The Story Of The American Bachelor

An American feminist waited impatiently at her boyfriend’s apartment for him to take her out to their weekly expensive dinner. The boyfriend’s roommate, a single twenty-something man who shared the modest two-bedroom apartment, was hosting a poker game in the living room. As she watched the five friends lounging around the table, smoking cigars and laughing about women, the feminist realized that in all of her trips to the apartment, she could not recall ever seeing the roommate working. She interrupted a hand to ask the roommate how he was able to lead a life of such leisure.

“I started an internet business that pays the bills, so I only need to work a couple hours a day.” The feminist asked why he didn’t work harder to make more money. “I make enough to support my needs. Why do I need to do any more?”

“But,” the feminist wondered aloud, “what do you do with the rest of your time?”

“Well, that’s easy,” the man replied. “I enjoy my spot in the middle of the city, lift weights, read books, go out with my friends, and have flings with girls. I have a full and busy life.”

The feminist scoffed. “It sounds to me like you’re one of these lonely man-boys I’ve read about. I think what you really need is a woman to show you the true meaning of life. I’m a lawyer and I have plenty of strong, independent, attractive friends who you would be lucky to date.”

“Is that so?” The man said with a tinge of a smirk across his face.

“Yes,” she continued. “With my help you could get a girlfriend and start to build a life with someone. She would have a high-paying career, so you could afford to move into a fancy place and actually buy some nice things for a change. She’ll be very sexually experienced and know exactly what she wants, so you know you’re special because she chose you out of all the men she’s been with. Eventually, if you’re good enough to her, you can get married and move to an even bigger house outside of the city. You’ll have children together and take great pride in providing for your wife and family.”

The man asked, “But how long will this all take?”

“Oh, about 20-25 years.” The feminist replied.

“But what then?” asked the man.

“Well,” the feminist began, “since men make a lot of marriages end in divorce, it might not last forever. But even if you get divorced and your wife gets to keep the kids, you’ll at least have the satisfaction that you’ve built something long-lasting and made a man of yourself.”

“So then what?” the man asked glibly.

The feminist hesitated.

“Oh, I know,” the man said. “I’ve read about this on the internet. It means I’ll have the freedom to get my own apartment in the city, lift weights, read books, go out with my friends, and have flings with girls.”

The feminist stared in angry silence while the man returned to his poker game.

Read Next: Don’t Be Ashamed For Being A Bachelor

109 thoughts on “The Story Of The American Bachelor”

  1. Funny read. If you really love a woman buy her a Honda, it is cheaper than marriage.

    1. If you really want the marriage experience, find a woman you hate and buy her a house.

      1. And make sure you never fuck her in that house so the marriage experience is as realistic as possible.

    2. Fuck me. Thats where i went wrong. I bought her a brand new honda and married her. Oh well, soon I’ll be getting my own apartment, lifting weights, reading books…

      1. The last girl I dated involved the Police towards the end because I tried to make up for our misunderstanding, sent flowers to her job and left a flower on her door-knob at her house. Later I find out the local Police calling me, informing me she wanted to “move on” and warning me not to continue courting this woman. They read from a 21st century script, cake and eat it to syndrome. The entire time all I was trying to establish was this woman going to be faithful and honest while we were together. Only to hear, she is not going to be “exclusive” with me. Half of them are not worth the headache, and I guess I had my answer in the end. Avoided myself a world of grief. Another thing this one kept doing, referencing me to watch a particular movie to know how she feels and what I must do. Also comparing me to ‘fatal attraction’ another movie comparison to who I was. So its all based on conjecture. Their entire feminist agenda is bogus and goes against everything their biological clock is telling them to do. Here she actually had a good-guy, but she decided to get petty and resort to non-sense towards the end filling a complaint with the Police, rather than just give me a 2nd chance, which is all I was asking for. She rather had it escalate to what she perceived needed Police involvement for harassment, stalking which clearly wasn’t the case. Because this woman initiated with me, and was the one who came on strong with me in the beginning. Can clearly see how these situations could escalate even further to false rape allegations. Can really get screwed by someone hell bent to put an aggressive male in this situation attempting to court a 21st century woman comparing her life to movies and reading from a fictional script, mimicking and idolizing her friends and rationalizing her life for whatever ends necessary to blindside reality. Be warned gents, some of these women are hell bent on revenge, and are not worth the headache. Vindictive at their core!

