What The Social Justice Coup Attempt At Yale University Looked Like

I am a student at Yale University. I have closely observed the events of the last three weeks unfold and would like to offer a firsthand view of what has transpired.

A Brief Recap

Two events in particular have ignited the recent firestorm:

Three days before Halloween, the Dean of Student Engagement emailed students with a request to be extra-sensitive about their selection of Halloween costumes. Erika Christakis, lecturer and Associate Master, followed up with her own email telling students to talk with each other if we find something offensive, questioning the culture of universities treating students as children rather than adults. For many students, the email puts her in the same category as David Duke and Calvin Candie.

The second incident: On Halloween, a black student visiting from Columbia University claimed she was denied entrance to a party hosted at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. Allegedly, a member at the door told her, “white girls only.”

The Racism Narrative

erika christakis

Mistook college students for adults

There is no proof whatsoever that the fraternity incident occurred. I’ve been to parties at every frat, including SAE, and they don’t give a fuck what race a girl is as long as she’s hot. Fraternities are now being pressured by both the administration and black female students to give public statements affirming their commitment to inclusion, and condemning racism and sexism.

However, it does not matter if the SAE incident occurred or not. What matters is the narrative. Fraternities are routinely accused of racism and sexism, and the accuser knew no one would dare question her accusation. These people have learned that if they shout “racism” no one will call them on their infantile behavior.

Students are now claiming that the recent protests are about more than the Christakis email or SAE—rather, it is about the “systemic racism” that exists at Yale. The students knew that no one would take them seriously if those two events were all they had, so they co-opted them into a larger narrative of racism—a primitive technique that garnered nationwide attention.

Next Yale

On Thursday, November 12th, shortly after midnight, 200 students calling themselves “Next Yale” marched to the home of Yale President Peter Salovey. They presented him a list of demands, including:

  1. The requirement of an ethnic and gender studies course for all Yale students.
  2. The university provide an additional 2 million dollars to each cultural center. That’s 8 million dollars total.
  3. Immediate removal of Nicholas and Erika Christakis from their positions as Master and Associate Master at Silliman College.

That last demand is interesting. Recently, Ms. Christakis fled New Haven as a result of receiving death threats. One wonders whether she would be willing to continue in her position even without the calls for her removal. In addition to threats of violence, Ms. Christakis’s previously scheduled courses for next semester have been cancelled. This is what inclusion looks like at Yale.

Yale President Salovey’s Response

Does daddy love us?
Does daddy love us?

In response to the demands of “Next Yale,” President Salovey announced that the university will take the following measures:

  • A center on race and ethnicity studies to open this year with “significant resources”
  • Four additional faculty positions on “histories, lives, and cultures of unrepresented and under-represented communities”
  • A $50 million faculty diversity initiative
  • Doubling the budget of each cultural center starting in 2016
  • Multiculturalism training to Yale Health and Yale mental health staff
  • “Renewed efforts” to increase diversity of Yale Health and Yale mental health staff
  • Diversity and anti-racism training for university administrators, department chairs, directors of undergraduate and graduate studies, college masters and deans, student affairs staff, and “others across the University”

For now, Erika Christakis and her husband will remain in their positions. The student response to this decision may prove to be spectacular.

Didn't totally cave

Didn’t totally cave

Students And Status

People have been discussing topics of free speech, race, and coddling, but I have not seen discussions of what I consider to be even more important: status.

We are the Selfie Generation, which means that we don’t exist unless other people are looking at us (pics or it didn’t happen). There is no internal sense of self that exists among millennials. Furthermore, we are quietly envious of people who hold traditional positions of status (e.g., fraternity members, professors, officials) and have learned that by shouting loud enough we will receive their attention. Screaming leads to instant status.

This is precisely what happened with the girl who shrieked at Nicholas Christakis in the Silliman courtyard, Jerelyn Luther. She is a very bright girl who likely would have gone on to be very successful. Still, she knew that screaming like a child at a world-renowned professor would gain the approval of her peers.

I guarantee Jerelyn is being showered by praise and treated like a goddess by students who are unfortunate enough to cross her path. I guarantee that if no one else had been present except her and Professor Christakis, her behavior would not have been as vile. We don’t exist unless other people see us.

The liberal white students want so badly to be accepted by students of color, and especially crave the approval of women of color. The bitterness of female students of color stems from their anger at the higher positions white male students tend to hold through no fault of their own. “Why can’t I have as much social status and wealth as that guy? Fuck it, I’ll blame it on racism, scream a lot, and people will sooth my ego and tell me how strong and beautiful I am.”


What I’ve Observed as I’ve Moved Through Campus:

  • White students beginning sentences with “I don’t want to invalidate or dismiss your experiences, I’m so sorry.”
  • Hearing sentences end with “You need to do better” or “Yale needs to do better.” #DoBetter
  • People harassed and insulted for remaining neutral throughout this ordeal
  • People laughing and mocking white female students until they burst into tears, and then shouting “fuck your white tears!”
  • Protesters spitting on students of color and cheering because they don’t subscribe to the same ideology
  • Hearing cries of “race traitor” from students directed at other students of color
  • Fraternity members pressured to listen to female students of color describe their daily feelings of betrayal and hurt because they deal with the same day to day struggles as everyone else #MasculinitySoFragile
  • Female students berating white male students for not coming to their rescue. In these cases the females use the males as a stand-in for all white men/”the system”/the girl’s father.
  • Female students not attending classes and suffer from nervous breakdowns, eating disorders, and tantrums, citing feelings of invalidation and fear
  • Students claiming they feel unsafe at Silliman College, the dorm Erika Christakis oversees, because they say Ms. Christakis resides there and doesn’t care about them
  • Professors extending deadlines to accommodate students who choose to attend protest rallies that prevent New Haven residents from going to work
  • Students quietly discussing how to remove white students, especially males, from Yale.

Why would anyone want the approval of these monsters? Even if they do approve, the will rescind it at the drop of a hat if it benefits them or if it means they’ll receive social points from their peers.

The Dawning Realization

Earning the approval of her peers-- somewhere outside the frame people are snapping

Earning the approval of her peers– somewhere outside the frame people are snapping

These events have allowed people’s true motivations and opinions to be revealed. What some students are realizing is that their very existence is perceived as a threat. The encroaching ideology holds that by existing in the world as a white person, white people are unaware of the privileged status they hold. Anything short of continually reminding themselves that they are white, they are oppressors, and any interactions they have with a people of color have power struggle implications, is pure racism.

People are no longer individuals; we are representatives of our respective pasts. A white male speaking with a black female is not merely one human being interacting with another—no, it is one representative of the oppressor class speaking with another representative from the oppressed class.

White students, and to a lesser extent Asian students, are targets. I’ve listened to white students describe their feelings of shock and betrayal at having been accused of racism for the sin of existing. While they will readily agree that racism is a problem, many look utterly bewildered when you tell them that they are supporting “systemic racism” because they don’t take the time to incorporate the experiences of every minority group into their perspective at all times. The protesters have overplayed their hand.

It’s not all about race, ethnicity, or gender, however—ideology trumps all. Generally, white students who parrot the right opinions have been able to move through Yale with fewer accusations of racism than students of color who remain neutral or question the “Next Yale” movement. An undercurrent of resentment is forming among the dissenters of all backgrounds.

Keep in mind that the people at Yale are as liberal as they come. This grand university may soon no longer be worth saving. At this point many students are focusing on getting their degrees and getting the fuck out of here.

Time will tell.

Read More: Yale Students Throw Temper Tantrum Over “Offensive” Email 

325 thoughts on “What The Social Justice Coup Attempt At Yale University Looked Like”

  1. “A white male speaking with a black female is not merely one human being interacting with another—no, it is one representative of the oppressor class speaking with another representative from the oppressed class.”
    This still acknowledges too much individuality. It’s more like this: “it is the oppressor class talking down to the oppressed class.”
    Their claims hinge only on collectivism, it’s what allows them to appropriate for themselves the experience of black people who genuinely faced racism and accuse the entire white class (it’s a race but they act like it’s a class – Marxism…) of that crime no one did and no one suffered.
    Great article, thanks a lot. And good luck dealing with these progressives, I hope they don’t lynch you, you dirty white nigger 😉

    1. You know, what really rubs me the wrong way is the fact that, chances are, the “protestors” were the students who hardly showed up to class, and the ones you usually see loitering around in the student union with no books or book bags in sight, with headphones plastered to their ears all day. I think the people who actually went to school to learn were nowhere to be found in these huddled masses of rebels without a clue.
      I’m gonna break this down to its final conclusion. If black students feel so ostracized, why don’t they just go to an HBCU? It’s because a degree from an HBCU, at best, barely qualifies you to become a manager at a Domino’s Pizza, and they know this. They want their cake and eat it, too, by having unbridled diversity and the lack of high academic standards associated therewith (remember when some schools pushed for classes on Ebonics and rap lyrics?), and they also want the name of an accredited school on their resume at the same time. But the problem is, the real world rarely gives us everything we want.
      Basically, these kids have a choice: quit bitching about the majority white schools they’re going to and be glad they’re enrolled in a school where the degree can actually create real opportunities for them, or constructively push for a plan that upgrades HBCUs so that their degrees carry as much weight as degrees from Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Princeton, UGA, and the like. At the risk of sounding racist, it truly seems that “separate but equal” is the only way to solve all of these issues. And I’m saying that as an African American who’s witnessed the collapse of our institutions of higher learning over the past fifteen years.

      1. if they don’t like to have colleges with a majority of white people, they should move to a country where there isn’t a white majority. Oh wait, but these countries are all shitholes for the most part so they’ll stay here and complain like the hypocritical retarded babies that they are.

  2. Large scale temper tantrums. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that they continue to occur since they consistently result in these “people” getting the attention they crave. And as they are generally AA admits, they need to justify not being able to keep up with legitimate students. Attention + passing the buck = more tantrums.
    Of course, I can’t find much room for pity here. The white victims are overwhelmingly jewish liberals and victims of their own spinelessness and degenerate ideology. Let the foreigners eat each other.

  3. Yesss – firsthand account is so crucial. Glad there’s someone w some sense left at Yale
    Question for the author: would you say the behavior you wrote about above is rampant with all students or just a tiny fraction ? How much does the narrative impact your day-to-day life at Yale? Is there a large closet sanist crowd too scared to come out for fear of being ostracized or even expelled for their beliefs ?
    Very curious since I’m no longer in school and things have drastically changed since.

    1. Speaking from my own experiences here, I think the “sanist” crowd comprises ~20%, the “clowns” ~10%, and the remaining 70% just go with the flow. The trick is that the clowns inspire a lot of fear, so sanists go underground and the rest just follow along. I self-censor myself all the time. In conversation I try to gently poke holes in the clown world-view, but do it so subtly that no one really knows my actual political leanings. If I was perceived as a conservative it would definitely hurt me in my professional life. I work in STEM, which is somewhat safer; however, most scientists seem to fall into the benign liberal category…just go with the leftist flow and vote Democrat because big government often translates into research funding for the NSF and NIH. I don’t think I’d be fired, but certainly looked down upon, which can be deadly when it comes to career advancement. Again, although somewhat protected, it can come up sometimes: e.g. they recently removed the only Men’s room from the part of the lab I work in to make a transgender bathroom (the little person on the door actually is wearing a half dress), sometimes, I’ve had to walk past protesters who can be very annoying, but mostly I’m protected from the BS. I think it’s a lot worse in the soft sciences and humanities. Anyhow, I hope this was helpful and I’m interested to hear other’s experiences!

