Having worked in state government for three years, I am a political junkie. I have become addicted to talk radio, podcasts, and follow the news constantly. With that said, I didn’t vote in the 2012 Presidential Election or in my 2014 State Governor Election because I was so disenfranchised with the candidates, the corrupt state of our so-called “Government,” and the political parties. So, it was a pleasant surprise that while browsing the news channels this summer I stumbled unto Donald J. Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech and was blown away by his sheer balls and charisma.
I don’t do it for the money. I’ve got enough, much more than I’ll ever need. I do it to do it. Deals are my art form other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably bid deals. That’s how I get my kicks.
Most people are surprised by the way I work. I play it very loose. I don’t carry a briefcase. I try not to schedule too many meetings. I leave my door open. You can’t be imaginative or entrepreneurial if you’ve got too much structure. I prefer to come to work each day and just see what develops.
Watching his rise in the polls and the negative Mainstream Media spin, I became curious of the man and wanted to see if I could get a peek into his character, from his very own words. Donald Trump famously said that the single greatest book every written (besides the Bible) was his own The Art of the Deal and that everyone should read it. I figured, why the hell not?
Background of the Trump Family
Donald Trump was born in 1946 to Fred and Mary Trump in Queens, New York City. Donald’s father Fred had an interest in construction and at the ripe age of sixteen he started building garages for people in his neighborhood. In his early 20’s he decided to go full time into real estate construction and development, founding “Elizabeth Trump & Son Co.” which later was renamed to Trump Organization LLC.
Donald was a pretty rebellious kid growing up, so his father Fred decided to send him to the New York Military Academy where he graduated from as a “captain of the cadets.” He later applied to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, where he ended up graduating with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Economics. He immediately became involved with his father’s realty business and after several successful deals with his father, he decided to move to Manhattan and make his millions.
He was clearly successful but what character traits lead to his success? Surprisingly, his book reads like a game manual, which many similar concepts used to make the deals.
When I look back at the deals I’ve made—and the ones I’ve lost or let pass—I see certain common elements. But unlike the real estate evangelists you see all over television these days, I can’t promise you that by following the precepts I’m about to offer you’ll become a millionaire overnight. Unfortunately, life rarely works that way, and most people who try to get rich quick end up going broke instead.
Think Big
To me it’s very simple: if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big. Most people think small because most people are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. And that gives people like me a great advantage.
How often, have you passed on a job opportunity because you where afraid of the unknowns?
How often, have you passed on talking to the 9/10 hottie at the bar and settled for the 7/10 because you were damn right intimidated by the perfectly sculpted body?
You may respond, “those two little words, ‘Think Big’ are easy to say and much different to put into action” and I would agree with you. However, the more you practice and the more you put explicit effort into raising your standards in all aspects of your life—the easier and more natural it will come to you.
Protect The Downside And The Upside Will Take Care Of Itself
It’s been said that I believe in the power of positive thinking. In fact, I believe in the power of negative thinking. If you plan for the worst—if you can live with the worst—the good will always take care of itself.
In terms of game, what are the worst things that can happen? She will reject you. In terms of relationships what is the worst thing that happen? You decide to get married and she divorces you.
Roosh wrote about the “Elephant in the Room” and the article struck a chord with me. If you decide to settle down, you must wrestle with the hazards of a long term relationship and know what to do in case of a divorce.
Know Your Market
Some people have a sense of the market and some people don’t. I like to think I have that instinct. That’s why I don’t hire a lot of number-crunchers, and I don’t trust fancy marketing surveys…The other people I don’t take too seriously are the critics—except when they stand in the way of my projects. What very few of them have is any feeling for what the public wants. Which is why, if these critics ever tried to become developers, they’d be terrible failures.
This why websites like these are so invaluable for waking up men and feeding them the red pill. From our birth, men have been lied to about the real “dating market” and we’ve been stumbling around trying to buy goods that are essentially damaged and ‘deregulated’.
Enhance Your Location
Perhaps the most misunderstood concept in all of real estate is that the key to success is location, location, location. Usually, that’s said by people who don’t know what they’re talking about. First of all, you don’t necessarily need the best location. What you need is the best deal. Just as you can create leverage, you can enhance a location, through promotion and through psychology.
My point is that real money isn’t made in real estate by spending the top dollar to buy the best location. You can get killed doing that, just as you can get killed buying a bad location, even for a low price. What you should never do is pay too much, even if that means walking away from a very good site. Which is all a more sophisticated way of looking at location.
On chat rooms and Facebook, you constantly hear complaints from men who just can’t understand why they wine and dine their women for months at high end restaurants and still can’t get laid. They shell out hundreds of dollars for meals, dates, etc…and get absolutely no return on investment.
Learn to maximize the best ways you can excite a woman (and land her at your bedside manor) by introducing her to different events, venues, and restaurants while minimizing your expense—but also know that if you have the best girl and she likes you, it doesn’t matter where you take her on a date.
Get The Word Out
One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better. It’s in the nature of the job, and I understand that. The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you. I’ve always done things a little differently, I don’t mind controversy, and my deals tend to be somewhat ambitious.
There’s a reason why the “jerkboy” mentality scores with the ladies, they love a man who is different from the mold.
