You may marvel at the skyscrapers and spacecraft society has built, yet that same social order fails to tell ordinary people what is good to eat, how to find mates, or how to have babies. The same state that sends rockets to the moon fails miserably in every realm of knowledge a primitive society takes for granted. Surely the basic things that concern everyone ought to be resolved long before anyone is worried about space.
Civilization has always been unjust with little care for the needs of most people. Since the first cities, mass society has been a tool to serve the interests of a few who control the land and its resources. The people who showed up to work for shares of surplus grain became cogs in a machine that made someone else’s dreams come true. Not too much changes without there being something in it for those on top of the pyramid. It explains why modern societies can invent intercontinental missiles yet can’t figure out how to prevent fat from going straight to your ass.
The big problem that has always plagued rulers is there’s competitors out there armed with their own social machines. For thousands of years, they’ve been locked in a race, pressured to find a competitive edge. The same old pattern has continued to the present age; even the glorified space race between the US and the Soviets was just a pissing match between rival landlords.
Today, tall buildings stand as monuments of intimidation and legitimacy like the pyramids of old, each looking skyward in awe made to feel like a puny subject. We take these skyscrapers as proof of the natural superiority of the hive and subordinate ourselves to its narrative. In the name of skyscrapers we don’t own, modern medicine we can’t pay for, and spaceships we’ll never fly in, we willingly throw away our lives on the job and on the battlefield. We forget we’re descendants of the first people who traded away their own story to be an extra in a movie about someone else. Generation after generation has ground out with most everyone serving as lesser cells in a body with a mind of its own.
The truth that we’re born-and-bred slave dogs is an unpleasant one. Thankfully, we’re indoctrinated from birth to identify with a concept of civilization that supposedly brings us light and progress. We look up to and cheer for a nation, a culture, a civilization just as a hapless laborer with no struggle of his own finds solace in cheering for a sports team. We follow the news like the sports fan watches a game to gain a false sense of control over the world around us. We may keep score and develop an opinion about big events, but no one asked us what we thought—not the boss, not the woman, especially not the people who make real decisions. No one cares. The news is just a respectable tabloid. We delude ourselves that we’re participants in “something larger.” We’re not. We’re just being dragged along for the ride. Our knowledge or ignorance, consent or lack of consent makes no difference.
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if some billionaires and government officials sent spaceships to Mars. At least not until you’re in a position where it makes sense to care. If like most people you’re struggling with having enough money to live and enough sex to be content, why do you care? Caring about spaceships and tall buildings is a surplus pursuit fit for the dukes and barons. It’s not for you.
It’s something to think about next time someone waxes sentimental about the “achievements of civilization”™
If you’re really honest with yourself, you’ll realize you’re just a subsistence level peasant. The buildings and technologies aren’t yours, nor do they belong to a gigantic abstract “we.” They’re just properties you’ll be working to rent out until you’re dead. In truth, you’re just a barbarian visitor to this place that other people already built. Your stake in this is imaginary, your sense of participation and self-importance delusional.
Would we be better off just plundering everything the rulers have built? Skyscrapers, moon landings, electricity, vaccines, and cars are impressive monuments that convince us to passively accept that civilization is beneficial, or at least more beneficial than any alternative. But are even hot showers worth a lifetime of humiliating labor? Does a microwave oven justify spending 40 years on a career that helped make someone else rich? Does it really even matter if we’re able to live a few decades longer? We currently spend the first 30 years of life trapped in school, getting more school and simply waiting for older people to die off. Isn’t it actually a better deal to be all worn out by age 50 after living for real from our early teens?
Since the beginning, the trinkets produced by civilization have confused our ability to distinguish between needs and conveniences. We’d never consider joining a society that offered us blu-ray movies but no bread, so why do we stay loyal like hand-licking dogs when we’re offered washing machines and computers but no sex—and with the added ball and chain of a job just to keep us off the streets and out of jail?
Facing reality is tough, but understanding the situation on the ground is the first step to cease being a pawn and look after your own interests, not those of some intangible state or civilization that isn’t even capable of caring you exist—but will gladly drain you dry if you let it. Ironically a detached attitude does more to “make the world a better place” than any amount of well-intentioned idealism. Whether through governments, rents, or wages, we always get offered the worst deal most people are willing to accept.
A populace that understands reality does a better job of looking out for itself to the betterment of everyone. We can be assets to each other rather than competitors. The conveniences of civilization can be worthwhile additions to life but food, shelter, sex, friends, family, leisure, autonomy come first. Whenever we find ourselves filling a black hole with modern distractions we need to make a list of our basic needs and see if they’re being met. Every day, we ought to look past distractions like politics and “entertainment” to ask ourselves: is it really a better deal than we’d get in a grass hut?
Read More: What Society Values
Too many people resent being told the truth, and will do anything to avoid having to face it.
wow all articles today are stoooooooooooooooowpid.
STFU and go watch “The View,” taintwipe.
A very well written, lucid article. The concept is quite sobering, but isn’t the point of taking the red pill to have a higher quality of life than the sheep?
The tone of this article is nihilistic, an ideology I disagree with. As the author, if society and civilization are so terrible why do you still choose to participate in it as opposed to pulling a Thoreau and building a house in the woods?
Also, idk if you’ve read it, but I would check out ‘Civilization and it’s disconcetents’ by Freud. I’ve only read excerpts, but it is relevant to this subject.
Nice, but I would add “house in the woods” as I need not move to find just such a spot. Not trying to change your good reply, just adding my take.
problem is they have satellite surveys of the woods, and they still charge you land taxes, utilities and etc. to live in the woods…. i went as far as new zealand and still couldn’t find my free and easy house in the woods, without men and their clipboards poking about and sending me bills.
And every real attempt of seasteading so far have failed. Life sure is tough for those who can’t fit the grid willingly…
For the most part, we cannot disengage from society.
We can however, understand where we really stand instead of in indulging in comforting delusions. We have considerable control over how we identify with and interact with society.
My point is we’d actually get a better deal in life if we abandoned collective Stockholm syndrome by ceasing to overvalue camp sentiment, flashy distractions, and nice but non-essential luxuries.
If a collective is smart enough and knows enough to begin with, no need for collective bargaining in the form of mass movements and unions.
I would think far from a message of nihilistic despair, I write about how merely facing the harsh truth can open up the possibility of a better life.
A “collective”? Just to be clear, you are a socialist correct?
The fact is that we (the collective) are not smart enough to know what to do. We need to be told (what to believe, who to hate, who to fight, what to buy, what we need, what we want, who to vote for).