      1. I’ve never understood why in public we need separate bathrooms for men and women. Of course at home, we all use the same bathroom. If you want to just have a generic pot to piss in, that’s fine. I mean the women’s restroom is the same as the men’s, except for urinals, and I don’t get the fear.. what are guys gonna flash their dicks at a woman in a bathroom? It’s not exactly a sexual place.
        But building a $5,000 bathroom specifically for people with plastic penises or fake tits is insanity. How many of them are there, anyway? Maybe it would be cheaper to just hire some minimum wage homeless guy to follow the trannies 24/7 and dispose of their colostomy bags.

        1. I see no reason why a man needs to be within earshot of a woman going to
          the toilet, bad enough I have to hear my wife going if I can’t get some
          music on in time, fuck being privy to the bathroom noises of unknown
          Once read the Japanese install `sound princesses’ in their
          female toilets because some women get wound up tightly if someone is in
          the next cubicle.
          Christ, there needs to be some fucking mysteries that remain undiscovered.
          Close thy ears to pissmops.

  4. I swear to God, some university campuses in the Western World are looking more and more like a 3+ children’s show. Peace, Loooooooove,Friendship. Shaaaaaaring and Cudlesssssssssss. But only in name. YUCK!
    Abiding by all of the above is what makes a gentleman but I bet you that all of those claiming the aforementioned characteristics don’t employ any of those. Instead, they tend to be the most hateful and egoistic shit heads you will ever meet. Not friendly but rather awkward and reclusive, sharing??? they wouldn’t give you a slice of cold pizza.
    Ohhh, and any system or gov. which don’t agree with them should be nuked to smithereens, unless it’s a country where the dictator saves puppies and shit.
    Rant over.

    1. It’s no surprise, though. Look at the cartoon line-up for kids these days. Every single cartoon is about groups of people learning to work together to accomplish trivial tasks. When I was a kid, I watched Looney Tunes, where hilarious cut-throat antics were the norm. People were always shooting each other, detonating bombs near each other, throwing people over cliffs, dropping immense weights upon each other, siccing wild animals on each other, deceiving each other, making wise-cracks and taking subtle swipes, etc., and all for a laugh, with a “shrug it off and keep fighting with a smile” attitude. The people who always wound up losing in those cartoons were the folk who took things too seriously, went apoplectic, were immobilized by their own outrage (think Daffy Duck and Yosemite Sam). Now Jimmy’s cartoon teaches him that he should be glad to help Susie make muffins, even if she *does* have a speech impediment! Yay! Sensitive Jimmy!
      Of course they are all morons; they’ve been brainwashed with pious messages of togetherness from infancy. Some of us were brought up to take it easy and have a laugh, to realize that adversity was the name of the game, and an opportunity to hone one’s own edge and keep a cool head. And that was just the message of cartoons; certainly the adults in our lives did not have this indulgent attitude.

        1. LOL! That would be awesome- paint the hole, and I wind up in Iceland or Uruguay

  5. This is another example of what happens in society when you give in to a “list of demands”.
    The school (the President of Yale) should have told these people that there are plenty of others schools to attend if they are not happy at Yale. He should have explained that Yale has traditions dating back years and we’re not changing those traditions (just like they wouldn’t change any of their own traditions). This all goes to show you that it’s about money, first (a business) and about a school (and tradition), second. It’s the only reason why I (as a President) would even consider answering to these idiots.
    Pretty soon, schools like Yale will be the laughing stock of “what used to be”. New schools will be needed (with private funding) so that many can go back to getting a higher education (primary intent) and less of this on campus, hurt feelings, I’m oppressed bullshit.

    1. The other part in this article about the black girl not allowed into a party because she was black is bullshit. If a girl is hot, then she can get into any party on any campus.
      That black girl was probably ugly, fat or both…so they told her to “kick rocks” and she got her feelings hurt (those evil white people are racists).
      That’s life…it’s not fair but it’s real.

      1. And even if she was denied entrance to a party because she was black…
        …so what? Are we now going to be required by law to allow all interested black persons into our parties? I hate to contradict the Beastie Boys, but there is no “right to party.”

      2. Frats want hot girls for parties. How many good looking negro girls do you see in any of those pics? or in real life?
        Anyway the story is really about the cops telling the frat that there were too many people inside at the party and not to allow any more in until some left.

        1. How many good looking negro girls do I see in real life? Almost zero… except for a few that have a lot of “cream in their coffee.”
          (i.e. white blood).

      3. You think a black fraternity would allow a fat ugly white chick into their party?
        Oh wait…they would, and then they’d gang bang her….

        1. Even if she was allowed into the party, she walked out of there and start crying that she was raped. There’s no winning with these fucken psychos.

    2. “He should have…” … and then he would have been fired by the board. And then divorced by his cunty wife..

      1. I agree..and that’s a shame. What these people need is a true leader (someone who’ll give them a kick in the ass instead of giving into them). Sadly, this guy gave in because he knew his paycheck was on the line.
        A short term gain but a real loss..long term.

    3. The traditional universities have a lot of rancor against the for-profit college industry (going so far as to deny the credits of transferring students). And while the for-profit colleges have their drawbacks, they are less likely to be overrun by this nonsense.
      I think that this negative press will be a good thing in the end. The ivory tower will start to shows cracks, and fewer students will see this as their only option. This, in turn, will save taxpayer money.

    4. I already completely lost respect for them, first, by seeing the low quality of their students, and second, by seeing the ridiculous list of changes the dean agreed to. Fuck Yale.

  6. I hope the administration caves in to each and every one of these Red Guards’ demands. It would be another nail in higher edu’s coffin, and their demise can’t come soon enough. They’ve made their bed, let them lie in it.

    1. Except…
      …these are the people who will become the leaders of tomorrow. I think it’s safer to put them all 6 feet underground now, rather than to graduate them with degrees with Yale, keep handing them positions of influence to avoid appearing racist, and then wonder why we’re being drone-attacked by nigger-trannies all the time.

      1. Dude, it’s too late. Look, one of these is gonna be governor of New York or perhaps chairperson of the Fed one day.

        We’re all gonna be praying someone as calm, collected, and reasonable as President Comacho will be elected. This culture is toast. Done. Over.

        1. I saw this posted in another article. This “debate” makes me want to punch my computer screen with an ungodly level of rage. I think if I were on the other side of the debate, I would simply come up, take a good long look at my opponent, turn back to the microphone and say, “I have nothing to add. I will let the idiocy they just spewed out be my counterargument.”

        2. No, the far better response would be to walk up to the mic, take a long look at them, and then say: “What?”

        3. They are not ‘debating’, they are reacting after Maury just proclaimed to a nearby male guest “You are NOT the father!”

        4. Best to sag your pants and grab your crotch a bit, too. That’s a very effective debate technique amongst anti-racists.

      2. Worse.
        What we are seeing is comparable to new Soviets taking out old Soviets. Admittedly the colleges did bring this on themselves, but so did Russians who got purged by Stalin.
        What followed was an even worse regime.
        But as for them becoming “leaders of tomorrow”? Well, that for them is going to be a curse for I know who (and what) they will be attempting to lead or rule over. We don’t plan on being lead by them. Nothing is more satisfying than watching control freaks lose control.

        1. seriously! I love when people say that. Purple hair cunt at yale yelling feminism? Oh She is going to be a future leader. No, she is going to be a future comp lit professor (AT FUCKING BEST). Same thing: oh look at those kids standing there on the corner, that’s the future of America…no…it is the future of the penal colony.
          While some future leaders are absolutely at Yale…it ain’t these cunts any more than it is gang members in the LA or carjackers in the south Bronx.

        2. If all the “leaders” hand them the keys by default, then these people don’t need any leadership skills to get what they want. Our elite seem to have a penchant for just surrendering everything to them.

        3. Many major cities in America, especially the south, are run by affirmative action hires. It becomes a crony club of incestuous favors and no real leadership, but they are clearly holding the reigns of power. It’s not a purely racist issue–I supported a black candidate last election, but it’s a clear example of leadership of the unskilled minority over the majority.

        4. Yes, and I’m sure people said the same thing about the pot-smoking, carpet-munching, bottom-feeding Clintons during their college days, or the idiotic, incompetent, lying, never-worked-a-day-in-his-life community-organizer Barak Obama, etc., etc. Yet we may have three presidents, a state governor, a secretary of state, two senators and three lawyers between them. People don’t have to do anything to be handed power and status by the elite power structure anymore. They just have to be mentally imbalanced perverts with a capacity for grievance mongering.

        5. I see your point. I will say this…..despite what else the might be, the Clintons academically excelled. They won prestigious scholarships and worked their asses off as students.
          Saying Castro had good taste in cigars doesn’t remove his culpability in atrocities…bu…the man knew good cigars. Likewise, with Bill and HIll and, for that matter, the bama — whatever else you can say about them, they did work hard at demanding and prestigious academic programs.
          I’ve known these purple hair cunts. They basically eye-rolled their way through mostly classes where how they feel is all that counted. The didn’t show, as far as I saw, anywhere near the tenacity and hard work that the people you mention saw.
          Again, not supporting anyone here I am just calling a spade a spade (especially when it comes to Obama….HA! spade a spade! Christ that was good!)

        6. I will agree that Bill had talents (though, all things considered, I think his success would have been impossible 50 years prior to his time in College). Hill and Barry – do you think they actually had to work for anything? I’m not so sure. Though, I can see what you mean about them being more successful sociopaths and manipulators of people than the average SJW.
          Even then, if the political climate is moving in a direction where people feel compelled to surrender to Purple-Haired Freaks, the freaks don’t need to be particularly cunning. Cunning is needed when you’re trying to deceive basically decent people with standards. That’s no longer the name of the game in the West.

        7. Agreed that Bill’s talents would not have been applicable 50 years earlier. But he didn’t live 50 years earlier. If he did he might have been a total failure and he might simply had different talents. I will argue that both Hill and the Bam did have to work. I am sure affirmative action made things easier for them than they should have been made but neither of them strike me as lazy or stupid. Maybe it would be better if the were. I do not need to like them or agree with them or even be able to think about them without getting the stomach icks to acknowledge that they are all gifted and hard working. It is, I believe, honestly a shame that they weren’t guided in a way that led them to use these talents in a more positive manner.
          I do want it to be clear. I am not making a single comment about their politics here — only what I feel is their work ethic, natural gifts and academic record all of which seems sterling to me.
          I agree with you about cunning not being necessary in the way it was. But some of these reality stars do have a low cunning that has served them well (at the expense of, ya know, everything in the universe). But I agree…that isn’t part of the game plan. In fact, “game plan” doesn’t accurately sum things up.
          At this stage, the current cultural, moral and financial destruction of the world seems to me like a force of nature more than anything else. Maybe not a force of nature. Maybe more like Fantasia where the brooms simply get out of hand.

