaults you daily. I cannot find any historical account of any nation that achieved the height of power and wealth that did not succumb to the collectivist poison. The Lilliputians are able to drag down the strongest giant; strength lies in numbers, always.
The best defense is a personal one, not a public one. The tide can’t be turned in any single state, the system must collapse under its own weight. In the interim, the best course of action for any man is to maintain his own integrity, transmit his values to others in his personal circle, and accept life as he finds it-doing his utmost to avoid conflict with the external world-while building his own moral code and allowing his inner peace to sustain him. Agonizing over the death of life-as-we-used-to-know-it can lead to negative emotions: despair, hatred, depression and suicide. Be strong within yourself, practice Stoicism and Buddhism. Stay pure, and when they come for you, in whatever form, you will be ready.
Thanks for your comment, which is cogent and well argued. I found it a bit strange that you spent a number of paragraphs appearing to argue the case for (or at least the inevitability of) collectivism within advanced societies before calling it a poison and describing the possibility of a retreat into a more private realm where some kind of individualism (or at least individualised care of the self) might be possible.
You’re right in thinking that individualism is under assault and that collectivization continues to grow. Perhaps that is inevitable to an extent. I’ve heard that argument made in respect of bureaucratisation that happens as societies grow both larger and more complex. Right now, for instance with the increase in nationalism, things like the Brexit in Europe etc there’s quite a bit of talk about down-scaling the degree of internationalisation (as in the EU) and the kind of ‘harmonization’ / federalism / collectivization that it involves. Internationalism, and increasing complexity of systems does, I agree make it inevitable that many functions that could once be performed consciously by the individual or by a small group, perhaps within a democratic framework, will become bureaucratised and automated, perhaps even driven underground to become automatic and unconscious, much like the Central Nervous System may be autonomic rather than consciously directed for the most part.
Part of that is elective. Technology may or may not be inevitable, even if the alternative may to some extent be luddite. We still have the option to go ‘off-grid’ or grow our own vegetables, or get off twitter and facebook etc. The juggernaut of integration, global communication etc may be less or more inevitable. Personally I don’t think we should be driven by technology, or by the needs of plutocrats and internationalist who want to turn democracy into a farming venture, and people into virtually unconscious drones, mechanistic parts, functioning within perfectly calibrated machines. It is not entirely clear to me that in that direction lies ‘progress’, at least if it is progress then I’m not sure that it could be moral progress, for moral progress requires the rational, or rather the reasoning, evaluating individual, and that is precisely what is removed from the situation the moment things get too collective.
What’s more these kinds of pressures aren’t entirely new. At ROK we tend not to give them much due, but much of the history of individualism has depended on the severing of collectivist duties, be they feudal or monarchical ties, divine right of kings etc. Society was more collectivist in the past often-times, but then from the middle ages (most famously magna carta etc) worthies started to win rights off royalty, and henceforward much of modern history has been precisely the history of the individual. Yes, that is now very much under threat, but it isn’t naturally or entirely inexorably the case necessarily. Collectivization has been consciously pushed for leftist theorist, agitators and revolutionaries, typically behind the scenes or as lobby-groups etc scheming to get their way. They do not represent inevitable progress. That’s simply what they would have us believe.
In any advanced society there is a tension between society and the individual, between social imperatives and individual agency and it is absolutely morally and democratically essential that we seek to maintain the balance here, to apply a necessary level of pressure in the other direction i.e. against collectivization, globalism, automation etc. It doesn’t have to be ludditism. It’s a balancing act. The same thing that we’ve been doing for centuries against those who would factory farm the whole of humanity.
We don’t have to accept anything that we don’t want to accept. If history is going in a direction that seems wrong. Then we simply change it’s direction.
There you go. All it took was a few words in a sentence, and it’s already started to move
Must define terms, I use individualism as a political term, meaning the primacy of the individual over all else within a purely political context: law, court proceedings, property rights etc.
My point was that individualism, as the primary position of any system of organisation, is a myth. You may be able to maintain individualism with a small, highly principled group, but only during the first generation.
Even the great American experiment in individualism failed from the very beginning.
The moment we seek power beyond ourselves and organise to that end, collectivism is the result. Power is needed to enforce the rights of individuals and power is only found in union. It’s a conundrum, that was explored in the book Nineteen Eighty-Four.
