4 Ways Western Culture Creates Weak Husbands

As much as some of us would like to think women are solely to blame for the degradation of the family unit, they are not. Men are to blame too. More specifically, white knights, soy boys, and blue pill men. But the faults that make them bad husbands or fathers all stem from everything that falls under the umbrella term of cultural decline. In other words, the same forces that make men bad husbands are those that make society a cesspool; perversion of the family unit, digital addictions, post-industrial convenience, policies infected by feminism, and an anything-goes culture.

Here are four ways that our culture molds men to be bad husbands.

1. Women’s Careers

Women are in the labor market like never before. I’ll spare you the statistics and just ask you this, have you worked in any job that wasn’t a trade but was void of women? Where? Which department? They’re as much or more of the labor market now than men, yet women are really only attracted to men who earn more than them.

Not only do they make their own money and dedicate far too much time to their jobs, but if a man doesn’t do the same to keep his income above hers, he will lose her attraction. This creates an unhealthy work and personal life imbalance that forces men to make money they might not care about just to keep the marriage together.

Tired and stressed, men are bound to make poor husbands, giving up their precious time to compete in a rat race.

Because women are also working with other men away from their husbands, jealous feelings will likely arise. Cosmo magazine and empowered women tell all women to use their sexuality to get ahead. How are husbands supposed to behave thinking that their wives are showing their cleavage to get a raise?

2. Spouses Treating Each Other Like Roommates

Neither men nor women view their family as a single unit. Instead, husbands and wives live like bachelors and bachelorettes, respectively. They see each other in the morning, go to work, see each other at night, order take-out, and fight over who’s going to clean the bathroom. What can they do for each other when traditional sex roles have been replaced with individual ambitions?

This goes both ways but when women wonder why their husbands aren’t good husbands, it’s because men have too few reasons to think their wives are good wives.

3. Women Want To Always Be In A State Of Attraction

Men today have to game and entertain their wives to keep them interested lest they tap into their penis pipeline from work or a Tinder account to fill any void of excitement. Everyone knows a woman can get sex far easier than a man if a relationship ends. To try and prevent that, men run game on their own wives, but this is an unsustainable lifestyle.

When you have a household to run and kids to raise, running game isn’t a priority. Women take this to mean that a man doesn’t try anymore. In truth, if the wife stayed home and took care of all the menial chores that must be done to keep a house and raise children, he should be more than willing to woo her.

Wooing a wife specifically entails buying her gifts, taking her out to a nice meal, maybe going dancing, things along those lines. Romantic stuff. But all that is meaningless to shopaholic women (and working women love to spend) who go out to lunch every day and go out dancing with their girlfriends from work on Friday nights.

Men can’t woo their wives anymore because women steal the novelty of it. But neither can they game their wives for an extended period. They’re destined to give up, leading women to say, “He stopped trying when we got married.”

4. Too Much Pressure

Thanks to all the women and immigrants in the labor market, men have to compete for jobs more than ever. The women in HR departments or in the cubicle next door are dangers to men at work. One wrong look and that woman in the cubicle next to yours complains to the woman in HR that you were undressing her with your eyes. Next thing you know you’re fired and released to an increasingly competitive job market.

Immigrants more than ever take the jobs teenagers used to do. The men in their 20s now are years behind men of prior generations because they couldn’t even find a warehouse or fast-food job to let them save up some money and get them into the workforce young. So a 27-year-old man today is years behind 27-year-olds of prior generations in terms of career development.


Wives today still expect as much from their husbands as wives of 50 years ago, plus they expect to be gamed, plus their husbands have to be more attractive than any man they may meet at their jobs, and men have to earn more than their wives, all that despite the fact that men today are years behind the men of 50 years ago.

The consequences are dire for men. They know that women have a full penis pipeline and that losing their jobs may just as well mean losing their wives and divorce rape. Kids don’t secure the bond much, just look out how many empowered single mothers are out there. Love is often a weak bond to women who have drunk the feminist kool-aid (even if they claim to be traditional). At any temporary setback, a man could worry that his wife will leave just because she has so many options.

The anxiety of these potential problems often causes marital problems. Anxiety affects men for the worse, reducing T levels, making them possessive, and making their bodies and minds unhealthy, resulting in a downward spiral. Before you know it, fears of divorce leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy.

None of these are excuses. On the contrary, men have to rise to the occasion of being great husbands more than ever. This is especially true if a man has sons because he has to show those sons the way of men. And when he rises to be a great husband he may just lead his wife to be a great wife.

For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.

Read More: Women Sexualize Themselves For The Public As Much As For Their Husbands

111 thoughts on “4 Ways Western Culture Creates Weak Husbands”

  1. As a married man I can say that beyond setting up outlines of a traditional household you have to call out all the feminist/sjw nonsense when you see it. The forces they put on women in MSM to think that is the lifestyle they should lead is incredible. You also have to call out your wives friends who make shitty choices so she understands why her friend in her late 30’s is a spinster living in a studio apartment with a cat, it’s because of her shitty choices not because she is in a “rough patch”. On top of that move away from any big city. Those places are cesspools for degenerate behavior and are not places you will find lots of happily married people raising families.

      1. Humm…. I am confused about this article…
        WHY get married to begin with? 😮 It is the worst deal imaginable for a man, unless:
        a) She is rich as hell and/or makes at least 5x your wage (and does not want a prenup); or
        b) You and her are extremely religious AND you live within a community that is also extremely religious (i.e. PA Amish or rural UT Mormon) and will keep the woman in a community that promulgates these values (since a woman is like water, she takes the shape of whatever container she is in and the container is her community/friends/etc); or
        c) You are trying to import a woman into your country and she needs you to sponsor her for a visa/Green Card.
        Outside of these three limited categories above, it is INSANE TO GET MARRIED in this day and age.
        Marriage in the 21st century is the stupidest idea for a man. PERIOD. It is asking for divorce litigation, lawsuits, headaches at home, having to listen to her shit and deal with her issues, costs, complaining, etc.
        I cannot even believe we are still discussing traditional marriage when Marriage 2.0 is what is really in effect today.
        By the way, I am not saying this as a man who was scorned by a woman. Oh no, on the contrary. She helped me in many ways and was a great wife. I am widower now, 12 years married, married right woman and she helped me make education and career advancements I simply could not have done alone… One of my friends said it correctly, I “won the lottery” by marrying my late wife. But how often does that ever happen??
        I know the odds are close to 0% to hit that jackpot again. That is why I do NOT even consider marrying again. It is a sucker’s bet, a way for me to lose 50%-90% of what I worked so hard for. And why put that at risk when there is free holes available today and even paid ones (according to you guys) is cheap, available, and easy to find?? It makes no logical sense to marry in such a situation! 😮
        And even though my late wife was great and all, it was a LOT of work to be married. A lot of work. And we delayed kids and all to allow me to make advancements in our lives, buy a house, etc. And still, it is a lot of your time spent with her, helping around, having to coordinate schedules, and all sorts of time-consuming issues. Your life will revolve a lot around her when you are not at work.
        I LOVE my life now more then ever. I look back at married days, yes, many happy memories and all, BUT as 36 year old now and still looking like I am still 30, I see the reality of the situation and relationships today. The “modern woman” of today simply is NOT designed for a lifetime commitment and marriage. She simply is not. She is selfish, entitled, lazy, and will lose that alluring beauty she once had very soon.
        And worst of all, the modern woman does not even have the “give and take” skills that are needed to make a relationship work, so she will make your life a living hell. You will spend most of your time running Dread on her to keep her on her toes or making divorce threats and all that. Who the hell wants that kinda life??? 🙄 That is why I say, do not get married! Terrible idea! Period.
        It is not worthy to get married today. It is HUGE RISKS, and very very very very few rewards. DO NOT GET MARRIED, unless you meet one of the 3 limited categories above and even then, trust me, you will regret getting married later in life.
        How many times do we need to say this here at RoK comments??? *sigh*
        DO – NOT – GET – MARRIED!!!!!