        8. I understand that you’re talking about their raw abilities, abstracted from politics. I’m trying to do the same. I feel like they have all thrived in a time when being an “intellectual” is easier than ever. Hill strikes me as an intellectual mediocrity, Bill strikes me as a bit brighter; certainly they have both worked. Obama strikes me as being fundamentally lazy, and nowhere near as bright or talented as people seem to think he is.

        9. Cui, you hit something hat ice been trying to make more tangible for years. Yes, it is a time where being an “intellectual” is easier than ever.
          I really need to thank you for that.
          You are right about Hill’s brains but she is indefatigable.
          Maybe I don’t know enough about Obama. He seems a hard worker but that may be in comparison with the modern worker. If you are talking about him being morally lazy I agree wholeheartedly

      3. 6 feet under, eh? I thought you were a monk
        Are you the ass-kicking variety?

  7. These brats keep saying they don’t want to be treated like second class citizens, yet they don’t specify what the fuck they’re talking about.

    1. The fact that they were not mowed down like what happened at Tiananmen Square back in 1989 with the students’ peaceful protest clearly shows how privileged they really are. Keep in mind, the students in China were not even allowed to mention what happened. Can’t talk to foreign reporters or face consequences.

        1. This got me thinking. I’m sure there are a TON of white beta males drowning in white guilt they could call on to stand in front of a row of tanks for them. Easily.

    2. And, they certainly act like second-class citizens. How else can one treat people who are so crippled by such minor emotional turbulence?

  8. These fucking idiots have more opportunities in this country then any human being has ever had and this is what they do with it. Complain like little fucking babies…I’m sure they hate America too.

  9. To be fair, and I’m going to get a lot of flak from fellow ROKers, but here it goes. Conservatives should take some blame for this, and please hear me out. For one, seeing how the world is so evil and influenced by Satan, parents don’t seem to let their kids out much, and I noticed that while staying with one of my brothers in the suburbs, unless it’s the mall, church, high school, and today, social media. This affects their dealings with others who don’t agree with them. Also, when you fuck up and your explanation is “the Devil made me do it”, instead of owning up to your mistakes, of course kids will pick that up and, for instance, blame misogyny instead of themselves for not passing a firefighter test. And then we have Donald Trump whining about the red Starbucks Christmas cups. That in itself tells me, it’s not a left or right problem. It’s an American problem. And that is not good. And as commenter Kai mentioned below, South America sounds good about now. Heck, as much as I have my doubts about Mr. Putin, Russia isn’t too shabby.

      1. And I should know. As a former Catholic, even my early game got affected simply because, I thought that if I slept with girls, the Devil was manipulating me, ergo, God was going to get really pissed. To be fair, Catholics have laid off the Devil narrative quite a bit. Fundamentalist Americans, not so much. To this day, I still get a case of a guilty conscience.

        1. And I’ve learned that watching Sunday morning sermons on TV. And anyone familiar with cartoonist Jack Chick will know what I’m talking about.

        2. I don’t really know. I guess they take the Ned Flanders approach, believe everything the Bible says, even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff.

        3. “Catholics have laid off the Devil narrative quite a bit.Fundamentalist Americans, not so much. To this day, I still get a case of a guilty conscience.”
          Roman Catholicism fell into the pan-heresy of Ecumenism at Vatican II. At this point they shouldn’t even be counted among the Heterodox, but among the Post-Christian groups like the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses.
          “They’re Christians who take the Bible literally, to it’s fundamentals.”
          Fundamentalist was opposed to “modernist,” defending the fundamentals of Christianity. If you’re not a “fundamentalist” then you’re not a Christian, period.
          “Fundamentalism is a protest against that rationalistic interpretation of Christianity which seeks to discredit supernaturalism. This rationalism, when full grown, scorns the miracles of the Old Testament, sets aside the virgin birth of our Lord as a thing unbelievable, laughs at the credulity of those who accept many of the New Testament miracles, reduces the resurrection of our Lord to the fact that death did not end his existence, and sweeps away the promises of his second coming as an idle dream. It matters not by what name these modernists are known. The simple fact is that, in robbing Christianity of its supernatural content, they are undermining the very foundations of our holy religion. They boast that they are strengthening the foundations and making Christianity more rational and more acceptable to thoughtful people. Christianity is rooted and grounded in supernaturalism, and when robbed of supernaturalism it ceases to be a religion and becomes an exalted system of ethics. [Curtis Lee Laws, “Herald & Presbyter,” July 19, 1922]

        4. “Ask yourself: If god does not like the devil just the way he is – why did he, the almighty god, create him exactly that way?”
          God created angels with free will. Satan choose to become the first SJW. The damned will get to listen to Satam complain forever about the injustice of God and how God will eventually come around to reason and abolish Himself (or least make Satan equally God).

        5. God is the original creator. If there is a free will, god created that free will by his own design. There is really no way to believe that god did not ultimately want Satan to rebel.

        6. “God is the original creator. If there is a free will, god created that free will by his own design. There is really no way to believe that god did not ultimately want Satan to rebel.”
          When the Ainur made music, Melkor wove his strange thoughts into his song. His song clashed against the Theme of Ilúvatar, disturbing the Ainur around him and causing some of them to attune their music to his. For a while the Theme of Ilúvatar and the discords of Melkor warred against one another. But Eru smiled, and sent forth a new theme. Most of the Ainur joined with it, but Melkor rebelliously opposed it even more violently. At last, many of the Ainur stopped singing in dismay, and Melkor’s discords gained dominance. Eru sent out a third Theme against Melkor, sweeter and more beautiful than the others, and unquenchable. But though Melkor could not defeat it, still he opposed it. At last, Eru halted the music completely with a single chord.
          Eru then publicly rebuked Melkor, saying that all music finds its source in himself, and thus Melkor could not create his own song or truly alter the Themes of Ilúvatar. Thus, though Melkor opposed Eru to his last breath, he only furthered the cause of Ilúvatar in new and wondrous ways. Melkor was shamed and angered by this judgment, but hid his feelings. When Eru showed the Ainur the product of their music, Eä, Melkor was one of those who begged to enter Arda, pretending to be willing to cultivate it and guide it for Ilúvatar’s glory. He actually wished to dominate Arda and its creatures, especially the Children of Ilúvatar. Nonetheless, he was allowed to enter Eä and come to Arda with the other Valar. Once there, Melkor declared to his colleagues that he was the master of Arda henceforth.

        7. the real question here is, if he wished, he could create a burrito so hot that even he couldn’t eat it.
          So, ya know, think on that.

        8. Except God likes the Devil, as he is in his nature, just fine; God created the Devil, He didn’t make the Devil’s choices for him.

        9. Nobody really knows what it means anymore. Initially, the term was developed by a group of Protestants in response to the spread of evolutionary thought, etc., in which they defined a few of the “Fundamentals” that one had to believe to be a Christian (Virgin Birth, Divinity of Christ, Divine Creation of Man, etc.). But even amongst certain Protestant groups that believed these things, there was reaction – such as by Baptists, who have the “no Creed but Christ” motto – and so the term was an accurate descriptor for mainline Protestants who took historic Christianity seriously in the light of revisionist thought and history. But, not all of those who were accurately described by it, embraced it.
          The term has never meant merely those who believe the Bible, nor those who take every passage literally. This would even describe Catholics, though it should be pointed out that the Catholic Church has made it clear that, sometimes, the literal sense is the allegorical sense (as in the Canticle of Canticles, many Psalms, etc.).

        10. No, Catholicism did not. There are still some of us Catholics around; but it is true that many people who call themselves Catholics have apostatized from the Catholic Church and Faith, including recent popes, cardinals, archbishops, etc.
          I used to be a monk of the Orthodox Church. I was converted to the Catholic Faith when, after learning Greek and Latin, I was able to read many things that are no usually available in English, and so realized that even the Greek Fathers taught the Filioque, Immaculate Conception and Papal Primacy… and, this was after several years of frustration that the Orthodox were not holding to Patristic teaching on the Redemption, Deification, divorce and remarriage and contraception, yielding to a lot of revisionist heresies motivated primarily by Anti-Latin sentiment and the heresies of John Romanides. But, upon trying to become a Catholic, I found that the Faith was no longer held by almost anybody in the ostensibly Catholic institutions. The Great Apostasy is in full swing; the Catholic Faith is still preached, lived and believed by many Catholics in the SSPX and various sedevacantist groups.

        11. “Satan choose to become the first SJW.”
          Truer words are yet to be spoken. I can only imagine what Satan kept saying to the angels in the first stages of the rebellion… stuff like “Hey, why does Jesus gets more honor than all of us? He’s not intersectionalizing. That’s prejudice and we, the angelic community, are being under-represented in the Celestial Governement.. and how come God thinks He can use His Law to tell us what to do? Just because He’s the creator of everything? #ThanksButNoThanks #SorryGodI’mNotSorry #FreeTheAngels #Angel’sLivesMatter”

        12. Just to clarify, though, the literalness typically refers to unimportant things. Like whether a particular story actually happened exactly the way one of the apostles wrote it, or whether it is an allegory for something else, a parable or tale used to help the reader understand an idea better.
          I’ve never met a fundamentalist that wants to abolish divorce, embrace virginity until marriage, live a more Christ-like life, etc. It’s more about were there really seven 24 hour periods within which all species on earth were created?

        13. Many of your comments indicate that you have formed beliefs and opinions, and you encourage men to act in the ways that seem ethical to you. Do you believe that your opinions were formed freely? Why would you hold anyone to any kind of standard, if nobody has the ability to direct their own actions?

        14. I don’t know if they’re fundamentalists or not, but there are folks promoting the so called purity balls, where girls pledge their virginity to their fathers in a ceremony that looks like it’s part debutante ball, part wedding ceremony. Thoughts? Also, why would anyone abolish divorce? I mean, I do have my doubts about it, and my take on the parameters on marriage is, till death do us part. However, divorce might ‘ve necessary in some instances, like say, infidelity.

        15. Well, what does free mean? I do not hold people to my standards to change them, but to choose the right people for my life. But you demonstrated my belief that free will indicates – in the Christian sense – the mechanism of shame. Which is okay. But there is nothing mystical about it. Why do you think does that free will only work when you are exposed to the right kind of people long enough who hold you to their standard? Simple conditioning.