My advice was to stop caring about the big picture and use your limited energy on gaining control of the self. When we control ourselves, no one else can control us.
fair enough. But there’s a big difference between a small collectivity, a village, a tribe, or even a nation, and the monstrous behemoths our present-day globalists are trying to create. I don’t think we can forget about the big picture, or it will come and get us, in resentment of our neglect. But yes, care of the self should be the first order of the day
Baba Vanga predicted that Obama would be the last president and will destroy America. She also predicted the muslim invation.
I’d argue those were already largely self-evident truths.
Muslims have been invading since the first caliphs in the seventh century, and with the combination of KGB-inspired rhetorical assaults and racial tensions already in the US a president like Obama (read: a racist, collectivist America hater) it would certainly escalate.
I hope it’s possible that Obama is not the last President any more than FDR was, but the forecast isn’t overly promising.
prob on rag
I’d never heard of her.
Would not bang. Even if she predicted that I would
I had to look her up and found that one of her predictions was that we would colonize Venus in the next century. That’s why women should stick to their gender studies. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is 92 times greater than Earth’s with a cloud layer of sulfuric acid. Since the surface of Venus is hot enough to melt lead, probes to it last about 2 hours.
My contacts at NASA (friends and family members) tell me that Mars has sufficient atmosphere and gravity that it’s not likely we’ll colonize there anytime soon, either. There’s just no known way to get back.
Besides, the landline connections between Australia and the US are already bad enough. I always kill the enthusiasm of those Millennials interested in colonizing Mars by informing them that it’d take days to load their Facebook pages, and something like 30 minutes to post an update (assuming the data wasn’t destroyed in transit by cosmic radiation).
apparently there is some talk of a mission to Venus, but it won’t involve landing on the planet for the reasons you’ve given
If you could get to one of the (atmosphere-less) moons while it’s in the planet’s shadow, it might just work, but it’s orders of magnitude more risky than going to the moon. Between the micrometeors, cosmic radiation, and extreme heat if directly exposed to the sun at that distance, it’s dangerous to even get close.
Can’t see the point really. Let’s go to Mars and blow shit up
Actually, colonization of Venus could be more feasible than of Mars:
“Landis has proposed aerostat habitats followed by floating cities, based on the concept that breathable air (21:79 oxygen/nitrogen mixture) is a lifting gas in the dense carbon dioxide atmosphere [of Venus], with over 60% of the lifting power that helium has on Earth.[6] In effect, a balloon full of human-breathable air would sustain itself and extra weight (such as a colony) in midair. At an altitude of 50 kilometres (31 mi) above Venerian surface, the environment is the most Earth-like in the Solar System – a pressure of approximately 1000 hPa and temperatures in the 0 to 50 °C (273 to 323 K; 32 to 122 °F) range. Protection against cosmic radiation would be provided by the atmosphere above, with shielding mass equivalent to Earth’s.”
And near-Earth grav at that attitude, rather than weak 1/3 grav on Mars. Also, more bang for your buck with your solar panels receiving twice as much sunlight.
They could just have their own Martian version of Facebook.
BTW, why would we need to come back from Mars? Should we even come back from Mars? The gravity differential might make that infeasible for bona fide martians, like how Heinlein theorized that moon residents wouldn’t be able to really function on Earth.
Why would we go to Venus if we’d have to live on a hybrid of a Zeppelin and Bespin’s Cloud City to do so?
What would such a colony on Venus do? IIRC, Cloud City sustained itself by mining gas from Bespin (a gas giant planet).
I’m not sure I follow your train of thought here as Venus, AFAIK, has no moons.
Now, I went through schooling when Pluto was still a planet so I may have missed something…
I kinda agree. There’s no economic imperative to start colonizing space or other planets. I think there are other good general reasons e.g. spreading life into the cosmos, ensuring a ‘backup’ for humanity and Earth’s biosphere should there be some kind of planetary catastrophe, which is what Elon Musk says he’s doing. If we’re going to speculate about space colonization, though, objectively speaking, I think Venus offers a better case than Mars. Just the gravity alone is a big plus over Mars. Shorter travel times and more frequent launch windows too. Personally, I favor seeding some kind of lunar industrialization effort first, using the lunar polar ice deposits for water/fuel/air and mining the regolith for metals/minerals, so space colonization efforts can become more self-supporting and affordable. And remember, in space, no one can hear you scream “Safe space!” Ain’t no such thing in space!
On an side note, Elon Musk is just tossing out anything he can to camouflage that he’s just screwing the US taxpayer out of everything he can get as he’s the poster boy for crony capitalism (reaffirmed recently by his cushy new rocket deal being pushed by John McCain).