        1. This too… Got sent to the office once in high school , my senior year, for one attempt at talking to a bitch about being friends again, a month later after giving her a valentines card and a small thing of candy. The woman and man there did not bother to get my side of the story-the girl had left out how she kept her back towards me and didn’t even acknowledge my presence, and how I voluntarily left when this was clear. Not something you do if you’re scared of someone. This was 2007.
          2012, I was just this girl’s friend and I had no romantic interest in her, or so I thought. Some people in the class told her I was taking pictures of her and hugging her “too long and too close.” When I try to talk to her about not appreciating her talking about me this way, she lashes out and threatens to go to the dean to get me kicked out of school.
          With the girl in 2007, i DID like her and I DID try to talk to her. but at least there I actually did something. But once the school got wind of how I was reduced to a crying fool (It was the shock of feeling betrayed, along with the authority not bothering with my side) it was HER reputation that took a dive after that and one of her friends actually said she was in the wrong! To this day I maintain that she did it out of jealousy because she’d heard about how I had fun with several fast girls at a teen party the weekend after I tried to talk to her, since she didn’t do anything about me earlier.
          In 2012 all I was being accused of was actually false. So she and a girl that I liked, but at that point mine an that girl’s interaction was me telling her “hi” and “bye,” with her acting stank towards me when I’d do so solely because I’d told her I was interested earlier in the year. It didn’t matter to her that I wasn’t trying to pursue her further. Thankfully I learned my lesson from 2007, so this time when I talked to this bitch (the accusing one) I recorded the conversation with my cell phone. So when I was called to the dean and her statement said she felt scared of me and said this is why she cursed at me, I played my recording of me barely saying a few words before she slings 20 fucks at me in the span of two minutes. Destroyed her narrative right quick but I feel like since the dean knew me he knew her accusations were full of shit. So though I’d gotten the campus police letter and temporarily forbidden from going to class (and with finals right around the corner, showing further what a vindictive bitch that girl was!) I didn’t get kicked out of school.

        2. This harassment , stalking, false rape bullshit etc is something new because it never happened with Boomers. I never even heard of one case of someone getting a restraining order until the mid-late 90’s. And btw, these terms like “stalking” are used too freely and are not what the statute says. It actually means when someone is repeatedly shadowing someone with the intent to kill or cause Severe bodily harm. eg. like some hitman waiting for an opportunity to kill someone. Not sending some flowers or asking a girl out even if you do it a number of times.The cops and courts are overcharging men, even if they know the charge will have to be dismissed, which means that at times he may have to put up bail and the judge will make a condition of bail of not contacting the female or being within x yards of her something(bail) you can’t do with a restraining order. You should be glad you’re rid of this low class moron because she’s using this to make other people do her breakup for her without considering for the damage it may have done to you, and without having to speak face to face to you and just explain like a woman of class why she wants to break up. It’s like, let you and him fight that crappy females pull. Personally I have 0 tolerance for anyone who involves outsiders in personal matters.

        3. Its a sad day if buying a woman flowers can land you in jail. Any other Police department would of laughed in their face, stalking harassment charges have to be validated and documented. Was seriously so pissed I was about to contact a lawyer. Defaming my character. That bitch is going to have a fun time handling situations in life they way she did. I’m curious if this is the first time she has done this. Or has she done this before to other men. She came across like such a sweetheart, and turned into a cut-throat bitch. I’m better off, but the system is fucked if this is what entails Police involvement. She had no justification in involving the Police, or even the Police finding it justified to call me. Actually called the Police department to file a complaint against the police officer in question, because I thought she was an acquaintance and she was just using him to do a favor for her. Of coarse they denied this was indeed the case, but they look out for one another, and they fear a lawsuit. They stated, like it was nothing, “this happens all the time.” Seriously, women are a joke.