The other thing I do when I talk with reporters is to be straight. I try not to deceive them or to be defensive, because those are precisely the ways most people get themselves into trouble with the press. Instead, when a reporter asks me a tough question, I try to frame a positive answer, even if that means shifting the ground.
The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.
One cannot have bravado if one isn’t confident in himself, Andrian Red wrote a great article on “5 Proven Ways to Become More Assertive.”
Fight Back
Much as it pays to emphasize the positive, there are times when the only choice is confrontation….One of the problems when you become successful is that jealousy and envy inevitably follow. There are people—I categorize them as life’s losers—who get their sense of accomplishment and achievement from trying to stop others.
A man’s character and reputation is gained by what he does, and it can just as easily be slandered if you don’t stand up for yourself and fight back.
Deliver The Goods
You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.
One of life’s little ironies are people who claim that they are an “expert” at something and then when it comes time for them to deliver, they fail monumentally. The reason is because a majority of people are frauds who hide behind a layer of ego.
Have Fun
I don’t kid myself. Life is very fragile, and success doesn’t change that. If anything, success makes it more fragile. Anything can change, without warning, and that’s why I try not to take any of what’s happened too seriously. Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what I should have done differently, or what’s going to happen next.
Men are for the most part logical and calculating—when we learn something new, we put that knowledge into action very seriously—almost robotically—and forget to have fun. What’s the point of living, if we don’t have fun and enjoy ourselves once in awhile?
The Art of the Deal was a fun book to read and very educational. As the political season heats up in 2016 Donald Trump may very well end up becoming the Republican nominee. If he does, he did so because he understands game.
Read More: Donald Trump and the Tyranny of Feelings
What was her notch count?
I am number 13.
When I was 19 I dated a girl who was 18. To cut a long story short, I found and read her diary one day and found a list called “Guys I’ve slept with” and there was my name, at number 45. Below other guys I knew, like the Moroccan drug dealers from the clubs we used to go to among others. Given she was a troubled teen that attended a reformatory, you don’t know the kind of chills that go through your body when you read something like that at such a young age. Let’s just hope that number 13 of yours isn’t unlucky.
Then her notch count shouldn’t matter. You are not in a monogamous relationship, and you are not a virgin. >:I
You know what you’re getting into with her. Doesn’t matter if she had sex with 300 guys, she’s sexually active, has no children, no STD’s so both of you have a good time! It’s just sex, you ain’t paying her for it, she’s not paying you for it. Shared pleasure.
She’s responsible with her reproduction to have so many sex partners and no children. When it fizzles out, it fizzles out, find another woman with experience, and she’ll find another man with experience.
I agree with your assessment. If a girl is STD free and is just as concerned as I am with not having kids then I would rather her be more experienced and matures. She’ll know more sexual moves too
13 is “so many”? Would you say that to a 25 year old guy?
300 dudes = she has STDs, idiot.
13 is not exactly very slutty
13 isn’t “gangbang slut” territory, but its well above the number where you can delude yourself into thinking that shes all warm and fuzzy.
Because there are no “warm” girls who genuinely enjoy having sex. Don’t go to Europe. Stay in the States and enjoy your puritan attitude.
wtf are you talking about
Jack – what is your number? 3 – pussy
That’s nothing. Most men of the same age are considerably higher than that. You really are a beta if this shit has you so worried.
According to this
the research is each dude in her bang list makes her 7% more likely to cheat.
So actually, you’re wrong – he DOES have something to be worried about.
If not wanting to share a vagina with someone else’s cock makes a guy beta, count me in.
Get tested.
Corollary to this (excellent) advice, don’t ever fix her computer. I agreed to reinstall my then-girlfriend’s OS so her computer would run faster. In the process of backing up her files, I found a LOT of shit I didn’t want to know about.
Or do ‘hack her facebook’ if you’re still on the red/blue line (purple?). Every girl’s accounts are like this so it’s good proof to yourself, if you’re new.
bro..i never thought about this….. seriosuly… why even bring this up… i rather just be ignorant about it… its fuckin depressin..
Most women are a waste of time anyway. If you don’t care about her future with you…then the past doesn’t matter.
Id rather the mother of my children not be a slut.
When in doubt, she is. No need for hacking to prove it.
Didn’t Roissy once said “Trust, but verify”?
I don’t know. Suggesting one trust women wrt their notch count/sluttiness doesn’t sound like something Roissy would do, but what do I know?
Ronald Reagan.
Wimmin will tell you practically anything you want to know if you demonstrate to them that you are completely secure, non-judgmental of their sexual histories and still willing to fuck them/eat them out after learning about it. I pity those of you who are too beta to pull this off, which seems to be the majority of the readers judging by the comments.
But that begs the question; why the heck would you want to eat her out after learning all that in the first place? Do you customarily visit brothels for meals, as well?
Or, even, why the f would you want to be nonjudgmental? If she has a history rendering her utterly disgusting, wouldn’t you rather spend your energy trying to ferret out someone a smidgen more worthy of your, or anybody’s, attentions?
Because having slept with multiple men is somehow going to make her care about her children less? Got a shred of evidence to back that up? Because it sounds like it’s really about you and your insecurities, not your potential future children.
I found out my girlfriend likes young boys so I beat the sickness out of her until she begged for my hairy adult cock. Now she’s only attracted to bears- the hairier the better
You’re gf was pedophile?! ewwwww Did she have child porn on her computer, I would’ve called the cops got her arrested.