Maybe there’s something to using space colonization preserve humanity (looking at the ISS though, the US taxpayer would surely wind up funding it) but I don’t know how much preserving a bunch of folks stuck on a “space zeppelin” in Venus’ atmosphere could do.
I wonder: Could they get out, could you fire a rocket ship off of the Venusian blimp colony safely? If Earth were to go belly-up, could they survive? Since the surface of Venus is inhospitable I wonder if they could extract any materials from it if they had to.
I’m willing to bet that liberalism will survive in space, like the Tardigrade, if allowed to.
I can’t really disagree. I’d just say it’s the US government who’s doing the screwing. Musk is just going where the money is, like everyone else. No one’s clean in business nowadays. You might not have a lobbyist in DC, but your competitors do – who will then exploit their unearned access and power to kick your ass and take you out. A lot of lobbying nowadays is “defensive” or “preemptive” lobbying.
But yeah, this is a side note. I could tie it back into the main topic by saying this ideological subversion has distracted the nation from dreaming big and achieving big. Imagine if the US had just kept Apollo going? The lunar ice would’ve been found decades ago, making colonization much easier and cheaper. Instead of a spacefaring civilization spanning the solar system and bringing life to new worlds, it’s fucking transgender toilets and smartphone selfies and retarded superhero movies that holds the current culture’s attention. 21C SUX!
Well holy shit.
Only because I wouldn’t want to take advantage of a blind woman. Otherwise I’d be in there without a second thought woof
Kratom would temporarily “blind” you to that issue, so you could heal her injury.
I think Nostradamus also predicted that the last Pope would be black……..
Haven’t read the whole of this, but I am familiar with the Yuri Bezenov claims. I’m not quite sure what to think about them, although in many ways the claims he makes seem to be mirror what we see happening. I would say though that approaching this as conspiracy theory, is the wrong way to go – at least without further evidence. The best thing is to simply notice the patterns, correlations etc, because they might mean something, while at the same time being weary of assuming that there’s any necessarily organised conspiracy going on. The people at the top, leaders, oligarchs, plutocrats may have differing interests a lot of the time, but more often than not they have the same interests, and as a result end up pushing the same ideas, mostly collectivist ideas, and often ideas that are subversive of tradition, individuality and freedom – they have no interests in that. Marxists marching through the institutions etc doesn’t necessarily mean top-down conspiracy. It can be more self-organising than that.
Not that any of the them are above the lowest and meanest tricks imaginable
Look a bit into the history of John Dewey, known to most as the “father of modern education.” One of his greatest achievements, besides the Dewey Decimal System and the collectivist public education system that brought us Common Core, was setting up Marxists in upper eschalons of the top-tier universities.
Sometimes they’re real conspiracies (as groups like Bilderberg et al.), but often enough they’re just a passive conspiracy. FDR wouldn’t want the US dominated by Russia, but he would have loved us to be some brand of Marxist, so his efforts blended effectively with those of the USSR.
yes, real conspiracies can exist, but most of the time its more likely to use your term to be passive conspiracy (assuming I understand your meaning): like minded people band together and work together to achieve goals, particularly if they think those goals are in the general interest. If they’re marxists they won’t lose a moments sleep about deceiving others, or justifying the means (of propagating their ideas and influence etc) in terms of the commie end
Also, I didn’t know about John Dewey. Bloody marxists get everywhere. We need to bring back DDT use
I like to define “active” and “passive” conspiracy. Active conspiracy is the gathering together of individuals to support a common cause, while passive conspiracy is a bunch of unconnected individuals whose actions are designed to push a common cause.
For example, every voting system is theoretically based on passive conspiracy – a number of individuals vote on their favorite candidate, and the largest group of votes wins. However, an active conspiracy can create a voting bloc that basically ensures that their chosen candidates will win.
(As a historical note, Thomas Jefferson hated the idea of active conspiracies in government. He didn’t want a party system precisely because it would all but ensure active conspiracy, which would undermine the individual wills of the people each representative was intended to represent.)
All kinds of conspiracy can be benign, hostile, or beneficial. While we usually talk about the hostile or unknown-intentioned ones (the Federal Reserve, the banking interests, Bilderberg, etc.), we ignore the others.
The RoK meetups would have been benign active conspiracies. Charities are (supposed to be) beneficial active conspiracies. Computer conventions and regulations are usually benign passive conspiracies that become active when set out in official codices.
It’s a relatively complicated system I’ve come to after years of consideration.
You have quite a broad definition there, which I feel might encompass too much, but it makes sense.