        1. Wedlock is for heirs. For children.
          You rant like a Joo lunatic
          Long week need. Sense of iver importance. Typical.

    1. Jared,
      You are a genius, completely right on all points. You described exactly what happened in my marriage, and why she dumped me. I couldn’t maintain the earning (wasn’t that bothered about more money), treated me like a roommate (no longer wanted sex with me) and I couldn’t maintain the state of attraction (so she banged someone else).
      But I don’t think there was any way forward, as I was just too old and too tired of it all, so buckled under all the pressure and ran away to SEA.

      1. PS. I’ve still got the Xbox 360, was playing ‘Call of Duty Ghosts’ all afternoon today. Xbox 360 Rulz.

        1. My son is all into the Player Unknown and Fortnite bullshit, sometimes he begs me to play with him online (he’s studying in Hong Kong).
          It feels a bit weird to be honest.

        2. Last game I ever played was Tetris amd that Snake game on Dos. Just not into computer games…

        3. PS4 is better then xBox, JD. 😉 Seriously! lol
          But NO woman, not even my late wife at the time, go tot tell me “you are playing too much video games”. I owned my free time and compromised with her accordingly, so we could go out together or attend events together (i.e. holiday party or double dates, etc). But she did not get to dictate my free time. Period. End of story.

          Men should own their free time, otherwise it is work slavery and home slavery. Do not be like this clown on the video above, where he asks woman’s PERMISSION to go fishing! 😡 What an imbecile.
          It is like the dude on the video wants to be cheated on!! 😮 -_-

    2. He he, as a married man i can say, after giving birth and passing her 30s “more sexual options than a man” is nonsense!
      An intelligent spouse knows that.

      1. For a quick lay it’s absolutely true that a woman has more options. But ask any career gal a few years past 30, what they really want is commitment, and THAT is the last thing they’ll get out of the sexual marketplace (with the caliber of man they desire).

        1. There is a “career” woman who is in her mid 30’s which I bang once every blue moon when she hits me up. After fucking her, I get to lay there and listen to pitiful stories about how she “just can’t find the right guy”, it’s unreal how detached from reality these women are. She is also a devout acolyte at the church of “it was her turn”
          Oh the feeling of being a Trump voter and blowing hot loads all over the face of a woman who has an Instagram loaded with photos of her wearing a “pink pussy hat” and protesting at a women’s march.

        2. Beautiful, Water White. 🙂
          If guys ignored a woman’s nonsensical demands, especially a woman after 30, this Feminist “dating culture” mess we have today would correct itself naturally.
          It is stunning how women waste their 20s prime years being pumped and dumped and then suddenly, they panic between 27-30 age range and want a “male bailout” (a/k/a/ “right guy”) when they have wasted their beauty away.
          I am a 36-year old solid 8 man, full head of hair and excellent muscular physical shape, widowed, no kids, no debt, good income, my own house, awesome flashy ride, great life, Christian. I get TONS of people from my church wanting me to meet some 30+ woman they know (husband hunters/bailout time for them) and I often pass because I know this will be an issue at my church. I never ever date women from work or from my social circle, as I do not want to burn my bridges there.
          After 30, the whole game changes in our favor for first time in life, and women’s power diminishes considerably, if you are/become/remain a high-value male.
          Women simply do not get it: they only control the initial stage, whether a bang will happen or not. Men control whether the bang becomes a relationship or not (commitment), since she already spread ’em for you. The wise men get it by 30, unless they are idiots. Women do not seem to understand this concept, even after 30. That is wy they “can never find a good guy”. 🙄
          But since I do NOT want to be a divorce-rape victim at this point of my life, I am enjoying life like you, Walter. Mini-relationships is all I can do, I am sorry that you NOW want marriage, lady. 🙄 I love to ask “so how come you never married before?”. I just LOVE their answers…. “oh, I was busy banging some Chad Thundercock(s) and being dumped harshly afterwards…. or I wasted my youth and beauty inside a bottle of tequila with my “you go giiiiiirl” friends (who have now bailed on me) or I spent my best years inside a miserable cubicle… LOL 😆 or my favorite “I was in a bad boy phase” or… the honest one “I was a mudshark and now I am desperate for a decent man and there are none in that group. LOL How about the “I was finding myself”. 😆
          Just a sad state of affairs for sure… https://dalrock.wordpress.com/2017/10/04/theyre-back-in-your-20s-where-you-left-them/
          This (above) is probably the best article on the subject that I have read in a really long time. If she had not wasted her 20s being ruined by alcohol, pumps n dumps (PnD), drugs, and bad boys,s he would be happily married today (most men WANT to get married in early 20s, by their 30s, never married 30+ guys stay that way, forever, usually).
          But now your 30+s never married woman is way past her prime and will be PnD into a life of loneliness and anti-depressants.
          Hopefully her partying years were worth it. lol *shrug*
          Ps. Men: do not get married! I will keep repeating that as many times as needed. Marriage = worst deal EVER for a MAN, in any Feminist country (all Western nations, Brazil, or the AngloSphere, like USA, Canada, etc)! Stray single! Refuse to become a slave of the State or a serf of a woman’s whims!