People are comfortable with these illusions (or delusions) and will fight to maintain them. They are barely able to walk across a Walmart parking lot without getting out of breath. Yet they believe that by criticizing the government, they are somehow contributing to the political process. They actually have no control or influence over what happens. But it is this illusion of control that allows society to continue.
Depends which collective you’re talking about.
Nationalistic fervor is rapidly becoming a thing of the past as society shatters into a new age of tribes.
You’re right, a body of under-proles will just pull you down. So you will seek groups that include the elements that help you and exclude those that don’t.
Nationalistic fervor is actually making a recent comeback, as seen by EU voting and the Murieta, CA anti-illegal immigration protest.
Plus having the World Cup doesn’t hurt. Good God the Germans could use a morale boost from all the ass-rapings they’re received over the past 100+ years.
Civilization is most useful to men who understand its ways; men who understand it and choose their role within it. Oftentimes, the unstated choices are akin to ronin/explorer, pirate, privateer or galley slave. Galley slave is the default because it’s easy and “everyone is doing it.” Privateer sounds better but it requires permission (letters of marque). The pirates live at the top of the skyscrapers and task and oversee the galley slaves. I choose explorer… it has a certain free agency about it. And, since the decline of our Republic has become evident, I suspect that many of us are ronin; agentic, unchained and masterless by choice.
“Civilization is most useful to men who understand its ways; men who understand it and choose their role within it…”
Yes! You get it!
Great post.
“This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain’t going to do any good; you’re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: The Public Sucks. Fuck hope.”
It’s hard to make progress, true progress not Communism rebranded, when the populace reinforces the corrupt social order with their breathtaking naiveté. The best thing to do is become a mercenary and a spectator. Being a participant only makes the pile of shit a little higher.
Excellent news, that means that as an Architect who designs buildings, some tall one’s even, I am a defacto ruler, or at least in their camp!
Suck it bitches, I rule!
careful buddy… the king pays you to build his castle then sends you to the gallows…
So who is my king exactly?
Your boss. You know that guy you hold your head down to every time he walks by? If not him, your other kings include your government. Don’t let them take 40% or more of your income and see what happens. You’ll end up in prison or worse. Have any loans? Your banker is another king. Have a wife? Get divorced in America and see who comes out on the better end of that deal. Step out of line on an arbitrary law and see how quickly the Police State becomes your king. Or, better yet, make a overlook some obscure regulation on the books when you are designing one of your buildings and get fined or imprisoned. Face it, every aspect of your life is controlled in some way.
Excellent reply. Like Agent P missed the entire point of the article. He just read the word “Skyscraper” and immediately thought he was better than most of society because he designs some of them. Ignorant bitch needs to come back to earth and actually open his eyes.
I guess irony is a shade lost on you then…
Actually no I don’t really think “I am better than most of you”. I am some guy who does a job. As it happens my job includes creating “the built environment”. I enjoy it because every day, or most days it gives me the opportunity to participate in a very hands on way in creating the world we live in, in a physical sense. Moreover when I do that it gives me chances every day to choose how I wish to act relative to my fellow man. I can counsel my client to choose the cheapest fastest way of doing something as he may see the best profits in the shortest time. Or I can take a broader view and suggest and counsel that we use some nicer materials perhaps for a building as it will improve the streetscape and in turn make for a better built environment for the community to live in. He may see less short term profit as a result but perhaps he’s done something slightly better in the world for the people that need to live, in, around and with whatever is created.
So in short I should just shoot myself and be done with it because it’s all pointless anyhow?
What’s the word? Nihlistic?
Yes, Architecture is an act of irrational optimism.
The word is realism, the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is, and being prepared to deal with it accordingly. Unpleasant facts like these won’t ruin your life unless you develop a nihilistic attitude about them. That’s the difference. Just as the article suggests, admitting the truth can be the first step in taking yourself to a higher station in life.
Yes true enough and I do agree with you. Being perceptive enough to understand what you actually live in is important if one is to maintain any kind of “freedom” at all. Should all my things be taken by other “kings”, I would still have a rich life I know that much.
I try to take a pragmatic approach to the world, being too ideological gets tiresome and traps you. subvert from within!
Not if you are a majority shareholder to the corporation that owns the building you designed though – usually a REIT.
la di da, Howard Roark.
Wasn’t the architect of St. Basils cathedral blinded by Ivan the Terrible to prevent him from ever building anything so beautiful again?
Is civilization really a better deal than we’d get in a grass hut? : Yes.
Is civilization just another name for slavery?: No.
It seems to be an Italian POV. I had a discussion with an Italian lesbian who attempted to point out that we might be better off in a mud hut too. My opinion is that we have to get off the planet. A two planet species. But the mentality that “there’s a rat in the basement BUT YT is on the moon” gets in the way of that destiny.
lol, you probably ARE an Italian lesbian.
I think those sort of POV from the author reflects on the expectations of an Italian. Rich fine living trumps heroic effort.
There are many grass hut places in Africa my “Italian” friend. This is what the Slave Haitians thought when they murdered the French planters. “We were better off in grass hut! Kill Frenchie!”
Well, look what that got them. 200 years of subsistence farming and hurt. And still they run to NYC and Miami to access the white man’s cargo.
Get off black dick already, your dreams must be quite nightmarish.
Let’s discuss real world examples. cease the Muh Dik and Bix Nood.
A superb article! What also needs to be pointed out that MEN are by far the biggest slaves of this civilisation:
– men die earlier than women
– men still occupy most of the hazardous professions
– men are more likely than women to be homeless (85% of the homeless)
– men are more like to commit suicide
– men make up 94% of the prisoners
– In 1920, women lived one year longer than men, but today women live seven years longer
– White female: average life expectancy 79. Blackfemales: 74. White Male: 72; Black males: 65
– Men have higher gross income but lower net income compared to women
– the average man works 61 hours a week. The average woman works 56 hours (including hours inside the home).
This is a refutation of feminist talking points about Male Priv. It should not be used to attempt the dismemberment of civilized life. Life expectancy in nature would halve pronto. The data you present should be used to just shut up bitches when they whine.
The list illustrates the fact that the civilisation was built mainly by the exploitation of male slaves. And despite their sacrifice, men are in fact now losing more and more of the privileges the civilisation is supposed to provide.
Comparing life in a more primitive societies is besides the point here. There are always people who are worst off than you but there are also people who are better off too.