I think you’re right about one thing in particular though, and that is that conspiracies don’t necessarily have to be malicious. Because conspiracy tends to be defined as some kind of evil done against a group of people / the public etc by another group purposefully assembled for that purpose, we miss the fact that a great many things that are in some sense conspiratorial may happen but because they are less structured, less (self-conscious), more informal perhaps nobody sees them as conspiratorial, particularly if the people engaged in such things believe that they are doing good rather than evil. What conspiracy as necessarily involved deliberate evil in this sense is one reason we’ve got very little awareness of conspiracy, and arguably why those who might well meet a potential objective definition of ‘conspirator’ engaged in a ‘conspiracy’ would not recognise themselves as such. A great deal of leftist politics is in my opinion conspiracy (and some right wing too) but there is zero awareness of this at present
Actually, the Dewey Decimal System was invented by Melvil Dewey, no relation to the worthless proto-commie you’re talking about.
Really? Well, would you look at that!
Even my finely educated librarian friends didn’t know that. What a great education system.
I was suspicious because helping people actually learn is not something John Dewey would’ve liked, let alone done.
If I had a time machine, I would go back and kill that Fulkerson in his crib. Him and Horrace Mann….oh and Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and LBJ as long as I’m making a wish list.
I totally agree. I think we are just seeing the machinations of a contagious mental disorder that has manifested itself in a large and growing group of people. Kind of like a collective unconscious that seems to breed itself like a tumor. I don’t see a small group of people sitting around saying “Hey guys, let’s do X,Yard Z and we can rule the world.” I see it as the organic results of what happens when some people figure out how to convince a lot of others to think like them with a self replicating and perpetuating ideology. I think more a long the lines of we are seeing the results of a mental tumor than a “conspiracy” with a bunch of moving parts.
We have a cartoonish idea of how conspiracy happens. It’s extremely unsophisticated and prevents us from seeing how people actually do influence the world, usually by working together in front of or behind the scenes (people do stuff off camera don’t they?) to work towards shared goals in line with shared beliefs / interests, quite often in ways that consciously or unconsciously involve a degree of deception. Sure there will be stuff that measures up to the more classic picture of conspiracy but most of it won’t.
I think this guy forgot or simply didn’t forsee the consequences of Trannyism: To convince young men to turn their backs on their productive masculine instincts and embrace their unproductive femininty.
This has been accomplished by sending young boys the message that it sucks to be a guy because life is harder. You get less sex, less validation and esteem from the larger society and early on, you get less money than your fellow woman. So why not become one?
It’s an effective way of getting males to geld themselves and thus remove a threat that stands in your way to conquest.
It’s funny how the American left is just an amalgamation of every evil communism, hedonism, globalism, ect…. you could be 100% right if all you did is the opposite of what MSNBC wanted.
Ivan Ilyin correctly diagnosed Bolshevism as the greatest apostasy, as not just a mere demonism, but in fact a satanism, and thus there was no limit on the measures that could be deployed against it. Liberalism is the spiritual successor to Bolshevism via Cultural Marxism, and thus the same logic applies.
This is a holy war.
Ive watched many of his videos and he is spot on, we are being communized. In one video he claimed that all the leftists in power supporting SJW causes will be the first to be executed after the collapse and takeover. They are useful idiots that have Proven how disobedient and rebellious they can be towards establishment. They will have no use once society has successfully been destroyed.
Another point he made is that the subversion of a society takes about 30 years, so we are now living with the ideas and values that were fed to our parents in the 70s and 80s, basically post Vietnam: feminism, college is mandatory, life is all about acquiring stuff and status, TV is the center of life, sex is recreational, diversity, etc.. Any change from this way of thinking will take a long time to show itself in society.
It leads me to believe that the red pill won’t really make any significant changes until our children are out playing the game.
Those young white men who support Sanders instead of Trump because Trump is too mean to women-‘n-minorities are the fruits of the brainwashing.
should be a fruit of the loom meme with those guys dressed up like fruits.
Fruit of a loon…..
When debating people, even those who are like-minded, I have found it very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to steer the conversation toward the greater issues. People always want to say, “But what about…” and then bring up some petty, meaningless issue that has no bearing on the overall problem at hand. For instance, people who argue either for or against gay marriage. It’s merely a symptom of the rampant degeneracy in the West, and it SHOULD HAVE NEVER GOTTEN TO THIS POINT.
Younger generations especially are being programmed to bicker over nonsense. Even a lot of older people do this. Keep the people distracted from the main issues, have them quibble over nothing, and the elites will take all the resources and power.