        4. Actually I do recall police restraining orders back in the 1980’s for domestic type issues. That said I grew up in a very rough manner and in the company of the 1%’er MC that my uncle was a member of, so I doubt it was common outside of that context.

        5. I grew up with the real 1% ers. Local judges issue these orders and cops enforce them and they’re not eager to potentially annoy someone powerful who can get them fired.Instead of working in a nice crime free and pleasant area (these jobs are hard to get) a cop may find himself in some crap area which may be the only place hiring and where he has to watch his back every time he goes on patrol.
          These men don’t care about court orders issued by some local judge because they just get their lawyers to file a motion with a higher court dismissing it;and cops are viewed as town employees and servants.

        6. Yeah, I grew up with them too, and can still legacy if I want but, having developed a healthy respect for my own life and well being, have opted not to.
          Re-reading your response, are you certain we’re referencing the same thing with 1%’er? I was speaking directly in relation to MC (motorcycle club), not the 1% upper tier of society.

        7. Why would I care about some bicycle with a motor on it club? These people have no influence or power and look pretty lame to me. I did watch some of Sons of Anarchy which of course is fiction but despite selling guns, drugs and making porn and running whorehouses no one looked like they had a pot to piss in or any brains.

        8. You clearly have no understanding of anything I was attempting to convey. I grew up in a rough way, around hard, violent men, and as a result I saw restraining orders being issued in the 1980’s.
          Your opinion of motorcycle clubs and those in them matters not a lick to me, and was not relevant to the conversation at hand.

        9. ‘I grew up in a rough way, around hard, violent men, and as a result I saw restraining orders being issued in the 1980’s.’
          And in your naivete and inexperience of the world believed that was typical of how normal people lived.
          And do you know what we called motorcycle riders?
          Organ donors.

        10. much worse than that in Australia…. if a woman calls the police, the police will start criminal proceedings and take out the restraining order on behalf of the women, whether she wants them to or not. Even if she protests, they will go ahead….

        11. Now you know why MGTOW is growing all of the time…
          And women are wondering why.

      2. Wow. This is why I say men must learn early on when it’s just high school and buying a western woman a toy bear, before it gets to this point. Sorry to hear that man.

  2. “It sounds to me like you’re one of these lonely man-boys I’ve read about. I think what you really need is a woman to show you the true meaning of life. I’m a lawyer and I have plenty of strong, independent, attractive friends who you would be lucky to date.”
    I would have ended the conversation there.

    1. Then there would have been no satisfaction of wittingly confusing the feminist. Which was the whole point.

      1. I would have slipped her the Beast in the back door after the party, then ignored her calls for three weeks until she quit with the hate vms.

    2. I’m a lawyer and know every underhanded law twisting and sleazy trick I can pull in family and divorce court and I’ll be advising my friends. lol

      1. Serious question, where do you practice? What area of law, family? Do you work for men, if so, or do you take female clients?

        1. I am a lawyer and a medical doctor as well but I wasn’t referring to myself. I was referring the the female lawyer who said she had friends for dates.Can you imagine being involved or married to a female who had this lawyer as a friend?

    1. None of the famous people who wrote and/or ever performed this song was a “Simple Man”. They all Feasted, Fought, and Fucked their way through their lives and were the best of men for it.
      All women wanted to be with them, and all men wanted to be them.

      1. That’s irrelevant. Society would collapse if everybody feasted, fought and fucked as a primary occupation. It would be great fun, but you could say good bye to any technology higher than 19th century level. The advice of the song is sound, but it belongs to a better time with better people. Being a decent, honest, simple man these days is an invitation to being made into a dupe and a chump, some outlying rural areas of civilization to the contrary notwithstanding.