Most of the underdeveloped countries are kept undeveloped by the so called first world countries for their own benefit and in order to steal their resources – human and natural.
Most people in the developed countries are kept fat and stupid in order to exploit them and maintain the illusion of the benefits of the civilisation they are enslaved to,
The Vikings were if nothing else, Slavers. big fucking deal.
You’re talking over his head, don’t waste your time.
What I prefer to say is that men are disposable — They are produced so they can be consumed, in wars, in industries, in generating income to be used by others. By governments, by corporations, or trickled away by purchasing trinkets and baubles for women.
They are allowed guns to “defend themselves” but they don’t know what they are defending themselves from. They believe they have “free speech”, but their speech is confined to the tired old dichotomies of conventional politics, liberals vs conservatives. They believe themselves to be technologically empowered because they know how to install Tinder.
Their fantasies are played out in video games, or through organized sports, or through commercial multimedia. Most of which are designed to produce conformity rather than to inspire. Then they head back to their cubicles. Eventually their wives will leave them after they have served their usefulness, taking their kids and half their income.
Most won’t question this status quo, since it would be an attack on civilization itself.
Yet there will always be a few who want to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes..
It’s eerie how closely life expectancy tracks the real hierarchy.
Even the highest males reside under the stiletto heels of black females.
What I’ve always felt to be true…is true.
Black males…the utter underclass. Perhaps they could be allies?
I guess that means the Anarcho-tyranny of Somalia or Congo is freedom? What is going on in your mind? A bongo drum? Most Africans can’t wait to leave the Mondo Cane and say Adio Africa!
I hear black cum tastes like brown sugar, what say you Director? We won’t judge you.
Hahahaha. I’ve no idea. Can you now answer the question without the Muh Dik?
In my opinion, one of the greatest problems we face is that our generation since our birth was targeted by the greatest psychological weapon ever used on large-scale population: Television and Mainstream Media.
The narrative in which we place our lives, our view of the world and our self and other people in it, was heavily influenced and distorted by our exposure to the falsified or outright non-existent “reality” the TV and MSM influences us with.
We are victims of social engineering, behaviour modification programs, etc…
Think on your relationships with women, attitudes towards women, towards mating, love, sex, male-female behaviour: even if you were lucky enough to have such parents who were your role models, most of your thoughts and behaviour were influenced by or based on the false information you have received on those topics from the Media.
Being Beta? I am, and trying to change. Most of my being Beta is the result of my MSM-indoctrination. Like if I was under hypnosis. But when I took the red pill, it was like thinking clearly for the first time. Realising that women want the real me, the real man hidden under the surface. I feel freedom for the first time. I allow myself to be a man. Scratch an Englishman and you will find a pirate, scratch a Beta and you will find an Alfa. You can became what you always wanted to become but you were afraid you aren’t. That being afraid? That is the Media conditioning my friend…
“If you’re really honest with yourself, you’ll realize you’re just a subsistence level peasant.”
Seems more and more men are waking up to the fact that you are slaves and peasants inside a legal system where you have no way out……other than the way that a few of us have pioneered.
You can do “freeman on the land” or similar. You can do what I did, “strawman recapture process” so you can continue to use such things as bank accounts, credit cards, driving licenses and passports.
Or you can stay in the plantation. Stay in the factory. Let the guvmint tell you what to do. Each man must make up his own mind as to whether he will live as a slave, a subsistence level peasant, or live as a free man no matter the consequences.
Most will choose slavery because it’s not “that bad yet”. Well? Just wait, it will be.
Then again, I guess promoting living in freedom is the act of a “self promotion troll” who is “only in it for the money”. Right?
Well done. I’ve been designing and building a society of ONE, that is must ME, without anyone else. I’m doing it to escape the prision you describe so well in this article. It’s ironic you mention climate control as that’s the hardest thing to provide out of all the things I need and want in my new society. I’ve solved all the other problems, but air conditioning is tough as it requires so much power. And, it’s really hard to give up in the area I live and the places I plan on living.
Study what the ancient Romans did, geothermal and solar chimneys. Cooling is not a problem if you go back to the fundamentals of physics.
And while I respect what you’re doing, you’re not doing it “without anyone else”, in fact you have millions of people contributing to the framework which allows you to labor on your own behalf. Your computer, I doubt, was built by you with coconuts and a few reeds you found on the shore, for example.
True. But it’s one of the first things I plan on leaving behind once I get my off-grid ranch setup.
I don’t believe they actually went to the moon. I think they just filmed it for television… This article poses a solid question and the answer is that, for most men, civilization offers a bad existence. Empty consumerism, corporate “entertainment”, endless war propaganda/news, non-stop gossip/social media, embarrassment, alienation, isolation, and a 60 hour work week. All of this after 20 years trapped in psychologically damaging public schools. And the biggest insult… having to beg for sex and/or accept virtual replacement.
They? What are you fella?
Not someone who pretended to go to the moon.
Interesting take…while I agree with you that on some level almost all men need to “wake up” and realize that they’re essentially slaves to the system, I do have a problem with your shots at the space program.
Your article has a very nihilistic tone to it, and I get the whole “what does it matter, everything will just end up being space dust/swallowed by the sun someday?” thought process. The only way to prolong humanity’s existence is to eventually leave this solar system and colonize another with a longer shelf-life. I get that we’re talking on timespans of billions of years here, but I guess the same could be said of humanity on a smaller scale–our only true hope for escaping a gamma ray burst/giant asteroid strike/other cataclysmic disaster on Earth is to become a multi-planetary species.
To do so, yes, many people will have to dedicate their lives to the endeavor. It’s also true that some of those people in the early stages (likely in our generations) won’t ever get to see the interior of a spaceship.
But to halt ALL progress toward those ends in the name of “fixing the system first” seems a bit short-sighted. What’s to say that the solution to the toxic culture that’s rapidly enveloping the planet isn’t to colonize a few more planets? I’m sure the difficulty of frontier life would help align peoples’ needs and wants in a way that both of us would prefer.
All of THAT said, it’s worthwhile to debate 1) whether humanity as a species deserves to survive in the first place, and 2) how best to better our interactions on Earth in a more collaborative manner without the specter of traditional “society” fucking everything up, as it appears to be doing right now.
Good article though–very thought provoking…
Glad it got you thinking. If it did that, I feel I’ve succeeded.
I actually don’t intend to argue for any sort of nihilistic futility.
My point is that pyramids and spaceships are luxuries we ought to worry about once the essentials in life are satisfied.
Too often, we see the spaceships, stadiums, and electronics and choose to take a raw deal in life merely out of awe and intimidation.