        3. Beautiful, Water White. 🙂 Just a great comment.
          If guys ignored a woman’s nonsensical demands, especially a woman after 30, this Feminist “dating culture” mess we have today would correct itself naturally. The free market would naturally reset the system, due to the “invisible hand” that controls supply and demand and other natural laws of nature and life. Sadly, many men still do not understand this and allow this system to continue.
          It is stunning how women waste their 20s prime years being pumped and dumped and then suddenly, they panic between 27-30 age range and want a “male bailout” (a/k/a/ “right guy”) when they have wasted their beauty away.
          I am a 36-year old solid 8 man, full head of hair and excellent muscular physical shape, widowed, no kids, no debt, good income, my own house, awesome flashy ride, great life, Christian. I get TONS of people from my church wanting me to meet some 30+ woman they know (husband hunters/bailout time for them) and I often pass because I know this will be an issue at my church. I never ever date women from work or from my social circle, as I do not want to burn my bridges there.
          After 30, the whole game changes in our favor for first time in life, and women’s power diminishes considerably, if you are/become/remain a high-value male.
          Women simply do not get it: they only control the initial stage, whether a bang will happen or not. Men control whether the bang becomes a relationship or not (commitment), since she already spread ’em for you. The wise men get it by 30, unless they are idiots. Women do not seem to understand this concept, even after 30. That is wy they “can never find a good guy”. 🙄
          But since I do NOT want to be a divorce-rape victim at this point of my life, I am enjoying life like you, Walter. Mini-relationships is all I can do, I am sorry that you NOW want marriage, lady. 🙄 I love to ask “so how come you never married before?”. I just LOVE their answers…. “oh, I was busy banging some Chad Thundercock(s) and being dumped harshly afterwards…. or I wasted my youth and beauty inside a bottle of tequila with my “you go giiiiiirl” friends (who have now bailed on me) or I spent my best years inside a miserable cubicle… LOL 😆 or my favorite “I was in a bad boy phase” or… the honest one “I was a [email protected] and now I am desperate for a decent man and there are none in that group. LOL How about the “I was finding myself while grabbing my ankles for every Tom, Dick, and Harry that came along” (and only took 12 years to “find herself”, from 18 –> 30!). 😆
          Just a sad state of affairs for sure… dalrock.wordpress.com/2017/10/04/theyre-back-in-your-20s-where-you-left-them/
          This (above) is probably the best article on the subject that I have read in a really long time. If she had not wasted her 20s being ruined by alcohol, pumps n dumps (PnD), drugs, and bad boys, she would be happily married today (most men WANT to get married in early 20s, by their 30s, never married 30+ guys stay that way, forever, usually).
          But now your 30+s never married woman is way past her prime and will be PnD into a life of loneliness and anti-depressants.
          Hopefully her partying years were worth it. lol *shrug*
          Ps. Men: do not get married! I will keep repeating that as many times as needed. Marriage = worst deal EVER for a MAN, in any Feminist country (all Western nations, Brazil, or the AngloSphere, like USA, Canada, etc)! Stay single! Refuse to become a financial slave of the State or a serf of a woman’s whims!

        4. And the caliber of man they desire is someone as good-looking as Chris Hemsworth, an actor who plays a super-hero who is also a god. And the man they desire must be as successful as Chris Hemsworth as well, relative to what he does for a living. They want a man who is a 10, when they themselves are around a 7. If a single man is that good-looking and that successful then he can get any woman he wants. He’s unlikely to be interested in a 30 something woman who is past her physical prime. Delusion is indeed a form of mental illness.

      2. It goes well beyond the 30s pal. Thirsty betas are available on Our time.com for any venturing woman.

        1. The older guys who really have they act together are going for young 20-something girls, not begging for attention from a post-menopausal, thrice-divorced 50+ year-old cat ladies. The only guys interested in them are deadbeats looking for a meal ticket or desperate schlubs.

      3. woman can get sex better than man but man can get commitment faster than a woman if he wants it

    3. “On top of that move away from any big city. Those… are not places you will find lots of happily married people raising families.”
      I’ve yet to meet “happily married [white] people raising families”, let alone “lots” of them. I’m talking about all the white people I’ve actually gotten to know — and that’s not a small number — because anybody can look happy at first glance, taking a stroll in the park or on social media.
      I’ve arrived at a point in my life where antinatalism is making more and more sense. Unless you’re a connected multimillionaire who can guarantee your sons freedom and a healthy, masculine lifestyle with easy bareback access to top-notch sl4ve pussy, then why the fuck would you want to bring another host/battery/cog/etc. for the elite to feed on and women to manipulate?
      The system is getting more and more rigged and rotten by the year. Coeducation is a sadistic joke as is everything else. At this rate, there’s a 99% chance that your pleb sons born today will be incel masturbators and/or fighting over despotic, entitled 2s, 3s, 4s & 5s and/or paying 6s & 7s $1000/hour for a goddamn “but no touching” massage. All the while giving their lifeblood to the (((system))).
      So good on that “spinster living in a studio apartment with a cat”. I sure as hell know that she didn’t want to end up that way, but I’m no longer going to give her a guilt trip for it and make her feel even worse because her barren state supports my current ideology.
      Real money talks. Fuck materialism, but real money buys freedom, security, sunshine and beautiful white docile pussy (not only for you but your sons and grandsons). Something Roosh should consider when he goes all “Osho” during his live shows only to end up talking about his poor bang ROI, appetite for sex and love of beautiful fertile white women (probably the most expensive commodity in the world).
      Roosh, every time you masturbate in that shitty apartment in that shitty Eastern European city you prove to nature and yourself why having real money in today’s world matters more than ever. Somebody’s absolutely defiling all those Hegre and MET-Art “softcore only” 8s & 9s in beautiful sunny surroundings and it sure as hell ain’t poor old men.
      Getting my son a couple of 8s or 9s for his toga virilis (14th birthday). Now that’s the patrician life.
      PS And I can’t stress the word “white” enough when talking about top-notch pussy… john dodds.

      1. As I’ve said before, already fathered at least 4 white children, am happy to mix and match now.
        How many white children have you produced so far, Mr Lysandar?

        1. The number of legitimate or illegitimate children you’ve brought into toxic homes with toxic mothers — whose father escaped to piss away his middle class pension/savings on village whores in bumfuck SE Asia — is irrelevant and nothing to boast of. If anything your situation proves my point. In the past a man started a family to be the pater familias, father and grandfather, stern and respected leader of his clan. Now he starts a family for what exactly? To lose his assets, his children, his grandchildren, his dignity and fuck off half way across the world to spend the rest of his days as a racial and cultural outsider in some humid, mosquito-infested shithole?
          I mentioned you in the PS because whenever someone brings up pussy inflation in the context of P4P you come storming in with your “$30 in the Philippines will buy you an 18-year-old 9/10 who will take it bareback all night long and make you breakfast in the morning”. That’s it.

        2. Lysander,
          I’ve never claimed Flippers make you breakfast, usually, they can’t wait to get away after the sex has finished. It’s the Thai girls that want to hang around and play ‘wife’. Pay attention old boy.

      2. Money alone won’t get you anywhere. Look at millionaire Martin Shkreli failing at online dating. He’s now in prison and he didn’t really live a flashy life as that wasn’t his thing.
        If you’re a swole guy with 8+ looks and top notch game it’ll get you somewhere but otherwise it merely raises your comfort level.
        Roosh’s apartment looks nice and he had a good time, but the good times came to an end quickly and now Poland is starting to be just another western European country.
        I rather have a friendly 3rd world girl than a loud mouthed white whore who had dozens of guys before but that’s just me. In the end times white ain’t top notch anymore thanks to (((them))).