  3. You made up the whole conversation. Real life never fits anybody’s preconceptions that perfectly.

      1. If that painfully plodding mess was meant to be funny, I don’t mind admitting I didn’t laugh.

    1. “Look, I stitched a few clichéd manosphere tropes into a cartoon vignette.”
      Becaaaause . . . it’s a classic old joke that he’s redone in RoK relevant terms. I first heard it in 1950s terms, but I suspect it’s 19th century. It’s the sort of humour that was popular when Mark Twain was growing up and that he turned into an art form.
      And every joke is new to someone who hasn’t heard it before.

    2. “You made up the whole conversation”
      Wow, they can’t pull the wool over your eyes, bro!

  4. The story is a fiction. The feminist would have been too busy screeching about patriarchy on Twitter.

    1. Or complaining about not being able to find a real man. She’d just bitch about the boys pretending to be men (Code Green) because those men just won’t grow up.
      Then she’d go home to Starschmucks pick up type 2 diabetes in a cup, stop off for a frozen diet dinner, and keep checking her AttentionWhorebook for likes.

  5. “With my help you could get a girlfriend and start to build a life with someone”.
    Translation:You are parasite free.Time to change that.
    “She would have a high-paying career, so you could afford to move into a fancy place and actually buy some nice things for a change”.
    Translation:Her paycheck is hers.Your paycheck should be hers too,which needs to be spent on shit that no financially conscious being would dare to.
    She’ll be very sexually experienced and know exactly what she wants, so you know you’re special because she chose you out of all the men she’s been with.
    Translation:The Whore has chosen you as her favorite customer (though not necessarily her only).
    “Eventually, if you’re good enough to her, you can get married and move to an even bigger house outside of the city. You’ll have children together and take great pride in providing for your wife and family”.
    Translation:Eventually,you will provide the hostages(aka children) with which to rip you off your dignity,your wealth and your freedom in divorce court.

    1. Well said.
      Marriage means having having an exit strategy. A spare passport (to another country), transferable skills and savings you can carry (i.e. gold coins).

  6. i must be a slap in the face when a feminist realizes a man she is talking to takes the red pill

    1. Let’s stop with this red/blue pill nonsense taken from some fantasy film.Just classify men as the stupid and the enlightened.

      1. Why should an entire segment of the internet do away with commonly accepted terminology in order to conform to your self selected terminology?
        Seriously, you don’t think you’re going to change the lexicon of the manosphere do you?

        1. It’s stupid and 99% of people wouldn’t even know what it means so my definitions(or something similar) make more sense and are clear.Ignorant and enlightened have common meanings.
          You also have to remember that all of these blogs whether the feminist ones or the men’s are completely unknown to almost everyone. If I were to mention any of the names of these blogs to people I know they would have no idea what I’m talking about. Just because it’s of interest to you and you over rate its importance doesn’t mean other people, like the billion on the Net, have heard or even care about niche blogs or know what blue/red pill means.

        2. What outsiders think or don’t think is not relevant to the conversation. How I rate, or don’t, the manosphere is not relevant. The terminology is established and well known across the manosphere. Your calls, however based on logic and reason (or not), are little more than beating your hands against a stone tower. If you wish to do so, that’s your right, but you aren’t going to change anybody’s mind who participates.
          Carry on.

        3. Well I guess if you just like talking to the same minute group of men like you’re in some private club with its own jargon and like spinning your wheels then just keep using this pill terminology. Probably doesn’t matter anyway since blogs have never accomplished anything. If anything is changing in society, and it is, it’s because that over the last 10-15 years many men have been adversely effected and just learned from bad personal experiences which is what really matters, not reading about something on a blog (there are thousands of them)

        4. I wasn’t aware of that, but it figures. Combative, entitlement shining through with a glaring sheen, arrogant and bitchy. Thanks for the heads up Reyngout, will discontinue replying to what I only now discovered is a “her”.

        5. Better reason to retire the term: it comes from a film made by a transexual.
          You probably read the homo jack donovans books too for how to be a man.

        6. Actually its Boomer.
          I dont know, I mean — I dont mind the red pill analogy. Really, who cares what we call it?