We end up cheering for a state that sends a man to the moon or warming your room, but utterly fails to help you achieve all the most important goals that make a human life worth living.
“the most important goals that make a human life worth living.”
What would your definition of these things be?
Basic needs being met (food, shelter), sex, healthy supportive relationships whether friendship or with the opposite sex.
So why don’t you just go straight to Maslow’s ladder? It lays out the steps from the basics to the “divine” in just a few short sentences.
Sure the article gets people thinking but the reality is that sheeple need structure, lots of it, to even get past the lowest rungs of the ladder for food and shelter and even then lots of them work against their own self interest when given even a modicum of liberty.
The space dream isn’t going to happen, just look at all the moon exploration that has happened… There isn’t any money in space exploration otherwise it would be invested in.
I understand your description of civilization as being (or having become) a “top down” design in which the powerful either manipulate or “use” the less powerful to promote their interests. That description however is an oversimplification. Yes indeed these exploitative forces are afoot but the suggestion that the “grass huts” may offer a “better deal” is a romantic fiction that either omits or misrepresents the indispensable benefits provided by civilization (I am wondering how you define civilization). For example, the vaccines you speak of are not “…monuments that convince us to passively accept that civilization is beneficial…” No convincing is necessary in that case for vaccines, or medicines, have improved health and prolonged life which improves the quality of life. That is just one thing. You mentioned “hot showers”. I’d rather take the indoor plumbing and heating that creates the hot shower rather than to consider the possibility of a “better deal” in a grass hut. In fact, there is nothing to consider, the grass hut doesn’t compare in any way, shape, or form. Perhaps you live in a warm climate where the average temperature ranges between 75 and 80 degrees but then how would that grass hut fare in a wild thunderstorm with periodic downpours? Remember, that grass hut also exists in a society with no doppler radar so the only thing available to help you prepare is a strong breeze and overcast skies. And when it rains, what about the mud? I’ve never heard of a place where paved roads existed in places where there were only grass huts. And when such calamities strike, disease and sickness often follow which brings us back to the vaccines and medicines. The article seems both an oversimplification of “civilization” and a romantic assessment of those grass huts.
I honestly don’t care for naive Rousseauian “noble savage” sentimentality myself.
My point is to ask: are vaccines an end unto themselves if they merely prolong a low quality life that mostly benefits a few billionaires? Isn’t that just a Faustian bargain?
Or couldn’t life be a lot better for most of us if we valued drawbacks and benefits properly?
After all, what good is an exclusive Manhattan penthouse if we were denied food or sex?
If you have food, friends, and sex, surely you’d be fine with a grass hut.
Is not the irony then all the more cruel?
It brings to mind an image from Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles where a dog in an automated house abandoned by the masters starves to death as it smells syrupy pancakes cooking up every morning in the automatic ovens.
Maybe I could be at peace lacking food during a famine. To starve during a good harvest brings my blood to a boil.
“If you have food, friends, and sex, surely you’d be fine with a grass hut. Is not the irony then all the more cruel?” The more I see of the world, the more profound that realization becomes.
This is a great insight. I’d add children to that equation, because without posterity what’s the point of living. I realize that is a strange concept in sterilized modern America.
My take on it is that instead of civilization serving us, we serve civilization. We’ve got it ass backwards, and those who are profiting most from it go to great lengths to keep us from making that realization.
I agree with you on the children part. Our lifespans are fleeting without posterity. I for one would hate being gray-haired and a bare branch.
I’d hope not to see this part of the internet become a biological kill zone like feminist careerism or the Shakers.
Our biological reason for being is to continue our bloodlines.
Yes, if we think about it, the whole point of people getting together in a civilization is to make life easier for each other.
When we serve civilization instead, it becomes an idol, an infernal machine that tramples all of us.
Once we find ourselves working 60 hours a week to live at subsistence in the space age, what was it all for?
If you’re working 60 hours to only be able to barely earn enough to eat and shelter yourself, then you’re doing it wrong and are making some very poor choices. Since you complain about this instead of advocate it, I wonder first at what choices you or others have made that would necessitate this horrible effort to reward ratio?
Well, take the recent article on housing by Anton McDowell for instance. Even someone who makes all the “right decisions” is hard pressed to afford a house.
A house! Shelter. One of the most basic human needs. The functional equivalent of a grass hut. Hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for something you could make with a machete and some spare time.
Children. The basic biological purpose of being alive: so expensive and difficult as to be prohibitive to most people.
Is this in a way not the barest sort of subsistence that would have appalled even our most distant stone age ancestors?
Is it not a horrible effort to reward ratio?
These things are so expensive because of the interference of the State. It is not civilization itself that is the problem, rather the type of civilization. Who does what to whom.
But what is the state but a new type of landlord that replaced feudal monarchs 2-300 years ago?
‘Civilization’ has been controlled by some kind of landlord since the beginning. Therefore, when has there not been interference?
The concept of civilization itself? A product of the Scottish Renaissance 2-300 years ago.
I am one of those who made all the “right decisions” only to see the future I was promised taken away by corporate greed. When this was primarily a family owned business, the owners made plenty enough money, realized this, and shared profit more equally amongst employees. Then we got sold several times to different corporations. To the corporation, there is no such thing as “enough” and in addition to having the yoke of debt from all those sales placed on the employees’ backs, corporations only know how to turn businesses into whores. Customer service declines, quality declines, employee quality of life and pay declines, so that quarterly profits for a bunch of idle shareholders can increase.
“Once we find ourselves working 60 hours a week to live at subsistence in the space age, what was it all for?”
This is what galls me about modern life. But try to bring this up to one of the sheeple and they attack you the messenger instead of the ones causing this plight.
Perhaps that paragraph ought to be the article? It’s better written. I agree that we need not fetishize machinery and automation for the sake of civilization. In the broad terms of civilization we can include having a nice meal on a table with family and friends, drinks at the pub with your mates and sex after with a woman in a King sized bed. That’s a feature of civilization by any definition.
That would have been the life of a king a few centuries ago. Maybe things aren’t so bad
I always enjoy your ceaseless optimism englishbob.
I guess no one moves forward in life with a negative attitude.
Who is denying you food or sex? Are you currently incarcerated?
Yes I am. A political prisoner. After you denounced me as a socialist marxist pinko commie 3 times on 2 different threads, McCarthy sent some guys to pick me up. They say they won’t give me any food until I “name names.”
Well who are these names? Come on I want answers!