        1. Fuck online dating. The fact is that Shkreli could rent the entire Hegre roster for a whole month to do the dirtiest things imaginable and he wouldn’t even feel a a dent in his wallet.
          He’s either one of (((them))) or working for (((them))). They gave him a part to play and he played it perfectly. His bio has so many plotholes it’s laughable. Just LOL if anyone actually believes that the son of Albanian and Croatian Catholic immigrant janitors could land an internship at “Cramer, Berkowitz and Company” at the tender age of 17 where he’s given the power to make multi-million-dollar decisions. And later go on to study at Baruch of all places (just take a look at their alumni).

      3. “Coeducation is a sadistic joke as is everything else. At this rate, there’s a 99% chance that your pleb sons born today will be incel masturbators and/or fighting over despotic, entitled 2s, 3s, 4s & 5s and/or paying 6s & 7s $1000/hour for a goddamn “but no touching” massage. All the while giving their lifeblood to the (((system))).”
        Excellent points, Lysander! And let me place some emphasis here: THE SYSTEM IS A FUCKING CANCER! And cancer eventually kills the host unless you fight back with some good disruptive medicine. Every where you look in society today, people are more & more corruptible. Heck, I agree 1000% with James Quinn’s redpilled observations here at the Burning Platform:

        Peterson’s reality-based assessment of our broken societal system has infuriated the social justice warriors and media propagandists whose narratives are based upon lies, misinformation, fake news, and a pliable dumbed down populace distracted by their techno-gadgets. The machinations of the Deep State (Wall Street cabal, Fed, captured politicians, shadowy billionaires, military industrial complex, surveillance agencies, corporate media) are dependent upon the masses believing their big lies and unquestioningly trusting their provably false narratives.
        Telling the truth and demolishing these false narratives with facts is the only way to fight those who have chosen the side of evil. Remaining silent in the face of their lies allows tyranny to expand inexorably and fill the vacuum left by the dearth of courageous truth tellers.
        The forces of tyranny are winning. Our banking, financial, political, and media structures are wracked by corruption and controlled by a “few” insiders for the benefit of themselves and their cronies. Smedley Butler said war was a racket, but every institution is now a racket, with a corrupt powerful cadre of evil men reaping riches at the expense of the many. Their rackets are based upon nothing but lies and the continued blissful ignorance of the masses to their flagrant criminal activities.

        source: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2018/07/10/a-nation-built-on-lies-part-2/
        In short, WE ARE FUCKED. I really need to get off this insane planet before the fireworks begin. How depressing!

    4. Yeah, I’m being written about in this article. Between feminists attacking my degree ambitions at Uni, my wife having used my bennies from the military to get her masters, and my ex having got her masters in law, I’m in a bad way having lost my job and business because of all this.
      Of course, despite that she makes the money, if she leaves (If she leaves); I will get roasted. Again.
      Marriage is no good. It’s dead. Don’t fall for it. As a Christian, a man, a husband, a father, RUN! I wish I had better news.
      All this woman does, and she is from a culture where they arrange marriages, is rant and rave like a lunatic. A constant storm of nagging and insane expectations.
      And the job market is rigged by other feminists. When I lost my job from the military, and therefore my business I had at the time. I was making more, and providing for her education. I’m starting to see the signs that was a mistake.
      I have four kids. Three from the current nag-professional-in-chief. I’m so fucked. LOL.
      I’m actually rigging things to where I DON’T MAKE A LOT OF MONEY! In the hopes that if it all goes south, I will have my degree finished, and another business with day trading set up. So I can get the hell out.
      This she-beast my wife is possibly turning into, and she was a super hot feminine thing when we met and married, is getting frustrated. But what choice do I have? If I become successful while still married, I’m screwed. If I get everything set while I’m not successful, maybe I will have a fighting chance?

    5. > You also have to call out your wives friends
      Reminds me of Monica Devertebrae always trying to tell Fran to ditch Earl.

  2. Most of the “Conclusion” was spot one. except the end.
    Foresight is forewarned – do not get married now – it is too dangerous.
    Divorce for a woman is cash and prizes. For men is trip to Gulag…
    i’m dating one awarded millions from divorce -she is plenty fun…I still pay.
    Another was farm fresh virgin when married – I’m her 2nd(and it seems like she is born again virgin)
    it doesn’t last

  3. I saw a fox news story titled:
    “Masculine fathers raise confident daughters”
    Couldn’t find it again – but, the shrieking hysteria of white supremacy/misogyny etc from outraged Male leftists…

    1. here is link to “outrage over mere mention of masculinity” – picked up by Rollo:

      pay and play, pump and dump, or fly and buy…

        1. The ((((Tribe))) (((Saltz))) are like a fucking Domesday virus you just can’t get rid of them,

  4. Thanks, Jews and beta while males for ruining it all!
    Maybe Islam will sort this shit out.

    1. Or maybe we will stop letting (((them))) dictate the terms of our culture and ‘acceptable’ behavior.
      Would take Islam over the Talmudic new world order though.

    2. (((They))) are genetically programmed to destroy what they could never create.

      1. Genetically programmed may be a bit of a stretch. But a deeply entrenched culture of hatred and exploitation of others is definitely there. There are some that reject it.

  5. “Next thing you know you’re fired and released to an increasingly competitive job market.” ~ Sounds like the whining of a wage-slave to me.
    Two words – Self Employment

    1. You assume there is, in existence, a fire proof way of avoiding the pitfalls of feminist governance. There isn’t any. They have been empowered, by governments the world over, to rig every system in women’s favor.
      University, government, public sector for sure, private sector through law suit; and the family has almost always been their domain.
      There is no where left for us. Many here think “Islam will save us!”????????!!!
      WTF!!??? Islam should be given a try?! You all obviously don’t realize the feminist pit falls there either? You see feminsits the world over trying to bring Islam here. And you think it is because secretly they desire a patriarchal dick fest? What? Like the dick fest they rejected in the West before?
      Feminism has quite possibly killed our bi-parental species engagement. Around 10,000 YA, marriage was created to avoid pit falls that were the maladies back then. Infantacide, widows, starvation, war deaths, and the like. All while empowering the elites at that time. To this modern era.
      And we are supposed to view any era in history as some sort of nostalgic time where men ruled, and women sucked dick every day?

      1. Lol what! Most hardcore feminists fight Islamic principles and “Islamists” who are simply practicing/devoted Muslims. And they all push the narrative that Islam oppresses women & control them etc etc and many of them call for the “reformation” of authentic Islam because according to them it doesn’t fit in the feminist, secular +LBGQ 21st century.
        Any feminist who says otherwise is just afraid to be called racist or be associated with the rightists. Although westernized Arab/Mozlem feminists don’t mind that!
        All the feminists I know of are anti-Islam and are atheists & reject religion as a whole. Including the few Arab feminists (the dirtiest & b***hiest of all)

        1. Well, your hardcore sistren don’t live in Europe apparently.
          And they wanted to bring more of them here. But have had to settle for Latinos instead.
          Also, saying and doing, are two very different things.