        7. Yeah, bitch has multiple troll accounts (Boomer being one). Sentence structure reads pretty much the same on all of them, though.

      2. There’s a great deal of difference between someone who is actually stupid, and someone who’s been lied to his entire life.
        In one case, someone is incapable of understanding reality.
        In the other case, someone has never been exposed to reality.
        Think about that before you start calling people stupid.

        1. Blue Pill/Red Pill works precisely because it delineates between those who have been lied to, and those who haven’t or were lied to and learned the truth later. If you can find another memetic device that does the same job just as well, then more power to you getting it adopted.

  7. I really like hearing feminists blab that way, especially when it’s about their pro-choice views, because you can just tell them that you support choice when it comes to the choice to pump and dump.

    1. Or
      I’m pro choice! In fact I recently chose a Smith and Wesson model 66-2!

  8. Or you could get a ride-or-die bitch that you enjoy waking up next to, they exist. When your shit is broken in life and your old lady is always there to come home to, things aren’t so bad. Living alone is kind of fail, I prefer cooking bomb-ass food for two, dropping a load in the honey pot and going to sleep peacefully. Rawdogging your hot wife in her lingerie is usually better than dealing with a fling, just sayin’.

  9. This is a terribly bastardized rendition of the parable of the fishermen. You shortened it and cut out the build-up. Those who have never read the parable will be sitting there, waiting for the punchline because you delivered it far to0 soon.

  10. Lifting weights, reading books, going out with friends, pumping and dumping sounds like a pretty sweet life to me.

  11. great job redoing the joke of the businessman and the simple fisherman.
    in real life it would been have him replying with “you must be a femicunt”
    then goes back to his poker game.
    or “who wants leftover women,only vultures do that”

  12. Most guys i know that are married in their 30’s don’t seem to enjoy it very much. I was out last night with a married guy in his mid 30’s and he wasn’t in a hurry to get home. He said the best thing about marriage is kids and that’s it. The more i know about his situation, the more i think his wife was kind of desperate to be honest. She is better looking than him, makes more money, and they live in an apartment she owns. She certainly hasn’t hit the wall yet, but i think the sense of panic was setting in; I doubt she would have gone for him 10 years ago. He doesn’t give a shit though because he knows he got the better deal and he has no assets she can take from him if the marriage turns sour.
    A lot of outsiders laugh at guys in the Manosphere, but the fact is that the Manosphere has revealed women’s dual sexual/mating strategy with such precision and clarity that it’s impossible to unlearn it once it has truly sunk in. The fact that more men are becoming aware of it and choosing to avoid marriage is a great thing that ought to be celebrated.
    If women miss out on marriage and kids with an ideal mate because they missed their window of opportunity – TOUGH!

    1. He doesn’t have the better deal. no married man with kids has the better deal. If you have kids with her she owns you. Meaning doesn’t matter how much she makes, she’ll take the kids when bored with you and hit you up for child support for 18 years. All the while this dude gets to pay for the experience to watch another man raise his kids. There is no good deal married to a western women ever.

      1. Not necessarily, anymore. A year or two makes a world of difference – men are claiming alimony and getting it, applying for custody and getting it.
        Oh, it’s still a horrible, stupid risk. But cupcake in this situation isn’t necessarily going to have it all her own way.
        Shit – she might even lose the apartment. Wouldn’t that be special?

        1. Yes, that’s happening more and more today, and even in the past I’ve known of cases where the man got the kids and the wife got very little of the assets and of course no child support because he had the kids.The women would usually just get some maintenance for 2 years and that was it.btw, the men were always rich too so apparently they had good lawyers and knew how to shield their assets :o)

        2. It may be happening more and more but a 90% women/ 10% men win ratio in court still is not odds I want for anything I invest in.

      2. Children are a reward you know, they’re not the burden you think they are. Unfortunately it’s something you have to experience to appreciate, so no amount of my saying so will convince you (and that’s understandable).