Your girlfriend went from liking children to liking hairy gay men?
It’s just that guy’s way of saying that he’s overweight, hairy and unattractive. When guys speak, you have to read between the lines.
So “teacher/older woman hot for student/younger man” is great when it’s a fantasy in the back of every man’s mind, but when a real live female ACTUALLY wants to do it, you beat her out of it? And then guys complain about their girlfriends not wanting to try out any of your sexual fantasies? Mmmkay.
Just DON’T get her pregnant !
You have no need to worry: She won’t let YOU get her pregnant. Wimmin don’t want the seed of beta males.
Feminist trollery…amusing until they’re just annoying
Man, you guys here at RoK sure hate technology. It must be because you’re not sure how to use that information properly. What this article preaches is ignorance is bliss — kinda the opposite of what the “manosphere” is trying to do, no?
Gaming, plate spinning, relationships — all made easier by a mans vastly superior understanding and control of technology. Keep _your_ shit on lock: Lastpass, YubiKey, Truecrypt. Make your “media computer” the only computer she’s allowed to use, and make sure it’s got a keylogger running.
The past of how many cocks she’s ridden isn’t what’s important. What IS important is how she reacted before, during, and after those cocks. What got said to her that she liked? What got said to her that really got under her skin? What information can you glean that will be useful in keeping that plate up and spinning.
NEVER: “Like”, comment, favourite, reply … or whatever … to any of her stuff. But make it known you’re all about social networking. She WILL notice that post on Instagram all the time but never like her stuff, or that you tweet frequently (you DO have multiple twitter accounts right?) but never RT or favourite her stuff. It’s not overt, but this kind of game isn’t meant to be overt.
Embrace technology or get run over by it.
Don’t Twatter or Fakebook and not resisting the inevitable collision, gay.
A lot of guys would be devastated to learn how many guys their gfs have truly fucked. Forget multiplying by 3. Multiply by 6 and you have your real number right there.
Multiply by 6 is for P in V….Multiply by 12 is for everything else she doesn’t consider sex.
Excellent post. However, I learnt this lesson myself but I’ll still check every bitch’s facebook as it keeps me from getting attached to her.
An addendum to this: If you are thinking of getting married, you should ABSOLUTELY hack into all her technology. If it makes you sick, don’t marry her.
If that advice was followed, many of failed divorcerape marriages wouldnt’ have happened in the first place.
…but…but…if I do that to every girl….gosh, I’ll NEVER get marrie…..oh. Now I get it.
Yes. This.
If you are considering a woman to mother your children and will enter into a legal contract with her where she can unilaterally terminate the contract and take half your wealth and maybe a portion of your future earnings (aka “marriage”) then you are an idiot if you don’t do everything you can to vet her before taking this risk. That includes hacking into her electronic accounts.
I learned this from experience.
Several years ago I got a funny feeling about a girlfriend whom I was considering wifing up. Nothing specific, just that my spidey sense was tingling. She logged into her email on my computer one day, then closed the tab before she went home. (She didn’t understand that the browser was still logged in even if she closed the tab, silly girl.)
I agonized for a minute or two. Should I or shouldn’t I? Given the stakes I entered her email. I’m glad I did.
I found hard, incontrovertible evidence she was banging her ex bf, a married guy, as well as expressions of love for him. Ouch.
The next night she came over. I asked her about it but didn’t tell her I had hard evidence. She denied it up and down. She cried and carried on. She told me she loved me and only me. She pushed all my buttons. If I hadn’t had hard evidence I likely would have believed her or at least given her benefit of the doubt. It was an Oscar-worthy performance.
I told her about the evidence. Her face fell for a moment. Then she switched to a different tack without skipping a beat. I showed her the door.
Men, women will lie, and lie quite convincingly, at the drop of a hat. It’s second nature to them.
If you are considering marriage you deserve to know everything about your future wife by any means necessary.
In this society marriage is a liability for men. Doesn’t matter if she’s a virgin, marriage is a liability for a man with assets as long as the State wants to be involved with it. If you want to get married, as a man, you marry someone who has equal or more assets. Virgin or non-virgin.
Ross i hear you Sir but there is nothing more vindictive and vile than a woman who has to pay out in a divorce. I know you meant well so carry on.
Yup, and there are LOTS of women now PAYING OUT in divorces! 🙂 One dude was even caught on tape being, ahem, “hostile” with his ex-wife. She called it “rape” his lawyer called it “role-playing” guess who’s STILL paying alimony to whom? SHE is to HIM! In divorce court, depending what State, if there’s money to be made they are going to side with the spouse with the least amount of assets. Regardless of evidence of abuse.
a wise man once said. Don’t search for skeletons in your girl’s closet. you will not like what you’ll see.
I’ll echo Bronan’s comments. It was fixing a computer and doing a hard reboot of an iPhone for another girl that I learned you do not want to know what’s in her devices.
The problem is, looking back, I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. I was already plenty red pill, but flirty texts, dick pics, her nude pics, and tons of emails shattering her good girl persona changed my life.
And as a preemptive strike, allow me to say that no, these girls were not skanks I met on the dance floor at 2 am on a Wednesday – they were the “good girls” that my mom, aunts, and sisters were “glad I finally found.”