If I were obsessing about class warfare in an emerging industrial economy ruled by a bourgeoisie, you might have a point.
Marx did make overall valuable contributions just by making people conscious of the economics of class.
However, I get a much better vibe from Kropotkin than I do from Marx.
Marx made plenty of good points(do you want to be parasitized by capitalist billionaires?) there’s a reason he’s included in the Harvard Great Books.
His biggest mistake, I think, was seeing something magical in the underclasses and dreaming for one moment that they were fit to rule.
He also failed to understand the importance of religion for the masses. Nietzsche understood a slave morality was necessary for most people. Marx did not.
I also have trouble taking Marx seriously. He and his siblings were clowns.
I generally agree with you but I think “vaccines” is a bad example. There is growing evidence that they are doing significantly more harm than good.
Everything in life has it’s pros and cons, and civilization itself is no exception. Mankind itself has chosen to start civilization precisely because, to them, at that time, the pros outweighted the cons.
Now the article suggests that the cons are outweight the pros, albeit in a naive way as you have pointed out.
The problem, I’d say, is that we don’t have a realistic alternative for civilization. Sure, we can all go to the wilderness, but is there such a thing as a single non-government-owned centimeter of land outside the bottom of the sea in this planet? Civilization is our only option unless we become mermaids or build an underwater city, Bioshock-style. Or we gang up in a really big group, claim some land we like and fight with tooth and nails against every government that seeks to disband our “revolt”. None of these options are viable if we are looking to live (or at least live decently) for some time after we make our decision.
I think running water and indoor plumbing is a great advancement. I would like to keep those things, which have been around for a long time now. However, I would gladly give away my smartphone monitoring device and motorized vehicle travel for some quality sex. And I would love to gain some piece of mind from not being a slave to the banking system and its weapons if anyone has any ideas how to go about doing that?
Gold and VR sex perhaps?
Or convert your money to gold and then use some of the gold to buy sex with.
Think what kind of pussy you might pull with gold in your pocket instead of paper dollars.
I understand the idea, but what are people supposed to do differently
Article has a negative vibe
The article seems to have an “either” “or” dichotomy. It’s either skyscrapers or grass huts. This dichotomy pays no deference to history. It is also an overly simplistic interpretation of civilization.
Perhaps an Elizabethan Era Timber Frame or a Georgian Terrace?
Zionist Hegemony is another name for slavery.
Great Red Pill Article!
I’ve known these truths for many years, the Matrix is real that’s why: I don’t own a TV, have always worked for myself and have studied hard to obtain many professional licenses enabling me to move from job to job as it fits my needs (Craigslist is
my domain, killer resume). I hide my identity whenever possible, work on game and self improvement daily, practice bushcraft; my survival gear is honed and at the ready enabling me to survive in the wilderness indefinitely hunting and fishing like my ancestors.
Free will was given to all. The eventual outcome
of this Luciferian system is well documented, and when you follow the red pill down the rabbit hole to its inevitable conclusion; there are only two paths you can choose from and only two masters to obey.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I think by now you can probably guess which master I will always serve.
You’ve got to be kidding…
From Line 1, this article falls flat on its face.
Where did society tell me how to build skyscrapers or spacecraft? I don’t know these things. Society “tells you how to do these things” as much as it does anything else: not at all.
If you want to know them, you STUDY them – same as health, relationships, and babymaking.
This article reeks of spoiled Western liberal entitlement. Try bitching about this in the Congo and see how much sympathy you get. Only our “listen to everyone’s viewpoint!” weakness in the West allows shit like this to get spread around and indulged by the weakminded looking to blame their failure on others, or on The System.
“What we need is more government!” says the liberal.
“Fuck you, move to Sweden,” says the thinking man in response.
Do you disagree that the comforts and conveniences of our civilization come with a soul-destroying price tag?
I think you misunderstand the article. Slaving away your entire life for someone else’s benefit is something no one in the Congo would take over a simple, needs-based existence.
Your comment reeks of westernism. You feel that “the system” is something worth sacrificing our collective sanity for.
I disagree with that.
Asylum seekers from Africa want Sweden, UK, Denmark etc. So they seek out the Gynocracy willingly.
They seek out the free handouts. Weak law enforcement (failure to prosecute or even arrest migrants committing serious crimes like rape) helps, too.
They couldn’t give a crap about the Gynocracy and are most likely laughing their asses off that any man would willingly submit to this BS. They sure as hell wouldn’t.
I think I get your drift here.
It seems that the author is suggesting that technology, in and of itself, is a bad thing.
It isn’t.
But what IS bad is all the effeminate men, masculine women and other assortment of freaks (genetic mutations actually) that WOULD NOT EXIST without technology.
These people make up most of the ‘progressive’ stack btw (Just look at them at one of their pride march things! What puny specimens of manhood!)
So there IS, in fact, a connection between technology and our problems today.
And you are right when you seem to say that blaming tech is a liberal thing.
The difference is that liberals blame tech itself but dare not look in the mirror.
It’s not a liberal article, it’s anarchistic like this video:
Either you are a slavemaster or you a slave. In primitive societies, every man was a slave. Every man had to hunt for food, compete for reproduction… They were slaves to their own bodily needs. Women were the only ones truly free of labour, they are “the provided” while men have been the providers. This is the natural state, one that clearly privileges women, which is why feminism has decreased happiness among women drastically.
Now, it is significantly easier than before. Those primal needs are still covered through slavery, just that it is possible to slave away in an office chair rather than slave away in a fight against a lion. The only ones who don’t need to slave are those who can command others to slave for them (women, and male slaveowners). The people with power nowadays get others to fight the lions for them, something new in the history of the world.
So there are two solutions. Either become a slavemaster (a businessowner, an heir, a housewife…), or choose a form of slavery that is enjoyable. A profession that is subjugated to the demands of a businessowner will always be slavery, but if you manage to do something you enjoy your slavery will be better lived. If you cannot live with that, then you must become a slaveowner. Unless you are an heir or a housewife, you can only aspire to be a businessowner. And, to get to the point where you are truly free, you must be a slave to your business until you have enough to stop slaving.
The path to freedom for a man is set out, others have done it before. It is hard as balls, but it has been done. The astounding thing is that women have consciously chosen to forfeit the enormous privilege of becoming slavemasters without labour (housewives) through feminism. That is proof of something all civilizations, except our own, knew and accepted: Women are stupid.