        16. My first reaction is that it’s sort of creepy for a young girl to make sexual pledges to your father, but that could just be because I grew up in a society where patriarchy has no role to play.
          Practically speaking, most sluts seem to have daddy issues, so I’m not sure they would care so much about a verbal promise they made to someone they don’t respect or have a good relationship with. Religion has been the answer for centuries, because women don’t want to be punished for eternity for having 30 minutes of fun. Also when men demanded virgin brides, this seriously harmed their marriage prospects.
          And yeah divorce, that wasn’t the best issue to bring up, I actually counseled a close Christian friend TO divorce, but the bible is very much against it. What I was getting at is that fundamentalists of any religion rarely take the important parts to heart, it’s more about bickering about silly stuff like Muslim fundies think you must wash your hand every time you fart, and want to kill anyone that damages their holy book, instead of grasping the bigger philosophical message in that book, and Christian fundies just want to yell at gays and equate forms of birth control to murder. How about seriously preaching abstinence, embracing femininity, more of the submit to your husband type stuff? When’s the last time you heard of a fundamentalist Christian sell all their possessions to help the poor? They pick and choose what they want to take literally.

        17. Yes, but have you accepted your standards freely, or do you believe that you came to them as something predetermined? And if so, why do you still recognize them as standards, rather than predetermined opinions of no particular significance. And why would you reject people for falling short, if the obvious truth would be that their acts are also predetermined? There is no longer any merit to a standard, and no (properly moral) standard by which their goodness or badness is rightly measured. There is only convenience or, in fact, only the subjective impression of a predetermined unity.

        18. Well, firstly, I do not hold my standards firm and immutable. They are just my current mindset. If somebody comes along with a better idea, I am somewhat open to have my beliefs challenged. I just check it all in with my gut and then I see what happens. So when I reject somebody, it is not really a strictly rule-based decision, but a gut feeling based on my experiences. I trust in it nonetheless, because it is all I have.
          And if I reject somebody, I do not necessarily see it as them falling short, rather indeed a dissonance between the two of us.
          Rules and strict morals are – now that I think of it – useful for creating a kingdom or civilization. Since the ground covered becomes too large, it is no longer possible to rely on empathy and intuition. Thus strict rules are introduced. Just a theory, though.

        19. What I’m driving at, is that you seem to separate the will from your mind, your beliefs. But we will to believe or disbelieve. So, if you do not believe in free will, but in determinism, your beliefs have nothing to do with what you choose or don’t choose to believe, and being challenged in your beliefs is meaningless. You will believe, or disbelieve, whatever your predetermined fate, rather than “free will,” determines for you. In which case, personal investment in the belief seems odd.
          Great reference to the Sorcerer’s Apprentice animation from Fantasia, by the way. That is very apt.

        20. That does not make any sense. Of course I will to believe or disbelieve, but I do so with a reason and certain motivation. And that motivation is dependent on my past. I do not separate my will from my mind at all, whatever that means. In the ideal state, it is all one. As Bruce Lee said: If the opportunity presents itself, I do not punch with my fist. It punches all by itself.
          Sorcerer’s Apprentice? How so? Anything I should read?

        21. What I mean, is that you say on the one hand you do not believe in free will; yet, to deliberate and choose between beliefs requires free will. It seems to me that there are some implicit incongruities in your belief, therefore; the most common one people have, is separating thought from will, as though will were only exerted exteriorly. I’m glad you’re not doing that, but the implicit incongruity remains, somewhere. I was trying to figure out where, and why.
          The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is a piece of music by Dukas. Walt Disney had a great bit of fun with it back in the day, when he made a wonderful animation for it in Disney’s Fantasia. Best sound quality I could find, was here:

        22. At the risk of being pithy to a fault:
          Thought is the operation of the intellective aspect of the soul; will is the operation of the incensive/irascible aspect of the soul. The intellect should direct the object, towards which the will directs it’s effort. But man often malfunctions, and the appetitive aspect of the soul (of which desire is the operation) often latches upon things of which the intellect does not approve, and entices the will to follow desire rather than reason. Thus, reason which should freely deliberate upon the proper object of the will, is led captive by the will towards the impulse of desire.
          So, in one sense, the will and thought are easily separated; they are separate operations of separate aspects of the soul. In another sense, all the aspects of the soul should coordinate and work amongst themselves, and in this sense it is bad to separate will and thought; thought should guide the will and work in tandem with it. Sin and passion separate will from thought, from reason, though often this has the effect of obscuring reason in the intellect, and inducing it to approve of what desire and will have preemptively chosen for it. The aspects of the soul cannot but work together, but they do so truly only when the intellect chooses and commands, the will moves, and the desire responds.

        23. See, that is the source of the whole free will bullshit.
          Reason can only operate on axioms. Which religion provides.
          Ever heard it said that intelligent people are easier to manipulate than dumb ones? That is because they are led astray by overfocusing on their reasoning faculty. Completely disregarding the fact that all reason is, as you say, a slave to desire.
          The only thing that Christianity does is to use shame as a directing mechanism for desire, which in turn makes obedience the primary emotional desire, thus focusing the thoughts on the axioms of the bible.

        24. “Reason can only operate on axioms” is itself an axiom. Do you believe religion has provided you with this axiom that you appear to believe, or do you believe the axiom has derived from some other, non-religious source? If the latter, it would seem you agree that operating from axioms is not a problem, provided they are the right axioms. Why religious ones should be automatically suspect seems unclear.
          Vicious people are more easily manipulated; some clever people are vain or arrogant and thus pseudo-intellectual masturbation can be an easy path to manipulate them. But it strikes me that a bunch of barely literate negroes shouting excitedly that Obama’s gonna buy them a phone or pay all their bills, are at least as easily manipulated. Vice, not intellect, is the key factor in manipulating people.
          Your last sentence makes no sense to me. First, desire cannot be directed via shame; it can only be somewhat curbed by it. My desire for God and transcendence are not directed by shame, nor can I imagine how shame would produce them; all I can say is that sometimes I may feel shame if my love for God is slacker than I know it should be – but shame cannot guide or produce desire, or love. Second, obedience is neither an emotion nor a desire, nor would I see how shame would make obedience to be the primary emotional desire, even if it were one. Finally, I don’t see how such an emotional desire would cause one to focus on the axioms of the Bible, as opposed to any other axioms… nor why it would be a bad thing if people did want to focus on the axioms of the Bible.

        25. I say it because it is precisely my experience.
          The only service that the Bible renders is an absolute anchor point for axioms. But I can not believe in it any more than in another, like Objectivism.
          The desire is not shame per se, but the desire for certainty. For understanding the world. For a clear mind. Ideology provides a quick path to that. Hence Scientologists, Jehova’s witnesses and all the other madmen are potentially immensely confident. Where I fail is the point where I would need to blindly trust in any axiom, which I refuse to do. That kind of blind trust kept me from adapting to reality in the past. Kept me in agony. Holding on to any axiom at all cripples your self-dialogue and thus intuitive problem-solving through meditation.
          Shame is something that is accepted as a price to be paid for certainty.

        26. As to blind trust, certainly you should not have it; neither do I.
          As to desire, I find that man is a cauldron of conflicting desires, such that I often am not sure that I desire God and certainty, so much as other things. But I feel that God and various other metaphysical certainties impose themselves upon me as incontrovertible truths in moments of honesty. In moments of dishonesty, I desire very much that truth was vague and flexible, that I was at liberty to do as I please, that wishes were horses, etc.
          Shame to me is the price of honor; the shameless man is either perfect, or despicable.

        27. But I feel that God and various other metaphysical certainties impose themselves upon me as incontrovertible truths in moments of honesty.

          That means that it reflects your deepest held beliefs. But not necessarily that it is true. Perhaps the other moments and desires conflict with it in a way that does not allow you to fully embrace it. Or the other way. Let me ask you another way: Do you want it to be true?
          As the oracle said in The Matrix – loosely cited: You have not come here to choose. You have come here to understand the choices you already made. If you think that god and certainty is a fixed truth, you already deny yourself the freedom to understand why you chose to believe in that in the first place.
          If you say that the other moments are dishonest, does it not intrigue you to wonder why these moments even exist? Perhaps you want to be dishonest? Perhaps you want to believe that the belief in god is imposed on you without your choice, for whatever reason? Perhaps so that you can have a justification to push away thoughts that then qualify as ‘dishonest’?
          I can empathize with that honor thing, yes. And yet, how far would you go for that? Would you let a gang of men rape and humiliate you if it brought you closer to honor?

        28. As to wanting it to be true, that is desire just the same as I had been saying. The honest, the better part of me, wants it to be true. Another part of me, would prefer a universe where I could sleep with as many women as I want without them forming attachments or conceiving children; a part of me wishes I could eat whatever I want and stay svelte; a part of me wishes that I never had to work a day in my life, but could always have everything I need.
          But I recognize those wishes as lies, as dishonorable. And I have a stronger desire to be truthful and honorable – a desire which usually prevails, but sometimes produces a moment of weakness, of wavering, of hesitation… not in my convictions, but in my resolve.
          I don’t see how being raped and humiliated could bring me honor… but, I would hope that in the moment of extreme need, I would stick to my principles and suffer what was necessary.
          God is the Fixed Truth; they are the same thing. I don’t see how this would deny me freedom to understand my choice to believe in Him; indeed, the only thing that delimits and defines choice (i.e., makes it intelligible), is the boundary against which it moves.

        29. Interesting response. But yeah, why do you believe that women will conceive and form attachments and why do you believe that you will grow fat if you eat a lot? Where does that belief come from? Was it with you from birth, or did it follow evidence that you accepted?
          The belief about eating a lot and gaining weight, for instance, you likely accepted because you wanted to lose weight. Or not gain it. This belief offered you a way to understand why you fail to do that. Here is an interesting additional thought: If you did not believe that eating causes weight gain, would it still happen? You will say yes. Why? Because you believe that to be true. Why? You have seen it happen. In you. In others. But often in life, cause and effect are not so simple and clear cut. And sometimes our eyes and senses can deceive us.
          There is likely empirical evidence (that which you sense or experience) that makes you believe in god, the fixed truth. Just like you saw people gain weight when they ate a lot, something made you believe in god. Now, we are talking cause and effect here, so the interesting question is: What cause and effect relates to god? How would the world be different if god – as you believe in him – were not true? And when you imagine the world without him and the differences between that world and this world, you can again question why you believe that the world would be different then. I bet with you that it is an emotional reaction you will feel. A negative one. Have you ever studied it?
          That last part about boundaries I do not understand, please rephrase.

  10. That is a fucking scary vision, man.
    You know, they always blame Nazis for racism. But these people would actually make the perfect Nazis, in their drooling madness and zest. I was wondering, since I live in Germany and grew up with Nazi shaming, what it would actually take for Nazis to take over again. I concluded that it is all about blind trust. Have the same people – the authority – tell you that they were wrong and Nazis really are cool and people will immediately convert. Why? Because nobody ever explains what was logically bad about Nazis. Everybody thinks they were just evil because they farted the Jews to death. Well, and, because of the indignation in your teacher’s eyes and because of the authority of those who shame Nazis. Idiots. They do not understand that those people back then had the same blind trust in their leaders that they do and that that was the start of it all. They do not understand that people loved Hitler like they love today’s feministic preachers. They imagine they would see ‘evil’ in the eyes of Nazi leaders, but they never bother to see evil in their current leaders.
    That said, stop being so fucking apologetic, guys. Somebody accuses you of being racist or a rapist or whatever? Hell, yeah, so fucking what!
    Very nice picture caption, by the way. ‘Does daddy love us?’ Tragic and true.
    I say that instead of racial education, those kids get mandatory LSD sessions to sort out their shit and face their demons.