Another problem is, when you mention that feminism, fat acceptance, egalitarianism, gay marriage, racial division, etc. are all intertwined into a grand plan to neuter and eliminate the masses, you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist. Even people who agree with me about degeneracy, the out of control welfare state, Big Brother, the negative effects of feminism, etc. have snickered and called me “nuts” for stating that it is all part of a larger, more systematic plan to herd the masses. As long as they can drink their beers while watching football on Sundays, they don’t give a fuck.
The whole purpose of that Democrat vs Republican puppet show is to steer the masses away from the greater issues. Things like abortion, gay marriage, jobs, terrorists, etc. are not the real issues affecting our lives. They should be state government issues and voted on by the people of those states to decide.
err . . ROK is a super sammitch for the soul . . eeh
ROK Burger actually exists. It’s in Ft Lauderdale!
Damn, I was just down that way a week ago. Had I only known….
I’ll surmise that every regular on this site has already left the reservation and broken out of the animal farm. A healthy mind cannot subsist on the kosher approved issues of discussion and debate over the sexually disfunctional deviants who can’t reproduce or over the fake left-right puppet show theatre or the imaginary battle with fake false flag boogeyman torrorists. A healthy mind will rot to hell when it is limited to pondering and worrying over such insignificant and unrelevant subject matter just like a healthy body will rot and go to hell when placed on a strict diet of nothing but empty and nutritionally devoid diet soda. Suppliment your mental diet with ROK. It is chicken soup for the mind and soul.
The greater issue is the real powers behind the US president. Who they are, how they control the world and how little they care for the average Joe. I hope in my lifetime they will be exposed, hung for treason so that fear can once again be reinstated in our politicians.
People want drama. If they don’t have real problems to whine about (like a tiger that’s about to eat them), they will invent such.
Very true. That’s why the MSM can basically use the rinse and repeat format of: “White cop shoots black teen,” “Campus rape,” “Kid falls into gorilla pit,” etc. Drama keeps them in business.
You are right and should read the 1963 Congress Report http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/1561529/posts
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
Just reading the whole list is worrying. So many point are already done or currently being finalized. Sorry USA you’re screw.
Everything Roosh says here a Russian ex KGB guy says in more detail in the book Disinformation – you can read about the origins of SJWs. https://www.amazon.ca/Disinformation-Strategies-Undermining-Attacking-Promoting/dp/1936488604 What Mansophere and Return of Kings forgets that Putin might push things healthy for Russia inside of Russia, but he pushes for the destruction of the west as an ex KGB guy to make Russia Great Again. I am half Russian. Our success is when our neighbor suffers, nasty Russian character trait. We are not your friends. We are here to create SJWs in your countries, so that Russians can laugh how bad the west is and forget that Moscow is robbing the Russian provinces. Moscow is like Dubai, Russian provinces are doing worse than many places in Africa.
Remember Russia keeps the good model of its system for its citizens and exports the shitty version to its enemies. Your countries didn’t help the fall of communism be an easy transition like in China, but Harvard’s Geoffery Sach’s Shock Therapy made half of Russian economy fall out of the window in the 1990s, and life was hell then, many Russians will never forgive America and the west for that as its less painful than taking responsibility. Putin shut down foreign funding for NGOs in Russia … because there are a lot of foreign funded NGOs in the US to promote SJWs that hide their books like Code Pink. Putin pushes morality that works in Russia and pushes anything that hurts the west in the west. So support Trump instead who defends America’s interests.
Spotlighting or highlighting any nonreproductive sexual lifestyle is meant to ‘trick’ the species or the target group/tribe into not reproducing. It is slow kill.
Years back Raid bug spray came out with ‘Raid Roach Ender’, a roach killer product that wasn’t an insecticide. It didn’t kill the roaches instantly with the standard neurotoxin but rather it contained a chemical that ‘tricked’ the roaches into not reproducing. And boy did it ever work. I grew up in the south and remember when I was 9 or so having giant cockroaches and the smaller ‘german’ cockroaches with their egg sacks scampering about whenever I turned the lights on. I’d grab a spatula in one hand and the standard bug spray in the other hand and begin a roach holocaust where I’d swat legions of them as I smoked the rest out of cracks with the spray. They’d always return.
THEN my dad brought home some ‘Raid Roach Ender’ and the fun was over. The new spray ‘tricked’ the cockroaches into BEING GAY. That’s right, I’d see many roaches humping each other and running in circles when it was time to reproduce. Males would hump males and females would run in circles crazy and without their egg sacks. I swatted what was left of them but they were all gone within a month. The chemical jacked with their reproductive programme. I guess that’s why they pulled the product from the market. It was the only bug spray that worked permanently. IT TURNED THE ROACHES GAY.