        1. yeah, the problem is if the mother gets all cunty, the kids will start copying her…. a mother can easily alienate the kids from the father…. even before any lawyers get involved or custody is granted…. kids will just copy mom….

        2. Really? Im over 50 and never gave a fuck about having kids.
          The little fuckers annoy the shit out of me actually.
          Beta simps like you with kids really need to learn how to teach those little pieces of shit to keep a lid on it.
          When I was a kid my dad told me to speak when spoken too and stand quietly by his side.
          I grew up to be a successful man. Not some prison-bound street thug.

        3. “…Unfortunately it’s something you have to experience to appreciate, so no amount of my saying so will convince you…”
          THAT sounds an awful lot like the arguments I’ve heard for us men to get married. It all boils down to “Just take a leap of faith…”
          Sorry; as far as I’m concerned, marriage nowadays (for men, anyway) is just like a game of ‘musical electric-chairs’ — even if he “wins”, he LOSES.

  13. The last girl I dated involved the Police towards the end because I
    tried to make up for our misunderstanding, sent flowers to her job and
    left a flower on her door-knob at her house. Later I find out the local
    Police calling me, informing me she wanted to “move on” and warning me
    not to continue courting this woman. They read from a 21st century
    script, cake and eat it to syndrome. The entire time all I was trying to
    establish was this woman going to be faithful and honest while we were
    together. Only to hear, she is not going to be “exclusive” with me. Half
    of them are not worth the headache, and I guess I had my answer in the
    end. Avoided myself a world of grief. Another thing this one kept doing,
    referencing me to watch a particular movie to know how she feels and
    what I must do. Also comparing me to ‘fatal attraction’ another movie
    comparison to who I was. So its all based on conjecture. Their entire
    feminist agenda is bogus and goes against everything their biological
    clock is telling them to do. Here she actually had a good-guy, but she
    decided to get petty and resort to non-sense towards the end filling a
    complaint with the Police, rather than just give me a 2nd chance, which
    is all I was asking for. She rather had it escalate to what she
    perceived needed Police involvement for harassment, stalking which
    clearly wasn’t the case. Because this woman initiated with me, and was
    the one who came on strong with me in the beginning. Can clearly see how
    these situations could escalate even further to false rape allegations.
    Can really get screwed by someone hell bent to put an aggressive male
    in this situation attempting to court a 21st century woman comparing her
    life to movies and reading from a fictional script, mimicking and
    idolizing her friends and rationalizing her life for whatever ends
    necessary to blindside reality. Be warned gents, some of these women are
    hell bent on revenge, and are not worth the headache. Vindictive at
    their core!

    1. LOL same here, I posted one on the thedirty and she had me come to a hearing in another state for stalking. They love to borrow money from guys and then make a dash for it, and anything you do after that is “stalker/creepy/harassment.” Amazing the lies they make up in their head to justify their behavior and make you the monster.

  14. actually what would have happened is she would have said to her boyfriend “I don’t like your roommate. I think he’s a bad influence on you (knowing how independent he is and carefree it would threaten her goal of getting him to commit to marriage)” and do everything in her power to get him with her friends or hang around her beta friends husbands so he conforms.

  15. It’s a very, very old joke, and has been retold a million times with different characters slotted into the roles. In the version I first heard, it was a country type sitting on the pier, fishing, and a bustling city dude.
    It still works, though.

  16. Brings up a good point: Why should men “build their lives” with a woman when they’ve built their lives alone just fine up to this point? Especially if we are reasonably content? Women really screwed up when they insisted on postponing settling down until they’re 28-34. While they’ve been running around being “strong & independent” their male counterparts have had several post-education years to build lives on their own.