      1. I was thinking more that the Smurfs have taken over.
        SJW smurf
        rapey smurf
        neckbeard smurf

        1. Slutty smurf….on the subject, I read on Cracked that apparently, the creator of the Smurfs, Peyo, was anti-Semitic and created the Smurfs as a way of expressing it. Of course Gargamel does look very Kikey, and the cat is named Azrael. It doesn’t explain why one Smurfette for 100 Smurfs. Probably makes Octomom look like the Virgin Mary.

    1. Once the LSD wears off they’ll go right back to being the same ol’ assholes. Maybe a sort of ‘enlightened’ asshole, if you will.

        1. Give them all a few hits and make them stare in a mirror for 4 hours. That would be a bad fucking trip for almost anyone.

        2. I don’t care how confident a person is, how successful, how secure. You DO NOT look into the mirror ha. I’ve gotta ask, what was your worst trip?

        3. I crave the bad trips. I embrace my demons.
          My worst trip was my first experience with psychedelics: An Ayahuasca ceremony. I wrote about it on my blog.

  11. As a black student the last thing I would want to do is take a fucking ethnic and gender studies class. Fuck right off. I went to college to study something useful.

      1. we all should, but that’s something to do outside of college
        besides, ethnic studies teaches jack all about your heritage. I flipped through an Asian-American studies syllabus once and the entire thing was about victimization and activism, it barely even highlighted successful Asian-Americans

        1. “Cultural Diversity” classes aren’t about culture or diversity. It is about introducing each special interest group (i.e. everyone except white males), and then proceeding to blame all of their problems on white males.
          Replace “minority” with German and “white male” with Jew and you probably have a very close approximation of Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda.

        2. Have you been to r/asianamerican or r/asianmasculinity
          That’s where all those Asian-American studies students hang out. Exactly that type of weak-minded twat that you speak of, they reside in these forums, often working hand in hand with the Black communities that buy into victimization and aggro-activism bullshit.
          Swear to god they mimic the BLM movement. Victimization, activism, and plain ole hate on white people. I’m Asian, and find this shit utterly disgusting and lowclass. Lazy as fuck to think like this.

        3. I have, but I get the feeling that r/asianmasculinity has a nationalist streak in it, they’re just expressing it under the guise of victimization because white liberals have made nationalism taboo for minorities

        4. I don’t think a nationalist streak in minority rights movements is anything new. It dates back to black power – which used to explicitly be called the Black Nationalist movement. As well as the idea of nationhood preservation for Native Americans.
          In fact, ‘white power’ got some of its main aesthetics and slogans from black nationalists. Even the term white power was George Lincoln Rockwell’s take-off of “black power”. Also, skinheads were a rip off of Jamaican reggae fans and the white power Thor thing is similar to black guys wearing Egyptian symbols.
          Some people like to joke that racists are incels, motivated by the belief that black guys are taking their women and so they emulate “alpha” black male cultural elements to ironically represent their bias against blacks.

    1. Amen
      Ethnic studies are a time and money sink for young people who might’ve otherwise done something worthwhile. It’s actually a great disservice to struggling minorities to get trapped learning about victimhood and activism and end up with no marketable skills
      I once jokingly said to my parents that I should switch my major to Asian studies, and after they figured out what it was they threatened to pull my tuition

      1. Indeed, why do I need to study “ethnicity” when I have grown up as an ethnic minority? More to the point if I feel like I am missing something I can pick up a book (something I have done in the past). I once knew a hot black chick who was studying an African Studies degree at the School of Oriental and African Studies. She was a hot slim 19 year old and very arrogant to boot. I ran into her 9 years later. She was bitter, resentful, worked in an occupation that really had nothing to with African Studies (fancy that) had a husband who lived in another country and was angry with her for her constant flirting with other men in her (entertainment) industry.
        She was now fat and ugly, 28 going on 40. She got mad when I didn’t want to get with her. I guess that nobody had told her she wasn’t hot anymore.

        1. I had AA studies forced on me during HS, so that tells you how extensive the reach of progressivism extends.
          It was a waste of time, unless you count the birth of Black militancy as a positive. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of my old AA chums went to join ISIS.

    2. I’m a mixed race high schooler about to go to Williams College. If this is what I have to look forward to I’m not excited.

    3. So technically they are making it a requiremnt that the students pay for their own indoctrination.

    4. At $60,000 per year to go to Yale, I figure a class in grievance studies probably costs six thousand dollars. That’s a lot of money to pay to be force fed intellectual garbage. Simply put, it’s theft. They want to steal your education while making Yale into an indoctrination camp.

  12. Is Yale worth saving? Probably not, but this gives you a perfect opportunity to wreak havoc within the SJW community. Some well-placed, anonymous trolling could cause them to self-destruct or at least drive them so far off the deep end that they are no longer taken seriously (or viewed as sane human beings). If you have some trustworthy friends, I encourage you to fight back from the shadows. Godspeed.

        1. I know this is a lot to do about nothing, but I think Zuckerberg needs to get his personal information leak to the world. That mother fucker sells out everybody else’s information, bans descent if governments say to with a lot of money, and that fucker freaks the hell out when one of his private pictures get leaked to the Internet? I’m sorry, that hypocrite needs to go down like the rest of these motherfuckers.
          If anonymous is going to do anything, exposed that fucker to the point of a mental breakdown. Hell, let’s use these BLM motherfuckers against him first, then we destroyed BLM. Bunch of whiny, overprivileged, hate mongering fucks.

        2. BLM = aggro-activism. That excused plain ole hate on White people. As an Asian-American, fuck this lowclass mentality.

  13. “- A center on race and ethnicity studies to open this year with “significant resources
    – Doubling the budget of each cultural center starting in 2016
    – A $50 million faculty diversity initiative”
    All brought to you by your local taxpayers.
    And imagine who will work these new positions (from administrative jobs, to administering the administrative jobs). You guessed it – the same damaged individuals who instigated the demonstrations. They just created jobs for themselves, preventing them from having to fail in the open marketplace.
    Pretty savvy – and twisted – when you think of it. That these once hallowed halls are now filled with fat chicks with purple hair…

    1. “All brought to you by your local taxpayers.” — More likely bought by money from Yale’s wealthy alumni donors.

    2. Yeah, it’s a private university, so the money comes from their huge huge endowments, but yeah, it’s money that indirectly was taken from taxpayers, I mean it’s well connected elitist alumni who are put in positions of power and become millionaires or billionaires while contributing little to nothing to society, (if not actively helping it decline).
      From the article:

      demanded…The university provide an additional 2 million dollars to each cultural center. That’s 8 million dollars total

      There are less than 5,500 undergrads at Yale. So they just asked for a payout of a shade under $1,500 for EVERY STUDENT. I was shocked at that number, until I read the university promised:

      Four additional faculty positions on “histories, lives, and cultures of unrepresented and under-represented communities”
      A $50 million faculty diversity initiative
      Doubling the budget of each cultural center starting in 2016

      Yeah, go ahead, blow all the capital and tradition and resources that white men saved and invested and worked hard for centuries to create at Yale. Blow it all on this narcissistic millennial PC generation. Just get it over with, because it’s sickening to watch.

      1. If I was one of the donors I would have my lawyer contact the university and demand my money back or expect a lawsuit worth double what I paid.

  14. I think I am telling my son to go to online college so he doesn’t have to deal with this shite. Good lord.

    1. You can take a lot of Ivy League classes online, for free. I’m doing a Harvard Philosophy one right now. Get a partial ivy league education, without the cost or the bullshit.

  15. Why anyone would pay so much money to a “school” to be constantly fucked with by a bunch of imbeciles is beyond my comprehension. If I had a kid there, I’d pull him out. Those administrators are repulsive.
    ETA: The banner in the photo with poor grammar says everything about the quality of education that drooling mob is getting.

  16. Another Yale person here – everything the author says is spot-on correct. I hadn’t any idea what this crap was about until the Yale President sent a mass e-mail filled with obsequious, cringing bullshit meant to appease the SJW crowd. It’s embarrassing to see a (theoretically) powerful man humbled and fawning over clowns. When is this mass hysteria going to end? How did the clowns get so powerful?

    1. Through social signaling, much like all these people with the French flags on their avatars. It doesn’t really do anything to put that up , it just makes you feel better. Well , the SJW get that righteous feeling by the ” I feel better than you because I signaled more” scenarios.It just so happens they’ve been programmed to believe the biggest original sin is racism. These Minorities are now realizing they can keep cashing in on those brainwashed masses and their guilt.

        1. Exhibit Example A. —> He(rockerbe) feels better than me now,because he fulfilled his programing by signaling how meta he is by rubbing my rub.

    2. They’ve become more powerful because they are getting people with power to bow down to them. If the president stood his ground and said get the fuck to class or there goes your scholarship, they wouldn’t have gained an inch. Instead, this guy is validating their bullshit.

  17. I see now, that one of the purposes of religion was to satisfy this need (wicth actually gets turned into bitchiness) to constantly be “loved”. You know, “God loves you”, “Be careful, God watches you”. And suddenly when people realize that no one actually gives a shit about them, they start to seek this attention elsewhere. Everywhere.

    1. I think religion – amongst emotionally mature people – has more to do with a sense of connection with the transcendent, and of a properly oriented existence. All those who practice their faith seriously, especially the Christian, learns what the “Dark Night of the Soul” is: a period where there is no sense of connection, no love, nothing but emptiness, and an emptiness which tests the deepest limits of human perseverance – being able to keep on without consolation, without any sense of purpose. Many people today have no sense of purpose, but they distract themselves with entertainments and pleasures and so eke out enough pleasure to keep going. But the seriously religious person remains focused, does not allow himself these distractions and consolations, and so enters the desolation deliberately.
      Anybody who thinks religion just gives you warm fuzzies all the time, or offers “validation,” has not come into contact with real religion. Real religion demands that we move past such things.

      1. True these things. But the majority of people don’t understand it that way.
        ” Many people today have no sense of purpose”
        And that’s why they invented jihad.

  18. This is nonsense. Cultural misappropriation isn’t the same as racism. If an eskimo wears cowboy boots it doesn’t mean he’s racist. These special snowflakes are in for a reality check when they leave campus. Cry babies.

      1. But back to your point. White kids wearing blackface is indeed pretty fucked up. But assholes will always exist. That’s a fact. And these students are no longer kids. They’re going to have to learn to deal with it one way or another.

        1. B.S., it’s only fucked up because you subjectively feel that way. Robert Downey Jr. in “Tropic Thunder” was a better Black man than most Black men. Fact!

        2. And it’s not like black kids aren’t racist. A while back, I saw a black girl call the Leprechaun a cracker…before he proceeded to rip her jaw to get her gold tooth.

        3. So you determine what looks pretty awesome and what is indeed pretty fucked up. You should have your balls cut off by the LGBT alliance.