I agree with this article 100%, but if you’re not sold on it and you’re still in the NAWALT phase, go ahead and do it once with any of your girls – it doesn’t matter which one.
The inbox may not be a big deal, but check the trash, sent and private folders. Your “she’s different” delusions will make you feel like a fucking fool, and her facebook private mail will change your outlook on women forever.
Learn at your own risk. Ignorance really is bliss, and once you start digging, you’ll never be able to go back to where you were. Then you’ll dig into another girl’s stuff to prove to yourself that the first one was just a fluke, and you’ll be disappointed again. Don’t let this cycle go on for too long. It’s torture, but you’ll be a better/smarter man for it.
I’m going to file this away in my “Articles I wish I would have written” folder. Excellent post.
“…her facebook private mail will change your outlook on women forever.”
Right around the time I discovered the manosphere and began reading Rational Male, Roissy, and Roosh, I was contemplating getting into an LTR with a girl that I thought was a good prospect. Articles I read at those sites raised some suspicions for me, and so I hacked her facebook when I was drunk one night. What I saw (her practically throwing herself at certain guys, while acting like a good girl for me), made me feel physically sick, and I even lost my appetite and couldn’t sleep for a few days. It felt like a kick in the stomach at the time, but looking back, I’m really greatful that it happened as it helped to cement the principles I was learning in the manosphere, and to really swallow the red pill.
She kind of helped create a monster actually. I’m not proud of this but I ended up fucking her several times, standing her up on Valentine’s day, and leaving her with genital warts (I didn’t intend to do that, but karma’s a bitch eh?)
So, let’s get this straight. She slept with men other than you. And in response you stood her up, gave her STDs, and essentially fucked with her head?
I’m finding it difficult to follow your logic.
As I said, it wasn’t intentional. I was hurt and so I went out and slept with lots of different women, and those things came about as a result (I didn’t know about the STD). I can’t say I feel sorry though, although I no longer feel bitter towards her. In fact I’m quite at one with women’s nature; having no interest in long term relationships with them, and losing the ability to pedestalize them, will do that.
How magnanimous of you not to feel bitter. After hacking her accounts and giving her an STD.
There’s a similar reaction that all men go through when they realise that everything they’ve been taught was (for sometimes good and necessary reasons) meant to keep them from rocking the boat. Kudos to you for not feeling bitter and staying in the race. It’s harder than it looks once you know the truth.
How is giving her an STD “karma”? Sorry, but I don’t agree with this one. That reaction was kind of bitchy and pathetic.
What I wonder if these girls are a product of single parenthood, mothers who powned their fathers, or fathers who lied to them? Seems like almost all girls in America are like that. I’m just wondering if the phenomena is the partly the result of their fathers being absent, crushed, or untruthful that is so prevalent nowadays?
“Ignorance really is bliss” … for fools, that is indeed true. Most of humanity consists of fools. People who deliberately run from the truth because they fear what they might find. But as for me, I prefer the cold, hard sting of the truth to the greatest bliss born out of ignorance.
a girl once told me…. she’d tend to bang the guys she didn’t see as marriage material, and be more “pure” with the boyfriend types…..
it’s nothing that we don’t do i suppose, but it doesn’t make sense, because at the end of the day, 3-4 years into a 25 year marriage, you want that dirty nasty slut, because you can’t get it anywhere else….it’s not allowed….
just because she’s a slut doesn’t mean she won’t be a good wife, you just have to get her out of her box that’s all….
I did it once, found out one email from a guy who explained how he “fingered” her… Luckily we were not together anymore but it was really shitty
How many girls have ever touched your dick? Would you sympathize or mock a girlfriend of yours who felt disgusted by the number?
Yep. A couple of years ago I put spyware on a girlfriend’s PC just to see what was what and it blew my mind. I was red pill at that point and it was still a shock to the system. I wouldn’t even bother doing it again; I’m just going to assume from now on.
Thanks, I needed to see this months ago after my ex broke up with me. At least all i found out is she had sex with the new guy she’s seeing, still can’t orgasm and she might be pregnant and her fat acceptance hardcore feminist bff is more annoying than i thought.
“At least all i found out is she had sex with the new guy she’s seeing,” Wooaaaah there she’s having sex with the new guy she’s seeing? You don’t say??! What a scandal. Stop the presses immediately, we need to spread the word door to door about this outrage!
Guess it’s about just knowing some horror exists or having to see it first hand. But here is the problem, you KNOW what she is like. Now you assume the other girl is the same, and likely rightly. Should feel about the same towards them. We live in a world where the “average” girls actions enough to churn a “players” stomach. I’ve never looked but heard enough from girls i wasto seeing admitting to gangbangs and public anal sex with strangersthem to ever trust fully. Hell i kinda always wonder what horrible shit they did if they thought what they told me was ok.
“We live in a world where the ‘average’ girls actions enough to churn a “players” stomach.”
Except that most girls aren’t NEARLY as sexually promiscuous or “slutty” as most incel omega’s or even alpha’s imagine them to be. You want the cold, hard truth? Wimmin are boring, plain, vanilla, and this extends to every aspect of their lives including sex. They are NOT as hardcore as men and they are not having orgies behind your back or sucking off guys in public bathrooms, though they easily could if they wanted to.