  6. 80% of men between the ages of 18 to 38 are single. Most men do not have to worry because they are not stupid enough to get married.

    1. What % of them are virgins?
      Apparently an unprecedented amount of men are virgins into 30s…
      And living at home and maybe unemployed.

      1. I’m no expert in this area but I believe this male virgin boom is due to online porn. If a guy can be pseudo-sexually fulfilled online day in and day out, 24 hours a day, why does he need to go out to the bar or other social venues in the hopes of landing a romantic prospect? We’re pioneering into an area that we’ve never been before and with technology advancing into virtual reality, I fear the consequences will be far reaching.

        1. IMO, its all those “dude bros” with crappy jobs. They can’t afford to get laid. Have a seriuos job with serious cash and a guy will ALWAYS be able to get laid.

      2. look around at the poor quality of women on offer, the male hating feminist new world, the 80/20 rule and you can understand why a lot of young men have just given up and retreat to video games and masturbation.

      3. Men are not virgins.
        A virgin is a woman who has not had sexual intercourse. A man who has not had sex is simply a man who has not had sex.

        1. Exactly Right.
          a man who has not had sex
          is in no way a boy
          Isaac Newton, the man
          who invented Physics was not
          the boy who invented physics.
          *wish i was a virgin again.
          who knows what i missed.

  7. When you get married, you’re signing a contract with the state, not the woman. As far as the woman is concerned, shes just larping as your wife until it stops benefiting her.

    1. Exactly! Everyone in America crows a lot about the separation of church and state but the “preacher/shaman” has no problem declaring at the end on the “Religious Ceremony” that it is by the power invested in him by the STATE of (fill in blank) he now pronounces you husband and wife, not God, Christ or the Church.

    2. BINGO!
      marriage is a contract with the state.
      it NEVER ends in your favor. NEVER.

    1. exactly right!
      don’t get married
      the odds are incredibly
      in favor of it failing.
      Would anybody
      board an aircraft
      that has a failure
      rate of 50%?
      it’s not worth it.
      And after the
      magical 10 year point;
      they are guaranteed
      alimony plus well over
      half of your everything.

  8. I’ve been happily married for 9 years, I think though our case is such an outlier that we scarcely qualify as a married couple as:
    It’s a second marriage for both of us.
    We have no kids together (neither of us wanted to raise a half-breed).
    She has no kids at all.
    We are both financially very secure.
    She’s the one into real estate investments, all my assets are relatively liquid financial investments hold in HK, SG and Switzerland.
    So basically neither of us has any incentive to act out like a moron or on the other hand to get stuck in a less than satisfactory relationship.
    Had we to grow distant one day in the future we are both in the position to say goodbye to eachother without further ado and without any relevant consequence, financial or otherwise.
    If you’re not reasonably sure to be able to go through a divorce as easily as us I would say getting married is an extremely bad idea with very poor prospects.

      1. Point well-taken, I would add to my list:
        I have a home in a very far away land to go back to

        1. multiple passports is a great asset – and much harder than experts tout.
          Check your family tree – see if you have a citizen by decent, etc…and get it sooner rather than later -and for your kids – if they are eligible.

  9. The main reason is the fact that a man is no longer a head of his own family. If husband makes an attempt to reverse it, he will be calmed down by a white knight police upon the wife’s very first request.
    The only way to remain on top is to keep woman in constant pressure, manupulatively, of course. That’s not for an average Joe

    1. You are absolutely right.
      Man is not head of household.
      if a husband attempts to
      reverse it, he will be calmed
      down by the white knight police.
      that is a big reason why this entire
      marriage/male-enslavement industry
      is becoming extinct. And they are panicking.

  10. the fact that women can misbehave with impunity is reason enough. the fear of abandonment and reprisal is the only thing that can put people in check

    1. spot on.
      and that’s why we see how
      women all of the sudden
      are saying oh we just want
      to be good housewives, etc.
      And we aren’t buying into it.
      Men are walking away from
      the plantation IN DROVES.
      Life is so much better
      without a slavemaster.

  11. Unless you want children chase cash not crutch its far more productive. With a massive “Fuck You Fund” you can do anything and go anywhere its what I am going for. A few weeks in SE Asian to get rid of any sexual frustration and go back to get ahead in this world the more money you have the more free you are, travel where you want, live where you want for a few months at a time.
    This king of life style is ok to aim for if you are single and have no intention to get married and not for everyone.
    I live here in England and have had many jobs and met many so called “Blue Pillars” they seem quite content with what they have got, mad about football which I hate, drinking unlimited amounts of beer, nothing wrong with the odd pint now and again but not to make it your life.

    1. And it has to be cash, illegally earned, so substitute daddy state can’t grab into your pockets.
      Here in Germoney Mutti-Merkels Monsterstate steals about 80% of a man’s income, and it hasn’t even to be a six figure one.

      1. I noticed that the few times I visited and talked to local German people. German gross salaries are indeed very high but when all is said and done with the taxman you end up with a fairly pathetic netto.
        I’ve seen people in professional positions with many years of experience taking home a little more than 2000 euros a month.
        The German situation is better than Italy or any other Southern European dumpster but definitely salaries are nothing to cry home about

    2. “I live here in England and have had many jobs and met many so called “Blue Pillars” they seem quite content with what they have got, mad about football which I hate, drinking unlimited amounts of beer, nothing wrong with the odd pint now and again but not to make it your life.”

      It’s makes perfect sense. Those blue pillars do not want to be awake. It scares them. They are not ready to be unplugged. Excessive booze binging will keep you plugged into the Matrix.

  12. “As much as some of us would like to think women are solely to blame for the degradation of the family unit, they are not. Men are to blame too.”
    “Not only do they make their own money and dedicate far too much time to their jobs, but if a man doesn’t do the same to keep his income above hers, he will lose her attraction.”
    Interestingly enough some of the earliest writers warning against this (after John Stuart Mill effectively started the movement by writing “The Subjection of Women” in 1869) were women.
    Dr. Arabella Kenealy – Feminism and Sex-Extinction (1920)
    “For more than half a century – since Mill wrote his
    famous Subjection, indeed – it has become an increasing
    vogue to regard Woman as a martyr; more or less
    sainted, more or less crushed and effaced beneath the
    iron-heeled tyrannies, personal, economic, and political,
    of the oppressor, Man.”
    Olive Schreiner – Women and Labour (1911)
    “In all the civilisations of the past examination will show that almost invariably it has been the female who has tended first to reach this point, and we think examination will show that it has almost invariably been from the woman to the man that enervation and decay have spread.
    The Roman woman had for generations been supplanted in the sphere of her domestic labours and in the toil of rearing and educating her offspring, and had long become abjectly parasitic, before the Roman male had been able to substitute the labour of the hireling and barbarian for his own, in the army, and in the drudgeries of governmental toil.”