        4. Oddly enough, I saw this on BET. With the cracker word uncensored. Right after a week earlier, I saw on the same channel, Friday, with the nigger word bleeped out all over the place. Oh irony!

        5. Yeah, try the “Evil Dead” series of movies and the new show with Bruce Cambell. It’s some really good horror /comedy media.

  19. I have reached the point of verbal and physical confrontation. I do not tolerate these infantile accusations by the anti-white bigots any longer. I have been getting in their faces once they start spouting their hate-whitey ideology.
    Others may join in and support me, or not. But at this point I am taking a stand, even if it’s just me. Fvk them all.

    1. “One of the self-proclaimed protesters later confessed he was ‘ashamed’ of what the Black Lives Matter demonstration turned into”.
      Ashamed he got caught up in mob-think? Ashamed he let his own racism show in even associating with these folks (a man is judged by the company he keeps)?
      Maybe he realized that there are a majority of people in this group who are trying to get someone to attack them directly so that they can say “See, we told you so, look at us being attacked!” and others who are so deranged they actually want a race war, and that he would likely be severely injured or killed should this happen?
      Or maybe he just learned (through terrible or absent parenting) that when you’re a spoiled brat all you have to do is apologize and then you can have candy?
      I know it isn’t because he has any sense, doesn’t know what true shame is (that’s dependent on humility and/or morality) or have any respect for himself or others, if he had he wouldn’t ever take part in #BlackLiesMatter (Fixed).

    2. The Ivies aint what they used to be. Burr hits the nail on the head regarding how people get into Harvard vs getting into MIT at 9:40

  20. The annual tuition for Yale is $46,500. That means close to $200,00 if you graduate in four years. Needless to say, cheaper options abound.
    In a roundabout way, this lunacy could actually be a good thing; it could mean far less people willing to dish out a quarter of a million dollars for an education from there. I say, continue to skewer them until they feel it in their pocketbooks. Then, it will be interesting to hear what tune they sing.

    1. Yale students who’s families earn less than (I think) $65K go for free. This makes the protesters (who all are likely getting full-rides) all the more absurd.

    2. Exactly. My son is in advanced placement in every subject in middle school. Will I spend a penny for these parroting Marxist schools? Nope.

      1. It’s really difficult to navigate a young adult to graduation day without cultural marxist indocrination. You can avoid the more extreme areas, but the infestation is everywhere.

    3. Yup, the President just throws $50 million at diversity bullshit. WTF? Always the same when it’s somebody else money. He’ll never earn $50 mil himself so he throws the universitys money around like confetti…….

    4. That’s the MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price). No one pays that. Well, maybe 10% of the rich kids do.

  21. Would love to have these idiots experience my cultural appreciation of Judo, Muay Thai and Kali first hand. Which is exactly what would happen if someone made the mistake of spitting on me.

    1. After you cleaned up i’d invite the party crashers to try out my Krav Maga. You can’t have all the fun.

  22. Wait a minute. I’m white, and I couldn’t get into Yale. My kids couldn’t get into Yale. Where’s my privilege? I couldn’t afford it even if I could get into Yale. What white privilege are they talking about, and where can I get some?

    1. All those times whites get screwed over, had something broken or stolen, were injured, followed/harassed/pat down by the police, went without food or shelter, worked under a hot summer sun until burnt and dehydrated? Yeah, those are just products of our imaginations and denial, obviously. We all live in mansions and order servants around between jet-pack flights to our private islands and moon castles where we swim in oceans of money like Scrooge McDuck and use other (non-white) people as living furniture. Didn’t you know that? Hasn’t the Great White Fairy visited you yet either?
      What do you mean we can have it rough too? Inconceivable. Look at us trying to co-opt someone else’s suffering that we never could possibly have experienced, unlike these folks who know exactly what slavery was like, and certainly none are related to slave owners (or field foremen) in their own bloodline. And whites were never slaves in Rome or ancient Europe either, so no bringing that up.
      Pshaw, let us all now enjoy a hearty laugh at our own expense for ever thinking we never had any special privilege. Men, join with me, we’ll laugh twice, so the women can say we oppress them too.

        1. Will we be seeing you there tonight? You know the password has been changed?
          “I am Jack’s ingrown penis.”
          Of course you know how to decode that, just use your special White Decoder Ring from the last shipment of Whitey-O’s they sold at the White Out last White History Month.
          And remember the first rule of White Club:
          Always talk about White Club and chuckle when others do it.
          #OppressorPride #ASemiSeditiousHastagOnListsEverywhere

      1. Good comment, but you don’t have to go all the way to Rome or Europe to find white slaves, they existed right here in America, hundreds of thousands of them, Scots and Irish, right alongside black slaves.
        It wasn’t a race thing. It was an economics thing.

    2. what they mean is by white privilege is that whites are better off in any scenario, meaning that a poor white is still better off than a poor black because of racism
      i would just argue that aside from legal rights, a majority should be more privileged in general, seeing as they are the majority

  23. What’s the point of going to college in today’s world? The before and after photo of Yale (1904 vs 2015). I laughed but was also disturbed at the same time.

  24. All the alumni of Yale should just stop donating to their Alma Matter. These hooligans makes their degree from Yale worthless and embarrassing.

      1. The stupid HR bitch screening you wouldn’t have a clue about pre or post. She is from the same era.

  25. Niggers create hostility from whites by acting like stupid niggers. It’s funny, I wasn’t a racist but now I am!

  26. Yale will be offering free baby rattles and pacifiers at the student union building

  27. I especially love the chick with her fist pump in the air. Poor thing, she must have it so bad in this country.

  28. While watching the news about some stupid protest going on at a college, I told my 11 year old son to look at the screen at said “If I catch you doing this shit in college, you’ll be cut off from funding” I’ve explained that you’re there to learn something viable.
    I almost lose my mind when I see parents enforce lazy ideas as well. At a school function, some of the parents were yapping about why the kids shouldn’t need to learn algebra since it’s not used in the real world. I told them “Thanks, keep telling your kids that while mine learns high order math. It’ll lower the competition.” My son takes private math and writing lessons. He’s not allowed in the advanced math program because we’re told that since he’s taking outside lessons it gives him an unfair advantage. Told the teachers, “That’s the point.”

      1. Nope but at least those were paid back (besides zirp arguably). Cronyism is as bad as socialism but cronyism exists in all economic systems. My new ceo was telling me all about the cronyism in China and Cuba this week while in a trip to NY (born in Cuba and was just ceo for a Chinese owned US company)

        1. Paid back by newer loans under ZIRP none of which have been paid back.
          Let us not even mention the fact the Fed officials have admitted they sometimes even waive the loans by executive authority but no one is allowed to know which loans got written off since, you know, market manipulation and stuff!
          Must be nice to have an on-call money printing operation to recuse you from bad financial decisions…90% of Americans wouldn’t know.

    1. If the parents did the research, they would learn quite quickly that’s how computer systems work. Too bad most people are ignorant of the fact.

      1. It is a shame, but I really only care that my offspring do well. Some of the parents in our town “get it” and make sure the kids are well versed in more than just the basics.

    2. My (gen Y) cousin has a kid who’s in a “special” program because she can’t do math well, but when taught the “old-fashioned way” she does quite well.

      1. Our son’s teacher actually told us not to teach him math the old way. They’ll actually mark the answer wrong on a test if he doesn’t follow the steps taught in class. Even if it’s the correct answer. I told her I’ll teach him anyway I please.

        1. Next step – call up the administration and threaten to sue them if they fail your son for getting the correct answers. If there’s one thing schools are afraid of, it’s lawsuits.

        2. Yep, common core. It’s really a test of the schools ability to teach as opposed to the students ability to learn. But they spend an inordinate amount of time on it. My skin crawls.

        3. I’m wrestling with my 9 year old’s school on this right now. What matters is the ability to get the answers, and the standard math methods of the past are the best, fastest way to get answers. That’s why they were the standard.

        4. It’s complicated for the sake of being complicated. It’s like they want our kids to fail.

    3. “At a school function, some of the parents were yapping about why the
      kids shouldn’t need to learn algebra since it’s not used in the real
      This is the tell-tale sign that you’re dealing with a mouth-breathing retard.
      If I go to pay for my Starbucks, and I’m holding $2 in my hand, and the cashier tells me I owe her $2.50, how much money do I have to get out of my pocket to pay my bill?
      That’s basic fucking algebra: 2 + x = 2.5. Solve for x.
      Algebra is so integral to life that it is completely invisible once you internalize it.
      Any moron who says something this fuck-all stupid should be immediately sterilized.

      1. “Algebra is so integral to life that it is completely invisible once you internalize it.”
        BINGO. Most idiots are too dumb to realize they’re already using the thing they protesting.

        1. Another amusing thing is when these same clowns then proceed to prattle on about how we need more people, prticularly women and their own children, to get involved in STEM fields.
          Yeah, OK. Because in magical happy
          feelings land, if you show up on day one to an introductory engineering course without a working knowledge of trigonometry or calculus, you aren’t already operating at a severe disadvantage that will place you at the bottom of the curve. Instead, you’ll be awarded special snowflake status, praised for your more “practical” knowledge of diversity alphabet speak, and the course materials will be rewritten so that the universe conforms to your alternate reality!

        2. I hope these retards enjoy all the non-existant jobs that anti-racist mathematics prepares them for. My kids will be preparing for the real world.

      2. SIMPLE Algebra is integral to life. Nobody stands in line at the grocery store doing quadratic equations. I’m an advocate for what A.A. Klaf… the math author… called the practical math in K-12. Multiplication, division, calculating interest, real-world geometry skills, etc. A guy that goes from high school to working in a trucking company warehouse isn’t going to be solving for polynomials, but a practical grasp of ratio and proportion will be useful. Things like algebra and calculus should be available to all students that are interested, but shouldn’t be required. A kid that’s headed to college to be a programmer or engineer will need higher math. A kid that learns bricklaying via construction OJT doesn’t, for the most part. (Note: half of what’s in your typical Algebra I class in high school should be considered basic, practical math, IMO…. “Solve for X”, the number line, etc, and should thus be included in a practical math class).

        1. Some of it will. Some manual labor is impractical to replicate. I don’t think you’ll ever see a completely, end-to-end automated trucking facility. And construction/repair trades? Largely automation/outsourcing proofed. And those are all the practical math trades. The time will come soon… if it isn’t here already… when the kid that learns masonry skills will be seen as the more successful person than the special snowflake that got a Bachelors of Starbucks at Six-Figure Tuition U.