If you want anyone to take you seriously, Allerious, perhaps start spelling “women” correctly.
I once had a long-distance thing with a girl with some Oneitis and pre-red-pill. Man oh man, she was magic stuff. She came to visit me for a week once and logged into her email on my laptop. A week or so after she was gone, I opened the browser and it welcomed me right into her email. I could not help myself.
I was crushed with pain at my discovery of all the other dudes she was banging whilst I was professing my love to her. What a fucking joke. Man, I took it hard.
I am very glad for the experience because I might have gotten sucked in to something and allowed her to have hand. Instead, I was able to see her for what she truly was, and adjust my buying temperature downward appropriately. I dialed it down to “off”
If you are catching feelings and need to dial it down, just hack her. You’ll be utterly disappointed with your little snowflake, but at least you’ll be living in the real world. These depraved little creatures should not be viewed as anything else. Only THEN can you deal with them appropriately.
Since I have come come to see things clearly, I absolutely do NOT want to see a girl’s phone or any of her data. (naked pics excepted) I do not want to know. I really don’t. I don’t need to, though- I already know what’s there.
Don’t hate them for being what they naturally are. Just understand and act accordingly.
As an afterthought- I wonder- If you were ever trying to help a guy accept the red pill, all you’d need to do is show him some hacks and the ‘good girls’ that they expose… or better yet, have him hack his own girl. Nothing like a good stiff dose of truth that cannot be spun.
Cure for oneitis for sure.
“She came to visit me for a week once and logged into her email on my laptop.”
Presumably, you got laid during these weekly visits. So let’s get this straight, this girl came out to see YOU once a week and gave you sex. And here you are, complaining about it.
“I was crushed with pain at my discovery of all the other dudes she was banging whilst I was professing my love to her.”
Oh, that. I noticed you wrote that YOU were professing love to her, not that SHE was professing love to YOU. She obviously didn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you about all the other guys she was involved with. By the tone of your post though, it seems as if you would have liked it far better if she had come right out and said, after you had just told her how much you loved her, “Hey guess what — I’m involved with half a dozen other guys at this very moment.” Surely THAT would have made you feel great, so it’s HER fault that she didn’t take that step but instead chose to protect your oh-so-fragile ego by hiding her involvement with other guys. Am I right? If not, then what on earth are you complaining about? Oh, right: You’re complaining because you fell in love with her and she didn’t fall in love with you, even though she still visited you every week to give you sex.
“Instead, I was able to see her for what she truly was”
A girl who cared enough about you to travel to meet you weekly and protect your pathetic little ego from facts that would destroy it? Isn’t that what she truly was?
“Since I have come come to see things clearly, I absolutely do NOT want to see a girl’s phone or any of her data.”
So basically your mind and conscience are clear now that you’ve adopted the “stick my fingers in my ears, close my eyes and yell nanna nanna nanna I can’t hear you!” approach. Sounds like a solid plan. Glad to hear it’s working out for you. Wouldn’t want to stress yourself out by, you know, growing a backbone or anything. Let someone else deal with the truth. You’re fine to live in blissful ignorance. Yeah! Right on champ!
“If you were ever trying to help a guy accept the red pill, ”
Oooh yes, tell us all about the “red pill” now, Mr. Fragile Ego man.
Shut up you cunty troll. You sound like a slit-apologist on crack. In fact, you might just be a slut ;D
MIGHT be? it couldn’t be clearer, if she lived in Sparta the 300 would all know all details. She’s trying to convince herself “sluthood is freedom”, and “I have value even though I fucked so many guys” — strained intellectualization in the stilted writing.
Fake story, not trustworty. The browser was up and the accounts were open, still he had to guess her password. Not a single girl I I have heard of (most give me their passwords voluntarily) use their first name as a password.
Girls are foolish enough to send nude pics on snap chat because “the file isn’t permanent” despite the ability to screen shot. Trust me, they are dumb enough to create predicable passwords. Men create complicated ones because we don’t want our info tapped into.
Not to mention the memory bank of girls is small enough to fit in my sock. The modern girl is irresponsible, lazy and stupid. Without a doubt their passwords are this simple.
That’s right, I forgot that this is in the USA, sorry.
To add to that point, something like 20% of all computer users have passwords like “123456,” “password,” or other easy-to-figure-out personal info.
Yes Virginia, people truly are that dumb.
No one wants to tap into a beta or omega male’s social accounts, anyways. His credit card accounts, maybe….
Ding ding ding. The VAST majority of sex stories posted online without direct, photographic evidence to back them up are completely fictitious.
Roissy Maxim #8: Always assume she is a slut. It helps kick the legs out
from under the pedestal you will be tempted to put her on, and it is
more often than not true.
A good 70% of a woman is how you treat her… if you treat her like a whore she moves into that role, if you provoke her other nature and take her to picnics and give her flowers, she moves into that role. Of course you are never going to turn Courtney Love into Queen Elizabeth, but there is still a whole lot of overlap.
You know what, that’s only true for sluts. Because real good girls don’t tolerate being treated like whores, they find it very disrespectful and you will know it quick.
One thing to note that branches off of this: the very fact women keep old emails, texts, etc from men is further proof just how big of attention whores they are.
I don’t know about you guys but I don’t hold on to texts, emails from girls in my past. Guys don’t care. We are always moving forward and need little reassurance. The same cant be said about the modern woman however.