History is cyclical. By nature, men are fighters, conquerors, builders. Once great men have achieved something great, such as civilization, it takes another kind of man to maintain it. There’s nothing wrong with that. As Roissy has said many times, beta males are the ones who keep civilization going. They’re the ones who make sure the trains arrive on time. But civilization inevitably brings on its own decline. We’re several decades or centuries into our decline. And after the fall, great men will rise again to build something new atop the ashes.
great article
The better you understand freedom, the less you possess of it.
Conchis, is that you?
Loved it!!!
Very thought provoking article, good job, sire
Every man wants to be a slave as long as we choose our master.
We can become slaves to freedom itself.
Nothing stopping you from running off in the wilderness
Sorry, but no one can whip you to death for not conserving water or electricity – no can anyone castrate you and rape your wife/girlfriend/daughters because you decided to interview for another job – no one can cut off your foot because you were taught to read and write.
Come on, guy, the comparison is ‘way stretched beyond belief – you really do need to read some history, beyond the pap you’re fed in school.
“Decadence is a moral and spiritual disease, resulting from too long a period of wealth and power, producing cynicism, decline of religion, pessimism and frivolity. The citizens of such a nation will no longer make an effort to save themselves, because they are not convinced that anything in life is worth saving.” – Sir John Glubb
Must be hard living in civilisation.
Must be hard living in civilisation..
Must be hard for you
Perhaps anarcho-primitivism is the answer. Yet the fact is that many people crave enslavement.
Especially submissive women.
Head to the wilderness now and get a jump start on the ensuing crash of this civilization. Bring two mentally sound fat chicks with you. They’re high metabolizers / water retainers and will fare better in the long run where resources are scarce. Man would never have survived the ice ages if not for the high metabolizer / water retainer. Really they’re some of the most important people within our species who carried our DNA chain through times of cataclysm. People unfortunately make fun of the obese calling them names like ‘fatty’ and ‘porky’ and IT IS WRONG. Sure they’re killing themselves living in civilization, working in air-conditioned offices and eating bacon cheeseburgers. They could actually live off a handful of granola and a few bugs a day. Ask yourself – could YOU do that? So approach a fat chick, I’d prefer one with refined Greek features, go for the touch on her back as you look her sincerely in the eye and say ”Thanks . . You’re the reason we’re all alive here today . . Wanna go camping?” The wilderness Tarzan family will be smaller than conventional, which is why you’ll need at least two females. Jane and Janet will become a petit 115 lbs playing coconut volleyball in the sun, and the natural male / female order will restore itself automatically.
I laughed because this is so true.
I think of this every time I watch Titanic.
I thought I would never live to see the day someone would realize why evolution (or God, whatever you believe in) made people get fat when they eat a lot, instead of simply dismissing fat people as subhuman scum simply because fatness is not civilization’s beauty standard as of now.
I earnestly thank you.
As quoted by the famous historian/writer: The life of hunter gatherers is nasty, brutish and short. Civilization is the key to escaping such fates. Just because there are many undesirable things that have manifested within civilization does not mean that civilization per se is wrong or bad. It’s better than grass huts.
Hobbes knew nothing about hunter gatherers.
“Taxes are what we pay for civilized society”
(spoken by a true govt slave master)
Is central heating, health care, and no death via bear attack slavery?
Apparently so, and you’re deluded to think that being attacked by bears is worse than waking up every day well fed and in a comfortable environment.
I took this article because it was recommended as not what I thought. This turned out to be false, it is what I thought.
The only thing I think is true is that government taxes and control is an evil and not necessary for the most part for the enjoyment of life.
It’s funny because I typed an article today on a similar premise
Civilization is about building roads, national-level defense, and creating a rule-of-law environment conducive to trade. If you feel this is slavery, there are many places that do not have these factors that you can check out.
If only that were the case. Those core features of government always get trotted out in every discussion of government cutbacks or usefulness. Too bad we have so little of the above and so much of all the extra fluff. As more and more of our government budget becomes income transfer from one American to another, the desire to produce significantly more than you need begins to wane.
You sir have brought a tear to my eye. Beautifully written and encapsulates everything/
I am not a religious man by any means but i believe that there is only one sin that is unforgivable: sloth. As americans we have access to resources the billions of less fortunate humans could only dream of. We are lucky enough to be able to choose what we want to be so that we can do the work we enjoy. not everyone takes this path but they are the ones at fault for that.
Great read! Very thought provoking.
One question: why do I feel like I just read an article by Tyler Durden?
I’ve always enjoyed your posts and thoughts ever since I ran across you first through In Mala Fide. You’re a deep thinker with a good knowledge of history, which gives you the ability to look at the big picture and to wrestle with big ideas in a mostly non-ideological manner as opposed to many people who only focus on the present and are unable to step back and understand what is going on at a deeper level.
That being said.. I think you’re being a bit naive about what lack of civilization actually entails. Your post seems to suffer from the Rousseauian sentimentality of the Noble Savage. You are very correct to point out civilization today, and in earlier times, has always benefitted those at the top of the hierarchy. But it also has benefits for males who aren’t at the very top. Anthropological data is quite clear on this: life is nasty, brutish, violent and short for males in hunter-gatherer societies. Male on male homicides over competition for females is high in those societies. Watch this excellent lecture by Steven Pinker for more on this:
Steven Pinker on The Blank Slate
Incidentally, here’s another related lecture by Steven Pinker on the merits of modernity and civilization, and how violence has actually declined. PInker attributes many factors to this decline, including feminism and the increase of female participation in society and their inclusion in power structures. I would be interested to hear your take on it:
Steven Pinker on Thinking About Our Society
From the look of him Mr. Pinker enjoys all the advantages that modern civilisation, and feminism, provides. I am sure he is very happy writing his tomes from his nice library with his many leather bound books. Although I think he could do with some advice from Christian on his clothing choices and hairstyle.
I’m actually no fan of Rousseau’s naive romanticism for many of the reasons you describe.
My point is to address the delusions we hold about society that cloud our judgment.
You’ll see I’m not arguing for fleeing to a cabin in the wilderness, but for being more savvy about what we can and should expect from a society before giving our loyalty in return.
Who’s this “we” and “us” you are talking about? Speak for yourself.
I have to say this sounds like an aimless Marxist monologue, lots of complaining without defining a problem or proposing a valid solution.
And there is the confused, lllogical conflation of terms (civilisation, state, society, etc.). “Society” doesn’t build anything, people do. You are the master of your fate – organizations such as the government can only interfere.
If you want to solve your problems then at first identify the people standing in your way – and work around them. If you feel like a cog in a machine, well, that’s your fault.