        2. My son will go into robotics…sell them, engineer them, market them….ie…no wimmminz studies!!!

        3. I don’t disagree that not all of the concepts are useful to everyone who doesn’t go on to higher education. But of course, not all of the concepts in any class are useful to everyone, even those that do go on to higher education. For example, I have never found any practical use for the Chaucer I was forced to read, nor for the Medieval history I was forced to study.
          But, high school is supposed to provide you a solid academic base upon which to build.
          You’ll hear no argument for me if you want to say that we should bring back a trade school track that splits off and focuses on practical instead of theoretical knowledge. But, don’t overlook that you have to have some exposure to both before you know which track is the better fit for you.
          Sure, some kids sit in HS trigonometry and think to themselves “what the fuck is the point of this?” But that helps the kid decide that he doesn’t need to piss away tens of thousands of dollars attending an indoctrination camp….err…university, and instead he should just take up a trade.
          And let’s not forget that whether something is “practical” is a matter of perspective. Sure, you may not use quadratic equations in your adult life. But having to solve them taught you about logic, problem solving, discipline, attention to detail, etc… Math is one of the few areas of study where you can check your work and know that you have a correct answer – in other words it is one of the only areas that provides concrete feedback on your progress and development. Similarly, my study of Chaucer taught me about reading comprehension, perseverance, analytical thinking, etc… There is more to the study of these subjects than the mathematical answer and the practical use for that answer. And I would submit that a focus on practical application alone cannot teach these lessons as well – in fact, I think there’s probably an argument to be made that it degrades them by acting as a shortcut around the hard stuff.
          The school curriculum functioned better and produced better results when it was more difficult. In a time where it is almost universally acknowledged that our schools are failing, why would we want to make it easier? When we want higher performance, the correct way to achieve it is never to lower the bar.

    4. Good call – don’t pay your kids tuition if they’re gonna take some useless course
      Seriously, it’s for their own good

    5. I made sure my son keep taking the highest level math courses. Even when he made it clear collage would not be his thing. I said son one math is easy f or you and two nothing you take has more use than math. Algebra is simply a tool you need to use for other more advanced math. You need that tool. Long story short at 18 years old he passed the electricians exam and did so well he was awarded an apprenticeship. far less than 1 out of 100 that they let take the test make it so fast. What did it? The hardest part of the test is math. You need to know algebra cold. He did and more. Yes you use algebra. He will be making at least $80,000 a year before 24 years old

  29. Let’s turn this around and see what it sounds like,
    All African Americans have the blood of Rwandans on their hands…
    All African Americans are responsible for the violence in the Congo…
    African Americans owe reparations to whites for their statistically-higher crime rates…
    I am oppressed, terrorized and victimized solely by the presence of the violent blacks…
    Blacks should no longer be allowed in public because I am afraid of their murderous behavior. All colored people who attain success should have their property seized and given to white victims of their race’s crimes.

    1. The first step in determining if an argument is reasonable is reversing the positions. Of course, that’s not even necessary here to see what these students are claiming is complete bullshit.

        1. I probably picked it up in High School debate years ago, so I don’t really remember who to attribute it to. It probably has a name.
          I recently found this guy, in addition to Vernaculis and Tl;dr

        2. I wish I could find it, but earlier this year when first discovering ROK I found this teenage boy who was shredding the stupid “I walk through NYC and get catcalled and verbally raped” video, and did an excellent job of fully dismantling her and her claims. It was great because the kid looked like he was about 15 and he was very logical and a great speaker, and would be right at home here at ROK. He’d be a good contributor here, and we need more millenials because they are so brainwashed.

  30. When you go black you go broke. White people should only be sorry for being nice to savages. They need to go. Permanently.

  31. Silliman college? For real? Anyhoo this is the logical progression of sjw’s. Racism, homophobia (or as I like to term it homo scepticism), white privilege is everywhere to be confronted and shouted down at any and all opportunities.
    Look at the purveyors of this ideology above. They are all infantile fatties with nothing to contribute so they shout and roar and look for money for diversity courses. Let them out into the wilderness of reality and it will chew them up and spit them out…..

  32. “We out here. We’ve been here. We aint leaving”
    I really think that first image sums up everything you need to know about the group, and college students as a whole. I guess there just wasn’t enough time for first grade grammar with all of those racial and gender studies classes.

    1. Yeah, setting aside the disturbing fact that Yale level undergraduates have not learned basic English yet, what the hell does that even mean?
      We shall overcome. OK.
      Give peace a chance? Got it.
      Hell no, we won’t go, we won’t fight for Amoco? Check.
      We’re here, we’re not leaving, we’re loved. WTF?!????

    2. I doubt that any of these dindus actually attend Yale. Most likely paid provocateurs transferred over from the “George Soros School of Perpetual Victimhood”.

  33. Mass Hysteria: a phenomenon that transmits collective delusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear.

  34. Misbehaving children. The little punks need a hard spanking with a paddle. Why not? They act like they’re 5 years old.

  35. The Red Guard are back. Still time to stop them though.
    “Check your privilege” = “I have a crippling inferiority complex.”

    1. …because my Daddy only makes 8.4 million a year and our family is forced to accept living in a miserly 20 million dollar estate that barely compares to the estates of Wall Street executives…

  36. “There is no internal sense of self that exists among millennials.”
    Hits the nail on the head. It is frightening to think these children are my generational peers.

  37. Here’s the problem, white people start these conversations by undermining their own positions, and common sense itself.
    For example, “while they readily agree that racism is a problem…”  Stop.  This is the issue.
    Who says racism is a problem? What problem exactly did “racism” cause here?  Some black girl alleges she wasn’t allowed into a frat party, with assholes she probably didn’t want to party with anyway?  Would it have been better if they let her in and ignored her and talked shit about her behind her back? 
    Who cares even if these guys are racists? Why is that a problem worthy of anyone’s consideration?  Don’t hang out with them.  Does she invite white kids to her parties, or apologize if she doesn’t want to?  Probably not, and personally, I don’t think she should have to.  There’s no “problem” with not liking certain groups of people, even for bad reasons (though I think this makes you an asshole).  We only have a “problem” if you deny them a legal right they are entitled to, or injure them in some way in violation of the law.  That is our system.  Period.
    I don’t concede that racism is a problem as the starting point of these discussions.  Obama talks about having heard door locks click and being followed in the store.  So?  While I don’t deny that this might have hurt his feelings, he STILL BECAME THE FUCKING PRESIDENT.  Fuck off if you’re going to tell me that racism has been a problem for Obama.  People who bitch today about these kinds of slights need to put things in perspective against a past that is not so distant.  Funny that the recollection of that past is always invoked in an attempt to justify fragile feelings, instead of to properly put those feelings in their place as a minor inconvenience before you get on with your fucking life.
    Today, we all have equal protection under the law, as we should, and that’s all we should have.  Institutions don’t exist to protect your delicate ego or your snowflake feelings.
    If some asshole calls you a racial slur, that isn’t a “problem” I expect the university to solve.  That’s a “problem” between you and the idiot that said it, if it’s even a problem at all – and for the record, I don’t really think its a problem if you haven’t been tangibly harmed somehow.  Resolve it yourself or fuck off.  I don’t care which, but I’m not bending over backwards to protect anyone from hurtful words and ideas, especially when I’m going to be shouted down by mirror image versions of those very same hurtful ideas while doing so, and you’ll be expecting a pass  . . . because  . . . “skin color.”
    Keep in mind that this discussion about “racism” is particularly retarded in this context.  These are kids that are attending one of the most elite universities on the planet.  Don’t talk to me about privilege when your privilege outranks mine, by several light years.

    1. Yeah that’s BS. Store security checks out random people because they need to look like they are doing something to justify their job. Reality is women do most shoplifting and the that’s done from women’s changing room. Probably black women more than white also just to be real. Obama has been the biggest beneficiary of reverse racism in american history. Shit is losing credibility fast.

      1. There is no “reverse racism” it’s just racist. Regardless of who is doing it and who is receiving it.
        If Obama benefited due to race alone , it was racism.

    2. This is a great post.
      I would like to see someone better with figures than I am look at the statistics on poverty, high income fields (sports, business, investment, etc.), and others. As blacks make up around 13% in the US with that number fluctuating based on if they are “mixed” parentage or whatever, would it be likely or unlikely they would make up a similar percentile (proportionately) in these statistics?
      I mean, it would only stand to reason that more Fortune 500 companies and things would have more whites as there are more whites in the overall population. Jay Z, P Diddy, and others show that there are incredibly successful black entrepreneurs. Guys like Ben Carson show that there are highly placed blacks in medicine, the President (and he’s what 1 in 44, and Presidents are chosen out of how many people?) shows a similar theme, the only place where there seems to be a notable discrepancy is professional sports and that tends to skew black.
      Interestingly, there’s been an overall drop in the number of unwed mothers living in poverty and blacks dropped from 70% to somewhere in the forties, while the gap between white and black single moms has shrunk to a 5% difference. Coincidentally SNAP and medicaid have gone up among both. What could cause those stats I wonder?
      Also, lots of people in every state have an opinion on the black/white debate, racism, oppression etc., but I found this (looks like most states have very low number of blacks with some having wide areas with next to none, most blacks live in the South and along the Eastern coastline), so what do these others states really have to contribute?):

  38. I’m kind of happy I go to a quiet community college. A lot more down to earth, and I do indeed learn things

    1. Yes. That’s where normal people are. People who don’t give a damn about “privilige” or “safe spaces.” People who just want to learn how to do a job so they can get a job, do the job, they go the hell home.

  39. I remember when I was going to college and my dad would always ask me why I didn’t participate in college life . Not that it was much fun to begin with , but it’s becoming more and more a PC fag factory instead of a place to expand you view .

    1. You should show this article to your dad today, if he’s still around. Do you think he’d read it and say, “You know what, maybe you were right not to participate”?

  40. Stop subsidizing student loans. Children will learn to be practical if they are actually paying for education instead of running up ridiculous loans to be paid in the distant future. Most of these dregs probably get full need based scholarships but at least it would eat away at whatever middle class support they have.

  41. Anything that taints the reputation of the Ivies and social sciences/humanities in general is a good thing.

  42. Females and nignogs don’t belong at Yale.
    ‘On Thursday, November 12th, shortly after midnight’
    That would be Friday and if you look at the 3rd pic down you’ll see one of the ringleaders in a light yarmulke.
    Who do you think is behind all of this crap?
    Very few of the swartze, or whites for that matter, are capable of competing at Yale with the crème de la crème and this causes frustrations where they look around for someone to blame for their failures.
    Trying to place many American negroes into the elite schools will only cause them to fail. It would make more sense to put them into a middling or lower college where they will actually be able to graduate rather than getting a number of dropouts or having to lower standards just so you can pass them.

    1. btw, for those of you who don’t know Conn., Yale is in New Haven on its own campus but the town itself today is only a 1/3 Caucasian.

  43. The irony is that the the whites are a minority in the global population. Should we set up a White Lives Matter or White Pride clubs as well ? I am so glad ROK is showing the hypocrisy.
    I am not from the states but I have spent a month in Washington DC living in a black neighborhood next to the military base. The most racist people I have ever met during my life were black women over there. The black men that I had conversations with were decent and down to earth. The hispanics were OK. But the black bitches… I came back horrified.

  44. The social justice crowd have shown their hand…they’ve made it clear that by using ‘white male privilege’ they intend to turn Whites (especially straight white males) into a persecuted minority in the US…to that end, all non-white immigration needs to end, as they plan on ‘breeding’ Whites into the gulag.