  17. “I started an internet business that pays the bills, so I only need to work a couple hours a day.”
    I wish that you boys would stop with this nonsense because a real business whether on the Net or otherwise requires a great deal of time and investment so this is just a fantasy you’re pushing.
    “I’m a lawyer and I have plenty of strong, independent, attractive friends who you would be lucky to date.”
    Let’s hope that they are saving their money from their “careers” and not spending it on crap because men are going to require a dowry to marry.A female with no assets is not a suitable candidate to any man of substance. If he has assets and they get a divorce he can lose some of it and perhaps even half but if her contribution of a dowry that goes into the pot is included in marital assets then all she can get is what she put in. I don’t recommend men getting married anyway unless they can benefit in some way ($$$)
    “I’ve read about this on the internet. It means I’ll have the freedom to
    get my own apartment in the city, lift weights, read books, go out with
    my friends, and have flings with girls.”
    You’re still going to need a very good income for this, 2 bedroom apts. in the city are $4000 a month and everything else is expensive as well.Probably still cheaper than having a wife even if she has a good income.With many females no matter how much money you have they’ll figure out a way of spending it (and more).

    1. Move to Pittsburgh, cost of living here is next to nothing, apartments in the ‘south side’ area are dirt cheap. It’s the hip/cool spot resembling Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Can score an apartment for $600, and they have the most bars per capita in the country on East Carson Street if that is what you are into, a lot of college youth are starting to populate this area. Its right near the heart of the city of Pittsburgh, PA. That’s why I moved out here from the NYC suburbs, because I can actually afford to own a home, which I bought outright on foreclosure for basically the price of a new car. Had to put some work into it, but for the money, and land tax and what I got it was well worth it.
      The Pennsylvania Tourism Office boasts that on East Carson Street “there
      are more bars per capita than almost any other place on Earth,” making
      it the perfect place for a night out.
      Pittsburgh you can actually afford to live, got a 180×150 lot, 5-bedroom house with a carriage house and there is an apartment above the garage on the property also located in the back for $18k on foreclosure. Its a no brainer. Taxes are dirt cheap, car insurance is next to nothing compared to living in NY. Seriously vote with your feet, and move to a more suited area for yourself, so you can actually start living your life as you see fit.

      1. I just happened to use NYC as an example but the same applies to any good area where the bachelor in the article would want to live regardless of whether it’s the east coast, west, south, Europe, Japan etc. Cheap low cost places are where the lower classes live and the females are generally fugly, uncultured and fat looking not to mention who wants to be around these types.Cheap locations are cheap because there is no demand to live there and all you have are poor people who have no choice but to live there. You’re telling me about prices and sizes of houses means nothing because real estate is all about LOCATION. And having more dive bars with crappy people in them is not what I’d call an amenity. The bachelor in the article wanted to live a certain lifestyle as a bachelor not find the cheapest place he could find to live in.
        And there are plenty of crappy(and expensive) suburbs around NYC too like Yonkers, or LI or Jersey. When people move to another location they always move to one of about the same class from where they came from which probably explains why they all look the same regardless of where they’re originally from.

        1. The secret to upper middle class is having a fully paid off home. Skipped the mortgage, bank doesn’t own my house, and now have little to no overhead and can now live free from debt stress. Pittsburgh is one of the few cities actually experiencing growth, and its the most liveable city rated in the country.

    2. “2 bedroom apts. in the city are $4000 a month”
      I’ve heard rumors that there are cities besides NYC and Chicago, where rent is not the cost of a middle management job. True story.
      When guys talk of “an internet company”, most of the time they’re referencing being a self employed contractor hashing out contract work on small projects for numerous clients. It’s not as nose to the grindstone as you’d think, my brother in law did it for over a decade and was pulling in over 200k easily and working, maybe, 4 hours a day tops. Saw it live and in person, so I know it can be done. The guy was lazy as fuck all, but his work was quality and his reputation spotless.

      1. Good luck. The problem is if something is profitable then other people have also thought of it and with a lot of competition business gets harder to come by and prices go way down for the service or product. Netting $200k means nothing, what was his profit after expenses. Too many of these boys here believe that they can just sit at their PC and do some sort of programming or other nerdy job and the money is just going to roll in.
        And what sort of small projects was he involved in? Personally I wouldn’t hire some fly by night co. that couldn’t even afford an actual office and physical location.