Rousseau’s Social Contract is a fuckin’ lie invented for the benefit of the ruling classes.
Let us fuck over every person or group which holds forms of power that cannot be justified in the light of reason and dignity.
Taking down the politically powerful needs to become a pastime for all of us.
Do not pay your bank debts
Do not pay taxes
Do not drink alcohol
Do not smoke tobacco cigarettes
Do not eat processed foods
Reduce your consumption levels of coffee, sugar and chocolate.
Start a strength training program and learn how to fight with and without weapons.
Get High (cannabis and other natural psychedelics, no processed garbage).
like meth and coke please).
You mean Locke?
Politician. Power addict. Hypocrite. They never wanted to solve the real problem. They just changed its definition.
You lost me at no beer 🙂
Belgian beer is exempted from this rule.
Wanna join the anarchist movement?
Expose the truth and take the powerful down.
Take them down how? Killing them? Or doing the same as teenager anarchists in Brazil have been doing recently: invading car stores and breaking the windshields of imported cars, as if it did more than a counterproductive inconvenience?
You are aware that many people have got something to lose, right?
The structure and ideology of this civilisation is feminine. It was built and designed by men but inspired by the female, by her fear of death (giving birth, wars, rape, etc). It was Eve who convinced Adam that his genes would have a much better chance of survival if her dedicated his life and strength solely to her and built a structure around to protect her.
This is where the problem with this civilisation lies – it is for the benefit of the weak (women, invalids, old, young children and beta men). It is are the group that benefits most from civilisation.
The flaw is that eventually as the gene pool gets corrupted there will be not enough strong men to maintain, repair and further develop the structure. Strong men are the self-repair mechanism of the civilisation machine.
Hence why technology is being pushed and promoted but it lacks one very important feature – the ability for self-repair like the human body and large social structures.
A bit like Helen of Troy no? (i.e. Eve).
What do you mean “technology is being pushed”? Who is pushing it? Who is making you use computer and Internet technology on this site?
Btw, technology does not lack the ability for self-repair!
Looking after the weak is not the problem. Its the coerced care for the weak that is the problem.
It’s interesting that most feminists would suggest that civilization is a patriarchy. It’s built to compete for sex. That’s a biological reality though. What are you suggesting Monk-like celibacy?
It’s built to compete for sex.
Indeed and women in civilisation are the gatekeepers of sex.
Like I’ve said it before, the problem for both sexes started when Adam bought Eve’s idea and invented fatherhood.
Prior to that women were not the gatekeepers of sex. They were in fact more promiscuous as behavioural tactic to prevent the killing of her babies and to encourage sperm competition.
You are forced to pay your taxes at gunpoint, without any choice.
What is it if not slavery?
Awesome read.
Do slaves get more sex than freemen? Any one got a data point?
Sex slaves get good lays.
Yeah not so sure about this article. I agree with the obvious points (media telling us what to buy, slaves to women, etc) but most people on this site already know about that.
As for being a cog in a machine, well….everybody has to be a cog in the machine to some degree otherwise nothing would get done. Somebody had to work long hours for us to communicate over the internet. Everybody has to work to earn the utilities they enjoy. It just depends on what degree they want to do it.
This article reminds me of Roosh’s anti-work article. Yeah…yeah….we get it, we’re slaves when we work. So what’s the solution?
Material minimalism is the solution. Also, diversifying your sources of income is a good idea.
“Somebody had to work long hours for us to communicate over the internet.”
the point is we could be sitting around a camp fire, working less and enjoying the experience more.
Maybe 3% of the population understand what you are saying.
Like Rowdy Roddy Piper putting the sunglasses on in They Live.
Obey, Consume, No Independent Thought, This is your God.
“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I am all out of bubblegum”
3%? That sounds about right. Maybe optimistic.
what’s up with this lazy anti-work attitude from RoK lately? Yeah we know western women are bad and that people in power *gasp* might not be out for the common man’s best interest. And anybody who just consumes what the media feeds them is a moron regardless of what they do for a living. I’ll take 8-9 hours in an Air Conditioned office 5 days a week, with my salary which is more than enough to live off of being single, any day of the week.
As much as people might be shocked, being a “corporate slave” isn’t the worst thing in the entire history of mankind. When you’re single and red-pilled it’s almost like a vacation. We all have to make money. Sitting in a chair for only 8 hours a day sure beats working in the oilfield/construction for 12 hours a day, or being in the middle of the desert with a bunch of sand fleas running around trying to kill you all the time. I come home in the evening, cook dinner, run/workout, then pursue another interest of mine in my free time.
Fuck, people are forgetting how good they have it nowadays. I’ll take being single, red-pilled and a “corporate slave” over being a married blue-pilled beta corporate slave, being born in present day Africa, being born in Cambodia during Pol Pot’s regime, Russia during Stalin’s regime, being born in a hunter gatherer society where I likely die before I’m 25, etc.
This article isn’t very red-pill/alpha at all. This is borderline Socialist/Marxist “why work too hard” behavior. That kind of attitude won’t cut it anywhere not just in this Western femicunt country. The kid who sits at the end of the bench on his JV basketball team because he didn’t want to work too hard in the gym has this kind of attitude. We could go down this road forever.
In the hunter/gatherer society….”I’m just a slave to the family who doesn’t really care about my interests. Why work too hard to hunt that wild buffalo and bring it home?”
Working hard is awesome provided it’s at something you like or want, and not at what society dictates to you.
Yes it is, to answer the title question. Civilization is really only a few thousand years old and in that time period the amount of misery and suffering inflicted on humanity has increased a millionfold. In the approximately 250,000 years of modern human behavior prior to civilization, people lived in hunter gatherer tribes with proper division of labor between men and women. Outside of hunting, cooking and homemaking people had nothing but leisure time for sex, fun, spending time with loved ones and prayer. Suffering was minimal, you got sick and soon after you died. Your tribe buried you, mourned you and moved on. There was no slavery, no job, no 50 hour work week, no rent, no bills, no debt, no interest, no war, no materialism, no brainwashing.
Chief Two Eagles sums it up exactly when asked by a white government official; “You have observed the white man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.”
The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued; “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?” The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied.. “When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine Man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex.” Then the chief leaned back and smiled; “Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.”
This is a fantastic article and articles like this are necessary to spread awareness to guys who are absolutely fed up with this bullshit. Capitalism, Communism, Liberalism even Libertarianism etc. are system of rulership, not citizenship, squabbles between elite decision makers, not lowly peasants whose votes mean nothing. We haven’t seen a free system of civilization yet, but I have hope that one day we will.