Basically that’s what ‘gay genre’ in entertainment is. It is all slow kill population control, whether it be gay agenda in politics or gay acceptance and tolerance/sensitivity taught in schools. It is all meant to curb or arrest normal population growth with the target group. ‘Gay’ issues are really miniscule non issues that will naturally occur in the closet or in the gutter, on skid row or in prisons. But to so much as shine the spotlight on it is akin to making it exemplary and promoting it. Leave it alone and it’s practitioners will die out or self destruct. Leave it in the dark but don’t make a cinematic melodramas about it and then go about flooding popular culture and entertainment with it.
“ I guess that’s why they pulled the product from the market. It was the only bug spray that worked permanently. IT TURNED THE ROACHES GAY.”
No, they pulled it and started putting it in the air of your cities.
It works on people, too, even better.
The powers that be (the mass media, etc) want it that way. They want feverish and heated debate but only within the window of topics that they deem acceptable. Republicans and cuckservatives are especially guilty of falling for this trap.
I’ve realized this with my “friends”, I say friends because I’ve known them for almost a decade. I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t want to hear or even think about these topics so I don’t bother bringing them up anymore. I to am labeled as a conspiracy theorist. All they’re concerned with is when they can hit the next joint to get high.
In the end you have to realize that you cannot change people unless they themselves want to change. So i don’t bother mentioning these topics with them anymore. Just do your own thing and let them do theirs. In the end ignorance will catch up to them and they will suffer since it is their choice.
So was the movie Inception hinting at subversion tactics? For those who haven’t seen it, or have forgotten, the entire premise of inception is to plant a small seed of an idea in someone’s mind, and then allow it to expand from there. Like the article said, it was a slow burning candle to get to the trannies in restrooms level of degeneracy in this nation, and a lot of it can be traced back to women’s liberation, and possibly before that.
the only movie I have seen and forgotten was Momento.
A blast of Kratom via spinal injection should cure up that memory loss symptom, friend.
Just a little dab’ll do ya
the only movie I have seen and forgotten was Momento….
the only movie I have seen and forgotten was Momento.
this seems familiar.
I won’t edit it because then I won’t learn.
Willingly putting yourself in the pillory. That’s very noble of you.
You should get the plot synopsis tattooed to your body.
I can tell you that the Libertarian Party won’t rescue the United States.
“Libertarianism” has something wrong with it, as currently formulated. We went from a society where our ancestors had sound money and a lot of restrictions on their behavior, over to one with where we have to use fiat money and many of these restrictions have disappeared. Did this inversion happen through some kind of mysterious accident or mistake?
Our elites, in other words, apparently promote, or at least allow, a lot of the libertarian agenda — open borders, abortion, pornography, sexual freedom, miscegenation, free trade, legalized pot use, etc. – because these policies work to their advantage somehow.
Yet when you bring up the libertarian idea of restoring the gold standard, these same elites dismiss this as crazy-talk and out of the question.
This suggests to me that “libertarianism” functions as a kind of controlled opposition, where the elites can adopt the parts they want to give libertarians the illusion of success, while ignoring the other parts regarding monetary policy because the current system serves their interests in its current form, and they would lose by changing it to conform with libertarian economic theory.
By contrast, what about another kind of libertarianism which supports the interests of patriarchal and tradition-minded men? In this system, for example, women could inherit sound money and not have to pay an inheritance tax; but if they slept around, they would face legal and social sanctions which give them incentives to live with sexual self-control. No one wants to talk about that kind of a free society for some reason.
The problem with the Libertarian party is that it’s almost entirely controlled by corporate interests; Nearly the whole of it is a propaganda arm of corporations.
Even the libertarian think tanks produce pro-corporation op-eds and research that almost invariably concludes something in favor of corporate control in the guise of “free markets.”
Taking power away from Big Gov’t is one thing but handing it all to Big Corporations completely defeats the purpose and is decidedly NOT Libertarian.
Yep, we saw that clearly in 2013 when a Libertarian dark horse was injected into the Virginia Gubernatorial race to ensure that the Republican lost to the crazy, connected-to-the-Clintons Terry “McAwful”.
(Though that solidly conservative-allegedly-Republican turned out to be a flaming RINO and anti-Trump…)
Now we’re seeing it again with Gary Johnson being a complete corporate shill.
That is obvious because the West is LIBERAL. Libertardianism is just new age extremist liberalism.