      1. Aristotle wrote the same about the Spartans – read it all:
        Again, the license of the Lacedaemonian women defeats the intention of the Spartan constitution, and is adverse to the happiness of the state. For, a husband and wife being each a part of every family, the state may be considered as about equally divided into men and women; and, therefore, in those states in which the condition of the women is bad, half the city may be regarded as having no laws. And this is what has actually happened at Sparta; the legislator wanted to make the whole state hardy and temperate, and he has carried out his intention in the case of the men, but he has neglected the women, who live in every sort of intemperance and luxury. The consequence is that in such a state wealth is too highly valued, especially if the citizen fall under the dominion of their wives, after the manner of most warlike races, except the Celts and a few others who openly approve of male loves. The old mythologer would seem to have been right in uniting Ares and Aphrodite, for all warlike races are prone to the love either of men or of women. This was exemplified among the Spartans in the days of their greatness; many things were managed by their women. But what difference does it make whether women rule, or the rulers are ruled by women? The result is the same. Even in regard to courage, which is of no use in daily life, and is needed only in war, the influence of the Lacedaemonian women has been most mischievous. The evil showed itself in the Theban invasion, when, unlike the women other cities, they were utterly useless and caused more confusion than the enemy. This license of the Lacedaemonian women existed from the earliest times, and was only what might be expected. For, during the wars of the Lacedaemonians, first against the Argives, and afterwards against the Arcadians and Messenians, the men were long away from home, and, on the return of peace, they gave themselves into the legislator’s hand, already prepared by the discipline of a soldier’s life (in which there are many elements of virtue), to receive his enactments. But, when Lycurgus, as tradition says, wanted to bring the women under his laws, they resisted, and he gave up the attempt. These then are the causes of what then happened, and this defect in the constitution is clearly to be attributed to them. We are not, however, considering what is or is not to be excused, but what is right or wrong, and the disorder of the women, as I have already said, not only gives an air of indecorum to the constitution considered in itself, but tends in a measure to foster avarice.
        The mention of avarice naturally suggests a criticism on the inequality of property. While some of the Spartan citizen have quite small properties, others have very large ones; hence the land has passed into the hands of a few. And this is due also to faulty laws; for, although the legislator rightly holds up to shame the sale or purchase of an inheritance, he allows anybody who likes to give or bequeath it. Yet both practices lead to the same result. And nearly two-fifths of the whole country are held by women; this is owing to the number of heiresses and to the large dowries which are customary. It would surely have been better to have given no dowries at all, or, if any, but small or moderate ones. As the law now stands, a man may bestow his heiress on any one whom he pleases, and, if he die intestate, the privilege of giving her away descends to his heir. Hence, although the country is able to maintain 1500 cavalry and 30,000 hoplites, the whole number of Spartan citizens fell below 1000. The result proves the faulty nature of their laws respecting property; for the city sank under a single defeat; the want of men was their ruin.

        1. Even Sparta was no match
          for “empowered” females.
          What more do we need?
          The artificial womb
          can’t come soon enough

        2. Wow, I didn’t know this about Sparta and how it got fucked over by its women. Et tu, Rome? 😉
          But ya know what? I’m not fucking surprised. In fact, nothing fucking surprises me any more on this morbidly insane planet. Anywho, I need to copy & paste this blurb to all my (delusional) female friends – maybe anonymously. 😉
          My white American landlord (who will be getting this emailed to her anonymously) has a very successful retail business that is actually a tourist attraction in these parts. A true hard nosed Mid-Westerner in her early 70s whose dad was a WW2 pilot. She is REALLY GOOD at getting “shit done”, is a very no nonsense & pragmatic business woman, loves going camping in difficult offroad locations for days in her rugged custom made Toyota LandCruiser VX, doesn’t put up with PC bullshit.
          In fact, if her employees, which also includes the heir her daughter, fuck up, she will cuss them out in front of everyone. This gal does not play. 😉
          You can tell in her demeanour that she wishes she was born a male with a dick. She can’t stand today’s weak Millenial females whom she sees as superficial, narrow minded and most of all, “lack skills”.
          However, my landlord has one fatal flaw. She’s a fucking closet feminist.
          I mean, all the managers she has EVER hired at her thriving one-of-a-kind Home Decor retail shop ARE women who are no where near as talented or creative as she is.
          And it has been these very same women who have SCAMMED her out of lots of money (1. a female manager not depositing cash sales into company bank account. 2. a crooked female manager with a crooked accountant for a husband almost destroyed her company before she started doing her own books & mastering QuickBooks.).
          YET all she hires on her Management team for her successful shop are women. Can you smell disaster?
          This is the same fucking “pragmatic” businesswoman who is TOTALLY BRAINWASHED by Big Media. She actually thinks the US gov’t are do-gooders “just trying to help out 3rd World countries but then they get betrayed by the locals because of their ignorance & corruption.”
          She also thinks Obama was a great president…not taking notice of the ever overbearing Police State & the constant warmongering under Mr. Hope & Change. Can you say delusional? lol ;-). I mean her thought processes – the contrasts.
          Like, she’s an EXCEPTIONALLY bright businesswoman who has the Midas touch in the realm of Home Decor/Design – especially interior design contracts with hotels. No doubts about that.
          Yet those remarkable business qualities do not transfer over to the LOGICAL side of her brain which ‘clouds’ her judgement on current geopolitical events. You would think that a blue collar old skool Mid-Westerner from rural Kansas would be more awake. But nope!
          So does this mean that most women today are potentially fucked in their “day to day” thinking? This is starting to be my observation. All of my skirt friends are pretty much asleep except maybe 3 or 4.
          Sorry ladies, but the globalists really did a GOOD JOB on your superficially weak minds. You had better collectively wake the fuck up real soon because trouble’s coming when SHTF. This fake feminism brouhaha will swiftly fall like the thermite-laced Twin Towers once the shit starts flying & collapse is fully under way.
          Get your popcorn ready, ROKers! 😉

      2. +1
        not even 100 years after
        the 19th Amendment, civil
        sanity is so outnumbered
        that even kindergarten is
        indoctrinating same-sex
        onto our most innocent,
        as they hoped it would.
        This was not by accident.

  13. Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to, the following:
    – Coercive control (a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of physical or sexual violence)
    – Psychological and/or emotional abuse
    – Physical or sexual abuse
    – Financial abuse
    – Harassment and stalking
    – Online or digital abuse
    So any man who decide to tie the knots with a woman under the following conditions must be grossly misinformed or hopelessly optimistic.