So yeah, assume they all have this. Guarantee you most don’t have a financial budget or investment spreadsheet in their hard drive.
They are emotional black holes…they keep every notable memory and make sure that it never escapes. Solipsism 101.
Girl keeping memory of old flings and hookups on her phone: bad girl, slut, hamster. Girl keeping memory of her wedding vows: good girl, keeper.
Your shitty attempt at sarcasm failed, and the statement you wound up with is, in fact, correct.
this could be because they know that the attention they got in their prime will die off. they keep it to remind them that they could do that even if they can’t do it any more at 30.
Kolo I doubt that. Most women are in denial of that.
Truth, spoken by a female.
shut your yap and do something useful, like make a sandwich
I didn’t even know people did that. I have only been with one person, but I’ve flirted with guys before him, and when it went sour I wanted to erase every trace of them.
Girl keeping old texts on her phone = “slutty attention whore, only good for fucking and chucking” when you don’t like the content of said texts and they’re from other men. Meanwhile, girl keeping old love letters that you sent her in HS/college = “a good womyn, marriage material who will take care of you into old age”. See the contradictions there borne of male insecurity? This is why we can’t have nice things.
Think positive… the fact that girls are slutty nowadays is what lets this pickup shit work… I would rather have to deal with slutty girls than have to get married to some good girl.
Well, thats the thing. 30, 40 years ago, you would have had a “good girl”, with a larger society enforcing and compelling her to remain a “good girl” and a “good wife”, making the aspect of marrying her worth your while. Now, there is no compelling reason to stop “sowing your oats” unless you travel and STAY overseas.
I would’ve done something hilarious like replacing all those pictures with bestiality porn or something.
Except that then you’ll be even more depressed and likely suicidal when she starts fucking dogs instead of you. Beastiality can be quite hot when the girls involved in it are young and attractive. Nothing like seeing an 18 year old getting her brains shagged out by a wild animal.
You’ve got problems, bro.
It’s a pill that is bitter.
But you’re better off knowing all that crap than not knowing.
Knowledge is power. Ignorance is bliss. Tough choice!
This article hit me right in the weak spot. I found out that the girl I’m dating has a notch count of 31 (read: 60+) which she racked up from just a few years in DC. Said it was an experience to figure out what she wanted, “dated” up to 5 guys at a time, lots of military bad-boys, couple of nice guys she got sick of. Now she’s 28 and “knows what she wants” which is a nice caring boyfriend (read: me) once she’s done riding the cock carousel. I’ve been through her facebook, I’ve seen things that make me sick.
Chicks who ride the carousel like that at a young age have zero LTR potential. Once their womb is begging for a baby they look around to find a nice guy to fool. Only for a little while until they are ready to cut-him-up for alimony and child support.
Give her the 32nd notch and/or move on, you won’t be the last!
First of all, is it 31 or 60+ If it’s the latter why did you write the former? If it’s the former why did you write the latter? You either know or you don’t know. There’s no in-between. That said, 31 @ 28 y/o really isn’t that much. It means she said no a lot. A girl who DIDN’T say no would have a count in the thousands by 28 years of age. Consider that.
troll harder, cunt—this isn’t cutting it.
Yes, consider how many she DIDN’T fuck. Actually billions of people!
Come to think of it, I haven’t fucked around 7 billion people. Does that make me a good match for her?
Oh, by the way: latter former latter former latter former latter former mocha latte
dumbass. he’s saying its likely 60+ because girls lie about their number.
Good on ya mate. Reality is sometimes unpleasant but it’s *always* better to know.
In my early 30s my old beta self was nearly suckered into marriage by a same-age carousel girl. She had been used up by the alpha fux and wanted the beta bux (me). I finally came to my senses and dumped her after she demanded a $20k+ engagement ring because she “had a certain image to uphold.”
Looking back I don’t think she ever got off the carousel even when we were dating. Girls like this are good for banging. That’s it.
If you ever get serious with a girl you owe it to yourself to find out everything you can about her by any means necessary. The price of ignorance (or piety) is just too high.
my sweet little obedient latina girl was a virgin until she met me, among many other endearing qualities. i just should probably seriously consider getting engaged, even with all the hoops immigration and the catholic church are going to make me jump through.
Just don’t buy into the notion of being the only one forever.
Its a losing trap for both men and women.
Assume relationships will come and go.
Assume one or the other of you will want sex from other people either all time, once in awhile or sometime in the future.
Agree that this is OK
Jealousy is pure beta-male nonsense.
Women are better liars than men….It can be shocking sometimes
I wouldn’t say they are better necessarily…most men just have a view of them that is anything but reality.