If your solutions to the Western problems are more liberalism, empiricism and materialism, then you better make up an invisible enemy that caused all the problems of the liberal West. Ah yeah, I forgot, it is the illuminati and the NWO and the non existing Soviet communists.
Interesting read… but then again how’s the USSR doing these days?
I read that the USSR did not just collapse; it was ALLOWED to collapse. By the same ones who allowed it to exist long enough to create a nuclear-armed state in the middle east. Kind of makes sense to me.
It didn’t even collapse, it was a false demise. The Russian military complex now is far more advanced than US is and not to mention the ridiculous NATO army.
How does that make sense? What benefit was the USSR to Jews/Israelis/Zionists? Most of the Jewish leadership was purged almost immediately.
The existence of the USSR provided justification for arming Israel with nukes. Now that Israel is armed, the USSR is no longer necessary. So goes the argument.
Considering that the USSR and Israel have never been at war, never had a battle, are in fact thousands of miles from each other, that the USSR never provided nukes to the Arabs (which is the only way I can think of to make sense of your argument), I don’t see how that makes any sense whatsoever. Unless it’s just “blame Israel for ____”.
“So goes the argument” that makes no sense. If Israel wanted a nuke it had only to turn one of the 70% of top physicists that were Jewish, or use it’s intelligence network (proven best in the world) to get the info from the Europeans, the Americans, the Russians or whoever else. Asserting that the Jews created a political revolution in one of the world’s most powerful country just so that, 60 years later, they would have access to a weapon literally every industrialized country has, and have never had need to use, is like saying I’m going to manipulate the laws of physics and build a time machine so I can get new cufflinks. A lot of effort to achieve a very negligible result. It does not make sense, which is why this is the only time I’ve ever seen “the argument” and likely the last.
The many connections between the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and Jewish/Marxist ideology are historical facts. It happened. The question at hand is how that might benefit, or have benifited, the State of Israel. The idea that I mentioned (which was not my original idea), that the existence of the USSR allowed the arming of Israel with nuclear weapons, makes sense to me because to this day NOBODY officially know HOW they got those weapons in the first place (maybe they DID use their vast spy network, as you allege). Or WHY they are even allowed to keep these supposed WMD’s without so much as an inspection, and remain in good-standing with the west???
For the record, what you have stated is incorrect. Not nearly “every industrialized nation” has these weapons. There are only eight sovereign states that have successfully detonated nuclear weapons. Five are considered to be “nuclear-weapon states” (NWS). “Negligible result”? Then why so much concern about Iran getting nukes??
A lot fair questions you ask. Firstly, I know not “every” industrialized nation but most. And pretty much anyone who wants one these days, can build their own reactor. It’s basically impossible to control the spread of technology once it’s been used. I’ll tell you something that may make your head explode — it was two Jewish-American spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of selling the secret of the nuclear bomb to… the Russians. So that meant that they would have had to give Russia the bomb, to give Israel the bomb!!! Hopefully you see that seems ludicrous, because usually smaller events are the result of larger events, not vice versa. Israel being one of many states to have a weapon, and not using it, seems to me a small event, while the world’s second largest superpower (at the time, Russia) suddenly adopting a strange and hostile ideology for 60 years, strikes me as a big event, in terms of the number of people affected. So your original contention seems illogical to me.
How did Israel get a nuke? France gave it to them in return for help in North Africa, followed by England and Norway when France had a change of heart (ie saw more advantage in siding with the Arabs, typical of France to have no morals).
Why does Israel get a nuke pass/ Why is Iran such a big deal? Because nuclear superiority is a huge part of their security strategy.
However, as I said, it’s impossible to believe Iran will never get the bomb . There are a lot of capable Iranian scientists, and the technology was found as far away as Libya. You cannot control information.. However, if handled skillfully this will not upset the apple cart of the Middle East too much. Iran, for all its mischievousness, is not known to be suicidal. Eventually Iran will take the Arabs in hand and possibly use its new armed status to pressure Israel into ceasing its expansion and giving the Palestinians a real state. THIS is an example of Israel influencing world policy. But it’s not a conspiracy, Netanyahu is very open about what he wants. Because the Arabs are so doggedly Anti-Western, US interests will favor Israel almost every time.
I’ve been watching the bezmenov videos a few years, every so often.
What I always found interesting is that in much and many ways his predictions held true for the Soviet Union as well, since when they weren’t successful in third world countries any more the whole show collapsed.
I’m guessing for some it’s going to be difficult to translate what he is saying directly into what we see at play in the world today, despite Rooshes valiant efforts.