        1. Good luck?
          Programming is a rather specialized field of occupation and requires a type of thinking and processing that is out of the reach of a lot of people. This is the reason that companies are importing men from India, there are a dearth of qualified natives here in the states (or so we’re told).
          Netting 200k is doing quite well actually, and his “expenses” were, basically, the computer he already owned and his home office. In other words, things he’d already been paying for anyway. He did program, and the money did roll in.
          You seem very unfamiliar with contract programmers and “moonlighting” as we call it. It’s quite lucrative and lots of companies, big ones, hire out to these men, usually for web work or .NET/Java work.

        2. There’s no shortage of people for these drone computer programmer jobs and they only import people to pay them even less. This is not a job that takes really advanced education or skills. And as I said before, if it was so easy to make money sitting in the cellar with a PC then there are millions of people who could do the job. This whole thing is just some sort of fantasy that appeals to the typical anti-social pyjama boy. Work a few hours, make good money and shag #10’s lol In reality most of the boys here are making min. wage and that’s assuming they even have a job.
          I don’t believe anecdotal stories or 99% of what I read on the Net and since I’ve been around a lot longer than the people here and have1000x the experience I can always tell what’s true or not;I’ve heard it all before.
          But if you believe that you can earn $200k for a few hours work sitting at home then I suggest that you do it rather than wasting your time. Let me know how that works out.

        3. You’re lost and clearly not interested in discussion. Since you need to fling your ePeen far and wide, consider the conversation closed, since it was one sided to begin with.

        4. Actually Boomer is being pretty rational and reasonable tonight (at least for him)
          He must have upped his dosage of meds a bit.
          They guy really isnt that bad when he tries.

        5. A lot of the contract programming pays a lot better than you would think. The company I work for regularly pays 200+/hr for contract work.

        6. “And as I said before, if it was so easy to make money sitting in the cellar with a PC then there are millions of people who could do the job. ”
          It’s not easy, it requires to do the opposite of what you have been taught since childhood, and it often requires some time without income before earning enough.
          “This whole thing is just some sort of fantasy that appeals to the typical anti-social pyjama boy.”
          How comes you hate people able to work just a few hours from home so much?

    3. “I wish that you boys would stop with this nonsense because a real business whether on the Net or otherwise requires a great deal of time and investment so this is just a fantasy you’re pushing.”
      It just has to pay the bills. Don’t own too much shit and it’s doable.
      “You’re still going to need a very good income for this, 2 bedroom apts. in the city are $4000 a month and everything else is expensive as well.”
      If you’re alone, you only need one bedroom. If live with roommate you need 2 but then the rent is half. And in many cities the rent is nowhere near $4000;

      1. Maybe poker game really gave him wisdom, they say the brain is also a muscle and it can also be trained. Sometimes it is necessary to put all or nothing, if you win’ve spend life without worries

  18. MGTOW… always right, always the ultimate un-answerable response to feminist demands.

  19. At the end, the feminist will hire lawyers to continue to extract a duty from her ex for as long as she can get a free ride.
    The man may try to return to the life of a young bachelor, but will be forever hounded by the TRUE patriarchal system — Big guberment taking care of big fat American woman at the expense of productive men.

  20. Good take on the old fisherman story. It’s good to have nice things, but we don’t need to own things that are available to a community. Why have a big back yard when you can live next to a park? In my case, why should I spend $200,000 on a top-shelf mixing consol when I can just rent studio time for $60/hr?

  21. Great article exposing the mentality of the typical female feminist mentality. For them it’s all about the man trying to be “good enough” and “deserving” of their company.

    1. Actually, it’s not. Feminists believe in pro-choice for men and women alike. To each their own and the freedom to live whatever life they choose, without fear of being ridiculed by society.
      The fictitious female in this article sounds so right-wing, it’s disgusting. Do you seriously think that a feminist would impose traditional and conventional lifestyles onto someone else? Or, by Red Pill’s assumptions, that a feminist woman would even care about a man enough to say something?

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