  45. Are the puppet strings going on with this? Too many of these events recently to not be. The question is why?

  46. Part of me wishes I could be in college right now so I can tell the SJW they are fucked in the head and make them mad..
    This just floors me how we have let the uncivilized start to rule this country. I was just thinking today how College Students shouldn’t be looked at as adults, sure they can vote and drive, but they want to change things they know nothing about. Where I live two years ago they banned BOTTLED WATER on campus, cos you know BEING GREEN!!! Want to know what it was replaced with? VITAMIN FUCKING WATER! Way to go SJW and Hippies, you accomplished…. NOTHING
    But they are into feelings and what FEELS good not what is sensible and is going to matter…

    1. Yeah. I flat out told this fucking dingdong that I intended to bring my bottled water and drink it. Fucking water commies.

  47. Good, let them eat each other. Let them make “higher” education irrelevant. Companies will just follow the tech giants and start their own internal schools for employees. I see a rise in apprenticeships outside of the traditional trades, more master-student direct transfers of knowledge (all good things in my opinion) Try any of this safe space bull shit and you are out on your ass.

    1. Internal schools for employees?
      A rise in apprenticeships outside of the traditional trades?
      More master-student direct transfers of knowledge?
      Yes, please. Yes, please. And yes, please.

      1. I think it’s the logical.answer answer. Of the traditional college education system produces people who know only know how to to colour and watch videos of cute puppies in their safe space, then employers will come up with their own solutions. Google, IBM, Microsoft they all have their own schools, and I can see other companies following their lead, then going right out and grabbing raw talent out of high school that actually wants to work and learn and train them themselves for their specific needs and methods. I see no reason why the traditional trades apprenticeships could not be expanded to areas like IT.
        And yes, can’t happen soon enough.

  48. Why are women on college campuses allowed to demand so-called “safe-spaces” where no men are allowed and they can say and do whatever they want, but men aren’t? Frats should be a “safe-space” for men where they are able to feel comfortable to be men, don’t have to worry about being PC and can allow or disallow any women they like. Feminists and SJWs have done everything in their power to destroy and demonize frats because they know it is the one remaining place on university campuses where men feel comfortable to be themselves and are safe from criticism and accusation. On my campus, I was very sad to see one of the most prominent and well-liked fraternities on my campus completely vilified and ruined by the SJW crowd, similar to the one at the writer’s school. A few of the frat members posted some comments deemed to be sexist in a completely private Facebook group, these posts got discovered, and all hell broke loose. Large groups of girls picketed the fraternity 24/7, tires got slashed, students went all over Facebook trashing the frat members, and lots of other very unpleasant things happened. Ultimately, the fraternity was forced to disband and is now long-gone. This kind of intimidation and hysteria on college campuses is frightening, and makes me very glad that I have graduated.

  49. As long as the students don’t turn on Toad’s. Greatest establishment in CT. Otherwise, let it burn.

  50. I don’t get it. Most universities are already racist against whites and are super-SJWs. Yet these people protest to make it worse! This is racism. They are attempting to kick whites from universities.

  51. Any clue about when Yale will start selling off some of its library holdings because Yale’s apologist culture deems the graduate stacks a model of white male oppression?
    I’m not entirely certain whether export permits would be available for some of these holdings, but I know there are plenty of people who would be willing to give this a go …

  52. Yale’s endowment currently stands at $24 billion. Yale University is in New Haven, Connecticut. New Haven has pockets of real poverty. If these ‘social justice warriors’ had the courage of their ostensible convictions, they’d push Yale to put one billion dollars into solving the matter of poverty in New Haven and doing the hard work of making that project successful.while forgoing faux ‘cultural and diversity centers.’
    Come on, Yalies. Low income housing, jobs programs, addiction recovery treatment programs, mental heath programs geared towards the needs of men, not just women…
    Btw, does anyone else see the plague that is helicopter parenting in all this?

  53. “When Kirkland decided to apply to become a resident assistant, another student told Kirkland she wouldn’t even need to be qualified, Kirkland said. School leaders would give her the job just because she was black.
    Another time, Kirkland said, while driving through Lake Oswego listening to the musician Lorde loudly on her car stereo, a woman pulled up next to her and yelled, ‘This is why we hate n******.’
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    From: “Lewis & Clark College students rally to end what they say is ritualized racism”

  54. If you get accepted by one of these schools and study the bullshit majors, you’ll be just another Leftist Waste.

  55. I hope parallel avenues for success become more widespread. Academia may relegate itself to irrelevence

  56. The fruits of left-wing indoctrination at the university that used to produce some of our finest intelligence assets is now becoming evident. The poor imbecile (the Yale “President”) who was yelled it is probably as progressively kooky as can be expected of any northeastern academic, yet he, as is par for the course in leftist movements, became the first casualty of war.

    1. These fuckers in academia voted for obama and believe they are down with the cause. They are shocked to tears that their progressive intentions have been misunderstood. They are going to double down and try harder to be that white guy that black people like. They are getting played.

  57. It’s nice to see the liberals eat their own.
    This could have all been avoided if the “victims” were asked for proof of said incident and when they couldn’t produce it, telling them to stfu and stop wasting your time.

  58. What these Negroes fail to mention while bloviating about racism is that many were accepted to Yale because they are Negroes as opposed to having the intellectual capacity to get into Yale. Negroes are really scarce in Canadian universities….most of these Negroes, in their useless “studies” programs, are virtually unemployable.

  59. Ethnic Studies, Women’s Studies, and Gender Studies classes don’t result in academic and industrial ingenuity. The overly politically correct narrative at Yale is transforming the one-elite Ivy League University into a casualty of rabid and degenerate identity politics.

  60. Stringer, Yale was lost years ago. Keep on fighting the fight, but your self preservation and future come first. If you’re on RVF, send me an IM, I’m vouched for by other members.

  61. Original author (Stringer Bell) please read: I too am a Yale student and I think it would be cool to meet like minded kids on campus. Please send an email from an anonymous account to: hicks.bill AT yandex DOT com

  62. I used to pass by Yale every day on my way to school. I wanted to go there someday.
    I must say that I expected more from Yale students but I guess I was wrong. This is stupid. I don’t even have the words man. Any rinky dink college ide expect this, but not a top Ivy League.
    I mean , you are a Yale student. Graduate and your life is golden. To act like you have problems is stupid. You literally just have to graduate (regardless of grades) and you can choose your job and lifestyle.
    I don’t care how much you think your life sucks. I know millions of people that would endure any abuse just for a chance to attend a school that basically allows you to write your own salary by virtue of name alone.
    What kind of world do we live in when Ivy League kids feel like their lives are oh so horrible.

    1. These major universities has lost some of their luster for me too. I would not pay 50ooo a year to study with these people.

  63. I guarantee you that the students of color who refused to go along with the protests were the ones who got into Yale on merit and not skin color.
    This is what happens when you admit unqualified blacks into schools and other organizations.
    Everybody seemed happier when we were separated. Maybe we should try that again.

  64. So lets break this down, Yale President gets list of demand from terrorists. He almost completely caves and gives in to the terrorists, which of course will do nothing but embolden them. Didn’t this guy see any Die Hard or Chuck Norris movie since about 1985 to now? Can’t you expel students for disorderly conduct, or force them into violence with police so some do get expelled?

  65. One question I have about safe spaces: How is President Obama able to lead the country and work in Washington D.C., a city named after a slave owner? Why doesn’t he feel unsafe?

  66. Yeah it’s definitely a pretty crazy world when a small group of people are allowed to censor or just plain remove any statements that question them or voice even the slightest degree of question about their views or ideals.

  67. I enjoyed the article. Well written, informative, and — from what I can tell — honest to the context.

  68. Why would anyone who actually earned the money it takes to send a kid to Yale, send a kid to Yale?

  69. Once a University, or any societal entity really, is taken over by racial minorities that are enabled to pull the stunts they’re pulling today, that entity IS lost. Especially what took place at the Dartmouth liberary. It’s good though, white kids understanding they’re demons. All their years being indoctrinated and bowing to this horseshit and they’re hated anyway. The girls should bail out of college and get married, the men should bail and become mechanics and electricians and plumbers and let all the blacks populate the Universities until the universities, broken, ruined and out of money, fail, just like the big cities.
    If 13% minorities are allowed, with all the coddling, all the free shit they’re given, all THEIR privilege extended by White people by the way (exactly who the hell do blacks think pays for their existence after all?) to terrorize everyone else, then fuck them. Let them have it. What they touch, they ruin. Eventually, they’ll run out of people willing to hand it over. There comes a point where a fight breaks out. Then, it’s on.

  70. Where the hell are the trustees? These fools are allowing one of the great American institutions to be destroyed by stupid student SJWs and cowardly administration and faculty.
    Here are the trustees. One runs Time-Warner, another heads Bain Capital, a third has a last name of Goodyear IV, a fourth is the Democratic governor or Rhode Island, a fifth was CEO of J.P, Morgan.
    These are the elites who are destroying America.

  71. What you are witnessing at Yale is the barbarian tribes storming the citadel of civilization, the university. They demand their strong emotion trump your feeble reason, that their tribal identity trump your rules, that their ideology replace your education. And they want your stuff. All their demands are just a massive shakedown. If you are smart, you will never pay the Danegeld. However, Yale does not look very smart nor brave in its defense of Yale. The rot of political correctness is far advanced there, making it likely that you will simply surrender and Yale will pass into the dustbin of history.

  72. Follow up to this column: Erika Christakis has decided to stop teaching at Yale.
    “I have great respect and affection for my students, but I worry that the current climate at Yale is not, in my view, conducive to the civil dialogue and open inquiry required to solve our urgent societal problems,” she said in an email to The Washington Post.

  73. Nice job son. It’s hard to look at these shallow, self absorbed children and not think of my Dad and his brother who, in order to go to college on the GI Bill, first had to survive combat in Korea. Then hold a dozen side jobs to pay for everything other than tuition. Both died a long time ago, but I’d love to hear what choice words they would have for these little pricks and prickettes.

  74. What a shame that Yale has degenerated to this low level! I hope that during the coming Second American Civil War the beautiful ivy-covered buildings that I so love from my many visits to that campus won’t be damaged. After we Evil White Patriarchs win, Yale University will be such a beautiful academy for our version of the Schutzstaffel!

  75. Quite frankly, if students of universities are mollycoddled with nonsense like safe spaces and other egalitarian, left-wing initiatives, no wonder graduates cannot cope in the real world. The real world is not egalitarian – there are winners and losers and no-one rewards failure. Not only that, but in the real world, few people give a shit about anyone else’s feelings. Safe spaces simply do not exist in the real world. It is high about time that universities stop being daycare centres for infants in adult bodies and start preparing young adults for life after they graduate. That ought to start with some good old-fashioned advice: take a teaspoon of cement powder and harden the fuck up.

  76. I knew things were already bad since the past year with these deranged SJW’s and progressive leftists milling about but I never considered that they could actually displace professors and other high-ranking officials with their nonsensical protests. Look like I’ve been in the dark for quite some time.
    As a Pakistani Muslim this sort of patronizing is truly appalling. Bitch, I don’t need no classes on ethnicity and whatnot!

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