Many will think they understand it even if they haven’t been exposed to these concepts before, but they will only do so on a theoretical level.
So if you don’t see why this is important and how it’s directly being used today, please let it sink a few days and go over it again.
Once you realize how much this all is out there in the politics in the media, and especially in other people’s minds and expressed opinions, you will start to really cut to the core of the gigantic task we all must take part in, that is required to get from where we are to a reality outside of the ideological safe spaces most people now think compose the world.
Commies ruin everything.
Roosh V :
You will like this article . About further degeneracy of Scandinavia .
Have a look at the youtube video in the link
We are being socially engineered into oblivion.
Only “commies” are bad? Their copycats are much better at bad.
See Edward Bernays and his work for your own edification.
Greed trumps ideology (pun intended). Always. 🙂
Some things never change (the Left’s hatred for God/Truth, order and health).
‘Soviet/Bolshevik’ subversion of the ‘West’? Pa-lease. You mean Jewish genocide of the White Race. William Pierce – White Race Suicide/Democracy; Benjamin Freedman – A Warning to America; Benton Bradberry – The Myth of German Villainy; David Duke – The Truth Behind Communism; Brother Nathanael; Ken O’keefe; Dr. Alan Sabrosky…on and on. She’s a harsh pill to swallow; but, the truth always is.
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that … the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism.” – Rabbi Henry Watson
Former Soviet Satelite citizen here :
When sovietivism came to my country, entire groups of men throughout the country, went to arms – they were students, lawyers, doctors, mechanics, farmers and military men. The total numbers of those heroes was near 250.000 all spread into the mountains in groups of 30 to 50 men.
What they did, they did in the name of God and our people.
They all said ,,FUCK YOU !” to the conquering system.
They all appealed to the liberty of my people.
The system responded by sending military troops to hunt them down.
They hunted to survive, and had to fight off Secret Security and military troops. Secret Security sent out women to promise them food and supplies and then they would send out the troops to gun them down.
Most of the groups of men were killed or executed. Some still survived to this day and wrote books.
One book is called ,,Brazii se frang, nu se indoiesc” which can be translated into ,,Oak trees break, they do not bend”.
When you have the time search about Ioan Gavrila Ogoranu
This story did not happen hundreds of years ago, it happend since 1945, untill 1980.
You think something has changed ?
A few ballsy romanian directors and actors, dared to make a movie about this story.
The National Istitute For Jewish Holocaust protested against the movie.
Makes you wonder.
Great to see an article about this guy here. Yuri’s “Deception Was My Job” interview should be required watching for anyone interested in politics.
Russia’s demise can be traced back to the Tsar of Russia refusing to co operate with the Rothschild families complete takeover of European finance. The Rothschild promise of wiping the Tsar family from the face of the earth was fulfilled with the Bolshevik revolution.
Communism was lead and financed by Jews. Like they do around the globe today they brought in and enraged huge swathes of Mongols against ethnic Russians. They seduced the youth and working class with radicalism and phony liberalist ideals.
Anti Semitism was outlawed, Jews rose to power and Christendom was crushed.
It would be one of history’s great ironies if the US becomes the main backer of socialism and Russia becomes the main backer of the old western ideals.
Russia will not carry the torch of western civilization. Only northwestern European men can create western civilization. If western Europe (and America) falls, it’s gone forever.
We will still have the offspring of people like me who may look more Asian but have the same ideals as productive Western Europeans.
Bezmenov didn’t want to succeed in his ‘mission’, since that was his mission. Ah, naive snowflakes. Good night, West.
Great topic!
The Soviets miscalculated and made a horrific mistake with this plan. They failed to consider that they themselves might not remain communist, after having created another cultural marxist, economic fascist state, i.e., the U.S.A. (Mission accomplished, thanks a lot.)
So now that they’ve created this monster, they are going to have to deal with it. They are going to have to deal with a highly corrupt, socially unstable society, led by politically demented sociopaths and psychopaths, who are armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons yet totally clueless about realpolitik.
For those of you too young to have watch JFK give his Cuban Missile Crisis speech, I urge you to do so. Then ask yourselves whether any modern day American president or presidential candidate could today deliver such a sobering and frightful speech to the American public.
It is interesting that Google are now censoring the most liked comments on that classic Yuri Bezmenov video. I think some of the comments may have hit too close to home:
Don’t blame russians though. Communism is JEWISH.
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
Replace the word Communism with Islam and it all fits with what we can see nowadays. Especially in Sweden and Germany ….
Yuri Bezmenov – The tells it as it is. This is masterpiece.