    1. and like everything liberal its projection:
      AWALT – all women do all of the above…

  14. Good article, Jared.
    I’ll add my own advice for anyone who wants to read it:
    1. If you’re at a place in life where you’re bitter at women, chances are it’s not the right time for you to marry. I think making oeace with yourself about the inequities of the dating market as well as enduring the contentious social climate (it’ll pass but moderates and conservatives need to keep politically standing ground) is a big step toward guys’ maturity and readiness for marriage and patenthood. Easier said than done.
    2. Be comfortable on living your own — I don’t just mean financially but mentally — before you settle down. People who marry out of loneliness or who see dual incomes as the benefit seldom have good marriages. When I got marrief, I was in my early thirties (married a younger woman) and haf been supporting myself for well over a decade.
    3. Don’t underestimate how many women want to quit their jobs and be traditional wives. They’re out there and traditional values in a woman are good ctrieria to seek out when you’re considering marriage.
    4. Treat parenting as a partnership and be a good dad if you have kids (and I say raise your own biological children even if you have to pass over a few hot single moms). Most women value their kids (sadly, some don’t) and will also value a husband who takes fatherhood seriously.
    5. If you think you might have a drug or alcohol problem (you’ll know if you do), address that shit before getting married.

  15. “None of these are excuses”. What do you propose as practical solutions? Agree with the rest of the article; not sure what can be done to reverse it though

  16. Yep, I also have observed the “roommate” relationships. In fact most of the modern relationships are of this type. Many low grade low self esteem wahmen hook up with some dude just to avoid being alone and to tick the social expectation of relationship box while most of the men are desperate for any relationship with wahmen as we know. This is the genesis of the roommate relationship, let’s say that roughly 40% of all relationships are the classic roommate type where they don’t even have marriage or children, another 40% are the “social facade” relationship where they have all the requisites like formal marriage, children and so on but only to tick the social expectation box and maybe there are 20% or even less of the idealistic perfect relationships where they got all the cliches like love, fun and happiness and bla bla. Conclusion is… be smart, don’t be foolish enough to delude urself that she might actually like or love u, u might just be an acceptable compromise to her.

  17. Lol these posts are hilarious, life fuel for urban wealthy professions with a harem like me. Good to see these middle American redneck incels suffering and bitter. Low IQ losers with no money or women. sad!

    1. LOL
      i upvoted you for providing us the entertainment
      of watching the next “Joe Kenick” in action.
      Comically; you will be saying Alhamdulillah
      in the not so distant future 🙂

    2. @goldstein
      fuckoff jeeew. you circumcised parastie. go back to palestine, and be raped by your fellow arabs.

  18. #4 — Too much pressure? What is pressure? That is to say don’t be discouraged by #4. In 2018 it’s sheer vanity to think we as men deserve zero competition from females and outsiders. Develop a strategy to deal with it, and don’t complain or seek praise. The art of being a modern man means storming directly into the heart of “too much pressure.” Same as it ever was. Women realize this is one of the key gender differences they cannot match. This was always our job and will forever be. Never give up.
    Separately, and in my experience, most women find “modern female expectations” exhausting and bad for mental health even if they never admit it blatantly. Most women are secretly relieved when you take over, look them in the eye, and relegate them to a more traditional role. Even the democrats and SJW types — inside, their genes are still coded for traditional behaviors (100 years of women’s lib cannot change that). Their core female instincts (nurturing, “productive/complementary subservience” to strong men, etc.) are constantly fighting with whatever the feminist MSM is jamming into their fragile psyches on a daily basis.

  19. You must witness the relationship the daughter has with her father. If she admires her father for being a man, his hard work, what he provides and respects him then you know she has the capability to bond with a man in the same manner and is only going to be comfortable with a man she respects for being a man.
    On the other hand…
    If the Dad calls her a princess ….RUN!
    I cannot stand Americanized women, they are useless & gross gross gross.

  20. This was an interesting article but didn’t really address the title in any meaningful way. Basically it was just a rant about how shitty marriage is in the current culture, which I absolutely agree with by the way. But that doesn’t mean that it makes men weak husbands. That’s like saying that illegal immigration and wage stagnation makes us weak employees.
    Living as roommates does not make men weak husbands. There have been married couples living as roommates for thousands of years. It’s not the best marriage situation but it’s not unusual especially in cultures with arranged marriages. In fact for much of human history there wasn’t even a conception of romantic love as we understand it.
    I’d say if anything makes men weak husbands it’s a combination of two things – a popular culture that constantly runs men down, and a complete lack of consequence (legal or cultural) of divorce.
    The cultural degradation of men is something we have to constantly fight against. It’s very easy to just let yourself fall into the soft, warm embrace of a culture that tells you that all (particularly white) men are dopey, stupid, useless, feckless, etc. Let women take the lead! You’re just a stupid man. You’re practically a child! Wear shorts and your sportsball jersey with a ball cap just like a 12 year old. Don’t argue with her or take control when it comes to domestic decisions! She’s thought it all out in advance and is better when it comes to making these decision anyways, right? Wrong! Fuck modern culture. It was men who carved a civilization out of the wilderness of North America, circumnavigated the globe, fought wars, landed on the moon and plumbed the depths of the oceans. Most women are so fucking neurotic that planning a camping trip stresses them out.
    The second thing that makes us weak husbands is the ease of divorce. Although a lot of talk is had in the manosphere about ‘divorce rape’, that’s actually fairly rare nowadays. Most divorce settlements are done by a strict formula and the judge has no discretion whatsoever. In my case I’m paying less than $200 in child support – still more than I want, but hardly a ‘rape.’ But the problem is that women can file for divorce for any reason – or no reason at all – and they don’t suffer any legal or cultural consequences for the woman. It’s an entirely voluntary contract and it can be broken at any time with no penalties. HOWEVER – and this is important – there is still a social stigma for men who blow their marriage up over a young woman or a midlife crisis. I have never seen a movie like “Eat – Pray – Love” from a man’s perspective and I doubt that I ever will.
    This immediately puts men in an inferior position in a marriage and is something to consider.
    I’d never give a man blanket advice like “Don’t ever get married.” But I can tell you that it is a much more hazardous proposition now than it was fifty or even twenty years ago. You’re basically fighting against a culture that wants to constantly put you on the defensive while heaping an inordinate amount of praise on your partner. Personally I don’t think that I’ll ever marry again.

  21. How to speak to women?
    I was at the beach just now…
    And saw some young ones about to get washed away on SUP boards – very common here.
    I would have ignored them except they spoke to me for some reason.
    It was off shore wind, so I asked if they were OK; because I knew they were not.
    And told them to paddle directly to shore, and walk back; rather than upwind(which they couldn’t)…
    The older one put up her hand, and said “we are fine thanks” (don’t man-splane).
    I watched them disappear – and didn’t really care…eventually a wakeboarding boat brought them back.
    Further along the next beach were lifeguards -and 4 very hot chicks sunning themselves at their feet…
    be a life guard – don’t man-splane.
    I was a life guard when younger -volunteer – now I don’t care…
    well actually I do a bit.
    How the fuck do you explain something that should be so obvious?

  22. It is discouraging seeing articles like this. Raising a family has been a goal of mine for awhile but the more girls I see just taking advantage of the husband and divorce raping gives me pause to even bother.
    Sad point in society to live in

    1. In Asia, you can still be a man, with a home, a wife and children.
      If things don’t work in the western world, try somewhere else.