“How bout ” better at lying or biggest liars…. these, I know fit
funny ironic i dated an actual whore who quit and her facebook wasen’t bad almost all the shit on it was about me
Actual whores (a minority of wimmin) as opposed to dishonest whores (the majority of wimmin) are the best types of wims to shag, date, or marry.
you’re situation is about a girl friend, but you learned the truth
mine is about a wife, so but i absolutely disagree that it’s a bad idea to to this… information is power…. facebook is cited in 30% of UK divorces now….
reading old emails is alarming and shocking, but it is the truth…. why live in an illusion…… if i’d done it earlier i would have dumped her before we went past BF / GF stage….
the depths of stupidity and banal trivial conversations you can find your wife wasting time on in her facebook is incredible.
she complains about feeling tired in the evening, but then you discover she’s been on facebook for 6 hours straight talking absolute crap with friends.
you see all her pipedreams and desires to cheat and her nasty little underworld of bitchy friends and how badly she talks about you behind your back.
it’s the most disgusting two faced revolting betrayal to see some you thought and who claims to love you, making fun of you, down talking you and whining on.
i even see her friends answering her back and telling her she’s a bitch…..
i also found her giving our domestic budget away to charity and brokey broke single mother friends
i look at her in a different light now but at least it’s the real light !!!!
“you see all her pipedreams and desires to cheat and her nasty little
underworld of bitchy friends and how badly she talks about you behind
your back.
it’s the most disgusting two faced revolting betrayal to see some you
thought and who claims to love you, making fun of you, down talking you
and whining on.” It isn’t necessarily actual betrayal because wimmin love to talk endlessly, prattling on about this or that. They rarely take the initiative to make things happen on their own. Simply think of how dating works and who does most of the work. You men need to stop being so paranoid and realize that bitches talk shit for a living and also fantasize about plenty of shit that they’d never actually have the balls to do. Why not? Because they’re, well, bitches. Take it from a guy who knows bitches: Yes they’re going to talk about you behind your back and indulge all sorts of fantasies in their little bird brains, but you really don’t have all that much to worry about because, at the end of the day, female indecisiveness/incompetence/timidity is your friend if you’re in an LTR with a broad. The law of inertia takes over and few broads have what it takes to resist it.
I disagree. Every guy should hack a girls email/phone/Fb once. Truth is unpleasant but salutory.
More than once. Repeat exposure will make you immune.
This is where I disagree. I enjoy hearing about reading or obtaining it through less then well established means their lives because it keeps me icy and carefree.
Nothing like seeing your girlfriend ravaged by someone elses jizz to upgrade to a girl two points higher because you can run impervious i dont give a fuck aloof game.
if you are catching feelings, a good hack will snuff that shit out.
Women are stupid cunts. The ones here in the good ‘ol USA are furthermore vapid and void of any useful qualities that one would find in foreign women. That’s why even the biblical view of women is one of weakness, sinfulness, duplicity, subservience to men, weak mindedness, and dependence on her husband – a man.
They hardly understand the technology they use — other than to turn it on and off. They certainly don’t understand the power of information to harm themselves and others. Girls are sloppy and caviler about it. And while it may offend you blokes to find out woman’s true nature, it’s just as bad for us to have our privacy and dignity violated for the sake of their esteem-boosting virtual trophy room.
I’ve warned many women about their reckless use of their iPhones, laptops, the Internet, email, Facebook, Twitter and the like. I warn them that even an average guy with average intelligence and understanding of the technology will ferret out their information and come to know how worthless their wives and girlfriends really are. I warn them that myself, with deep knowledge of software security and electrical engineering can have every bit of information I want if given a few minutes alone with their device. And, if I were motivated enough to buy the equipment needed to intercept their SMS texts flying through the air, or, employing very simply methods to surveil them with cheap, off-the-shelf electronic spying devices I could learn even more.
I warn them my own saying, “If current flows through it, the I can know it.”
Yet, they don’t heed the warning.
Now I’m just wondering how much sluts still have my info in their smartphones, emails, text history, and Facebook pages. Even an old phone number, once deleted, seems to reappear in their phones each time they’re stupid enough to loose, break, or upgrade their old ones and sync their info from the carrier’s data mother ship. How many dumb chicks know anything about wiping a hard drive before they sell, donate, or give away an old laptop? How many girls have taken the time to fully clear out a phone’s internal memory or wipe data of a SIM card before turning over to someone else – even a “trustworthy” repairMAN to fix something for them.
NONE! At least none that I’ve met.
We men are at great risk not only of learning the TRUTH about the skanky hoes we hook up with, but at risk of them collecting our info as trophies of their attention-whoring conquests. I loathe the thought of of being one of thirty guys some cum dumpster has decided to keep remembrances of, for the time when she is no longer bangable and her options for finding “a nice guy” are as worn out as her holes — using her past notch count as some rationalization of why a guy of any value would find her sagging body and whore-rational thinking would worth selling out the rest of his life for, when young, super-hot experienced pussy costs less than my attorney’s hourly rate.
I’m almost at the point where I’m moving to a place where womens brains aren’t stimulated by the warm glow of their smartphone screens and where the internet is something you’d have to travel far for and pay alot for. Maybe at least they’d respect the real man in front of them and not the number of boy-toys in their contact list and FB friends list. Maybe in those places women don’t suffer from mythical-princess-hypearactivity-disorder like they do here in America.
I’m about ready to start to paying for pussy. At least those girls have motivation for being discrete and protecting my privacy, as well as their own. And, I don’t have to wonder or even care about how many dicks she’s entertained. I’m just about ready to pay for the freedom, convenience, quality, and now absolute purity (well, honesty) of the commodity I’m purchasing.
Western women — suck it!
So you want your womyn to have had only one sex partner, apparently — that being you, of course. Great. Sounds like a plan. Now, if you don’t mind my asking, how many sex partners do YOU want to have?