Until then we’re born in this world and all we can do is make the best of it and spread the message to others. For those of us able to make it out of the daily grind or what Orwell would call “the stupification of poverty” we can have a pretty awesome life in the 1%, abundant sex, being in shape, spending time with loved ones, fun hobbies, passive income, travel, drugs and God. You just have to want it bad enough.
Yeah and look where that third world, degenerate lifestyle of the Native Americans got them?
Ironically the native degenerates lifestyle is glorified by our modern media as a simplier time and romanticized by the ignoble indian savage. Frankly the days of the wild west didn’t seem so bad compared to now a days where you are called a bigot if you don’t think two men marrying each other or paying for random women’s abortions and contraception makes you a bigot.
They were still degenerate savages however you look at it and they got their asses conquered because of it. Frankly, the white man did society a favor by getting rid of the Aztecs/Mayans who thought they had to brutally sacrifice thousands of their own people just so the sun would rise the next day.
Today’s degenerate savages are the ones who are gaming the system and receiving handouts. Doesn’t sound very red pill or alpha to me.
Fair enough, so I guess al of western civilization is degenerate because we murder and sacrifice unborn babies in the name of the god of woman’s rights. The political class has always beeen psycho and always engaged in human sacrifice. Whether they call it war, abortion, human sacrifice death penalty, there is always someone who must die for the state.
“They were still degenerate savages however you look at it and they got their asses conquered because of it”
Survival of the fittest. Natural Selection doesn’t care if you became the fittest by burning all trees and poisoning all the water in the world so your competitors (and yourself, eventually) starve out or by outperforming your competitors by properly teamworking with your peers against them. Civilization was the fittest, but now it is dying because it is failing to be the fittest in a setting it has created itself.
By the end of the day, life is just a huge spiritual race to see who will destroy all life by trying to keep it running.
Take a big bank loan as you can. max out all your credit cards and get the cash back. Take the money and move to Australia. Repeat move to canada, repeat, move to singapore, repeat, move to norway, repeat move to england, repeat move to japan, repeat move to brazil. Now enjoy your millions on the beach.
I don’t agree, while everything that does exist that we work for may or may not serve us depends on our own journey and choices. Every person who has been ambitious has created wonderful things in the name of capitalism (generally speaking, ruling out species extinction and war), most of those who complain are too lazy or scared to do anything- the rest would rather just work in their job as a service.
Nationalism works fantastically well to create a real feeling of importance and camaraderie, because everyone is working for each other and the country- rather than themselves or an outside investor interested in profit only.
Hence why Hitler did so well as a leader, Nationalism & Socialism works.
In my opinion
Such a quotable article, but so gloomy. Life is pretty great once you get past this fact: “you’re just a barbarian visitor to this place that other people already
built. Your stake in this is imaginary, your sense of participation and
self-importance delusional.” This sums up why the individual should turn away from the world and mind their own business, whatever that may be(building a business, inventing something etc). There is no world to save or to take over, just people doing things. You don’t have to spend 40 years on a soul sucking career if you take practical steps toward financial independence. 30 years trapped in school? Maybe if you’re still under the impression that going to school equals job security. Focus on what you can do, develop your talents, and be consistent about it. An article like this should be read by kids as soon as they’re able to understand the concepts being laid down. The younger you are when you realize that the world isn’t anything like “they” say it is, the better off you’ll be. Society is unforgiving, but far from the nightmare that its portrayed as in this article. You just gotta know how to play the game.
This article is full of fail
According to the latest research, about one in four Americans — more than 70 million people — will meet the criteria for major depression at some point in their lives. The rate of depression in industrialized societies has been on the rise for decades — it’s roughly 10 times higher today than it was just two generations ago. How can people possibly be so much more vulnerable to depression now? And how do you make sense of the fact that even though antidepressant use has skyrocketed in recent years, the rate of depression in the United States hasn’t declined, but rather increased?
As a clinical psychologist, I believe the answer is rooted in our way of life. I say this because researchers have assessed modern-day hunter-gatherer bands — such as the Kaluli people of the New Guinea highlands — for the presence of mental illness, and they found that clinical depression is almost completely nonexistent among such groups.
Despite being much more likely to experience tragic events like the death of a child or a crippling illness, and living with none of the material comforts or medical advances we take for granted, they’re largely immune to the plague of depressive illness. ”
Slaves are depressed?
As always, lots of big talk about how civilization as it is is useless and dysnfunctional (not disagreeing with that, there), but no concrete suggestion of any concrete action for what to do about it, leaving us with the options of either swimming to the middle of sea where civilization can’t reach us (and either drown or get eaten by sharks), or passively-aggressively protesting (and, as this article itself well pointed out: protesting is useless because nobody cares about us peasants), or simply accepting that this is our fate.
Is is exactly because of articles like this that articles like this need to be written. Catch-22, indeed.
Read the article again.
You missed the primary point.
Though it may be uncomfortable to face the fact of your Slavery, it is better to know than not to know.
Really? Have fun sex-touring the world…. in a world that is not civilized, does not have airports, airplanes, and various conveniences of civilization. You never heard the quote about life being nasty, brutish and short? Wax philosophical all you want on your whimsical “red-pilled” tangents, but seriously! Get real! Trust me, unless you are living in a third world country, you are getting a much better deal than living in a grass hut. Unless constantly fending off hunger, mosquitos, bad hygiene, wild creatures, thieves, and losing a limb here and there as the years wear on, is your cup of tea. But you are a manly alpha male, so none of those obstacles should be a hindrance to you. You are a strong man! Oonga, oonga!!!
“Unless constantly fending off hunger, mosquitos, bad hygiene,
wild creatures, thieves, and losing a limb here and there
as the years wear on, is your cup of tea.”
If our ancestors from a few thousand years ago were as hapless and
helpless as you said, how id they come to dominate this planet?
Do you really think that our ancestors were
unable to be comfortable on this planet?
Were your ancestors less aware and able
than a bear, wolf, tiger squirrel or fish?
Before Slavery ruled this planet,
People were free as a Bear is Free,
and there was no such concept as theft.
Theft is the definition of Slavery.
“Civilization, ancient and wicked!” -Subotai from Conan the Barbarian
This is a debate worth having, but its pretty obvious that its better to surrender some freedom for a long, prosperous life than to run around free and starving to death as you desperately find your next deer, dying at 40.
Great article, needs to be pushed up to the most important ones.