      1. None of them will. They lack the initiative. They’re kind of like the blacks in bad neighborhoods who go on and on about shitty Electric avenue is and you wonder why they simply don’t move.
        Of course they don’t.

  23. Needed measures include prohibiting lawyers from holding legislative office, requiring women to actually obey the law, holding judges responsible for rulings that don’t work…..

  24. Otherwise a good article, but WHOM does that author refers to (and blames them !!) as “immigrants, immigrants and immigrants” !!??
    Are they the 2nd and/or 3rd generations of “immigrants” who came to this Country !? If yes, then how come they still remain as “immigrants” !? Aren’t they CITIZENS of this Country !? (If not, then every other person in this Country is an “immigrant” !!)
    Are they the Skilled workers, like the H1B etc., !? Then they are NOT “immigrants” by any means !!
    Are they the Unskilled workers, like H2B etc., !? Then they also doesn’t come under the “immigrants” category !!
    Then to whom on the earth this author is referring as “immigrants” !!?? All I can see are the people who are being admitted with “Green Card Lottery” program and that too there is a “limit” for their number per any fiscal year !! And this Country has around 50 States !!
    OMG !! Simply including everybody under the hood of “immigrants” and blaming them outright !!
    “…they couldn’t even find a warehouse or fast-food job…”
    How come they (the “immigrants”) are capable or able to “take” Jobs away from the locals !? Why they (the “immigrants”) were simply given those (warehouse or fast-food) Jobs !? Those companies have to Pay “similar” wages to their employees, whether local or “immigrant”, aren’t they !!? I don’t think Burger King pays $4 per hour for an “immigrant” and $7 for a local person (or the other-way around ) !!
    I am not an “immigrant” but for GOD sake, if you want to say something about your pussies (and how bad, arrogant & ungrateful they are… !!), please do not blame other MEN !! But go ahead and blame the white knights, faggots, manginas, fucking politicians and vested interests !!

      1. I can say “ungrateful, trashy, pussified, pussy whipped, pussy maniac Lilliput christan” !!
        …but NO, I won’t !!

  25. This dismal vector of weakness and degeneracy can only be corrected through the use of force.
    Contemplate war.

  26. Awesome article.
    I miss AV Yader, but paraphrasing one of his parting gems was “The pussy house always wins in the end. Every man has to decide for himself: is this shit worth it?” My current answer is – take care of thyself to the maximum of your happiness and physical fitness (note: $$ is not necessarily part of the equation).

  27. I would agree with most of this except “The men in their 20s now are years behind men of prior generations because they couldn’t even find a warehouse or fast-food job to let them save up some money and get them into the workforce young. So a 27-year-old man today is years behind 27-year-olds of prior generations in terms of career development.”
    First off, warehouse and fast food jobs are NOT positions you take at ANY age, nor historically so, to save up money. Not gonna happen. In a few years time you might save a couple thousand, if you pay for the rest of your living expenses and do nothing that costs money.
    You’re discounting those who were around 27yo who graduated college directly into the recession in 2008, or the tradesmen who had thriving businesses who lost it all during the housing crisis that lead up to the recession, or preceding that the dot.com bubble, followed up quickly by 9/11. Those events decimated many great men I know/knew. I mean truly exceptional people who literally had to start over from scratch as if they were 22yo graduating with an undergrad degree in very iffy economic conditions, basically had to relive as bad or even far worse than what young men do today. That’s some church-level truth.
    What makes today’s 27yo, or core millennial of you will, different, is the way they think. Even those who were raised in “traditional” households act more like broken-home family kids that truly traditional offspring. It’s really a mindset. I can’t entirely blame them however because many never knew any different, most of their parents were “buddies” who supported the bullshit the other weak-ass parents started with the every kid gets a fuckin ribbon, and the reality is MOST heads of households through much of the 80s, 90s, and early 00s were auto-cuck beta males because it actually worked providing a cheating whore wife didn’t upend it all. So now, young men are their kids entering the job force.
    When I hear guys more-or-less say you have to game your wife, game everyone and everything, just to maintain what we call “success” nowadays, it only makes sense for me to internalized a “fuck that stupid fake-ass bullshit life” attitude. There’s just simply more important things to spend your life doing than all that extra effort to obtain and maintain what we once considered a stable successful life.
    You’ll also notice, after meeting 99% of guys who say; “our wives never give us that crap because we have them in check with our natural soft alphaness,” and she’s a fuckin 5 or 6 at best – albeit maybe a valuable one – I just shake my head. Men always marry down and marry into functionality. The “F-factor” I’ll call it. An average girl with an F-factor of 85% is quite valuable for traditionalists. The issue we face is a 5-6 should automatically have an F-Factor that never, every drops below a B- grade of 80% or so, but many, many of them in that range can’t even maintain an 80% F-factor. Thus, it’s marginally invaluable, the system is chain-weighted, to a zero sum game. When hugely successful men can’t maintain women consistently, I mean self-made multi-millionaires and billionaires – you know it’s a rotten deal. Eject.

  28. The best way to save the West is too restore patriarchy and give men 100% authority. Take away women’s right to vote and remove that misandric laws that put men at a disadvantage. Us red pilled men have a lot of enemies who hate our guts. We have to deal with the female collective, traitorous simps and white knights, court family court system, and gov’t that being controlled by globalists who want to end Western civilization.

  29. With all the chaos that is currently happening, men are so scared to approach women. And women are aiming for the “bad boys” who are fathering children that will not have character, values and/or morals that are needed to strengthen this society. Being raised by single mothers who CANNOT teach a male how to be a male. These are the same women who, instead of looking for valuable male role models in their communities, keep bringing home “daddies/bad boys” who will never grow up or be role models to anyone.

  30. Here is a list of chicks I actively avoid:
    1. Women whose parents are divorced. They are always psychologically fucked.
    2. Chicks with tattoos and dyed hair. They look disgusting and are good for nothing but sex.
    3. Women who are “career oriented” and don’t want to have children until they are in their 30s.
    4. Avoid chicks with the hipster look. They are probably fem cunts.
    5. Dump any woman who talks back to you. I don’t tolerate that shit from my wife; neither should you.
    6. Say no to bisexual chicks. Head cases, the lot of them.
    I managed to land an A class chick following my own advice. You can, too. Mary a girl who wears nice dresses and a kind smile.
    By the way, every one of you should read Gone with the Wind. Biggest red pill book out there

  31. “Which department? They’re as much or more of the labor market now than men, yet women are really only attracted to men who earn more than them.”
    I’m banging a girl right now who earns more than me. She also cooks for me, helps me with the things I care about, and buys me tons of presents.

    1. All women that care about you buy little gifts – clean up etc…
      Well, most…
      They are the same women that is cunty to a man she is married to(and bored with) – or who creeps her out. they are all like that.
      Good sign she is in to you.
      All my women make more money than me – even the hookers.

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