See any problem there?
Feminist troll gotta feminist troll….
And “womyn”? Your gender studies lover…I mean professor…must be so very proud.
What a stupid password.
Did you save her nude pics to post later?
Most guys who claim to have nude pics without actually posting them are, in fact, lying about possessing said nude pics. When you read all these stories about men discovering this and that on so-and-so’s phone or facebook, just know that there are more guys making it up than telling the truth.
Haha this coming from the feminist troll who says that most women are huge sluts with high numbers, so nobody should be concerned about it.
At least get your story straight!
Sigh, there must some “RELATIVELY” good girls out there. If only there was an easier way to tell them apart the same way you can see the difference between a human and a zombie.
“Sigh, there must some ‘RELATIVELY’ good girls out there.”
Where have I heard this sentiment before? Oh, right: “Where have all the good men gone?”
The “good girls” are out there just the same as the “good men”. The only problem is that the “good girls” don’t do anal, don’t swallow cum, don’t take facials, will never consider a 3 some, and think you’re insensitive for asking to enter them from behind instead of in missionary. Oh, and they want to have sex 3-4 times a month, max. Still want a “good girl”?
Sure, sounds good.
Having a first name as a password is a BIG red flag. It screams of narcissism, an overwhelming sense of self-importance. I guess you already knew that since you guessed the password right, but this is for the other guys who don’t. There’s absolutely ZERO LTR potential there. But like you say, why should that matter, we all know what American women are worth.
“Having a first name as a password is a BIG red flag. It screams of narcissism, an overwhelming sense of self-importance.”
Thank you for the penetrating analysis, Freud. And here I was thinking it was just an easy way of remembering one’s password. Boy, that goes to show how little I know.
Jesus, this you-go-grrrl, everything women do is perfect, act is getting tired already
I dated a Dutch girl a few years ago and did the same mistake. Because of the Dutch being so liberal compared to most of the other European countries, i was unfortunate enough to find out that at only 17, she had already slept with 8 guys before me.
When we were together, i would often snoop into her facebook account and emails, to find her flirting and giving her number out to other guys and bad mouthing me to her friends.
Then exposed her for cheating on me with another guy, which explained why she dumped me just before valentines day.
In short. It was a traumatic wake up call to how cuntish girls are towards guys, and gave me a kick up the ass to start changing from who i was to what i’m slowly becoming.
Women hate players when the truth is. Most of us were made this way. If only society knew the real truth.
Guy’s aren’t the ones not to be trusted. Its the women.
Considering she probably started at 13 or 14, 8 really isn’t a very high number. Once again, it’s worth repeating — I can guarantee you that during those 3-5 years of sexual activity she turned DOWN a hell of a lot MORE than 8 guys. Would a guy who claimed 8 wimmin in 3-5 years be praised as a master seducer? Don’t think so.
Feminist harpy should shut her trap already
Notice the FI misdirection. It’s not the deed that’s the problem, it’s men’s reaction to it. Classic.
I disagree. Knowledge is power. I’ve done the same thing; I caught a girlfriend in some lies by “hacking” into her yahoo and facebook. She had received a FB message from a Brit ex who via FB admitted to being bisexual and told her of just having sucked off a stranger that he’d met. She told him there was nothing wrong with what he’d done. She had planned on having dinner with him when he visited NYC.
I afterward found her disgusting. There was worst stuff in there too….
“She had received a FB message from a Brit ex who via FB admitted to
being bisexual and told her of just having sucked off a stranger that
he’d met. She told him there was nothing wrong with what he’d done.
She had planned on having dinner with him when he visited NYC.”
News at 10: Wimmin aren’t homophobic, overwhelmingly support gay rights, don’t see the big deal about homosexual sex.
I’ll tell you what IS beta: Getting bothered by learning “too much” about a girl’s past (or present) sex life and subsequently adopting a “fingers in ears” attitude. Me? I want all the details I can get. For the sake of pure interest and curiosity. My ego will remain intake because I am an alpha.
Never do that
Guy seeks out slut and then becomes upset when discovering that yes, she really is a slut.
Does this site and it’s logic have a required IQ of 100 or less, because the concepts and bullshit your spouting here make you all sound like fools.
Impressive. She is quite the stud. Hold on to that one if you can, she’s got a lot of XP invested in the Sex skill. I like those with a lot of XP over the n00bs. n00bs tend to be awkward, unsure of themselves, and just no where near as fun.
“Was it alpha to hack into her accounts? Was it beta? Does it really matter? It was a fucking waste of precious time.”
Lol’d at that. Nice article
Woah woah wait. You’re promoting hiding away from the truth, because it’s ugly? It’s always good to know the ugly side of things, so that you know what you’re truly dealing with (and save the data…lol kidding). How do you know there’s not some false rape allegation email she sent? STDs? Or other important red flags? More importantly, now that you know she’s a slut with an ugly background, just ditch it and don’t look back. Sluts are nothing but trouble.
Why is it OK for you to be a slut, but not women?
This kind of double standard is lame. Grow up.
So many clowns here dissing women who happen to like sexual variety.
YOU like sexual variety….right? If there were no such women, you’d have to get married just to get laid. Enjoy the buffet and stay clear of marriage (another lame idea handed to us from our Puritanical idiot ancestors).